"new training targets modern jobs"

Tuesday, June 5, 2007 The Birmingham News j 5A FROM PAGE ONE * * INFORMATION y y W Wh ha at t: : T Th he e X Xt te er rr ra a S So ou ut th he ea as st t C Ch ha am mp pi io on ns sh hi ip p, , a a t tr ri ia at th hl lo on n f fe ea at tu ur ri in ng g a a 1 1- -m mi il le e s sw wi im m i in n D Do ou ub bl le e O Oa ak k L La ak ke e, , f fo ol ll lo ow we ed d b by y a a 2 20 0- -m mi il le e m mo ou un nt ta ai in n b bi ik ke e r ri id de e a an nd d a a 1 10 0K K t tr ra ai il l r ru un n. . I It t i is s o on ne e o of f f fo ou ur r r re eg gi io on na al l c co om mp pe et ti it ti io on ns s l le ea ad di in ng g t to o a a n na at ti io on na al l c co om mp pe et ti it ti io on n i in n N Ne ev va ad da a. . y y W Wh he en n: : S Su un nd da ay y y y W Wh he er re e: : O Oa ak k M Mo ou un nt ta ai in n S St ta at te e P Pa ar rk k. . y y A Ad dm mi is ss si io on n: : F Fr re ee e E EV VE EN NT T S SC CH HE ED DU UL LE E y y F Fr ri id da ay y, , 6 6 p p. .m m. .: : X Xt te er rr ra a O Oa ak k M Mo ou un nt ta ai in n T Tr ra ai il l R Ru un n/ /W Wa al lk k ( (5 5K K R Ru un n/ /W Wa al lk k a an nd d 1 10 0K K R Ru un n) ) b be en ne ef fi it ti in ng g t th he e L La ak ke es sh ho or re e F Fo ou un nd da at ti io on n. . y y S Sa at tu ur rd da ay y, , 1 11 1: :3 30 0 a a. .m m. .: : X Xt te er rr ra a K Ki id ds s S Sp pr ri in nt t y y S Sa at tu ur rd da ay y, , 1 1: :3 30 0 p p. .m m. .: : X Xt te er rr ra a K Ki id ds s B Bi ik ke e R Ra ac ce e y y S Sa at tu ur rd da ay y, , 2 2 p p. .m m. .: : C Cr ru ui is se e f fo or r C Ca au us se e m mo ou un nt ta ai in n b bi ik ke e r ri id de e b be en ne ef fi it ti in ng g B Bi ir rm mi in ng gh ha am m U Ur rb ba an n M Mo ou un nt ta ai in n P Pe ed da al le er rs s y y S Su un nd da ay y, , 8 8 a a. .m m. .: : X Xt te er rr ra a S Sp po or rt t ( (7 75 50 0 m me et te er r s sw wi im m, , 1 14 4K K m mo ou un nt ta ai in n b bi ik ke e r ra ac ce e, , 5 5K K t tr ra ai il l r ru un n) ) y y S Su un nd da ay y, , 8 8 a a. .m m. .: : X Xt te er rr ra a D Du ua at th hl lo on n ( (3 3K K r ru un n, , 1 14 4K K m mo ou un nt ta ai in n b bi ik ke e r ra ac ce e, , 5 5K K t tr ra ai il l r ru un n) ) y y S Su un nd da ay y, , 9 9: :3 30 0 a a. .m m. .: : X Xt te er rr ra a S So ou ut th he ea as st t C Ch ha am mp pi io on ns sh hi ip p t tr ri ia at th hl lo on n TRIATHLON: Double Oak Lake swim part of run From Page 1A “It’s got a little bit of climb, it’s got some rocky sections, it’s got some single-track hard pack areas, places where it’s about as hard as a paved road, where you can go really fast.” Triathlete Casey Fannin Saturday, and the Sunday triath- lon, which is expected to feature professional triathletes. “We get the die-hard athletes and the people who just come out and try to accomplish some- thing,” said Xterra spokesman Trey Garman. On Saturday and Sunday, the Xterra Village will have music and food for spectators and competitors. Sunday’s championship com- petition will include a one-mile swim in Double Oak Lake, a 20-mile mountain bike race and a 10K off-road run, according to Garman. Jackie Ryan bikes the Oak Mountain trail three times a week, something she hopes will give her an edge when she com- petes in Sunday’s championship triathlon. Ryan, a Shelby County resi- dent, has competed in Xterra races in Georgia, Tennessee, Ne- vada, and in the world champi- onship in Hawaii. “It (the Oak Mountain trail) may be one of the best courses on the Xterra circuit in the states; it’s almost tougher than the one I did in Hawaii,” Ryan said. Casey Fannin, a triathlete who lives in Hoover and was the 2005 Xterra world champion in the 45-49 age division, said Oak Mountain’s nearly 17-mile loop has “a little bit of everything when it comes to mountain bik- ing.” “It’s got a little bit of climb, it’s got some rocky sections, it’s got some single-track hard pack areas, places where it’s about as hard as a paved road, where you can go really fast. “The track is known in the Southeast and even nationally to mountain biking guys,” Fannin said. Ryan said the course, with its “tight, twisty trails and steep, rocky inclines,” may be formid- able to her opponents. “They think it’s very challeng- ing, but that’s my training course. I’m hoping that gives me an edge.” For more information visit www.xterraplanet.com. E-MAIL: [email protected] TRAINING: Targets specific jobs, industries From Page 1A students. And they wanted to align the courses with industry certification so that students who take classes and the people who hire them know the stu- dents have been prepared for the work world. “If we hadn’t done that, I think we’d be in the dark ages, probably,” said Ed Castile, exec- utive director of Alabama Indus- trial Development Training. The organization is an arm of the state Department of Education’s postsecondary training depart- ment. Courses such as shop and woodworking quickly became obsolete when the state began its annual review of career tech courses. “There was a time when we taught upholstery and shoe re- pair,” said Fred Braswell, direc- tor of career technical education for Birmingham schools. “There was dry cleaning at Parker (High School). But there’s no jobs in those fields. You need rigor and relevance or else you’re not going to exist today.” Inside classrooms, chemistry lessons come alive when weld- ing students see heat react to metal. And physics has become an integral part of automotive classes. “Career tech has been doing that for a long time; people just didn’t realize it,” said Keith Ma- haffey, director of the Bessemer Center for Technology. “Teach- ers try to add those skills as much as they can and in any area they can.” The state Department of Edu- cation rewrites its career techni- cal education curriculum every five years to keep pace with con- stantly changing work force trends and to better serve the needs of Alabama’s work force. The newest changes won’t be implemented until 2009, Key said “Our job at the state depart- ment is to figure out how we prepare students for jobs that don’t exist yet,” she said. Filling the labor pool With Alabama establishing it- self as a manufacturing state, the demand for employees has crept upward in recent years. However, the employee pool has remained stagnant, forcing em- ployers to pull workers from other states, said Sallie Law- rence, a special needs counselor for Birmingham City Schools. Projections from the U.S. Bu- reau of Labor Statistics paint the following picture: y y O Of f t th he e s st ta at te es s 2 22 2 c ca at te eg go or ri ie es s, , 1 15 5 i in nc cl lu ud de e j jo ob bs s t th ha at t r re eq qu ui ir re e a a s sk ki il ll l o or r c cr ra af ft t. . y y J Jo ob bs s r re eq qu ui ir ri in ng g a at t l le ea as st t a an n a as ss so oc ci ia at te es s d de eg gr re ee e w wi il ll l m ma ak ke e u up p 4 40 0 p pe er rc ce en nt t o of f t to ot ta al l j jo ob b g gr ro ow wt th h b be et tw we ee en n 1 19 99 98 8 a an nd d 2 20 00 08 8. . y y J Jo ob bs s t th ha at t r re eq qu ui ir re e a a b ba ac ch he e- - l lo or rs s d de eg gr re ee e a ac cc co ou un nt t f fo or r 2 20 0 p pe er r- - c ce en nt t o of f j jo ob b g gr ro ow wt th h i in n t th ha at t s sa am me e t ti im me e f fr ra am me e. . T Th ho os se e k ki in nd ds s o of f n nu um mb be er rs s h hi ig gh h- - l li ig gh ht t t th he e n ne ee ed d f fo or r c ca ar re ee er r t te ec ch hn ni i- - c ca al l e ed du uc ca at ti io on n, , s sa ai id d K Ka ay y H Ha ar rr ri is s, , d di ir re ec ct to or r o of f c ca ar re ee er r t te ec ch hn ni ic ca al l e ed du u- - c ca at ti io on n f fo or r S Sh he el lb by y C Co ou un nt ty y P Pu ub bl li ic c S Sc ch ho oo ol ls s. . Y Yo ou ur re e l lo oo ok ki in ng g a at t a a l la ar rg ge e g gr ro ou up p, ,s sh he e s sa ai id d, , r re ef fe er rr ri in ng g t to o s st tu ud de en nt ts s w wh ho o c ca an n b be en ne ef fi it t f fr ro om m c ca ar re ee er r t te ec ch hn ni ic ca al l e ed du uc ca at ti io on n. . S Sh he e a ad dd de ed d t th ha at t j ju us st t 2 27 7 p pe er rc ce en nt t o of f s st tu ud de en nt ts s w wh ho o e en nt te er r c co ol ll le eg ge e a ac ct tu u- - a al ll ly y g gr ra ad du ua at te e. . W Wh ha at ts s h ha ap pp pe en ni in ng g t to o a al ll l t th ho os se e s st tu ud de en nt ts s w wh ho o a ar re e u un np pr re e- - p pa ar re ed d f fo or r t to od da ay ys s h hi ig gh h- -s sk ki il ll le ed d m ma ar rk ke et t? ?T Th he e A Al la ab ba am ma a D De ep pa ar rt tm me en nt t o of f I In nd du us st tr ri ia al l R Re el la at ti io on ns sl li is st t o of f t th he e f fa as st te es st t- -g gr ro ow wi in ng g o oc cc cu up pa at ti io on ns s i in n t th he e s st ta at te e i in nc cl lu ud de es s t te ea ac ch hi in ng g, , f fo oo od d s se er rv vi ic ce e a an nd d c co on ns st tr ru uc ct ti io on n w wo or rk k. . H Hi ig gh h s sc ch ho oo ol l c ca ar re ee er r t te ec ch h p pr ro o- - g gr ra am ms s a ar re e t th he e p pl la ac ce e w wh he er re e f fu u- - t tu ur re e e em mp pl lo oy ye ee es s c ca an n b be eg gi in n t to o g gr ra as sp p t th he e s sk ki il ll ls s o of f a a w wo or rk kp pl la ac ce e i in n n ne ee ed d o of f p pe eo op pl le e w wh ho o c ca an n a ad da ap pt t q qu ui ic ck kl ly y, , s so ol lv ve e p pr ro ob bl le em ms s a an nd d w wo or rk k c co oo op pe er ra at ti iv ve el ly y, , h he e s sa ai id d. . T Th he er re es s n no ot t e en no ou ug gh h t ti im me e, , m mo on ne ey y o or r p pe eo op pl le e t to o t te ea ac ch h e ev ve er ry y- - t th hi in ng g t th ha at ts s o ou ut t t th he er re e, ,C Ca as st ti il le e s sa ai id d. . T Te ec ch hn no ol lo og gy ys s c ch ha an ng gi in ng g a al l- - m mo os st t b by y t th he e h ho ou ur r. . W Wh ha at t t th he ey y n ne ee ed d t to o h ha av ve e a at t t th he e e en nd d o of f t th he e d da ay y i is s a a s st tu ud de en nt t g gr ra ad du ua at te e w wh ho os s t tr ra ai in na ab bl le e. .E E- -M MA AI IL L: : r rn na an nc ce e@ @b bh ha am mn ne ew ws s. .c co om m

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007 The BirminghamNews j 5AFROM PAGE ONE**

INFORMATIONyyWWhhaatt:: TThhee XXtteerrrraa SSoouutthheeaasstt

CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp,, aa ttrriiaatthhlloonnffeeaattuurriinngg aa 11--mmiillee sswwiimm iinnDDoouubbllee OOaakk LLaakkee,, ffoolllloowweedd bbyy aa2200--mmiillee mmoouunnttaaiinn bbiikkee rriiddee aannddaa 1100KK ttrraaiill rruunn.. IItt iiss oonnee ooff ffoouurrrreeggiioonnaall ccoommppeettiittiioonnss lleeaaddiinnggttoo aa nnaattiioonnaall ccoommppeettiittiioonn iinnNNeevvaaddaa..

yyWWhheenn:: SSuunnddaayy

yyWWhheerree::OOaakk MMoouunnttaaiinn SSttaatteePPaarrkk..

yyAAddmmiissssiioonn:: FFrreeee

EEVVEENNTT SSCCHHEEDDUULLEEyy FFrriiddaayy,, 66 pp..mm..:: XXtteerrrraa OOaakk

MMoouunnttaaiinn TTrraaiill RRuunn//WWaallkk ((55KKRRuunn//WWaallkk aanndd 1100KK RRuunn))bbeenneeffiittiinngg tthhee LLaakkeesshhoorreeFFoouunnddaattiioonn..

yy SSaattuurrddaayy,, 1111::3300 aa..mm..:: XXtteerrrraa KKiiddssSSpprriinntt

yy SSaattuurrddaayy,, 11::3300 pp..mm..:: XXtteerrrraa KKiiddssBBiikkee RRaaccee

yy SSaattuurrddaayy,, 22 pp..mm..:: CCrruuiissee ffoorrCCaauusseemmoouunnttaaiinn bbiikkee rriiddeebbeenneeffiittiinngg BBiirrmmiinngghhaammUUrrbbaannMMoouunnttaaiinn PPeeddaalleerrss

yy SSuunnddaayy,, 88 aa..mm..:: XXtteerrrraa SSppoorrtt((775500 mmeetteerr sswwiimm,, 1144KKmmoouunnttaaiinnbbiikkee rraaccee,, 55KK ttrraaiill rruunn))

yy SSuunnddaayy,, 88 aa..mm..:: XXtteerrrraa DDuuaatthhlloonn((33KK rruunn,, 1144KKmmoouunnttaaiinn bbiikkee rraaccee,,55KK ttrraaiill rruunn))

yy SSuunnddaayy,, 99::3300 aa..mm..:: XXtteerrrraaSSoouutthheeaasstt CChhaammppiioonnsshhiippttrriiaatthhlloonn

TRIATHLON:Double Oak Lakeswim part of runFrom Page 1A

“It’s got a little bit ofclimb, it’s got some rockysections, it’s got somesingle-track hard packareas, places where it’sabout as hard as a pavedroad, where you can goreally fast.”Triathlete Casey Fannin

Saturday, and the Sunday triath-lon, which is expected to featureprofessional triathletes.

“We get the die-hard athletesand the people who just comeout and try to accomplish some-thing,” said Xterra spokesmanTrey Garman.

On Saturday and Sunday, theXterra Village will have musicand food for spectators andcompetitors.

Sunday’s championship com-petition will include a one-mileswim in Double Oak Lake, a20-mile mountain bike race anda 10K off-road run, according toGarman.

Jackie Ryan bikes the OakMountain trail three times aweek, something she hopes willgive her an edge when she com-petes in Sunday’s championshiptriathlon.

Ryan, a Shelby County resi-dent, has competed in Xterraraces in Georgia, Tennessee, Ne-vada, and in the world champi-onship in Hawaii.

“It (the Oak Mountain trail)may be one of the best courseson the Xterra circuit in thestates; it’s almost tougher thanthe one I did in Hawaii,” Ryansaid.

Casey Fannin, a triathlete who

lives in Hoover and was the 2005Xterra world champion in the45-49 age division, said OakMountain’s nearly 17-mile loophas “a little bit of everythingwhen it comes to mountain bik-ing.”

“It’s got a little bit of climb,it’s got some rocky sections, it’sgot some single-track hard packareas, places where it’s about ashard as a paved road, where youcan go really fast.

“The track is known in theSoutheast and even nationally tomountain biking guys,” Fanninsaid.

Ryan said the course, with its“tight, twisty trails and steep,rocky inclines,” may be formid-able to her opponents.

“They think it’s very challeng-ing, but that’s my trainingcourse. I’m hoping that gives mean edge.”

For more information visitwww.xterraplanet.com.

E-MAIL: [email protected]

TRAINING:Targets specificjobs, industriesFrom Page 1A

students. And they wanted toalign the courses with industrycertification so that studentswho take classes and the peoplewho hire them know the stu-dents have been prepared forthe work world.

“If we hadn’t done that, Ithink we’d be in the dark ages,probably,” said Ed Castile, exec-utive director of Alabama Indus-trial Development Training. Theorganization is an arm of thestate Department of Education’spostsecondary training depart-ment.

Courses such as shop andwoodworking quickly becameobsolete when the state beganits annual review of career techcourses.

“There was a time when wetaught upholstery and shoe re-pair,” said Fred Braswell, direc-tor of career technical educationfor Birmingham schools. “Therewas dry cleaning at Parker (HighSchool). But there’s no jobs inthose fields. You need rigor andrelevance or else you’re notgoing to exist today.”

Inside classrooms, chemistrylessons come alive when weld-ing students see heat react tometal. And physics has becomean integral part of automotiveclasses.

“Career tech has been doingthat for a long time; people justdidn’t realize it,” said Keith Ma-haffey, director of the BessemerCenter for Technology. “Teach-ers try to add those skills asmuch as they can and in anyarea they can.”

The state Department of Edu-cation rewrites its career techni-cal education curriculum everyfive years to keep pace with con-stantly changing work forcetrends and to better serve theneeds of Alabama’s work force.The newest changes won’t beimplemented until 2009, Keysaid

“Our job at the state depart-ment is to figure out how weprepare students for jobs thatdon’t exist yet,” she said.

Filling the labor poolWith Alabama establishing it-

self as a manufacturing state,the demand for employees hascrept upward in recent years.However, the employee pool hasremained stagnant, forcing em-ployers to pull workers from

other states, said Sallie Law-rence, a special needs counselorfor Birmingham City Schools.

Projections from the U.S. Bu-reau of Labor Statistics paint thefollowing picture:

yy OOff tthhee ssttaattee’’ss 2222 ccaatteeggoorriieess,,1155 iinncclluuddee jjoobbss tthhaatt rreeqquuiirree aasskkiillll oorr ccrraafftt..

yy JJoobbss rreeqquuiirriinngg aatt lleeaasstt aannaassssoocciiaattee’’ss ddeeggrreeee wwiillll mmaakkee uupp4400 ppeerrcceenntt ooff ttoottaall jjoobb ggrroowwtthhbbeettwweeeenn 11999988 aanndd 22000088..

yy JJoobbss tthhaatt rreeqquuiirree aa bbaacchhee--lloorr’’ss ddeeggrreeee aaccccoouunntt ffoorr 2200 ppeerr--cceenntt ooff jjoobb ggrroowwtthh iinn tthhaatt ssaammeettiimmee ffrraammee..

TThhoossee kkiinnddss ooff nnuummbbeerrss hhiigghh--lliigghhtt tthhee nneeeedd ffoorr ccaarreeeerr tteecchhnnii--ccaall eedduuccaattiioonn,, ssaaiidd KKaayy HHaarrrriiss,,ddiirreeccttoorr ooff ccaarreeeerr tteecchhnniiccaall eedduu--ccaattiioonn ffoorr SShheellbbyy CCoouunnttyy PPuubblliiccSScchhoooollss..

““YYoouu’’rree llooookkiinngg aatt aa llaarrggeeggrroouupp,,”” sshhee ssaaiidd,, rreeffeerrrriinngg ttoossttuuddeennttss wwhhoo ccaann bbeenneeffiitt ffrroommccaarreeeerr tteecchhnniiccaall eedduuccaattiioonn.. SShheeaaddddeedd tthhaatt jjuusstt 2277 ppeerrcceenntt ooff

ssttuuddeennttss wwhhoo eenntteerr ccoolllleeggee aaccttuu--aallllyy ggrraadduuaattee..

““WWhhaatt’’ss hhaappppeenniinngg ttoo aalllltthhoossee ssttuuddeennttss wwhhoo aarree uunnpprree--ppaarreedd ffoorr ttooddaayy’’ss hhiigghh--sskkiilllleeddmmaarrkkeett??””

TThhee AAllaabbaammaa DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooffIInndduussttrriiaall RReellaattiioonnss’’ lliisstt ooff tthheeffaasstteesstt--ggrroowwiinngg ooccccuuppaattiioonnss iinntthhee ssttaattee iinncclluuddeess tteeaacchhiinngg,, ffooooddsseerrvviiccee aanndd ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn wwoorrkk..

HHiigghh sscchhooooll ccaarreeeerr tteecchh pprroo--ggrraammss aarree tthhee ppllaaccee wwhheerree ffuu--ttuurree eemmppllooyyeeeess ccaann bbeeggiinn ttooggrraasspp tthhee sskkiillllss ooff aa wwoorrkkppllaaccee iinnnneeeedd ooff ppeeooppllee wwhhoo ccaann aaddaappttqquuiicckkllyy,, ssoollvvee pprroobblleemmss aannddwwoorrkk ccooooppeerraattiivveellyy,, hhee ssaaiidd..

““TThheerree’’ss nnoott eennoouugghh ttiimmee,,mmoonneeyy oorr ppeeooppllee ttoo tteeaacchh eevveerryy--tthhiinngg tthhaatt’’ss oouutt tthheerree,,”” CCaassttiilleessaaiidd.. ““TTeecchhnnoollooggyy’’ss cchhaannggiinngg aall--mmoosstt bbyy tthhee hhoouurr.. WWhhaatt tthheeyynneeeedd ttoo hhaavvee aatt tthhee eenndd ooff tthheeddaayy iiss aa ssttuuddeenntt ggrraadduuaattee wwhhoo’’ssttrraaiinnaabbllee..””

EE--MMAAIILL:: rrnnaannccee@@bbhhaammnneewwss..ccoomm