nutrition: nutrients, this or that, q & a

Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A Fall 2012

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Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A. Fall 2012. Nutrients. Nutrients are substances the body needs to live Humans need six nutrients Three contain energy (calories) Three do not contain energy. Energy-Containing Nutrients. Carbohydrates 4 calories per gram Protein - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A

Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & AFall 2012

Page 2: Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A

NutrientsNutrients are substances the body needs to live

Humans need six nutrientsThree contain energy (calories)Three do not contain energy

Page 3: Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A

Energy-Containing NutrientsCarbohydrates

4 calories per gram

Protein4 calories per gram

Fat9 calories per gram

Image source: public domain

Page 4: Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A

Game: Eat This, Not That

Page 5: Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A

Nutrients Without EnergyVitamins

Organic substances found in plant and animal sources

A, C, D, E, K, & B vitamins (8 of them)

Minerals Inorganic substances found

in many of the body’s structures (teeth, bones, muscles, blood cells, etc)

Examples: calcium, sodium, iron, chromium, potassium

Page 6: Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A

Vitamins SchmitaminsFat-soluble


The fat cat is in the attic (OR)

(The) FAT (cat is in the) ADEK

Fat-soluble vitamins are Vitamins A, D, E, K

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Vitamins Schmitamins – Your Turn

Water-Soluble Vitamins (B Vitamins)

• Vitamin B1 = Thiamine• Vitamin B2 = Riboflavin• Vitamin B3 = Niacin• Vitamin B5 = Pantothenic Acid• Vitamin B6 = Pyridoxine• Vitamin B7 = Biotin• Vitamin B9 = Folic Acid• Vitamin B12 = Cobalamin

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Vitamins Schmitamins: Results

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Student Question: Do we need all vitamins? A

combination?A: We need all vitamins. What one person needs, however,

will differ from another person based on their dietary behaviors. Example: person who consumes many fruits & vegetables vs “fast food” eater

Example: a person with nutrient absorption issues may need larger doses than average individual

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Student Question: Do we need all vitamins? A

combination?Common dietary needs are those vitamins found in fruits &

vegetables since many of us do not consume enough

Recommendations:RDA = Recommended Dietary AllowancesAI = Adequate Intake, if no RDA value setUL = Upper Limit (highest intake without negative side effects)

Page 11: Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A

Student Question: If calories convert to energy, how do things like low calorie

energy drinks provide energy?

Student Question: How are things like guarana and taurine converted in the body

and made into extra energy?

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Student Questions: Energy• “Energy:” calories or

alertness?• Energy drinks = sugar and

caffeine (sugar = energy, caffeine = alertness)

• Taurine: amino acid that interestingly activates GABA receptors (inhibitory)– Might actually be linked

to energy drink “crash”– More research needed on

energy drinks & brain for conclusions

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Student Question: How are things like guarana and taurine converted in the body

and made into extra energy?Guarana: contains caffeine, so can provide acute stimulant

effects (improved cognition, reduced fatigue, appetite suppression)

Main issues occur when individuals have sensitivities to stimulants, or mix beverages with other substances (alcohol, stimulants)

Page 14: Nutrition: Nutrients, This or That, Q & A

Student Question: What are most valued "Superfoods" to include in one's diet?

Brightly-colored berries Raspberries, blueberries,

blackberries, strawberries Vitamin C, fiber, water,

antioxidants, low calorie Freeze for eating in winter

Beans Black beans, lentils,

edamame Fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty

acids Mix with salads

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Student Question: What are most valued "Superfoods" to include in one's diet?

NutsFiber; plant sterols to

reduce cholesterol; omega-3 fatty acids for heart health

Mixed in salads makes texture interesting

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Student Question: What are most valued "Superfoods" to include in one's diet?

Salmon and flounderOmega-3-rich foods for heart health; flounder is generally

low in mercury and may help prevent cancer Salmon: sugar, lemon rind, salt, pepper--dry rub, let chill

for 1-2 hours, roast

Brightly-colored vegetables (leafy greens, peppers, tomatoes, etc)Vitamins, fiber, antioxidantsBok choy preparation video

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Student Question: What are the nutritional differences in fruits and vegetables?

Both have nutrients

Generally, vegetables are favored over fruitsSugar content in fruits

FructoseToo much = fat storage

Slower absorption rate

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Student Question: What are the nutritional differences in fruits and vegetables?

Both have nutrients

Generally, vegetables are favored over fruitsSugar content in fruits

FructoseToo much = fat storage

Slower absorption rate

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Student Question: Is a vegetarian diet healthy?

Vegetarian diets can be “healthy” or “unhealthy”Whole foods: grains,

vegetables, fruits, herbs

Fried tofu, mashed potatoes with butter, mac and cheese, candy

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Student Question: What foods are low-calorie but also

filling?Carbohydrate-based foods are usually digested more

quickly, resulting in hungerSince the body needs carb as its primary energy source, cutting

isn’t terribly helpfulComplex carbohydrates take longer to digest than simple

carbohydratesBrown (instead of white) rice

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Student Question: What foods are low-calorie but also

filling?Foods higher in fiber tend to take longer to digest

Whole grains (barley, bran flakes, oatmeal)Nuts & seeds (almonds, flax seeds, pistachios)Fruit (raspberries, pear, strawberries, prunes)Legumes (lentils, black beans, split peas)Vegetables (peas, greens, corn, artichoke)

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Student Question: What foods are low-calorie but also

filling?Water-based foods: soups/brothsLeafy green vegetablesIncluding protein and healthy fats with

carbohydrate at meals can slow digestionEggsFishChickenTofuAlmond butter/peanut butterAvocado

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Student Question: What Harms Might Vitamins Cause

the Body?WebMD shows RDA

or AI, and UL values for vitamins and minerals

Dangers are usually associated with megadosesBesthealth

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Student Question: What food chemicals should we look out for?

Challenge: People have varying sensitivities

Challenge: Often, the issue is accumulation rather than one dose at a given time

Challenge: Combinations of chemicals

Challenge: chemicals used for a variety of attractive purposes

Challenge: some chemicals are naturally occurring (estrogenic foods)

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Student Question: What food chemicals should we look out for?

Challenge: Chemicals used for a variety of purposes attractive to consumerPreservativesSweeteners, flavoringsFat replacersEmulsifiers, thickenersColor additivesList at FDA

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Student Question: What food chemicals should we look out for?

Guideline: the more processed the food, the more chemicals present

Guideline: shopping around the perimeter of a grocery store usually the healthiest approach

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Student Question: What food chemicals should we look out for?

Per Center for Science in the Public Interest

Sodium nitriteFound in salty, processed meat productsWorld Cancer Research Fund, May 2011: processed

meats too dangerous for human consumption (

Saccharin, aspartame, Acesulfame-KBeverages, snack foods, dairy products, gums, soups, snacksIncreased cancer risk

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Student Question: What food chemicals should we look out for?

CaffeineAddictiveStimulant properties

OlestraFat substitute in snack chipsDigestive problemsReduce absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins

Food dyesBlue 2, Green 3, Orange B, Red 3, Yellow 5, et. Al.Candy, baked goods, beverages

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Student Question: What food chemicals should we look out for?

High fructose corn syrupBeverages, cereals, candy, cookies, condiments Increases sweetness of food productsConsumers not consuming less sugarConnection to corn allergies?Metabolic problems? (insulin resistance)

Bisphenol A in cans, plastics (cancer, reproductive health, CV disease)

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Student Question: What benefits does fasting have?• Fasting: willfully

restricting food and/or beverage consumption

• Various reasons throughout history: spiritualism, religion, therapy, famine

• Practice empties the colon

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Student Question: What benefits does fasting have?

Benefits: Sense of control, other

psychological benefitsIncreased endorphins

in the brainIf food allergies are

present, physical relief

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Student Question: What benefits does fasting have?

Keep in mind:Liver, kidneys, lungs “detoxify” blood 24/7Brain needs glucose

No glucose = fat & protein sources removed from bodyFasts meant generally for short term

Metabolism may shift to adapt to starvation modeRegistered dietician or naturopathic physician may help reduce


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Student Question: How do some of the fad diets impact the body?

Most diets feature a calorie restriction, which results in weight loss

Many diets also promote physical activity, which also results in weight loss

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Student Question: How do some of the fad diets impact the body?

Acute symptoms: GI distress Gas Fatigue Emotional upset If stimulant pills:

palpitations, nervousness

Chronic symptom: Adaptation to caloric


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Student Question: How do some of the fad diets impact the body?

No favorites: use what works, what makes nutritional sense, what is likely to last

That acknowledged, I appreciate programs like Weight Watchers that promote lifestyle change, provide education & support

Least favorites: anything involving pills, powders, processed items

Guilty pleasure

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Student Question: What would you say are the most valuable (if any) supplements to take?

Depends on a person’s individual circumstances (diet, activity, general health)

First & foremost: improve diet

Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) = careful with megadoses


Lactobacillus for gut health

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Student Question: Are there any favorite dieting “tricks?”

When tempted to eat something off the “diet,” busy yourself with something - a chore, a walk, a drive, etc.

Recording food and beverage consumption (annoying, can improve awareness)

Regular physical activity, include high-intensity exercise

Include lean protein and/or fiber with most meals

De-centralize meat on the plate

Chew food thoroughly

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Student Question: Are there any favorite dieting “tricks?”Avoid misery

Drink water regularly

Assess alcohol consumption

Use smaller plates

Make dietary change a lasting lifestyle change