numerical methods in computation study guide

Taylor Polynomial: Taylor Remainder (truncation error): Error Growth two types: Linear: , Exponential: (Classify linear vs exponential for recursive equations?) Intermediate Value Theorem: If and k is between and , then there exists a number for which Mean Value Theorem: If and differentiable on , then there exists a number , such that: (average secant slope) Bisection Method: Bracket root with then cut the interval in half and choose the correct half. Continue until within accuracy limit. Fixed Point Iteration: is a fixed point of , if . Provable that exists on if: (i) is continuous on — With (ii) sufficient but not necessary (not uniqueness) (ii) is bounded on by — With (i) sufficient but not necessary (not uniqueness) (iii) < 1 for all — Guarantees uniqueness FPI Convergence: —> where (i) If < 1 for all , converges for any (ii) If < 1, converges for some Identify Convergence of FP method: Taylor expand about in : and take term with lowest order derivative of , discard the higher order derivatives (small as ) Convergence Rates: where {α: Order of convergence, λ: Asymptotic error constant} Newton’s Method: Derived by letting and setting : , guaranteed quadratic convergence for some provided . If , then convergence is linear because . Modified Newton’s Method: Let where has multiplicity at and . Apply Newton's Method to , thus Secant Method: Newton’s Method with approximate derivative P n ( x ) = f ( k ) ( x 0 ) k ! ( x x 0 ) k k =0 N = f ( x 0 ) + f '( x 0 )( x x 0 ) 1! + f ''( x 0 )( x x 0 ) 2 2! + ... R N ( x ) = f ( n+1) (ξ )( x x 0 ) N +1 ( N + 1)! {x [ x, x 0 ]} ε n ~ kN ε 0 ε n ~ k N ε 0 f C[ a, b] f (a) f (b) c (a, b) f (c) = k f C[ a, b] (a, b) c (a, b) f '(c) = f (b) f (a) b a p 0 , p 1 P g( x ) g( p) = p p [ a, b] g( x ) [ a, b] g( x ) [ a, b] [ a, b] | g '( x )| x [ a, b] g '(c) = g( p n1 ) g( p) p n1 p = ε n ε n1 ε n =| g '(c)| ε n1 c [ p n1 , p n ] | g '( x )| x [ a, b] p 0 [ a, b] | g '( p)| p 0 [ a, b] g( p n ) p ε n+1 =| g( p n ) g( p)| ε n+1 = g '( p)ε n + g ''( p)ε n 2 2! + g '''( p)ε n 3 3! + ... g( p) 0 n> lim n→∞ | ε n+1 | | ε n | α = λ g( x ) = x φ ( x ) f ( x ) g '( p) = 0 p n+1 = p n f ( p n ) f '( p n ) p 0 [ a, b] f '( p) 0 f '( p) = 0 g '( p) = m 1 m 0 u( x ) = f ( x ) f '( x ) f ( x ) m x = p u '( p) 0 u( x ) p n+1 = p n u( p n ) u '( p n ) p n+1 = p n f ( p n )( p n p n1 ) f ( p n ) f ( p n1 )

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Study guide for numerical methods in computation Thayer ENGS 91 Dartmouth College


Page 1: Numerical Methods in Computation Study Guide

Taylor Polynomial: !

Taylor Remainder (truncation error): ! !

Error Growth two types: Linear: ! , Exponential: ! (Classify linear vs exponential for recursive equations?) Intermediate Value Theorem: If ! and k is between ! and ! , then there exists a number ! for which ! Mean Value Theorem: If ! and differentiable on ! , then there exists a number

! , such that: ! (average secant slope)

Bisection Method: Bracket root with ! then cut the interval in half and choose the correct half. Continue until within accuracy limit. Fixed Point Iteration: ! is a fixed point of ! , if ! . Provable that ! exists on ! if: (i) ! is continuous on ! — With (ii) sufficient but not necessary (not uniqueness) (ii) ! is bounded on ! by ! — With (i) sufficient but not necessary (not uniqueness) (iii) ! < 1 for all ! — Guarantees uniqueness

FPI Convergence: ! —> ! where !

(i) If ! < 1 for all ! , converges for any ! (ii) If ! < 1, converges for some ! Identify Convergence of FP method: Taylor expand ! about ! in ! :

! and take term with lowest order derivative of ! ,

discard the higher order derivatives (small as ! )

Convergence Rates: ! where {α: Order of convergence, λ: Asymptotic error constant}

Newton’s Method: Derived by letting! and setting ! :

! , guaranteed quadratic convergence for some ! provided ! . If

! , then convergence is linear because ! .

Modified Newton’s Method: Let ! where ! has multiplicity ! at ! and

! . Apply Newton's Method to ! , thus !

Secant Method: Newton’s Method with approximate derivative !

Pn (x) =f (k )(x0 )k!

(x − x0 )k



∑ = f (x0 )+f '(x0 )(x − x0 )

1!+ f ''(x0 )(x − x0 )


2!+ ...

RN (x) =f (n+1)(ξ )(x − x0 )


(N +1)!{x ∈[x, x0 ]}

εn ~ kNε0 εn ~ kNε0

f ∈C[a,b] f (a) f (b)c∈(a,b) f (c) = k

f ∈C[a,b] (a,b)

c∈(a,b) f '(c) = f (b)− f (a)b − a

p0, p1

P g(x) g(p) = p p [a,b]g(x) [a,b]g(x) [a,b] [a,b]| g '(x) | x ∈[a,b]

g '(c) = g(pn−1)− g(p)pn−1 − p

= εnεn−1

εn =| g '(c) | εn−1 c∈[pn−1, pn ]

| g '(x) | x ∈[a,b] p0 ∈[a,b]| g '(p) | p0 ∈[a,b]

g(pn ) p εn+1 =| g(pn )− g(p) |

εn+1 = g '(p)εn +g ''(p)εn


2!+ g '''(p)εn


3!+ ... g(p) ≠ 0

n− > ∞


| εn+1 || εn |

α = λ

g(x) = x −φ(x) f (x) g '(p) = 0

pn+1 = pn −f (pn )f '(pn )

p0 ∈[a,b] f '(p) ≠ 0

f '(p) = 0 g '(p) = m −1m

≠ 0

u(x) = f (x)f '(x)

f (x) m x = p

u '(p) ≠ 0 u(x) pn+1 = pn −u(pn )u '(pn )

pn+1 = pn −f (pn )(pn − pn−1)f (pn )− f (pn−1)

Page 2: Numerical Methods in Computation Study Guide

Requires two starting values, don’t need to bracket root, super-linear convergence,

! .

Aitken’s ! Method: ! where ! . Compute

! from ! , ! from ! , etc. Faster convergence, ! , still linear ! . Stephenson’s Method: Same formula as Aitken’s, but get! from ! then! Next get! from ! then ! . Converges quadratically (! ). Newton’s Method System of Non-Linear Equations: ! where


Polynomial Interpolation: ! where ! Kronecker Delta

Lagrange Polynomial: ! where ! satisfies Kron. Delta

Easy to use, but inefficient: weighted sum of N+1 Nth order polynomials.

Error term: !

Chebyshev Optimal Points: A minimal maximum error exists on the interval ! if we use the

roots of the ! order chebyshev polynomials for ! . ! and can be mapped to

the interval !

Neville’s Method: Iteratively find interpolating polynomial by evaluating lower order polynomials:

! final solution is ! . Ex:


α = 5 +12

= 1.618

Δ2 !pn = pn −(pn+1 − pn )


pn+2 − 2pn+1 + pn= pn −

(Δpn )2

Δ2pnΔpn = pn+1 − pn

!p0 p0, p1, p2 !p1 p1, p2, p3 λ =| g '(p) |2 α = 1!p0 p0, p1, p2 p3 = g( !p0 )

!p1 p3, p4 , p5 p6 = g( !p1) α = 2xn+1 = g(xn ) = xn − J

−1(xn ) f (xn )

J =

δ f1δ x1

…δ f1δ xn

! " !δ fnδ x1

!δ fnδ xn



PN (x) = f (x j )bj (x)j=0


∑ bj (xi ) = δ i, j =1| i = j0 | i ≠ j



PN (x) = f (x j )LN , j (x)j=0


∑ LN , j (x) =(x − xk )(x j − xk )k=0

k≠ j


f (x)− PN (x) =f (N+1)(ξ )(N +1)!

(x − xi )i=0



N +1 {xi} xi = cos2(i +1)π2(N +1)

xi =a + b2

+ b − a2


pi,i (x) = f (xi )

pi, j (x) =pi+1, j (x)(x − xi )− pi, j−1(x)(x − x j )

x j − xi

p0,N (x)

p0,0 = f (x0 )

p0,1 =p1,1(x − x0 )− p0,0 (x − x1)

x1 − x0

p1,1 = f (x1) p0,2 =p1,2 (x − x0 )− p0,1(x − x2 )

x2 − x1

p2,2 = f (x2 )p1,2 =

p2,2 (x − x1)− p1,1(x − x2 )x2 − x1

Page 3: Numerical Methods in Computation Study Guide

Hermite Polynomial: Matches ! and ! for ! | ! . Solution is ! order:

! where:


Error Term: !

Cubic Spline: Make 1st and 2nd derivatives continuous across interval. Conditions:

! !

First Forward Difference Approximation (2 pts): !

First Forward Difference Approximation (3 pts): !

First Centered Difference Approximation: !

Second Forward Difference Approximation: !

Second Centered Difference Approximation: !

Truncation and Round-Off Error: ! (for

first centered difference)! . Find ! by setting ! .

Polynomial Curve Fitting: Minimize error, ! for polynomial

! by setting ! . ! normal eqs:

! , matrix form: !

f (x) f '(x) {xi} i = 0...N 2N +1

P2N+1(x) = f (x j )H2N+1, j (x)+j=0


∑ f '(x j )H2N+1, j (x)j=0


∑H2N+1, j (x) = [1− 2(x − x j )L

'N , j (x j )]LN , j

2 (x) | { H2N+1(xi ) = δ i, j H '2N+1(xi ) = 0 }

H2N+1, j (x) = (x − x j )LN , j2 (x) | { H2N+1(xi ) = 0 H '

2N+1(xi ) = δ i, j }

f (2N+2)(ξ )(2N + 2)!

(x − x j )2



1. s j (x j ) = f (x j ) j = 0,1,...N −1

2. s j (x j+1) = f (x j+1) j = 0,1,...N −1

3. s j' (x j+1) = s j+1

' (x j+1) j = 0,1,...N − 2

4. s j'' (x j+1) = s j+1

'' (x j+1) j = 0,1,...N − 2

s0' (x0 ) = f ' (x0 )sn−1' (xn ) = f ' (xn )

} Clamped Cubic Spline *most accurate

s0'' (x0 ) = 0sn−1'' (xn ) = 0

} Natural Cubic Spline *most common

f j' =

f j+1 − f jh

+O(h) | O(h) = h2f '' (ξ )

f j' =

− f j+2 + 4 f j+1 − 3 f j2h

+O(h2 ) | O(h2 ) = h2

3f '' (ξ )

f j' =

f j+1 − f j−12h

+O(h2 ) | O(h2 ) = − f ''' (ξ )6


f j'' =

f j+2 − 2 f j+1 + f jh2

+O(h) | O(h) = hf ''' (ξ )

f j'' =

f j+1 − 2 f j + f j−1h2

+O(h2 ) | O(h2 ) = f (iv)(ξ )12


ε total = ε truncation + ε round−off =O(hm )+ε j+1 − ε j−1

2h≤ Mh


6− εh


ε total = ∞ & limh→∞

ε total = ∞ hoptimalδε totalδh

= 0

E = [ f (x j )− !p(x j )]2



!p(x) = pN (x) = aNxN + aN−1x

N−1 + ...+ a1x + a0δEδa0

, δEδa1

,..., δEδaN

= 0 N +1



∑ xij+k




⎤⎦⎥= yixi




m xi∑ ! xiN∑

xi∑ xi2∑ !

! " !xiN∑ # # xi












Page 4: Numerical Methods in Computation Study Guide

Non-polynomial Curve Fitting (ex): Linearize data and create linear fit, or solve normal equations using nonlinear system of equations root finding method.

Numerical Quadrature: ! Look at

order of polynomial that can be integrated exactly to determine order of error: !

Newton-Cotes Closed Formulas: ! where ! points used

Trapezoid Rule: Use forward difference approximation to keep two terms:

! Can integrate linear poly. exactly

Simpson’s Rule: Use centered difference approximation will first derivative eliminated


Newton-Cotes Open Formulas:! where ! points used

Midpoint Rule: ! can integrate linear poly. exactly

Other Rule: ! can only integrate linear poly. exactly

Newton-Cotes Rule: !

Composite Integration: Use low-order Newton-Cotes formulas on sub intervals = panels

Composite Trapezoid Rule: !

Error becomes: ! loses factor of h

when applied N times (composite)

Composite Simpson’s Rule: !

y = beax− > ln y = lnb + ax

I(b) = f (x)dxa


∫ = hfa +h2

2!fa' + h


3!fa'' + ...= ai fi + (error term)



∑PN(N+1)(x) = 0

h = b − aN

N +1

I(b) = hfa +h2

2!fa' + h


3!fa'' = h2( fa + fb )−


12f '' (ξ ) | O(h3)

I(b) = I(c)+ hfc +h2

2!fc' + h


3!fc'' + h


4!fc''' + h



− I(a) = I(c)− hfc +h2

2!fc' − h


3!fc'' + h


4!fc''' − h



− − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − −

I(b) = 2hfc +2h3

3!fc'' + 2h


5!f (iv)(ξ )

I(b) = h3fa + 4 fc + fb[ ]− h


90f (iv)(ξ )

h = b − aN + 2

N +1

I(b) = 2hf0 +2h3

3!f '' (ξ )

I(b) = 3h2

f0 + f1[ ]+ 9h3

4f '' (ξ )

PN+1∫ canbeapproximated exactly

PN∫ canbeapproximated exactly

N is evenN is odd





I(b) = h2

f0 + 2 f jj=1


∑ + fN⎛


⎠⎟+ h3

12f '' (ξ j ) =


12Nf '' (ξ j )



Etruncaction =h3

12f '' (ξ j ) =





∑ f '' (ξ ) = b − a12

h2 f '' (ξ ) O(h2 )

I(b) = h3

f0 + 2 f2 jj=1


∑ + 4 f2 j−1j=1


∑ + fN⎛


⎟⎟+ b − a180

h4 f (iv)(ξ ) ||O(h4 )

Page 5: Numerical Methods in Computation Study Guide

Numerical Integration Round-Off Error: Optimal error always with smallest h


Romberg Integration: Iteratively compute quadrature each time combining quadratures of different

panel sizes to cancel the leading error term. ! error: !

where ! and !


Adaptive Quadrature: Continually subdivide an interval in half, computing a quadrature rule until criterion is filled (ex. Simpson’s Rule):

! . ! is

the section index and ! is the refinement.

Gaussian Quadrature: Set of optimal points for approximating ! in that can integrate

exactly the max order polynomial with min # points. Can integrate ! order polynomial exactly with ! points.


Eround = aiε i ≤ ε ai =i=0




∑ ε b − a where ε = max ε i( ) and dx = (b − a) = aii=0




Rm, j =4 j Rm, j−1 − Rm−1, j−1

4 j −1E ~O h


⎞⎠⎟2 j+2⎛



m = #of panel doublings j = #of error removalsh R0,0 = RN

h / 2 R1,0 = R2N

h / 4 R2,0 = R4N

h / 8 R3,0 = R8N

R1,1 =4R1,0 − R0,04 −1

R2,1 =4R1,0 − R0,04 −1

R3,1 =4R1,0 − R0,04 −1

R2,2 =42R2,1 − R1,142 −1

R3,2 =42R3,1 − R2,142 −1

R3,3 =43R3,2 − R2,243 −1

Si, j − Si, j+1 − Si+1, j+1 < Mε 12



where ε is the toleranceand M is specifictoquadraturerule i


f (x)dxa


∫2N −1


f (x)dx = b − a2

ai f (xi )i=1




∫ wherexi =a + b2

+ b − a2

xi and ai are the gaussian weights