new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1855-05-31 [p 2]. · vtttvoe, no. 40 pirk-sip, upsiairs, v...

BOAjm-Tbt» 3 pliant brovrrs-ftooe HOUSED \ZlrU with every «KAerv, Inx.ry «ad e«ir»o»«^. ¦»*«; ._ '.'i^--V £. al n.^ir> rJt lath an. b-tw-en llnol 3tfcamwäc«y wUiaad cat."» farrrehte owporr BOAHD in » EKENCH FAMILY..Gentlemen wbo wish to leamlh' FKENCII LANGUAGE bv praet ee MtaSlTa TF.ACIIE« of FEF.NCH .1 No. t* l«h « SU th*t >.4°"' "olI « rC;t'n bT th» feroty who «. I ZlaaaaaY art fron Pari«. The term* will mc.ude all the ae m"^r «ato» aad tb* Board. _ BOARDING.No. ('»* Varirk-at, St. John* Park. Oeat lernen an their wteee, or «Ing e O-o' eraei. ... ii maaie itatr 1 wob Hll'IMS, ei. «ni e ai > -gl-. \tmm* er a*f*rnevh*d with foil or partial BOARD| Raak aal ac. Thla location la eery convenient to the buaia . . part of tbe'eiiy ?efereoree rxibanged. CARDING.Gentlemen and their Wire*, and aiagie Gentlemen can had comfortable .leertera at No. S Caaleea pier-. -*»¦¦>-:-. Tr.naaaet and Day Ü r an tsk'B._ OAK DIN« at No. 177 EAST BROADWAY . Proat end back Par or in aeeood every to let with BOARD, to Gentlemen and their Wives; LUewiee. a Room for a 4aaBjal*B*aav _ OAEDING.At' No*. 45 and 47 East* Ut*mm- way, tor Oentlemen and th.-ir Wire* aad aingl* Gentle- B B BOARD"WANTED-I'v a Man and Wife, be- twe*« Chamber* and ('aaal-a a-, we.t of Hroaiwsv vi drere N. A. B., stating term-, kc, Tribune Office 1( ea*W*a*d1'_ FURNISHED KOOMSand HOARD.In ahouae baring all the modern improvements, la Urb st.. bc'.w«. n 5th and Mb ara Pail rs en i rl. ,r .in, to aecomanelate t*t or three Oentlrmcn aad their Wives in food a'yl* and with tie- cenforia of . home. For farther per.ieu.era apply at'.he Jewalry Mere IIa. <M Broadway._ IBURNISHED R(N»MS to LET.A lari<e front aad back ROOM bandawoiely furnished, on the second fl *r. Ala* large ROOM on the third bear, Bath. Ac. Breakfaet aad Tee if reouurrd. Apply at No. 182 r renklin-at., near Hudtou-st. FURNISHED ROOMS.In a Houae having all the modera Improvements, wi bout ehi.drea or boarder*. Farlottand aingle Rooms, off, ring erare aeleciunfor 0*BI «inen wUhiog handsome anartmrnt« in . daairable location. Apply at Ho. M4bd-av., one door beiow ISih-aL Reference* exchanged. VEGETARIAN BOÄBMNG HOUSE.No 13 Wonrter-tt. Fine Room" with Bath*. WANTED. By two Gentlemon I friendi) a PUB- NISIIED ROOM, with PA It'l A L BOARD, in a pri- vtte family, in vicinity cf tlh-ai. and ui-ar Broadwiy. Ref-r- eece* exchanged. Address C HAS. 11 Tiibuur Olflee, with par- tii ii sra, for two days. . I 61/kl GBI^E^tT corner~of Prinoe, in a leavlf'i am*.I private family, the FRONT ROOMan-t HKH- HOOM attached, in the aecontf atorv, o<aly furiiiahed, Osi and Bath in the boner, will be LET to a single O-ii'lenun. Alan. one ROOM on the third atory. All will be let without Board, and good re ferrnce re juirt d. Donors to tel. ASTORIA .SMALL COTIAGE to LET or LEASE. Contains six rooms, cell«, small barn, cistern and spring water, nice garden of one acre, with shade trees and aahrubbery; about M mile* from the Ferry. Omd urighburbootL To a good tenant the rent w.ll be only *>l»n. Inquire of CHARLES W. ll ABI), No. 64 Front a'. AT CAKMANSVILLE and WASHINGTON HIQHTS-New and modern hui t DWELLINO-HOI 4ES to LET. Rent moderate. JOHN C. ORAKF, Idnth-tt. A Uaii-vv BQADWAT 8TOBE to LEASE fer^l [REE YEARS from the 1st of May ntnat-d b***W Caual-vt. .and f oeisistlug of one Room on lat fl... ; ahmr ?0vllf *, on.-'io.'. floor Mxl4, and an ell 21x11, aLd three siorlea. Applv la OSO. O. IIALLOCK, No. 21 Suflolkst.. before DAM., at 1 o'clock, aad after 6 P. M. HOTEL at PI K es V11 .Le",-MAB Y LA n D, for RENT or for LEASE..This house is r.ituat-i! eight milns from Baltimore, upon the Reiauratown rurnpike Ro.i !, on- .1 the most traveled in the neighhothood of the city. The mi ] building r, nipriaea four large l.iaement Boomt, f mr large Rooms and a wide Hall upon la* main floor, and abon' lifteea romfortabli-Chambers on the aecnnd and thir I fl.mrs.and a wing conni rtrd contains the Km hin ind .'" rvanl's Cbiinb'ra Atlaehrd to the Hotel are .sttbling and Sheda, and aeveral acres of liinund The |.s atiou of thla property la particularly advan¬ tageous for the putpo-ra i f any on-' wishing to keep * Snmrnwr Boarding Howe or * Hotel.*a tnauy familiea fiom the city are Bow daairoua i f obtaining aconi oodaiion in it aa soon as it ¦ball be , penrd. Its position U elevated and In a district of reentry noted for salubrity.a PoatOrhce abtat at hau I bulr* a daily mall, aud at ieaat three public conr -vancea dally tnalnmin coihmiinieation wlih the rity. The rn i'f pr.iprr; v ii now undergo'! g a tborougli rep nr. and ia otler -d lo auch persons cmly as can give ecHHl reference an «aii-fari.iry aaaurancc that the House shall be kept in a reputable manner. Possession can be given rsrfy in June. Written propoials may be eddrrased to JACOB HYLAND, ^^^^^ Pikesville, Baltimore County. MeryUnd. HOUSE to LET in BEVENTH \\ AKD.-A moda ra three-atory and baa inent HOI'SE wlih Haa aud Water tbroagboat, Raage la kitchen aad large Yard. Carpets, OMebatb* sud a part of Pun Iture for Sale If r."|iiirr Iteut Inquire at Counneicial Register Office, No. In Bock- NO 4(5 BROADWAY to LET, nnilllj throuirh to New at., wrll adapted to the use of Etpre« Cojipauif*. R'ntlow. Applyto NE.i.Mll'H k Co., No. 71 Broadway. OFFICE8 to LET.8ik.i*e Otloea ami iu idttM, in tbr new building of the Nassau I'ank, eomer of lleek- naau *nd Naaeau-st*. Second story wrll adapted for Salesrooms for Jeuilera and others. All the office* are well lighted, Bad eery beeolifuily finished. Also, handsome Suites of Offices, suitable for Lawyers, in the old building. Apply at the Hank. OEEICE to LET.An rli-i-ant ami K|>t -ionn office, with Oaa and Crnton Wal, r. in Magnat dlta* Baak Buildings. Apply to ROSWELL O. PIERCE. at., corner Bioadway. K0OM8 to LET, with STEAM POWER.In the building comer of (ireenw ch aad lleaeh-ata., unsur¬ passed for piiiposia. Rent rery low to respon* aihle tenant*. At'idy to _ FERRIS k TABER, No SBC Oreenw h at. STEADY I OWE.Kami LIMIT KOOMS tin one STOKE well two front*, at low rates, on Canal, Elm an 1 Walkct-aaa. The exteusiuu t Canal at adds utw sclvvniag- a. Engine and tenauts tiiat-ciaaa. by Mr OA I UK IE. lud Walkers! ?iJTEAM 1-OWEB to LET..In light and airy lO Kooms in . new buildlug In t :l -t. Apply to _J. C. HULL b SON, No. 106 Cl.tT at. 4gJTEAM POW£B to LET.At Elijtabetlipnrt, H. }.. a two-atom ltrlck Building, 100 feet bv So. Aj. > t., aim Ii AI/., No i*TBroadv.av, or lo JOHN H. ROL-.TÖN, at Eliaabelhpoit 1^0 LET.A iwlendid COUNTRY RESIDENCE at Owl's Head, Bay Ri-lte, Long la an I, 41 mi. a Horn ibe Hamilton Fetrv, with trotn four totwrnty ACRES aathe teuaut may de.ire Ino House modern built, and routaiua seven Hedrooina alao Coach Honar. Stable, Boa'-bnuae aal 0**alt well atiwked with vouug Fruit Tieea. The place lien eBaatdt atrl) ou lb* Bay, and ike llrookiyu 3d av. Railroad runs direct ly i«al the tioui gat*, ll will be lei lor six or tv> alee nionthe aud fumisliad ot unfuruiabeA Apti'vto HUM EU Mt Iii t N, 1*1 ie at.. No. J .Metropolitan Bank Hi ^ X) LET.A CfDTTAGE HOU8E, No. 137 W.-at agihat., li blocks from Broadway, with all the m > lern im- pruveaarnia Can be seen » A. M. tij H I'. M Apply within, or at Noa. M and 71) Wa-hlngton-st. It haa a rear bnck huU.'.tuf. with 1- ui Sleeping R.k>ui>. conuertrd above an l.t w making It Rooma in tab Kent. «.oou. Hseied all ovrr with the 1 r\\> LET at THROG'1 NECK, uear IVlhatn A Bridge, in view of the wat-r, a neat I 11 ITaHK. eoat*!v leg ten Baaaaa. Carnage House. S'ahle A,-., aid about five acres. I Laud, etiolating o' t*».d-!i and l.vwn. with Shade aid Forest Pre*a k\ Ul be fumianed if tlrairrj. lo.iuue ,.| t MNHLAk .No 11 Spring -i TO LET.A Landgome place in Wa« av.. tb* brst part ot Uro. k vn fifteen mlnutea from Fulton Fawn. Good Hard**. Mouse having all requisites f.r a ge.iteel ^.nsmT^In^^'^.,* ,vr,-k- n\) RENT.The 4*tor> an.l baaeMiaeRt house R No. lit St, Markt place, wl k all the mod. rn improv.-- nerats and having be. u new,> papered and painted throughout, and in complete order. Poasra.ioa iuiinedlale v an! t.ut low !<>» total leeaul Applv to W R. TATTERSALL, No. IN "Met i g>r at No. t Naaa.u , from 1 to i r\\> LET.APARTMENTS, cmaiating of four M fivooraix Riataus.aU In ,«d order, wi h gas an I bath Apply at No tA Amity at. TO LET- ROOMS with STEAM-Pi»WER. J . bj/MJ feat well lighted and warmed la factory suet* side W est 37th si.. £X> feet wr*t of 7ih av In )u., on the preuns -s. IX) LET.Ou the 1 a>t River, at Raven*who,!, L. L, two aavdera-bailt cot! ALES, eleven R.i uia each. Inquire of OILHERT HOPKI NS, at ot M hi. vtttvoe, No. 40 Pirk-sip, up siairs, v m 11 to I u'ciueA IX» 1JZT.No. SO BROAD-ST , with a fninion ttom-M Ayfiyto NESMITH b Ot, No. 7| Broadway. XML ET.Tii* STt) R K and BASE MMN i n . Ml Broadway, between Park place and Murrav at. Th. Basement will be let separately, it desired. Inquire oa the preaakaea ¦TH) LET^iiT BiTiWiiaR No. 52 New-at, a Ur«> A DOVBLE OFFICI, *t a rery low price. Apply m _ NESMITH A Co.. No. 71 rtroedwsy rj\) l.ct.Two Ronteel COTTAGES at RA X VEN8W OOD, L. I., with Oroaed* and attached directly ia front of th* steamboat landing, at Lower Raven* woW. Stages peas ike Jix-ra, svrry hoar, to Oreeupcuat. Wil liaiosburgi. at, l.r. -kn Also tor sale two desirable BflLDINO LOTS each IM feel *o road aad East River, and about AM feet in length next to Moamhoet lead in* Aprsy to HARRIS A Co., No.* Peck .lip. of tu J. S. HARRIS, uear the premise*. IX) LET.At CtarenoeviUea. L. L half an hour'a ride Irosa tb* city. ¦ neat two atory CtrTTAGE. with s-vea rwarav aad rear lot* of ground Apply at No. .Sgl Oran ial_ VAN WINKLE, or oa the pre in tare. T> LET.Part of H'sE No. 340 Atlantic at Brooklyn. Tea Parlors, two Bedroom* aad front Rase- aaaag.^ A twos* dawArable, pleasant aad healthy reaideaca Real ^rAlJS^iX)TTA(iE with THREE ACRES f " of LAND for SALE.A pirtureacre* HOUSE cxxataiuing IS room*, delightfully aitua'rd on the eastern slope of tb.- Orange Moaatam In ORANGE. N. J., en* boar from tb* city by tb* Mom* and Essex Railroad. Fall parier«!era at HOMER MORGAN's, No. I I'mc ft New Y j.-t fionoce nnb /arme toantcb. (\\ KM-Wanted to purchate a FA KM with good r.« fi.y DWI LLINO-H'il'SE. wi hla 2" mllee « .»»*it7; near en * R«i road Depot or St**ml»o*t Lending, it mwM be in.l«»-io»wi.r. fcteraodaga* ere never known. Addree. W. Tnbnne lime. .let mi ttriee . '..' par'-" alert, and where an roUtetew res be bad._ Ci«'KK WANTED.To PURCHASE or HIRE kr eoob ( f Cecal .'..a bniidlng »boat 25xJ0 foet a- t 2 it l-ee than 75 feet In depth. The »m of Broadway pref-ire.L Au)'- ANTHON¦ J. BLEECKER, No. 7 Broad-ct. Qral delate for Sale. AKAKK CHANCE.. AiroodFAKM for aale, two rr..>. from tt.e flountlntig Tilitte of Pi»infi-ld; eaid farm rtntelu» W'eerr» 15 in e high ettte of rnltirati-iri. w*:| feu « d w' Ii wattred «'k> ai.d r- nvenient de»; it,( bone-. barn, eenv ge-Loo»r. work bop. ted other out bui diugt, and IStcree of young wot d; et id ftren i* pleaaeatly aitoated on th» Rehwty Road fr. ni Pleinlield. E-arx Cuante, New Jertev. For fjrther pertiioltrt inquire ,,f JUH.N PVATT, No. y>\ Wa»hing--on-«t, NrwYirk. or E. f HAMBERLIN. No. 77 R ibinaon et.. near trie Building, or nt JuliN RANDOLPH on the premieca ASTORIA. . ELEGANT COUNTRY 8EÄT for BALE.Hitnaied l| mile* Irom the Ferrr. with »p>n. d.d view of th -Ifiv.-r and B»v. TV I In nee nearly new and eoLttlnt eleven Ho. n « C'.noe't end Cellar, marble mantlee. ia- nde 'buttere, blind» Ac Alan Stable. Cirriaee and other Out- lluil. mg», wi b iwn net. 1 of Orcond b-auttuhT laid ems with a large >arete of fruit, ornamental treea and thmbt. The whole pren iaeein go. d order. Term* eaey. At.plr to i IIAS. W. W/RD. No. *>4 Front-it. AT PRIVATE 8ALK.Two I ota oFOr^nd on the eonth aide of 42.1 et about I in ft«t etat of Broad¬ way. Alto one Lot on north eaar corner of .ltrh-tt. and I lib er. Alan Iiiree Lota onainrtb-etti comer of Kttb-er. end Areaue B. For term*, A.c., »ppTy to BAKER k WERKS, Auctioneer*. No. 6 I'me-.t. COTTAGES Bl CLIFTON, STATER ISLAND, for SALE or 10 LET..One larce new C OTTA OE. aitnat-d about one ndir from Vender! i!t'» Landing, commanding a fine el. w of the Bay. It i* well fiultoed, and haa eeery conrenienee for a ger.tet 1 family, and a good Coach-Houee, and from two to four arr*a of Lend. Alan, in aarne neighhorho id. a email COTTAOE, In good ortVr, with ( oarh-IIouee, and abont half an acre of Land. For parfiru'art. apply to LEVT COOK. No. 71 Broadway. («OUNTRY H'.ATs f.r WALK.In Weutfbeater J Connie, rlxi one at White Plaina, II acre*, large Mention, fuil gr< wn Tree*, excellent Frnit and Ki'rhen Oird-n pnre OI0,ftf one of 60 acrea on ibe Harlem Railroad. IS milea from tberi'y; improve n.enta coet 070.1-Dti 5 yeara ago; price «> VO.t»"" one of Ml arrea, 2(1 milet from the city, good land and euperior bullding»; price a-lb.Min. Alto gereral fariut located within 50 noli a of the City Hail, by lli.rlem Railroad, o mttining from 50 to BM acte» each, and reeving in price from 0 i.hfai to aVIU.flOU. Apply to ANTHONY J. No. 7 Broad 1-, IP A ST NEW-YORK..CENTER Lots f<,r J SALE and COTTAOE HOl'SES, and oiher BuiMlnge rrtctrd in arcommi dating termt for payment. Eatt New-York if growing rnpidly; at eatr and riieap af ac-i t at 10th et Rxeafw fogtertna,alan*of bui Id ing. Ac, toC R. .MILLER 4 Co.. Anction.ert,No. 195 Ernadwey. FOR SAL K at V<INKERS.A delightful (HI NTHY RESIDENCE. The plare contain! three acret ol land, v. ith a large and criiumodione two-etory ilonte. veranda whole front.r ontatnt 15 rootnt, 1. giu-heo an 1 lannc'iT. Mtuation nn-urpa^ted. Large On bard. In foil bear¬ ing; abundance of old Shade Treee, ami amml Fruit, in rariety; Oardtn letge and produrtire; tn rxteneire ami elegant Ter- rand Lawn, the houee ia newly tnmu>hed througiuut, end will be told with or without tb- iumitur". Carriaget, Horeee, b. Poeatteion imir.ediatelr. if dem red. For aaxebj to view, ap¬ ply to Ii. W. "RI (HARKS. No. J.r7 Bmaiway. I.-ok sale.A EARM >.( lOiacrei io Wt-it- rhetter Qgajaty one mile and a half touthwett from the Village nt Bedford, » hero an extiutire fem» e temiutry ig toon to be opened. The farm it ocenpied by th-.- owner. In line cod dilion, good build n-<, Ac About fiur milea from Nrwcatlle Htation on the Harlem Railroad. Alto, at Peek.kjII, a aaaarbef Iii 11.DIM. SITE, et.ui three arret: ai exleo-iic ti-w of the Huriion Hirer, and three rilnniet' walk from the Railroad Sta¬ tion. Apply to B. II. BROWN, No. 71 Wall-it., from 1 t > J P. M. IiÖB SALK -11AD1 s< »NTÄiTT'ROI'ERTTT^ LOT tonlh of Jdth f.. extra aix«, wjuld tee 80LI) a'a bargain und on liberal ternii. Alto a tirat-cleee Hi BE on :. b u>ar .'if. Apply to ANTHONY J. BLEEI a Eft, No 7 Rroad-tt 17»0H BALE.A Rood HOUSE and extra lizfd LO'I In the renter of Brooklyn. Price only 0l,i»K). hi f of wbiih niay icioainou Bond nod Mortg -^e. Applv at No. JS'I RitHrni n l^OK BALE.HOUSE and KOT in, A tinatnlon Henry-it., near the comer of Protident at., L. t .". f.'t » nie. riiuoir * back 117 f. . t ind r ruing *n L 2i I*** wide on I'ir.i, rut ft,; ifonte a liret rlaea one, in perfect c mdi lion, furni-neil with water, gat, and errry convenience. 60 te 7" per cent mar remain on F.r perml! to teethe piemitet epplj'to '.N 1 III LS . JHUMMIi, N 7 llroajtt. FOR SALE or EX( 11a m. I.;.An elc«ant COI N- TRY SEAT, el Hempt'ead, L. 1.. wi h 10 acrea of Lea I. Pure aH.'U'. No ii.ri:n,brance. Alto, one with tit aer*t Land, in Kiiiet County, wrh tnperior iuipruvemeutt.price 012,000. Al-i in id 4 acr.-t, near .1 itualra.commodi.iut H'eatej pric* ? t Siti. WhMaetlar exchange f.r good city property. Apple to C. It. MILLER A Co., Au. ,N If. Iir..t.|w,iv. h^OR SALE.Ad t lt«nrit COUNTRY Si:.\T and FARM in Wi »i< heeler Cniinly, within one mile-of the rai.ft«.' i'i pot and tnleen mil. a of the t nr. ilo i ai 10 c ;.-i-: .1 about eit'y »1 .et of atiperi .r I. in Land the mat:.ion, fri-rn-h .u»e end other oiilbuiidingi are all in excel¬ lent tat'e, codi mcred aomr e'gh: yeara ag i on a liberal tctl'- Ibd al I c It of It lenet »f.l'O'i. Price «'Üi.lHal. For pxrtiro- ia.-iapjlyio AMIIDNi J. BLEECKEIt. No. 7 Bnatl-it. t?0B BALE at a BARGAIN.S^on] ran nÜH< W able LOT8 at High Bridgrvilln. a ihort dittaucn from and in full view of the High llii ge on the \\ ri'i beeler aide of the l.'arl m Ilivi r, and fronting on the river. On" parc-l of eight am* may be bad. Apply to I>. B. WIN TON, No. 5 Tr/on-row, 1 1 ti*>in "the I 11 v II all. IH)B SAI K.Corner of 151b st. and 2,1-ar , front ingoT.r of the molt beiutilnl »luarri, THREE of the font- tlmy bn a u-tt. ne front high Hoop IIOI'SES, built in the m >tt ruleiantii.l m.d rli ^aut manner by dayt'work For particular! inninre on the preii.i-.i. or at No. 1B0 Eatt 21«l-tt. of O. J. HAMILTON. m\K .FURNISHED COUNTRY ^flFa »ivrlFe II0U8E for SALE..A lart* new H »USB Kith rten roo t, genteelly fnmidied thnnigbont, with tin* rartiegi, 1' acn t of Und finely in. lo» d and ornament d w ith u. e., garden i.e., el.uate.1 on the L. I. H. R thirty u.notit from the city, will be *<.ld at a htrgain. M. L. BHXLDON, Ho. H Kamaa at. 1) M inslrnction. K KINBON INSTITUTE. No. 1,0-<U Broad¬ way, near Slat-H..Limited to JO A. A. MARI El.l.l S. V. M., Pria-lpaJ. ÖJ NT WASHINGTON -COLLEGIATE Df- SilTtTb_N.\ 21B 4that., on Waahlngton-equare, ea- tran.-e No. Ifkt Macuougal-'t. I I.\RK k FAN'N'INil. Prtne|-.i'a QELECT PRIVATE SCHOOL for a limited k? number of Bur- ORVI.Nii O RAM MAR BCHOOL), No. 327 til.-av betwou it h and 25th ata N. DI NN,A. M Principal. SELECT BOARDING-SCHOOL for BOYS, ilnrttord, Conn.. Number limited to 12. Circulari may he ob'» ed ot E. M IERO.ME. E.n No. 175 Broad wir, and Aid. N C ELY, ci r. Broadway andSth-tt, N U BAIaLI P. Pna piano-Zortcs anb Ulnoic. BENNETT A Co.. Manufarturera of HALL'* PA 11 N 1" l > 1 >i \1. 1! \Ni i- ,. I; .,-«»t N , only l frw doen abore Stewart'!, where a large tupp j oftbete po) a ir iieiruu.imm of lupericr lone and workmtnthip rtn be tun «' r'.l line.. PIANOS. MELODFtINS. Ml'MC and Ml 1< AL IN STB I" MF. NTS of al. kind* a! rrd tredp'icea. ATTENTION, PIANO PURCHASERS..We. d, tire to call attentl. n to onr large and t-jperi ir ttinrk nt ITANti-FOKiE.-'.hewug much the batt aaaortiuent to be fjmd in Ii« routtiv. V\ t are rnani.fei-taren. of the CELEBRATED CELESTIAL cr DOIT!LE-<)( TiVE PIANO, winch *- taking ibe I. e.l wbrre the pue» h..eef wann the power of the (.rend l ien, m a ..|narr cae'. t>ur Pianot tat e tor 'uk.1i being fbaaxaedtbgbai u-age. a.e it. great demand, been plain, gat ttaa'ial andrh.ap. Vv'eareeole Ageuta for the much a-iinired Piaioe of A W Ladd A Co. of Hiaton. with or withoat Iba A t iac, and alwgye bare g large ataortment of their new erele air) n,w grind a. th i .-ontiderrd bv a I tb- heat Roetrm Piaaea. Vt e tre ai-o tue Ag, ,,u f,, ( ARf, A HT. N EE Dil AM k Co WOBEI' HI Now NED MEI.OI'KiNS,and oder at tb- lea eet i rici. Plan-. tn rn en re temtv ditferent mannt,.n a Pur. bterii wi.l hnd il to tbi ir v'vtntare t examine oat large abuube«irpe.tedii. .k. Piar.e, and Me.'ol-ont to R-nt. ELY k Ml NoEK No Ml Br. adwav. _(Sr. NWhoIae ttotel.) irilNTii.n isiiivitfd toa new KEED OR-- . <>A-1?' * "b r,"V and full e-t of git Pipee. la l»ak and 1 - *.«-««. '"iiti.iered the Iteet inairameni ever intented mt the Parlor or t berth c»t #.ta. io #*t.. Maaoa k Hamm't . npiot.d MLDIL MFLODEilNS eiugle and double " " " .,".> l' ". ai la.t t,». ».«oeoUai retaii oa moat kit pey menu tad for teat, Ireicb HAhWl'NIl MS wiih kind 12 Stop*. Hallet D»vlt k t unnia and Suuar» 1I VN IS u i rert tariety ot »tyle ' ¦ Fcl'R (.Fi'RliE HEWS BOSTON PIANOS en'.irelr new iloogh a'a b* gaiu to cot* a concern.I fer aal* at »75 »1IW U s»ual c.» price and fully warranted. Si Cock.¦nano 1 lanoe. fn.oi t>lA to t>'.50. PIANOS to LET. S T. OI'RDHN. Mb.i. P .»...»>..., S i. 257 Broad, at 4 GREAT BARGAIN.A ufmmmU $3m 7- a taiat. ro». «ied PIANO for aaie for 0SU made to order iw. n.n-1» -in-, iv retebrare i City maiert, and rallv war- ranred. of anpeti.« i.tae and kuitb, perfect every war axdabed -. 1 be own.r i, gotag 10 Farw. I' r»n beea eeen at No. 113 Chtmkeitx., from 9 till 3 o'clock, for four data A LAI,!.! STOCK of NEW and SECOND * % HANI' PIANOS.i t til lllfll lt< br rerioae mxkara. fog aeleor hue at J. k D. WALKER'S. No ( Aetor piece, tth et. BACON & RAVEN. PIANO-FORTE MANU FACTt'RF.RS. Noa lfiCand IO Ceatre-et., opaoat'* Caaal- «., raet fr. m Kti«dway, having an rxperieae* of 25 yeara. aad etery reqniai'e (adlity at oar Manaftrtortea. are eaabled to dtet 'be pnblic an eaeortmeBt of laatrnmeate, unmrpittei by tut ft quali'y of tone, workiaaanbrp, aad darabilrry CHICRB B I N KIANit-FOKTES rvirtlirad frt m No. ..'.5 te No. 501 Broadway. oppoaite St. Niebolat Hotel, where evert varietv of Square and Orand Pianoe may be bad et the luwrrt factory pricee. h. WaRRI.N. Sole A/eat for Chirkering b Soa'l Pleno-foTt-t toe New-York City. PlANO-F()RTP^-RTGTaYNN A Co. aRre rtv tnoeed their Piano-Forte Maaafaetery aad Waremota trara No. If Faltoa-et., to Mo. a spring tt, two Joon exet «f Broad wty. PIAN<»ft-Four beautiful "oftAre Piano-Forte* (one »i h carved .egal, made of the best material and ra taa n. at aubstaa' lal meaner wi.l bo aoL! Low and warranteA Ta.aa* who arc about pen-basing would d> area to ceil aa I eta-niue. Art . at No. IS&L *v. I). SMITH « KOTES..JOHM P wake i Co., Manufarturer*. bar* reavree'l their P.ano F.irre Ware¬ house from No. At Btrrlay-at. to tb» new and specious baa. im« No. |<7 Cepel-et. betwee»a Hadwi and V trick. II A.M >F( iK I I - it w. ...r | . |e. f a t "h <?> e.risfaetory pajer. A (Teat inducement to porrbaears now offered. PlaiNOS!.PIANOS -Great bareaint maT bo nadatrheej.e, io W,r.i,...,- ,r N V il i RTHS at l.ia'ld a-er.d 41? Broadway where be car "*- = w"'-. a rifh and varied assortment of PIANOS, from the rs.ebreted manufactory cf George Hewe. Boaton. and alao a le-t* eaaort- meot of Near York n.eafucture. Peraona arid da I it to thekr advantage to call before purchasing eleewber*. 4P Br-*davay. SAFFORD «V BROTHER. No :«9 Broadway (one door from InternarVrae! Hote )..A food varke'y of aa- perior PIANOS f ir S ALE or HIB K at free ly rrdored Priee*. Oer stock embraces Iaa'rnmeote from the factonea of Wood¬ ward at Hn.wn. Jar b Lbackering. Lorenao Jdott sod^tb-ra. Planne rnrefuily Tuned !Tlatl]infrr), fx'c. LI O N A R D & W IL SO N MACHINERY COMMISSION MERCHANTS sxD lcathcb a* anise ataarf at Tt ataa. Noa. 6* Beaver and Ml Peeri-et,. Near-York. A lento repp! v of all artirlet required by Machine and Railroad Shops and Esc tones geaer*lly. C 1 E A M E >. <. i N J S aad~BOII.KKS.-For Sale kv5 Cheap, one second-hand Hoiiamta. Engine It inches bore of cylinder and a f. -t atruke one do t inches by 3 feet do.; one near do. H> I y 9' inches do.; tvro do. 10 by .1 inches do ; one do. 10 by !'. inches do.; tvro do. 1 by 30 inoee do.; one do' C by 30 inches do.; one do. 6 by 71 inches do and one do. 6 by II inches On. Also aix new ti-incb Boilers, 28 feet lonf. witi two 14-inch fines in tech. with all fixture* romple'e; one new 40-inch Boiler 18 feet lonf, with five Jn-inch lro»a;one new Loe-inotive Boi er rl 80 hört» p..war; two do. of in-hone pow- e >i 1. 1 da. i f 20-bors* power. Apply to J. S. Bl NCE k Co., No. i* W taring-- r--at. Cn.lcrrt anb Qarbwarc. HARDWARE - I ht- largvat and com¬ plete aaeorrment of HAI.I.WARE. ( CTLFBT, EDOE-TOOLS, kc, concentrated in one establiabmerrt, for the dry and country trade, can be found at CHAS. S. LITTLE'S, Noa. Jd and J4 Knlton-st. SCOTCH ITG IKON-Htindred tunt No 1 (iartaherrie, and 3M tuna mixed numbers best Pig Iron. In store and lantlinf, for sale by 8POFFORD, TILE8TON A Co., No. a Broadway. I B E BO PB of every tize and degree of flexibiily, for tale by t H a s u t DPILAND No*. 64 and 66 Broadway. AA Ucpliiting. RK P LATINO.. notela. 8hi|«. Steamboata and Prirate* can hare their o'd were repined and warranted. Stair R .da. Tea Set* Siot na and Porka. and every kind of Metal plated with Gold or Stirer at abort notice, by the Manhattan Plate Co.. 287 Bowery Jnmitnrt._ 4\ ICE PITCHEB far a NICE FAMILY U\ " Hot fh vk inter'a blasts to five way. Sperrt yieldi to Snmmer'a a .-vereifn ray." But Splint- unlike Sevastopol, haa eonaented to be "taken" after a very f.-w warm atticka; in eonve'|U'ncr of which there i- aar- riitui.iel f the patent dnnb!.- ICE PITCHERS and \VATER COULLRS. which arc sold at Noa 4aad I Burling- .lip. by - H'CIl d IIART. nE8K8, UE8KS, DE8K8..Dosblfl ami ilnfle Stintlirg Drakafrom 3 to t f et; double »nd ainfle S.t ing Ileaka of evet) ratiety from 2 to 6 feet; Office Table* from 3 to 9 feet; Ofiicc ( hair* end lit »k of er. rv dearri jtlon, at NMtX'S D, k Store, N... 34) liaekäwanat. r»~N A M E L E D~H~ij I T E S. . J MATHE« S A STACY. W'arerooma No. 514 Broadway. KNAMELED (5 rTTAOE "TrBNTTUBE.. Neat, ptetty suites aa l.iw as tMk, at lb' factn-y and ware rrjotn*aS4 Broadway, near Blerckrr, beaide* rye-y a»y!e of el' gant at.d faehioL hie enamt led auitM. S. II. WARM II K I^OK SAI L --AVplendid ttock of PATENT EX- 1 TENSION EI RNiiritE, r. > Ma- hotat v and B k Walt .11 Bi«ik a«-a « h « < I». ., Sil - Board*, with and without marble-topa. and llnreaus, all airing b"la'i ada att ach'd adaptau to eronom re Mom either iu store* or dwelling*. Alao . small aesortm-nt of Situation Table*, The above wiil be sold at reduced pri.¦-a to t lose the basiaeaa Immediately. Can b* aeea at No. 108 Chambera-et., tad No. »18 HudMin-at. HF "l ARKINGTON..ENAMELED ( HAM- e BE.It El RNiTI RE..Hou-eeper, i. want of this new tL.I ta.hionahle rtvk of Furniture will bud. a fool atainment at the Manutat lory and vVarrrooms. N av. 46 aud Wuoataf-ft. S(ll(»(iL 1 I l.'MTI l.'L.Detkt Chaira. s. t- tres, Bookcases, Blackboard, Siaiea. fir manulaetured aad for aale at the old establishment, No. M Grore-st., New-VorA Ori'et. rent to any r-art of the woroL R. I'.kTON. N. B..Clrculai» forwar Ird on application ai »Ix ve. _ WINDOW 8HADES at WHOLESALE and TT RETAIL.-O *'. CAJLPENTK1 has oje-n-d .1 1, w Siore, Ne. tat) < hail.Hin-et.. where he invite* the pnblic t v c ill et;-l e bia atoe k of Gold and other Shades of all sues. Coraic.-f' !ii.t da. I* ret Pins. Ac. cnnatactly 011 hand. Dtoi'cs. Hanges, &t. . 1RYIHCIBLE KITCHEN KAN'GK.. Inrented and Patente,! in Iftil, by JORDAN L MOTT. During the abort pehi«i aince they were introduced, they hare beri me to frrat a lav lile with the oaerrecommend Ing them to another, that aalet base increased to leVO Ranges ¦«tr annum. All e ncode that thia Ranee is cut. .trtieted on true pbiliaophlcal and mechanical principl'.'f. erc-jrnn the most pertcct ope-rat.ou at the lowest puasiblr c-ist. Every Rang* war¬ ranted as represented. THE J. I MOTT IRON WORK< (Succ-«sot to the bnainras of J. L MOTT,) Noa. JM snd 2ovi \\ stei at. N. Y._ SAVE rOUH FUEL an.l KEEP COOL. Bv uaina rt IMPItov EH H \ K 1 S SIMMER AND WINTER RANOE. for Wood or Co*'. Ihisaitlclf hit five boiler holes, an arrant' mrnt in frott foi hea-lnf Irons, also a large Oven: ran be placed In any ordinary fireplace in Summer, or out In the room la Yt hstl r. niakiut it far preferable to any C***uaa| Si ore snd at a Iraa Bgftcav] Eor tale at retail by th* store dealers generally at wbolisa'r and n tail bv SAM. S ("ITER A. Co. No. 31 Water ,t Si MMI R BTOVE8 Mid HOVSEKEEPINQ 11 ARDWARE.The ierjeet and best aaaomnent in the city. For aale low by WILLI AM CLkKKK. Noa. 9 Caniilne-it.. and 16o llaa-«n-«r. Unilbing flliHcrialo. * rpIBST QUALITY \ EBMONT SLATE .NEW ENGLAND MIMN'O AND QVAaUYIM ItlaATBl tOMP.VNk .BI'RDEI T, DA. IS k M AIN. a. r nt. fur tnetitv.fN. « k rk f. r the ab've onipauy. invite the atten¬ tion il ttuildera I 01 traitor a and Architec's to the above Slate, samples of which may be seen at tbtir office, where, asoaub script ion* will be received lor the few unso.d aharc* of the Stcxks. Pamphlet, containing a full faten.en' of the condition and ptospecta of the Company may he nb'ained aa above. Also sample* of tb* (ilL-SToNl from the Like Snperi .r Unarry, «eriified by all who uaed it to lie the beat ever ditcof- eied. ICRDETT, DAMS A MAIN. No. -'¦' Wii.iam-at. ©rorenca. ALLAN A KoSE, PPOYHIONS AND rots. No. ZZ> Wsshhigtoavst.. twonoeoa above'.. N. Y.. 1 mm at Wholesale. VERY LOW EOR CASH: MeasPork. Mackeiel, larte 1, Green Teat Mt a. Beef. M ackere LI snd J, Bart Tea*. Butt Pork, Parti*.' W hi efish. Lamp and Sweat Oil, Ren p Perk. Pi. kro(. neh. . e»er. Smckf d Baa*. Park er' Sealrftsfa, Tallow (aad!**, Sm. ke.l Sbt nlucrs. I. a ».' lle-rngs. S; ::a au c, Smoked Beef, Dry CocAab, Sal Sod*. So*p, Tonguea.Sa men .** ^dr,' Herrmga, S'arcfa, Saere'us, (beere, mild* rich. Salt, set as and bags. Twines ami Wieks, .firkin* A tubs. Raisins and Apples, Straw an.! Tea Paper AI a INE law GROCERY -' kwitM * m Teat. AJrA Sugars. Cofeat, FaaaOy Oaaaati ¦F .retiu Pruit. he., W bole.,1, «Ld Retail at reas"'nabie pne-a by J. O. FoW LEM, Orrcer and Tea Healer. Noa JkV and 4J3 GreeuwicA at. COAPaVwtl CANDLES..ALLAN HAY A CoT, iCr MiAF and CANDLE MANt FACTI RERS St J) 41 and 4U 1st av beg moat reepectfafiy to inform tb* Men nan is and Pit fei..-« ib o il,. a are l wmii ifaciunng lb ir Rennvd MOLD CANDLES for summer a**.all tdr*e from 4 to 16 to tbapcand. alao. their celebrated LAl'.N'DRY SOAP.. very ruprrfcr artnie.wade a^preaaly tot th* Laundry. A. good* warrante.i a* branded, tad marked with our name aa-i p.ace of bosinea* 1a full. N. B. All gooiis delivered in the city free of etpew Profccsaional Xoti(C9. R. JAME8 W POWELL jkM to aurtounce to hi. (tieads aad patierta hi. return from Europe, where be ha. ecxyrd uacaatl crtpor*unities cf observing the a****** rrsi '.cr of Ib* most celebrated Otalista aad Aartaga of tb; Old « d especially Ui Lotdna. Pans. Dahlia and Glasgow. Dr POWELL has procured all the new tnatrurnearta: 'lasanti rs'i haipteved Opfba'.ma.cope which enables the nrulia to look into tie deptka ot the Eye and ewrra -. the exact eoniitaoo jf the optic nerve aad ret ma in amearoaaa and tbe lens bj cataract. aaae Avrry'e Speculum, eoaallv eirrat-rdiaary for lookiag la'o the drum if tor Ear. 'he Enttacbiaa 'ubes la the Throat, elrir turea, be.: ai-o La nie be t a beaatiful Srttag* JacoVa Cataract Needles Wild't Spec* a and many n'iaer a*w 11 mttti nf great nxprrunga. Aarnrau evaraaaai.oea made with the above ;rafruaae*u aadt derisive aad prompt eptei aa pcor.eae. -d a> n the ruraruJtty of **ch pwtktalar ease. Cemmltatkaas as kvsrrto- tbsr* oa *U daaaveeea of tb* Eye (ad Ear fraa 1 tn 4 o'clork dady at N*. MS Bfoadway, fpfutait tb* St NarkMss Hotat. N. R.. Pr.vats fasstructH-ns fivara to rc-aarol nrartkmurra 1) Ks ROBERTS. Surgea« iVntitta, .No tV. - Bond st. peas cans wtahing ARTIFICIAL TEETH to call and examine their new mods of taeemng Tenth oa Plata** Plat*, aarvaaaucg the eld atyle ta strengt* aad keeaty. IB-W BEACH, aotlvor trf~tlMi FAMILY FHYSICtAN, kc, baa ranmed ^actsr* at 3 baeacAarat. I) Ort) (5oob8. AKU? NTINK-A T STEWART A t~n itprtwd two r»*M of thi« ien 4t<irtbif mt'FRt n ee-ing Om*n>eau. Mirror». Evtar-e, Ac, to pretorre :hem danag tor » frmx: rt;ce and duet. It perfectly tr«atperent. th- c >n ar-: 0«eo. OtlJ, Brown. Black tnd R hit* Pnee-' per yard. Broadera», Chamber» and Keadf ata. N FI.E(7ÄNT .\>n »RTMENT »{' DRKSS OOODr.Brerired r»t rvau r Amrnct, r"ici lat af t rape de Pari«. Barrge and Otgeadi* Boke», Alan, On in»:»« bvtneyardwil . leje THIS MORNIMO. Lb.M'ELL. I EIRSSON b LAKE No. «71 Kr alen. BAITS..Atencjr <>f the Ma«tie Kall« Hatting (eerraaay. ReaeeaeH» A »?>*. Ma. H netaadway. DOMESTIC I OTTOS QOODS .10,000 bJajr,, r. r-. rH' we Sue*:ir.g» " n Ven, Carpet Warp, Bai» Wirt» 1 wire* Wedding B»t*» Ar. F.*-tale by DA« Lt V 4 El K.MAN N j t '. urt.aadt-»t.. ep etaj-e. EVERYBODY KS'» W s THAI JFFFERS. No. tfTBROADWAY, beet tk* world wita bi» LADIES' OAITXRR and «HOF«, a' 'be World'» F»lr ta London, and aue eballeexr* the " reet of mankind " to produce an article that will »»ecee*f'i..y compart with 'he (node be new tehing. .'EIFERS throw» down the gaantlet tr. erere e->mpefi'or, and la miliar that the Leitet of New-York »h..u!.i be hi* jndaret * «--.:. tournament." It comet off every day dunng the " Versal Euoinox," at No. 4*7 Broadway. 10 I I) Ä T A Y L O K J h-.t it < Ittelt added *o their etock the LATEST NEW PATTERN'S OF VELVET AND B ft SELS CARI ETl.V.S are prepared to offer to pnreeaer* i.REATER l.NDI tEMENTS THAN EVER. 1NORAINS. THREE-PLYS. and OIL CLOTH ta the ufoai earietr. Onnd et., cor. Chryttie. M AXTILLAS, SHAWLS, mm TREMEND'TS SILKS, DRE-S GOODS. BAROAINs LYONS A JONES. No. 277 Hndeon-et,, oppoitte Dominick-»t PARASOLS ..SUMMER FASHIONS- a cottrLiTt a»»o«Titr.»T or NI O I R ¦ A N T I Q Ü Hi ¦ *LL THE ntsltttLr SHtDE» Of lOLOt. I ined and oniired with tnd without Friate. on Pearl. trory. Palm and rlain Wood Hanoi-», at pri. -..-rwr>.ndiiig w:tb . me* Bovert rre intiied to call and examine the t.jck at tbe WAki HOI ST, No. SM and BS BROADW Vi JOHN I. SMITH, Manufacturer R EDU< TIOR of I'KH'ES..The balant'-' *i taM new and reaiiorable _ BAR El' E AND SILK TIS SI ii 'IB ES. recently reeeited enll be aold on M< )Nl»A\ .Mb. * ...coo- r.derable rcdnct.on in price. A. T. STEW Alt a, t .- BrnadwiT, Cbamb. rt an I Rea !e ttt, Clothing. JUST FINISHED.Tm mntt elegant HAT ever offered for 03. otuallt tttd for «t-neat H .kTS mi 50, .... mi. O PH. BROWN. No. .*10 tana. tt. Y0UTB8' and CHILI »..'EN" ClATTHLNQ for til ate. from three to twenty year», at WHOLESALE. J. B. ( LOSE. BAILEY A I o., No. 8 Para-place, N. Y. tUaIcr)fS, Jrwclrn, £c. tpOU) WATCHES andsTEHLINti BILYER Vi WARF. I. ;ether with a nrh «»airtmeut of DIAMONDS. »nd »II k't d. of Oold Jewe.rt. Ol D JULES Jl ROENSI S »\ \TCIIES.«l>0to R»« OOLD IOBER1 ROSKELL WATCHES. lf»ta * OOLD Dl PACHI Ii LEi ERB .. !.. «: Albeit W tie Kork». Sp... Lt. Lake Bukett, Teaaet», Ac. et vert law prk > Al1 our fi.oitt »re wamn'ed to b- «» represented. SQelRE. LANDER A I o.. No. :*7 En.'on tt., H. Y. \ITAT< !HE8! WATCHES!!.Ta- gotaagftw ?f ,. - :t a lllllllll ¦! tf OOLD am SILiElt W ATCHES. at retail, lower 'hen any h >ua* in th- c:tr. _ i EINE I.OLD LEPINE WAT( HES.fmr ho'et,l...l BI VI1IEI I. ENAMELED LADIES' WATl HES. bPLENDID ENAMELED LADIEd" WATCHER, wit* do mot. It in eve. as OOLD DETAI HEB LEVERfl.fall>twtlad. BEAI TIHL(.ol.I) ENAMELED HI NTINO Watabee. 45 OOLD DE I At UE1) LEVERS tor Lalie.. rich entretod caeet. ** FINE HOLD Hl MINO LEEI NEB for U»Rta........... » EINE (.Olli HI S IM» Ditachd l.eter». full jewele.L.. ¥> ^| |. \| 111 I I- H U \ .IEs r li-u o rr. - ' Uli II WATl HES, which wind up ami--t wrlioot a key.. 83 REAL II LEU Ji ROENSEN WAi. .U.S. i*r- f.^tt ne keeper.. .? ^ to #300 HE AL ( oort It WA il HES,Duplex a: liefert li5 to M INDEPENDENT SECOND and m'ARl'ER- SECOND WATCHES, for timint Hortet. 75 to 250 SPI.I NlilD l.ol.D POCKET t HRUNOME- 1 I BS. terlect time keejier*.1« ¦ mm W.V'KHIS which run naht daya whh ..tie wir..!.,«.10 t0 RICH MAblC WATCHER, fat La i. t an 1 .en- tl. men. which int.. 3 .litter, nt TO to 175 OOLD ENGLISH PATENT LEVEM..... 35 to 55 (.Ol D HI N lN(!-( ASE F.n«!in!i Pat. nt Lever... W to HO SILVHt I.NOL1SH PA ENI LEVERS. 1J to & SILVER DETACHED LEVERR. 13 w » SIIA y R LEPINE WA'U HES.. SPLENDID OOLD aad SILVER EMOLISB PATENT LI- \ i y,< noo'e |.\ M J. i..b:a» »Hot':. .C-- ebraie.lmaker*. VERY FINE M f'LI X WATl H I S. uuult by t. F. Co-ip-r, Warn. r. aiel all celebrated maker*. Wan bet ( leene.l ard ll' ta red in llie b »t manner, at much I. a than the uaual pricea All Watchit warranted to ke»p good time. OEO. C. ALLEN, lrap..r-r, . Whol.eale and K.tnil N... 11 W all-et., Second Door, oesr lir a.iw»y. Paints, CDilo, ©laoo, vCr. BLAKE'* PATENT ITRE-PROOP PAINT.. Th' original and only geuuine ertiele tliat can be «ol 1 trith- out rio.ating my patent, eouttanl.y on hand, bo'h granud in on gnd dry |*wder. at the genera, depot, No. Fattl tf., Ht*> o»er-t.|uore, by rhe perentee. " ¦FRENCH, and AMKRICAN ZINC TAINTS I WHITK LKAD, PATENT-1'KVER and COLORS.-Tha >ul..-nl. r-. banng completed thei. new Work., are now pre¬ pared to till all ordere for the above named, without de¬ lay, and rn rhe uio.t favorable lennt. Particular attrotion It giren to'the gnu.ling and putting np of our Zinc Paint.. and purchaeer* mat depend on baring a pare ertir e. that will not become bard InLbekega. MASt'RY k WEEKS. No. Ill Maidtn- an-, New-York. Manufacturer* and Importer» «f /inc and Clor«. N. B .Stone-colored Zinc, a »uperijr article, for painting country hoc*. ! unl brickwork. HENRY WALDBON.At fkm ofcl itand, No. IW) Fnnttt.. corner of Bar.irig-elip, N'-w-York, h*» tl w»y» on band for CITY und ( Ii! NTRY TRADE « full »upply Ii PAINTS, 111 LS. WlNDoW-OLASS,*w.*e. The mot' *P- .-.el |.., .. t Ml.- Ni il no! AM.-IHK'AN ZINC PA1 »TS, KMOL18H W III E LEAD, 4c. fcc .1 A M E S AFFLECK W HITE LEAD ZINC PAINTS. OILS, ( OLORS, i ARNISHES. OH E, BRLSUES. kc. WIN HOW OL ASS No. Ill Wtrer-et., (comer of rlarling-tl'pl. New-Y .rk. JE 8 S U P A CHILDS . PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW OLAtS. fcf. FRENCH »id AMERICAN ZINC PAINTS. Store No. 148 Waterot., New-York. TJA1NT8T PAINTS! .'.For Kiiil.lingn. Root*. A Fence., he. 11 cent, tlx unl; t*hi*e L.*d. 7 cent* do.: / in,- t cen'ido.; PreMe"» Boiled O 75 cent* t gaJloaU Tan- ien* Oil i6 rent* Co.: Mnchiuen Oil. (rle nttd... tt No. 113 Mtlden-.tne. New Vork. Jo IN H. SMITH, A»mt. 1") l K E IllfO PAINTS . HENRY AITKEN A Co., aarxr» or rar. NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY N > Waahington tt. OTJPERIOB TOENCH WINDOW OLASS. O E. r MCKTR No. lit Chamber, tt.. Now-York. Two dourt weet of Hadaon River KCr .ad Depot. Wee. of Ftrrch Vi Ind rw and Picture Olaaa per light: Pr. Light, t tg. Per L:gbL Cta Per Light. Cent*. ßonntn Can5 {JJarrant*. _ IA N I) WARRANTS. J We are prepared to ex-oete til orl-rt tor tbe parebata tadealeef LAND WAKR.'.sr- ..... c v. t ca..i pur .'let. orR facilities for PrRCHASi'Nfi WARRANT? tt fi.-et bead* are sot excelled. AI' ot de re for tie Pecbaer af Wataxatej w be mm med at tbe tmt'J c^mitatoe of ONE In ILL.AR A PIE. E. t*eiaeBii111 will be moat rlavlly ten' nkted. - N. R. COBB h C.. Btoak and Bond B.-kirt. N B Wdiiam-et-, N. Y. . . t Raak of the Common weal'h. RXereticet: {, lklu ^ XrtM C. rrpany. IA NT>-W Ä RR AN T < »KKICK, No .13 WaJl-at.. _j Btew-IoT*..Tea kttoeet market price paid for LAND WARRANTS, and xll Warraru aald by me art guaranteed txtd tarwBftied by mul or otberw.*« apna receipt of remittance*. Land Warreat* procured tt* ttldttn aad otbere entitled to Boantt Land, apoa appiicttioe tm t T. J. COLEMAN No S3 Wan^t 5*000 LAND WARRANTS WANTED. bt TAYLOR RROTHRRS. Baaken, N». 7* WtU-tt., FL T. We reeeree aaaliriri ini for Bottaty Land Claim*, and girt mmmmmm artaaCoa t* rotiatrf jeder» fvt watgaata. Salce bn faction. Johi Hot'oH. Jr.. Auctioneer. AUCTION BALE of ELEGANT Kawwoctl . i.l M.h nr., HOl'SEI'OLD FCRMTCRE. R.w*w;>od PliBe. torf«. royal T*p*itTy Ve vet Carp fing», French PIat* Pier end Oral Mirror» in! Flirting*. S, verware. Chat wire, Curlciv. Ac -Till-' DAT, r.-t.tiv> it | A. M.. pr.eiiety. The tale embraces tb* mure ronteare of «h» breatafoj'r furntahed prrrate dwelling No. TO M imv at which be eold witbotit reserve to the highest bidler. Tb* Eanitote ia in *xrei.enl condition aad was larde to order. The c nreut. are in brief aa KiUnre: Two to!id roee wood frame Per;, r stutce uphoiate-ed in broi-aiel and *.ab irate¬ ly c-reed: enperb-r osewood Piano-tote riehly rated, of beau¬ tiful tone and fully warranted can ed r.-jewood Etagere, with pi'at data door* aad back: massive rosewood Book*a**; rie- aant le.'.y'a } tento'rr mlild |! loeghout with rare aad lallt v...i-. heavily carted Biabotany Extension Table j roaewoed marbie up Linter Tablet, reentifully carved and niely polish- . : air.- Pranih plat* pier and oral Mrrrora; eoetly faee and brc'a'el Curtain*: elegant rosewood and mahogany B -dseeda, B'irfiue. Waabatasd*. EngHiah Tapettry. Braacrlt and ingrain Carpet."; pure culled hair Mattrteee*; mab.ifiov and w iluut S :u i liaira. Ac; a choice collection of Hit Paiatiaga. by the moat eminent artiata of modern I.met, b eut.tul.v decorated I BBB* tales Marble Statuary, two- SUver Tea Service**, ela- gintly rri'.bosied; gold band and decorated China Dttiti-r Set; oraaoin and alabe. ter Ciocka, Brüssel» an 1 \ t-nitian Si air Carpet. rtet.t Rodt tod Ear*. Oil Ciotha; mah -grr v Eary, and rlor Cbiiraj China Ttdlet Set*, girt (ornieea, heeatilully painted Shades, Silver Cssten. t ake Bask-ts, Fnrk*. Spoona, Salts, tie.. Irory Cutlery, Cat <>la**ware. Beda aal Be I- ding; cane aear, maple aad wa nut I hair* he. The lal* will take plarr witbeet regard to weather. Htaav T. Likdi. Aoctionrer. AUCTION NOTICE.ELEGANT H0U8E- HiH.I. Pt RNTTI'RE. Rovel Uli. TON t ARPE Vi, run- wot d PIANO-PORTE, OIL' PAISriNtlS, Preach Plat* MIRBOHS Ac .HENRY T. LEEDS will aeil THIS (Thurs¬ day! MOBNINO »' IC\ o'clock, by Catalogue, the entire contents of 'he lane fooreiury bouse. No. Id llesch at.. neu St. Joha'a Park, emlitncing a raperb ami or ly collection of r eh rreud and u >h gany Eurnitnre, the wh le of which will be sold wi'bout the least reeerrait >i. aa the fain le are removing to the counter. The aale wi eommen-e preciacly at P i o'clock with th- htr-heu and I'.uaemeot FarcitB'e, all if »hieb it in tbe best order, v:x.: Coking I'tenii't. Crockery, Gliia-U'are. t ate, MBlly Silver-Plated War*. Tea anj Ii.i ing Tiblei. solid mahogany Extension Tib'e. miple tn 1 mahogany Chaira, Sofas, R ekcre. muaic and c m er StanJa, Mirror*. Clucks. M .ntle Ornaments. Oi c!.-tha, k.c Pariore. Elegant royal Wilton Carpets. magniSci-nt rosewood Piano- Forte, ef tpl.ndid tone and finish, cat **00; two costly iisewoo.. Parlor Suites, in -stiu brocade, made of tne riehen material end ot tint c t i w. rkmanahip; row-wood Etag r¦¦ w th p ete g aea di ors and bark lined with a*tin-wood, eegintly carved, cost #150; tvnewood Center, Side and Ma Tablet, rose- vi d Corner Manila, large Kreuch Mare Mirrort lie Window-« Et; alao. a great rarirtv of Oil Painting*, containing wet \n. I e vt-oika of art; rieh China Veert. M anile t'l >ckf, Pariia at d ( h ua Pigores, mahogany and rosewotel theirs in hair ckth; togrlbrt wi'h the Furniture of All Hie Bedroom., c >ual.t .nx of Ceipeta. Mirrora, double and aingle blackwtlnut lle.l tteat't, elegant mah. gany l!*.<«teed*,B'ireius. U a.hstanda. H i.r Mittleres. Toilet Set., Stair Cstpets. Rods, Odrloth id Hall. A* B A. M. Mrtw s I Y BANGS, BBOTHEB .v Cm -Trade- Bak R.mrns No. U Park-row. o "N t uefi. it I o'r! vi mmj COINS AND MEDALS.A larg.-. ileciiouot Aiu-rican and Poia <n l ein- aci Meiiala. in (eold. Silver Copp -r atid lit-.»ox I, incliioing MM that are very valuable and e\ce-dit.gly rare. THl'RSDA Y AFTERNOON. June 7, at 4 o'clock. VAL1ABLE L lU kND MISt I.I.A EOI S LIHH kRY Uni t the en'iie prime Law Library of the ;»re \V| un J h n u, b ao.. deceased, comprising rotnpla'e teta of C »:nmo i Law und Ciiancery Repot'a Adunraliy Reports, t inted St ites and Sute Lawi.Digeats, Indie,t Conmeatafbtt Tretilae,. includ¬ ing man. rare an.; .a'uable English and French Law Book«, be. Alto inc uded in the catalogue, to be eo.d iuimediaiely afar the Law Ib^.ka. ia Mr Jol naon't clleeti u of choice Miscell*- neotia Bot ka compriaing valuable Engll.h. French and Ameri¬ can pnl licatit i.a. embracing many oxceeding'y rare book-, in . iv.-iety on the llitiory of Americ*, which are now tit of print. Äc.J OxoBcr Cook, Aucthmeer..Bt Stotkb k Cook. ELEGANT NEW an.) FASHIONABLE LUR- NTTI Rl 4c.-On TO MORROW (Friday! at 101 unlock, a; Saltiroomt.No n't Broadway.corn'r of,*n> xteniiva aasoriment of cnatoni-made rornitnre. ern-isting ofr aewaid P.t r Fur t-i.e n -. il- in .c'i and taeh or, r ver uga. richly rarvni Etsgere.. Facritoirea, Srcrrtariea marble-tou Tables of every yrrietvboth in at vie and finish, cu<tom-m*d'- extensi in Dinii < I at- i'«. Dtnit g-lto. m I hi r«, Sid- bovr-la, tiialiog .ny S. taa.Tete-a-Te'et, Easy Chairs. Arm do., tpring-s -at Par'or do, r evened, maht cany waimit and oak Bureaue U aslistrnde U ardr- bea*, Mattieaats, I'aili isa-t cane and ru-h teat (hairs, Ac. Alto, Oil Fainting* and French-p ate Pier and Ma-itl* 0 lasses. Also. Silver plated isd China Ware and Table Cutlery. ( are., ail' a t. the morning of sale. J. T. Mot I to*, Atictioneer. FOET HAMILTON PBOPEBTY at AUCTION Positive aala of Iii V 11.LA SITES to the highest bidder, to It-,! i. the gi. ,nd FRIDA I lune I. «al* to cm.mine nt -' o r oi k. 'I he ie vary in J>- from i'ixl1« to hilf au arre. many 11 them are h-iL. eou.ely aha led wi:h foreal tree* com- mantling a In.; viatl ..f the hay and ocean, together with aj tb* In e>i .can-ry in the world: go id bathing tithing and The railroad It now in . Hate of completion, ami is to ma dim tii tu tbia Property, and steamboats i>!y to and fro n Foit Hami'ton8 i.met a day, thus rendering tlio property ac ce.aible by land or watrr. Teimt eaty. The rleamer NORWALK will leave Amoe if, at 91 and tatl f||hjj ll MM 11.,1 .'J. and from Pier No. 3 No th River at 10 A. M. ind I P' bt For Ere TicVets. Maps snd fill particulars, aptly to JAMES W. Ii \ i.r. ER, No. i Nassau-it., or to J. T. MOL ETON, Auctioneer. Rls-I I.l W. Wann ott. Au. lloueer. /MNTIIi. HOUSEHOLD EUBNTTÜBE, \ * Ri»EWooii PIANO FORTS. VILVRT ( kRPETS, Mir -ill MIRRORS Ac.TO-MORROW (Friday), at the No. gih av.. near litb-«t., commencing ai V'\ i/c'tck. Tbia furniture is all in line order, and conaia'e of a ui| te ass. rtu.ent of rosewood an m tbogiuy Par.or. Cbam- tier ind I'itiinr rconi Fiui iture, all of which U to be told without reserve. A caih ibpoaii will bo require.! of eyJry 1 nr. baser. I' ronASfi in part rich Tapeatrv Bruaaela an I Inrraiu Carpets, solid rosewood Parlor Suit" In hiue and g il l bri cade. rtta. wcod and mahogany Tete-a-Tet -s, ntarble-top rataaread Btnagf* Fr B*b oval Mirrors, rich Mantle Va*es, ii.arbir-ti'P naewi t'd Center and Sofi Tables, roaewoed fs-oc- t*ve Melodei n ir de by Carhart, Reception and Arm Chairs, rotewi d anil mahogany Bedtteada, marhle top ro<»wixid Bu r* i-ui with U aahatands and Coniniodea to uiutrh, two »upe-ior lo gattaa*, large pure hair Mattrrtaei. Ft a'berbedt. Book¬ cases. SpriLg--eat and French Cotlag I Ch ilrr ro.ew wl and rual'i .any Roik-r.-. Ac. with a valu ib e v inety ..f Bitement Fi.mirure, I) ning and Breakfast Tablet, rieb, cut (llaasware, Crock ry, Siuerw*re, t bina Seta, Oilcloth, Stair Carpet*. Ac. Ca'ah guea a' bouse. Sale without regard fo weather. F. Coltov. Auctioneer. /MM EEL HOUSEHOLD EUBNTTUBE of \ ¦ »v.-r ftc .F COLTON will tavU TO-MOi ROW (Friday) at If) o'eleck, at tbe AuiUon Koimi.No VJ leitMaa al. .v ie-v large assortment of.good CAHIN'E V Kl H Nil Ii Fi of M. hogauy and Rosewood, comprising Parlor, Dining-room, lie.t room ind Bsaement Ooods. auch it carved Befat anrl T-te-i-Ti-ie, full Frenrh lledstes la, Oothte do, msht gsxy and .pting aeat Chaira, Drrasiag Biireius, auarble- lop 1 . n'rr, Card and Sofa Tab es. Ho keasei and Secretaries, Ft-1 rh plate and öval Mirrors. I lil Paintings Carpets and Oil- iloil... ak and hlai k-walnut Dining and Eitenston Tab! a, eeeoi.ii-hand Fun liare. Ac. Also the balance of Mortgage taWgrbj remaining from last aale. More fall particulars on the .'..oiinng f-ai.-. LARGE BALE «X* VALUABLE PBOPEBTY at CHICAGO. THREE Tat OOS AM at LOTS rot ttLl. IN FI.STON A SHEFFIELD'S ADDITION TO CHICAOO. On ihe 5th day of H'.N'E next, at 10 o'clock A. M, of aai I day, He euderaigned will oiler for aale, at auction, to th* btgheat SEVENTEEN HI'NDREI) LOTS g In Elatoo Addition, C mpriaiig man) very deairahle water lot*ou the North Branch. ILIO THIRTEEN II N D R K D LOTS lo Sh-nVI'.'s Additit u to I hirsgo. Including many Bn« 'arge Water Lots, abtaste ou aad west of the north hrinch of the Chicifo River, and attording the favorable opportunity, AT PKH ES UITHIN THE. REACH OF ALL. For penl.aaiog Lots either for Residence* or for Business ot Msnuficturing purposes. This properiv is that known >s belonging to the CHH AGO LAN I) COM?AMI, and will be told on the grounds wiihoat telerye. Trims.tine fifth Cvah, balance in four annual paymen's with an pry e-rnt interest v. H M K OGDF.N. > Tritieet Chicago M. D. OGDEN, 5 Land Company. Title indisputable. For information apply to CI1AS. ULTI.IR, of A II. F..ERTWOOD. _No. 13 Wall-ac, Naw-Tork. Iltaar H. LcBM, AaetAenaer.By H. H. Lteot k Co. ON IHUKsDAY, Mav lil.MA KB LE MAN- TELS.-At I o'clock, ». the maib.e-wotki of Meaar*. Reidrntacb A Leevy.No. . 34th-it, between 5th and ath-ava., a fit e aaaortnirnt . lulian m Ided S'a'uary, aar red Stuaary. molded Statuiry, ueivy veined panneled statuary, black and r id Mantels,'i:ia Mante t, rich new style colored marble Mantels, and other deerriplinn*. Sold w.tnoat reserve. Lin be seen al y time before the aale. Hi mi II Li r -Itv It. H. F.n AC, g ON THURSDAY, Ma> 31. «4 13 o'clock in front f Siletfi in Nc. I Naaetu 11. A Canadian P'nv. fear yean old. 14 hands h gh, warranMd sot.i d anal kind in all barer., and a good amddle U.etc ; eaa t-ot a n tie In three n.xu'es. Ab», two iron gray Hortet, II bands high, foar aad dee yeira aM warranted scuud snd kind in ail hain»as. A trsy Pony II handa high, beLeerd ta> be wand, and ia kind le all barn'a* and a tine aaddl* rider; can trot a mil* tn few mm u <a to . wagon, bead only for want of use. Alao, a act ef Doubl* HerBin. Htanr H. Lata*. InarhMiai By H. H. Lica* A Cm. OIL PAINTINGS -<>u FRIDAY, .lune I, at II oV'ock, at H eir Gallery, over 'be Store No. ¦ Naaaaa-sL. ana* *f al.gtat Oi. Paint uga, ju*t reeaired tram Perlt, on eta vm. cmvex » | per and till .Cached to g aa- by the nee. c le¬ hn rd French act's, v.: t ham >-r: i Cardoli, Ltyorr Van *baldar. \aa Moller, Fiste le Pant, IL liutnan C. Browne, aa* others, rcmpiising fin* ciepte. from som* of the in-iri . «¦ kr*t*.i 1'aa.tina* in ibe L-.avre. bv G ense lernet. Van liy k . anH-trum Sir Dsn* \t ,lgie. Bert bom, T-ni-tt an 1 others A.a., * rn.oter.f6n- n'i P.r'ur't in the ».-h.r,» ,f R tb-rat Titian. Uuade EOester Vera t, god others To kc *oi 1 without r- -> rvr A so aa invoice of very ealaab * old Oil Ptia'inga ju-t re ceased Irem Europa, tow landing »x ahip Sir Kohr, P**L *V. S, MiLteOB, AartJavBMf.By Hoccmtob b Mr.LLoa. Sl'PERIOH MADE CABINET Ft BNITUBE.. THIS DAY. iThaxwlay.) *t lo, e/cliMk. at th* Saiesro* a. No 1 ' N*s*aa-*r.3 gold gl t frame (hi. k French piMe laaitle Mtrrori, aoxJT; five richly -ornamented frame Paer Gta*.e*,ataMJ. with gilt frtm. marb.e-top Table*, ae.rrai tupcrior toa*d <j and T-oetive F at.o-F arte*, mad* by firs' c ass city mag in; on* It earsi bast 0ohibaataagataa pa 'at ."-r Watch, coax aiko We invi'e the ttade and othert about referni.omg to f tew the .Uack prerv u* t" sa.e. Country m-r< haeu caa bar* an i .es locked eh,if. or ati.ied oi, th* pren.twstst a reaaiinableeharf-. Fand- are ionriata ra part of roaewoed, parlor, chanauer aad li¬ brary fiirnuure. ah cef which i* au*d« in tha mot tabiae-ial manner, sod is «ach as can be relied a poo.beacaiesl* plash aad hair cloth patior raitei wuh rieh center 'ables to match; Eta- fete* ."ideboardi U ardriehe*and oi her rich piaoM ha rosewood. maFt gany, oak and walnut; peteat eiutosioa am tag Tables of the e'e* ail It. aad designs; Ban. Veltaire, i asy sod e<n»r a-.1, i,; j j',. I; r... ;. , VV , studs t* naa'eh. w-th a lerg* eaaaftaaaat A aatdlum c.sss furni¬ ture, Sota*. i. Hau Mar PsiUaaa**, In.-.a I ertcrrans. corner stands case-seal ( hairs rich China Vase*. Maga-le Otaam-tKa. riocks. he. Catalogue* new ready H*TTKitr loiDt«, At«Hmeer. JORDAN A C«> will «. II on PRIDAT El W$ IKO. Jeae I, »t 7 «VI «1. h rheir Si'e»r »-»m Vu f.. He«* w*y t 1.-»* ra'e'. <ue .< ROOK v STATIONERY eni KASCf AUTK Li S. < e'alogue* now ready. npj Mi ,,< BANT T\!I.«»KS nd CKnlHIKIM. 1 -H M n PPINO 4 Ott tY-fl Hl oo FRIDAY, Ja t* | Bl etr Aver ni.tim. No. J2 lln ad-at. e la-g* *«*ort-n*it«f' 81 MMEH ( L"1 .il.Mi. ci*iit<i**a>f black am! ologod Drea de D te Menno A arterca etil (Jaeen Cloth frock »od S ai Cnet»; aleo, I whrf, ( mnnioret «a fair« tad coljr<< I Duck erat 1 l' Cot« "etrtucier an 1 farm Sa'ln mim, m large aaaa.itttit 0' of Drap d'r Mer 'i > and Linea l'rnl I'antat a . ;>r«« fr-rtv o**«01 tr Haft »::d colored Maral loa Vraeej . :: ii aUh «rill be io:d witb..tit rMerre by a party le.-liatae bn.iLcae Ti e acme are vi Ibta » eeou'a make aa luaaafaa-1 tare, ami rdfer ledneaaietil ta tbr trade, Iba eamt beieg alt dtt»" aireb.e and f.aht. nable attlee edap'rd i.« the preeerat «rear. I C R. MiU «* A Cck. Anctloaeer«, \VIIL SELL .tt public auction at the Mer. TT . , ...!. »THI K ~ I \i ina lt. last at tl >'. k et tane IIOl'Kl am1 LOT. trotted at 'be terminal of Be, Tieana-ar. and ill iancfb»a wl-hlbe Brooklyn and Jamaica da dt- road. Eat' RTeWTatb, tlin e -y frame bei'dleg an'h lern eti.r» on flre» fli-or. AI») «n Hou«e» «dlomlut. .»>*i"> ear*, f .;, ..!.». . I' ai kr id h nea'ion ef rate property kl i.nrnelled. Tertue .ibe.-al aa 1 -e * enll periaap. bar*. »<.-ful'per'lcalare epp<y tu C. R MILL KR 4 Co., Aaa> t:. Leer» So. ISA Hroadwav. . »HAKKS. BERNSTEIN A PHIl*J*Ifti Real Eetataand Ooieral Ai'criorieeri. So. 51 Llheny-tr», r !. or tr m Neeeen -- eill |<n< tu< pereuoa »" Btiaa ta ealeart Real Eataie. Stock». \ c.»*le end Mortgagee et paMhl or n. ete eele. end to the ea'.e a* aaction of Carg.»e*, ltou.eb.Nai Pnniltnie. .- I uay .Work» .1 Art, Jetrelry, Ae., taaf to ut do. r eale» generally M. rer l.bera'lr «J»erc-d on Real K.ttat*. S*.«k», Knrui'nre i r.. b-tt f. r »ale with nr Uiaaae negotiated. -financial. DTOCRfl mi BONDS at AUCTION.REOÜ» IO I.AR SALE-ALBERT O. NU OI.AY wi *. rilli IIAV Mavlil, et l.'| o'o..<k. at tbe Merchaut»' Etc bang >, faj nr. im io ,\ e rt. .'.: M.«0 Iiiriem l.a.lioa.. I.t Mort»«*.- 7 f> e -nr Hon» each. + BVIW Teneaeee Stet* « P cant Boa.U-+I.Oi«J each ? 1.110 New-York an » Erie Railroad 7 cent Boeda, .MAM* O.len» and t Ikmto I uioo Railroad l*t MofU»«» 7 cent Bord». *1 MUeacb. . lSii" Vliginia State ij f r-n" Iloti.U MR I Irrel and. reneuiiV and Aalitabula Railroad 7 f> .-. r.- Mo".me Bord« if 1 0- e c film \\ aud« Kai: road tat M >: » .** If* ei 11 B«a»W llilff eerh. Ol «» N.w YrrkCuv . |> r rt Wat. r Stock, lir .harr» t nmbarland Coal to.-* 100 each. XC .hare* CaUwiaee, Wi and Krio Rail ad.aal ruck. An .hare* B. wer» riank.»>25 a. b. 7l »bare. 1 b»th*m Biuik f.'A each. i mmeicial . ,ie I: oirar ... Co +.V) each M .h.r.. \\ MM, fmmk A Co.'» K»prea.*l«0e*cb. Iraiii« Ure Intarance t .. -?Jrak bfi .harr» Kult..n Eire loeiirence Co..*» each. .1 thara* ALantic fire lil-ui nice Co. <>l Brooklyn.A BJ each. »' .bare* St. Maik'.Kire Inaiir-nce Co..ti'ieacb. * rbarra On cer.' St. am Su»»r Reliiiln* Co..jJHoO each. I»b»re P.i.'tic Veil S Co. *l,<9>>. 10 .heir. Balan.e Pock Co.-*If"each. 750 »hart* Varmoat Mining Co..*5 each. 5T »har. a Now Cr-« k Co.I Co.-d>M each. 50 .hare. Ilampehire Coal aul iron Co. * 100 e ich. l.oo »Iure. I'o i mac Ci ppei Co. 730aheree Isabella Copper Mining Co.-*!0 each; with ta* Ii ,.i- di> id. nd. lohe »oll in one lot, toae'h.-r with « certain contract tor *¦".0, beid ae are air y for the »bore Slock Tr*M» or S»lk..Tin per cent thi* da», an t'ie hilanee be¬ fore i o'clock to-morr. ¦'. The accrued luterest on Iho ii at will be cheiged to the h Ne»t lit lab .0 MONtVAT, Juue A Patiric B»»«. Naw iiiaa, May Ii, UVV DIVIDEND..Thf Uoarl of Dinvtora of thu Benk hare declared a dividend of tU\ R PER CKNToa the rapual a'ock, parable to the Srockholdere on and alter the |»t or lone nei' 'I bo Trao-ter Book, will be cl.iae.l from tue tt'i to the 31 et imt., inrii«if e. Reorder of the Board. J. CAMPBELL. Ja.,C«*hl«c. DIVIDEND..TIM BtMtrd of Directori of tha HOWARD INSI KÄM E I (IM 'AN Y have THU DAT declared . Dir.d- im of TEN Per Cent, upon the Ci-.iiai Si... k, payable ou and af. r MONDAY, th" tth diyul June neat. HENRY A OAKLEY, Secretary. Ntw York, May 3T, I .V5. _ .M Orrtca or Mtmi Doacaa.l ..rank Co., I B»\k«ta. New Yoaa, M ly H, IkiV. ( INTEREST DUE JUNE I. on th.- lolljwing Berartt will be paid at thti office: A LB i.N i I ITT Bl NHS. Bl E. ALO CITT BOND*. KEoKI K ( ITY lo.\ A BONDS. Bi.LV IDE RE IO LAW ARE RAILROAD BOaTDS, Aleo, ti.e BONDS OE THE CIT1 OK BIJKKAL0 which expire Jane I. DI'N'CAN, SHERMAN k Co. 1 1*>J0TICE..The INTEREST COl T'iiNS on tlkt A. « Second Mortgage Honda of" The Buffalo, Corn og *ud Sew- i ok Railroad Compare." tmt June 1. Ik55, will b* pai l it th* Leather Manulactnreni' Bauk on pi**ent*tion. r. DA» IS. Jg.. Tf*oirer. X'OTICE The Jl'E. INTEREST on th« Ii I ii II. KI ND BONDS of the State of Calif.rai* a i le paid br JOHN COOK, Janiar, at bia oxVe, No. Jt Lna.'w«». ou the preaenretiuu of the Cou|M>n. on an after ih* 3(th of June, 1855. ^fH Bakx or TMg CoMMORWgai.TH, Nrw-Yoaa, blay IH 115A T"HI ANSI AI. KCl.i TION for DIRECTtiRI A of th*. Bank .nd for INSPECTORS of the next entning Eli cti .u w.lI ha h. Id at the Banking Horn, on MOSDAY, the Ith .laxv ul J r i..-xi. l.e'». eo :i I. -.'» 1.' and Jo/cbiai. OEOROE ELLIS. ( aehUf. Orrici oi rar OALatM Abo ( Hic»..o I'gioa RR *"«..{ Chi. ai.o. May i. lSja. I ANNUAL MEETING -NotiM ie hereby ffirr« I., the Stockbolder* of the O.M.ENA AND 'lie VOO CNTON RAILROAD Id that the ANNI'AL MEEDSi) ef aaid C. ro] any. for tbe electl. b ol Director* and treneaoioe ef othi r m ceaeary bnalneee, w ill b. held at the Office of the Caal pany, in Chicago, ou WEDNESDAY, th. Ich day of Jan* Beat,? at 10 ..'click A. M. W. M L IRK AII EE. Secretary. HBO.iiwgy Basa New Vork. May H. 1«». 17LECnON .The ANNUAL ELEi TION for I J DIB El Toils tri nxfa Henk. and for INSPKCTORd I Iba next ruining Ele.tlor .will he head at 'he Banking-il .use, No. SI liroadw y, on Tl ESDAY, the 12th day of Juue n uxiato, betwei n the boun of 12 M. and 2 o'clock I' M. My order, _ J. L. IVERITI' t'eaaleg. Ulrica im. Mo oii.»\ -ot rui ks imi ) IXDIAkA Kan.ami. Covtraa T, No. I* Willlern-et., > Nie I .a, Map«, "OA I Notice IS HKl.i r.v (iivi v. that ataai5wi. Ing oftbe Stockholder, of the ML ilD.tN SOI'THKRM KAILKUAD ( O.Mi'A.NV. held a. Adrian, tri the S'ele of Mich¬ igan, od the S5th day of April I..'. It wee rata I that eald Com¬ pany be eouei.H.ta'e.; with the NORTHERN INDI \:» \ H \|L- ROAD ( OMPANT, Id piinmanc* of (he lawi of ibo 8i*'e off Michigan; and 'bar a' a meeting of the Stockholder* of the KOR1H.BN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY, held *t I-M rtt Indiana, aa 'he Jith .lay of April leaf, It we* rated that tie .,io NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPlNT be ca.nea.lida" d with the MICHI'lAN Sol rilKKM It »IL- Ro\D COMPANY aa luthoriaed he toe law* o: ih* State eg* lunlana. Ar 11liar In punmauce of the aaid rut**, an agrco* ment ha* been concluded bei ween lbs aaid MICHIoAJI SOI TERN RAILROAD ( OMPANY and tb» mid NoRITI- ERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY, wu reby thay hare ber. m. mrrgod and eon«,li.l»'e<| Into ene Connaar. tt td III: MHHJOAN -oi niERN V N D NiiK .if K.RN INDIANA RAILROAD COM PA M IV" Holdere of Stock in the old ( ompaaie* art PMeaated ta tegW rei. l. r imme.iioiely their obi Certlficatoe of St<«k, and'ak« oaf new I . 'iticata. m ihe Cna lidatr i Comtiaaiy. Hy or.ler of rke Board of MM in. _J. M. HOPKINH.Beeretary. OiiKt nit Mia«ir»..t* Mimixo (oairaar.J 187 (ir*enwia b-.t..New York. May RKk.ltA*. f k* I'RANSFEN BO0KS of tbit) lOMIANl wi he hn.iir .¦!.*«.< on S tTCRD W . , ., 'i'1 ''f J' n> m xt. preparatory 'o lb. d.»«ol.itl..n of the praeeog i u jai y end ita re-oieaaitaiionund'r tbe ii.n-ral Min ug Lint of the Stete, f Mieteten. The liridend payable on the Mill July nut. will accrue to 'be ttoatboid r. oi v. iioiii at ii. >a.d ,u>. «lug A epecial tn.i final m e Ing of aal.' at. C'holdera will be h*l J at ImOiei aa « BOB Es DA V, tl.* I lib dty of June next, at ll o'c.iik, A. M.. (e carry into effect Cie ditaolatlon of etil MINESOTA MININO COMPANY, a* raeolrad at the la'« Ai Meeting; end Immediately tharealier, oo the »am* d*Q tbe but n rttiug of t'cckhoi lei* under tbe aew orgenitttioa wlR be bel.t for the election of Otticen the e<l..ptb.ii ..f it. Ltwe, and tbe tieneectloa of other n<ceaeary buatb aa to complete that aaid re-organ.aa'b.n tctordmg to law. By old- r r t the Dir.core, _BAML'EL J. W. BARRY. Se.-r*fary. LOAN for |iK.'>i>ii.iiDO. Kor KefuodiM to th* holder« of the Canal Revenue C-r'itirate., Itetelnader th*» .- I,, ij .. r nur hundred in.l eighiy Oveol 'he law« axf ihr year * gbteen hiimjed and blty-oo*, tha amoant recatta* in'o the 'i'rratnry tbereoa. 1!.. i .tniaeiooere of the Canal Fend, by vlrta* of the at) rn ir .d An Acr to provide for the En.argani -ni of tbe Erie* tLeO.e.f. .j.,; the (atoxa an Sen., a i'ui.i. «._.! f.rtbt f oi i>> in n of the p'eck Kirer end« Vali-y Caoa.a and t i rovele lor the Pevin. ur of rertaio Canal llev.-aue C rtjjj rate* and fatr attaer parp***»," p«*«ed April 15 14VI. kerakf fire notice that Sealed fropoeei. will lie received at the '' iei*j 'ejarteieot urn; tl.e i> 'h dey of Jane next e' IJi/cloek ot lb*'day f. r « .etn of ONE Kl'. r III NDHil 'I Ii«.I saMi L< LLAMS. for wbeh trxn.feralx* iiiiaatilti tt at. < k wi. be iatued in tbe name of the People of tbe fftate <a Nrw-Ycik. bretieg Interne at the rate ..f aia per eamt p»r*e> earn, payable .pxeiterly the Rret dev. of January April jLly end October In eack re,,, ».d ih- principal reimbe-eakv* oe be fintday of Ja,y ISTJ. It it to be trnderrtood 'k i the Cnmicieevmert are to U et liberty to take a lew mm if tlx* offer* tie not inch ae in h> ir opinion art edv.a'aeroaa to th* interrat of the H-gte. The propoae a may be for the wh i e eg any fart ol Mini ban not let* tnan*i«tC. All pepota.« to b* . i' '-.' L' et N Y ih Hl» P i i Mr. Hoi ( AN AL REVENLE CI RTIEICATER.' ami incioaed ta at envel.ere directs to tlae A adfor of the CaatJ Deparm -n< * Albany. Tl.* will be reqeired to be paid ffre per cent <m the aeeep-aeee of the prop, eel tad tke kaatmaa on the 4aIt g«e of Jane negt if pa. ! at the New York S at* Bank in A beay. eg 00 the 3f th day of Jute next It paid at th* Bank e( tbe Maoiea> tar. ( on |«i.y [a N«w-York; but tbe ntooet aril, be r«e«ited nd .crip lamed ai aay laa be-foie if dewrred after the award of tat loan la ancle Paymeat* to be made by <tepo*i(iag the taese ta tbe crtdit of the Treeeurer of tbe State on areoemt of tb* ( atal Fund ' m tb* Bar a of tlae Maabaltan Cu:npxa.y New York, nr !.'be New York Sute Bank ta Ik. City of A'baey. la'eiaet in tbe ioea will earaetfe <m the kr t lay of Jolt next, . '..I 'be h. r- .t -e. ,n the Kin. and S-eaad ... c* i' -in. t. and i! uee reaMrng unt of the etat* tritl .*- reite tbaieierett ¦« the etuck h lei by them oBarterly ai net Bank of 'be Mar h.tra., f la the City of New Yo-k. tS. .il tber etocabootert tt tbe New-York Stale Bauk la 'fce Ctef ot Albente-Deieel Carnal l>ep*rtamvet.r, Albeay, May tt, ltAk HENRi J. RAYMORD. Lie^iOaereraaw. 3A4 M COOK. C imitiidlin E. W LrAVT . U li'y of fkttt*. K 0 PAI LDINIj.Tn \IKl<;h 4 GREEN LEAF. OtiU» No \TIV i'l ii*rii-et., will g+te pr.entt* to 'be Peerbe*. md -a. -Ho ks P.o.sft.s ky. ateuny aa Cimaaatna Of dot* raapactful.y tidkitad. i It AS A fcfEIOa. let* ( eehaer Am Ex. Bteak. A. W. oKEES LEAK, late of No. » Weil**. ¦¦¦¦Ml Iii tmiiifami f itkaaga B-ak. ataak af tb* Rt> paeix, Meuopoiitaa Baak. MtwrAeaie' RanA. -1

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1855-05-31 [p 2]. · vtttvoe, No. 40 Pirk-sip, upsiairs, v m11 to I u'ciueA IX» 1JZT.No. SOBROAD-ST, witha fninion ttom-M Ayfiyto NESMITHbOt,

BOAjm-Tbt» 3 pliant brovrrs-ftooe HOUSED\ZlrU with every «KAerv, Inx.ry «ad e«ir»o»«^. ¦»*«;

._ '.'i^--V £. al n.^ir> rJt lath an. b-tw-en llnol

3tfcamwäc«y wUiaad cat."» farrrehte owporr

BOAHD in » EKENCH FAMILY..Gentlemenwbo wish to leamlh' FKENCII LANGUAGE bv praet ee

MtaSlTa TF.ACIIE« of FEF.NCH .1 No. t* l«h «

SU th*t >.4°"' "olI « rC;t'n bT th» feroty who «. .« I

ZlaaaaaY art fron Pari«. The term* will mc.ude all the ae

m"^r «ato» aad tb* Board._

BOARDING.No. ('»* Varirk-at, St. John*Park. Oeat lernen an their wteee, or «Ing e O-o' eraei.

... ii maaie itatr 1 wob Hll'IMS, ei. «ni e ai > -gl-.

\tmm* er a*f*rnevh*d with foil or partial BOARD| Raak aal

ac. Thla location la eery convenient to the buaia . . part of

tbe'eiiy ?efereoree rxibanged.

CARDING.Gentlemen and their Wire*, andaiagie Gentlemen can had comfortable .leertera at No. S

Caaleea pier-. -*»¦¦>-:-. Tr.naaaet and Day Ü r

an tsk'B._OAKDIN« at No. 177 EAST BROADWAY.Proat end back Par or in aeeood every to let with BOARD,

to Gentlemen and their Wives; LUewiee. a Room for a

4aaBjal*B*aav _OAEDING.At' No*. 45 and 47 East* Ut*mm-way, tor Oentlemen and th.-ir Wire* aad aingl* Gentle-


BBOARD"WANTED-I'v a Man and Wife, be-

twe*« Chamber* and ('aaal-a a-, we.t of Hroaiwsv vi

drere N. A. B., stating term-, kc, Tribune Office 1(


FURNISHED KOOMSand HOARD.In ahouaebaring all the modern improvements, la Urb st.. bc'.w«. n

5th and Mb ara Pail rs en i rl. ,r .in, to aecomanelate t*t or

three Oentlrmcn aad their Wives in food a'yl* and with tie-

cenforia of . home. For farther per.ieu.era apply at'.he JewalryMere IIa. <M Broadway._IBURNISHED R(N»MS to LET.A lari<e front

aad back ROOM bandawoiely furnished, on the second fl *r.

Ala* large ROOM on the third bear, Bath. Ac. Breakfaet aadTee if reouurrd. Apply at No. 182 r renklin-at., near Hudtou-st.

FURNISHED ROOMS.In a Houae having allthe modera Improvements, wi bout ehi.drea or boarder*.

Farlottand aingle Rooms, off, ring erare aeleciunfor 0*BI «inen

wUhiog handsome anartmrnt« in . daairable location. Apply at

Ho. M4bd-av., one door beiow ISih-aL Reference* exchanged.

VEGETARIAN BOÄBMNG HOUSE.No 13Wonrter-tt. Fine Room" with Bath*.

WANTED.By two Gentlemon I friendi) a PUB-NISIIED ROOM, with PA It'l A L BOARD, in a pri-

vtte family, in vicinity cf tlh-ai. and ui-ar Broadwiy. Ref-r-eece* exchanged. Address C HAS. 11 Tiibuur Olflee, with par-tii ii sra, for two days. .

I 61/kl GBI^E^tT corner~of Prinoe, in aleavlf'i am*.I private family, the FRONT ROOMan-t HKH-HOOM attached, in the aecontf atorv, o<aly furiiiahed, Osi andBath in the boner, will be LET to a single O-ii'lenun. ROOM on the third atory. All will be let without Board,and good re ferrnce re juirt d.

Donors to tel.

ASTORIA .SMALL COTIAGE to LET orLEASE. Contains six rooms, cell«, small barn, cistern

and spring water, nice garden of one acre, with shade trees andaahrubbery; about M mile* from the Ferry. Omd urighburbootLTo a good tenant the rent w.ll be only *>l»n. Inquire ofCHARLES W. ll ABI), No. 64 Front a'.


to LET. Rent moderate. JOHN C. ORAKF, Idnth-tt. A Uaii-vv

BQADWAT 8TOBE to LEASE fer^l [REEYEARS from the 1st of May ntnat-d b***W Caual-vt. .and

f oeisistlug of one Room on lat fl... ; ahmr ?0vllf *, on.-'io.'.

floor Mxl4, and an ell 21x11, aLd three siorlea. Applv la OSO.O. IIALLOCK, No. 21 Suflolkst.. before DAM., at 1 o'clock,aad after 6 P. M.

HOTEL at PIKesV11.Le",-MABYLA n D, forRENT or for LEASE..This house is r.ituat-i! eight milns

from Baltimore, upon the Reiauratown rurnpike Ro.i !, on- .1

the most traveled in the neighhothood of the city. The mi ]

building r, nipriaea four large l.iaement Boomt, fmr largeRooms and a wide Hall upon la* main floor, and abon' lifteearomfortabli-Chambers on the aecnnd and thir I fl.mrs.and a

wing conni rtrd contains the Km hin ind .'" rvanl's Cbiinb'raAtlaehrd to the Hotel are .sttbling and Sheda, and aeveral acres

of liinund The |.s atiou of thla property la particularly advan¬tageous for the putpo-ra i f any on-' wishing to keep * SnmrnwrBoarding Howe or * Hotel.*a tnauy familiea fiom the city are

Bow daairoua i f obtaining aconi oodaiion in it aa soon as it¦ball be , penrd. Its position U elevated and In a district of

reentry noted for salubrity.a PoatOrhce abtat at hau I

bulr* a daily mall, aud at ieaat three public conr -vancea dallytnalnmin coihmiinieation wlih the rity. The rn i'f pr.iprr; v ii

now undergo'! g a tborougli rep nr. and ia otler -d lo auch personscmly as can give ecHHl reference an «aii-fari.iry aaaurancc thatthe House shall be kept in a reputable manner.

Possession can be given rsrfy in June. Written propoialsmay be eddrrased to JACOB HYLAND,^^^^^

Pikesville, Baltimore County. MeryUnd.

HOUSE to LET in BEVENTH \\ AKD.-Amoda ra three-atory and baa inent HOI'SE wlih Haa aud

Water tbroagboat, Raage la kitchen aad large Yard. Carpets,OMebatb* sud a part of Pun Iture for Sale If r."|iiirr Iteut

Inquire at Counneicial Register Office, No. In Bock-

NO 4(5 BROADWAY to LET, nnilllj throuirhto New at., wrll adapted to the use of Etpre« Cojipauif*.

R'ntlow. Applyto NE.i.Mll'H k Co., No. 71 Broadway.

OFFICE8 to LET.8ik.i*e Otloea ami iu idttM,in tbr new building of the Nassau I'ank, eomer of lleek-

naau *nd Naaeau-st*. Second story wrll adapted for Salesroomsfor Jeuilera and others. All the office* are well lighted, Badeery beeolifuily finished.Also, handsome Suites of Offices, suitable for Lawyers, in the

old building. Apply at the Hank.

OEEICE to LET.An rli-i-ant ami K|>t -ionnoffice, with Oaa and Crnton Wal, r. in Magnat dlta* Baak

Buildings. Apply to ROSWELL O. PIERCE. at., cornerBioadway.

K0OM8 to LET, with STEAM POWER.Inthe building comer of (ireenw ch aad lleaeh-ata., unsur¬

passed for piiiposia. Rent rery low to respon*aihle tenant*. At'idy to

_FERRIS k TABER, No SBC Oreenw h at.

STEADY I OWE.Kami LIMIT KOOMS tin oneSTOKE well two front*, at low rates, on Canal, Elm an 1

Walkct-aaa. The exteusiuu t Canal at adds utw sclvvniag- a.

Engine and tenauts tiiat-ciaaa. by Mr OA I UK IE. lud Walkers!

?iJTEAM 1-OWEB to LET..In light and airylO Kooms in . new buildlug In t :l -t. Apply to

_J. C. HULL b SON, No. 106 Cl.tT at.

4gJTEAM POW£B to LET.At Elijtabetlipnrt,H. }.. a two-atom ltrlck Building, 100 feet bv So. Aj. > t.,

aim Ii AI/., No i*TBroadv.av, or lo JOHN H. ROL-.TÖN,at Eliaabelhpoit

1^0 LET.A iwlendid COUNTRY RESIDENCEat Owl's Head, Bay Ri-lte, Long la an I, 41 mi. a Horn ibe

Hamilton Fetrv, with trotn four totwrnty ACRES aathe teuaut

may de.ire Ino House i» modern built, and routaiua seven

Hedrooina alao Coach Honar. Stable, Boa'-bnuae aal 0**altwell atiwked with vouug Fruit Tieea. The place lien eBaatdtatrl) ou lb* Bay, and ike llrookiyu 3d av. Railroad runs direct lyi«al the tioui gat*, ll will be lei lor six or tv> alee nionthe aud

fumisliad ot unfuruiabeA Apti'vto HUM EU Mt Iii t N,1*1 ie at.. No. J .Metropolitan Bank Hi ^

X) LET.A CfDTTAGE HOU8E, No. 137 W.-atagihat., li blocks from Broadway, with all the m > lern im-

pruveaarnia Can be seen » A. M. tij H I'. M Applywithin, or at Noa. M and 71) Wa-hlngton-st. It haa a rear bnckhuU.'.tuf. with 1- ui Sleeping R.k>ui>. conuertrd above an l.t w

making It Rooma in tab Kent. «.oou. Hseied all ovrr with the


r\\> LET at THROG'1 NECK, uear IVlhatnA Bridge, in view of the wat-r, a neat I 11 ITaHK. eoat*!vleg ten Baaaaa. Carnage House. S'ahle A,-., aid about fiveacres. I Laud, etiolating o' t*».d-!i and l.vwn. with Shade aidForest Pre*a k\ Ul be fumianed if tlrairrj. lo.iuue ,.| tMNHLAk .No 11 Spring -i

TO LET.A Landgome place in Wa«hiiikt.niav.. tb* brst part ot Uro. k vn fifteen mlnutea from Fulton

Fawn. Good Hard**. Mouse having all requisites f.r a ge.iteel^.nsmT^In^^'^.,* ,vr,-k-

n\) RENT.The 4*tor> an.l baaeMiaeRt houseR No. lit St, Markt place, wl k all the mod. rn improv.--

nerats and having be. u new,> papered and painted throughout,and in complete order. Poasra.ioa iuiinedlale v an! t.ut low

!<>» total leeaul Applv to W R. TATTERSALL, No. IN"Met i g>r at No. t Naaa.u a« , from 1 to i

r\\> LET.APARTMENTS, cmaiating of fourM fivooraix Riataus.aU In ,«d order, wi h gas an I bathApply at No tA Amity at.


bj/MJ feat well lighted and warmed la factory suet* sideW est 37th si.. £X> feet wr*t of 7ih av In )u., on the preuns -s.

IX) LET.Ou the 1 a>t River, at Raven*who,!,L. L, two aavdera-bailt cot! ALES, eleven R.i uia each.

Inquire of OILHERT HOPKI NS, at ot M hi.vtttvoe, No. 40 Pirk-sip, up siairs, v m 11 to I u'ciueA

IX» 1JZT.No. SO BROAD-ST , with a fninionttom-M Ayfiyto NESMITH b Ot, No. 7| Broadway.

XMLET.Tii* STt)RK and BASE MMN i n. Ml Broadway, between Park place and Murrav at. Th.Basement will be let separately, it desired. Inquire oa thepreaakaea¦TH) LET^iiT BiTiWiiaR No. 52 New-at, a Ur«>A DOVBLE OFFICI, *t a rery low price. Apply m

_NESMITH A Co.. No. 71 rtroedwsy

rj\) l.ct.Two Ronteel COTTAGES at RAX VEN8W OOD, L. I., with Oroaed* and attacheddirectly ia front of th* steamboat landing, at Lower Raven*woW. Stages peas ike Jix-ra, svrry hoar, to Oreeupcuat. Williaiosburgi. at, l.r. -knAlso tor sale two desirable BflLDINO LOTS each IM feel

*o road aad East River, and about AM feet in length next toMoamhoet lead in* Aprsy to HARRIS A Co., No.* Peck.lip. of tu J. S. HARRIS, uear the premise*.

IX) LET.At CtarenoeviUea. L. L half an hour'aride Irosa tb* city. ¦ neat two atory CtrTTAGE. with s-vea

rwarav aad rear lot* of ground Apply at No. .Sgl Oran ial_

VAN WINKLE, or oa the pre in tare.

T> LET.Part of H» H'sE No. 340 Atlantic atBrooklyn. Tea Parlors, two Bedroom* aad front Rase-

aaaag.^ A twos* dawArable, pleasant aad healthy reaideaca Real

^rAlJS^iX)TTA(iE with THREE ACRESf " of LAND for SALE.A pirtureacre* HOUSE cxxataiuing

IS room*, delightfully aitua'rd on the eastern slope of tb.- OrangeMoaatam In ORANGE. N. J., en* boar from tb* city by tb*Mom* and Essex Railroad. Fall parier«!era at

HOMER MORGAN's, No. I I'mc ft New Y j.-t

fionoce nnb /arme toantcb.

(\\ KM-Wanted to purchate a FA KM with goodr.« fi.y DWI LLINO-H'il'SE. wi hla 2" mllee « .»»*it7;

near e n * R«i road Depot or St**ml»o*t Lending, it mwM be

in.l«»-io»wi.r. fcteraodaga* ere never known. Addree.

W. <» Tnbnne lime. .letmi ttriee . '..' par'-" alert, andwhere an roUtetew res be bad._Ci«'KK WANTED.ToPURCHASE or HIREkr eoob ( f Cecal .'..a bniidlng »boat 25xJ0 foet a- t 2 it

l-ee than 75 feet In depth. The »m of Broadway pref-ire.LAu)'- ANTHON¦ J. BLEECKER, No. 7 Broad-ct.

Qral delate for Sale.

AKAKK CHANCE..AiroodFAKM for aale,two rr..>. from tt.e flountlntig Tilitte of Pi»infi-ld; eaid

farm rtntelu» W'eerr» 15 in e high ettte of rnltirati-iri. w*:|feu « d w' Ii wattred «'k> ai.d r- nvenient de»; it,( bone-. barn,eenv ge-Loo»r. work bop. ted other out bui diugt, and IStcreeof young wot d; et id ftren i* pleaaeatly aitoated on th» RehwtyRoad fr. ni Pleinlield. E-arx Cuante, New Jertev. For fjrtherpertiioltrt inquire ,,f JUH.N PVATT, No. y>\ Wa»hing--on-«t,NrwYirk. or E. f HAMBERLIN. No. 77 R ibinaon et.. near

trie Building, or nt JuliN RANDOLPH on the premieca

ASTORIA.. ELEGANT COUNTRY 8EÄTfor BALE.Hitnaied l| mile* Irom the Ferrr. with »p>n.

d.d view of th -Ifiv.-r and B»v. TV I Innee i« nearly new andeoLttlnt eleven Ho. n « C'.noe't end Cellar, marble mantlee. ia-nde 'buttere, blind» Ac Alan Stable. Cirriaee and other Out-lluil. mg», wi b iwn net. 1 of Orcond b-auttuhT laid ems witha large >arete of fruit, ornamental treea and thmbt. Thewhole pren iaeein go. d order. Term* eaey. At.plr to i IIAS.W. W/RD. No. *>4 Front-it.

AT PRIVATE 8ALK.Two I ota oFOr^ndon the eonth aide of 42.1 et about I in ft«t etat of Broad¬

way. Alto one Lot on north eaar corner of .ltrh-tt. and I lib er.Alan Iiiree Lota onainrtb-etti comer of Kttb-er. end Areaue B.For term*, A.c., »ppTy to BAKER k WERKS, Auctioneer*. No.6 I'me-.t.

COTTAGES Bl CLIFTON, STATER ISLAND,for SALE or 10 LET..One larce new COTTAOE. aitnat-d

about one ndir from Vender! i!t'» Landing, commanding a fineel. w of the Bay. It i* well fiultoed, and haa eeery conrenieneefor a ger.tet 1 family, and a good Coach-Houee, and from two tofour arr*a of Lend.

Alan, in aarne neighhorho id. a email COTTAOE, In goodortVr, with ( oarh-IIouee, and abont half an acre of Land. Forparfiru'art. apply to LEVT COOK. No. 71 Broadway.

(«OUNTRY H'.ATs f.r WALK.In WeutfbeaterJ Connie, rlxi one at White Plaina, II acre*, large Mention,

fuil gr< wn Tree*, excellent Frnit and Ki'rhen Oird-n pnreOI0,ftf one of 60 acrea on ibe Harlem Railroad. IS milea fromtberi'y; improve n.enta coet 070.1-Dti 5 yeara ago; price «> VO.t»""one of Ml arrea, 2(1 milet from the city, good land and euperiorbullding»; price a-lb.Min. Alto gereral fariut located within 50noli a of the City Hail, by lli.rlem Railroad, o mttining from 50

to BM acte» each, and reeving in price from 0 i.hfai to aVIU.flOU.Apply to ANTHONY J. No. 7 Broad 1-,

IP A ST NEW-YORK..CENTER Lots f<,rJ SALE and COTTAOE HOl'SES, and oiher BuiMlnge

rrtctrd in arcommi dating termt for payment. Eatt New-Yorkif growing rnpidly; I» at eatr and riieap af ac-i t at 10th et

Rxeafw fogtertna,alan*of bui Id ing. Ac, toC R. .MILLER 4Co.. Anction.ert,No. 195 Ernadwey.

FOR SAL K at V<INKERS.A delightful(HI NTHY RESIDENCE. The plare contain! three

acret ol land, v. ith a large and criiumodione two-etory ilonte.veranda whole front.r ontatnt 15 rootnt, 1. giu-heo an 1lannc'iT. Mtuation nn-urpa^ted. Large On bard. In foil bear¬ing; abundance of old Shade Treee, ami amml Fruit, in rariety;Oardtn letge and produrtire; tn rxteneire ami elegant Ter-rand Lawn, the houee ia newly tnmu>hed througiuut, endwill be told with or without tb- iumitur". Carriaget, Horeee,b. Poeatteion imir.ediatelr. if dem red. For aaxebj to view, ap¬ply to Ii. W. "RI (HARKS. No. J.r7 Bmaiway.

I.-ok sale.A EARM >.( lOiacrei io Wt-it-rhetter Qgajaty one mile and a half touthwett from the

Village nt Bedford, » hero an extiutire fem» e temiutry ig toonto be opened. The farm it ocenpied by th-.- owner. In line coddilion, good build n-<, Ac About fiur milea from NrwcatlleHtation on the Harlem Railroad. Alto, at Peek.kjII, a aaaarbefIii 11.DIM. SITE, et.ui three arret: ai exleo-iic ti-w of theHuriion Hirer, and three rilnniet' walk from the Railroad Sta¬tion. Apply to B. II. BROWN, No. 71 Wall-it., from 1 t > JP. M.

IiÖB SALK -11AD1 s< »NTÄiTT'ROI'ERTTT^ LOT tonlh of Jdth f.. extra aix«, wjuld

tee 80LI) a'a bargain und on liberal ternii. Alto a tirat-cleeeHi BE on :. b u>ar .'if. Apply to

ANTHONY J. BLEEI a Eft, No 7 Rroad-tt

17»0H BALE.A Rood HOUSE and extra lizfdLO'I In the renter of Brooklyn. Price only 0l,i»K). hi f

of wbiih niay icioainou Bond nod Mortg -^e. Applv at No. JS'I

RitHrni nl^OK BALE.HOUSE and KOT in,A tinatnlon Henry-it., near the comer of Protident at.,L. t .". f.'t » nie. riiuoir * back 117 f. . t ind r ruing *n L 2i I***wide on I'ir.i, rut ft,; ifonte a liret rlaea one, in perfect c mdilion, furni-neil with water, gat, and errry convenience. 60 te

7" per cent mar remain on F.r perml! to teethepiemitet epplj'to '.N 1 III LS . JHUMMIi, N 7 llroajtt.

FOR SALE or EX( 11a m. I.;.An elc«ant COI N-TRY SEAT, el Hempt'ead, L. 1.. wi h 10 acrea of Lea I.

Pure aH.'U'. No ii.ri:n,brance. Alto, one with tit aer*t Land,in Kiiiet County, wrh tnperior iuipruvemeutt.price 012,000.Al-i in id 4 acr.-t, near .1 itualra.commodi.iut H'eatej pric*? t Siti. WhMaetlar exchange f.r good city property. Appleto C. It. MILLER A Co., Au. ,N If. Iir..t.|w,iv.

h^OR SALE.Ad t lt«nrit COUNTRY Si:.\T andFARM in Wi »i< heeler Cniinly, within one mile-of the

rai.ft«.' i'i pot and tnleen mil. a of the t nr.ilo i ai 10 c ;.-i-: .1 about eit'y »1 .et of atiperi .r I. in Land

the mat:.ion, fri-rn-h .u»e end other oiilbuiidingi are all in excel¬lent tat'e, codi mcred aomr e'gh: yeara ag i on a liberal tctl'-Ibd al I c It of It lenet »f.l'O'i. Price «'Üi.lHal. For pxrtiro-ia.-iapjlyio AMIIDNi J. BLEECKEIt. No. 7 Bnatl-it.

t?0B BALE at a BARGAIN.S^on] ran nÜH<W able LOT8 at High Bridgrvilln. a ihort dittaucn from andin full view of the High llii ge on the \\ ri'i beeler aide of thel.'arl m Ilivi r, and fronting on the river. On" parc-l of eightam* may be bad. Apply to I>. B. WIN TON, No. 5 Tr/on-row,1 1 ti*>in "the I 11 v II all.

IH)B SAI K.Corner of 151b st. and 2,1-ar , frontingoT.r of the molt beiutilnl »luarri, THREE of the font-

tlmy bn a u-tt. ne front high Hoop IIOI'SES, built in the m >tt

ruleiantii.l m.d rli ^aut manner by dayt'work For particular!inninre on the preii.i-.i. or at No. 1B0 Eatt 21«l-tt. of


m\K .FURNISHED COUNTRY^flFa»ivrlFe II0U8E for SALE..A lart* new H »USBKith rten roo t, genteelly fnmidied thnnigbont, with tin*rartiegi, 1' acn t of Und finely in. lo» d and ornament dw ith u. e., garden i.e., el.uate.1 on the L. I. H. R thirtyu.notit from the city, will be *<.ld at a htrgain.

M. L. BHXLDON, Ho. H Kamaa at.


inslrnction.K KINBON INSTITUTE. No. 1,0-<U Broad¬way, near Slat-H..Limited to JO

A. A. MARI El.l.l S. V. M., Pria-lpaJ.

ÖJ NT WASHINGTON -COLLEGIATE Df-SilTtTb_N.\ 21B 4that., on Waahlngton-equare, ea-

tran.-e No. Ifkt Macuougal-'t.I I.\RK k FAN'N'INil. Prtne|-.i'a

QELECT PRIVATE SCHOOL for a limitedk? number of Bur- ORVI.Nii ORAM MAR BCHOOL), No. 327til.-av betwou it h and 25th ata N. DI NN,A. M Principal.

SELECT BOARDING-SCHOOL for BOYS,ilnrttord, Conn.. Number limited to 12. Circulari may he

ob'» ed ot E. M IERO.ME. E.n No. 175 Broadwir, and Aid.N C ELY, ci r. Broadway andSth-tt, N U BAIaLI P. Pna

piano-Zortcs anb Ulnoic.

BENNETT A Co.. Manufarturera of HALL'*PA 11 N 1" l > 1 >i \1. 1! \Ni i- ,. I; .,-«»t N ,

only l frw doen abore Stewart'!, where a large tupp j oftbetepo) a ir iieiruu.imm of lupericr lone and workmtnthip rtn betun «' r'.l line.. PIANOS. MELODFtINS. Ml'MC andMl 1< AL IN STB I" MF.NTS of al. kind* a! rrd tredp'icea.

ATTENTION, PIANO PURCHASERS..We.d, tire to call attentl. n to onr large and t-jperi ir ttinrk nt

ITANti-FOKiE.-'.hewug much the batt aaaortiuent to be fjmdin Ii« routtiv. V\ t are rnani.fei-taren. of the CELEBRATEDCELESTIAL cr DOIT!LE-<)( TiVE PIANO, winch *-

taking ibe I. e.l wbrre the pue» h..eef wann the power of the(.rend l ien, m a ..|narr cae'. t>ur Pianot tat e tor 'uk.1i beingfbaaxaedtbgbai u-age. a.e it. great demand, been plain, gatttaa'ial andrh.ap. Vv'eareeole Ageuta for the much a-iiniredPiaioe of A W Ladd A Co. of Hiaton. with or withoat IbaA t iac, and alwgye bare g large ataortment of their new ereleair) n,w grind a. th i .-ontiderrd bv a I tb- heat Roetrm Piaaea.

Vt e tre ai-o tue Ag, ,,u f,, ( ARf, A HT. N EE Dil AM k CoWOBEI' HI Now NED MEI.OI'KiNS,and oder at tb- leaeet i rici. Plan-. tn rn en re temtv ditferent mannt,.n a

Pur. bterii wi.l hnd il to tbi ir v'vtntare t examine oat largeabuube«irpe.tedii. .k. Piar.e, and Me.'ol-ont to R-nt.

ELY k Ml NoEK No Ml Br. adwav.

_(Sr. NWhoIae ttotel.)irilNTii.n isiiivitfd toa new KEED OR--

. <>A-1?' * "b r,"V and full e-t of git Pipee. la l»ak and1 - *.«-««. '"iiti.iered the Iteet inairameni ever intentedmt the Parlor or t berth c»t #.ta. io #*t.. Maaoa k Hamm't

. npiot.d MLDIL MFLODEilNS eiugle and double" " " .,".> l' ". ai la.t t,». ».«oeoUai retaiioa moat kit peymenu tad for teat,

Ireicb HAhWl'NIl MS wiih kind 12 Stop*. Hallet D»vltk t unnia and Suuar» 1 I VN IS u i rert tarietyot »tyle ' ¦

Fcl'R (.Fi'RliE HEWS BOSTON PIANOS en'.irelr newiloogh a'a b* gaiu to cot* a concern.I fer aal* at »75 t» »1IWU s»ual c.» price and fully warranted.

Si Cock.¦nano 1 lanoe. fn.oi t>lA to t>'.50.PIANOS to LET.

S T. OI'RDHN. Mb.i. P .»...»>..., S i. 257 Broad, at

4 GREAT BARGAIN.A ufmmmU $3m 7--» a taiat. ro». «ied PIANO for aaie for 0SU made to orderiw. n.n-1» -in-, iv retebrare i City maiert, and rallv war-ranred. of anpeti.« i.tae and kuitb, perfect every war axdabed

-. 1 be own.r i, gotag 10 Farw. I' r»n beea eeen at No.113 Chtmkeitx., from 9 till 3 o'clock, for four data

A LAI,!.! STOCK of NEW and SECOND* % HANI' PIANOS.i t til lllfll lt< br rerioae mxkara. fogaeleor hue at J. k D. WALKER'S. No ( Aetor piece, tth et.

BACON & RAVEN. PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTt'RF.RS. Noa lfiCand IO Ceatre-et., opaoat'* Caaal-

«., raet fr. m Kti«dway, having an rxperieae* of 25 yeara. aadetery reqniai'e (adlity at oar Manaftrtortea. are eaabled to

dtet 'be pnblic an eaeortmeBt of laatrnmeate, unmrpittei bytut a» ft quali'y of tone, workiaaanbrp, aad darabilrry

CHICRB B I N 8« KIANit-FOKTES rvirtliradfrt m No. ..'.5 te No. 501 Broadway. oppoaite St. Niebolat

Hotel, where evert varietv of Square and Orand Pianoe may bebad et the luwrrt factory pricee.

h. WaRRI.N. Sole A/eat for Chirkering b Soa'lPleno-foTt-t toe New-York City.

PlANO-F()RTP^-RTGTaYNN A Co. aRre rtvtnoeed their Piano-Forte Maaafaetery aad Waremota trara

No. If Faltoa-et., to Mo. a spring tt, two Joon exet «f Broadwty.

PIAN<»ft-Four beautiful "oftAre Piano-Forte*(one »i h carved .egal, made of the best material and ra taa

n. at aubstaa' lal meaner wi.l bo aoL! Low and warranteA Ta.aa*who arc about pen-basing would d> area to ceil aa I eta-niue.Art . at No. IS&L *v. I). SMITH « KOTES..JOHM P wake i Co.,Manufarturer*. bar* reavree'l their P.ano F.irre Ware¬

house from No. At Btrrlay-at. to tb» new and specious baa. im«No. |<7 Cepel-et. betwee»a Hadwi and V trick.

II A.M >F( iK I I - it w. ...r | . |e. f a t "h <?> e.risfaetorypajer. A (Teat inducement to porrbaears now offered.

PlaiNOS!.PIANOS -Great bareaint maT bonadatrheej.e, io W,r.i,...,- ,r N V il i RTHS at

l.ia'ld a-er.d 41? Broadway where be car r» "*- = w"'-. a

rifh and varied assortment of PIANOS, from the rs.ebretedmanufactory cf George Hewe. Boaton. and alao a le-t* eaaort-meot of Near York n.eafucture. Peraona arid da I it to thekradvantage to call before purchasing eleewber*. 4P Br-*davay.

SAFFORD «V BROTHER. No :«9 Broadway(one door from InternarVrae! Hote )..A food varke'y of aa-

perior PIANOS f ir S ALE or HIB K at free ly rrdored Priee*.Oer stock embraces Iaa'rnmeote from the factonea of Wood¬ward at Hn.wn. Jar b Lbackering. Lorenao Jdott sod^tb-ra.Planne rnrefuily Tuned

!Tlatl]infrr), fx'c.

LI O N A R D & W IL SO NMACHINERY COMMISSION MERCHANTSsxD lcathcb a*anise ataarf at Tt ataa.

Noa. 6* Beaver and Ml Peeri-et,. Near-York.A lento repp! v of all artirlet required by Machine and Railroad

Shops and Esctones geaer*lly.C 1 EAM E >. <. i N J S aad~BOII.KKS.-For Salekv5 Cheap, one second-hand Hoiiamta. Engine It inchesbore of cylinder and a f. -t atruke one do t inches by 3 feet do.;one near do. H> I y 9' inches do.; tvro do. 10 by .1 inches do ;one do. 10 by !'. inches do.; tvro do. 1 by 30 inoee do.; one do'C by 30 inches do.; one do. 6 by 71 inches do and one do. 6 byII inches On. Also aix new ti-incb Boilers, 28 feet lonf. wititwo 14-inch fines in tech. with all fixture* romple'e; one new40-inch Boiler 18 feet lonf, with five Jn-inch lro»a;one new

Loe-inotive Boi er rl 80 hört» p..war; two do. of in-hone pow-e >i1. 1 da. i f 20-bors* power. Apply to J. S.Bl NCE k Co., No. i* W taring-- r--at.

Cn.lcrrt anb Qarbwarc.

HARDWARE - I ht- largvat and com¬plete aaeorrment ofHAI.I.WARE. ( CTLFBT, EDOE-TOOLS, kc,

concentrated in one establiabmerrt, for the dry and countrytrade, can be found at CHAS. S. LITTLE'S,

Noa. Jd and J4 Knlton-st.

SCOTCH ITG IKON-Htindred tunt No 1(iartaherrie, and 3M tuna mixed numbers best Pig Iron. In

store and lantlinf, for sale by8POFFORD, TILE8TON A Co., No. a Broadway.

I B E BO PB of every tize and degree offlexibiily, for tale by

t H a s u t DPILANDNo*. 64 and 66 Broadway.


Ucpliiting.RK P LATINO..

notela. 8hi|«. Steamboata and Prirate* can haretheir o'd were repined and warranted. Stair R .da. Tea Set*Siot na and Porka. and every kind of Metal plated with Gold or

Stirer at abort notice, by the Manhattan Plate Co.. 287 Bowery

Jnmitnrt._4\ ICE PITCHEB far a NICE FAMILYU\ " Hot fh vk inter'a blasts to five way.

Sperrt yieldi to Snmmer'a a .-vereifn ray."But Splint- unlike Sevastopol, haa eonaented to be "taken"after a very f.-w warm atticka; in eonve'|U'ncr of which therei- aar- riitui.iel f the patent dnnb!.- ICE PITCHERS and\VATER COULLRS. which arc sold at Noa 4aad I Burling-

.lip. by- H'CIl d IIART.

nE8K8, UE8KS, DE8K8..Dosblfl ami ilnfleStintlirg Drakafrom 3 to t f et; double »nd ainfle S.t ing

Ileaka of evet) ratiety from 2 to 6 feet; Office Table* from 3 to9 feet; Ofiicc ( hair* end lit »k of er. rv dearri jtlon, at

NMtX'S D, k Store, N... 34) liaekäwanat.

r»~N A M E L E D~H~ij I T E S. .J MATHE« S A STACY.

W'arerooma No. 514 Broadway.

KNAMELED (5 rTTAOE "TrBNTTUBE..Neat, ptetty suites aa l.iw as tMk, at lb' factn-y and ware

rrjotn*aS4 Broadway, near Blerckrr, beaide* rye-y a»y!e of el'gant at.d faehioL hie enamt led auitM. S. II. WARM II K

I^OK SAI L --AVplendid ttock of PATENT EX-1 TENSION EI RNiiritE, r.> Ma-hotat v and B k Walt .11 Bi«ik a«-a « h « < I». ., Sil -

Board*, with and without marble-topa. and llnreaus, all airingb"la'i ada att ach'd adaptau to eronom re Mom either iu store*or dwelling*. Alao . small aesortm-nt of Situation Table*,The above wiil be sold at reduced pri.¦-a to t lose the basiaeaaImmediately. Can b* aeea at No. 108 Chambera-et., tad No.»18 HudMin-at.

HF "l ARKINGTON..ENAMELED ( HAM-e BE.It El RNiTI RE..Hou-eeper, i. want of this new

tL.I ta.hionahle rtvk of Furniture will bud. a fool atainmentat the Manutat lory and vVarrrooms. N av. 46 aud 4» Wuoataf-ft.

S(ll(»(iL 1 I l.'MTI l.'L.Detkt Chaira. s. t-tres, Bookcases, Blackboard, Siaiea. fir manulaetured aad

for aale at the old establishment, No. M Grore-st., New-VorAOri'et. rent to any r-art of the woroL R. I'.kTON.N. B..Clrculai» forwar Ird on application ai »Ix ve.


WINDOW 8HADES at WHOLESALE andTT RETAIL.-O *'. CAJLPENTK1 has oje-n-d .1 1, w

Siore, Ne. tat) < hail.Hin-et.. where he invite* the pnblic t v c illet;-l e bia atoe k of Gold and other Shades of all sues. Coraic.-f'!ii.t da. I* ret Pins. Ac. cnnatactly 011 hand.

Dtoi'cs. Hanges, &t. .

1RYIHCIBLE KITCHEN KAN'GK..Inrented and Patente,! in Iftil, by

JORDAN L MOTT.During the abort pehi«i aince they were introduced, they hare

beri me to frrat a lav lile with the oaerrecommendIng them to another, that aalet base increased to leVO Ranges¦«tr annum. All e ncode that thia Ranee is cut. .trtieted on

true pbiliaophlcal and mechanical principl'.'f. erc-jrnn the most

pertcct ope-rat.ou at the lowest puasiblr c-ist. Every Rang* war¬

ranted as represented.THE J. I MOTT IRON WORK<

(Succ-«sot to the bnainras of J. L MOTT,)Noa. JM snd 2ovi \\ stei at. N. Y._

SAVE rOUH FUEL an.l KEEP COOL.Bv uaina rt IMPItov EH H \ K 1 S

SIMMER AND WINTER RANOE.for Wood or Co*'. Ihisaitlclf hit five boiler holes, an arrant'

mrnt in frott foi hea-lnf Irons, also a large Oven: ran be placedIn any ordinary fireplace in Summer, or out In the room laYt hstl r. niakiut it far preferable to any C***uaa| Si ore snd at a

Iraa Bgftcav] Eor tale at retail by th* store dealers generally at

wbolisa'r and n tail bvSAM. S ("ITER A. Co. No. 31 Water ,t

Si MMI R BTOVE8 Mid HOVSEKEEPINQ11 ARDWARE.The ierjeet and best aaaomnent in the city.

For aale low by WILLI AM CLkKKK.Noa. 9 Caniilne-it.. and 16o llaa-«n-«r.

Unilbing flliHcrialo. *


tOMP.VNk .BI'RDEI T, DA. IS k M AIN. a. r A« nt. furtnetitv.fN. « k rk f. r the ab've onipauy. invite the atten¬tion il ttuildera I 01 traitor a and Architec's to the above Slate,samples of which may be seen at tbtir office, where, asoaubscript ion* will be received lor the few unso.d aharc* of theStcxks.Pamphlet, containing a full faten.en' of the condition and

ptospecta of the Company may he nb'ained aa above.Also sample* of tb* (ilL-SToNl from the Like Snperi .r

Unarry, «eriified by all who uaed it to lie the beat ever ditcof-eied. ICRDETT, DAMS A MAIN. No. -'¦' Wii.iam-at.



No. ZZ> Wsshhigtoavst.. twonoeoa above'.. N. Y..1 mm at Wholesale.

VERY LOW EOR CASH:MeasPork. Mackeiel, larte 1, Green TeatMt a. Beef. M ackereLI snd J, Bart Tea*.Butt Pork, Parti*.' W hi efish. Lamp and Sweat Oil,Ren p Perk. Pi. kro(. neh. . e»er.Smckfd Baa*. Park er' Sealrftsfa, Tallow (aad!**,Sm. ke.l Sbt nlucrs. I. a ».' lle-rngs. S; ::a au c,Smoked Beef, Dry CocAab, Sal Sod*. So*p,Tonguea.Sa men .** ^dr,' Herrmga, S'arcfa, Saere'us,(beere, mild* rich. Salt, set as and bags. Twines ami Wieks, .firkin* A tubs. Raisins and Apples, Straw an.! Tea PaperAI a INE law GROCERY -' kwitM *m Teat.AJrA Sugars. Cofeat, FaaaOy Oaaaati ¦ F .retiu Pruit. he.,W bole.,1, «Ld Retail at reas"'nabie pne-a by J. O. FoW LEM,Orrcer and Tea Healer. Noa JkV and 4J3 GreeuwicA at.

COAPaVwtl CANDLES..ALLAN HAY A CoT,iCr MiAF and CANDLE MANt FACTI RERS St J) 41and 4U 1st av beg moat reepectfafiy to inform tb* Men nan is andPit fei..-« ib o il,. a are l wmii ifaciunng lb ir RennvdMOLD CANDLES for summer a**.all tdr*e from 4 to 16 to

tbapcand. alao. their celebrated LAl'.N'DRY SOAP.. veryruprrfcr artnie.wade a^preaaly tot th* Laundry. A. good*warrante.i a* branded, tad marked with our name aa-i p.ace ofbosinea* 1a full.N. B. All gooiis delivered in the city free ofetpew

Profccsaional Xoti(C9.R. JAME8 W POWELL jkM to aurtounceto hi. (tieads aad patierta hi. return from Europe, where

be ha. ecxyrd uacaatl crtpor*unities cf observing the a******rrsi '.cr of Ib* most celebrated Otalista aad Aartaga of tb; Old« d especially Ui Lotdna. Pans. Dahlia and Glasgow. DrPOWELL has procured all the new tnatrurnearta: 'lasanti rs'ihaipteved Opfba'.ma.cope which enables the nrulia to look intotie deptka ot the Eye and ewrra -. the exact eoniitaoo jf theoptic nerve aad retma in amearoaaa and tbe lens bj cataract.aaae Avrry'e Speculum, eoaallv eirrat-rdiaary for lookiag la'othe drum if tor Ear. 'he Enttacbiaa 'ubes la the Throat, elrirturea, be.: ai-o La nie be t a beaatiful Srttag* JacoVa CataractNeedles Wild't Spec* a and many n'iaer a*w 11 mttti nfgreat nxprrunga. Aarnrau evaraaaai.oea made with the above;rafruaae*u aadt derisive aad prompt eptei aa pcor.eae. -d a> nthe ruraruJtty of **ch pwtktalar ease. Cemmltatkaas as kvsrrto-tbsr* oa *U daaaveeea of tb* Eye (ad Ear fraa 1 tn 4 o'clork dadyat N*. MS Bfoadway, fpfutait tb* St NarkMss Hotat. N. R..Pr.vats fasstructH-ns fivara to rc-aarol nrartkmurra

1) Ks ROBERTS. Surgea« iVntitta, .No tV.- Bond st. peascans wtahing ARTIFICIAL TEETH

to call and examine their new mods of taeemng Tenth oa Plata**Plat*, aarvaaaucg the eld atyle ta strengt* aad keeaty.

IB-W BEACH, aotlvor trf~tlMi FAMILYFHYSICtAN, kc, baa ranmed ^actsr* at 3 baeacAarat.I)

Ort) (5oob8.

AKU? NTINK-A T STEWART A t~nitprtwd two r»*M of thi« ien 4t<irtbif mt'FRt

n ee-ing Om*n>eau. Mirror». Evtar-e, Ac, to pretorre :hemdanag tor » frmx: rt;ce and duet.

It i» perfectly tr«atperent. th- c >n ar-: 0«eo. OtlJ,Brown. Black tnd R hit* Pnee-' per yard.

Broadera», Chamber» and Keadf ata.

N FI.E(7ÄNT .\>n »RTMENT »{' DRKSSOOODr.Brerired r»t rvau r Amrnct, r"ici lat af

t rape de Pari«. Barrge and Otgeadi* Boke», Alan, On in»:»«

bvtneyardwil . leje THIS MORNIMO.Lb.M'ELL. I EIRSSON b LAKE No. «71 Kr alen.

BAITS..Atencjr <>f the Ma«tie Kall« Hatting(eerraaay. ReaeeaeH» A »?>*. Ma. H netaadway.

DOMESTIC I OTTOS QOODS .10,000 bJajr,,r. r-. rH' we Sue*:ir.g» " n Ven, Carpet Warp,

Bai» Wirt» 1 wire* Wedding B»t*» Ar. F.*-tale byDA« Lt V 4 El K.MAN N j t '. urt.aadt-»t.. ep etaj-e.


beet tk* world wita bi» LADIES' OAITXRR and «HOF«,a' 'be World'» F»lr ta London, and h» aue eballeexr* the " reet

of mankind " to produce an article that will »»ecee*f'i..y compartwith 'he (node be i» new tehing. .'EIFERS throw» down the

gaantlet tr. erere e->mpefi'or, and la miliar that the Leitet ofNew-York »h..u!.i be hi* jndaret * «--.:. tournament." It

comet off every day dunng the " Versal Euoinox," at No. 4*7


10 I I) Ä T A Y L O KJ h-.t it < Ittelt added *o their etock the


SELS CARI ETl.V.Sare prepared to offer to pnreeaer*



ufoai earietr. Onnd et., cor. Chryttie.







No. 277 Hndeon-et,,oppoitte Dominick-»t

PARASOLS ..SUMMER FASHIONS-a cottrLiTt a»»o«Titr.»T or

NI O I R ¦ A N T I Q Ü Hi¦ *LL THE ntsltttLr SHtDE» Of lOLOt.

I ined and oniired with tnd without Friate. on Pearl. trory.Palm and rlain Wood Hanoi-», at pri. -..-rwr>.ndiiig w:tb. me* Bovert rre intiied to call and examine the t.jck at tbe

WAki HOI ST, No. SM and BS BROADW ViJOHN I. SMITH, Manufacturer

R EDU< TIOR of I'KH'ES..The balant'-' *i taMnew and reaiiorable _

BAR El' E AND SILK TIS SI ii 'IB ES.recently reeeited enll be aold on M< )Nl»A\ .Mb. * ...coo-

r.derable rcdnct.on in price. A. T. STEW Alt a, t .-

BrnadwiT, Cbamb. rt an I Rea !e ttt,

Clothing.JUST FINISHED.Tm mntt elegant HAT

ever offered for 03. otuallt tttd for «t-neat H .kTS mi 50,....mi. O PH. BROWN. No. .*10 tana. tt.

Y0UTB8' and CHILI »..'EN" ClATTHLNQ fortil ate. from three to twenty year», at WHOLESALE.

J. B. ( LOSE. BAILEY A I o., No. 8 Para-place, N. Y.

tUaIcr)fS, Jrwclrn, £c.

tpOU) WATCHES andsTEHLINti BILYERVi WARF. I. ;ether with a nrh «»airtmeut of DIAMONDS.»nd »II k't d. of Oold Jewe.rt.Ol D JULES Jl ROENSI S »\ \TCIIES.«l>0to R»«OOLD IOBER1 ROSKELL WATCHES. lf»ta *

OOLD Dl PACHI Ii LEi ERB ..!.. «: Albeit W tie Kork». Sp... Lt. Lake Bukett, Teaaet», Ac.

et vert law prk >

Al1 our fi.oitt »re wamn'ed to b- «» represented.SQelRE. LANDER A I o.. No. :*7 En.'on tt., H. Y.

\ITAT< !HE8! WATCHES!!.Ta- gotaagftw?f ,. - :t a lllllllll ¦! tf OOLD am SILiEltW ATCHES. at retail, lower 'hen any h >ua* in th- c:tr.



do mot. It in eve. asOOLD DETAI HEB LEVERfl.fall>twtlad. *»BEAI TIHL(.ol.I) ENAMELED HI NTINO Watabee. 45OOLD DE I At UE1) LEVERS tor Lalie.. rich entretod

caeet. **

FINE HOLD Hl MINO LEEINEB for U»Rta........... »EINE (.Olli HI S IM» Ditachd l.eter». full jewele.L.. ¥>^| |. \| 111 I I- H U \ .IEs r li-u o rr. "¦ - '

Uli II WATl HES, which wind up ami--t wrlioot a key.. 83REAL II LEU Ji ROENSEN WAi. .U.S. i*r-

f.^tt ne keeper.. .? ^ to #300HE AL ( oort It WA il HES,Duplex a: liefert li5 to MINDEPENDENT SECOND and m'ARl'ER-

SECOND WATCHES, for timint Hortet. 75 to 250SPI.I NlilD l.ol.D POCKET t HRUNOME-

1 I BS. terlect time keejier*.1« ¦ mmW.V'KHIS which run naht daya whh ..tie

wir..!.,«.10 t0RICH MAblC WATCHER, fat La i. t an 1 .en-

tl. men. which int.. 3 .litter, nt TO to 175OOLD ENGLISH PATENT LEVEM..... 35 to 55(.Ol D HI N lN(!-( ASE F.n«!in!i Pat. nt Lever... W to HOSILVHt I.NOL1SH PA ENI LEVERS. 1J to &SILVER DETACHED LEVERR. 13 w »


\ i y,< noo'e |.\ M J. i..b:a» »Hot':. .C-- ebraie.lmaker*.VERY FINE M f'LI X WATl H I S. uuult by t. F. Co-ip-r,

Warn. r. aiel all celebrated maker*.Wan bet ( leene.l ard ll' ta red in llie b »t manner, at much

I. a than the uaual pricea All Watchit warranted to ke»p goodtime. OEO. C. ALLEN, lrap..r-r, .Whol.eale and K.tnil N... 11 W all-et.,

Second Door, oesr lir a.iw»y.

Paints, CDilo, ©laoo, vCr.

BLAKE'* PATENT ITRE-PROOP PAINT..Th' original and only geuuine ertiele tliat can be «ol 1 trith-

out rio.ating my patent, eouttanl.y on hand, bo'h granud in on

gnd dry |*wder. at the genera, depot, No. U» Fattl tf., Ht*>o»er-t.|uore, by rhe perentee. "

¦FRENCH, and AMKRICAN ZINC TAINTSI WHITK LKAD, PATENT-1'KVER and COLORS.-Tha>ul..-nl. r-. banng completed thei. new Work., are now pre¬pared to till all ordere for the above named, without de¬lay, and rn rhe uio.t favorable lennt. Particular attrotion It girento'the gnu.ling and putting np of our Zinc Paint.. and purchaeer*mat depend on baring a pare ertir e. that will not become bardInLbekega. MASt'RY k WEEKS.

No. Ill Maidtn- an-, New-York.Manufacturer* and Importer» «f /inc and Clor«.N. B .Stone-colored Zinc, a »uperijr article, for painting

country hoc*. ! unl brickwork.

HENRY WALDBON.At fkm ofcl itand, No.IW) Fnnttt.. corner of Bar.irig-elip, N'-w-York, h*» tl

w»y» on band for CITY und ( Ii! NTRY TRADE « full »upplyIi PAINTS, 111 LS. WlNDoW-OLASS,*w.*e. The mot' *P-.-.el |.., .. t Ml.- Ni il no! AM.-IHK'AN ZINC PA1 »TS,KMOL18H W III E LEAD, 4c. fcc



No. Ill Wtrer-et., (comer of rlarling-tl'pl. New-Y .rk.


FRENCH »id AMERICAN ZINC PAINTS.Store No. 148 Waterot., New-York.

TJA1NT8T PAINTS! .'.For Kiiil.lingn. Root*.A Fence., he. 11 cent, tlx unl; t*hi*e L.*d. 7 cent* do.:/ in,- t cen'ido.; PreMe"» Boiled O 75 cent* t gaJloaU Tan-ien* Oil i6 rent* Co.: Mnchiuen Oil. (rle nttd... tt No. 113Mtlden-.tne. New Vork. Jo IN H. SMITH, A»mt.

1") l K E IllfO PAINTS .

HENRY AITKEN A Co.,aarxr» or rar.



No. lit Chamber, tt.. Now-York.Two dourt weet of Hadaon River KCr .ad Depot.

Wee. of Ftrrch Vi Ind rw and Picture Olaaa per light:Pr. Light, t tg. Per L:gbL Cta Per Light. Cent*.

ßonntn Can5 {JJarrant*._

IA N I) WARRANTS.J We are prepared to ex-oete til orl-rt tor tbe parebata

tadealeef LAND WAKR.'.sr-..... c v. t ca..i pur .'let.

orR facilitiesfor PrRCHASi'Nfi WARRANT? tt fi.-et bead* are sot excelled.

AI' otde re for tie Pecbaer af Wataxatej w be mm med attbe tmt'J c^mitatoe of ONE In ILL.AR A PIE. E.t*eiaeBii111 will be moat rlavlly ten' nkted.

- N. R. COBB h C..Btoak and Bond B.-kirt. N B Wdiiam-et-, N. Y.

. . t Raak of the Commonweal'h.RXereticet: {, lklu ^ XrtM C. rrpany.

IANT>-WÄRRANT < »KKICK, No .13 WaJl-at.._j Btew-IoT*..Tea kttoeet market price paid for LAND

WARRANTS, and xll Warraru aald by me art guaranteedtxtd tarwBftied by mul or otberw.*« apna receipt of remittance*.Land Warreat* procured tt* ttldttn aad otbere entitled to

Boantt Land, apoa appiicttioe tmt T. J. COLEMAN No S3 Wan^t


N». 7* WtU-tt., FL T.We reeeree aaaliriri ini for Bottaty Land Claim*, and girtmmmmmm artaaCoa t* rotiatrf jeder» fvt watgaata.

Salce bn faction.Johi Hot'oH. Jr.. Auctioneer.

AUCTION BALE of ELEGANT Kawwoctl. i.l M.h nr., HOl'SEI'OLD FCRMTCRE. R.w*w;>od

PliBe. torf«. royal T*p*itTy Ve vet Carp fing», French PIat*Pier end Oral Mirror» in! Flirting*. S, verware. Chatwire, Curlciv. Ac -Till-' DAT, r.-t.tiv> it | A. M..

pr.eiiety. The tale embraces tb* mure ronteare of «h»breatafoj'r furntahed prrrate dwelling No. TO M imv atwhich be eold witbotit reserve to the highest bidler.Tb* Eanitote ia in *xrei.enl condition aad was larde to

order. The c nreut. are in brief aa KiUnre: Two to!id roee

wood frame Per;, r stutce uphoiate-ed in broi-aiel and *.ab irate¬

ly c-reed: enperb-r osewood Piano-tote riehly rated, of beau¬tiful tone and fully warranted can ed r.-jewood Etagere, withpi'at data door* aad back: massive rosewood Book*a**; rie-

aant le.'.y'a } tento'rr mlild |! loeghout with rare aad lalltv...i-. heavily carted Biabotany Extension Table j roaewoedmarbie up Linter Tablet, reentifully carved and niely polish-. : air.- Pranih plat* pier and oral Mrrrora; eoetly faee andbrc'a'el Curtain*: elegant rosewood and mahogany B -dseeda,B'irfiue. Waabatasd*. EngHiah Tapettry. Braacrlt and ingrainCarpet."; pure culled hair Mattrteee*; mab.ifiov and w iluutS :u i liaira. Ac; a choice collection of Hit Paiatiaga. by themoat eminent artiata of modern I.met, b eut.tul.v decoratedI BBB* tales Marble Statuary, two- SUver Tea Service**, ela-gintly rri'.bosied; gold band and decorated China Dttiti-r Set;oraaoin and alabe. ter Ciocka, Brüssel» an 1 \ t-nitian Si air Carpet.

rtet.t Rodt tod Ear*. Oil Ciotha; mah -grr v Eary, andrlor Cbiiraj China Ttdlet Set*, girt (ornieea, heeatilully

painted Shades, Silver Cssten. t ake Bask-ts, Fnrk*. Spoona,Salts, tie.. Irory Cutlery, Cat <>la**ware. Beda aal Be I-ding; cane aear, maple aad wa nut I hair* he. The lal* willtake plarr witbeet regard to weather.

Htaav T. Likdi. Aoctionrer.


wot d PIANO-PORTE, OIL' PAISriNtlS, Preach Plat*MIRBOHS Ac.HENRY T. LEEDS will aeil THIS (Thurs¬day! MOBNINO »' IC\ o'clock, by Catalogue, the entirecontents of 'he lane fooreiury bouse. No. Id llesch at.. neu

St. Joha'a Park, emlitncing a raperb ami or ly collection ofr eh rreud and u >h gany Eurnitnre, the wh le of whichwill be sold wi'bout the least reeerrait >i. aa the fain le are

removing to the counter. The aale wi eommen-e preciaclyat P i o'clock with th- htr-heu and I'.uaemeot FarcitB'e, allif »hieb it in tbe best order, v:x.: Coking I'tenii't. Crockery,Gliia-U'are. t ate, MBlly Silver-Plated War*. Tea anjIi.i ing Tiblei. solid mahogany Extension Tib'e. miple tn 1

mahogany Chaira, Sofas, R ekcre. muaic and cm er StanJa,Mirror*. Clucks. M .ntle Ornaments. Oi c!.-tha, k.c Pariore.Elegant royal Wilton Carpets. magniSci-nt rosewood Piano-Forte, ef tpl.ndid tone and finish, cat **00; two costlyiisewoo.. Parlor Suites, in -stiu brocade, made of tne riehenmaterial end ot tint c t i w. rkmanahip; row-wood Etag r¦¦ w th

p ete g aea di ors and bark lined with a*tin-wood, eegintlycarved, cost #150; tvnewood Center, Side and Ma Tablet, rose-

vi d Corner Manila, large Kreuch Mare Mirrort lie« Et; alao. a great rarirtv of Oil Painting*, containing wet\n. I e vt-oika of art; rieh China Veert. M anile t'l >ckf, Pariiaat d ( h ua Pigores, mahogany and rosewotel theirs in hairckth; togrlbrt wi'h the Furniture of All Hie Bedroom., c >ual.t.nx of Ceipeta. Mirrora, double and aingle blackwtlnut lle.ltteat't, elegant mah. gany l!*.<«teed*,B'ireius. U a.hstanda. H i.r

Mittleres. Toilet Set., Stair Cstpets. Rods, Odrloth id Hall. A*

BA. M. Mrtw s I

Y BANGS, BBOTHEB .v Cm -Trade-BakR.mrns No. U Park-row. o

"N t uefi. it I o'r! vi mmjCOINS AND MEDALS.A larg.-. ileciiouot Aiu-rican and

Poia <n l ein- aci Meiiala. in (eold. Silver Copp -r atid lit-.»ox I,

incliioing MM that are very valuable and e\ce-dit.gly rare.


Uni t the en'iie prime Law Library of the ;»re \V| un J h

n u, b ao.. deceased, comprising rotnpla'e teta of C »:nmo i Lawund Ciiancery Repot'a Adunraliy Reports, t inted St ites andSute Lawi.Digeats, Indie,t Conmeatafbtt Tretilae,. includ¬ing man. rare an.; .a'uable English and French Law Book«,be. Alto inc uded in the catalogue, to be eo.d iuimediaiely afarthe Law Ib^.ka. ia Mr Jol naon't clleeti u of choice Miscell*-neotia Bot ka compriaing valuable Engll.h. French and Ameri¬can pnl licatit i.a. embracing many oxceeding'y rare book-, in

. iv.-iety on the llitiory of Americ*, which are now

tit of print. Äc.JOxoBcr Cook, Aucthmeer..Bt Stotkb k Cook.

ELEGANT NEW an.) FASHIONABLE LUR-NTTI Rl 4c.-On TO MORROW (Friday! at 101 unlock,

a; Saltiroomt.No n't Broadway.corn'r of,*n> xteniivaaasoriment of cnatoni-made rornitnre. ern-isting ofr aewaidP.t r Fur t-i.e n -. il- in .c'i and taeh or, r ver uga. richlyrarvni Etsgere.. Facritoirea, Srcrrtariea marble-tou Tablesof every yrrietvboth in at vie and finish, cu<tom-m*d'- extensi in

Dinii < I at- i'«. Dtnit g-lto. m I hi r«, Sid- bovr-la, tiialiog .nyS. taa.Tete-a-Te'et, Easy Chairs. Arm do., tpring-s -at Par'ordo, r evened, maht cany waimit and oak BureaueU aslistrnde U ardr- bea*, Mattieaats, I'aili isa-t cane and ru-hteat (hairs, Ac.

Alto, Oil Fainting* and French-p ate Pier and Ma-itl*0 lasses.

Also. Silver plated isd China Ware and Table Cutlery.( are., ail' a t. the morning of sale.

J. T. Mot I to*, Atictioneer.

FOET HAMILTON PBOPEBTY at AUCTIONPositive aala of Iii V 11.LA SITES to the highest bidder,

to It-,! i. the gi. ,nd FRIDA I lune I. «al* to cm.mine

nt -' o r oi k. 'I he ie vary in J>- from i'ixl1« to hilf au arre.

many 11 them are h-iL. eou.ely aha led wi:h foreal tree* com-

mantling a In.; viatl ..f the hay and ocean, together with

aj tb* In e>i .can-ry in the world: go id bathing tithing andThe railroad It now in . Hate of completion, ami is to

ma dim tii tu tbia Property, and steamboats i>!y to and fro n

Foit Hami'ton8 i.met a day, thus rendering tlio property ac

ce.aible by land or watrr. Teimt eaty.The rleamer NORWALK will leave Amoe if, at 91 and tatl

f||hjj ll MM 11.,1 .'J. and from Pier No. 3 No th River at 10A. M. ind I P' bt For Ere TicVets. Maps snd fill particulars,aptly to JAMES W. Ii \ i.r. ER, No. i Nassau-it., or to J. T.MOL ETON, Auctioneer.

Rls-I I.l W. Wann ott. Au. lloueer./MNTIIi. HOUSEHOLD EUBNTTÜBE,\ * Ri»EWooii PIANO FORTS. VILVRT ( kRPETS,Mir -ill MIRRORS Ac.TO-MORROW (Friday), at No. gih av.. near litb-«t., commencing ai V'\i/c'tck. Tbia furniture is all in line order, and conaia'e of a

ui| te ass. rtu.ent of rosewood an m tbogiuy Par.or. Cbam-tier ind I'itiinr rconi Fiui iture, all of which U to be toldwithout reserve. A caih ibpoaii will bo require.! of eyJry1 nr. baser. I' ronASfi in part rich Tapeatrv Bruaaela an IInrraiu Carpets, solid rosewood Parlor Suit" In hiue and g il lbri cade. rtta. wcod and mahogany Tete-a-Tet -s, ntarble-toprataaread Btnagf* Fr B*b oval Mirrors, rich Mantle Va*es,ii.arbir-ti'P naewi t'd Center and Sofi Tables, roaewoed fs-oc-t*ve Melodei n ir de by Carhart, Reception and Arm Chairs,rotewi d anil mahogany Bedtteada, marhle top ro<»wixid Bur* i-ui with U aahatands and Coniniodea to uiutrh, two »upe-ior

lo gattaa*, large pure hair Mattrrtaei. Ft a'berbedt. Book¬cases. SpriLg--eat and French Cotlag I Ch ilrr ro.ewwl andrual'i .any Roik-r.-. Ac. with a valu ib e v inety ..f BitementFi.mirure, I) ning and Breakfast Tablet, rieb, cut (llaasware,Crock ry, Siuerw*re, t bina Seta, Oilcloth, Stair Carpet*. Ac.Ca'ah guea a' bouse. Sale without regard fo weather.

F. Coltov. Auctioneer.

/MM EEL HOUSEHOLD EUBNTTUBE of\ ¦ »v.-r ftc .F COLTON will tavU TO-MOiROW (Friday) at If) o'eleck, at tbe AuiUon Koimi.No VJleitMaa al. .v ie-v large assortment of.good CAHIN'E V Kl HNil Ii Fi of M. hogauy and Rosewood, comprising Parlor,Dining-room, lie.t room ind Bsaement Ooods. auch it carvedBefat anrl T-te-i-Ti-ie, full Frenrh lledstes la, Oothte do,msht gsxy and .pting aeat Chaira, Drrasiag Biireius, auarble-lop 1 . n'rr, Card and Sofa Tab es. Ho keasei and Secretaries,Ft-1 rh plate and öval Mirrors. I lil Paintings Carpets and Oil-iloil... ak and hlai k-walnut Dining and Eitenston Tab! a,eeeoi.ii-hand Fun liare. Ac. Also the balance of MortgagetaWgrbj remaining from last aale. More fall particulars on the.'..oiinng f-ai.-.


THREE TatOOS AM at LOTSrot ttLl.

IN FI.STON A SHEFFIELD'S ADDITION TO CHICAOO.On ihe 5th day of H'.N'E next, at 10 o'clock A. M, of aai I day,He euderaigned will oiler for aale, at auction, to th* btgheat


C mpriaiig man) very deairahle water lot*ou the North Branch.ILIO

THIRTEEN II N D R K D LOTSlo Sh-nVI'.'s Additit u to I hirsgo.

Including many Bn« 'arge Water Lots, abtaste ou aad west ofthe north hrinch of the Chicifo River, and attording the m.atfavorable opportunity,AT PKH ES UITHIN THE. REACH OF ALL.For penl.aaiog Lots either for Residence* or for Business ot

Msnuficturing purposes.This properiv is that known >s belonging to the

CHH AGO LAN I) COM?AMI,and will be told on the grounds wiihoat telerye.Trims.tine fifth Cvah, balance in four annual paymen's with

an pry e-rnt interest v.H M K OGDF.N. > Tritieet ChicagoM. D. OGDEN, 5 Land Company.

Title indisputable. For information apply toCI1AS. ULTI.IR, of A II. F..ERTWOOD.

_No. 13 Wall-ac, Naw-Tork.Iltaar H. LcBM, AaetAenaer.By H. H. Lteot k Co.

ON IHUKsDAY, Mav lil.MA KBLE MAN-TELS.-At I o'clock, ». the maib.e-wotki of Meaar*.

Reidrntacb A Leevy.No. . 34th-it, between 5th and ath-ava.,a fit e aaaortnirnt . lulian m Ided S'a'uary, aarred Stuaary.molded Statuiry, ueivy veined panneled statuary, black andr id Mantels,'i:ia Mante t, rich new style colored marbleMantels, and other deerriplinn*. Sold w.tnoat reserve. Linbe seen al y time before the aale.

Hi mi II Li r -Itv It. H. F.n AC, g

ON THURSDAY, Ma> 31. «4 13 o'clock in frontf Siletfi in Nc. I Naaetu 11.

A Canadian P'nv. fear yean old. 14 hands h gh, warranMdsot.i d anal kind in all barer., and a good amddle U.etc ; eaa t-ota n tie In three n.xu'es.Ab», two iron gray Hortet, II bands high, foar aad dee yeira

aM warranted scuud snd kind in ail hain»as.A trsy Pony II handa high, beLeerd ta> be wand, and ia kind

le all barn'a* and a tine aaddl* rider; can trot a mil* tn few mmu <a to . wagon, bead only for want of use.

Alao, a act ef Doubl* HerBin.Htanr H. Lata*. InarhMiai By H. H. Lica* A Cm.

OIL PAINTINGS -<>u FRIDAY, .lune I, at IIoV'ock, at H eir Gallery, over 'be Store No. ¦ Naaaaa-sL.

ana* *f al.gtat Oi. Paint uga, ju*t reeaired tram Perlt, on eta

vm. cmvex » | per and till .Cached to g aa- by the nee. c le¬hn rd French act's, v.: t ham >-r: i Cardoli, Ltyorr Van*baldar. \aa Moller, Fiste le Pant, IL liutnan C. Browne,aa* others, rcmpiising fin* ciepte. from som* of the in-iri . «¦

kr*t*.i 1'aa.tina* in ibe L-.avre. bv G ense lernet. Van liy k. anH-trum Sir Dsn* \t ,lgie. Bertbom, T-ni-tt an 1 othersA.a., * rn.oter.f6n- n'i P.r'ur't in the ».-h.r,» ,f R tb-ratTitian. Uuade EOester Vera t, god others To kc *oi 1 withoutr- -> rvr

A so aa invoice of very ealaab * old Oil Ptia'inga ju-t receased Irem Europa, tow landing »x ahip Sir Kohr, P**L

*V. S, MiLteOB, AartJavBMf.By Hoccmtob b Mr.LLoa.

Sl'PERIOH MADE CABINET Ft BNITUBE..THIS DAY. iThaxwlay.) *t lo, e/cliMk. at th* Saiesro* a.

No 1 ' N*s*aa-*r.3 gold gl t frame (hi. k French piMe laaitleMtrrori, aoxJT; five richly -ornamented frame Paer Gta*.e*,ataMJ.with gilt frtm. marb.e-top Table*, ae.rrai tupcrior toa*d <jand T-oetive F at.o-F arte*, mad* by firs' c ass city mag in; on*It earsi bast 0ohibaataagataa pa 'at ."-r Watch, coax aikoWe invi'e the ttade and othert about referni.omg to ftew the.Uack prerv u* t" sa.e. Country m-r< haeu caa bar* an i .es

locked eh,if. or ati.ied oi, th* pren.twstst a reaaiinableeharf-.Fand- are ionriata ra part of roaewoed, parlor, chanauer aad li¬brary fiirnuure. ah cef which i* au*d« in tha mot tabiae-ialmanner, sod is «ach as can be relied apoo.beacaiesl* plash aadhair cloth patior raitei wuh rieh center 'ables to match; Eta-fete* ."ideboardi U ardriehe*and oi her rich piaoM ha rosewood.maFt gany, oak and walnut; peteat eiutosioa am tag Tables ofthe e'e* ail It. aad designs; Ban. Veltaire, i asy sod e<n»r

a -.1, i,; j j',. I; r... ;. , VV ,

studs t* naa'eh. w-th a lerg* eaaaftaaaat A aatdlum c.sss furni¬ture, Sota*. i. Hau Mar PsiUaaa**, In.-.aI ertcrrans. corner stands case-seal ( hairs rich China Vase*.Maga-le Otaam-tKa. riocks. he. Catalogue* new ready

H*TTKitr loiDt«, At«Hmeer.

JORDAN A C«> will «. II on PRIDAT El W$IKO. Jeae I, »t 7 «VI «1. h rheir Si'e»r »-»m Vu f.. He«*

w*y t 1.-»* ra'e'. <ue .< ROOK v STATIONERY eni KASCfAUTK Li S. < e'alogue* now ready.

npj Mi ,,< BANT T\!I.«»KS nd CKnlHIKIM.1 -H M n PPINO 4 Ott tY-fl Hl oo FRIDAY, Ja t* |

Bl etr Aver ni.tim. No. J2 lln ad-at. e la-g* *«*ort-n*it«f'81 MMEH ( L"1 .il.Mi. ci*iit<i**a>f black am! ologod Dreade D te Menno A arterca etil (Jaeen Cloth frock »od S aiCnet»; aleo, I whrf, ( mnnioret «a fair« tad coljr<< I Duck erat1 l' Cot« "etrtucier an 1 farm r» Sa'ln mim, m

large aaaa.itttit 0' of Drap d'r t« Mer 'i > and Linea l'rnl I'antata . ;>r«« fr-rtv o**«01 tr Haft »::d colored Maral loa Vraeej. :: ii aUh «rill be io:d witb..tit rMerre by a party le.-liataebn.iLcae Ti e acme are vi Ibta » eeou'a make aa luaaafaa-1tare, ami rdfer ledneaaietil ta tbr trade, Iba eamt beieg alt dtt»"aireb.e and f.aht. nable attlee edap'rd i.« the preeerat «rear.


C R. MiU «* A Cck. Anctloaeer«,

\VIIL SELL .tt public auction at the Mer.TT . , ...!. »THI K ~ I \i ina lt. last at tl>'. k et tane IIOl'Kl am1 LOT. trotted at 'be terminal of Be,Tieana-ar. and ill iancfb»a wl-hlbe Brooklyn and Jamaica da dt-

road. Eat' RTeWTatb, tlin e -y frame bei'dleg an'h lerneti.r» on flre» fli-or. AI») «n Hou«e» «dlomlut. .»>*i"> ear*,f .;, ..!.». . ,» I' ai kr id h nea'ion ef rate

property kl i.nrnelled. Tertue .ibe.-al aa 1 -e * enll b»*. »<.-ful'per'lcalare epp<y tu C. R MILL KR 4 Co., Aaa>t:. Leer» So. ISA Hroadwav. .

»HAKKS. BERNSTEIN A PHIl*J*IftiReal Eetataand Ooieral Ai'criorieeri. So. 51 Llheny-tr»,

r !. or tr m Neeeen -- eill |<n< tu< pereuoa »" Btiaa taealeart Real Eataie. Stock». \ c.»*le end Mortgagee et paMhlor n. ete eele. end to the ea'.e a* aaction of Carg.»e*, ltou.eb.NaiPnniltnie. .- I uay .Work» .1 Art, Jetrelry, Ae., taafto ut do. r eale» generallyM. rer l.bera'lr «J»erc-d on Real K.ttat*. S*.«k»,

Knrui'nre i r.. b-tt f. r »ale with nr Uiaaae negotiated.

-financial.DTOCRfl mi BONDS at AUCTION.REOÜ»IO I.AR SALE-ALBERT O. NU OI.AY wi *. rilliIIAV Mavlil, et l.'| o'o..<k. at tbe Merchaut»' Etc bang >, fajnr. im io ,\ e rt. .'.:

M.«0 Iiiriem l.a.lioa.. I.t Mort»«*.- 7 f> e -nr Hon»each.+ BVIW Teneaeee Stet* « P cant Boa.U-+I.Oi«J each? 1.110 New-York an » Erie Railroad 7 |» cent Boeda,.MAM* O.len» and t Ikmto I uioo Railroad l*t MofU»«» 7 B»

cent Bord». *1 MUeacb.. lSii" Vliginia State ij f r-n" Iloti.UMR I Irrel and. reneuiiV and Aalitabula Railroad 7 f>

.-. r.- Mo".me Bord« if 1 0- e c

film \\ aud« Kai: road tat M >: » .** If*ei 11 B«a»W llilff eerh.Ol «» N.w YrrkCuv . |> r rt Wat. r Stock,lir .harr» t nmbarland Coal to.-* 100 each.XC .hare* CaUwiaee, Wi and Krio Rail ad.aal

ruck.An .hare* B. wer» riank.»>25 a. b.7l »bare. 1 b»th*m Biuik f.'A each.

i mmeicial . ,ie I: oirar ... Co +.V) eachM .h.r.. \\ MM, fmmk A Co.'» K»prea.*l«0e*cb.

Iraiii« Ure Intarance t .. -?Jrakbfi .harr» Kult..n Eire loeiirence Co..*» each..1 thara* ALantic fire lil-ui nice Co. <>l Brooklyn.A BJ each.»' .bare* St. Maik'.Kire Inaiir-nce Co..ti'ieacb.* rbarra On cer.' St. am Su»»r Reliiiln* Co..jJHoO each.I»b»re P.i.'tic Veil S Co. *l,<9>>.10 .heir. Balan.e Pock Co.-*If"each.

750 »hart* Varmoat Mining Co..*5 each.5T »har. a Now Cr-« k Co.I Co.-d>M each.50 .hare. Ilampehire Coal aul iron Co. * 100 e ich.

l.oo »Iure. I'o i mac Ci ppei Co.730aheree Isabella Copper Mining Co.-*!0 each; with ta*

Ii ,.i- di> id. nd.lohe »oll in one lot, toae'h.-r with « certain contract tor

*¦".0, beid ae areair y for the »bore SlockTr*M» or S»lk..Tin per cent thi* da», an t'ie hilanee be¬

fore i o'clock to-morr. ¦'. The accrued luterest on Iho ii at

will be cheiged to the hNe»t lit lab .0 MONtVAT, Juue A

Patiric B»»«. Naw iiiaa, May Ii, UVV

DIVIDEND..Thf Uoarl of Dinvtora of thuBenk hare declared a dividend of tU\ R PER CKNToa

the rapual a'ock, parable to the Srockholdere on and alter the

|»t or lone nei' 'I bo Trao-ter Book, will be cl.iae.l from tue

tt'i to the 31 et imt., inrii«if e. Reorder of the Board.J. CAMPBELL. Ja.,C«*hl«c.

DIVIDEND..TIM BtMtrd of Directori of thaHOWARD INSI KÄM E I (IM 'AN Y have THU

DAT declared . Dir.d- im of TEN Per Cent, upon the Ci-.iiai

Si... k, payable ou and af. r MONDAY, th" tth diyul June

neat. HENRY A OAKLEY, Secretary.Ntw York, May 3T, I .V5.


.MOrrtca or Mtmi Doacaa.l ..rank Co., I

B»\k«ta. New Yoaa, M ly H, IkiV. (

INTEREST DUE JUNE I. on th.- lolljwingBerartt e» will be paid at thti office:


expire Jane I. DI'N'CAN, SHERMAN k Co. 1

1*>J0TICE..The INTEREST COl T'iiNS on tlktA. « Second Mortgage Honda of" The Buffalo, Corn og *ud Sew-i ok Railroad Compare." tmt June 1. Ik55, will b* pai l it th*Leather Manulactnreni' Bauk on pi**ent*tion.

r. DA» IS. Jg.. Tf*oirer.

X'OTICE The Jl'E. INTEREST on th«Ii I ii II. KI ND BONDS of the State of Calif.rai*a i le paid br JOHN COOK, Janiar, at bia oxVe, No. JtLna.'w«». ou the preaenretiuu of the Cou|M>n. on an after ih*3(th of June, 1855. ^fHBakx or TMg CoMMORWgai.TH, Nrw-Yoaa, blay IH 115A

T"HI ANSI AI. KCl.i TION for DIRECTtiRIA of th*. Bank .nd for INSPECTORS of the next entningEli cti .u w.lI ha h. Id at the Banking Horn, on MOSDAY, theIth .laxv ul J r i..-xi. l.e'». eo :i I. -.'» 1.' and Jo/cbiai.


Orrici oi rar OALatM Abo ( Hic»..o I'gioa R R *"«..{Chi. ai.o. May i. lSja. I

ANNUAL MEETING -NotiM ie hereby ffirr«I., the Stockbolder* of the O.M.ENA AND 'lie VOO

CNTON RAILROAD Id that the ANNI'AL MEEDSi) efaaid C. ro] any. for tbe electl. b ol Director* and treneaoioe efothi r m ceaeary bnalneee, w ill b. held at the Office of the Caal

pany, in Chicago, ou WEDNESDAY, th. Ich day of Jan* Beat,?at 10 ..'click A. M. W. M L IRK AII EE. Secretary.

HBO.iiwgy Basa New Vork. May H. 1«».

17LECnON .The ANNUAL ELEi TION forI J DIBEl Toils tri nxfa Henk. and for INSPKCTORd I Ibanext ruining Ele.tlor .will he head at 'he Banking-il .use, No.SI liroadw y, on Tl ESDAY, the 12th day of Juue n uxiato,betwei n the boun of 12 M. and 2 o'clock I' M. My order,

_J. L. IVERITI' t'eaaleg.

Ulrica o» im. Mo oii.»\ -ot rui ks imi )

IXDIAkA Kan.ami. Covtraa T, No. I* Willlern-et., >Nie I .a, Map«, "OA I

Notice IS HKl.i r.v (iivi v. that ataai5wi.Ing oftbe Stockholder, of the ML ilD.tN SOI'THKRM

KAILKUAD ( O.Mi'A.NV. held a. Adrian, tri the S'ele of Mich¬igan, od the S5th day of April I..'. It wee rata I that eald Com¬pany be eouei.H.ta'e.; with the NORTHERN INDI \:» \ H \|L-ROAD ( OMPANT, Id piinmanc* of (he lawi of ibo 8i*'e offMichigan; and 'bar a' a meeting of the Stockholder* of theKOR1H.BN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY, held *tI-M rtt Indiana, aa 'he Jith .lay of April leaf, It we* rated thattie .,io NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPlNTbe ca.nea.lida" d with the MICHI'lAN Sol rilKKM It »IL-Ro\D COMPANY aa luthoriaed he toe law* o: ih* State eg*lunlana. Ar 11liar In punmauce of the aaid rut**, an agrco*ment ha* been concluded bei ween lbs aaid MICHIoAJISOI TERN RAILROAD ( OMPANY and tb» mid NoRITI-ERN INDIANA RAILROAD COMPANY, wu reby thayhare ber. m. mrrgod and eon«,li.l»'e<| Into ene td III: MHHJOAN -oi niERN V N D NiiK .if K.RNINDIANA RAILROAD COM PA M IV"Holdere of Stock in the old ( ompaaie* art PMeaated ta tegW

rei. l. r imme.iioiely their obi Certlficatoe of St<«k, and'ak« oafnew I . 'iticata. m ihe Cna lidatr i Comtiaaiy.Hy or.ler of rke Board ofMM in.

_J. M. HOPKINH.Beeretary.OiiKt <» nit Mia«ir»..t* Mimixo (oairaar.J

187 (ir*enwia b-.t..New York. May RKk.ltA*. f k* I'RANSFEN BO0KS of tbit)lOMIANl wi he hn.iir .¦!.*«.< on S tTCRD W . , .,

'i'1 ''f J' n> m xt. preparatory 'o lb. d.»«ol.itl..n of the praeeogi u jai y end ita re-oieaaitaiionund'r tbe ii.n-ral Min ug Lintof the Stete, f Mieteten. The liridend payable on the MillJuly nut. will accrue to 'be ttoatboid r. oi v. iioiiiat ii. >a.d ,u>. «lugA epecial tn.i final m e Ing of aal.' at. C'holdera will be h*l J at

ImOiei aa « BOB EsDA V, tl.* I lib dty of June next, at llo'c.iik, A. M.. (e carry into effect Cie ditaolatlon of etilMINESOTA MININO COMPANY, a* raeolrad at the la'«Ai Meeting; end Immediately tharealier, oo the »am* d*Qtbe but n rttiug of t'cckhoi lei* under tbe aew orgenitttioa wlRbe bel.t for the election of Otticen the e<l..ptb.ii ..f it. Ltwe,and tbe tieneectloa of other n<ceaeary buatb aa to complete thataaid re-organ.aa'b.n tctordmg to law.

By old- r r t the Dir.core,_BAML'EL J. W. BARRY. Se.-r*fary.

LOAN for |iK.'>i>ii.iiDO.Kor KefuodiM to th*holder« of the Canal Revenue C-r'itirate., Itetelnader th*» .- I,, ij .. r nur hundred in.l eighiy Oveol 'he law« axfihr year * gbteen hiimjed and blty-oo*, tha amoant recatta*in'o the 'i'rratnry tbereoa.

1!.. i .tniaeiooere of the Canal Fend, by vlrta* of the at)rn ir .d An Acr to provide for the En.argani -ni of tbe Erie*tLeO.e.f. .j.,; the (atoxa an Sen., a i'ui.i. «._.! f.rtbtf oi i>> in n of the p'eck Kirer end« Vali-y Caoa.a andt i rovele lor the Pevin. ur of rertaio Canal llev.-aue C rtjjjrate* and fatr attaer parp***»," p«*«ed April 15 14VI. kerakf

fire notice that Sealed fropoeei. will lie received at the '' iei*j'ejarteieot urn; tl.e i> 'h dey of Jane next e' IJi/cloek

ot lb*'day f. r « .etn of ONE Kl'. r III NDHil'I Ii«.I saMi L< LLAMS. for wbeh trxn.feralx* iiiiaatilti ttat. < k wi. be iatued in tbe name of the People of tbe fftate <a

Nrw-Ycik. bretieg Interne at the rate ..f aia per eamt p»r*e>earn, payable .pxeiterly the Rret dev. of January ApriljLly end October In eack re,,, ».d ih- principal reimbe-eakv*oe be fintday of Ja,y ISTJ. It it to be trnderrtood 'k i theCnmicieevmert are to U et liberty to take a lew mm if tlx*offer* tie not inch ae in h> ir opinion art edv.a'aeroaa to th*interrat of the H-gte. The propoae a may be for the wh i e eg

any fart ol Mini ban not let* tnan*i«tC. All pepota.« to b*. i' '-.' L' et N Y ih Hl» P i i Mr.Hoi

( AN AL REVENLE CI RTIEICATER.' ami incioaed ta atenvel.ere directs to tlae Aadfor of the CaatJ Deparm -n< *Albany. Tl.* will be reqeired to be paid ffre per cent <mthe aeeep-aeee of the prop, eel tad tke kaatmaa on the 4aIt g«eof Jane negt if pa. ! at the New York S at* Bank in A beay. eg00 the 3f th day of Jute next It paid at th* Bank e( tbe Maoiea>tar. ( on |«i.y [a N«w-York; but tbe ntooet aril, be r«e«ited nd.crip lamed ai aay laa be-foie if dewrred after the award of tatloan la ancle Paymeat* to be made by <tepo*i(iag the taese ta

tbe crtdit of the Treeeurer of tbe State on areoemt of tb*( atal Fund ' m tb* Bar a of tlae Maabaltan Cu:npxa.y NewYork, nr !.'be New York Sute Bank ta Ik. City of A''eiaet in tbe ioea will earaetfe <m the kr t lay of Jolt next,. '..I 'be h. r- .t -e. ,n the Kin. and S-eaad

... c* i' -in. t. and i! uee reaMrng unt of the etat* tritl .*-

reite tbaieierett ¦« the etuck h lei by them oBarterly ai net

Bank of 'be Mar h.tra., f la the City of New Yo-k. tber etocabootert tt tbe New-York Stale Bauk la 'fce Ctefot Albente-Deieel Carnal l>ep*rtamvet.r, Albeay, May tt, ltAk

HENRi J. RAYMORD. Lie^iOaereraaw.3A4 M COOK. C imitiidlinE. W LrAVT . U li'y of fkttt*.K 0 PAI LDINIj.Tn

\IKl<;h 4 GREENLEAF. OtiU» No iö \TIVi'l ii*rii-et., will g+te pr.entt* to 'be Peerbe*. md-a. -Ho ks P.o.sft.s ky. ateuny aa Cimaaatna Ofdot* raapactful.y tidkitad.

i It AS A fcfEIOa. let* ( eehaer Am Ex. Bteak.A. W. oKEES LEAK, late of No. » Weil**.

¦¦¦¦Ml Iii tmiiifami f itkaaga B-ak. ataak af tb* Rt>

paeix, Meuopoiitaa Baak. MtwrAeaie' RanA.
