news & prayers january 10, 2016 - west university church ......2016/01/01  · “as iron...

News & Prayers West U Members: Ralph Arnold is continuing to recover at Garden Terrace room 128. Thanks you for your continued prayers and love for Beverly and Ralph. Josiah Oliver - praise for no more nose bleeds. Seeing an ENT to address other issues. Jonathan Hamilton is recovering from an ear injury and infection. Home Bound Members : Please pray for our home bound family: Mary Broome, Mildred Kohlmann, Karen Wiggins, Bob & Jean Allred (Please contact the office if you need contact information on any of these.) Family & Friends: Lauren in Bakersfield, CA, is now on a psychiatric rotation. Also, prayer for wisdom to deal with a neighbor’s loud music. Stephanie, Robin, Mike and others - that they would have a positive response to the Gospel Ragan in Vancouver, WA - continued prayer for confidence and wisdom. Laura Ray, Susan Parker’s sister, had surgery for breast cancer at M.D. Anderson last week. Pray for her continued recovery. Cancer Prayers: Marc Isenberg, friend of the Coulsons, has pancreatic cancer. He is weak and is not eating well. His pain seems constant. Betty Ripple is now in cancer treatment. Pray for blessings on the Ladies Retreat this weekend. May it be a time of quietness, of growth, and of deepened relationships between one another and with God. Services Times Sunday 9:00 a.m. Coffee & Donuts 9:30 a.m. Bible Classes for All Ages 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Evening Life Groups Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Studies Daniel McGraw [email protected] Roy Rhodes [email protected] Jay Roberts [email protected] Christy McDonald [email protected] Reni Burns [email protected] Mark Rue [email protected] Janet Cockerham [email protected] Senior Minister Community Minister Youth Minister Business Manager Footsteps Director Custodian Administrative Assistant Staff Elders Jim Taylor [email protected] Hilton Merritt [email protected] Worship Children & Youth Adult Education Elderly/Home Bound Building Med Center Finance Missions Involvement Deacons John Fletcher [email protected] Brad Hinrichs [email protected] Cameron Bird [email protected] Ryan McDonald [email protected] Kerry Lackey [email protected] Brian Deaver [email protected] Al Richey [email protected] Paul Vaughan [email protected] Mike Coulson [email protected] West University Church of Christ 3407 Bissonnet Houston, TX 77005 Office 713.666.3535 Footsteps (Mothers Day Out) 713.666.9403 [email protected] Coming Events Jan. 15 - Impact Houston Staff/ Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Jan. 31 - Backpacking Interest Meeting Feb. 7 - Church-Wide Fellowship Luncheon Feb. 14 - Valentine’s Day March 20 - LTC Sunday March 25-27 - LTC in Dallas March 27 - Easter Sunday April 8-10 - Family Camping at Brazos Bend May 7 - VBS Workday May 8 - Mother’s Day June 5 - VBS Volunteer Meeting June 19 - 23 - Vacation Bible School Last Week’s Record A.M. Worship 110 Contribution - $5,613.09 Coins for Christ - $318.91 Deepest Sympathy to Dan Tan & Family Dan’s father passed away the week between Christmas and New Years. Dan traveled to Singapore for the funeral. Please keep Dan and his family in your prayers. One of the times I (Daniel) was overcome by God’s greatness was while on a camping trip. I remember staring up at the stars and being overwhelmed by the sheer grandness, the majesty of it all. The Milky Way, the Big and Little Dippers, the planets and stars and distant galaxies… And I was completely overwhelmed by the amazing beauty and awesome greatness of it all. The stars often stand as a way to describe the awesomeness of God. Job, even in the midst of his pain and suffering, describes the greatness and grandeur of God, stating, “[God] speaks to the sun and it does not shine; he seals off the light of the stars. He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea. He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted” (Job 9:7-10). One of the Psalmist exclaims, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world…” (19:1-4). The Psalmist argues that the skies become the heralds of God’s amazing greatness to all the world. And another psalmist states that the skies have thoroughly awed and inspired him, making him realize his own smallness: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (8:3-4). This was the verse that Buzz Aldrin was inspired to read as he flew on Apollo 11, looking back at the earth. God’s creation has a way of inspiring mankind to praise, whether it is the beauty in the heavens or the creation here on earth. For we realize that we worship a God of great beauty, love, and joy. Welcome to Worship Just for Kids (a special time for children ages 3 to 10) Call to Worship - Paul Vaughan Worship Leader - Ryan McDonald Song Song Song Prayer Song Communion All Christians are invited to commune with us. Offering Guests are not expected to participate in the offering. This is a voluntary offering. Song (Children are dismissed to Little Lambs or God’s Flock during this song) Scripture Reading Acts 17:22-31 Message “What We Believe About God” Daniel McGraw Song Shepherd’s Prayer & Benediction May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones. ” 1 Thessalonians 3:13 Song Discovering and Sharing God’s Love January 10, 2016 Welcome to West U We’re glad you’re here to join us in worshiping God. *Please register on one of the cards in the pew racks and place it in the offering tray. We do not make unannounced visits but we would like to write you and call you to welcome you and answer any questions that you might have. *Please write your prayer requests on a Prayer Request card and place it in the offering tray. *We have an attended nursery west of the foyer for babies. *During the assembly, we invite your children up to the age of eight to participate in a learning time on their level. *You are invited to attend one of our LIFE groups that meet this evening at the various locations listed on page two. *You are invited to attend our Wednesday Bible Studies at 6:30.

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Page 1: News & Prayers January 10, 2016 - West University Church ......2016/01/01  · “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 Come join us in The Bible Land

News & Prayers West U Members:

Ralph Arnold is continuing to recover at Garden Terrace room 128. Thanks you for your continued prayers and love for Beverly and Ralph.

Josiah Oliver - praise for no more nose bleeds. Seeing an ENT to address other issues.

Jonathan Hamilton is recovering from an ear injury and infection.

Home Bound Members: Please pray for our home bound family: Mary Broome,

Mildred Kohlmann, Karen Wiggins, Bob & Jean Allred (Please contact the office if

you need contact information on any of these.)

Family & Friends:

Lauren in Bakersfield, CA, is now on a psychiatric rotation. Also, prayer for wisdom to deal with a neighbor’s loud music.

Stephanie, Robin, Mike and others - that they would have a positive response to the

Gospel Ragan in Vancouver, WA - continued prayer for confidence and wisdom.

Laura Ray, Susan Parker’s sister, had surgery for breast cancer at M.D. Anderson last

week. Pray for her continued recovery.

Cancer Prayers: Marc Isenberg, friend of the Coulsons, has pancreatic cancer. He is weak and is not eating well. His pain seems constant.

Betty Ripple is now in cancer treatment.

Pray for blessings on the Ladies Retreat this weekend. May it be a time of quietness, of

growth, and of deepened relationships between one another and with God.

Services Times

Sunday 9:00 a.m. Coffee & Donuts

9:30 a.m. Bible Classes for All Ages

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Evening Life Groups

Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Studies

Daniel McGraw [email protected]

Roy Rhodes [email protected]

Jay Roberts [email protected]

Christy McDonald [email protected]

Reni Burns [email protected]

Mark Rue [email protected]

Janet Cockerham [email protected]

Senior Minister

Community Minister

Youth Minister

Business Manager

Footsteps Director


Administrative Assistant



Jim Taylor [email protected] Hilton Merritt [email protected]


Children & Youth

Adult Education

Elderly/Home Bound


Med Center





John Fletcher [email protected]

Brad Hinrichs [email protected]

Cameron Bird [email protected]

Ryan McDonald [email protected]

Kerry Lackey [email protected]

Brian Deaver [email protected]

Al Richey [email protected]

Paul Vaughan [email protected]

Mike Coulson [email protected]

West University Church of Christ

3407 Bissonnet Houston, TX 77005

Office 713.666.3535 Footsteps (Mothers Day Out) 713.666.9403 [email protected]

Coming Events

Jan. 15 - Impact Houston Staff/

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Jan. 31 - Backpacking Interest Meeting

Feb. 7 - Church-Wide Fellowship


Feb. 14 - Valentine’s Day

March 20 - LTC Sunday

March 25-27 - LTC in Dallas

March 27 - Easter Sunday

April 8-10 - Family Camping at

Brazos Bend

May 7 - VBS Workday

May 8 - Mother’s Day

June 5 - VBS Volunteer Meeting

June 19 - 23 - Vacation Bible School

Last Week’s Record

A.M. Worship – 110

Contribution - $5,613.09

Coins for Christ - $318.91

Deepest Sympathy to Dan Tan & Family

Dan’s father passed away the week between Christmas and New Years.

Dan traveled to Singapore for the funeral.

Please keep Dan and his family in your prayers.

One of the times I (Daniel) was overcome by God’s

greatness was while on a camping trip. I remember

staring up at the stars and being overwhelmed by the

sheer grandness, the majesty of it all. The Milky Way,

the Big and Little Dippers, the planets and stars and

distant galaxies… And I was completely overwhelmed

by the amazing beauty and awesome greatness of it all.

The stars often stand as a way to describe the

awesomeness of God. Job, even in the midst of his pain

and suffering, describes the greatness and grandeur of

God, stating, “[God] speaks to the sun and it does not

shine; he seals off the light of the stars. He alone

stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the

sea. He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades

and the constellations of the south. He performs

wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot

be counted” (Job 9:7-10).

One of the Psalmist exclaims, “The heavens declare

the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his

hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after

night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they

use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their

voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends

of the world…” (19:1-4). The Psalmist argues that the

skies become the heralds of God’s amazing greatness to

all the world.

And another psalmist states that the skies have

thoroughly awed and inspired him, making him realize

his own smallness: “When I consider your heavens, the

work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you

have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful

of them, human beings that you care for them?” (8:3-4).

This was the verse that Buzz Aldrin was inspired to read

as he flew on Apollo 11, looking back at the earth.

God’s creation has a way of inspiring mankind to

praise, whether it is the beauty in the heavens or the

creation here on earth. For we realize that we worship a

God of great beauty, love, and joy.

Welcome to Worship

Just for Kids (a special time for children ages 3 to 10)

Call to Worship - Paul Vaughan

Worship Leader - Ryan McDonald






Communion All Christians are invited to commune with us.

Offering Guests are not expected to participate in the offering.

This is a voluntary offering.

Song (Children are dismissed to Little Lambs or God’s Flock during this song)

Scripture Reading

Acts 17:22-31


“What We Believe About God”

Daniel McGraw


Shepherd’s Prayer & Benediction “ May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless

and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord

Jesus comes with all his holy ones. ” 1 Thessalonians 3:13


Discovering and

Sharing God’s Love

January 10, 2016

Welcome to West U We’re glad you’re here to join us in worshiping God.

*Please register on one of the cards in the pew racks and place it in

the offering tray. We do not make unannounced visits but we would

like to write you and call you to welcome you and answer any

questions that you might have.

*Please write your prayer requests on a Prayer Request card and

place it in the offering tray.

*We have an attended nursery west of the foyer for babies.

*During the assembly, we invite your children up to the age of eight

to participate in a learning time on their level.

*You are invited to attend one of our LIFE groups that meet this

evening at the various locations listed on page two.

*You are invited to attend our Wednesday Bible Studies at 6:30.

Page 2: News & Prayers January 10, 2016 - West University Church ......2016/01/01  · “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 Come join us in The Bible Land

We invite you to visit

Sermon Audios

You may also find links

(Free Sermon CDs available in the foyer or through the office.)

This evening, you are invited

to meet with any of these LIFE groups.

Please call the leader if you would like

more information or need directions.

1. All ages: Hilton Merritt leads a group that meets at 5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall here in the building.

([email protected]; 281-546-1170).

2. Families with children: Jim and Lou Ann Taylor lead a group for families with children that meets at 5 at their home at

1328 Sue Barnett, 77018. ([email protected]; 713-416-2077).

3. All ages: Paul Vaughan and Daniel McGraw leads a group that meets at 12 noon at the Vaughans’ home at

3815 Childress St., 77005. (Paul: 281-433-1811; Daniel: [email protected], 832-312-8701.)

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Men meet for breakfast and prayer each

Tuesday morning at Chick-fil-a on SW

Freeway. From 6:15 to 6:30 is a time of

fellowship, followed by a short devotional

thought and a time of sharing and prayer. We try to end no

later than 7:15. Make plans to attend, and we hope to see you


“As iron sharpens iron,

so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Come join us in

The Bible Land Experience

Led by Dr. Calvin Warpula

March 14-24, 2016

Please call: Dr. Calvin Warpula @ 713-669-0137

Or [email protected]

Call Sara at ITC 800-247-7235

or e mail to : [email protected]

Backpacking Trip:

We had a lot of interest in the summer

backpacking trip for 2016. If you missed

the meeting, that is ok! Contact Daniel at

[email protected] for the

information you missed.

There will be another meeting on Sunday, January

31st, right after worship for those who are interested in

attending. There will be a video of the experience, as well

as a chance to ask any questions you might have about the

trip. Contact Daniel for more details.

Sunday Classes at 9:30 a.m. **Women - Avanell Merritt, Jill Mackey & Megan McGraw are teaching “The Book of James” in the Community


**Auditorium - Daniel McGraw is teaching “Ecclesiastes: Seeking Wisdom”

**Young Couples and Families - Roy Rhodes is teaching “The Book of Acts - The Gospel Unfolding” in the

Fellowship Hall

Wednesday Night Classes at 6:30 p.m. ** Fellowship Hall Class - Daniel McGraw teaches “Ephesus: A History of Faith”

** Women’s Class - “Prayer: The Practice of Awe and Intimacy” - Taught by Alicia Hinrichs

Impact Dinner On January 15th at 6PM, we are

hosting an appreciation dinner for the staff

and volunteers of Impact Houston. This

will be a wonderful opportunity to show our love to a church

and organization that is bringing the life of the Kingdom to

inner-city Houston.

Mike and Becky Coulson are organizing this event, and

they've asked the congregation to come and, if possible, to

bring a side-dish or dessert for the dinner.

Please RSVP with the Coulsons ([email protected]),

with Roy ([email protected]), or by signing the sign-up

sheet on the back table in the Foyer.

Save the Date!!

Family Camping at

Brazos Bend It’s almost time for the Annual

Family Camping trip to Brazos Bend

State Park on April 8th through April 10th.

Don’t miss this great weekend with family and

friends. So mark your calendars today.

Please watch for more information about reserving

your spot.

Join Us for a


Fellowship Luncheon Please plan to join us for a Church-Wide Fellowship

Luncheon on Sunday, February 7th, immediately

following the morning service in the Fellowship Hall.

This will be a potluck, so, please bring a main dish,

salad, side dish or dessert to share.

Invite a friend, neighbor or family member. Visitors

are always welcome.