new snapshot: pre-intermediate vocabulary companion - english… · 2006-06-29 · pearson...

Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English/Dutch/French English headword Nederlands Français Example sentences Unit 1 – Do you live here? 1 Page 9 Australian xDëíêÉfäá]åz Australisch australien The scorching heat of an Australian summer. beach xÄáWípz strand la plage Shall we go to the beach? get xÖÉíz bereiken aller What bus do I take to get to the beach? hard luck! xÜ^WÇ ä¾âz pech gehad! pas de chance! Hard luck! But you did well. holiday xDÜäfÇÉfz vakantie vacances I really need a holiday. holiday job xDÜäfÇÉf ÇwÄz vakantiebaantje job de vacances He has a holiday job as a barman. manager xDãôåfÇw]z manager gérant, gérante The hotel manager asked if we were happy with the service. (not) mind (v) xã~fåÇz (niet) erg vinden ne pas voir d'inconvénient à It was raining, but we didn't mind. part-time xDé^Wí Dí~fãz parttime à temps partiel She's doing a part-time job, so she only works in the morning. surfer xDë‰WÑ]z surfer surfeur, -euse He's a first-class surfer. surfing xDë‰WÑfÏz surfen le surf When we were in Hawaii we went surfing every day. surfing championship xDë‰WÑfÏípôãéà]åpféz surfkampioenschap championnat de surf He came third in the surfing championship 2 Page 9 school trip xëâìWä íêféz schoolreisje voyage scolaire We went to France for a school trip. travel (v) xDíêôîäz reizen voyager Martha would like to travel abroad. 4 Page 9 actor xDôâí]z acteur acteur, actrice She has starred with many leading actors. builder xDÄfäÇ]z aannemer entrepreneur The builders were late in finishing the work. conduct (v) xâ]åDǾâíz dirigeren conduire, diriger He has conducted the school orchestra for over 20 years. conductor xâ]åDǾâí]z dirigent(e) chef de train, chef d'orchestre The conductor's name is Mr. Lepley. diver xDÇ~fî]z duiker/duikster plongeur, plongeuse The diver swam to the surface. drive xÇê~fîz autorijden conduire I learned to drive when I was seventeen. driver xDÇê~fî]z bestuurder/bestuurster conducteur, conductrice A taxi driver. drum (v) xÇê¾ãz trommelen, drummen jouer de la batterie Jason plays the drums. drummer xDÇê¾ã]z drummer batteur, batteuse The band has a great drummer. report (v) xêfDélWíz berichten faire un reportage He reported the story back to his boss in the office. reporter xêfDélWí]z verslaggever/verslaggeefster journaliste, reporter A newspaper reporter. runner xDê¾å]z atleet/atlete coureur, coureuse He's a brilliant long-distance runner. save xëÉfîz (be)sparen épargner The new speed limit could save many lives. waitress xDïÉfíêfëz serveerster serveuse During the summer she worked as a waitress. youth hostel xDàìWq DÜëíäz jeugdherberg auberge de jeunesse They stayed in the youth hostel as it is cheap and clean. 13 Page 12 coast xâ]rëíz kust la côte The west coast of Africa. go cycling xÖ]r Dë~fâäfÏz fietsen faire du vélo He goes cycling regularly. holiday resort xDÜäfÇÉf êfDòlWíz vakantieplaats villégiature, lieu de vacances It's a popular holiday resort in summer. language school xDäôÏïfÇw ëâìWäz taalschool école de langue He took Spanish lessons at a language school. learn (v) xä‰Wåz leren apprendre What's the best way to learn a language? pass (v) xé^Wëz voorbijgaan passer The time passes quickly. play (musical instr.) xéäÉfz spelen (muziekinstrument) jouer She's learning how to play the trumpet. scenery xDëáWå]êáz landschap paysage Alaska's magnificent scenery seaside resort x?ëáWë~fÇ êfDòlWíz badplaats station balnéaire It's a traditional English seaside resort. summer course xDë¾ã] DâlWëz zomercursus cours de vacances I learnt about it on a summer course. yoga xDà]rÖ]z yoga le yoga She's taken up yoga to help her relax. 14 Page 12 air tank xÉ] íôÏâz zuurstoffles bouteille (de plongée) The air tank was low on oxygen. equipment xfDâïféã]åíz uitrusting l'équipement Using the most modern scientific equipment. Page 1

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Page 1: New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English… · 2006-06-29 · Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English/Dutch/French

Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable

New Snapshot: Pre-intermediateVocabulary Companion - English/Dutch/French

English headword Nederlands Français Example sentencesUnit 1 – Do you live here?1Page 9Australian xflDëíêÉfäá]åz Australisch australien The scorching heat of an Australian summer.beach xÄáWípz= strand la plage Shall we go to the beach?get xÖÉíz bereiken aller What bus do I take to get to the beach? hard luck! xÜ^WÇ=ä¾âz pech gehad! pas de chance! Hard luck! But you did xDÜfläfÇÉfz vakantie vacances I really need a job xDÜfläfÇÉf=ÇwflÄz= vakantiebaantje job de vacances He has a holiday job as a barman.manager xDãôåfÇw]z manager gérant, gérante The hotel manager asked if we were happy with the service.(not) mind (v) xã~fåÇz (niet) erg vinden ne pas voir d'inconvénient à It was raining, but we didn't mind.part-time xDé^Wí=Dí~fãz parttime à temps partiel She's doing a part-time job, so she only works in the morning.surfer xDë‰WÑ]z surfer surfeur, -euse He's a first-class surfer.surfing xDë‰WÑfÏz surfen le surf When we were in Hawaii we went surfing every day.surfing championship xDë‰WÑfÏípôãéà]åpféz surfkampioenschap championnat de surf He came third in the surfing championship2Page 9school trip xëâìWä=íêféz schoolreisje voyage scolaire We went to France for a school (v) xDíêôîäz reizen voyager Martha would like to travel abroad.4Page 9actor xDôâí]z acteur acteur, actrice She has starred with many leading actors.builder xDÄfäÇ]z aannemer entrepreneur The builders were late in finishing the work.conduct (v) xâ]åDǾâíz= dirigeren conduire, diriger He has conducted the school orchestra for over 20 years.conductor xâ]åDǾâí]z dirigent(e) chef de train, chef d'orchestre The conductor's name is Mr. Lepley.diver xDÇ~fî]z duiker/duikster plongeur, plongeuse The diver swam to the xÇê~fîz autorijden conduire I learned to drive when I was seventeen.driver xDÇê~fî]z bestuurder/bestuurster conducteur, conductrice A taxi driver.drum (v) xÇê¾ãz trommelen, drummen jouer de la batterie Jason plays the drums.drummer xDÇê¾ã]z drummer batteur, batteuse The band has a great (v) xêfDélWíz berichten faire un reportage He reported the story back to his boss in the office.reporter xêfDélWí]z verslaggever/verslaggeefster journaliste, reporter A newspaper reporter.runner xDê¾å]z atleet/atlete coureur, coureuse He's a brilliant long-distance xëÉfîz (be)sparen épargner The new speed limit could save many lives.waitress xDïÉfíêfëz serveerster serveuse During the summer she worked as a waitress.youth hostel xDàìWq=DÜflëíäz jeugdherberg auberge de jeunesse They stayed in the youth hostel as it is cheap and clean.13Page 12coast xâ]rëíz kust la côte The west coast of Africa.go cycling xÖ]r=Dë~fâäfÏz fietsen faire du vélo He goes cycling resort xDÜfläfÇÉf==êfDòlWíz vakantieplaats villégiature, lieu de vacances It's a popular holiday resort in summer.language school xDäôÏïfÇw=ëâìWäz taalschool école de langue He took Spanish lessons at a language school.learn (v) xä‰Wåz leren apprendre What's the best way to learn a language?pass (v) xé^Wëz voorbijgaan passer The time passes (musical instr.) xéäÉfz= spelen (muziekinstrument) jouer She's learning how to play the trumpet.scenery xDëáWå]êáz landschap paysage Alaska's magnificent sceneryseaside resort x?ëáWë~fÇ=êfDòlWíz badplaats station balnéaire It's a traditional English seaside resort.summer course xDë¾ã]=DâlWëz zomercursus cours de vacances I learnt about it on a summer xDà]rÖ]z yoga le yoga She's taken up yoga to help her relax.14Page 12air tank xÉ]=íôÏâz zuurstoffles bouteille (de plongée) The air tank was low on xfDâïféã]åíz= uitrusting l'équipement Using the most modern scientific equipment.

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Page 2: New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English… · 2006-06-29 · Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English/Dutch/French

Pearson Education Limited Photocopiablefin xÑfåz flipper/vin palme The fin helps with speed and balance.mask xã^Wëâz masker masque His mask filled up with water.regulator xDêÉÖà]äÉfí]z chronometer détendeur The regulator is a vital piece of diving equipment.scuba diving xDêÉÖà]äÉfí]z sportduiken la plongée sous-marine He went scuba diving off the coast of Scotland.skill xëâfäz vaardigheid compétence His skill in dealing with people makes him a good manager.weight belt xïÉfí=ÄÉäíz gewichtsgordel ceinture de lest The weight belt helps to take you down deeper.15Page 12hobby xDÜflÄáz hobby hobby My hobbies are gardening and reading.mention (v) xDãÉåp]åz noemen mentionner, citer Your name was mentioned in the book.Photostory: On the busPage 13get (v) xÖÉíz worden devenir I got an email from Chris.crowded xDâê~rÇfÇz druk encombré, plein de monde A crowded room.diving school xDÇ~fîfÏ=ëâìWäz= rijschool école de plongée We met up for our first lesson at the diving's business? xÜ~rò=DÄfòåfëz Hoe staan de zaken? Comment vont les affaires? How's business? Really good, we've made our target well (business) xÇìW=ïÉäz goed lopen aller bien The business is doing well. harbour xDÜ^WÄ]z haven le port They sailed into Portsmouth Harbour.invitation x?fåîfDíÉfpåz uitnodiging une invitation I've had an invitation to John's party.lovely (How …) xDä¾îäá=EÜ~r…KKFz leuk (Wat...) Quel plaisir…! You look lovely in that dress.

Unit 2 – Over three hours late. 1Page 14almost xDlWäã]rëíz bijna presque Almost everyone did well in the test.altogether x?lWäí]DÖÉa]z in totaal en tout Should we allow smoking in certain areas, or ban it altogether?annoy x]Dålfz ergeren ennuyer Jane wouldn't stop complaining and it was beginning to annoy me.bunk xľÏâz (slaap)kooi banquette The buk was so uncomfortable that I slept really badly.clumsy xDâä¾ãòáz onhandig maladroit(e) I'm always breaking cups. I'm so clumsy.delay (n) xÇfDäÉfz vertraging retard I told her about the delay.for ages xÑ]ê|DÉfÇwfòz eindeloos pendant une éternité The train stopped for agesin fact xfå=DÑôâíz in feite en fait He said he would but in fact he didn't.nightmare xDå~fíãÉ]z nachtmerrie cauchemar I still have nightmares about the accident.noise xålfòz geluid bruit The noise woke her up.signal failure xëfÖåä=ÑÉfäà]z seinstoring panne de signalisation Signal failure was the reason given for the delay.sleeping compartment xDëäáWéfÏ=â]ãDé^Wíã]åíz slaapcoupé wagon-lit The sleeping compartment was full so we slept in (conj) xë]rz daarom donc I had a headache, so I couldn't go to the party.step on xDëíÉé|flåz gaan staan op marcher sur She stepped on my foot as she went by.take (time) xíÉfâ=Eí~fãFz nemen (tijd), duren prendre The journey took twelve hours.take it/things easy x?íÉfâ|fíLqfÏò|DáWòáz het rustig aan doen ne pas s'en faire, se la couler douce Take it easy and don't get so stressed out.trip over xDíêfé|]rî]z struikelen over trébucher He tripped over his own feet. two hours ago xíìW|?~r]ò==]DÖ]rz twee uur geleden il y a deux heures The train arrived over two hours ago.wake someone up x?ïÉfâ=ë¾ãï¾å|D¾éz iemand wakker maken réveiller quelqu'un I woke him up early.2Page 15guest xÖÉëíz gast client (d'un restaurant, d'un hôtel) How many guests are coming to your party?journey xDÇw‰Wåáz reis voyage How long does your journey to school take?lonely xDä]råäáz eenzaam seul(e) Don't you get lonely living on your own?niece xåáWëz nicht la nièce It's my niece's birthday.pretty (adv) xDéêfíáz tamelijk assez It was pretty bad.see you later xëáW=àìW=DäÉfí]z zie je later à plus tard He said "See you later" and left.serve (v) xë‰Wîz bedienen servir Could you serve the vegetables?worse xï‰Wëz erger pire Your singing is even worse than mine!5Page 16yesterday morning x?àÉëí]ÇÉf=DãlWåfÏz gisterochtend hier matin My car was stolen yesterday morning.last week xä^Wëí=DïáWâz vorige week la semaine passée I haven't seen him since last week.

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Page 3: New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English… · 2006-06-29 · Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English/Dutch/French

Pearson Education Limited Photocopiableon Friday xflå=DÑê~fÇÉfz op vrijdag, vrijdags vendredi The meeting is on 1998 xfå|?å~fåíáWå~fåífDÉfíz in 1998 en 1998 He came to the school in midday x]í=DãfÇÉfz s middags à midi She's seeing her at midday.10Page 17fans xDÑôåz fans les fans Kylie's adoring fansfight (v) xÑ~fíz vechten se battre My brother and I often fight, but we never really hurt each pencil xfåDéÉåë]äz met potlood au crayon He wrote it in pencil.pitch (football) xéfípz veld (voetbal) terrain (de football) the Wembley soccer pitch.sleep late (v) xëäáWé=äÉfíz uitslapen se réveiller tard We slept late the morning after the party.11Page 17(means of) transport (n) xEãáWåò|]îF=DíêôåëélWíz transport(middel) (moyens de) transport We need improved rail transport.12Page 17awful xDlWÑ]äz afschuwelijk affreux The weather was awful.13Page 17look forward to x?ärâ=DÑlWï]Ç=írz uitkijken naar se réjouir de I look forward to hearing from you.yours faithfully x?àlWò=DÑÉfqÑräáz Hoogachtend Veuillez agréer mes sincères salutations He wrote "yours faithfully" at the end of the letter.15Page 18glad xÖäôÇz blij content(e) I'm glad that Mark decided to come with us.hear about (v) xÜf]=]DÄ~ríz horen over entendre parler de He heard about the company on the radio.involve (v) xfåDîfläîz vereisen, nodig zijn voor faire intervenir The job involves a lot of travelling.on horseback xflå=ÜlWëÄôâz= te paard à cheval They set off into the sunset on horseback.raise (v) xêÉfòz bij elkaar brengen récolter (des fonds) He raised over £1000.research (n) xêfDë‰Wípz onderzoek la recherche The latest medical research.sponsor (v) xDëéflåë]z sponsoren sponsoriser The bank sponsored the Tennis Championship.

Unit 3 – A view which excites me. 1 Page 21bay xÄÉfz baai baie This is a beautiful sandy bay.cliff(s) xâäfÑEëFz klip(pen) falaise(s) Don't go near the edge of the cliff.coast/coastline xâ]rëíä~fåz kust/kustlijn la côte We sailed up the rugged coastline.combine xâ]ãDÄ~fåz combineren combiner Combine the flour with the milk and eggs.connect (v) xâ]DåÉâíz verbinden relier The M11 connects London and connected with xÄá=â]DåÉâífÇ=ïfaz iets te maken hebben met avoir un rapport avec I think it is connected with the new project.describe (v) xÇfDëâê~fÄz beschrijven décrire Police asked the woman to describe her attacker.environment xfåDî~fê]åã]åíz milieu l'environnement We must protect the environment.forest xDÑflêfëíz bos la forêt He got lost in the forest.hill xÜfäz heuvel la colline Their house is on a hill overlooking the sea.island xD~fä]åÇz eiland l'île The Greek island of Crete.lake xäÉfâz meer le lac Lake (n) xäôåÇz land la terre He owns 5000 acres of agricultural land.look up (v) xDärâ=¾éz opzoeken chercher (dans un dictionnaire) Look it up in the dictionary if you do not understand.mountain xDã~råífåz berg la montagne She is the first woman to climb this mountain.ocean xD]rp]åz oceaan l'océan The Indian Oceanriver xDêfî]z rivier la rivière, le fleuve The River Thames.rock xêflâz rots le rocher Pluto is made of ice and rock.sea xëáWz zee la mer The Mediterranean Sea.tree xíêáWz boom l'arbre He has three apple trees in his garden.valley xDîôäáz dal la vallée A village in the Loire valley.2Page 21attraction x]Díêôâp]åz attractie attraction Buckingham Palace is one of London's most popular tourist attractions.

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Page 4: New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English… · 2006-06-29 · Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English/Dutch/French

Pearson Education Limited Photocopiablebridge xÄêfÇwz brug le pont They are building a new bridge over the river.climate xDâä~fã]íz klimaat le climat The climate in the Maldives is hot and sunny.coastal xDâ]rëíäz kust- de la côte The coastal regions of Italy.Cornish xâlWåfp=z= uit Cornwall de Cornouailles Did you know they speak Cornish in Cornwall?dramatic xÇê]Dãôífâz dramatisch spectaculaire The improvement in his behaviour was get away from (it all) xÖÉí|]DïÉf=Ñê]ãz de boel de boel laten s'éloigner de I need a break to get away from it apart (v) afgezonderd leven vivre à l'écart I like living apart from therest of the world.mild xã~fäÇz mild doux Dean had a mild case of the flu.paradise xDéôê]Ç~fëz paradijs paradis Hawaii is a paradise for wind surfers.remote xêfDã]ríz afgelegen éloigné, isolé A remote village.retreat (n) xêfDíêáWíz toevluchtsoord retraite The best plan was a retreat.scenery xDëáWå]êáz landschap, omgeving paysage Alaska's magnificent scenery.stilt xëífäíz palen pilotis Her house is built on stilts.4Page 21tourist attraction xDír]êfëí==]Díêôâp]åz toeristische attractie attraction touristique It is one of Cornwall's most famous tourist attractions.artist xD^Wífëíz kunstenaar/kunstenares artiste An exhibition of paintings by local artists.5Page 22reception (hotel) xêfDëÉép]åz receptie (hotel) réception (d'hôtel) Please sign your name at reception when you arrive.fancy (v) xDÑôåëáz zin hebben in avoir envie de Do you fancy going for a walk?borrow (v) xDÄflê]rz lenen emprunter Can I borrow the car tonight, dad?bike (bicycle) xÄ~fâz fiets vélo He likes riding his are things? Hoe gaat het? Comment ça va? How are things? Not too start with om te beginnen pour commencer To start with, you're late and secondly, you've forgotten your homework.good idea! Goed idee! Bonne idée! Why don't we just telephone? Good idea!Have a nice time! Veel plezier! Amusez-vous bien! "Have a nice time" she said as she waved us off.8Page 23supper xDë¾é]z diner le souper We had dinner in an Italian restaurant.promise (v) xDéêflã]ëz beloven promettre She promised to write to me.9bPage 23hope (v) xÜ]réz hopen espérer I hope you feel better soon.display (n) xDéêflã]ëz tentoonstelling une démonstration There was a display of modern sculptures in the library.11Page 23cousin xDâ¾ò]åz nicht/neef cousin(e) Jane and I are cousins.revise (v) xÇfDëéäÉfz herzien réviser We need to revise our plans.ten pin bowling xíÉå=éfÏ=DÄ]räfÏzz bowlen bowling (à dix quilles) We all went ten pin bowling at the weekend.12 Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.Page 24destination (holiday) xÇÉëí]DåÉfp]åz= bestemming (vakantie) destination We have just enough fuel to reach our destination.accommodation x]?âflã]DÇÉfp]åz accommodatie logement The college provides accommodation for all new away xÄáW=]DïÉfz weg zijn être parti I’ll be away in July.penfriend xDéÉåÑêÉåÇz penvriend(in) un(e) correspondant(e) I met my penfriend after 15 years.helicopter xDÜÉä]âfléí]z helikopter hélicoptère A helicopter flew overhead.13Page 24hate xÜÉfíz haten détester Mary really hated him after that.14Page 24composition xâflãé]Dòfp]åz compositie rédaction A composition by Debussy.organise (v) xDlWÖ]å~fòz organiseren organiser They organised a party for her leaving.note down (v) xå]rí=Ç~råz opschrijven noter The police noted down all the details.number (v) xDå¾ãÄ]z nummeren numéroter Number them according to size.branch from (v) xÄê^Wåíp=Ñê]ãz aftakken partir de It's a tributory branching from the Amazon itself.ideas web x~fDÇf]=DïÉÄz ideeënnet organigramme The teacher wrote up our suggestions in an ideas web.

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Page 5: New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English… · 2006-06-29 · Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable New Snapshot: Pre-intermediate Vocabulary Companion - English/Dutch/French

Pearson Education Limited Photocopiabletopic xDífléfâz onderwerp sujet Jackie's engagement was the main topic of conversation.order (n) xDlWÇ]z volgorde ordre Please put the books back on the shelf in the right order.15Page 24real xêf]äz echt réel The new system has real advantages.imaginary xfDãôÇw]å]êáz fantasie-, imaginair imaginaire Many children have imaginary friends.Photostory : In town Page 25around (to be) x]Dê~råÇz in de buurt zijn, er zijn dans les environs He doesn’t want me around.Pasty (Cornish) xâlWåfp=é^Wëíáz pasteitje (uit Cornwall) gosette salée Do you want another Cornish pasty?silly me! xëfäá=‚ãáWz Sufferd die ik ben! Que je suis bête! Silly me! I've forgotten my keys.odd xflÇz vreemd bizarre Jake's an odd guy.

Unit 4 – How long have you been here? Surfing FactfilePage 27board (= surfboard) xÄlWÇ=EZ=ë‰WÑÄlWÇFz plank (= surfplank) planche (de surf) He's just bought a cool new board.California xâ]äfÑflÏà]z Californië la Californie Wine produced in California.confidence xâflåÑfÇ]åëz vertrouwen confiance The survey reveals a lack of confidence in the police.control (n) xâ]å’íê]räz controle contrôle Babies have very little control over their movements.essential xfDëÉåpäz essentieel essentiel A balanced diet is essential for good health.famous xDÑÉfãbëz beroemd célèbre Many famous actors live in Beverly Hills.Hawaii xÜ]ï]fz Hawaï Hawaï He blew all his savings on a trip to Hawaii.Indonesia xXfåÇ]XåáWòà]z Indonesië l'Indonésie He has just gone on a business trip to Indonesia.leash xäáWpz lijn un leash I have to keep my dog on a leash.Morocco xã]Dêflâ]rz Marokko le Maroc Morocco is still unspoilt by mass tourism.points xélfåíz punten des points An impressive achievement of 144 points.radical (adj) (coll.) xDêôÇfâ]äz gaaf, vet trop cool, génial Did you see him go? Wow, that's radical.ride (n) xê~fÇz rit course Points for length of ride.scoring xëâlW=êfÏz puntentelling marquage Scoring is based on time and xëí~fäz stijl style He's trying to copy Picasso's style of painting.sunglasses xXë¾åÖä^Wëfòz zonnebril lunettes de soleil Vic folded his sunglasses and put them in his pocket.suntan lotion xXë¾åíôå=Däbrpbåz zonnebrandcrème lotion de bronzage He didn't have any suntan lotion and now he is burnt.timing xí~fãfÏz= timing timing The beauty of comedy is in (n) (coll.) xíàìWÄz tunnelgolf tube' (cylindre d'eau formé par une vague) He made it through the tube before falling.wave(n) xïÉfîz golf vague The waves are too small for surfing.wetsuit xïÉíëìWíz surfpak combinaison His wetsuit helped to keep him warm.wipeout (n) (coll.) xï~fé=D~ríz beslissing, uitvallen chute, gamelle He had a complete wipeout in the second round, so I reckon he's out.1Page 26addict xXôÇfâíz verslaafde fanatique, fana, mordu A drug……as x]òz zo...als aussi … que It's as good a reason as any.barman xÄ^Wã]åz barkeeper barman He works evenings as a barman."beach boys" xÄáWíp=Älfz strandjongens' garçons de plage' Because they surf all day, people call them the "beach boys".born to ride xÄlWå=í]=ê~fÇz voor het surfen geboren né pour surfer They were born to ride the xâ]’êf]z carrière la carrière Careers in business and finance.cold (n) xâ]räÇz kou le froid The house was cold and empty.economy xf’âflå]ãáz economie l'économie The government has promised to build a strong economy.fitter xDÑfí]z fitter, gezonder plus athlétique I feel much fitter since I gave up smoking.give up (v) xÖfî¾éz opgeven, stoppen abandonner, renoncer à He gave up his job.impractical xfãXéêôâífâäz= onpraktisch impraticable The designs were totally impractical.leave (time free) xäáWî=Eí~fã=ÑêáWz laten (vrije tijd) laisser (du temps libre) Frances left work early to meet her mother.

The jobs leave my afternoons xXä~fÑëí~fäz levenswijze, levensstijl style de vie Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.much (stronger) xã¾íp=EëíêflÏÖ]Fz veel (sterker) beaucoup (plus fort) I'm feeling much better now.notice(v) xå]rífëz opmerken remarquer I said "hello," but she didn't (time) xflÑ=Eí~fãFz vrij (temps) libre He has Monday afternoon off.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiableoriginate x]XêfÇwfåÉfíz stammen uit trouver son origine The custom of having a Christmas tree originated in Germany.ride(v) xê~fÇz=EíÜÉ=ï~îÉëF rijden (ici) surfer They ride the waves.since xëfåëz sinds depuis I haven't seen him since we left xë]r’âlWäÇz zogenaamd fameux The so-called experts were no help.spread xëéêÉÇz zich verspreiden s'étendre Fire spread quickly through the building.thinner xDqfå]z dunner plus mince She has become thinner since her boyfriend split with get in the way in de weg zitten empêcher Nothing gets in their xDïÉa]z weer le temps (qu'il fait) What's the weather like today?2Page 27(im)mature xEfãFã]Díàr]z (on)volwassen (im)mature She's very mature for her age.(im)possible xEfãFDéflëfÄäz= (on)mogelijk (im)possible Is it possible to get tickets for the game?(im)practical xfãDéêôâífâäz= (on)praktisch (im)praticable He's had no practical experience of teaching.(in)dependent xEfåFÇfDéÉåÇ]åíz (on)afhankelijk (in)dépendant The local economy is dependent on tourism.(in)formal xEfåFDÑlWãäz (in)formeel (in)formel I only wear a suit on formal occasions.(un)comfortable xE¾åFDâ¾ãÑí]Ääz (on)comfortabel (in)confortable The bed wasn't very comfortable.(un)fashionable xE¾åFDÑôp]å]Ääz (on)modieus à la mode (démodé) Black is very fashionable now.(un)happy xE¾åFDÜôéáz (on)gelukkig (mal)heureux Sam's been looking very happy recently.(un)healthy xE¾åFDÜÉäqáz (on)gezond (mal)sain, (pas) en bonne santé A healthy baby girl.(un)important x?¾åfãDélWí]åíz (on)belangrijk (pas) important It is important to write clearly.(un)interesting xE¾åFDfåíê]ëífÏz (on)interessant (in)intéressant A good teacher can make any subject interesting.(un)pleasant xE¾åFDéäÉòåíz (on)aangenaam (dé)plaisant They spent a pleasant evening together.(un)popular x¾åDéfléàrä]z (im)populair (im)populaire Is Ben popular at school?(un)successful xE¾åFë]DâëÉëÑ]äz (on)succesvol réussi (raté) If the operation is successful, you should make a full recovery.(un)usual xE¾åFDàìWwr]äz= (on)gebruikelijk (in)habituel Plant the bulbs in the usual way.4Page 27behave xÄfDÜÉfîz gedragen se comporter He's been behaving very oddly recently.clue xâäìWz aanwijzing indice, définition (mots croisés) The police are still searching for clues.combination xâflãÄfDåÉfpåz combinatie combinaison Doctors now treat this disease with a combination of drugs.crossword xDâêflëï‰WÇz kruiswoordpuzzel mots croisés I usually do the crossword in the newspaper.breakfast xDÄêÉâÑ]ëíz ontbijt déjeuner I usually have breakfast at 7.30.rather xDê^Wa]z tamelijk plutôt I think she was rather upset last night.5Page 28absolutely xDôÄë]äìWíäáz absoluut absolument Are you absolutely sure?lively xDä~fîäáz levendig animé A group of lively six-year-olds.remember xêfDãÉãÄ]z bedenken, onthouden se souvenir She suddenly remembered that she had an appointment.You bet! x=àìW=ÄÉíz Zeker weten! Et comment! Is the surfing good? You bet!8Page 29married xDãôêáÇz getrouwd marié Are you married or single?10Page 29cleanest xDâäáWåbëíz schoonst le plus propre These beaches are acknowledged as the cleanest in Europe.spectacular xëéÉâDíôâàrä]z spectaculair spectaculaire a spectacular view of the Grand Canyon12Page 29accident xDôâëfÇ]åíz ongeluk accident Her parents were killed in a car xâ]ãDéÉ]z vergelijken comparer We went to different shops to compare prices.temperature xDíÉãéê]íp]z temperatuur la température Check the temperature of the water.13Page 30building xDÄfäÇfÏz gebouw bâtiment We could see a tall building in the distance.endangered xfåDÇÉfåÇw]Çz bedreigd menacé (d'extinction) The whale is an endangered species.giant panda xDÇw~f]åíDéôåÇbz= reuzenpanda le panda géant At the zoo, I saw a giant panda.historical xÜfDëíflêfâäz historisch historique The film is based on a historical event.invention xfåDîÉåpåz uitvinding invention The computer was one of the most important inventions of the twentieth century.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiablemuseum xãàìWDòf]ãz museum musée She is planning a class trip to the museum.polluted xé]DäìWífÇz vervuild pollué The rivers are heavily polluted.powerful xDé~r]Ñräz machtig puissant The most powerful man in Hollywood.quiz xâïfòz quiz quiz, jeu Ten teams entered the quiz.topic xDí^éfâz onderwerp sujet Jackie's engagement was the main topic of conversation.ugly xD¾Öäáz lelijk laid Ugly modern buildings.useful xDàìWëÑ]äz nuttig utile A useful map of the town centre.14Page 30distinguish xÇfDëífÏÖïfpz onderscheiden distinguer He is old enough to distinguish between fiction and reality.fact xÑôâíz feit fait They won't make a decision until they know all the facts.opinion x]Défåà]åz mening opinion We have very different opinions on education.phrase xÑêÉfòz zin expression Darwin's famous phrase 'the survival of the fittest'

Unit 5 Wide angle on the World: Australia- The Big Country1Page 32Aboriginal xôÄ]DêfÇw]å]äz Aboriginal aborigène It's an Aboriginal ritual.Aborigine xôÄ]DêfÇw]åáz Aboriginal aborigène Many Aborigines find city life very challenging.alligator xDôä]ÖÉfí]z alligator alligator I'm not swimming in there - it's full of alligators!barbie (Austr.) = barbecue xDÄ^WÄáz barbecue barbecue Stick another sausage on the barbie, will you?bush xÄrpz bush brousse You can find all kinds of wierd animals in the bush.chain xípÉfåz ketting chaîne He wore a gold chain around his neck.continent xDâflåí]å]åíz continent continent The continent of Africa.coral xDâflê]äz koraal corail Many fish live around this coral reef.crocodile xDâêflâ]Ç~fäz krokodil crocodile Is a crocodile bigger than an alligator?desert xDÇÉò]íz woestijn désert The Sahara desert.disease xÇfDòáWòz ziekte maladie The camp was full of disease.distance xDÇfëí]åëz afstand distance What's the distance from London to Arnhem?ethnic xDÉqåfâz etnisch ethnique People from different ethnic groups.feature xDÑáWíp]z kenmerk caractéristique An important feature of his paintings is their colours.fertile xDщWí~fäz vruchtbaar fertile Fertile land.Great Barrier Reef xÖêÉfí=Äôêá]=êáWÑz Groot Barrièrerif la Grande barrière de corail She volunteered as part of the project to protect the Great Barrier Reef.hunger xDܾÏÖ]z honger faim The baby was crying with hunger.kangaroo xâôÏÖ]DêìWz kangoeroe kangourou The road was suddenly full of kangaroos.koala bear xâ]rD^Wä]=DÄÉ]z koalabeer koala A koala bear eats only one kind of leaf, but I can't remember which.landscape xDäôåÇëâÉféz landschap paysage A landscape painter.marsupial xã^WDëìWéá]äz buideldier marsupial The kangaroo is a marsupial.mix xãfâëz mengeling mélange Oil and water don't mix.opera-house xDflé]ê]=Ü~rëz opera opéra (bâtiment) They've just re-opened the opera house in Milan.outback xD~ríÄôâz achterland intérieur du pays Life in the outback is completely different to that in the city.Oz (Austr.) = Australia xflòz Australië diminutif de 'Australie' I'm in London for the summer, then it's back to Oz.pouch xé~rípz buidel poche They keep their young in a pouch.sandstone xDëôåÇëí]råz zandsteen grès It's a building made of sandstone.settler xëÉíä]z kolonist colon The early settlers in the American West.sight (n) xë~fíz bezienswaardigheid vue The London Eye is one of the most interesting sights.snorkel xDëålWâäz snorkel nager avec un tuba This is the best snorkel at that price.species xDëéáWpáWòz soort espèce Three different species of deer live in the forest.survive xë]Dî~fîz overleven survivre She survived the war.temperate xDíÉãé]êfíz gematigd tempéré A temperate climate.tropical xDíêfléfâ]äz tropisch tropical Tropical rain forests.unique xDàìWåáWâz uniek unique Everyone's personality is totally unique.vast xî^Wëíz enorm, oneindig vaste Vast areas of rainforest.wallaby xDïflä]Äáz wallaby wallaby The wallaby is only found in Australia.wildlife xDï~fäÇä~fÑz dierenwereld faune et flore Measures to protect the area's wildlife.4

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Pearson Education Limited PhotocopiablePage 33fair xÑÉ]z=EZ=êÉ~ëçå~ÄäÉF eerlijk juste It's fair to say that most scientists agree on the evolution theory.inhabitant xfåDÜôÄ]í]åíz inwoner habitant France has about 57 million my opinion xfå=?ã~f=]Défåà]åz volgens mij.. à mon avis Im my opinion, we need action now.lead (v) xDäáWÇz leiden mener He leads a healthy life.left xäÉÑíz over qui reste There are only a small number left.treatment xDíêáWíã]åíz behandeling traitement She was given emergency treatment.

Culture Flash 1 - The British on holiday De Britten op vakantie Les Britanniques en vacancesPage 34alternative xlWäDí‰Wå]ífîz alternatief alternative The main road is blocked, so drivers should choose an alternative route.archery xD^Wíp]êáz boogschieten tir à l'arc One of the courses we did at summer camp was archery.destination xÇÉëífDåÉfp]åz bestemming destination We have just enough fuel to reach our destination.dome xÇ]rãz koepel dôme The dome is reputedly the biggest in the world.heated (adj) xDÜáWí]Çz verwarmd chauffé A heated swimming pool.leisure complex xDäÉw]=DâflãéäÉâëz vrijetijdscentrum centre de loisirs He gave me a subscription to the leisure complex for my birthday.outdoor x~ríDÇlWz buiten en plein air An outdoor swimming pool.

Project 1Page 35My sort of holiday Mijn soort vakantie Mon genre des vacances apartment x]Dé^Wíã]åíz appartement appartement She lives in a small apartment.donkey xDÇflÏâáz ezel âne She spent the summer as a volunteer at a donkey sanctuary.flow (v) xÑä]rz stromen couler The river flows very fast at this point.hike (v) xÜ~fâz wandelen faire de la marche à pied Utah is a great place to go hiking.jet ski xDÇwÉíëâáWz jetski jet ski He's taking a jet-ski course.rafting xDê^WÑífÏz raften rafting In Canada we had such fun when we went white-water rafting.shark xp^Wâz haai requin Sharks were circling around our boat.sunrise xDë¾åê~fòz zonsopgang lever du soleil In the summer we start work at sunrise and finish at sunset.sunset xDë¾åëÉíz zonsondergang coucher du soleil He galloped off into the sunset, never to be seen again.vacation (U.S.) xî]DâÉfp]åz vakantie vacances (US) We're thinking of taking a vacation in the Virgin Islands.water ski (v) xDïlWí]=ëâáWz waterskien ski nautique The lake was great, we even had the chance to water ski.whale xïÉfäz walvis baleine The whale is an endangered species.wonder of the world wereldwonder merveille du monde The Grand Canyon is one of the great wonders of the world.

Unit 6 – They were exploring a glacier. 1Page 37adventure holiday xbÇDîÉåípb=DÜfläfÇÉfz avontuurlijke vakantie vacances aventureuse This year it's action-packed; we're going on an adventure spot xDÄàìWíáDëéflíz mooi plekje merveille naturelle Guests will be able to visit some of the local beauty spots.catch (v) xâôípz vangen attraper Tom leapt up and caught the ball.death xÇÉqz dood la mort Death greets us all one day.dive xÇ~fîz duiken plonger Harry dived into the pool.drown (v) xÇê~råz verdrinken se noyer The boys almost drowned in the river.edge xÉÇwz rand le bord Billy sat on the edge of the bed.escape (v) xfDëâÉféz ontsnappen s'échapper He escaped from prison.explore xfâDëéälWz ontdekken, verkennen explorer We spent a week exploring the Oregon coastline.fortunately xDÑlWípå]íäáz gelukkig heureusement Fortunately the weather was excellent.freezing xÑêáWòfÏz ijskoud glacial It's freezing in here!glacier xDÖäôëá]z gletsjer glacier You can ski on the glacier - even in the summer!go wrong xÖ]r=êflÏz verkeerd lopen mal tourner At that point, everything went seriously wrong.grin (n) xÖêfåz grijnzen grand sourire Sally was grinning at me from across the room.manage xDãôåfÇwz erin slagen arriver, parvenir à I finally managed to open the door.paramedic xéôê]DãÉÇfâz ambulancepersoneel auxiliaire médical The paramedics were first at the scene of the accident.rescue (v) xDêÉëâàìWz redden secourir He rescued two people from the fire.scream (n) xëâêáWãz schreeuw cri There was a loud scream.sink xëfÏâz zinken sombrer, couler The boat sank after hitting a rock.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiableslip (v) xëäféz uitglijden glisser Be careful not to slip. Jim just mopped the floor again.struggle (v) xDëíê¾Ö]äz strijden se débattre Some parents struggle to bring up children on a low income.fall xÑlWäz vallen tomber Snow began to mistake xÄ~f=ãfDëíÉfâz per ongeluk par erreur She gave me it by mistake.swim xëïfãz zwemmen nager Can Lucy swim?3Page 37hole xÜ]räz gat trou There's a hole in my shoe.down xÇ~råz omlaag en-bas (de) He took the book down from the shelf.wet xïÉíz nat mouillé Her hair was wet.twist (v) xíïfëíz verdraaien (se) tordre She twisted her ankle dancing.greet (v) xÖêáWíz begroeten saluer The children came rushing out to greet me.runner xê¾å]z loper/loopster coureur, coureuse He's a brilliant long-distance runner.6Page 39security guard xëfDâàr]êfíá=?Ö^WÇz beveiligingsbeambte garde He works nights as a security guard.closed-circuit TV (CCTV) xâä]ròÇ=?ë‰Wâfí=íáWDîáWz gesloten tv-circuit vidéo-surveillance They caught the bombers from their pictures on CCTVarrest (v) x]DêÉëíz arresteren arrêter The police arrested Eric for shoplifting.7Page 39incident xDfåëfÇ]åíz incident incident One man was arrested following the incident.9Page 40Cornish pasty x?âlWåfp=DéÉfëíáz pasteitje (uit Cornwall) gosette salée I ate three Cornish Pasties for lunch.past xé^Wëíz voorbij... langs... en passant I walked past the bridge.along x]DäflÏz langs le long de We took a walk along the river.mound xã~råÇz aarden wal butte, monticule He built a mound in his garden.footpath xDÑríé^Wqz (voet)pad chemin Don't ride your bike on the footpath.lead (v) xäáWÇz leiden conduire, mener The path leads to the beach. tides xí~fÇòz getij, eb en vloed marées Every fisherman knows his tides.10pancake xDéôåâÉfâz pannenkoek crêpe What exactly is "pancake Tuesday"?PhotostoryPage 41take off (glasses) xíÉfâ|DflÑ=EDÖä^WëfòFz (bril) afzetten enlever (lunettes) Take off your glasses so I can look into your eyes.pick up x?éfâ|D¾éz (op)pakken prendre, ramasser He picked up my bag by mistake.

Unit 7 – I’ve just spilt coffee. 1Page 42disaster xÇfDò^Wëí]z ramp désastre Forty people were killed in the rail disaster.clumsy xDâä¾ãòáz onhandig maladroit I'm always breaking cups. I'm so clumsy.spill (v) xëéfäz morsen renverser I spilled coffee on my shirt.sleeve xëäáWîz mouw manche A shirt with short sleevesblouse xÄä~ròz blouse blouse She was wearing a silk blouse.stain (n) xëíÉfåz vlek tache The stain on the floor never went away.fussy xDѾëáz pietluttig pointilleux He's very fussy about what he xëã^Wíz elegant élégant, net Michelle always has smart clothesdeputy xDÇÉéàríáz plaatsvervanger adjoint He's not in charge, but he's the deputy.change (clothes) xípÉfåÇw=EDâä]raòFz omkleden se changer You're wet - go and change your clothes.Whoops! xïréëz Oeps! Oups! Whoops! Said the wrong thing!staff xëí^WÑz personeel, staf le personnel Lisa's the only female member of staff.2Page 43mood xãìWÇz stemming, humeur humeur You're certainly in a good mood today!dirty xDljWíáz vuil sale Don't get your clothes dirty.4

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Pearson Education Limited PhotocopiablePage 43hem xÜÉãz zoom ourlet Your skirt is too long, take up the hem.collar xDâflä]z kraag col Your shirt collar has lipstick on it - what's her name?.turn-ups xDí‰Wå¾éëz omslag revers The turn-ups went up to his knees!cuffs xâ¾Ñëz manchet manchettes The cuffs reach over your hands.laces xDäÉfëfòz veters dentelles A pair of black laces.button xDľíåz knoop bouton I've lost a button off my shirt.pockets xDéflâfíëz zakken poche He thrust his hands deep in his pockets.10Page 44trainers xDíêÉfå]òz sportschoenen chaussures de sport He's got cool trainers.iron (v) xD~f]åz strijken repasser Dad always irons his own shirts.ironing (n) x~f]åfÏz strijkgoed le repassage I hate doing the ironing.iron (n) xD~f]åz strijkijzer fer à repasser He mistook the iron for the telephone - that's why he burnt his ear.dry (v) xÇê~fz drogen sécher She hung the washing out to mail xDÑôå=ãÉfäz fanmail courrier des fans The band receives three bags of fan-mail every day.16Page 46cartoon xâ^WDíìWåz cartoon dessin animé Cartoon characters such as Donald Ducksilent film xDë~fäbåí=Ñfäãz stomme film film muet Charlie Chaplin was famous for his silent films.spoof xëéìWÑz parodie parodie, satire A spoof on one of Shakespeare's plays.romantic comedy xê]rDãôåífâ=Dâflã]Çáz romantische komedie comédie romantique Curtis's films are often romantic comedies.situation comedy (sit-com) xëfíàr?Éfpå=Dâflã]Çáz comedy, sitcom sitcom, feuilleton "Friends" is a classic sit-com.sense of humour xëÉåë|]î=DÜàìWã]z gevoel voor humor sens de l'humour I don't think much of his sense of humour.slapstick xDëäôéëífâz slapstick grosse farce A slapstick comedy.banana skin xÄ]Då^Wå]=ëâfåz bananenschil peau de banane This government has an unhappy knack of slipping on banana skins.ladder xDäôÇ]z ladder échelle Women have had to fight to climb the career ladder.stand-up comedy xëíflåǾé=Dâflã]Çáz stand-up comedy un comique His best work was in stand-up comedy.

Unit 8 – You ought to try them. 1Page 48burn (v) xĉWåz verbranden brûler We can burn all this rubbish.catch xâôíp=Ñ~f]z in brand vliegen prendre The curtains have caught fire. give a hand x?Öfî|]=DÜôåÇz helpen donner un coup de main Can you give me a hand?grated xÖêÉfíz geraspt râpé Sprinkle the pasta with grated cheese.grill (n. and v.) xÖêfäz gril, grillen le grill, griller Grill the bacon until crisp.hiccups xDÜfâ¾éëz de hik le hoquet I've got the hiccups.ought to xDlWí=íìWz zou moeten devrais, devrait, devrions,… You ought to take a day off.roll (n) xê]räz broodje pistolet The ball rolled across the lawn.sausage xDëflëfÇwz worst(je) saucisse We ate sausages at the barbecue.tea towel xDíáW=í~r]äz theedoek essuie (de cuisine) Where do you keep the tea-towels?turn off xí‰Wå|DflÑz afzetten, uitdoen arrêter Turn off the light so we can watch the stars.turn on xDí‰Wå=Dflåz aanzetten, aandoen allumer Can you turn on the radio?turn up xDí‰Wå=¾éz hoger zetten augmenter Turn up the grill.4Page 49bake (v) xÄÉfâz bakken cuire (au four) I'm baking a cake.boil (v) xÄlfäz koken bouillir I'll just boil the kettle and we can have a nice cup of tea.chop (v) xípfléz hakken émincer He is outside chopping wood for the fire.fry (v) xÑê~fz bakken, frituren frire Do you want me to fry some eggs?grate xÖêÉfíz raspen râper Put grated cheese on the pizza.mash (v) xãôpz stampen écraser Mash the potatoes in a bowl.roast (v) xê]rëíz roosteren rôtir Shall I roast or boil the potatoes?scramble (v) xDëâêôãÄ]äz roeren brouiller (œufs) Scrambled eggs for me please- I don't do fried!slice (v) xëä~fëz snijden trancher Would you like a slice of pizza?9

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Pearson Education Limited PhotocopiablePage 50advise (v) x]ÇDî~fòz adviseren conseiller The doctor advised me to take more exercise.muscle strain xDãsëbä=ëíêÉfåz verrekte spieren foulure I followed the advice, exercised too much, now I have a muscle strain.plaster xDéä^Wëí]z gips plâtre Greg returned from his skiing holiday with his leg in plaster.slim (v) xëäfãz afslanken mincir You're looking a lot slimmer - have you lost weight?warm up xïlWã=¾éz opwarmen s'échauffer He jogged down the track to warm up.weightlifting xDïÉfí?äfÑífÏz gewicht heffen poids et haltères They won four gold medals in weightlifting.12Page 51drop off (v) xÇêflé|DflÑz afvallen tomber It's so cold, xour nose could drop off!ice-cold x~fë=â]räÇz ijskoud glacé An ice-cold drink.ouch! x~rípz Au! aïe! Ouch! That hurt!tap xíôéz kraan robinet Water from the tap is as good as that from a bottle.13Page 51lend (v) xäÉåÇz lenen prêter Could you lend me £10?neighbour xDåÉfÄ]z buurman/buurvrouw voisin My neighbours often look after the kids after school.test (v) xíÉëíz testen tester The Shuttle scientists tested the material for heat resistance.14Page 52attack (n) x]Díôâz aanval attaque The terrorist attack on the World Trade Centerbeat (v) (a record) xÄáWíz breken (een record) battre He beat the 100 metre record by a milliseconds.breath in xDÄêÉq=få=z inademen inspirer Breath in slowly and relax your (v) xâÉ]z verzorgen soigner A doctor's duty is to care for his patients.chest (body) xípÉëíz borst (lichaam) poitrine He has a very broad chest.count (v) xâ~råíz tellen compter It took hours to count all the votes.crushed (adj) xâê¾píz verpletterd écrasé The car was crushed by a falling tree.curry xDâ¾êáz curry, kerrie curry Chicken curry.desperate xDÇÉëé]ê]íz wanhopig désespéré Joe had been unemployed for over a year and was getting good xÇìW=ÖrÇz helpen, goed doen faire du bien Those words didn't do much good.end (v) xÉåÇz aflopen, eindigen finir It ended in tears.gently xDÇwÉåíäáz zachtjes doucement 'You go back to bed now,' he said gently.hold one's breath xÜ]räÇ=ï¾åòDÄêÉqz adem inhouden retenir sa respiration He held his breath before diving into the abyss.Indian xDfåÇá]åz Indiaas indien It's an Indian custom.joke xÇw]râz grap plaisanterie kids' jokes about their teachers.jump up/down xÇw¾ãé=D¾éLÇ~råz op en neer springen sauter en l'air They jumped up and down with excitement.neck xåÉâz nek cou She wore a gold chain around her neck.paper bag x?éÉfé]=DÄôÖz papieren zak sac en papier He put them in a paper bag.pat (v) xéôíz kloppen tapoter She patted me on the shoulder.pepper xDéÉé]z peper poivre The soup needs a little more salt and pepperpull (v) xéräz trekken tirer He pulled her close and kissed her.record-holder xDêÉâlWÇ=?Ü]räÇ]z recordhouder détenteur/trice de record The world long-jump record-holder.shock (n) xpflâz schok choc I got a terrible shock when I saw the bill.sleepless xDëäáWéä]ëz slapeloos blanche (nuit) He spent a sleepless night worrying about what to do.sneeze xëåáWòz niesen éternuer The dust is making me sneeze.sniff (v) xëåfÑz snuiven renifler Stop sniffing and blow your nose.tablet xDíôÄä]íz tablet pilule She took a couple of sleeping tablets.toast (n) xí]rëíz toast toast, pain grillé He eats toast with jam & peanut butter!tongue xí¾Ïz tong langue She stuck her tongue out at me.x-ray xDÉâë=êÉfz röntgenfoto rayons X They took an x-ray of his arm to see if it was broken.PhotostoryPage 53bin xÄfåz prullenbak poubelle She threw the letter in the bin.Calm down! xâ^Wã=Ç~råz rustig aan! Calme-toi! Shouting doesn't help - calm (n) xÑ~f]z brand feu Fire destroyed part of the factory.flame (n) xÑäÉfãz vlam flamme Flames poured out of the building.terrible xDíÉê]Ä]äz verschrikkelijk affreux The food at the hotel was terrible.What on earth…..? Wat in vredesnaam? Qu'est-ce que diable…? What on earth are you doing here?

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Unit 9 - They've been bullying me. 1Page 55bully xDÄräáz tiranniseren une brute / brutaliser Don't let them bully you.commit (a crime) xâ]?ãfí=E]=Dâê~fãFz (een misdaad) begaan commettre The police are still looking for the gang that committed this crime .pick on (v) xDéfâ|flå pakken harceler He picks on younger boys.crime xâê~fãz misdaad délinquance He is acused of crimes against humanity.posh xéflpz chic, chique chic It's a posh hotel, only people with lots of money stay someone names x?âlWä=ë¾ãï¾å=DåÉfãòz iemand uitschelden traiter quelqu'un de tous les noms They called her names.trip someone up x?íêfé=ë¾ãï¾å|D¾éz iemand laten struikelen faire trébucher qqn She tried to trip me up in the corridor.nastiness – nasty x?å^Wëífå]ë=¡=Då^Wëíáz gemeenheid, gemeen méchanceté - méchant Don't be so nasty!misery – miserable xDãfò]êá=–=Dãfòê]Ääz= ellende - ellendigheid misère - malheureux His life ended in misery.victim xDîfâífãz slachtoffer victime The victims were given little compensation.make fun of x?ãÉfâ=DѾå|]îz de spot drijven met se moquer de They made fun of back (money) xéÉf=?Äôâ=EDã¾åáFz (geld) terugbetalen rembourser, rendre (de l'argent) They paod back the money monthly.dare xÇÉ]z durven défier He wanted to ask her, but he didn't dare.move (v) xãìWîz verhuizen déménager We moved to a new town.make friends with xãÉfâ=DÑêÉåò=ïfaz vrienden maken met devenir ami avec It was difficult to make friends with people at the new school.jealousy – jealous xDÇwÉä]ëá=–=DÇwÉä]ëz jaloersheid - jaloers jalousie - jaloux I know why you did that, you're jealous!hit (v) xÜfíz slaan frapper He hit me with his tennis racket!desk top xÇÉëâ=ífléz bureaublad tablette de bureau He's so stupid, he wrote his own name on the desk top.horrible xDÜflê]Ä]äz afschuwelijk horrible What a horrible thing to say!sad xëôÇz verdrietig triste Linda looks very sad today.loneliness – lonely xDä]råäfå]ë=–=Dä]råäáz eenzaamheid - eenzaam solitude - solitaire, seul She seems very lonely.weak point xDïáWâ=élfåíz zwakke plek faiblesse Your weak point is you speak before you think.shyness – shy xDp~få]ë=–=p~fz verlegenheid - verlegen timidité - timide He said nothing, he was terribly shy.nervousness – nervous xDå‰Wî]ëå]ë=–=Då‰Wî]ëz nervositeit - nerveus nervosité - nerveux She gets easily nervous.(easily) upset xE?áWòfäfF=¾éDëÉíz (makkelijk) verdrietig (vite) vexé, contrarié, attristé She's still very upset about her cat's death.steal xëíáWäz stelen voler Someone stole my passport.miss xãfëz verzuimen manquer He missed school for seven days.recognise xDêÉâ]Öå~fòz herkennen reconnaître I didn't recognise her with that hat on.3Page 55happiness – happy xDÜôéfå]ë=–=DÜôéáz geluk - gelukkig bonheur - heureux Happiness is something many don't know.4Page 55driving test xDÇê~fîfÏ=?íÉëíz rijexamen examen de permis de conduire He failed his driving test three times!hate (v) xÜÉfíz haten détester Sarah really hated him after (v) xïfåz winnen gagner Who do you think will win the election?5physical xDÑfòfâ]äz fysiek physique Do you do much physical exercise?6background xDÄôâÖê~råÇz achtergrond milieu All the kids here come from very different backgrounds.defend xÇfDÑÉåÇz verdedigen défendre A castle built to defend the island against invaders.race (n) xêÉfëz race They say it's a race problem, but it's just people being ignorant.7creep (n) xâêáWéz engerd sale type Look at him - what a creep!favour (n) xDÑÉfî]z gunst service Do me a favour, will you?going on (to be) xDÖ]rfÏ=Dflåz aan de hand, gaan durer How long has it been going on?have a shower xDp~r]z douchen prendre une douche I don't think he ever has a shower.push around (v) xérp]Dê~råÇz omduwen, heen en weer duwen bousculer The other kids started pushing him around.rental shop xDêÉåíä=pfléz videowinkel médiathèque We got the DVD of "The Aviator" from the rental shop.9Page 56So? Dus? Et alors? So? What's your problem?If you must know.. Als je het precies wilt weten... si tu veux savoir… If you must know, he's left.

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Pearson Education Limited PhotocopiableDon’t bother. Laat maar Laisse tomber! Don't bother, I'll do it myself.I'll be fine. Het gaat wel Ca ira You okay? I'll be fine.10Page 57kind (adj) xâ~fåÇz aardig gentil What kind of pizza do you want?lay (table) xäÉfz dekken (tafel) mettre (la table) She laid the table beautifully for the meal.manage (v) xDãôåfÇwz erin slagen arriver, parvenir I finally managed to open the door.pass (v) xé^Wëz voorbijgaan passer devant We used to pass the shop every day.washing-up xDïflpfÏ=¾éz afwas vaisselle It's your turn to do the washing-up.16Page 58ape xÉféz aap singe She saw an ape at the zoo and was fascinated.costume xDâflëíàrãz kostuum costume The costumes for 'Hamlet'.desert (n) xÇfDò‰Wíz woestijn désert The Sahara (v) xÑfäãz filmen filmer I saw a great film last night.made-up (adj) opgemaakt maquillé I was made-up this morning for the film..scene xëáWåz scène scène The opening scene of the (v) xëí^Wz de hoofdrol spelen avoir dans le rôle principal A new film starring Robert de Niro.

Unit 10 - Wide Angle on the World:A visit to the North Pole1Page 61article xD^Wífâ]äz artikel article I read an interesting article about drugs.diagram xDÇ~f]Öêôãz tekening schéma, diagramme He drew a diagram of the new bridge.expedition xÉâëé]DÇfp]åz expeditie expédition An expedition to the North Pole.headline xDÜÉÇä~fåz kop gros titre (presse) A frontpage headline.magnetic xãôÖDåÉífâz magnetisch magnétique It's called the magnetic North Pole, because it moves around.North Pole xDålWq=é]räz Noordpool le pôle Nord Who was the first to reach the North Pole?visual xDîfwì]äz visueel information visuelle, image The movie has a strong visual impact.2Page 61Arctic xD^Wâífâz Arctisch l'Arctique Britain witnessed arctic conditions.bump into x=Äsãé=Dfåírz= tegen het lijf lopen tomber sur He bumped into an old friend.climax xDâä~fãôâëz hoogtepunt, climax moment fort, sommet The climax of his career.common sense xDâflã]å=ëÉåëz gezond verstand bon sens Use your common sense.departure xÇfDé^Wíp]z vertrek départ Check in at the airport an hour before departure.effect xfDÑÉâíz effect effet We do not know the long-term effects of pollution.field trip xÑáWäÇ=íêféz veldtrip, studiereis voyage d'étude A geography field trip to Italy.flight xÑä~fíz vlucht vol She booked a warming xDÖäbrÄbäDïlWãfÏz opwarming van de Aarde réchauffement planétaire Maybe the warmer weather is caused by global warming.husky dog xDÜsëâá=ÇflÖz= Husky chien esquimau He trains husky dogs to pull disguise xDfå=ÇfëDÖ~fòz vermomd déguisé She got away by boarding the train in disuise.Inuit xDfåàì]íz Inuit/Eskimo inuit I think it's an Inuit chant.jogger xDÇwflÖ]z jogger jogger A jogger out for his early morning run.nearby xDåf]Ä~fz= vlakbij gelegen pas loin Her cousins live in a nearby village.polar bear xDébräbDÄÉ]z ijsbeer ours polaire A polar bear is white, you fool!purpose xDé‰Wé]ëz doel but, objectif My purpose today is to explain how the Internet works.quality xDâïflä]íáz kwaliteit qualité The quality of the food in that restaurant is very high.raise (money) xêÉfòz inzamelen (geld) récolter (de l'argent) They raised enough money to buy a new school bus.settlement xDëÉíäã]åíz nederzetting village We still hope to reach a peaceful settlement.sled xëäÉÇz slee traîneau They reached the Pole with huskies and sleds.sociable xDë]rp]Ä]äz gezellig, sociaal sociable A pleasant, sociable couple.strange xëíêÉfåÇwz vreemd étrange I had a strange dream last (dogs) xíáWãz roedel (honden) équipage He suggested a team of dogs rather than snowmobiles.trip xíêféz reisje voyage Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland?wheel xïáWäz wiel roue A tricycle has three wheels.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable5Page 65China xDíp~få]z China la Chine I've always wanted to go to China.Hong Kong xÜflÏ=DâflÏz Hongkong Hongkong Hong Kong used to be a British colony.Laos xDäÉfflëz Laos le Laos The flight stops off in Laos.Malaysia xã]DäÉfwá]z Maleisië la Malaisie Oil is now one of Malaysia's main exports.Singapore x?ëfÏ]DélWz Singapore Singapour Singapore is such a clean place.Thailand xDí~fäôåÇz Thailand la Thaïlande Her family originally came from Thailand.Vietnam x?îàÉíDåôãz Vietnam le Vietnam At that time Vietnam was under French rule.

Culture Flash 2: Television televisie la télévision1Page 62broadcasting xDÄêlWÇâ^WëífÏz uitzending émission A career in broadcasting.cable TV xDâÉfÄbä=DíáWDîáWz= kabeltelevisie la télévision par câble You have to pay extra for cable xDípôåäz kanaal chaîne What's on Channel 4?drama xDÇê^Wã]z drama, televisiespel téléfilm He has written a new drama for the BBC.linked to xäfÏâÇ=íìWz verband houden met relié à I think it's linked to the problem with the computers.local xDä]râ]äz lokaal local Our kids go to the local xDåÉíï‰Wâz netwerk réseau A high-speed European rail network.public xDé¾Ääfâz openbaar public Public opinion is in favour of the war.reality TV xêfDôä]íáDíáWDîáWz reality TV la télé réalité There are nothing but reality TV shows - most of them trash.satellite TV xDëôí]ä~fíDíáWDîáWz satelliettelevisie la télévision par satellite He can watch programmes in Japanese with satellite TVstation xDëíÉfp]åz zender station They did the interview at the local TV station.

Project 2 Page 63My own TV programme Mijn eigen televisieprogramma Mon programme téléaudience xDlWÇá]åëz publiek le public The audience stood up and cheered at the end of the performance.celebrity xë]DäÉÄê]íáz beroemdheid vedette, people TV celebrities.contestant xâ]åDíÉëí]åíz deelnemer/deelneemster concurrent There were four contestants in the (v) xÇfDò~fåz ontwerpen concevoir, élaborer I like the way she designed this room.gossip xDÖflë]éz roddels révélations She told me all the latest gossip.hopeful (n) xDÜ]réÑ]äz hoopvol qui a de l'espoir We're hopeful that we can find a solution.ideal x~fDÇf]äz ideaal idéal An ideal place for a picnic.impress (v) xfãDéêÉëz indruk maken impressionner He was trying to impress me.judge (n) xÇw¾Çwz rechter juge The sentence imposed by the judge.millionaire xãfäà]DåÉ]z miljonair millionnaire He was a millionaire at 19.present (v) xDéêÉò]åíz presenteren présenter They presented the new products at the conference.reveal (v) xêfDîáWäz onthullen révéler The information was first revealed in a Sunday newspaper.romantic xê]rDãôåífâz romantisch romantique I wish my boyfriend was more romantic.sing (v) xëfÏ=z zingen chanter Sophie sings in a choir.switch on xëïfíp|Dflåz aanzetten allumer Switch on the TV.tune in xíp]å=Dfåz afstemmen (radio) régler le poste sur une chaîne He tuned the radio into his favourite jazz (n) xî]ríz stem le vote The bill was passed by 319 votes to 316.

Unit 11 - Unless I get to bed….. 1Page 64get to bed x?ÖÉí|í]=DÄÉÇz naar bed gaan aller se coucher I got to bed after 2.00 a.m.bowl (v) xÄ]räz bowlen jouer au bowling He can bowl really well.strike (in bowling) xëíê~fâ=Efå=DÄ]räfÏFz strike un strike With her first bowl, she got a strike.break xÄêÉfâz pauze pause I’m having a break.seventies xDëÉîbåíáòz= de jaren zeventig les années septante There's a seventies disco on tonight..shift (n) xpfÑíz ploegendienst service He works the late shift so sleeps during the day.unless x¾åDäÉëz tenzij à moins que You aren't allowed to drive a car unless you have a licence.swap (v) xëïfléz ruilen échanger Can I swap seats with you?

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiabledeal xÇáWäz afspraak marché, accord It's a deal.2Page 65theme xqáWãz thema thème Love is the main theme of the book.refuse (v) xêfDÑàìWòz weigeren refuser I asked her to marry me, but she refused.6Page 65style (n) xëí~fäz stijl style He's trying to copy Picasso's style of painting.outfit (n) xD~ríÑfíz outfit, kleding costume, tenue She was wearing her usual outfit of white blouse and black skirt.prize (n) xéê~fòz prijs prix He won a prize of £3000.trouble (= problem) xDíê¾Ä]äz probleem ennui We had a lot of trouble parking the car.8Page 67belief (n) xÄ]DäáWÑz geloof, overtuiging croyance, idée reçue The belief that children learn best through (n) xëéflíz puistje bouton He had a huge spot on his chin.sleep (n) xëäáWéz slaap sommeil She wlks in her sleep.scientist xDë~f]åí]ëíz wetenschapper un scientifique A brilliant scientist.fatty xDÑôíáz vet, vettig gras You shouldn't ea too many fatty foods.short-sighted xplWí=ë~fífÇz bijziend, kortzichtig myope A short-sighted policy of reducing investment in training.cured (adj) xâàrbÇz genezen guéri This disease cannot be cured by drugs alone.freckles xDÑêÉâbäz sproeten taches de rousseur I always get freckles after being in the xëâfåz huid peau My skin is quite sensitive.cancer xDâôåë]z kanker cancer What sign are you? Cancer.vitamin xDîfí]ã]åI=Dî~f¡z vitaminen vitamine Try to eat foods that are rich in vitamins and xéê]DíÉâp]åz bescherming protection The trees gave them some protection against the rain.factor xDÑôâí]z beschermingsfactor facteur With his sensitive skin, he needs factor 30 sun cream.ill xfäz ziek malade Jenny can't come, she's ill.pill xéfäz pil pilule He has to take pills to control his blood pressure.healthy xDÜÉäqáz gezond sain I feel healthier since I stopped smoking.11Page 67put on weight xérí=flå=ïÉfíz aankomen prendre du poids After I broke my leg, I put on xDÉå]Çwáz energie énergie Kids are always full of (v) xDÇ~f]íz diëten faire régime He's dieting to lose some weight.look your best xärâ=àr]=ÄÉëíz er zo goed mogelijk uitzien être au mieux de sa forme He tried to look his best for the (v) xëílWz opslaan stocker The body stores excess food as fat.12Page 67spinach xDëéfåfÇwz spinazie épinards He gets his strenght from spinach.develop xÇfDîÉä]éz ontwikkelen développer Plans to develop the local economy.13Page 67waist xïÉfëíz middel taille Carole has a slim waist.14Page 67train (v) xíêÉfåz trainen s'entraîner She trains three hours every day.gymnast xDÇwfãåôëíz turner/turnster un /une gymnaste She's an Olympic gymnast.injury xDfåÇw]êáz verwonding blessure He was lucky to survive with only minor injuries .affect x]DÑÉâíz beïnvloeden affecter, toucher I hope this new job will not affect your schoolwork.worst xï‰Wëíz slechtste le pire Who is the worst player in the team?17Page 68get a newspaper xÖÉí|]=DåàìWòéÉfé]z een krant halen, kopen aller chercher, acheter un journal Can you get a newspaper while you are out?get a phone call xÖÉí=]=DÑ]råâlWäz opgebeld worden recevoir un coup de téléphone I got a phone call really late last night.get good marks xÖÉí=ÖrÇ=Dã^Wâëz goede cijfers halen avoir des bonnes notes His dad promised him a new bike if he gets good marks.get angry/better xÖÉí=DôåÖêfLDÄÉí]z boos/beter worden se fâcher, s'améliorer Why does he always get angry with me?get engaged xÖÉí|fåDÖÉfÇwÇz zich verloven se fiancer After only two weeks, they got engaged.get dressed/changed xÖÉí=DÇêÉëÇLDípÉfåÇwÇz aankleden/omkleden s'habiller Get dressed, we need to leave.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiableget to Paris/to school/to work xÖÉí=í]=DéôêfëLí]=DëâìWäLí]=Dï‰Wâz naar Parijs/school/het werk gaan aller à Paris, à l'école, au travail We get to school at around 8.40.

PhotostoryPage 69Hold it! xÜ]räÇ=fíz Wacht even Attends un peu! Hold it! That's my bag.follow xDÑflä]rz volgen suivre If you follow me, I'll show you to your room.have a joke xÜôî=]=Çw]râz lol trappen plaisanter We only had a little joke.Clear off! xâäf]ê|DflÑz hoepel op! Tire-toi! Clear off! Pesky kids!come on! xâ¾ã=]åz kom op! Allez! Come on! What takes you so long?get xÖÉíz krijgen aller chercher We'll get you one day.shut (adj.) xp¾íz gesloten fermé The shop is shut.corner shop xDâlWå]=pfléz winkeltje, kruidenierszaakje magasin du coin The corner shop is open until late.

Unit 12 - They were delivered today. 1Page 70(im)polite xE?fãFé]Dä~fíz (on)beleefd (im)poli He was always very polite.(un)helpful xE¾åFDÜÉäéÑ]äz (on)behulpzaam (pas) serviable The teacher made some helpful comments.clear (adj) xDâäf]z duidelijk clair Is that clear?deliver xÇfDäfî]z leveren livrer The letter was delivered to his home.expected (to be) xfâDëéÉâífÇz verwachten supposé (être) More than 2000 people are expected to attend the (n) xÑ^Wãz boerderij ferme A 4000-acre farm.fault xÑlWäíz schuld faute I injured my back, but it was my own fault.Forget it! Vergeet het maar! Laissez tomber! Are you coming tonight? Forget it!free-range (eggs) xDÑêáWDêÉfåÇw=EDÉÖòFz scharrel...(eieren) (œufs) de ferme Are the eggs free range?marmalade xDã^Wã]äÉfÇz marmelade marmelade Toast and xDãÉåàìWz menu menu Could we see the menu, please?order (v) xDlWÇ]z bestellen commander Plants need light in order to live.serve (v) xë‰Wîz bedienen servir Dinner is served at eight.surely (adv) xDpr]äáz zeker sûrement, tout de même Surely you're not leaving so soon?wait (v) xïÉfíz wachten attendre Hurry up! Everyone's waiting.2Page 71behaviour xÄfDÜÉfîà]z gedrag comportement I'm not very pleased with your behaviour.explanation xÉâëéä]DåÉfp]åz uitleg explication A detailed explanation of how to use the program.4Page 71(un)critical xE¾åFDâêfífâäz (on)kritisch (pas) critique Economists are critical of the plans.(un)friendly xE¾åFDÑêÉåÇäáz (on)vriendelijk (in)amical Everyone in the village was very friendly to us.(un)kind xE¾åFDâ~fåÇz (on)aardig (pas) gentil, aimable Such an unkind man.cruel xDâêr]äz wreed cruel People who are cruel to animals make me the right thing het juiste doen bien faire I don't care how, but do the right thing.offer (v) xDflÑ]z aanbieden offrir, proposer Can I offer you a drink?rude xêìWÇz onbeleefd, grof grossier The boys were making rude remarks about the teacher.sensible xDëÉåëfÄäz verstandig raisonnable She's a very sensible girl.stupid xDëíàìWéfÇz dom stupide Don't be so stupid!5Page 71break down (of a car) xDÄêÉfâ=Ç~råz pech (autopech) tomber en panne Sorry I'm late, the car broke down.disco xDÇfëâ]rz disco discothèque Are you going to the school disco?DJ xÇáW=DÇwÉfz deejay le DJ He's the hottest DJ around.have a look xÜôî=]=ärâ=z even kijken, nakijken jeter un coup d'œil I'll send someone to have a look.noise xålfòz geluid bruit The children were making too much noise .refund (v) x?êáWDѾåÇz geld terug rembourser If you're not completely satisfied, we'll give you a refund.shrink xpêfÏâz krimpen rétrécir My sweater shrank in the wash.6Page 72

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiableamount x]Dã~råíz hoeveelheid somme, quantité I was surprised at the amount of work I had to do.animated film xDôåbãÉfífÇ=DÑfäãz tekenfilm film animé It's a production company specialising in animated film.certain xDë‰Wí]åz bepaald certain A certain number of eggs.chicken farm xDípfâfå=Ñ^Wãz kippenboerderij élevage de poulet He works every summer on a chicken farm.circus xDë‰Wâ]ëz circus cirque Circus performers.evil (adj. and n.) xDáWî]äz kwaad, het Kwaad mal / le mal His evil (v) xÑÉfäz niet slagen ne pas réussir Doctors failed to save the girl's life.fence (n) xÑÉåëz hek clôture There was a tall wooden fence around the (v) xÑä~fz vliegen voler They flew to Paris for their honeymoon.get free xÖÉí=DÑêáWz vrij komen s'échapper They struggled for hours to get free.hide xÜ~fÇz verstoppen se cacher Jane hid the presents under the bed.kept (to be) xâÉéíz houden tenu (être) He was kept alive on a life-support machine.killed xâfäÇz gedood tué Her parents were killed in a car (v) xäôåÇz landen atterrir He landed at 7.00 p.m.lay (eggs) xäÉf=EDÉÖòFz leggen (eieren) pondre (des œufs) He laid his hand on my shoulder.make plans xãÉfâ=éäôåz= plannen maken planifier Have you made plans for this weekend?meantime xDãáWåí~fãz ondertussen entre-temps Dinner's nearly ready. Would you like a drink in the meantime?pie (n) xé~fz taart pâté An apple pie.pie-making machine xé~f=ãÉfâfÏ=ã]DpáWåz bakmachine machine à faire des pâtés He caught his finger in a pie-making machine.plan (n) xéäôåz plannen plan The company has plans to create 30 more jobs.prison-like xDéêfòå=ä~fâz gevangenisachtig comme une prison Call it a hotel? It was prison-like!rooster (male chicken) xDêìWëí]z haan coq That little red rooster wakes us up at oneself xëÉfî=ïsåDëÉäÑz jezelf redden se sauver As the ship went down, everyone moved to save themselves from drowning.shut up (adj) xDp¾í=]éz opgesloten enfermé How do the chickens feel shut up on a farm like that one?tell xíÉäz vertellen dire I can't tell you, it's a secret.tired of (to be) xDí~f]Çz genoeg hebben van fatigué de I'm tired of this situation.9Page 73body xDÄflÇáz lichaam corps He had mud and dirt all over his xÄfäÇz bouwen construire They're building new houses for local people.cover (v) xDâ¾î]z bedekken couvrir Cover the pan and let the sauce simmer.feather xDÑÉa]z veer plume An ostrich featherlatex xDäÉfíÉâëz latex, rubber caoutchouc A doctor's latex gloves.metal xDãÉíäz metaal métal It's made of metal.plasticine xDéäôëí]ëáWåz plasticine plasticine He made a figure out of plasticine.skeleton xDëâÉä]í]åz skelet squelette We found the skeleton of a cat.10Page 73come out (v) xâ]ã=~ríz verschijnen sortir The new Harry Potter book has just come out.translate (v) xíêôåëDäÉfíz vertalen traduire I am translating the book into English.12Page 74battery (n.) xDÄôí]êáz batterij batterie It needs a new battery.cage xâÉfÇwz kooi cage A hamster cagecontroversial xâflåíê]Dî‰Wp]äz controversieel, omstreden controversé The site of the new road has been a controversial issue.egg farming xÉÖ=Ñ^WãfÏz kippenteelt production d'œufs Egg farming is not such a luucrative (v) xÑfíz passen, onderbrengen placer I wonder if my wedding dress still fits me?flap (v) xÑäôéz fladderen agiter The bird flapped ist wings to take off.hen xÜÉåz kip, hen poule A hen house.on top of xflå=ífléz=]îz boven op elkaar au-dessus de There are 5 cages on top of each xëéÉfëz ruimte espace There's a space for the table here.wing xïfÏz vleugel aile The eagle spread its wings and flew away.13Page 74formal xDÑlWã]äz formeel formel I only wear a suit on formal occasions.recipient xêfDëféá]åíz ontvanger récipiendaire the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prizesign (v) xë~fåz tekenen signer Sin here on the dotted line please.underneath x¾åÇ]DåáWqz onder en-dessous I found the keys underneath a cushion.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable14Page 74protest (v) xéê]rDíÉëíz protesteren protester Protests against the war in Iraq.treated (to be) xíêáWíz behandelen traité By this time, the disease was too far advanced to be treated.

Hens are treated inhumanely in battery farms.

Unit 13 - If I had the money… 1Page 77ambition xôãDÄfpåz ambitie ambition Her ambition is to climb Mount Everest.appearance x]Déf]ê]åëz verschijning apparence Annette was always very concerned about her appearance.ban (v) xÄôåz verbieden interdire The government banned tobacco advertising.dream (n) xÇêáWãz droom rêve I had a dream about you last night.DVD player xÇá=îá=Çá=DéäÉfbz dvd-speler lecteur de DVD He has a DVD player that can record too.experiment (n) xfâDëéÉê]ãÉåíz experiment expérience We did an experiment to show the effect that acid has on metal.Far East xÑ^W=áWëíz het Verre Oosten l'Extrême-Orient He's gone to a new life in the Far East.golfer xDÖfläÑbz golfer/golfster golfeur, golfeuse He'll never make it big as a professional golfer.good-looking xÖrÇ=DärâfÏz goed uitziend beau A really good-looking guy.hardworking xÜ^WÇ=ï‰WâfÏz hardwerkend travailleur Sam's a quiet hardworking boy.hope (n) xÜ]réz hoop espoir I hope you feel better soon.Iceland xD~fëäbåÇz IJsland l'Islande Iceland is definitely worth a visit.Japan xÇw]Déôåz Japan le Japon Kate has just been to Japan.Lapland xäôéäbåÇz Lapland la Laponie They spent Christmas in Lapland.national park xDåôpbåbä=é^Wâz nationaal park parc national Yellowstone National Park.pollution xé]DäìWpåz vervuiling pollution Plants and fish are dying because of pollution.Table Mountain xDíÉfÄä=Dã~råífåz Tafelberg la montagne de la Table They had a sponsored climb up Table Mountain.sound system xDë~råÇ=Dëfëí]ãz stereo-installatie chaîne hi fi Wow, that's a cool stereo around xDíêôîä=]Dê~råÇz reizen faire des excursions After leaving his job, he spent six months travelling change xDë]rpä=ípÉfåÇwz sociale verandering changements sociaux My grandfather finds it difficult to accept social changes.Prime Minister xéê~fã|Dãfåfëí]z premier Premier Ministre The Prime Minister faced some difficult questions in Parliament.restrict (v) xêfDëíêfâíz beperken restreindre Laws that restrict people's freedom.fascinating xDÑôë]åÉfífÏz fascinerend fascinant This is a fascinating book.gadget xDÖôÇw]íz gadget, apparaatje gadget A handy little gadget for opening bottles.glamorous xDÖäôã]ê]ëz betoverend, vol glamour glamour She led an exciting and glamorous life.president xDéêÉòfÇ]åíz president président, -te President Lincoln was shot at the theatre.2Page 77charge (v) xíp^WÇwz eisen faire payer, compter An admission charge of £2.50For goodness’ sake In hemelsnaam Pour l'amour du ciel For goodness' sake, look at the mess you've made!4Page 78charity xDípôê]íáz liefdadigheid œuvre caritative She works for the charity Oxfam.lottery xDäflí]êáz loterij loterie What would you do if you won the lottery?spend (v) xëéÉåÇz uitgeven dépenser I spent all my money.waste (v) xïÉfëíz verspillen gaspiller Don't waste your time on that rubbish.5Page 78anywhere xDÉåáïÉ]z overal, waar dan ook quelque part Sit anywhere you like.India xDfåÇábz= India l'Inde the 50th anniversary of India's independenceTaj Mahal xí^WÇwã]XÜ^Wäz Taj Mahal le Taj Mahâl A memorable photo of Lady Diana in front of the Taj Mahal.6Page 78comma xDâflã]z komma virgule Your punctuation is terrible; no commas, full-stops, nothing!correct (adj) xâ]DêÉâíz correct, juist correct He gave the correct answer.full stop xDÑrä=Dëífléz punt point Put a full stop at the end of the sentence.miss out (v) xãfë=~ríz vergeten, weglaten oublier Don't miss out the apostrophes.punctuate (v) xDé¾ÏâípìÉfíz leestekens gebruiken ponctuer Please punctuate your work.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiablequestion mark xDâïÉëípbå=ã^Wâz vraagteken point d'interrogation A big question mark hangs over the company's future.spelling xDëéÉäfÏz spelling orthographe Your spelling has improved.8Page 78radio programme xDêÉfÇf]r=Déê]rÖêôãz radioprogramma émission de radio Dad tuned in to his favourite radio programme.time capsule xDí~fã=âôéëàräz tijdcapsule capsule à voyager dans le temps They put a "Beatles" recording into the time capsule.9Page 79agree x]DÖêáWz eens zijn met, instemmen être d'accord I agree with Karen. It's much too expensive.apologise (v) verontschuldigen présenter des excuses I apologise. I was selfish.argument xD^WÖà]ã]åíz ruzie dispute I had a big argument with my girlfriend.behind one's back xÄfDÜ~fåÇz achter iemands rug dans le dos de qqn He's always talking behind my (v) xípôíz kletsen bavarder Jo was chatting to Sam.cheat (v) xípáWíz bedriegen tricher He always cheats at cards.cheer someone up x?ípf]=ë¾ãï¾å|D¾éz iemand opvrolijken remonter le moral de qqn Your call will cheer her up.criticise (v) xDâêfíbë~fòz bekritiseren critiquer I can't do anything right, he always criticises me.depressed xÇfDéêÉëíz treurig, verdrietig déprimé She felt lonely and depressed.hurtful (adj) xD܉WíÑ]äz kwetsend blessant Some of the things he said were very hurtful.ignore (v) xfÖDålWz negeren ignorer They can't ignore the fact that he's here.item xD~fí]ãz voorwerp, item article What was the last item of clothing you bought?jog (n) xÇwflÖz joggen un jogging Julie has gone for a jog.pleased xéäáWëÇz tevreden content Are you pleased with the result?pretend (v) xéêfDíÉåÇz doen alsof faire semblant He's not really angry, he's just pretending.signal xDëfÖåäz teken faire signe That was the signal for me to switch out the lights.suggest (v) xë]DÇwÉëíz voorstellen suggérer My doctor suggested a week off work.scoring xëâlêfÏz score bijhouden score Who's doing the coring?mean (adj) xãáWåz gemeen mesquin He's so mean he wouldn't even buy me a drink.sympathetic xëfãé]DqÉífâz sympathiek, begrijpend compatissant A sympathetic attitude.crisis xDâê~fë]ëz crisis crise The country now faces an economic crisis.reliable xêfDä~f]Ääz betrouwbaar fiable Rick is hard-working and very reliable.bossy xDÄflëáz bazig dominateur A bossy little girl.make trouble xãÉfâ=Díê¾Ääz problemen schoppen faire des ennuis Don't invite him, he always makes trouble.sensitive xDëÉåëfífîz gevoelig sensible He was very sensitive to other people's needs.loyal xDälf]äz loyaal loyal She's very loyal to her friends.generous xDÇwÉå]ê]ëz ruimhartig généreux Billy was extraordinarily generous to his trouble xfå=Díê¾Ääz in de problemen zitten ennuyé Dad, I'm in trouble.10Page 79critical xDâêfífâäz kritisch critique Economists are critical of the plans.dependable xÇfDéÉåÇ]Ä]äz betrouwbaar sur qui on peut compter We want our employees to be dependable and loyal.easy-going xDáWòá=DÖ]rfÏz relaxed facile à vivre Her easy-going nature made her popular.loud xä~rÇz luid tapageur The TV's too loud!quick-tempered x?âïfâDíÉãé]Çz lichtgeraakt soupe au lait He's so quick-tempered.serious xDëf]êá]ëz ernstig sérieux Drugs are a serious problem here.shy xp~fz verlegen timide She's painfully shy with strangers.determined xÇfDí‰Wã]åÇz vastberaden déterminé She was determined to start her own business.sociable xDë]rp]Ääz gezellig sociable A pleasant, sociable couple.aggressive x]DÖêÉëfîz agressief agressif He is very aggressive when he plays football.quiet xDâï~f]íz rustig calme We'll have to be quiet, we don't want to wake your parents.13Page 80seem (v) xëáWãz schijnen avoir l'air, sembler The house seemed very quiet after he'd left.hear from xÜf]=Ñêflãz horen van avoir des nouvelles de I haven't heard from himfor ages xÑ]=ÉfÇwfòz eeuwig depuis une éternité for ages.while (n) xï~fäz een tijdje moment, quelque temps For a while.easier said than done! gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan plus facile à dire qu'à faire Get a job! That's easier said than done.teach someone a lesson x?íáWíp=ë¾ãï¾å|]=DäÉëåz iemand een lesje leren donner une leçon à qqn When I see him, i'm going to teach him a lesson he'll never forget.15

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Pearson Education Limited PhotocopiablePage 80hand in xÜôåÇ=fåz inleveren, afgeven rendre You should hand it in to the police.sick (adj) xëfâz ziek malade I felt really sick.unpleasant x¾åDéäÉò]åíz onaangenaam déplaisant An unpleasant surprise.stranger xDëíêÉfåÇw]z vreemde(ling) étranger Don't get in a car with a stranger.keep quiet (v) xâáWé=Dâï~f]íz zwijgen over se taire Keep quiet about what we discussed, I don't want him to know.

Photostory Page 81beach hut xÄáWíp=Üsíz strandhut cabine de plage He painted the beach hut blue and yellow.private property xDéê~fîfí=Déêflé]íáz privé-bezit propriété privée Don^t park there, it's private property.belong (v) xÄfDäflÏz horen appartenir Books like that don't belong in the classroom.

Unit 14 – Someone had dropped it. 1Page 82claim xâäÉfã=E]=é]DëÉpåFz beweren réclamer Evans claimed that someone tried to murder (n) xâ]rípz bus car We went to Paris by coach.dome xÇbrãz koepel coupole The splendid dome of Florence cathedral.drop (v) xÇêfléz laten vallen laisser tomber Tom dropped his bag by the door.Guess what! xÖÉë=Dïflíz raad eens! Devine! Guess what! I got the job!Hang on! xDÜôÏ=Dflåz Wacht even! Attends! Hang on! I'll be two minutes.keep fingers crossed xâáWé=DÑfÏÖ]ë=âêflëÇz duimen croiser les doigts I kept my fingers crossed that she would turn up safely.No chance! xå]r=íp^Wåëz Vergeet het maar! Aucune chance! Can you lend me £10? No chance!plant (n) xéä^Wåíz plant plante Don't forget to water the plants.6Page 85note (v) xå]ríz opschrijven, noteren relever I'll just make note down your address.skim through xëâfã=qêìWz doorbladeren parcourir He skimmed through the new book.text (n) xíÉâëíz tekst texte A disk that can store huge quantities of text.7Page 85amazed x]DãÉfòÇz verbaasd étonné We were amazed at how quickly the kids learned the song.atmosphere xDôíã]ëÑf]z sfeer atmosphère The atmosphere at home was tense.autograph xDlWí]Öê^WÑz handtekening autographe Can I have your autograph?backstage xÄôâDëíÉfÇwz achter de schermen coulisses We're hoping to go backstage and talk to the (music) xÄôåÇz band (muziek) groupe (musical) He plays drums in a chocolate xDÜflí=Dípflâä]íz warme chocolademelk chocolat chaud I'd love a cup of hot chocolate.jug xÇw¾Öz beker pot, cruche A milk jug.light (v) xä~fíz aansteken allumer Everyone lit candles.lounge (n) xä~råÇwz wachtruimte salon The departure xD]ré]å=É]z open lucht en plein-air An open-air concert.pick up x?éfâ|D¾éz afhalen venir chercher Can you pick up mum from work?thrilled xqêfäÇz enthousiast excité We were so thrilled to hear about the station xíàìWÄ=DëíÉfpåz metrostation station de métro They planted the bombs in different tube stations.10Page 85folk music xÑbrâ=DãàìWòfâz= folkmuziek musique folk He's got a collection of folk music cd's.sold out xëbräÇ=~ríz uitverkocht vendu The group will play three sold-out shows at Wembley Arena.12Page 86day off xÇáÉ=DflÑz vrije dag un jour libre, de vacances On my days off, you'll usually find me out in the back garden.instead xfåDëíÉÇz in plaats van plutôt If Jane can't go, I'll go instead.14Page 86age xÉfÇwz leeftijd âge Games for children of all ages.cost (n) xâflëíz kosten coût, prix The cost of accommodation in the city centre is very high.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiablemusic festival xDãàìWòfâ=DÑÉëífî]äz muziekfestival festival de musique They spent the weekend at a music festival in Somerset.age range xÉfÇw=êÉfåÇwz leeftijdsgroep âge moyen It's open to a wide age range of people.tent xíÉåíz tent tente We looked for a place to put up our tent.16Page 86glad xÖäôÇz blij, tevreden content "I've decided to accept his offer." "I'm glad."lovely xDä¾îäáz mooi génial You look lovely in that dress.

Unit 15 - Wide Angle on the World:Ready, steady, action!1Page 89bone xÄ]råz bot os Sam broke a bone in his foot.breath (n) xÄêÉqz adem souffle Just take a deep breath.bruise (n) xÄêìWòz blauwe plek bleu, contusion She had a nasty bruise on her face.burn (n) xÄlWåz brandwond brûlure He had several burns on his arms as a result of the accident.close by xâäbrò=DÄ~fz dichtbij tout près There is always a hose close by.course xâlWëz cursus cours I'd like to take a course in business studies.dangerous xDÇÉfåÇw]ê]ëz gevaarlijk dangereux It's dangerous to walk alone at night around xDÉâëé‰Wíz expert expert(e) An expert on ancient Egyptian xÑ~f]z brand feu Fire destroyed part of the building.fireproof xDÑ~f]éêìWÑz vuurvast à l'épreuve du feu, ignifugé A fireproof door.firewall xDÑ~f]ïlWäz muur van vuur mur de flammes He sprang through a firewall on his bike.gel xÇwÉäz gel gel He used lots of hair gel.hang glider xDÜôÏ=DÖä~fÇbz hangglider deltaplane Every weekend she goes out on her hang glider.hose xÜ]ròz slang tuyau That's a really long hose.injury xDfåÇw]êáz verwonding blessure She was taken to hospital with serious head injuries.jump xÇw¾ãéz springen sauter Boys were jumping off the bridge into the river.leap xäáWéz springen sauter She leapt over the fence.martial arts xã^Wpbä=D^Wíëz vechtsport arts martiaux He's an expert in martial arts.personality xé‰Wë]Dåôäfíáz persoonlijkheid personnalité She's an ambitious woman with a strong personality.protective xéê]DíÉâífîz beschermend de protection The players wear protective helmets.put out flames xérí=~rí=ÑäÉfãëz blussen éteindre les flammes They put out the flames with water.risky xDêfëâáz riskant risqué Travelling alone can be risky.safely xDëÉfÑäáz veilig en sécurité Drive safely!set on fire xëÉí=flå=DÑ~f]z in brand steken, aansteken mettre le feu The police think that someone set the school on fire.stunt xëí¾åíz stunt cascade An actor who does all his own stunts.stunt artist xëí¾åí=D^Wífëíz stuntman cascadeur, -euse He doesn't need a stunt artist, he does them himself.stuntman xëí¾åíã]åz stuntman cascadeur To be a stuntman, you must be brave, strong and a bit crazy!tower xDí~r]z toren tour The Eiffel Tower.tutor xDíàìWí]z leraar enseignant A private tutor.3Page 89at full speed xôí=DÑrä=ëéáWÇz met volle kracht à toute vitesse The gang jumped into the car and left at full speed.current xDâ¾ê]åíz stroming le courant The current is fast in thisriver.G-force xÇwáW=ÑlWëz G-kracht force gravitationnelle All astronauts experience the

Effects of G-force on take off.practise xDéêôâífëz oefenen pratiquer Today we're going to practise parking.speed boat xëéáWÇ=Ä]ríz speedboot hors-bord We went out on a speedboat on Lake Como.spin (v) xëéfåz ronddraaien tourner sur soi-même The dancers spun round and round on the ice.

Culture Flash 3 - The music scene de muziekscène la scène musicalePage 90download (v) xDÇ~råä]rÇz downloaden télécharger Games that can be downloaded free from the Internet.go clubbing x?Ö]r=âäîÄfÏz naar de disco gaan aller en boîte I usually go clubbing on Fridays.go online x?Ö]r=Dflåä~fåz online gaan aller en ligne If you go online now, you'll see it live.headphones xDÜÉÇÑ]råòz hoofdtelefoon casque, écouteurs The sound is fed directly to the headphones.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiablelook around xärâ=]Dê~råÇz om zich heen kijken regarder Before exiting, look around for oncoming traffic.mad about (to be) xãôÇz gek zijn op fou de She's mad about Hollywood!tradition xíê]DÇfp]åz traditie tradition The country has a long tradition of state control.varied xDîÉ]êfÇz gevarieerd varié Try to eat a varied diet.Project 3Page 91My favourite music mijn lievelingsmuziek Ma musique préféréeboy band xÄlf=ÄôåÇz jongensgroep groupe de garçons That boy-band is so cheesy.hit (n) xÜfíz hit un hit Their record was an instant hit.success xë]âDëÉëz succes succès Her success is due to hard work.track xíêôâz nummer plage We were in the studio to lay down some tour xï‰WäÇ=ír]z wereldtournee tournée mondiale The band have set off on a world tour.

Unit 16 - They used to hunt buffalo. 1Pages 92-93Alaska x]äôëâ]z Alaska l'Alaska The discovery of oil in Alaska.battle xDÄôíäz slag bataille The battle of Trafalgar.buffalo xDľÑ]ä]rz buffel bison They used to hunt buffalo.crop xâêfléz gewas culture Our main crops are rice and oats.cross from xâêflë=Ñê]ãz oversteken traverser depuis They crossed from one continent to another.customs xDâ¾ëí]ãòz gebruiken coutumes All baggage must go through customs.destroy xÇfDëíêlfz vernietigen détruire The building was completely destroyed by fire.distant xDÇfëí]åíz afgelegen éloigné The sound of distant away xÇê~fî=]DïÉfz verdrijven chasser They drove the enemy away with their weapons.fight back xÑ~fí=Äôâz terugvechten repousser The Indians fought (v) xÑfpz vissen pêcher They fish to have food.Great Plains xÖêÉfí=éäÉfåz Grote Vlakten les grandes plaines Most of them settled along the Great Plains.herd x܉WÇz kudde troupeau A herd of cattle.hunt (v) xܾåíz jagen chasser These dogs have been trained to x~fë=ÉfÇwz ijstijd période glaciaire The mountains were formed in the last ice-age.Indian (American) xDfåÇá]åz Indiaan (Amerikaanse) Indien (d'Amérique) It's an Indian name.lost (adj) xäflëíz de weg kwijt perdu We got lost driving around the city.native (n) xDåÉfífîz inheems natif He's a native of this country.reservation (n) xêÉò]DîÉfp]åz reservaat réserve Some Indians choose to live on a reservation.roam (v) xê]rãz rondtrekken parcourir Teenage gangs roamed the streets.rocky xDêflâáz rotsachtig rocailleux A rocky coastline.settle (v) xDëÉíäz vestigen s'établir The settled on villages along the coast.settler xDëÉíä]z kolonist colon The early settlers in the American xëâfåz huid peau My skin is quite sensitive.tear (n) xíÉ]z traan larme Be careful the bag doesn't tear.tool xíìWäz gereedschap outil I didn't have the right tools to fix the car.trail (n) xíêÉfäz weg, stoet (mensen) piste There was a long trail of people stretching back for miles."Trail of Tears" xíêÉfä=]î=íÉ]z Weg der Tranen' Piste des larmes' The trip was long and hard; they called it the "Trail of Tears".train xíêÉfåz colonne train Wagon trains moved westwards.tribe xíê~fÄz stam tribu The Masai are one of the largest tribes in Kenya.wagon xDïôÖ]åz huifkar wagon The family had all their belongings in a wagon.3Page 93paint – painting – painter xéÉfåí==DéÉfåífÏ==DéÉfåí]z schilderen - schilderij - schilder peindre - la peinture - peintre Wet paint.cook – cooking – cooker xârâ==DârâfÏ==Dârâ]z koken - keuken - fornuis cuisiner - la cuisine - cuisinière Italian cooking.act – acting – actor xôâí==DôâífÏ===Dôâí]z acteren - acteren - acteur jouer - la comédie - acteur Bad – driving – driver xÇê~fî==DÇê~fîfÏ==DÇê~fî]z rijden - rijden - bestuurder, chauffeur conduire - conduite - conducteur/trice Racing driver.heat – heating – heater xÜáWí==DÜáWífÏ==DÜáWí]z verhitten - verwarming - kachel chauffer - le chauffage - radiateur Burning – building – builder xÄfäÇ===DÄfäÇfÏ===DÄfäÇ]z bouwen - gebouw - aannemer construire - construction - entrepreneur/maçon Tall building.sing – singing – singer xëfÏ===DëfÏfÏ===DëfÏ]z zingen - gezang - zanger chanter - le chant - chanteur/euse Jazz singer.4

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Pearson Education Limited PhotocopiablePage 93Antartic xôåí^Wâífâz Antarctisch l'Antarctique Are penguins at the Arctic or the Antartic?central heating x?ëÉåíê]ä=DÜáWífÏz centrale verwarming chauffage central Most of these houses have central heating.sunflower xDë¾åÑä~r]z zonnebloem tournesol "Sunflowers" is possibly Van Gogh's most famous painting.warm (v) xïlWãz opwarmen, verwarmen chauffer I drank a hot tea to warm up.6Page 94chief xípáWÑz opperhoofd chef The Indian Chief then gave the sign.headdress xDÜÉÇÇêÉëz hoofdtooi coiffure A feathered headdress.state xëíÉfíz staten état There were 13 states in the USA.tepee xDíáWéáWz wigwam tipi Indian tents are called tepees. 7Page 94make a living xãÉfâ|]=DäfîfÏz in zijn/haar levensonderhoud voorzien gagner sa vie It's a wonder how they make a living from that.9Page 95amazing x]DãÉfòfÏz geweldig étonnant What an amazing story!climb up xDâä~fã=¾éz beklimmen grimper Let's climb up to the castle.go out (tide) xÖ]r=D~ríz eb worden se retirer We can pick up some seashells while the tide is out.hardly xDÜ^WÇäáz nauwelijks à peine I hardly know the people I'm working with.lazy xDäÉfòáz lui paresseux Don't be so lazy!queue xâàìWz rij file There was a long queue outside the cinema.tide xí~fÇz getij, eb en vloed marée The tide of public opinion turned against him.turn (tide) xí‰Wåz getijdenwissel commencer à monter/descendre Let's go before the tide turns. weekday xDïáWâÇÉfz weekdag jour de semaine I work on weekdays.worth (to be) xï‰Wqz de moeite waard valoir la peine It's worth it.12Page 96coat (n) xâ]ríz jas manteau Put your coat on if you're going xlWDÖôåfâz biologisch bio Organic carrots.slam xëäôãz dichtslaan claquer He slammed the door shut.15Page 96box office xDÄflâë|?flÑfëz theater-, bioscoopkassa guichet Collect your tickets at the box office.half-price xÜ^WÑ=éê~fëz tegen de halve prijs demi-tarif There's a special offer, all books half-price.ticket office xDífâfí=?flÑfëz kassa guichet The ticket office was closed but there was a machine nearby.

PhotostoryPage 97break-in xÄêÉfâ=få=z inbraak cambriolage There was a break-in at the college last night.find out xDÑ~fåÇ=D~ríz er achter komen trouver Did you find out who did it?robbery xDêflÄ]êáz beroving vol They're in prison for armed robbery.rubbish xDê¾Äfpz rommel détritus Could you put this rubbish outside in the bin?suspicious xë]Dëéfp]ëz verdacht suspect It was a suspicious package.wonder (v) xDï¾åÇ]z zich afvragen se demander I wonder where she lives these days.

Unit 17 - He said he'd been away. 1Page 98be / go away xÄf=L=Ö]r=]DïÉfz weg zijn/gaan être parti / partir He said he'd been away.get through (on the phone) xÖÉí=DqêìW=Eflå=a]=DÑ]råFz erdoor komen (aan de telefoon) obtenir la communication He couldn’t get through.I bet! x~f=DÄÉíz Dat zal wel! Mon œil! He said she wasn't there. Oh, yeah, I bet!keep in touch xDâáWé=få=í¾ípz contact houden rester en contact Make sure you keep in touch.make up one's mind xDãÉfâ=¾é=ï¾å=ã~fåÇz een beslissing nemen se décider I haven't made up my mind hard to get xéäÉf=Ü^WÇ=í]=ÖÉíz doen alsof je moeilijk te krijgen bent se faire désirer She's not ignoring you, just playing hard to get.2Page 98

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiableaccept x]âDëÉéíz aannemen accepter They offered me the job and I accepted.6Page 100-101admit x]ÇDãfíz toegeven admettre "OK, I was scared," she admitted.answerphone xD^Wåë]=Ñ]råz antwoordapparaat répondeur téléphonique We found four messages on the answerphone.attachment (comp.) x]Díôípã]åíz bijlage pièce jointe He sent the attachment in the e-mail.bug (coll.) xľÖz virus bug There's a nasty bug going round.bugged (coll.) xľÖÇz geïnfecteerd qui contient un bug The bugged e-mail caused havoc with the computer network.chaos xDâÉfflëz chaos chaos The floods caused chaos.close down x?âä]rò=DÇ~råz sluiten paralyser They closed down the virus xâ]ãDéàìWí]=Dî~fbêbëz computervirus virus informatiquecontain xâ]åDíÉfåz bevatten contenir His wallet contained $45.delete xÇfDäáWíz wissen supprimer The data has been deleted from the file.golden rule xDÖ]räÇå=êìWäz gouden regel, stelregel règle d'or The golden rule of cooking is to use fresh ingredients.have fun xÜôî=Ѿåz plezier hebben s'amuser We had such fun at the party.inactive xfåDôâífîz inactief inactif The brain cells are inactive during sleep.join xÇwlfåz beginnen bij rejoindre, entrer chez Trevor joined the BBC in 1969.label (v) xDäÉfÄ]äz labelen, van een label voorzien intitulé Always label these highly explosive chemicals clearly.launch (v) xälWåípz lanceren lancer We have launched a campaign to raise $50,000.long distance xäflÏ=DÇfëí]åëz lange afstand- longue distance He's a long-distance lorry drivermistake xãfDëíÉfâz fout faute Ivan's work is full of spelling mistakes.programmer xDéê]rÖêôã]z programmeur programmeur,-euse A computer programmer.relationship xêfDäÉfpåpféz relatie relation I had a close relationship with my father.resist xêfDòfëíz weerstaan résister à I just can't resist chocolate.sender xDëÉåÇ]z afzender expéditeur, -trice a package marked ' return to sender 'vital xDî~fíäz van levensbelang vital, crucial His evidence was vital to the defence colleague xï‰Wâ=âfläáWÖz collega collègue de bureau He's a work colleague, I don't socialise with him.8Page 101relation xêfDäÉfpåz betrekking relation Relations with the next village gradually worsened.achievement x]DípáWîã]åíz prestatie exploit, réalisation Putting a man on the moon was one of our greatest achievements.demonstration x?ÇÉã]åDëíêÉfpåz demonstratie démonstration, manifestation Thousands of people took part in the demonstration against the war.performance xé]DÑlWã]åëz voorstelling, uitvoering représentation, performance We watched a performance of Hamlet.entertainment x?Éåí]DíÉfåã]åíz amusement divertissement The hotel offers live x?ÉÇwrDâÉfpåz onderwijs éducation The government has promised to spend more on education.11Page 102dish (satellite) xÇfpz schotel parabole They mounted the satellite dish on the roof.Earth Station x‰Wq=DëíÉfpåz Station Aarde station terrestre Earth Station is a wonderful exhibition for the whole family.guided tour xÖ~fÇfÇ=ír]z rondleiding visite guidée You will be taken on a guided tour of the palace.satellite xDëôí]ä~fíz satelliet satellite This broadcast comes live via satellite from New York.signal xDëfÖåäz signaal, teken signal Don't move until you hear the signal.13telephone language telefoontaal parler au téléphone(name)….speaking (naam)…Daar spreekt u mee (nom) … à l'appareil I'm looking for George. SpeakingCan I take a message? Kan ik een boodschap aannemen? Est-ce que je peux prendre un message? Can I take a message?Hold on. Wacht even Restez en ligne. Hold on.I'll ring back. Ik zal later terugbellen Je rappellerai. I'll ring back.One moment please. Een momentje alstublieft Un instant s'il vous plaît. one moment please.

Unit 18 – Jamaica Inn.1Pages 104-105amused x]DãàìWòÇz geamuseerd amusé The man looked a little amused.anger (v) xDôÏÖ]z boos zijn fâcher He is easily angered.board up xÄlWÇ|D¾éz dichttimmeren embarquer They boarded up their windows.bury (v) xDÄÉêáz begraven enterrer She was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiablecoach (with horses) xâ]rípz koets (met paarden) voiture (à chevaux) We went to Paris by coach.corridor xDâflê]ÇlWz gang couloir Please wait in the corridor.decent xDÇáWë]åíz behoorlijk correct Everyone should have a decent education.encourage xfåDâ¾êfÇwz aanmoedigen encourager You are actively encouraged to contribute to school life.go red xÖ]r=êÉÇz rood aanlopen rougir She went red when he said "I love you".inn xfåz herberg auberge Sorry sir, there's no room at the inn.irritated xDfê]íÉfí]Çz geïrriteerd irrité John was getting irritated by all her questions.Jamaica xÇw]DãÉfâ]z Jamaica la Jamaïque The upside is that we got a free trip to Jamaica.locked xäflâÇz gesloten fermé à clef The door is permanently locked.mouse (pl. mice) xã~rëz muis (muizen) souris The cat laid a dead mouse at my feet.novel xDåflî]äz roman roman He is writing a novel about a boy's life.novelist xDåflî]ä]ëíz romanschrijver/schrijfster romancier, -ière The English novelist Charles Dickenspassage (=corridor) xDéôëfÇwz gang passage My office is just along the passage.rat xêôíz rat rat You dirty rat!reputation xêÉéà]DíÉfp]åz reputatie réputation The neighbourhood used to have a very bad reputation.respectable xêfDëéÉâí]Ä]äz respectabel respectable A respectable middle-aged lady.rise (v) xê~fòz opstaan se lever Rise Sir Lancelot.sign (n) xë~fåz teken signe There is never any sign that anyone has been here.silent xDë~fä]åíz stil silencieux They both remained silent, just looking at her.startle xDëí^Wíäz laten schrikken faire sursauter Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.sudden (adj) xDë¾Çåz plotseling soudain A sudden change in the weather.temper xDíÉãé]z humeur humeur, caractère Mark needs to learn to control his temper.tobacco xí]DÄôâ]rz tabak tabac The government imposed a ban on tobacco (n) xíêÉfÇz handel commerce They hope to increase trade with China.3Page 105goods xÖrÇòz goederen marchandises The shop sells a wide range of goods.insist (v) xfåDëfëíz staan op insister I didn't want to go but Jane insisted.shine (v) xp~fåz schijnen briller The sun was shining.shipwreck xDpféêÉâz scheepswrak épave Many sailors lost their lives in the shipwreck.stealer xëíáWä]z dief voleur He was a horse stealer.stolen goods xëí]rä]å=ÖrÇòz gestolen waar marchandises volées The police were looking for stolen goods.trick (v) xíêfâz bedriegen rouler, escroquer, avoir It was a trick. He never intended to give me the money.valuable xDîôäàì]Ä]äz waardevol de valeur A very valuable painting.wreck (v) xêÉâz vernielen s'échouer The building was wrecked by an explosion.5Page 106bit xÄfíz een beetje, iets un peu Tell us a bit about yourself.fame xÑÉfãz roem célébrité, gloire He first won fame as a singer.get worried xÖÉí=Dï¾êfÇz bezorgd zijn s'inquiéter I got worried when she didn't show up.look (v) xärâz kijken avoir l'air I didn't see it. I wasn't looking.natural xDåôípê]äz natuurlijk naturel Anger is a natural reaction when someone criticizes you.pleased with oneself (to be) xéäáWëÇz tevreden zijn over zichzelf content de soi He was very pleased with himself.ready xDêÉÇáz klaar prêt Ready when you are!seagull xEëáWFÖ¾äz zeemeeuw mouettestop (n) xëífléz halte arrêt Stop, come back!6Page 106relaxed xêfDäôâëíz ontspannen à l'aise, décontracté Gail was lying in the sun, looking happy and relaxed.take place xDíÉfâ=DéäÉfëz plaatsvinden avoir lieu The interview took place at 10 o' clock.9Page 107fan club xÑôå=âä¾Äz fanclub fan club Anyone would think he had a fan club.10Page 107bleep xÄäáWéz piepen signal sonore The alarm clock was bleeping.briefly xDÄêáWÑäáz kort brièvement We stopped off briefly in xîÉíz dierenarts vétérinaire We had to take our cat to the vet.

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Pearson Education Limited Photocopiable12Page 108about (two days) x]DÄ~rí=EíìW=DÇÉfòFz ongeveer (twee dagen) environ It lasted about four hours.a couple of (days) x]=Dâ¾éä|]î=EDÇÉfòFz een paar (dagen) deux ou trois A couple of days in the country.a few (days) x]=DÑàìW=EDÇÉfòFz enkele (dagen) quelques A few minutes later.several (days) xDëÉî]ê]ä=EDÇÉfòFz meerdere (dagen) plusieurs I called her several times.for some time xÑ]=?ë¾ã=Dí~fãz een tijd lang depuis un certain temps I may be gone for some time.about (three people) x]DÄ~rí=EDqêáW=DéáWéäFz ongeveer (drie mensen) environ There were about a hundred people there.a couple of (people) x]=Dâ¾éä|]î=EDéáWéäFz een paar (mensen) deux ou trois They're a lovely couple.a few (people) x]=DÑàìW=EDéáWéäFz enige (mensen) quelques A few people didn't pay.several (people) xDëÉî]ê]ä=EDéáWéäFz meerdere (mensen) plusieurs I called her several times.lots of (people) xDäflíë|]î=EDéáWéäFz een hoop (mensen) beaucoup de Lots of them were in fancy dress.loads of (people) xDä]rÇò|]î=EDéáWéäFz een massa (mensen) plein de Loads of them ariived at the same time.hairdresser xDÜÉ]ÇêÉë]z kapper coiffeur, -euse An appointment at the hairdresser's.13Page 108attitude xDôífíàìWÇz houding attitude I think it's best to have a relaxed attitude to money.indicate (v) xDfåÇ]âÉfíz aangeven indiquer Research indicates that women live longer than men.intonation xfåí]DåÉfp]åz intonatie intonation Intonation patterns.native speaker xDåÉfífî=DëéáWâbz iemand die zijn/haar moedertaal spreekt autochtone For the spoken language, students are taught by native speakers.15Page 108actually xDôâípr]äáz eigenlijk en fait Prices have actually xÜ]rëíz gastheer/gastvrouw hôte Our host greeted us at the door.similar xDëfãfä]z vergelijkbaar semblable They came from similar backgrounds.taken (to be) xíÉfâåz bezet occupé I'm sorry, this seat is taken.thank xqôÏâz bedanken remercier I thanked him for the flowers.PhotostoryPage 109by the way overigens à propos By the way, you still owe me £25go ahead! ga je gang! vas-y! Go ahead! Take (to be) weg (gaan) parti I'm off now!You're a star! Je bent geweldig! Tu es une star! You're a star!

Unit 19 - He's too good to fall.1Page 110bad luck xÄôÇ=ä¾âz pech gehad malchance That's real bad luck.famous last words xÑÉfãbë=ä^Wëí=Dï‰WÇòz beroemde laatste woorden mots de la fin célèbres I'll pay you back. Yes, famous last xDÑ~få]äz laatste finale The final chapter of the book.lose(v) xäìWòz verliezen perdre Tom lost his job.pretty(adv) xDéêfíáz tamelijk assez, plutôt She looks pretty miserable.rival xDê~fî]äz rivaal rival The two teams had always been rivals.Win some, lose some xïfå=ë¾ãI=äìWò=ë¾ãz soms win je, soms verlies je Il faut un gagnant et un perdant That's life, win some , lose some.2Page 111confident xDâflåÑ]Ç]åíz zelfverzekerd confiant She was confident that the problem would be sorted out.favourite(n) xDÑÉfî]ê]íz favoriet favori We chose Joe's favorite music for the party.knock off xåflâ=flÑz ergens vanaf stoten, duwen faire tomber He was knocked off his board.upset xD¾éëÉíz bedroefd irrité She's still very upset about failing her exam.6Page 111brave (adj) xÄêÉfîz dapper courageux He wasn't brave enough to dive into the deep xÑfíz passen athlétique My old jeans still fit me.flight(n) (stairs) xÑä~fíz trap volée (d'escalier) She booked a flight.hang gliding xDÜôÏ=DÖä~fÇfÏz hanggliden deltaplane She goes hang gliding every weekend.7

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Pearson Education Limited PhotocopiablePage 112-113attract (v) x]Díêôâíz aantrekken attirer What attracted me to the job was the chance to travel.casual-look xâôwìbä=Därâz losjes gekleed look décontracté He usually goes for the casual look.get a part xÖÉí=fl=é^Wíz een rol krijgen obtenir un rôle I got a part in a new film.messy xDãÉëáz rommelig en désordre Your bedroom is very messy.model (n) xDãflÇäz model mannequin He had a model of the Blackpool Tower on his desk.motel xã]rDíÉäz motel motel They booked into a motel for the night.offer (n) xDflÑ]z aanbod offre He made an offer I couldn't refuse.Oscar xDflëâ]z Oscar Oscar Who got the Oscar for best actress?philosophy xÑ]Däflë]Ñáz filosofie philosophie She's studying philosophy at university.raider xDêÉfÇ]z plunderaar, rover braqueur, -euse Armed raiders got away with thousands of pounds.tomb xíìWãz tombe tombe The tomb of an Egyptian king.8Page 113trust (v) xíê¾ëíz vertrouwen faire confiance à I don't trust her at all.10Page 114exhausted xfÖDòlWëí]Çz uitgeput épuisé I was still exhausted from the race.tiny xDí~fåáz minuscuul minuscule They live in a tiny house.

Unit 20 –Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?1Page 117aim xÉfãz doel but, objectif Our aim is to finish by Friday.breed (v) xÄêáWÇz fokken, zich voortplanten se reproduire Rats can breed every six weeks.characteristic xDâôêfâíbêfëífâz karakteristiek, kenmerkend caractéristique There's one characteristic I like about you - you never stop trying.coat (of animal) xâ]ríz vacht pelage After the treatment, the cat has a lovely coat."concerned (to be) xâ]åDë‰WåÇz zich zorgen maken om (être) inquiet The fire has been a very upsetting experience for everyone concerned.damage (v) xDÇôãfÇwz beschadigen abîmer They claim the trade causes serious environmental (n) xDÇ~f]íz voedingspatroon régime It is important to eat a healthy diet.disappearance xÇfë]Déf]ê]åëz verdwijning disparition Police are investigating the woman's disappearance.drought xÇê~ríz droogte sécheresse The country has had two years of drought.endangered xfåÇÉfåÇwbÇz bedreigd menacé The whale is an endangered species.Ethiopian (adj) xáWq]réáW]åz Ethiopisch éthiopien, -ne The Ethiopian famine made headline news.exist (v) xfÖDòfëíz bestaan exister Do ghosts really exist?extinction xfâDëífÏâp]åz uitsterving extinction Whales are in danger of extinction.folk story xÑbrâ=?ëílWêáz= folklore, sage histoire populaire, légende Don't believe that - it's an old folk (n) xÖÉfãz wild jeu They are hunted as game.habitat xDÜôÄ]íôíz habitat, omgeving habitat It was great to see monkeys in their natural habitat.height xÜ~fíz hoogte hauteur The boys are about the same height.howl (n) xÜ~räz gejank hurlement The wolves howl at the captivity xfå=âôéífîbíáz in gevangenschap en captivité The lions were raised in the wild xfå=a]=ï~fäÇz in het wild dans la nature Seeing animals in a zoo does not compare with seeing them in the wild.infectious xfåDÑÉâp]ëz besmettelijk infectieux Flu is highly infectious.length xäÉÏqz lengte longueur What's the length of the room?rabies xDêÉfÄáWòz hondsdolheid rage Quarantine is used to avoid the risk of rabies.rarest xêÉ]êfëíz zeldzaamst le plus rare That's the rarest vase I've ever seen.reddish-brown xêÉÇfp=Äê~råz roodbruin brun-rouge Her hair goes reddish-brown in the summerthroat xqê]ríz keel gorge I have a sore throat.vaccination xDîôâëfåÉfpbåz inenting vaccination A vaccination against measles.3Page 117attack (v) x]Díôâz aanval attaquer The attack was the worst Britain had ever seen.bat (n) (animal) xÄôíz vleermuis chauve-souris He's as blind as a bat.blood xÄä¾Çz bloed sang Blood was flowing from the wound.insect xDfåëÉâíz insect insecte An insect bite.species xDëéáWpáWòz diersoort espèce Three different species of deer live in the forest.

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Culture Flash 4 - Famous inventionsPage 118invent (v) xfåDîÉåíz uitvinden inventer Alexander Bell, a Scotsman invented the telephone."link (v) xäfÏâz verbinden relier The bridge links the two sides of the xDåÉíï‰Wâz netwerk réseau A high-speed European rail network.share (v) xpÉ]z delen partager I shared a room with her when I was at college.

Project 4 - Modern inventionsPage 119"pay as you go"(mobile) xéÉf=]ò=à]=Ö]rz prepaid (mobiel) pay as you go' I have a pay-as-you-go mobile phone.deep freeze xÇáWé=ÑêáWòz diepvries surgeler The meat is ket in the deep-freeze.defrost (v) xÇáWDÑêflëíz ontdooien dégeler Defrost the chicken thoroughly before xDÇfÇw]íäz digitaal numérique A digital recording of the concert.dishwasher xDÇfp?ïflp]z afwasmachine lave-vaisselle Have you finished loading the dishwasher?heat (v) xÜáWíz verhitten chauffer Heat up the soup, I'm hungry."improve (v) xfãDéêìWîz verbeteren améliorer Her Dutch is improving.light (adj) xä~fíz licht léger Light poured in through the window.microwave oven xDã~fâêbïÉfî=¾î]åz magnetron four à micro-ondes Never put anything metal into a microwave oven or sparks will fly.nowadays xDå~r]ÇÉfòz tegenwoordig de nos jours People live longer nowadays.out of touch xD~rí=]î=í¾ípz afgezonderd, los van isolé, pas en contact He's so out of touch with reality.palm (hand) xé^Wãz palm paume He held the pebble in the palm of his hand.ready-cooked xêÉÇá=âìWâÇz kant-en-klaarmaaltijd préparé She eats nothing but ready-cooked meals.reception (n) (phone) xêfDëÉép]åz ontvangst réception The audience gave her an enthusiastic reception.ring tone xêfÏ=Dëí]råz ringtone sonnerie The ringtone sounded like an opera.voucher xDî~ríp]z waardebon bon, carte The voucher can be used at most major supermarkets.wave (electric) xïÉfîz golf (elektrisch) onde It works due to the electric waves forming a current.

Personal vocabulary















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