new variable star 38.1905 andromedae

34 I 4005 342 AnschluDsterne Karki Var. Aqnilae 1 - -~ - S chwan kun g 1898 1902 1904 Bemerkungen Aug. I I - I 2 Juli I 2 Juli 6 I I ..______~ ~ _____ . - ~ ~~ ~ ~- . - . -~ -.~__ __ 27 28 29 30 3' 32 Bei der Sechszollerplatte vom August I 898 bedeutet <14, da8 der Stern auf der Platte unsichtbar ist. Ebenso bedeutet < 15.5 bei den beiden Sechzehnzollerplatten, dab der Stern unsichtbar auf den Platten ist; er kann dabei mog- licherweise vie1 schwacher als I 5.ster Grooe gewesen sein. < 14 < 15.5 I 1.5 '3 14.5 '3.5 ? 14.0 13.0 ? 12.5 <15.5 12.5 15.0 12.5 <14 12.5 14.0 13 15.0 13.0 Die Helligkeiten sind auf halbe Grooenklassen abgerundet. Iler durch ein Kreuzchen auf Karte 28 kenntlich gemachte schwache Stern tritt im Stereoskop weit aus der unendlich fernen Ebene heraus. Der x-Stern der Karte zeigt auffallende Eigenbewe- gung New variable star 38.1905 Andromedae. RA. = 0~56~26B5 Decl. = +40"31:6 (1855) The approximate position of this star, from measures of a photograph taken with a 4.4-inch portrait lens, is as stated above. The adjoining little diagram will serve to identify the variable and the comparison stars used. The brightest star shown is BD. +400209 (6.0). Visual obser- vations were made on 16 nights with a 61/z-inch reflector between Nov. 25 of last year and Febr. 2 of this one. These show that sharply defined maxima occurred on 1904 Dec. 9, and 1905 Jan. 24, and that the length of the period is about .e d. 0 Y ar. I F~12. K- N. 46 days. There are also available 12 photographic obser- vations of earlier date. On one plate, taken 1903 Oct. 30, the star is so much brighter than it is on any of the others, that it must pretty certainly have been at or very near maximum brightness when this photograph was obtained, and, RA. = oh5Bm54:$5 Decl. = +40°46:2 (1900). assuming this to be the case, a more exact value for the period was obtained, namely 45%. With the help of aiough photographic light curve the dates of four earlier maxima were also derived from the photographs. Particulars of these will be found in the following table, in which the two visu- ally observed maxima are likewise included. E 0 9 18 25 32 41 42 Observed maximum 1899 NOV. 12 J.D. 2414971 1900 Dec. 28 5382 1902 Febr. I 5782 1902 Dec. 17 6101 1903 OCt. 30 6418 1904 Dec. 9 6824 1905 Jan. 24 6870 Comput. max. 49 7 1.0 5377.8 5 7 84.6 6101.0 6417.4 6824.2 6869.4 0-c odo +4.2 - 2.6 0.0 + 0.6 + 0.6 - 0.2 The first maximum is derived from a single observation, and the date would be Nov. 6 if it be assumed that the star was at the time decreasing instead of increasing in bright- ness. The computed times of maximum were derived from the following elements : Maximum = 1899 Nov. 12 (J. D. 2414971) + 45% E and these so well represent the observations, as will be seen from the residuals in the last column, that it does not at present seem necessary to make any alteration. It should be mentioned that some of the photographic observations are a little discordant, and suggest strongly the existence of irregularities. For instance, the second maximum in the preceding table is based chiefly on two observations at mini- mum, or just at the very beginning of the increase, and either the maximum must actually have occurred abnormally late, as has been here assumed, or else the rise from mini- 2 2*

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34 I 4005 342

AnschluDsterne Karki Var. Aqnilae 1 - -~ -

S c hwan kun g 1898 1902 1904 Bemerkungen

Aug. I I - I 2 Juli I 2 Juli 6 I I

. . _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _____ . - ~ ~~ ~ ~- . - . -~ - . ~ _ _ __

2 7



30 3'


Bei der Sechszollerplatte vom August I 898 bedeutet < 1 4 , da8 der Stern auf der Platte unsichtbar ist. Ebenso bedeutet < 1 5 . 5 bei den beiden Sechzehnzollerplatten, dab der Stern unsichtbar auf den Platten ist; er kann dabei mog- licherweise vie1 schwacher als I 5.s ter Grooe gewesen sein.

< 14 < 1 5 . 5 I 1 . 5

' 3 14.5 ' 3 . 5 ? 14.0 13.0 ? 12.5 < 1 5 . 5

1 2 . 5 15.0 12.5

< 1 4 1 2 . 5 1 4 . 0

1 3 15.0 13.0

Die Helligkeiten sind auf halbe Grooenklassen abgerundet. Iler durch ein Kreuzchen auf Karte 28 kenntlich gemachte schwache Stern tritt im Stereoskop weit aus der unendlich fernen Ebene heraus.

Der x-Stern der Karte zeigt auffallende Eigenbewe- gung

New variable star 38.1905 Andromedae. RA. = 0 ~ 5 6 ~ 2 6 B 5 Decl. = +40"31:6 (1855)

The approximate position of this star, from measures of a photograph taken with a 4.4-inch portrait lens, is as stated above. The adjoining little diagram will serve to identify the variable and the comparison stars used. The brightest star shown is BD. +400209 (6.0). Visual obser- vations were made on 16 nights with a 61/z-inch reflector between Nov. 25 of last year and Febr. 2 of this one. These show that sharply defined maxima occurred on 1904 Dec. 9, and 1905 Jan. 24, and that the length of the period is about

. e d . 0

Y ar. I F~12.

K- N.

46 days. There are also available 1 2 photographic obser- vations of earlier date. On one plate, taken 1903 Oct. 30, the star is so much brighter than it is on any of the others, that it must pretty certainly have been at or very near maximum brightness when this photograph was obtained, and,

RA. = oh5Bm54:$5 Decl. = +40°46:2 (1900).

assuming this to be the case, a more exact value for the period was obtained, namely 45%. With the help of a iough photographic light curve the dates of four earlier maxima were also derived from the photographs. Particulars of these will be found in the following table, in which the two visu- ally observed maxima are likewise included.

E 0

9 18 2 5

32 41 42

Observed maximum 1899 NOV. 1 2 J.D. 2414971 1900 Dec. 28 5382 1902 Febr. I 5782 1902 Dec. 1 7 6 1 0 1 1903 OCt. 30 6418 1904 Dec. 9 6824 1905 Jan. 24 6870

Comput. max.

49 7 1 . 0

5377.8 5 7 84.6 6101.0 6417.4 6824.2 6869.4

0-c odo

+4.2 - 2.6


+ 0.6

+ 0.6 - 0.2

The first maximum is derived from a single observation, and the date would be Nov. 6 if it be assumed that the star was at the time decreasing instead of increasing in bright- ness. The computed times of maximum were derived from the following elements :

Maximum = 1899 Nov. 1 2 (J. D. 2414971) + 45% E

and these so well represent the observations, as will be seen from the residuals in the last column, that it does not at present seem necessary to make any alteration. It should be mentioned that some of the photographic observations are a little discordant, and suggest strongly the existence of irregularities. For instance, the second maximum in the preceding table is based chiefly on two observations at mini- mum, or just at the very beginning of the increase, and either the maximum must actually have occurred abnormally late, as has been here assumed, or else the rise from mini-

2 2*

343 4005 344

mum to maximum was quicker than usual. In order to assist in solving questions of this kind I give below the 1 2 photo- graphic observations.

Julian date Photographic brightness

2414969 29.6 5373 0.8 5375 2.3 5400 5.3 5729 5137 5780 6086 6090 6107 6 1 3 8 6 4 1 8

13.1 11.2

3 2.8 17.0

13.1 2 7 . 5

5 . 0 36.8

The comparison stars used, and the photographic and

visual light scales, and the the stars are as under.

Ph ot ogr. light Star

a 48.4 b 30.9 C 2 1.6 d 10.0

e -

assumed visual magnitudes of

Visual Visual light mag.

36,4 10.00

2 1 . 7 10.88 2 0 . 7 10.94 1 5 . 0 I 1.28

The absolute magnitudes in the last column are rough. The star b was assumed to be I O ~ O , and the value of a step to be 0'1106. A period of 45 days is rather long for a variable of the ordinary short period type, but the obser- vations are so distributed that they seem to preclude the possibility of it being any shorter. The maximum is very sharply accentuated, the general form of the light curve re- sembling pretty closely that of VX Cygni. The maximum brightness of the star is 10lf5, and the minimum 11'118.

Hove, 1905 Febr. 18. A. Stanlty Williams.

uber den veranderlichen Stern p Lyrae. Von S. Beliawsky, Student an der Universitat zu St. Petersburg.

Das Erscheinen des Aufsatzes des Herrn W. Stratonow aUber die Lichtkurve von @ LyraeR: in den A.N. Bd. 162 hat ein grofies Interesse an dem Veranderlichen @ Lyrae hervor- gerufen. Die Unregelmafiigkeiteh der Lichtkurve machen nach seiner Erklarung wiederholte Untersuchungen und strenge Bestimmungen der Lichtstarke des Veranderlichen zu ver- schiedenen Zeiten der Periode erwiinscht. Wir hoffen deshalb, daB die vorliegende Bearbeitung der zehnjahrigen Beobach- tungen von ,$ Lyrae, welche von Herrn Prof. S. von GZase- napp ausgefuhrt worden sind, nicht ohne Interesse sein wird. Diese Bearbeitung ist im wesentlichen fast analog der Be- arbeitung der Beobachtungen von 6 Cephei (A. N. 395 1-5 2), weshalb wir einige Einzelheiten der Bearbeitung tibergehen.

Vom November 1892 bis September 1902 wurden nach der Argelanderschen Methode der Stufenschatzungen 7 74 Reobachtungen erhalten. Die geographische Lage des Beobachtungsortes Domkino (in der Nahe St. Petersburgs) ist: Q, = +58O3566 und 1 = 1 ~ 5 9 ~ 2 5 5 1 ostl. von Greenwich. Alle Beobachtungen wurden mit Hilfe eines gewohnlichen Opernglases angestellt. Als Vergleichsterne wurden y, 6, & 5, 8 Lyrae und 6 , o Herculis gewahlt. Die Vergleichungec des Veranderlichen mit o Herculis, welchen wir fur moglicher. weise veranderlich halten, wurden ausgeschlossen. Aus der Beobachtungen haben wjr nach der Methode der kleinster Quadrate 10 Skalen der Vergleichsterne fur jedes Jahr er halten; sie geben folgende Werte fur die Helligkeit der er. wahnten Sterne in Stufen fur jedes Jahr:

1892-93 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 I go2

12.67 14 .96 1 5 . 2 9 15.92 1 6 . 1 7 16.38 16.35 1 6 . 4 1 16.48 16.57 8.74 10.63 10.69 12.02 12.24 12.42 10 .58 11.02 11.43 1 0 . 7 0

1 .44 1.78 2.10 2.16 2 . 1 0 2.25 2 . 1 6 2 .18 2 . 2 1 2.29 - - - - - - - - - & 6.67

5 B d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

- - I 2.67 0.30 - - - - -

Als Normalskala, auf welche alle 10 Skalen wegen der immer wachsenden Empfindlichkeit des Auges reduzier Sie stellt die Helligkeit de wurden, wurde das arithmetische Mittel aus den Skalen fur die vier letzten Jahre gewahlt.

Vergleichsterne in Stufen folgendermafien dar: y = 16.45 , 6 = 10.93 , 5 = 2 . 2 1 , d = 0. Die Ausgleichung der Skalen hat folgende Resultate ergeben :

1892-93 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 y 16.26 16.10 1 6 . 1 9 15.76 1 5 . 7 5 15 .73 16.57 1 6 . 4 0 16 .24 16.58 6 11.26 11.46 11 .30 11.87 1 1 . 9 1 11.90 10.74 1 1 . 0 1 11-25 10.70

1.96 1.97 2.16 2.05 2.00 2.07 2.23 2 .18 2 .14 2.29 - - - - - - - - - & 8.49

5 6 0 . 1 3 0.06 -0.07 -0 .10 - 0 . 0 5 -0 .11 +o.o5 o -0.04 0

- - - 3.40 0.38 - - - - - B