notification for filling the various posts on deputation etc_01!10!2014

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  • 8/10/2019 Notification for Filling the Various Posts on Deputation Etc_01!10!2014


    F. No.A.12024/1/2012-Estt.

    National Human Rights CommissionManav Adhikar Bhawan,

    Block-C, !"# Co$%l&' N&w (&lhi )110 02*

    + Fillin % o varios %osts in th& National $an ihts Co$$ission on

    d&%tation on or&in s&rvic&/r&-&$%lo3$&nt/+hort-t&r$ contract asis.

    A%%lications ar& invit&d ro$ sital& candidat&s lillin th& &liiilit3conditions or a%%oint$&nt to varios %osts as $&ntion&d at Annexure-I in th&National $an ihts Co$$ission on trans&r on d&%tation on or&in s&rvic&/r&-&$%lo3$&nt/short-t&r$ contract asis. &tir&d oic&rs will & consid&r&d asindicat&d in Annexure I i sici&nt n$&r o candidat&s do not &co$& availal&or a%%oint$&nt on d&%tation asis.

    2. h& Co$$ission is a +tattor3 Atono$os Bod3 and candidat&s s&l&ct&dwill & a%%oint&d on trans&r on d&%tation on or&in s&rvic& asis or a %&riod othr&& 3&ars. E'&$%tion ro$ i$$&diat& asor%tion has &&n otain&d ro$ th&!ov&rn$&nt. National $an ihts Co$$ission is an &liil& oic& or allot$&nt

    o !ovt. acco$$odation ro$ !&n&ral %ool.

    *. h& d&%tation will & ov&rn&d 3 th& t&r$s and conditions contain&d in th&(&%art$&nt o "&rsonn&l and rainins #.M. No.5/6/2007-Estt.8"a3.99:, dat&d1;.5.2010 as a$&nd&d ro$ ti$& to ti$&.

    4. h& a%%lications o &liil& candidat&s who ar& d&siros o &in consid&r&dor a%%oint$&nt to th& %osts $&ant or d&%tation and can & s%ar&d i$$&diat&l3,$a3 %l&as& & orward&d to this oic& 3 1

  • 8/10/2019 Notification for Filling the Various Posts on Deputation Etc_01!10!2014




    Details of posts, pay scale andmode of recruitment

    No. ofPosts *

    Eligibility criteria

    1. Registrar (Law)Rs. 67000-79000/-(HAG Scale)(Deputation failing which byshort-term contract/re-employment)

    01 By deputation of

    i) Indian Legal Service Officers holdinganalogous posts under the Central Govt.

    Orii) Officers holding analogous post under theCentral Govt./ Supreme Court/High Court andpossessing experience as Registrar of higherJudiciary or any other post involvinginterpretation/application of statutes

    Oriii) Officers in the pay scale of PB-4 (Rs.37400-67000) +G.PayRs.10000/- with aregular service of 3 years in the grade in theCentral Govt. /Supreme Court//High Court andpossessing experience as Registrar of higherjudiciary or of any other post involvinginterpretation/ application of statutes.

    Essential : Degree in Law

    Desirable:(i) Post Graduate degree in Law from arecognized University or equivalent.(ii) Research experience in one of thefollowing fields :

    (a) Constitutional law and its theory,(b) Human Rights jurisprudence.

    By short-term contract/ re-employment (ifdeputation method fails) of persons who have

    held an analogous post under the CentralGovernment/Supreme Court/ High Court andpossessing experience as Registrar of ahigher judiciary or of any other post involvinginterpretation/application of statutes.

    2.Assistant Registrar (Law)PB-3 Rs.15600-39100+Rs.6600/-(Deputation failing which by re-employment/short-term contract)

    01 By deputation ofOfficers possessing a Degree in Law andholding analogous posts in CentralGovernment/ Supreme Court/ High Court/CATOR

    Officers of Central Government/ SupremeCourt/ High Court/CAT in the scale of PB-2

    Rs.9300-34800 +Rs.4800/- with a minimum of8 years of regular service and possessing aDegree in Law.

    By re-employment/ short-term contract (ifdeputation method fails) from persons whohave held an analogous post on regular basisin the above mentioned organizations andpossess a degree in Law.


  • 8/10/2019 Notification for Filling the Various Posts on Deputation Etc_01!10!2014



    3 Assistant Accounts OfficerPB-2(Rs.9300-34800)+Rs.4800/-(Deputation)

    01 i) Officers under the Central Govt. holdinganalogous posts on regular basis who haveundergone training in Cash and Accounts inthe ISTM or equivalent and possessexperiences in cash and accounts work, or

    (ii) Junior Accounts Officers or equivalent in

    the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800+Rs.4200/-with 8 years regular service in the grade.

    4 AssistantPB-2(Rs.9300-34800)+Rs.4600/-(Deputation)

    02 Officers under the Central Government(i) holding analogous post on regular basis;or(ii) with five years regular service in the postsin the scale of pay of Rs.5200-20200+GPRs.2400/-

    * The number of vacancies is subject to variation

  • 8/10/2019 Notification for Filling the Various Posts on Deputation Etc_01!10!2014




    1) Post applied for: ____________________________________

    2) Nae of t!e Appli"ant: ___________________________________

    #) Conta"ts : a. $o%ile ___________________________________

    %. &ail ___________________________________

    ". 'andline ___________________________________

    () Address for "orresponden"e ___________________________________



    ) Date of %irt! ____________________________________

    *) +ex ,Ti" as appropriate) $ale eale

    /) Date of entr0 into ot. +eri"e ____________________________________

    3) Nae4 address and "onta"t No. of offi"e

    5!ere 5orin6 at present ____________________________________

    7) Present post !eld: ____________________________________

    ,a) Date of appointent in t!e present

    post ____________________________________

    ,%) Pa0 Band and rade Pa0 ____________________________________

    ,") 8!et!er t!e present post is !eld on

    deputation ____________________________________

    ,d) If 0es4 ention nae of parent offi"e4 ____________________________________

    post !eld on re6ular %asis and date

    of appointent t!ereon ____________________________________

    19) &du"ational ualifi"ation: ____________________________________

    11) Brief +eri"e; experien"e details: ____________________________________

    12) 8!et!er +C;+T;OBC: ____________________________________

    1#) ,a) 8!et!er eli6i%le as per pres"ri%ed ____________________________________

    eli6i%ilit0 "riteria for t!e post applied

    ,%) If 0es4 indi"ate spe"ifi" "riteria %ein6 ___________________________________

    fulfilled ,%ot! essential < desira%le 5!ereer appli"a%le)

    +i6nature of t!e Appli"ant

    ,Nae and Desi6nation in Blo" 'etters)

    Note: No column should be left blank


  • 8/10/2019 Notification for Filling the Various Posts on Deputation Etc_01!10!2014



    Certificate by Parent Office


    Certified t!at t!e inforation furnis!ed %0 t!e "andidate !as %een erified fro re"ords and is found to

    %e "orre"t.


    Certified t!at "opies of last 0ears AC>s dul0 "ertified %0 a 6a?etted offi"er are atta"!ed.


    Certified t!at no i6ilan"e en@uir0 is pendin6 or "onteplated a6ainst t!e indiidual and no ,aor orinor) penalt0 !as %een iposed on !i;!er durin6 t!e pre"edin6 fie ,9) 0ears.

    Nae: _______________________


