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Volume 22, Nomor L, Februari 2010


Koordinator Penyunting: Daud aiis fanuOirjo o Penyunting Ahti: Marsono, I Dewa FutuWijana, lnajati Adrisijanti, lda Rochani Adi, Sri Margana, FX. Nadar, Fadlil MunawwarManshur o Penyunting Pelaksana: Tofan Dwi Hardjanto, Tri Mastoyo Jati Kesuma o NlitnaBestari: Patrick Guinnes (Australian National University), Soepomo poedjosoedarnlc(Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta), Nurdien Harry Kistanto (Universitas N*geriSemarang), Tri Marhaeni Astuti (Universitas Negeri Semarang), l. Praptomo Baryadi(Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta) o Pemimpin Redaksi: Mutiah Amini o SekretarEsRedaksi: Mahmudah . Staf Redaksi: C. Purwaningsih Widyastuti, Agoes Erwin Sulainiart,Widayusuma Veronica

HUMANIORA adalah Jurnal llrniah Nasionalyang Terakreditasi berdasarkan Surat Keputr-rser":Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Ncs*or110/DlKTl/Kep/2009 tanggal 5 Desember 2OOg tentang Hasil Akreditasi Jurnal llmiai"lDirektorat Pendidikan Tinggitahun 2009. Masa berlaku Oktober 20O9 s.d. Oktober 2O12.

ITerbit tiga kali setahun pada bulan.Februari, Juni, dan Oktober. Berisitulisan yang diangkat darihasil penelitian, gagasan konseptual, kajian dan aplikasi teori, uan ulasan buku di bidanghumaniora.

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IJurnal HUMANIORA diterbitkan pertama kali tahun 1989 oleh Fakultas Sastra UniversitasGadjah Mada Yogyakarta.

Jurnal HuMANtORA mengundang para pakar dan sivitas akademika perguruan tinggi untuk menulis artiketilmiah yang berkaitan dengan wilayah kajian HUMANIORA. Naskah yang masuk disunting oleh pe;tyuntingahli. Penyunting berhak melakukan perubahan/penyuntingan tanpa mengubah isinya

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@, I4t4it


Volume 22, Nomor 1,

Februari2010 HUMAI{IO

Puio Semedi

La ode naoaii

Azhar and Matsumura YoshiYuki

Hanneman Samuel

lshak Bagea


Yulitin Sungkowati

Tajudin Nur

Najih lmtihani

Jemiati I


Bernadus Hidayat


1 -13 Wild Pig Hunting in Petungkriono

14-21 Sociat Movements in Southeast Sulawesi,


224A A Study of 'Kenry' in Japanese and 'Hak'

in lndonesian

g142 Universitas, Negara, dan Masyarakat lndonesia:

lmplementasi Paradigma Modernisasi di Era

Orde Baru

43-51 Metafora dalam Bidang Pertanian Padi

Masyiarakat Dayak Buket Kabupaten Kutai Barat

Kalimantan Timur (Suatu Tinjauan Linguistik


52-63 Tokoh Ganiildalam Karya Sastra Budi Darma

64-74 Ambivalensi dalam Mencari Sarang Angin

75-85 FungsiAfiks lnfleksi Penanda Persona, Jumla!1,

dan Jender pada Verba Bahasa Arab: Tinjauari

dari Perspektif Morfologi lnfleksi dan Derivasi

86-93 Genre Analysis in'the Frame of SystemicFunctional Linguistics

94-1Ol Kohesi Konjungtor dalam Wacana Narasi

Bahasa Toraia


102-106 Komunikasi Budaya Etnis Cina Perantauandengan Budaya Etnis Aceh di Banda Aceh

rc741t A Spoof at the Eschtological Mind of theAmerican Fundamentalists

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k\/ eorang guru besar dicopot OarilaOatannya karena terbukti melakukan penjiple:kir:i alil,\ plagiarisme. Berita yang marak di media massa akhir-akhir ini memang mengejutkan miis)/.rrali.,i'.V maupun akademisi dengan suasana batinnya masing-masing. Masyarakat terkejut tretill:mendapati kenyataan bahwa jabatan guru besar yang selama inidiagungkan ternyata dapatcii;rerolcltmelalui cara-cara nista. Di sisi lain, akademisi tersentak karena ternyata jabatan guru besar dapatjuga dicopot gara-gara penjiplakan. Keterkejutan para akademisi dapat dimengerti karena selama itiiseakan-akan telah terjadi pembiaran plagiarisme. Bagi sementara akademisi, seolah-olah [,erlakuadagium "boleh menjiplak asal tidak ketahuan". Kalau ketahuan pun, hanya dianggapnyi r.;[r.:]..:nasib sial belaka. Kerangka pikir seperti ini berkembang subur karena selama ini hampir ticitilt aciasanksi yang setimpal bagi mereka yang melakukan penjiplakan.

Sesungguhnya kasus plagiarisme hanyalah puncak gunung es dari persoalan morri[iii,;., cii i,mentalitas bangsa lndonesia yang semakin memprihatinkan. Padahal, sudah sejak lama [=rcif. Dr.Koentjaraningrat mengingatkan adanya sejumlah mentalitas bangsa kita yang tidak sesuai cie:rigar,pembangunan, di antaranya nilai budaya terkait hakikat berkarya. Dengan kerangka orierrlasi riilarbudaya ala Kluckhohn, pakar antropologi ini menunjukkan bahwa bangsa kita melihat hakikat [:e rliaryasemata-mata untuk memenuhi nafkah dan memperoleh kedudukan atau kehormatan. Nilai buciaya inilalu memunculkan sikap meremehkan mutu dan suka menerabas. Orang belajartidak mencari ilmu,tetapitanda tamat belajar. Jabatan guru besar diraih hanya untuk ukuran status dan bukan ukuranpencapaian (achievemenf), serta demi pendapatan dan bukan bukti kemampuan akademis. Dalamkonteks inilah, plagiarisme menjadijalan pintas untuk mendapatkan status dan pendapatan tinggi.

Sementara itu, sistem pendidikan di lndonesia rupanya belum diarahkan untuk mengikis mentt.litasseperti itu, apalagi membentuk mentalitas yang lebih sesuai dengan tuntutan era ini. Aklbatn5ra,keunggulan kompetitif pun tidak dimiliki. Hal itu terbuktidari kegamangan untuk bersaing pacia lingi;e,tglobal. Susahnya, ketiadaan keunggulan kompetitif justru akan semakin mendorong upaya peniruandan plagiarisme lebih banyak lagikarena hanya itu kemampuan yang dimilikidan dapatdianlla!tr<rn.

-lurnal ilmiah ternyata termasuk media yang rawan plagiarisme. Rupanya, kesepakatan rlritukmenjadikan jurnal sebagai sarana menebarkan gagasan akademis dan hasil kajian yang otent!ir Lidal'.lagi dipedulikan. Barangkali, hal inijuga dikondisikan oleh kebijakan promosijabatan akademis yangmemberikan nilai tinggi bagi karya ilmiah yang dimuat dalam jurnal ilmiah, apalagi yang suciahterakreditasi. Kebijakan ini memang mendorong minat akademisi untuk mengirimkan karya itmiahuntuk diterbitkan dijurnal. Keadaan ini semestinya dapat meningkatkan kualitas jurnal itu sendirikarena kompetisi yang tinggi. Namun, pada saat yang sama, jurnal ilmiah berpotensi menjadiwalranebagimereka yang ingin segera mendapat nilaitinggiuntuk naik jabatan dengan caruapa pun. Dalamsituasi seperti ini, pengelola jurnal harus bekerja keras dan cermat agar mampu menjadi saringa:lyang efektif bagi penerbitan naskah hasilplagiarisme.

Tentu, tuntutan itu tidak mudah untuk dipenuhi. Bagaimanapun, pengelola jurnal ilmiah memiiii:iberbagai keterbatasan. Di era keterbukaan informasi yang hampir tak terbatas, seketat apa pun seteli:,,yang dilakukan, tidak mustahil ada naskah plagiat yang mungkin lolos. Karena itu, plagiarisme tidakakan dapat dikikis hanya dengan seleksiatau pembatasan yang lebih ketat. Sesungguhnya, saringanyang paling efektif justru ada pada upaya penyadaran akan etika dan moralitas para akademisi itusendiri. Masalahnya, apakah mereka mampu mengentaskan diri dari mentalitas menerabas yangmasih laten ada ditengah masyarakat kita? Jawabnya hanya ada pada nuranimasing-masingi,



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Jakarta: Graffiti Press, 1987

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VOLUME 22 No. 1 Februari 2010 Halaman 22-30





This research basicallyaims at exploring the word 'kenry' (inJapanese) and 'hak' (in lndonesian).

This study also attempts to compare the views of the Japanese towards the word 'kenry' and the

lndonesian towards the word 'hak'. The research findings indicate that the understanding of the

Japanese towards the concept of 'hak' has some contradictions in connection with the consideration

of relation between the people and society. This indicates that right and consideration of the human

relation is a very different thing in Japan. ln lndonesia, on the other hand, the statement of right,

consideration to the weak, and corsideration of the human relation is regarded as a factor with is not

contradictory to one another.

Key Words: kenry, right, Japanese, lndonesia


Penelitian ini pada dasarnya bertuiuan untuk mengungkap kata'kenry" (dalam bahasaJepang

dan "hak ' (dalam bahasa lndonesia). Studi ini juga merrcoba untuk membandingkan bagainnna tanggaPan

orangJepang terhadap kata "kenry" dan orang lndonesia terhadap kaa "hak". Hasil temuan di lapangan

rnenunjukkan bahwa iliJepang pemahaman terhadap konsep hak bertentangan dengan Pertimbanganterhadap hubungan manusia atau masyarakat. Hal ini menuniukkan bahwa hak dan Pertimbanganterhadap hubungan manusia merupakan sesuatu yang sangat berbeda diJepang. Sebaliknya, di lndo-

nesia, pernyataan hak, pertimbangan terhadap yang lemah dan pertimbangan terhadap hubungan

manusia dianggap sebagai suatu faf,tor yang tidak bertentangan dengan satu sama lainnya.

Kata Kunci: kenry, hak,Jepang, lndonesia

This study is based on a suryey done in Japan

and lndonesia. ln the first survey, we compared

Japanese responses to the word "kenri" and

lndonesian responses to the word "hak".

The data source was the legal conscious-ness questionnaire survey carried out among

Japanese adults across the nation for the other


Many new legal terms were coined whenoccidental laws were accepted and many existi ng

terms were given new meanings after theacceptence of the laws. A study of how people

have given meanings to such terms andconceptualized them will have some significance.l

' Lecturer, Facul$of Law, Universitas Sriwijaya." Professorof Law, Ciba University, Japan.


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ffiAzhar and Matsumura Yoshiyuki - A Sludy of 'Kenry' in Japane and 'Hal( in ;'i r: tlrr ,i !r;ii.

pro,iect mnducted by Matsumura (the coordinator)(see note 11). The surveywas conducted fromFebruaryto March 2005 using self-administeredmethod. Some questionnaire items were assign-ed to measure the responses to some sentenc-es including the word "kenri" (the respondentswere asked to make a choice from six point-scale regarding how much they agreed to thesentence with the word 'kenri") (Matsumura eta|.,2007a,b). The questions used in this surveywere obtained through the following proce-dures.1) By asking students in Matsumura's semi-

nar to make short sentences with the word"kenri", or by some other means. 40 to 50sentences were then collected.

2) Survey forms with questions asking howmuch they agree (six point-scale: from

"Definitely think so" to "Do not ilrinir :,t a1'

all') on the sentences were erJir r;;,i ir.i l

to students (different from those iir prili i

above), and collected. These s{g{6,' t s;11'-

veys were repeated sequentially, witir ,1tJ( .,-

tions altered and replaced untilthe i. re

factor structure (factor structure in iau'ruranalysis. Factor analysis will be detalledlater) was extracted.13 questions determined through thc rbovt:procedures were selected for the rrationallegal consciousness survey (see i:, ' '1'

One of the questionnaire items tiar ii, . .

into lndonesian was inappropriate arid tfla'r

item was taken out from our analysis.The selected questionnaire items are p!'e-

sented in Table 1.




Table 1. Pattern Matrix














Asserting a right confurms to justice

The rpnt b vob is ore of the mod important rights

I will parlicipate in a prote$ act if a government policy is goingto discriminate against he freedom of belief.

I protect my r(;hts by me

To claim a rigrht b not only for oneself but also for those rahocome later.

I would not hesihte b daim tre righb of a consumer when I

find out the goods I bonght are flawed.

Those who orcr-assert heir r(;hts are generally onsideredimpudent people.

A peson of wealth mQht be more onscious about hidherr(7hts. :

Many more rights should be given to tre disadwntaged.

I do not really understand the word "rights".

We should aroid any awlaryard relalionships caused h7oreresserton of our rphts.

What b important is that we maintain a ordial discussion




.085 -.166

-.211 .189

.003 ,.184

.135 .157

.124 .165

-.021 .007

.676 ....J;.i

.617 *.rJBn'

.596 021

.518 .133

-.1M ".

.105 .718









Method of factor extraction : Principal component an alysisMethod of rotation: Promax solution


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Humaniora, Vol. 22, No. 1 Februari 2010:22-30

ln order to comprehend the abstractstructures behind the responses to the 12questionnaire items, factor analysis (thq onemethod of statistical analysis to reduce a largenumber of correlated variables into a smallnumber) was performed. Judging from.theeigenvalues and their scree plots, three factorsolution was accepted.l The pattern matrixattained after the factor rotation2 is presentedin Table 2.The figures presented as'compo-nents in the table show how close they conelateto each of the 3 factors. Since promax rotationis an oblique one, the component correlationmatrix is also shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Component Correlation Matrix

Component 1 2













Method of factor ertraction : Principal componentanalysisMethod of rotation: Promax solution

The explanation for the three factors canbe seen in the tables. The factors can be namedas follovrs.(4)

The first factor: The sublime character ofrights. The second factor:The self-serving andnegative character of rights. (Question 13,"Many more rights should be given to thedisadvantaged", is however difficult to explain.)The third factor: The significant concern onhuman relationship rather than the rights. Fromthe point of view of rights, this is disturbance sincethis factor leads to the mnsideration of communityrelationship and human relationship.(5)

The second survey was conducted inlndonesia. A sample of 50 lndonesians wasobtained. The subjects were sampled frommllege students living in Palembang Cityforanexpedient reason. The family backgrounds of

the subjects varied widely. The same questions

as those used in the Japanese survey weretranslated into lndonesian and administered.However, the back translation procedureneeded to guarantee the equivalent stimuli inthe cross-cultural study was omitted. Also asalready stated, one questionnaire item wastaken off from the analysis because thetranslation was inappropriate. The surveywasconducted in September2006. The procedureof the analysis was as follows:1) The factor analysis of the lndonesian data

was performed using the same procedureas that used for the Japanese data.

2) Judging from the eigenvalues and their screeplots, 4 factorsolutions were accepted.

3) Promax rotation was also performed. Theeigenvalues, the pattern matrix, and com-ponent correlation matrix, which presentthecorrelation among factors, are presentedin Table 3 and Table 4.

The four factors were named as follows.The first factor: The sublime character of rights.The second factor: The warmth of rights. Thethird factor: The positive attitude towardasserting rights. The fourth factor: The negativeattitude toward asserting rights.

Table 3. The Eigenvalues

component Eigenvalues variance ratio cumulative ratio











Method of factor extraction : Principal componentanalysisMethod of rotation: Promax solution

























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Azhar and Matsumura Yoshiyuki - A Study of 'Kenry'in Japane and 'Hak' in lndonesia

Table 4. Pattern Matrix"


(19) The right to vote is one of the most important rights.

(23) I will participate in a protest act if a government policy is going

to discriminate against the fieedom of belief.

(18) t proteci my rights by me.

(15) To ddm a right is not only fcr oneself but also br those whocome later. i

(12) I would not hesitate to claim the dghts of a consumer when I

6n6 out the goods I bought are flawed.

(13) Many more rights should be given to the disadvantaged.

(14) What important is that we maintain a cordial discussion rather

than asserting our rights.

(22) I do not really understand the word 'rights".

(17) A person of wealth might be more conscious about his/herrights.

(21) Asserting a right confcrms to justice.

(1 1) We should avoid any awkward relationships caused by over

assertion of our rights.

(20) Those who over-assert their rights are generallyconsideredimpudent people
























-.1 58







-.1 15
















Method of factor extraction: Principal component analysisMethod of rctation: Promax solution

THE TERM "RIGHT"ln this article, the term "right", which is

familiar but somewhat ambiguous to ordinarypeople, will be discussed as a typicalexampleof the above stated legalterms

Needless to say, searching into peoplelsresponses toward the term "right" and theirconceptualization process id notenough as legalconsciousness study or right consciousnessstudy. (6) Even when there is not a certain wordused in one culture, it should not be consideredthat the culture does not have the idea which isindicated by the word. Suppose a culture doesnotusetheword "right", there maybe somethingequivalent to "right". This article, however, willdeal with the meaning of the term "right"and itsconceptua I ization. Therefore the resea rch i nto thepeople's responses toward this term should beindispensable. ln addition, understanding howpeople have conceptualized the term "right" willalso be significant as a clue to the naive theory

of law (The naiVe theory purports a systernlzrj{ibut naive understanding by a la1r1,i:l'son.)Discussions of the naive theory have becomeactive since the 70's, especially in the fietd ofdevelopment psychology. When the law ill thcnaive theory is accepted by many of or'dirrarysocial members, it may become an example ofliving-law).

As premises forthe analysis, some ske'rche,s

of the word "right" in Japan and Europe wil! folie*,t(7)

The term "right" (Recht, ius etc.) !ies Iir.r",irsomewhat ambiguous in both Japanese andEuropean languages, tracing its hisf.ry aridseeing academically. The Japanese transtation"kenri" is said to have been adopted frncn theChinese translation (1864, {;spsl6ili:ii l,:y ;,1

missionary priest W. Martin) of "lnternationalPublic LaW'written by Henry Wheaston (Noda,1979:4 ). And the first person who used this termin Japan was Shinichirou Tsuda and it is known


i t -,,.ffi.::SiriiJ"trii(,1.i,lai'.

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Humaniora,Vol.22, No. I Februai 2010:22-30

that Tsuda applied this word from the Chinesetranslation (Noda 1979:30).(8) ln Japan, kanjicharac'ter vvhich implies "interest' is generally, usedfor "(ken) ri". However, another kanji character\^/hich means "reason"was alsoused forthe sameword at the beginning of the Meiji period. Thisindicates the ambiguity of this word between"interesf' and "reason" (Noda 1 976:6-1 0, Hozumi

1e47:73-74).(e)(10)The terms conesponding to right in European

languages were also ambiguous. Here we notethat "ius" in Latin was used as a word indicatingjustness or appropriateness through the ancienttime and the medievaltime, and around the 14h

century it acquired subjective implication as ithas today. Then in the 19th century the wordsuch as "right" was understood as a legalcapability that enables people to claim theirinterests.


ln this article, the lndonesian word "hak"(meaning "right" in English) will be discussedalong with the Japanese "kenri". The compa-rison between the conceptions of the Japanesekenri and those of the lndonesian hak isconsidered meaningful(11) since there wassome significant difference observed in under-standing of right between Japan and lndonesia.Firstly, the Japanese "kenri" was a coined wordwith the reception of the occidental law in theMeiji period. The term "kenri" itself was seenfrom old times in China. And when the "lnter-national Public LaW"was translated into Chine-se, "kenri" was used as the translation of 'right'or'droit'. ln Japan, Shinichiro Tsuda, who intro-duced western jurisprudence to Japan, applied'kenri' consulting "lnternational Public Law"(Taiseikoku Horon.1968). On the other hand,the lndonesian "hak" has existed even beforethe reception of the Dutch law. Secondly,though Japanese law was totally replaced byoccidental law in the Meiji period, lndonesianlaw has had a dual system of its native law andthe Dutch law introduced by its colonial power.

lndonesia(12) has a dual legal system.When lndonesia applied the Dutch lawfrom its

colonial power, atthe same time, italso preserv-ed its native law (adat that is a kind of custo-mary lawwhich was refened to when dealing withcontracts, land ownership, inheritance and theterm'hak'meaning rights also means truth andjustness). The Netherlands divided lndone-sia into19-regions and applied adaf to native lndonesians.Furthermore, according to Shimada (20M:383),the Netherlands divided the colonial population

by ethnic groups, and applied different legalsystem toeadr group. Therefore, each groupwasunder different legal system as to contracts, landownership, in-heritance, and under differentjurisdiction. An example of land ownership is "hakulayat." "Hak ulayat", a legal term connotingcommunal rights of an (ethnic) communityto landbased on that community's adat (custom ortradition), is among the most intriguing conceptin lndonesian land law (Parlindungan, 2003).Throughout lndonesia, ethnics groups demandedthe retum of 'their"'ulayat" lands and recognitionof their rightto that land. ln West Sumatera, forexample, the homeland of the Minangkabau,District govemments energetically mmmenced toinstitutionalize customary ha k ulayaf' as formallaw. Four out of the nine West Sumatra's districtsissued regulation organizing adat governance atthe nagari(village) level. Three of these (Agam,Lima Puluh Koto dan Tanah Datar)include'hakulayat' among its responsibilities.

The Europeans were subject to the coloniallaw which was basically pursuant to the Dutchlaw. On the other hand, the native lndonesianswere subject to adat (including lslamic law) of eaCrrace. When applying adat, the Netherlandsdivided this colony into 19 adat regions accordingto the social survey results conducted there. Morespecifically, the Netherlands authorized only 19out of many variations of adat which actuallyvaried into countless number by definitions, andordered them into effect. Since then, theoccidental lawand adat have been coexisting andthe personal application has been perpetuated.

As mentioned above, the word meaningright in lndonesian is hak. Referring to somelndonesian dictionaries such as Echols and


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Azhar and Matsumura Yoshiyuki - A Sfudy of 'Kenry'in Japane and'Hak'in lndonesia

Shadily (1963), Taniguchi (1982), Suenaga(1991), Suenaga et al. (1977), we need to notethat hak means trueness orjustness a$ wellasright. As the dictionaries also say, hak has itsorigin in Arabic. Further accounts on its originwill be provided below according to Kobayasi-(1 993).(1 3) The lslamicization of this area wasrelated to tariqah (Sufi) which traveled withlslamic international commercial network, andit is said to have grown actively since 12th or13th century (Kobayasi 1993:96-97). As for theinflowof Arabic into this area, besides the routeby which Arabic was directly borrowed, therewas a possibility of indirect inflow by means ofPersian which had already taken in Arabicvocabulary (Kobayashi, 1 993:97).

ln addition to lndonesian, closely relatedlanguages such as Javanese and Malaysianalso accepted a lotofArabicvocabulary. There-fore, loan words from Arabic amount to over2750, which is over 10 % of the lndonesianvocabulary (Kobayasi, 1993:103). lndonesian(Malay) and Javanese legal terms as well asmanyacademic and religious terms have theirorigins in Arabic (Kobayashi, 1993: 104 ff)seetables 2,3,and4 on page104 and the followingpages). ln addition to hak, hukum (law) (14)andadat (customs) (15) also originated fromArabic.

The following are the notable points putforward in this article.1) Most of the borrowed words from Arabic

express universalconcepts, with the excep-tion of some vocabulary to explain lslam(Kobayashi, 1 993: 11 1 ).

2) Such words were completely taken in byJavanese (or lndonesian)society, which isthe distinct difference from Japanese kenrithatwas newly coined after modern age.

3) TheseArabicwords formed the core of thelndonesian vocabulary (Kobayashi, 1 993:111).


The lndonesian subjects were collegestudents, and thus simply comparing those datawith the Japanese data would be inappropriate.

Acomparison between those data revealerithefollowing distinct differences. One c,f iirr:significantdifferences can be seen in Questiori14 (What is important is that we nrairtlairr acordial discussion rather than assertirrg; ourrights) and Q11 (We should avoid anyav,,,.\,i{r.rd

relationships caused by over-assertion ol ourrights). The Japanese data indicated that tlresetwo questions comprise one factot,ql(,)recognizably different from asserting rigiiis. 'i-liis

factorwas interpreted as the consideration forhuman relationship. On the other lrr'ii:i, thelndonesian data did not compris€ sui"ii iactor,but Q14 was grouped into the secono factoralong with Q13 (Many more rights shr,uld lregiven to the disadvantaged)and 012 (lwouldnot hesitate to claim the rights of a consumerwhen I find out that the goods I bought areflawed). The second factor also included Q22(l do not really understand the worcl "rights").But the factor loading to the second factor waslow and also presented some factor toaciingsto the third factor and the fourth faetcr. Thuswe may count out this question. Anatyzing thrresult, what attracted our attention to tt'rr secsndfactor was that asserting rights, consiCeraticirto the weak, and consideration tr, huinarirelationship were extracted as one factor.

Though admitting our data is incomplete,especially lndonesian data have a problem inreliability, the following assumptions will bedemonstrated.

ln Japan, researchers (as typified byTakeyoshi Kawashima) understand the con-ception of rights is opposed to the consicieratiorrfor human relationship or that for community.And our Japanese survey also presentecl tliesame tendency. Stated differently, it inci;calesthat rights and consideration for human,relationship are something very different inJapan (whether or not they regard assertingrights as positive or as negative). Tiiis [sprobably because the term "kenri" was a nevrlycoined word in the Meiji period and the termhas been recognized somewhat far from ourdaily basis.


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Humaniora, Vol.22, No. 1 Februai 2010: 22-30

On the other hand, in lndonesia, assertingrights, consideration for the weak, and con-sideration for human relationship are regErdedas one factor without conflicts. What causedthis difterence? What we have been related sofar may lead to an interpretation as follows.

Originally the word "hak" was borrowedfrom Arabic, but it was introduced to lndonesiano later than 12h to 1 3h century along with lslam.

Thus, though initially this word was not usedon the daily basis, it later became a dailyexpression. This word was also used in adat.ln our survey, we asked the respondents abouta general characteristic of rights, or "hak", andsome aspects of rights. The important right inadat was an ownership of land, especially ofcropland in a community. ln comparison withthe modern laq the ownership was not perfectand abstractive, but it was just the right tocultivate and utilize, which did not include rightto dispose. Therefore this was the community-based right. Under such a circumstance,protecting the right (to the land) under adatmeant guaranteeing the cultivating right bymeans of the restriction on a private trade ofland, and this is related to a cooperative aspectin the community. ln otherwords, in lndonesia"hak" is concordantwith community, which wasbrought about by its social structure and itshistory. lf this assumption is admissible, thereis no wonder that the word "hak" is associatedwith "friendly discussion" or "consideration tothe weak'. Since "hak" has existed in such ahuman relationship and a community, theimplication of "hak" differs from that of Japanese"kenri".(17)


ln this article, we demonstrated the meaningof Japanese "kenri" and lndonesian "hak".Stated differently, we indicated howan externalcognition affects these words.

There, however, remain some issues in

need of further research. Since the lndonesiansubjects were students, we also performed theanalysis on the Japan0se data sub-set; the

under 3O-year-old sample who graduated fromuniversity. I n this analysis, slightly different factorstructure from the original data set wasobserved (the detailed result is omitted in thisarticle). This difference might indicate that theJapanese subset data is closer to thelndonesian data. lf so, comprehending thewhole results, there is a possibilitythat indicatesthe 'right (claim)" has become an everydayexpression for young Japanese who aregraduated from university. This, however,cannot be vouched only from our data.

ln addition, seen from the viewpoint ofcomparison, the lackof datafromwestem countryis the problem of this discussion. As mentionedabove, the word "hak" implies trueness andjustness, where it has commonalitywith Europeanlanguages. Thus, the collection and analysis ofdata from western countries wil I be future issuesof our research.

Notes1 We would like to express our incere thanks to Prof.

Gen Shimada (Professor, Graduate School oflntemational Development, Nagoya University) for thecooperation he offered forthis article. On March 26m

of 2007, Prof. Shimada published a report entitled"Formation of Adat Recht and the Dutch law inlndonesia'at Hokkaido University. He further provided

many insightful comments and suggestions on theoriginal article in Japanese.

z As for the linguistic analysis, this article adoptedcognitive lingulstics, a school of linguistics thatunderstands language as a sign system whichassigns mea6ings to the externalworld, and as bestexplained by reference to human cognition in general.Refer to Tsuji (2003:4-14) for a fine and conciseexplanation of its origin and position in linguistics.

3 Factor positions extracted by initial analysis are justthe first step of the procedure. The factor rotation isperformed in order to make the interpretation of thefactors easier. In our analysis, we used promaxrotation, which is a standard method of obliquerotation (the technique that allows factors conelated).

4 The method was principal component analysis.Though there may be a viewthat principal componentanalysis and factor analysis are different,mathematically, principal component analysiseventuates in the calculation of eigenvalues and


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Azhar and Matsumura Yoshiyuki - A Sludy of 'Kenry'in Japane and 'Hak' in lndonesia

eigenvectors of conelation matrix, and it agrees witha principal factor method.

(4) The interpretation offactors depends on researchers,and thus itcannot be completelyobjective. However,the purpose of our analysis is the comparison withthe lndonesian data, thus factors can be determined,as far as this purport is assured.

(5) The correlation between factor scores (the amountof each element's factors) and gender/age agreedwith the interpretation stated above, even though theyare omitted from the table. ,l

(6) The law consciousness in this article is understoodas the attitude toward the law and the legalsystem.Takeyoshi Kawashima also took the same position(Matsumura, 1 996:274).

(7) The following descriptions consulted basicallyNoda(1979:1-30), and when Noda cited fromNakada(1943) and Hozumi(1941), they were alsofurther referred to (As to Hozumi(1941), this articlereferred to its second edition in 1947).

(8) Nakada (1 943:1161 -11 M) was also refened to, whereNoda(1979:30) made a mention. The refened chapterwas "39. Rights" in lffandering on the Legal Histoq/.Whatwe learned from this reference are as follows.

(9) Nakada (1943:1161-1164) pointed out that somedifferent kanji characters for'kenri'were observed inlaws and legal books in the beginning of the Meijiperiod. On this, Nakada is determined to deny thepossibility that "kenri" written in two differentcharacters respectively indicates Jhering (Heemphasized the aspect of interest) or Kant and Hegel

fl'hey stressed the aspect of intention).

(10) Refer to Noda(1971:21-30) for further implication ofthe term'kenri'.

(11) From the aspectof feasibilityof this study, there wasMatsumura's previous work, a questionnaire surveywith the subjects of ordinary adults. This is a surveyof Japanese consciousness toward the word 'right'("Japanese Attitudes Toward the Law and the LegalSystem" conducted by A01 group of the researchproject:'Dispute Resolution and CivilJustice in theLegalizing Society" (Coordinator: MasayukiMurayama, Professor, Faculty of Law, MeijiUniversity), supported by "Grants-in-Aid for ScientificResearch in PriorityAreas of the Ministry of Education,Culture, Sports, Science and Technolog/).

(12) ln this article, Republic of lndonesia and the sameregion before its independence are both calledlndonesia for descriptive purposes.

(13) lndonesian was originally a dialect of the Mataylanguage, which was officially defined as the officiallanguage with the declaration of lndonesia'sindependence. Javanese is the most dominant

language spoken across its many islands, and closelyrelated to the Malay language. ln Kobayashi(1993),lndonesian is also mentioned along with Javanese.

(1a) The word, 'hukum'originally means rule, custom,decision, consideration, norm, procedure, andpunishment.

(15) The Dutch reconstructed lndonesian custom to'adatRecht'. The lndonesian term'hukum adat'(adat) is atranslation from Dutch 'adat Recht'. Concerninglndonesian legaltheory what this article focuses onis that constraintof rights is justified by the integrativetheory. According to this view, a nation and anindividual are notto be in conflict, but a communityand an individual are organically tied. This is used althe principle that constrains the right in legalcommunity. We might expect fiust because hak liesin the basis of the community along with adat) thatthe relationship of hak and community sentimentappears in a different way from that in Japan.

( 1 6) Though this was extracted as the third factor, the orderof the extraction (the amount of eigenvalues) is notsignificant, since it depends on the number of similarquestions.

(17) There may be another possible explanation for thatasserting rights, consideration for the weak, andconsideration for the human relationship wereextracted as one factor. This may be caused by thatthe term'hak'meaning rights also means truth andjustness. Forfurther explanation, see 7.


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