new progress of lake sediments and environmental changes research in china

REVIEWS New progress of lake sediments and environmental changes research in China WANG Sumin' and ZHANG Zhenke172 1. Laboratory of Lake Sediment and Kwironment . Nanjing Instit& of Geography and h l o g y , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nan- jing 2 10008, chi^ ; 2. Department of Geography and Oceanohgy , Nanjing Uniwrsity , Nanjing 2 10093, China Abstract Environmental change recorded by lake sediments is one of the important branches of the past global changes study. The new progress of lake sediments and environmental changes in China since the late 1980s has been comprehensively discussed. The highlights em- phasized are Asian paleomonsoon migration reflected by lake level fluctuation, uplift of the Qinghai-Xiiang Plateau recorded by lacustrine sediments, saltlake sediments and environmental evolution, lake response to the natural-human interaction and modern lake biogeochemical pro- cess. Meanwhile important suggestions for the lake sediments and environmental research in the future are proposed, which include studies on the quantitative relationship between lake en- vironment proxies and climate factors, high-resolution evolutionary sequence and spatial differ- entiation of environments, modern lake dynamic process and environment, Quaternary Chinese lake database and global changes. KeywordP : lake sediments, environmental change. IN 1986 the International Geo-biosphere Programme.(IGBP) for global changes study was carried out by the International Commission of Science Union (ICSU) . The IGBP is focused on modem processes of global changes, but the study of the past global changes (PAGES) is also emphasized. The aim of the IGBP is to improve the predictability of global changes in the future from decades to century time scale and to serve the national even global environmental strategic decision and resources management. Environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sediments are one of the main research fields of the PAGES. Before the mid-1980s the studies of lake sediment and environmental evolution in China centred on mainly the resources investigation and exploitation of oil, coal, salt-lake mineral resources etc . The paleolake sediments in Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins and their sedimentary environments were analyzed and clarified"'. Since the late 1980s a great number of projects supported by the State Commission of Sciences and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other State ministries and commissions constitute the core of global change research in chinar2', in which the lake environmental evolution becomes a more active research realm, promoting greatly the research of China's PAGES. In this review the new progress and prospect of research on lake sediments and environmental change in China since the late 1980s is integratedly assessed. 1 New progress of the research on lake sediment and environment ( 1 ') Enlargement of research realm and remarkable results. The regional differences of natural environments in China are prominent. The processes of environmental changes induced by lacustrine sedi- ment in the regions differ greatly from each other. The main research work is concentrated on the basins (paleolakes) and saline lakes in the Qinghai-Xizang ~lateau'~-";, the lakes and salt lakes in arid area of ~ i n j i a n ~ [ ~ ' - ' ' ~ I and Inner ~on~olia[~~-"j , the lakes on East China plains[55-731 and the Yunnan- Guizhou ~lateau['~-~'] , and the mountain lakes in ~ a i w a n ' ~ " ~ ~ ! . By means of international lake sediment and environment research, the environmental multiproxies are used for integratedlly identifying the envi- ronmental evolutionary sequence, and improving the academic level. Meanwhile attention in paid to the rational exploitation of lake resources, lake eutrophication and water pollution which are related to the lake . Based on previous lake environmental investigations, "Lake Environment in 1 744 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol .44 No. 19 October 1999

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New progress of lake sediments and environmental changes research in China

WANG Sumin' and ZHANG Zhenke172 1 . Laboratory of Lake Sediment and Kwironment . Nanjing Instit& of Geography and h l o g y , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nan-

jing 2 10008, chi^ ; 2. Department of Geography and Oceanohgy , Nanjing Uniwrsity , Nanjing 2 10093, China

Abstract Environmental change recorded by lake sediments is one of the important branches of the past global changes study. The new progress of lake sediments and environmental changes in China since the late 1980s has been comprehensively discussed. The highlights em- phasized are Asian paleomonsoon migration reflected by lake level fluctuation, uplift of the Qinghai-Xiiang Plateau recorded by lacustrine sediments, saltlake sediments and environmental evolution, lake response to the natural-human interaction and modern lake biogeochemical pro- cess. Meanwhile important suggestions for the lake sediments and environmental research in the future are proposed, which include studies on the quantitative relationship between lake en- vironment proxies and climate factors, high-resolution evolutionary sequence and spatial differ- entiation of environments, modern lake dynamic process and environment, Quaternary Chinese lake database and global changes.

KeywordP : lake sediments, environmental change.

IN 1986 the International Geo-biosphere Programme.(IGBP) for global changes study was carried out by the International Commission of Science Union ( ICSU) . The IGBP is focused on modem processes of global changes, but the study of the past global changes (PAGES) is also emphasized. The aim of the IGBP is to improve the predictability of global changes in the future from decades to century time scale and to serve the national even global environmental strategic decision and resources management.

Environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sediments are one of the main research fields of the PAGES. Before the mid-1980s the studies of lake sediment and environmental evolution in China centred on mainly the resources investigation and exploitation of oil, coal, salt-lake mineral resources etc . The paleolake sediments in Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins and their sedimentary environments were analyzed and

clarified"'. Since the late 1980s a great number of projects supported by the State Commission of Sciences and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other State ministries and commissions constitute the core of global change research in chinar2' , in which the lake environmental evolution becomes a more active research realm, promoting greatly the research of China's PAGES. In this review the new progress and prospect of research on lake sediments and environmental change in China since the late 1980s is integratedly assessed.

1 New progress of the research on lake sediment and environment

( 1 ') Enlargement of research realm and remarkable results. The regional differences of natural environments in China are prominent. The processes of environmental changes induced by lacustrine sedi- ment in the regions differ greatly from each other. The main research work is concentrated on the basins

(paleolakes) and saline lakes in the Qinghai-Xizang ~ la teau '~-" ; , the lakes and salt lakes in arid area of ~ i n j i a n ~ [ ~ ' - ' ' ~ I and Inner ~ o n ~ o l i a [ ~ ~ - " j , the lakes on East China plains[55-731 and the Yunnan-

Guizhou ~ l a t e a u [ ' ~ - ~ ' ] , and the mountain lakes in ~ a i w a n ' ~ " ~ ~ ! . By means of international lake sediment and environment research, the environmental multiproxies are used for integratedlly identifying the envi- ronmental evolutionary sequence, and improving the academic level. Meanwhile attention in paid to the rational exploitation of lake resources, lake eutrophication and water pollution which are related to the lake . Based on previous lake environmental investigations, "Lake Environment in

1 744 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol .44 No. 19 October 1999

~ h i n a ' " ~ " ] and "Annals of China ~ a k e s " ' ~ ~ ' absorbed and compiled multidisciplinary research results in China and are useful tool books for further study on lirnnology .

( ii ) Emphasizing comprehensive research on high resolution and multiproxies of environment evolu- tion on different time scale. It is necessary to study the process of lake environmental changes on different time scale. The Commission of the PAGES proposes clearly the 2 ka and 200 ka as two key time streams of the programme of the PAGES, demanding that the environmental evolution sequences in 2 ka link to the instrumental data and serve for the prediction of environmental change tendency. Besides it is necessary to reconstruct the history of Ma or ten Ma regional environmental evolutionary history recorded by lake sediments to probe Cenozoic global tectonic-climatic evolution stages and process.

Most researches on lake sediments and environment in China since the late 1980s are concentrated on the period since the Late Glaciation-Holocence. To emphasize comprehensive study with high resolu-

tion and multiproxies is an obvious feature in chinaiw' . Lake sediments store rich information which is usually characterized by the mixing, so the analysis of environmental multiproxies is the premise for ration-al explanation. Up to now the environmental criteria evolved from lake sediments include pollen, diatom, ostracode , minerals, pigment, magnetic parameters, elements contents and their ratio, carbonate content, carbonate stable isotope, organic carbon stable isotope, hydrogen index, organic compounds and so on. The comprehensive discernment by environmental multiproxies displays an obvious advantage in re- constructing palm-temperature, precipitation, salinity, productivity and effects of human activity in his-

torical periods'g1 ' . The research results of environmental changes recorded by lake sediments in historical periods indi-

cate that the lake responses to the characteristic climatic periods, such as the Little Ice Age and the Mid-

dle Ages Warm, were quite distinct in different regionsi43'. Abrupt environmental events recorded by lake

sediments coincide well with the human activity records in historical document^'^^'^^'^^' . By the fluviolacustrine sedimentary record in the Linxia Basin located on the northeastem margin of

the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, the paleoenvironmental changes in the past 3 0 Ma are preliminarily revealed, which provide important evidence for recognizing the process of Plateau uplifting and Asian paleomonsoon

evolution[41. Through paleolake drillings in the basins of Zoige and Tianshuihai Lake, the 900 ka and 240 ka lacustrine records are respectively o b t ~ i n e d , which play an active role in understanding the envi-

ronmental effect and the regional differences of environmental evolution caused by plateau ~ ~ l i f t i n R [ ' ~ . * ~ ~ . The integrated research of the sediments from lakes and salt lakes in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau rebuilds the sequence of paleoclimatic changes in the past 4 0 k a .

( ili ) Application of new technology and method. For the purpose of promoting the level of re- search on environmental changes recorded by lake sediments, the application of new technology and meth-

ods is emphasized in recent years in China. The I3'cs and 'lopb dating methods are widely used for mod-

ern lake sediments dating to calculate the sedimentation rate and flux""-113' . The reliability of I3'cs dat-

ing and the remigration of 'I0pb after sedimentation have been d i s c ~ s s e d ' " ~ ' . According to the regional modem pollen-climate models, the pollen data from lake sediments are used to reconstruct quantitatively

the paleoclimate[463 . In the field of biogeochemistry the Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca of ostracode shell are analyzed

to restore the lake water paleosalinity quantitativelyi3! . 'The oxygen isotope of ostracode shell is useful for

reconstructing paleolake level fluctuations and paleoclimate ~ h a n ~ e s ' ~ ' ' ~ ' ~ ~ ; . For the purpose of under- standing further the mechanism of environmental magnetism the relationship between magnetic indexes and

magnetic mineral types and concentrations is dicussed!"'' . According to the modem relationship between organic compounds of surface sediment and hydrophyte, the organic compounds in lacustrine sediments

are used to indicate the types of lake paleoenvironmenti"8; . In the Qinghai Lake, the long-chain unsatu- rated ketones have been discovered in sediments from the short cores. The concentrations and types of long-chain ketones are closely related to the original algae input, indirectly showing the water salinity and

temperature variations[29' . Remote sensing technology and numerical simulation are applied to studying

the dynamic changes of modem lake environments!869937":. All the above-mentioned is an evident pur-

Chinese Science Bulletin Vol .44 No . 19 October 1999

pose to deepen the theoretical studies, to seek the methods of reconstructing paleoclimate and paleoenvi- ronmental factors quantitatively and to solve the increasingly serious problems of lake environment.

( iV ) Strengthening the international academic exchanges and cooperative researches. The inter- national academic exchanges and cooperation in lake researches have been increasingly enhanced recently in China. Increasing pollution, eutrophication, heavy deposition and paludification are most serious lake environmental problems in China. In 1990, the 4th International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Great Lakes was held in Hangzhou City. Since then, studies on ecological improvement of lake environments have been conducted widely through international cooperation. The International Sym- posium on New Strategy for Water Environment was held in Wuxi-Nanjing and the "Lake Taihu Declara- tion" was passed for the purpose of strengthening cooperation in the field of lake water environment. Pale- olimnological studies in different climatic regions were carried out through international cooperation, pro- moting the researches in lake sediments and environmental changes since the 1980. The 6th International Conference of Salt Lake was held in Beijing in July, 1994. The high-level achievements in salt-lake sedi- ments and paleoclimatic changes were appreciated by the foreign participants. In the past ten years a number of foreign articles and books about lake sediments and environment have been introduced and

translated into Chinese, such as Principles of Lake ~ e d i m e n t o l o ~ ~ [ ~ ~ ~ , Lakes : Chemistry Geology ~ h y s i c s ' ~ ~ ' , and Collected Articles of ~ a l e o l i n u w l o ~ ~ : ' ~ : . 2 New progress in main fields of lake sediment and environment researches

( i ) Evolution of lake sedimentary c:nvironment and changes of Asian pale om on so or^. The theo- ry of East Asia paleomonsoon changes established by Chinese scientists is mainly based on the studies of loess-paleosoil sequences. It is a great contribution to the Quaternary environment research. The climatic association of warm-cold and dry-wet and consequently the lake level oscillations recorded by lake sedi- ments is an important supplement for loess records, and also the main data for establishing global paleo-

'01. '07.. "O! . The high-resolution studies of lake sediments in different regions in China bring to light the characteristics of tempospacial changes of East Asian monsoon in the past glacial period. The occurrence of high lake level during the past glacial age appeared earlier in the north and later in the south, showing a feature of migration from north and northwest to south and southeast, possibly related to the position of East Asia summer frontal precipitation zone. So the spatial changes of high lake level in

the past glacial period may reflect the migration of E:ast Asia summer m o n s t ~ n [ ' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' . Meanwhile, the climatic instability was revealed in the research of paleoenvironmental changes recorded hy lacustrine sed-

iments. In the lake cores of the Qinghai Lake'"' , the Selin ~ake[ 'O; , the Hulun ~ a k e ' ~ ~ ] , the Gucheng ~ a k e : ~ ' ] , the Aibi ~ a k e ' ~ ' ] e tc . , the existence of the Younger Ilryas event was all clearly recorded. In the margin area of monsoon climate there exists the effective precipitation variability in the middle of the Younger Dryas episode.

The southwest monsoon ( the India monsoon) is an important constituent of the Asian monsoon sys- tem. In large areas of southwestern and northwestern China there was an abrupt expanding of many lakes in the last inters tadia~ '~ ' *" 35' 821 . This expanding of lakes was probably influenced by the southwest monsoon. Some paleoclimatic records can be explainc:d by the interaction of air currents across the equa-

. The precipitation in the southwest moonson region has a close relationship to the influence of the Somalia current. In the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau the high lake level occurred at the beginning of the

Holocene and in the mid-Holocene the lake level descended; lakes expanded once again 3500 ~ B P " ~ ' . Based on the analysis of the marine-lacustrine sediments in Arabian ~ e a " ~ ] , ~ f r i c a ; ' ~ ' , India! 'Ogl , Yunnan and ~ i b b l e : ' ~ ' 751 the southwest monsoon was enhanced in the early Holocene and precipitation increased in southwestern China, causing a wet climate and high lake level. After 9000 aBP, the Somalia current became strong enough to cause the current tracks to shift northwestward and brought rich prtlcipi- tation to North Africa, West Asia, Middle Asia and the Qinghai-Xizang ~ l a t e a u [ ~ ~ " ~ ~ - ~ ' ~ ' . On the con- trary, during the same period the rainfall decreased i n accordance: with a drier climate and lower lake lev- el in southwestern China, and studies in the Heqing Hasin discovered some short-term wet-cold environ-

1746 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol .44 No. 19 October 1999


ments: "" . I h e paleoclimatic changes recorded by lake sediments in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau indicated

that the climate became cold-dry around 4000 aBP, consequently weakening the southwest monsoonal in-

tensityi9', whereas in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau the precipitation increased with rising lake lev- e1[80.1031

( ii ) Uplifting process of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau recorded by lake sediments. The effects of environmental changes caused by uplifting of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on Asia and even the globe are the highlight in the programme of PAGES. The research of the lake environmental records in the plateau is helpful for recognizing the process of p1atc:au uplifting. The environmental changes in the past 3 0 and 7 Ma were recorded by fluvial-lacustrine sediments in 1,inxia Basin (northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau)

and the Jilong Basin (southc:rn Qinghai-Xizang Plateau) r e ~ ~ e c t i v e l ~ ' ~ ' ~ : . The former reveals that great environmental changes occurred 3 . 4 MaBP, indicating the quick uplifting and the disintegration of the main planation surface in the plateau. Other intensive uplifting periods took place 2 . 5 and 1 .7-1 . 6 6 MaBP on the plateau. After the three intensive uplifting processes, the plateau environment in Linxia Basin was similar to the present. The interrupted downcutting of plateau river eventually resulted in the formation of 7 river terraces. The river downcutting on the plateau 0 . 8 MaBP was also quite strong, im-

plying a more active tectonic uplifting:41 . The latter indicates that the uplifting of the Himalayan Mt. oc- curred 7 . 0 MaBP but the most intensive uplifting took place 2.0-1.7 MaBP and 0.8-0 MaBP respec- tively. The important climatic events occum:d 5 . 7 MaBP and 2 . 5 MaBP, and the glacial-interglacial cli-

matic cycle began to be obvious 1 . 7 MaBP and further intensified after 0 . 8 M ~ B P ' ~ ] . Tht: comparison of tectonic uplifting between the northern and southern parts of the plateau needs further study. The deep paleolake drilling cores ( R H and RM in the Zoige Basin of the plateau) indicate that the response of la-

custrine environments to thc: plateau uplifting was rather obvious; 7 0 0 , 360 and 160 k a ~ ~ " ~ ' , the plateau uplift was accelerated in accordance: with a high sedimentation rate and coarse p a i n size. The

capture of paleolake in Zoigc: by the Yellow River took place 3 0 k a ~ ~ " ~ ' . ( iii ) High-resolution study of lake drilling cores. The comprehensive studies of RH core in

Zoige make it possible to establish the process of high-resolution environmental evolution on eastern Qing- hai-Xizang Plateau for the past million years. The RH core is divided into 21 stages which can be com-

pared with the deep-sea oxygen isotope stages['3' and the paleoenvironmental changes recorded by the 1.~0-chuan Loess profile, which indicates the uniformity of environment response to the past global climat-

ic changes['2i . Meanwhile the sediment rec:ods from the RM core revealed that environmental changes were evident in different periods of the plateau uplifting: the climatic characteristics of wet-cold and dry- warm alteration in 900-700 kaBP, the plateau entirely entering cryosphere and developing large-scale icecaps with the cold-wet and warm-dry climatic cornhination in 700-480 kaBP, the plateau environment increasingly tending to cold-dry and lowering biological productivity during 480-160 kaBP, increasing humidities with cold-dry and warm-wet climatic association were similar to the present environmental

skeleton since 160 k a ~ ~ : ' ~ ] . Comparison of the sedimental records of the IiM core with tht: ice core GRIP revealed the climatic instability in early last interglacial period ( 5 e ) , and a good correlation with the

Heinrich events recorded in the marine sediments from the Korth Atlantic 0cean[18' . ( iV ) Salt lake sediments and environmental evolution. There are a great number of salt lakes

widely distributed in China, occupying an important pos i t io~~ in the study of world salt lakes. On the basis of the previous investigation of salt lakes, especially mineral resources, thc: researches on salt lake origins and its envimnmental changes in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia were evolved

since the late 1980s. Books such as Salt Lukes in ~ i z a n ~ ' " ~ ! , Salt Lakes in Qinghai-Xizang ~ l a t e a u ' ~ ~ ,

nd Salt Lakes in Inner ~ o n ~ o l i a : ~ ~ ] have been published in the past decade. .The 6th International Con- ference of Salt Lakes was held in Beijing in 1994, where Chinese scientists displayed the new progresses of salt lake researches. According to the multidisciplinary results of the salt lake sediments in the Qing-

hai-Xizang ~ l a t e a u ' ~ ' , the sequence of paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental changes in the past 4 0 ka was established. The youngest lakes' expanding period of the plateau occurred in 40-28 kaBP. Through

Chinese Science Bulletin Vol .44 No . I 9 October 1 999 1 747

REVIEWS the spatial and temporal comparison of salt lake sediments records during the postglacial period the migra- tion of warm-wet climate was from the south, southeast to the north and northwest, namely the onset of warm-wet climate in the south is 13 kaBP but the north 11-9.5 . The general study about the geological chronology, planation surfaces and terraces in the plateau in Late-Cenozoic discovered that there were four times of tectonic uplift in the past 2 .8 Ma and the most intensive uplifting process was in the last 30 k a , the total amplitude up to 1400 m. The formation and evolution of salt lakes in the Qing- hai-Xizang Plateau is related to the rivers' headward erosion and inner block faulting caused by the inten- sive uplift of the plateau ; the cold-dry climate induced by plateau uplifting is also an important factor'''' .

( V ) Lake responses to the human-natural interaction. The lake sediments recorded the pro- cess of environmental changes caused by human-natural interaction in historical periods. Because of the continuity of lake sedimentation, the insufficiency of the historical documents can be compensated for by lake sedimentay records. Some environmental proxies of lake sediments can be used to indicate the impor- tant environmental events occuning in their catchment, such as forest fire, river channel shift, floods and spatial-temporal distribution of pollutants. Meanwhile the lake sediments also record the information of climatic changes and human activities. The high-resolution studies of the lake sediments from the Kun- rning Lake in Beijing revealed the fact that the Eight-Power-Invaders' burning of the Yuanmingyuan

Palace was impressed in sediments with a large number of charcoal fragments'57'. The environmetal changes in the past 2 000 a recorded by lake sediments in the Hongze Lake reflect the process of lake evolution affected deeply by human activities and floodsLM'. The Ximencuo Lake is located in jiuzhi County, Qinghai Province, whose sedimentary record of 2 000-a environmental changes is mainly con-

trolled by climatic variationsi'" . The studies of the Nansi Lake revealed the relationship between lake en- vironmental changes and overllow of the Yellow ~ i v e r ' ~ ' ' . Modem lake environmental study of the Dianchi Lake rebuilt the historical process of lake eutrophication and heavy metal pollution[70' . The charcoal frag- ments content in sediments of the Dongganchi Lake in Fangshan County near Beijing reflects the relation- ship between forest fire and vegetation, climate as well as human a~tivities '~'] . Lake eutrophication is be- coming a severe problem in China. The recent eutrophication state of main lakes has been studied system- a t i ~ a l l ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . Facing the present state and problems of lake environment in China the conclusive knowledge and suggestion are proposed in detail in the books Lake Environment in ~ h i n a ' ~ ~ ' and Annals of China ~ a k e s ' ~ ~ ' , which provide a scientific basis for the national or regional lake environmental protection , ra- tional resources exploitation and management. In recent years the effects of the Yangtze Gorge Project on the lake sedimental environment in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River have been probed spe- c i a ~ l ~ ' ~ ~ ] . After the construction of the Yangtze Gorge Project, the increase of discharge from January to April arld decrease of discharge in October will have different effects on the sedimental environment in the Poyang Lake. When the Yangtze Gorge Reservoir impounds in October, the waterstand of the Yangtze River at Hukou will descend and hence the lake level will also descend, which will cause the scour and fill of sediment to affect evidently the environment of aquatic plant and bird habitats. From January to April the discharge from the Yangtze Gorge Reservoir will increase, causing the water level to rise in Hukou and the sedimentation process around Meijia Shoal to accelerate, which has a profound effect on the environment of the Poyang Lake. After the construction of the Yangtze Gorge Project, the downstream sediment concentration will evidently decrease, therefore the channels Songzi , Taiping and Ouchi on the southern bank of the Jing River will experience a stronger scour by clean water than before and the dura- tion of water flow intemption in the three channels will be prolonged. Consequently the development of the deltas by the three channels and sedimentation in the Dongting Lake will decline, and the natural ex- tinction process of the lake will greatly slow down'R6i .

( Vi ) Release of nutrient from lake bottom sediments and biogeochemical process at water-sediment interface. Lake sediment is the important sink of lake nutrients. Under proper conditions the nutri- ents may be released from surface sediments into the water, which intensifies the organic pollution. The relationship between the nutrient concentration in sediment and the degree of eutrophication of main lakes in different climatic regions have been studied. For most lakes, the higher the degree of eutrophication,

1 748 Chinese Science Bulletin Vol .44 No. 19 October 1999

REVIEWS the higher the concentration of nutrients in the lake sediments. The release of nitrogen and phosphorus in

the sediment, especially in shallow lakes, is one of the key factors of eutrophication'8S' . The interface biogeochemical process is generally considered as the physical-chemical process involv-

ing organisms between the 15-cm thick surface sediment and the overlying water. It is an important way to

control and adjust the material transportation and exchange between lake water and sediment'94' . Recently the study results revealed that the Fe-Mn circulation is controlled by the seasonal lack of oxygen at the in- terface, accompanied by the remigration of trace metal elements. The break of Fe-Mn circulation implies

the abrupt changes of lake en~ironment'"'~'~ . Through researches of carbon system of lake sediments and water, the aquatic plant photosynthesis and respiration as well as organic matter degradation are the dorni- nant factors affecting the isotope constituent of carbonaceous material. The stable isotope composition of carbonate in lake sediments signalizes the authigenic carbonate sedimentation in the early diagenesis pro- cess, so the carbon isotope of lake sediments at a definite depth preserves the information of environmen-

tal changes in the period when the sediment was deposited[951 . 3 Research prospects in lake sediment and environment

The following are some respects of lake sediment and environment study demanding urgent pursuing. ( i ) Fundamental theoretical research on quantitative relationship between lake sediment and envi-

ronments. According to the general studies of high resolution and multiproxies of lake sediments, the relationships among different proxies are very complex, and the single proxy has more or less mixed fea- tures affected by the environmental elements. At present the most important work is to understand deeply the physical, chemical and biological significance of environmental proxies, further reinforce the research on modern sedimentation processes and attempt a breakthrough in quantitative study of environmental fac- tors. It is an urgent task to establish a correlation model among modem surface pollen, vegetation type and climate factors on a large space scale, to make the quantitative reconstruction of the lake water salini- ty by the relationship of element concentration (Sr , hlg , Ca) and ratio from ostracode shells, to strength- en the quantitative analysis of the responses of oxygen isotope of authigenic carbonate to lake water salinity and temperature, to evolve the quantitative study of relationship between lake diatom assemblage and pH value. For the purpose of reconstructing quantitatively the environmental changes , it is necessary to study the relationship between environmental proxies and climatic elements under different spatial and temporal conditions.

( ii ) Temporal sequences and spatial differentiation of high-resolution environmental changes. Lake sediments possess the advantage of broad coverage and continuous sedimentation and hence are se- lected as a good object for the high-resolution research of environmental changes. For the long lacustrine records without valve , to establish a high-resolution temporal sequence of environmental changes needs more accurate chronological data. To satisfy the requirement of the fast development of the study of envi- ronmental changes, it is important to improve the present dating methods. Although numerous temporal sequences of lake environmental changes have been established in the past decade, owing to the different resolution and environmental proxies used in the individual sequence, it is difficult to compare the se- quences with each other and to recognize the spatial differentiation of environmental changes. Up to now there are still some tempospacially blank areas in China, especially a lack of over 0.1 Ma long-term lake records. For temporal and spatial comparison of environmental changes, it is urgent to choose the key ar- eas. For example, southwestem China is a "bridgev linking the East Asian monsoon, southwest monsoon and the plateau monsoons by which the long-term environemntal changes in the region are closely related to the uplifting of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Moreover southwestern China is located in the most impor- tant position in the PEP n transection and is regarded as an ideal place. to investigate the the origin and evolution of human beings. Another is the Sanmenxia area. The formation and extinction of Sanmen pale- olake, which was closely related to the formation of the Loess Plateau and loess accumulation envimn- ment, has important significance for the researches of the formation of East Asian monsoon, alteration of the Yellow River drainage as well as the formation of megageomorphological terrace; hence it is an excel-

Chinese Science Bulletin Vo1.44 No .I9 October 1999 1 749

REVIEWS lent site for the study of tecto-climatic cycles. So far most environmental sequences have a time scale of

lo3-lo4 a , therefore the comparative study of regional environmental changes should focus on analyzing the relationship between the differentiation of regional environmental changes and the monsoon variations, simulating the distribution of the paleoclimate factors in particular periods, determining the orientation of the present climate in the evolutionary process and providing the historical reference patterns for predicting the climatic tendency in the future.

( iii ) Relationship between modem sedimentary dynamic process and lake environment. There are many shallow water lakes in China and their environmental systems are very complicated. The lake sedimentary process is instable owing to the influence of wind wave and currents, i d o w s pouring into lakes, human activities etc . All this involves factors such as the nutrient release, organic decomposition, biological growth, scour and fill distribution making the research of modem lake sedimental environment more difficult. For the purpose of explaining rationally the paleoenvironment recorded by lake sediments and solving the present lake environmental problems, it is necessary to strengthen the researches on the mechanism of eutrophication, observation of sedimental dynamic process and to reveal the dynamic pro- cess of lake environmental evolution and the internal linkage among environmental factors as well as the dynamic mechanism, providing a scientific basis for the paleolimnology study and the present lake envi- ronmental improvement and management.

( i V ) Quaternary lake database of China and glohal changes. The evidences of coastal land- forms, lake sediments and fossil strata can be used to reconstruct the paleolake level fluctuations, objec- tively reflecting the regional precipitation, effective rainfall and humidity conditions. The study of interna- tional lake database began in the 1970s. Based on the synchronic changes of numerous lake levels, it is possible to establish regional even global lake database and provide information about global climatic changes. The global paleolake database was successfully used to reconstruct the temporal-spatial changes of climate and atmospheric circulation system since the Late Quaternary and provide a scientific basis for the comparison and evoluation of the results of paleoclimatic simulations as well as the improvement of the - . atmospheric circulation models' . The study of China's Lake Level Data Base (CLLDB) is just now at the initial starting. There are a lot of lakes distributed widely in China. The Quaternary researches about lake environment provide the foundation for establishing CLLDB. The study of Quaternary CLLDB will provide the geological evidence for reconstructing monsoon circulation and its spatial-temporal changes in East Asia and the boundary conditions of underlaying surface for atmospheric circulation modeling. Ac- cording to the climatic model determined by PMIP, the results of simulating the paleoclimate in China during the Last Glaciation Maximum and the mid-Holocene have important significance for predicting the amplitude of climatic changes in future. In general, the research of the Quaternary CLLDB is helpful to promoting the research of past global changes in China.

( V ) Enhancing the multidisciplinary research and comparison with other geological records. Lake is a relatively independent natural complex and the connection point of interaction among litho- sphere, atmosphere, land hydrosphere and biosphere. So on the one hand the lake sediments have the advantage of containing rich environmental information but on the other hand complexity of explanation re- sults from the interaction among environmental elements. Therefore it is necessary to evolve the multiprox- ies analysis including physics, chemistry and biology. Through the comprehensive multidiscipline discern- ment the realistic results can be obtained. The lake catchment is usually limited in spatial range, there- fore the environment information recorded by lake sediments keeps more or less the regional even local property. Only by strengthening the comparative analysis of the records of loess, ice core, tree ring and historical documents and pursuing the new learning can understand deeply the different environmental proxies and their assemblage, distinguish effectively the information of global, regional, local environ- mental changes and improve continuously the research level about lake sediment and environment.

Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Yational Natural Srirnce Foundation of China (Grant Yo. 49572331) and the Chinese Arademy of Sciences ( Grant Yo. KT95 1-A1 -402-04-06) .

Chinese Science Bulletin Vol .44 No. 19 October 1999

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