new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1896-12-25. › lccn › sn83030214 › ... · "xmnec.ricnte....

"Xmnec.ricnte. ACAPfMY OF MfBir 2 B:1S- Two l.-ltii* Va«Traat. AJIF.R1, AN THKATHK -2 » A Mur f llotmr. Bl.H'U" s .>" Th' Ha\ M- Ughtfoot UROAl'XX XX tli:.X-l ItK 2 .> 17, -Hrlan r.,'111 CABlNO 2 *-','¦ .'n.'lx *n<1 - P< n»t*1'.;. OOI.1 MH! .-« THKA1RE 2:13 Btlft K«ll*n »mong Tateve* OAl.Yfx THKATHK ! The Otlaha - 18 Mae* A" ..> Aboul Nothing. , F.VF.X atl'BKE N W.xwork. and rVine* t B1IP1RK THEATRE - >:2*J K..«rmar>. riKTH IVFNfE THKAThK 2 B>l."> A Kocl of Torlun* 14TH 8TREET THKATRK S:13 The Cherry I k*Tl GAROF.N THKATRK " llea.l Hmrcm v:i) 111,-hanl III iiai.KI, k TI1EATRK J v I'. s- ... Bervtc*. ORANP OPBBA H< --I- :: S Buparb* OPBBA HOI'SE 2 8:U* x Oood TfcUtB. IIKRAI.H si.t xiti: iiirxTitr 2 8:18 Th* lllrl fi.'.n Paria. HOTTB THKATRK 2 8:30 M> Krlen.1 f.»m lnnl». IftVlNa l'i..x,-K THBATRB !> Bducated P* pl* kXK'KBRROTKRK THKATRK » Trllby. K.-siKK A- ntAL'B .-' <. Vaudevllle. I.TCKCM rHKATRE B:» Tb* Lat* M-. (aaieile. MAP1SON BQt'ARE OAROEX 11 » :r> to 11 p, m.. iSwimerclal Trav*ller*' Fair, Ml'RRAV llll.I. THEATRB 2 * Tru* lo Ufe. \i:xx METROPlll.lTAN OPERA HOt'BE S:1S Carmwi. >-I.\MPlA Ml H1C l.AI.I Vau,lH\,|le, S.l.%; WUU«f Gar- iep Bal 'hnmp. !.*, 11. PAaTOR'* ll '." ..' il VaudrvUI*. fTAR THE x l*RK ?. - Metn Traa .<« S"^ NI- 1.,'I.a:- KKATIXO R1NK aturntag. af-frnunn ar. rvfntng. WAIJ.A ix «.. j Th* xi Id'ema* 8:18 Tb. Pref***or'* Unv* Bi Jnbcx lo ^VfnicrliPrmfiits. P lf* , Co) l'a«» C ,' Anx,i**ni'--i-« s 0 Marrlagea * D*elh. 7 a Rx,, ij Reporl. .11 ,-,.,., si.«mei¦* 1<> *i l\»tmtn I...i.-.| !* 7, Hallr-ada . 8 6 IBnaend NotUea ii 8 8 Real Kstat* in 4". Par.clng -. h- « N 7. BarlnB. Rank. .11 4 .¦},¦.. .11 8 Schnol .XgenrieK. s 7. Hnan.'al Electlon*. 11 r, -.,... al Notlce*. 7 a Flnat >i li 4 Bti itnhoat* 11 >'. l-atrn i| .... B .'¦ r<a. lirr- .* Laei a.-l iml 11 fi Wtatei R*» M* 7, Bntinrtt UTotuet. ftflBtrXB TERXa TO MAIL BUBSCBIBtaU. Pallr. 'i" h x-nt *! rrr meath. Dally, m ih ni Knnday «s * ,ear !*> -erifa per month. Su-ir?a-. Trlbur 8". . year, Wceklr. Bl. P»mi Weektr, .* POBTAO& i'iir;, prataa* charged to forelgn conntrle*. rar pt^aVii ,-.. anaea, «nd *n .'* dally in Kew- X'er^ <i», P.EMITT.XMNT-;< f .ent ln ra^h. ur.-ap^tixrP(i. wlll h* at .h* r»n.:'a ri.-k BJA1B FPTOWN OFVICB. I -'12 Broadway. Deaalewa Offl,-*. IM Ka**an ^, AMFRK-xvs ABBOAP wlll Bad Tb* Ti ll>un* *?: London r>*flr» ef The Trlhuee, 77, FW St.. 9. C M« R-,-« A .> BsHrwHiMneai Tt^:i-e. n C. Rmn-n. '",. .,:,) x- ,-A 54 \.t Pifort S- Tfco*a*» .¦-1. x Bnn. I^ilgai* C'reoa * F*r,» J \- ll ¦. ,X- fr. T TX >r 4-erlb*. T, ,.,.,-e. ,r , <ta n,» txo provenra Mrpti lta'V» * (-¦. 31 i:iJI«.varn lt.i\:««mnnn. .-ier-ii I.- ,,, ia. |t;-r..|i .lo^lKirn-icera. Taemai r ¦'. .<. Bei i Placa'd* '.'Op*ra 0*n*\a -Lntnbard. Odler A CO. and l'n;.n Bar.k. Flore-r*. B'Mlbxr X- >,. ?tenn* Anglo An.trlan Bank, St. p*t*i«i..ire Frmli t.ronnal*. The 1.,n^.-, PlDee »,f The T'lt-m" n rer.v»n'*r.t plar* io i,>vi. adver.1a»menti atv] «'i'>*erlption*. r i a. ,,? T','- Trlreia* imr. he bonghl ln I/^rflen frem Ve««r«. Snan a i,«.-,-h. Northumberland »v*., dtrectly op jn.l-. .»» flrand Hot*l POUIxTDED EY HORACE OB1ZLIT FRIDAT, DKI KMI.KK 2.1, l«hL .iiiE NEwa this yoBXixo. PORCltlN Knrktue Delgadu, a New-York newepapei i*orreapoiideni, is ;. prl8*»ner In Ha- xanu. charged \xiih belng a robel olllcer. r,mm||.(J, -,.-.;.i ]...- l-rr l',,it Tampa ror Ha¬ vana. A mutlnj -,r Turklsh trnopfl ot- .-uircil al Mondanla, n the riVa of Mannora: the Boldlera a-ere parlfied when parl *.f ihelr ha.-k pay and aome new i-lothea had been s'veti lhen. t>OME8TIC The rx-hoomr *'alxin B. Orcutl and all her t-rea ..,¦>.- i,,-i ln the atorm at Chat- l-.Hiii Maaa The Caluinei ,-''at. Hank at Blue Isl.itid. III.. ralled; Ihe flnamlal alluathm in Chlcago baa Improved. Major Mt-Kin- lev and Mra. McKlnley wenl alelgh rldlna In Canton. The Boaton Btrt*ei rallwaya were lled up bj a ptrike Bx-Congreseman \V H. Hat, h dled al hla home In Hannlbal, Mo. An expreaa tra.n on the Chlcago an.l Al- loa Rallroad .\a.-- held up ..nd robbed at ihe famoua Blue Cul, near Independence, Mo. .'ITY The reporl of the Committee ,,n Drafl of Charter of the Oreater New-York Commlaakin «a* iiia.l.- pul lie The Board ..f Eatlmate made appropiiatlona for the Dletrlcl-Attorney'a and Regiater'a "(li' -.- Charlea R, Klinl an-1 blscoarhman were Ihi iwn from Mr. FHut's (Utte- bj a runaa'aj horae. but n-i'.h-t naa hurt. Stwka loaed higher. THE \\i:\THi:i: Korecaal for t,,-,i;.x Pair; xxarti.-r lo-r.lght. The temperatun yeaterday: Hlgheat, -l degreea low. -'. 7. iixvragi-, !.">. THI. PROPOSED city charter. 1 ii tbe I-.-}* .ri |.i-.-|'.-ir.-'l i.y ibe Couiiuitl.n l>r;ifi for aiibniiaaiion lo ibe .;.-,.ii.i- New-York Charter llommlBBloo tbe proposetl i-barter la Do< il..;ilt wlth aa a flnnlity, Ita t'loalag aeateuee ia aa followa: "We auhtnll Ihe r.-Mili lo ihe jmlgiueui "of ihe romnibviion and lo ibe people of Ibe ''.-Diiiiiiiiiillk»a luvolveil, iii ihe exjieclation Ibal 'Hiiy aerloiiM error or defeel may i»- <-.>i-i-.-«-:*-.| ..bc'',,i-.. ibe i-barter > paaaed." Tlie >jii!it >..'' lii.-u Dtteranee la admirable. Tbe eonimlttee ih*-> ii..; exaggerale n*ben ll aays lhal "lo drafl "a charter t',»r sn,;. a eltj baa I.:i .i work raai "in extent, Intrlcale lu iletall, .'.ml far-reafblna "in iixx ronaequeuctpB." The diflDeultlea of Ibe xxurk were Increaaed by Ibe elreuniaiaiii'ea la xvl.i<-!i ibe CoinmlBBloii xxas ereated and tbe llm- jteil tlme iii xvhi.-li ii bad io be perforuied, The mmmily waa preaented lo ili<- people of iii*- coiu- munltiea affet-ted >.f a deiermioatlon of Ibe fael of eooBol Itlatlon lo adrance nf tbe determiuatlon nf iba* *«-:-11j . of i"onaolldatlon. Then a r..iin.r-» e;,.n waaeoUBtituted wlth insii iii-ti. ii» to prepare a .-li.-iri.T al ;i ii\.'.l date an.l wllli a .debnite lin-it I,. ii-> oxxii exlatenee. S.-ani llme xxav af. farded f«r fhe Btudt *.f ajatenia <d' munli-lpnl ggreruluenl .-iml for ii..- dellberallon whleh ahould )*. a prereqnlalte lo aai-h an undertaklug. The llme baa uol rome for paHaiug a eompre- beoBire jmlgiueui ..n ibe i-barter aa drawn up |ajr |].uiti11 ,-. Unlj B part ..f It lia> jrel I,-,-; .ii.|i],-i,.!. altbougii ibe t-omuiliiee'* re port. wbleli xx preaeni i>. our reader* wiihoiil ahbfevbiilon ihln .uluai, aumniarlaea all lia liuportani provlslona. The rnembera ol ibet'oin- BBlon. and .!. ;,..: r.< ii!i' Ibe alx .-oUl|ioitlug tln- Couiaitttei "ii lirafi. are eutltled i-onllal ..I ,.. ,i ihe dillgeu.-t' aud rare \-.iii--l. ihey bare d'splnyi-d In ihe dlM'barge ><t Ihelr liup**r lani duiii - ':.'' H'pori i'~ ;? .. ;| wodel of xx aui-h a ,h..-iii.i.iit abtuihl i»-. liav.tii' "'.x loual) l,ii-t' |)re|i,irt*d i.y i«ae |*ua*>ea.x4lu|i ln b rare uegree iba ari "f irr;i<«|»lng Iba Ballcul polnta of a aub _;,. .; .;:,,. .. || thi m forth l.'--,.!'.. Iu ibe i}| ,.,r N'i-.x Vork we are lu bave a MnilMpa! Aaaemldj of '¦"<> bouaea, contalnlnij rvapeiilrely 1«H aud '¦'-' memliera: .-i Mayor wllli UBicatrlricd |»ower .>f apjiolntlua tbe head* of departiuent. and wllli tbe ahaolnte power uf r*- aaOTil di rlna tbe flrsi >i.\ luoutb* of bl* lerm; tivp bofoiigl - ii my :\x>. local boaril* me for ench Kenate dlatricl; a Bhard ..f Publl. ln l.i-or* n.cir- eomprlaloj alx Importanl deparl uien!*.; a Law DepartmeBl t«i look after al! ihe laxv bualneaa ..f tbe clty. aml a reniral Board of K.lncaii*di. a'lth Urt Borongli s, ii..,! Boarda. The only bead of .l.-paiim.-i;; lo !>¦¦ ebn-ied I* Coniroller. The comroltte* baa eonferred ex- lenalve powera oa Ihf rl -.. aod ha« wlsely pro- vidr-d tba all fram-hlaea Inrolriui ibe uae of ihe ptablk x.-r,.|.ts ahall bt arraBtaaj the form <-f a tfatar f< r n.'i mor.' tl>.i» twenty flv-- y. n - With Bun*' <<f 'Iip ptwrlalona of the rharti r aa drafled faull wlll iiii.l'.ul.te.n.v I..- fninl Tbe etaabmlttee makea n-> clalm t.. barlng erolred a pajffact pleoa of xv.irl;. Tha ont4!omt of Ita da- i:iK-raii'-iis xvill i.c a«bj>cted k. i-.-x i.-xx |ral i.y :he I'linrl'M- ConmhaBaOaj aa n i.<».ly ainl tli'i. bf tiie lawnniKiiii.' pBW#»W. Anieicilent t.. l.otl.. la- dii.l. will »»e Iba ajeavaral pabllc .-liii.-'-n. but* to be prov-.k*'*!. fOC xviil-li pri-parniloii ln.-- l»> >'ii Hlflde 111 Ib* HII'HI!H»'''l*'l"s 'Of |Hll»li<- lieillill^'K sMin Bflfr tlie lieRinniiix.' "f Ithf DfW y*ar. Al thptiaTh the iime ***f abort, II la erlae.fpr tha Jofnuilsalonera to proTlde for su,-)i iioarinu* an.l luvlta comuient on tiieir wark. .Now Uiat cou BOlldataM !s seeiningly inevit.iHe. lt ls Iha (l'".v nf all i-oneeini.l to ilr, ererytblng in Uatlr nower to gire tin- comlnft fraal cltjr ibe !>».*< enartev potatibte. Toward lhal Md are belleve ihe aaon who have prepared Ihe piaactil draf) have ln- horad earneatly, :m,i are adoeerely i«M'<" they wlll in- fonr.,1 to have labored wlaaly. i FE8TIYAL OF BBOTBBBROOD. !t is no loager ¦ q«M»tlou rhethet CbrlaituaB- Hiiv ahall be olmerved. Kor nol oaly <b» Ohrta- llana generally ohaerve it. i><" people arho nn- md Clirisliins nt nll lioiior it. al lcnst n* B ao. iai hollday. The parneal rhriatlana <.r b BeneraUon ago who loohed npon Un* 6a* ¦¦ * aon of EVrplah aattiriialla whkh do iroe ("liris- liiin onghl to ohaerve, have altber ilic.i or .<.- rlaed thelr «»|.inioiis. Tbe «*t 1i*»b~ day 11 dlatln- golnhed Bapttat ciergyinan <>f tbla elty, who t-ertalnly cannol bo ji.'.'iis.ii o! any leanlng toward Roman Cathollclam, atrongly nrfed ihe obaervaaee <>f Chrlatinaa and other rellglona reativala. To-day there are few ehnrchei ln thla clty iu whloh tbere wlll nol !». ;i aarvtee approprbtte to tbe day. The teitdwioy. f!,r'- is ao atrongly In lhal dlmthrn that there is ilangcr ->f maklng Oirlatmafl raerely " pei «»n whlch t,. luiii*.' n gorgeoua aml dramatle apec- tacja, whlle iii- r»:il teacblnga of n>o day «n- forgotten or Ignored. lt woul.l be nn nnapeakable plty if ih<' day siioiii.l be thua proatltnted, for, whatever we may thlnk of Ita theoloarlcal Itnport, tlie broad lessoiis of |)i-.-i.-e good-wlll and brotberly klnd- u.-iv iii;ii it pnforcen were ncTer mora needed lhan they are now Thla la nol becanae tbe world to-day is dlapoaed to nodereatlmate tbe Importance <>i" theae eaaeDtially ChriaHan yir- iiii s. l>m beratiaelt haareacbed the polnt where ii is ready lo adopl them ns its own, and wlll be Miu.-ii nssisti-.l tbereto If they ar*» eDahrlnad in n greal Cbrlfltlan featlTnl. lf tt.burcbea and Chrlatlan peoph> generally woul.l inuko it cviiieut to tbe worlil thal Ihey belleve In pcace. lhal they pvefer i<> llve in good-wlll wlth Ihelr nelghbora. wbether iii.-y are n.-xt door or acroaa tli<> aea, and thal they are ready when th, > can. and ns they can. to help thelr fi-1- low-iiii'ii. there would be n>> n.1 ol dlrevtloara bow to keep ('brlaimaa. Tbe day would keep iis.-li". More than that, ll would reanll In mak- Ing i-vi-n other day :i Chrlatmaa day. And In polnl ol fael, lhal is jual whal Ibe Founder ol Chriatlaulty int--n.l--.l ahould oii-ur. The record doea nol t.-!l us thal Ue Inatltuted any nn.- day for the oliacrvanee of peace and good- wlll; bnl it <l<"'s nl! na very rtearly thal tboat' who woul.l I..- His followor*. mual llve in lhal tplrll every day of thelr llve*. The report ,,f Tlie Trlbune Kreah Alr rim.l tor tbe lsi«1 BetiHon, whlch appeam elaewberc, is :i good coiierete iiiiistiiiiion of Ibe thought w<- are Irylna. t.» pnipbaalxe. Tlie work itona l.y Uiis helpful cbnrlty is in the very aplrll <»f tlie riiiisinins H4>aw»n, nnd fludfl i's expree- sioii in Ibe soiij: ol ili>- BUgela '" ,'1'" Wlth of iii.- H;il..- .,f Betbleheui, "tMoiy lo Uod "iu ihe blgbeat, and "ii earth peaee, good -wlll lo ui4*u." r'or iW4*nty yeara our readera have eii:ii.i.-i! ibla work lo be carrled on, whollj ontalde Ibe im.-s uf any mdenlaatlr-al organlxa- tlon. We ahall not nrgue ber* wh«*tb»»r iiie nl- iiuisiir spirit lhal proiuptd sn.'li rtforta.wouW not, wlthoul f'brlatlaulty, bave uianlfeatnl lt- Whal we .1" know la Uml uo other Hgeui-y iu the workl baa ib»w ao lutM'li i<» pro- in,,i>- i;i]ii:;iii iiiotli.-ili.I bb I'hrlntlaulty. AR;' on,- nl tin- Btrongewl »-N i.l.-in <-s thal Mile ia so iv ibe f.i'i thal awular uraatiixntioua «.f ull i.iihN are iloluii Jnai 111 * aon of work for man lhai rini-i would liavf rejokinl lo aae done. is nol .-<' niut'li ii holy day of tlie ('liin.'li ns ii is :t ii-stlviil of brotberliood. /\ TERXATIOXAL UOOD-WILL. To baar falae wltuewa agalnat :i iwlgbbor tltai is. io lie ni.oiii iiim. i<» mallgn him, i<> .i- r.-iiiit- his ,ii.-ii-;i«-i,-i' is ,-i sin. The tuoral law piiiv |i in ihe aame rategory aith tbfft antl tuurder. Tbe coiuiuou law ivfognlxea ii us un , iT.-ini' agalnal pt*rnonal rlghta and ata-lal onler. Tbe ataiuti' law of >i\ ili/.»-.l countrlea si-is it ilown ;i^ a iiiiiie agalnal tha Btale, pitniabablc iv flne and ImpriaoniuiMi!, and ;.s ;i wroug ugaiual tin- Indlvldual for wlii.-h iinl-niniiv lir.-iv ii.- r< .ov.-i-il. is ibe «aae, lual is la May, uli.'ii the ael of bearlng falae wltnesa is .lii'i-ii.-.l agaluHi :i npigblaor iu a aomewbat st:i. i Interpratatlon of lhal lerm, Bul tlie «l«. -i-i. of «iil|i:il>ilii.v .|i'.ii-;ls,s :is iht- si|U:ne of ih- dlntauce ,>!' tbe ol,.i>-.-t ;iti;i.-l..-.l in.-r.-n-."-: .-lli.l \\ I). ll Ihat o'.je, t is lieyollil tlie lilllits ,,f iiiu-'s own i*ountry. aud is noi n prlvate vi.lunl. imi n aov4*relgn, :i Kovernmeni. or ¦ natlon. the rnliwiblllt.v is re<'kou«*il to vanlab nl- tonitIht. Bnrke iii.i nol know bow to draw .!|, ,-iu indli'tineni agalual ii whole peoida. 1'in-i'.- are pl«*uty of men «ii>> .i" know how 1,, lili.-l a whole ppople .'iinl ii><. t", w who reek- ,ui Mi.'h ,i liln-1 ;i .liiii.'. V.-t there nre few more grlevoua olfeni'M iiejiinst good morala or agalnal true rellgion. Ii is eaay enougli lo talk and preach and alng i'lioui "peacft on earth, good-wlll to iiu-n."' We hear much "f it ai Miis aeaaon of the year. Bui whal nort of fnlfllmenl of thal Bobllnia maaaage ara man worklng for when ili.-y ba- bltually iil.'ise nn.l revlle Iboae of ili.-lr Delgli linis a-bo hapi*en lo l»- aeparat4*d from ilu-ui by politi.'.'il bouudnry llnea, or dilTerenirpa of govemiuout, >|..'.-'li. or nt.-,-".' If lhal meaaage meun. anything, li meaua lhal hM men, ihe world i.v.t. nn- uelgbbora, and lhal |N*a<*e timl ,..,o,l «viil ahould prprail among Ihem every* w Im-i'-. Siii',-1\ ii tlu.s noi .'..nilil.'.' lo )..-:i.'.' to .nll on,- nntloii :i natlon of biiti'hi'ra, nor pro- iii,,i<- guo<l-will io I'.i.-r unbitually tu auother ;i- nn Internali»nal ilii.-i". li is eaay tu ^n.v this Power ia n bnlly. uml lhal ruler an aa Mis.siu. Bul ;t Ihe ebargea be nol irue whal b.-.oir.s uf lb*> t'oltintauiliiieui ;i>::iinsi beariU|{ falae v iin.¦>>'.' And ii is nol enough in.t t<» know thej aro noi true. Xo one hu* a rlgbt io iinl..' them nnletia be known ihey nr.- true. i;\-li llr.-li III' w'.tt "lo «e!l 10 1.1 tlie ll.llllolli lion, "I <.' hlm lhal ln wlthoul *in .-.'isi ihe Bral *;<ii.<- I'oi' are our Uovernmeni uii.l Buclal order ao Impeeeable oa 1.0 make Amerlea the ehartere'l fouaor of erentlonY We n.- ungry wltli I'liltm when ber iiiiiie barry and kill our mlaalon Hm wi-:-! ot ii,,- Cbinamen barrled »tu\ kllled Ii.'H'. noi only wbli impuuity, bul wltli ;,:-.iisi.'.- We rage agaiual the Turk for ilu- in Armenla. Bnl whal of our Imiulr.-.l-. ol rli'lbna <>i lynebing, aoiue of them burned ni the Btake, tlay .1 allve, aml aawn aaunderV lt is '!,,. ,in;ip -!i,"i' of Ihe «l!'-:.j..'s: .liuuois'ii to t-all tJreal Britaln h holly ;i ri»bber and o fiiinl |drate. Hm were Ainerlean handa elean. cll ber of opprcnaloii nr ol land lhaft, Iu ibe matter ol our war «i'li M.xi.oV Or ims our r.-t it ii toward tbe Indlana been alwaya rtnw- U*KB .'in.i uii:.-:i iiir l;i "I.- Ji is j.;sf ns arell to go tdnwly In tiiis bualneaa of bearlni wltnaaa, falae or true, agalnal o,ir nelghbora of other landa; to bear ln mlnd, too, tbe unaniiabteneaf of aeoldlng; and lo renieinbe> the eharatter <>f ii.-i- arho "lefl nol even Laneelol hrave, nor (ialubad elean." li la well for 't natlon, aa for a man, i<» bpeak boldly and to rehuke >¦-. ii. Hut pln.n apeaklBJ is :. 1'ir ilift'r. ut 'liin- from Indlt/ i-rlmlnate "alaag-wbanging." Tbe latter is cer¬ taln in lltne to have one of two effeita Rltber i, will make Ita aatbnr eontemptlble, ao thal nutblng he may aay wlll be rea^rded aevloualy, or eba* it will aow tllaierard, loiii.-ni batrad. and parbapa rauae open war. lf he who pravokea uiifrifMiiiii'-ss between lodlvlduala \t* nn eaeny of both, Iu* «bo liiflk*'. llllllons luwlile ia *i11 esemy of umnkind. Htafory in not devoid of iiiHiMiui's of iniornniiiuinl feiul« and wara aria- log vimply from peralatent mlareprcaentation. throajgh hcnring false wlxhJkaaal ngnlnst n m.v- er.'lKii <>r a people. It oiight not to be ponslble, ln lliin em of Cliristlan tlvillzation. for sii.-h a tliitij; ever to oieiir. If BPoahara nn*! wrlters were n< s.-i-upiilous and ai rarttooa in eHtlclo- Inii fi.teiitn nntioiis :in,l jroveninienls as they gra IO dlacttaalng IbC nffalrs nf tlieir nr-xf-<I*i«»r in'ij»'l), WOUld bei ome tilinost u nineentv an.l artnles an.l iiavies lln.l linlf tlieir ot-*-iipntioii ir*.n.-. THE rlllRili AXD BYOIAJTIOX. Tha proteal of tba Ror. Edward Brownjoba agalnal tbe eontlrinaiion of I>r. Teniplr* as Ar*-li- lilslmp of raiiKTl.iiry becnttae be beUerea ii. evoliu'oii was ibool as fantMtk? M lii" name. He niny rcpeat lii- prntest when tbe Anhliishnp la ..nilirone.l <>n January 8, bul if eacapea xvitiu.ut iwiiig arealed by ihe pollee ba will be ln.-ky. Vii ii ls not ao many jreara Blnoe evoiu- lii.n waa iiniver-illy ...n.leiiineil by ..hiir.'hinen: Mr. BrowDjotra ims almply ktppi on Btandlng where nll bla brethrea umd to staml. bni froiu wblcb they have qnletly mnved bag aod bag- gage. Ineffectire as bla proteal is. Iberefore. ii is *>r value as abowlng how rapldly and <'<-in- iileieiy ibe riiristian Cburch has eome to accepl ihe Ihoory of evolu:i..n as a t<>ler:ii"<l vi»>xv. When Darwln'a "Orlgta of spc.-ies" appeared ihe rlergy alnaoal to a man detKmnced i;. Biahop \YIIberforce, of <>xf..r<!. declared that Darwln'a viexv liiniteil Ood'fl glory, an.l t-t.iiffrnfnl»to*l hlmaelf that be xvas nol dencended from a mon- key. upon xvhich Huxlej reinark.-.l: "lf I ha.l "to c'tioi.sp. I wonkl prefer i<> be a .l.-sreiKiiint .nf a Viuml.lo nionkey rallief than of a inaii win. ..cmploys bla kimwledge awl ploqocnce in inis- 'Tepreaenting Iboae who are wearing ool their ..lix-es in tbe scar-ii f,.r truth." Many rkraj- mrn. Cathollc ind PToteainnt, aald thal ll was nn niteinpi ... dethrone .;<>i N'ol alone In Eng- lan.l. bnl on tho <'..nt iii-ni an.l in Amerlca, Ibe aame vi.-xv ..f Darwln and lii- iheory was taken. Brolntlon was denonnced aa allly, Impioua and false. A French Catbolk layman xvas bonored i.y Pope Pins IX for barlng dlaprored Darwln- isni. "The Dnblln rniversity Magnxlne" becamc almoat inarti.-tilate in deacrlblng Ibe attempl "to linnt lin.l out <»f Ibe wori.l." Church aynoda and i-.iiif.'i'.'ii.-.'^ paaaed hot reaolntli ns condemn- iiiL' the book and its author. "Tbe Monthly Be- ligiona Magaxlne," -.r Boaton, told how a Ber. Mr. Bnrr bad "demollabed Hie erolutlon iheory, "knocking tbe breaih out <>f it nnd tbrowing ir "t.. the doga.M Dra. Hodge and DoffleM, of Prlnceton, thundered agalnal it. tbe bitter aa- axertlng in "The Prlnceton Berlear" "that ihey "wbo accepl it (erolntlon), wltb Ita proper logk'al -tvuBequencea, wlll, ln tbe life t«> eome. bare "thelr portlon wlth thoae wno;ln Ibla life know ..nol Uod an.l ebey nol ibe lioapel of His Son." only Dr. McCoab waa faralgbred ind coorage- ,,iix enongfa t>. atand np fx.r erolntlon aa a ten able Ibeorjr. V.-i to-day, tbongh erolntlou I" nol a deiuonatrated irntb. and perbapa nerer wlll be, ii is accepted I.y ni..>i Intelligeul t'brlatlana as ihe beai exphtnailon of life, and, ln faci, Ibe .."Iy explanatlon thai > nol Ii***1k*1' aboul xxiih Ineiiperable dltflenltle*. To underataud vi,«l..nt ontbreak agalnal ex.,Iiitii.ii when li wa* llral pul fortb a- l work- lug bypotbeaia by Darwin we unal bear In mlnd lan facta; li orertbrew ibe |*opiilar antbropo- morphic concepttou of <;"<i aml the pupular he- li.-f iu tbe llteral irutbfnlueea ,.r tln- Blble. Bren lo-day arerage iThrlatlana I'ke iu ibiuk of .;*..! aa a -xi.ii of « greal maater me* bani**, wbo cre- ateil ibe world wlth His handa. and wbu gorerna ll bj dlreci Interpoaltwna <>f Hla wlll. Bni ibe teudency io thlnk ihus ..f Ood waa mu«'b atrong- i-i- liiiny or forty yeara ago, ao ibai wbeu Dar¬ wln made fjod'a comiectton wlth ibe worhl uu*dl- ate Inatead of Imuiedlate. it waa naiural lhal Cbrlailaua si...iil.i denotince bim for "laklng away" ibetrliod. Tbe accr.uallon aaairne. lle did lake away "ihelr <;...i": bni ai ibe aame ii. be gare iheui a gllmpae of tbe imapeakably more Divine BeliiK wbo was declared i.y t'brlai lo be a S|.iiii. aml i.. b- worablppwl ..nly ln aplrli and in truth. Qulte aa lerrlble al llral s.-.-tn.-,l ibeblow whlch evolntlon almed ai ii»>' llteral Interpretatlun .-f iii.. Si-ripiiires. Moal of thoae wbo flral read -lii,. (irlgln of s^-.-i..-" bellered llierally In ibe ivaiii.n atorlea ln Ueneala; and, of eonrae, any iheory t'tal made am*h ;i oellef Impoaalbbj must bareseemeda denlal of Iloda »Vo* I. Thnt vi.-xv of ibe matier baa been abaudoned long a^,. by iiiiNt an-. Brother Jaaper, of -the >mi .1" more" fame. siiil aloutly upbolda ibe llteral In- terprelatlon »f Scrlplure, bni ererybodj elae *-x plaiu* away all paaaagei" lhal aeem io contra- dlcl Ibe approred i-onelualona ..f acleuee. Tblrty- vix ye.-n-xx a>:,. II waa Darwln agalnal tbe whole rhrfatlan world r,..lay Darwln llea among Cbriatiau Kngland'a bonored dead In Weatmln- aler Ahbey, and Ibe man wbo publlcly proieata agalnal eleratlng t<> Ibe cbalr <>f Kt. Aognattne a clergyroan wbo bolda tbe rlewa «f Darwin is contemirtnonBly bruabed aakle a> a .-rank. HR) l \ l> 8TAR I.Ei Tl REB. The well-adrerllaed lectnre lonr <*f Mr. Wlll- iaiu Jenulnga Bryan, "The Boy Orator of i).e I'biite." wbu xvas lately a iandldale for ihe Preablency. began ai Atlanta, Ga., >*n w.-.ln-s day ulgbl An audlence ..f i.T... people la r-- pi.rte.i io hare been In attendance. a* Mr. Brjnn'a manager demanda HR per cenl <>f ii..- recelpiM, which mual be guaranteed i.|ual s:;.i...i for each lecinre, iba rentnre, -.. far aa Ibe manager la com-erned, ap|*eara lu bate opened with Ibe proml«4e of Biui'eaa. Aaeiimlug niai ibe |.ii'»' of admlaalun xxa-11, and nllowlng t',,1- -jihi "deadheada." Ibe nel recelpta fur Ibe uiauagemeni a'ere aboni ^ :>-.*., om of whlch Mr. Bryan. ibe aiar perfornier, r.Irea $l.wm as his ahare. Tbe contract is for a aerlea >>f liiiv HH'turea. Ihii ibe announcemenl now made thai they xxiil ii*- glren ai Interrala of a furtillgbt, s,i iliat Ihe wbale aerlea may exlend i,\-,T a perlod of Iwo jreara, By "aerlea of leci urea" la underBiood, >>t courae, a aerlea ..f repeti- lioua ..f Ihe aame leclure. Mr. Bryan would liardly undertake lo prepare a freah lectnre once in ;xx-,i xxv..ks i'.,r tbe n.-x; iwo yeara. lt may well I..- doiibti'd w*aViher he wouM be np to ibe i.i-!;. He ba* i-ertalnly nerer done anytblng t.> indii-ate it. Veraatlllty La nol bla stronghold nor otiginality bla chlef cbarm. Wht*n he aaya a iblng be aaya ii In auch a mouth-filling and ear- llckllng way thai Le haa only toaay ii orer nnd over agaln and keep *aylng ll lo make erery- I....1.V hanpy. Thal la whai be <i..l dnring Ibe late rampalgn, In whlch be was ihe aonrce of ahnndani .-.:..I general Joy, tbongh i.»» waa a irlfJe **aby" on rotea when they ...nn*. ta i»- rounted: in ax4ectlng Atunta, <ia.. a^ tbe startlng polnl for Ibe lectnre lonr ibe n|a**ager exblblied good Jndgment. Tbe polltlcal ntocllrltlea ..f tbe <-it 1 xena of ihnt a**cilon wooM natorally lead them in lake au inien-st lu Mr. Bryan. an.l eren th.itijfli ihey niieiit "top an.l thlnk a momeni be fore inve.tinn a .lollar ln ihe t' ..f inere cnrioalty t.» aaa ihai greal man, tha poaal i.iliiy af bbl ^ayiiig BOfnetblBg now, freah nnd MrikliiBT wa* siirr lo mrn tbe B.-nl*' in faroi of ihe abow aud ad.l io the proita of ihe abowman, while insiiriiiK the aajrceaa of hla raiorprfaae. lt iniL'ht ix- ...nsiiiered dbwaauei'lfaw i<> nse Ibe i\n me wllli which ineiiiben* af ihe dranMtle pr,i fe«-si.)ii cniiiinonly deacribe 11**» rtr-i preaentairon of a nexv play aajtalfje ihe metropoii- n< "trylng lt ..n ihe dojr.*' We .onBer|ueiitl.x r.-fnin fr.irti It. but we do aay thnt n<> ahnwinnn ever aetetrted wltb more abrawdneaa and good Judgment a place for tba pTOt.cling thtis dcaerlhed tlinn dld Mr Bryan'a nanager when ha pttched upon At- liuitn ns the al.irtlni: polnt fof » $..<>.(XH» le.-tur.' tonr. sinipiy t., aee ¦ man who earaa 11,000 a nlght witii bla month ls worth aoniethlng. The Bttraetloa la greatly enhanced in n distri.-t where ,i.. p«ople are in ardenl aympatby arlth ti>" leetarer, .'iinl have been l«-d by tlie pres* agenl i,, bHlere that they will hear aomethlng they never beard before. Aa to ihe leetnre Itaelf, of whlch our eiu.T- iirising ronlemporary. "Tbe New-Yora World," pul.llsli.-.l .1 brkfi synopsis. it hns io l.e Bald thnt. Bltbongfe ll aeenaa t>> have i..'.'ii recelved wlth Bomethlng llke raptore by ihe artbttalaetfc pe.. ple who pald a dollar t.- hear if and i.»' '«» make ibemaelvea thlnk they were ¦attlug ibelr ntoney'a worth, i' dkl no; folfll tba expectatlonfl arooaed l.y the preaa agent. II was noi nt nll in ih,- ii.'iiure of "a bttgle * -.- a ii for ihe campalgn of 1900." jis advertlacd. It waa, on th.' oontrHry. n njalte .¦oniinonplii.v eanay on what ba sni.l ba had been eapeelally Impreaaed wlth durlng Ihe laal f.-w yeara. "the power ..f an Idea." And tho Idea h'' had beeu eapeelally Impreaaed wlth was .ii,,. inditTerence <>r cltlaena lo tne greai nrob- leius .f Lri.v.-i'uim'nt." II." Introdueed it in ihese worda: My only purpoae is t<- leave wlth you "aome thoitghta in connectlon with a aubjeci rery -near io my beart, in the bope thal theae "tbougbta will awikeii themaelvea ln your .mlndfl. and thai thla actlvlty in your mlnda "win you to better cltlaenahlp." Not a atlr- ring egordlum. wrely, bul a rery atrlklng re- rainder of tbe traln-end apeechea of tiie ,-am-j rmign, iu wiii.ii he almoai Invarlably Btarted out to glre hi* hearera aomethlng to ihink of. bul Bomebow Ibe irala alwaya pulled oul before be BJOl to it. j Wlthoul dwelllng nnon "the Indlhterence of rlttaena to Ihe greal probleina <>f government." whleh be announeed aa hla tbeme, and whleh waa borde In upon hlm by the manlfeat IndltTercnce of ¦ Iarge majorlty of cltlaena to his aolotlon of tne great nroblema "f govern- iu..nt. he ambled up t<> his old atory of puibb legialatlon and Ihe dlacontent I) prodiicea, and |,i-,.-e,-,l,-il to rehaab bla Iraln-end ap.'hen. thraahing the old Btraw .<f "maaaea" and -,.|..,s<,.s"" R|| over agaln. II was hri atunin* S|.,'h made over Into i lecture. He aald one new tblng, however. whlch was thal be us.'.l to thlnk the word "fanatic" ..> harah term, but rbanged iv< mlnd after be was to detlne it hlmaelf. "A fanatl.-." be aaya, '"is one who "tblnka so deeply npon rertaln aubjecta as lo "make hlmaelf a nolaanee to everybody wbo "ttoean'l thlnk aa deeply on thal BUbJeet as he "doea." He was evidently thlnklng «.f bimaelf, gnd wltli liis iisiial M-!l"ioiiipla,'.-n.'.v aceountlllg for bla belng ¦ DUlaance by his belng. f'""1- a fanath*. who tblnka more deeply than thoae wh.. ronaider him a nulaanee. Tliereln he makea uiie of his common mlatakea. If be is a nulaanee, whleh we really do nol ronaider blin- ll la not becauee be tblnka bo deeply. bul baeauae be tblnka he is thlnklng bo detwly. when In nolni of fa.-t he mlatakea Hm* opera tloua of his month for Intelllgeni mental pna^eaaea, Mr. Bryan foolfl liiiii-.-lt' wlth ilie not Ion thal be is a deei»- .,.,, ,ii\,i-. when he has onlj pui bla head mnler wateraud lefl Ihe real of bimaelf In plaln publlt! si>;lii to ilie iiii.-n-.' amuaeiueul nf apectatora. I p to ilaie. bowever. be may be eouuted aa n ..ii Ihe l,-iiiii'i- plaiforiii. NS'.' rongratnlate lila tuaiiager. Hla Bueeeaa will nu ilonbl rontlnile -i. long a* tlti.l .¦oiiuiiiiti il.s whi.ii like lhal soi'i of Ibitig. I'of. aa Mr. Mncolu u.'l i" aay: "For |»eople aiw llke thal "Bort of tblng ihat la Jiwi al.i the aort ,,r tblng ..tliey. llke." fiur new charter-makera are careful t" rall It The Oreater Xen'-York every tlme. Th. name Ureater New-York i.-i ep,»arently come to atay, bul we fail to aee the un. of ihe .leriii;:.- artlcle an.l capital 'l*" .ni- thini ln certaln wlth reference to Mr. i.,,iiiiY blll ti revlae ihe poatage lawa.every rlauae In li n-hlch leavea am rate "f poatage to the di* retlon of a Pootmaaier-Oeneral Bbould ba Inatcntly Btrlcken from the blll. aferehanta who have gooda t-. shi|,. publlahera n-ho have booka and newapapera i" mall, and the publlc generally have i.n from tlme to tlme aubjeci to extraor* dinar) Interpretatlona of ihe law by Poet* maatera-General To all and purpoaea thoae offlcera have repeatei ena ted nea law. The preaent Poatmaater-Oeneral, Profeaaor wn- Bon, admlta tin* when he aayr. thal certaln ao* called 'ilbrarlea" of fletlon, etc, have been for yaara admltted to the malla agalnal what he deema lh. Intenl of ihe law. and that he feela dlapoaed, by a rullng, lo ahul ihem all oui agaln; and this in Bplte -.f tiie fa< that then- ia no complaint from the country ai Iarge thal these booka are Improperty rarrled at aecond-rlaaa ratea of poatage, Xoi.iv. ahould ne paaeed ftxiiig lai-s of poatage ati.l .livldlnK tnuil matter Into claaaea anleaa II is noi only Jual bul ao preclae ln terma as to leava llttle or nothlng to ihe dla* eretlon of ihe Poatmaater-Oeneral. Mr Loud'a hlll w decldedly nol euch an act. ? A rontractor ln riii-* clty ha.* aaked to ha^e ihe amounl pald hlm reduced £***>, ir this had hap- pened ;n Tammany tlmea, hla fri-mis would un- heaitatlngl: have if-!:.-,l the .our..* to examlne into his mental rondltlon. .. . Rngland ranka ;. a lolerably hard-drlnklng rountry, and has done so alnce it t>><>k its place ln hlatory, rarrylng iis llquor, hoaever, wlth a Bteadlneafl .. hlrh one im* to go to Holland or Kentucky to aee paralleled suii legialatlon f,.r the control nn.l regulatlon of its drlnkera is con* Btantly requlred nn.l Invltea frequent ampliflca- tlon and revlalon, leavlng, after all, the atatlatlca of Intemperanre much as they were. In Ihe claaal- flratton >>f the Intemperate a certaln proportlon ar- recognlzed iis Inaane drlnkera, for whom Bpeclal atatutory reatralnta are provlded. anTi theae ar. agaln dlvlded Into aub-elaaaea: first. tboae who Inheril th.- propenalty; s<.nd, who evlnee ii as the chlef manlfeatatlon of Boma form of cerebral dlaeaae; thlrd, ih-.s,- who ara affllcted wlth it as a reaull <>f Injury ta the head, aevere fever or other waatlng bodlly allment, mental ahock, heavy arlef, reverae of fortune, and, Indeed, eauae Bltnllar t.. thoae antedatlng Bome other Inaanltl a: uml fourth, thoae who ae- qulre it through a vleloua courae of Indulgence in Btlmulanta. Caaea of this kin.i reqnlre medlcal rather than punltlve treatment, an.l ln the opln* Ion of ih<- itiiiish Medlcal Aaaoclatlon ahould l.e dlacrimlnated from those <.f the crtminal drunk- anl* who requlre ihe appllcatlon of ardlnary penal and reformatory agenclaa Tin- doctora ougtal to kn.,w more aboul tbtj aubjeci than any- body elne, and it is dtacouraglng ihat ln tha maln they ar. obllged lo admll tbe Inadequacy ,,f all egpedtenta t<> the oorrectlon an.l reaaedy of tii*» avll. Whatever form tlie dl«ease or vire aaaumea, lt la obatlnate an.l refractory, and ther*. aa here, the only thintj that aoclety can do la to l.attle eonatantly with ali its manlfeatatlona, employ- Ing atatutory. nortatory, e*Jucattonal and all other meana aitainat it wttbout lookliiB; foi ita extlrpatlon. and ne, easni lly helnir i-ontetit with a moderate meaeure ,.f amelloratton *> Tha nea Watrlcl-Attorney la probnM} famlliar wlth ibe aaytng aboul tha "tlde In the affalra of men." etc., and apprtclatea ita appllcablllty to preaeni cln urnacanceB The tniatomary Htta-k an 11*** Clvll iet \lea B>a- i-m in Congreaa *a« a rtgoroua one thla year. Hut. aa was to he expected, It \»aa a eomplete fallnra. At the *a ue tim* a BJOOd .aa* «na made out aaalna' the preaent Admliil.tratlrin. wboae effortfl In behalf ef Clvll Pervlce Reform. whlle conalderable. were aliown not to bave been Whoily ni.lntereBted. It la algnlflrar.t that a motlon to Btrlke out the entire appropraitlon for th* rivii Berrtea rommiBsion waaorarwhelmtng- l>- defeated. This ls by m> means ihe fln.1 tlme that an a.fempt has l.een ma.le tn starve m.t the offlclala charged with the axecutlon nf the law, and very probaWy lt wlll noi he th- laat Hiit the reform goea ateadily on. The men moal Inlcr.-Ptcl in tha bulldlng nf a new Hall of Becorda are ggread that it ahouN not he placed ln the Clty Hall Park. On that point. aa well aa In their dealre f.-r fl nexx atruct- nre ta contaln thnt are llterally prlco- Icf.*. thelr hearls are BbaolUlely leraL PBEBOXAL. a. tha aVhubert featlval to be glven In Vlenna l. commcmormlnn of the compoe.r's U»th Wrth- ,i,v one cf tne perferroer* wlll be Bftofl Carollna (}laaBler-f*chubert, or London. a Phinlate. Bh. laa rrandnlere of Bchtih-rt. an.l fm« ti"1 name of .. ig Fr, et"..|ienf Interpreter nf h*r llluatrloufl relatleaa mualc. Dean Parrar glvea aome Intereatlng remlnlaceaeea of Tennyaon la "The Temple MagaaJne." Thla ls how ba BUggeated "Ht. Telemachua" tn tbe poet: ..l.orrt Tennyaon, one day arhen I waa walklnK wlth hlm me to flUggeel to hlm the Butajeel nf a poem. I auggeated the ...ory ot it. Tel8*nachu« leaplng <inwn Into the amphltheatre »nd by hla seir-.i.x-oteri mnrtyrdoa puttlng an *>."i forarar to the hldeOQa l.titilicrle. of the gladlatOrlal K..m"« a acena whlch i have Blnce d*^pi>.-,l ir, aay .Oaither- in*r I'loude.' To mj Biirprlae. he had never heard "c s.nrx, and Iraa much etruek wlth lt. He aaked me *o .end hlm, arhen I returned. all the autharj- tii-a on the .ubjeet. Th;.. wa* ewlly done, foi r real* on the *lngl# aulhorpj of the Oroek - cieeje aatlral hlatorUn Theodnrei I aent rilrn thepaafln*;* ln ti,,- orlgtaal Qreek, and he nlothed II In the mns- nitii-ent poem." (-., n. ral Wllllam Cullom. who haa Just dled Bt his home in .'lltiton. Tenn.. Bl the ape ol elghty-aeven yenra, xx-.,-- ror aeveral terma r aiemher of Con- crca from ihe Carthage dlatrlet In thal Btat. ind »aa once ti, rlerk of th. Houae of;*- Hve. 11* xv.i* at one tlme promlnenll men ror Ihe Prealdenry. He wa* an um-le of Benator Rhf-lbx af, 'tillom, of lllinola. Tbe Cardlnal ArchMahop of Parla ha* app *d p#re Olllvler, tho fnmoii* Domlnlcan preacher, to Ihepoal of t.ent.-n preacher al N'Atre l.-m- racanl by the death <>f Monalgnor d'Hulat, ihereb) n- .Inulng the tradltlon whleh conneet* the great or¬ der ,,' "Preachlng FrlarB" wlth - Cathedral pul- pli iv.,-. olllvler, irho la ilreadi well known In Parla, ha* the repic 'lon nr a quarter pl e century ns n ur<";.r-hcr of unuaual power and orlglnallty, iitul ,-t perfeel master of tl.locutl nar> art, who never rall* to rlvet the attention of Parlslan auai- Tiie Rev. IV. l>. P. Bllaa fEplaeopaU, r* l >r of the Church of the farpenter, Boaton, ind Bdltoi of ihe organ of Chrletlan SoclaUem known aa "The Dawn," is maklng ¦ lecture tour through the Weat in the Intaresta of Chrlatlan Boclallam Hla method ls to hol.l what may be called .-< .oclnl revlval, or induatrlal mls.lon. In all the larg. .iii,.-.. xettlna aa man) Kplaropal lur he. a. !¦.>-- atble to intereal th- m-clxes in ll li.- al-'O l.-tiii-- before trade and l.,i> <r orgenlaatlona wh* never he I; Invlti ,l to do *o. When ii«- Bnda a »;or.i opportunlty. |,, ie||. ibout ih* Amerlcan Pablan l*eague, nl ahlch ne lf .. member. Thi* is an oreranlzatlon oi xoiiriat m*n whu devota themwlve* to »o*?lal and munlclpal reform. lt is aald thal the present char- ter of ureater London wa* .lrafted by .1 committe Lhal ha.l on ll a number ol I'ablnii*. Includitig By*l- (j Bemarxl S.iaw ai 'i IVI Nam 'hu lc<-. x\ THE TALk OF THE /' 11, A fltatned-glaa. nindov ln Ihe nhureh ..: Bll mi, ii.-.ii Polkeatone, Kngtand, haa .. pleture of Klng nn.I hl* L-ouneellora, In whleh Thoma* Carlyle |. ihe Klng and Ihe counaellora are l*ord Ballsbury, l,i»ui Bearonadeld and Mr. Qladatone. The por- iralt. are .-.. a* urate lhal Ihey tan Im- reeognlaed .it .1 glance. Maklng ll-i»l' IM.iiu.- '!'.-.t,-i.,-i N'ixa. Thomaa, Ihe -111.11. of the h) |.uth.-i,...-.. ..' ¦' rlgiil-uiigleil Irl- ungli- i- eqtial lo ine *um ,<f Ihe «nuare> other txx-ii'xxi,i-¦- i>.. make mywlf plaln lhat ,\;i Thomaa-I xiieai ao ma *aj. loo mueh eddlc-a- tion i^ what makea >om ao homely, (Judge. Tha Congreaa dlatrlet it. Colorado repreaented hy .lohn .'. Bell la S..I.1 to be > iu..l ln area to tba StHK-s of Kew-York, llaaaaehuaetta, Connectlcut r.nU New-Jeraey. Mr. Bell is .1 nephew of tii<- io:n c. Bell who waa Uncoln'a opponent on th« I'nlon lickel ln laM Th* Bpeclal Kdltlon ("raa* Poreman \\'-'.>- i.i a 1,1-iiv ti\' Her. ll I. "i -- 'i.i Hiid we huven't a bll ,if ink ln the »hop, exerpi » can bf mat old red poater inl. l-:,iltoi Greal H laaora! Thal *ol Ah! have an Idea; bring th* whole ihlna oul In red, and Bet np in .- * lylng lhal this ls ,,nr *p*»i lai Armenlan e,n- lluii. fP wiT,-ti ihe average Bouthern paper de»erlbe* a dlfflctilty ii.ixi.. ixx.i "gentlenien." It alwayi aay* that one or ihe other of them "drew hi^ plMtol." .ih- Naahvllla Amerlcan" objecta Btrongly 10 'i.txi waj of puttlng !t. . sp,- i.tll; to tha poaaeaalva i. 11 ¦.hi>." "A gentleman," tt s.i>»», "can re- mova hla hat or tear iiis eoat, bui ,an h<- .Iraxv lus pl.tol? Doea every gentleman carrj a pi>tni" 1- it .1 part «,f the peraonal apparel? ls 'hla' pl.tol ta neceaaar) 10 t-omplete th. loilet .1-, 'hla' 1.ktle? There ere occaalona when .. gentleman la j-. tined iu .iui>i:,« 'a' platel, bul la not ii tlme to rall .. haii xx ii.-t. ,x,rx gentleman Indlacrlmiuately drawa III-' pl-tol"" 'luMMVS CHR1STMAB TRKK. t W it -i apologlea io Jamea IVhltcomb Riley, ll ha ,-jn-- \\ aln't Kot no I'hrta'mua tree, '.'aiise my mamma'a huahan' 'ist forgoi he baa « kld, 'At's what my nn'' huaban' did. Pn, 'at " mj ma'a huaban', aay. Ti.- .ni.' fneh'able theae daya; .x-i him xxin, an' pa *«; iuh Don't belleve In Banta Claua!" Baya he hatf^x tlie noiaa an' tuas. Makea hlm an' lion'l ><.- wh) ma keep. hlm, h<- Aln't no uae 'al an aee. 'i- me xx.i-i hlm an' him xia> me 1..( ,1 have a Chrte'mua tn .¦; M 1-1 amllea .,'..' eaya "too bad!*' 'At 1-1 makea ma awful mad. Uther little boya lus paa U'hal bellevea in Sat.ta .'laus, 11.,u uic..'. paa I'il i-il hlm ao 'i-i aa aouii aa 1 an grow. Wisht ma lock hlm out to night VVhen he com*-s, 'lat aerve hlm right; Make hlm -'ay oul ihere an' ihen tlobulina an' bogla m^.i Ketch hlm fore the mornhV eome li, yOU tllell I'J :, ,1111111, An' a whlalle 'at 1 d Imow, \\ helher he don't lik<- er no. \\ lshi why, here'a i>a, an' 1 aee Thal he'i imuighi a Cnria'mu* tree; 8uxn h»- thought ht-'O fool the kJd 'At's isi xxtiat ma'B huaban' did! iBaltlmora Krwa Tbe follectlon* of the Pogg Muaeum al Harvard have been enlarged xxithln the laxn r,-xx m ,piii> i.>- the acqulaltlon of a lutg.- number ,.t photographa from Athens, romprlslng many llluatratlom ,.f re- centl) dlacovered worka of Oreek archlteeture and tculpture, and of othera from Naptea of unclem monument* ln Bouthern Italy and Blclly, Among theae laal are aboul iif': vlewa of dlffereni parta of tln- ^a^^. del \'.-tti. tha rerently exravated houae in ri>mi.ii, whleh has broughl to Ilght, in addltlon to the intere.ting arehttectural remalna, «,,>n:. Im portanl Oraeca-Roman palntlnga and ., x;.'.,.i dc ot a. :iip'ure. Miss Hardlek Bthel ean'l i»- after mon. sn,- |...s broken ber c-iKflK.-ment xxiMi ihai «. iith) plumber. Miss Poadlck Don'l ba too aure Bhe Jllted hlm for .. man who owna a Ucycle-repalrlni ahop (London Bpare Momenta. ¦The gaeetrtcal \v,.ri<l" sny» lhat a eertala llttii» nn-.-hani-ii devlce la called la Oeraaanj "Aato- matlaeheaptegeuilaaaplattenblltBachutsvorrtehtung." "A« Hs nam* clcarly Inrilciitcs, 11 bj gn appa> rrtru»forpr,);e,-t!:-.Kag.iln*tllKh:nln>., Hialatlngofplati «- ofnilrrorgl(..*uctlnga.iiomatlc.i!iy [g thi* country xxe are la tlie hahlt af .-aliing thla xlmpl. dOVtea B 'ciitout.' " "Oeorge. what ahall I gct Fre,|il\ for .'hriatmu* Don't gei a »agon. a Whaelbarrow *.r anythlng lhal I *hall have io rnul him aroinitl ln get hlm a rocUiiiR-horM- h<- ean work thai hx hlmaelf" (Chleage Record Ther* la a cla*. of paeplB." aay. a rallio.-ul in 111, "xxho ar* alv.ay. last to leaxe the cars f,u .1 put po*e. 'I'hu ia aapaclally aaytlosd nn aurburban irnln*. They gn f'om one en<| of the traln to the other, looklng In ae.i'B on both al.le* .f ihe car It I* Impoaalblr for our men to t.- nlxxax* 011 Ihe wni.h, and praauaaaMy iharoara many io-4e^ ihai can never b* reciainiert " Ibo.Thara n-o*. mf mw", dreaaed In black, "* ..«u*l. 1 anpiinae he thlnka lhat cnlor aillt" hlm better than an;- other. a bll lf. hla ineanneBfl. He ha* a lot or reiollonfl. and If any ot 'am ahould dl*-. ha'B aiwai* ln mournlna; no further eapenae.-Uudy. THE DttAMA. MR. WILLARD AT WAI.I.Al'KS THEATRI "THK MII'I'l.KMAN in Wiiii- "k's Theatre laal nlghl Mr. IVIIIapa ha per*onale,l ("vnia Hlenk.itn. MI Mr .lor.-sV BOWeffB play of -Th- Mi.i.l!«'tn;.n, and iteepty taoched anc greatly dellghted a Iarge audlence, The pla| .4 been fnlty tteaerlbed and eonaldered in thla Joarnal ;..l the performanee haa been often. and warmly, and moat deaervedly commended. Ttu predomli qualltiea ln Mr. vVIHard'B actlng are almpHetty and .Incertty, and thos< qualltiea aplendSdlj prevall Ir ihi* erabedln nt. Tne drama, arhlch .rueted vlth nire sklll. pro-...!- from one atrona effecl to another, iulaalnailng la the iBB-roveraabed laveg of« trlumphani si.aa, when redu, -i to '.¦. loa de»th of deatltutlon and mlaery; and tne tor*i ar parta tive aklll ia aaatwa In the flymaaetry with whleh he developa the eharactei through .... a*- cendbg aoale ef draaaattc cllrnaa Mr. W llard'a greal rtnetlonal power la aaon conapleuoti f**ted n thla i'l-'- than la an) other ihi ha ra* ever m-.i. known ro tbla pobll. The dumoi . iweetnera and Ihe grace ot hl* Bctlng.l ow. better dliplai ed In Mr Rarrt* tend r drol <l rf.-umii.s play ol "The Pr »f. >r* 1/ whleh will i,e offered to-nlght. Bnd * ance* "f whleh hla preaeni engaaemenl at lack'a wlll be bruughl lo a i- on day. I' is pleaaanl 10 reeord thal .- Hlard haa 1,-en welcom*d hen wlth th. irileai good-wlll, and thal hi* jopularlt*/ ln thla capital remalaa un- changed. ? ALFBED SOBEL'l' WILL thk gwetuaii rtiBMifrr leavkb Hfi ENTtari BYIRTI.'XB TO THK BTOfKHOLU I'NIVERBaTf l.onnor.. (¦<.. 2" Tl,- Mornlng Po.t" a III ro-mor- row *.-.- thal Alfred Nobel Ba fl :>'. .nglneat and chemlai. who dl*d al Ban ."¦ .. mber * lefl a a III ¦> ' "' ma, amountlng In \ alue '" ilx ui ! - .¦. to thi Ito g* iiolm I'ntveralty. ? H RKI8H TBttOPti m TIXT. THF.T PEMANti HA«'K PAT IND N'EW :.'">THER v.' ' .-'.a OP MAAMOl \ .!." AXD OET THEM Conatantlnople, ¦. ..¦ II A fea a re«*l- ment of Turkl h troopa from ".- " r- key, embarked bi Hodelda the I .n board j. flovi tranai atantlnople. Whi n the ahip Mou lanl oa I,.- P>a 0f Mrmor .' whl '" .' ''-' «ere to dlaembarh aml pro, -i .,f ata houra, to I'onntan Inopie th. .. a*d rtre.ap- tiiin of the veaael and ¦¦ hlm thea Informed the commandlr* ..iii¦.¦ f ihe i gtmeat ,..v poalibely refu :-.: to la id inl i. re* etved '').'¦¦ arreara of pay, amountlng In tke ag* gregate io - >,000 plaatreB, aad a aupplj of proper clotiiing, Inauad of the raga tli-j w< r* wi rlm Tl - v i'i ef Brou.a waa xied at on ¦. .' ln* demand of rl lo'dlere. and tha at tba iUrn 0f -,. ... iBBtrea. bul th refured ,,. . ,, and thn ai u< ¦'. '- :" " " '"" Moudenia unlea* i ^"1 mandeil Aa thi Idli '.' ,r7lt'2, ll ri .'-- ¦¦ w'.iat iej de* Aa tni .¦. '¦'¦ ¦*.:''-: .!., determlned, the > mllea -IWHV wni .' ¦"." .' .:.,-.;: i'.r'depiM. li the S a-ury. »<> '.",, .,"i ¦-.;. v prrecelvlng ,.,! ¦¦_ CRAiKAXTIIORPE IS HLRELY DEAD. .,.,,,. ..., OF THB KOVBUIgT KOI KD IN THF! BBINE P-rl, i,,.. 'i The body of lluberl ra aaa* ..,,;,,!.' ,he novellat, who hna been mlaalng alnaa Oetober. waa found In the s .. Mr Crackanthorp*. '- aald by bla frtenda to have ..-fi ihe Parl- hotel ui. ha *¦¦ ataylng ln tha ,,,,. of pctobtr. bui thi name ol ie hotel l. not glven ln th. latt.r part .' Kovember a mi fra. kthorpe" wafl reported lo have | --"1 lhroagh Uordeaua en rout. for Bayonne. a panled bv., lady. bul nothli.a dertnlte waa b^rned r ,i... nh. reaboul* or movement* ol mi ing novVhaiVrom'the tim. ol Ua dlaapiamramai unifl ,,,. nndina or h«a body In lh. rlver lo-aay. ? 8TEIXITZ niXB A QAUE. LABKER 01VEB P A Rl'T U>Pi3 ^>-n THlKTf MOI EB. Moacow. i- .. 24 (Spectal). Late laat nlght Laa*af « ia beaten bj Btelnlta ln the tw.lfih »c.>n.e ef th. ..hamplonahlp cheaa mateh of ten gamea up. Th. (;i.Illi:ill p,Byer opened wlth a Buy Lopea. tha piayera aelectlng the foUowlng vartaUona: :; p QRS; 1 B Ri I' Q*! P-Q4 *-**. 0 P ull.; Kl B3:7. QKt g .'. H-K 2, S. Caatlea. r-Hatiea ite. It appean th.n Un- game proceeded t,\ eC-nlj untft the end-game atag. waa reached when the veteran, by clever play. eatab- llahed .' wlmilna poaltlon. Ueker r-signit.fir after uirtv niov-4 The aeore now reaOa: uaaaer, ?, Btetiiita. l: drawn, t The thlrteenth game ls ached- uled for lo-nioi ro* evenlng. ? TIIE PBIXCE88 OF CBIUAYH ELOPEMENT. Budapeet, Dee. M.- Xewapapera bara aay that th. Prlncesa of i.'hlmay umi 'aransan, tonnerly Mta. cii ra wnrii. of Detrolt. Mlch., th- report of arjaeaa Plopement wiiii a lungarian Talgane (. g>-pay mualcian) luaed auch aenaatlon in Hristoeraiie tlrclea a ahorl tirne ago, m.s arrlved at Btuhlwala- aenburg In company wlth the Talgane, whoae aaaaa ,- KiKo TIi-n den> thal they eloped. Ttu Prlncaaa dectarea that ahe openly bad. farewell to her I *- band before ahi lefl hla home, and thal he araa full) aaare of her love for Rlgo and of her Inten- iion" to m> wlth hlm The Prlnc aa. the papera add. ir.* -ii-.l Rlgo"* parenta, n io llve ln .i gypay nut. ..iid promlaed them that ahe would marrj thelr aon - aoon ..s ahe waa dlvorced. ? AXOTBEB i'BABUE IUAIX8T YO\ TAV8CR. bondon. Dec, 24.."Tbe Btandard'a" Berlla .'''!- rcBpondent tektajrapha that Major Voa Tauaca, the chlef of the polltlcal pollce, who \%.<* arreeted ¦ few daya ..,;.) la connetnloti wlth the trlal of Berlln Joumallata who were charged wlth llb. li k tiiifti Btate offlclala, hus Bgahuu hlm. ln addltlon 'our chargea or perjury, a charg. of leae-ma: .. ¦,. whlch ha* been made .... lusptolon thai n«j lupplled falae rumora lom-ernlna th. health oi Kmperor Wllllam to certaln newapapera, chteay Blamarcklan organa ? //// >7. f.Ol 18 II l> » A'"' OH PAS8A0E. Bouthampton, Dec M. Captain Randle. cjhbj* mander of thi American Llne ateamer Bl l.o'i.e. uhl'h .i'> il hen from Sew-York .- rday, re¬ porta thai Ihe weal ei waa very heavy »n tn. ,,., of aalllng from New-Vork. December 1C. and :l,.,, on three u icceedltiR daya t ie Itlp rn.-oui t< n vtolenl norlhi-aaterl} Rulea Bnd anowatorm* l ne aeua ran IiIkIi nnd freauentli awepi n-r t.i. sieamer'a deeka, but no damage «..s dom ? - /". /,'. 711/n/,' Atl \l\ iRBAIOSED. i.on.lon. Dec. M. Bdward R. Taylor, allaa Arthur IV, Plati who was ati.M-.t iii Oxford laal weak upon a warranl obtalned i.\ tbe l'nlted Bl i Kmlmaay charging hlm wlth the murder of Jeaaa i'. ree ln Kentucky In IBB5, and arrabrned ln th* Bow Sii-i-i I'oii. .'...nt on December lh. waa agaln arralaned thla rnorntn*] nnd remanded foi ¦. v*->k, pending the arrlval ol docuroenia coneernlnf Iha ....-.. Amerlea. ? PA8SEXIIER* BY Ull' U.LEB. Bouthampton, l> ¦¦>¦. 21 Mra [.ehaiann-Kallack a .1 Mlaa Tereaa I'areno Bre aaaong the paaaea* ¦...I- wh., s.uii-,1 tbla afternoon for New-York on ih,- North Qertnan l.loyd ateamer Aller. ? \\ III l\\n\\\ iXABCEIST* [RRE8TED. Berlln Dec .'i The Berlln pollce hava baaa en- aaged wlthln ihe laat iwenty-fbur houra ht Bearch" Ina ti"- lodglnga t»f known Anarchlflta, wlth Ihe n sui: they have arreeted aeveral promlnent membera of tlie 'aect," Includlng he leader Laa* dauer and hla female companton, Roaa Par.haa . .i\<t\ IIIF BIPPEBT l\ AM8TEBDAM. i.,.;,,!,,n. Dec M A dlepatch to 'The Pall Mnil Oaaetta" from Aaaateralam aaya thal i aeriaa of iragadtaa <-f the "Jaok tha Rlpnav*1 tM>,- hap- penlng in that Ity The bodj ef . araaaaa with Ihe throat CUt nn,\ otherwUe BBUttlatad aa* found in the Btreet thi* mornlng. Tha ehlaet ef tu* crtane waa evklentlj nol rabhery, ,is a sum ot mone) ana a quanttty of Jearaley were foaad on tbi boilv". FBAOMESTB OF TOBEIOX XEWt. ', Dae. M Tn*. Rnri*ii ateaaaer N-pnme. from M'.i" December 1.1 tor Baltlaaere, prevkanly reported .,s t>ri\:r % been apekea aa December i. m iiititude i". lengttude ii. airlth her propeller a^r... hna heeu pteked up i>> the hk thal araa aeal to her aaatatanca aml towe,i to vig.. Bnaha, rrti. Paterabnrg, Dec .) \ IWrynaat ereeatag? tha Rlver Dnkapar, la the rroviu... ot Ekaunnoaiav. ,.,irslae,l lo-,lay niul m«i> i>.i ¦ . *JflBMt wer. drowned. i.oniioii. Daa, :i Tba Brtuah Bteaaaor Jam*. Drake, from fanoforte. Bardipu, Kaveaabat » for Punklrk t-rance. la el.ven daya overdue at that pon She la ownad ln Bhlelda. and carrtaa a erew of nln.te.n m.n.

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-12-25. › lccn › sn83030214 › ... · "Xmnec.ricnte. ACAPfMY OF MfBir 2 B:1S- Two l.-ltii* Va«Traat. AJIF.R1, AN THKATHK -2 » A Mur f llotmr

"Xmnec.ricnte.ACAPfMY OF MfBir 2 B:1S- Two l.-ltii* Va«Traat.AJIF.R1, AN THKATHK -2 » A Mur f llotmr.Bl.H'U" s .>" Th' Ha\ M- UghtfootUROAl'XX XX tli:.X-l ItK 2 .> 17, -Hrlan r.,'111CABlNO 2 *-','¦ .'n.'lx *n<1 - P< n»t*1'.;.OOI.1 MH! .-« THKA1RE 2:13 Btlft K«ll*n »mong

Tateve*OAl.Yfx THKATHK ! The Otlaha - 18 Mae* A" ..>

Aboul Nothing. ,F.VF.X atl'BKE N W.xwork. and rVine* t

B1IP1RK THEATRE - >:2*J K..«rmar>.riKTH IVFNfE THKAThK 2 B>l."> A Kocl of Torlun*14TH 8TREET THKATRK S:13 The Cherry I k*TlGAROF.N THKATRK " llea.l Hmrcm v:i) 111,-hanl

IIIiiai.KI, k TI1EATRK J v I'. s- ... Bervtc*.ORANP OPBBA H< --I- :: S Buparb* OPBBA HOI'SE 2 8:U* x Oood TfcUtB.IIKRAI.H si.t xiti: iiirxTitr 2 8:18 Th* lllrl fi.'.n

Paria.HOTTB THKATRK 2 8:30 M> Krlen.1 f.»m lnnl».IftVlNa l'i..x,-K THBATRB !> Bducated P* pl*kXK'KBRROTKRK THKATRK » Trllby.K.-siKK A- ntAL'B .-' <. Vaudevllle.I.TCKCM rHKATRE B:» Tb* Lat* M-. (aaieile.MAP1SON BQt'ARE OAROEX 11 » :r> to 11 p, m..

iSwimerclal Trav*ller*' Fair,Ml'RRAV llll.I. THEATRB 2 * Tru* lo Ufe.\i:xx METROPlll.lTAN OPERA HOt'BE S:1S Carmwi.>-I.\MPlA Ml H1C l.AI.I Vau,lH\,|le, S.l.%; WUU«f Gar-

iep Bal 'hnmp. !.*, 11.PAaTOR'* ll '." ..' il VaudrvUI*.fTAR THE x l*RK ?. - Metn Traa .<«S"^ NI- 1.,'I.a:- KKATIXO R1NK aturntag. af-frnunn

ar. rvfntng.WAIJ.A ix «.. j Th* xi Id'ema* 8:18 Tb. Pref***or'*

Unv* Bi

Jnbcx lo ^VfnicrliPrmfiits.P lf* , Co) l'a«» C ,'

Anx,i**ni'--i-« s 0 Marrlagea * D*elh. 7 aRx,, ij Reporl. .11 ,-,.,., si.«mei¦* 1<> *il\»tmtn I...i.-.| !* 7, Hallr-ada . 86IBnaend NotUea ii 8 8 Real Kstat* in 4".Par.clng -. h- « N 7. BarlnB. Rank. .11 4.¦},¦.. .11 8 Schnol .XgenrieK. s 7.Hnan.'al Electlon*. 11 r, -.,... al Notlce*. 7 a

Flnat >i li 4 Bti itnhoat* 11 >'.l-atrn i| .... B .'¦ r<a. lirr- .*Laei a.-l '¦ iml 11 fi Wtatei R*» M* !» 7,

Bntinrtt UTotuet.ftflBtrXB TERXa TO MAIL BUBSCBIBtaU.

Pallr. 'i" h x-nt *! rrr meath.Dally, m ih ni Knnday «s * ,ear !*> -erifa per month.Su-ir?a-. Trlbur 8". . year, Wceklr. Bl. P»mi Weektr, .*

POBTAO& i'iir;, prataa* '« charged to forelgn conntrle*.rar pt^aVii ,-.. anaea, «nd *n .'* dally in Kew-X'er^ <i»,

P.EMITT.XMNT-;< f .ent ln ra^h. ur.-ap^tixrP(i. wlll h* at.h* r»n.:'a ri.-k

BJA1B FPTOWN OFVICB. I -'12 Broadway. DeaalewaOffl,-*. IM Ka**an ^,

AMFRK-xvs ABBOAP wlll Bad Tb* Ti ll>un* *?:London r>*flr» ef The Trlhuee, 77, FW St.. 9. C

M« R-,-« A .> BsHrwHiMneai Tt^:i-e. n C.Rmn-n. '",. .,:,) x- ,-A 54 \.t Pifort S-Tfco*a*» .¦-1. x Bnn. I^ilgai* C'reoa *

F*r,» J \- ll ¦. ,X- fr. T TX >r 4-erlb*.T, ,.,.,-e. ,r , <ta n,» txo provenraMrpti lta'V» * (-¦. 31 i:iJI«.varn lt.i\:««mnnn..-ier-ii I.- ,,, ia. |t;-r..|i .lo^lKirn-icera.Taemai r ¦'. .<. Bei i Placa'd* '.'Op*ra

0*n*\a -Lntnbard. Odler A CO. and l'n;.n Bar.k.Flore-r*. B'Mlbxr X- >,.?tenn* Anglo An.trlan Bank,St. p*t*i«i..ire Frmli t.ronnal*.The 1.,n^.-, PlDee »,f The T'lt-m" l« n rer.v»n'*r.t plar*

io i,>vi. adver.1a»menti atv] «'i'>*erlption*.r i a. ,,? T','- Trlreia* imr. he bonghl ln I/^rflen frem

Ve««r«. Snan a i,«.-,-h. Northumberland »v*., dtrectly opjn.l-. .»» flrand Hot*l



.iiiE NEwa this yoBXixo.

PORCltlN Knrktue Delgadu, a New-Yorknewepapei i*orreapoiideni, is ;. prl8*»ner In Ha-xanu. charged \xiih belng a robel olllcer.r,mm||.(J, -,.-.;.i ]...- l-rr l',,it Tampa ror Ha¬vana. A mutlnj -,r Turklsh trnopfl ot-

.-uircil al Mondanla, n the riVa of Mannora:the Boldlera a-ere parlfied when parl *.f ihelrha.-k pay and aome new i-lothea had been s'vetilhen.t>OME8TIC The rx-hoomr *'alxin B. Orcutl

and all her t-rea ..,¦>.- i,,-i ln the atorm at Chat-l-.Hiii Maaa The Caluinei ,-''at. Hank atBlue Isl.itid. III.. ralled; Ihe flnamlal alluathmin Chlcago baa Improved. Major Mt-Kin-lev and Mra. McKlnley wenl alelgh rldlna InCanton. The Boaton Btrt*ei rallwaya werelled up bj a ptrike Bx-Congreseman \VH. Hat, h dled al hla home In Hannlbal, Mo.

An expreaa tra.n on the Chlcago an.l Al-loa Rallroad .\a.-- held up ..nd robbed at ihefamoua Blue Cul, near Independence, Mo..'ITY The reporl of the Committee ,,n Drafl

of Charter of the Oreater New-York Commlaakin«a* iiia.l.- pul lie The Board ..f Eatlmatemade appropiiatlona for the Dletrlcl-Attorney'aand Regiater'a "(li' -.- Charlea R, Klinlan-1 blscoarhman were Ihi iwn from Mr. FHut's(Utte- bj a runaa'aj horae. but n-i'.h-t naa

hurt. Stwka loaed higher.THE \\i:\THi:i: Korecaal for t,,-,i;.x Pair;

xxarti.-r lo-r.lght. The temperatun yeaterday:Hlgheat, -l degreea low. -'. 7. iixvragi-, !.">.

THI. PROPOSED city charter.1 ii tbe I-.-}* .ri |.i-.-|'.-ir.-'l i.y ibe Couiiuitl.n

l>r;ifi for aiibniiaaiion lo ibe .;.-,.ii.i- New-YorkCharter llommlBBloo tbe proposetl i-barter la Do<il..;ilt wlth aa a flnnlity, Ita t'loalag aeateuee ia aafollowa: "We auhtnll Ihe r.-Mili lo ihe jmlgiueui"of ihe romnibviion and lo ibe people of Ibe''.-Diiiiiiiiiillk»a luvolveil, iii ihe exjieclation Ibal'Hiiy aerloiiM error or defeel may i»- <-.>i-i-.-«-:*-.|..bc'',,i-.. ibe i-barter > paaaed." Tlie >jii!it >..''lii.-u Dtteranee la admirable. Tbe eonimltteeih*-> ii..; exaggerale n*ben ll aays lhal "lo drafl"a charter t',»r sn,;. a eltj baa I.:i .i work raai"in extent, Intrlcale lu iletall, .'.ml far-reafblna"in iixx ronaequeuctpB." The diflDeultlea of Ibexxurk were Increaaed by Ibe elreuniaiaiii'ea laxvl.i<-!i ibe CoinmlBBloii xxas ereated and tbe llm-jteil tlme iii xvhi.-li ii bad io be perforuied, Themmmily waa preaented lo ili<- people of iii*- coiu-

munltiea affet-ted >.f a deiermioatlon of Ibe faelof eooBol Itlatlon lo adrance nf tbe determiuatlonnf iba* *«-:-11j . of i"onaolldatlon. Then a r..iin.r-»

e;,.n waaeoUBtituted wlth insii iii-ti. ii» to preparea .-li.-iri.T al ;i ii\.'.l date an.l wllli a .debnitelin-it I,. ii-> oxxii exlatenee. S.-ani llme xxav af.farded f«r fhe Btudt *.f ajatenia <d' munli-lpnlggreruluenl .-iml for ii..- dellberallon whlehahould )*. a prereqnlalte lo aai-h an undertaklug.The llme baa uol rome for paHaiug a eompre-

beoBire jmlgiueui ..n ibe i-barter aa drawn up|ajr |].uiti11 ,-. Unlj B part ..f It lia> jrelI,-,-; .ii.|i],-i,.!. altbougii ibe t-omuiliiee'* re

port. wbleli xx preaeni i>. our reader* wiihoiilahbfevbiilon ihln .uluai, aumniarlaea all lialiuportani provlslona. The rnembera ol ibet'oin-

BBlon. and .!. ;,..: r.< ii!i' Ibe alx .-oUl|ioitlug tln-

Couiaitttei "ii lirafi. are eutltled i» i-onllal..I ,.. ,i ihe dillgeu.-t' aud rare \-.iii--l. ihey

bare d'splnyi-d In ihe dlM'barge ><t Ihelr liup**rlani duiii - ':.'' H'pori i'~ ;? .. ;| wodel of xx

aui-h a ,h..-iii.i.iit abtuihl i»-. liav.tii' "'.x loual)l,ii-t' |)re|i,irt*d i.y i«ae |*ua*>ea.x4lu|i ln b rare uegreeiba ari "f irr;i<«|»lng Iba Ballcul polnta of a aub_;,. .; .;:,,. .. || thi m forth l.'--,.!'..

Iu ibe i}| ,.,r N'i-.x Vork we are lu bave a

MnilMpa! Aaaemldj of '¦"<> bouaea, contalnlnijrvapeiilrely 1«H aud '¦'-' memliera: .-i Mayor wllliUBicatrlricd |»ower .>f apjiolntlua tbe head* of

departiuent. and wllli tbe ahaolnte power uf r*-

aaOTil di rlna tbe flrsi >i.\ luoutb* of bl* lerm;

tivp bofoiigl - ii my :\x>. local boaril* me

for ench Kenate dlatricl; a Bhard ..f Publl. ln

l.i-or* n.cir- eomprlaloj alx Importanl deparluien!*.; a Law DepartmeBl t«i look after al! ihelaxv bualneaa ..f tbe clty. aml a reniral Board ofK.lncaii*di. a'lth Urt Borongli s, ii..,! Boarda.The only bead of .l.-paiim.-i;; lo !>¦¦ ebn-ied I*Coniroller. The comroltte* baa eonferred ex-

lenalve powera oa Ihf rl -.. aod ha« wlsely pro-vidr-d tba all fram-hlaea Inrolriui ibe uae ofihe ptablk x.-r,.|.ts ahall bt arraBtaaj i» the form<-f a tfatar f< r n.'i mor.' tl>.i» twenty flv-- y. n -

With Bun*' <<f 'Iip ptwrlalona of the rharti r aa

drafled faull wlll iiii.l'.ul.te.n.v I..- fninl Tbeetaabmlttee makea n-> clalm t.. barlng erolred a

pajffact pleoa of xv.irl;. Tha ont4!omt of Ita da-i:iK-raii'-iis xvill i.c a«bj>cted k. i-.-x i.-xx |ral i.y:he I'linrl'M- ConmhaBaOaj aa n i.<».ly ainl tli'i. bftiie lawnniKiiii.' pBW#»W. Anieicilent t.. l.otl.. la-dii.l. will »»e Iba ajeavaral pabllc .-liii.-'-n. but*

to be prov-.k*'*!. fOC xviil-li pri-parniloii ln.-- l»> >'ii

Hlflde 111 Ib* HII'HI!H»'''l*'l"s 'Of |Hll»li<- lieillill^'KsMin Bflfr tlie lieRinniiix.' "f Ithf DfW y*ar. Al

thptiaTh the iime i» ***f abort, II la erlae.fpr thaJofnuilsalonera to proTlde for su,-)i iioarinu* an.lluvlta comuient on tiieir wark. .Now Uiat cou

BOlldataM !s seeiningly inevit.iHe. lt ls Iha (l'".vnf all i-oneeini.l to ilr, ererytblng in Uatlr nowerto gire tin- comlnft fraal cltjr ibe !>».*< enartev

potatibte. Toward lhal Md are belleve ihe aaon

who have prepared Ihe piaactil draf) have ln-

horad earneatly, :m,i are adoeerely i«M'<" they wlllin- fonr.,1 to have labored wlaaly.

i FE8TIYAL OF BBOTBBBROOD.!t is no loager ¦ q«M»tlou rhethet CbrlaituaB-

Hiiv ahall be olmerved. Kor nol oaly <b» Ohrta-llana generally ohaerve it. i><" people arho nn-

md Clirisliins nt nll lioiior it. al lcnst n* B

ao. iai hollday. The parneal rhriatlana <.r b

BeneraUon ago who loohed npon Un* 6a* ¦¦ *

aon of EVrplah aattiriialla whkh do iroe ("liris-

liiin onghl to ohaerve, have altber ilic.i or .<.-

rlaed thelr «»|.inioiis. Tbe «*t 1i*»b~ day 11 dlatln-golnhed Bapttat ciergyinan <>f tbla elty, who

t-ertalnly cannol bo ji.'.'iis.ii o! any leanlngtoward Roman Cathollclam, atrongly nrfed iheobaervaaee <>f Chrlatinaa and other rellglonareativala. To-day there are few ehnrchei lnthla clty iu whloh tbere wlll nol !». ;i aarvteeapproprbtte to tbe day. The teitdwioy. .» f!,r'-

is ao atrongly In lhal dlmthrn that there is

ilangcr ->f maklng Oirlatmafl raerely " pei «»n

whlch t,. luiii*.' n gorgeoua aml dramatle apec-tacja, whlle iii- r»:il teacblnga of n>o day «n-

forgotten or woul.l be nn nnapeakable plty if ih<' day

siioiii.l be thua proatltnted, for, whatever we

may thlnk of Ita theoloarlcal Itnport, tlie broadlessoiis of |)i-.-i.-e good-wlll and brotberly klnd-u.-iv iii;ii it pnforcen were ncTer mora neededlhan they are now Thla la nol becanae tbeworld to-day is dlapoaed to nodereatlmate tbeImportance <>i" theae eaaeDtially ChriaHan yir-iiii s. l>m beratiaelt haareacbed the polnt whereii is ready lo adopl them ns its own, and wlllbe Miu.-ii nssisti-.l tbereto If they ar*» eDahrlnadin n greal Cbrlfltlan featlTnl. lf tt.burcbeaand Chrlatlan peoph> generally woul.l inuko it

cviiieut to tbe worlil thal Ihey belleve In

pcace. lhal they pvefer i<> llve in good-wlll wlthIhelr nelghbora. wbether iii.-y are n.-xt dooror acroaa tli<> aea, and thal they are ready whenth, > can. and ns they can. to help thelr fi-1-low-iiii'ii. there would be n>> n.1 ol dlrevtloarabow to keep ('brlaimaa. Tbe day would keepiis.-li". More than that, ll would reanll In mak-Ing i-vi-n other day :i Chrlatmaa day. And Inpolnl ol fael, lhal is jual whal Ibe Founderol Chriatlaulty int--n.l--.l ahould oii-ur. Therecord doea nol t.-!l us thal Ue Inatltuted anynn.- day for the oliacrvanee of peace and good-wlll; bnl it <l<"'s nl! na very rtearly thal tboat'who woul.l I..- His followor*. mual llve in lhaltplrll every day of thelr llve*.The report ,,f Tlie Trlbune Kreah Alr rim.l

tor tbe lsi«1 BetiHon, whlch appeam elaewberc,is :i good coiierete iiiiistiiiiion of Ibe thoughtw<- are Irylna. t.» pnipbaalxe. Tlie work itona l.yUiis helpful cbnrlty is in the very aplrll <»f tlieriiiisinins H4>aw»n, nnd fludfl i's expree-sioii in Ibe soiij: ol ili>- BUgela '" ,'1'" Wlth ofiii.- H;il..- .,f Betbleheui, "tMoiy lo Uod"iu ihe blgbeat, and "ii earth peaee, good-wlll lo ui4*u." r'or iW4*nty yeara our readerahave eii:ii.i.-i! ibla work lo be carrled on, wholljontalde Ibe im.-s uf any mdenlaatlr-al organlxa-tlon. We ahall not nrgue ber* wh«*tb»»r iiie nl-iiuisiir spirit lhal proiuptd sn.'li rtforta.wouWnot, wlthoul f'brlatlaulty, bave uianlfeatnl Whal we .1" know la Uml uo otherHgeui-y iu the workl baa ib»w ao lutM'li i<» pro-in,,i>- i;i]ii:;iii iiiotli.-ili.I bb I'hrlntlaulty. AR;'on,- nl tin- Btrongewl »-N i.l.-in <-s thal Mile ia so

iv ibe f.i'i thal awular uraatiixntioua «.f ulli.iihN are iloluii Jnai 111 * aon of work for man

lhai rini-i would liavf rejokinl lo aae is nol .-<' niut'li ii holy day of tlie('liin.'li ns ii is :t ii-stlviil of brotberliood.

/\ TERXATIOXAL UOOD-WILL.To baar falae wltuewa agalnat :i iwlgbbor

tltai is. io lie ni.oiii iiim. i<» mallgn him, i<> .i-r.-iiiit- his ,ii.-ii-;i«-i,-i' is ,-i sin. The tuoral lawpiiiv |i in ihe aame rategory aith tbfft antltuurder. Tbe coiuiuou law ivfognlxea ii us un

, iT.-ini' agalnal pt*rnonal rlghta and ata-lal onler.Tbe ataiuti' law of >i\ ili/.»-.l countrlea si-is itilown ;i^ a iiiiiie agalnal tha Btale, pitniabablciv flne and ImpriaoniuiMi!, and ;.s ;i wrougugaiual tin- Indlvldual for wlii.-h iinl-niniivlir.-iv ii.- r< .ov.-i-il. is ibe «aae, lual is la

May, uli.'ii the ael of bearlng falae wltnesa is.lii'i-ii.-.l agaluHi :i npigblaor iu a aomewbatst:i. i Interpratatlon of lhal lerm, Bul tlie «l«.-i-i. of «iil|i:il>ilii.v .|i'.ii-;ls,s :is iht- si|U:ne ofih- dlntauce ,>!' tbe ol,.i>-.-t ;iti;i.-l..-.l in.-r.-n-."-:.-lli.l \\ I). ll Ihat o'.je, t is lieyollil tlie lilllits ,,fiiiu-'s own i*ountry. aud is noi n prlvate imi n aov4*relgn, :i Kovernmeni. or ¦natlon. the rnliwiblllt.v is re<'kou«*il to vanlab nl-tonitIht. Bnrke iii.i nol know bow to draw.!|, ,-iu indli'tineni agalual ii whole peoida.1'in-i'.- are pl«*uty of men «ii>> .i" know how1,, lili.-l a whole ppople .'iinl ii><. t", w who reek-,ui Mi.'h ,i liln-1 ;i .liiii.'.

V.-t there nre few more grlevoua olfeni'Miiejiinst good morala or agalnal true rellgion.Ii is eaay enougli lo talk and preach and alngi'lioui "peacft on earth, good-wlll to iiu-n."'We hear much "f it ai Miis aeaaon of the year.Bui whal nort of fnlfllmenl of thal Bobllniamaaaage ara man worklng for when ili.-y ba-bltually iil.'ise nn.l revlle Iboae of ili.-lr Delglilinis a-bo hapi*en lo l»- aeparat4*d from ilu-ui

by politi.'.'il bouudnry llnea, or dilTerenirpa of

govemiuout, >|..'.-'li. or nt.-,-".' If lhal meaaagemeun. anything, li meaua lhal hM men, iheworld i.v.t. nn- uelgbbora, and lhal |N*a<*e timl,..,o,l «viil ahould prprail among Ihem every*w Im-i'-. Siii',-1\ ii tlu.s noi .'..nilil.'.' lo )..-:i.'.' to

.nll on,- nntloii :i natlon of biiti'hi'ra, nor pro-iii,,i<- guo<l-will io I'.i.-r unbitually tu auother;i- nn Internali»nal ilii.-i". li is eaay tu ^n.vthis Power ia n bnlly. uml lhal ruler an aa

Mis.siu. Bul ;t Ihe ebargea be nol irue whalb.-.oir.s uf lb*> t'oltintauiliiieui ;i>::iinsi beariU|{falae v iin.¦>>'.' And ii is nol enough in.t t<»

know thej aro noi true. Xo one hu* a rlgbtio iinl..' them nnletia be known ihey nr.- true.i;\-li llr.-li III' w'.tt "lo «e!l 10 1.1 tlie ll.llllollilion, "I <.' hlm lhal ln wlthoul *in .-.'isi ihe Bral*;<ii.<-

I'oi' are our Uovernmeni uii.l Buclal order ao

Impeeeable oa 1.0 make Amerlea the ehartere'lfouaor of erentlonY We n.- ungry wltli I'liltmwhen ber iiiiiie barry and kill our mlaalon

Hm wi-:-! ot ii,,- Cbinamen barrled »tu\kllled Ii.'H'. noi only wbli impuuity, bul wltli;,:-.iisi.'.- We rage agaiual the Turk for in Armenla. Bnl whal of our Imiulr.-.l-.ol rli'lbna <>i lynebing, aoiue of them burnedni the Btake, tlay .1 allve, aml aawn aaunderVlt is '!,,. ,in;ip -!i,"i' of Ihe «l!'-:.j..'s: .liuuois'iito t-all tJreal Britaln h holly ;i ri»bber and o

fiiinl |drate. Hm were Ainerlean handa elean.cllber of opprcnaloii nr ol land lhaft, Iu ibematter ol our war «i'li M.xi.oV Or ims ourr.-t it ii toward tbe Indlana been alwaya rtnw-U*KB .'in.i uii:.-:i iiir l;i "I.- Ji is j.;sf ns arell to gotdnwly In tiiis bualneaa of bearlni wltnaaa,falae or true, agalnal o,ir nelghbora of otherlanda; to bear ln mlnd, too, tbe unaniiabteneafof aeoldlng; and lo renieinbe> the eharatter <>fii.-i- arho "lefl nol even Laneelol hrave, nor

(ialubad elean."li la well for 't natlon, aa for a man, i<»

bpeak boldly and to rehuke >¦-. ii. Hut pln.napeaklBJ is :. 1'ir ilift'r. ut 'liin- from Indlt/i-rlmlnate "alaag-wbanging." Tbe latter is cer¬taln in lltne to have one of two effeita Rltberi, will make Ita aatbnr eontemptlble, ao thalnutblng he may aay wlll be rea^rded aevloualy,or eba* it will aow tllaierard, loiii.-ni batrad. andparbapa rauae open war. lf he who pravokeauiifrifMiiiii'-ss between lodlvlduala \t* nn eaenyof both, Iu* «bo liiflk*'. llllllons luwlile ia *i11

esemy of umnkind. Htafory in not devoid ofiiiHiMiui's of iniornniiiuinl feiul« and wara aria-log vimply from peralatent mlareprcaentation.

throajgh hcnring false wlxhJkaaal ngnlnst n m.v-

er.'lKii <>r a people. It oiight not to be ponslble,ln lliin em of Cliristlan tlvillzation. for sii.-ha tliitij; ever to oieiir. If BPoahara nn*! wrlters

were n< s.-i-upiilous and ai rarttooa in eHtlclo-Inii fi.teiitn nntioiis :in,l jroveninienls as theygra IO dlacttaalng IbC nffalrs nf tlieir nr-xf-<I*i«»rin'ij»'l), WOUld bei ome tilinost u

nineentv an.l artnles an.l iiavies lln.llinlf tlieir ot-*-iipntioii ir*.n.-.

THE rlllRili AXD BYOIAJTIOX.Tha proteal of tba Ror. Edward Brownjoba

agalnal tbe eontlrinaiion of I>r. Teniplr* as Ar*-li-

lilslmp of raiiKTl.iiry becnttae be beUerea ii.

evoliu'oii was ibool as fantMtk? M lii" name.

He niny rcpeat lii- prntest when tbe Anhliishnpla ..nilirone.l <>n January 8, bul if b« eacapeaxvitiu.ut iwiiig arealed by ihe pollee ba will beln.-ky. Vii ii ls not ao many jreara Blnoe evoiu-

lii.n waa iiniver-illy ...n.leiiineil by ..hiir.'hinen:Mr. BrowDjotra ims almply ktppi on Btandlngwhere nll bla brethrea umd to staml. bni froiuwblcb they have qnletly mnved bag aod bag-gage. Ineffectire as bla proteal is. Iberefore. ii

is *>r value as abowlng how rapldly and <'<-in-

iileieiy ibe riiristian Cburch has eome to acceplihe Ihoory of evolu:i..n as a t<>ler:ii"<l vi»>xv.

When Darwln'a "Orlgta of spc.-ies" appearedihe rlergy alnaoal to a man detKmnced i;. Biahop\YIIberforce, of <>xf..r<!. declared that Darwln'aviexv liiniteil Ood'fl glory, an.l t-t.iiffrnfnl»to*lhlmaelf that be xvas nol dencended from a mon-

key. upon xvhich Huxlej reinark.-.l: "lf I ha.l

"to c'tioi.sp. I wonkl prefer i<> be a a Viuml.lo nionkey rallief than of a inaii win.

..cmploys bla kimwledge awl ploqocnce in inis-

'Tepreaenting Iboae who are wearing ool their..lix-es in tbe scar-ii f,.r truth." Many rkraj-mrn. Cathollc ind PToteainnt, aald thal ll was

nn niteinpi ... dethrone .;<>i N'ol alone In Eng-lan.l. bnl on tho <'..nt iii-ni an.l in Amerlca, Ibeaame vi.-xv ..f Darwln and lii- iheory was taken.Brolntlon was denonnced aa allly, Impioua andfalse. A French Catbolk layman xvas bonoredi.y Pope Pins IX for barlng dlaprored Darwln-isni. "The Dnblln rniversity Magnxlne" becamcalmoat inarti.-tilate in deacrlblng Ibe attempl"to linnt lin.l out <»f Ibe wori.l." Church aynodaand i-.iiif.'i'.'ii.-.'^ paaaed hot reaolntli ns condemn-iiiL' the book and its author. "Tbe Monthly Be-ligiona Magaxlne," -.r Boaton, told how a Ber.Mr. Bnrr bad "demollabed Hie erolutlon iheory,"knocking tbe breaih out <>f it nnd tbrowing ir

"t.. the doga.M Dra. Hodge and DoffleM, ofPrlnceton, thundered agalnal it. tbe bitter aa-

axertlng in "The Prlnceton Berlear" "that ihey"wbo accepl it (erolntlon), wltb Ita proper logk'al-tvuBequencea, wlll, ln tbe life t«> eome. bare"thelr portlon wlth thoae wno;ln Ibla life know

..nol Uod an.l ebey nol ibe lioapel of His Son."

only Dr. McCoab waa faralgbred ind coorage-,,iix enongfa t>. atand np fx.r erolntlon aa a ten

able Ibeorjr. V.-i to-day, tbongh erolntlou I" nola deiuonatrated irntb. and perbapa nerer wlllbe, ii is accepted I.y ni..>i Intelligeult'brlatlana as ihe beai exphtnailon of life, and,ln faci, Ibe .."Iy explanatlon thai > nol Ii***1k*1'aboul xxiih Ineiiperable dltflenltle*.To underataud vi,«l..nt ontbreak agalnal

ex.,Iiitii.ii when li wa* llral pul fortb a- l work-

lug bypotbeaia by Darwin we unal bear In mlndlan facta; li orertbrew ibe |*opiilar antbropo-morphic concepttou of <;"<i aml the pupular he-li.-f iu tbe llteral irutbfnlueea ,.r tln- Blble. Bren

lo-day arerage iThrlatlana I'ke iu ibiuk of .;*..!

aa a -xi.ii of « greal maater me* bani**, wbo cre-

ateil ibe world wlth His handa. and wbu gorernall bj dlreci Interpoaltwna <>f Hla wlll. Bni ibeteudency io thlnk ihus ..f Ood waa mu«'b atrong-i-i- liiiny or forty yeara ago, ao ibai wbeu Dar¬wln made fjod'a comiectton wlth ibe worhl uu*dl-ate Inatead of Imuiedlate. it waa naiural lhal

Cbrlailaua si...iil.i denotince bim for "laklngaway" ibetrliod. Tbe accr.uallon aaairne. lledid lake away "ihelr <;...i": bni ai ibe aame ii.

be gare iheui a gllmpae of tbe imapeakably more

Divine BeliiK wbo was declared i.y t'brlai lo be

a S|.iiii. aml i.. b- worablppwl ..nly ln aplrli andin truth.Qulte aa lerrlble al llral s.-.-tn.-,l ibeblow whlch

evolntlon almed ai ii»>' llteral Interpretatlun .-f

iii.. Si-ripiiires. Moal of thoae wbo flral read-lii,. (irlgln of s^-.-i..-" bellered llierally In ibeivaiii.n atorlea ln Ueneala; and, of eonrae, any

iheory t'tal made am*h ;i oellef Impoaalbbj must

bareseemeda denlal of Iloda »Vo* I. Thnt vi.-xv

of ibe matier baa been abaudoned long a^,. byiiiiNt an-. Brother Jaaper, of -the >mi .1"

more" fame. siiil aloutly upbolda ibe llteral In-

terprelatlon »f Scrlplure, bni ererybodj elae *-x

plaiu* away all paaaagei" lhal aeem io contra-

dlcl Ibe approred i-onelualona ..f acleuee. Tblrty-vix ye.-n-xx a>:,. II waa Darwln agalnal tbe wholerhrfatlan world r,..lay Darwln llea amongCbriatiau Kngland'a bonored dead In Weatmln-aler Ahbey, and Ibe man wbo publlcly proieataagalnal eleratlng t<> Ibe cbalr <>f Kt. Aognattnea clergyroan wbo bolda tbe rlewa «f Darwin is

contemirtnonBly bruabed aakle a> a .-rank.

HR) l \ l> 8TAR I.Ei Tl REB.The well-adrerllaed lectnre lonr <*f Mr. Wlll-

iaiu Jenulnga Bryan, "The Boy Orator of i).e

I'biite." wbu xvas lately a iandldale for ihe

Preablency. began ai Atlanta, Ga., >*n w.-.ln-s

day ulgbl An audlence ..f i.T... people la r--

pi.rte.i io hare been In attendance. a* Mr.

Brjnn'a manager demanda HR per cenl <>f ii..-

recelpiM, which mual be guaranteed i.|uals:;.i...i for each lecinre, iba rentnre, -.. far aa

Ibe manager la com-erned, ap|*eara lu bateopened with Ibe proml«4e of Biui'eaa. Aaeiimlugniai ibe |.ii'»' of admlaalun xxa-11, and nllowlngt',,1- -jihi "deadheada." Ibe nel recelpta fur Ibeuiauagemeni a'ere aboni ^ :>-.*., om of whlchMr. Bryan. ibe aiar perfornier, r.Irea $l.wmas his ahare. Tbe contract is for a aerlea >>f

liiiv HH'turea. Ihii ibe announcemenl l« now

made thai they xxiil ii*- glren ai Interrala of a

furtillgbt, s,i iliat Ihe wbale aerlea may exlendi,\-,T a perlod of Iwo jreara, By "aerlea of leciurea" la underBiood, >>t courae, a aerlea ..f repeti-lioua ..f Ihe aame leclure. Mr. Bryan wouldliardly undertake lo prepare a freah lectnre once

in ;xx-,i xxv..ks i'.,r tbe n.-x; iwo yeara. lt maywell I..- doiibti'd w*aViher he wouM be np to ibei.i-!;. He ba* i-ertalnly nerer done anytblng t.>

indii-ate it. Veraatlllty La nol bla stronghold nor

otiginality bla chlef cbarm. Wht*n he aaya a

iblng be aaya ii In auch a mouth-filling and ear-

llckllng way thai Le haa only toaay ii orer nndover agaln and keep *aylng ll lo make erery-I....1.V hanpy. Thal la whai be <i..l dnring Ibelate rampalgn, In whlch be was ihe aonrce ofahnndani .-.:..I general Joy, tbongh i.»» waa a

irlfJe **aby" on rotea when they ...nn*. ta i»-

rounted:in ax4ectlng Atunta, <ia.. a^ tbe startlng polnl

for Ibe lectnre lonr ibe n|a**ager exblblied goodJndgment. Tbe polltlcal ntocllrltlea ..f tbe <-it 1xena of ihnt a**cilon wooM natorally lead themin lake au inien-st lu Mr. Bryan. an.l eren

th.itijfli ihey niieiit "top an.l thlnk a momeni be

fore inve.tinn a .lollar ln ihe t' ..f

inere cnrioalty t.» aaa ihai greal man, tha poaali.iliiy af bbl ^ayiiig BOfnetblBg now, freah nndMrikliiBT wa* siirr lo mrn tbe B.-nl*' in faroi ofihe abow aud ad.l io the proita of ihe abowman,while insiiriiiK the aajrceaa of hla raiorprfaae. ltiniL'ht ix- ...nsiiiered dbwaauei'lfaw i<> nse Ibe i\nme wllli which ineiiiben* af ihe dranMtle pr,ife«-si.)ii cniiiinonly deacribe 11**» rtr-i preaentaironof a nexv play aajtalfje ihe metropoii- n< "trylnglt ..n ihe dojr.*' We .onBer|ueiitl.x r.-fnin fr.irtiIt. but we do aay thnt n<> ahnwinnn ever aetetrtedwltb more abrawdneaa and good Judgment a

place for tba pTOt.cling thtis dcaerlhed tlinn dldMr Bryan'a nanager when ha pttched upon At-

liuitn ns the al.irtlni: polnt fof » $..<>.(XH» le.-tur.'

tonr. sinipiy t., aee ¦ man who earaa 11,000 a

nlght witii bla month ls worth aoniethlng. The

Bttraetloa la greatly enhanced in n distri.-t where,i.. p«ople are in ardenl aympatby arlth ti>"

leetarer, .'iinl have been l«-d by tlie pres* agenli,, bHlere that they will hear aomethlng theynever beard before.Aa to ihe leetnre Itaelf, of whlch our eiu.T-

iirising ronlemporary. "Tbe New-Yora World,"pul.llsli.-.l .1 brkfi synopsis. it hns io l.e Bald thnt.

Bltbongfe ll aeenaa t>> have i..'.'ii recelved wlthBomethlng llke raptore by ihe artbttalaetfc pe..

ple who pald a dollar t.- hear if and i.»' '«»

make ibemaelvea thlnk they were ¦attlug ibelrntoney'a worth, i' dkl no; folfll tba expectatlonflarooaed l.y the preaa agent. II was noi nt nll in

ih,- ii.'iiure of "a bttgle * -.- a ii for ihe campalgn of1900." jis advertlacd. It waa, on th.' oontrHry.

n njalte .¦oniinonplii.v eanay on what ba sni.l ba

had been eapeelally Impreaaed wlth durlng Ihelaal f.-w yeara. "the power ..f an Idea." And tho

Idea h'' had beeu eapeelally Impreaaed wlth was

.ii,,. inditTerence <>r cltlaena lo tne greai nrob-leius .f Lri.v.-i'uim'nt." II." Introdueed it in ihese

worda: My only purpoae is t<- leave wlth you"aome thoitghta in connectlon with a aubjeci rery-near io my beart, in the bope thal theae

"tbougbta will awikeii themaelvea ln your

.mlndfl. and thai thla actlvlty in your mlnda"win you to better cltlaenahlp." Not a atlr-

ring egordlum. wrely, bul a rery atrlklng re-

rainder of tbe traln-end apeechea of tiie ,-am-jrmign, iu wiii.ii he almoai Invarlably Btarted out

to glre hi* hearera aomethlng to ihink of. bul

Bomebow Ibe irala alwaya pulled oul before be

BJOl to it. jWlthoul dwelllng nnon "the Indlhterence of

rlttaena to Ihe greal probleina <>f government."whleh be announeed aa hla tbeme, and whlehwaa borde In upon hlm by the manlfeatIndltTercnce of ¦ Iarge majorlty of cltlaena to

his aolotlon of tne great nroblema "f govern-iu..nt. he ambled up t<> his old atory of puibb

legialatlon and Ihe dlacontent I) prodiicea, and|,i-,.-e,-,l,-il to rehaab bla Iraln-end ap.'hen.thraahing the old Btraw .<f "maaaea" and-,.|..,s<,.s"" R|| over agaln. II was hri atunin*

S|.,'h made over Into i lecture. He aald one

new tblng, however. whlch was thal be us.'.l to

thlnk the word "fanatic" ..> harah term, but

rbanged iv< mlnd after be was to detlne it

hlmaelf. "A fanatl.-." be aaya, '"is one who

"tblnka so deeply npon rertaln aubjecta as lo"make hlmaelf a nolaanee to everybody wbo"ttoean'l thlnk aa deeply on thal BUbJeet as he"doea." He was evidently thlnklng «.f bimaelf,gnd wltli liis iisiial M-!l"ioiiipla,'.-n.'.v aceountlllgfor bla belng ¦ DUlaance by his belng. .» f'""1-

a fanath*. who tblnka more deeply than thoaewh.. ronaider him a nulaanee. Tliereln he makeauiie of his common mlatakea. If be is a nulaanee,whleh we really do nol ronaider blin- ll la not

becauee be tblnka bo deeply. bul baeauae be

tblnka he is thlnklng bo detwly. when In nolniof fa.-t he mlatakea Hm* operatloua of his monthfor Intelllgeni mental pna^eaaea, Mr. Bryanfoolfl liiiii-.-lt' wlth ilie notIon thal be is a deei»-.,.,, ,ii\,i-. when he has onlj pui bla head mnlerwateraud lefl Ihe real of bimaelf In plaln publlt!si>;lii to ilie iiii.-n-.' amuaeiueul nf apectatora.

I p to ilaie. bowever. be may be eouuted aa n ..ii Ihe l,-iiiii'i- plaiforiii. NS'.'

rongratnlate lila tuaiiager. Hla Bueeeaa will nu

ilonbl rontlnile -i. long a* tlti.l .¦oiiuiiiiti

il.s whi.ii like lhal soi'i of Ibitig. I'of. aa Mr.

Mncolu u.'l i" aay: "For |»eople aiw llke thal"Bort of tblng ihat la Jiwi al.i the aort ,,r tblng..tliey. llke."

fiur new charter-makera are careful t" rall ItThe Oreater Xen'-York every tlme. Th. name

Ureater New-York i.-i ep,»arently come to atay,bul we fail to aee the un. of ihe .leriii;:.- artlclean.l capital 'l*"

.ni- thini ln certaln wlth reference to Mr.i.,,iiiiY blll ti revlae ihe poatage lawa.everyrlauae In li n-hlch leavea am rate "f poatage to

the di* retlon of a Pootmaaier-Oeneral Bbould baInatcntly Btrlcken from the blll. aferehanta whohave gooda t-. shi|,. publlahera n-ho have bookaand newapapera i" mall, and the publlc generallyhave i.n from tlme to tlme aubjeci to extraor*dinar) Interpretatlona of ihe law by Poet*maatera-General To all and purpoaeathoae offlcera have repeatei ena ted nea law.

The preaent Poatmaater-Oeneral, Profeaaor wn-

Bon, admlta tin* when he aayr. thal certaln ao*

called 'ilbrarlea" of fletlon, etc, have been for

yaara admltted to the malla agalnal what hedeema lh. Intenl of ihe law. and that he feeladlapoaed, by a rullng, lo ahul ihem all oui agaln;and this in Bplte -.f tiie fa< that then- ia no

complaint from the country ai Iarge thal thesebooka are Improperty rarrled at aecond-rlaaaratea of poatage, Xoi.iv. ahould ne paaeed ftxiiiglai-s of poatage ati.l .livldlnK tnuil matter Into

claaaea anleaa II is noi only Jual bul ao preclaeln terma as to leava llttle or nothlng to ihe dla*eretlon of ihe Poatmaater-Oeneral. Mr Loud'ahlll w decldedly nol euch an act.


A rontractor ln riii-* clty ha.* aaked to ha^e iheamounl pald hlm reduced £***>, ir this had hap-pened ;n Tammany tlmea, hla fri-mis would un-

heaitatlngl: have if-!:.-,l the .our..* to examlneinto his mental rondltlon.

.. .

Rngland ranka ;. a lolerably hard-drlnklngrountry, and has done so alnce it t>><>k its place lnhlatory, rarrylng iis llquor, hoaever, wlth a

Bteadlneafl .. hlrh one im* to go to Holland or

Kentucky to aee paralleled suii legialatlon f,.rthe control nn.l regulatlon of its drlnkera is con*Btantly requlred nn.l Invltea frequent ampliflca-tlon and revlalon, leavlng, after all, the atatlatlcaof Intemperanre much as they were. In Ihe claaal-flratton >>f the Intemperate a certaln proportlonar- recognlzed iis Inaane drlnkera, for whomBpeclal atatutory reatralnta are provlded. anTitheae ar. agaln dlvlded Into aub-elaaaea: first.tboae who Inheril th.- propenalty; s<.nd, th-.sewho evlnee ii as the chlef manlfeatatlon of Bomaform of cerebral dlaeaae; thlrd, ih-.s,- who araaffllcted wlth it as a reaull <>f Injury ta the head,aevere fever or other waatlng bodlly allment,mental ahock, heavy arlef, reverae of fortune,and, Indeed, eauae Bltnllar t.. thoae antedatlngBome other Inaanltl a: uml fourth, thoae who ae-

qulre it through a vleloua courae of Indulgence inBtlmulanta. Caaea of this kin.i reqnlre medlcalrather than punltlve treatment, an.l ln the opln*Ion of ih<- itiiiish Medlcal Aaaoclatlon ahould l.e

dlacrimlnated from those <.f the crtminal drunk-anl* who requlre ihe appllcatlon of ardlnarypenal and reformatory agenclaa Tin- doctoraougtal to kn.,w more aboul tbtj aubjeci than any-body elne, and it is dtacouraglng ihat ln tha malnthey ar. obllged lo admll tbe Inadequacy ,,f all

egpedtenta t<> the oorrectlon an.l reaaedy of tii*»

avll. Whatever form tlie dl«ease or vire aaaumea,lt la obatlnate an.l refractory, and ther*. aa here,the only thintj that aoclety can do la to l.attle

eonatantly with ali its manlfeatatlona, employ-Ing atatutory. nortatory, e*Jucattonal and allother meana aitainat it wttbout lookliiB; foi itaextlrpatlon. and ne, easni lly helnir i-ontetit witha moderate meaeure ,.f amelloratton


Tha nea Watrlcl-Attorney la probnM} famlliarwlth ibe aaytng aboul tha "tlde In the affalra ofmen." etc., and apprtclatea ita appllcablllty topreaeni cln urnacanceB

The tniatomary Htta-k an 11*** Clvll iet \lea B>a-i-m in Congreaa *a« a rtgoroua one thla year.Hut. aa was to he expected, It \»aa a eompletefallnra. At the *a ue tim* a BJOOd .aa* «na

made out aaalna' the preaent Admliil.tratlrin.wboae effortfl In behalf ef Clvll Pervlce Reform.whlle conalderable. were aliown not to bave been

Whoily ni.lntereBted. It la algnlflrar.t that a

motlon to Btrlke out the entire appropraitlon for

th* rivii Berrtea rommiBsion waaorarwhelmtng-l>- defeated. This ls by m> means ihe fln.1 tlme

that an a.fempt has l.een ma.le tn starve m.t the

offlclala charged with the axecutlon nf the law,and very probaWy lt wlll noi he th- laat Hiit

the reform goea ateadily on.

The men moal Inlcr.-Ptcl in tha bulldlng nf a

new Hall of Becorda are ggread that it ahouNnot he placed ln the Clty Hall Park. On that

point. aa well aa In their dealre f.-r fl nexx atruct-nre ta contaln thnt are llterally prlco-Icf.*. thelr hearls are BbaolUlely leraL


a. tha aVhubert featlval to be glven In Vlennal. commcmormlnn of the compoe.r's U»th Wrth-

,i,v one cf tne perferroer* wlll be Bftofl Carollna(}laaBler-f*chubert, or London. a Phinlate. Bh. laarrandnlere of Bchtih-rt. an.l fm« ti"1 name of .. igFr, et"..|ienf Interpreter nf h*r llluatrloufl relatleaamualc.Dean Parrar glvea aome Intereatlng remlnlaceaeea

of Tennyaon la "The Temple MagaaJne." Thla ls

how ba BUggeated "Ht. Telemachua" tn tbe poet:..l.orrt Tennyaon, one day arhen I waa walklnK wlth

hlm me to flUggeel to hlm the Butajeel nf a

poem. I auggeated the ...ory ot it. Tel8*nachu«leaplng <inwn Into the amphltheatre »nd by hla

seir-.i.x-oteri mnrtyrdoa puttlng an *>."i forarar to

the hldeOQa l.titilicrle. of the gladlatOrlal K..m"« a

acena whlch i have Blnce d*^pi>.-,l ir, aay .Oaither-in*r I'loude.' To mj Biirprlae. he had never heard"c s.nrx, and Iraa much etruek wlth lt. He aakedme *o .end hlm, arhen I returned. all the autharj-tii-a on the .ubjeet. Th;.. wa* ewlly done, foi r

real* on the *lngl# aulhorpj of the Oroek - cieejeaatlral hlatorUn Theodnrei I aent rilrn thepaafln*;*ln ti,,- orlgtaal Qreek, and he nlothed II In the mns-

nitii-ent poem."(-., n. ral Wllllam Cullom. who haa Just dled Bt his

home in .'lltiton. Tenn.. Bl the ape ol elghty-aevenyenra, xx-.,-- ror aeveral terma r aiemher of Con-

crca from ihe Carthage dlatrlet In thal Btat. ind»aa once ti, rlerk of th. Houae of B«;*-Hve. 11* xv.i* at one tlme promlnenll menror Ihe Prealdenry. He wa* an um-le of BenatorRhf-lbx af, 'tillom, of lllinola.

Tbe Cardlnal ArchMahop of Parla ha* app *dp#re Olllvler, tho fnmoii* Domlnlcan preacher, to

Ihepoal of t.ent.-n preacher al N'Atre l.-m- racanl

by the death <>f Monalgnor d'Hulat, ihereb) n-

.Inulng the tradltlon whleh conneet* the great or¬

der ,,' "Preachlng FrlarB" wlth - Cathedral pul-pli iv.,-. olllvler, irho la ilreadi well known InParla, ha* the repic 'lon nr a quarter pl e centuryns n ur<";.r-hcr of unuaual power and orlglnallty,iitul ,-t perfeel master of tl.locutl nar> art, whonever rall* to rlvet the attention of Parlslan auai-

Tiie Rev. IV. l>. P. Bllaa fEplaeopaU, r* l >r of theChurch of the farpenter, Boaton, ind Bdltoi of ihe

organ of Chrletlan SoclaUem known aa "TheDawn," is maklng ¦ lecture tour through theWeat in the Intaresta of Chrlatlan BoclallamHla method ls to hol.l what may be called .-<

.oclnl revlval, or induatrlal mls.lon. In all the larg.

.iii,.-.. xettlna aa man) Kplaropal lur he. a. !¦.>--atble to intereal th- m-clxes in ll li.- al-'O l.-tiii--before trade and l.,i> <r orgenlaatlona wh* never he I;Invlti ,l to do *o. When ii«- Bnda a »;or.i opportunlty.|,, ie||. ibout ih* Amerlcan Pablan l*eague, nlahlch ne lf .. member. Thi* is an oreranlzatlon oixoiiriat m*n whu devota themwlve* to »o*?lal andmunlclpal reform. lt is aald thal the present char-ter of ureater London wa* .lrafted by .1 committeLhal ha.l on ll a number ol I'ablnii*. Includitig By*l-

(j Bemarxl S.iaw ai 'i IVI Nam 'hu lc<-.x\

THE TALk OF THE /' 11,

A fltatned-glaa. nindov ln Ihe nhureh ..: Bll mi,ii.-.ii Polkeatone, Kngtand, haa .. pleture of nn.I hl* L-ouneellora, In whleh Thoma* Carlyle|. ihe Klng and Ihe counaellora are l*ord Ballsbury,l,i»ui Bearonadeld and Mr. Qladatone. The por-iralt. are .-.. a* urate lhal Ihey tan Im- .1 glance.Maklng ll-i»l' IM.iiu.- '!'.-.t,-i.,-i N'ixa. Thomaa,

Ihe -111.11. of the h) |.uth.-i,...-.. ..' ¦' rlgiil-uiigleil Irl-ungli- i- eqtial lo ine *um ,<f Ihe «nuare>other txx-ii'xxi,i-¦- i>.. make mywlf plaln lhat,\;i

Thomaa-I xiieai ao ma *aj. loo mueh eddlc-a-tion i^ what makea >om ao homely, (Judge.Tha Congreaa dlatrlet it. Colorado repreaented hy

.lohn .'. Bell la S..I.1 to be > iu..l ln area to tbaStHK-s of Kew-York, llaaaaehuaetta, Connectlcutr.nU New-Jeraey. Mr. Bell is .1 nephew of tii<- io:nc. Bell who waa Uncoln'a opponent on th« I'nlonlickel ln laM

Th* Bpeclal Kdltlon ("raa* Poreman \\'-'.>- i.i a

1,1-iiv ti\' Her. ll I. "i -- 'i.i Hiid we huven't a

bll ,if ink ln the »hop, exerpi » can bf mat old redpoater inl.

l-:,iltoi Greal H laaora! Thal *ol Ah! have anIdea; bring th* whole ihlna oul In red, and Bet np

in .- * lylng lhal this ls ,,nr *p*»i lai Armenlan e,n-lluii. fP

wiT,-ti ihe average Bouthern paper de»erlbe* a

dlfflctilty ii.ixi.. ixx.i "gentlenien." It alwayi aay*that one or ihe other of them "drew hi^ plMtol.".ih- Naahvllla Amerlcan" objecta Btrongly 10 'i.txi

waj of puttlng !t. . sp,- i.tll; to tha poaaeaalvai. 11 ¦.hi>." "A gentleman," tt s.i>»», "can re-mova hla hat or tear iiis eoat, bui ,an h<- .Iraxv lus

pl.tol? Doea every gentleman carrj a pi>tni" 1- it.1 part «,f the peraonal apparel? ls 'hla' pl.tol ta

neceaaar) 10 t-omplete th. loilet .1-, 'hla' 1.ktle?There ere occaalona when .. gentleman la j-. tinediu .iui>i:,« 'a' platel, bul la not ii tlme to rall ..

haii xx ii.-t. ,x,rx gentleman Indlacrlmiuately drawaIII-' pl-tol""

'luMMVS CHR1STMAB TRKK.t W it -i apologlea io Jamea IVhltcomb Riley, ll ha


\\ .¦ aln't Kot no I'hrta'mua tree,'.'aiise my mamma'a huahan' h«'ist forgoi he baa « kld,'At's what my nn'' huaban' did.

Pn, 'at " mj ma'a huaban', aay.Ti.- .ni.' fneh'able theae daya;.x-i him xxin, an' pa *«; iuhDon't belleve In Banta Claua!"

Baya he hatf^x tlie noiaa an' tuas.Makea hlm an''l ><.- wh) ma keep. hlm, h<-Aln't no uae 'al an aee.

'i- me xx.i-i hlm an' him xia> me1..( ,1 have a Chrte'mua tn .¦;M 1-1 amllea .,'..' eaya "too bad!*''At 1-1 makea ma awful mad.

Uther little boya lus paaU'hal bellevea in Sat.ta .'laus,11.,u uic..'. paa I'il i-il hlm ao'i-i aa aouii aa 1 an grow.Wisht ma lock hlm out to nightVVhen he com*-s, 'lat aerve hlm right;Make hlm -'ay oul ihere an' ihentlobulina an' bogla m^.i

Ketch hlm fore the mornhV eomeli, yOU tllell I'J :, ,1111111,An' a whlalle 'at 1 d Imow,\\ helher he don't lik<- er no.

\\ lshi why, here'a i>a, an' 1 aeeThal he'i imuighi a Cnria'mu* tree;8uxn h»- thought ht-'O fool the kJd'At's isi xxtiat ma'B huaban' did!

iBaltlmora Krwa

Tbe follectlon* of the Pogg Muaeum al Harvardhave been enlarged xxithln the laxn r,-xx m ,piii> i.>-the acqulaltlon of a lutg.- number ,.t photographafrom Athens, romprlslng many llluatratlom ,.f re-

centl) dlacovered worka of Oreek archlteeture andtculpture, and of othera from Naptea of unclemmonument* ln Bouthern Italy and Blclly, Amongtheae laal are aboul iif': vlewa of dlffereni parta oftln- ^a^^. del \'.-tti. tha rerently exravated houae inri>mi.ii, whleh has broughl to Ilght, in addltlon tothe intere.ting arehttectural remalna, «,,>n:. Importanl Oraeca-Roman palntlnga and ., x;.'.,.i dcot a. :iip'ure.Miss Hardlek Bthel ean'l i»- after mon. sn,-

|...s broken ber c-iKflK.-ment xxiMi ihai «. iith)plumber.Miss Poadlck Don'l ba too aure Bhe Jllted hlm

for .. man who owna a Ucycle-repalrlni ahop(London Bpare Momenta.

¦The gaeetrtcal \v,.ri<l" sny» lhat a eertala llttii»nn-.-hani-ii devlce la called la Oeraaanj "Aato-matlaeheaptegeuilaaaplattenblltBachutsvorrtehtung.""A« Hs nam* clcarly Inrilciitcs, 11 bj gn appa>rrtru»forpr,);e,-t!:-.Kag.iln*tllKh:nln>., Hialatlngofplati «-

ofnilrrorgl(..*uctlnga.iiomatlc.i!iy [g thi* countryxxe are la tlie hahlt af .-aliing thla xlmpl. dOVtea B'ciitout.' "

"Oeorge. what ahall I gct Fre,|il\ for .'hriatmu*Don't gei a »agon. a Whaelbarrow *.r anythlnglhal I *hall have io rnul him aroinitl ln get hlm

a rocUiiiR-horM- h<- ean work thai hx hlmaelf"(Chleage RecordTher* la a cla*. of paeplB." aay. a rallio.-ul in 111,

"xxho ar* alv.ay. last to leaxe the cars f,u .1 putpo*e. 'I'hu ia aapaclally aaytlosd nn aurburbanirnln*. They gn f'om one en<| of the traln to theother, looklng In ae.i'B on both al.le* .f ihe carIt I* Impoaalblr for our men to t.- nlxxax* 011 Ihewni.h, and praauaaaMy iharoara many io-4e^ ihaican never b* reciainiert "

Ibo.Thara n-o*. mf mw", dreaaed In black, "*..«u*l. 1 anpiinae he thlnka lhat cnlor aillt" hlmbetter than an;- a bll lf. hla ineanneBfl. He ha* a lot

or reiollonfl. and If any ot 'am ahould dl*-. ha'Baiwai* ln mournlna; no further eapenae.-Uudy.



in Wiiii- "k's Theatre laal nlghl Mr. IVIIIapa ha

per*onale,l ("vnia Hlenk.itn. MI Mr .lor.-sV BOWeffBplay of -Th- Mi.i.l!«'tn;.n, and iteepty taoched anc

greatly dellghted a Iarge audlence, The pla| .4

been fnlty tteaerlbed and eonaldered in thla Joarnal;..l the performanee haa been often. and warmly,and moat deaervedly commended. Ttu predomliqualltiea ln Mr. vVIHard'B actlng are almpHetty and

.Incertty, and thos< qualltiea aplendSdlj prevall Irihi* erabedln nt. Tne drama, arhlch .ruetedvlth nire sklll. pro-...!- from one atrona effecl to

another, iulaalnailng la the iBB-roveraabed lavegof« trlumphani si.aa, when redu, -i to '.¦. loade»th of deatltutlon and mlaery; and tne tor*iarpartative aklll ia aaatwa In the flymaaetry with

whleh he developa the eharactei through .... a*-

cendbg aoale ef draaaattc cllrnaa Mr. W llard'agreal rtnetlonal power la aaon conapleuotif**ted n thla i'l-'- than la an) other ihi ha ra*

ever m-.i. known ro tbla pobll. The dumoi .

iweetnera and Ihe grace ot hl* Bctlng.l ow.better dliplai ed In Mr Rarrt* tend r drol <lrf.-umii.s play ol "The Pr »f. >r* 1/whleh will i,e offered to-nlght. Bnd *

ance* "f whleh hla preaeni engaaemenl atlack'a wlll be bruughl lo a i- on

day. I' is pleaaanl 10 reeord thal .- Hlard haa1,-en welcom*d hen wlth th. irileai good-wlll,and thal hi* jopularlt*/ ln thla capital remalaa un-



thk gwetuaii rtiBMifrr leavkb Hfi ENTtariBYIRTI.'XB TO THK BTOfKHOLU I'NIVERBaTfl.onnor.. (¦<.. 2" Tl,- Mornlng Po.t" a III ro-mor-

row *.-.- thal Alfred Nobel Ba fl :>'. .nglneatand chemlai. who dl*d al Ban ."¦

.. mber * lefl a a III ¦>' "' ma,

amountlng In \ alue '" ilx ui ! - .¦. to thi Ito g*iiolm I'ntveralty.




v.' ' .-'.a OP MAAMOl \ .!." AXDOET THEM

Conatantlnople, ¦. ..¦ II A fea a re«*l-ment of Turkl h troopa from ".-

" r-

key, embarked bi Hodelda the I .n

board j. flovi tranaiatantlnople. Whi n the ahip Mou lanl oaI,.- P>a 0f Mrmor .' whl '" .' ''-' «ere todlaembarh aml pro, -i .,f ata

houra, to I'onntan Inopie th. .. a*d rtre.ap-tiiin of the veaael and ¦¦ hlm theaInformed the commandlr* ..iii¦.¦ f ihe i gtmeat

,..v poalibely refu :-.: to la id inl i. re*

etved '').'¦¦ arreara of pay, amountlng In tke ag*

gregate io - >,000 plaatreB, aad a aupplj of properclotiiing, Inauad of the raga tli-j w< r* wi rlmTl - v i'i ef Brou.a waa xied at on ¦. .' ln*

demand of rl lo'dlere. and tha at tbaiUrn 0f -,. ... iBBtrea. bul th refured,,. . ,, and thn ai u< ¦'. '- :" " " '""

Moudenia unlea* i ^"1mandeil Aa thi Idli '.' ,r7lt'2,

ll ri .'-- ¦¦ w'.iat iej de*Aa tni .¦. '¦'¦ ¦*.:''-:

.!., determlned, the >mllea -IWHV wni .' ¦"." .'

.:.,-.;: i'.r'depiM. li the S a-ury. »<>

'.",, .,"i ¦-.;. v prrecelvlng,.,! ¦¦_




P-rl, i,,.. 'i The body of lluberl ra aaa*

..,,;,,!.' ,he novellat, who hna been mlaalng alnaa

Oetober. waa found In the s ..

Mr Crackanthorp*. '- aald by bla frtenda to have

..-fi ihe Parl- hotel ui. ha *¦¦ ataylng ln tha

,,,,. of pctobtr. bui thi name ol ie hotel

l. not glven ln th. latt.r part .' Kovember a

mi fra. kthorpe" wafl reported lo have | --"1

lhroagh Uordeaua en rout. for Bayonne. a

panled bv., lady. bul nothli.a dertnlte waa b^rnedr ,i... nh. reaboul* or movement* ol mi ing

novVhaiVrom'the tim. ol Ua dlaapiamramai unifl,,,. nndina or h«a body In lh. rlver lo-aay.



LABKER 01VEB P A Rl'T U>Pi3 ^>-n THlKTf


Moacow. i- .. 24 (Spectal). Late laat nlght Laa*af« ia beaten bj Btelnlta ln the tw.lfih »c.>n.e ef th.

..hamplonahlp cheaa mateh of ten gamea up. Th.

(;i.Illi:ill p,Byer opened wlth a Buy Lopea. tha

piayera aelectlng the foUowlng vartaUona::; p QRS; 1 B Ri I' Q*! -¦ P-Q4 *-**.0 P ull.; Kl B3:7. QKt g .'. H-K 2, S. Caatlea.r-Hatiea ite. It appean th.n Un- game proceeded

t,\ eC-nlj untft the end-game atag. waa

reached when the veteran, by clever play. eatab-llahed .' wlmilna poaltlon. Ueker r-signit.fir afteruirtv niov-4 The aeore now reaOa: uaaaer, ?,Btetiiita. l: drawn, t The thlrteenth game ls ached-uled for lo-nioi ro* evenlng.


TIIE PBIXCE88 OF CBIUAYH ELOPEMENT.Budapeet, Dee. M.- Xewapapera bara aay that th.

Prlncesa of i.'hlmay umi 'aransan, tonnerly Mta.cii ra wnrii. of Detrolt. Mlch., th- report of arjaeaaPlopement wiiii a lungarian Talgane (. g>-paymualcian) luaed auch .¦ aenaatlon in Hristoeraiie

tlrclea a ahorl tirne ago, m.s arrlved at Btuhlwala-aenburg In company wlth the Talgane, whoae aaaaa,- KiKo TIi-n den> thal they eloped. Ttu Prlncaaadectarea that ahe openly bad. farewell to her I *-

band before ahi lefl hla home, and thal he araafull) aaare of her love for Rlgo and of her Inten-iion" to m> wlth hlm The Prlnc aa. the papera* -ii-.l Rlgo"* parenta, n io llve ln .i gypay nut...iid promlaed them that ahe would marrj thelr aon

- aoon ..s ahe waa dlvorced.?

AXOTBEB i'BABUE IUAIX8T YO\ TAV8CR.bondon. Dec, 24.."Tbe Btandard'a" Berlla .'''!-

rcBpondent tektajrapha that Major Voa Tauaca,the chlef of the polltlcal pollce, who \%.<* arreeted¦ few daya ..,;.) la connetnloti wlth the trlal ofBerlln Joumallata who were charged wlth llb. li k

tiiifti Btate offlclala, hus Bgahuu hlm. ln addltlon'our chargea or perjury, a charg. of leae-ma: ..

¦,. whlch ha* been made .... lusptolon thai n«j

lupplled falae rumora lom-ernlna th. health oiKmperor Wllllam to certaln newapapera, chteayBlamarcklan organa


//// >7. f.Ol 18 II l> » A'"' OH PAS8A0E.Bouthampton, Dec M. Captain Randle. cjhbj*

mander of thi American Llne ateamer Bl l.o'i.e.uhl'h .i'> il hen from Sew-York .- rday, re¬

porta thai Ihe weal ei waa very heavy »n tn.

,,., of aalllng from New-Vork. December 1C. and:l,.,, on three u icceedltiR daya t ie Itlp rn.-oui t< nvtolenl norlhi-aaterl} Rulea Bnd anowatorm* l ne

aeua ran IiIkIi nnd freauentli awepi n-r t.i.sieamer'a deeka, but no damage «..s dom

? -

/". /,'. 711/n/,' Atl \l\ iRBAIOSED.i.on.lon. Dec. M. Bdward R. Taylor, allaa Arthur

IV, Plati who was ati.M-.t iii Oxford laal weakupon a warranl obtalned i.\ tbe l'nlted Bl i

Kmlmaay charging hlm wlth the murder of Jeaaai'. ree ln Kentucky In IBB5, and arrabrned ln th*Bow Sii-i-i I'oii. .'...nt on December lh. waa agalnarralaned thla rnorntn*] nnd remanded foi ¦. v*->k,pending the arrlval ol docuroenia coneernlnf Iha....-.. Amerlea.


PA8SEXIIER* BY Ull' U.LEB.Bouthampton, l> ¦¦>¦. 21 Mra [.ehaiann-Kallack

a .1 Mlaa Tereaa I'areno Bre aaaong the paaaea*¦...I- wh., s.uii-,1 tbla afternoon for New-York onih,- North Qertnan l.loyd ateamer Aller.

?\\ III l\\n\\\ iXABCEIST* [RRE8TED.Berlln Dec .'i The Berlln pollce hava baaa en-

aaged wlthln ihe laat iwenty-fbur houra ht Bearch"Ina ti"- lodglnga t»f known Anarchlflta, wlth Ihe nsui: they have arreeted aeveral promlnentmembera of tlie 'aect," Includlng he leader Laa*dauer and hla female companton, Roaa Par.haa


.i\<t\ IIIF BIPPEBT l\ AM8TEBDAM.i.,.;,,!,,n. Dec M A dlepatch to 'The Pall Mnil

Oaaetta" from Aaaateralam aaya thal i aeriaa ofiragadtaa <-f the "Jaok tha Rlpnav*1 tM>,- hap-penlng in that Ity The bodj ef . araaaaa withIhe throat CUt nn,\ otherwUe BBUttlatad aa* foundin the Btreet thi* mornlng. Tha ehlaet ef tu*crtane waa evklentlj nol rabhery, ,is a sum otmone) ana a quanttty of Jearaley were foaad on tbiboilv".

FBAOMESTB OF TOBEIOX XEWt.', Dae. M Tn*. Rnri*ii ateaaaer N-pnme.

from M'.i" December 1.1 tor Baltlaaere, prevkanlyreported .,s t>ri\:r % been apekea aa December i. miiititude i". lengttude ii. airlth her propeller a^r...hna heeu pteked up i>> the hk thal araa aeal toher aaatatanca aml towe,i to vig.. Bnaha,

rrti. Paterabnrg, Dec .) \ IWrynaat ereeatag? thaRlver Dnkapar, la the rroviu... ot Ekaunnoaiav.,.,irslae,l lo-,lay niul m«i> i>.i ¦ . *JflBMt wer.drowned.

i.oniioii. Daa, :i Tba Brtuah Bteaaaor Jam*.Drake, from fanoforte. Bardipu, Kaveaabat » forPunklrk t-rance. la el.ven daya overdue at thatpon She la ownad ln Bhlelda. and carrtaa a erewof nln.te.n m.n.