ninth international congress of tropical medicine: athens, greece, oct. 14–21, 1973

Toxicon, 1973, Vol . 11, p . 223 . Peraamon Pros. Printed in Great Bril'ain NOTICE NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE Athcns, Greecc, Oct . 14-21, 1973 . Dr. H . Alistair Reid is organizer of the Section on Venoms in Division A of the Congress . The Section on Venoms has been provisionally arranged for Wednesday, Oct . 17 and will consist of four sessions, each of which will last 30 minutes : (1) Biochemistry of venoms, (2) Pharmacology of venoms, (3) Immunology and miscellaneous aspects of venoms, (4) Clinical aspects of venoms . Abstracts (not exceeding 300 words) of papers will be published under the four different headings prior to the mceting but papers will be read only by title at the actual meeting. Participants in the discussion are welcome to quote from the papers or raise matters outside of the submitted papers . Further information and official invitations to attend may be obtained from : Dr . Reid, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Pembroke Place, Liverpool, England . TIDXJCON J973 VaG Jl .

Post on 14-Nov-2016




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Toxicon, 1973, Vol . 11, p . 223 . Peraamon Pros. Printed in Great Bril'ain


Athcns, Greecc, Oct. 14-21, 1973 .

Dr. H. Alistair Reid is organizer of the Section on Venoms in Division A of the Congress .The Section on Venoms has been provisionally arranged for Wednesday, Oct. 17 and willconsist of four sessions, each of which will last 30 minutes :


Biochemistry of venoms,(2)

Pharmacology of venoms,(3)

Immunology and miscellaneous aspects of venoms,(4)

Clinical aspects of venoms .Abstracts (not exceeding 300 words) of papers will be published under the four different

headings prior to the mceting but papers will be read only by title at the actual meeting.Participants in the discussion are welcome to quote from the papers or raise matters outsideof the submitted papers .Further information and official invitations to attend may be obtained from :Dr . Reid,Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine,Pembroke Place,Liverpool,England.