news in brief trade i|| t/

News In Brief —Thieves who recently sto.t seventy hens from Samuel G. .vir.ure s prem- ises in Lond.'ngrove Township, Ches- ter county, pinned a no.e m the door of the poultry house in.orming him that they hau left enough lor spring hatching. —Floyd Wiggins, while ¦ n his way to a farm near iced Lion, Del., to luoiv for work, one day last week, was at- tacked by a negro who struck him on the head with .he butt o. a revolve:, knocking him down on the road. The negro went through vv iggin- pockets, taking a dollar, all the money he had. Wiggins went to a nearby farmhouse* where his wounds were dressed. —Robert Hawthorne, of the New- ark section, one day last week, killed a chicken hqwk that measured more than live feet from tip to tip of wings. —Mr. Harry Watson Sentman and Miss Martha E, Snow. both of Havre de Grace, were married on February '2B, in Baltimore, by Rev. W. T. Way, of Immanuel Reformed Episcopal Church. —The writer of a blackmailing let- ter containing a demand for SSO upon M, C. Py:e, Cashier of the West Grove National Bank, under threat of per- sonal harm to him and his young daughter, was caught last week. Mr. . vie was told to put the money in an envelope on his door step. He put an envelope there, and with three friends oened lire with shot guns uon the party who showed up, but without ef- fect. The Fugitive lost a piece of his trousers which caught on a barbed- wire fence in his fligh;. Officers, witn this clue ran d< wn Howard Buffit, aged 17, a resident of the town, who coolly admitted that he was the party wanted. In default of bail, he was sent to West Chester fail. On Monday he was tried before Indue Hemphill and was sent to the Huntingdon Reforma- tory. —Receivers were appointed in Court at Lancaster, Pa., on Saturday for the Lancaster, Oxford & Southern R. R.. in accord with a move to sell the prop- erty to a syndicate represented by George B, Alice & Co., of Philadel- phia. There is talk 1 i converting the road into a trolley line for freight and pasenger service and electrifying it with power ,rom McCall's Ferry. Never can tell when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut. bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. I homas' Ec- lectic Oil instantly relieves the pain—- quickly cures the wound. —Mrs. Mattie W, Baker, who has sold her residence in Havre de Grace to the managers of the proposed hos- pi al in that city, has purchased J. Howard Taylor's property, on South Washington street, to which she wV J remove on. April 1. —Fishermen look for a good sh; a ! season in the Susquehanna and aloi . the upper bay shore. "Had dvspepsia or biliousness ¦ <j se years. No appetite, and what 1 d jj eat distressed me terribly. liurdocq Blood Bitters cured me. .l 11 \\ a ker, Sunbury, Ohio. __ —Lawrence Roberts, i New Vo rue has purchase dthe Pennington farm c Sassafras river tor SIO,OOO and w* make extensive improsemen - on Ulfll property. ,|j The Harford County Commissiot ers have raised the assessment of th e B. & O. and the P., B. & W. R. R.'s from $22,000 to $25,000 a mile. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S OASTO R I A —Mr. Harry Ross, of Lapidum, and Miss Laura V. Clooke, i f Havre de Grace, the latter a pupil in the High School and said to be but 16 years of age, left that city on the 12:46 train last Tuesday and were married at the home of the groom’s sister in Balti- more on the following day. Don't let the baby suffer from ec- zema, sores or any itching of the skin. Doan's; Ointment gives instant re lief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe for children. All druggists sell 11. —The Kent News says:—"Two wills o', the late Samuel Hurlock have been found, the last one made in tgto. Affidavits by the witnesses indicate that the will will not be admitted to probate. In this will Mrs. Spear is left S2OO a year and the e-.att to no to C. S, Hurlock. A quit deed to al! claim on the estate has been given by Mr.. Spear. Children Cry double row New way cum with check row attachment, con 2-horse Roderick Lean corn v plank roller, spring tooth, rev spike and I-horse fluke harrow 1 * tato and Oliver Chilled jws"- clover seed sower. These imp!;? 1 tnetr sections, neiween n p ITI. and 6 a. in., end make notes on the check clocks, thirty times, with ke>- placed in five boxes, fixed al regular inter- va's, along their routes. —While James 11. Hobbs was at work on a circular saw on the 'Poi- son farm, near Harden, Queen Anne’s county, one day last week, a falling pile of wood knocked him against the teeth of the saw. Hi- narrowly escap- ed being cut in twain, and. a- i: was, his left arm was severed. —While Eugene Cough and other workmen were pulling on; peach trees in an orchard near Centreville. one day last week, a large chain hr. ke and wound around his body. A secti n of A Reliable Remedy .. nn CATARRH £hayfever \)Ss‘W Ely’s Cream Balm y is quickly absorbed. ViVJ. M Gives Rebel al Once. ”'* l * ckfiW It cleanses, soothes, M. heals and protects the diseased mem- brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away aCold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm fur use in atomizers 75 cts. Ely Brothers. 56 Warren Street, New York. The Kindt Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature ot - and has been made under his per- , '-*uxSv% S-Ccti Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-a. H-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of t M Jr The Kind You Have Always Bought dn Use For Over 30 Years. CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY•TR'ICT, MIWYORR CITY- Mission Sunday In Elkton M. E. Church Elkton M. E. Church was crowded on Sunday evening when the collec- tions during the year for missionary ntirp ses were announced and a spec- ial program was rendered by pupils of 'he Sunday School, which was as fol- lows: Cho-ns 1 School Prayer Pastor Chorus School Recitation Little Missionar) Emily Pierson Class Exercise .. .Miller Davis and Ralph Jeffers Chorus Carry the Sun igh Class Recitation Little Helpers Evelyn Sparklin S' ng Every Little He'ps Class R<cila:io' V( ur Mi-sion Jeannette Wes ter field. Si it ' Stars for Jesus Ri citati' n Open Door Elizabeth Sparklin o o Send Out the Sunlight Gladys Westerfield Recitation. Who’ll buy a Share of China Ethel Vincent Song Scattering Roses Class Reel atiott India's Need Sarah Bowen : Song ....Scatter Love Like Flowers Class Come; Solo Forrest MacMillan i Declamation ... Teddy’s Partnership ' Earl Qiieck i | Chorus School Benediction The following table shows the col- | lections from the several classes of the Sunday School for Home and Foreign Mission- and total amounts contnbut- ; cd:— I Teacher Home Missions Total Mi-- Mary Terre'l. .$3.67 $441 SB.OB 1 ilar.y Biddle 4.21 5,31 9.52 Miss Helen Pierson, 208 4.55 6.63 E. P. Price 10.02 14.24 30.2 C Mi s Grace Wells.. 4.72 11.28 1600 Pastor'- Class 22.20 6371 86.11 I Miss Carrie Ricketts 1420 17.00 31.20 Miss Lydia Terrell.. 8.10 23.01 31 it Mrs. J. H. Groves.. 6.92 19.09 2601 1 I II Deibert 8.10 7.86 16.02 Mi-s Li lle Alexander 8.17 12.13 2030 Miss Gertrude Smith. 13.74 16,56 30.30 1 Mrs. Vinsiuger 7.55 12.26 198! Mrs. Westerlie d... 14.27 23.79 38.06 I M’ss RehaWitworlh 5.25 6.77 12.02 1 Miss Mary Strickland 6.14 9.46 15.60 1 Miss Lizzie Wahnsley 2.25 3.10 535 I Henry Vinsiuger .19.95 2830 48,25 Miss Hattie Terrell. 7.55 11.58 19.13 Miss Ada Wit worth. 10.28 12.72 23.00 Miss Jennie Realty. 7.19 10.13 1732 ' Infant Class 18,78 26.54 45.32 211.60 343.80 555.40 I Basket Collection. 10.81 1 t $35461 Marriage Licenses 1 Walter A. Jackson and Frances A. 1 Ommett, both of Elk Mills. , William Bra .inn Morris and Anna Long, both of Rising Sun, II wai;d O. Reynolds and Leona F. i Reyn 'Ms. both of Rising Sun. s l owland. Pyle and Mabel Pearl Richardson, b th of Rising Sun. 5 1 con e E. Logan, of Pleasant .1. and Elizabe.h C. Shivery, of Childs. T utf sPills After eating, persons of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking ore of these pills. If you have been ; DRINKING TOO MUCH, they *vlll promptly relieve the nausea, 5 SICK HEADACHE —u and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy (eel- -1 Ings. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. the chain struck him in the face break- ing his upper jawbone in two places and inflicting ether painful hurts. His right knee cap was .aid pen, and his leg injured serious, I v, His physicians look (nr his recovery, though he is as yet but little improved. —Chesapeake Citv Grange will en- tertain Pomona County Grange on Thursday, April 20 Constipation causes headache, nau- sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpita- tion. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, the hnvupls and don’t cure. °s..“ Home Office. 100 BROADWAY, N. Y. , e r gam 1 u GEORGE A. BLAKE, ( N *' Elkton, Mo. d. torney for Cecil County, Maryland >ay. id this I - (- Bills r- ton. 3 65 Days Ah ¦J , ... / 4 cool if he doesn t Henry .. e.- —Tht Pennsylvania Railroad has or- dered the construction of 25 K-2 loco- motives for passenger service at its Juniata Shops, which have a capacity of 18 engines a month The shops are about completing another order for 25 similar locomotives given several weeks agi I hese engines are said to be the heaviest and finest type used in the passenger service, and work on the last order will begin probab’y some time in April. Middletov n pays $2500 year';. .11 road lanes and receive- Soco from the Levy Court lor the mai erance ¦ f its streets. Citizens are m ving se- cure legislat n 1 dit l that the ti wn le given all nr a fair pr portion of the road luxe- paid 1., re-; lent? fir street purposes Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A ST O R I A— The Baltime re and Peach Bottom .slate Conipat". -. about trying a new method ol eett . - s-tg mater- ial. Hereto Ire the practice has been to remove the earth covering the lay- er- of slate rock which ha- proved ini e cost'v I he rrmtoanv has had a tunnel made Kxioxboo 'Vet through which tc. reach the slate veins and hope 1 . * le mw plan P 'aigely re- duce the first -t f the commercial! ar.iele WHA'I IS A COLD in the head? Nothin gto worry .1 to ut : . u treat it with Ely s Cream Bain Neglected, the cold may gn w in:• ca.arrh, and the air passages it si inflamed that you have to fight for every breath. It is true that Eh s Cream Balm mas.ers catarrh, prompt.;, But 11 know the old sa.,nig abort the nice <1; preven- tion. TTuuelore use Cream Balm when the c 'd in the tad sin w- itself. All druggis ¦, m - •• by Ely Bros., sb \>arren street. New York. —Police i; Wilmington are on the 1 okout for pi 1 ruler, stolen by burglars who have Teen 1 -caking into the homes : if regular arm . r fficers at Fort du- ! I nl. Di law; -e City, which it is 1 thoueh may le recovered in Wilming- . o n pawn she.] s Detective Charles Gillen, <1 Kcu- nett Square, has 11 dbwr three ' six chicken thieves who have been oper- vtingt extent ¦ly Marylan . row Delaware (arms They won dti le the s'o.len fowls t Wilmin"ton and sell tin-in to a dealt r wht . it is said, is well known to the police of that city The three located at Kennel: Square were trying to elude Office! C. C. Be wman, of Aberdeen, who was on the lookout for them on charges preferred in Har- -5 ford county John C Laßue, who is * m jail at We st Chester, tipped the offi- j cers as to the whereabouts o', the gang. 1 One was arrested but was liberated on a oronii-e to appear when wanted. The officers will try to c rral tht gang. CECIL WHIG, ELKTON, MAHYLAND, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1911 Wood’s Trade Mark Clover and I|| Crass Seeds best qualities obtainable. Sow Clover and Grass seeds in March on your fall-sown Wheat or other grain crops. '•Wood’s Crop tells the ad- S pedal" vantages of these seedings, and gives prices and seasonable infor- mation each month about all Farm seeds. ‘‘Wood’s Crop Special" and Descriptive Seed Catalog mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD fit SONS _ Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. rag LU'TON'S I! CARPET WEAVER cherry mu We Buy Carpet Rags Call orAddress, iv. McDowell maW-tf CAP-DE-dRIP lias relieved many of severe COLDS. LaGRIPPK and NEURALGIA. Why not YOU? Try them. Because they are composed of medicines dem- onstrated by years of experience of physicians to be the best. "Parr Bros.—Please send me a box of CAP-DR- GRIP. 25c. It is FINK, and is all you CLAIM It to be. Please send me a few samples that I may give them to my friends, and oblige Mrs. L.” A Trial will convince. That which Mrs. L.. says is true. We guarantee satisfaction or refund the money. Price 25c at Drug Stores. Free, a sample from 25feb 3u Parr Bros. Govans, Baltimore. Md. 1 WINDSOR HOTEL I - ¦ W. T. BRUBAKER, Manager. ¦ M Midway between Broad M ' I Street Station and Beading I M Terminal on Filbert Street. M 4 ¦ European, Si.oo per day and up ¦ ¦ Am ica.n, 52.50 per day and up ¦ [ H The only moderate priced hotel of re- H ¦ putation and coneyuence in H " ¦ PHILADELPHIA I I Winter SKIN Trouble jf vou f*ee from the clipping, cracking an I toughening of your skin which follows exposer lo the incle- ment weath* rof vinter, tou must 1 take a little care of your akin. | St. Regis Cold Cream "It melti on the skin*' Prevents and Cures all coni weather skin troubles and irritations, healing chaps and skin cracks, softening and smoothing rough skin, and nourishing dry. starving skin tissue. Sold in 10c collapsible lubes and in 25c and 50c jars. For hale by leading druggists everywhere Manufactured solely by 1 1HE SI. REGIS DRUG CO., Philadelphia, Pa. ENTERPRISE MACHINE WORKS GEORGE McQUILKIN, Proprietor Engines, Boilers, Shafting, Steam Heating, Steam Bumps, Pulleys and Gearing and General Mac-hint Work HIOP AND BRIDGE STREETS Elkton, Maryland Ung Distance Telephone 5A July 14 ) yr Mew Malay Opium Uure Being Distributed Free by a New York Society. Co-operating with missions in Malay- ski ’.he Windsor Laboratories of Mew An k have secured a supply of the won- dcrio) combretum plant, which has done so much to revolutionize the treatment of the opium habit. A generous supply of the new remedy, together with full instructions for its use. ai d United States consular reports nearing on the subject will be sent to any sufferer. To ob ain a free supply el this remedy and the consular reports, id-essWindsor LeboraP ries.Kranch 28 i Kost s>stb Street v..n- Vork Cl*’- Electric! Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, us thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it as the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter. - T/msm f \ iTflour Finest in the World Made at WINONA, MINNESOTA G. F. OLIVER, Disimura. AIKIN, MD. ? - * vf i >.Atourniny a Specialty <s9 *’ LENA L. WILSON, FINANCIAL Satisfactory ervice Our Certificates of Deposit are a most convenient form of investment. We are glad lo issue them in any amount de- sired—just the amount you wish to invest. There are no legal papers to prepare, enter, release or satisfy; nor commissions to pay. Vou can get the principal at any time; and interest at 3* 2 per cent.l per annum in addi- | tion if the deposit remains the lime specified in the certificate. THE National Bank ot Rising Sun MARYLAND 11. 11. II A INKS, PRMIDBNT ( HAS. M. I’YI.K, V-I'HKH, AND ('ASHIRR M. K. KLOI'NHEHS, AM NT. Cahiiii:h Have Your Property Insured TKc Citizen s Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF CECIL COUNTY Will protect your property for little cost Call and see our representatives, JAS. S. HOPPER, Chesapeake City. JNO. C HINDMAN, Rising-Sun. W. T. FRYER, Colora. J. D. WEST, Port Deposit. Home Office, ELKTON MD. Feb. 22-lyr Cecil National Bank Of Port Deposit, Md. Capital, - $50,000 Surplus, - 535,000 Deposits are the lifeblood of a bank, it is the people who furnish this lifeblood. We take the liberty to ask your continu- ed support and co-operation alongthese lines; we will appreciate your account be it much or little; we feel that this bank has fully demonstrated to its pa- trons and the public generally its ability to meet all requirements. The official figures show the amount of |763,000.00 as paid in dividends to its stockholders since its organization as a National Bank. K. V. STOCKHAM, L. G. WHITE, President. Cashier. T. C. BOND Jr. Asst. Cashier. FINANCIAL THE Second National Bank OF ELKTON NO. 4162 We receive accounts of Corporations, Firms or Individuals, and will be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. Interest paid on Certificates of De- , posit remaining 6 months. Safe Deposit Drawers in Fire-proof Vault for rent at $2, $3 and $5 per year, as to size. Depositors living at a distance from, the Bank can send remittances by maff safely, which will be promptly acknowl- edged by return mail. Discount Day, Monday of each week.. Inquiries will be promptly answered, and any information relative to business cheerfully given. WM. T. WARBURTON, President JAMES J. ARCHER, V.-President I. D. DAVIS, Cashier apr tt-J yr I 191 IN THE REAR NOW Did you save what you could ? Did you spend too much? How about 1911? Yon owe yourself not only what you earn but also what you can ' save. You can start a Savings Ac- count here with any amount— Jl up. Deposit any time, any sum. We pay 3yi per cent, interest on what you save. THE. NATIONAL BANK of PORT DE.POSIT TO TRESPASSERS Treapaaalug, gunning and flailing on CHOWDER HALL FARM, la atrlctly pro- hibited. Peraona ao doing will be protocoled Oct 071 yr V. 0. BUTLER. Owner BLJBeet Coa\ in tb£ TOlorto for Ucatinp an& Cooking purpogeg You can’t equal it for clear, steady heat and general satisfaction. No dirt, no clinkers; no annoyance is sold with our coal— only well- screened, high-grade coal will burn just as you want it. YOU CAN’T BEAT OUR PRICES ANY MORE THAN YOU CAN OUR COAL 1& flMUer lumber Co. tl&ton, nDar^lanfc

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News In Brief—Thieves who recently sto.t seventy

hens from Samuel G. .vir.ure s prem-ises in Lond.'ngrove Township, Ches-ter county, pinned a no.e m the door

of the poultry house in.orming himthat they hau left enough lor springhatching.

—Floyd Wiggins, while ¦ n his wayto a farm near iced Lion, Del., to luoivfor work, one day last week, was at-

tacked by a negro who struck him onthe head with .he butt o. a revolve:,knocking him down on the road. Thenegro went through vv iggin- pockets,taking a dollar, all the money he had.Wiggins went to a nearby farmhouse*where his wounds were dressed.

—Robert Hawthorne, of the New-ark section, one day last week, killeda chicken hqwk that measured morethan live feet from tip to tip of wings.

—Mr. Harry Watson Sentman andMiss Martha E, Snow. both of Havrede Grace, were married on February

'2B, in Baltimore, by Rev. W. T. Way,of Immanuel Reformed EpiscopalChurch.

—The writer of a blackmailing let-

ter containing a demand for SSO upon

M, C. Py:e, Cashier of the West GroveNational Bank, under threat of per-sonal harm to him and his youngdaughter, was caught last week. Mr.. vie was told to put the money in anenvelope on his door step. He put anenvelope there, and with three friendsoened lire with shot guns uon theparty who showed up, but without ef-fect. The Fugitive lost a piece of histrousers which caught on a barbed-wire fence in his fligh;. Officers, witnthis clue ran d< wn Howard Buffit,aged 17, a resident of the town, whocoolly admitted that he was the party

wanted. In default of bail, he was sentto West Chester fail. On Monday hewas tried before Indue Hemphill andwas sent to the Huntingdon Reforma-tory.

—Receivers were appointed in Courtat Lancaster, Pa., on Saturday for theLancaster, Oxford & Southern R. accord with a move to sell the prop-erty to a syndicate represented byGeorge B, Alice & Co., of Philadel-phia. There is talk 1 i converting theroad into a trolley line for freight andpasenger service and electrifying itwith power ,rom McCall's Ferry.

Never can tell when you'll mash afinger or suffer a cut. bruise, burn orscald. Be prepared. Dr. I homas' Ec-lectic Oil instantly relieves the pain—-quickly cures the wound.

—Mrs. Mattie W, Baker, who hassold her residence in Havre de Graceto the managers of the proposed hos-pi al in that city, has purchased J.Howard Taylor's property, on SouthWashington street, to which she wV Jremove on. April 1.

—Fishermen look for a good sh; a !season in the Susquehanna and aloi .

the upper bay shore."Had dvspepsia or biliousness ¦ <j se

years. No appetite, and what 1 d jjeat distressed me terribly. liurdocqBlood Bitters cured me. —.l 11 \\ aker, Sunbury, Ohio.


—Lawrence Roberts, i New Voruehas purchase dthe Pennington farm cSassafras river tor SIO,OOO and w*make extensive improsemen - on Ulfllproperty. ,|j

The Harford County Commissioters have raised the assessment of th e

B. & O. and the P., B. & W. R. R.'sfrom $22,000 to $25,000 a mile.

Children Cry


OASTO R I A—Mr. Harry Ross, of Lapidum, and

Miss Laura V. Clooke, i f Havre deGrace, the latter a pupil in the HighSchool and said to be but 16 years ofage, left that city on the 12:46 trainlast Tuesday and were married at thehome of the groom’s sister in Balti-more on the following day.

Don't let the baby suffer from ec-zema, sores or any itching of the skin.Doan's; Ointment gives instant relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe forchildren. All druggists sell 11.

—The Kent News says:—"Two willso', the late Samuel Hurlock have beenfound, the last one made in tgto.

Affidavits by the witnesses indicatethat the will will not be admitted toprobate. In this will Mrs. Spear isleft S2OO a year and the e-.att to noto C. S, Hurlock. A quit deed to al!claim on the estate has been given byMr.. Spear.

Children Crydouble row New way cum

with check row attachment, con2-horse Roderick Lean corn vplank roller, spring tooth, revspike and I-horse fluke harrow 1 *

tato and Oliver Chilled ’ jws"-

clover seed sower. These imp!;? 1

tnetr sections, neiween n p ITI. and6 a. in., end make notes on the checkclocks, thirty times, with ke>- placedin five boxes, fixed al regular inter-va's, along their routes.

—While James 11. Hobbs was atwork on a circular saw on the 'Poi-son farm, near Harden, Queen Anne’scounty, one day last week, a fallingpile of wood knocked him against theteeth of the saw. Hi- narrowly escap-ed being cut in twain, and. a- i: was,his left arm was severed.

—While Eugene Cough and otherworkmen were pulling on; peach treesin an orchard near Centreville. oneday last week, a large chain hr. ke andwound around his body. A secti n of

A Reliable Remedy..

nnCATARRH £hayfever \)Ss‘WEly’s Cream Balm y

is quickly absorbed. ViVJ. MGives Rebel al Once. ”'*l*ckfiW

It cleanses, soothes, M.heals and protectsthe diseased mem-brane resulting from Catarrh and drivesaway aCold in the Head quickly. Restoresthe Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size50 cts. at Druggists or by mail. LiquidCream Balm fur use in atomizers 75 cts.Ely Brothers. 56 Warren Street, New York.

The Kindt Ton Have Always Bought, and which has beenin use for over 30 years, has borne the signature ot

- and has been made under his per-,

'-*uxSv% S-Ccti Allowno one to deceive you In this.All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-a. H-good” are butExperiments that trifle with and endanger the health ofInfants and Children—Experience against Experiment.

What is CASTORIACastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare*goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Itcontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcoticsubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wormsand allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and WindColic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipationand Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates theStomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.


Bears the Signature of t

M Jr

The Kind You Have Always Boughtdn Use For Over 30 Years.


Mission Sunday In Elkton M. E. ChurchElkton M. E. Church was crowded

on Sunday evening when the collec-tions during the year for missionaryntirp ses were announced and a spec-ial program was rendered by pupils of'he Sunday School, which was as fol-lows:

Cho-ns 1 SchoolPrayer PastorChorus SchoolRecitation Little Missionar)

Emily PiersonClass Exercise

.. .Miller Davis and Ralph JeffersChorus Carry the Sun igh

ClassRecitation Little Helpers

Evelyn SparklinS' ng Every Little He'ps

ClassR<cila:io' V( ur Mi-sion

Jeannette Wes ter field.Si it ' Stars for JesusRi citati' n Open Door

Elizabeth Sparklino o Send Out the Sunlight

Gladys WesterfieldRecitation. Who’ll buy a Share of China

Ethel VincentSong Scattering Roses

ClassReel atiott India's Need

Sarah Bowen: Song ....Scatter Love Like Flowers

ClassCome; Solo Forrest MacMillan

i Declamation ... Teddy’s Partnership' Earl Qiieck

i | Chorus SchoolBenediction

The following table shows the col-| lections from the several classes of the

Sunday School for Home and ForeignMission- and total amounts contnbut-

; cd:—

I Teacher Home Missions TotalMi-- Mary Terre'l. .$3.67 $441 SB.OB

1 ilar.y Biddle 4.21 5,31 9.52Miss Helen Pierson, 208 4.55 6.63E. P. Price 10.02 14.24 30.2 CMi s Grace Wells.. 4.72 11.28 1600Pastor'- Class 22.20 6371 86.11

I Miss Carrie Ricketts 1420 17.00 31.20Miss Lydia Terrell.. 8.10 23.01 31 it

Mrs. J. H. Groves.. 6.92 19.09 26011 I II Deibert 8.10 7.86 16.02

Mi-s Li lle Alexander 8.17 12.13 2030Miss Gertrude Smith. 13.74 16,56 30.30

1 Mrs. Vinsiuger 7.55 12.26 198!Mrs. Westerlie d... 14.27 23.79 38.06

I M’ss RehaWitworlh 5.25 6.77 12.021 Miss Mary Strickland 6.14 9.46 15.60

1 Miss Lizzie Wahnsley 2.25 3.10 535I Henry Vinsiuger .19.95 2830 48,25

Miss Hattie Terrell. 7.55 11.58 19.13Miss Ada ’Wit worth. 10.28 12.72 23.00Miss Jennie Realty. 7.19 10.13 1732

' Infant Class 18,78 26.54 45.32

211.60 343.80 555.40I Basket Collection. 10.81


t $35461

Marriage Licenses1 Walter A. Jackson and Frances A.

1 Ommett, both of Elk Mills., William Bra .inn Morris and Anna

Long, both of Rising Sun,II wai;d O. Reynolds and Leona F.

i Reyn 'Ms. both of Rising Sun.s l owland. Pyle and Mabel Pearl

Richardson, b th of Rising Sun.5 1 con e E. Logan, of Pleasant .1.

and Elizabe.h C. Shivery, of Childs.

TutfsPillsAfter eating, persons of a bilious habitwill derive great benefit by taking oreof these pills. Ifyou have been

; DRINKING TOO MUCH,they *vlllpromptly relieve the nausea,

5 SICK HEADACHE —uand nervousness which follows, restorethe appetite and remove gloomy (eel-

-1 Ings. Elegantly sugar coated.

Take No Substitute.

the chain struck him in the face break-ing his upper jawbone in two placesand inflicting ether painful hurts. Hisright knee cap was .aid pen, and hisleg injured serious, I v, His physicianslook (nr his recovery, though he is asyet but little improved.

—Chesapeake Citv Grange will en-tertain Pomona County Grange onThursday, April 20

Constipation causes headache, nau-sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpita-tion. Drastic physics gripe, sicken,

the hnvupls and don’t cure.

°s..“ Home Office. 100 BROADWAY, N. Y. ,

ergam 1 u

GEORGE A. BLAKE,( N *' Elkton, Mo. d.

torney for Cecil County, Maryland>ay. idthis

I- (-

Bills r-

ton. 3 65 Days Ah


... /4

cool if he doesn t Henry ..e.-

—Tht Pennsylvania Railroad has or-dered the construction of 25 K-2 loco-motives for passenger service at itsJuniata Shops, which have a capacityof 18 engines a month The shops areabout completing another order for 25similar locomotives given severalweeks agi I hese engines are said tobe the heaviest and finest type used inthe passenger service, and work onthe last order will begin probab’y sometime in April.

Middletov n pays $2500 year';. .11

road lanes and receive- Soco from theLevy Court lor the mai erance ¦ f itsstreets. Citizens are m ving :¦ se-cure legislat n 1 dit l that theti wn le given all nr a fair pr portionof the road luxe- paid 1., re-; lent? firstreet purposes

Children Cry


The Baltime re and Peach Bottom.slate Conipat". -. about trying a newmethod ol eett . • - s-tg mater-

ial. Hereto Ire the practice has beento remove the earth covering the lay-er- of slate rock which ha- provedini e cost'v I he rrmtoanv has had atunnel made Kxioxboo 'Vet throughwhich tc. reach the slate veins andhope 1 . * le mw plan P 'aigely re-duce the first -t f the commercial!ar.iele

WHA'I IS A COLD in the head?Nothin gto worry .1 to ut : . u treat itwith Ely s Cream Bain Neglected,the cold may gn w in:• ca.arrh, andthe air passages it si inflamed thatyou have to fight for every breath. Itis true that Eh s Cream Balm mas.erscatarrh, prompt.;, But 11 know theold sa.,nig abort the nice <1; preven-tion. TTuuelore use Cream Balm whenthe c 'd in the tad sin w- itself. Alldruggis ¦, m - •• by Ely Bros.,sb \>arren street. New York.

—Police i; Wilmington are on the1 okout for pi 1 ruler, stolen by burglars

’ who have Teen 1 -caking into the homes: if regular arm . r fficers at Fort du-! I nl. Di law; -e City, which it is

1 thoueh may le recovered in Wilming-. o n pawn she.] s

Detective Charles Gillen, <1 Kcu-nett Square, has 11 dbwr three ' sixchicken thieves who have been oper-vtingt extent ¦ly Marylan . rowDelaware (arms They won dti le thes'o.len fowls t Wilmin"ton and selltin-in to a dealt r wht . it is said, is wellknown to the police of that city Thethree located at Kennel: Square weretrying to elude Office! C. C. Be wman,of Aberdeen, who was on the lookoutfor them on charges preferred in Har-

-5 ford county John C Laßue, who is* m jail at We st Chester, tipped the offi-

j cers as to the whereabouts o', the gang.1 One was arrested but was liberated on

a oronii-e to appear when wanted. The’ officers will try to c rral tht gang.


Wood’s Trade Mark

Clover and I||Crass Seedsbest qualities obtainable.

Sow Clover and Grass seedsin March on your fall-sownWheat or other grain crops.

'•Wood’s Crop tells the ad-S pedal" vantages of

these seedings, and givesprices and seasonable infor-mation each month about allFarm seeds.‘‘Wood’s Crop Special" andDescriptive Seed Catalog

mailed free on request.

T. W. WOOD fit SONS _

Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va.

rag LU'TON'S I!CARPETWEAVER cherry muWe Buy Carpet Rags

Call orAddress, iv. McDowellmaW-tf

CAP-DE-dRIPlias relieved many of severe

COLDS. LaGRIPPK and NEURALGIA.Why not YOU? Try them.

Because they are composed of medicines dem-onstrated by years of experience of physiciansto be the best.

"Parr Bros.—Please send me a box of CAP-DR-GRIP. 25c. It is FINK, and is all you CLAIM Itto be. Please send me a few samples that I maygive them to my friends, and oblige Mrs. L.”

A Trial will convince. That which Mrs. L.. saysis true. We guarantee satisfaction or refund themoney. Price 25c at Drug Stores. Free, a samplefrom25feb 3u Parr Bros. Govans, Baltimore. Md.

1 WINDSOR HOTEL I -¦ W. T. BRUBAKER, Manager. ¦M Midway between Broad M 'I Street Station and Beading IM Terminal on Filbert Street. M 4¦ European, Si.oo per day and up ¦¦ Am ica.n, 52.50 per day and up ¦ [H The only moderate priced hotel of re- H¦ putation and coneyuence in H "¦ PHILADELPHIA I

I Winter SKIN Troublejf vou f*ee from the clipping,cracking an I toughening of your skinwhich follows exposer lo the incle-ment weath* rof vinter, tou must 1take a little care of your akin. |

St. Regis Cold Cream"Itmelti on the skin*'

Prevents and Cures all coni weatherskin troubles and irritations, healingchaps and skin cracks, softening andsmoothing rough skin, and nourishing

dry. starving skin tissue. Sold in 10ccollapsible lubes and in 25c and 50cjars.

For hale by leading druggists everywhere

Manufactured solely by

1 1HE SI. REGIS DRUG CO., Philadelphia, Pa.



Engines, Boilers, Shafting, SteamHeating, Steam Bumps, Pulleysand Gearing and General Mac-hintWork


Elkton, MarylandUng Distance Telephone 5A

July 14 ) yr

Mew Malay Opium UureBeing Distributed Free by a New

York Society.Co-operating with missions in Malay-

ski ’.he Windsor Laboratories of MewAnk have secured a supply of the won-dcrio) combretum plant, which has doneso much to revolutionize the treatmentof the opium habit.

A generous supply of the new remedy,together with full instructions for itsuse. ai d United States consular reportsnearing on the subject will be sent toany sufferer. To ob ain a free supplyel this remedy and the consular reports,

id-essWindsor LeboraP ries.Kranch 28i Kost s>stb Street v..n- Vork Cl*’-


Succeed when everything else fails.In nervous prostration and femaleweaknesses they are the supremeremedy, us thousands have testified.FOR KIDNEY,LIVER AND

STOMACH TROUBLEit as the best medicine ever sold

over a druggist’s counter.


T/msmf \ iTflour

Finest in the WorldMade at


? - *

vf i

>.Atourninya Specialty <s9 *’




Our Certificates of Depositare a most convenient form of investment.We are glad lo issue them in any amount de-sired—just the amount you wish to invest.

There are no legal papers to prepare, enter,

release or satisfy; nor commissions to pay.

Vou can get the principal at any time; andinterest at 3*2 per cent.l per annum in addi- |tion if the deposit remains the lime specified

in the certificate.


National Bank ot Rising SunMARYLAND


M. K. KLOI'NHEHS, AMNT. Cahiiii:h

Have Your Property InsuredTKc Citizen s Mutual FireInsurance Company

OF CECIL COUNTYWill protect your property for little cost

Call and see our representatives,JAS. S. HOPPER, Chesapeake City.JNO. C HINDMAN, Rising-Sun.W. T. FRYER, Colora.J. D. WEST, Port Deposit.

Home Office, ELKTON MD.Feb. 22-lyr

Cecil National BankOf Port Deposit, Md.

Capital, - • $50,000

Surplus, - • 535,000

Deposits are the lifeblood of a bank,it is the people who furnish this lifeblood.We take the liberty to ask your continu-ed support and co-operation alongtheselines; we will appreciate your accountbe it much or little; we feel that thisbank has fully demonstrated to its pa-trons and the public generally its abilityto meet all requirements.

The official figures show the amountof |763,000.00 as paid in dividends to itsstockholders since its organization as aNational Bank.

K. V. STOCKHAM, L. G. WHITE,President. Cashier.

T. C. BOND Jr. Asst. Cashier.



Second National BankOF ELKTON

NO. 4162

We receive accounts of Corporations,Firms or Individuals, and willbe pleasedto meet or correspond with those whocontemplate making changes or openingnew accounts.

Interest paid on Certificates of De-, posit remaining 6 months.

Safe Deposit Drawers in Fire-proofVault for rent at $2, $3 and $5 per year,as to size.

Depositors living at a distance from,

the Bank can send remittances by maffsafely, which will be promptly acknowl-edged by return mail.

Discount Day, Monday of each week..Inquiries will be promptly answered,

and any information relative to businesscheerfully given.

WM. T. WARBURTON, PresidentJAMES J. ARCHER, V.-PresidentI. D. DAVIS, Cashier

apr tt-J yr

I 191 IN THEREAR NOWDid you save what you could ?

Did you spend too much?

How about 1911? Yon oweyourself not only what youearn but also what you can

' save.

You can start a Savings Ac-count here with any amount—Jl up. Deposit any time, anysum. We pay 3yi per cent,interest on what you save.



Treapaaalug, gunning and flailing on

CHOWDER HALL FARM, la atrlctly pro-hibited. Peraona ao doing will be protocoled

Oct 071 yr V. 0. BUTLER. Owner

BLJBeet Coa\in tb£ TOlortofor Ucatinp an& Cooking purpogeg

You can’t equal it for clear, steady heat and general satisfaction. Nodirt, no clinkers; no annoyance is sold with our coal— only well-screened, high-grade coal will burn just as you want it.


1&flMUer lumber, nDar^lanfc