new york inaugurdl paci fi q ~r) ~itizen€¦ · to the point: shig sugiyama new

TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama New York Inaugurdl New York The lint day oC summer found us driving I now CamI- liar route tram Sprln&llclcl, Va_ to New Yoek to attend the N ... York Cbapler's Installa- Uon cl.lnner. Th'" low .. ed speed limit fOrf!ed u. Into a leisure\)" pa""'. but fOT once. Kiml and I IrrlVed with time 10 10 that we could ... t up bit betore m"""lin« th'" clapt"" members gu .. ts al the dinner. Desl>lle or of th'" mllllons 01 people lIv1n, and working In th'" dty, New York has alway. Impressed m", as a rath.. Impusonal m.tropolls with p"'ople on the move and bustlln, about at all hours of the day and night. Of eou.rse, this Is a visitor'. Impruolon. but It mqst be dIJIIcuIt for a stran,er or """comer to lI",t to know people. Thus although theft are many Japanese Amerlearuo IIv1n, In the area. they are probablY well hidden within the mass of humanl\)" and It musl be dlJllcult for the New Yorl< Cbapter to lAin DeW membera without consider- able effort just to lind the poll!lltlal nrw membett. Then providing Ineenllves to join JACL In eampetlUon with all the other attractiona In the _ _ another problem to cMpter recNlten. Never- thel .... the N..... Yorl< Chap- ter » ...... In, but surely-thanks to Imaginative pfOlTammlnl. and a forward looking public relations effort by dedicated and hard working chapler members such as those in- stalled Saturday ntplt as chapter leade ... * Contlnuln, at the helm for another tenn as Chapl .. President Is attorney Ron InOuYe. backed up by Vice Presidents R1k1 Ito. ShI,eru Kaneshiro and Graham Ta- n a k a: Executive Dlredor, Corresponding Secre13ry and PR Chairperson Ruby Yoshi- no Scbaar; Treasurer John Asakawa. Recording Secre- tary Haro Muranaka; nnd Board members Al Goodman (HIstorian and Photographer). Murray Sprun, (Legal and Travel). IUlma and Taml Oga13 (Membership). Tooru Kanazawa (Publica- tions, Geo<"ie Yuuwa (Senior CJUzens). and Rooald Haya- shida (Youth and Education). The arrangements for the d1nner 00 the 28th Ooor Cor- InthJan Room of the New York Sheraton were In the capable handl of V.P. Shill Kaneshiro and chapler spark- p I u, and 1I00,etter Ruby Schaar. Th", main speaker for the evenJna was popular freshman Congressman and JACLer Norman M1nela of San J.,.e. CaW., who gave us an excellent Insi&ht as to ",hal's 1I01n, on In Conllre .. nnd the role oC Ihe "Fresh- man C:a :s" of Congressper- In his speech and In a UVl!ly Que-llian and answer peri od afterwards. Mr. Mlneta's speech was nreceded by orlgJna I songs 'lI1d sketches by a group ot voung AsJan American play- ers (led by Alvin Ing and Cathe . lne Okada Robin) re- cently Incorporaled as the Thcaler tor Asian American Performing Artists through the asslslance oC the New York Chapter. Dr. Leslie Hlrnoka M.C.'d the long dlnn"r prOllram. whlc.h was highlighted by Ihe presentation of the chapler's nnnual award for oulslandln, service by Henry IIjlma to Murray Sprung. c hap t " r member and stalwart for over 25 years. current District Vice Gove nor and cbapter Board member. and a lamlliar Ilgure 10 JACL National Convention delellate.. My congratulations ,to all New JACLers for a job ",eU done during th" past year. Gocd luck for the <:em- Inl year 10 Ron and his Board ot Directors. and special thanks 10 Ruby and Shl, for tbelr kind hospl13 lIty over Ihe weekend. JACL-SPECIAL BOARD MEETING: Part 3 VOL. 81 NO.1 PACI FI M'",ba"h lp Publlcotlon: Japan ••• Am.,lcon Clllze", \\(.0#, 5, .• Lo. Ang,I ... Collf . 900t2; 1113) MA 6.6936 Published W.ek ly Excop' Fi,st Ind Last Week. 01 Yc" -Second CII .. POillgO P.ld It Lo. Ang.I ... Collf. FRIDAY. JULY 4.1975 SublCtlplion R.I. l»r V .. r U.s. 11. Yore',n ' 10 15 CENTS 14' prep share $5,950 in scholarships Philadelphia Fourteen graduating blgh schcol seniors wcre narned winners ot schola .. hlp. adml- nislered by the National Ja- panese A m er I can CItizens League. It was announced re- cently by Mrs. Grayce Uye- hara, JACL Vice President for G e n era I Op"'ratlons. who chaired thc National Scholar- shlp Commltt"", of: Dr. James Nal.gnl. CC: Mltau Tom Nakao, Jr .• J AVI . Seven young men and sev- en young women share the l'meUght. By dlslrlct councils, Northern Callternla - Western Nevada leads with Ove suc- cessful appUcanls. tollowed by Paclllc Seuthwesi with three. and one each from Intermoun- tuin, Eastern. MJdwesl. Moun- tain Plains, Pacillc Northwest , and Central Call1ornla. Ther. were no Iiml'" of the number oC applicants trom chaplers or dlstrlot councils thl. ycnr tcr one ot Ihe four- teen ftc hoiorshlps. 8 n dover 250 applications were receiv- ed and Judged by the eight local ccmmlttees be'ore Bnal selecUons were made by the Eastern reglcnnl The 1974 National Freshman Scholarship "ers ore: JACL Soholar: ,700 GEORGIANA LYNN KEZELE 01 AmUaltd the 5e1,noco JACL. S he wJl1 enter Vnlv . of South ern CalUomla In the 1.n to fourlUo cducal n to choaen the valtdlctorlan of her cl".. where .he fllnked number !f \, the " aoo a Ill. mem· bet of the California Scholarship par:.u'::::tedh1fnh th:'kO:! ttonaT Lea",e, orchedr., H 0 In e Ec Club, Oerman Club. Girl', lA,cue Board. PubUclty Board, Oreat Book, Club, and va· rloWl other _nlor cia. commtt· ten. Alao active In her community, Geor.lan.a wa. a teach In. ..1It· ant lor I klndf'l",arten cl .... a u workln. at a local department 110rt. Durin. the IUmmer of 1074 .he wu a (orelrn .)tchan,_ Ilu- dmt In Japan throu«l\ the Youth for UndentandJo. Pro",.m. South Park lapaoHe CommunllJ' 0' Bealtle Scbolarshlp: "00 AARON LOWELL MORI8lIITA of Utah to purlUe • theatre ort. eoted eare:er .. 11 Jnteruted in an upe.cta. from act.ln. to the technlc:a. upecta of baeklta •• work and adYertlsln,. Aaron hu rIIoUnrulahed hlrnMU Accept explanation to more issues Kenjl Kual Memorial Scbolanhlp: ,800 DALE TE'J'S1}O YAMASHITA of Salina.. CaIH., lJ the .on of the Yoahhnasu Yam.,hlul Ind is am· Ila'ed with the Salina, Vaney JA. CL. Dale h. a, choHn to attend StAnford In the taU where he wW Teachers WrlUn, Award. reeloD· at and national NmT Awan:r of Merit. Klwanl. Leldel"lhlp award. I •• Salt L. k. VAlley Sertama speech eontett winner. and wi)) a 1. 0 appear tn "Who's Wbo in her of the projeet', adviaory JACL tor the lint time before c:ound1. the National Board. &lao In- San J'randaeo SpecW Board meetln, pro- eluded the Kumagai response: No word lwt !>een received t.em chairman Jury Enomoto Dear Mr. Uahlo: .. to when trar.xrlpta of the cauUoned U.hIn not res- I am extftmol,. diaappolnted National JACL .pedal board pond to any of the el,ht ques- wIth the :nse to ml. eorr .. - meetinc beld June 7-1 .t IA- tin .... It be felt the quesUons CL Headquarte... are to be ",ere unfair or loaded. Usslo Iat.aetorlly. avallab1e. said be wu willln; tn l -::'a In Part I of thIa aerieIo. the to r"spoDd to what lOme re- af.Plle.lDI for tha poolUon of Eth- rula of order govemlng the larded as the "mOlt loaded" fa e tpedal meetin,. appointment MOe que.rtloo: been wrlUna to you. of I b e chalnDan pro-tem UDC-What r.Uure In tho JA- Your I.\ler oompletel,. dml .. t1t1o (Ie....,. I'.IInnolo. put na\Jonai Blpt'cL You appeared to be' puz· prosldaslt, wM remarked he fttina a complaint a,alnat dllc:rI- bad no parUc:ular ax tn &rind mlnaUon with 'he HEW orneer race and HX. In the CUltro.ersy that led to :!, Chl1 III&ItIl In Ban Francis- Ushlo noted after the Inl- the call of the board W h I I e complained tlal screening process of ean- me.tIntr exaeot to the about the tone ot the lettet for the directorship, ........ III .. uUaaa1 CJI'o UabJo bad lent to Kum8llal presldent-eleet Jim Murakami pnbatloo). and the agen&!. after her appUcation .... roe- evaluated them and "It wa. In PItr1 II, the Ilrat 0". jected. herlO b Ushlo'a letter u very clear that the NO.1 can - topIca 00 the a,.nda were ro- read Into the meeting rec:oeds: dldate above and beyond any- ported, the detalb baaed upon Du IIa. It one elae waa the candidate we tapee of the pftlCeedlnp sup- T I. reapo .... to". The appointment waa pu.d b7 PC Board Chaimtan "our lC\'u rqudlna the made and conftrmed. Altnd &alate. .:r.:!.t. Henry Tanaka asked wbeth. In Part m thla week, the eel InfDrmaUon on lACL "'tv. er JACL had an AIIlrmatlve MXt two topfea are covered. aDd afl\nnaUn Action plan. Nea1 week. tJu. concluPln& JI .. ardln .... levaaee ]>l9MdUl'H. S h l/f Suglys..... n"Uonai ........ wW be publlllled, tit .... are DO ... "" tm>O.d_ (or president, lald the \JIau" bad .s.1Ing witlt the Ottontoloo DOnomplo:yo ... whkh tnelud .. lob been pre\'lously discussed b Project aDd tWee of the MV· the National Board. 0 n d ... admln1Itrative matten. The c,,",omary for "",plo"e .. to have Executive Committee aDd was otIter tow" were not !.'lfJ,\; "puzzled" since the JACL peor- .. pnvWua explanatiDIUI suf- may -.n _OWl . . . sonnel manunl says employees 0ea4. n..e tour were: COtteemina alllnn.ltJve a_ are selected without regard to (a) Bob Suzuld cue, (b) fl::'f:: 3:: rllce, color, creed, rell,IMl an d travel pool, (e) acboIanbIp, aubmltwd our .... ranc. of com- sex. and (d) QIn"enUon rnJnutes. pI"' .... - HEW J'onn "I. a"'i:l However, Suglyamn'a vl"wI ot AIIInnaUve Action. aa 00- . meDI n,annn. equa'! omplo,,- tabllshed tor certain Onn. ......Ethnlc Bert""" Project. with certaIn number ot em- by DaYid UIhIo to have bMn dl"'rlmlna'ed on the ployeca, sUJ1)rlscd Mike lahl- qwaUona raJ.aed In ItIDC Me- bHltt at and .,., ainu the .Ince a plan I.. requir- ..-andum we ra cd un'dcr Title 0 of the. Clv- One question concerned. hlr- .. YOU_II t hope thll alllWent II Rlehts Act when frde.aJly- In. CC'mplaint Olecl by Glori. e.!' "",uoot .'toradorll" and a.slsted fllndR a J' c Involved. Kumapl, the otIteT OIl torma- ,iif;t L. "A: Sugiyama felt the need tor and role of the proJeet ..,Ional JfEW OI!Ice at olvll rlllt .. nlllnnativc action plan doesn t In view 01 and/ .... with "our ltate employ. cxlat In JACL h<'Ct\ulV! "JACL the resiIDaUOI1 from that body " .... , """'"' or ltate equal .mplny· has nl) reeord of hlrlni In of Donald Hata. .....,1 . . . terma oC the number of s131! 7-Aaat. ..... 811111 The letter had been eheck- Involved - 10 we dr.n·t have U,hIo·. explanatloo' _ ct..m.' ed b7 both ata1I' and then Ne- a pettam 0" even a 8laplclon ed lUIIIc:lent and lIonai Le,al COUJUeI George CIt (Job discrimination)". C_ of Don Hayuhl tor the Yamuakl Jr .• who advised to At lost EXECOM m.eet- new poaIUon wa. reviewed lay out alternativa whenever Ing (Feh. 28-Mar. 1). Dr. lzu- by the Board tor the aecond a pentOn quNtlona JACL per- ml TanlRUChI, v. p. for re- U_ oonnel poUey. ",arch-services, was deslgnat- U.hlo laid. "Only thing I ed to work up n JACL omr- .... Ic H....... aay la t h I I I am very matlve action plan. Mike Hon- punled u to why .he Oled. da, San J05e JACL prell<lent. Ellbl q.... tlOll8 In tha ...,. I feel we Icrupuloualy foUow- la aulatinll him . 20 Mldwat DiItrkt memoran- ed (JACL) penonnel procc- Referring to the Mal'. 9 PS- l1um IlUrrounded belated dur... • . . The person. '01 h 0 WOC m"""tlng, Helcn Kawnune .tart of the JACL J:thnlc Her1- ",a. selected (toe the potdllon IIIIld there questton. rals- ta,. Project, the Gloria Ku- of Ethnlc Herlta", ProjPct dl- ed ILl 10 the credlbUitY of the magal complaint of 4lac:rImI- rednr) and Gloria are both Ethnic P"njeet advl- nalOrY empl_nl baNd. on the ... me leX and both Ihe sory council when 01'. Don- nee and leX aplnat Netlon- lame race." ald' H.1a rCllgned t ,. 0 m the al JACL. a n 11 r_lDatioo ot Uahlo, In the job IlrouP. She w.m·t 'U''C If thai Dr. Donald H8'\a .. a mem- dlscrlmlnatlon ca. e ',lln.t '010' the fC.Ron Cnr hi. reslll- ._ JACL MIt'I H .. 4qurt.,. Communication HQ dedication to honor I ... i The '_I. the partnla of all "mer! ani of lap.n.. an- _ry, wlU tab tenter atl,e 4\I,ln, tha Dedication ot "aUnnal JACL Bulldln, on luly 20 111 San I'ran"'aco. N the pl.n. for the d.y Dfldkatlon un- fold , tha mphaai, II to con· er.ta lhe bulldln. u a Irlb- llta to the Ju.! for lhelr In· aplt&tlon .nd aatrlllc:. •. .".. rlld WHe th. obyl- OUt pHIIOn. to whe m Utla tn.'ldln, Ihould "- aald Dr. Ter.,. Ha, .. hl, co-- _half man of lhe I:>.dJ •• UQn Plannlnl "In a v '7 ,.1 MflM with' ut them UWra would have n no "m ,I,..n chapl r In the 1,llt·.,. of till. naUon" The eI.,.'. ennt.l will ltart with a b'lIncb at 8uthlro'e t tau,",,1 ·W. thou,h! It (ml, fllUn 'hat 18p.O_ 'I)<d .,. fY du,'n, Ihl. ani m I- dIn, to lark Ku- •• h., whl, II .flO IW!rV'r'I' a. .... it.lrman ·W a,. hwln. .. ma,., I_I III II'- Ibl. to",,", to 1110 1,," II lin" It ... 111 be In , laUv.I, lalT.lllar aur- "'11,0410" In Hlh<mmad,J" The Dedication ceremony ... 111 b.gln al 2 p.m. clol8 to the bulldln. atte. Every et- frrt I. b.ln, made to keep Ihe cer*m'n'u a. brief .. pl"llble 10 Ih,l tit. IlSel who attend wJli nr.1 boo over-tired. Mlko M .. aoka. P"'fhapa Ihe mo.t hJchly r .ardNI NIHI .monll the 1 .... 1. will make the Dtdl- eatle n len_ch. That evenln.. a cock1311 hrur and. dinner will be held • t the 81 Francll Hot.. 1 Orand Ballroom. ",a'n, In o,der to Icc_morIlle the tu.1. It 11 hcptd the dinner will be con- ciudrd by 8·30 pm Con,. .... man Spa,k Malauna,. will live the keynete Iddr .... " It I. not too early to make ,ou, r rvatl"n. for Ihe din- ner tr the brunch." .'),1 Dr. Ka,alhl. "(J,u nch ..,lIt be U and (linnor will "- ,10 It II h'1M4 earh Marby JACL Chopl.t, will ""nil .1 I .It ""e I-I I ,tp'" "tallv IQ partl- t Ipate In the day •• venl/' /WI..,y.tI'm, .100 u I eI be ",all ..d V, HaUonl1 JACL Ii 1105 Suiter 8t., lion ',onoll«l. c.m 114115. 0, call ", l1atlnn. Dale ShlJTl1lBtlkl. chairman o[ Ihe grc.uP. ,..,call- cd th e qucrtlons Dr. Hata ralaed were all :lnswered. PrelSlnll further, K a wall 0 e wa ptad to know If there were f"",lInlll. Enomoto Inter- jeeted. w h e the r thla excltanlle waa related to which Kawalloe added the Kuma"al ccmplolnt came aC- Itr the F"b . 9 PSWDC meet- In, where Hala pubUcly ques- t'cned the advllOry IfOUP" (rrmaUon . U.hlo fell Dr. Hata made Km" very al3te- menl. aboul the project bul wondered about the que.tlonl w a. rollinfl about Dr. Hatl'. aUe.atlon .hould not ,0 undl.cuutd Sinca oth- era on that council have nol rc<l."cd. U.hlo WOl Interolt- ed In htlrln, from otban ab out tha lo· called ",roel erron In the admlnlatraUon" al char,eel. Tanaka. I member of I h e JACL Elhnlc Herlla,e Advl- .ory CounCil, .. lei the IIroup art I a to Ilort. III ace no .,·nro In .,Inll back now, aay- In, whit we ahould have dono. If It were dono proper- IYI It Ihculd hava becn fonn- a bef<)ra lhe hlrinll ot ata"" la pint Dr Ha13 rall(ld). But Ihat WAI not clone, To- continued. "/1 II Ilmll- Ie .. 1 1), the AdvllOry councll to dllCUU 'ha maUer. when Wa hive a time conltralnt. 80 Iho cGun.1I I. not IJ)(lndlol It.I tim a on lhO.. ".ue. which waa rlghllully broullhl to tho <)1 u,. council by Dr. Il ata We "lI"a with him" Tanaka viewed Dr. Mala'. res!gnaUcn a p"'rsonal deci- sion. "Those of Ia wbo chose not to rellgn, to sUck to the Project, (cbose to) get It com- p!eted." Ma.amune Kojima asked about the second phase re- questing additional funds to implement the project manual by training teachers ot Ita lae (see May 2 PC). Both Uahlo and Tanaka saJd It WIls doubt- [ul JACL's request would ufty" since funds have been sbarply reduced. The board accepted the ex- planat.Jon aa presented and moved on to the next topic. "It .. Dlrector--Pro." .. A gned hour was cOJ\IWII- ed l'cltaahlng the so-called Don Rayaahl matter. llated on the 8IIenda ... Aulatant Director - Programs. A re- hasb , because It was under- stood to have been resolved at the I .. t November b 0 • r d meetln,. PSWDC GQv. Maaamune Kojima felt It had been waste of time at the Novem- ber meeUng for the full Beard to discuss the p"'rlOnnel prob- lems then pla&U1n1l Headquar- te..,. In h's report (see Nov. 29. 1974 PS) ot what trans- pired. NaUonai Executive Director David Usblo bad abitted Ha- yashl tram his poat as Paelllc No,·thwest - Intermountain reo gional cI.lrector to join bim at National Headquarters In late October. Ushlo re,arded the move aa an Internal transfer. But MJdwesl Gov. Lillian Kimura dlsqreed. a.ssertln, It was a denial of cpportunity to othe .. on the ,taft to apply for the ot asBlstant dlrec- tor-programs. The National Board last November concur- red U,hlo bad not followed JACL pereaonnel policy In the Hayashi matter, "dlsallowed" the lran,fer a nd Initiated the standard hiring cycle to have the pcII tion IUled. In recp"'nin, the matter at the lpeclal June board meet- Inll. UabJo lirat relponded to the queries set forth In the May 20 Midwest District me- morandum: I-Who authorized the es- Tabllsbment of a posIUon In National Headquartera for Don when he was tranalerred Ihere from the PNW Olllee? Uohlo reealled the b.ue at lh" November meetinll was whether the action was prop- er. His pcsltlon wal that In the absence of a polley on In- ternal promotions or transfer l It went 10 the prell dent ana the personnel eommittee who then authorized the move. 2-What wu that position Waa that polltlon Ushlo laid It wal for aulst- ant nallonal director - pro- Ifaml and that he had at the Ume two asalltant national directorship. for Headquar· ler •. 3-Why wlltn't II adver- tlud? Ulhlo'. point wal that It was an Internal promotion . 4-Who authorlud Don Ha- yaahl·. tr8JUler and when wa.s the t'anater approved? Ulhlo laid he did atter checklnll with the prelldent and per Ion n e I commlltee chaJnnan Ilnce nothlnll In Ihe p"'rlOnnel poJlcy love him no clear lIuldance on tranatera Or Inlc1'nol promotion •. 6-Atlt.l Nov. O. 1974. mecl- Inll the National Board dll· allowed HaYllhl·. appolnt- menl to a nonexlatenl po.l· tlon In 8an and or- dered hll termination . Wa. Hoya.hl ever 01Y the payroll durlnfl the period of proces- atng hi. opi1llcatlon tor the avoll.ble poaltlon 0' nt Director tor Prollram Devel- , pment at Heodquartc .. ? \I.hlo . Imply an . we t' e d "no". BCIT\(! quelUon wu ralaed by Genreo Yama .. kl Jr. aboul tho actua l number of pro'el' IlonDI IUlIY al Heodquarla l'1l . Celnll back to convo .. aUon. h hod with Ulhlo durin, th o Georgiana Kezele Portland c.-nventlon in 1974, Yamasaki was assured only three execut've p""ltions had been contemp'ated In the bud .. et but when Ha- yashi Wlls moved to San Fran- risco. "It resulted in more than three". Yamasaki. then serving on the c,," ventlon ad hoc budget committee. reminded staff salaries were a crucial Issue al the convention. particularly at Headquarters beesu... ot op))O'lIU"n to a CODDeS1traUon ot executive stol! at San Fran- cisco. "What trcubles me bere-al I said in my letter of resigna- tion (as naUonai legal coun- sel)-Is the question of In- tegrity." Yamasaki comment- ed . "Subsequently I learned a. a matter ot tact that the day Shig (Sugiyama) asked for my he told me cn Ihls l'sue ot Don Hayasbl'. transfef'-if you wish to call It that.-bad been planned pri- 1'" to the Portland conven- \Jon." This, he said. was in- f",mation he dld nol have In November and charged Ushlo had not Intended to keep his premise because he was brln,. Ing Hayashi to San Francisco. needs at Headquartars and planning ahead. Both ot his assistant directors, Margie Ya· mamoto and Pat Nakano, had said they were ,oln, to leave JACL. Hayashi also said h" was lIetUng married and couldn·t take the travel re - quired of a regional dlrectol' and telt be had to retire. Exercising what he iernted as his "options". Usblo had Pat Nakano remain to dlrect awardl for foren.leI . acUn, poe. try s""klna. debate ..and arb Aa-")Q tw. also been acUve with hlJ k.. '1')1';1. :1\ archlnl band. aym. ftYodcl Untied H.-UON. the 'Mur· l'a)' DI,trlct book rt\ 1ew commit· moJ Mlldrta.1lJ H I. llat 01 theatrt' ,., ediu ,how him acllve ,,101 Theatre :lI wen 31 his hl,h Anrcn "'ott; iL'MJJuored by thC' 'Mt Olyl1'1pUa: IAct. tu Dttend" the PrC'· ,hle.nti..l\ for Youn. Amerlraft.J ip WQ;,hln.t()n. D. C .• t!\tJ l'ur. the ethnlc heritage project and Col. T. T.uklt.molo asked HayaahJ to consider a position at Headquarters. Ya. Memurlal Scholanhlp: S5tO mamoto turned down the.flm 1>1. Stevm Oluomoto Is 'be lOll offer ot a posItion In Sunny- It! vale which came in mJd-sum- ",tend StanCar,1 In the WI .nd Is mer but later accepted an.. InluHted In the at law. other offer in San FrancIsco. Stc!;vC! 1.1 "atfonal Kerlt Scho· MOYC cheirnian Scott Fu- rukawa wondered If Hayashi Gold S •• I. recjplent at the Sey· was ever off the payroll while mnur thf' hllh6t applying for the Headquarters 110 aword nl hi. school to a CSF position.. Treasurer Tomio Mo. rlguchl .ald he was nol, belnll HlIoh Schcol told that Haya,hi was kept on .. Has ccmp time". In lieu of school's marchln. and concert overtime, JACL al).OWI pensalory Ume-oft". Body \'Ice president. his sehoal'!!; Cbronolol)' ot the Hayaahl Ulorary mOIA,In •• and his Schoot matter after the November Amrm4t1ve AcUon Com· berod meet'n, was then pre- Und"r the fcdorally-tundcd GIf- sented by Ushlo: ted S'udcnls Pro"run al 1:lk Noy. 8-Board d1saUow. Haya. Grove' H 'e h School. Stt:\'e has ahi', hlrtna. Vacancy announced, been enrolled at the Florin Japa· While conflnnlng his con- ant letter of SC"hC'Ol for the PLott ve1;'sation with Yamasaki, Su- t eermlnatfon.: a 3O-day DOtlce:. Jiyama differed with Yama.!a- Nov. '&--,lob ._UleaU""" for Snmllomn Ban" of CaUt. kl's Interpretat'oo that Haya- ten' '0 Scholarships: ,sot Each .bi's move had been Nov. 25 _ Resume. evaluated. CHRlSTtNE KYOMt NOMA of ned" prior to the convention . two recommended for oul Inter- San FrancJsco la the dau,hte:r of Suplyama el'plalned addltlon- vi .... . M,... Yo,lko Kawamura and Is o.f al stat! at Headquarters was contlngent on the budeet and ya.hJ unanfmoully recommtnded, the Un iv. of Calif. at Berkeley th.e Hayashi move was ude_ abe wUl pursue" career In slrable"-not p13nned. If the n II cw- Itt bud,et allowed. The number EX' .. ot staff at a given locale was to C"ntlnn. lanhlp. the Edith Gum Alumni merely an indication but the- anuounc.. Natlcnal Council delegate. \lshl" s!lld when Murnknml from UC AlumnI. a S.m Francis· tGr'k it to mean the maxImum had informed him Hayashi number. And that was not in- was being rec(\mmended, he for Iraduahng Summa Cum Lau. tended, accordlng to Sugiya- col>sulte<l with Sugiyama and d. fOT ..,hoIMUe. ochool .cllville •. ma, who prepare the rther EXECOM members who national budget. had already expressed their lItnon of ,h. Son hanoi"", JAYs Yamasakt rebutted that the !eellnn in favor of HayashJ. qvestion nrt what Sugl- As.ured be had a mojorlty. Council of tho yama had inte nded but "wbat \lshlo on Dec. 14 made the ap- Body. SonloT Prom aNUrance was I liven from l)O'ntment. desplte the fact Dave. as a member ot the rid that EXECOM members had Commltt..,. Girl', Service SocIety. bec colDn), and then to a Dec. 24 deadlIne to express and Coltrornln Scholarship Fedor· 110 back and try to sell the Ihelr feelings on the matter. otlon. budget to the ad hcc cl'mmlt- IDC Gov. Genege Klmw'a HARVEY L I: I: .NEGORO of te2", mOre or less as Ushlo'a was not aware Hayash i had Ft-esno is the of the Yukllto sp"'kesmon. I resigned as region oJ director The bud .. et Issue became to accept the Headquarters atlond 'hc Un'v. of C'nllf .. at 1.0. political Yamasaki continued post. PNWDC G.w. Jim Tsujl - A,:,oln ,his r.n where h. will because I of il& mura , cold be had receive it. It'=-diRC to 000. One assurance he had Llllian Kimura wos ex- Di" nlful shod na the ,·aledle,o· from Ushlo was the "cellini tremely m'ffed since Ihe had TIBn of hi. oln ... liar· on the number ot executive not been called In mld-De- .tal! at San Francisco". cember. "You have denied me GoO,oro N • ....... ,. MemortaJ Sc:bolarabl.: fiN KEITH MlNORU MlZUTANt at Cano", "Park. caJU, Is \be 800 of the Merlu Muutanla and til amU· ated with SIIn FerNIndo Val- ley J Act... Kctth h D .. thOMD to attend Ule Un" . 0' Suut.hcm Cal· Itomta In the faU when: M _OJ ,,·mt. K('Hh 114 hfJ'Mtil loa' &a four · t1me reef .. "Ifill ..,t oa Scl,"ar Alhlcte A .... rd.. tOu':.!;rar:on:: award At'&I\·e In (tnck and foot· b:tU I. he- hu tllJn lnund time to III achool as beth Studmt Body 1'" Id("DI and y lee p.raJ- Fedc, .. IJ,un. tn h .. com..,unUy. KeIth w a a 3nd In u, .. l#th';, l.."\!1k'lpan1 n 1M Watu SUmmH Ci )TIt! n"'flf •• .. - :''m: lor ahooJ board 1sIuec. :md ... rvC'd nn the t'Ommunlty 8d- \°i.cory cnmmlttec.. MltsttYokl Y"",,1II1lr.l :\lrmorbl ScholarsllJp: fiN PAMELA NOlJl1RA of D o.r. rHo. CtUf,. t. thr- ctau.(htrr ol. the: ShIJl:C!O N'omuTU and is a.JJD.b. ted with the Con'ra Costa .lACt- P:lrnela ha" to ("ftJOD at SI:t.n(Ord III 'the faU wt.ere !be is tentOltt\" It17 pl;linnln, 10 pursue raf"ee.r in f'nl{lnf't'riftl· Panl('l:I is :t NnUnnnl ."n' Ie!:. n ff callft\ml" SCl'lohru.-tp lI(e mll"fl"lh .. r. ro wrn"e bnskelb31t Gir1·. Athlet it' "un... :rOOOf ,':.: club C nun t' f t school .. nd ( ,IK: Snbioa Out IIh. M Cf'h"...J. did \'olunt«.. work . I t h tbe 'Red Cl'OIO:.'C .Co \\ 4"U "" tutor- InA' fur Sludf'nh .. Mr . .. t: i\fr. J illmes Mithene.r S<-hoJarsblp: $"..50 DAVID MASA BUTSUMYO 0' amfbT:d LA or Unl\'<-rslt:-- In Ihe taU whet'C' he hope; to m.IIJor In elth .. , J('Ium"llsm or dmtl..d:J? is ._,..:;h lp F«lcrfttian plllque-. aNI - tlona1 Me-rit lrttn ('If C"Omrnenda - lion. iI Ctf1IRMlr of .. :md S<'hool ;:.ervlee. A Rn,·· ... St l'h.' fina.1I4. David WM nf'tI (' (In hi' ,sarl'lnol':t nC\\"'$1l.'1X'r Conliuntd on I":\c-e .. Dr. Roy Nishikawa. past na- the right as an EXECOM tlonal president, contended "0 member to express my point lot of bad mouth Is part of the oC view on Don when wben reaaon ler the sP"'cial meet- you did not call me. How did In,". adding he heard PSW you know how I was golnll to p"'opl", say ing \lshlo couldn't vole? The oniy way I had a be trusted nobedy believed chance to vote was (by let- hlm. "I am getting sick and tcr with a Dec. 24 deadline)." t'red of those rumors ond In- U,hlo apologized. Kimura slnuations about Dave" and shot back: "You keep on BlY- Ihen asked Yam8Jakl: "Is It In, you're sorry. Everytlme not your duty to protect tho we get to something-you say national orllanl.aUon and lia you're sorry. You have de- nled my right. I am really Yamaaskl quickly respond- vcry angry at that. I dldn·t ed. "It certainly II and I be. know you called all those olh- lleve. I dischArged my duties cO' folk' ." Dale Yamashita Aaron MOflshlla M Steven Okamoto to the best of my ability till NC·WNDC a It ern ate S. I resllned ." Conllnued on Nexl P ... Nishikawa conl<lnded Yo· 2ND CLASS POSTAL RATES BEING HIKED JULY 6 Ita motion 10 Imp"'ach nt the Feb. 9 mcetil)I. "'bul I heord nothlnll". While JACLcrs can complnln to their omce.. If Ihey aro unhappy. Nll hlkawa IBId procedure. for Impeach- ment are IUpuloted In the JA- CL Ccn.Ulution "a nd thele "'ere nol Collowed". PresenUnll the IlI8uc trom hll perspective. U. hlo dcclor- ('d thel c were never more Ihon three executive stoffers ot Heodquurtorl ot. anyone Um. . When Hay .. hl came down In October. one 0' Ihe o"I.lonl dlreotors. Pat Noka· no. wa. vacoUnl( to heod Ihe Ethnic Herlloue ProJect. baaed at Headquarters . Uahlo wenl on to explo ln hi. role ILl chi ef odmlnl. lrotOl', alway. alert to poraonno The regu lar ' Courth step-In- crease In 2nd. 3rd and 4th Closs postal rotes becomes et- tccllye July 6. barring any losl mlnule cbanges. the Pa- clnc Clllzcn wal advised this past w eek. lilt me 8M on od- dltlen.1 UO n week In pOSI- age on lOp ot the ave\,- age per I ssuc." noled PC BClard cholrman Alfred Ha- 'a te. Role.! moy . till rlsc In vlow oC lhe recent rule ot an .d- mlnlstrnUve law Jud,e who colled fo" a "eductlon In flral- cloas pCltage from 10 10 8 'At per cu ncc with .u bston- tin) lnci I4!f' In the other vlaloc •. 'T.e . ling hos been uppeo]cd "1 users of 2nd. 3rd ond 4th cl ..... Christine Noma HaNey Negoro Malle E. Culver Keith Milulani Pamela Nomura David 8ulsumyo

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Page 1: New York Inaugurdl PACI FI Q ~r) ~ITIZEN€¦ · TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama New

TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama

New York Inaugurdl New York

The lint day oC summer found us driving I now CamI­liar route tram Sprln&llclcl, Va_ to New Yoek to attend the N ... York Cbapler's Installa­Uon cl.lnner. Th'" low .. ed speed limit fOrf!ed u. Into a leisure\)" pa""'. but fOT once. Kiml and I IrrlVed with time 10 spa~ 10 that we could ... t up • bit betore m"""lin« th'" clapt"" members ~nd gu .. ts al the dinner.

Desl>lle or beca~ of th'" mllllons 01 people lIv1n, and working In th'" dty, New York has alway. Impressed m", as a rath.. Impusonal m.tropolls with p"'ople on the move and bustlln, about at all hours of the day and night. Of eou.rse, this Is a visitor'. Impruolon. but It mqst be dIJIIcuIt for a stran,er or """comer to lI",t to know people.

Thus although theft are many Japanese Amerlearuo IIv1n, In the area. they are probablY well hidden within the mass of humanl\)" and It musl be dlJllcult for the New Yorl< Cbapter to lAin DeW

membera without consider­able effort just to lind the poll!lltlal nrw membett. Then providing Ineenllves to join JACL In eampetlUon with all the other attractiona In the _ _ another problem

to cMpter recNlten. Never­thel .... the N ..... Yorl< Chap­ter » ...... In, ~ but

surely-thanks to Imaginative pfOlTammlnl. nsponslv~n.,.s,

and a forward looking public relations effort by dedicated and hard working chapler members such as those in­stalled Saturday ntplt as chapter leade ...

* Contlnuln, at the helm for another tenn as Chapl .. President Is attorney Ron InOuYe. backed up by Vice Presidents R1k1 Ito. ShI,eru Kaneshiro and Graham Ta­n a k a: Executive Dlredor, Corresponding Secre13ry and PR Chairperson Ruby Yoshi­no Scbaar; Treasurer John Asakawa. Recording Secre­tary Haro Muranaka; nnd Board members Al Goodman (HIstorian and Photographer). Murray Sprun, (Legal and Travel). H~ry IUlma and Taml Oga13 (Membership). Tooru Kanazawa (Publica­tions, Geo<"ie Yuuwa (Senior CJUzens). and Rooald Haya­shida (Youth and Education).

The arrangements for the d1nner 00 the 28th Ooor Cor­InthJan Room of the New York Sheraton were In the capable handl of V.P. Shill Kaneshiro and chapler spark­p I u, and 1I00,etter Ruby Schaar. Th", main speaker for the evenJna was popular freshman Congressman and JACLer Norman M1nela of San J.,.e. CaW., who gave us an excellent Insi&ht as to

",hal's 1I01n, on In Conllre .. nnd the role oC Ihe "Fresh­man C:a:s" of Congressper­~ ons In his speech and In a UVl!ly Que-llian and answer period afterwards.

Mr. Mlneta's speech was nreceded by orlgJna I songs 'lI1d sketches by a group ot voung AsJan American play­ers (led by Alvin Ing and Cathe .lne Okada Robin) re­cently Incorporaled as the Thcaler tor Asian American Performing Artists through the asslslance oC the New York Chapter.

Dr. Leslie Hlrnoka M.C.'d the long dlnn"r prOllram. whlc.h was highlighted by Ihe presentation of the chapler's nnnual award for oulslandln, service by Henry IIjlma to Murray Sprung. c hap t " r member and stalwart for over 25 years. current District Vice Gove nor and cbapter Board member. and a lamlliar Ilgure 10 JACL National Convention delellate..

My congratulations ,to all New Yo~k JACLers for a job ",eU done during th" past year. Gocd luck for the <:em­Inl year 10 Ron and his Board ot Directors. and special thanks 10 Ruby and Shl, for tbelr kind hospl13 lIty over Ihe weekend.


VOL. 81 NO.1


PACI FI Q ~r) ~ITIZEN M'",ba"hlp Publlcotlon: Japan ••• Am.,lcon Clllze", 't.~I9 U., ~ \\(.0#, 5, .• Lo. Ang,I ... Collf. 900t2; 1113) MA 6.6936

Published W.ekly Excop' Fi,st Ind Last Week. 01 I~ ~ Yc" -Second CII .. POillgO P.ld It Lo. Ang.I ... Collf.

FRIDAY. JULY 4.1975 SublCtlplion R.I. l»r V .. r U.s. 11. Yore',n ' 10 15 CENTS

14' prep grad~ share $5,950 in scholarships Philadelphia

Fourteen graduating blgh schcol seniors wcre narned winners ot schola .. hlp. adml­nislered by the National Ja­panese A m er I can CItizens League. It was announced re­cently by Mrs. Grayce Uye­hara, JACL Vice President for G e n era I Op"'ratlons. who chaired thc National Scholar­shlp Commltt"", of:

~l:b~~w~~' Y~~':inofo~~c.':~; Dr. James Nal.gnl. CC: Mltau

~;od~or::::Y~.huc~:::~ J~~:~ Tom Nakao, Jr .• J AVI.

Seven young men and sev­en young women share the l'meUght. By dlslrlct councils, Northern Callternla - Western Nevada leads with Ove suc­cessful appUcanls. tollowed by Paclllc Seuthwesi with three. and one each from Intermoun­tuin, Eastern. MJdwesl. Moun­tain Plains, Pacillc Northwest, and Central Call1ornla.

Ther. were no Iiml'" of the number oC applicants trom chaplers or dlstrlot councils thl. ycnr tcr one ot Ihe four­teen ftc hoiorshlps. 8 n dover 250 applications were receiv­ed and Judged by the eight local ccmmlttees be'ore Bnal selecUons were made by the Eastern reglcnnl

The 1974 National Freshman Scholarship "ers ore:

JACL Soholar: ,700


~~h~~!eri;~~I~ ·' L .lI K~':I('8ca.~~~t~ AmUaltd wlt~ the 5e1,noco JACL. She wJl1 enter Vnlv. of Southern CalUomla In the 1.n to fourlUo ~O~kr~rthlnCh~~~ cducal n to

dl:~~:~IJ~~IIYhe:!e~r.~~a b~I~: choaen the valtdlctorlan of her cl".. where .he fllnked number

!f °DutBa°~k ~~ ~~::Ic~'A~~C,'g'~~: \, the " aoo a Ill. mem· bet of the California Scholarship

~~~ra~~an. par:.u'::::tedh1fnh th:'kO:! ttonaT Lea",e, orchedr., H 0 In e Ec Club, Oerman Club. Girl', lA,cue Board. PubUclty Board, Oreat Book, Club, and va· rloWl other _nlor cia. commtt· ten.

Alao active In her community, Geor.lan.a wa. a teach In. ..1It· ant lor I klndf'l",arten cl.... a

~~~un~:~rnt 'Lu:'~~~~er ~~':li u workln. at a local department 110rt. Durin. the IUmmer of 1074 .he wu a (orelrn .)tchan,_ Ilu­dmt In Japan throu«l\ the Youth for UndentandJo. Pro",.m.

South Park lapaoHe CommunllJ' 0' Bealtle

Scbolarshlp: "00


:I~rn,/o·· illO~mifa~

~the~~\o '!~':6U:t Jt~~tin~ of Utah to purlUe • theatre ort. eoted eare:er .. h« 11 Jnteruted in an upe.cta. from act.ln. to the technlc:a. upecta of baeklta •• work and adYertlsln,.

Aaron hu rIIoUnrulahed hlrnMU

Accept explanation to more issues Kenjl Kual Memorial

Scbolanhlp: ,800

DALE TE'J'S1}O YAMASHITA of Salina.. CaIH., lJ the .on of the Yoahhnasu Yam.,hlul Ind is am· Ila'ed with the Salina, Vaney JA. CL. Dale h. a, choHn to attend StAnford In the taU where he wW

~~e h'A~tr:::t'IC!':nc~ r~JP~t~ Teachers WrlUn, Award. reeloD· at and national NmT Awan:r of Merit. Klwanl. Leldel"lhlp award. I •• Salt L. k. VAlley Sertama speech eontett winner. and wi)) a 1. 0 appear tn "Who's Wbo in

her of the projeet', adviaory JACL tor the lint time before c:ound1. the National Board. &lao In-

San J'randaeo SpecW Board meetln, pro- eluded the Kumagai response: No word lwt !>een received t.em chairman Jury Enomoto Dear Mr. Uahlo:

.. to when trar.xrlpta of the cauUoned U.hIn n~ not res- I am extftmol,. diaappolnted National JACL .pedal board pond to any of the el,ht ques- wIth the :nse to ml. eorr .. -meetinc beld June 7-1 .t IA- tin .... It be felt the quesUons r.'ti'..~~~.!:t ".:\~. ~~ y~'r. CL Headquarte... are to be ",ere unfair or loaded. Usslo Iat.aetorlly. avallab1e. ho\\-ev~r, said be wu willln; tnl dh3r~:n~fe:.:~~tt -::'a 'l~

In Part I of thIa aerieIo. the to r"spoDd to what lOme re- af.Plle.lDI for tha poolUon of Eth­rula of order govemlng the larded as the "mOlt loaded" fa e Pr.:!:~ dl,,~r ~ tpedal meetin,. appointment MOe que.rtloo: been wrlUna to you. of I b e chalnDan pro-tem UDC-What r.Uure In tho JA- Your I.\ler oompletel,. dml .. t1t1o (Ie....,. I'.IInnolo. put na\Jonai g;,J!"~=:~ ~~~=IJ!'; Blpt'cL You appeared to be' puz·

prosldaslt, wM remarked he fttina a complaint a,alnat dllc:rI- f:~ °d~':Z....~~~~:'l"~;::~ bad no parUc:ular ax tn &rind mlnaUon with 'he HEW orneer race and HX.

In the CUltro.ersy that led to :!, Chl1 III&ItIl In Ban Francis- Ushlo noted after the Inl ­the call of the ~aI board W h I I e ~ complained tlal screening process of ean­me.tIntr exaeot to ~ the about the tone ot the lettet dlda~ for the directorship, ........ III .. uUaaa1 CJI'o UabJo bad lent to Kum8llal presldent-eleet Jim Murakami pnbatloo). and the agen&!. after her appUcation .... roe- evaluated them and "It wa.

In PItr1 II, the Ilrat 0". jected. herlO b Ushlo'a letter u very clear that the NO.1 can­topIca 00 the a,.nda were ro- read Into the meeting rec:oeds: dldate above and beyond any­ported, the detalb baaed upon Du IIa. It one elae waa the candidate we tapee of the pftlCeedlnp sup- T ~ I. 1.,~aJi.. reapo .... to". The appointment waa pu.d b7 PC Board Chaimtan "our lC\'u rqudlna the hfr~ made and conftrmed. Altnd &alate. ~~~. ~DI~= • .:r.:!.t. Henry Tanaka asked wbeth.

In Part m thla week, the eel InfDrmaUon on lACL "'tv. er JACL had an AIIlrmatlve MXt two topfea are covered. ~nP=u- aDd afl\nnaUn Action plan. Nea1 week. tJu. concluPln& JI .. ardln .... levaaee ]>l9MdUl'H. S h l/f Suglys..... n"Uonai ........ wW be publlllled, tit .... are DO ... "" tm>O.d_ (or president, lald the \JIau" bad .s.1Ing witlt the Ottontoloo DOnomplo:yo ... whkh tnelud .. lob been pre\'lously discussed b Project aDd tWee of the MV· ::!\"~l1<I:r::~n~ ¥lela~oi the National Board. 0 n d I~ ... admln1Itrative matten. The c,,",omary for "",plo"e .. to have Executive Committee aDd was otIter tow" were not ~ g:~an: p~:.~~~r !.'lfJ,\; "puzzled" since the JACL peor­.. pnvWua explanatiDIUI suf- may -.n _OWl . . . sonnel manunl says employees 0ea4. n..e tour were: COtteemina alllnn.ltJve a_ are selected without regard to

(a) Bob Suzuld cue, (b) fl::'f:: 3:: ~": ;:.,:::e~:~; rllce, color, creed, rell,IMl and travel pool, (e) acboIanbIp, aubmltwd our .... ranc. of com- sex. and (d) QIn"enUon rnJnutes. pI"' .... - HEW J'onn "I. a"'i:l However, Suglyamn'a vl"wI ~ ~~~IaC?;)~ :~r"~ ot AIIInnaUve Action. aa 00-

. meDI n,annn. equa'! omplo,,- tabllshed tor certain Onn. ...... Ethnlc Bert""" Project. ;:'::';~ ::.~ ~J:.r:I~r~l,:~ with certaIn number ot em­~ by DaYid UIhIo to have bMn dl"'rlmlna'ed on the ployeca, sUJ1)rlscd Mike lahl­qwaUona raJ.aed In ItIDC Me- bHltt at n~ and .,., ainu the k~wa .Ince a plan I.. requir­..-andum we ra a~:n:n ':~!""u:a ":::~'a!>J~ cd un'dcr Title 0 of the. Clv­One question concerned. hlr- .. YOU_II t hope thll alllWent II Rlehts Act when frde.aJly­In. CC'mplaint Olecl by Glori. e.!' "",uoot .'toradorll" and a.slsted fllndR a J' c Involved. Kumapl, the otIteT OIl torma- ,iif;t L. "A: :~~J~~ .:rth"~ Sugiyama felt the need tor ~ U~n and role of the proJeet ..,Ional JfEW OI!Ice at olvll rlllt .. nlllnnativc action plan doesn t ad~ ~ounetl In view 01 and/ .... with "our ltate employ. cxlat In JACL h<'Ct\ulV! "JACL the resiIDaUOI1 from that body " .... , """'"' or ltate equal .mplny· has nl) reeord of hlrlni In of Donald Hata. .....,1 . . . terma oC the number of s131!

7-Aaat. DI~ ..... 811111 The letter had been eheck- Involved - 10 we dr.n·t have U,hIo·. explanatloo' _ ct..m.' ed b7 both ata1I' and then Ne- a pettam 0" even a 8laplclon ed lUIIIc:lent and lIonai Le,al COUJUeI George CIt (Job discrimination)". C_ of Don Hayuhl tor the Yamuakl Jr .• who advised to At th~ lost EXECOM m.eet­new poaIUon wa. reviewed lay out alternativa whenever Ing (Feh. 28-Mar. 1). Dr. lzu­by the Board tor the aecond a pentOn quNtlona JACL per- ml TanlRUChI, v. p. for re-U_ oonnel poUey. ",arch-services, was deslgnat-

• U.hlo laid. "Only thing I ed to work up n JACL omr-.... Ic H....... ~.n aay la t h I I I am very matlve action plan. Mike Hon­

punled u to why .he Oled. da, San J05e JACL prell<lent. Ellbl q....tlOll8 In tha ...,. I feel we Icrupuloualy foUow- la aulatinll him.

20 Mldwat DiItrkt memoran- ed (JACL) penonnel procc- Referring to the Mal'. 9 PS­l1um IlUrrounded th~ belated dur... • . . The person. '01 h 0 WOC m"""tlng, Helcn Kawnune .tart of the JACL J:thnlc Her1- ",a. selected (toe the potdllon IIIIld there w",·~ questton. rals­ta,. Project, the Gloria Ku- of Ethnlc Herlta", ProjPct dl- ed ILl 10 the credlbUitY of the magal complaint of 4lac:rImI- rednr) and Gloria are both Ethnic Herlt~gc P"njeet advl­nalOrY empl_nl baNd. on the ... me leX and both Ihe sory council when 01'. Don­nee and leX aplnat Netlon- lame race." ald' H.1a rCllgned t ,. 0 m the al JACL. a n 11 r_lDatioo ot Uahlo, In r~yeaUn. the job IlrouP. She w.m·t 'U''C If thai Dr. Donald H8'\a .. a mem- dlscrlmlnatlon ca. e ',lln.t '010' the fC.Ron Cnr hi. reslll-

• ._ JACL MIt'I H .. 4qurt.,.


HQ dedication to honor I ... i The '_I. the partnla of all

"mer! ani of lap.n.. an­_ry, wlU tab tenter atl,e 4\I,ln, tha Dedication ot th~

"aUnnal JACL Hud"uafl~rI Bulldln, on luly 20 111 San I'ran"'aco. N the pl.n. for the d.y I~n, Dfldkatlon un­fold , tha mphaai, II to con·

er.ta lhe bulldln. u a Irlb­llta to the Ju.! for lhelr In· aplt&tlon .nd aatrlllc:. •.

• .".. rlld WHe th. obyl­OUt pHIIOn. to whe m Utla tn.'ldln, Ihould "- dedl~atad." aald Dr. Ter.,. Ha, .. hl, co-­_half man of lhe I:>.dJ •• UQn Plannlnl C.nnmlt~ "In a v '7 ,.1 MflM with' ut them UWra would have n no Ja~n • "m ,I,..n chapl r In the 1,llt·.,. of till. naUon"

The eI.,.'. ennt.l will ltart with a b'lIncb at 8uthlro'e t tau,",,1 ·W. thou,h! It (ml, fllUn 'hat 18p.O_ 'I)<d .,. fY du,'n, Ihl. ani m I- dIn, to lark Ku -•• h., whl, II .flO IW!rV'r'I' a. .... it.lrman · W a,. hwln. .. ma,., I_I III II'- Ibl. to",,", to 1110 1,," II lin" It ... 111 be In , laUv.I, lalT.lllar aur­"'11,0410" In Hlh<mmad,J"

The Dedication ceremony ... 111 b.gln al 2 p.m. clol8 to the bulldln. atte. Every et­frrt I. b.ln, made to keep Ihe cer*m'n'u a. brief .. pl"llble 10 Ih,l tit. IlSel who attend wJli nr.1 boo over-tired. Mlko M .. aoka. P"'fhapa Ihe mo.t hJchly r .ardNI NIHI .monll the 1 .... 1. will make the Dtdl­eatle n len_ch.

That evenln.. a cock1311 hrur and. dinner will be held • t the 81 Francll Hot .. 1 Orand Ballroom. ",a'n, In o,der to Icc_morIlle the tu.1. It 11 hcptd the dinner will be con­ciudrd by 8·30 pm Con,. .... man Spa,k Malauna,. will live the keynete Iddr ....

" It I. not too early to make ,ou, r rvatl"n. for Ihe din­ner tr the brunch." .'),1 Dr. Ka,alhl. "(J,unch ..,lIt be U and (linnor will "- ,10 It II h'1M4 earh Marby JACL Chopl.t, will ""nil .1 I .It ""e I-I I ,tp'" "tallv IQ partl­t Ipate In the day •• venl/'

/WI..,y.tI'm, .100 u I eI be ",all .. d V, HaUonl1 JACL Ii .d'~ua'ta". 1105 Suiter 8t., lion ',onoll«l. c.m 114115. 0, call ()~21·&2U ,


l1atlnn. Dale ShlJTl1lBtlkl. chairman

o[ Ihe ~dvllO'')' grc.uP. ,..,call­cd the qucrtlons Dr. Hata ralaed were all :lnswered. PrelSlnll further, K a wall 0 e waptad to know If there were olh~r f"",lInlll. Enomoto Inter-jeeted. wond~rlng w h e the r thla excltanlle waa related to which Kawalloe added the Kuma"al ccmplolnt came aC­Itr the F"b. 9 PSWDC meet­In, where Hala pubUcly ques­t'cned the advllOry IfOUP" (rrmaUon.

U.hlo fell Dr. Hata made Km" very al3te­menl. aboul the project bul wondered about the que.tlonl Kawa~ce w a. rollinfl about Dr. Hatl'. aUe.atlon .hould not ,0 undl.cuutd Sinca oth­era on that council have nol rc<l."cd. U.hlo WOl Interolt­ed In htlrln, from otban ab • out tha lo·called ",roel erron In the admlnlatraUon" al char,eel.

Tanaka. I member of I h e JACL Elhnlc Herlla,e Advl­.ory CounCil, .. lei the IIroup art • I a to I lort. III ace no .,·nro In .,Inll back now, aay­In, whit we ahould have dono. If It were dono proper­IYI It Ihculd hava becn fonn-a bef<)ra lhe hlrinll ot ata""

la pint Dr Ha13 rall(ld) . But Ihat WAI not clone, To­

n~ka continued. "/1 II Ilmll­Ie .. 11), the AdvllOry councll to dllCUU 'ha maUer. when Wa hive a time conltralnt. 80 Iho cGun.1I I. not IJ)(lndlol It.I tim a on lhO.. ".ue. which waa rlghllully broullhl to tho att~nUc" <)1 u,. council by Dr. Ilata We "lI"a with him"

Tanaka viewed Dr. Mala'.

res!gnaUcn a p"'rsonal deci­sion. "Those of Ia wbo chose not to rellgn, to sUck to the Project, (cbose to) get It com­p!eted."

Ma.amune Kojima asked about the second phase re­questing additional funds to implement the project manual by training teachers ot Ita lae (see May 2 PC). Both Uahlo and Tanaka saJd It WIls doubt­[ul JACL's request would ufty" since funds have been sbarply reduced.

The board accepted the ex­planat.Jon aa presented and moved on to the next topic.

"It.. Dlrector--Pro." .. A gned hour was cOJ\IWII­

ed l'cltaahlng the so-called Don Rayaahl matter. llated on the 8IIenda ... Aulatant Director - Programs. A re­hasb, because It was under­stood to have been resolved at the I .. t November b 0 • r d meetln,.

PSWDC GQv. Maaamune Kojima felt It had been • waste of time at the Novem­ber meeUng for the full Beard to discuss the p"'rlOnnel prob­lems then pla&U1n1l Headquar­te..,. In h's report (see Nov. 29. 1974 PS) ot what trans­pired.

NaUonai Executive Director David Usblo bad abitted Ha­yashl tram his poat as Paelllc No,·thwest - Intermountain reo gional cI.lrector to join bim at National Headquarters In late October. Ushlo re,arded the move aa an Internal transfer.

But MJdwesl Gov. Lillian Kimura dlsqreed. a.ssertln, It was a denial of cpportunity to othe .. on the ,taft to apply for the pe~t ot asBlstant dlrec­tor-programs. The National Board last November concur­red U,hlo bad not followed JACL pereaonnel policy In the Hayashi matter, "dlsallowed" the lran,fer and Initiated the standard hiring cycle to have the pcII tion IUled.

In recp"'nin, the matter at the lpeclal June board meet­Inll. UabJo lirat relponded to the queries set forth In the May 20 Midwest District me­morandum:

I-Who authorized the es­Tabllsbment of a posIUon In National Headquartera for Don when he was tranalerred Ihere from the PNW Olllee?

Uohlo reealled the b.ue at lh" November meetinll was whether the action was prop­er. His pcsltlon wal that In the absence of a polley on In­ternal promotions or transfer

l It went 10 the prell dent ana the personnel eommittee who then authorized the move.

2-What wu that position

::b;r.~~~1 Waa that polltlon

Ushlo laid It wal for aulst­ant nallonal director - pro­Ifaml and that he had at the Ume two asalltant national directorship. for Headquar· ler • .

3-Why wlltn't II adver­tlud?

Ulhlo'. point wal that It was an Internal promotion.

4-Who authorlud Don Ha­yaahl·. tr8JUler and when wa.s the t'anater approved?

Ulhlo laid he did atter checklnll with the prelldent and per Ion n e I commlltee chaJnnan Ilnce nothlnll In Ihe p"'rlOnnel poJlcy love him no clear lIuldance on tranatera Or Inlc1'nol promotion •.

6-Atlt.l Nov. O. 1974. mecl­Inll the National Board dll· allowed HaYllhl·. appolnt­menl to a nonexlatenl po.l· tlon In 8an and or­dered hll termination . Wa. Hoya.hl ever 01Y the payroll durlnfl the period of proces­atng hi. opi1llcatlon tor the avoll.ble poaltlon 0' AIII.tont Director tor Prollram Devel­, pment at Heodquartc .. ?

\I.hlo . Imply an . we t' e d "no".

BCIT\(! quelUon wu ralaed by Genreo Yama .. kl Jr. aboul tho actual number of pro'el' IlonDI IUlIY al Heodquarla l'1l . Celnll back to convo .. aUon. h hod with Ulhlo durin, tho

Georgiana Kezele

Portland c.-nventlon in 1974, Yamasaki was assured only three execut've p""ltions had been contemp'ated In the 197~ -76 bud .. et but when Ha­yashi Wlls moved to San Fran­risco. "It resulted in more than three".

Yamasaki. then serving on the c,,"ventlon ad hoc budget committee. reminded staff salaries were a crucial Issue al the convention. particularly at Headquarters beesu... ot op))O'lIU"n to a CODDeS1traUon ot executive stol! at San Fran­cisco.

"What trcubles me bere-al I said in my letter of resigna­tion (as naUonai legal coun­sel)-Is the question of In­tegrity." Yamasaki comment­ed. "Subsequently I learned a. a matter ot tact that the day Shig (Sugiyama) asked for my reslgnat'~n. he told me cn Ihls l'sue ot Don Hayasbl'. transfef'-if you wish to call It that.-bad been planned pri-1'" to the Portland conven­\Jon." This, he said. was in­f",mation he dld nol have In November and charged Ushlo had not Intended to keep his premise because he was brln,. Ing Hayashi to San Francisco.

needs at Headquartars and planning ahead. Both ot his assistant directors, Margie Ya· mamoto and Pat Nakano, had said they were ,oln, to leave JACL. Hayashi also said h" was lIetUng married and couldn·t take the travel re­quired of a regional dlrectol' and telt be had to retire.

Exercising what he iernted as his "options". Usblo had Pat Nakano remain to dlrect

~~~~~a~b~t"~rS:~tt~~~f:~ul~~ awardl for foren.leI. acUn, poe. try s""klna. debate ..and ftn~ arb

Aa-")Q tw. also been acUve with hlJ k.. '1')1';1. :1\archlnl band. aym.

~~~~~I~a'&~ub . rc:e~t:' t~:-m~n~ ftYodcl Untied H.-UON. the 'Mur· l'a)' DI,trlct book rt\1ew commit· '~. moJ Mlldrta.1lJ H I. llat 01 theatrt' ,., ediu ,how him acllve

:t;~~~t:!\~13t'1~rulLa~1o:J~lt~G: ,,101 Theatre :lI wen 31 his hl,h ~honl dr:n~..3 ~PD\tl1'\~t

Anrcn "'ott; iL'MJJuored by thC' 'Mt Olyl1'1pU a: IAct. tu Dttend" the PrC'· ,hle.nti..l\ C'1.l_t~m for Youn. Amerlraft.J ip WQ;,hln.t()n. D. C .• t!\tJ ,,:t.~t l'ur.

the ethnlc heritage project and Col. Walt~r T. T.uklt.molo asked HayaahJ to consider a position at Headquarters. Ya. Memurlal Scholanhlp: S5tO

mamoto turned down the.flm 1>1. Stevm Oluomoto Is 'be lOll

offer ot a posItion In Sunny- 'ifro~ !.'ll~: s?~~m= ~!..~ It! vale which came in mJd-sum- ",tend StanCar,1 In the WI .nd Is mer but later accepted an.. InluHted In the n~ld at law. other offer in San FrancIsco. Stc!;vC! 1.1 • "atfonal Kerlt Scho·

MOYC cheirnian Scott Fu- l;~i~ "~~~i.~~~I.n\'~e':-.~~ rukawa wondered If Hayashi Gold S •• I. recjplent at the Sey· was ever off the payroll while mnur Aw~rd. thf' hllh6t treholD~· applying for the Headquarters 110 aword nl hi. school to a CSF

position.. Treasurer Tomio Mo. ~:,:r . ~~d A~t1 ap=~: rlguchl .ald he was nol, belnll HlIoh Schcol s'ud.n~. told that Haya,hi was kept on S~!l\:lll'w !vf,,~ !~~v:O~Jlgeo:: .. Has ccmp time". In lieu of school's marchln. and concert

overtime, JACL al).OWI I'~om- ~~' f~~~~~i\'e~1 s~ u~ ':~ pensalory Ume-oft". Body \'Ice president. his sehoal'!!;

Cbronolol)' ot the Hayaahl Ulorary mOIA,In •• and his Schoot matter after the November ~ti~~ .t·~ Amrm4t1ve AcUon Com· berod meet'n, was then pre- Und"r the fcdorally-tundcd GIf­sented by Ushlo: ted S'udcnls Pro"run al 1:lk

Noy. 8-Board d1saUow. Haya. Grove' H 'e h School. Stt:\'e has ahi', hlrtna. Vacancy announced, been enrolled at the Florin Japa·

While conflnnlng his con- r l ~~!:mt ant letter of ~~~nlUlige SC"hC'Ol for the PLott ve1;'sation with Yamasaki, Su- teermlnatfon.: a 3O-day DOtlce:. Jiyama differed with Yama.!a- Nov. '&--,lob ._UleaU""" for Snmllomn Ban" of CaUt. kl's Interpretat'oo that Haya- !c"!!'en~~~'1'~ ten' '0 Scholarships: ,sot Each .bi's move had been ~' plan- Nov. 25 _ Resume. evaluated. CHRlSTtNE KYOMt NOMA of ned" prior to the convention . two recommended for oul Inter- San FrancJsco la the dau,hte:r of Suplyama el'plalned addltlon- vi..... M,... Yo,lko Kawamura and Is o.f •

al stat! at Headquarters was g ~: 1;--~~~:':t ~~1ia. ~'&~ c~~ ht~ ~h:~ ~a:t~~ contlngent on the budeet and ya.hJ unanfmoully recommtnded, the Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley

th.e Hayashi move was ude_ m~ ' s~~r~: :..~~ft~~f ~~~re abe wUl pursue" career In slrable"-not p13nned. If the n II cw- Itt bud,et allowed. The number D~ '4-D4! ~or EX' .. tel:~~JaoS:l:tl~ilf~~J~ S~t~~~: ot staff at a given locale was m~mbers to C"ntlnn. lanhlp. the Edith Gum Alumni

merely an indication but the- edJ~, ~!ti;~.!l~:~ . n anuounc.. r::~lnbt\l!P ~~m~:k' h!c~of:~tt~ Natlcnal Council delegate. \lshl" s!lld when Murnknml from UC AlumnI. a S.m Francis· tGr'k it to mean the maxImum had informed him Hayashi fheJ~Jifl~~~:;IO~~IXw~~ number. And that was not in- was being rec(\mmended, he for Iraduahng Summa Cum Lau. tended, accordlng to Sugiya- col>sulte<l with Sugiyama and d. fOT ..,hoIMUe. ochool .cllville •. ma, who heJp~ prepare the rther EXECOM members who Rn&.:i!'"I,;,uc"J~~rl\ · OI~el:'o~~~hfth. national budget. had already expressed their lItnon of ,h. Son hanoi"", JAYs

Yamasakt rebutted that the !eellnn in favor of HayashJ. an~e T~·\,:;:~~: ~~~l t;rr"~!~ qvestion wa~ nrt what Sugl- As.ured be had a mojorlty. ~",ullvC Council of tho ~'d.n' yama had intended but "wbat \lshlo on Dec. 14 made the ap- Body. SonloT Prom Chal~rscn.

aNUrance was I liven from l)O'ntment. desplte the fact ~~n~It(,I\~h~~W.,:th~~..; Dave. as a member ot the rid that EXECOM members had Commltt..,. Girl', Service SocIety. bec colDn), and then to a Dec. 24 deadlIne to express and Coltrornln Scholarship Fedor· 110 back and try to sell the Ihelr feelings on the matter. otlon. budget to the ad hcc cl'mmlt- IDC Gov. Genege Klmw'a HARVEY L I: I: .NEGORO of te2", mOre or less as Ushlo'a was not aware Hayashi had Ft-esno is the ~n of the Yukllto sp"'kesmon. I resigned as region oJ director ~~~J J~n~L I~ i~\ll~~edc~~n ~~

The bud .. et Issue became to accept the Headquarters atlond 'hc Un'v. of C'nllf .. at 1.0. political Yamasaki continued post. PNWDC G.w. Jim Tsujl- A,:,oln ,his r.n where h. will because I of il& amcunt-$5921~ mura ,cold be had receive it. ~~~~Il:n stbJ~:.~mldry, It'=-diRC to 000. One assurance he had Llllian Kimura wos ex- Di" nlfulshod na the ,·aledle,o· from Ushlo was the "cellini tremely m'ffed since Ihe had TIBn of hi. f'T.~oulln" oln ... liar·

on the number ot executive not been called In mld-De­.tal! at San Francisco". cember. "You have denied me

GoO,oro N • .......,. MemortaJ Sc:bolarabl.: fiN

KEITH MlNORU MlZUTANt at Cano", "Park. caJU, Is \be 800 of the Merlu Muutanla and til amU· ated with th~ SIIn FerNIndo Val­ley J Act... Kctth h D .. thOMD to attend Ule Un". 0' Suut.hcm Cal· Itomta In the faU when: M _OJ

~:Ia~~~r!:: :tlo~~y i~~ p~~ ,,·mt.

K('Hh 114 dtdin~ hfJ'Mtil

~rU:(:~I:t.!::!I~g:,~1p ~l ~ loa' 1~\'~I. &a • four · t1me reef .. "Ifill ..,t oa Scl,"ar Alhlcte A .... rd..

a;j:~~l\"U~d~~U:1'J' ~~re:~ 8:;tl~!~: ~U?u tOu':.!;rar:on:: award

At'&I\·e In ~rta (tnck and foot· b:tU I. he- hu tllJn lnund time to ~1"\'~ III achool as beth Studmt

Body 1'" Id("DI and y lee p.raJ-

~~r . t'h;~c':i:rn~IaBo'.ho~~ Fedc, .. IJ,un.

tn h .. com..,unUy. KeIth w a a ('h:-Irl"~n 3nd p~rUdpant In u, ..

;::~~nlr1n l#th';, ff!:r~ ~ef:7'!: l.."\!1k'lpan1 n 1M Watu SUmmH

Ci )TIt! n"'flf •• ~"t .. -

~~l\tJ)~I~n1:~h ~rs :''m: ~.,tcnK lor ahooJ board 1sIuec. :md ~ ... rvC'd nn the t'Ommunlty 8d­\°i.cory cnmmlttec..

MltsttYokl Y"",,1II1lr.l

:\lrmorbl ScholarsllJp: fiN

PAMELA NOlJl1RA of D o.r. rHo. CtUf,. t. thr- ctau.(htrr ol. the: ShIJl:C!O N'omuTU and is a.JJD.b. ted with the Con'ra Costa .lACt­P:lrnela ha" <"h~n to ("ftJOD at SI:t.n(Ord III 'the faU wt.ere !be is tentOltt\"It17 pl;linnln, 10 pursue • raf"ee.r in f'nl{lnf't'riftl·

Panl('l:I is :t NnUnnnl ~t~ _

~~'::. ic~"t~W~:r~ ."n' ~b~r.. Ie!:. • n ff callft\ml" SCl'lohru.-tp ~eratton lI(e mll"fl"lh .. r .

ro wrn"e \'!~I~~!l1~tn\t~",~~~; bnskelb31t Gir1·. Athlet it' "un... :rOOOf ~ ci'{~;f'dTt'g~e~' ,':.: club C nun t' f t f'('IDrecntatl\.~r. school h:.I~lnturc: .. nd ( ,IK: Snbioa presfdcn~

Out IIh. M Cf'h"...J. ~me1n did \'olunt«.. work . I t h tbe 'Red Cl'OIO:.'C .Co \\ 4"U "" lJi.·.v~kl...v tutor­InA' fur 1,.In(lk"p~' Sludf'nh ..

Mr . .. t: i\fr. J illmes Mithene.r S<-hoJarsblp: $"..50

DAVID MASA BUTSUMYO 0' ~~ttl \~~~m~ .~~Pa~ n:, amfbT:d

cth~\~ldL':tt ~i:t"~·~t= ~~: LA or P~Pf'lerdl"t' Unl\'<-rslt:-- In Ihe taU whet'C' he hope; to m.IIJor In elth .. , J('Ium"llsm or dmtl..d:J?

A~:~I~~U is S;i~j:- t''J:;roI:~ta ~~ ._,..:;h lp F«lcrfttian plllque-. aNI ­tlona1 Me-rit lrttn ('If C"Omrnenda ­lion. iI Ctf1IRMlr of Achlr\ ·em.~I \l

f~r f:,~\r;~ . I~~u~~ni·t'~.\~!r!~ri': "th'f"h .:~ .. :md S<'hool ;:.ervlee.

A Rn,·· ... Stl'h.' fina.1I4. David WM nf'tI (' (In hi' ,sarl'lnol':t nC\\"'$1l.'1X'r

Conliuntd on I":\c-e ..

Dr. Roy Nishikawa. past na- the right as an EXECOM tlonal president, contended "0 member to express my point lot of bad mouth Is part of the oC view on Don when wben reaaon ler the sP"'cial meet- you did not call me. How did In,". adding he heard PSW you know how I was golnll to p"'opl", saying \lshlo couldn't vole? The oniy way I had a be trusted nobedy believed chance to vote was (by let­hlm. "I am getting sick and tcr with a Dec. 24 deadline)." t'red of those rumors ond In- U,hlo apologized. Kimura slnuations about Dave" and shot back: "You keep on BlY­Ihen asked Yam8Jakl: "Is It In, you're sorry. Everytlme not your duty to protect tho we get to something-you say national orllanl.aUon and lia you're sorry. You have de­p~lIcle.?" nled my right. I am really

Yamaaskl quickly respond- vcry angry at that. I dldn·t ed. "It certainly II and I be. know you called all those olh­lleve. I dischArged my duties cO' folk' ."

Dale Yamashita Aaron MOflshlla M Steven Okamoto

to the best of my ability till NC·WNDC a It ern ate S. I resllned." Conllnued on Nexl P ...

Nishikawa conl<lnded Yo·

~g::~ m:~be~th:~ru~at~::~ 2ND CLASS POSTAL RATES

~~'r'o~d~de~ew~!W~CI"';'::~ BEING HIKED JULY 6 Ita motion 10 Imp"'ach nt the Feb. 9 mcetil)I. "'bul I heord nothlnll". While JACLcrs can complnln to their omce.. If Ihey aro unhappy. Nll hlkawa IBId procedure. for Impeach­ment are IUpuloted In the JA­CL Ccn.Ulution "and thele "'ere nol Collowed".

PresenUnll the IlI8uc trom hll perspective. U. hlo dcclor­('d thel c were never more Ihon three executive s toffers ot Heodquurtorl ot. anyone Um.. When Hay .. hl came down In October. one 0' Ihe o"I.lonl dlreotors. Pat Noka· no. wa. vacoUnl( to heod Ihe Ethnic Herlloue ProJect. ol~o baaed at Headquarters.

Uahlo wenl on to exploln hi. role ILl chief odmlnl.lrotOl', alway. alert to poraonno

The regular ' Courth s tep-In­crease In 2nd. 3rd and 4th Closs postal rotes becomes et­tccllye July 6. barring any losl mlnule cbanges. the Pa­clnc Clllzcn wal advised this past w eek. lilt me 8M on od­dltlen.1 UO n week In pOSI­age on lOp ot the $27~ ave\,­age per Issuc." noled PC BClard cholrman Alfred Ha­' ate.

Role.! moy . till rlsc In vlow oC lhe recent rule ot an .d­mlnlstrnUve law Jud,e who colled fo" a "eductlon In flral­cloas pCltage from 10 10 8 'At c~nts per cu ncc with .ubston­tin) lnci I4!f' In the other vlaloc •. 'T.e . ling hos been uppeo]cd "1 users of 2nd. 3rd ond 4th cl .....

Christine Noma HaNey Negoro Malle E. Culver

Keith Milulani Pamela Nomura David 8ulsumyo

Page 2: New York Inaugurdl PACI FI Q ~r) ~ITIZEN€¦ · TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama New

PACIFIC CmnN' Publilhed Wftk!7 by the Japanen Ame.rtcan

;:t; M.~:u::c:r: :.:: tsn:.i': .. d ~.w.:~; No. wl

ShI&U1 J ., N.Uonal JACL P ...... ldent Allred Hatate. PC Board Chairman

Barry K. Banda, Editor

~nd ... d ... postqe paid at Loo Angeles, Calif. Subsc:r\pllon Rates (pay.ble In .dvance): US. $7 a yee.r, $13.50 for two rl!U'8. Fo ..... IIl\ $10 a year. $3.75 of JACL Membership Dues for ~yee.r subsc:rlptlon. Note: Subscribers wishing IIrat ... cJa. dellvery, either air or surface, should Inqulre .bout rate. dCllD8tlc or Internatlonal.

2- Friday, July 4, 1975

• H.rry K. H .....


. It wu tour da7W of b ...... th... trip wu when we drove iQa lIDOI ... frft air, beiQa du... throUlh Pomona several bouro &led by the aplendor of Utah'. I.ter In the mld ... altemocn, color country (Zion, Bryce where It wa. 90 degrees. Here CanTOD N.Uonal Parka e.nd In It was. the II.rst week of sum ... 'It'. the Bicentennial Ondo.'

behrftD), and ~ the mer-but the Mojave Desert ~ of ~en 11 we dldn't let on. !MY tile price of ~ up Our reaaon for having Ka ... PCYA REPORT: Denise Abe 011 retunL nab as the base of our three

It .... e.nother one of those day. In Utah wa. the prod ... ~ "..,.tlono befo ..... sum... mlty of three national parks mer .eb 00 I ItartI for our within. l~mIle radlu.: Zion. )'OUJIIIten .t heme. The I .... Bryce Canyon and Grand

Experience Not to Be Missed dlnlng room of the New Sen ... ate Officc Bulldlng. Congress ... man Matsunaga explained the unique problems of represent ... iIJg a state balfway around the world. •

IOO-mDe trip Included two Canyon. and the new Glen D ... lle Abe or 0 ....... Calif ••

.cepe .t Las V.,.........sund.y Canyon NaUon.1 Rec ..... atlon ~. 'r.."J~"~1' :.~ D';=~

.... aDd breal<faat on the Area. Had we mo ..... time. we • participant III til. ms Pred ... Strip _Ie to ltanab and • would tried to cover .... _ Clulroom ror YOUDI

Cb1Dea du..- ... y from the Capitol Reefs and Canyonland ~:,~rIc::. J~r';::~::t::' r'~ Strip WedDeaday evenin. be- -two new o.Uonal parks fur... VOla Park B I,,, Sdloo) wltll fore beadin. bome '!bursdsy thft ~ul ...... houon - voted '1' .... -mo .. W. doII'l know bow Wh.1 •• ve our! ~~~I::U~' ~f.!~"cl': ~eI~ ~~ Within our one week period _~ drtft tbrouIh V.,.u daUlbter. Patty. a char,e wa, term II til. reet til ..... e .. in WQshlngton. we could teel aDd not fall to the lure of our contusinl! Glen Canyon :!l:eu\''"il'!da=.:r y",,:,.r!~ the Impact of world wide po ... Dune Fortune-but thla ... with Glen Campbell. whl'Se CharlO' " ___ -Sd. lltleal cc:eurrencH. M PCYA. the lint time we w_'t dl ... current hit, ''RhIneston~ Cow... Is the onI~udent program verted. T1utt', only meDUoned 1>01". wu being aired often Orange. Cali1. .uaw.d wi CIA b.uodqllM'-fer the .--.L by e.rea radio staUons. We'll A PresIdential Classroom ten. we were anxious to ques ... n. lapmae UtIle about both remember. too. the sell ... for Young AmerIcans provides tion speaker Paul Chretien

the V .... trip wu the front ... lulded tour down Glen ('an ... a totaJl.y unique educational about the dIIclooures regard ...

Facing problem

of recruiting

younger leaders By DR. PAUL W. ELl.'S (PuyaUup Valley JACL)

Tacoma. Wash. During the summer. would

aU of you think about the Immediate futute of the Pu ... yallup Valley Chapter. I have learned much abcut the mem ... bershlp. but there are Impor ... tant gaps In my knowledge. I have Imp 0 r tan t questions without answers. Is the fol ... lowing an accurate Image of Cur chapter? Can we improve


~ce Italy Sunday about two yon Dam whlclt dellvera • opportunity for high school Ing the Glomar Explorer, the beInI aPPftl*Jded III Tokyo cltarp ot 350.000 valli per studeDts. From the moment s hlp owned by Howard ,.. alIepd extortion III CUI'" .enerator, the plane lands In Washing... Hughes that was used to re ... IMCtkIa with a pmbllD. trip Now that we've vtalted both Ion, D.C. to the last bus ride cover the Russian submarine. 10 the Southern Nevada .t- aides of Grand CanyQo-we for the alrport. the hedle ~d all the James Bond eq ... IndIOII. Our brother ... III ... law feel that Bryce Canyon Is pulse never Q}llll. For the 354 ulpm.ent, I.e. edible paper. "1m, wbo'. heeD there tor prettier and more abllXbln, students participating In the gJ0v.:mg chalk boards. and MUIy IIvs yeen manaclDI an to behold. Even th~ recently largest classroom to date. It movie screens rising 0 u t of m.ur- 81m. ~ daarter opened KoIob Canyona of wa. an eye ... opening experl ... nowhere. there was a feeling It? How de we ke2p It vital? tram ToQo wID be ZIca, aeceulble from Inter ... enee that left us In a con... ot f~atlon at having <>ur Who will be our leaders next bini III ~-pum., state 15 without .... vIn. to pay tlDUal state of exhaustion. questions repeatedly answered yee.r? La. AD... and San I'ran... the park entranee fee. Is a '1be purpose ot A Preslden... with a "no comment'·. Wlthcut any question. I be ... c:t.o, _ IIcCanan FleId speetacular addltlon to see. tlal Classroom for Young . The newspaper and maga· b.eome. IIltenuttlonaL Be We don't have the adjectives Amerlcans Is to "provide a ztne articles we had bee n Iieve th e leadersh'p of the tIlIDb opportunJtIes tor NbeI 10 do juatlee to the Utah color concentrated study of Unlted reading aU week took on add ... chapter has been drawn for III ~ ... al80 warth 01' panorama COWttry - and States Government to select- ed significance when we were many years frem a sub. tan ... ~ u the d~. DOW those who will have time to ed hi g h school students Informed that our trip to the tial greup of Nt-el almrst all ...... t 100,000, wUJ hit • miJ.. drive to the 1978 NaUonal JA ... throu&h their personal In ... State Department would co ... yO~a~h~f .::eann;':.,:oas~el~~! Uaa In popuJ.aUOII. lnddental... CL Convention heiDI! heeted volvement a II d contaet with melde with Mr. KIssinger's -IF. a t- V.... lAa. chap- by the Utah ehapters can per... the lIufitutions and leaders of news eonference relating to that there should be young ... e. II ItID III the womllL eelve for themalvea aDd un ... the Nation" These ~,_ the collapse of the Middle East er peeple b take over this

dentand h B t eedn't . ..~ a WIts Th cl 00 felt lesponslbillty. The prrblem Is M for un poll ute d air W y. u you n accompUshed through semi ... pe ce . e assr m net exetusive to Nikkei; the

e I • an. I It, our \unp, w. walt till "78. nars (lectures with question the turmoU of poUtical events relatively low birth rate from tIIouIbt w. bad eYeD 4eteet.t * and answer periods), tours of as sev.,ral of our seminar 1930 threugh 1945. means re ... Iba "new car" 8DeI1 III our ,Waahlncton. and small dlscus... speakers were unexpectedly I U 11'71 Jlaverldt wblle 1IIbt- Kan.~ I. ealJed 'lJtt1e Hal... sian groups conducted by pc... called away. with ~e n~ws of a vely fewer peeple t~day In --. throuIb ataIDillcertt lywODd beeause of the marty YA studenta and sta1!. King FalJaI a assaSSUlation. tbe 30 to 45 age brackets. ZIaD lI'aUonal Pe.r1L Yet be- outdoor ftlma beln. shot In the The scheduled hlgbllght of A substantial segment of .... a IaacUme ADp1eno, _ area. '!ben several west... the week was a day on Cap- * our membership are Issei or didn't dtoIre either upon our em aeta nearbY-but the real ltol Wll where we were to Meeting witb the other stu... older Nl!el. pcsslbly Kibei Ntuna. IIamebow our bran... cIamor Ua In the eroeive meet our rep ..... sentatlves and dents was by far the most wbo do not use English Ian ... ebIal. system m .... the .dl..-t- work of Mother Nature upon senators. Our classroom was educational part of our trip. gus,e freely. There Is also a _t wtllInl1y. '!be Utah air. the Ume.tone and redrock that set durlnB' the week of Eaa ... As we were all brought to ... sjlnlflcant number of Japan ... ... mltbt add .... a bit eooI took mlllIona of y"e.r. to ae... ter vacation and subsequent- gether throu8h our common .... wives of servicemen. ~ autumn ... Uke. c:empllslL Iy, Congress adjourned the interests In polltlcf and gov ... ,*bly In their forties and flf ... _ tile denlaena of the Utah' Pangu tch will be remem ... day before our planned visit. emment, It was not "ncom ... lies who haven·t been ot!er ... eo1or _try were explalnln.. bered for the pretty .u-Is com... Many of the PCYA particl... mon to find several stUdents ed cr who haven't accepted It _ .... a cool II III mld ... petln. m a rodeo queen ponti met only with stat! aids from a variety of states with 'eadershlp roles. d8y Bentow 011 our munt conlest. '!bey were .Ippln, of their congressmen how... the aspiration of becomlng tItp. TIle boltest part of the water and en •• gln, In Ulbt ever. we we r e fortu~ate to lawyers and polltlelans at the Youn, .dulh .ha,ecI

cltlt-chst III the a4l01nln. meet with Rep. Norman MI ... same college. Within the community we • booth. at the restaurant, neta of San Jose. Call1. Later A PresldenUaI Classroom have a group of yeung adults

s.Jnar 011 aging tendln. to malte us for,et the that same afternoon. Cong ... for Young Americans Is an In their late twenties or ear ... mlddlln. aervtce. ressman Mlneta addressed the experience not to be mlssed. Iy thirties of whom we have

PIIILADa.PRIA - A aemJ... Sliver Reef, billed as one of enUre classroom In a semlne.r The trip was completely en- attracted few to active part! ... - - !be qlQI .ulan AIDer... the best pr..-rved Ibo.t coneernlng the dally aetlvt... joyable with the exception of clpatlon in rur chapter. The Ian, pu1kuIarJy the lapan ... t~wrtI, wu a bl. dINPPOlnt ... ties of a ..... p ..... sentatlve. From the f 0 a d and bedding. The Tacema BuddhIst Chun:h the -. wUJ be boated by the 10- ment more new hW.lde his talk. wc gained an under. JACL support at the program Whlmey Methcdlst Ch;"ch :::.;~~ "~D~~wa3ofl. hemes abound there than rei ... standing of the tremendous Is evident by the number of and the JACL are the only

............ ......... Itl trom the p"at-ClvIl War amount of paperwork and studenll sponsored by various organlzallons eencemed prl ... Temple UnlYel'llty and 101m Illv ... mlnln. boom. . man hour. that ,0 Into con ... chapters acroos t!le country. marUy with werk among NIk ... • ~ executtve Uldstant to ADd lOme ...... der can teU u.s sclentlous public service. Some of the Jli'~~ ot JA: kel of aU ages. But. the chur ... the Praldent of BryI! Mawr what those Ion •• black eater... Congressman M1neta wa. CL-apon.ored en were. ches seem to be faelng the CoUeeI. In eharIe of pluutlD •. pWan were weavl "- thelT not the only polltlclan we had Sh~~.~~I. K;.r.~ ~g~~~1J: I;".\; same problems as the JACL. ::= Is ~ lOatbe the •• uze ... )flle nests In the quak- the pleasure of speaking with. Kaw~cbl. SoD Franc""": Korl Moreover there Is Inevttable rMetbJp' ~ to B= In. alpena. '!be information Rep. Spark Matsunaga of Ha ... ~~I'.o.arri.'l.:~J~ ~~:rv"!rr- cempetltlon between the two 121J-.U6...IOOO 214 • will .how vaeatlcn. can be a wall Invited a ,roup of PC ... Md.: • OlivIa Marutani. PhUad.l': churches on the one hand and

s-). painless leamin. experience. YA students to lunch In the Ithl.: Mar .. KamlY8. BolUco. Cal· the JACL on the other for the

1975 MEMBERSHIP PROGRESS """-' ~ line II 1975 momberohlp percentage II c:ontpMed with 197~ !'Ital.



CItftotI ....... ....., ,­,..., =: , .... ClaunIy ...,. .... ,-=-.......... OC



I I l



. i I


I r i


...... - "...,. "". 'tgu,".


AtIzona CoacIIIlla VIIIIIy Downtown LA. Eut 1..01 AnoIItI IlatcJana VII", QINtar PaudIna Hotlywood •. Imparlal VIIII)' , Long a.dt-liarbor MttropoIIIIn LA. IIor1It San DIIoo ~CowIty Proorlllliv. WntsIcIe Al'laralcll San Diego san Farnllldo Va/II)' San Glbrlel Val", San IJJI. 0bIIII0 Santa Batbara S.nta Marta V.11ey Stllnoco 80IIthBay V.nlu·Cul'lll VIIIlIlI. County Wnt 1..01 Ang,1tI WlIthlr,·UptDwn


SoiM Va/ley Idaho Fall. MI. OIymPUJ P~""0·8IaclifoOI sail Lake etly Snake RIver ~.,Ity W.NlcI1 FrOl1I Nor1tI


Arkenla. Vallty Fon lupton Mn.·HI 0mIIII San IJJIa V.1I1)'


Chicago CinclnoaU CImIand = Mllwlllklt S~ IAuIa 1"111 enl ..

Percenlage Membership 20 ~O 60 80 100




_ .... Haynhl

. We sncerely hope the JA ... time and leadership ablllties CJ, will continue their active '1Jld wWlngness of the same support of such a worlhwhlle people. Too many J)e<'ple have program. to divide their limited time

b<ltween church and J ACL. Now. the questions:

QUESTION BOX I-Are there no other NIk ... kel In the are a whom we ml,ht reerult? Hive we deve ... loped such a satiatylng rap ... port among the community whlch comprlaes the three or ... ganlzatlons that others have not felt welcome? Are there things we can do?

Q-My wife and I are In ... terested JD IIvln. In Japan for a year, bopefully payln. OUl'

-y wblle there. Can lOU .... e UI an Idea of what·. Involved. -VPK. Ridley Park, Pa.

A-Thll Is quite compllcat ... ed. The Japanese Consulate has a .mall booklet. "Forellln'" er'. Guide to Immigration Procedure In Japan", mayan ... swer moat questions. While Japan does not encoura,e en ... try at allen. for work or res­Idence due to many problem. InVOlved. the best chance for Americans to .ecure employ ... ment there .eem to be with a U.S. branch omce or ftrm. secure. the list can try to The Commerce Dept. ha. list of U.S. companies doing bu.l ... ne .. In Japan. available at a nominal cost. A penon who match his skills with require ... ments as listed. About teach ... In, positions In Japan. refer to the Institute of Internallon ... al Education. 809 United No ... lions Plaza. New York 10017. And a '))fClfled vtso at the Japoneoc consular office Is re ... qulred . (The PC II Indebted to local Japaneae con.ulate "eneral for the above back ... ,round.)

25 Years Ago In Ihe PC. Jul, I. 1850

lun. 1t-EUu lu,lmolo. Jlpan_ born author of !'D,ufhter ot Se .. mur.I", dl .. It .~e 'J at h.r To .. :!oy,h.O':": hid J v.d In VA. lor

4UD, U-80uth Kor.. Invad.d by COmmunl.J1 North K 0 , •• n tore ••.

2-What can we do to at ... tract adults aged 25 and old. e,r to accept active partlclpa ... tlon In JACL?

3-We a ..... dOing little to at ... tract youth aged 18 to 25. Why not7 What can we do?

_Until and unless we lind new active particlpanll by tal ... lowing through to useful an ... ,wen to the above que.tlons, we seem to be faced with a choice between (a) the conti ... nued acceptance of leadership re, ponslbillty by the Nisei. and (b) letting the chapter dlslnteJl"ate. La.t year the nomlnat ' ng rommlttec had a very dlmcult time In getUng people to accept nomination to omccs. What about t his year? Will you accept?

Let Wi Ihlnk enou,h about Ihesc quesUons to obtain use ... ful on.wers by September. May yOU aU have on enjoy ... able summerl


uOhl.rolCluro·' I, • b •• dln, ft.

::{b~~tto~:r ,~~:. '~~~'LYlct.~O~; pre.ldClnla, Tbe ob""'8110n. and prObl.m. vl,wed trom thel, 'Wao.. ,.,, poln, .,. .. tectld 'rom now.I,U .. ", miD' o. or letten.

14 H.",.. Im., •• nc,

"w. Do Anything In GI.,,"


GLASS CO. lun. t7 - Pretla.n, T rum I n Id. "49 _ Llu"led Co"tracto,

~1~~:.P'~~.lO . ~III • .!~I::~:g·n .. ,: I 'tOt. Fr"nt. 'nluranu R.plactmenU v,Ierln' , IUlett ,roup .ver .d-I Slidlno GI, .. 000,. l4\Ivr.. Mitton

m~l~~~ ~~~~ : n~f~r: .In It J i m.. GI ... To". PI". W indow. 'h l,.'a win. naUonl' "a MICk', & Auto GI... F, •• e.tlm.' •• Amll. ur lIour 10SO cont:" . 1724 S San ,.dro St L A 90014

.,un. 3I-JACL m,mb.rthlp 0J(- ' ., .. p •• I. d '0 lOp 10.000 for Iho ntlt (2U) 622·8241 tim. In national hialory In . -.,.I. I. ".

• Stan Klyok.wa

Honto-Hi v • ." ."'. ,,,"' e"eI obu4 I" uch k.~ f., 21 ... Itt .t.

1 1/,., .. , ... ",.,,..,,,,,) ns heh .ddl,r.".1 II". " ,.., II".


Portland Rarely In our SOCiety are

there Individual. and agencle. thot nnticlpoto problems and bepln deollna with Ihem by taking prcvcnloUve mealure •. We have traditionally ap­proached problem. with band. old solutions. otter the fact, which vcry much limit our effectiveness,

and .ervlce center, 0 de.k manned by full ... tlme staff to I~i:'~.~~~::- A~!·O,Ir.~1 ~~m offer needed acrvlcel to epon- A" 110 ",ekt)..,..., Y' ur IIr.",' G+f lOti ond the rctuleel them- 0'''''' ,,,, It\« Gr •• It, L A A,. selve •. The desk l. paid tor",n PC by the Stat.. 01 Wuhln,ton . NISII FLORIST Mitch hOI atrested the Impor- In t . H •. ." a' li"1 T(;"'\'o !nnce of IIndlng out Irani the :t2S E III ~I MA S·S606 ref u gee I themaeJve. what F ~tOf.I'hl ,.;~"*' T.I.ftot

their needs are. ' rather than I YAMATO TRAVEL IUIlfAU agenciel ond IndJvlduab mak- 312 E ht~'. LA 190012) Ing general a .. umptlonJ a. to "A • .-,

what they think Ihe Viet... . name.e need. In many cues I · Watson·,.IIe, Calif. this I. much too common ot an occurrence.

The other areas of concern. voiced throujlh Asian Amer ... Ican Affairs Office are:

TOM NAKASE REALTY Ac,uQe ~hft H '"'"

Incomo Tom T Natt.", P.,U/\t

2, '''((a Id Ave (408) 71." ·64n

a) Mutual agreement of both pal tie. tor lponaonhlp. . San Jo.e, Calif. 10 prote~1 both parties.

To emphasize the point of a preventative education ap ... prrach to problem solving. the office of Asian American Af ... fairs, State of Washington. and Mitch Motsudalra. dlrec ... lor. come to mind. Prior to the Inltlal Impact of publicity on the V let n a m e s e refullees Mltch's office was preparing and educating community or ... gonlzatlons and legislators about the upcoming problem. atres-Ing the need for Asian ... community Inpu~ In the prae ... ess.

b) Utilization or Mlan caae ... EDWARD T. MORIOKA, R~1I0 ' workers wherever poSllble. 1092 N' Ulnoh_", PI S ),. ..

c) Emphasis of clu.t..r con... 0", 1.~6 A. 2 .1--9 ~5<

copt ot placements to ,et more. Sea"'e, Waah. than one family In an area. 1 ____________ _

Theae are just a tew con ... cern. that have been voiced I Imperial Lanes Governm' Evnn.· I nit I a I

. Iotement oOld commitment woo " r,rrduc! of Mitch's In ... pul 10 INk .. b .trong stand On thl. crlllc,,1 13.lIe. To date. the Siote of Washlnvton has e .... tobll,hed the first formal pro ... glom dealing with assembly and p1acemcnt service. (01'

these refu~ces . (Sec JIJOI~ 27 PC.)

Thla example of direct Input '101 • 22'" Ave So EA ~252' demonstrat~. the Importance N~M!I Ow~d ~ F,Itd T U0 1 Mq~

ot an ageney such as MItch'. Their work has made tremen ... dous Impact for Mlan Amer­Ican. and I cannot help but

Kinomoto Travel Service F,.,nk V tclnclf'nl fit

~?I loA ... " S, MA 2.1521

overempha.alze Itl Importance • ChiclI,o. III. During this period very Uttle time Is taken to publicize their efforts b<lcouse ot the need to provlde services and not take advantage of the situation to

SUGANO TRAVEL SERVtCE lt7 (Oh 16061' 94' .~ A • . ~1 -1193

Ga 2'·..41]] (E .... 51,,)

gain visibility. My column bas. New Yorlt City been devoted to apoUllbt the

The Illlln)" Aslan ... commu ... nlty organizations now have direct Input Into the assem ... bly and placement process to view thls situation from an Asian perspective. The as­sembly center located at Camp Murray offers an Information

Ir.mendow job Mlteh and staff have done. to direct sup· port and recognition where It'.

MiyazakI Travel Agency. Inc

The St.,.,. Hilt· n due. 401 - 7th Ave '212) 760--1800

Nat'l JACL-held Bayashl should not have. WlI.hincton, D.C. been on the payroU.

Iwarna explained the per... MASAOKA. ISHIKAWA (Continued trom Front Pare)

Stephen Nakashima nolPd It was sound practice of execu ... tlves to secure enough votes and proceed. not spend money to call aU of them. KImura took exception: "If we foUow your logic. I would never be ce.Jled-because you said Pm so far away." Dale Shima ... salli. another EXECOM mem ... ber. snapped the tension:

sonnel manual provides non ... 1 AND AS~OCIATES. INC. clerleal stat! are appointed by C..".. ·ro.n' - w .... ""l.on Matt ... the National Dlrector. subjecl 900· 171h Sf NW. Rm ~20 296-.'a.

to approval by the National

"Why wasn't I called? It·s 15 cents from here to Berkeley."

Board which. to him. meant Hayashi was on "Iemporary appolntment"-akln to Jerry Enomoto·s appolnlnlent by Gov. Brown on Feb. 5 as dl ... rector of the State Dept. of Cor ..... ctlons which was tem· porary until the State Senate conflrmed. 90 days later. "If the results came out that Ba ... yashl was not confirmed, then at that time Don would have been told he was 6nlshed,"

MARUKYO Kimono Store

Moriguchl insisted Hayashi should bave been off the J A­CL payroll for a nlne ... day period between Dec. 15 (when the 30 ... day t.ermlnatlon notice ended) and Dec. 24 (dead ... line for EXECOM members to respond to the recommenda ... tlon to hire Hayashi). HJ.s re ... quest to have EXECOM mem ... bers present to be poUed was turned down. Enomoto said It was unfair ·'to put stat! pea­ule on the spot".

Iwama said. __ In retrospect. when tbe

MPDC Gov. Mils Kawa ... moto couldn't understand aU the complaining at thIa stage since the majority vote to con ... finn had been cast.

Frank lwama saw mno gap" between Dec. 15 and Dea. 24 -the nlne days Morlguc1tl

board dlsaUowed the Bayashl appointment In November. he should have reverted to his origina\ pasltloo. according to Sugiyama, since his resigna ... tion was contingent upon his position in San Francisco.

PSWDC alte rn ate Mlke Ishikawa observed the obvi ... cus attempts made to exped1te the hiring of Hayashi was I "like the tall wagging- thel dogl'. Rather than calling them all, Uahln's call to cer ... taln members "demDnstrates an attitude in dealing with the NaUonal Board ... "

(To Be Continued)


.AagUSI 21·24 • (.11ege ....... Ollie

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318 easl Fi~t Street

Los A"gel('s, C~lIf

MA 6 ·5681

I ~ t !

I .. !

Page 3: New York Inaugurdl PACI FI Q ~r) ~ITIZEN€¦ · TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama New

• aul HoNk ...




Denver, Colo. Back In ISS7 the Chari ... E.

TutUe Co. 01 Rutland. Vt .• and Tokyo. book publlsbers. came out with a lim novel by a youn, SeatUe-born w r I t e r named Jobn Okada. The story ""as called "No-No Boy".

The principal cbarader Is lchiro Yamada. a Nisei wbo &aid no when h'5 government a.ked blm wbclher he would serve in the United States Arm,)' durine World War II. Ichlro was bebind barbed wire. along with most other N1sel. whf!D the questlcn was a.ked. A1mcal all 01 them wd yes to the government's ques­tions and went. on to serve Ibelr ~untry with creat d l .. linelkn. The ""ar record 01 the Nlrel volunteen was a key faclor in dispelllne pub­lic dc:ubls abeut Japanese American loyalty.

'l'he ftdlonal Ictliro Yamada , .. d no tor many comple" realOn! havine lltUe to do with bl, lo)"alty to the United

~ ....... \. I Aloha from I

I" Hawaii ~5= Ib' aICBAaD OllIlA !


State, reasons that other Nisei will understand and which make up the warp and woot 01 the novel. The penalty lor baving said no was a two­year prison sentence. lchJro ha. served It, and returns to Seattle as the story begins. seclUni there to lind peace "lIhin hlmsel! and In hi. re­lations with his tamily and so­clety.

"NI'-No Boy" attracted lit­tle attention at the time It was publlJthed and t .... m what I can galber It was n~t a com­mercial SUCCeS3 e'ther for Okada or the publisher. Nlrel did not buy the book. Many looked at It somewhat ask­ance. as Lt it were a loathsome or unclean thing.

Why? Perhaps because tbe ltory dug 100 deeply into their psyches at a time when lbey were still raw and lacerated trrm the Evacuation experl­cnc". Perbaps the Nisei did not want to look teo deeply into their soula as rellected In the society that Ichiro Ya­mada {cund 80 hostile. and In the agony and shame and (I ultratlon that Ichtro expe­riences as be seeks to lind himself.

Credit availability

Topic of Utah

Ci,,11 Rllhh Group

WASHrNGTON - The US. Commission ('n \lvll Rights urged President Frrd to de­clare women a "socially and economically dlsadvantal!ed" group eligible tor special aid In ""lIlng up businesses.

Last year, a tederal survey trund blacks, A!lans, Indians and other mlnerllies owned abeut 4% at the cfuntry's businesses In 1972 but there Is little Inlormatlcn on the number at Ilrms specifically owned by temal .. or the ex­tent ot their partidpaUon In government contracts, t b e cr mmlsslon said.

Two agendes charged with "'slstlnll d'sadvantalled bua!­ness ~wners - the Small Bus­In.,5' Admlnlstratl~n and the Cemme",e Dept. Office ot MI­nority Business Ent~rp-t~s--­have shrwn little Interest In establlshlnJ{ ,pedal w~men'.

pr<'grams. the comm'sslon ad­ded. '

An estimated $270-mtlllon in noncompetitive tederal con­tract. has ben earmarked this current IIscal year {or disad­vantaged entrepreneut'll in programs desl",ed to help them become selt-surtalnlng.

In tbl. seou the novel was published belore its time. The N'lel were not ready tor It. Sioce then they bave matured and the old wounds have beal­ed. Trday more ot them. and

Hlw.1I TCNIay the Sansei aa well. would be

The SBA, bowever. said It dres n~t ccnslder anythlnll "'minortyH abcul women and has argued they are just as eligible as men for SBA pro­grams. noting $98 rnJ11lrn werth of loans out Of $1.6 bililon went to 2,000 women or about $20 million to 635 minority women.

Windward Oahu t"nanta at abl" to app"",late John Oks­Wala .... le-WalkaJoe VaDeF are da's sklll .. a novelist wbose protestinc th" new rmtal typewriter mirrors the IOclety charc'" mm their landlord. he Ime ... Mrs. Elizahl!th MeCandJ_ * :-:eks

• b:-~e'~na".:'~~: What mak... all thll perti-servine terrnal nollee at her nent la that not 100, 810 Tut­home. State tarm elftclala tie released Ita rlehta to the Credit 1Y11I.blllty maintain developer Ja. Paa II book. maldne It paulble tor tryln, to driv" them out of the .noth"r publ'sher to re-Issue In Salt Lake City, the Utah a",a ••. Beela Itea ralde.ta. It. The Unlv. of Wuhincton Advisory Ccmmlttee t" U>e U S. about 50 of them. met with Prea la reported to hi! con- Cemmiss'on on CIvil Ri"hta, the Raw.Uan Ell!drlc Co. Ild"rinl a reprint. One of cbalred by Raymond S. Uno, pralclent to bave the linn thOle Itronlly uralnl the a put naUonal JACL presl­pcltpcne their evldloa lrom Unlv. of Washingtrn Pr ... to dent, ,ubmitted It. !indln,. .. ,bctandard hornes In the ' take It on Is Frank Chin, the and recrmmendatlon. on ere­arn. a part ct the Bilhop Chloese American playwrliht dlt AvaUablllty to WeID"n In r_ta'- DlJttrict J "-e " .. h .... powerful "The Year of Utah. Another Sa't Lake JA-.... "" • . . u.... the Draa""" .... on nat!onal CLer Allee M. KuaI le1'Yet u ~ a~"!"~ fo".::a~ educational TV recently. secretary to the state advisorY ermen who refuted in May to "'No-No Boy''' Chin writes committee. move from their bomea on !rom San Fr~clsco "11 one The committee examined MOkauea Ialand in KaeIlt t.- o( the creat worka of Amer- three main areas wbere wo­..... Counwl for the llaber- lean !idlen And It'. the creat- men encqjUlter dllftcultlel hI!­m~n deem't think the St.Ia 81 Aman' American work. cause at their !leX or marital OWN the Weta in the 111- ~rlod. Styllatically. atruetur- status: credit cards, penonal

~ '- b lean. and mortiac'" lOOn- The men were died by ally, no Ameriellll .. or. U Throuih a number of Inter­poUce .. Ith trnpaglnl .ad captured the IOUDd and multl-ebaJlencinl them 10 eourt. Kblzo'd thoulbt and mood of views with credit managen

Master plan to elfPUld the Tortiea: And certainly no :far:., 10llie ,:::nit~ ~ou'::~ ..... ellbewl will the work b.. explored the IOUI, fh.t 'arbitrary decilloa. bued capadty of the National M,,- rulture and sensibility ot Ja- on se" and marital ltatua waal morlal Cemetery of the Pa- panese, Ameri,;! .. deeply' u hl!inl wed to deny credit to cUlc and _ alChtaeelne Okada. work. women and tound polld .. tMouih \lee of towmobUel. Okada lJt dead now and that syatematleally dlscrfmlo­Complete ~talla wlli hi! an- there lJt no one to pusb lor a ated agahut married women nounced al the Au," 28 with re-u.ue 01 bia DOvel exeept U opPOled to .Inale women. crcundbreakine ..,t tor next like Chin and otben wbo re- The ""mml"ee wu _lIIcolly ,. .. r, member Okada'a talent. After concerned wllb:

h"arinl from Chin I took my I-Women upon mania •• had to copy of "No-No Soy" oft the ~~~~d'!O~::.IIt, often ID h ..

.helt and ",-reed It for tht I-Crodlton allen unwllllnl to lint t'me 10 perhapa 15 yean. extend crodJl to 0 marrted womon

It was atIII a movloe ltory In~~'::ft".n unwWln. to about a tortured NlJtel, mor" Include the wlf.', lD<ome ",hon 0 timely now and more aceept- married coupl. opplled for cred­able Iince we .. a P'Oup are II. leu up-tiCht abou~U no I... ro~.l!I;u.~. ~~~ blve troubl. aware ot--our problem.e. ~Some mert ••• • lenders r. _ •

* ~':.~. :~~;: ~:C;i:,t. =-Chin bad urced me to write

to Sam Solhl!rc of the Allan Amerlean Studle. procram at the Unlv. of Washinlton wbo la lpearbeadlne a drin to penuade the U. of W. Prea to

maUon on their blrth eontrol pnetJees Ind pJani for ehUd~

SAN JOSE-Michael Honda. servin II hi' seccnd term as San Jose JACL president. was rec­on'zed as San Jose Jaycees' Cutstandlng Yeung Man at '974. A program associate at Stanlrrd ,enter tor Research "nd Development In Teachlnl, Honda Is al80 chairman ot the San Jese City Plannlnl Com­mission·

-San Jese Mercury PhotO.



SAN FRANCISCO-The one­bkck Nlhonmachl pedestrian mall on Buchanan SI. be­tween Post aDd Sutter Sis. will be an Intejlral part or the plan to revltallze Japan­town as the street was clos­ed to vehfcu'ar traffic June 27 In anticipation ot conver­sion.

With a completion date by the end ot 1976. designs by Okamoto Associates and Van Bourg. Nakamura. Kalsura ond Karney are belne re­viewed by the Nlbonmacbi design committee and San Francisco Art CommlssloD. &ulptures by Ruth Asawa are betag Included.

Polluted rice TOKYO - Cadmium-po'lut­ed rice has been developed into low-cost quality bulld­inl mate. ia!. Pufted under pressure and mixed with plastic ,It can be used for thermal insulation, auto bum­pers and other purposes, ac­cording to the Tokyo Insti­tute at Te:bnoloey.

Different text

lor Tule offered LOS ANGELES - The Mon­lanar Committee has express­ed scriclis objection to the tex t 01 the proposed Tule Lake hlstcrlcOI I on d mar k ploque, which was roported approved at lbe May meeting 01 thc Nn. thern Caillornla­Westel'D Nevada JACL Dls­IIlct Council.

Assel ting the wording I. hhlc-lorically inaccurate" be­cause It <mlh the unique role of Tulc Lake when It wa. a maximum seourlly segregation center, the Manzanar Commlt­lee released Its word ing 8ub· mltted to lhe Tul" Lokc Com­m'Itee In October. 1974.

TULE LAKE May 21. ID42-March 20. 1040

On" ot the tcn concentration campi lr1careerotln, 110.000 per~

'''na ot Japancse ancutry durin, World War n , 'he major ity be~ In, American ciliun •.

. u~nt~~c': .Y T: I :rt~til!~:r ~~~ CQme a mAximum aecurlty ael r e ~

~r.t~~~ a~dnt~",!O~:~r:ereden:lI~: loyal by the Unlted Stale. «overn· ment,

In violation of their conltltu­tlonal rights. Intcm"'u In the cen .. t-,.. wue Imprisoned without due fh:cf.'!,. and equal 'Protection ot

Tulc Llke mU.t .erve to remind UJ ,., tho rncllm. ~onomlc and

r:!ltl:~'~I~e!1~~o~: " n,:,.~:~~~nl"o~ all Americana.

F'rerdom d'"nled to one 11 free­dom. denied to all .

Mineta heads 94th

Democratic classl

WASHTNGTON - Rep. Nor­man Y. Mineta (D-Callt.) 01 San Jose was unanimously elected chairman at the 94th Democratic Freshman Clas. ot lbe Heuse of Representatives thIs past week (June 24) .

In a etatement Issued alter hi8 election thanking his col­leagues {or their conlldence. Mineta unveiled a plan to help "restore the credlblllty ot the ("cngress as the most viable and etTective force of govern­ment".

Quote of Note

A bad man is worse when he pretends to be a salnt.­F. ancls Bacon.

Investors Dream AccOlnlll .. ,.ICI Now DOMblld 10 $40.000

Open Saturda,. nll~ I HIUdlY faU In I FrI'IY Ir­.IUIY, lilt IffiCi .0111 ... 1 cltlU II 1111 SltunllY plICnll, Ir , ..... 1 .. I~I HIU.I,.


.. Chi to tho odla. ._tIc Jre-I'lUe the book. Alter I dlncle, It Unlv. of Ibwoll, _ read the novel acalo I lat

As the tint state advllOry committee report. Uno's com­m'ttee rec<"mmended tederal lInanelal regulatory allencles require perman"nt data with rel{ard to race, !leX and marl-Ir--------------------.;...---,

~Iaa - lul7 I •.. ~ 10wn ane! wrote Sol~r, en­t .::-an:. '&~ ~ _ lonln, blJt eftorta. U you bave ~ ___ I. I ••• - , COPY. perhapi you'll want to

• ::!lao a':':." ,r:.-:. ::: 10 that, 100. '_ a. __ _ ; ..... -,:e.;. ~c:::t,.. _Wed .. '::...=r. ... , at To. - • =~IU __ ~ we:. ~ :.l1li, __ '"thal f'-B-u.n --.n _aa . .,-F':' .. wllb ~ VASHINGTON - Japan_ ~ lie. DR - or..:: J ..... ..: ,lk dancta, will hi! t"atured h 10- ~ ,...: II .... t the Smltn.onlan Innltutlon ~ ='1",",'1 .,. ~ of olk J'ntlval bere Saturday, £' tile Taa .... Tbehaawar"" t~ ul, 5, with Mn. Trmi FukU-r. = .... ~~-1Io~ ..... I .. danee coordinator. The

tal status ot CTedit-loan ap­pllcanta .firm In.tltutlon. un­der their supervilion.

PrIvate credit-loan In.t/tu­tlonl were alao urled to ea­tablllh pollciel !lased upon measurable variable. and net on &eX or marital .tatus.

"Sex discrimination In cred­It Is totally at odd. with the reality of modem day Amer­I c a In which more than 33 mUllon we men work and make up more than 40 per cent ot the labor torce," ac­C" rdlne to Artbur S. "Iemlnl, chairman 01 tbe US. Commls­ole n on CIvil Rllhu. C OrIU a8d ''''' "'01. F.m... ~- .. ch" .. mt'! r"cenUy at Sea­

• r_ ItOr 4:'=: ~.; -oak to mIIP cut the prOlram II t= .... tbo 0:. .. _ .....:...~ ,at Invite. beth male and

~ ~ ~.!~~-.ihiIi = mille partidpaou of any ale. staled July 2-6, lur .. over a .. WI _ ~~ ...... OndolJtll from New York, million spet!tators and partl­~ 0...-, w_ -, ~ nl"Io, Seabrook and the clpanll. Tbe JACL will op­II' =' .. ~ I=' «i.-':.: · .. hlnctcn are to participate. erate a Japanese tood booth Ieo:::t. tID ... a:.:-=."::"'t..}:; The Folk J'8Ilval, to hi! durlnl th" week.

L~w..;"'~ !~WuZ';~~,s~,~ n.m~ Iltl,. ""'~ka chan- I :\" cellor tnr crmmunlt, colle.el ! W k c. c.,,0 NIW CAR :~t,,~~::,~: a ;!:n'i)!~~ e rna e _..Il" DOCTOR BILLS '" Call ••• , .Y~rl·d til .-pen In _t..~ DENTAL WO." (;/

~~~ ... .:.~:~a::::;;duU;~ tA PERSO"r"NAL LOAN-S t l'H CI_ nf If!lO r.unlon held \ I ~~:~~~~~~~:I~, t '" i tl .- ot 1m and 1850 • . • L coM50LlOA"IoN HOME IMPROVEM&N Prlndpal -0 ... 11 Ok_ of .IL BOATS TS Alna Halna IkhooJ .t'!lred. (

~had be.n principal .Ince l National JACL Credit Union Of~~~~Uh ~f~ ~.;~=~ i t.4.II: P. 0 , lox 1721, Salt Lab City, Utah 84110 .... , ot AI.. HI", Ikhool a. t Office: 2.42 S. 4th fltl., Silt Lake City

fmm.r Kailua HI", School Romo!tT1ber you <on bartOW $3,000 on your .!gnolur.

We've got a yen for your new car at a low interest rate:

Come OrIn I •• ,..111 with ..... ,eJ


San Froncloco Mlln OIflce .................. Tel (415) 445·0200 San Frlncloco Jl pan Cenl., Branch. rei (4151 445 .0300 Olkllnd Branch .................................. T.I. (415) 839-9900 Fremonl Branch ..... ............................. Tel. (415) 792-9200 Plio Alto Branch ............................. T 01 14 15) 941 ·2000 Sin Moleo Branch ................. ~ .. ....... Tel. (415) 348.8911 Sin Jose Brench ........... ................ ... T 01 t4081 298.2441 We"ga'e Brench .............................. T 01 14081 298.2441 Sllina. Branch ............ ................... Tol 14081424·2888 Sacrlmonlo Dr.nch ...................... ...... T.I . (9161441-7900 Stockton Branch ................................ T.1. (209) 466-2315 Freono 8rlnch ............... .................. Tel. 1209,233·0591 Norlh Bronch ..................... ... T 01 (2091 226· 7900

L.A. Mlin Offlc.: 616 W. 6th .......... Tel. (213) 972·5200 LDI Angele. Branch ........ ......... ........ Tel 12131687·9800 Monlebello Branch ...... ................... T. I 12131 726·0081 Cr.nohlw Brlnch ............. ................... T.I. (213) 731 ·7334 Weslem L.A Brench ............ ........ , .. Tol 12131391 0678 Garden. Branch ............................... Tol' (2131 327·0360 Torranc. Branch ........... ................... Tel (2131373 8411 Sanl. AnI Branch ............................ rei (714) 541 2271 PanoTlml Clly Branch ....................... Tel (2131893 6306 Sin Diogo Brlnch .................... ........ Tel 17141236· 1199

III pr Id~1 •• Pruw .. W .. " ~ T.I.: (101) 355-1040

rnalh tucbu, haa t lumed with. qwllflod credit rIling. homa from w... Ma, 20. He " __ ..,.,_~....., __ ............ _ ......... ,.., __ "." ..... _ ' ... ____ ,+I ... _______________________ ... I ..... a m mhl!r ot the Unl". ()( Hawlli ellueaUon team to It'! up a cl)ndary .. hool .)'._ t rn th.t u d th@ Leotlan lan-u.,. " An n ..... -EII'I ...

r •• ,a. an tDf to elffllentar, .c hOO'" In th. Kallhl-Palame a,.. ","I be HawaII'. fttot bl­IIn,ual pto",am, mrUn' In Ih fall II • _, ot ~1.,lf7 ,

lawcostne"alltoloans! 0

& Deefte

+ SUmllomo Bank 01 Caillomia Membor F.O.l.C.

Senate subcommlHee

blasts refugee aid WASHINGTON-The Scnate Judiciary Subcommittee on Relugees, chalrcd by Sen. Ed­wn ~ d Kennedy (D-Man.), on Junc 8 charlO<! Ihe Ford Ad­mlnltratlon program tor re­sc:tllng Indochina r"lu,ee. wos n flsloppy' JOIS9C1..- tolrc app-oach" and sold the pro­gram locks the "senae at urgency and high-level con­c«n" that morked the etTort to evacuate refUaec5 from Soulh Vietnam and Cambo­dia.

The subcommltlee .volua­tlon pre d I c ted Ilanlncant numbers ot retugees would remain In reactl'ement camp. lor more than six monlhs and perhaps mo<e than a year. Pace 01 retugee deparlure I, stili below I.OOO-per-day ao estabUshed by the In ter­agency indochina Task Fo:ce.

Togin plans to

change its name SAN FRANCISCO-The Bank of Tokyo 01 Calltornla has fi'cd appllca!!on with the S'ate Banking Deparlment to change its name to Calltornla Firs t Bank, according to Ma­sao Truyama. president.

Subject also to approva l by .hareholders, the name-change request was submitted ~nd­Ing approval of the bank'. prOP03ed purchase of the San Diego-based Southern Call­tornla First National Bank. Tsuyama noted the name change would be adopted only If the merger Is consum­mated.

He said the name was se­lected by a joint committee trom some 3,000 entries re­cdved trom slatT memb2rs of

Friday, July 4. 1975 PACIFIC CITIZEN_3

--------------------FOR REFUGEES AT PENDELTON

San Diego UPAC to open center SAN DIEGO, Callt.-Permll­lion was granted the Union ot Pan Allon CommunlU.1 by v S. Intero/lMCY Indochina Ta. k Force to opcn an A,lan Amerlc.n r(!Jourcel center \J> Basl.t refugees aL Comp Pcn­dle\J>n. acccrding to UPAC ad­ministrative coordinator Bev­erley Yip.

Thc center would conal,l at deak apace and phonee In a Qlonset hut at Camp Taleg. a. UPAC rcpresentatlve, crn· ferred with Marine Corps entclals about loclllUu. Nick Thorne, talk lorce chiet at ("amp Pendleton, laid authorl­Itles hOP2d the plan will help Vietnamese ane! Cambodian refugces get In touch wJ\h Allan ccml"'unltle8 through­out the country.

Mest ot the work will be done Inlt'ally on a voluntary basis, Mr •. Yip .old) .. ted­eral lund. to provlae a per­manent atan are pending. UPAC voluntee" had not bcen recegnlud Iince only nation-wide a lien c y .tatT.

wf;r~ can_d I"Pn~nee (.II A,lon Am ... ,­

Irnn work("r At Camp Prn ­d/c\J>n cen .,.. • lottar In Ivloltlnll r e r u "~e mflr I~," Thorne· old "II hr,u ld al." help n mulnl<- Ip<m""nhlp III v.rl~IJI A Inn cC)mmunlll~ "

Vel non Yr.hl"ke, San Dle~" JACL pro,ldent ond UPAC chalrrnan. reported the rr­I":urcc center belCan 1')(I(·ra1l(.'1I June 2~ and I. It)Call'd In Bldg. 61308 In Ar.. I wit h volunteon nuont In both Chl ­neIC ond Vletname ",

Oxnard, Calif., "~unc:lJm.n 01'. TIU310 Kato and tamlly In mid-June l!arted life anew {a' Dang Van Su and hi' lamlly ot leur. Kaltl laid It w .. hI plan to either .ponaor n den ­tbt cr II lellow Llonl Club­ber. Dane t. a Lion. Clubbo!r who headed hll Own odvtrll­Inl ullency In South Vietnam

ThInk Firsl

of PC Advertisers

,,--------------------------, NAT 'L JACl HEADQ~ARTERS

DEDICATION CEREMONIES t.4emben and Frlendl of JACL Are In"ited

to Thil Gala AHair-Sunday, July 20

Hott eo",",i"" Hetd •• He.a4..count! Fill Out fofflt.

Nal'l JACL Headquarters Alln: Phyllis HaYlsh,Nr. 1765 Suller 51. San Fronclsco, Calif. 94115

Amoont Enclosed

S, _____ _

beth bank.. The IInal .. Iee- How Many? Oediatlon Program

Brunch II Sueh"o's (s5) tlon Is thought not 10 dupli­cate o ~ Ee confusable with lbe ----­name of any other California bani<. .

The proposed name, Tsu­yamll said, reftects the long 1----­tradition at Calltornia service

II a.m.·S p.m.-Building Tours 2 p.m.--OediCI'ion Ceremony

5:30 p.m.-No Ho51 Cockta,ls, 51. Fro"". 6 p.m.-Dinner, 51. F,anc,s HOlel (SIS)


by both Bank ot Tokyo ot Nam'.e ______________________ _

California, whose roots In the state date to 'be 1880's, and Addrees.,s'-____________________ _

by Southern California Fwlrstas C,'1y < liP Natil'nal Bank, which --________ .. ;;.'.1" ______ -----

tounded In 1883.

Ja,pan Charier Flights Sponsored by Nat'I Japan.s. American OtDIIlS league


HJACL Fit D_ o.plrti .. ,"", l ..... ~ F... A/rcrlft/~KIty

No. I-Jul 22-Aul 25 No, 3-Jul 23-Au, 20 N6, 7-Sep 21-Oct 20 No.5 LAX-Oct. 1-24 No. 5 SFO-Oc:t. 2-25 No, 4--Oct. 6-Oct. 27

Sail Frallcisco $465 747 / GA-l 00 Sail FrallCi_ $434 DC8/1 52 Sold Out Sail Fntllcisco $445 OC8/1 52 Chicalo a/ld LA. $570' 747 /GA-1 00

ChiCl,o and S,F, $522 747/GA-IOO Full

L.A. Illd S.F. $446 747/361

• Passengers may be picked up al Los Angeles and fly 10 Tokyo fo, approximalely $440. Contact Y,ImlC'J. Trlvel Service or Nltfonaf HQ for information.

All prices Include Round Trip Airfare, $3 Airport Deporture Tax, .nd S25 JACL Adm,nistra­tive Fee. All .seats (,duft lind child al ike) Ire the Silme pr ice on anyone flight , All fires subject 10 change depending on Ihe numbers of porticiponts. Rev. 6-13-75

FLY Japln Air Lines • s.. ... tIois ....... ..0,1 to I JACL.,.Idtoor-iu4 trav.I ...... ,. • ., c.hl,ter Tny" Cui,.......,., .. :

Stev. Dol, Chairpe.,." HJACL Tmol eo ..... _ 22 'OKO PiIU, S.ito 203 Suo F'"lICiI<9, CA '.115

TOUR with Jap.n' Bureau Send me In"',"",lion RE: Nal'l IACl bpon InterN'toNIl Charters. Especil'''' Flight No. _____ _

OPEN TO All BONAFIDE JACl Memben, T1Ieir Spous.,

D.pendent Children and Parenb





Slale lip

Fo, L.nd Tour .",n •• ",enh, documentllt10ft ,nd cummer scnice, contlct one of the follOWing Authori.ed Tra •• 1 A.,enh:


~~j~hl~~l, A~,:vel Servlc,

JOO Dexte, Horton Bldg

1;~~\"~2"1~tsi0981 ()4

lten Travel AoC1'KY PO, Box 100 Ontatlo. Ore 91104 (503) 889-6488 Jan Of' Grotge 1st"

Mlchlko Kawaguchi E." & West T,av.1 39 1 SYtI"r, SuIte 601

SAN FUNCISCo.U.ST lAY Caldwell Tra"el Scrvfce K,nomoto Tr.vC!1 Servlco 60S S I.ckso,", St

~8rllo~2t~S:<42 9810..

~,.nk 01 ~rk Klnomoto


Azumano fr .... el Service 200 S W <4th A ... PO,-lIand. Ote 9720" 1'031 223·62A5 Georg. I Azu(Nno Jame, K Iwauk l


1:rsf'~,:,~~~?lIf 9<108 Jlo s Travel s.,...,~e

2"51 Grove St BC!rk,'O'I. u-if Y<470.

Klnl"~ WOfId Express, Inc (<4151 8.U·19n 1737 Post St. Shlge,,,, Jio San Fr.1nclsco

L Calif 9<411 $

~!~5~'~~~~ll LOS ANGELIS

Krkuwi Inl ' l Travel. Inc. Kosakur. foor' .nd rravel 321 E. 2r-:f Sf .

~ "=F,mp'lon

lit 94108 hor3~'6r~~~28~·lIf . 90012 (.~51 ':~.':;60 • I Witty 1<.1 Albert 01 Moltl. kos.kur.



HEAD OFFICE 800 Wlllhire II"d" LOl Anlelel, C.llf. 90017

LITTLE TOKYO OFFICE 321 fltlt Secolld St" LOl Anlel", Calif. 90012

GARDENA OFFICE 1600 W. Redondo leach BI"d., Gardena, Calif. 90247

PO BolC 638 Cak:f\oo'rll, IcWton 83605 1208t A59.(J880


Suqano rravel Serv~ 17 £ 01110 S, Ch.c..oo. 111 60611 'l12) 9<44-SC." F,ank Tilkeo SugMtO

1alT\.,d4 Travel 812 "'" Clafk St Chtugo. III 60610 (112) 9 .... ·2130 O.c:!t l".madI:


fJras:~~n~h.\I;~Ag.ncy Inc.

...,e .... y,.tk CI"r toool '2111 760· 1 BOO Chtyeko Mlvuattl

N.. tNk 'r.vel SeN", 535 FIfth ~v. Nc,", l""rk NY 10017 f')1? 6817983 $tanlC!y 1 Okac:s. roaN I K.~uWZl

(213) 623-7191

(213) 680-26S0

(213) 532-3360

SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 425 t.4ontlomery St., nr. C.lifornl. (415) 788-3600

Me",h~1 FDIC

Page 4: New York Inaugurdl PACI FI Q ~r) ~ITIZEN€¦ · TO THE POINT: Shig Sugiyama New

4- PACifiC CITIZIN Friday, July., 1975 THE JUNE REPORT

1000 Club Memberships DETROIT POLICE SIGNS


DETROIT, Mlch.-Remember Snn.hlro Mlyomoto? He'" the 5' 6" Nisei who wonted so much to beccme a Detroit pollc"mar, thot hc under wen t . tretehlng exercl..,. to try to nUnln the minimum holght 01 e' 7" tMn rcqulr«l by De­lrolt'. polloo deportment.

Thot was bock In 1972. Lolt yenr. lhe height requirement wns drcpped. ond gu ... who hos joined the ccps on lhe Delro!t beot? Aklo Mlyamoto, "'on"hlro's brether. wllo aland, fl' 3%". So ld Aklo:

"My brother'. drive and ,,,,aJ h.clped lower the belght , tnndards nnd help me get the Job."

Oberlin students seek

Asian American counselor OBERLIN, Ohio-The A.lon

JACL Bldg. Fund Pledges and Contributions American Alliance at Ober­lin Callege Is ...,kIng appli­cants for a joint po:rltlon of Asian American counselor­coordlnator and Third World dormitory director sta: tlng W e fall, occordlng to Denn Hal Payne of Developmentol Services oDd current Asian Amorlcan couJUelor Donn 01-nou (,216-77&-8464) .

Contribut;on~ from 45 Dono .... June 1-15, 1975

. ... ---. Book Revle\¥


PC's People

Nao Takasugi, 52

Vice chairman Nao Tab-nd. owner-operator of the A,aht Market, Oxnard, waa elected chairman of the Ven­tura Ccunty Planning Confer-

LADY OF THE LOTUS: A Siddharta can found a great enee, compriaed of profesaton­.... n'ltl..... H'ft' .f tM kln,dom or become abo l'r al plannen and Planning .lIe af tile a.M1Ia. b'r WU- man. "a teacber of tbe peo- Commlulon members from .... Eo .. -ret., DoolIltIe4Ia'r, pIe". In t b e bep1nnlni. evl- cities within Ventura County, Ifew 'f-k. S'li .... .,"5. denee favnrs b I. embracln& The conference meets f~

the wC'I'ldI'r career. times a year. Tak.sud, a put But deaplte his berltalfe and Ventura County JACL pre.-

In IIIG2. Dalel Studl~ 01 tralnllll in the arts of .d- Ident, has been on the St. J.pan releued an epic, Sha- min'atratton and of war he Paul'. United Met bod I. t ka~. ltanln, KoJlro Hrngo aa Is rellectlve and compa~on- Church board of truateu. Pr Inee Siddbarta and Cha- ate. Curlru. about the people graduate of Temple Unlver­rllo Solil a. lilt wire, Yuo- he Is expected to rule, b I. slly with a muter'1 from dhara. Born about 583 B.C. at Interest even embracing t b e UnIY. of Pen.JU)'lvanla, mar­Kapllavaatu. Saky.. Dear the Unlr.uch.bles he I'OaIlU t b e rI~ and the father of live border of Nepal. Slddbarta ~ ~tr'rslde ;"'d the .treets chUdren. He It an Oxnard an­came the Oautama Buddha, of hi. capital In hlI charlot tlve. Gautam. beln, the name 01 Yuodba .. b'r hi, .Ide ob .. rv~ Lolli Beach CII'r CClllllcU­bil funll'r. Thcugh the .tudio In, ~ Ufe of the p;.\;;clpaU- WOIlWl hDk!e 8810. noting 18v11bed mrfle'r tuld painl on ty the unkempt appearance of the ~cular. achlevln, an The'r were married at 18; Savannah HouGnll Project in ettiatte triumpb, Buddblat or- after aIx 're8rtl of marriage ahe her wesUlde dtstrlct, request­IId.1I IlI'ICd boJ'cott or t b e bean him a I('n Rabula To- ed the city manager to aeel< 81m; the)' pasUcu1arl'r obJect- warell the mlddl~ of the 'nov- correctIve action from the ed to a lCefte cleplcUnl rape el when Rahula I. II Sid Gen .... al Service. Admln1atra-01 the Buddha'. wlte. elbarta abandoM home' and tlon, which It tryllll to sell the

In thI. nowl, the IUthor bono .. to leek enll&btenment project alnee March. Built for Illikes Yucdbara the central .. I holy man. Nav'r ta.m.Utes, the 45-unlt

f!~r':Z;~t ~ ~d~~~~: The departure of Siddhar- :~~:ia.:a:97~~ ~cc~~ datta, In/lOCllCKd b'r makin, ta celts an ominoua .hadow In the u.a are a lire bazard, him I h( mC/lUual un.ttrad.- over the ltv.. 01 Yuodhara .he added ... Community re­ed 10 women . Yucdllara be- and RahulL Rahula It helr to 18Uo08 coordlnater Carol Ka­«rna a .. Iatly cbaracter In the throne, but his erandlath- rabara ThOllUll at La.kewood Nch rapport wi th 81ddharta er, the raja, It old ; the roJ. Colo. submitted her r .. I ..... ~ thai they ahare memoriea of ma'r die before Rabula reacb- tlon effective May 30 to re­other Itva .pent tolether; H h1I maJority. In the mean- turn to private coDlultant etmetJmea. tho u I b parled, time. ambltloua men are In- work In communlcaUoDl. .~_ b t . lauln. to head the relency W _ I are a Ie to tommunlcate that will foUcw the early de-I>y mente! teleplth'r. mlae or the raja. Hulth

teacbhlg at a recent hono\ .. convocation brealdast. He is also chief of ~ autopsy setv ­lee at UC Davis Sacramento Medical Center. He Is a Unlv. of Vienna graduate In med­Icine. ca"'e t<> intern at Sac­rament~ County Hl'llpltal and Into patholollY under the late Dr. Rene Hadre. Dr. Ikeda Is a board certilled anatemic and clinical pBthol0gi9t, Itvea in Carmichael with his wife, nee Jacqueline Rlcaut of France. and two chl'd~en: Artelle, 14 and Steven, 15.

Dr. FTed Ua"",.w. of Se­attle wu appointed by Gov. Dan EvIlM to the Wa,h1ng­ton State Board of Dental Examinertl June 11. HIs term expires July I, 1980. A 1959 UW Dental School graduate and a past president of the Wuhlniton Soclety of Den­tlatry for Children, be was twice named General Prac­Uoner of the Year and accord­ed the outstanding .ervlce award In 1973 by the Seattle chapter of the state academy of ieneral dentistry.

Church ..

Paator Emeritus BJro 1I1p-

U'lles' Stock of Popul .. Ind CII .. ie JJlpone .. Records

Jlponese M.g'zlne., Art Books Gifts

J4D I. ht St •• Lo .......... S. UeYlma, P,op.



1.00 .........

The couple are born on the aame eII)' --«be in the nel&hbor- Such men even propose In. principality of KoII, ruled themaelv .. as huaband. to Ya­b)' her rather. 81ddharta and , adhare, con.ldered wIdowed Y_ dba,. ar. bot b of the b)' the departure of 8lddbar­.. arrlOt' C811o; pr: r tenta of lu- tao She know. their ulUmate ture are.lna. attend upon the aim I. the .elzure Of power birth 01 both. ror tIIenuelv... perhap. even

Naomi's Dress Shop Spo" 60 c.z_, Sin, J·18

116 N. Soo Pedro St. Aaaoclate clinical prolessor Los Ana.l.. 680.1'53

alchard 111. Ikeda, lIID. In open Tue.-Frt. D:30~ : 30 ond

The pot tenia Indtcate that the uaurpation or the throne. She copea with the.. In-

CALENDAR trliUes a nd unwanted rull­ora u belt .he can . In the end. Rabula helps to lind a IOlution.

pathology at UC Davit wu Sill. 11-41. ClOMd Sun.-Moo. awarded a Kalaer Permanente ~ Award for Excellence In 1 ___ = ________ 1

(ii) .!;~N!!:!:S". rtence, erudition and effect, he baa {ailed 10 vitalize tbe cha­rac\era of thi' novel.

InItead of building .... pen"" throu&h t b e Introduction of clue •• lettlni d1a1ogue and IC­tlon tell the atory, he tenell

A~~'~~~lC,~I'. I H.rnld Geertun

ReI. Mgr.

ee,we ... Disneyland Ind Knott's Be,ry F,rm

The counselor - coordinator helps to Identify needs 01 Asian American &tudents. de­velop and coordinate pro­granu to meet these needs. The dorm director I. respon­sible 10r dally operational and personal P'I'Oblems arl, ­

obi of Ihe Monon Vulley Ini In Oberlin'. year-old Church In H""oluh, w ,,,, hOIl- Third World dormitory, It fired by hi. 442nd budd'es at was explained.

Ule Club 100 luau at Ft. Ru!!er rw======~===='il June 7. It mark«l tbe 40th anniversary of Rev. Higuchi', ordination. He was wartime chaplain of the 442nd RCT. I Rep. Spark Mat.sunsga was gueat speaker.





1523 W.

Downtown L.A. JACLer Taklto YamalUllla of the Bank of Tokyo of Callfomla was tI­carting for Mitsulline Travel Q 23-c\,ay tour of Europe for 41 lasel and Nisei Jut month, covering 11 cOOhtTIes.

.1 .... QA~DIH ... D ... 7-lIn

Food to Go Air Conditioned B.~t Rooms 20-200

Tai Hong Restaurant

Mnt A"""'"tlc c. ....... c ...... F.IROVI , ... Ity Sty .. 01".,,.

Cockt.lI. till 2:00 '.m. Banquet Fac:llitTu 10:00 • .m,-11 :00 p.m.

845 N, 8roadway, LA, 485-1052



CHINESE FOOO -:.... Try Our Szechwan Smoked Duck 0< Spicy FIsh

or Kung,Poi Shrimp

Lunch • Dinner· Cocktails· Take Out Orders We Are ()pen 7 Days

1600 No. Artyle AYe., Hollywood. C.llf, 90028 Phone (213) 461-C077


e mlYRKO

LIUIdaMa ....... COcIrtalIa

PASADENA 139 S. LOl Robl ••• 783-7.15 ORANGE SS Town a Country. 541-3'.5

TORRANCB 24 Del Amo F .. 1l, Sq .• 5t2-M"

The New Moon B1ntlu" Roo", •• v.iI .....

for Im,1I ~' II,,' lraup.

912 So. San Pedro St., Lo ..... n'ele • MA 2-1091


Poinsettia Gardens Motel Apts. 13921 So. Normandle Ave. Phone: 324-5883

68 Unit. Heated Poo l Air Cond lt lDnlng , GE Kitchens Tel.vlslon




A .. II.~I . at Yov, '''0,1 •• Shoppl •• Co ••• ,

FUJIMOTO , CO. 302·306 S. <4 .h Wost

, Sa!! Lok. CIIy.(, U ~ ..

~mi ~

~~ Nam's



,.~CD1.!:n .......... """ Cod' ...........

205 ;~.;: ".d. S • ., Gabriel, C,lIf.

T.1. 280-8377 ~~..,.,,.,..,,.,..,.,.


f ';~~ft (FIoo, _I

LaM Cocktail Lou ...

(Ent,rtJ lnment) T •• H ... TePPMt .. Sukly.kll ,"",,­

Kono HawaR Restaurant 226 South H,rbo, Blvd. Son" Ano. Colli. 9270-4

(71041 531-1232

OPIN IVIltY DAY LMac ..... ":10·2:_

D ...... 5:01-11 :10 s..o4oy 12:00 -11'"

G~.rm.. ~l~l~ . f.ItItrtIiome£(


• .&Nouns TO 200 Valid,"on r,.. P"~'"& 943 N 8/0Id • • y hn N~ Ch",.'o*n) 626 228S

eo ..... ercial R.ft;.eratioll Designing Installation


Sam J. Umemoto Certificate Member of RSES Mem~r of Japan Assn. of

Refrigerat ion Lie. #208863 C-38 SAM REI.OW CO.

1506 W. Vo_. A ... Los .....,.Ies AX 5-5204


..... ..... ........... CLASSIFIEDS

n .. PC c .... ,,. •• 'I.ICe I ... ,.nlJ • wOrd. fJ minim,,, .... '

::,:~:nco!;e!;J:.~.'J~,,~f'tt~n ~ Un .... 9TltI' c,.:ltlt h." _ft ... ~ e..b",blld wHb lh. PC. ,.,. • ..,.. I , uque L~d In .e .. a.n

e Empl07menl

PCMIUon 'I" A,un I"t\.rlu' Studla PubHc.tion. to,

ANt. F.dltcr-Coordlnall>r Mu.l have B A I publltltton •• ,. ..

r.r!~C~d ~~m~~~~~"\;~f:I~~, Rfto"IM:. o.vtlof.fMnt .nd

PX:~~·l~nr:rlr=rgt~~~ ~~;. 1232 ClmpbeU If 'l~ UCLA ~ ~"1". C';af!. DOOU _

'Ii •• P&'OY ••• Y __ •••••• '111 . ...... .

IU Eo 1ft It.. .... m. LA.



• A"''',e


Two 4O-aere Pare_I. One 101cre Parcel Total-110 Aeru

HW of Need'lh •• ml Crom Colorado RJVtr

taO Atte, mlnfra l ~fh'" lnelud4ld. Call:

Dave Whyte, 7 1 ~ 7- 3 2 54

or wrU.e Lee Stomp. 33538 Ave. F

Yucaipa, CaW.

e aeal blatt-Tulare Cty

,.... REHT of coU • • • or .-ee to matuTC pe.~n or eoupJ. (or­

Mdt with lIwo car* In JmalJ

~ . l~~.~ . P,g.,~

MikoWO}'8 SWNt Shop 2M E. I. S •.

Los Angel.. MA 8-o49l5

........ ... 'Cherry Brand' MUTUAL SUPPLY co.

1090 s...- St. Soft FrofICiMe,


-i"')Ml:' "'ISU~Ar .. cr

I On. of lhe u rgest Select ions

2<421 W. Jeff ....... , LA 731 ·2 121


TARBEll RWTORS Riki Yonezawa

13311 Artesio Blvd. Cerritos, Calif .

926·5821 (71<4) 522-4 .... 2


1213) 415-1294


Cocktli1 I..oouote Porty & ..... _


DINAH WONG, Hostess .. _ .... tOt -""'W~

:r-:r.:'r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r.~ --~ ..

~ Nanka Printing ~ Toyo Printing The author apent a Itfetlme 10 inlrude hi. own reflectlo08.

researching the background These treflecUon .. often repe­for thl. novel. He talked to tltlou •• weaken Inlerelt and B ddhllt Iu d I lmp2h the Dow. of the nar-

u man an acho arl, ratlve. Especially throu~~ lack visited the acene of the .tory. .... researcbed Ubrart.. and .c- of , peech contraction. for ap­cumulated 430 volumea per - pro p r I a t e combination of

:4 202<4 E. lsi St. :4 IffMt. Ltl'-"' • L .....

-_= =i_= _ II.'I/II'"I"II11'IIIIII"""IIII11"_~~w"I~II:K~~""KIII~1 1 1:'a:R'~;NI~D'~_':"IIIUIII_=~=~_ " ,H L~~:;'~:t~ : 7~;I: ~ LOS.!c:. Si~ ~d':.S~8lS~ " " ;-:r.:r.:r.;r.:r.:r.:r.:r.:r::r.. ~

~ Distributors: Yamasa EnterprIses ~

tal I to .~ - bj worell the dlalo.ue tenell 10 n n, ...... ru ect. be s tilted. The charactertl per-From his ,...areh aprlnp form woodenly. r:==========.,

• theery about the orlitn of De. p 'te l uch Haw •• the nov­tho C, dd .. or MereYt Kan- el .hcuJd particularly appeal ntn. Intreduced near lIle end to Buddhllt •. Non _ Buddhilta c,l the '1Or]I. ..eklni to learn IOrnetbin, of

Th4! veteran author has 13 the orilin and baekllround of other novel. to his credit. In- til l. religion held by aImolt cludin, "Th.c L e f I Hand of 224 mJlllon perlOn. . bouJd Cod" lOd "The L il ler Of the Ilnd "Lady of the Lolua" an Fleld" But dH plta hi. expe- excellent atortlng point.


JACL Bowlers 29th Annual National JACL

Bowling Tournament (All-Handicap Basis)

July 2I-A",. 2, 1975

Gold.n Get. Lan •• EI C.rrlto, Calif.


Shimatsu, Ogata and Kubota


911 Venice III.d, Loa .... ncele. IU 9-1449


Three Glnor. t lonl a t Experience ...

F UK U I Mortuary, Inc. 707 E. TempI. St, Lo ..... ncele. 90012


Salchl rukul. p, •• ldenl

J ~r:~o ~~~~~~~: l ~~; '

615 Slinlord AVI .• LA. PIlon. &28·2211 ~ 111111I111 1 1I1111IJ11111111111I 1 1111I11111I11111111111111111111111I11111I11111I1111JIIIIIlIIIII/IIIIII1III I I1IIIIIIIIIII1 II ~


., seafood 'rea's

• DELICIOUS and so ltasy fo prepare

MRS. FRIDAY'S Gourmet Breaded Sh.rilnps


1327 E 15.h S . .. LOI ·Ang. I .. 12131 746· 1307

UMEYA's exciting gift of crispy goodness Tops for sheer fun. axellemenl.

wisdom plus FLAVORI

@) UmlYI ftlee Co.

LOI Anallel



English and Japanese

114 Weller St., Los .... n'~les 90012 M .... 8-7060

Eagle Produce 929-943 S. San Pedro St., Los An,ele.


Bonded Commission Merchants

Wholesa le Fruits and Vegetables

Los Angeles Japanese Casuolty Insurance Assn. Complete Insu ranC(Il Pro lecl lon

Alhull Inl. Agy .• Alharn-Omatsu-Kolklt.l -Fujioka 250 E. h ' S . ................ _.. .... . ..................... 626·9625

A., o. Fvllok. Agy .. 321 E. 2nd, Sull. 500 .... 626-4393 263·1 109 fun . ko. hl Inl. Ag., .• Funilkoshl-Kagilwa-Monaka-Morey

32 I E. 2nd S. .. ........................... 626·5275 462·7<406 Hiloha •• Inl. Agy .• 322 E. Second S ... ........... 628· 12t4 287· 8605 I.ovy. Inl . Agy" 15092 Sylvanwood Ave., Norw.II<. ....... 864·57H Tom T. Ito. 595 N. LIncoln. p ... dena .. 749-7189 (LAI 681-4<41 I Mlnoru ·HI.' •• 1497 Rock Ha en Mon.erev Po,k 268-4554 s .... Nlkill. I 1964 Washlng,on PI.c ... ...... 391 -593 1 837-9 150 S .. o I • •. Agy .. 366 E. Is. SI. ...................... 629· 1425 26 I ·65 19