neurological foundations of cognitive neuroscience 2003 (the mit press)


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Issues in Clinical and Cognitive NeuropsychologyJordan Grafman, series editor

Neurological Foundations of Cognitive NeuroscienceMark D’Esposito, editor, 2003

The Parallel Brain: The Cognitive Neuroscience of the Corpus CallosumEran Zaidel and Marco Iacoboni, editors, 2002

Gateway to Memory: An Introduction to Neural Network Modeling of the Hippocampus and LearningMark A. Gluck and Catherine E. Myers, 2001

Patient-Based Approaches to Cognitive NeuroscienceMartha J. Farah and Todd E. Feinberg, editors, 2000

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edited byMark D’Esposito

A Bradford BookThe MIT PressCambridge, MassachusettsLondon, England

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© 2003 Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means(including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from thepublisher.

This book was set in Times Roman by SNP Best-set Typesetter Ltd., Hong Kong and was printed and bound in the United States of America.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Neurological foundations of cognitive neuroscience / edited by Mark D’Esposito.p. cm.—(Issues in clinical and cognitive neuropsychology)

“A Bradford book.”Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-262-04209-6 (hc. : alk. paper)1. Cognition disorders. 2. Cognitive neuroscience. I. D’Esposito, Mark. II. Series.

RC533.C64 N475 2002616.8—dc21 2002021912

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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To Judy, Zoe, and Zack

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Preface ix

1 Neglect: A Disorder of Spatial Attention 1Anjan Chatterjee

2 Bálint’s Syndrome: A Disorder of Visual Cognition 27Robert Rafal

3 Amnesia: A Disorder of EpisodicMemory 41Michael S. Mega

4 Semantic Dementia: A Disorder ofSemantic Memory 67John R. Hodges

5 Topographical Disorientation:A Disorder of Way-Finding Ability 89Geoffrey K. Aguirre

6 Acquired Dyslexia: A Disorder ofReading 109H. Branch Coslett

7 Acalculia: A Disorder of Numerical Cognition 129Darren R. Gitelman

8 Transcortical Motor Aphasia: A Disorder of Language Production 165Michael P. Alexander

9 Wernicke Aphasia: A Disorder of Central Language Processing 175Jeffrey R. Binder

10 Apraxia: A Disorder of MotorControl 239Scott Grafton

11 Lateral Prefrontal Syndrome: A Disorder of Executive Control 259Robert T. Knight and Mark D’Esposito

Contributors 281Index 283


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It is an exciting time for the discipline of cogni-tive neuroscience. In the past 10 years we have witnessed an explosion in the development andadvancement of methods that allow us to preciselyexamine the neural mechanisms underlying cog-nitive processes. Functional magnetic resonanceimaging, for example, has provided markedly im-proved spatial and temporal resolution of brainstructure and function, which has led to answers tonew questions, and the reexamination of old ques-tions. However, in my opinion, the explosive impactthat functional neuroimaging has had on cogni-tive neuroscience may in some ways be responsible for moving us away from our roots—the study ofpatients with brain damage as a window into thefunctioning of the normal brain. Thus, my motiva-tion for creating this book was to provide a collec-tion of chapters that would highlight the interfacebetween the study of patients with cognitive deficits and the study of cognition in normal indi-viduals. It is my hope that reading these chapterswill remind us as students of cognitive neuro-science that research aimed at understanding thefunction of the normal brain can be guided by studying the abnormal brain. The incredible insightderived from patients with neurological and psy-chiatric disorders provided the foundation for thediscipline of cognitive neuroscience and shouldcontinue to be an important methodological tool in future studies.

Each chapter in this book was written by a neu-rologist who also practices cognitive neuroscience.Each chapter begins with a description of a casereport, often a patient seen by the author, anddescribes the symptoms seen in this patient, layingthe foundation for the cognitive processes to beexplored. After the clinical description, the authorshave provided a historical background about whatwe have learned about these particular neurobe-havioral syndromes through clinical observation and neuropsychological investigation. Each chapterthen explores investigations using a variety ofmethods—single-unit electrophysiological record-ing in awake-behaving monkeys, behavioral studiesof normal healthy subjects, event-related potential

and functional neuroimaging studies of both normalindividuals and neurological patients—aimed atunderstanding the neural mechanisms underlyingthe cognitive functions affected in each particularclinical syndrome. In many chapters, there are con-flicting data derived from different methodologies,and the authors have tried to reconcile these differ-ences. Often these attempts at understanding howthese data may be convergent, rather than divergent,has shed new light on the cognitive mechanismsbeing explored.

The goal of preparing this book was not to simplydescribe clinical neurobehavioral syndromes. Such descriptions can be found in many excellenttextbooks of behavioral and cognitive neurology. Nor was the goal to provide a primer in cognitiveneuroscience. The goal of this book is to considernormal cognitive processes in the context ofpatients with cognitive deficits. Each of the clinicalsyndromes in this book is markedly heterogeneousand the range of symptoms varies widely acrosspatients. As Anjan Chatterjee aptly states in hischapter on the neglect syndrome: “This hetero-geneity would be cause for alarm if the goal ofneglect research was to establish a unified and comprehensive theory of the clinical syndrome.However, when neglect is used to understand theorganization of spatial attention and representation,then the behavioral heterogeneity is actually criticalto its use as an investigative tool.” These wordscapture perfectly my intent for this book.

Many neurologists in training and in practice lack exposure to cognitive neuroscience. Similarly,many newly trained cognitive neuroscientists lack exposure to the rich history of investigations of brain–behavior relationships in neurological patients. I am optimistic that this book will serveboth groups well. It is a privilege to have assembledan outstanding group of neurologists and cognitiveneuroscientists to present their unique perspectiveon the physical basis of the human mind.


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Anjan Chatterjee

Unilateral spatial neglect is a fascinating clinicalsyndrome in which patients are unaware of entiresectors of space on the side opposite to their lesion.These patients may neglect parts of their own body,parts of their environment, and even parts of scenesin their imagination. This clinical syndrome is pro-duced by a lateralized disruption of spatial attentionand representation and raises several questions ofinterest to cognitive neuroscientsts. How do humansrepresent space? How do humans direct spatialattention? How is attention related to perception?How is attention related to action?

Spatial attention and representation can also bestudied in humans with functional neuroimagingand with animal lesion and single-cell neurophysi-ological studies. Despite the unique methods andapproaches of these different disciplines, there isconsiderable convergence in our understanding ofhow the brain organizes and represents space. In this chapter, I begin by describing the clinical syn-drome of neglect. Following this description, Ioutline the major theoretical approaches and bio-logical correlates of the clinical phenomena. I thenturn to prominent issues in recent neglect researchand to relevant data from human functional neuro-imaging and animal studies. Finally, I conclude withseveral issues that in my view warrant further consideration.

As a prelude, it should be clear that neglect is a heterogeneous disorder. Its manifestations varyconsiderably across patients (Chatterjee, 1998; Halligan & Marshall, 1992, 1998). This hetero-geneity would be cause for alarm if the goal ofneglect research were to establish a unified andcomprehensive theory of the clinical syndrome.However, when neglect is used to understand theorganization of spatial attention and representation,then the behavioral heterogeneity is actually criticalto its use as an investigative tool.

Distributed neuronal networks clearly mediatespatial attention, representation, and movement.Focal damage to parts of these networks can

1 Neglect: A Disorder of Spatial Attention

produce subtle differences in deficits of thesecomplex functions. These differences themselvesare of interest. A careful study of spatial atten-tion and representations through the syndrome ofneglect is possible precisely because neglect is heterogeneous (Chatterjee, 1998).

Case Report

Neglect is more common and more severe with right thanwith left brain damage. I will refer mostly to left-sidedneglect following right brain damage, although similardeficits are seen sometimes following left brain damage.

A 65-year-old woman presented to the hospital becauseof left-sided weakness. She was lethargic for 2 days afteradmission. She tended to lie in bed at an angle, orientedto her right, and ignored the left side of her body. Whenher left hand was held in front of her eyes, she suggestedthat the limb belonged to the examiner. As her level ofarousal improved, she continued to orient to her right, evenwhen approached and spoken to from her left. She ate onlythe food on the right side of her hospital tray. Food some-times collected in the left side of her mouth.

Her speech was mildly dysarthric. She answered questions correctly, but in a flat tone. Although her conversation was superficially appropriate, she seemedunconcerned about her condition or even about being inthe hospital. When asked why she was hospitalized, shereported feeling weak generally, but denied any specificproblems. When referring to her general weakness, shewould look at and lift her right arm. Over several days,after hearing from her physicians that she had had a strokeand having repeatedly been asked by her physical thera-pist to move her left side, she acknowledged her left-sidedweakness. However, her insight into the practical restric-tions imposed by her weakness was limited. Her therapistsnoted that she was pleasant and engaging for short periods,but not particularly motivated during therapy sessions andfatigued easily.

Three months after her initial stroke, obvious signs of left neglect abated. Her left-sided weakness alsoimproved. She had slightly diminished somatosensorysensation on the left, but after about 6 months she alsoexperienced uncomfortable sensations both on the skinand “inside” her left arm. The patient continued to fatigue

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easily and remained at home much of the time. Her mag-netic resonance imaging (MRI) scan showed an ischemicstroke in the posterior division of the right middle cerebralartery (figure 1.1). Her lesion involved the posterior inferior parietal lobule, Brodmann areas (BA) 39 and 40 and the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus, BA 22.

Clinical Examination of Neglect

Bedside tests for neglect are designed to assesspatients’ awareness of the contralesional parts oftheir own body (personal neglect), contralesionalsectors of space (extrapersonal neglect), and con-tralesional stimuli when presented simultaneouslywith competing ipsilesional stimuli (extinction).

Personal Neglect

Personal neglect refers to neglect of contralesionalparts of one’s own body. Observing whetherpatients groom themselves contralesionally pro-vides a rough indication of personal neglect.Patients who ignore the left side of their body mightnot use a comb or makeup, or might not shave theleft side of their face (Beschin & Robertson, 1997).To assess personal neglect, patients are asked abouttheir left arm after this limb is brought into their

view. Patients with left personal neglect do notacknowledge ownership of the limb. When asked to touch their left arm with their right hand, thesepatients fail to reach over and touch their left side(Bisiach, Perani, Vallar, & Berti, 1986).

A phenomenon called anosognosia for hemiple-gia can also be thought of as a disorder of personalawareness. In this condition, patients are aware of their contralesional limb, but are not aware of its paralysis (Bisiach, 1993). Anosognosia for hemiplegia is not an all-or-none phenomenon, andpatients may have partial awareness of their con-tralesional weakness (Chatterjee & Mennemeier,1996). Misoplegia is a rare disorder in whichpatients are aware of their own limb, but develop anintense dislike for it (Critchley, 1974).

Extrapersonal Neglect

Extrapersonal neglect can be assessed using bedsidetasks such as line bisection, cancellation, drawing,and reading. Line bisection tasks assess a patient’sability to estimate the center of a simple stimulus.Patients are asked to place a mark at the midpointof lines (usually horizontal). The task is generallyadministered without restricting head or eye move-ments and without time limitations. Patients withleft-sided neglect typically place their mark to the

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Figure 1.1Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance image showing lesion in the posterior division of the right middle cerebral artery,involving the inferior parietal lobule and the posterior superior temporal gyrus.

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right of the true midposition (Schenkenberg, Bradford, & Ajax, 1980). Patients make largererrors with longer lines (Chatterjee, Dajani, &Gage, 1994a). If stimuli are placed in space con-tralateral to their lesion, patients frequently makelarger errors (Heilman & Valenstein, 1979). Thus,using long lines (generally greater than 20cm)placed to the left of the patient’s trunk increases thesensitivity of detecting extrapersonal neglect usingline bisection tasks.

Cancellation tasks assess how well a patientexplores the contralesional side of extrapersonalspace (figure 1.2). Patients are presented with arraysof targets which they are asked to “cancel.” Cancellation tasks are also administered withoutrestricting head or eye movements and without timelimitations. Patients typically start at the top right of the display and often search in a vertical pattern(Chatterjee, Mennemeier, & Heilman, 1992a). Theyneglect left-sided targets (Albert, 1973) and oftentargets close to their body, so that a target in the left lower quadrant is most likely to be ignored(Chatterjee, Thompson, & Ricci, 1999; Mark &Heilman, 1997). Sometimes patients cancel right-sided targets repeatedly. Increasing the number oftargets may uncover neglect that is not evident onarrays with fewer targets (Chatterjee, Mennemeier,& Heilman, 1992b; Chatterjee et al., 1999). The use

of arrays in which targets are difficult to discrimi-nate from distracter stimuli (Rapcsak, Verfaellie,Fleet, & Heilman, 1989) may increase the sensitiv-ity of cancellation tasks. Thus, using arrays with alarge number of stimuli (generally more than fifty)and with distracters that are difficult to discriminatefrom the targets increases the sensitivity of cancel-lation tasks in detecting extrapersonal neglect.

In drawing tasks, patients are asked to either copydrawings presented to them or to draw objects andscenes from memory (figures 1.3 and 1.4). Whenasked to copy drawings with multiple objects, orcomplex objects with multiple parts, patients mayomit left-sided objects in the array and/or omit theleft side of individual objects, regardless of wherethey appear in the array (Marshall & Halligan,1993; Seki & Ishiai, 1996). Occasionally, patientsmay draw left-sided features of target items withless detail or even misplace left-sided details to theright side of their drawings (Halligan, Marshall, &Wade, 1992).

Reading tasks can be given by having patientsread text or by having them read single words.Patients with left-sided neglect may have troublebringing their gaze to the left margin of the pagewhen reading text. As a consequence, they may readlines starting in the middle of the page and producesequences of words or sentences that do not makesense. When reading single words, they may eitheromit left-sided letters or substitute confabulatedletters (Chatterjee, 1995). Thus the word “walnut”might be read as either “nut” or “peanut.” Thisreading disorder is called “neglect dyslexia” (Kinsbourne & Warrington, 1962).

Extinction to Double Simultaneous Stimulation

Patients who are aware of single left-sided stimulimay neglect or “extinguish” these stimuli when left-sided stimuli are presented simultaneously with right-sided stimuli (Bender & Furlow, 1945).Extinction may occur for visual, auditory, or tactilestimuli (Heilman, Pandya, & Geschwind, 1970).Visual extinction can be assessed by asking patientsto count fingers or to report finger movements

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Figure 1.2Example of a cancellation task showing left neglect. Thattask is given without time constraints and without restrict-ing eye or head movements.

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presented to both visual fields compared with singlevisual fields. Auditory extinction can be assessed byasking them to report which ear hears a noise madeby snapped fingers or two coins rubbed together atone or both ears. Tactile extinction can be assessedby lightly touching patients either unilaterally orbilaterally and asking them to report where theywere touched. Patients’ eyes should be closed whentactile extinction is being assessed since their direc-

tion of gaze can modulate extinction (Vaishnavi,Calhoun, & Chatterjee, 1999).

Extinction may even be elicited by havingpatients judge relative weights placed in their handssimultaneously (Chatterjee & Thompson, 1998).Patients with extinction may dramatically under-estimate left-sided weights when a weight is alsoplaced on their right hand. Finally, extinction mayalso be observed with multiple stimuli in ipsile-sional space (Feinberg, Haber, & Stacy, 1990;Rapcsak, Watson, & Heilman, 1987).

General Theories of Neglect

General theories emphasize behaviors common to patients with neglect and try to isolate the coredeficit, which produces the clinical syndrome.These theories include attentional and representa-tional theories.

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Figure 1.3Example of a spontaneous drawing by a patient with leftneglect.

Figure 1.4Example of a drawing copied by a patient with left neglect.

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Attentional Theories

Attentional theories are based on the idea thatneglect is a disorder of spatial attention. Spatialattention is the process by which objects in certainspatial locations are selected for processing overobjects in other locations. The processing may in-volve selection for perception or for actions. Theidea that objects in spatial locations are selected foraction has given rise to the notion of “intentionalneglect,” in which patients are disinclined to act inor toward contralesional space. (Intentional neglectis discussed more fully later in this chapter.)

Attention is generally considered effortful andusually operates serially. Normally, the nervoussystem processes visual information in stages.Visual elements, such as color, movement, andform, are extracted initially from the visual scene.These elements are segregated or grouped together“preattentively,” to parse the visual scene beforeattention is engaged. Preattentive processing is generally considered automatic and often operatesin parallel across different spatial locations. Braindamage can produce selective deficits at this preat-tentive level with relatively normal spatial attention(Ricci, Vaishnavi, & Chatterjee, 1999; Vecera &Behrmann, 1997). By contrast, patients with neglectoften have relatively preserved preattentive vision,as evidenced by their ability to separate figure fromground and their susceptibility to visual illusions(Driver, Baylis, & Rafal, 1992; Mattingley, Davis,& Driver, 1997; Ricci, Calhoun, & Chatterjee,2000; Vallar, Daini, & Antonucci, 2000).

In neglect, attention is directed ipsilesionally, and therefore patients are aware of stimuli only inthis sector of space. A major concern of generalattentional theories is to understand why neglect is more common and severe after right than after left brain damage. Kinsbourne postulates that eachhemisphere generates a vector of spatial attentiondirected toward contralateral space, and these attentional vectors are inhibited by the oppositehemisphere (Kinsbourne, 1970, 1987). The lefthemisphere’s vector of spatial attention is stronglybiased, while the right hemisphere produces only a

weak vector. Therefore, after right brain damage,the left hemisphere’s unfettered vector of attentionis powerfully oriented to the right. Since the righthemisphere’s intrinsic vector of attention is onlyweakly directed after left brain damage, there is not a similar orientation bias to the left. Thus, right-sided neglect is less common than left-sidedneglect.

Heilman and co-workers, in contrast to Kinsbourne, propose that the right hemisphere isdominant for arousal and spatial attention (Heilman,1979; Heilman & Van Den Abell, 1980). Patientswith right brain damage have greater electroen-cephalographic slowing than those with left braindamage. They also demonstrate diminished gal-vanic skin responses compared with normal controlsubjects or patients with left hemisphere damage(Heilman, Schwartz, & Watson, 1978). This dimin-ished arousal interacts with hemispheric biases indirecting attention. The right hemisphere is thoughtto be capable of directing attention into both hemi-spaces, while the left hemisphere directs attentiononly into contralateral space. Thus, after right braindamage, the left hemisphere is ill equipped to directattention into left hemispace. However, after leftbrain damage, the right is capable of directing atten-tion into both hemispaces and neglect does notoccur with the same severity as after right braindamage. Mesulam (1981, 1990), emphasizing thedistributed nature of neural networks dedicated to spatial attention, also proposed a similar hemi-spheric organization for spatial attention.

Posner and colleagues proposed an influentialmodel of spatial attention composed of elementaryoperations, such as engaging, disengaging, andshifting (Posner, Walker, Friedrich, & Rafal, 1984;Posner & Dehaene, 1994). They reported thatpatients with right superior parietal damage areselectively impaired in disengaging attention fromright-sided stimuli before they shift and engage left-sided stimuli. This disengage deficit is likely toaccount for some symptoms of visual extinction. In more recent versions of this theory, Posner andcolleagues proposed a posterior and an anteriorattentional network, which bears considerable

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resemblance to Heilman’s and Mesulam’s ideas ofdistributed networks. Some parts of this network arepreferentially dedicated to selecting stimuli in spacefor perception and others to selecting stimuli inspace on which to act.

Representational Theories

Representational theories propose that the inabilityto form adequate contralateral mental representa-tions of space underlies the clinical phenomenologyin neglect (Bisiach, 1993). In a classic observation,Bisiach and Luzzatti (1978) asked two patients toimagine the Piazza del Duomo in Milan, Italy, fromtwo perspectives: looking into the square toward thecathedral and looking from the cathedral into thesquare (figure 1.5). In each condition, the patientsonly reported landmarks to the right of their imag-ined position in the piazza. Neglect for imagesevoked from memory may be dissociated from

neglect of stimuli in extrapersonal space (Anderson,1993; Coslett, 1997). In addition to difficulty inevoking contralateral representations from memory,patients with neglect may also be impaired informing new contralateral representations (Bisiach,Luzzatti, & Perani, 1979). Rapid eye movements in sleeping neglect patients are restricted ipsilater-ally (Doricchi, Guariglia, Paolucci, & Pizzamiglio,1993), raising the intriguing possibility that thesepatients’ dreams are spatially restricted.

Attentional versus Representational Theories

Although representational theories are often con-trasted with attentional theories, it is not clear thatattentional and representational theories of neglectare really in conflict (see the contributions in Halligan & Marshall, 1994, for related discussions).Sensory-attentional and representational theoriesseem to be describing different aspects of the samephenomena. Awareness of external stimuli occursby mentally reconstructing objects in the world. It is therefore not clear that describing attentiondirected in external space avoids the need to consider mental representations. Similarly, mental representations, even when internally evoked, areselectively generated and maintained. It is not clearhow describing spatially selective representationavoids the need to consider spatial attention. Atten-tional theories refer to the process and dynamicsthat support mental representations. Representa-tional theories refer to the structural features of thedisordered system. Each theoretical approach seemsinextricably linked to the other.

Biological Correlates of Neglect

Neglect is seen with a variety of lesions involvingdifferent cortical and subcortical structures. It isalso associated with dysregulation of specific neuro-transmitter systems.

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Figure 1.5Two views of the Piazza del Duomo in Milan, Italy.

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Cortical Lesions

Neglect is more common and more severe in casesof right than left hemisphere damage (Gainotti,Messerli, & Tissot, 1972). The characteristic lesioninvolves the right inferior parietal lobe, Brodmannareas 39 and 40 (Heilman, Watson, & Valenstein,1994). Recently, Karnath and colleagues (Karnath,Ferber & Himmelbach, 2001) have suggested thatlesions to the right superior temporal gyrus are asso-ciated most commonly with extrapersonal neglect in the absence of visual field defects. Neglect mayalso be observed after dorsolateral prefrontal(Heilman & Valenstein, 1972; Husain & Kennard,1996; Maeshima, Funahashi, Ogura, Itakura, &Komai, 1994) and cingulate gyrus lesions (Watson,Heilman, Cauthen, & King, 1973). Severe neglectis more likely if the posterior-superior longitudinalfasciculus and the inferior-frontal fasciculus aredamaged in addition to these cortical areas (Leibovitch et al., 1998).

The cortical areas associated with neglect are supramodal or polymodal areas into which unimodal association cortices project (Mesulam,1981). This observation underscores the idea thatneglect is a spatial disorder, not one of primarysensory processing (such as a visual field defect).The polymodal nature of the deficit means thatneglect may be evident in different sensory andmotor systems, without necessarily being restrictedto one modality.

Subcortical Lesions

Subcortical lesions in the thalamus, basal ganglia,and midbrain may also produce neglect. Neglect in humans is associated with decreased arousal(Heilman et al., 1978). Interruptions of ascendingmonoaminergic or cholinergic projections may inpart mediate this clinical manifestation (Watson,Heilman, Miller, & King, 1974).

The extension of the reticular system into thethalamus is a thin shell of neurons encasing muchof the thalamus and is called the “nucleus reticu-laris.” The nucleus reticularis neurons inhibit relays

of sensory information from the thalamus to thecortex. In turn, descending projections from thepolymodal association cortices inhibit the nucleusreticularis. Therefore damage to these systems mayresult in a release of the inhibitory action of thenucleus reticularis on thalamic relay nuclei, producing impairment of contralesional sensoryprocessing (Watson, Valenstein, & Heilman, 1981).Damage to the pulvinar, a large nucleus located posteriorily in the thalamus, which has reciprocalconnections with the posterior parietal lobule, may result in neglect. Lesions of the basal ganglia,which are tightly linked to prefrontal and cingulate cortices, may also produce neglect (Hier, Davis,Richardson, & Mohr, 1977).

Distributed Neural Networks

The clinical observation that lesions to disparatecortical and subcortical structures produce neglectled Heilman and co-workers to propose that a distributed network mediates spatially directedattention (Heilman, 1979; Watson et al., 1981). Thelimbic connections to the anterior cingulate mayprovide an anatomical basis for poor alertness forstimuli in contralesional locations (Watson et al.,1973) or poor motivation (Mesulam, 1990) inneglect patients.

Mesulam (1981, 1990), emphasizing the mono-synaptic interconnectivity of the different brainregions associated with neglect, also proposed asimilar model suggesting that different regionswithin a large-scale network control differentaspects of an individual’s interaction with thespatial environment. He suggested that dorsolateralprefrontal damage produces abnormalities of con-tralesional exploratory behavior and that posteriorparietal damage produces the perceptual disorderseen in neglect.

The appealingly straightforward idea that lesionsin different locations within this distributed networkare associated with different behavioral manifesta-tions of neglect is not entirely supported by the evidence (Chatterjee, 1998). The most commonlycited association is that parietal lesions produce the

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perceptual aspects of neglect and frontal lesionsproduce the response or motor aspects of neglect.Some studies report this association and others donot (Binder, Marshall, Lazar, Benjamin, & Mohr,1992; Coslett, Bowers, Fitzpatrick, Haws, &Heilman, 1990; McGlinchey-Berroth et al., 1996).One study of a large number of patients even reportsparietal lesions associated with a bias to respondipsilesionally (Bisiach, Ricci, Lualdi, & Colombo,1998a).

Neurochemistry of Neglect

Distributed neural networks are usually thought of in terms of anatomical connections. However,neurotransmitter systems also form distributed net-works with more diffuse effects. Rather than influ-encing specific cognitive domains, these diffusesystems seem to influence the state of brain func-tions across many domains. Dopaminergic systemsare of critical importance in neglect. In rats, lesionsto ascending dopaminergic pathways produce behavioral abnormalities that resemble neglect (Marshall & Gotthelf, 1979), and the dopaminergicagonist, apomorphine, ameliorates these deficits.This improvement can be blocked by pretreatmentwith spiroperidol, a dopamine receptor blockingagent (Corwin et al., 1986).

These observations led to a small open trial of the dopamine agonist, bromocriptine, in twopatients with neglect (Fleet, Valenstein, Watson, & Heilman, 1987). Both patients’ performancesimproved during bedside assessments of neglect.One patient’s husband reported improvement in heractivities of daily living. Recent reports suggest thatbromocriptine may produce greater improvementthan methylphenidate (Hurford, Stringer, & Jann,1998) and may be more effective in treating themotor aspects of neglect behaviors than strictly perceptual ones (Geminiani, Bottini, & Sterzi,1998). The efficacy of pharmacological treatment in the neglect syndrome has not been investigatedsystematically in large-scale studies.

Experimental Research on Neglect

Neglect has become an important probe in investi-gating several issues in cognitive neuroscience. The topics described next have in common the useof neglect and related disorders as a point of depar-ture, although the issues addressed may be quite divergent.

Intention in Spatial Representations

Intentional systems select from among many loca-tions those in which to act. This system is yoked to attentional systems, which select stimuli to beprocessed. There is a growing awareness that muchof perception serves to guide actions in the world(Milner & Goodale, 1995). Some time ago, Watsonand colleagues advanced the idea that neglectpatients may have a premotor intentional deficit, adisinclination to initiate movements or move towardor into contralateral hemispace (Watson, Valenstein,& Heilman, 1978). Similarly, Rizzolatti and co-workers argued that attention facilitates perceptionby activating the circuits responsible for motorpreparation (Rizzolatti, Matelli, & Pavesi, 1983).

In most situations, attention and intention areinextricably linked, since attention is usuallydirected to objects on which one acts. Several cleverexperiments have tried to dissociate attention from intention using cameras, pulleys, and mir-rors (Bisiach, Geminiani, Berti, & Rusconi, 1990;Bisiach et al., 1995; Coslett et al., 1990; Milner,Harvey, Roberts, & Forster, 1993; Na et al., 1998;Tegner & Levander, 1991). The general strategy inthese studies is to dissociate where patients arelooking from where their limb is acting. Whenpatients perform tasks in which these two are in conflict, in some patients neglect is determined bywhere they are looking and in others by where theyare acting. Some patients behave as though theyhave a combination of the two forms of neglect.

Neglect as ipsilesional biases in limb move-ments is sometimes associated with frontal lesions (Binder et al., 1992; Coslett et al., 1990; Tegner &

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Levander, 1991). However, patients with lesionsrestricted to the posterior parietal cortex can haveintentional neglect (Mattingley, Husain, Rorden,Kennard, & Driver, 1998; Triggs, Gold, Gerstle,Adair, & Heilman, 1994). Mattingley and col-leagues (Mattingley, Bradshaw, & Phillips, 1992)reported that slowness in the initiation of left-ward movements is associated with right posteriorlesions, whereas slowness in the execution of left-ward movements is associated with right anteriorand subcortical lesions. Most patients with neglectprobably have mixtures of attentional and inten-tional neglect (Adair, Na, Schwartz, & Heilman,1998b), which may be related in quite complexways.

One problem in the interpretation of these studiesis that attention versus intention may not be the relevant distinction. Rather, the “attention” experi-mental conditions may reflect the link of attentionto eye movement and the “intention” conditionsmay reflect the link of attention to limb movements(Bisiach et al., 1995; Chatterjee, 1998). The relevantdistinction may actually be between two perceptual-motor systems, one led by direction of gaze and the other by direction of limb movements. Such aninterpretation would be consonant with single-cellneurophysiological data from monkeys, whichshow that attentional neurons in the posterior pari-etal cortex are selectively linked to eye or to limbmovements (Colby, 1998).

Spatial Attention in Three Dimensions

Neglect is usually described along the horizontal(left-right) axis. However, our spatial environmentalso includes radial (near-far) and vertical (up-down) axes. Neglect may also be evident in thesecoordinate systems. Patients with left neglect frequently have a more subtle neglect for nearspace. On cancellation tasks they are most likely to omit targets in the left lower quadrant in which left and near neglect combine (Chatterjee et al.,1999; Mark & Heilman, 1997). Patients with bilat-eral lesions may have dramatic vertical and radialneglect (Butter, Evans, Kirsch, & Kewman, 1989;

Mennemeier, Wertman, & Heilman, 1992; Rapcsak,Fleet, Verfaellie, & Heilman, 1988). Bilaterallesions to temporal-parietal areas may produceneglect for lower and near peripersonal space,whereas bilateral lesions to the ventral temporalstructures are associated with neglect for upper andfar extrapersonal space. Neglect in the vertical axisprobably represents complex interplays between thevisual and vestibular influences on spatial attention(Mennemeier, Chatterjee, & Heilman, 1994).

Left neglect may also vary, depending on whetherthe stimuli are located in close peripersonal spaceor in far extrapersonal space, suggesting that theorganization of space in peripersonal space is dis-tinct from the organization in further extrapersonalspace (Previc, 1998). This notion of concentricshells of space around the body’s trunk was sug-gested initially by Brain (1941), who proposed thatperipersonal space is a distinct spatial constructdefined by the reach of one’s limbs.

Spatial Reference Frames

Objects in extrapersonal space are anchored to dif-ferent reference frames. These frames are generallydivided into viewer-, object-, and environment-centered reference frames. For example, we canlocate a chair in a room in each of these frames. A viewer-centered frame would locate the chair tothe left or right of the viewer. This frame itself is divided into retinal, head-centered, or body-centered frames. An object-centered frame refers tothe intrinsic spatial coordinates of the object itself,its top or bottom or right and left. These coordinatesare not altered by changes in the position of theviewer. The top of the chair remains its top regard-less of where the viewer is located.

An environment-centered reference frame refersto the location of the object in relation to its envi-ronment. The chair would be coded with respect toother objects in the room and how it is related to gravitational coordinates. The vestibular systemthrough the otolith organs probably plays an impor-tant role in establishing the orientation of an objectin relationship to the environmental vertical axis

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(Mennemeier et al., 1994; Pizzamiglio, Vallar, &Doricchi, 1997). Several reports demonstrate thatneglect may occur in any of these reference frames(Behrmann, Moscovitch, Black, & Mozer, 1994;Chatterjee, 1994; Driver & Halligan, 1991; Farah,Brun, Wong, Wallace, & Carpenter, 1990; Hillis & Caramazza, 1995; Ladavas, 1987), suggestingthat spatial attention operates across these different reference frames.

Cross-Modal and SensorimotorIntegration of Space

Humans have a coherent sense of space in whichthey perceive objects and act (Driver & Spence,1998). Neglect studies suggest that multiple spatialrepresentations are embedded within this sense of space. Presumably, multiple sensory modalitiesinteract in complex ways to give rise to multiplerepresentations of space.

Rubens and colleagues (Rubens, 1985) de-monstrated that left-sided vestibular stimulationimproves extrapersonal neglect. Presumably, ves-tibular inputs influence visual and spatial atten-tion in complex ways. Vestibular stimulation canalso improve contralesional somatosensory aware-ness (Vallar, Bottini, Rusconi, & Sterzi, 1993) and may transiently improve anosognosia as well(Cappa, Sterzi, Guiseppe, & Bisiach, 1987). Spatialattention may also be influenced by changes inposture, which are presumably mediated by otolithvestibular inputs (Mennemeier et al., 1994). Similarly, proprioceptive inputs from neck musclescan influence spatial attention (Karnath, Sievering,& Fetter, 1994; Karnath, Schenkel, & Fischer, 1991)and serve to anchor viewer-centered referenceframes to an individual’s trunk.

Recent studies of patients with tactile extinc-tion have also focused on cross-modal factors inawareness. Visual input when close to the loca-tion of tactile stimulation may improve contra-lesional tactile awareness (di Pellegrino, Basso, &Frassinetti, 1998; Ladavas, Di Pellegrino, Farne, &Zeloni, 1998; Vaishnavi et al., 1999). Similarly, theintention to move may also improve contralesional

tactile awareness (Vaishnavi et al., 1999). Sincepatients with neglect may have personal neglect(Bisiach et al., 1986) or a deficit of their own bodyschema (Coslett, 1998), the question of how bodyspace is integrated with extrapersonal space alsoarises. Tactile sensations are experienced as beingproduced by an object touching the body, an as-pect of peripersonal space. Visual sensations areexperienced as being produced by objects at a dis-tance from the body, in extrapersonal space. Theintegration of tactile and visual stimulation maycontribute to the coordination of extrapersonal and peripersonal space (Vaishnavi, Calhoun, &Chatterjee, 2001).

Guiding movements by vision also involves integrating visual signals for movement. Thisvisual-motor mapping can be altered if a subjectwears prisms that displace stimuli to the left or rightof their field of view. Recent work suggests thatpatients with neglect who are wearing prisms thatdisplace visual stimuli to their right remap ballisticmovements leftward, and that this remapping can beuseful in rehabilitation (Rossetti et al., 1998).

Psychophysics, Attention, and Perception in Neglect

What is the relationship between the magnitude ofstimuli and the magnitude of patients’ representa-tions of these stimuli? This question features promi-nently in psychophysical studies dating back to theseminal work of Gustav Fechner in the nineteenthcentury (Fechner, 1899). How do we understand the kinds of spatial distortions (Anderson, 1996;Karnath & Ferber, 1999; Milner & Harvey, 1995)and “anisometries” (Bisiach, Ricci, & Modona,1998b) shown in the perception of neglect patients?It turns out that patients are not always aware of the same proportion of space. Nor are they alwaysaware of the same quantity of stimuli. Rather, their awareness is systematically related to thequantity of stimuli presented (Chatterjee et al.,1992b).

The evidence that neglect patients are systemati-cally influenced by the magnitude of the stimuli

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with which they are confronted has been studied the most in the context of line bisection (Bisiach,Bulgarelli, Sterzi, & Vallar, 1983). Patients makelarger errors on larger lines. Marshall and Halligandemonstrated that psychophysical laws could de-scribe the systematic nature of these performances(Marshall & Halligan, 1990). Following this line of reasoning, Chatterjee showed that patients’performances on line bisection, cancellation, single-word reading tasks, and weight judgmentscan be described mathematically by power functions (Chatterjee, 1995, 1998; Chatterjee et al., 1994a, 1992b; Chatterjee, Mennemeier, &Heilman, 1994b). In these functions, y = Kfb, frepresents the objective magnitude of the stimuli,and y represents the subjective awareness of the patient. The constant K and exponent b are derivedempirically.

Power function relationships are observed widelyin normal psychophysical judgments of magnitudeestimates across different sensory stimuli (Stevens,1970). An exponent of one suggests that mental rep-resentations within a stimulus range are proportion-ate to the physical range. Exponents less than one,which occur in the normal judgments of luminancemagnitudes, suggest that mental representations arecompressed in relation to the range of the physicalstimulus. Exponents greater than one, as in judg-ments of pain intensity, suggest that mental repre-sentations are expanded in relation to the range ofthe physical stimulus.

Chatterjee and colleagues showed that patientswith neglect, across a variety of tasks, have powerfunctions with exponents that are lower than thoseof normal patients. These observations suggest that while patients remain sensitive to changes insensory magnitudes, their awareness of the size ofthese changes is blunted. For example, the exponentfor normal judgments of linear extension is veryclose to one. By contrast, neglect patients havediminished exponents, suggesting that they, unlikenormal subjects, do not experience horizontal linesof increasing lengths as increasing proportionately.It should be noted that these observations also meanthat nonlinear transformations of the magnitude of

sensations into mental representations occur withinthe central nervous system and not simply at thelevel of sensory receptors, as implied by Stevens(1972).

Crossover in Neglect

Halligan and Marshall (Halligan & Marshall, 1988;Marshall & Halligan, 1989) discovered that patientswith neglect tended to bisect short lines to the left of the objective midpoint and seemed to de-monstrate ipsilesional neglect with these stimuli. This crossover behavior is found in most patients(Chatterjee et al., 1994a) with neglect, and is notexplained easily by most neglect theories. In fact,Bisiach referred to it as “a repressed pain in the neckfor neglect theorists.” Using performance on single-word reading tasks, Chatterjee (1995) showed thatneglect patients sometimes confabulate letters to the left side of short words, and thus read them as longer than their objective length. He argued that this crossover behavior represents a contra-lesional release of mental representations. This idea has been shown to be plausible in a formalcomputational model (Monaghan & Shillcock,1998).

The crossover in line bisection is also influencedby the context in which these lines are seen. Thus,patients are more likely to cross over and bisect to the left of the true midpoint if these bisections are preceded by a longer line (Marshall, Lazar,Krakauer, & Sharma, 1998). Recently, Chatterjeeand colleagues (Chatterjee, Ricci, & Calhoun, 2000;Chatterjee & Thompson, 1998) showed that acrossoverlike phenomenon also occurs with weightjudgments. Patients in general are likely to judgeright-sided weights as heavier than left-sidedweights. However, with lighter weight pairs, thisbias may reverse to where they judge the left sideto be heavier than the right. These results indicatethat crossover is a general perceptual phenomenonthat is not restricted to the visual system.

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Implicit Processing in Neglect

The general view of the hierarchical nature of visualand spatial processing is that visual information isprocessed preattentively before attentional systemsare engaged. If neglect is an attentional disorder,then some information might still be processedpreattentively. Neglect patients do seem able toprocess some contralesional stimuli preattentively,as evidenced by their abilities to make figure-grounddistinctions and their susceptibility to visual illu-sions (Driver et al., 1992; Mattingley et al., 1997;Ricci et al., 2000).

How much can stimuli be processed and yet notpenetrate consciousness? Volpe and colleagues(Volpe, Ledoux, & Gazzaniga, 1979) initially re-ported that patients with visual extinction to pic-tures shown simultaneously were still able to makesame-different judgments more accurately thanwould be expected if they were simply guessing.Since then, others have reported that pictures neg-lected on the left can facilitate processing of wordscentrally located (and not neglected) if the picturesand words belong to the same semantic category,such as animals (McGlinchey-Berroth, Milberg,Verfaellie, Alexander, & Kilduff, 1993). Similarly,lexical decisions about ipsilesional words are aided by neglected contralesional words (Ladavas, Paladini, & Cubelli, 1993). Whether neglectedstimuli may be processed to higher levels of se-mantic knowledge and still be obscured from thepatient’s awareness remains unclear (Bisiach &Rusconi, 1990; Marshall & Halligan, 1988).

Functional Neuroimaging Studies of SpatialAttention and Representation

Positron emission tomography (PET) and functionalmagnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies offerinsights into neurophysiological changes occurringduring specific cognitive tasks. Functional imaginghas the advantage of using normal subjects. Thesemethods address several issues relevant to neglect.

Hemispheric Asymmetries

Heilman and colleagues (Heilman & Van DenAbell, 1980) as well as Mesulam (1981) postulatedthat the right hemisphere deploys attention diffuselyto the right and left sides of space, whereas the lefthemisphere directs attention contralesionally. Fromsuch a hemispheric organization of spatial attention,one would predict relatively greater right than lefthemisphere activation when attention shifts in eitherdirection. By contrast, the left hemisphere should beactivated preferentially when attention is directed tothe right.

Normal subjects do show greater right hemi-spheric activation with attentional shifts to both theright and left hemispaces, and greater left hemi-sphere activations with rightward shifts (Corbetta,Miezen, Shulman, & Peterson, 1993; Gitelman et al., 1999; Kim et al., 1999). Because intentionalneglect follows right brain damage, one mightexpect similar results for motor movements. Righthemisphere activation is seen with exploratorymovements, even when directed into right hemi-space (Gitelman et al., 1996). Despite these asym-metries, homologous areas in both hemispheres areoften activated, raising questions about the func-tional significance of left hemisphere activation inthese tasks.

Frontal-Parietal Networks

Most functional imaging studies of visual andspatial attention find activation of the intraparietalsulcus (banks of BA 7 and BA 19) and adjacentregions, especially the superior parietal lobule (BA7). Corbetta and colleagues (Corbetta et al., 1993)used PET and found the greatest increases in bloodflow in the right superior parietal lobule (BA 7) anddorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA 6) when subjectswere cued endogenously to different locations.They found bilateral activation, but the activationwas greater in the hemisphere contralateral to theattended targets. The right inferior parietal cortex(BA 40), the superior temporal sulcus (BA 22), and

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the anterior cingulate were also active (BA 24), butnot consistently.

Nobre and colleagues (Nobre, Sebestyen, Gitelman, & Mesulam, 1997), also using PET,found that an exogenous shift in attention was associated with activation around the intraparietalsulcus. Taking advantage of fMRI’s better spatialresolution, Corbetta and colleagues (Corbetta,1998) confirmed activation of the intraparietalsulcus as well as the postcentral and precentralsulcus with shifts of attention. This activation wasfound even when explicit motor responses were notrequired, suggesting that these areas can be atten-tionally engaged without motor preparation. Theyalso found similar blood flow increases in the rightintraparietal sulcus and precentral cortex whenattention was directed at a peripheral location in a sustained manner, rather than just shifting to aperipheral location.

The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is also acti-vated in most studies in which visual attention isshifted to different locations. These activationsseem to center around the frontal eye fields (BA 6/8)and the adjacent areas. Working memory or in-hibition of eye movement might be associated withdorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity. Gitelman and co-workers (Gitelman et al., 1999) showed thatactivation of these areas on attentional tasks is probably not due to these processes. However, the studies did not completely control for eye movements, which could be contributing to these activations. Nonetheless, given that dorsolateralprefrontal cortex lesions also produce disorders ofattention, it is likely that these areas are linked tothe posterior parietal regions involved in directingspatial attention.

Supramodal, Space-Based, and Object-BasedAttention

A long-standing question about the organization of attention is whether there is a supramodal all-purpose attention module, or whether attention isbetter viewed as a collection of different modules

tied to distinct sensory and motor systems. Toaddress this question, Wojciulik and Kanwisher(1999) used fMRI in three different tasks of visualattention. These tasks involved shifting attention,matching objects in different locations, and con-joining visual features of an object at a specific loca-tion. They found that the intraparietal sulcus wasactivated in all three tasks. While one cannot provethe null hypothesis that the intraparietal sulcus isinvolved in all attentional tasks, they suggest thatthis area might mediate a general attention andselection module. Similarly, Coull and Frith (1998)in a PET study found that while the superior pari-etal lobule was more responsive to spatial than nonspatial attention, the intraparietal sulcus wasresponsive to both.

The most striking aspect of neglect syndromes is that patients are unaware of contralesional spaceand of objects that inhabit that space. A central tenetof visual neuroscience is the relative segregation ofvisual information into a dorsal “where” stream anda ventral “what” stream (Ungerleider & Mishkin,1982). The dorsal stream processes the spatial locations of objects of interest, whereas the ventralstream processes features necessary to identify theobject. Somehow humans integrate these streams ofinformation to be aware of both the “where” and“what” of objects.

Attention modulates the activity of neural struc-tures in the ventral stream dedicated to identify-ing objects. Patients with prefrontal damage areimpaired in discriminating contralesional visualtargets. This impairment is associated with dimin-ished event-related potentials at 125ms and lastingfor another 500ms (Barcelo, Suwazono, & Knight,2000). These event-related potentials are linked toextrastriate processing, which is associated withtonic activation as well as the selection of featuresand the postselection analyses of objects.

The earliest point in visual processing at whichattentional modulation can occur is not clear.Several studies suggest that the primary visualcortex might be modulated by attention (Brefczynski & DeYoe, 1999; Gandhi, Heeger, &

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Boynton, 1999; Sommers, Dale, Seiffert, & Tootell, 1999). However, Martinez and colleagues (Martninez et al., 1999) using data from event-related potentials point out that attentional modula-tion in the visual system is evident only after 70–75ms. Since the initial sensory input to the primaryvisual cortex occurs at about 50–55ms, they suggestthat primary visual activation may be due to feed-back activity rather than attentional modulation.The behavioral significance of such feedback, if thatis what is being observed, remains to be explored.

Activity in neural structures downstream inventral visual processing is clearly modulated byattention. Cognitively demanding tasks can inhibitactivity in visual motion areas, even when themoving stimuli are irrelevant to the task at hand(Rees, Frith, & Lavie, 1997). Baseline activity inthese early visual processing areas can also be mod-ulated by attentional sets. Normally, stimuli sup-press the processing of other stimuli located in closeproximity. Similarly, subjects instructed to attend to color have increased activity in color areas (V4)and when asked to attend to motion have increasedactivity in motion areas (V5), even when the stimulithemselves are not colored or moving (Chawla,Rees, & Friston, 1999). Kastner and colleagues(Kastner, De Weerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider,1998) showed that fMRI activation of areas withinoccipitotemporal regions is associated with thisnormal suppression. This suppression, however,diminishes when spatial attention is directed tolocations encompassing both stimuli, suggesting anoverall enhancement of processing of stimuli inthose areas.

The appropriate experimental paradigms andmethods of analysis in functional imaging studies ofspatial attention are still being worked out. In thisearly stage of the field’s development, some find-ings are difficult to reconcile with the rest of the literature. One might reasonably surmise that theparietal cortex mediates attention directed in spaceand the occipital and temporal cortices mediateattention directed to features and objects. However,in a PET study, Fink and colleagues (Fink, Dolan,Halligan, Marshall, & Frith, 1997) did not find this

functional anatomical relationship. They found thatattention directed in space activated the right prefrontal (BA 9) and inferior temporal-occipital(BA 20) cortex, whereas attention directed atobjects activated the left striate and peristriatecortex (BA 17/18). Both types of attention activatedthe left and right medial superior parietal cortex(BA 7/19), the left lateral inferior parietal cortex(BA 40/7), the left prefrontal cortex (BA 9), and thecerebellar vermis.

Animal Studies of Spatial Attention andRepresentation

Animal studies offer insight into mechanisms ofspatial attention that are not obtained easily by study-ing humans. Lesions in animals can be made withconsiderable precision, in contrast to lesions inhumans, which are often determined by vascularanatomy (in the case of stroke) rather than by corticalor functional anatomy. Neurophysiological studiesin animals can address the activity and responsive-ness of single neurons, in contrast to functional neu-roimaging in humans, which offers insight into theneurophysiology at the level of neural networks.

Lesion Studies

Animal lesion studies confirm the idea that dis-tributed neural networks involving the parietal andfrontal cortices mediate spatial attention and aware-ness. In rodents, lesions of the posterior parietal orfrontal cortex (medial agranular cortex) or the dorsolateral striatum produce a syndrome similar to neglect (Burcham, Corwin, Stoll, & Reep, 1997;Corwin & Reep, 1998). These rodents are morelikely to orient ipsilesionally than contralesionallyto visual, tactile, or auditory stimuli. This orienta-tion bias recovers to a considerable degree overdays to weeks. Dopamine antagonists impede spon-taneous recovery and dopamine agonists enhancerecovery (Corwin et al., 1986), probably by influ-encing striatal function (Vargo, Richard-Smith, &Corwin, 1989).

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In macaque monkeys, lesions to the frontal peri-arcuate areas and around the inferior parietal lobuleresult in neglect, at least transiently (Duel, 1987;Milner, 1987). These monkeys are more likely toorient toward and act on stimuli in ipsilesionalspace. Single-cell recordings of neurons around the intraparietal sulcus and prefrontal cortices(reviewed later) suggest that these regions are crit-ical in the maintenance of spatial representationsand preparation for actions directed at specific loca-tions. From this, one would expect that lesions inthese areas would produce profound neglect inanimals. Yet such cortical lesions produce only mildand transient neglect (Milner, 1987). If anything,biased behavior seems more obvious with frontallesions, which seems at odds with human lesionstudies in which posterior lesions are associatedmore often with neglect.

In monkeys, cortical lesions with remote meta-bolic abnormalities are more likely to be associatedwith neglect (Duel, 1987). Frontal lesions produc-ing neglect are associated with decreased glucoseutilization in the caudate nucleus and the ventralanterior and dorsomedial thalamic nuclei. Parietallesions producing neglect are associated withdecreased glucose metabolism in the pulvinar andthe lateral posterior thalamic nuclei and in thedeeper layers of the superior colliculus. It is inter-esting that recovery in these animals is also as-sociated with recovery of these remote metabolicabnormalities. This idea that distributed abnormali-ties are needed to produce neglect is reiterated in a more recent study by Gaffan and Hornak (1997).They found in monkeys that transecting whitematter tracts underlying the posterior parietal cortexwas important in producing more persistent neglect.

Watson and colleagues (Watson, Valenstein, Day, & Heilman, 1994) reported that damage tomonkeys’ superior temporal sulcus produced moreprofound neglect than damage to the inferior pari-etal lobule. They suggest that the superior temporalsulcus in the monkey may serve as an importantconvergence zone for processing both the dorsal andthe ventral visual streams integrating the “where”and “what” of objects. Damage to this area might

then be associated with greater contralesionalneglect since the “what” and “where” of contrale-sional objects are no longer conjoined. This study highlights the difficulties in establishing theappropriate homology between the monkey and the human posterior temporoparietal cortex. Whileneglect in humans is associated most commonlywith lesions to the inferior posterior parietal cortex,Brodmann’s areas 39 and 40, it is not clear which,if any regions, are the appropriate monkey analogto these areas.

Finally, Gaffan and Hornak (1997) emphasize the importance of memory in monkeys’ behavioralmanifestations of overt neglect. They find thatneglect is associated with complete commissuro-tomy and optic tract lesions, but not with isolatedoptic tract, parietal, or frontal cortex lesions. Theyinterpret this finding in the following way: Section-ing the optic tract makes one hemisphere blind tovisual information. This hemisphere acquires visualinformation from the other hemisphere throughinterhemispheric commissures. If each hemispheremaintains a representation of contralateral space,then a monkey without access to information aboutcontralesional space will act as if this space did notexist. With an isolated optic tract lesion, informa-tion about contralesional space is acquired throughthe nonlesioned hemisphere because with multipleocular fixations, objects in contralesional spacesometimes fall on the ipsilesional side of fixation.The idea that short-term memories of contralesionalstimuli influence spatial behavior had not been con-sidered previously in animal models.

Single-Cell Neurophysiological Studies

Single-cell neurophysiological studies record theactivity of neurons in animals, often monkeys thatare engaged in various perceptual, motor, or cogni-tive tasks. These studies support the idea thatneurons in parietal and frontal association corticesmediate spatial attention and representations. Theseneurons form a distributed network dedicated to avariety of spatial behaviors, including attention andintention regarding spatial locations, memory of

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spatial locations, and facilitation of perception ofobjects in different locations.

Parietal Neurons

In the 1970s, Mountcastle and co-workers foundneurons in the parietal cortex of monkeys that were responsive when the animals attended to lights in their peripheral vision despite gazingtoward a central location (Mountcastle, Lynch, Georgopolous, Sakata, & Acuna, 1975). They found that neurons in the posterior parietal cortexresponded to a variety of spatial behaviors, includ-ing fixation, smooth pursuit, saccades, and reaching(Mountcastle, 1976). Neurons in different regions(ventral, medial, lateral) of the posterior intra-parietal sulcus and nearby regions, such as areas 5, 7a, and 7b, seem to be critical to the mediation of spatial attention. These neurons form a mosaiclinked to different sensory and motor systems. Forexample, lateral intraparietal (LIP) neurons are less responsive to tactile stimuli or the directionalaspects of moving visual stimuli than ventral in-traparietal (VIP) neurons (Duhamel, Colby, &Goldberg, 1998).

Many posterior parietal and frontal neurons areresponsive to combinations of visual and tactilestimuli (Colby & Duhamel, 1991). VIP neurons areresponsive to aligned visual and tactile receptivefields when they move in specific directions. Medialintraparietal (MIP) neurons are especially respon-sive to joint rotations and movements of limbs.Other neurons in area 7a integrate visual andvestibular input, and neurons in the lateral intra-parietal area integrate visual and proprioceptiveinput from neck muscles (Andersen, 1995b; Snyder,Grieve, Brotchie, & Andersen, 1998).

Generally, neurons within the posterior parietalcortex link specific sensations to different motorsystems, although there is disagreement on whetherneurons within the LIP sulcus are purely attentionalor whether these neurons are necessarily linked to eye movements (Andersen, Bracewell, Barash,Gnadt, & Fogassi, 1990; Colby & Goldberg, 1999).

Reference Frames

The integration of different sensory modalities inthe posterior parietal cortex is presumably involvedin constructing different kinds of reference frames(Brotchie, Anderson, Snyder, & Goodman, 1995).From studies of people with neglect, we know thatviewer-centered reference frames can be anchoredto retinotopic, head-, or body-centered coordinates.From animal studies it appears unlikely that a different pool of neurons code retinal and head-centered coordinates. Andersen and colleaguessuggest that head-centered coordinates are derivedfrom the interaction of retinal and eye positionsignals. The amplitude of a neuron’s response tostimulation of a retinal location is modulated by eye position. Within area 7a, neurons compute thelocation of a stimulus in head-centered coordinatesfrom these interactions (Andersen, Essick, & Siegel,1985). Anderson et al. suggest that other areas,including the lateral intraparietal sulcus, area V3,the pulvinar, nucleus and parts of the premotor andprefrontal cortex may code different kinds of spatialreference frames in a similar fashion (Andersen,1995a). Pouget and Sejnowski (1997) use basisfunctions to offer a slightly different computationalsolution to the mediation of different referenceframes encoded within the same array of neurons.

In addition to reference frames divided alongviewer-centered coordinates, space can be parti-tioned as concentric shells around the body, withclose peripersonal space being coded distinctlyfrom distant extrapersonal space (Previc, 1998). Inmonkeys, this segregation of space may be medi-ated by the link between attentional neurons and multiple motor systems (Snyder, Batista, &Andersen, 1997). Rizzolatti adopts the strong posi-tion that all attentional circuits organize movementsto specific sectors of space. He claims that the facil-itation of perception by attention is a consequenceof circuits activated in preparation for moving (Rizzolatti & Berti, 1993; Rizzolatti et al., 1988).

Neurons within the monkey intraparietal sulcusare tuned to actions involving different motor systems, such as the mouth, eyes, or hands. In

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combination with their connections to frontalregions, these neurons integrate the visual fieldswith the tactile fields of specific body parts and withthe actions of these body parts (Gross & Graziano,1995). The parietal and frontal interconnections areanatomically segregated along a ventral-to-dorsalaxis (Petrides & Pandya, 1984). Neurons within theVIP sulcus are responsive to visual stimuli within 5cm of the monkey’s face (Colby, Duhamel, &Goldberg, 1993). These neurons project to area F4of area 6 in the premotor cortex, an area that con-tributes to head and mouth movements (Fogassi et al., 1996; Graziano, Yap, & Gross, 1994) and maymediate the construction of very close peripersonalspace. Neurons in the MIP sulcus are responsive tovisual stimuli within reaching distance (Graziano & Gross, 1995). These neurons project to ventralpremotor cortices that mediate visually guided armmovements (Caminiti, Ferraina, & Johnson, 1996;Gentilucci et al., 1988) and are sensitive to stimuliin arm-centered rather than retinotopic coordinates(Graziano et al., 1994). This area has direct con-nections to the putamen, which also has such arm-centered neurons (Graziano et al., 1994). Theseputamenal neurons may be involved in the decisionprocesses by which different kinds of movementsare selected (Merchant, Zainos, Hernandez, Salinas,& Romo, 1997).

Neurons within the monkey LIP sulcus(Duhamel, Colby, & Goldberg, 1992) may be con-nected to saccadic mechanisms of the frontal eyefields and the superior colliculus. Neurons in thesuperior colliculus are responsive to behaviorallyrelevant stimuli when linked to saccadic eye move-ments (Wurtz & Goldberg, 1972; Wurtz & Munoz,1995). These networks probably link sensations toeye movements and construct distant extrapersonalspace.

Space-Based and Object-Based Attention

Neuroimaging studies in humans have shown thatvisual or spatial attention can influence the pro-cessing of objects in the ventral stream. This influ-ence is presumably involved in binding the “what”

and “where” of things. Single-cell monkey physio-logical studies also support such modulation.Neurons in area V4 are sensitive to specific stimulilocated within their receptive fields (Moran & Desimone, 1985). Their firing increases when theanimal attends to that location. This strongerresponse to the stimulus for which the neuron isalready tuned, when the animal attends to it, sug-gests a physiological correlate of the enhanced per-ception of objects when attention is directed to thelocation of those objects.

Conclusions and Future Directions


There is a remarkable convergence of some ideasacross different disciplines with highly varied tradi-tions and methods. Four related ideas about spatialattention and representation recur and are summa-rized here.

Distributed Networks

Neural networks involving different and noncon-tiguous parts of the brain mediate spatial attention.Rather than being localized to a single brain loca-tion, spatial attention is mediated by the parietal andfrontal and probably cingulate cortices, as well asthe basal ganglia, thalamus, and superior colliculus.

Multiple Representations of Space

The brain constructs multiple representations ofspace, despite our intuitions of space as a homoge-neous medium that surrounds us. These representa-tions involve the body and different kinds ofextrapersonal space. Extrapersonal space can beviewed as concentric shells around the body, closerto the trunk, within reach of our limbs, or furtheraway in more distant space. Extrapersonal space canalso be partitioned into retinotopic, head-centered,and trunk-centered coordinates that all have theviewer as the primary referent. Viewer-independentreference frames are anchored to the spatial axes

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of the object itself or to axes intrinsic to the environment.

Attention and Intention

Attention and intention are tightly linked. Theextent to which perception and actions are coordi-nated in the formation and sustenance of spatial rep-resentations is remarkable. The actions themselves,whether they are eye movements, head movements,or limb movements in space, are also related tonotions of different kinds of reference frames.

Attention and Perception

Attention and perception may not be as distinct as is often thought. Processing of relatively earlystages of perception seems to be modulated byattention, although the precise boundaries betweenthe two remain to be worked out.

Unresolved Issues

Despite this convergence of ideas, I would like tomention some issues that in my view warrant furtherconsideration. Some questions involve research inneglect directly and others involve the relationshipof findings in neglect and other approaches.

Contralesional Hyperorientation in Neglect

Why do patients with right brain damage sometimes“hyperorient” into contralesional space, rather thanneglect contralesional space? We are used to think-ing of neglect as the tendency to orient toward oract in ipsilesional space. However, in some casespatients seem to be drawn contralesionally. Themost robust of these contralesional productivebehaviors is the crossover phenomenon, in whichpatients bisect short lines (usually less than 4cm) to the left of the midline. However, there are otherdramatic instances of contralesional hyperorienta-tion (Chatterjee, 1998). Some patients bisect long lines in contralesional space (Adair, Chatterjee,Schwartz, & Heilman, 1998a; Kwon & Heilman,1991). Some patients will point into contralesional

space when asked to indicate the environmentalmidline (Chokron & Bartolomeo, 1998). What hashappened to left-sided representations or to motorsystems directed contralesionally to produce thisparadoxical behavior?

Memory, Attention, and Representation

How does memory interact with attention to affectonline processing of stimuli in neglect? Functionalimaging studies and neurophysiological studiessuggest that there is considerable overlap betweencircuits dedicated to spatial attention and spatialworking memory. Monkey lesion studies indicate an important role for spatial memories in online processing (Gaffan & Hornak, 1997). We recentlyreported that memory traces of contralesionalstimuli might have a disproportionate influence on online representations in patients with neglect(Chatterjee et al., 2000). A conceptual frameworkthat relates spatial memory and attention in influ-encing online perception remains to be articulated.

Frontal and Parietal Differences

How different are the roles of the frontal and pari-etal cortices in spatial attention? The notion thatparietal neglect is attentional and frontal neglect is intentional has great appeal. Unfortunately, theempirical evidence for such a clear dichotomy ismixed at best. It is not even clear that these distinctions make conceptual sense, since what has been called “attentional neglect” involves eyemovements and what has been called “intentionalneglect” involves limb movements. Single-cell neu-rophysiological studies suggest that neurons withinboth parietal and frontal cortices mediate spatialactions. It may be the case that the actions are moreclearly segregated in the frontal cortex than in theparietal cortex. However, it is not clear that oneshould expect clean behavioral dissociations fromlesions to the frontal and parietal cortices. Perhapseye and limb movements may be coded within thesame array of neurons, as suggested by Andersenand colleagues (Andersen, 1995a) and Pouget and

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Sejnowski (1997) for the coding of visual referenceframes. If that were the case, it is not clear howlesions would bias behavior toward different formsof neglect. Furthermore, the ways in which frontaland parietal areas interact based on their intercon-nections is not well understood. In humans, damageto the posterior superior longitudinal fasciculus andthe inferior frontal fasciculus is associated withmore severe and long-lasting neglect. Similarly inmonkeys, transection of the white matter underly-ing the parietal cortex is also associated with greaterneglect.

Distinctions within the Parietal Cortex

What are the roles of different regions within theposterior parietotemporal lobes? Lesion studies inhumans suggest that damage to the inferior parietallobule or the superior temporal gyrus produces themost consistent and profound disorder of spatialattention and representation. Lesion studies inhumans suggest that damage to the inferior parietallobule or superior temporal gyrus produces the mostconsistent and profound disorder of spatial attentionand representation. By contrast, functional imagingstudies activate more dersal regions within theintraparietal sulcus and the superior parietal sulcusmost consistently. Why this discrepancy? Per-haps the greater dorsal involvement in functionalimaging studies is related to the design of thestudies, which emphasize shifts of visual attention.Perhaps experimental probes emphasizing the integration of both “what” and “where” informationwould be more likely to involve the inferior parietalcortex. Recent functional imaging data suggest thatthe temporal-parietal junction may be preferentiallyactivated when subjects detect targets, rather thansimply attend to locations (Corbetta et al., 2000).Monkey lesion studies may not be able to resolvethe discrepancy for two reasons. As mentionedbelow, the appropriate anatomical monkey–humanhomologs are not clear, and neglectlike symptomsoccur only transiently following parietal lesions inmonkeys.

Monkey and Human Homologs

What are the appropriate anatomical homologsbetween humans and monkeys? Human lesionstudies focus on the inferior parietal lobule. It is notclear that an analogous structure exists in monkeys(Watson et al., 1994). Both human functional imag-ing studies and monkey neurophysiology emphasizethe role of the intraparietal sulcus. However, it is notclear that these two structures are homologousacross species.

In summary, we know a great deal about spatialattention and representation. Across the varied dis-ciplines there is a remarkable convergence of thekinds of questions being asked and solutions beingproposed. However, many questions remain. A com-prehensive and coherent understanding of spatialattention and representation is more likely with the recognition of insights gleaned from differentmethods.


This work was supported by National Institutes & Healthgrout RO1 NS37539. I would like to thank Lisa Santer forher critical reading of early drafts of this chapter.


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Robert Rafal

Case Report

R.M. had suffered from two strokes, both due to cardiacemboli from hypertensive heart disease. The first occurredin June 1991 at the age of 54 and produced infarction inthe right parietal lobe and a small lesion in the right cere-bellum. He recovered from a transient left hemiparesis and left hemispatial neglect. The second stroke, in March1992, involved the left parietal lobe and left him func-tionally blind. Five months after the second stroke, he wasreferred to a neurologist for headaches. At that time, neurological examination revealed a classical Bálint’s syndrome without any other deficits of cognitive, motor,or sensory function.

The patient had normal visual acuity; he could recog-nize colors, shapes, objects, and faces and could readsingle words. He suffered severe spatial disorientation,however, and got lost easily anywhere except in his ownhome. Although he was independent in all activities ofdaily living, he could not maintain his own household andhad to be cared for by his family. He had to be escortedabout the hospital. When shown two objects, he often sawonly one. When he did report both, he did so slowly andseemed to see them sequentially. Depth perception wasseverely impaired and he could not judge the distance ofobjects from him or tell which of two objects was closerto him. Optic ataxia was pronounced. He could not reachaccurately toward objects, and was unable to use a pencilto place a mark within a circle. He could not make accu-rate saccades to objects and he could not make pursuit eye movements to follow the most slowly moving object.Visual acuity was 20/15 in both eyes. Perimetry at the timeof the initial neurological exam revealed an altitudinal loss of the lower visual fields. Two years later, however,visual fields were full. Contrast sensitivity and color visionwere normal. Three-dimensional experience of shapes inrandom dot stereograms was preserved and he experienceddepth from shading.

His headaches were controlled with amitriptyline, andanticoagulation treatment with warfarin was instituted toprevent further strokes. By June 1995, the patient was ableto live independently in a duplex next door to his brother’sdaughter, and needed only intermittent help in his dailyactivities. He was able to take unescorted walks in hisneighborhood, to get about in his own house without help,

2 Bálint’s Syndrome: A Disorder of Visual Cognition

watch television, eat and dress himself, and carry on manyactivities of daily living. He was slower than normal inthese activities, but was able to lead a semi-independentlife.

A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan in 1994 withthree-dimensional reconstruction revealed nearly symmet-rical lesions in each parieto-occipital region (Friedman-Hill, Robertson, & Treisman, 1995). The lesions wereconcentrated primarily in Brodmann areas 7 and 39, andpossibly included some of areas 5 and 19. In addition,there was a small (volume <0.3 cm3) lesion in Brodmannarea 6 of the right hemisphere and asymmetrical cere-bellar lesions (volume = 0.3 cm3 left hemisphere, 6.0 cm3

right hemisphere). The damage preserved the primaryvisual cortex and all the temporal lobe. The supramarginalgyri were intact on both sides, as were somatosensory andmotor cortices.

The syndrome represented by this patient wasfirst described by the Hungarian neurologist RezsöBálint (Bálint, 1909; Harvey, 1995; Harvey &Milner, 1995; Husain & Stein, 1988). While visualacuity is preserved and patients are able to recog-nize objects placed directly in front of them, theyare unable to interact with, or make sense of, theirvisual environment. They are lost in space. Fleetingobjects that they can recognize, but that they cannotlocate or grasp, appear and disappear, and their features are jumbled together. These patients arehelpless in a visually chaotic world.

Holmes and Horax (1919) provided a detailedanalysis of the syndrome that remains definitive.They emphasized two major components of thesyndrome: (1) simultanagnosia—a constriction, notof the visual field, but of visual attention, whichrestricts the patient’s awareness to only one objectat a time and (2) spatial disorientation—a loss of all spatial reference and memory that leaves thepatients lost in the world and unable to look atobjects (which Bálint called “psychic paralysis ofgaze”) or to reach for them (which Bálint called“optic ataxia”).

This chapter reviews the clinical and neuro-psychological aspects of this intriguing syndrome.

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It reviews its anatomical basis and some of the dis-eases that cause it. It then details the independentcomponent symptoms of Bálint’s syndrome. It con-cludes with a synthesis that attempts to summarizewhat Bálint’s syndrome tells us about the role ofattention and spatial representation in perceptionand action.

Anatomy and Etiology of Bálint’s Syndrome

Bálint’s syndrome is produced by bilateral lesionsof the parieto-occipital junction. The lesions char-acteristically involve the dorsorostral occipital lobe(Brodmann area 19), and often, but not invariably(Karnath, Ferber, Rorden, & Driver, 2000), theangular gyrus, but may spare the supramarginalgyrus and the superior temporal gyrus. Figure 2.1shows a drawing of the lesions in the patientreported by Bálint in 1909 (Husain & Stein, 1988).The supramarginal gyrus and the posterior part of

the superior temporal gyrus are affected in the righthemisphere, but spared on the left. The superiorparietal lobule is only minimally involved in eitherhemisphere. Figure 2.2 (Friedman-Hill, Robertson,& Treisman, 1995) shows the reconstructed MRIscan of the patient (R. M.) with Bálint’s syndromedescribed in the case report. The lesion involves theparieto-occipital junction and part of the angulargyrus of both hemispheres, but spares the temporallobe and supramarginal gyrus. A review of otherrecent cases of Bálint’s syndrome emphasizes theconsistent involvement of the posterior parietal lobe and parieto-occipital junction as critical in producing the syndrome (Coslett & Saffran, 1991; Pierrot-Deseillgny, Gray, & Brunet, 1986; Verfaellie, Rapcsak, & Heilman, 1990).

Thus Bálint’s syndrome is associated with dis-eases in which symmetric lesions of the parieto-occipital junction are typical. For example, Luria(1959) and Holmes and Horax (1919) have reportedthis syndrome after patients received penetratingwounds from projectiles entering laterally and traversing the coronal plane through the parieto-occipital regions. Strokes successively injuring bothhemispheres in the distribution of posterior parietalbranches of the middle cerebral artery are anothercommon cause (Coslett & Saffran, 1991; Friedman-Hill et al., 1995; Pierrot-Deseillgny et al., 1986).Because the parieto-occipital junction lies in thewatershed territory between the middle and the posterior cerebral arteries, Bálint’s syndrome is acommon sequela of infarction due to global cerebralhypoperfusion. Another symmetrical pathology isthe “butterfly” glioma—a malignant tumor origi-

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Figure 2.1Bálint’s drawing of the brain of the patient he described.(Husain and Stein, 1988).

Figure 2.2MRI of patient R.M.

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nating in one parietal lobe and spreading across thecorpus callosum to the other side.

Radiation necrosis may develop after radiation ofa parietal lobe tumor in the opposite hemisphere inthe tract of the radiation port. Cerebral degenerativedisease, prototypically Alzheimer’s disease, maybegin in the parieto-occipital regions, and there isnow a growing literature reporting cases of classicBálint’s syndrome that are due to degenerative dis-eases (Benson, Davis, & Snyder, 1988; Hof, Bouras,Constintinidis, & Morrison, 1989, 1990; Mendez,Turner, Gilmore, Remler, & Tomsak, 1990).

The Symptom Complex of Bálint’s Syndrome

Bálint’s initial description of this syndrome empha-sized in his patient the constriction of visual atten-tion, resulting in an inability to perceive more thanone object at a time, and optic ataxia, the inability toreach accurately toward objects. Bálint used the termoptic ataxia to distinguish it from the tabetic ataxia ofneurosyphilis; tabetic ataxia is an inability to coordi-nate movements based on proprioceptive input,while optic ataxia describes an inability to coordinatemovements based on visual input. Many similarpatients have since been reported (Coslett & Saffran,1991; Girotti et al., 1982; Godwin-Austen, 1965;Kase, Troncoso, Court, Tapia, & Mohr, 1977; Luria, 1959; Luria, Pravdina-Vinarskaya, & Yarbuss,1963; Pierrot-Deseillgny et al., 1986; Tyler, 1968;Williams, 1970).

In addition to noting the simultanagnosia andoptic ataxia reported by Bálint, Holmes and Horaxemphasized spatial disorientation as the cardinalfeature of the syndrome. Holmes and Horax of-fered their case “for the record . . . as an excellentexample of a type of special disturbance of vision. . . which sheds considerable light on . . . thoseprocesses which are concerned in the integrationand association of sensation” (Holmes & Horax,1919, p. 285).

Constriction of Visual Attention:Simultanagnosia

In their 1919 report of a 30-year-old World War I veteran who had a gunshot wound through the parieto-occipital regions, Holmes & Horaxobserved that “the essential feature was his inabil-ity to direct attention to, and to take cognizance of,two or more objects” (Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 402). They argued that this difficulty “must beattributed to a special disturbance or limitation ofattention” (p. 402). Because of this constriction of visual attention (what Bálint referred to as thepsychic field of gaze), the patient could attend toonly one object at a time regardless of the size ofthe object. “In one test, for instance, a large squarewas drawn on a sheet of paper and he recognized it immediately, but when it was again shown to himafter a cross had been drawn in its center he saw thecross, but identified the surrounding figure onlyafter considerable hesitation; his attention seemedto be absorbed by the first object on which his eyesfell” (Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 390).

Another useful clinical test uses overlappingfigures (figure 2.3). The degree to which local detailcan capture the patient’s attention and exclude allother objects from his or her attention can be quite

Balint’s Syndrome 29

Figure 2.3Overlapping figures used to test for simultaneous agnosia.

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astonishing. I was testing a patient one day, drawinggeometric shapes on a piece of paper and asking herto tell me what she saw. She was doing well atreporting simple shapes until at one point she shookher head, perplexed, and told me, “I can’t see anyof those shapes now, doctor, the watermark on thepaper is so distracting.”

The visual experience of the patient with Bálint’ssyndrome is a chaotic one of isolated snapshots withno coherence in space or time. Coslett and Saffranreport a patient whom television programs bewil-dered “because she could only ‘see’ one person orobject at a time and, therefore, could not determinewho was speaking or being spoken to. She reportedwatching a movie in which, after a heated argument,she noted to her surprise and consternation that thecharacter she had been watching was suddenly sentreeling across the room, apparently as a conse-quence of a punch thrown by a character she hadnever seen” (Coslett & Saffran, 1991, p. 1525).

Coslett and Saffran’s patient also illustrated howpatients with Bálint’s syndrome are confounded in their efforts to read: “Although she read singlewords effortlessly, she stopped reading because the ‘competing words’ confused her” (Coslett &Saffran, 1991, p. 1525). Luria’s patient reported thathe “discerned objects around him with difficulty,that they flashed before his eyes and sometimes dis-appeared from his field of vision. This [was] par-ticularly pronounced in reading: the words and linesflashed before his eyes and now one, now another,extraneous word suddenly intruded itself into thetext.” The same occurred in writing: “[T]he patientwas unable to bring the letters into correlation withhis lines or to follow visually what he was writingdown: letters disappeared from the field of vision,overlapped with one another and did not coincidewith the limits of the lines” (Luria, 1959, p. 440).Coslett and Saffran’s patient “was unable to writeas she claimed to be able to see only a single letter;thus when creating a letter she saw only the tip ofthe pencil and the letter under construction and“lost” the previously constructed letter” (Coslett &Saffran, 1991, p. 1525).

Figure 2.4 shows the attempts of one of Luria’spatients to draw familiar objects. When the patient’sattention was focused on the attempt to draw a partof the object, the orientation of that part with regardto the rest of the object was lost, and the renderingwas reduced to piecemeal fragments.

Patients are unable to perform the simplest every-day tasks involving the comparison of two objects.They cannot tell which of two lines is longer, norwhich of two coins is bigger. Holmes and Horax’spatient could not tell, visually, which of two pencilswas bigger, although he had no difficulty doing soif he touched them. Holmes and Horax made theimportant observation that although their patientcould not explicitly compare the lengths of two lines or the angles of a quadrilateral shape, he hadno difficulty distinguishing shapes whose identity is implicitly dependent upon such comparisons:“Though he failed to distinguish any difference inthe length of lines, even if it was as great as 50percent, he could always recognize whether aquadrilateral rectangular figure was a square or not.. . . [H]e did not compare the lengths of its sides but‘on the first glance I see the whole figure and knowwhether it is a square or not’. . . . He could alsoappreciate . . . the size of angles; a rhomboid evenwhen its sides stood at almost right angles was ‘asquare shoved out of shape’” (Holmes & Horax,1919, p. 394).

Holmes and Horax appreciated the importance oftheir observations for the understanding of normalvision: “It is therefore obvious that though he couldnot compare or estimate linear extensions he pre-served the faculty of appreciating the shape of bidi-mensional figures. It was on this that his ability to identify familiar objects depended” (Holmes &Horax, 1919, p. 394). “[T]his is due to the rule thatthe mind when possible takes cognizance of unities”(Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 400).

Spatial Disorientation

Holmes and Horax considered spatial disorientationto be a symptom independent from simultanag-nosia, and to be the cardinal feature of the syn-

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drome: “The most prominent symptom . . . was hisinability to orient and localize correctly objectswhich he saw” (Holmes & Horax, 1919, pp.390–391). Patients with Bálint’s syndrome cannotindicate the location of objects, verbally or by point-ing (optic ataxia, to be discussed later). Holmes and Horax emphasized that the defect in visuallocalization was not restricted to visual objects inthe outside world, but also extended to a defect inspatial memory: “[H]e described as a visualist doeshis house, his family, a hospital ward in which hehad previously been, etc. But, on the other hand, hehad complete loss of memory of topography; he wasunable to describe the route between the house in a provincial town in which he had lived all his lifeand the railways station a short distance away,explaining ‘I used to be able to see the way but Ican’t see it now. . . .’ He was similarly unable to sayhow he could find his room in a barracks in whichhe had been stationed for some months, or describe

the geography of trenches in which he had served”(Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 389).

This gentleman was clearly lost in space: “On oneoccasion, for instance, he was led a few yards fromhis bed and then told to return to it; after searchingwith his eyes for a few moments he identified thebed, but immediately started off in a wrong direc-tion” (Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 395). This patientshowed, then, no recollection of spatial relation-ships of places he knew well before his injury, andno ability to learn new routes: “He was never ableto give even an approximately correct description ofthe way he had taken, or should take, and though hepassed along it several times a day he never ‘learnedhis way’ as a blind man would” (Holmes & Horax,1919, p. 395).

Holmes and Horax concluded that “The fact thathe did not retain any memory of routes and topo-graphical relations that were familiar to him beforehe received his injury and could no longer recall

Balint’s Syndrome 31









“I can visualize it well ... butmy hands don't move properly”





Figure 2.4Drawing by the patient described by Luria (1959).

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them, suggests that the cerebral mechanisms con-cerned with spatial memory, as well as those thatsubserve the perception of spatial relations, musthave been involved” (Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 404).

Impaired Oculomotor Behavior

Oculomotor behavior is also chaotic in Bálint’s syndrome, with striking disturbances of fixation,saccade initiation and accuracy, and smooth-pursuiteye movements. The patient may be unable to main-tain fixation, may generate apparently random sac-cadic eye movements (Luria et al., 1963), and mayseem unable to execute smooth-pursuit eye move-ments. The disorder of eye movements in Bálint’ssyndrome is restricted to visually guided eye move-ments. The patient can program accurate eye move-ments when they are guided by sound or touch:“When, however, requested to look at his own fingeror to any point of his body which was touched hedid so promptly and accurately” (Holmes & Horax,1919, p. 387).

Holmes and Horax suggested that the oculomo-tor disturbances seen in Bálint’s syndrome weresecondary to spatial disorientation: “Some influencemight be attributed to the abnormalities of themovements of his eyes, but . . . these were an effectand not the cause” (Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 401).“All these symptoms were secondary to anddependent upon the loss of spatial orientation byvision” (Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 405). Theydescribed, similarly, the behavior of a patient withBálint’s syndrome when he was tested for smooth-pursuit eye movements: “When an object at whichhe was staring was moved at a slow and uniformrate he could keep his eyes on it, but if it was jerkedor moved abruptly it quickly disappeared” (Holmes& Horax, 1919, p. 387).

Optic Ataxia

Figure 2.5 shows misreaching in Bálint’s syndrome.Even after the patient sees the comb, he doesn’t lookdirectly at it, and his reaching is inaccurate in depth

as well as being off to the side. He groped for thecomb until his hand bumped into it. Given a penciland asked to mark the center of a circle, the patientwith Bálint’s syndrome typically won’t even get themark within the circle—and may not be able to evenhit the paper. In part this may be because the patientcannot take cognizance, simultaneously, of both thecircle and the pencil point; but it is also clear thatthe patient doesn’t know where the circle is.

Holmes and Horax considered optic ataxia, likethe oculomotor impairment, to be secondary to thepatient’s “inability to orient and localize correctlyin space objects which he saw. When . . . asked totake hold of or point to any object, he projected hishand out vaguely, generally in a wrong direction,and had obviously no accurate idea of its distancefrom him” (Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 391).

Holmes and Horax again observed that the lackof access to a representation of space was specificto vision. Their patient was able to localize soundsand he did have a representation of peripersonalspace based on kinesthetic input: “The contrastbetween the defective spatial guidance he receivedfrom vision and the accurate knowledge of spacethat contact gave him, was excellently illustratedwhen he attempted to take soup from a small bowlwith a spoon; if he held the bowl in his own handhe always succeeded in placing the spoon accu-rately in it, . . . but when it was held by a observer

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Figure 2.5Optic ataxia in Bálint’s syndrome.

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or placed on a table in front of him he could rarelybring his spoon to it at once, but had to grope for ittill he had located it by touch” (Holmes & Horax,1919, pp. 391 and 393).

Impaired Depth Perception

Holmes and Horax (1919) also attributed impaireddepth perception to spatial disorientation. Theyviewed the loss of depth perception in Bálint’s syn-drome as a consequence of the loss of topographicperception, and as a failure to have any appreciationof distance. In their patient they attributed the lossof blinking in response to a visual threat to thepatient’s inability to recognize the nearness of thethreatening object. Difficulty in judging distancesalso causes another serious problem for patients—they collide with objects when they walk about.

The impairment of depth perception in Bálint’ssyndrome seems to be due to a failure to appreciatethe relative location of two objects, or of the patientand the object he or she is looking at. Size cues seem not to help the patient judge the distance to an object. However, Holmes and Horax commentedthat their patient’s lack of a sense of distance did notindicate a lack of appreciation of metrics in generalsince he could: “indicate by his two hands the exten-sion of ordinary standards of linear measurement,as an inch, a foot, or a yard . . . and he could indi-cate the lengths of familiar objects, as his rifle,bayonet, etc. (Holmes & Horax, 1919, p. 393).

Nosological Consideration: Bálint’s Syndrome,Its Neighbors and Relatives

The clinical picture described here is that of Bálint’ssyndrome when it is quite dense and in its pureform. It reflects the typical presentation of a pa-tient with bilateral lesions restricted to the parieto-occipital junction. While strokes and head traumamay occasionally cause discretely restricted andsymmetrical lesions, it is more commonly the casethat lesions will not respect these territories and will cause more extensive damage to the occipital, parietal, and temporal lobes.

Coexisting visual field deficits, hemispatialneglect, apperceptive or associative agnosia, pro-sopagnosia, alexia, and other cognitive deficits areoften present in association with Bálint’s syndromeor some of its constituent elements.

The patient reported by Bálint (1909), forexample, also had left hemispatial neglect, possiblyowing to extension of the lesion into the right tem-poroparietal junction (figure 2.1): “[T]he attentionof the patient is always directed [by approximately35 or 40 degrees] to the right-hand side of spacewhen he is asked to direct his attention to anotherobject after having fixed his gaze on a first one, hetends to the right-hand rather than the left-handside” (cited by Husain and Stein, 1988, p. 90). Inother cases in which a constriction of visual atten-tion is also associated with object agnosia, the ten-dency of the patient to become locked on parts ofobjects may contribute to observed agnosic errorsand may result in diagnostic confusion with inte-grative agnosia (Riddoch & Humphreys, 1987).

It is also the case that a given patient may haveoptic ataxia, spatial disorientation, or simultanag-nosia without other elements of Bálint’s syndrome.Thus, spatial disorientation may occur withoutsimultanagnosia (Stark, Coslett, & Saffran, 1996);optic ataxia may occur without simultanagnosia or spatial disorientation (Perenin & Vighetto, 1988);and simultanagnosia may occur without spatial dis-orientation (Kinsbourne & Warrington, 1962, 1963;Rizzo & Robin, 1990). It should be borne in mindthat in such cases, the observed symptoms mayresult from very different mechanisms than thosethat produce them in Bálint’s syndrome. Thus, whileoptic ataxia and oculomotor impairment may beattributable to a loss of spatial representation inpatients with Bálint’s syndrome caused by bilateralparieto-occipital lesions, optic ataxia from superiorparietal lesions may reflect disruption of the neuralsubstrates mediating visuomotor transformations(Milner & Goodale, 1995).

Similarly, simultanagnosia may be caused byvery different kinds of lesions for different reasons.The term simultanagnosia was originated specifi-cally to describe a defect in integrating complex

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visual scenes (Wolpert, 1924). As defined byWolpert, the term includes, but is more general than,the constriction of attention seen in Bálint’s syn-drome. It is seen in conditions other than Bálint’ssyndrome and may result from unilateral lesions.

Hécaen and de Ajuriaguerra describe the difficul-ties of one of their patients (case 1) on being offereda light for a cigarette: “[W]hen the flame wasoffered to him an inch or two away from the ciga-rette held between his lips, he was unable to se theflame because his eyes were fixed on the cigarette”(Hécaen & de Ajuriaguerra, 1956, p. 374). How-ever, the mechanism underlying simultanagnosia insuch cases may be different than that which causessimultanagnosia in Bálint’s syndrome.

Unlike in Bálint’s syndrome, simultanagnosiacaused by unilateral left temporoparietal lesionsappears to be due to a perceptual bottleneck causedby slowing of visual processing as measured byrapid, serial, visual presentation (RSVP) tasks(Kinsbourne & Warrington, 1962, 1963). In con-trast, patients with Bálint’s syndrome may be ableto recognize a series of individual pictures flashedbriefly in an RSVP test (Coslett & Saffran, 1991).

Implications of Bálint’s Syndrome forUnderstanding Visual Cognition

Bálint’s syndrome holds valuable lessons for under-standing the neural processes involved in control-ling attention, representing space, and providingcoherence and continuity to conscious visual ex-perience: (1) attention makes a selection fromobject-based representations of space; (2) inde-pendent neural mechanisms that operate in parallelorient attention within objects and between objects;(3) the candidate objects on which attention oper-ates are generated preattentively by early vision inthe absence of explicit awareness; and (4) attentionis involved in affording explicit (conscious) accessto the spatial representations needed for goal-directed action and for binding features of objects.

Object- and Space-Based Attention

An appreciation of simultanagnosia in Bálint’s syndrome has proven influential in helping toresolve one of the major theoretical controversies in visual attention research. The issue at stake waswhether visual attention acts by selecting locationsor objects. Work by Michael Posner and others(Posner, 1980; Posner, Snyder, & Davidson, 1980)showed that allocating attention to a location in thevisual field enhanced the processing of the visualsignals that appeared at the attended location.

Object-based models of attention, in contrast,postulate that preattentive processes parse the visualscene to generate candidate objects (more on thislater) and that attention then acts by selecting onesuch object for further processing that can guidegoal-directed action. These models are supported by experiments in normal individuals that showbetter discrimination of two features belonging tothe same object than of features belonging to two different objects (Duncan, 1984) and that theseobject-based effects are independent of the spatiallocation of their features (Baylis & Driver, 1995;Vecera & Farah, 1994).

Physiological recordings have shown that anobject-based attentional set can modulate process-ing in the extrastriate visual cortex (Chelazzi,Duncan, Miller, & Desimone, 1998). Recent neu-roimaging studies have confirmed that attentionalselection of one of two objects results in activationof brain regions representing other unattended features of that object (O’Craven, Downing, & Kanwisher, 2000).

Object-based models predict that brain lesionscould produce an object-based simultanagnosia thatis independent of location. This is precisely the kindof simultanagnosia that was observed in patientswith Bálint’s syndrome decades before this debatewas joined by psychologists and physiologists.Moreover, recent experimental work by Humphreysand colleagues has shown that simultanagnosia canbe manifest in nonspatial domains. In two patientswith parietal lobe lesions and poor spatial localiza-tion, these authors observed that pictures extin-

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guished words and closed shapes extinguished open shapes (Humphreys, Romani, Olson, Riddoch,& Duncan, 1994). Thus the object-based attentiondeficit in this syndrome cannot be attributed simplyto the effects of parietal lobe lesions in disruptingaccess to spatial representations.

Neural Representations of Objects in Space

The spatial representations upon which attentionoperates are determined by objects, or “candidate”objects, derived from a grouped array of features by early vision (Vecera & Farah, 1994), and are not simple Cartesian coordinates of empty spacecentered on the observer (Humphreys, 1998).Humphreys has recently posited that attention operates on spatial representations determined byobjects, and that there are separate mechanisms,operating in parallel, for shifting attention withinobjects and between objects (Humphreys, 1998).Shifting attention within an object implies shiftingattention between locations within the object.

Figure 2.6 shows stimuli that Cooper andHumphreys (2000) used to study shifts of attentionwithin and between objects in patient G.K. withBálint’s syndrome. In conditions 1 and 2, G.K.’stask was to report whether the upright segmentswere the same or different lengths. For the stimuliin condition 1, in which the comparison was

between two parts of the same object, G.K. wascorrect on 84% of the trials, whereas in condition 2in which the judgment required comparison of twoseparate objects, performance was at chance level(54%).

Visual Processing Outside of ConsciousAwareness

The interaction of spatial and object representationsin determining the allocation of attention requiresthat candidate objects be provided by preattentiveprocesses that proceed in the absence of awareness.Cumulative observations in patients with hemispa-tial neglect (see chapter 1) have indeed providedgrowing evidence that early vision does separatefigure from ground, group features, and assignprimary axes; it even extracts semantic informationthat can assign attentional priorities for subsequentprocessing. Here some examples are considered inwhich implicit measures of processing in Bálint’ssyndrome have provided strong evidence for exten-sive processing of visual information outside ofawareness.

Preattentive Representation of Space

Spatial disorientation is a cardinal feature ofBálint’s syndrome, and one view of the constriction

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Figure 2.6Figures used by Cooper and Humphreys (2000) to demonstrate grouping in Bálint’s syndrome.

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of visual attention posits that it, too, is due to a lossof a neural representation of space on which atten-tion may act (Friedman-Hill et al., 1995). However,as we have seen from the work of Humphreys et al. (1994), simultanagnosia may also occur fornonspatial information, such as shifting betweenwords and pictures. Moreover, recent observa-tions in patients with both hemispatial neglect(Danziger, Kingstone, & Rafal, 1998) and Bálint’ssyndrome (Robertson, Treisman, Friedman-Hill, & Grabowecky, 1997) have shown that parietaldamage does not eliminate representations of spatialinformation, but rather prevents explicit access tothis information.

Robertson et al. (1997) showed that althoughpatient R.M. could not explicitly report the relativelocation of two objects, he nevertheless exhibited aspatial Stroop interference effect. That is, althoughhe could not report whether the word “up” was inthe upper or lower visual field, he was, nevertheless,slower to read “up” if it appeared in the lower visualfield than in the upper visual field.

Preattentive Grouping of Features andAlignment of Principal Axis

As described earlier, observations by Luria (Luria,1959) and by Humphreys & Riddoch (1993) haverevealed that there is less simultanagnosia whenshapes in the visual field are connected. Otherrecent observations by Humphreys and his col-leagues in patient G.K. have confirmed that group-ing based on brightness, collinearity, surroundeness,and familiarity also are generated preattentively, asis grouping based on alignment of a principal axis.Figure 2.7 shows G.K.’s performance in reportingtwo items; it shows that performance is better when the items are grouped on the basis of bright-ness, collinearity, connectedness, surroundness, andfamiliarity (Humphreys, 1998).

Preattentive Processing of Meaning of Words

As is the case in hemispatial neglect, neglectedobjects do appear to be processed to a high level of semantic classification in patients with Bálint’s

syndrome. Furthermore, although this informationis not consciously accessible to the patient, it doesinfluence the perception of objects that are seen. Forexample, Coslett & Saffran (1991) simultaneouslypresented pairs of words or pictures briefly to theirpatient, and asked her to read or name them. Whenthe two stimuli were not related semantically, thepatient usually saw only one of them, but when theywere related, she was more likely to see them both.Hence, both stimuli must have been processed to asemantic level of representation, and the meaningof the words or objects determined whether one orboth would be perceived.

Words are an example of hierarchical stimuli inwhich letters are present at the local level and theword at the global level. We (Baylis, Driver, Baylis,& Rafal, 1994) showed patient R.M. letter stringsand asked him to report all the letters he could see.Since he could only see one letter at a time, he foundthis task difficult and, with the brief exposure dura-tions used in the experiment, he usually only saw afew of the letters. However, when the letter stringconstituted a word, he was able to report moreletters than when it did not. That is, even when thepatient was naming letters and ignoring the word,the word was processed and helped to bring the con-stituent letters to his awareness.

Attention, Spatial Representation, and FeatureIntegration: Gluing the World Together

I discussed earlier how a single object seen by apatient is experientially mutable in time. It has nopast or future. Any object that moves disappears. Inaddition, objects seen in the present can be per-plexing to the patient, because other objects that the patient does not see, and their features, areprocessed and impinge upon the experience of theattended object. Normally, the features of an object,such as its color and its shape, are correctly con-joined, because visual attention selects the locationof the object and glues together all the featuressharing that same location (Treisman & Gelade,1980). For the patient with Bálint’s syndrome,however, all locations are the same, and all the

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features that impinge on the patient’s awareness areperceptually conjoined into that object.

Friedman-Hill et al. (1995) showed R.M. pairs ofcolored letters and asked him to report the letter hesaw and its color. R.M. saw an exceptional numberof illusory conjunctions (Treisman & Schmidt,1982), reporting the color of the letter that he didnot see as being the color of the letter that he didreport. Lacking access to a spatial representation in which colocated features could be coregisteredby his constricted visual attention, visual featuresthroughout the field were free floating and con-joined arbitrarily. Since a spatial Stroop effect wasobserved in patient R.M. (see earlier discussion),

Robertson and her colleagues (1997) argued thatspatial information did exist and that featurebinding relies on a relatively late stage whereimplicit spatial information is made explicitlyaccessible. Subsequent observations in patient R.M.showed, however, that feature binding also occurredimplicitly. Wojciulik & Kanwisher (1998) used amodification of a Stroop paradigm in which R.M.was shown two words, one of which was colored,and asked to report the color and ignore the words.Although he was not able to report explicitly whichword was colored, there was nevertheless a largerStroop interference effect (i.e., he was slower toname the color) when a word had an incongruent

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Figure 2.7Figures used by Humphreys (1998) to demonstrate grouping in Bálint’s syndrome.

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color. Thus, there was implicit evidence that theword and its color had been bound, even thoughR.M. had no explicit access to the conjunction offeatures.

Conclusions and Future Directions

Lost in space, and stuck in a perceptual present con-taining only one object that he or she cannot find orgrasp, the patient with Bálint’s syndrome is helplessin a visually chaotic world. Objects appear and dis-appear and their features become jumbled together.Contemporary theories of attention and percep-tion help us to understand the experience of thesepatients. At the same time, their experience providescritical insights into the neural basis of visual atten-tion and perception, and how they operate togethernormally to provide coherent perceptual experienceand efficient goal-directed behavior.

Some of the critical issues remain unresolved andawait future research. It remains unclear whethersimultanagnosia and spatial disorientation are inde-pendent symptoms in Bálint’s syndrome, or whetherthe apparent constriction of visual attention is a secondary consequence of the lack of access to anexplicit representation of space. The identificationof individual cases in which these two symptomsare dissociated would resolve this question. It is alsoimportant to learn more about the impairment infeature binding that causes the generation of illu-sory conjunctions, and whether this deficit is anintegral component of the syndrome or, rather, ispresent only in some patients with a lesion in a spe-cific part of the parietal-occipital association cortex.Furthermore, if the component symptoms of thesyndrome are found to be dissociable, we will needto know more about the neural substrates of each.


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Michael S. Mega

Memory is traditionally divided into implicit andexplicit processes (figure 3.1). Implicit functions are not under conscious control, while explicit func-tions are available to our subjective awareness.Implicit processes include classic conditioning orassociative learning (such as the conditioned eye-blink response), procedural memory or skill learn-ing (such as riding a bike or learning the rotarypursuit task), and the effects of priming that facili-tate the acquisition of information in the modalityspecific to the presentation of the information.Explicit memory includes both our recall of every-thing that has happened to us—called “episodicmemory,” and all the information about the mean-ings of things—called “semantic memory.” Theemphasis here is on patients’ complaints of explicitmemory impairments.

Explicit memory is heuristically divided into thesubprocesses of acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information. Disorders of learning are assumedto arise from deficits in either acquisition or storage;thus poor spontaneous recall could arise from twodistinct problems—either a failure in learning newinformation or a deficit in retrieval.

Classically, the amnesic syndrome has beendefined as the presence of a significant isolatedmemory disorder in the absence of disturbed atten-tion, language, visuospatial, or executive function(executive function is the ability to manipulate pre-viously acquired knowledge). Although the exactdysfunctional subprocess producing amnesia is con-troversial (Bauer, Tobias, & Valenstein, 1993), it isclinically useful to describe amnesia as a failure tolearn new information, which is distinct from aretrieval deficit identified by normal recognition.

Recognition, in turn, may depend on two sub-processes: a feeling of familiarity and an explicitrecollection of some context associated with therecognized item (Gardiner & Parkin, 1990; Horton,Pavlick, & Moulin-Julian, 1993; Mandler, 1980).The recognition tasks that patients with hippo-campal and perirhinal lesions preferentially fail on

3 Amnesia: A Disorder of Episodic Memory

are those that make greater demands on the laterrecollection-based subprocess (Aggleton & Shaw,1996; Squire & Shimamura, 1986). Successfulrecognition performance, after spontaneous recallhas failed, also draws on intact prefrontal resources.A profound encoding or recognition impairmentappears to require both medial temporal and pre-frontal disconnection or destruction (Aggleton &Mishkin, 1983; Gaffan & Parker, 2000).

Case Report

On the first evaluation a 75-year-old right-handed femalewas accompanied by her husband to our clinic complain-ing of a 3–5-year history of declines in memory. Thehistory was mainly provided by the patient’s husband, whoclaimed that 5 years prior to presentation he first noticedabnormalities in his wife’s ability to operate a new video-cassette recorder and new 35-mm camera. There was alsoa decline in her ability to cook large meals for dinnerparties that began 3 years prior to presentation. Approxi-mately 2 years prior to presentation, he began noticing difficulty with his wife’s memory so that she was unableto shop for food without a detailed list. She would fre-quently forget conversations that transpired between themor episodes that might have occurred days prior. Approx-imately 6 months prior to presentation, the patient’shusband noted that she forgot what cards were played intheir bridge club when previously she had been an excel-lent player. The patient agreed with the history of memoryproblems, but felt that her cooking was unaffected. Boththe patient and her husband denied any problems with language function, visuospatial function, or any change in personality or mood. The patient continued to be quiteactive socially, as well as taking part in community activ-ities. Despite her memory problem, she was still capableof functioning almost independently with copious listkeeping.

On initial examination the patient had a normal generalmedical exam. The patient was well nourished, coopera-tive, well groomed, and in no apparent distress. Thepatient’s attention was intact with six digits forward, fivedigits in reverse. The Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE)(Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975) score was 28/30; the

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patient missed two of the recall questions. Language wasnormal for fluency, comprehension, and repetition; andnaming was intact, with fifteen out of fifteen items on amodified Boston Naming Test correctly identified. Verbalfluency showed nineteen animals produced in 1 minute,and reading and writing ability were entirely normal.Memory testing using a ten-word list (Fillenbaum et al.,1997) showed a learning curve of four, six, and eight afterthree trials; and after a 10-minute interval with interfer-ence, the patient spontaneously recalled one out of tenitems. Recognition performance, using ten target itemsand ten foils, produced five additional items, with threefalse positives.

Visuospatial function showed no problems in copyingtwo-dimensional figures and some mild strategy difficultybut good copying of a three-dimensional cube. Executivefunction showed no problems with calculation ability for two-digit addition and multiplication; however, wordproblems showed some hesitancy and difficulty inresponse, although the answers were eventually correct.Frontal system evaluation showed no perseveration or lossof set; reciprocal programs, go-no-go, and alternating programs were all intact. The rest of the neurologicalexamination, including cranial nerves, motor and sensoryfunction, coordination, reflexes, and gait was normal.

On the initial evaluation the patient underwent formalneuropsychological testing, functional imaging with[18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography(FDG-PET) and structural imaging with 3-D coronal vol-umetric and double echo magnetic resonance imaging(MRI).

Neuropsychological evaluation revealed a normalWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R)

(Wechsler, 1955), a full-scale IQ with normal scores on all subscales except for arithmetic, which was 1 standarddeviation (S.D.) below age and education norms. Lan-guage evaluation was intact on the Boston Naming Test(Kaplan, Goodglass, & Weintraub, 1984), with a score of 59/60. Controlled oral word fluency (FAS) (Benton &Hamsher, 1976 revised 1978) and animal naming wereintact, but in the low average range.Memory testing showed impairments on the CaliforniaVerbal Learning Test (CVLT), which demonstrated encod-ing and storage abnormalities greater than 1.5 S.D. belowage- and education-matched norms. Weschler memory (Wechsler Memory Scale, WMS) (Wechsler, 1945), logical memory, and paragraph recall showed significant abnor-malities in the first and second paragraph delayed-recallscores. Nonverbal memory was also impaired as noted bythe 30-minute delay on the Rey-Osterrieth ComplexFigure Recall (Osterrieth, 1944; Rey, 1941) as well as theBenton Visual Retention Test (Benton, 1974). Executivefunction showed spotty performance, with normal trails Aand B but Stroop B declines at approximately 1 S.D. belowage- and education-matched norms. The Ruff figural flu-ency task showed low normal performance (Jones-Gotman& Milner, 1977). Interpretation of neuropsychologicaltesting concluded that the patient did not meet the criteriafor dementia according to DSM-IV (APA, 1994); however,the patient did meet the criteria for amnesic disorder.

FDG-PET showed essentially normal metabolism in the frontal, parietal, and occipital cortices as well as sub-cortical structures, but indicated decreased metabolism in medial temporal lobe regions, the loss in the left beinggreater than in the right (figure 3.2). MRI analysis showedno significant cerebrovascular disease either cortically or

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Implicit Explicit

Procedural PrimingAssociative

Episodic Semantic

Figure 3.1Conceptual organization and terminology of general memory function.

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subcortically and no masses or cortical atrophy; however,there was mild to moderate volume loss in medial tempo-ral structures as determined by qualitative assessment of the MRI resliced parallel to the long axis of the hippocampus (de Leon et al., 1997; de Leon et al., 1993)(figure 3.3) Laboratory evaluation showed a normal chemistry panel-20, complete blood cell count, thyroid-stimulating hormone, B12 and folate levels, a negative fluorescent triponamae antibody absorbed test, and anormal erthrocyte sedimentation rate.

The history, examination, and diagnostic studiesat initial evaluation described here are consistentwith an amnesic disorder. The patient met criteria at that time for mild cognitive impairment (MCI)(Petersen et al., 1999) based on logical memory performance (a paragraph recall score of less than8) and other memory scores (<1.5 S.D. below age-and education-matched norms). There were no othersignificant abnormalities, save for some mild tomoderate executive dysfunction as reflected in bothhistory and neuropsychological testing. The possi-bility of incipient Alzheimer’s disease could not beruled out at the time of initial evaluation.

A follow-up visit occurred approximately a yearand a half after the time of initial presentation. The

interim history was significant for progressivedeclines in memory function with continued preser-vation of language and visuospatial function. Ques-tionable executive dysfunction evolved, withdifficulty in preparing meals, balancing her check-book, and paying household bills. No significantchange in personality or mood occurred over thisinterim period. Repeat neuropsychological testingwas significant for progressive decline in bothverbal and visual memory, with more than 2 standard deviations below age and education meanscores on memory tests, but still relative preserva-tion in executive function and some improvementin visuospatial function, with continued unimpairedlanguage function.

In comparison with the initial evaluation, PETshowed progressive bilateral metabolic declines inmedial temporal structures, with continued preser-vation of metabolism in the dorsolateral frontal,high parietal, and occipital cortices (figure 3.2).Structural imaging showed no evidence of newcerebral vascular disease, but showed progressiveatrophy in medial temporal structures (figure 3.3).

Two years later, the patient collapsed at the breakfast table. Her husband called paramedics, butthey were unable to revive her and she was

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Figure 3.2Oblique axial slices through the long axis of the hip-pocampus of a FDG-PET scan (registered to the Univer-sity of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Alzheimer’sDisease Atlas) of a patient at baseline evaluation for anisolated memory complaint (left) and at follow-up 18months later (right), showing progressive left medial(arrow) and lateral temporal dysfunction.

Figure 3.3Coronal 3-D MRI at baseline evaluation and at follow-up18 months later (registered to the UCLA Alzheimer’sDisease Atlas) showing progressive atrophy in the left hippocampus (arrow) for the patient described in the case report.

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pronounced dead on arrival at the local hospital,with pathological evaluation showing a myocardialinfarction. Evaluation of the brain showed no evi-dence of significant Alzheimer’s changes, but mod-erate cell loss in the CA1 fields of the hippocampus,with gliotic change on the left and less so on theright. A diagnosis was made of hippocampal sclerosis.

A Historical Perspective on Amnesia

The case described here illustrates a typical assess-ment strategy for a patient presenting with a pro-gressive memory complaint. When a memoryproblem is reported with no clear etiology onbedside, laboratory, or imaging evaluation, it isoften necessary to follow the patient and repeat the imaging and neuropsychological evaluation in 9 months to a year if the complaints persist. In theabove case, worsening was observed at the follow-up exam compared with the baseline assessmentand thus a degenerative disorder was most likely.The patient’s initial performance on bedsidememory testing using a ten-word list showed a ade-quate learning curve during three presentations ofthe same words revealing normal performanceduring the acquisition phase of learning new infor-mation. After a 10-minute interval with interfer-ence, the patient exhibited poor spontaneous recall,showing a defect in either storage or retrieval. It isimportant not to stop the evaluation at this pointbecause in order to determine which of the abovetwo defects are present, we must prompt the patientwith cues; either category or recognition cues.When a patient with poor spontaneous recall sig-nificantly improves their performance with cues,then we have ruled out a disorder of learning andhave identified a retrieval deficit as being respon-sible for their memory complaints. Care must betaken not to ignore the number of false positives apatient may produce with cueing. The patientdescribed here correctly recognized half of the itemswith cueing, but had also said yes to several itemsthat were foils (i.e., false-positive responses); this

reveals moderate guessing. When cueing does notimprove recall, or when false positives nearly equalor surpass true positives on the recognition portionof the exam, patients should be considered amnesic.When recognition performance surpasses sponta-neous recall, then patients are said to have aretrieval deficit.

The anatomical defects underlying a failure tolearn information (i.e., amnesia) are different fromthose underlying a retrieval deficit. Amnesia resultsfrom damage to the medial temporal encodingsystem and its connections to the prefrontal cortex,whereas a retrieval deficit does not result frommedial temporal damage (Teng & Squire, 1999), butfrom dorsolateral frontal cortical abnormalities.

The Medial Temporal Encoding System

An understanding of hippocampal anatomy is nec-essary before we attempt to interpret lesion andimaging findings (figure 3.4). In a normal adultbrain, the distance from the tip of the temporal poleto the most caudal aspect of the hippocampal for-mation is about 7.5cm, while the intraventricularportion of the hippocampus extends about 4cm. Thecytoarchitecture of the temporal pole (Brodmann’sarea 38) resembles that of the perirhinal cortex(areas 35 and 36) (Amaral & Insausti, 1990). Thetemporal polar portion of the perirhinal cortex iscontinuous with the ventral perirhinal cortex, whichlines the banks of the collateral sulcus. The perirhi-nal cortex extends posteriorly to the anterior bound-ary of the lateral geniculate nucleus, where it isreplaced caudally by the parahippocampal cortex(areas TF and TH). Medially, the amygdaloidcomplex lies posterior to the temporal pole, and thehippocampal formation is inferior to the amygdalain its most anterior extent and then caudal to theamygdala. The hippocampal formation is made upof four components: the dentate gyrus, hippocam-pus, subicular complex, and entorhinal cortex.

In 1900, Bechterew found that bilateral lesions of the hippocampus and diencephalic structures (themamillary bodies and anterior thalamus) resulted inderangements of memory function. Both short- and

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long-term memory remained relatively intact;however, the process of registration of informationwas disturbed (Bechterew, 1900). In 1937, Papezproposed a mechanism of emotion based on amedial circuit (figure 3.5). He described three divi-sions in the brain through which “man’s volitionalenergies” flow. First a “stream of movement” isconducted through the dorsal thalamus and theinternal capsule to the corpus striatum and then outthe central nervous system to the somatic motorneuron. Second, the “stream of thought” arises from

the thalamus and ascends the internal capsule to findexpression in the lateral cerebral cortex involved inexecutive function (the ability to organize a solutionto a complex problem). Third, there are impulsesflowing through medial structures in a “stream offeeling” (Papez, 1987).

Papez conceived of a two-way circuit for the flowof emotion leading to internal or external expres-sion. Information from external sensory receptorsarrives at the primary sensory cortex and then isrelayed to the hippocampal area and onward to themamillary bodies via the fornix. From the mamil-lary bodies, information spreads throughout thehypothalamus, initiating emotional expression oraffect. Impulses are also directed to the anteriornucleus of the thalamus, via the mamillothalamictract, and then diffusely projected through the ante-rior limb of the internal capsule toward the cingu-late gyrus. There, Papez thought, emotion as aninternal state or mood is consciously perceived. Processing within the cingulate gyrus providesfeedback to the hippocampus via the retrosplenialcortex, completing the circuit.

Papez observed that mood may be dissociatedfrom affect since in decorticate subjects emotionalstates were displayed but not perceived by thesubject. For Papez, the integration of emotionalresponsiveness with the dorsolateral frontal

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Figure 3.4Anatomy of the hippocampus in relation to other brain regions (left) showing the anterior pes, body, and tail with exten-sion into the fornix near the splenium of the corpus callosum (cc). The coronal section (right) shows the hippocampalfields transitioning from CA3 into CA2 and then CA1, which in turn extends into the subiculum and eventually into theentorhinal and perirhinal cortex within the banks of the collateral sulcus.

Figure 3.5The medial circuit of Papez, as depicted by MacLean(1949), was proposed to support emotional processing(Papez, 1937).

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executive functions occurred in the medial cortex ofthe cingulate gyrus. There was no anatomicalsupport for the closing connection of the cingulategyrus to the hippocampus in Papez’s circuit until1975, when Shipley and Sørensen (1975) docu-mented that the presubiculum, which receives adense cingulate cortex outflow, projects heavily tolayer III of the entorhinal cortex—the origin of theperforant pathway into hippocampal pyramidal cells(Witter & Amaral, 1991). The entorhinal cortex alsois the conduit for highly processed sensory affer-ents. The perirhinal and parahippocampal corticesreceive the result of a chain of feed-forward pro-jections from the unimodal and polymodal sensorycortices (Freeman, Murray, O’Neill, & Mishkin,1986; Mesulam & Mulson, 1982; Pandya & Yeterian, 1985; Suzuki & Amaral, 1994; Tranel,Brady, Van Hoesen, & Damasio, 1988; Van Hoesen,1982; Webster, Ungerleider, & Bachevalier, 1991), providing 60% of the cortical input to theentorhinal cortex (Insausti, Amaral, & Cowan,1987).

Papez incorrectly conceived his hippocampalcircuit as exclusively subserving emotionalprocesses. Bechterew’s insight was more accurate.He observed that defects in episodic memoryencoding occurred when elements of the hip-pocampal circuit were damaged (Bechterew, 1900).This explicit or conscious encoding of events by the hippocampal circuit stands in contrast to thesubconscious processing that may occur in theamygdala when objects are imbued with emotionalvalence (Bechara et al., 1995; Blair, Morris, Frith,Perrett, & Dolan, 1999; Ikeda et al., 1998; Mori et al., 1999; Price, 1999).

The Dorsolateral Frontal Executive System

The superior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Brod-mann areas 9 and 10) is the center of an executivecognitive network that links the posterior parietallobe and anterior cingulate gyrus. Functionally, thedorsolateral prefrontal cortex subserves executivefunction (Cummings, 1993) and short-term orworking memory (Baddeley, 1992, 1996, 1998)

(See Chapter 11, this volume). These functionsinclude the ability to organize a behavioral responseto solve a complex problem (including the strate-gies used in learning new information and system-atically searching memory), activation of remotememories, self-direction and independence fromenvironmental contingencies, shifting and main-taining behavioral sets appropriately, generatingmotor programs, and using verbal skills to guidebehavior.

Damage to the dorsolateral frontal cortex pro-duces deficits in executive function and workingmemory.

With regard to long-term memory performance,it is the organization and successful execution of the retrieval process during free recall that is mostimpaired by dorsolateral frontal lesions because ofthe disruption of the anatomically distributed dor-solateral network.

Regions reciprocally connected to the superiordorsolateral prefrontal areas 9 and 10 are the infe-rior prefrontal area 46 (Selemon & Goldman-Rakic,1985), the superior prefrontal area 8, and area 7a of the caudal superior parietal lobe (Yeterian &Pandya, 1993). Parietal area 7a subserves visualspatial attention, visually guided reaching, and planning of visuospatial strategies. Major reciprocalconnections with the anterior cingulate cortex(supracallosal areas 24, 24a¢ and b¢, and 32¢) (Mega& Cummings, 1997) also occur with prefrontalareas 8, 9, 10, and 46 (Morecraft & Van Hoesen,1991; Vogt & Pandya, 1987). The anterior cingulatecortex is the center for directing attentional systemsand coordinating the dorsolateral frontal and pari-etal heteromodal association network (Morecraft,Geula, & Mesulam, 1993). Areas reciprocally con-nected to the anterior cingulate cortex include therostral insula and anterior parahippocampal areas.The rostral insular cortex is a transitional para-limbic region that integrates visceral alimentaryinput with olfactory and gustatory afferents(Mesulam & Mufson, 1985). Connections withanterior parahippocampal areas 35 and 36 allow theattentional network to influence multimodal sensoryafferents entering the hippocampus.

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An understanding of the distributed anatomy of the medial encoding circuit and the dorsolateralexecutive system will aid our interpretation of the results of human and nonhuman primate lesionstudies producing memory dysfunction as well asthose of functional neuroimaging studies thatattempt to map explicit encoding and retrievalmechanisms in normal subjects.

Experimental Research on Episodic Memory

Lesion Studies

Medial Temporal Lesions

Although Bechterew (1900) first noted that bilaterallesions of the medial temporal lobes producedencoding defects, it was the detailed report 57 yearslater by Scoville and Milner (1957) on H.M., whounderwent bilateral temporal lobectomy to relieveintractable seizures, that initiated the modernanatomical search for the encoding, storage, andretrieval systems. Speculation (Horel, 1978) thatlesions outside the hippocampus proper mightexplain H.M.’s memory impairment combined withresults from animal studies (Mishkin & Murray,1994) implicate other medial temporal structuressubserving memory. The perirhinal cortex became a focus of the medial temporal memory system in monkeys (Meunier, Bachevalier, Mishkin, &Murray, 1993; Suzuki, Zola-Morgan, Squire, &Amaral, 1993; Zola-Morgan, Squire, Amaral, & Suzuki, 1989c; Zola-Morgan, Squire, Clower, &Rempel, 1993) because the delayed matching andnonmatching-to-sample tasks (which are primarilyrecognition tests) were unimpaired if a hippo-campal lesion did not also extend into the monkey’srhinal cortex (Zola-Morgan, Squire, Rempel,Clower, & Amaral, 1992).

In H.M., the surgical lesion included the medialtemporal pole, most of the amygdaloid complex,and bilaterally all of the entorhinal cortex (figure3.6). In addition, the anterior 2cm of the dentategyrus, hippocampus, and subicular complex were

removed. Given that the collateral sulcus and thecortex lining its banks are visible, then at least someof the posterioventral perirhinal cortex was intact inH.M. The posterior parahippocampal gyrus (areasTF and TH) was only slightly damaged rostrally.The lingual and fusiform gyri, lateral to the collat-eral sulcus, were also intact.

Another surgical case (P.B.) had the entire lefttemporal lobe removed in a two-stage procedure(Penfield & Milner, 1958) and suffered a life-longdense amnesia (Corkin, 1965). At autopsy P.B. alsohad preservation of the posterior 22mm of the hippocampus and parahippocampal cortex (Penfield& Mathieson, 1974). Patients with ischemic lesionsbilaterally confined to the CA1 field of the hippo-campus (Cummings, Tomiyasu, Read, & Benson,1984; Zola-Morgan, Squire, & Amaral, 1986) haveclinically significant anterograde amnesia that ismilder than that of H.M., and have significant ret-rograde amnesia that may last more than 25 years(Rempel-Clower, Zola, Squire, & Amaral, 1996).

Isolated hippocampal lesions occurring in child-hood appear to disrupt only the encoding of declar-ative memories about past events, but not theencoding of information about the world (semanticmemory) (Vargha-Khadem et al., 1997) that maydepend upon parahippocampal integrity. Thus, if abilateral lesion includes adjacent structures such as the temporal pole and the anterior perirhinal andentorhinal cortices (as in the case of H.M.), theamnesic syndrome and the resultant recognitiondeficit (Buffalo, Reber, & Squire, 1998) in humansis much more severe than that resulting from an isolated hippocampal lesion.

Similar studies on monkeys, which evaluatedsmall lesions restricted to the hippocampal(Alvarez, Zola-Morgan, & Squire, 1995), entorhinal(Leonard, Amaral, Squire, & Zola-Morgan, 1995),or perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices (Suzukiet al., 1993; Zola-Morgan et al., 1989c), have con-firmed that all these medial temporal structures—except the amygdale (Murray, 1991; Zola-Morgan,Squire, & Amaral, 1989a)—participate in recogni-tion memory (Meunier et al., 1993; Zola-Morgan,Squire, & Amaral, 1989b; Zola-Morgan et al.,

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1989c; Zola-Morgan, Squire, & Ramus, 1994). Thegreatest recognition memory defect occurs when the perirhinal cortex is ablated along with the “Hlesion” (hippocampus, dentate gyrus, and subicularcomplex) (Zola-Morgan et al., 1993), followed bythe combined caudal entorhinal and perirhinal cortices and the H lesion (Mahut, Zola-Morgan, &Moss, 1982; Zola-Morgan et al., 1989c); this defectis greater than that resulting from the H lesion alone(Alvarez et al., 1995).

Restricted lesions of the perirhinal and parahip-pocampal (Suzuki et al., 1993; Zola-Morgan et al.,

1989c) or entorhinal and perirhinal cortices(Meunier et al., 1993) produce chronic multimodalmemory deficits similar to those of a bilateralmedial temporal lobectomy (Suzuki et al., 1993).Thus each of these medial temporal regions makesa contribution to the mnemonic process, with the resultant recognition memory defect becomingmore severe with the removal of each additionalprocessing region (Zola-Morgan et al., 1994). Whatthe unique functions are, if any, within each regionis not known (Eichenbaum, Otto, & Cohen, 1994;Gaffan, 1994a).

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Figure 3.6A coronal MRI of H.M. from rostral (A) to caudal (C) showing the extent of bilateral hippocampal ablation (left) com-pared with a normal 66-year-old subject (right); note the destruction of the amygdala (A), hippocampus (H), and entorhi-nal cortex (EC) anterior to the level of the mamillary bodies (MMN), with relative sparing of the posterior perirhinalcortex (PR) in the banks of the collateral sulcus(cs). V, temporal horn of lateral ventricle. (Adapted from Corkin et al.,1997.)

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Diencephalic Lesions

Hippocampal output from the subiculum, via the fornix, enters the mamillary body (primarily the medial mamillary nucleus) and projects to theanterior thalamic nuclei (Aggleton, Desimone, &Mishkin, 1986). The anterior thalamic region alsoreceives direct hippocampal input via the fornix(Aggleton et al., 1986) and has reciprocal connec-tions with the cingulate gyrus and anterior reticu-larus thalami (Gonzalo-Ruiz, Morte, & Lieberman,1997). The dorsomedial thalamic nucleus receivesmore widespread afferents from the amygdala, basalforebrain, and brainstem, and has reciprocal con-nections with the prefrontal cortex and reticularusthalami (Aggleton & Mishkin, 1984; Ilinsky, Jouandet, & Goldman-Rakic, 1985; Kuroda, Yokofujita, & Murakami, 1998; Russchen, Amaral,& Price, 1987). Lesions of the diencephalon oftenaffect both the anterior and the dorsomedial thala-mus; thus the isolation of hippocampal outflowwithin the Papez circuit rarely occurs and the addeddisruption of the frontal subcortical circuits andamygdalo-olfactory system (Mega, Cummings, Salloway, & Malloy, 1997) through the dorsomedialthalamus is common.

Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome (Korsakoff,1889), which is often the result of thiamine defi-ciency in alcoholics, drew attention to the dien-cephalon in memory function. These and othercases of amnesia associated with third ventriculartumors (Foerster & Gagel, 1933; Grünthal, 1939;Lhermitte, Doussinet, & de Ajuriaguerra, 1937;Sprofkin & Sciarra, 1952; Williams & Pennybacker,1954) pointed to the mamillary bodies or thalamusas critical to memory function. Mamillary bodydamage was thought to be involved in the amnesiaof alcoholic Korsakoff’s psychosis since this regionsuffers the most concentrated pathology in thedisease (Torvik, 1987). The mamillary bodies andthalamus were evaluated in forty-three cases(Victor, Adams, & Collins, 1971) of Wernicke’sencephalopathy; five patients who recoveredwithout evidence of memory loss were found to

have mamillary body damage but no thalamicdamage; the remaining thirty-eight cases, withenduring memory disturbance, all had additionaldorsomedial thalamic damage. These findings iden-tified the thalamus as the pivotal diencephalic structure subserving memory function. Further-more, mamillary body damage was not correlatedwith memory impairment in Korsakoff patients(Charness & DeLaPaz, 1987; Davila, Shear, Lane,Sullivan, & Pfefferbaum, 1994; Estruch et al., 1998;Shear, Sullivan, Lane, & Pfefferbaum, 1996), andisolated lesions in animals produced only spatialmemory disturbances, without recognition difficulty(Aggleton, Neave, Nagle, & Hunt, 1995; Neave,Nagle, & Aggleton, 1997; Parker & Gaffan, 1997b;Sziklas & Petrides, 1997).

A thalamic infarction produces lethargy, confu-sion (Cole, Winkelman, Morris, Simon, & Boyd,1992), apathy (Kritchevsky, Graff-Radford, &Damasio, 1987), and amnesia (Cole et al., 1992;Peru & Fabbro, 1997; Shuren, Jacobs, & Heilman,1997), depending on the lesion size. Severe dorso-medial degeneration occurs in fatal familial insom-nia (Lugaresi, Tobler, Gambetti, & Montagna,1998) and results in failure to generate electroencephalographic (EEG) sleep patterns, underscor-ing its role in arousal. The dorsomedial thalamicdamage in Korsakoff patients, as reflected byimaging (Charness, 1993; McDowell & LeBlanc,1984; Shimamura, Jernigan, & Squire, 1988) andhistology (Mair, Warrington, & Weiskrantz, 1979;Mayes, Meudell, & Pickering, 1988; Torvik, 1985;Victor et al., 1989), may require additional neuronalloss in the anterior thalamic nuclei (Harding, Halliday, Caine, & Kril, 2000) to produce perma-nent memory impairment.

Lesions of the entire magnocellular division of the dorsomedial thalamus in monkeys, whichdisrupt all prefrontal efferents (Russchen et al.,1987), compared with isolated medial magnocellu-lar lesions (Parker, Eacott, & Gaffan, 1997) thatdestroy only the entorhinal and perirhinal inputs(Aggleton et al., 1996), produce significant impair-ment of object recognition (Gaffan & Parker, 2000).

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Initial reports of the patient N.A., who developedamnesia from a penetrating injury with a fencing foil(Teuber, Milner, & Vaughan, 1968), suggestedrestricted dorsomedial thalamic damage (Squrie & Moore, 1979). However, with the use of high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),N.A.’s lesion was found to affect only the ventralaspect of the dorsomedial nucleus, with more severedamage to the intralaminar nuclei, mamillothalamictract, and internal medullary lamina (Squire,Amaral, Zola-Morgan, Kritchevsky, & Press, 1989).Lesions isolated to the internal medullary laminaand the mamillothalamic tract appear capable of producing thalamic amnesia (Cramon, Hebel, &Schuri, 1985; Gentilini, DeRenzi, & Crisi, 1987;Graff-Radford, Tranel, Van Hoesen, & Brandt,1990; Malamut, Graff-Radfore, Chawluk, Grossman, & Gur, 1992; Winocur, Oxbury, Roberts,Agnetti, & Davis, 1984) more severe than lesionsthat affect only the dorsomedial thalamus and spare the former structures (Cramon et al., 1985;Graff-Radford et al., 1990; Kritchevsky et al., 1987).

Anterior thalamic lesions on the right, sparing the dorsomedial nucleus (Daum & Ackermann,1994; Schnider, Gutbrod, Hess, & Schroth, 1996),can cause memory dysfunction similar to that ofKorsakoff’s amnesia. Thus limited damage to theanterior thalamus can produce permanent deficits in episodic memory, supporting previous studiesemphasizing the importance of this region for thememory deficit in alcoholic Korsakoff’s psychosis(Kopelman, 1995; Mair et al., 1979; Mayes et al.,1988). The lateral dorsal nucleus (a member of theanterior thalamic nuclei) projects to the retrosple-nial cortex and is focally affected in Alzheimer’sdisease (Xuereb et al., 1991). These findings arealso consistent with the severe memory deficitscaused by lesions of the anterior thalamic nuclei inlaboratory animals (Aggleton et al., 1995; Aggleton& Sahgal, 1993; Aggleton & Saunders, 1997;Parker & Gaffan, 1997a); the degree of memorydysfunction is related to the extent of the lesion(Aggleton & Shaw, 1996).

The basal forebrain is also considered part of thediencephalon and includes the nucleus accumbens,

olfactory tubercle, nucleus of the stria terminalis,and the preoptic area. It also includes the cell groupsthat provide acetylcholine (ACh) to the telen-cephalon: the septum (Ch1), the vertical (Ch2) andhorizontal (Ch3) diagonal bands of Broca, and thebasal nucleus of Meynert (Ch4) (Mesulam, Mufson,Levey, & Wainer, 1983). These neurons play animportant role in attention (anterior cingulatecortex—vertical diagonal band of Broca), memory(hippocampus—medial septum and diagonal band)(Lewis & Shute, 1967), aversive conditioning(amygdala—nucleus basalis of Meynert, nbM), andthe ability to use learned responses (dorsolateralfrontal cortex—nbM).

The basal forebrain was long noted to be damagedin repair or rupture of an aneurysm of an anteriorcommunicating artery (Lindqvist & Norlen, 1966;Talland, Sweet, & Ballantine, 1967), but isolatedlesions are rare. Results from three patients who had discrete lesions in the basal forebrain suggestthat the critical anatomical lesion may be confined to the nuclei of the medial septum and diagonal band (Abe, Inokawa, Kashiwagi, & Yanagihara,1998; Damasio, Graff-Radford, Eslinger, Damasio,& Kassell, 1985; Morris, Bowers, Chatterjee, &Heilman, 1992), producing a disconnection ofcholinergic innervation to the hippocampus. Thoughspontaneous recall was impaired in these patients,recognition memory was relatively spared.

In summary, for diencephalic lesions to produceprofound abnormalities in recall and recognition, a mamillothalamic—anterior thalamus (Papez’scircuit) disconnection should be combined with a dorsomedial thalamic—prefrontal disconnection.Relatively few human cases have been presented as exceptions to this generalization (Daum & Ackermann, 1994; Mair et al., 1979; Mayes et al.,1988; Schnider et al., 1996). Future combined structural and functional imaging assessments maybe needed to determine if prefrontal disconnectionhas occurred in such cases as well.

Retrosplenial and Fornix Lesions

Lesions of the posterior cingulate gyrus disruptmemory function in animals and humans. The

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closing link in Papez’s circuit, from the anteriorthalamic efferents traveling through the cingulum toBrodmann areas 23 and 29/30, is the posterior cin-gulate projection sent to the presubiculum. Anteriorcingulotomy will not disrupt this memory circuit,but rarely pathological lesions will extend into, andbeyond, the posterior cingulate gyrus. If the lesionextends inferior to the splenium of the corpus cal-losum, it may also disrupt the fornix, thus discon-necting the efferents from the hippocampus to the diencephalon. If the lesion extends posteriorly,it may damage the supracommissural portion of thehippocampus—the gyrus fasciolaris and the fasci-ola cinerea. A lesion restricted to the left posteriorcingulate gyrus, the cingulum, and the splenium of the corpus callosum (possibly sparing the fornix)resulted in a severe amnesia after the bleeding of an arteriovenous malformation (Valenstein et al.,1987). A left-sided lesion that extended beyond the posterior cingulate gyrus into the fornix andsupracommissural hippocampus after repair of anarteriovenous malformation resulted in a transientnonverbal but permanent verbal amnesia (Cramon& Schuri, 1992). Disruption of septohippocampalpathways in the cingulum and fornix were thoughtby the authors to play a significant role in thepatient’s clinical deficit, but the supracommissuralhippocampus was also damaged. Another caseinvolving the right retrosplenial region produced apredominantly visual amnesia (Yasuda, Watanabe,Tanaka, Tadashi, & Akiguchi, 1997), but verbalmemory was affected.

Isolation of the cingulum within the posterior cin-gulate gyrus on the left by a cryptic angioma hem-orrhage produced only a transient encoding deficit(Cramon, Hebel, & Ebeling, 1990), suggesting thatthe supracommissural hippocampus or fornix mustalso be damaged for persistent deficits to occur.Splenial tumors are also capable of producingmemory impairment, perhaps via compression ofthe fornix (Rudge & Warrington, 1991).

The questionable effect that fornix lesions inhumans have on memory (Cairns & Mosberg, 1951;Dott, 1938; Garcia-Bengochea, De La Torre,Esquivel, Vieta, & Fernandec, 1954; Garcia-

Bengochea & Friedman, 1987; Woolsey & Nelson,1975) has been attributed to the lesions beingpartial, or to poor psychometric evaluations (Gaffan& Gaffan, 1991). Bilateral disruption of the fornix,with ensuing memory decline, has resulted fromtumors (Calabrese, Markowitsch, Harders, Scholz,& Gehlen, 1995; Heilman & Sypert, 1977), trauma(D’Esposito, Verfaellie, Alexander, & Katz, 1995;Grafman, Sclazar, Weingartner, Vance, & Ludlow,1985), vascular disease (Botez-Marquard & Botez,1992), and surgical transection (Aggleton et al.,2000; Hassler & Riechert, 1957; Sweet, Talland, &Ervin, 1959).

Unilateral damage to the left fornix has also produced verbal memory impairment (Cameron & Archibald, 1981; Gaffan & Gaffan, 1991; Tucker, Roeltgen, Tully, Hartmann, & Boxell,1988). When memory impairment does occur, recall is usually affected more than simple listrecognition (Aggleton et al., 2000; McMackin,Cockburn, Anslow, & Gaffan, 1995). Recognitiontasks that require the encoding of individual itemswithin a complex scene (“object in place” tasks) are poorly performed in both monkeys (Gaffan,1994b) and humans (Aggleton et al., 2000) withfornix transection.

An analysis of rare circumscribed lesions inhumans could not determine if lesions in the poste-rior cingulate cortex, rather than the fornix, cingu-lum, or neighboring members of Papez’s circuit,result in amnesia. Excitotoxic lesions in animalsthat destroy neurons but spare fibers of passage canclarify this issue. Based on posterior cingulate cortical lesions made using the selective cytotoxin,quisqualic acid (Sutherland & Hoesing, 1993),animal studies reveal that posterior cingulate corti-cal neurons are necessary for the acquisition andretention of spatial and nonspatial memory.

Lesion Summary

Lesion studies in both animals and humans havedemonstrated that the individual components ofPapez’s circuit all contribute to general memoryfunction. As a general rule, however, for significantencoding defects to occur (as reflected by poor

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performance on generic recognition tasks), eitherperirhinal lesions must be present in isolation orother members of Papez’s circuit must be lesioned incombination with disruption of prefrontal-subcorti-cal circuits. Thus, the combination of relatively pre-served recognition memory with poor spontaneousrecall seems to require an intact perirhinal cortex andat least a partially spared prefrontal system.

When recognition memory, using the immediaterecognition memory test (RMT) (Warrington, 1984)for both words and pictures, is evaluated across aspectrum of human lesions that produce isolatedspontaneous memory dysfunction, the most im-paired patients are those that are postencephalitic or have Korsakoff syndrome (Aggleton & Shaw,1996). These data support the combined Papez’scircuit–prefrontal contribution to successful encod-ing since the first four lesion groups in that studyoften affect these two circuits; or these data suggestthat the RMT task is a poor test of environmentallyrelevant recognition. Future studies should userecognition tasks that do not have a “ceiling effect”as prominent as that of the RMT to further probe the anatomical basis of recognition and encodingintegrity.

Functional Neuroimaging Studies

The Encoding System

Functional imaging studies of normal subjects per-forming tasks of episodic encoding, retrieval, andrecognition also support the importance of Papez’scircuit and frontal lobe function in the memoryprocess. Several reviews have recently summarizedthis field (Buckner & Koutstaal, 1998; Cabeza &Nyberg, 2000; Cohen et al., 1999; Gabrieli, 1998,2001; Lepage, Habib, & Tulving, 1998; Schacter &Wagner, 1999).

Has functional imaging taught us anything we didnot already know from lesion studies about the neuronal systems supporting encoding andretrieval? The explosive growth in functionalimaging studies over the past 5 years has confirmedthe involvement of medial temporal structures in theencoding process (figure 3.7). When studies varythe novelty of items presented by increasing the rep-etition of presentations, medial temporal activationis increased for scenes (Gabrieli, Brewer, Desmond,& Glover, 1997; Stern et al., 1996; Tulving,Markowitsch, Craik, Habib, & Houle, 1996), words

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Figure 3.7Regional mapping of the medial temporal activations found in encoding and retrieval tasks of episodic memory for bothfMRI and PET studies of normal subjects. (Adapted from Schacter Wagner, 1999.)

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(Kopelman, Stevens, Foli, & Grasby, 1998), object-noun pairs (Rombouts et al., 1997), and word pairs(Dolan & Fletcher, 1997). Bilateral activationusually occurs for scenes, whereas verbal activa-tions are typically left-sided.

The magnitude of medial temporal activation isalso correlated with the effectiveness of encoding,as reflected by a subject’s recognition performanceafter the presentation and scanning phase; this cor-relative effect is bilateral for scenes (Brewer, Zhao,desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1998) and left-sidedfor words (Wagner et al., 1998c); it has also beencorrelated with free recall for words even 24 hoursafter presentation (Alkire, Haier, Fallon, & Cahill,1998). Distracter tasks (Fletcher et al., 1995) orvarying the level of cognitive processing during thepresentation of items to be learned can affect encod-ing success (Buckner & Koutstaal, 1998; Demb et al., 1995; Gabrieli et al., 1996).

Subsequent recall is significantly enhanced byjudging the abstract quality or deeper associationsof words, as opposed to their surface orthographicfeatures. Such strategies of leveraging the associa-tions of items to be remembered has been used sincethe ancient Greek orators. Increased medial tempo-ral activation occurs with deeper semantic process-ing than with shallow letter or line inspection of words (Vandenberghe, Price, Wise, Josephs, &Frackowiak, 1996; Wagner et al., 1998c) or draw-ings (Henke, Buck, Weber, & Wieser, 1997; Vandenberghe et al., 1996), and with intentionalmemorization versus simple viewing of words(Kapur et al., 1996; Kelley et al., 1998), faces(Haxby et al., 1996; Kelley et al., 1998), or figures(Schacter et al., 1995).

Deep processing also recruits dorsolateral prefrontal regions during encoding (figure 3.8)(Buckner & Koutstaal, 1998). A differential activa-tion of the prefrontal cortex occurs (Fiez, 1997; Poldrack et al., 1999) with a more posterior bilateral focus (in BA 6/44) for sensory-specific features of the encoding task (Klingberg & Roland,1998; Zatorre, Meyer, Gjedde, & Evans, 1996),while a greater anterior left prefrontal focus (in BA 45/47) is found with increasing semantic

demands (Demb et al., 1995; Fletcher, Shallice, &Dolan, 1998).

Although a lateralized pattern of activation is generally found for nonverbal (right frontal)(Kelley et al., 1998; McDermott, Buckner, Petersen,Petersen, Kelley, & Sanders, 1999; Wagner et al.,1998b) versus lexical (left frontal) (McDermott et al., 1999; Wagner et al., 1998b) stimuli, if visualstimuli can evoke semantic associations, then left anterior prefrontal activation tends to also occur (Haxby et al., 1996; Kelley et al., 1998), especially when longer retention times are providedfor these semantic associations to form (Haxby,Ungerleider, Horwitz, Rapoport, & Grady, 1995).Right prefrontal activation is best correlated withsuccessful encoding of scenes, as reflected by post-scanning recall performance (Brewer et al., 1998),while left prefrontal activations are best correlatedwith subsequent word recall (Wagner et al., 1998c).

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Figure 3.8Functional MRI activation maps for “shallow” and “deep”encoding tasks, contrasted with fixation. Both tasks activate posterior visual areas, whereas only the deepencoding task shows increased activation of left inferiorand dorsolateral frontal areas (arrows). These activationsare at peak Talairach coordinates. (x, y, z) of -40, 9, 34and -46, 6, 28 for the more dorsal activations and -40,19, 3 and -43, 19, 12 for the more ventral prefrontal activations. (Adapted from Buckner and Koutstaal, 1998.)

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Most functional imaging studies are focused onthe assessment of activity occurring on the same dayof testing. Long-term dynamic changes occur withthe eventual consolidation of learned information.Functional imaging studies have just begun to probethis dynamic consolidation process. After medialtemporal regions are engaged with initial encoding,the anterior cingulate cortex and temporal corticesappear to mediate the retrieval of learned informa-tion. The anterior cingulate cortex has been consis-tently activated in paradigms that require sustainedattention to novel tasks. In a subtraction-based paradigm of memory encoding combined with amotor task demanding sustained divided attention(Fletcher et al., 1995), the anterior cingulate cortexwas singularly activated by the sustained vigilancedemanded to divide the effort between the twotasks. Position emission topography activationstudies using varied designs (Corbetta, Miezin,Dobmeyer, Shulman, & Petersen, 1991; Frith,Friston, Liddle, & Frackowiak, 1991; Jones, Brown,Friston, Qi, & Frackowiak, 1991; Pardo, Pardo,Haner, & Raichle, 1990; Petersen, Fox, Posner,Mintun, & Raichle, 1988, 1989; Talbot et al., 1991)consistently activated the anterior cingulate cortexwhen subjects were motivated to succeed in what-ever task was given them. When motivation tomaster a task was no longer required, and accurateperformance of a task became routine, the anteriorcingulate cortex returned to a baseline activity level(Raichle et al., 1994).

In a radial arm maze task using mice trained successfully after encoding-associated activation ofPapez’s circuit (hippocampal-posterior cingulatecortex), the anterior cingulate, dorsolateral pre-frontal, and temporal cortices (but not the hip-pocampus) were engaged during retrieval 25 daysafter learning (Bontempi, Laurent-Demir, Destrade,& Jaffard, 1999). Thus the hippocampal formationencodes or maintains new information until the consolidation process has ended. When the contextof the maze was changed, and new learning had tooccur, the hippocampus-posterior cingulate cortexwas once again activated. In addition to its role inthe consolidation of declarative memory, the post-

erior cingulate cortex is also active during associa-tive learning in classic conditioning paradigms(Molchan, Sunderland, McIntosh, Herscovitch, &Schreurs, 1994).

The Retrieval System

The greater neocortical recruitment during retrievalof remote compared with recent memories seen inthe mouse experiment (Bontempi et al., 1999) sug-gests that there are dynamic hippocampal–corticalinteractions during the consolidation process, witha gradual reorganization of neural substrates result-ing in a shift toward the neocortex during long-termmemory storage (Buzsaki, 1998; Damasio, 1989;Knowlton & Fanselow, 1998; Squire & Alvarez,1995; Teyler & DiScenna, 1986). Most human func-tional imaging studies test retrieval within minutesor hours of presentation. In such studies, the medialtemporal cortex is activated during retrieval com-pared to a resting condition (Ghaem et al., 1997;Grasby et al., 1993; Kapur et al., 1995a; Roland & Gulyas, 1995), passive viewing (Maguire, Frackowiak, & Frith, 1996; Schacter et al., 1995,1997b), or nonepisodic retrieval (Blaxton et al.,1996; Schacter, Alpert, Savage, Rauch, & Albert,1996a; Schacter, Buckner, Koutstaal, Dale, &Rosen, 1997a; Squire et al., 1992).

When decisions are required as to whethercurrent items were previously studied, the medialtemporal cortex shows the greatest activation forprior items even though correct judgments are made about novel items (Fujii et al., 1997; Gabrieliet al., 1997; Maguire et al., 1998; Nyberg et al.,1995; Schacter et al., 1995; Schacter et al., 1997b).This is not the case for frontal lobe activations,which are present during both successful retrieval(Buckner, Koutstaal, Schacter, Wagner, & Rosen,1998; Rugg, Fletcher, Frith, Frackowiak, & Dolan,1996; Tulving, Kapur, Craik, Moscovitch, & Houle,1994a; Tulving et al., 1996) and attempted retrieval(Kapur et al., 1995b; Nyberg et al., 1995; Rugg,Fletcher, Frith, Frackowiak, & Dolan, 1997;Wagner, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1998a).

The frontal lobe’s contribution to memoryretrieval, as evidenced from functional imaging

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studies, may be related to the sequencing of searchstrategies (Alkire et al., 1998; Gabrieli, 1998;Schacter, Savage, Alpert, Rauch, & Albert, 1996c;Ungerleider, 1995), strategic use of knowledge(Wagner et al., 1998a), and working memoryprocesses that facilitate successful retrieval(Desmond, Gabrieli, & Glover, 1998; Gabrieli et al., 1996; Thompson-Schill, D’Espsito, Aguirre,& Farah, 1997). This multiple processing inter-pretation of frontal lobe activations associated with memory retrieval evolved from a refinement of the hemispheric encoding–retrieval asymmetry(HERA) model, which proposed a dichotomybetween left prefrontal activations associated withencoding and right prefrontal activations associatedwith retrieval (figure 3.9). Although the right pre-frontal cortex is activated in most retrieval taskswhether the tasks are verbal (Blaxton et al., 1996;Buckner et al., 1996; Buckner et al., 1995; Cabeza,Kapur, Craik, & McIntosh, 1997; Flectcher et al.,

1998; Kapur et al., 1995b; Nyberg et al., 1995;Petrides, Alivasatos, & Evans, 1995; Rugg et al.,1996; Schacter, Curran, Galluccio, Milberg, &Bates, 1996b; Shallice et al., 1994; Squire et al.,1992; Tulving et al., 1994b; Wagner et al., 1998a),or nonverbal (Haxby et al., 1996; Moscovitch,Kapur, Kohler, & Houle, 1995; Owen, Milner,Petrides, & Evans, 1996), a posterior focus (BA9/46) appears to be stimulus dependent, and an anterior focus (BA 10) may be related to retrievalattempts (McDermott et al., 1999).

Event-related functional MRI (fMRI) allows abetter assessment of the activation correlated withindividual trials, and when applied to episodicretrieval tasks, a differential time course of the vas-cular response is observed in the right frontal lobe.A typical transient 4-second peak is noted in theposterior right frontal cortex after item presentationand response, while a sustained 10-second vascularresponse is observed in the right anterior frontal

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Figure 3.9Summary of the peak regions of significance in functional imaging studies mapping the success and effort in the retrievalof verbal and nonverbal material. (Adapted from Carbeza and Nyberg, 2000.)

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cortex after stimulus presentation (Buckner et al.,1998; Schacter et al., 1997a). This sustained hemodynamic response may represent a differentprocess assisting general retrieval, perhaps an anticipatory mechanism awaiting the next pre-sentation (Buckner et al., 1998) or a success monitoring process resulting from the last presen-tation (Rugg et al., 1996).

The exact contribution of the prefrontal cortex to memory retrieval is not known, but given thatstrategic memory judgments (temporal order,source memory, etc.) yield more extensive bilateralfrontal activations—coupled with results from thelesion literature that demonstrate impaired strategicmemory in patients with focal frontal lesions—itappears that multiple processes are provided by discrete frontal regions that combine to assistretrieval of episodic memory (Cabeza et al., 1997;Henson, Rugg, Shallice, Josephs, & Dolan, 1999;Nolde, Johnson, & D’Esposito, 1998a; Nolde,Johnson, & Raye, 1998b). Once consolidation hasoccurred, the retrieval of remotely acquired infor-mation involves the anterior cingulate cortex andother neocortical regions in accessing stored representations (Markowitsch, 1995; Mega & Cummings, 1997). This activation of the anteriorcingulate cortex may be related to increased atten-tion and internal search strategies and be combinedwith other cortical regions, such as temporal cor-tices, which aid the retrieval of autobiographicmemory (Fink, 1996).

In summary, functional imaging studies have furthered our understanding of the neural basis ofthe memory function. It is only through functionalimaging that cognitive neuroscience has begun toexplore the spatially diverse regions simultaneouslyengaged in the encoding and retrieval processes.Thus, functional imaging complements the lesionliterature and in some cases advances our under-standing of the brain regions involved in psycho-logical processes. Caution must be used, however,in interpreting the results from both sources ofinquiry, since the refinement of our understandingof cognition must account for lesion results inpatients and activation results in normal subjects.

Utilizing both avenues to test emerging hypotheseswill produce more robust models of cognitiveprocesses.

Conclusions and Future Directions

The results from clinical, animal, and imagingstudies all support the importance of the medialtemporal region and other components of Papez’scircuit in the spontaneous recall of new information.Variable recognition deficits will be observed, andthus presumed encoding defects, with concomitantdysfunction of prefrontal-subcortical integrity. Themost profound amnesia will occur with perirhinaldestruction, or combined Papez’s-prefrontal circuitdamage. When isolated prefrontal damage ispresent, with Papez’s circuit spared, spontaneousretrieval may be impaired, but recognition willlikely be intact.

Future studies of the neuronal basis of normalmemory function will identify the networks respon-sible for the encoding, consolidation, and retrievalof a variety of stimuli with functional imaging paradigms that probe anatomically connected butspatially separate regions. Investigating function-ally coupled distributed brain regions may requirecombining the excellent spatial resolution of fMRIwith the superior temporal resolution of magne-toencephalography along with novel statistical tech-niques that control the search for linked systems.Once a distinct network is identified that is repro-ducible across individuals for a given memory task, population-based studies will be necessary todetermine the magnitude and distribution of normalsignal response across demographic variables.Armed with the normal population’s variability inperformance and signal change, abnormalities canbe defined with cross-sectional studies of patientswith memory disorders and longitudinal studies ofnormal subjects who develop memory dysfunction.Such a growing body of data will benefit not onlyour theories of normal memory function but also our diagnosis of subtle memory defects, andperhaps their treatment.

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John R. Hodges

Memory, in its broadest sense, refers to the storageand retrieval of any form of information, but whenconsidered as an aspect of human cognition, itclearly does not describe a unitary function. Mem-orizing a new telephone number, recalling thedetails of a past holiday, acquiring the facts neces-sary to practice medicine, learning a new language,or knowing how to drive a car, are all tasks thatdepend on memory, but proficiency in one does notguarantee competence in the other. More important,these abilities may break down differentially inpatients with brain disease. There is as yet no uni-versally accepted classification of subcomponentsof memory, but virtually all contemporary cognitivemodels distinguish between working (immediate)and longer term memory, and within the latter, rec-ognize both explicit and implicit types.

Of the examples given here, the ability to repeat a telephone number reflects working memory. Theacquisition of motor skills such as driving a carrequires implicit procedural memory. Within explicitlong-term memory, an influential distinction is thatbetween episodic and semantic memory. The formerrefers to our personal store of temporally specificexperiences (or episodes), the recall of whichrequires “mental time travel.” In contrast, semanticmemory refers to our database of knowledge aboutthings in the world and their interrelationship; theseinclude words, objects, places, and people (Garrard,Perry, & Hodges, 1997; Hodges & Patterson, 1997).

Semantic memory is, therefore, the most centralof all cognitive processes and is fundamental to language production and comprehension, readingand writing, object and face perception, etc. Despitethe central role of semantic memory, its study isrelatively recent, and in the modern era begins in1975 with Warrington’s seminal observation ofselective impairment of semantic memory, nowreferred to as semantic dementia (Warrington,1975), followed a few years later by Warrington andShallice’s finding of category-specific semanticimpairment (Warrington & Shallice, 1984).

4 Semantic Dementia: A Disorder of Semantic Memory

A breakdown of semantic memory occurs in a number of conditions, most notably after herpes simplex encephalitis (Pietrini et al., 1988;Warrington & Shallice, 1984), in Alzheimer’sdisease (Hodges & Patterson, 1995), and in semantic dementia (Hodges, Patterson, Oxbury, &Funnell, 1992a). In the former two conditions, thesemantic deficit is almost always accompanied byother major cognitive deficits. For this reason, thestudy of patients with semantic dementia, who havea progressive, yet selective and often profoundbreakdown of semantic memory, provides unparal-leled insights into the organization of semanticmemory and the impact of semantic disintegrationon other cognitive processes.

Following the description of a typical case, therest of this chapter consists of an overview of ourwork on semantic dementia over the past decade(Hodges, Garrard, & Patterson, 1998; Patterson &Hodges, 1994), with particular emphasis on whatcan be learned about normal semantic memoryprocesses in the human brain from the study ofpatients with semantic dementia.

Case Report

The following case history of a patient who has beenstudied longitudinally over the past 5 years illustrates the pattern of cognitive deficits commonly seen in the disorder (see also Graham & Hodges, 1997; Hodges &Patterson, 1996; Knott, Patterson, & Hodges, 1997).

A.M. presented in April 1994 at age 64 with a historyof loss of memory for words that had progressed slowlyover the past 2 years. His wife also noted a decline in hiscomprehension ability that initially affected less commonwords. Despite these problems, he still played golf (to ahigh standard) and tennis. The patient was still driving andable to find his way to various golf clubs alone and withoutdifficulty. Day-to-day memory was also good and whenseen in the clinic A.M. was able to relate, albeit anomi-cally, the details of their holiday in Australia and his recentgolfing achievements. There had been only a slight change

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in personality at that time, with mild disinhibition and atendency to stick to fixed routines.

The following transcription illustrates that A.M.’sspeech was fluent and without phonological or syntacticerrors, but was strikingly devoid of content. It also showshis recall of undergoing a brain scan some 6 monthsbefore.

Examiner: “Can you tell me about a last time you werein hospital?”

A.M.: “That was January, February, March, April, yesApril last year, that was the first time, and eh, on theMonday, for example, they were checking all my whatsit,and that was the first time when my brain was, eh, shown,you know, you know that bit of the brain [indicates left],not that one, the other one was okay, but that was lousy,so they did that, and then like this [indicates scanning bymoving his hands over his head] and probably I was a bitbetter than I am just now.”

Formal neuropsychological testing in April 1994revealed that A.M. was severely impaired in tests ofpicture naming. In the category fluency test, in which subjects are asked to generate exemplars from a range ofsemantic categories within a set time, he was able to gen-erate a few high-frequency animal names (cat, dog, horse),but no exemplars from more restricted categories such asbirds or breeds of dog. He was only able to name three outof forty-eight black-and-white line drawings of highlyfamiliar objects and animals from the Hodges and Patterson semantic battery (Hodges & Patterson, 1995).Most responses were vague circumlocutions such as“thing you use,” but he also produced some category coordinate errors, such as saying “horse” for “elephant.”

On a word-picture matching test, based on the sameforty-eight items, in which A.M. had to point out a picturefrom eight other exemplars (e.g., zebra from eight otherforeign animals), he scored 36/48 (twenty-five age-matched controls score on average 47.4 ± 1.1). Whenasked to provide descriptions of the forty-eight items in the battery, from their names, he produced very fewdetails; most were vague or generic responses containingthe superordinate category only (“a musical instrument,”“in the sea,” etc.). A number of examples are shown intable 4.1. On the picture version of the Pyramid and PalmTrees Test, a test of associative semantic knowledge inwhich the subject has to decide which of two pictures (afir tree or a palm tree) goes best with a target picture, apyramid (Howard & Patterson, 1992), A.M. scored 39/52when he first presented. Control subjects typically scoreclose to ceiling on this test.

On tests of reading, A.M. showed the typical pattern of surface dyslexia (Patterson & Hodges, 1992): a normalability to read aloud words with regular spelling-to-soundcorrespondence, but errors when reading aloud irregularwords (pint, island, leopard, etc.)

By contrast, on nonsemantic tasks (such as copying the Rey Complex Figure, figure 4.1) A.M.’s performancewas faultless. When asked to reproduce the Rey ComplexFigure after a 45-minute delay, A.M. scored well withinthe normal range (12.5 versus a control mean = 15.2 ±7.4). On nonverbal tests of problem solving, such asRaven’s Colored Matrices, a multiple-choice test of visualpattern matching that requires the subject to conceptualizespatial relationships, A.M. was also remarkably unim-paired. Auditory-verbal short-term memory was alsospared, as judged by a digit span of six forward and fourbackward.

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Figure 4.1Patient A.M.’s copy (bottom) of the Rey Complex Figure(top).

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A.M. was tested approximately every 6 months over thenext 3 years. He was so profoundly anomic when he firstpresented that there was little room for further decline. Ontests of comprehension, by contrast, there was a relentlessdecline; for instance, on the word-picture matching test,A.M.’s score fell from 36 to 5/48 in November 1996 (con-trols = 47.4 ± 1.1). Likewise on the pictorial version of thePyramid and Palm Trees Test, his score fell progressivelyfrom 39/52 to chance.

Despite this rapid loss of semantic knowledge, A.M.showed no significant decline on tests of nonverbalproblem solving or visuospatial ability over the same timeperiod. For instance, on Raven’s Colored Matrices, he stillscored perfectly in November 1996.

A.M.’s impairment in semantic knowledge had a con-siderable impact on his everyday activities. On variousoccasions he misused objects (e.g., he placed a closedumbrella horizontally over his head during a rainstorm),selected an inappropriate item (e.g., bringing his wife, whowas cleaning in the upstairs bathroom, the lawnmowerinstead of a ladder), and mistook various food items (e.g.,

on different occasions, A.M. put sugar into a glass of wine,orange juice on his lasagne, and ate a raw defrostingsalmon steak with yoghurt). Activities that used to be com-monplace acquired a new and frightening quality to him:on a plane trip early in 1996 he became clearly distressedat his suitcase being X-rayed and refused to wear a seat-belt in the plane.

After 1996, the behavioral changes became more pro-minent, with increasing social withdrawal, apathy, and disinhibition. Like another patient described by Hodges,Graham, and Patterson (1995), A.M. showed a fascinatingmixture of “preserved and disturbed cognition.” Hodges etal.’s patient, J.L., would set the house clocks and his watchforward in his impatience to get to a favorite restaurant, notrealizing the relationship between clock and actual time.

A.M. made similar apparently “insightful” attempts toget his own way. For example, his wife reported that shesecretly removed his car keys from his key ring to stophim from taking the car for a drive. At this point, A.M.was obsessed with driving and very quickly noticed themissing keys. He solved the problem by taking his wife’s

Semantic Dementia 69

Table 4.1Examples of definitions provided by patient A.M. from reading the word

Crocodile I can’t remember it at all . . . not in the sea is it?

Swan Is it a duck, it’s a bird . . . can’t recall anything else.

Ostrich Is it an animal, don’t know what kind . . . I never see it in Sainsbury’s [a super market].

Zebra I’ve no idea what it is.

Lion A very violent animal, it’s a lion in Africa, got a very big mouth, eat lots of animals and humans. Theybite on the back of the neck etc.

Deer They’re owned by farmers, in the fields of course, we shave their fur off . . . or is it a sheep? Do we dothat too, with deer? I’m not sure.

Frog I think I’ve seen them on the ground, they’re very small, I think they might be a bit in the water too, Icouldn’t describe them.

Seahorse I didn’t know they had horses in the sea.

Harp I don’t know what a harp is, not a kind of musical instrument is it?

Trumpet Yes, I do seem to remember the word trumpet. If only I had a dictionary I could tell you what it is.

Toaster We put bread in the toaster to make toast for breakfast. It heats the bread up, makes it a bit dark, then itejects the bread up to the top etc.

Sledge A sledge? . . . A sledge we use in the snow. You slide on the snow in a sledge.

Aeroplane It has wings and takes off at the airport into the sky. I know I’ve been in an aeroplane. It has wings anda jet etc.

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car keys off her key ring without her knowledge and goingto the locksmiths, successfully, to get a new set cut. At nopoint did A.M. realize his wife had taken the keys fromhis key ring. Despite virtually no language output and profound comprehension difficulties, he still retainedsome skills; for example, he continued to play sports (par-ticularly golf) regularly each week, remembering correctlywhen he was to be picked up by his friends, until 1998,when he entered permanent nursing care.

Figure 4.2 shows three coronal magnetic resonanceimages (MRIs) through A.M.’s temporal lobes that wereobtained in 1995. The striking asymmetric atrophy of the anterior temporal lobes is clearly visible, involving particularly the temporal pole and fusiform gyrus andinferolateral region, but with relative sparing of the hippocampus.

In summary, A.M.’s case history illustrates a number of the characteristic features of semantic dementia: (1)selective impairment of semantic memory, causing severeanomia, impaired single-word comprehension, reducedgeneration of exemplars on category fluency tests, and animpoverished fund of general knowledge; (2) surfacedyslexia; (3) relative sparing of syntactic and phonologi-cal aspects of language; (4) normal perceptual skills andnonverbal problem-solving abilities; (5) relatively pre-served recent autobiographical and day-to-day (episodic)memory; (6) anterolateral temporal lobe atrophy.

A Historical Perspective on Semantic Dementia

The last decades of the nineteenth century and theearly twentieth century were a golden age for neu-rologists interested in higher cognitive function.During this period most of the classic syndromes ofbehavioral neurology were first clearly defined. Oneof the stars of this era was Arnold Pick, a neuro-logist, psychiatrist, and linguist. In a remarkableseries of papers (now available in translation; Pick,1892, in Girling & Berrios, 1994; Pick, 1901, inGirling & Markova, 1995; Pick, 1904, in Girling &Berrios, 1997), he described patients who presentedwith unusually severe fluent aphasia in the contextof a dementia and at postmortem had markedatrophy of the cortical gyri of the left temporal lobe.

Pick wanted to call attention to the fact that pro-gressive brain atrophy can lead to focal symptoms

through local accentuation of the disease process.He also made specific and highly perceptive pre-dictions regarding the role of the midtemporalregion of the left hemisphere in the representation

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Figure 4.2Coronal T1-weighted MRI images showing profoundatrophy of the temporal pole (left > right) and inferolateralcortex, with relative sparing of the hippocampus.

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of word meaning. Unfortunately Pick’s contribu-tions to understanding the neural basis of meaningsystems in the brain were largely forgotten and hisname became associated with his later discoveriesrelated to focal degeneration of the frontal lobes. Aswe will see later, patients with focal anterior tem-poral and frontal degeneration are part of the samespectrum that is often referred to as Pick’s diseaseor more recently, frontotemporal dementia.

Following a dark age of dementia studies, a ren-aissance of interest—particularly in the syndromesassociated with focal lobar atrophy—occurred inthe 1970s and 1980s. This revival occurred almostsimultaneously in the fields of cognitive neuro-psychology and behavioral neurology, but onlysome time later were the two strands united.

Elizabeth Warrington (1975) was the first toclearly delineate the syndrome of selective seman-tic memory impairment. She reported three patients,two of whom were subsequently shown to have the histological changes of Pick’s disease at autopsy(Cummings & Duchen, 1981 and personal commu-nication from E. Warrington). Drawing on the workof Tulving (1972, 1983), Warrington recognizedthat the progressive anomia in her patients was notsimply a linguistic deficit, but reflected a funda-mental loss of semantic memory (or knowledge)about items, which thereby affected naming, wordcomprehension, and object recognition. Suchpatients would previously have been described ashaving a combination of “amnesic, or transcorticalsensory, aphasia” and “associative agnosia.”

A very similar syndrome was reported bySchwartz, Marin, and Saffran (1979), who observeda profound loss of knowledge for the meaning of a word with preservation of phonological and syn-tactic aspects of language in a patient, W.L.P., whocould also read aloud words that he no longer com-prehended. These findings had a profound impacton contemporary models of reading processes (Patterson & Lambon Ralph, 1999).

The major contribution in neurology came fromMarsel Mesulam, who in 1982 reported on sixpatients with a long history of insidiously worseningaphasia in the absence of signs of more generalized

cognitive failure. Over the next 15 years it becameclear that within the broad category of primary pro-gressive aphasia, two distinct syndromes could beidentified: progressive nonfluent aphasia and pro-gressive fluent aphasia (for a review see Hodges & Patterson, 1996; Mesulam & Weintraub, 1992;Snowden, Griffiths, & Neary, 1996a).

In the nonfluent form, speech is faltering and dis-torted, with frequent phonological substitutions andgrammatical errors, but the semantic aspects of lan-guage remain intact. The latter syndrome presentsin many ways the mirror image: speech remainsfluent, grammatically correct, and well articulated,but becomes progressively devoid of content words,with semantic errors and substitution of genericsuperordinate terms (animal, thing, etc.). As illus-trated earlier, the deficit involves word productionand comprehension, but is not confined to wordmeaning (performance on nonverbal tests of seman-tic knowledge, such as the Pyramid and Palm TreesTest, is invariably affected). To reflect this funda-mental breakdown in the knowledge system under-lying the use of language, Snowden, Goulding, andNeary (1989) coined the term semantic dementiawhich we have adopted in our studies of the syndrome (Hodges & Patterson, 1996; Hodges etal., 1992a; Hodges et al., 1999a; Hodges, Spatt, &Patterson, 1999b).

There are a number of compelling reasons to con-sider semantic dementia as part of a spectrum thatincludes dementia of the frontal type, collectivelynow most often referred to as frontotemporaldementia. The first is pathological; of the fourteenclinicopathological studies of cases fulfilling crite-ria for semantic dementia, all had either classicPick’s disease (i.e., Pick bodies and/or Pick cells) ora nonspecific spongiform change of the type foundin the majority of cases with other forms of fron-totemporal dementia (Hodges et al., 1998). Thesecond is the evolution of the pattern of cognitiveand behavioral changes over time. As illustratedearlier, semantic dementia patients present with progressive anomia and other linguistic deficits, buton follow-up, the behavioral changes characteristicof orbitobasal frontal lobe dysfunction invariably

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emerge (Edwards-Lee et al., 1997; Hodges & Patterson, 1996). Third is the fact that modern neu-roimaging techniques demonstrate subtle involve-ment of the orbitofrontal cortex in the majority ofcases presenting prominent temporal atrophy andsemantic dementia (Mummery et al., 2000;Mummery et al., 1999).

Structural and Functional Imaging Studies inSemantic Dementia

The most striking, and consistent, finding in seman-tic dementia is focal, and often severe, atrophy ofthe anterior portion of the temporal lobe (see A.M.’sMRI, figure 4.2). Early studies based upon visualinspection suggested involvement of the polar andinferolateral regions, with relative sparing of thesuperior temporal gyrus and the hippocampal for-mation (Hodges & Patterson, 1996; Hodges et al.,1992a). All cases involved the left side, but somehad bilateral atrophy. Functional position emissiontomography (PET) activation studies in normal sub-jects, which typically employed paradigms similarto the Pyramids and Palm Trees Test, also pointedto a key role for the left temporal lobe in both verbaland visual semantic knowledge (Martin, Wiggs,Ungerleider, & Haxby, 1996; Mummery, Patterson,Hodges, & Wise, 1996; Vandenberghe, Price, Wise,Josephs, & Frackowiak, 1996). It appeared, there-fore, that despite a large body of work on split-brainsubjects and normal controls using tachisoscopictechniques, knowledge systems in the brain are surprisingly lateralized.

More recent findings cast doubt on this simpleconclusion. We have recently employed methods of quantification (both automated voxel-based morphometry and manual volumetry of definedanatomical structures) of brain atrophy. Thesestudies confirm the profound involvement of thetemporal pole, the fusiform gyrus, and the infero-lateral cortex, but have shown that in virtually allcases these changes are bilateral and in a number ofthem the right side is more severely affected thanthe left (Galton et al., 2001; Mummery et al., 2000).

The status of the hippocampus and parahip-pocampal structures (notably the entorhinal andperirhinal cortices) has also become less certain.Despite previous reports of relative sparing of thehippocampus, a recent volumetric analysis of tencases of semantic dementia (including that of A.M.)has shown asymmetric atrophy of the hippocampus,which on the left was actually more marked than in a group of ten Alzheimer’s disease patients,matched for disease duration, but was equivalent inseverity on the right side. The appearance of the“relative” preservation of medial temporal struc-tures is due to the profound atrophy of surroundingstructures compared with the hippocampus. Theaverage volume loss of the temporal pole, fusiform,and inferolateral gyri was 50%, and in some casesup to 80% compared with an average 20% loss ofhippocampal volume. In Alzheimer’s disease the20% loss of the hippocampi stands out against thenormal polar and inferolateral structures (Galton et al., 2001).

There was also considerable variability amongsemantic dementia cases. The entorhinal cortex,which constitutes a major component of theparahippocampal gyrus, is also severely affected in semantic dementia. The perirhinal cortex has acomplex anatomy in humans, occupying the banksof the collateral sulcus and the medial aspect of thetemporal lobe (Corkin, Amaral, Gonzalez, Johnson,& Hyman, 1997). The rostral part is almost certainlyaffected in semantic dementia, although the caudalpart might be partially spared (Simons, Graham, &Hodges, 1999).

Functional imaging in semantic dementia andother disorders is in its infancy, in part owing to thestill only partially resolved problems of analyzingand normalizing brains with significant lesions. It is,however, clear that functional imaging will form an essential and increasingly prominent researchtool in our attempts to understand functional–anatomical relationships. As argued by Price (1998),functional imaging studies of normal participantscan yield vital information about the various brainregions activated during the performance of somecognitive task, but these studies cannot on their own

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identify which of multiple activations constitute thesine qua non of that cognitive function. Structurallesion data have typically been thought to provideevidence of this nature. However, even greateradvances should be possible if we can also identifystructurally intact regions of the patient’s brainthat—presumably because of reduced input from thedamaged areas to which they are normally con-nected—no longer function adequately.

The first activation study of semantic dementia(Mummery et al., 1999) used a combination of structural MRI and PET. The behavioral activationtask required associative semantic judgments abouttriplets of pictures of common objects or printedwords corresponding to the names of the pictures.Four patients at early to middle stages of semanticdecline were able to perform this task at rates that,although impaired relative to controls, were signif-icantly above chance. For the normal participants,the semantic task (compared with a visual judgmentbaseline) activated the expected network of left temporal, temporoparietal, and frontal regions previ-ously demonstrated by Vandenberghe et al. (1996).

This distributed set of regions included the leftanterior and middle temporal areas that reveal con-sistent atrophy in semantically impaired patients. A logical conclusion—and indeed one that weendorse—is therefore that this territory is somehowthe core, the sine qua non, of the semantic process-ing required by this task. There was, however, anunexpected PET result: significant hypometabolism(lack of activation), for all four patients relative to normal controls, in a more posterior temporalregion, Brodmaum area (BA) 37, the posterior infe-rior temporal gyrus on the left.

Morphometric analysis of MR images from thesame four patients revealed no significant atrophyin BA 37. This is therefore a functional abnormal-ity, not a structural one, but it raises at least the pos-sibility that the patients’ semantic deficit is relatedto this functional posterior-temporal lesion. Asomewhat different interpretation, supported by asubstantial number of PET results from normalindividuals (for a review see Price, 1998) is that BA 37 is critical for translating semantic (and other)

representations into a phonological code. Althoughthe task employed in this study did not require overtnaming, it is plausible that the normal subjectsautomatically generated internal phonologicalcodes for the stimulus items. Since patients withsemantic dementia are significantly anomic, theirlack of activation in BA 37 might reflect a mal-function of the procedure for computing the phono-logical code of a stimulus (see Foundas, Daniels, & Vasterling, 1998, for evidence of anomia arisingfrom a focal vascular lesion in left BA 37). This is our preferred interpretation of the PET result for semantic dementia, because of the consistentfindings of semantic deficits in conjunction withanterior temporal damage, plus the absence ofreports (at least that we have seen) of any notablesemantic impairments following selective posteriortemporal lesions.

Insights from Behavioral Studies of SemanticDementia

Our behavioral studies of semantic dementia can be divided into those dealing with spared versusaffected cognitive abilities. These studies have pro-vided valuable insights into both the modularity ofcognitive processes and the organization of seman-tic memory.

Cognitive Abilities That Are RelativelyIndependent of Semantic Memory

The spared abilities can be divided into threedomains: (1) memory systems other than semanticmemory, (2) aspects of language processing otherthan those that are necessarily disrupted by a seman-tic impairment, and (3) cognitive abilities outsidethe domains of memory and language.

Working Memory

There is good evidence for normal operation ofworking memory in semantic dementia. Forexample, it is clear from clinical observations,beginning with Warrington (1975), that these

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patients do not forget what they or others have justdone or said. In terms of formal measures of short-term memory, patients with semantic dementiademonstrate completely normal digit span (e.g.,Knott et al., 1997; Patterson, Graham, & Hodges,1994), as in our patient A.M., at least until very latein the course of decline, and also demonstratenormal performance on the nonverbal Corsi span(Lauro-Grotto, Piccini, & Shallice, 1997).

Episodic Memory

Initial clinical descriptions of patients with seman-tic dementia suggested that this syndrome providedcompelling evidence for a dissociation between preserved episodic and impaired semantic memory.Patients are well oriented and can relate the details,albeit anomically, of recent life events. They alsoretain broad facts about their own life, such as pastoccupation, whether they are married, and numbersof children and grandchildren (Hodges, Salmon, &Butters, 1992b). More detailed exploration reveals,however, a major confound of time of memoryacquisition. While patients with the amnesic syn-drome, as a result of hippocampal damage (follow-ing anoxic brain damage or in the early stags ofAlzheimer’s disease), typically show preservationof autobiographical memory for their early lifecompared with the more recent past (Greene,Hodges, & Baddeley, 1995; for a review seeHodges, 1995), patients with semantic dementiashow the opposite pattern, that is to say, a reversalof the usual temporal gradient effect, with memoryfor remote events the most vulnerable (Graham &Hodges, 1997; Hodges & Graham, 1998; Snowden,Griffiths, & Neary, 1996b).

This phenomenon of reversal of the usual temporal gradient was explored in a detailed casestudy of A.M. (described earlier) using the so-calledCrovitz technique (Crovitz & Shiffman, 1974) inwhich subjects are asked to recount specificepisodes in response to cue words, such as boat or baby, from particular life periods (Graham &Hodges, 1997). The richness of each memory wasthen scored by two independent assessors blind to

the hypothesis under investigation. A.M. was ableto produce fairly specific episodes from the past 5 years, but his early life memories were all vaguegeneric descriptions (figure 4.3). This findingexplains the ability of patients with semanticdementia to relate recent life events and reveals theshortcomings of clinical observations.

We have demonstrated, therefore, that patientswith semantic dementia show impairment on bothsemantic and autobiographical memory when theage of acquisition of the memories is equated. Testsof semantic memory typically tap knowledge aboutthings learned in early life, and patients’ auto-biographical memory from this era is poor. Onesimple interpretation of these findings is that oldepisodic and semantic memories are essentially thesame type of memory. A number of theorists haveargued that repeatedly rehearsed episodes have thestate of semantic knowledge and that general seman-tic information is merely the residue of numerousepisodes (Baddeley, 1976; Cermak, 1984; McClel-land, McNaughton, & O’Reilly, 1995). It should bepointed out, however, that patients with semantic

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Figure 4.3Performance of patient A.M. and three age- and education-matched controls on the Crovitz test (Crovitz, Diaco,Apter, 1992) over four different life periods.

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dementia have a profound loss of knowledge; forexample, they typically call all animals “dog” or“cat” (the equivalent of the knowledge level of a 2-year-old) and, while it is true that their auto-biographical memory is impoverished, they retain aconsiderable amount of personal information.

We conclude, therefore, that although distantepisodic memory is affected, it is less severelyimpaired than semantic memory. By contrast,patients with diffuse brain damage—for instance,patient J.M., who sustained patchy cerebral damagefrom cerebral vasculitis (Evans, Breen, Antoun, &Hodges, 1996)—show the opposite pattern, i.e.,preserved semantic memory and severe auto-biographical amnesia.

To explain these patterns, we have suggested thatwhile semantic memory is segregated to particularbrain regions (particularly the inferolateral tem-poral lobes), autobiographical memories are multi-modal and distributed (Kitchener & Hodges, 1999).Patients with semantic dementia can compensatewhile damage remains confined to one temporallobe, but suffer from severe loss of autobiographi-cal memory when the damage extends to multipleor bilateral brain regions. This also explains whyautobiographical memory is devastated fairly earlyin the course of Alzheimer’s disease, which affectsthe medial and lateral temporal lobes bilaterally(Greene et al., 1995). A similar hypothesis was proposed by Eslinger, who found impaired auto-biographical memory following herpes simplexencephalitis only in those patients with bilateraldamage (Eslinger, 1998).

The relatively preserved recent autobiographicalmemory clearly suggests that the mechanisms forencoding new episodic memories may be function-ing adequately in semantic dementia. If true, thiswould run counter to Tulving’s (1983, 1995) influ-ential theory of long-term memory organization,which asserts that episodic memory is essentially a subsystem of semantic memory, and that newepisodic learning is dependent upon semanticknowledge of the items and concepts to be remembered. Until recently, this claim that episodicmemory is dependent upon semantic memory and

that patients should not be able to establish normalepisodic memory for stimuli they fail to compre-hend had not been addressed. Our recent studies ofanterograde memory function in semantic dementiahave begun to explore the relationship betweensemantic and episodic memory in more detail.

Performance on tests of verbal anterogradememory, such as logical memory (story recall) andword-list learning tests, is uniformly poor, which wehave interpreted in the context of the patient’s poorsemantic knowledge of the words to be encoded. Bycontrast, patients, like A.M., often score within thenormal range on nonverbal memory tests such asrecall of the Rey Complex Figure (Hodges et al.,1999a). They also show excellent recognitionmemory when color pictures are used as the stimuli,although recently it has been demonstrated that theyrely heavily upon perceptual information. Graham,Simons, Pratt, Patterson, and Hodges (2000a) compared recognition memory for “known” and“unknown” items (known items were pictures thatsubjects were able to name or correctly identify andvice versa) in two different conditions. In one, theitem was perceptually identical at study and test(e.g., it was the same telephone), while in the othercondition a different exemplar was presented atstudy and test (e.g., a different telephone). Patientswith semantic dementia showed near-perfect recog-nition memory for both known and unknown itemsin the former, perceptually identical condition, butin the latter (perceptually different) condition,recognition memory for the unknown items wasvery impaired. Together with the findings of thestudies described earlier, these data suggest thatepisodic memory is not solely reliant upon theintegrity of semantic knowledge and that perceptualinformation regarding events plays a comple-mentary role in providing a basis for recognitionmemory.

Turning to the anatomical basis for the preserva-tion of recent autobiographical memory and ofanterograde memory in semantic dementia, ourinitial explanation for this phenomenon—in termsof the apparent sparing of the hippocampal complex(Graham & Hodges, 1997)—also requires some

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revision in light of the recent anatomical finding of asymmetric hippocampal atrophy in at least aportion of patients with semantic dementia (seeearlier discussion).

Most theories of long-term memory posit a time-limited role for the hippocampus (Graham &Hodges, 1997; McClelland et al., 1995). Accordingto such theories, the hippocampal complex providesvital support for recent but not for old memory.“Recent” in this context still means long-termmemory, over periods of weeks or months. Over thisperiod, the hippocampus is vital for linking piecesof sensory information in the cortex, but withrepeated rehearsals, connections develop in thecortex—a process referred to as long-term consoli-dation—and gradually the memory trace becomesindependent of the hippocampus. We had explainedthe preservation of recent autobiography andanterograde memory in terms of hippocampalsparing in semantic dementia, but as we will seelater, there is now evidence that the hippocampus is involved in this disorder. It may be that althoughthe hippocampus is affected, the cellular pathologyis distinct and less disruptive than that found inAlzheimer’s disease. There is also considerablevariability in the extent of hippocampal atrophy, andthe asymmetrical involvement (typically the left isgreater than the right) might be an important factor.Current studies are pursuing these aspects.


As indicated earlier, two prominent symptoms ofsemantic dementia are degraded expressive andreceptive vocabulary; this is only to be expectedsince, of all aspects of language processing, the abil-ities to produce and to comprehend content wordsrely most obviously on activation of semantic rep-resentations. Apart from the semantic system, thetwo other major components of language—phonol-ogy and syntax—seem to function reasonably wellin semantic dementia.

Phonology There is a striking absence of phono-logical errors in the patients’ spontaneous speech or

in their performance of more controlled tasks ofspeech output such as naming objects, repeatingsingle words, and reading aloud. Virtually allaphasic stroke patients, whatever their classificationin schemes of aphasic syndromes (e.g., Broca’s,Wernicke’s, conduction, anomic aphasia), makesome errors in naming objects that are phonologi-cal approximations to the correct name; the same istrue of patients with nonfluent progressive aphasia(Croot, Patterson, & Hodges, 1998; Snowden et al.,1996a). In contrast, anomic errors in patients withsemantic dementia take the form of single-wordsemantic errors (category coordinates or superordi-nates), circumlocutions (often with very impover-ished content), and omissions (“I don’t know”), butthese patients almost never make phonologicalerrors (Hodges & Patterson, 1996; Snowden et al.,1996a). The speech-production deficit in semanticdementia is therefore probably the result of thepatient having insufficient semantic information to activate the correct, or often any, phonologicalrepresentation, rather than a disruption of thephonological system itself.

The skills of reading aloud and writing to dicta-tion are well preserved for stimuli consisting ofhigh-frequency words and/or words with typicalcorrespondences between spelling and pronun-ciation. The great majority of patients, however,show a striking pattern of surface dyslexia andsurface dysgraphia, making “regularization” errorsto lower-frequency words with an unpredictablerelationship between spelling and sound; this hasbeen frequently reported in English-speakingpatients (e.g., Knott et al., 1997; Patterson &Hodges, 1992), but also in other languages that arecharacterized by a variety of levels and degrees ofconsistency in spelling-sound correspondences (seefor example, Lauro-Grotto et al., 1997, for Italian;Diesfeldt, 1992, for Dutch; Patterson, Suzuki,Wydell, & Sasanuma, 1995, for Japanese kanji). Wehave attributed these “surface” patterns of readingand spelling disorders to the reduction in normalsemantic constraints on deriving the correct pro-nunciation or spelling of previously known words

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(Graham, Hodges, & Patterson, 1994; Graham, Pat-terson, & Hodges, 2000b).

Syntax Comprehension of the syntactic aspects oflanguage is also well preserved, at least until late in the course of semantic dementia (Hodges & Patterson, 1996). On a test of sentence–picturematching designed to assess the processing ofvarious syntactic structures (the Test for the Recep-tion of Grammar; Bishop, 1989), patients typicallyscore within the normal range; and where thenumber of errors exceeds normal limits, the errorsare often lexical rather than syntactic in nature(Hodges et al., 1992a).

On the expressive side, the grammatical accuracyof aphasic patients’ spontaneous speech is reallyrather difficult to judge (except in the case of fla-grant impairments, as in the syndrome of agram-matism); this is mainly because normal speakers’spontaneous speech is often grammatically illformed, full of starts and stops and repairs thatlargely go unnoticed by the listener because thecomprehension process is so automatic and so forgiving. On the basis of other researchers’ reports(e.g., Snowden et al., 1996a) and our own experi-ence of listening to patients with this disorder over the past decade, the striking abnormality ofspeech is always word-finding difficulty and almostnever any major syntactic anomaly. As the con-dition worsens and the vocabulary deteriorationbecomes very marked, speech output not surpris-ingly becomes reduced in quantity and often ratherstereotyped in quality. Even the stock phrases thattend to emerge, however—such as the distressinglyaccurate ones used by P.P. (Hodges, Patterson, &Tyler, 1994): “I don’t understand at all” or M.C.(Hodges et al., 1992a): “I wish I knew what youmeant”—are usually well-formed utterances.

Visuospatial Abilities and Nonverbal ProblemSolving

Patients score within the normal range on tests ofvisuospatial function such as Judgment of Line Ori-entation, the Rey Complex Figure test, and object

matching (the latter test requires a decision aboutwhich of two photographs shows the same object,but viewed from a different angle, as a target pho-tograph) (Hodges & Patterson, 1996). As describedearlier, when asked to copy the Rey figure, thesepatients produce excellent reproductions (Hodges etal., 1992a), indicating not only good visuospatialskills but also competent planning and organization.Scores on the Raven’s Matrices are almost alwaysnormal (Hodges et al., 1992a; Snowden et al.,1996a; Waltz et al., 1999), demonstrating thatproblem solving is unimpaired as long as it does notrequire knowledge of specific concepts. Waltz andColleagues (1999) have also recently shown thatunlike patients with frontal dementia, semanticdementia patients are able to solve complex deduc-tive and inductive reasoning puzzles.

Insights into the Organization of SemanticMemory

The following sections deal with our studies ofsemantic breakdown in semantic dementia. The firstsection addresses the overall architecture of knowl-edge and whether the evidence from patients sug-gests a hierarchical (knowledge tree) or distributed(network) model. The following sections then turnto the internal structure and whether knowledge isorganized according to semantic categories, modal-ities of input (words versus pictures), or output (language versus action).

Pruning the Semantic Tree or Holes in theSemantic Net?

The pattern of naming responses made by patientswith semantic dementia shows a characteristic evolution with progression of the condition (Hodgeset al., 1995). In the early stages, their responses(e.g., “elephant” for “hippopotamus”) indicate aninability to distinguish between individual membersof a category, but indicate preservation of broad category-level information. Later in the course of

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the disease, they produce prototypical (e.g., “horse”for “hippopotamus” and for any other large animal)or superordinate responses (“animal”), but only in very advanced cases are cross-category errorsproduced.

This characteristic progression appears mostreadily interpretable in terms of a hierarchicallystructured semantic system, in which specific information is represented at the extremities of abranching “tree of knowledge.” More fundamentaldistinctions, such as the division of animate beingsinto land animals, water creatures, and birds, arethought to be represented closer to the origin of the putative hierarchy, with living versus nonlivingthings at the very top. The defining characteristicsof higher levels are inherited by all lower points(Collins & Quillian, 1969). Such a model has intu-itive appeal and the deficits of semantic dementiacan be seen as a progressive pruning back of thesemantic tree (Warrington, 1975).

An alternative account, which we favor, is basedon the concept of microfeatures in a distributed connectionist network (McClelland et al., 1995;

McClelland & Rumelhart, 1985). The basic idea isillustrated in figure 4.4. An advantage of such amodel is that the low-level “features” of individualconcepts need only be represented once, while ahierarchical model requires distinctive features tobe represented separately for every concept forwhich they are true (e.g., “has a mane” for both lionand horse). Category membership is then under-stood as an emergent property of the sharing of ele-ments of these patterns between concepts and thusbecomes a matter of degree—another intuitivelyappealing property. A distributed feature networkcould predict preservation of superordinate at theexpense of finer-grained knowledge, as seen insemantic dementia, because even in a network thathad lost the representations of many individualattributes, category coordinates would continue topossess common elements, allowing judgmentsabout category membership to be supported longafter more fine-grained distinctions had becomeimpossible.

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eats fish webbed feet

large likes coldhas feathers

has legs

has a beak

lays eggshoots




eats insects

red breast

Figure 4.4Distributed representation (microfeature) model illustrating penguin (thin line), owl (dashed line), and robin (thick line).

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Do Patients with Semantic Dementia ShowCategory-Specific Loss of Knowledge?

Living versus Nonliving Things

Semantic memory impairment that selectivelyaffects some categories of knowledge and sparesothers has been most extensively documented inpatients with herpes simplex virus encephalitis, whotypically demonstrate a memory advantage for non-living over living and natural things (animals, fruit,etc.) (Pietrini et al., 1988; Warrington & Shallice,1984). The complementary dissociation, whicheffectively rules out any explanation based exclu-sively on either lower familiarity or a greater degreeof visual similarity among the exemplars of livingcategories, has also been described, typically inpatients who have suffered ischemic strokes in theterritory of the left middle cerebral artery (for areview see Caramazza, 1998; Gainotti, Silveri,Daniele, & Giustolisi, 1995).

The simplest interpretation of this phenomenonwould be that the neural representations of differentcategories are located in separate cortical regions(Caramazza, 1998; Caramazza & Shelton, 1998).An alternative hypothesis is, however, that theattributes critical to the identification of itemswithin these two broad domains differ in kind.According to this view, one group of items, domi-nated by living things, depends more strongly on perceptual attributes, while another, mostly artifacts, depends on their functional properties(Warrington & Shallice, 1984). Support for thesensory–functional dichotomy as a basis for cate-gory specificity came initially from a group studyof patients showing this phenomenon. In thesepatients the impaired categories did not alwaysrespect the living versus manmade distinction (Warrington & McCarthy, 1987). In particular, bodyparts were found to segregate with nonliving thingswhile fabrics, precious stones, and musical instru-ments behaved more like living things. The divisionof knowledge into these fundamental subtypes hasbeen supported by positron emission tomographyactivation studies of normal volunteers (Martin et

al., 1996; Mummery et al., 1999), but studies exam-ining the status of perceptual and functional knowl-edge in patients with category-specific impairmentshave provided only limited endorsement of thehypothesis (DeRenzi & Lucchelli, 1994; Silveri &Gainotti, 1988).

The picture in semantic dementia presents asimilar inconsistency. When asked to provide defi-nitions of common concepts, these patients volun-teer very little visuoperceptual information. Forinstance, when asked to describe a horse, they typically produce phrases such as “you ride them,”“they race them,” and “you see them in fields,” butonly rarely comment on their size, shape, color, orconstituent parts (Lambon Ralph, Graham, Patterson, & Hodges, 1999). In view of the strikingtemporal lobe involvement, the sensory–functionaltheory might be confidently expected to predict asignificant advantage for artifact categories on testsof naming or comprehension. When considered asa group, the expected pattern does emerge in thesepatients (albeit to a rather modest degree), but astriking category effect is only rarely seen in indi-vidual cases (Garrard, Lambon Ralph, & Hodges,2002).

It seems, therefore, that lesion location and typeof information are not the sole determinants of category specificity. Whether the additional factorsrelate mainly to brain region (it has been hypo-thesized, for instance, that involvement of medialtemporal structures may be important) (Barbarotto,Capitani, Spinnler, & Trivelli, 1995; Pietrini et al.,1988) or to some unidentified aspect of cognitiveorganization, is as yet unclear.

Knowledge of People versus Objects: The Role ofRight and Left Temporal Lobes

A number of earlier authors had suggested an association between right temporal atrophy and theselective loss of knowledge of persons (DeRenzi,1986; Tyrrell, Warrington, Frackowiak, & Rossor,1990), but the first fully documented case, V.H., wasreported by our group in 1995 (Evans, Heggs,Antoun, & Hodges, 1995). Initially, V.H. appeared

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to have the classic features of modality-specificprosopagnosia, i.e., a severe inability to identifyfamiliar people from their faces, but much betterperformance on names and voices. With time,however, it became clear that the deficit was one of a loss of knowledge about people affecting allmodalities of access to knowledge. V.H. was unableto identify a photograph of Margaret Thatcher (thepatient was English) or to provide any informationwhen presented with the name, yet general seman-tic and autobiographical memory remained intact(Kitchener & Hodges, 1999). We hypothesized aspecial role for the right temporal lobe in the repre-sentation of knowledge about people (Evans et al.,1995). As with most clear predictions, subsequentstudies have produced rather conflicting data. Whilefurther patients with predominantly right-sidedatrophy have all shown a severe loss of knowledgeof persons, we have also observed significant(though not selective) impairments of such knowl-edge in patients with a predominantly left-sidedabnormality, suggesting that knowledge of people isespecially vulnerable to temporal atrophy on eitherside (Hodges & Graham, 1998).

With regard to familiar objects rather than people,our working hypothesis is that conceptual knowl-edge is represented as a distributed network acrossboth the left and right temporal neocortex. This con-clusion is supported by some, but not all, sources ofrelevant evidence. For example, PET results withnormal participants would lead one to believe thatessentially all of the semantic action occurs in theleft hemisphere (Mummery et al., 1999; Vanden-berghe et al., 1996). Our tentative claim for bilateral representation of general conceptual know-ledge is based on evidence from semantic dementia. Deficits in semantic tests (such as namingobjects, matching words and pictures, sorting, ormaking associative semantic judgments) are seennot only in patients with predominantly left temporal atrophy (e.g., Breedin, Saffran, & Coslett,1994; Hodges et al., 1994; Lauro-Grotto et al.,1997; Mummery et al., 1999; Snowden, Griffiths, & Neary, 1994; Tyler & Moss, 1998; Vandenbergheet al., 1996) but also in those with mainly right-

sided damage (e.g., Barbarotto et al., 1995; Hodgeset al., 1995; Knott et al., 1997).

V.H., the patient just described whose unilateralanterior right temporal atrophy produced a selectivedeficit for recognition and knowledge of people(Evans et al., 1995), went on to develop a more generalized semantic deficit in conjunction with thespread of atrophy to the left temporal region (Kitchener & Hodges, 1999). The opposite scenariohas occurred in two patients whose semanticdementia began with a phase of unilateral left anterior temporal changes in association with onlyminimal semantic abnormality. Both cases wereshown to have a progressive anomia and developedmore pervasive semantic breakdown only when the pathology spread to involve both temporallobes.

The most dramatic cognitive difference that hasemerged from our analyses of patients with greaterleft than right atrophy (L > R), in contrast to thosewith greater abnormality on the right (R > L), is notin the extent or pattern of the semantic impairmentper se, but rather in its relationship to anomia. Thisrelationship was explored in a combined cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis in which weplotted the patient’s picture-naming score for theforty-eight concrete concepts in our semanticbattery as a function of the corresponding level ofsemantic deficit—defined for this purpose as thepatient’s score on a word-picture matching test forthe same forty-eight items. This analysis revealsthat for a given level of semantic impairment, the L> R patients are substantially more anomic onaverage than the R > L cases. The nature of thenaming errors is also different in the two subgroups;although all patients make some of each of the threemain naming-error types seen in semantic dementia(which, as noted earlier, are single-word semanticerrors, circumlocutions, and omissions), there arerelatively more semantic errors in the R > L patientsand relatively more failures to respond at all in theL > R group.

Our account of this pattern is that semantic representations of concrete concepts are distributedacross left and right temporal regions, but because

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speech production is so strongly lateralized to theleft hemisphere, the semantic elements on the left side are much more strongly connected to the phonological representations required to name the concepts. This explains how a patient in theearly stages of semantic dementia with atrophyexclusively on the left side can be significantlyanomic, with only minor deficits on semantic tasksthat do not require naming (Lambon Ralph et al.,1999).

Modalities of Input and Output

One of the continuing debates in the field has relatedto the issue of whether knowledge is dividedaccording to the modality of input or output. Putsimply, when you hear or see the word “asparagus,”is the semantic representation activated by this inputthe same as or different from the conceptual knowl-edge tapped by seeing or tasting it? Likewise, whenyou speak about or name a hammer, is the concep-tual representation that drives speech production thesame as or different from the semantic knowledgethat guides your behavior when pick up and use a hammer? The latter kind of knowledge is oftenreferred to, by theorists who hold that it is a separate system, as action semantics (Buxbaum,Schwartz, & Carew, 1997; Lauro-Grotto et al.,1997; Rothi, Ochipa, & Heilman, 1991).

Our hypothesis, based upon work in semanticdementia, is that central semantic representationsare modality free. We tend to side with the theoristsarguing for one central semantic system (e.g., Caramazza, Hillis, Rapp, & Romani, 1990; Howard& Patterson, 1992), rather than those proposing separate modality-specific semantic systems (e.g.,Lauro-Grotto et al., 1997; McCarthy & Warrington,1988; Rothi et al., 1991; Shallice & Kartsounis,1993). This view has been formed mainly by thefact that none of the cases of semantic dementia that we have studied have demonstrated a strikingdissociation between different modalities of input or output and the following studies.

Are There Two Separate Systems for Words andObjects?

To address this question, we recently (LambonRalph et al., 1999) evaluated definitions of concreteconcepts provided by nine patients with semanticdementia (including A.M.) (table 4.1). The stimulusmaterials consisted of the forty-eight items from the semantic battery described earlier (Hodges &Patterson, 1995). Each patient was asked, on dif-ferent occasions, to define each concept both inresponse to a picture of it and in response to itsspoken name. The definitions were scored in avariety of ways, including an assessment of whetherthe patient’s definition achieved the status of “coreconcept”: that is, the responses provided sufficientinformation for another person to identify theconcept from the definition.

The view that there are separate verbal and visualsemantic systems predicts no striking item-specificsimilarities across the two conditions. In keepingwith our alternative expectation, however, there wasa highly significant concordance between definitionsuccess (core concept) and words and pictures refer-ring to or depicting the same item. The number of definitions containing no appropriate semanticinformation was significantly larger for words thanfor the corresponding pictures. This differencemight be taken by theorists preferring a multiple-systems view as indicating the relative preservationof visual semantics, but we argue that it is open tothe following alternative account: The mappingbetween an object (or a picture of it) and its con-ceptual representation is inherently different fromthe mapping between a word and its central concept.Although not everything about objects can beinferred from their physical characteristics, there is a systematic relationship between many of thesensory features of an object or picture and itsmeaning. This relationship is totally lacking forwords; phonological forms bear a purely arbitraryrelationship to meaning. Expressed another way,real objects or pictures afford certain properties(Gibson, 1977); words have no affordances. Unlessone is familiar with Turkish, there is no way of

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knowing whether piliç describes a chicken, anaubergine, or a fish (actually it is a chicken). Whenconceptual knowledge is degraded, it thereforeseems understandable that there should be a numberof instances where a patient would be able toprovide some information, even though it is impoverished, in response to a picture, but woulddraw a complete blank in response to the object’sname.

When the nine patients were analyzed as indi-vidual cases and definitions were scored for thenumber of appropriate features that they contained,seven patients achieved either equivalent scores forthe two stimulus conditions or better performancefor pictures than words, but the remaining twopatients in fact scored more highly in response towords than to pictures. Furthermore, these latter twowere the only two cases whose bilateral atrophy onMRI was clearly more severe in the right temporallobe than on the left.

This outcome might be thought to provide evenstronger support for separable verbal and visualsemantic systems, with verbal representations more reliant on left hemisphere structures, andvisual representations based more on a right hemi-sphere semantic system. Once again, this was notour interpretation. In any picture–word dissociation,one must consider the possibility that the patient has a presemantic deficit in processing the stimulustype, yielding poorer performance. For the twopatients who provided more concept attributes forwords than pictures, their clear central semanticimpairment (indicated by severely subnormal defi-nitions for words as well as pictures) was combinedwith abnormal presemantic visuoperceptual pro-cessing. For example, both had low scores onmatching the same object across different views;and one of the cases (also reported in Knott et al.,1997) was considerably more successful in nam-ing real objects (21/30) than line drawings of thesame items (2/30), reflecting difficulty in extractingthe necessary information for naming from thesomewhat sparse visual representation of a linedrawing. We have concluded that none of our results require an interpretation in terms of separate

semantic representations activated by words andobjects.

Is There a Separate Action Semantic System?

Our recent investigations addressing this generalissue were motivated by the claim (e.g., Buxbaumet al., 1997; Lauro-Grotto et al., 1997; Rothi et al.,1991) that there is a separate “action semantic”system that can be spared when there is insufficientknowledge to drive other forms of response—notonly naming, but even nonverbal kinds of respond-ing such as sorting, word–picture matching, or associative matching of pictures or words. Thisview is promoted by frequent anecdotal reports that patients with semantic dementia, who fail awhole range of laboratory-based tasks of the latterkind, function normally in everyday life (e.g.,Snowden, Griffiths, & Neary, 1995). We too haveobserved many instances of such correct object usein patients, although there are also a number ofcounterexamples (see A.M. above). Nevertheless,the documented successes in object use by patientswith severe semantic degradation require explana-tion. We have recently tried to acquire some evidence on this issue (Hodges, Bozeat, LambonRalph, Patterson, & Spatt, 2000; Hodges et al.,1999b).

The ability of six patients with semantic dementia to demonstrate the use of twenty everydayobjects such as a bottle opener, a potato peeler, or abox of matches was assessed. The patients also per-formed a series of other semantic tasks involvingthese same objects, including naming them, match-ing a picture of the object with a picture of the loca-tion in which it is typically found (a potato peelerwith a picture of a kitchen rather than a garden) or to the normal recipient of the object’s action (apotato peeler with a potato rather than an egg). Inaddition, the patients performed the novel tool testdesigned by Goldenberg and Hagmann (1998) inwhich successful performance must rely on problemsolving and general visual affordances of the toolsand their recipients, since none of these correspondto real, familiar objects.

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The results of these experiments can be summa-rized in terms of the questions that we framed. (1)Are patients with semantic dementia generallymuch more successful in using real objects thanwould be expected from their general semantic per-formance? No. (2) If a patient’s success in objectuse varies across different items, can this usually bepredicted on the basis of his or her success in other,nonusage semantic tasks for the same objects? Onthe whole, yes. (3) Where there is evidence forcorrect use of objects for which a patient’s knowl-edge is clearly impaired, can this dissociation beexplained by preservation of general mechanicalproblem-solving skills combined with real-objectaffordances, rather than requiring an interpretationof retained object-specific action semantics? Yes. In other words, we have obtained no convincingevidence for a separate action semantic system that is preserved in semantic dementia.

The patient successes appear to be explicable interms of two main factors. The first is that thepatients have good problem-solving skills and thatmany objects give good clues to their function. Thesecond is that success with objects is significantlymodulated by factors of exemplar-specific familiar-ity and context. As demonstrated by the ingeniousexperiments of Snowden et al. (1994), a patient whoknows how to use her own familiar teakettle in thekitchen may fail to recognize and use both theexperimenter’s (equally kettlelike but unfamiliar)teakettle in the kitchen and her own teakettle whenit is encountered out of a familiar context (e.g., inthe bedroom). Our experimental assessments ofobject use involved standard examples of everydayobjects, but these were not exemplars previouslyused by and known to the patients, and moreoverthey were presented in a laboratory setting, not intheir normal contexts.

Conclusions and Future Directions

Clearly, a great deal has been learned about the neural basis of semantic memory, and the relationship between semantic and other cognitive

processes, from the study of patients with semanticdementia. Despite this, much remains to be done. Inparticular, there is a dearth of clinicopathologicalstudies that combine good in vivo neuropsycholog-ical and imaging data with postmortem brain analysis. The role of left and right temporal lobestructures in specific aspects of semantic memoryremains controversial, but can be addressed by thelongitudinal analysis of rare cases who present withpredominant left over right temporal lobe atrophy.The recent finding of asymmetrical medial tempo-ral (hippocampal and/or entorhinal) atrophy despitegood episodic memory processing in early seman-tic dementia also raises a number of importantissues for future study.

Until very recently, the study of memory in non-human primates has focused almost exclusively onworking memory and paradigms thought to mirrorhuman episodic memory. It is now believed thatsome object-based tasks (e.g., delayed matching and nonmatching-to-sample) more closely resemblehuman semantic memory tests, and that animalsfailing such tasks after perirhinal ablation havedeficits in object recognition and/or high-level perceptual function (see Murray & Bussey, 1999;Simons et al., 1999). This radical departure hasstimulated interest in the role of the human perirhi-nal cortex in semantic memory and the relationshipbetween perception and knowledge in humans. Anumber of projects exploring parallels betweenmonkey and human semantic memory are alreadyunder way and promise to provide further excitinginsights over the next few years.


This chapter is dedicated to my neuropsychology col-league and friend, Karalyn Patterson, who has inspiredmuch of the work described in this chapter; and to theresearch assistants, graduate students, and postdoctoralresearchers who have made the work possible. We havebeen supported by the Medical Research Council, theWellcome Trust, and the Medlock Trust.

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Geoffrey K. Aguirre

Topographical disorientation (hereafter, TD) refersto the selective loss of way-finding ability within the locomotor environment. Despite sharing thisgeneral impairment and a diagnostic label, patientswith TD present in a rather heterogeneous manner,with considerable variability in the precise nature of their cognitive deficit and lesion site. This vari-ability in clinical presentation might be expected,given the tremendous complexity of way-findingand the multifaceted solutions that are brought tobear on the challenge. It should further be clear thatmany general impairments, which have little to dowith representation of environmental informationper se (e.g., blindness, global amnesia, paralysis)might prevent a person from successfully travelingfrom their home to a well-known destination. Historically, the treatment of TD as a neurologicaldisorder has been a bit of a muddle, with con-siderable debate regarding the singular, “essentialnature” of the disorder and confusion regarding the terminology used to describe the cases. (For ahistorical review see Barrash, 1998, or Aguirre andD’Esposito, 1999.)

Despite these challenges, the complexities of TDyield to an understanding of the behavioral elementsof way-finding and an appreciation of the parcella-tion of cognitive function within the cortex. I consider here a framework that can be used to cat-egorize cases of TD based upon the behavioralimpairment and the location of the responsiblelesion. I begin with four cases of TD, which providea sense of the range of disabilities seen. Next, I consider the cognitive processes involved in way-finding and the interpretation of clinical testsof disoriented patients. The cases presented initiallyare then revisited in greater detail, and a four-part “taxonomy” of TD explored. Finally, I dis-cuss the results of recent neuropsychological and functional neuroimaging studies of environmentalrepresentation.

5 Topographical Disorientation: A Disorder of Way-Finding Ability

Case Reports

Case 1: A patient reported by Levine and colleagues(Levine, Warach, & Farah, 1985) presented with severespatial disorientation following development of intracere-bral hemorrhages. He would become lost in his own houseand was unable to travel outside without a companionbecause he was completely unable to judge which direc-tion he needed to travel. The patient demonstrated a righthomonymous hemianopia, but had intact visual acuity andno evidence of prosopagnosia, object agnosia, or achro-matopsia. His disabilities were most strikingly spatial. Hehad difficulty fixating on individual items within an array,demonstrated right-left confusion for both external spaceand his own limbs, and could not judge relative distance.He became grossly disoriented in previously familiarplaces; was unable to learn his way around even simpleenvironments; and provided bizarre descriptions of routes.A computed tomography (CT) scan revealed bilateral posterior parietal lesions extending into the posterioroccipital lobe on the left.

Case 2: Patient T.Y. (Suzuki, Yamadori, Hayakawa, &Fujii, 1998) presented with severe difficulties in findingher way to her doctor’s office, a route which she had rou-tinely walked over the previous 10 years. Although T.Y.initially demonstrated unilateral spatial neglect and con-structional apraxia, these resolved over the followingweeks. She did have a stable, incomplete, left lower quad-rantanopsia. She was without object agnosia or prosopag-nosia, and had intact visual and spatial memory asmeasured by standard table-top tests. Despite an intactability to recognize her house and famous buildings, T.Y.was unable to state the position from which the photo-graphs of these structures were taken. She was also utterlyunable to judge her direction of heading on a map whileperforming a way-finding task through a college campus.In contrast to these deficits, T.Y. was able to draw accu-rate maps and provide verbal directions to places familiarto her prior to her disability. A magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) scan revealed a subcortical hemorrhageinvolving primarily the right posterior cingulate.

Case 3: Patient A.H. (Pallis, 1955) woke one morning tofind that he could not recognize his bedroom and becamelost trying to return from the toilet to his room. In

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addition to a central scotoma, he developed achromatop-sia and marked prosopagnosia. He was without neglect,left-right confusion, or apraxia. His primary and most dis-tressing complaint was his inability to recognize places.While he could intuit his location within his hometownfrom the turns he had taken and the small details he mightnotice (i.e., the color of a particular park bench), he wasunable to distinguish one building from another, forexample, mistaking the post office for his pub. His troubleextended to new places as well as previously familiarlocales. Vertebral angiography revealed defective filling ofthe right posterior cerebral artery.

Case 4: Patient G.R. (Epstein, DeYoe, Press, Rosen, &Kanwisher, 2001) developed profound difficulties learninghis way around new places following cardiac surgery. Inaddition to his way-finding complaints, G.R. demonstrateda left hemianopsia, right upper quadrantanopsia, anddyschromatopsia. He had no evidence of neglect, left-rightconfusion, or apraxia, and no prosopagnosia or objectagnosia. G.R. did have subtle memory impairments onformal testing, with greater disability for visual than verbalmaterial. Despite being able to follow routes marked onmaps, G.R. was totally unable to learn new topographicalinformation, including the appearance of environmentalfeatures and exocentric spatial relationships. He wasunimpaired in navigating through environments familiarto him prior to the onset of his symptoms. An MRI scanrevealed bilateral damage to the parahippocampal gyri,with extension of the right lesion posteriorly to involve the inferior lingual gyrus, medial fusiform gyrus, andoccipital lobe.

Normative Way-Finding and Clinical Tests

People employ a variety of strategies and repre-sentations when solving way-finding tasks. Thesevariations have been attributed to subject variables (e.g., gender, age, length of residence), differencesin environmental characteristics (e.g., density oflandmarks, regularity of street arrangements), anddifferences in knowledge acquisition (e.g., naviga-tion versus map learning). One basic tenet of environmental psychology studies is that these dif-ferences are largely the result of differences in representation; a subject not only improves his or

her knowledge of the environment with increasingfamiliarity, for example, but comes to represent that knowledge in qualitatively different ways withexperience (Appleyard, 1969; Piaget, Inhelder, &Szeminska, 1960; Siegel, Kirasic, & Kail, 1978;Siegel & White, 1975). This shift in representationin turn supports the ability to produce more accu-rate, flexible, and abstract spatial judgments. Speci-fically, a distinction has frequently been drawnbetween representations of the environment that areroute based and those that are more “maplike.” Thisgross division has appeared under many labels (i.e., taxon versus locale, O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978;procedural versus survey, Thorndyke & Hayes,1982; route versus configural, Siegel & White,1975; network versus vector map, Byrne, 1982), butthey generally possess the same basic structure.

Most environmental representation is predicatedon the ability to recognize specific locations wherenavigational decisions are executed. This perceptualability is called “landmark (or place) recognition”and is thought to be the first “topographic” abilityacquired in developing infants (Piaget et al., 1960).Subjects improve in their ability to successfullyidentify environmental features with developmen-tal age and there is considerable between-subjectagreement as to what constitutes a useful landmark(Allen, Kirasic, Siegel, & Norman, 1979). Forexample, buildings located at street intersectionsseem to provide primary anchor points for real-world navigational learning (Presson, 1987).

Route knowledge describes the information thatencodes a sequential record of steps that lead froma starting point, through landmarks, and finally to adestination. This representation is essentially linear,in that each landmark is coupled to a given instruc-tion (i.e., go right at the old church), which leads toanother landmark and another instruction, repeateduntil the goal is reached. Indeed, the learning oflandmark-instruction paths has been likened to the learning of stimulus-response pairs (Thorndyke,1981). While more information can be stored along with a learned route—for example, distances,the angles of turns and features along the route

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(Thorndyke & Hayes, 1982)—there is evidence thatsubjects often encode only the minimal necessaryrepresentation (Byrne, 1982).

Descriptions of route learning also emphasize itsgrounding in an egocentric coordinate frame. It isassumed that a set of transformations take place bywhich the retinal position of an image is combinedwith information regarding the position of the eyesin the orbits and the position of the head upon theneck in order to represent the location of an objectwith reference to the body. This is called an “ego-centric (or body-centered) space” and is the domainof spatial concepts such as left and right. Orienta-tion is maintained within a learned route by repre-senting an egocentric position with respect to alandmark (i.e., pass to the left of the grocery store,then turn right). A final, and crucial, aspect of routeknowledge is its presumed inflexibility. Because aroute encodes only a series of linear instructions, therepresentation is fragile in that changes in cruciallandmarks or detours render the learned pathuseless.

Whereas route learning is conducted within ego-centric space, maplike representations are locatedwithin the domain of exocentric space, in whichspatial relations between objects within the envi-ronment, including the observer, are emphasized(Taylor & Tversky, 1992). A developmental disso-ciation between egocentric and exocentric spatialrepresentation has been demonstrated in a series of experiments by Acredolo (1977), indicating thatthese two coordinate frames are represented byadult subjects. In order to generate a representationof exocentric space, egocentric spatial decisionsmust be combined with an integrated measure ofone’s motion in the environment. While a tree maybe to my right now, if I walk forward ten paces and turn around, the tree will now be to my left.Though the egocentric position of the landmark haschanged, I am aware that the tree has not moved;the exocentric position has remained invariant. Arepresentation of this invariance is made availableby combining the egocentric spatial judgments witha measure of the vector motion that was undertaken.

An important lesson from this cursory review isthat the particular type of representation that asubject generates of his or her environment can bedependent upon (1) the subject’s developmentalage, (2) the duration of a subject’s experience witha particular environment, (3) the manner in whichthe subject was introduced to the environment (i.e., self-guided exploration, map reading), (4) thelevel of differentiation (detail) of the environment,and (5) the tasks that the subject is called upon toperform within the space. The multiplicity andredundancy of strategies that may be brought to bearupon way-finding challenges make the interpreta-tion of standard clinical tests of topographical ori-entation problematic. For example, asking a patientto describe a route in his or her town is not guaran-teed to evoke the same cognitive processes for different routes, let alone different subjects. Sincethese commonly employed tests of topographicalorientation (i.e., describing a route, drawing a map)are poorly defined with regard to the cognitiveprocesses they require, it is always possible toprovide a post hoc explanation for any particulardeficit observed.

This inferential complication is further con-founded by the ability of patients to store a partic-ular representation in any one of several forms.Consider, for example, the frequently employedbedside test of producing a sketch map. Patients areasked to draw a simple map of a place (e.g., theirhome, their town, the hospital) with the intention of revealing intact or impaired exocentric (i.e.,maplike) representations of space. It is possiblehowever, to produce a sketch map of a place withoutpossessing an exocentric representation (Pick,1993). For example, complete route knowledge ofa place, combined with some notion of the relativepath lengths composing the route segments, is suf-ficient to allow the construction of an accuratesketch map. Thus, while a subject may be able toproduce a sketch map of a place, this does not nec-essarily indicate that the subject ever possessed or considered an exocentric representation of thatplace prior to the administration of the test (Byrne,

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1982). Alternatively, it is possible that considerableexperience with map representations of a placewould lead a subject to develop a “picturelike” rep-resentation. If, for example, a subject has had theopportunity to consult or draw maps of his home orhometown several times previously, then he mightbe able to draw a map of that place in the samemanner that he might draw a picture of an object.

In a similar manner, impairments in one area oftopographical representation might lead to poor per-formance on tests that ostensibly probe a differentarea of competence. For example, if a patient isasked to describe a route through a well-knownplace, it is frequently assumed that the patient isrelying only upon intact egocentric spatial knowl-edge. However, it is entirely possible that if pro-ducing a verbal description of a route is not awell-practiced behavior, the subjects engage in an imaginal walk along the route to produce thedescription (Farrell, 1996). In this case, deficits inthe ability to represent and manipulate informationabout the appearance of landmarks would alsoimpair performance. Thus, given that subjects mighthave to generate maplike representations only at thetime of testing, and given that this process can bedependent upon route representations which them-selves may require intact representations of envi-ronmental landmarks, it is conceivable that tertiaryimpairments in producing a sketch map might be produced by primary impairments in landmarkrecognition!

How then are we to proceed in interpreting theclinical tests given to patients with TD? The onlypossible means of gaining inferential knowledge ofthese disorders is to obtain additional informationregarding the nature of the impairment. One simpleapproach is to attach credence to the patient’sdescription of their disability. As will be examinedlater, some categories of TD give rise to rather con-sistent primary complaints across patients. Whenthese reports are sufficiently clear and consonant,they provide a reasonable basis for theorizing. Nat-urally, there are limitations to this approach as well.Patient reports might simply be wrong (Farrell,1996); the case reported by DeRenzi and Faglioni

(1962) offers an example in which the patient’sclaim of intact recognition for buildings and envi-ronmental features was at odds with his actual performance.

Additional clinical tests, with more transparentinterpretations, may also be used to help inter-pret topographical impairments. Demonstrations ofstimulus-specific deficits in visual memory and im-pairments of egocentric spatial representation havebeen particularly helpful. For example, Whiteleyand Warrington (1978) introduced tests of visualrecognition and matching of landmarks, which haveled to a deeper understanding of one type of TD. Ofcourse, such tests themselves require careful inter-pretation and monitoring. As has been demonstratedfor general object agnosia, patients can maintainintact performance on such tasks by using markedlyaltered strategies (Farah, 1990).

While more complex clinical tests have beenemployed, these frequently are as subject to variousinterpretations as the original patient deficit. Forexample, the stylus-maze task (Milner, 1965), inwhich the subject must learn an invisible paththrough an array of identical bolt heads, has beenwidely applied. Despite the vague similarity ofmaze learning and real-world navigation, it is con-ceivable that failure to successfully complete thetask might be due to a number of cognitive impair-ments that are unrelated to way-finding; indeed,neuropsychological studies that have employed thistest have noted that many patients who are impairedon the stylus maze task have no real-world orienta-tion difficulties whatsoever (Newcombe & Ritchie,1969) and vice versa (Habib & Sirigu, 1987). Othertests that have been applied with varying degrees of success include the Semmes Extrapersonal Orientation Test, which requires retention andupdating of right-left orientation, and tests of geo-graphical knowledge (i.e., is Cincinnati east or westof Chicago?), which seem to bear no relationship toTD per se.

The ability of patients to compensate for theirdeficits and the techniques that they use are alsoinformative. For example, it has long been notedthat some patients navigate by reference to an exten-

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sive body of minute environmental features, such asdistinctive doorknobs, mailboxes, and park benches(Meyer, 1900). As discussed later, this compensa-tory strategy speaks both to the nature of the impair-ment and to the intact cognitive abilities of thepatient.

Finally, the traditional sketch map production and route description tests can provide useful infor-mation in some situations. Consider the case of apatient who is able to generate accurate sketch mapsof places that were unfamiliar prior to sustaining thelesion and that the patient has only experiencedthrough direct exploratory contact. In this situation,the patient must have an intact ability to representspatial relationships (either egocentric or exocen-tric) to have been able to generate this representa-tion. In a similar vein, the demonstration of intactrepresentational skills using these “anecdotal” clin-ical measures may be interpreted with slightly moreconfidence than impairments.

Neuropsychological Studies of Way-Finding

While the early neurological literature regarding TDcontains almost exclusively case studies, the 1950sand 1960s witnessed the publication of a number ofgroup and neuropsychological studies. The researchfrom this era has been ably reviewed and evaluatedby Barrash (1998). Essentially, these studies empha-sized that lesions of the “minor hemisphere” (right)were most frequently associated with topographicaldifficulties and the studies initiated the process ofdistinguishing types of disorientation. The modernera of neuropsychological investigation of TDbegan with Maguire and colleagues’ (Maguire,Burke, Phillips, & Staunton, 1996a) study of theperformance of patients with medial temporallesions on a standardized test of real-world way-finding. One valuable contribution of this study was to emphasize the importance of evaluating TD within the actual, locomotor environment, asopposed to the use of table-top tests.

Twenty patients who had undergone medial tem-poral lobectomy (half on either side) were tested

on a videotaped route-learning task. While thesepatients denied frank TD and did not have anymeasurable general memory impairments, theywere impaired relative to controls on tests of route-learning and judgment of exocentric position. It isinteresting that patients with left or right excisionshad roughly equivalent impairments.

Another report (Bohbot et al., 1998) also exam-ined the involvement of the hippocampal formationin topographical learning. Fourteen patients withwell-defined thermocoagulation lesions of the me-dial temporal lobes were tested on a human analogof the Morris (Morris, Garrud, Rawlins, & O’Keefe,1982) water maze task. Patients with lesions con-fined to the right parahippocampal cortex wereimpaired more than those with lesions of the leftparahippocampal cortex, right or left hippocampus,and epileptic controls.

The focus on the medial temporal lobes in general(and the hippocampus in particular) in these studiesderives from the compelling finding in rodents of“place cells” within the hippocampus. Consideredin more detail later, these neurons are “tuned” to firemaximally when the rodent is within a particularposition within an exocentric space. The existenceof these neurons led to the proposal that the hip-pocampus is the anatomical site of the “cognitivemap” of exocentric space emphasized by O’Keefeand Nadel (1978). As we will see, the role of thehippocampus and its adjacent structures in humannavigation is still rather uncertain, but the studies ofMaguire (1996a) and Bohbot (1998) demonstratedthat lesions within the medial temporal lobes couldimpair real-world navigation.

The neuropsychological study by Barrash andcolleagues (Barrash, Damasio, Adolphs, & Tranel,2000) is notable for its comprehensive examinationof patients with lesions distributed throughout the cortex on a real-world route-finding test. Onehundred and twenty-seven patients with stable,focal lesions were asked to learn a complex, one-third-mile route through a hospital. The primaryfinding was that lesions to several discrete areas of the right hemisphere were frequently associated(>75% of the time) with impaired performance on

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the route-learning test. The identified area extendedfrom the inferior medial occipital lobe (lingual andfusiform gyri) to the parahippocampal and hip-pocampal cortices, and also included the intrapari-etal sulcus and white matter of the superior parietallobule. A much smaller region of the medial occip-ital lobe and parahippocampus on the left was alsoidentified. This study is valuable in that it identifiesthe full extent of cortical areas that are necessary insome sense for the acquisition of new topographi-cal knowledge.

There are two important caveats, however, whichwere well recognized and discussed by the authorsof the study. First, the patients were studied using a comprehensive navigation task. As has been dis-cussed, there are many different underlying cogni-tive impairments that might lead to the finalcommon pathway of route-learning deficits. There-fore, the various regions identified as being neces-sary for intact route learning might each be involvedin the task in a very different way. Second, becausethe patients have “natural” as opposed to experi-mentally induced lesions, the identification of thenecessary cortical regions cannot be accepted un-critically. For example, while lesions of the righthippocampus were associated with impaired per-formance, a high proportion of patients with hip-pocampal damage also have parahippocampaldamage because of the distribution of the vascularterritories. If so, it is possible that damage to theparahippocampus alone is sufficient, and that thefinding of an association between hippocampallesions and impaired performance is the erroneousresult of an anatomical confound.

Both of these objections can be addressed byusing alternative approaches. By studying theprecise cognitive deficits present in patients withlocalized lesions, the cognitive, way-finding respon-sibility of each identified region can be more pre-cisely defined. In addition, functional neuroimagingstudies in humans (although strictly providing fordifferent kinds of inference) can be used to refineanatomical identifications without reliance upon the capricious distributions of stroke lesions. Wediscuss this in greater detail later.

A Taxonomy of Topographical Disorientation

Now armed with the distribution of cortical lesionsites known to be associated with route-learningimpairments and with an understanding of thebehavioral basis of way-finding, we can return tothe cases presented originally. As we will see, thesefour cases each serve as an archetype for a particu-lar variety of TD. These four varieties of TD aresummarized in table 5.1, and the lesion site prima-rily responsible for each disorder is illustrated infigure 5.1.

Egocentric Disorientation (Case 1)

The patient described by Levine, Warach, and Farah(1985) demonstrated profound way-finding difficul-ties within his own home and new places followingbilateral damage to the posterior parietal cortex.While he (and a number of similar patients: M.N.N.,Kase, Troncoso, Court, & Tapia, 1977; Mr. Smith,Hanley, & Davies, 1995; G.W., Stark, Coslett, &Saffran, 1996; and the cases of Holmes & Horax,1919) has been described as topographically disori-ented, it is clear that his impairments extended farbeyond the sphere of extended, locomotor space. Toquote Levine and Farah:

[His] most striking abnormalities were visual and spatial.. . . He could not reach accurately for visual objects, even those he had identified, whether they were presentedin central or peripheral visual fields. When shown twoobjects, he made frequent errors in stating which was nearer or farther, above or below, or to the right orleft. . . .

He could not find his way about. At 4 months after thehemorrhages, he frequently got lost in his own house andnever went out without a companion. . . . Spatial imagerywas severely impaired. He could not say how to get fromhis house to the corner grocery store, a trip he had madeseveral times a week for more than 5 years. In contrast, hecould describe the store and its proprietor. His descriptionsof the route were frequently bizarre: “I live a block away.I walk direct to the front door.” When asked which direc-tion he would turn on walking out of his front door, hesaid, “It’s on the right or left, either way.” . . . When,

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seated in his room, he was blindfolded and asked to pointto various objects named by the examiner, he responded[very poorly]. (Levine, Warach, & Farah, 1985, p. 1013)

These patients, as a group, had severe deficits inrepresenting the relative location of objects withrespect to the self. While they were able to gesturetoward objects they could see, for example, thisability was completely lost when their eyes wereclosed. Performance was impaired on a wide rangeof visual-spatial tasks, including mental rotation and spatial span tasks. It thus seems appropriate tolocate the disorder within the egocentric spatialframe. Indeed, Stark and colleagues (1996) havesuggested that one of these patients (G.W.) had sus-tained damage to a spatial map that represents in-formation within an egocentric coordinate system.It is interesting that these cases suggest that neuralsystems capable of providing immediate informa-tion on egocentric position can operate independ-ently of systems that store this information (Stark et al., 1996).

These patients were uniformly impaired in way-finding tasks in both familiar and novel environ-ments. Most remained confined to the hospital orhome, willing to venture out only with a compan-ion (Kase et al., 1977; Levine et al., 1985). Routedescriptions were impoverished and inaccurate(Levine et al., 1985; Stark et al., 1996) and sketchmap production disordered (Hanley & Davies,1995). In contrast to these impairments, visual-object recognition was informally noted to be intact.Patient M.N.N. was able to name objects correctlywithout hesitation, showing an absence of agnosicfeatures in the visual sphere. Patient G.W. had nodifficulty in recognizing people or objects and case2 of Levine et al. (1985) was able to identifycommon objects, pictures of objects or animals,familiar faces, or photographs of the faces of familymembers and celebrities.

Unfortunately, these patients were not specifi-cally tested on visual recognition tasks employinglandmark stimuli. As noted earlier, Levine and colleagues reported that their case 2 was able todescribe a grocery store and its proprietor, but this

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Figure 5.1Locations of lesions responsible for varieties of topo-graphical disorientation: (1) the posterior parietal cortex,associated with egocentric disorientation; (2) the posteriorcingulate gyrus, associated with heading disorientation;(3) the lingual gyrus, associated with landmark agnosia;and (4) the parahippocampus, associated with anterogradedisorientation. These sites are illustrated in the right hemi-sphere since the great majority of cases of topograph-ical disorientation follow damage to right-sided cortical structures.

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does not constitute a rigorous test. It is possible thatdespite demonstrating intact object and face recog-nition abilities, patients with egocentric disorienta-tion will be impaired on recognition tasks thatemploy topographically relevant stimuli. Thus, untilthese tests are conducted, we can offer only the pos-sibility that these patients are selectively impairedwithin the spatial sphere.

It seems plausible that the way-finding deficitsthat these patients display are a result of their pro-found disorientation in egocentric space. As notedearlier, route-based representations of large-scalespace are formed within the egocentric spatialdomain. This property of spatial representation waswell illustrated by Bisiach, Brouchon, Poncet, &Rusconi’s 1993 study of route descriptions in apatient with unilateral neglect. Regardless of thedirection that the subject was instructed to imaginetraveling, turns on the left-hand side tended to beignored. Thus, the egocentric disorientation thatthese patients display seems sufficient to account for their topographical disorders. In this sense, it isperhaps inappropriate to refer to these patients asselectively topographically disoriented—their dis-ability includes forms of spatial representation thatare clearly not unique to the representation of large-scale, environmental space.

Barrash (1998) has emphasized the variable dura-tion of the symptoms of TD. In particular, manypatients who demonstrate egocentric disorientationin the days and weeks following their lesion gradu-ally recover near-normal function. Following thisinitial period, patients can demonstrate a pattern of deficits described by Passini, Rainville, & Habib(2000) as being confined to “micro” as opposed to“macroscopic” space. Their distinction is perhapsmore subtle than the egocentric versus exocentricclassification made here, because the recoveredpatients may demonstrate impairments in the mani-pulation of technically nonegocentric spatial infor-mation (e.g., mental rotation), but do not show grossway-finding difficulties.

Those egocentrically disoriented patients forwhom lesion data are available all have either bilat-eral or unilateral right lesions of the posterior pari-etal lobe, commonly involving the superior parietallobule. Studies in animals (both lesion and electro-physiologically based) support the notion thatneurons in these areas are responsible for the repre-sentation of spatial information in a primarily ego-centric spatial frame. Homologous cortical areas inmonkeys contain cells with firing properties thatrepresent the position of stimuli in both retinotopicand head-centered coordinate spaces simultane-

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Table 5.1A four-part taxonomy of topographical disorientation

Lesion site Disorder label Proposed impairment Model case

Posterior parietal Egocentric Unable to represent the location G.W. (Stark, Coslett, Saff,disorientation of objects with respect to self 1996)

Posterior cingulate Heading Unable to represent direction of T.Y. (Suzuki, Yamador,gyrus disorientation orientation with respect to external Hayakawa, Fujii, 1998)


Lingual gyrus Landmark Unable to represent the appearance A.H. (Pallis, 1955)agnosia of salient environmental stimuli


Parahippocampus Anterograde Unable to create new representations G.R. (Epstein, Deyoe, Press,disorientation of environmental information Rosen, Kanwisher 2001)

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ously (i.e., planar gain fields; Anderson, Snyder, Li,& Stricanne, 1993). Notably, cells with exocentricfiring properties have not been identified in therodent parietal cortex, although cells responsive to complex conjunctions of stimulus egocentricposition and egomotion have been reported(McNaughton et al., 1994).

Heading Disorientation (Case 2)

While the previous group of patients evidenced aglobal spatial disorientation, rooted in a fundamen-tal disturbance of egocentric space, a second groupof patients raises the intriguing possibility that exocentric spatial representations can be selectivelydamaged. These are patients who are both able torecognize salient landmarks and who do not havethe dramatic egocentric disorientation describedearlier. Instead, they seem unable to derive direc-tional information from landmarks that they do recognize. They have lost a sense of exocentricdirection, or “heading” within their environment.

Patient T.Y. (Suzuki et al., 1998) presented withgreat difficulty in way-finding following a lesion of the posterior cingulate gyrus. She showed no evidence of aphasia, acalculia, or right-left disori-entation, object agnosia, prosopagnosia, or achro-matopsia. She also had intact verbal and visualmemory as assessed by the Wechsler MemoryScale, intact digit span, and normal performance onRaven’s Progressive Matrices. Her spatial learningwas intact, as demonstrated by good performanceon a supraspan block test and the Porteus Maze test.In contrast to these intact abilities, T.Y. was unableto state the position from which photographs offamiliar buildings were taken. Or judge her direc-tion of heading on a map while performing a way-finding task through a college campus.

Three similar patients have been reported byTakahashi and colleagues (Takahashi, Kawamura,Shiota, Kasahata, & Hirayama, 1997). Like patientT.Y., they were unable to derive directional infor-mation from the prominent landmarks that they recognized. The patients were able to discriminate

among buildings when several photographs weredisplayed and were able to recognize photographsof familiar buildings and landscapes near theirhomes. The basic representation of egocentricspace, both at immediate testing and after a 5-minute delay, was also demonstrated to be pre-served. In contrast to these preserved abilities,Takahashi et al.’s patients were unable to describeroutes between familiar locations and could notdescribe the positional (directional) relationshipbetween one well-known place and another. In addi-tion, the three patients were unable to draw a sketchmap of their hospital floor. A patient (M.B.) reportedby Cammalleri et al. (1996) had similar deficits.

Takahashi and colleagues suggested that theirpatients had lost the sense of direction that allowsone to recall the positional relationships betweenone’s current location and a destination within aspace that cannot be fully surveyed in one glance.This can also be described as a sense of heading, inwhich the orientation of the body with respect toexternal landmarks is represented. Such a represen-tation would be essential for both route-followingand the manipulation of maplike representations ofplace. The possibility of isolated deficits in the representation of spatial heading is an intriguingone. These patients have a different constellation ofdeficits from those classified as egocentrically dis-oriented, and the existence of these cases suggeststhat separate cortical areas mediate different framesof spatial representation.

Patient T.Y., Takahashi’s three patients, andpatient M.B. had lesions located within the right retrosplenial (posterior cingulate) gyrus. Figure 5.2 shows the lesion site in patient T.Y. It is inter-esting that this area of the cortex in the rodent hasbeen implicated in way-finding ability. Studies in rodents (Chen, Lin, Green, Barnes, & McNaughton,1994) have identified a small population of cellswithin this area that fire only when the rat is main-taining a certain heading, or orientation within the environment. These cells have been dubbed “head-direction” cells (Taube, Goodridge, Golob, Dudchenko, & Stackman, 1996), and most likely

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generate their signals based upon a combination oflandmark, vestibular, and idiothetic (self-motion)cues. Representation of the orientation of the bodywithin a larger spatial scheme is a form of spatialrepresentation that might be expected to be drawnupon for both route-based and map-based naviga-tion. Neuroimaging studies in humans (consideredlater) have also added to this account.

Landmark Agnosia (Case 3)

The third class of topographically disorientedpatient can be described as landmark agnosic, inthat the primary component of their impairment isan inability to use prominent, salient environmentalfeatures for orientation. The patients in this categoryof disorientation are the most numerous and beststudied.

Patient A.H. described by C. A. Pallis in 1955,woke to find that he could not recognize hisbedroom and became lost trying to return from thetoilet to his room. He also noted a central “blindspot,” an inability to see color, and that all facesseemed alike. He quickly became lost upon leavinghis house, and was totally unable to recognize whathad previously been very familiar surroundings.

Upon admission, the patient was found to havevisual field deficits consistent with two adjacent,upper quadrantic scotomata, each with its apex atthe fixation point. A.H. had no evidence of neglect,was able to localize objects accurately in both theleft and right hemifields and had intact stereognos-tic perception, proprioception, and graphaestheticsense. There was no left-right confusion, acalculia,or apraxia. General memory was reported as com-pletely intact. A.H.’s digit span was eight forwardand six backward, and he repeated the Babcock sentence correctly on his first try.

The patient had evident difficulty recognizingfaces. He was unable to recognize his medical atten-dants, wife, or daughter, and failed to identify pic-tures of famous, contemporary faces. He had similardifficulty identifying pictures of animals, althougha strategy of scrutinizing the photos for a criticaldetail that would allow him to intuit the identity ofthe image was more successful here than for the pic-tures of human faces. For example, he was able toidentify a picture of a cat by the whiskers.

His primary and most distressing complaint washis inability to recognize places:

In my mind’s eye I know exactly where places are, whatthey look like. I can visualize T . . . square without diffi-culty, and the streets that come into it. . . . I can draw you

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Figure 5.2MRI scan of patient T.Y., revealing a right-sided, posterior cingulate gyrus lesion. (Images courtesy of Dr. K. Suzuki.)

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a plan of the roads from Cardiff to the Rhondda Valley.. . . It’s when I’m out that the trouble starts. My reasontells me I must be in a certain place and yet I don’t rec-ognize it. It all has to be worked out each time. . . . Forinstance, one night, having taken the wrong turning, I wasgoing to call for my drink at the Post Office. . . . I have tokeep the idea of the route in my head the whole time, andcount the turnings, as if I were following instructions thathad been memorized. (Pallis, 1955, p. 219)

His difficulty extended to new places as well as pre-viously familiar locales: “It’s not only the places Iknew before all this happened that I can’t remem-ber. Take me to a new place now and tomorrow I couldn’t get there myself” (Pallis, 1955, p. 219).Despite these evident problems with way-finding,the patient was still able to describe and draw mapsof the places that were familiar to him prior to hisillness, including the layout of the mineshafts inwhich he worked as an engineer.

Patient A.H. is joined in the literature by anumber of well-studied cases, including patientsJ.C. (Whiteley & Warrington, 1978), A.R. (Hécaen,Tzortzis, & Rondot, 1980), S.E. (McCarthy, Evans,& Hodges, 1996), and M.S. (Rocchetta, Cipolotti,& Warrington, 1996); several of the cases reportedby Landis, Cummings, Benson, & Palmer (1986);and the cases reported by Takahashi, Kawamura,Hirayama, & Tagawa (1989); Funakawa, Mukai,Terao, Kawashima, & Mori (1994), and Suzuki,Yamadori, Takase, Nagamine, & Itoyama (1996).These patients have several features in common: (1)disorientation in previously familiar and novelplaces, (2) intact manipulation of spatial informa-tion, and (3) an inability to identify specific build-ings. In other words, despite a preserved ability toprovide spatial information about a familiar envi-ronment, the patient is unable to find his or her waybecause of the inability to recognize prominentlandmarks.

This loss of landmark recognition, and its relativespecificity, has been formally tested by severalauthors, usually by asking the subject to iden-tify pictures of famous buildings. Patient S.E.(McCarthy et al., 1996) was found to be markedlyimpaired at recalling the name or information about

pictures of famous landmarks and buildings com-pared with the performance of control subjects andhis own performance recalling information aboutfamous people.

Patient M.S. (Rocchetta et al., 1996) performedat chance level on three different delayed-recognition memory tests that used pictures of (1)complex city scenes, (2) previously unfamiliarbuildings, and (3) country scenes. M.S. was alsofound to be impaired at recognizing London landmarks that were familiar before his illness.Takahashi and colleagues (1989) obtained seven-teen pictures of the patient’s home and neighbor-hood. The patient was unable to recognize any ofthese, but he could describe from memory the treesplanted in the garden, the pattern printed on hisfence, the shape of his mailbox and windows, andwas able to produce an accurate map of his houseand hometown.

In contrast, tests of spatial representation havegenerally shown intact abilities in these patients.Patients S.E., M.S., and J.C. were all found to havenormal performance on a battery of spatial learningand perceptual tasks that included Corsi span, Corsi supraspan, and “stepping-stone” mazes(Milner, 1965). (Patient A.R., however, was foundto be impaired on the last of these tests.) In general,the ability to describe routes and produce sketchmaps of familiar places is intact in these patients.As discussed previously, these more anecdotalmeasures of intact spatial representation should betreated with some caution because there is con-siderable ambiguity as to the specific nature of thecognitive requirements of these tasks. Nonetheless,the perfectly preserved ability of patients A.R. andA.H. to provide detailed route descriptions, and thedetailed and accurate maps produced by S.E., A.H.,and Takahashi’s patient (Takahashi et al., 1989), are suggestive of intact spatial representations ofsome kind. (Patient M.S., however, was noted tohave poor route description abilities.) Particularlycompelling, moreover, are reports of patients pro-ducing accurate maps of places that were not famil-iar prior to the lesion event (Cole & Perez-Cruet,1964; Whiteley & Warrington, 1978). In this case,

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the patient can only be drawing upon preservedspatial representational abilities to successfullytransform navigational experiences into an exocen-tric representation.

Several neuropsychological deficits have beennoted to co-occur with landmark agnosia, specifi-cally, prosopagnosia (Cole & Perez-Cruet, 1964;Landis et al., 1986; McCarthy et al., 1996; Pallis,1955; Takahashi et al., 1989) and achromatopsia(Landis et al., 1986; Pallis, 1955), along with somedegree of visual field deficit. These impairments donot invariably accompany landmark agnosia (e.g.,Hécaen et al., 1980), however, and are known tooccur without accompanying TD (e.g., Tohgi et al.,1994). Thus it is unlikely that these ancillary im-pairments are actually the causative factor of TD. More likely, the lesion site that produces landmarkagnosia is close to, but distinct from, the lesion sitesresponsible for prosopagnosia and achromatopsia.

There is also evidence that landmark agnosicshave altered perception of environmental features,in addition to the loss of familiarity (as is the casewith general-object agnosics and prosopagnosics;Farah, 1990). For example, Hécaen’s patient A.R.was able to perform a “cathedral matching” taskaccurately, but “he [AR] spontaneously indicatedthat he was looking only for specific details ‘awindow, a doorway . . . but not the whole.’ . . .Places were identified by a laborious process ofelimination based on small details” (Hécaen et al.,1980, p. 531).

An additional hallmark feature of landmarkagnosia is the compensatory strategy employed bythese patients. The description of patient J.C. istypical:

He relies heavily on street names, station names, andhouse numbers. For example, he knows that to get to theshops he has to turn right at the traffic lights and then leftat the Cinema. . . . When he changes his place of work hedraws a plan of the route to work and a plan of the inte-rior of the “new” building. He relies on these maps andplans. . . . He recognizes his own house by the number or by his car when parked at the door. (Whiteley & Warrington, 1978, pp. 575–576)

This reliance upon small environmental details,called variously “signs,” “symbols,” and “land-marks” by the different authors, is common to all ofthe landmark agnosia cases described here and pro-vides some insight into the cognitive nature of theimpairment. First, it is clear that these patients arecapable of representing the strictly spatial aspect oftheir position in the environment. In order to makeuse of these minute environmental details for way-finding, the patient must be able to associate spatialinformation (if only left or right turns) with partic-ular waypoints. This is again suggestive evidence of intact spatial abilities. Second, although thesepatients are termed “landmark agnosics,” it is notthe case that they are unable to make use of anyenvironmental object with orienting value. Instead,they seem specifically impaired in the use of high-salience environmental features, such as buildings,and the arrangement of natural and artificial stimuliinto scenes. Indeed, these patients become disori-ented within buildings, suggesting that they are nolonger able to represent a configuration of stimulithat allows them to easily differentiate one placefrom another. It thus seems that careful study of landmark agnosics may provide considerableinsight into the normative process of selection andutilization of landmarks.

The parallels between prosopagnosia and land-mark agnosia (which we might refer to as synorag-nosia, from the Greek for landmark) are striking.Prosopagnosic patients are aware that they areviewing a face, but do not have access to the effort-less perception of facial identity that characterizesnormal performance. They also develop compensa-tory strategies that focus on the individual parts of the face, often distinguishing one person fromanother by careful study of the particular shape ofthe hairline, for example.

The lesion sites reported to produce landmarkagnosia are fairly well clustered. Except for patientJ.C. (who suffered a closed head injury and forwhom no imaging data are available) and patientM.S. (who suffered diffuse small-vessel ischemicdisease), the cases of landmark agnosia reviewedhere all had lesions either bilaterally or on the right

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side of the medial aspect of the occipital lobe,involving the lingual gyrus and sometimes theparahippocampal gyrus. The most common mecha-nism of injury is an infarction of the right posteriorcerebral artery.

The type of visual information that is representedin this critical area of the lingual gyrus is an openquestion. Is this a region involved in the represen-tation of all landmark information, or simply certainobject classes that happen to be used as landmarks?How would such a region come to exist? Oneaccount of the “lingual landmark area” (Aguirre,Zarahn, & D’Esposito, 1998a) posits the existenceof a cortical region predisposed to the representa-tion of the visual information employed in way-finding. Through experience, this area comes torepresent environmental features and visual config-urations that have landmark value (i.e., that tend toaid navigation). We might imagine that such a spa-tially segregated, specialized area would developbecause of the natural correlation of some landmarkfeatures with other landmark features (Polk &Farah, 1995). Furthermore, such a region mightoccupy a consistent area of cortex from person toperson as a result of the connection of the area withother visual areas (e.g., connections to areas withlarge receptive fields or to areas that process “opticflow”).

We have a sense from environmental psychologystudies of the types of visual features that wouldcome to be represented in such an area: large,immobile things located at critical, navigationalchoice points in the environment. Certainly build-ings fit the bill for western, urban dwellers. Wemight suspect that in other human populations thatnavigate through entirely different environments,different kinds of visual information would be rep-resented. In either case, lesions to this area wouldproduce the pattern of deficits seen in the reportedcases of landmark agnosia. Evidence for such anaccount has been provided by neuroimaging studiesin intact human subjects, which are consideredbelow.

Anterograde Disorientation and the MedialTemporal Lobes (Case 4)

Our discussion so far has focused on varieties of TD that follow damage to neocortical structures.The posterior parietal cortex, the posterior cingulategyrus, and areas of the medial fusiform gyrus haveall been associated with distinct forms of naviga-tional impairments. Despite this, much of the extantTD literature has been concerned with an area of the paleocortex: the medial temporal lobes. As mentioned previously, this focus on the medial tem-poral lobes derives from the compelling neuro-physiological finding that hippocampal cells in therodent fire selectively when the freely movinganimal is in certain locations within the environ-ment. The existence of these place cells is the basis for theories that offer the hippocampus as arepository of information about exocentric spatialrelationships (O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978). Additionalevidence regarding the importance of the hip-pocampus in animal spatial learning was providedby Morris and colleagues (1982), who reported thatrats with hippocampal lesions were impaired on atest of place learning, the water maze task. Thespecificity of the role played by the hippocampus(i.e., Ammon’s horn, the dentate gyrus, and thesubiculum) in spatial representation has subse-quently been debated at length (e.g., Cohen &Eichenbaum, 1993).

At the very least, it is clear that selective (neuro-toxic), bilateral lesions of this structure in the rodentgreatly impair performance in place learning taskssuch as the water maze (Jarrard, 1993; Morris,Schenk, Tweedie, & Jarrard, 1990). The central roleof the hippocampus in theories of spatial learning inanimals has influenced the neurological literature onTD to some extent. For example, many case reportsof topographically disoriented patients with neocor-tical damage are at pains to relate the lesion loca-tion to some kind of disruption of hippocampalfunction (e.g., through disconnection or loss ofinput).

In recent decades, the “cognitive map” theory has come to be contrasted with models of medial

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temporal lobe function in the realm of long-termmemory. In this account, which is supported prima-rily through lesion studies in human patients, thehippocampus is responsible for the initial formationand maintenance of “declarative” memories, whichover a period of months are subsequently consoli-dated within the neocortex and become independ-ent of hippocampal function.

What of the impact of medial temporal lesionsupon navigational ability? It is clear that unilaterallesions of the hippocampus do not produce anyappreciable real-world way-finding impairments inhumans (DeRenzi, 1982). While one study (Vargha-Khadem et al., 1997) has reported anterograde way-finding deficits in the setting of general anterogradeamnesia following bilateral damage restricted to the hippocampus, this obviously cannot be consid-ered a selective loss. Other studies of patients withbilateral hippocampal damage have not commentedupon anterograde way-finding ability (Rempel-Clower, Zola, Squire, & Amaral, 1996; Scoville & Milner, 1957; Zola-Morgan, Squire, & Amaral,1986). Retrograde loss of way-finding knowledge in

these patients is not apparently disproportionate tolosses in other areas (Rempel-Clower et al., 1996)and this knowledge can be preserved (Milner,Corkin, & Teuber, 1968; Teng & Squire, 1999).

Cases have been reported, however, of topo-graphical impairment that is primarily confined tonovel environments, although it is not associatedwith lesions to the hippocampus per se. It is inter-esting that this anterograde TD, described in twopatients by Ross (1980), one patient by Pai (1997),the patient of Luzzi, Pucci, Di Bella, & Piccirilli(2000), and the first two cases of Habib and Sirigu(1987), appears to affect both landmark and spatialspheres. By far the most comprehensive study hasbeen provided by Epstein and colleagues (2001) intheir examination of patients G.R. and C.G.

At the time of testing, G.R. was a well-educated,60-year-old man who had suffered right and leftoccipital-temporal strokes 2 years previously.Figure 5.3 shows the lesion site in this patient.These strokes had left him with a left hemianopsiaand right upper quadrantanopsia and dyschro-matopsia. He had no evidence of neglect, left-right

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Figure 5.3MRI scan of patient G.R., revealing bilateral damage to the parahippocampal gyri, with extension of the right lesion posteriorly to involve the inferior lingual gyrus, medial fusiform gyrus, and occipital lobe. (Images courtesy of Dr. R.Epstein.)

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confusion or apraxia, and no prosopagnosia orobject agnosia. His primary disability was a dra-matic inability to orient himself in new places:

According to both GR and his wife, this inability to learnnew topographical information was typical of his experi-ence since his strokes, as he frequently gets lost in his dailylife. Soon after his injury, he moved to a neighborhoodwith many similar-looking houses. He reported that inorder to find his new house after a walk to a market 6–7blocks away, he had to rely on street signs to guide him tothe correct block, and then examine each house on theblock in detail until he could recognize some feature thatuniquely distinguished his home. Subsequently, GR andhis wife moved to a different house in a different country.He reported that for the first six months after the move,his new home was like a “haunted house” for him insofaras he was unable to learn his way around it. (Epstein etal., 2001, p. 5)

Epstein noted the inability of the patient to learnhis way about the laboratory testing area despiterepeat visits, and described the results of a landmarklearning test in which the subject performed ratherpoorly. In contrast, G.R. was able to successfullyfollow a route marked on a map, indicating intact,basic spatial representation. In addition, G.R. wasable to draw accurate sketch maps of places knownto him prior to his stroke and performed the sameas age-matched controls on a recognition test offamous landmarks. These findings suggest that G.R.had intact representation of previously learnedspatial and landmark topographical information.Epstein and colleagues report the results of addi-tional tests that suggest that G.R.’s primary deficitwas in the encoding of novel information on theappearance of spatially extended scenes.

The patients reported by Habib and Sirigu (1987)and those of Ross (1980) had similar impairments.All four patients displayed preserved way-finding inenvironments known at least 6 months before theirlesion. Ross’s patient 1 was able to draw a veryaccurate map of his parent’s home. Both case 1 andcase 2 of Habib and Sirigu reported that followingan initial period of general impairment, no orienta-tion difficulties were encountered in familiar partsof town.

The lesion site in common among these cases isthe posterior aspect of the right parahippocampus.Figure 5.3 shows the lesion site in patient G.R. This finding is in keeping with the results of thegroup neuropsychological studies reported earlier.Both Bohbot and Barrash found that lesions of the right parahippocampus were highly associated withdeficits in real-world topographical ability. Onecaveat regarding localization of this lesion site isthat lesions of the parahippocampus typically occurin concert with lesions of the medial lingual gyrus,the area described earlier as consistently involvedin landmark agnosia. Can we be certain that land-mark agnosia and anterograde disorientation actu-ally result from lesions to two differentiable corticalareas? The report by Takahashi and Kawamura (inpress), who studied the performance of four patientswith TD, is helpful in this regard. They observedthat the patient with damage restricted to theparahippocampus was impaired in the acquisition ofnovel topographical information (they tested scenelearning), while the other patients with lesions thatincluded the medial lingual gyrus displayed diffi-culty recognizing previously familiar scenes andbuildings, in addition to an anterograde impairment.

Despite the case literature that argues for theprimacy of the parahippocampus within the medialtemporal lobe for way-finding, other lines of evi-dence continue to raise intriguing questions regard-ing the role of the hippocampus proper. Maguireand colleagues (2000) recently reported thatLondon taxicab drivers, who are required to assim-ilate an enormous quantity of topographical infor-mation, have larger posterior hippocampi thancontrol subjects. Moreover, the size of the posteriorhippocampus across drivers was correlated with thenumber of years they had spent on the job! The neuroimaging literature reviewed in the next sectionhas also found neural activity within hippocampalareas in the setting of topographically relevanttasks.

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Functional Neuroimaging Studies

Functional neuroimaging studies of topographicalrepresentation fall into two broad categories: (1)those that have sought the neural substrates of theentire cognitive process of topographical represen-tation and (2) those that have examined subcompo-nents of environmental knowledge.

In the first category, one of the earliest studieswas that by Aguirre, Detre, Alsop, & D’Esposito(1996). The subjects were studied with functionalMRI (fMRI) while they attempted to learn their waythrough a “virtual reality” maze. When the signalobtained during these periods was compared withthat obtained while the subjects repetitively tra-versed a simple corridor, greater activity wasobserved within the parahippocampus bilaterally,the posterior parietal cortex, the retrosplenial cor-tex, and the medial occipital cortex. This study didnot attempt to isolate the different cognitive ele-ments that are presumed to make up the complexbehavior of way-finding. Thus, the most we canconclude from this study (and studies of its kind) isthat the regions identified are activated by someaspect of way-finding.

Since then, Maguire and colleagues have pub-lished a number of neuroimaging studies thatpresent clever refinements of this basic approach:presenting subjects with virtual reality environ-ments in which they perform tasks (Maguire,Frackowiak, & Frith, 1996b, 1997; Maguire, Frith,Burgess, Donnett, & O’Keefe, 1998a; Maguire etal., 1998b). A consistent finding in their work hasbeen the presence of activity within the hippocam-pus proper, particularly in association with success-ful navigation in more complex and realistic virtualreality environments. Parahippocampal activity hasalso been a component of the activated areas,although Maguire has argued that this is drivenmore by the presence of landmarks within thetesting environment than the act of navigation itself.The interested reader is referred to Maguire,Burgess, & O’Keefe (1999) for a cogent review.

Clearly, something interesting is happening in thehippocampus proper in association with navigation

tasks. What is intriguing, however, is the absence ofclinical or even neuropsychological findings of top-ographical impairments in association with lesionsof this structure. The existence of this seeming con-flict points to the inferential limitations of func-tional neuroimaging studies. The behaviors understudy are enormously complicated, making anyattempt to isolate them by cognitive subtraction (a standard technique of neuroimaging inference)questionable.

It will always be possible that activity in the hip-pocampus (or any other area) is the result of con-founding and uncontrolled behaviors that differbetween the two conditions. Even if we could becertain that we have isolated the cognitive processof navigation, it would still be possible to observeneural activity in cortical regions that are not necessary for this function (Aguirre, Zarahn, &D’Esposito, 1998b). Regardless, the individual con-tributions of areas of the medial temporal lobes tonavigational abilities in humans remains an area ofactive investigation.

The second class of neuroimaging study hassought the neural correlates of particular subcom-ponents of environmental representation. At themost basic level of division, Aguirre and D’Esposi-tio (1997) sought to demonstrate a dorsal-ventraldissociation of cortical responsiveness for manipu-lation of judgments about landmark identity anddirection in environmental spaces. Their subjectsbecame familiar with a complex virtual reality townover a period of a few days. During scanning, thesubjects were presented with scenes from the envi-ronment and asked to either identify their currentlocation or, if given the name of the place, to judgethe compass direction of a different location. Consistent with the division of topographical repre-sentation outlined earlier, medial lingual areasresponded during location identification, while posterior cingulate and posterior parietal areasresponded during judgments about heading.

Further studies have refined this gross division.Aguirre and colleagues (1998a) tested the hypothe-sis that the causative lesion in landmark agnosiadamages a substrate specialized for the perception

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of buildings and large-scale environmental land-marks. Using functional MRI, they identified a cortical area that has a greater neural response tobuildings than to other stimuli, including faces, cars,general objects, and phase-randomized buildings.Across subjects, the voxels that evidenced “build-ing” responses were located straddling the anteriorend of the right lingual sulcus, which is in goodagreement with the lesion sites reported for land-mark agnosia. The finding of a “building-sensitive”cortex within the anterior, right lingual gyrus hasbeen replicated by other groups (Ishai, Ungerlieder,Martin, & Schouten, 1999).

Epstein and his colleagues have studied the con-ditions under which parahippocampal activity iselicited. Their initial finding (Epstein & Kanwisher,1998) was that perception of spatially extendedscenes (either indoor or outdoors) elicited robustactivation of the parahippocampus. These responseswere equivalent whether the pictured rooms con-tained objects or were simply bare walls! In a seriesof follow-up studies (Epstein, Harris, Stanley, &Kanwisher, 1999), Epstein has found that activity inthe parahippocampus is particularly sensitive to theencoding of new perceptual information regardingthe appearance and layout of spatially extendedscenes. These findings dovetail nicely with thepattern of anterograde deficits that have beenreported in patients with parahippocampal damage.

Conclusions and Future Directions

The past decade has seen the development ofseveral key insights into the nature of TD. Drivenby the success of the cognitive neuroscienceprogram, it is now possible to attribute varieties oftopographical disorientation to particular impair-ments in cognitive function. When presented with a patient with TD, a series of simple questions and tests should be sufficient to place the patientwithin one of the four categories of disorientationdescribed. Is the patient grossly disoriented withinegocentric space? Can he find his way about placesknown to him prior to his injury? Does he make

now use of a different set of environmental cues, inplace of large-scale features like buildings? Can he recognize landmarks but is uncertain of whichdirection to travel next? When the cognitive cate-gorization is consonant with the lesion observed, theclinician can be fairly confident of the type of TDexperienced by the patient.

In many cases, the degree of impairment im-proves over the months following the lesion, par-ticularly in the case of egocentric and anterogradedisorientation (Barrash, 1998). For those patientswith landmark agnosia, encouragement in the use ofenvironmental features other than large-scale land-marks may be helpful in returning the patient to anormal way-finding function.

The clinical syndrome of topographical disorien-tation remains an area of active investigation forseveral groups. More generally, the tools andmodels of cognitive neuroscience are now beingapplied to the problems of normative way-finding.Unresolved issues concern the relative contributionsof areas of the medial temporal lobes, explicitdemonstration of the representation of heading inthe posterior cingulate gyrus and a better under-standing of the development and representationalproperties of the lingual gyrus.


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Case Report

Family members of the patient (W.T.), a 30-year-old right-handed woman, noted that she suddenly began to speakgibberish and lost the ability to understand speech. Neu-rological examination revealed only Wernicke’s aphasia.Further examination revealed fluent speech, with frequentphonemic and semantic paraphasias. Naming was rela-tively preserved. Repetition of single words and phonemeswas impaired. She repeated words of high imageability(e.g., desk) more accurately than words of low imageabil-ity (e.g., fate). Occasional semantic errors were noted inrepetition; for example, when asked to repeat “shirt,” shesaid “tie.” Her writing of single words was similar to herrepetition in that she produced occasional semantic errorsand wrote words of high imageability significantly betterthan words of low imageability. A computed axial tomo-graphy (CAT) scan performed 6 months after the onset ofher symptoms revealed a small cortical infarct involvinga portion of the left posterior superior temporal gyrus.

W.T.’s reading comprehension was impaired; she performed well on comprehension tests involving high-imageability words, but was unable to reliably derivemeaning from low-imageability words that she correctlyread aloud. Of greatest interest was that her oral readingof single words was relatively preserved. She read approx-imately 95% of single words accurately and correctly readaloud five of the commands from the Boston DiagnosticAphasia Examination (Goodglass & Kaplan, 1972). It isinteresting that the variables that influenced her readingdid not affect her writing and speech. For example, herreading was not altered by the part of speech (e.g., noun,verb, adjective) of the target word; she read nouns, mod-ifiers, verbs, and even functors (e.g., words such as that,which, because, you) with equal facility. Nor was herreading affected by the imageability of the target word; she read words of low imageability (e.g., destiny) as wellas words of high imageability (e.g., chair). W.T. also read words with irregular print-to-sound correspondences(e.g., yacht, tomb) as well as words with regular correspondence.

W.T. exhibited one striking impairment in her reading,an inability to read pronounceable nonword letter strings.For example, when shown the letter string “flig,” W.T.could reliably indicate that the letter string was not a word.

6 Acquired Dyslexia: A Disorder of Reading

Asked to indicate how such a letter string would be pronounced or “sounded out,” however, she performedquite poorly, producing a correct response on only approx-imately 20% of trials. She typically responded by produc-ing a visually similar real word (e.g., flag) while indicatingthat her response was not correct.

In summary, W.T. exhibited Wernicke’s aphasiaand alexia characterized by relatively preserved oral reading of real words, but impaired readingcomprehension and poor reading of nonwords. Her pattern of reading deficit was consistent with the syndrome of phonological dyslexia. Her per-formance is of interest in this context because it speaks to contemporary accounts of the mecha-nisms mediating reading. As will be discussed later,a number of models of reading (e.g., Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989) invoke two mechanisms asmediating the pronunciation of letter strings; one isassumed to involve semantic mediation whereas the other is postulated to involve the translation ofprint into sound without accessing word-specificstored information—that is, without “looking up” aword in a mental dictionary. W.T.’s performance is of interest precisely because it challenges suchaccounts.

W.T.’s impaired performance on reading compre-hension and other tasks involving semantics sug-gests that she is not reading aloud by means of asemantically based procedure. Similarly, her inabil-ity to read nonwords suggests that she is unable to reliably employ print-to-sound translation pro-cedures. Her performance, therefore, argues for an additional reading mechanism by which word-specific stored information contacts speech produc-tion mechanisms directly.

Historical Overview of Acquired Dyslexia

Dejerine provided the first systematic descriptionsof disorders of reading resulting from brain lesionsin two seminal manuscripts in the late nineteenth

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century (1891, 1892). Although they were not thefirst descriptions of patients with reading disorders(e.g., Freund, 1889), his elegant descriptions of verydifferent disorders provided the general theoreticalframework that animated discussions of acquireddyslexia through the latter part of the twentiethcentury.

Dejerine’s first patient (1891) manifested im-paired reading and writing in the context of a mild aphasia after an infarction involving the leftparietal lobe. Dejerine called this disorder “alexiawith agraphia” and argued that the deficit was attributable to a disruption of the “optical image for words,” which he thought to be supported by the left angular gyrus. This stored information wasassumed to provide the template by which familiarwords were recognized; the loss of the “opticalimages,” therefore, would be expected to producean inability to read familiar words. Although multiple distinct patterns of acquired dyslexia have been identified in subsequent investigations, Dejerine’s account of alexia with agraphia repre-sented the first well-studied investigation of the“central dyslexias” to which we will return.

Dejerine’s second patient (1892) was quite dif-ferent. This patient exhibited a right homony-mous hemianopia and was unable to read aloud orfor comprehension, but could write and speak well.This disorder, designated “alexia without agraphia”(also known as agnosic alexia and pure alexia), wasattributed by Dejerine to a disconnection betweenvisual information presented to the right hemisphereand the left angular gyrus, which he assumed to becritical for the recognition of words.

During the decades after the contributions ofDejerine, the study of acquired dyslexia languished.The relatively few investigations that were reportedfocused primarily on the anatomical underpinningsof the disorders. Although a number of interestingobservations were reported, they were often eitherignored or their significance was not appreciated.For example, Akelaitis (1944) reported a left hemi-alexia—an inability to read aloud words presentedin the left visual field—in patients whose corpuscallosum had been severed. This observation pro-

vided powerful support for Dejerine’s interpretationof alexia without agraphia as a disconnection syndrome.

In 1977, Benson sought to distinguish a thirdalexia associated with frontal lobe lesions. This disorder was said to be associated with a Brocaaphasia as well as agraphia. These patients weresaid to comprehend “meaningful content words”better than words playing a “relational or syntactic”role and to exhibit greater problems with readingaloud than reading for comprehension. Finally,these patients were said to exhibit a “literal alexia”or an impairment in the identification of letterswithin words (Benson, 1977).

The study of acquired dyslexia was revitalized bythe elegant and detailed investigations of Marshalland Newcombe (1966, 1973). On the basis ofcareful analyses of the words their subjects readsuccessfully as well as a detailed inspection of theirreading errors, these investigators identified dis-tinctly different and reproducible types of read-ing deficits. The conceptual framework developedby Marshall and Newcombe (1973) has motivatedmany subsequent studies of acquired dyslexia (seeColtheart, Patterson, & Marshall, 1980; Patterson,Marshall, & Coltheart, 1985), and “information-processing” models of reading have been based toa considerable degree on their insights.

Experimental Research on Acquired Dyslexia

Reading is a complicated process that involvesmany different procedures and cognitive faculties.Before discussing the specific syndromes of ac-quired dyslexia, the processes mediating wordrecognition and pronunciation are briefly reviewed.The visual system efficiently processes a compli-cated stimulus that, at least for alphabet-based lan-guages, is composed of smaller meaningful units,letters. In part because the number of letters is smallin relation to the number of words, there is often a considerable visual similarity between words(e.g., same versus sane). In addition, the position ofletters within the letter string is also critical to word

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identification (consider mast versus mats). In lightof these factors, it is perhaps not surprising thatreading places a substantial burden on the visualsystem and that disorders of visual processing orvisual attention may substantially disrupt reading.

The fact that normal readers are so adept at wordrecognition has led some investigators to suggestthat words are not processed as a series of distinctletters but rather as a single entity in a process akinto the recognition of objects. At least for normalreaders under standard conditions, this does notappear to be the case. Rather, normal readingappears to require the identification of letters asalphabetic symbols. Support for this claim comesfrom demonstrations that presenting words in anunfamiliar form—for example, by alternating thecase of the letters (e.g., wOrD) or introducingspaces between words (e.g., food)—does not sub-stantially influence reading speed or accuracy (e.g.,McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981). These data arguefor a stage of letter identification in which thegraphic form (whether printed or written) is trans-formed into a string of alphabetic characters (W-O-R-D), sometimes called “abstract letter identities.”

As previously noted, word identification requiresnot only that the constituent letters be identified but also that the letter sequence be processed. Themechanism by which the position of letters withinthe stimulus is determined and maintained is notclear, but a number of accounts have been proposed.One possibility is that each letter is linked to a position in a word “frame” or envelope. Finally, itshould be noted that under normal circumstancesletters are not processed in a strictly serial fashion,but may be analyzed by the visual system in paral-lel (provided the words are not too long). Disordersof reading resulting from an impairment in the processing of the visual stimulus or the failure ofthis visual information to access stored knowledgeappropriate to a letter string are designated “periph-eral dyslexias” and are discussed later.

In “dual-route” models of reading, the identity ofa letter string may be determined by a number ofdistinct procedures. The first is a “lexical” proce-dure in which the letter string is identified by match-

ing it with an entry in a stored catalog of familiarwords, or a visual word form system. As indicatedin figure 6.1 and discussed later, this procedure,which in some respects is similar to looking up aword in a dictionary, provides access to the mean-ing and phonological form of the word and at leastsome of its syntactic properties. Dual-route modelsof reading also assume that the letter string can be converted directly to a phonological form by the application of a set of learned correspondencesbetween orthography and phonology. In this ac-count, meaning may then be accessed from thephonological form of the word.

Support for dual-route models of reading comesfrom a variety of sources. For present purposes,perhaps the most relevant evidence was provided byMarshall and Newcombe’s (1973) ground-breakingdescription of “deep” and “surface” dyslexia. Theseinvestigators described a patient (G.R.) who readapproximately 50% of concrete nouns (e.g., table,doughnut), but was severely impaired in the readingof abstract nouns (e.g., destiny, truth) and all otherparts of speech. The most striking aspect of G.R.’sperformance, however, was his tendency to produceerrors that appeared to be semantically related to the target word (e.g., speak read as talk). Marshalland Newcombe designated this disorder “deepdyslexia.”

These investigators also described two patientswhose primary deficit appeared to be an inability to reliably apply grapheme-phoneme correspon-dences. Thus, J.C., for example, rarely applied the“rule of e” (which lengthens the preceding vowel inwords such as “like”) and experienced great diffi-culties in deriving the appropriate phonology forconsonant clusters and vowel digraphs. The disor-der characterized by impaired application of print-to-sound correspondences was called “surfacedyslexia.”

On the basis of these observations, Marshall and Newcombe (1973) argued that the meaning ofwritten words could be accessed by two distinct pro-cedures. The first was a direct procedure by whichfamiliar words activated the appropriate stored rep-resentation (or visual word form), which in turn

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Figure 6.1An information-processing model of reading illustrating the putative reading mechanisms.

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activated meaning directly; reading in deepdyslexia, which was characterized by semanticallybased errors (of which the patient was oftenunaware), was assumed to involve this procedure.The second procedure was assumed to be a phono-logically based process in which grapheme-to-phoneme or print-to-sound correspondences wereemployed to derive the appropriate phonology (or“sound out” the word); the reading of surfacedyslexics was assumed to be mediated by this non-lexical procedure. Although a number of Marshalland Newcombe’s specific hypotheses have subse-quently been criticized, their argument that readingmay be mediated by two distinct procedures hasreceived considerable empirical support.

The information-processing model of readingdepicted in figure 6.1 provides three distinct pro-cedures for oral reading. Two of these procedurescorrespond to those described by Marshall andNewcombe. The first (labeled “A” in figure 6.1)involves the activation of a stored entry in the visualword form system and the subsequent access tosemantic information and ultimately activation ofthe stored sound of the word at the level of thephonological output lexicon. The second (“B” infigure 6.1) involves the nonlexical grapheme-to-phoneme or print-to-sound translation process; thisprocedure does not entail access to any stored infor-mation about words, but rather is assumed to bemediated by access to a catalog of correspondencesstipulating the pronunciation of phonemes.

Many information-processing accounts of thelanguage mechanisms subserving reading incorpo-rate a third procedure. This mechanism (“C” infigure 6.1) is lexically based in that it is assumed to involve the activation of the visual word formsystem and the phonological output lexicon. Theprocedure differs from the lexical procedure de-scribed earlier, however, in that there is no inter-vening activation of semantic information. Thisprocedure has been called the “direct” readingmechanism or route. Support for the direct lexicalmechanism comes from a number of sources,including observations that some subjects readaloud words that they do not appear to comprehend

(Schwartz, Saffran, & Marin, 1979; Noble, Glosser,& Grossman, 2000; Lambon Ralph, Ellis, &Franklin, 1995).

As noted previously, the performance of W.T. isalso relevant. Recall that W.T. was able to readaloud words that she did not understand, suggestingthat her oral reading was not semantically based.Furthermore, she could not read nonwords, sug-gesting that she was unable to employ a sounding-out strategy. Finally, the fact that she was unable towrite or repeat words of low imageability (e.g.,affection) that she could read aloud is importantbecause it suggests that her oral reading was notmediated by an interaction of impaired semanticand phonological systems (cf. Hills & Caramazza,1995). Thus, data from W.T. provide support for thedirect lexical mechanism.

Peripheral Dyslexias

A useful starting point in the discussion of acquireddyslexia is provided by the distinction made byShallice and Warrington (1980) between “peri-pheral” and “central” dyslexias. The former are con-ditions characterized by a deficit in the processingof visual aspects of the stimulus, which prevents the patient from achieving a representation of theword that preserves letter identity and sequence. Incontrast, central dyslexias reflect impairment to the “deeper” or “higher” reading functions by whichvisual word forms mediate access to meaning orspeech production mechanisms. In this section wediscuss the major types of peripheral dyslexia.

Alexia without Letter-by-Letter Agraphia (PureAlexia; Letter-by-Letter Reading)

This disorder is among the most common of theperipheral reading disturbances. It is associated witha left hemisphere lesion that affects the left occipi-tal cortex (which is responsible for the analysis ofvisual stimuli on the right side of space) and/or thestructures (i.e., left lateral geniculate nucleus of thethalamus and white matter, including callosal fibersfrom the intact right visual cortex) that provideinput to this region of the brain. It is likely that the

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lesion either blocks direct visual input to the mech-anisms that process printed words in the left hemi-sphere or disrupts the visual word form system itself (Geschwind & Fusillo, 1966; Warrington & Shallice, 1980; Cohen et al., 2000). Some of thesepatients seem to be unable to read at all, whileothers do so slowly and laboriously by a processthat involves serial letter identification (often called“letter-by-letter” reading). Letter-by-letter readersoften pronounce the letter names aloud; in somecases, they misidentify letters, usually on the basisof visual similarity, as in the case of N Æ M (seePatterson & Kay, 1982). Their reading is also ab-normally slow and is often directly proportional to word length. Performance is not typically influenced by variables such as imageability, part of speech, and regularity of print-to-sound correspondences.

It was long thought that patients with pure alexia were unable to read, except letter by letter(Dejerine, 1892; Geschwind & Fusillo, 1966).There is now evidence that some of them do retainthe ability to recognize letter strings, although thisdoes not guarantee that they will be able to readaloud. Several different paradigms have demon-strated the preservation of word recognition. Somepatients demonstrate a word superiority effect inthat a letter is more likely to be recognized when it is part of a word (e.g., the R in WORD) than when it occurs in a string of unrelated letters (e.g.,WKRD) (Bowers, Bub, & Arguin, 1996; Bub,Black, & Howell, 1989; Friedman & Hadley, 1992;Reuter-Lorenz & Brunn, 1990).

Second, some of them have been able to performlexical decision tasks (determining whether a letterstring constitutes a real word) and semantic catego-rization tasks (indicating whether a word belongs to a category, such as foods or animals) at abovechance levels when words are presented too rapidlyto support letter-by-letter reading (Shallice &Saffran, 1986; Coslett & Saffran, 1989a). Brevity of presentation is critical, in that longer exposure tothe letter string seems to engage the letter-by-letterstrategy, which appears to interfere with the abilityto perform the covert reading task (Coslett, Saffran,

Greenbaum, & Schwartz, 1993). In fact, the patientmay show better performance on lexical decisionsin shorter (e.g., 250ms) than in longer presentations(e.g., 2 seconds) that engage the letter-by-letterstrategy, but do not allow it to proceed to comple-tion (Coslett & Saffran, 1989a).

A compelling example comes from a previouslyreported patient who was given 2 seconds to scan the card containing the stimulus (Shallice &Saffran, 1986). The patient did not take advantageof the full inspection time when he was performinglexical decision and categorization tasks; instead, heglanced at the card briefly and looked away, perhapsto avoid letter-by-letter reading. The capacity forcovert reading has also been demonstrated in twopure alexics who were unable to employ the letter-by-letter reading strategy (Coslett & Saffran, 1989b,1992). These patients appeared to recognize words,but were rarely able to report them, although theysometimes generated descriptions that were relatedto the word’s meaning (for example, cookies Æ“candy, a cake”). In some cases, patients haveshown some recovery of oral reading over time,although this capacity appears to be limited to con-crete words (Coslett & Saffran, 1989a; Buxbaum &Coslett, 1996).

The mechanisms that underlie “implicit” or“covert” reading remain controversial. Dejerine(1892), who provided the first description of purealexia, suggested that the analysis of visual input inthese patients is performed by the right hemisphere,as a result of the damage to the visual cortex on theleft. (It should be noted, however, that not all lesionsto the left visual cortex give rise to alexia. A criti-cal feature that supports continued left hemisphereprocessing is the preservation of callosal input fromthe unimpaired visual cortex on the right.)

One possible explanation is that covert readingreflects recognition of printed words by the righthemisphere, which is unable to either articulate theword or (in most cases) to adequately communicateits identity to the language area of the left hemi-sphere (Coslett & Saffran, 1998; Saffran & Coslett,1998). In this account, letter-by-letter reading iscarried out by the left hemisphere using letter

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information transferred serially and inefficientlyfrom the right hemisphere. Furthermore, the ac-count assumes that when the letter-by-letter strategyis implemented, it may be difficult for the patient to attend to the products of word processing in the right hemisphere. Consequently, the patient’sperformance in lexical decision and categorizationtasks declines (Coslett & Saffran, 1989a; Coslett et al., 1993). Additional evidence supporting theright hemisphere account of reading in pure alexiais presented later.

Alternative accounts of pure alexia have also beenproposed (see Coltheart, 1998, for a special issuedevoted to the topic). Behrmann and colleagues(Behrmann, Plaut, & Nelson, 1998; Behrmann &Shallice, 1995), for example, have proposed that the disorder is attributable to impaired activation of orthographic representations. In this account,reading is assumed to reflect the “residual function-ing of the same interactive system that supportednormal reading premorbidly” (Behrmann et al.,1998, p. 7).

Other investigators have attributed pure dyslexiato a visual impairment that precludes activation of orthographic representations (Farah & Wallace,1991). Chialant & Caramazza (1998), for example,reported a patient, M.J., who processed single, visu-ally presented letters normally and performed wellon a variety of tasks assessing the orthographiclexicon with auditorily presented stimuli. In con-trast, M.J. exhibited significant impairments in the processing of letter strings. The investigatorssuggest that M.J. was unable to transfer informa-tion specifying multiple letter identities in parallelfrom the intact visual processing system in the righthemisphere to the intact language-processing mech-anisms of the left hemisphere.

Neglect Dyslexia

Parietal lobe lesions can result in a deficit thatinvolves neglect of stimuli on the side of space thatis contralateral to the lesion, a disorder referred toas hemispatial neglect (see chapter 1). In mostcases, this disturbance arises with damage to theright parietal lobe; therefore attention to the left side

of space is most often affected. The severity ofneglect is generally greater when there are stimulion the right as well as on the left; attention is drawnto the right-sided stimuli at the expense of those onthe left, a phenomenon known as extinction. Typicalclinical manifestations include bumping into objectson the left, failure to dress the left side of the body,drawing objects that are incomplete on the left, and reading problems that involve neglect of the leftportions of words, i.e., “neglect dyslexia.”

With respect to neglect dyslexia, it has beenfound that such patients are more likely to ignoreletters in nonwords (e.g., the first two letters inbruggle) than letters in real words (such as snuggle).This suggests that the problem does not reflect atotal failure to process letter information but ratheran attentional impairment that affects consciousrecognition of the letters (e.g., Sieroff, Pollatsek, & Posner, 1988; Behrmann, Moscovitch, & Moser,1990a; see also Caramazza & Hills, 1990b). Per-formance often improves when words are presentedvertically or spelled aloud. In addition, there is evi-dence that semantic information can be processedin neglect dyslexia, and that the ability to readwords aloud improves when oral reading follows a semantic task (Ladavas, Shallice, & Zanella,1997).

Neglect dyslexia has also been reported inpatients with left hemisphere lesions (Caramazza &Hills, 1990b; Greenwald & Berndt, 1999). In thesepatients the deficiency involves the right side ofwords. Here, visual neglect is usually confined towords and is not ameliorated by presenting wordsvertically or spelling them aloud. This disorder has therefore been termed a “positional dyslexia,”whereas the right hemisphere deficit has beentermed a “spatial neglect dyslexia” (Ellis, Young, &Flude, 1993).

Attentional Dyslexia

Attentional dyslexia is a disorder characterized byrelatively preserved reading of single words, butimpaired reading of words in the context of otherwords or letters. This infrequently described disor-der was first described by Shallice and Warrington

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(1977), who reported two patients with brain tumorsinvolving (at least) the left parietal lobe. Bothpatients exhibited relatively good performance withsingle letters or words, but were significantlyimpaired in the recognition of the same stimuliwhen they were presented as part of an array. Sim-ilarly, both patients correctly read more than 90%of single words, but only approximately 80% of the words when they were presented in the contextof three additional words. These investigators at-tributed the disorder to a failure of transmission ofinformation from a nonsemantic perceptual stage toa semantic processing stage (Shallice & Warrington,1977).

Warrington, Cipolotti, and McNeil (1993)reported a second patient, B.A.L., who was able to read single words, but exhibited a substantialimpairment in the reading of letters and words in anarray. B.A.L. exhibited no evidence of visual dis-orientation and was able to identify a target letter in an array of “X”s or “O”s. He was impaired,however, in the naming of letters or words whenthese stimuli were flanked by other members of thesame stimulus category. This patient’s attentionaldyslexia was attributed to an impairment arisingafter words and letters had been processed as units.

More recently Saffran and Coslett (1996) reporteda patient, N.Y., who exhibited attentional dyslexia.The patient had biopsy-proven Alzheimer’s diseasethat appeared to selectively involve posterior corti-cal regions. N.Y. scored within the normal range onverbal subtests of the Wechsler Adult IntelligenceScale-Revised (WAIS-R), but was unable to carryout any of the performance subtests. He performednormally on the Boston Naming Test. N.Y. per-formed quite poorly in a variety of experimentaltasks assessing visuospatial processing and visualattention. Despite his visuoperceptual deficits, how-ever, N.Y.’s reading of single words was essen-tially normal. He read 96% of 200 words presentedfor 100ms (unmasked). Like previously reportedpatients with this disorder, N.Y. exhibited a substan-tial decline in performance when asked to read twowords presented simultaneously.

Of greatest interest, however, was the fact thatN.Y. produced a substantial number of “blend”errors in which letters from the two words werecombined to generate a response that was notpresent in the display. For example, when shown“flip shot,” N.Y. responded “ship.” Like the blenderrors produced by normal subjects with brief stim-ulus presentation (Shallice & McGill, 1977), N.Y.’sblend errors were characterized by the preservationof letter position information; thus, in the precedingexample, the letters in the blend response (“ship”)retained the same serial position in the incorrectresponse. A subsequent experiment demonstratedthat for N.Y., but not controls, blend errors wereencountered significantly less often when the targetwords differed in case (desk, FEAR).

Like Shallice (1988; see also Mozer, 1991),Saffran and Coslett (1996) considered the centraldeficit in attentional dyslexia to be impaired controlof a filtering mechanism that normally suppressesinput from unattended words or letters in thedisplay. More specifically, they suggested that as aconsequence of the patient’s inability to effectivelydeploy the “spotlight” of attention to a particularregion of interest (e.g., a single word or a singleletter), multiple stimuli fall within the attentionalspotlight. Since visual attention may serve to inte-grate visual feature information, impaired modula-tion of the spotlight of attention would be expectedto generate word blends and other errors reflectingthe incorrect concatenation of letters.

Saffran and Coslett (1996) also argued that loss of location information contributed to N.Y.’sreading deficit. Several lines of evidence supportsuch a conclusion. First, N.Y. was impaired rela-tive to controls, both with respect to accuracy andresponse time in a task in which he was required toindicate if a line was inside or outside a circle.Second, N.Y. exhibited a clear tendency to omit onemember of a double-letter pair (e.g., reed > “red”).This phenomenon, which has been demonstrated innormal subjects, has been attributed to the loss oflocation information that normally helps to differ-entiate two occurrences of the same object.

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Finally, it should be noted that the well-documented observation that the blend errors ofnormal subjects as well as those of attentionaldyslexics preserve letter position is not inconsistentwith the claim that impaired location informationcontributes to attentional dyslexia. Migration orblend errors reflect a failure to link words or lettersto a location in space, whereas the letter positionconstraint reflects the properties of the word-processing system. The latter, which is assumed tobe at least relatively intact in patients with atten-tional dyslexia, specifies letter location with respectto the word form rather than to space.

Other Peripheral Dyslexias

Peripheral dyslexias may be observed in a varietyof conditions involving visuoperceptual or atten-tional deficits. Patients with simultanagnosia, a dis-order characterized by an inability to “see” morethan one object in an array, are often able to readsingle words, but are incapable of reading text (seechapter 2). Other patients with simultanagnosiaexhibit substantial problems in reading even singlewords.

Patients with degenerative conditions involvingthe posterior cortical regions may also exhibit profound deficits in reading as part of their moregeneral impairment in visuospatial processing (e.g.,Coslett, Stark, Rajaram, & Saffran, 1995). Severalpatterns of impairment may be observed in thesepatients. Some patients exhibit attentional dyslexia,with letter migration and blend errors, whereasother patients exhibiting deficits that are in certainrespects rather similar do not produce migration orblend errors in reading or illusory conjunctions invisual search tasks. We have suggested that at leastsome patients with these disorders suffer from aprogressive restriction in the domain to which theycan allocate visual attention. As a consequence ofthis impairment, these patients may exhibit an effectof stimulus size so that they are able to read wordsin small print, but when shown the same word inlarge print see only a single letter.

Central Dyslexias

Deep Dyslexia

Deep dyslexia, initially described by Marshall andNewcombe in 1973, is the most extensively inves-tigated of the central dyslexias (see Coltheart et al.,1980) and in many respects the most dramatic. Thehallmark of this disorder is semantic error. Shownthe word “castle,” a deep dyslexic may respond“knight”; shown the word “bird,” the patient mayrespond “canary.” At least for some deep dyslexics,it is clear that these errors are not circumlocutions.Semantic errors may represent the most frequenterror type in some deep dyslexics whereas in otherpatients they comprise a small proportion of readingerrors. Deep dyslexics make a number of othertypes of errors on single-word reading tasks as well.“Visual” errors in which the response bears a strongvisual similarity to the target word (e.g., book readas “boot”) are common. In addition, “morphologi-cal” errors in which a prefix or suffix is added,deleted, or substituted (e.g., scolded read as“scolds”; governor read as “government”) are typi-cally observed.

Another defining feature of the disorder is a profound impairment in the translation of print into sound. Deep dyslexics are typically unable toprovide the sound appropriate to individual lettersand exhibit a substantial impairment in the readingof nonwords. When confronted with letter stringssuch as flig or churt, for example, deep dyslexics are typically unable to employ print-to-sound correspondences to derive phonology; nonwordsfrequently elicit “lexicalization” errors (e.g., fligread as “flag”), perhaps reflecting a reliance onlexical reading in the absence of access to reliableprint-to-sound correspondences. Additional featuresof the syndrome include a greater success in readingwords of high compared with low imageability.Thus, words such as table, chair, ceiling, and but-tercup, the referent of which is concrete or image-able, are read more successfully than words such as fate, destiny, wish, and universal, which denoteabstract concepts.

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Another characteristic feature of deep dyslexia isa part-of-speech effect in which nouns are typicallyread more reliably than modifiers (adjectives andadverbs), which in turn are read more accuratelythan verbs. Deep dyslexics manifest particular dif-ficulty in the reading of functors (a class of wordsthat includes pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions,and interrogatives including that, which, they,because, and under). The striking nature of the part-of-speech effect may be illustrated by the patientwho correctly read the word “chrysanthemum” butwas unable to read the word “the” (Saffran & Marin,1977)! Most errors in functors involve the substitu-tion of a different functor (that read as “which”)rather than the production of words of a differentclass, such as nouns or verbs. Since functors are ingeneral less imageable than nouns, some investiga-tors have claimed that the apparent effect of part ofspeech is in reality a manifestation of the pervasiveimageability effect. There is no consensus on thispoint because other investigators have suggestedthat the part-of-speech effect is observed even ifstimuli are matched for imageability (Coslett,1991).

Finally, it should be noted that the accuracy oforal reading may be determined by context. This isillustrated by the fact that a patient was able to readaloud the word “car” when it was a noun, but not when the same letter string was a conjunction.Thus, when presented with the sentence, “Le carralentit car le moteur chauffe” (The car slows down because the motor overheats), the patient correctly pronounced only the first instance of “car” (Andreewsky, Deloche, & Kossanyi, 1980).

How can deep dyslexia be accommodated by theinformation-processing model of reading illustratedin figure 6.1? Several alternative explanations havebeen proposed. Some investigators have argued that the reading of deep dyslexics is mediated by adamaged form of the left hemisphere-based systememployed in normal reading (Morton & Patterson,1980; Shallice, 1988; Glosser & Friedman, 1990).In such an account, multiple processing deficitsmust be hypothesized to accommodate the fullrange of symptoms characteristic of deep dyslexia.

First, the strikingly impaired performance inreading nonwords and other tasks assessing phono-logical function suggests that the print-to-sound conversion procedure is disrupted. Second, the pres-ence of semantic errors and the effects of image-ability (a variable thought to influence processing at the level of semantics) suggest that these patientsalso suffer from a semantic impairment (but seeCaramazza & Hills, 1990a). Finally, the productionof visual errors suggests that these patients sufferfrom impairment in the visual word form system orin the processes mediating access to the visual wordform system.

Other investigators (Coltheart, 1980, 2000;Saffran, Bogyo, Schwartz, & Marin, 1980) haveargued that reading by deep dyslexics is mediatedby a system not normally used in reading—that is,the right hemisphere. We will return to the issue ofreading with the right hemisphere later. Finally,citing evidence from functional imaging studiesdemonstrating that deep dyslexic subjects exhibitincreased activation in both the right hemisphereand nonperisylvian areas of the left hemisphere,other investigators have suggested that deepdyslexia reflects the recruitment of both right andleft hemisphere processes.

Phonological Dyslexia: Reading without Print-to-Sound Correspondences

First described in 1979 by Derouesne and Beauvois,phonological dyslexia is perhaps the “purest” of thecentral dyslexias in that, at least in some accounts,the syndrome is attributable to a selective deficit in the procedure mediating the translation fromprint into sound. Single-word reading in this dis-order is often only mildly impaired; some patients, for example, correctly read 85–95% of real words(Funnell, 1983; Bub, Black, Howell, & Kartesz,1987). Some phonological dyslexics read all dif-ferent types of words with equal facility (Bub et al., 1987), whereas other patients are relativelyimpaired in the reading of functors (Glosser &Friedman, 1990).

Unlike the patients with surface dyslexiadescribed later, the regularity of print-to-sound

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correspondences is not relevant to their perform-ance; thus, phonological dyslexics are as likely to correctly pronounce orthographically irregularwords such as colonel as words with standard print-to-sound correspondences such as administer. Most errors in response to real words bear a visualsimilarity to the target word (e.g., topple read as“table”). The reader is referred to a special issue ofCognitive Neuropsychology for a discussion of thisdisorder (Coltheart, 1996).

The striking and theoretically relevant aspect ofthe performance of phonological dyslexics is a sub-stantial impairment in the oral reading of nonwordletter strings. We have examined patients with thisdisorder, for example, who read more than 90% ofreal words of all types yet correctly pronouncedonly approximately 10% of nonwords. Most errorsin nonwords involve the substitution of a visuallysimilar real word (e.g., phope read as “phone”) orthe incorrect application of print-to-sound corre-spondences (e.g., stime read as “stim” to rhymewith “him”).

Within the context of the reading model depictedin figure 6.1, the account for this disorder is rela-tively straightforward. Good performance with realwords suggests that the processes involved innormal “lexical” reading—that is, visual analysis,the visual word form system, semantics, and thephonological output lexicon—are at least relativelypreserved. The impairment in reading nonwordssuggests that the print-to-sound translation proce-dure is disrupted.

Recent explorations of the processes involved in reading nonwords have identified a number ofdistinct procedures involved in this task (see Colt-heart, 1996). If these distinct procedures may beselectively impaired by brain injury, one mightexpect to observe different subtypes of phonologi-cal dyslexia. Although the details are beyond thescope of this chapter, Coltheart (1996) has recentlyreviewed evidence suggesting that different sub-types of phonological dyslexia may be observed.

Finally, it should be noted that several investiga-tors have suggested that phonological dyslexia isnot attributable to a disruption of a reading-specific

component of the cognitive architecture, but ratherto a more general phonological deficit. Support for this assertion comes from the observation thatthe vast majority of phonological dyslexics areimpaired on a wide variety of nonreading tasks thatassess phonology.

Phonological dyslexia is, in certain respects,similar to deep dyslexia, the critical differencebeing that semantic errors are not observed inphonological dyslexia. Citing the similarity ofreading performance and the fact that deep dyslex-ics may evolve into phonological dyslexics as theyimprove, it has been argued that deep and phono-logical dyslexia are on a continuum of severity(Glosser & Friedman, 1990).

Surface Dyslexia: Reading without LexicalAccess

Surface dyslexia, first described by Marshall andNewcombe (1973), is a disorder characterized bythe relatively preserved ability to read words withregular or predictable grapheme-to-phoneme corre-spondences, but substantially impaired reading of words with “irregular” or exceptional print-to-sound correspondences. Thus, patients with surfacedyslexia typically are able to read words such as state, hand, mosquito, and abdominal quite well,whereas they exhibit substantial problems readingwords such as colonel, yacht, island, and borough,the pronunciation of which cannot be derived bysounding-out strategies. Errors in irregular wordsusually consist of “regularizations”; for example,surface dyslexics may read colonel as “kollonel.”These patients read nonwords (e.g., blape) quitewell. Finally, it should be noted that all surfacedyslexics that have been reported to date read atleast some irregular words correctly. Patients willoften read high-frequency irregular words (e.g.,have, some), but some surface dyslexics have beenreported to read such low-frequency and highlyirregular words as sieve and isle.

As noted earlier, some accounts of normalreading postulate that familiar words are read aloudby matching a letter string to a stored representationof the word and retrieving the pronunciation by a

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mechanism linked to semantics or by a direct route.Since this process is assumed to involve the activa-tion of the sound of the whole word, performancewould not be expected to be influenced by the regularity of print-to-sound correspondences. Thefact that this variable significantly influences per-formance in surface dyslexia suggests that thedeficit in this syndrome is in the mechanisms medi-ating lexical reading, that is, in the semanticallymediated and direct reading mechanisms. Similarly,the preserved ability to read words and nonwordsdemonstrates that the procedures by which wordsare sounded out are at least relatively preserved.

In the context of the information-processingmodel discussed previously, how would one ac-count for surface dyslexia? Scrutiny of the modeldepicted in figure 6.1 suggests that at least three dif-ferent deficits may result in surface dyslexia. First,this disorder may arise from a deficit at the level of the visual word form system that disrupts the processing of words as units. As a consequence of this deficit, subjects may identify “sublexical”units (e.g., graphemes or clusters of graphemes) andidentify words on the basis of print-to-sound corre-spondences. Note that in this account, semanticsand output processes would be expected to be pre-served. The patient J.C. described by Marshall andNewcombe (1973) exhibited at least some of thefeatures of this type of surface dyslexia. Forexample, in response to the word listen, JC said“Liston” (a former heavyweight champion boxer)and added “that’s the boxer,” demonstrating that hewas able to derive phonology from print and sub-sequently access meaning.

In the model depicted in figure 6.1, one mightalso expect to encounter surface dyslexia withdeficits at the level of the output lexicon (see Ellis,Lambon Ralph, Morris, & Hunter, 2000). Supportfor such an account comes from patients who com-prehend irregular words yet regularize these wordswhen asked to read them aloud. For example, the word “steak” as “steek” (as in seek) beforeadding, “nice beef” (Howard & Franklin, 1987). Inthis instance, the demonstration that M.K. was ableto provide appropriate semantic information indi-

cates that he was able to access meaning directlyfrom the written word and suggests that the visualword form system and semantics were at least relatively preserved.

One might also expect to observe surfacedyslexia in patients exhibiting semantic loss.Indeed, most patients with surface dyslexia (oftenin association with surface dysgraphia) exhibit asignificant semantic deficit (Shallice, Warrington, & McCarthy, 1983; Hodges, Patterson, Oxbury, &Funnell, 1992). Surface dyslexia is most frequentlyobserved in the context of semantic dementia, a pro-gressive degenerative condition characterized by agradual loss of knowledge in the absence of deficitsin motor, perceptual, and, in some instances, ex-ecutive function (see chapter 4).

Note, however, that the information-processingaccount of reading depicted in figure 6.1 also incor-porates a lexical but nonsemantic reading mecha-nism by which patients with semantic loss would be expected to be able to read even irregular wordsnot accommodated by the grapheme-to-phonemeprocedure. In this account, then, surface dyslexia isassumed to reflect impairment in both the semanticand lexical, but not nonsemantic mechanisms. Itshould be noted in this context that the “triangle”model of reading developed by Seidenberg andMcClelland (1989; also see Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, & Patterson, 1996) provides an alter-native account of surface dyslexia. In this account,to which we briefly return later, surface dyslexia isassumed to reflect the disruption of semanticallymediated reading.

Reading and the Right Hemisphere

One controversial issue regarding reading concernsthe putative reading capacity of the right hemi-sphere. For many years investigators argued that the right hemisphere was “word-blind” (Dejerine,1892; Geschwind, 1965). In recent years, how-ever, several lines of evidence have suggested that the right hemisphere may possess the capacity toread (Coltheart, 2000; Bartolomeo, Bachoud-Levi,Degos, & Boller, 1998). Indeed, as previously

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noted, a number of investigators have argued thatthe reading of deep dyslexics is mediated at least inpart by the right hemisphere.

One seemingly incontrovertible finding demon-strating that at least some right hemispheres possessthe capacity to read comes from the performance of a patient who underwent a left hemispherec-tomy at age 15 for treatment of seizures caused by Rasmussen’s encephalitis (Patterson, Varga-Khadem, & Polkey, 1989a). After the hemispherec-tomy, the patient was able to read approximately30% of single words and exhibited an effect of partof speech; she was unable to use a grapheme-to-phoneme conversion process. Thus, as noted by theauthors, this patient’s performance was similar inmany respects to that of patients with deep dyslexia,a pattern of reading impairment that has beenhypothesized to reflect the performance of the righthemisphere.

The performance of some split-brain patients isalso consistent with the claim that the right hemi-sphere is literate. These patients may, for example,be able to match printed words presented to the righthemisphere with an appropriate object (Zaidel,1978; Zaidel & Peters, 1983). It is interesting thatthe patients are apparently unable to derive soundfrom the words presented to the right hemisphere;thus they are unable to determine if a word pre-sented to the right hemisphere rhymes with a spokenword.

Another line of evidence supporting the claimthat the right hemisphere is literate comes from anevaluation of the reading of patients with purealexia and optic aphasia. We reported data, forexample, from four patients with pure alexia whoperformed well above chance in a number of lexicaldecision and semantic categorization tasks withbriefly presented words that they could not explic-itly identify. Three of the patients who regained theability to explicitly identify rapidly presented wordsexhibited a pattern of performance consistent withthe right hemisphere reading hypothesis. Thesepatients read nouns better than functors and wordsof high imageability (e.g., chair) better than wordsof low imageability (e.g., destiny). In addition, both

patients for whom data are available demonstrateda deficit in the reading of suffixed (e.g., flowed)compared with pseudo-suffixed (e.g., flower)words. These data are consistent with a version ofthe right hemisphere reading hypothesis, which pos-tulates that the right hemisphere lexical-semanticsystem primarily represents high imageabilitynouns. In this account, functors, affixed words, andlow-imageability words are not adequately repre-sented in the right hemisphere.

An important additional finding is that magneticstimulation applied to the skull, which disrupts elec-trical activity in the brain below, interfered with thereading performance of a partially recovered purealexic when it affected the parieto-occipital area ofthe right hemisphere (Coslett & Monsul, 1994). Thesame stimulation had no effect when it was appliedto the homologous area on the left. Additional datasupporting the right hemisphere hypothesis comefrom the demonstration that the limited whole-wordreading of a pure alexic was lost after a right occipito-temporal stroke (Bartolomeo et al., 1998).

Although a consensus has not yet been achieved,there is mounting evidence that at least for somepeople, the right hemisphere is not word-blind, butmay support the reading of some types of words.The full extent of this reading capacity and whetherit is relevant to normal reading, however, remainunclear.

Functional Neuromaging Studies of Acquired Dyslexia

A variety of experimental techniques includingposition emission tomography (PET), functionalmagnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and evokedpotentials have been employed to investigate theanatomical basis of reading in normal subjects. As in other domains of inquiry, differences in experimental technique (e.g., stimulus duration)(Price, Moore, & Frackowiak, 1996) and designhave led to some variability in the localization ofputative components of reading systems. Attemptsto precisely localize components of the cognitive

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architecture of reading are also complicated by theinteractive nature of language processes. Thus,since word recognition may lead to automatic acti-vation of meaning and phonology, tasks such aswritten-word lexical decisions, which in theory mayrequire only access to a visual word form system,may also activate semantic and phonologicalprocesses (see Demonet, Wise, & Frackowiak,1993). Despite these potential problems, thereappears to be at least relative agreement regardingthe anatomical basis of several components of thereading system (see Fiez & Petersen, 1998; Price,1998).

A number of studies suggest that early visualanalysis of orthographic stimuli activates Brodmannareas 18 and 19 bilaterally (Petersen, Fox, Snyder,& Raichle, 1990; Price et al., 1996; Bookheimer,Zeffiro, Blaxton, Gaillard, & Theodore, 1995; Indefrey et al., 1997; Hagoort et al., 1999). Forexample, Petersen et al. (1990) reported extrastriateactivation with words, nonwords, and even falsefonts.

As previously noted, most accounts of readingpostulate that after initial visual processing, famil-iar words are recognized by comparison with acatalog of stored representations that is often termedthe “visual word-form system.” A variety of recentinvestigations involving fMRI (Cohen et al., 2000,Puce, Allison, Asgari, Gore, & McCarthy, 1996),PET (e.g., Beauregard et al., 1997), and directrecording of cortical electrical activity (Nobre,Allison, & McCarthy, 1994) suggest that the visualword-form system is supported by the inferioroccipital or inferior temporo-occipital cortex; theprecise localization of the visual word form systemin cortex, however, varies somewhat from study tostudy.

Recent strong support for this localization comesfrom an investigation by Cohen et al. (2000) of fivenormal subjects and two patients with posterior callosal lesions. These investigators presentedwords and nonwords for lexical decision or oralreading to either the right or left visual fields. Theyfound initial unilateral activation in what wasthought to be area V4 in the hemisphere to which

the stimulus was projected. More important, how-ever, in normal subjects, activation was observed inthe left fusiform gyrus (Talairach coordinates -42,-57, -6), which was independent of the hemisphereto which the stimulus was presented. The twopatients with posterior callosal lesions were moreimpaired in the processing of letter strings presentedto the right than to the left hemisphere; fMRI inthese subjects demonstrated that the region of thefusiform gyrus described earlier was activated in thecallosal patients only by stimuli presental to the lefthemisphere. As noted by the investigators, thesefindings are consistent with the hypothesis that thehemialexia demonstrated by the callosal patients isattributable to a failure to access the visual word-form system in the left fusiform gyrus.

It should be noted, however, that alternativelocalizations of the visual word-form system have been proposed. Petersen et al. (1990) andBookheimer et al. (1995), for example, have sug-gested the medial extrastriate cortex as the relevantsite for the visual word-form system. In addition,Howard et al. (1992), Price et al. (1994), and Vandenberghe, Price, Wise, Josephs, & Frackowiak(1996) have localized the visual word-form systemto the left posterior temporal lobe. Evidence againstthis localization has been presented by Cohen et al.(2000).

Several studies have suggested that retrieval ofphonology for visually presented words may acti-vate the posterior superior temporal lobe or the leftsupramarginal gyrus. For example, Vandenberghe et al. (1996), Bookheimer et al. (1995), and Menard,Kosslyn, Thompson, Alpert, & Rauch (1996)reported that reading words activated Brodmannarea 40 to a greater degree than naming pictures,raising the possibility that this region is involved inretrieving phonology for written words.

The left inferior frontal cortex has also beenimplicated in phonological processing with writtenwords. Zatorre, Meyer, Gjedde, & Evans (1996)reported activation of this region in tasks involvingdiscrimination of final consonants or phoneme monitoring. In addition, the contrast between read-ing of pseudo-words and regular words has been

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reported to activate the left frontal operculum (Priceet al., 1996), and this region was activated by alexical decision test with written stimuli (Rumsey etal., 1997).

Deriving meaning from visually presented wordsrequires access to stored knowledge or semantics.While the architecture and anatomical bases ofsemantic knowledge remain controversial and arebeyond the scope of this chapter, a variety of linesof evidence reviewed by Price (1998) suggests thatsemantics are supported by the left inferior tempo-ral and posterior inferior parietal cortices. The roleof the dorsolateral frontal cortex in semantic pro-cessing is not clear; Thompson-Schill, D’Esposito,Aguirre, & Farah (1997) and other investigators(Gabrieli, 1998) have suggested that this activationis attributable to “executive” processing, includingresponse selection rather than semantic processing.

Conclusions and Future Directions

Our discussion to this point has focused on a “box-and-arrow” information-processing accountof reading disorders. This account has not onlyproven useful in terms of explaining data fromnormal and brain-injured subjects but has also pre-dicted syndromes of acquired dyslexia. One weak-ness of these models, however, is the fact that theaccounts are largely descriptive and underspecified.

In recent years, a number of investigators havedeveloped models of reading in which the architec-ture and procedures are fully specified and im-plemented in a fashion that permits an empiricalassessment of their performance. One computa-tional account of reading has been developed byColtheart and colleagues (Coltheart & Rastle, 1994;Rastle & Coltheart, 1999). Their “dual-route cas-caded” model is a computational version of thedual-route theory similar to that presented in figure6.1. This account incorporates a “lexical” route(similar to “C” in figure 6.1) as well as a “nonlexi-cal” route by which the pronunciation of graphemesis computed on the basis of position-specific corre-spondence rules. This model accommodates a wide

range of findings from the literature on normalreading.

A fundamentally different type of reading modelwas developed by Seidenberg and McClelland andsubsequently elaborated by Plaut, Seidenberg, andcolleagues (Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989; Plaut,Seidenberg, & McClelland, Patterson 1996). Thisaccount belongs to the general class of parallel dis-tributed processing or connectionist models. Some-times called the “triangle” model, this approachdiffers from information-processing accounts in thatit does not incorporate word-specific representa-tions (e.g., visual word forms, output phonologicalrepresentations). In this account, the subjects areassumed to learn how written words map ontospoken words through repeated exposure to famil-iar and unfamiliar words. Word pronunciations arelearned by the development of a mapping betweenletters and sounds generated on the basis of experi-ence with many different letter strings. The pro-babilistic mapping between letters and sounds isassumed to provide the means by which both familiar and unfamiliar words are pronounced.

This model not only accommodates an impres-sive array of the classic findings in the literature onnormal reading but also has been “lesioned” in anattempt to reproduce the reading patterns charac-teristic of dyslexia. For example, Patterson et al.(1989b) have attempted to accommodate surfacedyslexia by disrupting semantically mediatedreading, and Plaut and Shallice (1993) generated aperformance pattern similar to that of deep dyslexiaby lesioning a somewhat different connectionistmodel.

A full discussion of the relative merits of thesemodels as well as approaches to understandingreading and acquired dyslexia is beyond the scopeof this chapter. It would appear likely, however, thatinvestigations of acquired dyslexia will help us tochoose between competing accounts of reading and that these models will continue to offer criticalinsights into the interpretation of data from brain-injured subjects.

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This work was supported by National Institutes of Healthgrant RO1 DC02754.


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Darren R. Gitelman

Arithmetic is being able to count up to twenty withouttaking off your shoes.—Mickey Mouse

Although descriptions of calculation deficits datefrom the early part of this century, comprehensiveneuropsychological and neuroanatomical models of this function have been slow to develop. This lag may reflect several factors, including an initialabsence of nomenclature accurately describing calculation deficits, difficulty separating calculationdisorders from disruptions in other domains, and,more fundamentally, the multidimensional nature ofnumerical cognition, which draws upon perceptual,linguistic, and visuospatial skills during both child-hood development and adult performance. The goalof this chapter is to review the cognitive neuro-science and behavioral neuroanatomy underlyingthese aspects of numerical processing, and thelesion-deficit correlations that result in acalculia.Recommended tests at the bedside are outlined atthe end of the chapter since the theoretical motiva-tions for those tests will have been discussed by thatpoint.

Case Report

C.L., a 55-year-old right-handed woman, sought an eval-uation for problems with writing and calculations. Thesesymptoms had been present for approximately 1 year andhad led her to resign from her position as a second-gradeteacher. In addition to writing and calculation deficits, bothspelling and reading had declined. Lapses of memoryoccurred occasionally. Despite these deficits, daily livingactivities remained intact.

Examination revealed an alert, cooperative, and pleas-ant woman who was appropriately concerned about herpredicament. She was fully oriented, but had only a vagueknowledge of current events. She could not recite themonths in normal order and her verbal fluency wasreduced for lexical items (five words). After ten trials shewas able to repeat four words from immediate memory,

7 Acalculia: A Disorder of Numerical Cognition

and could then recall all four words after 10 minutes. Thisperformance suggested that she did not have a primarymemory disorder. There was mild hesitancy to her spon-taneous speech, but no true word-finding pauses. She didwell on confrontation naming, showing only mild hesita-tion on naming parts of objects. Only a single phonemicparaphasia was noted. Her comprehension was preserved,and reading was slow but accurate, including readingnumbers. Writing was very poor. She had severe spellingdifficulties, even for simple words, including regular andirregular forms. Calculations were severely impaired. Forexample, she said that 8 + 4 was 11 and could not calcu-late 4 ¥ 12. Mild deficits were noted for finger naming and left-right orientation. Thus she manifested all fourcomponents of Gerstmann’s syndrome (acalculia, agra-phia, right-left confusion, and finger agnosia). Difficultiesin target scanning and mild simultanagnosia were present.Clock drawing showed minimal misplacement of num-bers, but she could not copy a cube. Lines were bisectedcorrectly. Her general physical examination and elemen-tary sensorimotor neurological examination showed nofocal deficits.

Because of her relatively young age and unusual pre-sentation, an extensive workup was performed. A varietyof laboratory tests were unremarkable. A brain magneticresonance imaging (MRI) scan showed moderate atrophicchanges. Single-photon emission computed tomographyshowed greater left than right parietal perfusion deficits(figure 7.1).

The patient in this case report clearly had diffi-culty with calculations. The most significant othercognitive deficits were in writing and certain re-stricted aspects of naming (e.g., finger naming). Thedescription of this case reports a simple, classic neu-rological approach to the evaluation of her calcula-tion deficit. However, it will soon be shown that theexamination barely touched upon the rich cognitiveneurology and neuropsychology underlying humannumerical cognition. The case also illustrates twoimportant points regarding calculations that will be expanded upon later: (1) Calculation deficits donot necessarily represent general disturbances inintellectual abilities; for example, in this patient,language functions (outside of writing) and memory

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were generally preserved. (2) The cerebral perfu-sion deficits, particularly in the left parietal cortex,and the patient’s anarithmetia are consistent withthe prominent role of this region in several aspectsof calculations.

Historical Perspective and Early Theories of Calculation

The development of numerical cognitive neuro-science has paralleled that of many other cognitivedisorders. Early on in the history of this field,lesion-deficit correlations suggested the presence ofdiscrete centers for calculation. Subsequently, viewsbased on equipotentiality prevailed, and calculationdeficits were thought to reflect generalized disrup-tions of brain function (Spiers, 1987). Current viewspreserve the concepts of regional specialization and multiregional integration through the theoreti-cal formulation that complex cognitive functions,such as calculations, are supported by large-scaleneural networks.1

The phrenologist Franz Josef Gall was probablythe first to designate a cerebral source for numbers,in the early 1800s, which he attributed to the infe-rior frontal regions bilaterally (Kahn & Whitaker,1991). No patient-related information, however,

was provided for this conjecture. The first patient-based description of an acquired calculation dis-order was provided in 1908 by Lewandowsky and Stadelman. Their patient developed calcula-tion deficits following removal of a left occipitalhematoma. The resulting calculation disturbanceclearly exceeded problems in language or deficits inother aspects of cognition. Thus, these authors werethe first to report that calculation disturbances couldbe distinct from other language deficits.

Subsequently, several cases were reported inwhich calculation disturbances appeared to followleft retrorolandic lesions or bilateral occipitaldamage (Poppelreuter, 1917; Sittig, 1917; Peritz,1918, summarized by Boller & Grafman, 1983).Peritz also specifically cited the left angular gyrusas a center for calculations (Boller & Grafman,1983).

Henschen first used the term acalculia to refer toan inability to perform basic arithmetical operations(Henschen, 1920; Boller & Grafman, 1983; Kahn &Whitaker, 1991). He also postulated that calcula-tions involved several cortical centers, including theinferior frontal gyrus for number pronunciation,both the angular gyrus and intraparietal sulcus fornumber reading, and the angular gyrus alone forwriting numbers. Significantly, he also recognizedthat calculation and language functions are associ-ated but independent (Boller & Grafman, 1983;Kahn & Whitaker, 1991).

Several subsequent analyses have documentedthe distinctions between acalculia and aphasia, andhave demonstrated that calculation deficits areunlikely to be related to a single brain center (i.e.,they are not simply localized to the angular gyrus).Berger, for example, documented three cases ofacalculia that had lesions in the left temporal andoccipital cortices but not in the angular gyrus(Berger, 1926; Boller & Grafman, 1983; Kahn &Whitaker, 1991). Berger also suggested that thevarious brain areas underlying calculation workedtogether to produce these abilities, thus heraldinglarge-scale network theories of brain organization(Mesulam, 1981; Selemon & Goldman-Rakic,1988; Alexander, Crutcher, & Delong, 1990;

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Figure 7.1Two representative slices from the single-photon emissioncomputed tomography scan for C.L. The areas of pre-dominant left frontoparietal hypoperfusion are indicatedby arrows. Perfusion was also reduced in similar areas onthe right compared with normal subjects, but the extentwas much less dramatic than the abnormalities on the left.

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Dehaene & Cohen, 1995). Another important dis-tinction noted by Berger was the difference betweensecondary acalculia (i.e., those disturbances due tocognitive deficits in attention, memory language,etc.), and primary acalculia, which appeared to beindependent of other cerebral disorders (Boller &Grafman, 1983).

Other early authors postulated a variety of addi-tional deficits that could interfere with calculations,such as altered spatial cognition (Singer & Low,1933; Krapf, 1937; Critchley, 1953), disturbed sensorimotor transformations (possibly having to do with the physical manipulation of quantities)(Krapf, 1937), altered numerical mental representa-tions and calculation automaticity (Leonhard, 1939;Critchley, 1953), and abnormal numerical and sym-bolic semantics (Cohn, 1961; Boller & Grafman,1983; Kahn & Whitaker, 1991). Consistent with thisplethora of potential cognitive deficits, an increas-ing number of cognitive processes (e.g., ideational,verbal, spatial, and constructional) were hypothe-sized to support numerical functions, and corre-spondences were developed between cortical areasand the cognitive functions they were thought toserve (Boller & Grafman, 1983; Kahn & Whitaker,1991).

The parietal lobes have long been considered tobe a fundamental cortical region for calculationprocesses. From 1924 to 1930, Josef Gerstmannpublished a series of articles describing a syndromethat now bears his name. He described the associa-tion of lesions in the left parietal cortex with deficitsin writing, finger naming, right-left orientation and calculations (Gerstmann, 1924, 1927, 1930).Gerstmann attributed this disorder to a disturbanceof “body schema,” which he thought was coordi-nated through the parietal lobes. The existence and cohesiveness of this syndrome has been bothpraised (Strub & Geschwind, 1974) and challenged(Benton, 1961; Poeck & Orgass, 1966; Benton,1992).

It has also been unclear how disturbances in bodyschema would explain acalculia except at a superfi-cial level (e.g., children learn calculations by count-ing on their fingers; therefore a disturbance in finger

naming may lead to a disturbance in calculations).More recently, it has been suggested that the Gerstmann syndrome may represent a disconnec-tion between linguistic and visual-spatial systems(Levine, Mani, & Calvanio, 1988). This explanationmay be particularly important for understandinghow neural networks supporting language or sym-bolic manipulation and those supporting spatialcognition interact with each other and contribute to calculations. This particular point is discussedfurther in the section on network models of calculations.

Aside from the parietal contributions to numberprocessing, other authors, focusing on the visualaspects of numerical manipulation, have consideredthe occipital lobes to be particularly important(Krapf, 1937; Goldstein, 1948). Another debate hasconcentrated on the hemispheric localization ofarithmetical functions. Although calculation deficitsoccur more commonly with lesions to the left hemi-sphere, they can also be seen with right hemisphereinjury (Henschen, 1919; Critchley, 1953; Hécaen,1962). Others, such as Goldstein (1948), doubtedthe right hemisphere’s involvement in this function.

More recently, Collignon et al. and Grafman et al. documented calculation performance in seriesof patients with right or left hemisphere damage(Collingnon, Leclercq & Mahy, 1977; Grafman,Passafiume, Faglioni, & Boller, 1982). In bothreports, disturbances of calculation followed injuryto either hemisphere; however, acalculia occurredmore often in patients with left hemisphere lesions.Grafman et al. (1982) also demonstrated that leftretrorolandic lesions impaired calculations morethan left anterior or right-sided lesions.

In 1961, Hècaen et al. published a report on a large series of patients (183) with posterior corti-cal lesions and calculation disorders (Hécaen,Angelergues, & Hovillier, 1961). Three main typesof calculation deficits were noted: (1) One grouphad alexia and agraphia for digits with or withoutalexia and agraphia for letters. In this group, calcu-lations appeared to be impaired secondary to dis-turbances in visual aspects of numerical input andoutput. (2) A second group showed problems with

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the spatial organization of numbers and tended towrite numbers in the wrong order or invert them. (3) The third group had difficulty performing arith-metical operations, but their deficits were notsimply attributable to problems with the compre-hension or production of numbers. This group wasdefined as having anarithmetia.

The importance of this report was severalfold: It confirmed the distinctions between aphasia andacalculia; it demonstrated the importance of theparietal cortex to calculations (among other retro-rolandic regions); it demonstrated the separabilityof comprehension, production, and computationaloperations in the calculation process; and it sug-gested that both hemispheres contribute to this function (Boller & Grafman, 1983). This report wasalso the first to attempt a comprehensive cognitivedescription of calculation disorders, rather than considering them as disconnected and unrelatedsyndromes.

Grewel (1952, 1969) stressed the symbolic natureof calculation and that abnormalities in the seman-tics and syntax of number organization could alsodefine a series of dyscalculias. He noted that theessential aspects of our number system are based onthe principles underlying the Hindu system: (1) tensymbols (0–9) are all that is necessary to define anynumber; (2) a digit’s value in a number is based on its position (place value); and (3) zero indicatesthe absence of power (Grewel 1952, 1969; Boller & Grafman, 1983). Therefore calculation disordersmight reflect abnormalities of digit selection or digitplacement. These features are particularly importantin modern concepts of numerical comprehensionand production (McCloskey, Caramazza, & Basili,1985).

Grewel also suggested several additional types of primary acalculia. For example, asymbolic acal-culia referred to problems in comprehending ormanipulating mathematical symbols, while asyntac-tic acalculia described problems in comprehendingand producing numbers (Grewel, 1952, 1969).Although many of the anatomical associations hereported are not in use today, they illuminated the

multiple cortical areas associated with this function(Grewel, 1952, 1969).

Comprehensive Neuropsychological Theories of Calculation

By the early 1970s, a variety of case reports andgroup lesion studies had suggested a number ofbasic facts about arithmetical functions: (1) It waslikely that calculation abilities represented a collec-tion of cognitive functions separate from but inter-dependent with other intellectual abilities such aslanguage, memory, and visual-spatial functions.Therefore, significant calculation deficits couldoccur, with less prominent disturbances acrossseveral other cognitive domains. (2) A number ofbrain regions appeared to be important for calcula-tions, including the parietal, posterior temporal, andoccipital cortices, and possibly the frontal cortex.2

Additional lesion sites are discussed further later.(3) Both hemispheres were thought to contribute to calculation performance, but lesions of the lefthemisphere more often produced deficits in cal-culations and resulted in greater impairments in performance. (4) There were likely to be several dif-ferent types of deficits that resulted in acalculia, forexample, the asymbolic and asyntactic acalculias ofGrewel (Grewel, 1952, 1969).

Despite these theoretical advances, there was stilldebate about the distinctness and localizability of calculations as a function (Collingnon et al.,1977; Spiers, 1987). More problematic had been the lack of a coherent theoretical framework toexplain either the operational principles or the functional–anatomical correlations underlying cal-culation abilities. Further understanding of the neuropsychology and functional anatomy of calcu-lations benefited from the development of theoreti-cally constrained case studies (Spiers, 1987) and theuse of mental chronometry to specify the underly-ing neuropsychological processes (Posner, 1986). In recent years, a variety of brain mapping methodshave also contributed to our understanding of thebrain regions subserving this function.

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Current psychological approaches to numericalcognition have attempted to incorporate many of these aspects of numerical processing into a comprehensive theoretical framework. This foru-mulation includes how numbers are perceived(visually, verbally, etc.), the nature of numericalrepresentations in the brain, the variety of numericaloperations (number comparison, counting, approxi-mation, and arithmetical computations), and howthese perceptual, representational, and operationalfunctions relate to one another.

McCloskey formulated one of the first comprehensive calculation theories by outliningnumber processing and computational mechanisms(McCloskey et al., 1985). However, Dehaene hasargued that approximation and quantification pro-cesses constitute an important aspect of the calcula-tion system and were not explicitly modeled inMcCloskey’s formulations (McCloskey et al., 1985; Dehaene & Cohen, 1995, 1997; Dehaene,Dehaene-Lambertz, & Cohen, 1998).

A general schematic representing a synthesis ofvarious models for calculations is shown in figure7.2. Most current calculation theories include eachof the systems in figure 7.2, although the nature ofthe interrelationships among these processes hasbeen debated considerably. Recent theories, such asthe popular triple-code model of Dehaene, attemptto integrate neuropsychological theories of calcula-tion with network theories of the associated brainanatomy (Dehaene & Cohen, 1995). Details of theseneurocognitive systems and the nature of deficitsfollowing their injury are reviewed later.

Number Processing

As illustrated in figure 7.2, a number-processingsystem is central to our ability to comprehend andproduce a variety of numerical formats.3 Numberscan be written as numerals or words (e.g., 47 versusforty-seven) or they can be spoken. There are alsolexical and syntactic aspects of number processing

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Figure 7.2Schematic of systems supporting calculations and number processing. The functions concerned with quantification andapproximation were not explicitly included in the original model outlined by McCloskey Caramazzza, Basili (1985), buthave been added because of their demonstrated importance to numerical cognition (Dehaene & Cohen, 1995). The posi-tions of quantification and approximation operations in the model represent both a foundation supporting the develop-ment of numerical cognition and an important numerical resource used by adults in number processing and calculations.

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(McCloskey et al., 1985). Lexical processinginvolves the identification of individual numeralswithin a number. For example, lexical processing of the number 447 establishes that there are two 4sand one 7. An example of a lexical error would beto interpret this number as 457. This demonstratesmaintenance of the overall number quantity (asopposed to saying “forty-five”), but an individualdigit has been misidentified.

Syntactic processing defines the order and re-lationship of the numerical elements to each otherand is closely associated with the concept of placevalue. An example of a syntactic error would bewriting the number four-hundred forty seven as40047. Although this answer contains the elements400 and 47, combining them in this manner violatesthe syntactic relationships in the original number(McCloskey et al., 1985).

As part of the set of lexical functions, mecha-nisms have also been posited for the phonologicalprocessing of numbers (i.e., processing spokenwords for numbers), and the graphemic processingof numbers (i.e., processing written number forms).However, phonological and graphemic mechanismshave not been attributed to syntactic functions sincespoken and written verbal number forms appear

to require similar syntactic processing (i.e., the syntactic relationships among the elements of forty-four and 44 are identical). Phonological andgraphemic mechanisms have also not been distin-guished for Arabic numerals, which occur only inwritten form (McCloskey et al., 1985). An outlineof possible cognitive subcomponents for numberprocessing is shown in figure 7.3.

General support for the functions delineated in this schema has been neuropsychologicallydemonstrated by finding patients who show dis-sociations in their number-processing abilities fol-lowing various brain lesions (traumatic, vascular,etc.). Unfortunately, in the acalculia literature,precise localization of lesions for most patients islacking. Over the past several years, however, datafrom functional neuroimaging studies have startedto provide more precise information on brain–behavior relationships in this area.

In order to illustrate these deficits in number pro-cessing, specific aspects of patients’ case historiesare provided here. However, room does not permita complete elaboration of each report, and the inter-ested reader is encouraged to review the sourcematerial for this detail. Patients are identified asthey were in the original publication. Some patients

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Figure 7.3Outline of proposed neuropsychological mechanisms subserving number processing. (Adapted from McCloskey, Caramazza, & Basili, 1985.)

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are included several times because they illustrateseveral types of number and/or calculation deficits.

Comprehension versus Production Dissociations

Both Benson and Denckla (1969) and Singer andLow (1933) have described patients with relativelypreserved number comprehension, but impairedproduction. Case 1 of Benson and Denckla (1969),for example, could identify a verbally specifiednumber (i.e., when asked to find the number eighty,the patient could point to 80), but could not writedown the Arabic numerals for a verbally presentednumber (i.e., the patient could not write 80). Thispatient could also select the correct answers to cal-culations when allowed to choose from severalresponses, but could not generate the correct answerin either spoken or written form.

The patient’s ability to identify numerals and tocorrectly select answers to calculations implied thatthe mechanisms for comprehending and addingnumbers were intact. In addition, although numberproduction was impaired, her responses were us-ually of the proper magnitude, suggesting that shemade lexical rather than syntactic errors. Thus whengiven the problem of adding 4 + 5, case 1 verballyresponded “eight,” wrote “5,” and chose “9” from alist. The only anatomical localization described isthat the lesion was initially associated with a mildright hemiparesis, a fluent aphasia, altered corti-cal sensory function (agraphesthesia), and a righthomonymous hemianopia, suggesting a lesion af-fecting the left posterior temporal and inferior parietal cortices.

The other example of preserved comprehensionbut impaired production is given by Singer andLow’s (1933) report. Their patient developed acal-culia following accidental carbon monoxide poi-soning, so there was no focal lesion. This patientdemonstrated intact number comprehension by cor-rectly indicating the larger of two numerals and byidentifying verbally specified numbers. Although hewas able to write one and two-digit numerals to dic-tation, he made syntactic errors for numerals withthree or more digits (e.g., for two-hundred forty-twohe wrote 20042).

Patients with preserved number production butdeficits in comprehension are more difficult to dif-ferentiate since it may be unclear if the numbersproduced are correct. For example, if the number 47is misunderstood and then written as 43, it wouldbe difficult to know whether comprehension or pro-duction was impaired. However, some understand-ing of the true deficit may be gained through testingperformance on quantification operations (i.e.,counting, subitizing, and estimating). Thus a patientmay be able to produce the correct answer whenasked to count a set of objects, or to estimatewhether a calculation is correct. Furthermore,patients with intact production and differentialpreservation of either Arabic numeral or verbalcomprehension also allow demonstration of a production-comprehension dissociation (see thereports on patients H.Y. and K. below; McCloskeyet al., 1985).

Notational Dissociations (Arabic Numerals andVerbal Descriptions)

Double dissociations in processing Arabic numeralsand verbal numbers were seen in patients H.Y. andK. described by McCloskey et al. (1985), and twopatients described by Berger (1926). Patient H.Y.,for example, was able to indicate which of twoArabic numerals was larger (i.e., he could correctlychoose when shown 4 and 3), but he performed atchance level when judging visually presented verbalnumbers (i.e., he could not choose correctly whenshown four and three). This pattern shows a com-prehension deficit for verbal numbers. Patient K.showed the opposite notational deficit. K. couldjudge visually presented verbal numbers, but notArabic numerals (McCloskey et al., 1985).

Berger’s patients showed notational dissociationsfor production rather than comprehension (Berger,1926). Thus one patient of Berger’s provided correct spoken responses, but incorrect writtenresponses to simple calculations. The second patientshowed correct written, but incorrect spoken re-sponses. Unfortunately no anatomical informationis available for H.Y., K., or Berger’s cases.

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Lexical versus Syntactic Dissociations

Dissociations in lexical versus syntactic processinghave been described in several patients. A lexicalbut not syntactic production deficit was describedby Benson and Denckla in case 1 noted earlier(Benson and Denckla, 1969), and R.R. ofMcCloskey et al. (1985). For example, R.R. responded “fifty-five thousand” when shown thenumber 37,000 (McCloskey et al., 1985). Thisanswer is considered syntactically correct becauseit is of the same general magnitude as the correctresponse. If R.R. had instead responded “thirty-seven hundred” when shown 37,000, this wouldhave been classified as a syntactic error because thenumerals are correct, but the number is of the wrongmagnitude. R.R. also performed number com-parisons without error, confirming a deficit in production but not comprehension.

Syntactic but not lexical production errors werereported for Singer and Low’s patient and forpatient V.O. of McCloskey et al. (Singer and Low,1933; McCloskey et al., 1985). V.O., for example,produced numbers such as 40037000 when asked towrite four hundred thirty-seven thousand.

When lexical disturbances are present, errors canshow the influence of lexical class. There appear to be three primary lexical classes for numbers incommon use: ones (i.e., 1–9), teens (i.e., 10–19),and tens (i.e., 20–90). Patients such as R.R. tend tostay within a lexical class when producing the incor-rect response (e.g., saying “seven” but not “four-teen” or “fifty-two” in response to the number three,or saying “sixteen” but not “five” or “thirty-seven”in response to the number thirteen). However, thereis no tendency to select from the same tens class.Thus, patients are equally likely to choose numbersin the twenties, forties, or sixties when shown thenumber 23. Similarly, number proximity does notappear to influence lexical accuracy in these pa-tients, and they are as likely to choose 4, 6, or 8 inresponse to the number 7. These findings suggest a categorical specificity to lexical class that is notinfluenced by the “semantic” value of the numberitself. Although McCloskey et al. (1985) have sug-

gested this implies separate lexical systems under-lying each number class, category specificity couldalso arise as a consequence of the frequency andpattern of usage for a number class rather than fromthe magnitude values of that class (Ashcraft, 1987).

Phonological versus Graphemic Dissociations

Independent disruptions in the processing of spokenversus written numbers suggest dissociations inphonological versus graphemic mechanisms.McCloskey et al. (1985) provide an example of thisdissociation through their patient H.Y., who wasunable to compare two written-out numbers (e.g.,indicating whether six or five is larger), but couldperform the task when the numbers were spoken.This performance suggests a deficit in compre-hending written numbers or graphemes, but notspoken numbers or phonemes (McCloskey et al.,1985). Although the lesion leading to H.Y.’s disturbed graphemic comprehension was not re-ported, the deficit bears a similarity to the findingsin pure alexia, suggesting a possible anatomicallocalization.

Patients with pure alexia are unable to readwords, but have no difficulty writing or under-standing language presented by the auditory route(see Chapter 6). Anatomically, most cases of purealexia have damage to the left medial occipitalcortex and the splenium of the corpus callosum. Theleft occipital damage results in a right homony-mous hemianopia and eliminates input from the lefthemisphere visual system to language networks onthe left. Information from the intact right occipitalcortex also cannot reach the language system be-cause the concomitant involvement of the spleniumof the corpus callosum disconnects visual informa-tion from the right hemisphere to the left hemi-sphere language system. Patients with pure alexiaare not aphasic, because their auditory languageperformance is intact. Similarly, patient H.Y. did nothave an underlying deficit in number comprehen-sion because performance following auditory pre-sentation was correct, but there seemed to be adisconnection between visual number input and the

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numerical comprehension system, suggesting a possible left occipital location to his lesion.

In fact, alexia for numerals is often, but notalways, associated with alexia for words and has asimilar anatomical localization in the left occipito-temporal cortex (McNeil & Warrington, 1994;Cohen & Dehaene, 1995). However, some patientshave shown dissociable deficits in reading numer-als and words, suggesting nonoverlapping but proximate brain regions for these functions.(Hécaen & Angelergues, 1961; Hécaen et al., 1961;Hécaen, 1962).

Patients with alexia for numerals may also revealdifferent capabilities of the left and right hemi-spheres for numerical processing. As discussedlater, the left hemisphere is generally necessary forexact calculations, but both hemispheres appear to contain the neural machinery for quantificationand approximation. Evidence for this organizationwas provided by Cohen and Dehaene (1995) in their description of patients G.O.D. and S.M.A.Both patients suffered infarctions in the medial left occipitotemporal cortex, resulting in a righthomonymous hemianopia and pure alexia for wordsand numerals. Both patients showed increasingerror rates for reading multidigit numerals com-pared with single digits. They also both had dif-ficulty adding visually presented numbers, butperformed very well when numbers were presentedby the auditory route. Despite these deficits, thepatients were able to compare visually presentednumerals with a very high accuracy. This perform-ance is consistent with a disconnection of visualinformation from the left hemisphere networks necessary for exact calculations. However, visualinformation was able to reach right hemisphereregions that are capable of number comparison(Cohen & Dehaene, 1995).

Similar dissociations between comparison andcomputation have been seen in split-brain patients(i.e., patients with division of the corpus callosumdue to either surgery or an ischemic lesion) (Gazzaniga & Smylie, 1984; Dehaene & Cohen,1995). In these reports, split-brain patients wereable to compare digits when the stimuli were flashed

to either hemifield. However, they were able to readnumerals or perform simple arithmetical operationsonly when the numerals were flashed to the righthemifield. Taken together, the findings in patientswith alexia for numerals and in split-brain patientssuggest that both hemispheres contain the neuralmachinery for numeral recognition and comparison,but that only the left hemisphere is generallycapable of performing calculations or namingnumerals.

Anatomical Relationships and FunctionalImaging

While lesion and neuropsychological data have gen-erally not provided sufficient information to decideon the location of many numerical processing func-tions, the results from brain mapping techniquessuch as position emission tomography (PET), func-tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), andevent-related potentials (ERP) have helped to illu-minate some of the functional–anatomical relation-ships for number processing.

Allison et al. used intracranial ERP recordings toidentify areas in the fusiform and inferior temporalgyri that were responsive to numerals (Allison,McCarthy, Nobre, Puce, & Belger, 1994). Theseregions only partially overlapped with areas respon-sive to letter strings, a result that is consistent withprevious observations of dissociations betweenletter and numeral reading in patients with purealexia (Hécaen et al., 1961). Polk and Farah (1998)using fMRI and a surface coil over the left hemi-sphere found a left-sided occipitotemporal area insix subjects that responded more to letters than tonumerals, but did not find any areas more respon-sive to numerals than to letters. However, theseauthors noted the reduced sensitivity of this tech-nique and that it would have specifically missedactivations in the right hemisphere.

Pinel, Le Clec’h, van de Moortele, Naccache,LcBihan, & Dehaene (1999) used event-relatedfMRI to examine various aspects of number pro-cessing, including visual identification (Arabicnumerals versus spelled out numbers) and compar-ison of magnitude (numerical distance). The task

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produced a large number of activations (forty-seven) overlying frontal (precentral and prefrontal),parietal, occipital, fusiform, and cingulate corticesand the thalamus. Notational effects were seen inthe right fusiform gyrus (greater activation forArabic numerals than spelled-out numbers) and theleft superior, precentral gyrus (slight prolongationof the hemodynamic response for spelled-outnumbers than for Arabic numerals) (Pinel et al.,1999).

Although lesion information and brain mappingdata for numerical processing are limited, the avail-able information suggests that the fusiform gyrusand nearby regions of bilateral visual associationcortex are closely associated with support of numer-ical notation and numerical lexical access. It is alsotempting to speculate that the syntactic aspects ofnumber processing are served by left posteriorfrontal regions, perhaps in the superior precentralgyrus (by analogy with syntactic processing areas for language), but this has not been shownconclusively.

Calculation Operations

Aside from mechanisms for processing numbers, a separate set of functions has been posited for performing arithmetical operations. Deficits in thisarea were formerly described as anarithmetia orprimary acalculia (Boller & Grafman, 1985). Themajor neuropsychological abnormalities of this subsystem have been hypothesized to consist ofdeficits in (1) processing operational symbols orwords, (2) retrieving memorized mathematicalfacts, (3) performing simple rule-based operations,and (4) executing multistep calculation procedures(McCloskey et al., 1985). Patients showing dissoci-ated abilities for each of these operations have pro-vided support for this organizational scheme.

Numerical Symbol Processing

Grewel was one of the first authors to codify deficitsin comprehending the operational symbols of cal-culation. A disorder that he called “asymbolia,”

which had been documented in patients as early as1908, was characterized by difficulty recognizingoperational symbols, but no deficits in under-standing the operations themselves (Lewandowsky& Stadelmann, 1908; Eliasberg & Feuchtwanger,1922; Grewel, 1952, 1969). A separate deficit alsonoted by Grewel in the patients of Sittig and Bergerwas a loss of conceptual understanding of mathe-matical operations (i.e., an inability to describe themeaning of an operation) (Sittig, 1921; Berger,1926; Grewel, 1952).

Ferro and Bothelho described a patient whodeveloped a deficit corresponding to Grewel’sasymbolia following a left occipitotemporal lesion(Ferro & Botelho, 1980). Although the patient hadan anomic aphasia, reading and writing of wordswere preserved. The patient could also read andwrite single and multidigit numerals, and had nodifficulty performing verbally presented calcula-tions. This performance demonstrated intact con-ceptual knowledge of basic arithmetical operations.Although the patient frequently misnamed opera-tional symbols in visually presented operations, shecould then perform the misnamed operation cor-rectly. Thus, when presented with 3 ¥ 5, she said“three plus five,” and responded “eight.”

Retrieval of Mathematical Facts

Remarkably, patients can show deficits in retrievalsof arithmetical facts (impaired recall of “rote”values for multiplication on division tables) despitean intact knowledge of calculation procedures. Warrington (1982) first described a patient (D.R.C.)with this dissociation. Following a left parieto-occipital hemorrhage, patient D.R.C. had difficultyperforming even simple calculations despite preser-vation of other numerical abilities, such as accu-rately reading and writing numbers, comparingnumbers, estimating quantities, and properly de-fining arithmetical operations that he could notperform correctly. D.R.C.’s primary deficit there-fore appeared to be in the recall of memorized computational facts. Patients with similar deficitshad been alluded to in earlier reports by Grewel

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(1952, 1969) and Cohn (1961), but their analysesdid not exclude possible disturbances in numberprocessing.

Patient M.W. reported by McCloskey et al.(1985) also showed deficits in the retrieval of factsfrom memorized tables. This patient’s performancewas particularly striking because he retrieved in-correct values for operations using single digitseven though multistep calculations were performedflawlessly (e.g., carrying operations and rule-basedprocedures were correct despite difficulties in per-forming single-digit operations). He further demon-strated intact knowledge for arithmetical proceduresby using table information that he could remember,to derive other answers. For example, he could notspontaneously recall the answer to 7 ¥ 7. However,he could recall the answers to 7 ¥ 3 and 7 ¥ 10, andwas able to use these results to calculate the solu-tion to 7 ¥ 7. Comprehension of both numerals andsimple procedural rules was shown by his nearlyflawless performance on problems such as 1 ¥ Ndespite numerous errors for other computations(e.g., 9 ¥ N).

One interesting aspect of M.W.’s performance onmultiplication problems, and also the performanceof similar patients, is that errors tend to be both“within table” and related to the problem being cal-culated. “Within table” refers to responses comingfrom the set of possible answers to commonly mem-orized single-digit multiplication problems. Forexample, a related, within-table error for 6 ¥ 8 is 56(i.e., the answer to 7 ¥ 8). Errors that are not withintable (e.g., 59 or 47), or not related to the problem(e.g., 55 or 45), are much less likely to occur.Another important issue in the pattern of commondeficits is that the errors vary across the range oftable facts. Thus the patient may have great diffi-culty retrieving 8 ¥ 8 or 8 ¥ 7, while having no dif-ficulty retrieving 8 ¥ 6 or 9 ¥ 7. The variability ofdeficits following brain injury (e.g., impairment of8 ¥ 9 = 72 but not 7 ¥ 9 = 63) may somehow reflectthe independent mental representations of thesefacts (Dehaene, 1992; McCloskey, 1992).

One model for the storage of arithmetical facts,which attempts to account for these types of deficits,

is that of a tabular lexicon (figure 7.4). The figureshows that during recall, activation is hypothesizedto spread among related facts (the bold lines infigure 7.4). This mechanism may account for boththe within-table and the relatedness errors notedearlier (Stazyk, Ashcraft, & Hamann, 1982). Twoother behaviors are also consistent with a “tabular”organization of numerical facts: (1) repetition prim-ing, or responding more quickly to an identical pre-viously seen problem and (2) error priming, whichdescribes the increased probability of respondingincorrectly after seeing a problem that is related butnot identical to one shown previously (Dehaene,1992).

Other calculation error types are noted in table7.1. The nomenclature used in the table is derivedfrom the classification scheme suggested by Sokol et al., although the taxonomy has not beenuniversally accepted (Sokol, McCloskey, Cohen, & Aliminosa, 1991). Two general categories of errors

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Figure 7.4Schematic of a tabular representation for storing multipli-cation facts. Activation of a particular answer occurs bysearching the corresponding rows and columns of the tableto their point of intersection, as indicated by the boldnumbers and lines. (Adapted from McCloskey, Aliminosa,& Sokol, 1991.)

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are errors of omission (i.e., failing to respond) anderrors of commission (i.e., responding with theincorrect answer). As shown in table 7.1, there areseveral types of commission errors, some of whichseem to predominate in different groups. Operanderrors are the most common error type seen innormal subjects (Miller, Perlmutter, & Keating,1984; Campbell & Graham, 1985). Patients canshow a variety of dissociated error types. Forexample, Sokol et al. (1991) described patient P.S.,who primarily made operand errors, while patientG.E. made operation errors. Although the occur-rences of these errors were generally linked to lefthemisphere lesions, there has been no comprehen-sive framework linking error type to particularlesion locations.

Rules and Procedures

An abnormality in the procedures of calculation isthe third type of deficit leading to anarithmetia. Pro-cedural deficits can take several forms, includingerrors in simple rules, in complex rules, or incomplex multistep procedures. Examples of simplerules would include 0 ¥ N = 0, 0 + N = N, and 1 ¥

N = N operations.4 An example of a complex rulewould be knowledge of the steps involved in multiplication by 0 in the context of executing a multidigit multiplication. Complex procedureswould include the organization of intermediateproducts in multiplication or division problems, and multiple carrying or borrowing operations inmultidigit addition and subtraction problems,respectively.

Several authors have shown that in normal sub-jects, rule-based problems are solved more quicklythan nonrule-based types (Parkman & Groen, 1971;Groen & Parkman, 1972; Parkman, 1972; Miller et al., 1984), although occasional slower responseshave been found (Parkman, 1972; Stazyk et al.,1982). Nevertheless, the available evidence sug-gests that rule-based and nonrule-based problemsare solved differently, and can show dissociations in a subject’s performance (Sokol et al., 1991;Ashcraft, 1992).

Patient P.S., who had a large left hemispherehemorrhage, was reported by Sokol et al. (1991) asshowing evidence for a deficit in simple rules,specifically multiplication by 0. This patient made

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Table 7.1Types of calculation errors

Error type Description Example

CommissionOperand The correct answer to the problem shares 5 ¥ 8 = 48. The answer is correct for 6 ¥ 8, which

an operand with the original equation. shares the operand 8 with the original equation.

Operation The answer is correct for a different 3 ¥ 5 = 8. The answer is correct for addition.mathematical operation on the operands.

Indeterminate The answer could be classified as either 4 ¥ 4 = 8. The answer is true for 2 ¥ 4 or 4 + operand or an operational error.

Table The answer comes from the range of 4 ¥ 8 = 30. The answer comes from the “table” of possible results for a particular operation, single-digit multiplication answers.but is not related to the problem.

Nontable The answer does not come from the 5 ¥ 6 = 23. There are no single-digit multiplicationrange of results for that operation. problems whose answer is 23.

Omission The answer is not given. 3 ¥ 7 =

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patchy errors in the retrieval of table facts (0%errors for 9 ¥ 8, to 52% errors for 4 ¥ 4), but missed100% of the 0 ¥ N problems. This performance sug-gested that the patient no longer had access to therule for solving 0 ¥ N problems. Remarkably, duringthe last part of testing, the patient appeared torecover knowledge of this rule and began to perform0 ¥ N operations flawlessly. During the same timeperiod, performance on calculations of the M ¥ Ntype showed only minimal improvement acrossblocks.

Patient G.E., reported by Sokol et al. (1991), suf-fered a left frontal contusion and demonstrated adissociation in simple versus complex rule-basedcomputations. This patient made errors when per-forming the simple rule computation of 0 ¥ N(always reporting the result as 0 ¥ N = N), but hewas able to multiply by 0 correctly within a multi-digit calculation. In this setting he recalled thecomplex rule of using 0 as a placeholder in thepartial products of multiplication problems.

More complex procedural deficits are illustratedin figure 7.5. Patient 1373, cited by McCloskey etal. (1985), showed good retrieval of table facts, butimpaired performance of multiplication procedures.In one case, shown in figure 7.5A, he failed to shift the intermediate multiplication products onecolumn to the left. Note that the individual arith-

metical operations in figure 7.5A are performed correctly, but the answer is nonetheless incorrectbecause of this procedural error.

Other deficits in calculation procedures haveincluded incorrect performance of carrying and/orborrowing operations, as shown by patients V.O.and D.L. of McCloskey et al. (1985) (figure 7.5B),and confusing steps in one calculation procedurewith those of another, as in patients W.W. and H.Y.of McCloskey et al. (1985) (figure 7.5C).

Arithmetical Dissociations

Individual arithmetical operations have also revealed dissociations among patients. For example, patients have been described with intactdivision, but impaired multiplication (patient 1373)(McCloskey et al., 1985) and intact multiplicationand addition, but impaired subtraction and/or divi-sion (Berger, 1926), among other dissociations(Dehaene & Cohen, 1997). Several theories havetried to account for the apparent random dissocia-tions among operations. One explanation is that separate processing streams underlie each arithme-tical operation (Dagenbach & McCloskey, 1992).Another possibility is that each operation may bedifferentially linked to verbal, quantification (seelater discussion), or other cognitive domains (e.g.,working memory) (Dehaene & Cohen, 1995, 1997).

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Figure 7.5Examples of various calculation errors. (A) Multiplication: failure to shift the second intermediate product. (B) Multipli-cation: omission of the carrying operation and each partial product is written in full. (C) Addition: addend not properlycarried, i.e., 8 is added to 5 and then incorrectly again added to 4. Each partial addend has then been placed on a singleline. (Adapted from McCloskey, Caramazza, & Basili, 1985.)

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Based on this concept, each arithmetical opera-tion may require different operational strategies fora solution. These cognitive links may depend partlyon previous experience (e.g., knowledge of multi-plication tables) and partly on the strategies used toarrive at a solution. For example, multiplication andaddition procedures are often retrieved through therecall of memorized facts. Simple addition opera-tions can also be solved by counting strategies, anoption not readily applicable to multiplication. Sub-traction and division problems, on the other hand,are more frequently solved de novo, and thereforerequire access to several cognitive processes, suchas verbal mechanisms (e.g., recalling multiplicationfacts to perform division), quantification operations(counting), and working memory. Differential in-jury to these cognitive domains may be manifest asa focal deficit for a particular arithmetical opera-tion. The deficits in patient M.A.R. reported byDehaene and Cohen (1997) support this cognitiveorganization.

This patient had a left inferior parietal lesion andcould recall simple memorized facts for solvingaddition and multiplication problems, but did notperform as well when calculating subtractions. Thisperformance suggested that M.A.R. had access tosome memorized table facts, but that the inferiorparietal lesion may have led to deficits in the cal-culation process itself. Patient B.O.O., also reportedby Dehaene and Cohen (1997), had a lesion in theleft basal ganglia and demonstrated greater deficitsin multiplication than in either addition or subtrac-tion. In this case, recall of rote-learned table factswas impaired, leading to multiplication deficits, but the patient was able to use other strategies forsolving addition and subtraction problems.

Despite these examples, functional associationsare not able to easily explain the dramatic dissoci-ations reported in some patients, such as the onedescribed by Lampl et al. Their patient had a leftparietotemporal hemorrhage and had a near inabil-ity to perform addition, multiplication, or division,but provided 100% correct responses on subtractionproblems (Lampl, Eshel, Gilad, & Sarova-Pinhas,1994).

Anatomical Relationships and FunctionalImaging

The most frequent cortical site of damage causinganarithmetia is the left inferior parietal cortex(Dehaene & Cohen, 1995). While several roles havebeen proposed for this region (access to numeri-cal memories, quantification operations, semanticnumerical relations) (Warrington, 1982; Dehaene & Cohen, 1995), one general way to conceive ofthis area is that it may provide a link between verbalprocesses and magnitude or spatial numerical relations.

Other lesion sites reported to cause anarithmetiainclude the left basal ganglia (Whitaker, Habinger,& Ivers, 1985; Corbett, McCusker, & Davidson,1986; Hittmair-Delazer, Semenza, & Denes, 1994)and more rarely the left frontal cortex (Lucchelli &DeRenzi, 1992). The patient reported by Hittmair-Delazer and colleagues had a left basal ganglialesion and particular difficulty mentally calculatingmultiplication and division problems (with in-creasing deficits for larger operands) despite 90% accuracy on mental addition and subtraction(Hittmair-Delazer et al., 1994). He was able to usecomplex strategies to solve multiplication problemsin writing (e.g., solving 8 ¥ 6 = 48 as 8 ¥ 10 = 80∏ 2 = 40 + 8 = 48), demonstrating an intact con-ceptual knowledge of arithmetic and an ability tosequence several operations. However, automaticityfor recall of multiplication and division facts wasreduced and was the primary disturbance that interfered with overall calculation performance.

Similarly, patients with aphasia following leftbasal ganglia lesions may show deficits in the recallof highly automatized knowledge (Aglioti &Fabbro, 1993). Brown and Marsden (1998) havehypothesized that one role of the basal ganglia maybe to enhance response automaticity through thelinking of sensory inputs to “programmed” outputs(either thoughts or actions). Such automated or pro-grammed recall may be necessary for the onlinemanipulation of rote-learned arithmetical facts suchas multiplication tables.

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Deficits in working memory and sequencingbehaviors have also been seen following basalganglia lesions. The patient reported by Corbett etal. (1986), for example, had a left caudate infarc-tion, and was able to perform single but not mul-tidigit operations. The patient also had particulardifficulty with calculations involving sequentialprocessing and the use of working memory. Thepatient of Whitaker et al., who also had a left basalganglia lesion, demonstrated deficits for both simpleand multistep operations (Whitaker, Habiger, &Ivers, 1985). Thus basal ganglia lesions may in-terfere with calculations via several potentially dissociable mechanisms that include (1) deficits in automatic recall, (2) impairments in sequenc-ing, and (3) disturbances in operations requiringworking memory.

Calculation deficits following frontal lesionshave been difficult to characterize precisely, possi-bly because these lesions often result in deficits inseveral interacting cognitive domains (e.g., deficitsin language, working memory, attention, or execu-tive functions). Grewel, in fact, insisted that “frontalacalculia must be regarded as a secondary acal-culia” (Grewel, 1969, p. 189) precisely because ofthe concurrent intellectual impairments with theselesions. However, when relatively pure deficits havebeen seen following frontal lesions, they appear to involve more complex aspects of calculations,such as the execution of multistep procedures orunderstanding the concepts underlying particularoperations such as the calculation of percentages(Lucchelli and DeRenzi, 1992). Studies by Fasottiand colleagues have suggested that patients withfrontal lesions have difficulty translating arithmeti-cal word problems into an internal representation,although they did not find significant differences in performance among patients with left, right, orbilateral frontal lesions (Fasotti, Eling, & Bremer,1992). Functional imaging studies, detailed later,strongly support the involvement of various frontalsites in calculations, but these analyses have alsonot excluded frontal activations that are due to associated task requirements (e.g., working memoryor eye movements).

In contrast to the significant calculation abnor-malities seen with left hemisphere lesions, deficitsin calculations are rare following right hemisphereinjuries. However, when groups of patients withright and left hemisphere lesions were compared,there was evidence that comparisons of numericalmagnitude are more affected by right hemisphereinjuries (Dahmen, Hartje et al., 1982; Rosselli &Ardila, 1989). Patients with right hemispherelesions may at times demonstrate “spatial acalcu-lia.” Hécaen defined this as difficulty in the spatialorganization of digits (Hécaen et al., 1961). Never-theless, the calculation deficits after right hemi-sphere lesions tend to be mild and the performanceof patients with these lesions may not be distin-guishable from that of normal persons (Jackson &Warrington, 1986).

Using an 133Xe nontomographic scanner, Rolandand Friberg in 1985 provided the first demonstra-tion of functional brain activations for a calculationtask (serial subtractions of 3 beginning at 50 com-pared with rest) (Roland & Friberg, 1985). All sub-jects had activations on the left, over the middle andsuperior prefrontal cortex, the posterior inferiorfrontal gyrus, and the angular gyrus. On the right,activations were seen over the inferior frontal gyrus,the rostral middle and superior frontal gyri, and theangular gyrus (figure 7.6) (lightest gray areas).Because the task and control conditions were notdesigned to isolate specific cognitive aspects of calculations (i.e., by subtractive, parametric, or fac-torial design), it is difficult to ascribe specific neu-rocognitive functions to each of the activated areasin this experiment. Nevertheless, the overall patternof activations, which include parietal and frontalregions, anticipated the results in subsequentstudies, and constituted the only functional imagingstudy to investigate calculations until 1996 (Grewel,1952, 1969; Boller & Grafman, 1983; Roland &Friberg, 1985; Dehaene & Cohen, 1995).

The past 5 years have seen a large increase in thenumber of studies examining this cognitive domain.However, one difficulty in comparing the results hasbeen that individual functional imaging calculationstudies have tended to differ from one another along

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Figure 7.6Cortical and subcortical regions activated by calculation tasks. Symbols are used to specify activations when the originalpublications either indicated the exact sites of activation on a figure, or provided precise coordinates. Broader areas ofshading represent either activations in large regions of interest (Dehaene, Tzourio, Frak, Raynaud, Cohen, Mehler, &Mazoyer, 1996), or the low resolution of early imaging techniques (Roland & Friberg, 1985). Key: Light gray areas: serial3 subtractions versus rest (Roland & Friberg, 1985). Triangle: calculations (addition or subtraction) versus reading ofequations (Sakurai, Momose, Iwata, Sasaki, & Kanazeu, 1996). Dark gray areas: multiplication versus rest (Dehaene,Tzourio, Frak, Raynaud, Cohen, Mehler, Mazoyer, 1996). Circle: exact versus approximate calculations (addition)(Dehaene, Spelke, Pinel, Stanescu, & Tsivikin, 1999). Diamond: multiplication of two single digits versus reading numberscomposed of 0 and 1 (Zago, Pesenti, Mellet, Crevello, Mazoyer, & Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2000). Asterisk: verification of addi-tion and subtraction problems versus identifying numbers containing a 0 (Menon, Rivera, White, Glover, & Reiss, 2000).Cross: addition, subtraction, or division of two numbers (one to two digits) versus number repetition (Cowell, Egan, Code,Harasty, 2000). More complete task descriptions are listed in tables 7.2 and 7.3. The brain outline for figures 7.6 and 7.8was adapted from Dehaene, Tzourio, Frak, Raynaud, Cohen, Mehler, & Mazoyer, 1996. Activations are plotted bilater-ally if they are within ±3 mm of the midline or are cited as bilateral in the original text. The studies generally reportedcoordinates in Montreal Neurological Institute space. Only Cowell, Egan, Code, Harasty, Watso (2000), and Sathian,Simon, Peterson, Patel, Hoffman, & Grafton (1999) for figure 7.8, reported locations in Talairach coordinates (Talairach& Tournoux, 1988). Talairach coordinates were converted to MNI space using the algorithms defined by Matthew Brett( (Duncan, Seitz, Kolodny, Bor, Herzog, Ahmed, Newell, &Emsile, 2000). Note that the symbol sizes do not reflect the activation sizes. Thus hemispheric asymmetries, particularlythose based on activation size, are not demonstrated in this figure or in figure 7.8.

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multiple methodological dimensions: imagingmodality (PET versus fMRI), acquisition technique(block versus event-related fMRI), arithmeticaloperation (addition, subtraction, multiplication,etc.), mode and type of response (oral versus buttonpress, generating an answer versus verifying aresult), etc. These differences have at least partlycontributed to the seemingly disparate functional–anatomical correlations among studies (figure 7.7).However, rather than focusing on the disparities inthese reports and trying to relate activation differ-ences post hoc to methodological variations, a moreinformative approach may be to look for areas ofcommonality (Démonet, Fiez Paulesu, Petersen,Zatorre, 1996; Poeppel, 1996).

As indicated in figures 7.6 and 7.7, the set ofregions showing the most frequent activationsacross studies included the bilateral dorsal lateralprefrontal cortex, the premotor cortex (precentralgyrus and sulcus), the supplementary motor cortex,the inferior parietal lobule, the intraparietal sulcus,and the posterior occipital cortex-fusiform gyrus(Roland & Friberg, 1985; Dehaene et al., 1996;Sakurai, Momose, Iwata, Sasaki, & Kanazawa,1996; Pinel et al., 1999; Cowell, Egan, Code,Harasty, & Watson, 2000; Menon, Rivera, White,Glouer, & Reiss, 2000; Zago et al., 2000). Whenexamined regionally, six out of eight studies demon-strated dorsal lateral prefrontal or premotor activa-tions, and seven of eight had activations in theposterior parietal cortex. In addition, ten out ofsixteen areas were more frequently activated on theleft across studies, which is consistent with lesion-deficit correlations indicating the importance of theleft hemisphere for performing exact calculations.

Other evidence regarding the left hemisphere’simportance to calculations comes from a study byDehaene and colleagues (Dehaene, Spelke Pinel,Staneszu, & Tsivikin, 1999). In their initial psy-chophysics task, bilingual subjects were taughtexact or approximate sums involving two, two-digitnumbers in one of their languages (native or non-native language training was randomized). Theywere then tested again in the language used forinitial training or in the “untrained” language on a

subset of the learned problems and on a new set ofproblems. The subjects showed a reaction time cost(i.e., a slower reaction time) when answering pre-viously learned problems in the untrained languageregardless of whether this was the subject’s nativeor non-native language.

There was also a reaction time cost for solvingnovel problems. The presence of a reaction timecost when performing learned calculations in a language different from training or when solvingnovel problems is consistent with the hypothesisthat exact arithmetical knowledge is accessed in a language-specific manner, and thus is most likelyrelated to left-hemisphere linguistic or symbolicabilities.

In contrast, when they were performing approx-imate calculations, subjects showed neither a language-based nor a novel problem-related effecton reaction times. This result suggests that approx-imate calculations may take place via a language-independent route and thus may be more bilaterallydistributed.

The fMRI activation results from Dehaene et al. (1999) were consistent with these behavioralresults in that exact calculations activated a left-hemisphere predominant network of regions(figures 7.6–7.7), while approximate calculations(figures 7.8–7.9) showed a more bilateral distribu-tion of activations. An additional ERP experimentin this study confirmed this pattern of hemispheric asymmetry, with exact calculations showing anearlier (216–248ms) left frontal negativity, whileapproximate calculations produced a slightly later(256–280ms) bilateral parietal negativity (Dehaeneet al., 1999).

In a calculation study using PET imaging, whichcompared multiplying two, two-digit numbers withreading numbers composed of 1 or 0 or recallingmemorized multiplication facts, Zago et al. (2000)made the specific point that perisylvian languageregions, including Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas,were actually deactivated as calculation-related taskrequirements increased. This finding was felt to beconsistent with other studies showing relative inde-pendence between language and calculation deficits

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Figure 7.7Number of studies showing activations for exact calculations organized by region and by hemisphere. Ten out of sixteenareas have a greater number of studies showing activation in the left hemisphere as opposed to the right. The graph alsoindicates that the frontal, posterior parietal, and, to a lesser extent, occipital cortices are most commonly activated in exactcomputational tasks. The small bar near 0 for the right cingulate gyrus region is for display purposes. The value was actu-ally 0. Key: DLPFC, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex; PrM, premotor cortex (precentral gyrus and precentral sulcus); FP,prefrontal cortex near frontal pole; IFG, posterior inferior frontal gyrus overlapping Broca’s region on the left and thehomologous area on the right; SMA, supplementary motor cortex; Ins, insula; Cg, cingulate gyrus; BG, basal ganglia,including caudate nucleus and/or putamen; Th, thalamus; LatT, lateral temporal cortex; IPL, inferior parietal lobule; IPS,intraparietal sulcus; PCu, precuneus; InfT-O, posterior lateral inferior temporal gyrus near occipital junction; FG, fusiformor lingual gyrus region; Occ, occipital cortex.

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in some patients (Warrington, 1982; Whetstone,1998).

Zago et al. (2000) also noted that the left precen-tral gyrus, intraparietal sulcus, bilateral cerebellarcortex, and right superior occipital cortex were acti-vated in several contrasts and that similar activa-tions had been reported in previous calculationstudies (Dehaene et al., 1996, Dehaene et al., 1999;Pinel et al., 1999; Pesenti et al., 2000). Because of these results, Zago and colleagues (2000) sug-gested that given the motor or spatial functions of several of these areas, they could represent adevelopmental trace of a learning strategy based oncounting fingers. As support for this argument, theauthors noted that certain types of acalculia, such asGerstmann’s syndrome, also produce finger identi-

fication deficits, dysgraphia, and right-left confu-sion, and that these deficits are consistent with the potential role of these regions in hand move-ments and acquisition of information in numericalmagnitude.

However, these areas are also important forvisual-somatic transformations, working memory,spatial attention, and eye movements, which werenot controlled for in this experiment (Jonides et al.,1993; Paus, 1996; Nobre et al., 1997; Courtney,Petit, Maisog, Ungerleider, & Haxby, 1998; Gitelman et al., 1999; LaBar, Gitelman, Parrish, & Mesulam, 1999; Gitelman, Parrish, LaBar, &Mesulam, 2000; Zago et al., 2000). Also, becausecovert finger movements and eye movements werenot monitored, it is difficult to confidently ascribe

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Figure 7.8Cortical and subcortical activations for tasks of quantification, estimation, or number comparison. See figure 7.6 for detailsof figure design. Key: Dark gray areas: number comparison versus rest (Dehaene, Tzourio, Frak, Raynaud, Cohen, Mehler,& Mazoyer, 1996). Squares: number comparison with specific inferences for distance effects; closed squares are fornumbers closer to the target, open squares are for numbers farther from the target (Pinel Le Clec’h, van der Moortele,Naccache, Le Bihan, & Dehaene, 1999). Open diamond: subitizing versus single-target identification (Sathian, Simon,Peterson, Patel, Hoffman, Graftor, 1999). Closed diamond: counting multiple targets versus subitizing (Sathian, Simon,Peterson, Patel, Hoffman, Grafton, 1999). Closed article: approximate versus exact calculations (addition) (Dehaene,Spelke, Pinel, Starescu, Tsivikin, 1999). Star: estimating numerosity versus estimating shape (Fink, Marshall, Gurd, Weiss,Zafiris, Shah, Zilles, 2000).

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activations in these regions solely to the represen-tation of finger movements.

One region not displayed in figure 7.6 is the cere-bellum. Activation of the cerebellum was seen inonly two studies reviewed here. Menon et al. (2000)saw bilateral midcerebellar activations when theirsubjects performed the most difficult computationaltask (table 7.2). Zago et al. (2000) saw right cere-bellar activation for the combined contrasts (con-junction) of retrieving multiplication facts and denovo computations versus reading the digits 1 or 0.Thus cerebellar activations are most likely to be

seen when relatively complex or novel computa-tions are compared with simpler numerical percep-tion tasks. Cerebellar activation may thereforerepresent a difficulty effect.

Quantification and Approximation

Quantification is the assessment of a measurablenumerical quantity (numerosity) of a set of items. Itis among the most basic of arithmetical operationsand may play a role in both the childhood develop-ment of calculation abilities and the numerical

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Figure 7.9Number of studies showing activations for quantification and approximation operations organized by region and by hemi-sphere. Activations are more bilaterally distributed, by study, than for exact calculations (figure 7.7). In addition, the pos-terior parietal and occipital cortices now show the predominant activations, with lesser activations frontally. The smallbars near 0 for several of the regions were added for display purposes. The values were actually 0. See figure 7.7 forabbreviations.

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processes of adults (Spiers, 1987). Despite the basicnature of quantification operations, they were notincluded in some early models of calculations(McCloskey et al., 1985). Three quantificationprocesses have been described: counting, subitizing,and estimation (Dehaene, 1992). Counting is theassignment of an ordered representation of quantityto any arbitrary collection of objects (Gelman &Gallistel, 1978; Dehaene, 1992). Subitizing is therapid quantification of small sets of items (usuallyless than five); and estimation is the “less accur-ate” rapid quantification of larger sets (Dehaene, 1992).

Subitizing and Counting

Because subitizing and to an extent counting oper-ations appear to be largely distinct from language

abilities, these operations may be of considerableimportance for understanding the calculation abili-ties of prelinguistic human infants and even (non-linguistic) animals. Jokes about Clever Hans aside,5

there is ample evidence that animals possess simplecounting abilities (Dehaene, 1992; Gallistel &Gelman, 1992).

More important, young children possess countingabilities from an early age, and there is good evi-dence that even very young infants can subitize,suggesting that this ability may be closely asso-ciated with the operation of basic perceptualprocesses (Dehaene, 1992). Four-day-old infants,for example, can discriminate between one and two and two and three displayed objects (Bijeljac-Babic, Bertoncini, Mehler, 1993), and 6–8-month-old infants demonstrate detection of cross-modal

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Table 7.2Description of functional imaging tasks for exact calculations

Study Modality Paradigm Response

Roland, Fribery 133Xe Serial three subtractions from 50 versus rest Silent1985

Rueckert et al., fMRI Serial three subtractions from a 3-digit integer versus counting Silent1996 Block forward by ones


Sakurai et al., PET Addition or subtraction of two numbers (2 digits and 1 digit) Oral1996 versus reading calculation problems

Dehaene et al., PET Multiply two 1-digit numbers versus compare two numbers Silent1996

Dehaene et al., fMRI Subjects pretrained on sums of two 2-digit numbers Silent: two-choice 1999 Block During the task, subjects selected correct answer (two choices). button press

design For exact calculations, one answer was correct and the tens digit was off by one in the other. For approximate calculations, the correct answer was rounded to the nearest multiple of ten. The incorrect answer was 30 units off.

Cowell et al., PET Addition or subtraction or division of two numbers (1–2 digits) Oral2000 versus number repetition

Menon et al., PET Verify addition and subtraction of problems with three operands Silent: single-choice2000 versus identify numbers containing the numeral 0 button press

Zago et al., PET Multiply two 2-digit numbers versus reading numbers Oral2000 consisting of just zeros and ones

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(visual and auditory) numerical correspondence(Starkey, Spelke, & Gelman, 1983; Starkey, Spelke,& Gelman, 1990). Although quantification abilitiesmay be bilaterally represented in the brain, the righthemisphere is thought to demonstrate some advan-tage for these operations (Dehaene & Cohen, 1995).

Estimation and Approximation

The use of estimation operations in simple calcula-tions may have a role in performing these operationsnonlinguistically or in allowing the rapid rejectionof “obviously” incorrect answers. For example, ifquantification can be conceived as encoding num-bers on a mental “number line,” then addition canbe likened to mentally joining the number line seg-ments and examining the total line length to arriveat the answer (Gallistel and Gelman, 1992). As witha physical line, the precision of the measurement ishypothesized to decline with increasing line length(Weber’s law6) (Dehaene, 1992).

An example of the role of estimation in calcula-tions is provided by examining subjects’ perform-ance in verification tasks. In these tasks, the subjectsare asked to verify an answer to an arithmeticproblem (e.g., 5 ¥ 7 = 36?). The speed of classify-ing answers as incorrect increases (i.e., decreasedreaction time) with increasing separation betweenthe proposed and correct results (“split effect”)(Ashcraft & Battaglia, 1978; Ashcraft & Stazyk,1981). The response to glaringly incorrect answers(e.g., 4 ¥ 5 = 1000?) can be so rapid as to suggestthat estimation processes may be operating in par-allel with exact “fact-based” calculations (Dehaene,Dehaene-Lambertz, & Cohen, 1998).

Further evidence that some magnitude operationscan be approximated by a spatially extended mentalnumber line comes from numerical comparisontasks. During these tasks, subjects judge whethertwo numbers are the same or different while reac-tion times are measured. Experiments show that thetime to make this judgment varies inversely with thedistance between the numbers. Longer reactiontimes are seen as numbers approach each other. Inone experiment, Hinrichs et al. showed that it wasquicker to compare 51 and 65 than to compare 59

and 65 (Hinrichs, Yurko, & Hu, 1981). If numberswere simply compared symbolically, there shouldhave been no reaction time difference in this com-parison since it should have been sufficient tocompare the tens digits in both cases. This findinghas been interpreted as showing that numbers canbe compared as defined quantities and not just at asymbolic level (Dehaene, Dupoux, & Mehler,1990).

Case studies of several patients have providedfurther support for the importance of quantificationprocesses and the independence of these processesfrom exact calculations. Patient D.R.C. of Warring-ton suffered a left temporoparieto-occipital junctionhemorrhage (~3cm diameter) and subsequently haddifficulty recalling arithmetical facts for addition,subtraction, and multiplication, yet he usually gaveanswers of reasonable magnitude when asked tosolve problems. For example, he said “13 roughly”for the problem “5 + 7” (Warrington, 1982). Asimilar phenomenon occurred in the patient N.A.U.of Dehaene and Cohen (1991). This patient sus-tained head trauma, which produced a very large left temporoparieto-occipital hemorrhage (affectingmost of the parietal, posterior temporal, and ante-rior occipital cortex). Although N.A.U. could notdirectly calculate 2 + 2, he could reject 9 but not 3 as a possible answer, which is consistent withaccess to an estimation process. N.A.U. could alsocompare numbers (possibly by using magnitudecomparison), even ones he could not read explicitly,if they were separated by more than one digit.However, he performed at chance level when deciding if a number was odd or even. Although this dissociation may seem incongruous, one hypothesis is that parity decisions require exact and not approximate numerical knowledge, consistentwith the inability of this patient to perform exactcalculations.

Grafman et al. described a patient who sufferednear total destruction of the left hemisphere from a gunshot wound, leaving only the occipital andparasagittal cortex remaining on the left (Grafman,Kampen, Rosenberg, & Salazar, 1989). Despite an inability to perform multidigit calculations, he

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could compare multidigit numerals with excellentaccuracy, suggesting that intact right hemispheremechanisms were sufficient for performing thiscomparison task. The opposite dissociation(increased deficits in approximation despite somepreservation of rote-learned arithmetic) was seen inpatient H.Ba. reported by Guttmann (1937). H.Ba.was able to perform simple calculations, but haddifficulty with number comparisons and quantityestimation. Unfortunately, no anatomical informa-tion regarding H.Ba.’s lesions was provided sincehis deficits were developmental.

Overall, these studies strongly support thehypotheses that the cognitive processes underlyingexact calculations and those related to estimatingmagnitude can be dissociated. In addition, lefthemisphere regions seem clearly necessary for the

performance of exact calculations, while estimationtasks may be more closely associated with the righthemisphere or possibly are bilaterally represented.

Anatomical Relationships and FunctionalImaging

Figure 7.8 shows the combined activations fromfive studies of quantification or approximation oper-ations, including subitizing, counting, number com-parison, and approximate computations (Dehaene et al., 1996; Dehaene et al., 1999; Pinel et al., 1999;Sathian et al., 1999; Fink et al., 2000). The para-digms for these studies are summarized in table 7.3.In comparison with the data from studies of exactcalculations (figures 7.6 and 7.7), approximationand magnitude operations (figures 7.8 and 7.9)show relatively more parietal and occipital and less

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Table 7.3Description of functional imaging tasks for approximation and quantification

Study Modality Paradigm Response

Dehaene et al., PET Multiply two 1-digit numbers versus compare two numbers Silent1996

Dehaene et al., fMRI Subjects were pretrained on sums of two 2-digit numbers. Silent: dual-choice1999 Block During fMRI, subjects were shown a two-operand addition button press

design problem and a single answer. They pressed buttons to choose if the answer was correct or incorrect. For exact calculations, one answer was correct, while the tens digit was off by one inthe other. For approximate calculations, the correct answer waswas the actual result rounded to the nearest multiple of 10 (e.g., 25 + 28 = 53, so 50 was shown to subjects). The incorrect answer was 30 units off.

Pinel et al., fMRI Number comparison: Is a target number (shown as a word or a Silent: single-choice1999 Event numeral) larger or smaller than 5? button press


Sathian et al., PET Subjects saw an array of 16 bars and reported the number of Oral1999 vertical bars. When 1–4 vertical bars were present, the subjects

were assumed to identify magnitude by subitizing; when 5–8 vertical bars were present, they were assumed to be counting.

Fink et al., 2000 fMRI In the numerosity condition, subjects indicated if four dots Silent: dual-choiceBlock were present. In the shape condition, subjects indicated button pressdesign if the dots formed a square.

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frontal activity. In addition, the left-right asymme-try seen in figure 7.7 is no longer apparent.

Sathian et al. (1999) examined regions activatedby tasks of counting and subitizing. Subitizing,which has been linked to preattentive and “pop-out”types of processes, resulted in activation of the rightmiddle and inferior occipital gyrus (figure 7.8). Theleft hemisphere showed a homologous activation,which did not quite reach the threshold for signifi-cance, and is not shown in the figure. A small rightcerebellar activation was also found just belowthreshold. Similar occipital predominant activationswere also obtained by Fink et al. (2000) for a taskthat basically involved subitizing (deciding if fourdots were present when shown three, four, or fivedots) versus estimating shape.

Counting, in contrast to subitizing, according toSathian et al. (1999), activated broad regions of the bilateral occipitotemporal, superior parietal, andright premotor cortices (figure 7.8). Based on theseresults, Sathian et al. suggested that countingprocesses may involve spatial shifts of attention(among the objects to be counted) and attention-mediated top-down modulation of the visual cortex.

Although the parietal cortex has been hypothe-sized to support numerical comparison operations(Dehaene and Cohen, 1995), this area was non-significantly activated (p = 0.078) in a PET studyexamining comparison operations (Dehaene et al.,1996). Instead, the contrast between number com-parison and resting state conditions demonstratedsignificant activations in the bilateral occipital, pre-motor, and supplementary motor cortices (figure7.8) (dark gray areas) (Dehaene et al., 1996). Onepossible explanation for the minimal parietal acti-vation in this study is that the task involved repeatedcomparisons of two numerals between 1 and 9. Inthe case of small numerosities, it has been suggestedthat seeing a numeral may evoke quantity represen-tations that are similar to seeing the same numberof objects, and may engender automatic subitiza-tion. Hence, the task may have stressed operationsrelated to number identification and covert subitiz-ing processes more than the authors anticipated.Therefore the occiptotemporal cortex rather than the

parietal cortex may have been preferentially acti-vated (Sathian et al., 1999; Fink et al., 2000).

A subsequent study of number comparison usedevent-related fMRI while the subjects decidedwhether a target numeral (between 1 and 9) waslarger or smaller than the number 5 (Pinel et al.,1999). Distance effects (i.e., whether the numberswere closer to or farther from 5) were seen in theleft intraparietal sulcus and the bilateral inferior,posterior parietal cortices, which is consistent withthe hypothesized parietal involvement in magnitudeprocessing (figure 7.8). The authors also noted thatthis study showed an apparent greater left hemi-sphere involvement for number comparison, whilea previous study had suggested more involvementof the right hemisphere (Dehaene, 1996).

Numerical Representations

One issue of considerable debate has been themanner in which numerical relations are internallyencoded. For example, are problems handled dif-ferently if they are presented as Arabic numerals (2 + 6 = 8), Roman numerals (II + VI = 8), or words(two plus six equals eight)? McCloskey and colleagues have maintained that the variousnumber-processing and calculation mechanismscommunicate via a single abstract representation ofquantity (Sokol et al., 1991). Others have stronglydisagreed with this approach and have suggestedthat internal representational codes may vary(encoding complex theory) according to input oroutput modality, task requirements, learning strate-gies, etc. (Campbell & Clark, 1988), or even accord-ing to the subject’s experience (preferred entry code hypothesis) (Noël & Seron, 1993). Anotherapproach, discussed later, is that there are specificrepresentations (words, numerals, or magnitude)linked to particular calculation processes, and thissuggestion is embodied by the triple-code model ofDehaene (Dehaene, 1992).

Considerable evidence exists attesting to theimportance of an internal representation of magni-tude. One example is the presence of the numericaldistance effect. As previously noted, this effect is

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demonstrated by subjects taking longer to makecomparison judgments for numbers that are closerin magnitude to one another. The effect has beendemonstrated across a variety stimulus input types,including Arabic numerals (Moyer & Landauer,1967; Sekuler, Rubin, & Armstrong, 1971), spelled-out numbers (Foltz, Poltrock, & Potts, 1984), dotpatterns (Buckley & Gillman, 1974), and Japanesekana and kanji ideograms (Takahashi & Green,1983). The occurrence of this effect regardless ofthe format of the stimulus has suggested that it isnot mediated by different input codes for eachformat, but rather through a common representationof magnitude (Sokol et al., 1991).

Evidence for an opposing set of views, i.e., thatnumerical processing can take place via a variety of representational codes, has also been amassed.One prediction of “multicode” models is that inputand/or response formats may influence the underly-ing calculations beyond effects attributable tosimple sensory mechanisms. In the single-codemodel, since all calculations are based on an amodalrepresentation of the number, it should not matterhow the number is presented once this transcodinghas taken place. A single-code model would suggestthat differences in adding 5 + 6 and V + VI wouldbe solely attributable to the transcoding operation.

In support of additional codes, Gonzalez andKolers (1982, 1987) found that differences in reac-tion times to Arabic and Roman numerals showedan interaction with number size (i.e., there was agreater differential for IV + 5 = IX, than for II + 1= III). This difference implied that the calculationprocess might have been affected by a combinationof the input format and the numerical magnitude ofthe operands. A single-code model would predictthat while calculations might be slower for a giveninput format, they should not be disproportionatelyslower for larger numbers in that format.

A second set of experiments addressed the possi-bility that the slower reaction time for Romannumerals was simply due to slowed numerical com-prehension of this format. The subjects were trainedin naming Roman numerals for several days, untilthey showed no more than a 10% difference in

naming times between Arabic and Roman numer-als. Despite this additional training, differences inreaction time remained beyond the time differencesattributable to numerical comprehension alone. Thisresult again suggested that numerical codes maydepend on the input format, and may influence calculations differentially. Countering these argu-ments, Sokol and colleagues (1991) have noted thatnaming numbers and comprehending them for usein calculations are different processes and mayproceed via different initial mechanisms.

Synthesizing the various views for numerical rep-resentation, Dehaene (1992) has proposed that threecodes can account for differences in input, output,and processing of numbers. These representationsinclude a visual Arabic numeral, an auditory wordframe, and an analog magnitude code. Each of thesecodes has its own input and output procedures andis interfaced with preferred aspects of calculations.The visual Arabic numeral can be conceived of asa string of digits, which can be held in a visual-spatial scratchpad. This code is necessary for multidigit operations and parity judgments. Theauditory word frame consists of the syntactic andlexical elements that describe a number. This codeis manipulated by language processing systems and is important for counting and the recall of memorized arithmetical facts. Finally, the analogmagnitude code contains semantic informationabout the physical quantity of a number and can be conceived of as a spatially oriented number line. This code provides information, for example,that 20 is greater than 10 as a matter of quantity and is not just based on a symbolic relation-ship (Dehaene, 1992). The magnitude code is par-ticularly important for estimation, comparison,approximate calculations, and subitizing operations(Dehaene, 1992).

Several lines of evidence make a compellingargument for this organization over that of a single-code model. (1) Multidigit operations appear toinvolve the manipulation of spatially orientednumbers (Dahmen et al., 1982; Dehaene, 1992), andexperiments have suggested that parity judgmentsare strongly influenced by Arabic numeral formats

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(Dehaene, 1992; Dehaene, Bossini, & Giraux,1993). (2) The preference of bilingual subjects forperforming calculations in their native language is consistent with the storage of (at least) additionand multiplication tables in some linguistic format(Gonzalez & Kolers, 1987; Dehaene, 1992; Noël &Seron, 1993). (3) The presence of distance effectson reaction time when comparing numbers and thepresence of the “SNARC” effect both suggest thatmagnitude codes play a significant role in certainapproximation processes (Buckley & Gillman,1974; Dehaene et al., 1993). SNARC is an acronymfor spatial-numerical association of response codesand refers to an interaction between number sizeand the hand used for response when makingvarious numerical judgments. Responses to rela-tively small numbers are quicker with the left hand,while responses to relatively large numbers arequicker with the right hand. (Relative in this caserefers to the set of given numbers for a particularjudgment task, Fias, Brysbaert, Geypens, & d’Ydewalle, 1996).

This effect has been interpreted as evidence for amental number line (spatially extended from left toright in left-to-right reading cultures). Thus smallnumbers are associated with the left end of a virtualnumber line and would be perceived by the righthemisphere, resulting in faster left-hand reactiontimes. The opposite would be true for largenumbers. This effect has been confirmed by severalauthors, and argues for the existence of representa-tion of magnitude at some level (Fias et al., 1996;Bächtold, Baumüller, & Brugger, 1998). Fias et al.(1996) have also found evidence for the SNARCeffect when subjects transcode numbers fromArabic numerals to verbal formats. This effect,some might argue, demonstrates the existence of anobligatory magnitude representation in what shouldbe an asemantic task (i.e., one would presume thatthe transcoding operation of eight Æ 8 should notrequire the representation of quantity for itssuccess). However, Dehaene (1992) has suggestedthat even though one code may be necessary for theperformance of a task (in this case the visual Arabicnumeral form), other codes (such as the magnitude

representation) may be “incidentally” activatedsimply as a consequence of numerical processing,and then could influence performance (Deloche andSeron 1982a,b, 1987; McCloskey et al., 1985).

Network Models of Calculations

Despite the explanatory power of current models forsome aspects of calculations, they all have tendedto take a modular rather than a network approach to the organization of this higher cortical function.One description of the triple-code model, forexample, was that it represented a “layered modulararchitecture” (Dehaene, 1992). Because they resortto modularity, current models ultimately fail atsome level to provide a flexible architecture forunderstanding numerical cognition. The distinctionsbetween modular and network models of cognitionare subtle, however, and on first pass it may not beclear to the reader how or why this distinction is soimportant. An example will illustrate this point.

The triple-code model proposes that calculationsare subserved by several functional-anatomicalgroups of cortical regions. One group centered inthe parietal lobe serves quantification; a group cen-tered around the perisylvian cortex serves linguisticfunctions; another group centered in the dorsolateralprefrontal cortex serves working memory; and soon. The discreteness of these functional groupspotentially engenders a (false) sense of distinctnessin how these regions are proposed to interact withnumbers. Thus magnitude codes are proposed to benecessary for number comparisons while memo-rized linguistic codes are proposed to underlie mul-tiplication. The result is a nearly endless debateabout the right code for a particular job, with inves-tigators proposing ever more clever tasks whosepurpose is to finally identify the specific psy-chophysiological code (re: “center”) underlying aparticular task.

Similar distinctions have been proposed in other domains and found to be wanting. Forexample, in the realm of spatial attention, it hadlong been argued whether neglect was due to

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sensory-representational or motor-exploratory dis-turbances (Heilman and Valenstein, 1972; Bisiach,Luzzatti, & Perani, 1979). In fact, as suggested bylarge-scale network theories, the exploratory andrepresentational deficits of neglect go hand in hand, since one’s exploration of space actually takes place within the mind’s representationalschema (Droogleever-Fortuyn, 1979; Mesulam,1981, 1999).

An alternative view of the codes underlyingnumerical operations is that they are innumerableand therefore, in a sense, unknowable (Campbell &Clark, 1988). This viewpoint is also not tenablebecause the brain must make decisions based onabstractions from basic, and fundamentally measur-able, sensory and motor processes (Mesulam 1981,1998).

Thus one important concept of a large-scalenetwork theory is that while cortical regions may bespecialized for a particular operation, they partici-pate in higher cognitive functions, not as autono-mously operating modules, but rather as interactiveepicenters. Use of the term epicenter, in this case,implies that complex cortical functions arise as aconsequence of brain regions being both specializedfor various operations and integrated with other cor-tical and subcortical areas. There are several conse-quences for a cerebral organization based on theseconcepts (Mesulam 1981, 1990):

1. Cortical regions are unlikely to interact withonly a single large-scale network. They are morelikely to participate in several cognitive networks,so damage to any particular region may affect anumber of intellectual functions. (Only the primarysensory and motor cortices appear to have a one-to-one mapping of structure to function, e.g., V1 andspecific areas of the visual field.)

Thus areas of the parietal and frontal cortices par-ticipating in calculations are unlikely to serve onlythe computation of quantities or the recall of rotearithmetical answers, respectively. Instead, lesionsof the left inferior parietal cortex, for example, arelikely to disrupt calculation operations as well asother aspects of spatial and/or linguistic processing.Likewise, the apparently rare association of frontal

injury with pure anarithmetia may occur becauselesions of the frontal lobes so often interfere with a broad array of linguistic, working memory, andexecutive functions that they give the appearancethat any calculation deficit is secondary.

2. Disruptions of any part of a large-scalenetwork can lead to deficits that were not originallyconsidered to be part of the lesioned area’s reper-toire of operations. For example, in the realm of lan-guage, although nonfluent aphasias are more likelyto be associated with lesions in Broca’s area, thistype of aphasia can also follow from lesions in theposterior perisylvian cortex (Caplan, Hildebrandt,& Makris, 1996). Similarly, while calculationdeficits most commonly follow left parietal cortexlesions, they can also be seen after left basal ganglialesions (Whitaker et al., 1985; Hittmair-Delazer et al., 1994; Dehaene & Cohen, 1995). This resultseems less mysterious when it is realized that thebasal ganglia participate in large-scale networksthat include frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices(Alexander et al., 1990).

3. The psychophysical codes or representationsof a cognitive operation are all potentially activatedduring performance of a function. A corollary to thisstatement is that the activation of a particular cog-nitive code is dynamic and highly dependent onshifting task contingencies for a particular cognitiveoperation. Thus the codes underlying calculationsare neither unbounded nor constrained to be activated individually. Rather, activation of specificrepresentations is dependent on spatial, linguistic,and perceptual processes, among others, whichinteract to give rise to various cognitive functions.The activation of a specific representational codedepends on the task requirements and a subject’scomputational strategy. Similar dependence of brainactivations on varying contingencies has also beenfound in studies of facial processing (Wojciulik,Kanwisher, & Driver, 1998).

An attempt to organize the large-scale neuralnetwork for calculations could therefore proceedalong the following lines: There are likely to beareas in the visual unimodal association cortex(around the fusiform and lingual gyri) whose

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function is specialized for discriminating variousforms of numbers (numerals or words). Evidencesuggests that areas for identifying numerals orverbal forms of numbers are likely to be closelyallied, but are probably not completely overlapping.There are also data to suggest that their separationmay arise as a natural consequence of various per-ceptual processes (Polk & Farah, 1998). Thesesensory object-form regions are then linked withhigher-order areas supporting the linguistic or sym-bolic associations necessary for calculations, andalso areas supporting concepts of numerical quan-tity (Dehaene & Cohen, 1995). The latter “magni-tude” areas may be organized to reflect mechanismsassociated with spatial and/or object processing andthereby provide a nonverbal sense of amount orquantity. Magnitude regions may be located withinthe posterior parietal cortex as part of areas thatassess spatial extent and distributed quantities.Finally, the linguistic aspects of number processingare almost certainly linked at some level to languagenetworks or areas involved with processing sym-bolic representations, such as the dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex and/or the parietal cortex.

Links among the areas supporting the visual-verbal, linguistic, and magnitude aspects of num-bers thereby form a large-scale neural network fromwhich all other numerical processes are derived.The cortical epicenters of this network are likely tobe located in the inferior parietal cortex (most likelyintersecting with the intraparietal sulcus), the dor-solateral prefrontal cortex (probably close to theprecentral gyrus), and the temporoparietal-occipitaljunction. Similar connections are likely to exist inboth hemispheres, although the left hemisphere is proposed to coordinate calculations overall, par-ticularly when the task requires some form of lin-guistic (verbal or numeral) response or requiressymbolic manipulation. Additional connections ofthis network with different parts of the limbicsystem could provide episodic numerical memoriesor even emotional associations.

Other important connections would include thoseinvolving the frontal poles. This is an area thatappears critical for organizing complex executive

functions, particularly when the task involvesbranching contingencies, and may be necessary forcomplex calculations (Koechlin, Basso, Pietrini,Panzer, & Grafman, 1999). Subcortical connectionswould include the basal ganglia (particularly on theleft) and thalamus. The critical difference betweenthis proposed model and the triple-code modelwould be the a priori constraint of various “codes”based on specific brain-behavior relationships, andthe distributed nature of the representations.

Bedside Testing

Based on the preceding discussion, testing for acal-culia should focus on several areas of numericalcognition and should also document deficits in othercognitive domains. Clearly, deficits in attention,working memory, language, and visual-spatial skillsshould be sought. Testing for these functions isreviewed elsewhere in this volume. More specifictesting for calculation deficits should cover theareas of numerical processing, quantification, andcalculations proper. The test originally proposed byBoller and Faglioni (see Grafman et al., 1982;Boller & Grafman, 1985) represents a good startingpoint for the clinician. It contains problems testingnumerical comparison and the four basic mathe-matical operations. Recommended tests for ex-amining calculations are outlined below.

1. Numerical processing

a. Reading Arabic numerals and spelled-outnumbers (words)

b. Writing Arabic numerals and spelled-outnumbers to dictation

c. Transcoding from Arabic numerals to spelled-out numbers and vice versa

2. Quantification

a. Counting the number of several small (1–9)sets of dots or other objects

b. Estimating the quantity of larger collections ofobjects

3. Calculations

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Testing should include both single-digit and multidigit problems. Multidigit operations shouldinclude carrying and borrowing procedures. Simplerules such as 0 ¥ N, 0 + N, and 1 ¥ N should betested as well.

a. Addition

b. Multiplication

c. Subtraction

d. Division

Other tests, such as solving word problems (e.g.,Jane had one dollar and bought two apples costingthirty cents each. How much money does she haveleft?), more abstract problems (e.g., a ¥ (b + c) =(a ¥ b) + (a ¥ c), and higher mathematical conceptssuch as square root and logarithms can be tested,although the clinical associations are less clear.

Conclusions and Future Directions

Although this chapter began with a simple casereport outlining some general aspects of acalculiaand associated deficits, subsequent sections haveillustrated the dissection of this function into a richarray of cognitive operations. Many questions aboutthis cognitive function remain, however, includingthe nature of developmental deficits in calculations.For example, a patient reported by Romero et al.had developmental dyscalculia and dysgraphia andparticular difficulty recalling multiplication factsdespite normal intelligence and normal visual-spatial abilities (Romero, Granetz, Makale, Manly,& Grafman, 2000). Magnetic resonance spectro-scopy demonstrated reduced N-acetyl-aspartate,creatine, and choline in the left inferior parietallobule, suggesting some type of injury to this areaalthough no structural lesion could be seen.

While parietal lesions can certainly disruptlearned calculations, current theories are not able tofully explain why this patient could not adopt analternative means of learning the multiplicationtables, such as remembering multiplication facts asindividual items of verbal material. Based on this

case, it is clear that at some point in the learningprocess, multiplication facts are not just isolatedverbal memories, as suggested by Dehaene andCohen (1997), but must be learned within thecontext of other processes subserved by the leftparietal lobe (possibly quantification). This hypo-thesis would also be consistent with a large-scalenetwork approach to this function.

The functional–anatomical relationships underly-ing the most basic aspects of calculations andnumerical processing are also far from being defin-itively settled, while those related to more abstractmathematical procedures have not yet beenexplored. Furthermore, to what extent eye move-ments, working memory, or even basic motorprocesses (i.e., counting fingers) could be con-tributing to calculations is also unclear. The rangeof processes participating in calculations suggeststhat this function has few equals among cognitiveoperations in terms of integration across a multi-plicity of cognitive domains. By viewing the brainareas underlying these functions as part of inter-secting large-scale neural networks, it is hoped thatit will be possible to understand how their interac-tions support this complex cognitive function.


This work was supported by National Institute of Aginggrant AG00940.


1. One overview of large-scale neural networks and theirapplication to several cognitive domains can be found inMesulam (1990).

2. In this case, critical refers to directly affecting calcula-tions, as opposed to some other indirect relationship. Forexample, patients with frontal lesions can have profounddeficits in attention and responsiveness. This will impaircalculation performance in a secondary, but not necessar-ily in a primary, fashion (Grewel, 1969).

3. Deficits in production refer to writing the incorrectnumber, not to dysgraphia.

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4. 0 ¥ N refers to multiplication of any number by 0. Thisnotation also includes the commutated problem of N ¥ 0.The result is a rule because it is true for all numbers, N.

5. Clever Hans was a horse who supposedly could calcu-late and perform a variety of linguistic tasks. It was even-tually shown that Clever Hans possessed no particularmathematical abilities, but primarily intuited his owner’snonconscious body language, which communicated theanswers (Hediger, 1981).

6. In this context, Weber’s law essentially says that objec-tive numerical differences may seem subjectively smallerwhen they are contrasted with larger numbers (Dehaene,1992).


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Michael P. Alexander

The essential aphasia syndrome occurring after leftfrontal lobe lesions is not Broca’s aphasia, it istranscortical motor aphasia (TCMA). TCMA hasthe following characteristics: (1) impoverished butgrammatical utterances; (2) infrequent paraphasiasthat are usually semantic or perseverative; (3) preserved repetition, oral reading, and recitation; and (4) preserved comprehension (auditory andwritten).

At its mildest or most recovered limits, TCMAmay not be apparent in conversation or even in clinical testing. At its most severe limits, output maybe extremely reduced, perseverative, and echolalic,and response set impairments and perseverationmay produce abnormalities in comprehension. This chapter summarizes the clinical and cognitiveneuroscience of the full range of this disorder.

Case Reports

Patient G.D.: A 73-year-old right-handed man, highschool educated, a retired office manager with a history ofhypertension and coronary artery disease with mild exer-tional dyspnea, developed acute chest pain. He underwentcoronary angioplasty and stenting and was given heparinfor 1 day, then placed on aspirin and ticlopidine. At home3 days later he became acutely “confused.” When he wasevaluated in the emergency room, he had no spontaneousor responsive speech, but could repeat sentences and readaloud with good articulation. Head computed tomography(CT) showed a large left frontal hemorrhage (figure 8.1).Aspirin and ticlopidine were discontinued. Two days laterG.D. still had no spontaneous speech, but he could makeone- to two-word responses to questions, limited by severeperseveration. There was echolalia, i.e., uninhibited repe-tition of the examiner’s words, particularly for commandsin testing. He had frequent disinhibited completions ofquestions and comments by others around him. Repetitionwas normal. Recitation required initial prompts but wasthen completely normal. In all testing he was, somewhatparadoxically, simultaneously stimulus bound and easilydistracted.

8 Transcortical Motor Aphasia: A Disorder of Language Production

Six days after onset he had occasional short sponta-neous utterances, a wider range of accurate shortresponses, and could answer many questions about per-sonal information and orientation accurately if the answerswere one or two straightforward words. On the other hand,when asked what he had done for a living, he replied, “Idid . . . I mean . . . what’d I do for a living . . . that. . . .”Comprehension was intact for word discrimination andbrief commands. Oral reading was normal. He namedthree out of six common objects with primarily persever-ative errors, but none of six lower-frequency objects, withno vocalized response at all. He named five animals in 60seconds, but each required a general prompt (“think of afarm”). He did no spontaneous writing beyond his name.He wrote single words to dictation in all grammatical categories although with frequent perseveration within andacross stimuli. Writing sentences to dictation, he producedthe first one or two words and then stopped. There was nofacial or limb apraxia. Drawing was perseverative.

Sixteen days after onset he was more fluent, but withlong latencies, frequently with no responses at all; how-ever, grammatical structure was normal when he didspeak. He perseverated words and phrases. He named six out of six common objects, but only one of six low-frequency objects. Most naming errors were persevera-tions of the initial correct response, but he suppressedthese responses after the initial phoneme. He could notgenerate a single sentence from a supplied verb (e.g., take,receive, applaud), usually just repeating the verb. He hasbeen lost to follow-up since that examination.

Patient M.B.: An 86-year-old right-handed retired physi-cian with no prior cerebral or cardiac history suddenlydeveloped “confusion.” Records of his initial hospitaliza-tion are not available. An initial, mild right hemiparesisrapidly cleared. He had an infarct on CT, but no definiteetiology was established. He was reportedly mute forseveral days. The evolution of his language was not welldescribed by the patient or his family. He returned home.He lived alone, supervised by family. He was independentin self-care, prepared light meals, and enjoyed culturalactivities. Several months later he had a grand mal seizurewhile traveling outside the United States. According to hisfamily, he was “confused” for a few days but returned tobaseline. CT demonstrated no new lesions, just the resid-ual of the earlier stroke (figure 8.2). Phenytoin was begun.

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Eight days after the seizure, the patient was alert andcooperative. Language output was fluent but anomic. Out-put was blocked on word-finding problems, followed byperseveration of the blocked phrase. He had frequentecholalia, sometimes partly suppressed. Comprehension at the word level of single words, descriptive phrases, andpraxis commands was good. Repetition and oral readingwere normal. He named all common objects, but only 60%of parts of objects. He named five animals in 60 seconds,but no words beginning with “b” despite prompting. Whenasked to produce a sentence given a verb, he quickly produced a pronoun subject and the verb (e.g., gave: “Igive . . .”), but he could never progress further. Facial andlimb praxis were normal.

A more detailed language assessment was completed 4months later, 1 year post stroke. All measures of fluency,including grammatical form, were normal. The patientmade no errors in syntax structure and no morphologicalerrors. Speech was normal. He was severely anomic. Raresemantic paraphasias were all perseverative. He had frag-ments of echolalia. Comprehension was mildly impaired(eleven of fifteen commands and eight of twelve com-plex sentences or paragraphs). Word comprehension wasnormal or near normal for five of six categories, but poorfor grammatical words, especially matching pictures withembedded sentence forms. Repetition and oral reading

were intact. His Boston Naming Test score was 46/60(mildly impaired). He was very responsive to phonemiccues, but he could easily be cued to an incorrect answer.Writing showed good orthography and basically normalgrammatical form, but anomia and perseveration of words.

Development of the Clinical Definition ofTCMA

TCMA is one of the eight classical aphasia syn-dromes (Alexander, 1997). Initial characterizationsby Lichtheim (1885) and Goldstein (1948) sharedmost features. Lichtheim fit the disorder into a theoretical schematic of aphasia that set the stagefor “box-and-arrow” classification systems to comein the next hundred years. However, the placementof the arrows in Lichtheim’s model indicated abelief that there was a disruption of the influence of nonlanguage mental capacities on preserved language.

Goldstein considered this disorder at length andprovided good clinical descriptions and an exten-sive review of the postmortem correlations reportedby many early investigators. His view is clear fromthe title of the relevant chapter from his 1948 text

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Figure 8.1An acute-phase CT from patient G.D. shows a large hem-orrhage above the frontal operculum, involving Brodmannareas 46, 9, 6, and 8. The final lesion site is speculative,but the center of mass of the blood (upper right panel ) isin the middle frontal gyrus, areas 46 and 9.

Figure 8.2A chronic-phase MRI from patient M.B. shows a moder-ate infarction in the upper operculum, rising up in themiddle frontal gyrus and involving Brodmann areas 46, 9,and 6.

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(1971 edition): “Pictures of speech disturbances dueto impairment of the non-language mental perform-ances.” He described two forms of TCMA. In one,partial injury to the “motor speech area” raised thethreshold for speech. When speech was externallyprompted (e.g., by answering short factual ques-tions), it was normal or nearly so. When speech hadto arise from internal intention (e.g., describing apersonal experience), the elevated threshold couldnot be reliably reached. Whatever speech was produced had some articulatory impairment and“more or less motor agrammatism,” but repetition,recitation, oral reading, and writing, were better. In modern models of aphasia (Goodglass, 1993), acombination of true agrammatism in speech with no other abnormality of spoken language or writtenlanguage would be considered improbable, if notimpossible, somewhere in the mildest Broca’saphasia domain. Goldstein suggested, however, thatthis disorder was always mild and transient. Thischaracterization of mild Broca’s aphasia as almostalways transient received a new life in the 1970sfrom Mohr and colleagues with the description of“Broca’s area aphasia,” often called “Baby Broca’saphasia” (Mohr, Pessin et al., 1978).

The second variety of TCMA described by Goldstein (1948) was characterized as “an impair-ment of the impulse to speak at all.” Patient descrip-tions fit the profile described in the introduction tothis chapter. Goldstein also observed that patientsoften showed a “general akinesis” and that theyoften required prompts to generate any speech, evenrecitation. He concluded with the observation thatTCMA was a disturbance of the “intention” tospeak. Goldstein believed from the clinical reportsavailable to him that echolalia was not a keyelement of TCMA because echolalia only occurredwhen the failure of intention was combined withimpaired comprehension despite intact posteriorperisylvian structures. His review of the literature atthe time included some cases with echolalia withonly a left frontal lesion and only modest compre-hension deficits. The “comprehension impairment”that many of these patients showed may have beendue to difficulty establishing a proper test set and

avoiding perseveration, rather than actual loss oflanguage competence, much as in the two patientsdescribed earlier.

Luria began the modern linguistically baseddescription of the possible components of the “non-language mental processes” essential for connected,intentional language output (Luria, 1973). Luria’svocabulary and conceptual models were idiosyn-cratic, but he specified impairments that are readilyrecognized in modern cognitive neuropsychologicalterms. He described impairments in intention, in the formation of verbal plans, and in the assemblyof a linear mental model (deep structure in modernterms). The intentional deficit suggests limbic disorders: deficient drive, arousal, motivation, etc. The planning deficit suggests supervisory execu-tive impairment. The reduced capacity to producelinear structure suggests disturbed proceduraliza-tion of syntax and discourse. These three domains—intention, supervision, and planning—are theessence of modern theories about the frontal lobe’srole in language, as well as many other complexcognitive operations.

Luria proposed that this constellation of deficitsin language constituted “dynamic aphasia,” as dis-tinguished from TCMA, which he viewed as a moresevere disorder with preservation of single wordrepetition but marked reduction of spontaneous language fluency, a characterization that suggestspartial recovery from more typical Broca’s aphasia(Luria & Tsevtkova, 1967). Luria also distinguisheddynamic aphasia from the general lack of spon-taneity and motivation seen in patients with majorfrontal lobe lesions. There is little specification of aprecise lesion site causing dynamic aphasia otherthan the left inferior frontal lobe.

The role of the frontal lobes in language at theoutset of the modern neuroimaging and neuro-science eras can be summarized. The fundamentalprocesses of language can be utilized to achievebroad communication goals. Accomplishing thesegoals requires a variety of mental processes, includ-ing intention and planning, and narrative skills thatcan organize language structure and output. Deficitsin this complex use of language are due to lesions

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in the left lateral frontal lobe. TCMA (or Luria’sdynamic aphasia) represents the range of aphasicdisorders in which the fundamental processes—semantics, phonology, articulation, grammar, andconcatenation—are normal, but the utilization ofthem is impaired.

Clinical, imaging, and cognitive neuroscienceinvestigations in the past 25 years have sharpenedour understanding of TCMA and clarified its neuraland psychological components, although Luria’sbasic characterizations remain fundamental even tomodern concepts. Lesion specificity has been clari-fied. The roles of different regions of the frontallobes in discrete aspects of language are betterunderstood. Insights from other domains of cogni-tive neuroscience have illuminated the mechanismsof planning and intention in speech.

Lesion–Anatomy Correlations in TCMA

Any analysis of the language disorders due tofrontal lesions must begin with Broca’s aphasia. Theeponymous area is usually marked with a “B” andlies over the frontal operculum, roughly Brodmannareas 44 and 45; sometimes it includes the lowermotor cortex (area 4) and the anterior, superiorinsular cortex continuous with the inferior opercularsurface. Damage restricted to these areas producesa somewhat variable clinical picture, sometimescalled “Broca’s area aphasia” (Mohr et al., 1978).In the acute phase, these patients have more simi-larities than differences. They are often brieflymute, then show effortful speech with articulationand prosody impairments, reduced phrase length,syntax errors, and mixed paraphasias, all variablybut modestly benefited by repetition. Thus, Broca’sarea lesions produce acute Broca’s aphasia.

In the chronic phase, these patients diverge alongseveral paths (Alexander, Naeser, & Palumbo,1990). Lesions centered in the posterior operculumand the lower motor cortex are likely to cause per-sistent articulation and prosody impairments, withrapid recovery of lengthy, grammatical utterances.Lesions centered in the anterior superior operculum

are likely to produce persistent truncation of utter-ances, although without much overt grammaticalimpairment, with rapid recovery of articulation and prosody and rapid normalization of repetitionand recitation. Thus, viewed from the postacute per-spective, Broca’s area lesions damage two adjacent,perhaps overlapping, neural systems, one funda-mentally for motor control of speech and one forrealization of lengthy, complex utterances. Broca’sarea lesions do not produce lasting Broca’s aphasia.

Freedman and colleagues (Freedman, Alexander,& Naeser, 1984) analyzed a large number of pa-tients in the postacute stage that met a standard clinical definition of TCMA (Goodglass & Kaplan,1983). More than one lesion site was identified.Some patients had damage to the frontal operculum,including the anterior portions of Broca’s area.Some had damage to more dorsolateral midfrontalregions, which often projected into white matter.Some had damage only to the deep white matterincluding or adjacent to and above the head of thecaudate nucleus. Some had large capsulostriatallesions reaching up to the head of the caudatenucleus and the adjacent white matter. Some hadmedial frontal damage, including the supplementarymotor area (SMA).

Earlier descriptions of aphasia after infarctions of the left anterior cerebral artery (ACA) territory orassociated with parasagittal tumors had alreadyestablished that large medial frontal lesions pro-duced a speech and language impairment (Critchley,1930). Mutism, paucity of speech, and repetitiveutterances were described. Several reports in the 1970s (Von Stockert, 1974; Rubens, 1976)(Masdeu, Schoene, & Funkenstein, 1978) and 1980s(Alexander & Schmitt, 1980) defined the evolutionof aphasia with left medial frontal lesions: initialmutism for hours to weeks and then gradual re-covery of lengthy, fluent output, with preserved repetition and recitation.

In the report by Freedman and colleagues, adetailed assessment of the variation in postacutelanguage impairment associated with left lateralfrontal damage revealed the important anterior-posterior divergence of roles within the frontal

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cortex (Freedman et al., 1984). The posterior portions are essential for articulation; the anteriorportions are essential for some aspect of genera-tive language—complex sentences, narratives,etc.—but are unimportant for externally driven language—repetition, naming, oral reading, andshort responses.

There is considerable controversy about the so-called “subcortical aphasias,” particularly thoseassociated with left capsulostriatal lesions. Ananalysis of absolute cortical perfusion and of theextent and location of carotid obstructive diseasesuggests to some investigators that aphasia is due tocortical hypoperfusion, causing microscopic corti-cal neuronal injury (Olsen, Bruhn, & Oberg, 1986)(Nadeau & Crosson, 1995). In this view, the sub-cortical lesion is irrelevant. With numerous col-laborators, I have proposed a different mechanismfor aphasia (Alexander, Naeser et al., 1987). Moststructures within capsulostriatal lesions are, in fact, irrelevant to aphasia. Lesions in the putamen,the globus pallidus ventral anterior limb internalcapsule (ALIC), or most of the paraventricularwhite matter (PVWM) do not appear to affect lan-guage. Lesions in the dorsal ALIC, the dorsal headof the caudate nucleus and the anterior PVWM, onthe other hand, are associated with a mild genera-tive aphasia, i.e., TCMA, in the postacute period(Mega & Alexander, 1994). These patients alsooften have severe articulatory impairment (descend-ing corticobulbar pathways), hypophonia (puta-men), and hemiparesis (corticospinal pathways).None of these are pertinent to aphasia; the aphasiadiagnosis is independent of the neurological find-ings (Alexander et al., 1987). Spontaneous (hyper-tensive) hemorrhages in capsulostriatal territoriesproduce a more severe initial aphasia and a broaderrange of aphasias in the postacute period because adissection of a hemorrhage can produce idiosyn-cratic lesion extensions (D’Esposito & Alexander,1995). The “core syndrome” of mild TCMAafter lesions in caudate or anterior white matter ismaintained.

Consolidation of these disparate observations is possible. Damage to the medial frontal cortex,

including the SMA and anterior cingulate gyrus(ACG), produces akinetic mutism (Freemon, 1971).The akinesia, including akinesia of the speech appa-ratus (i.e., mutism), is due to the loss of ascendingcortical dopaminergic input (Lindvall, Bjorkland,Moorc, Steneui, 1974). Thus, the progressiveaphasia commonly associated with progressivesupranuclear palsy (PSP) is dynamic aphasia orTCMA, although it is often embedded in more pervasive activation and executive impairments(Esmonde, Giles et al., 1996).

The SMA (Jürgens, 1984) and ACG (Baleydier & Mauguiere, 1980) have interesting connectivityprinciples. Afferents are received from all sensoryassociation cortices and potently from dopaminer-gic brainstem nuclei, but efferents are bilateral to allfrontal regions and to the striatum. Thus, processedsensory information converges with subcorticaldrive and activation mechanisms. The resultantoutput from the SMA and ACG is the activationtransformer of the brain. Medial structures providethe drive for continued sustained movement andcognition. Projections through anterior PVWMregions and to the caudate nucleus carry this acti-vation to the lateral frontal regions, converging onthe left frontal operculum for speech (Alexander et al., 1987). Lesions anywhere in this system willdamage drive, activation, and generative capacities,producing truncated, unelaborated language. Thus,damage to this efferent, bilateral medial to leftlateral frontal system is the foundation for the im-pairment observed in “intention” to speak. Simpleresponses, recitation, repetition, even namingrequire much less generative effort; thus they arepreserved. The posterior operculum, in turn, organ-izes motor programs of speech.

Modern Notions of Dynamic Aphasia

Recent investigators have analyzed the cognitiveand linguistic impairments that might underlie theplanning and supervisory deficits in TCMA byfocusing on dynamic aphasia, the cleanest exemplarof TCMA. Some extrapolation from functional

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neuroimaging studies in normal subjects also illu-minates this issue. These investigations have at-tempted to specify more precisely the testabledeficits that make up the generality of “planning.”

The most carefully analyzed single case reportsof dynamic aphasia meet clinical criteria for TCMAwith left frontal lesions. Costello and Warrington(1989) demonstrated that their patient was unable to produce a conceptual structure for an utteranceprior to any implementation of syntactic options forexpression and prior to actual sentence production.Robinson et al. observed that their patient wasunable to select propositional language when thecommunication context provided little constraint or prompting (Robinson, Blair, & Cipolotti, 1998).When there were numerous possible utterances and constructions, the patient was impaired. Whencontext defined a response, language was normal.

Thompson-Schill et al. have shown the same type of deficit at the single-word level in patientswith lesions that included the left posterior frontal regions (Thompson-Schill, Swick, Farah,D’Esposito, Kan, & Knight, 1998). Language acti-vation studies with positron emission tomography(PET) (Petersen, Fox, Posner, Mintun, & Raichle,1989) or functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) (Desmond, 1995) have long demonstratedthat the left frontal opercular area is activated intasks of semantic generation, such as naming a verbthat is associated with a given noun. This activationis not just associated with semantic retrieval, butdepends as much on selection of an item from a range of retrieved choices (Thompson-Schill,D’Esposito, Aguirre, & Farah, 1997). Patients withposterior frontal lesions have difficulty with verbgeneration in proportion to the number of choicesavailable to them (Thompson-Schill et al., 1998).Nadeau (1988) analyzed the syntactic constructionsof two patients with large left lateral frontal lesions.He demonstrated that word choice and grammarwithin a sentence can be intact when the syntacticframe selected for the overall response is defective.

In a PET study of memory retrieval in normalsubjects, Fletcher et al. observed a distinction in leftfrontal activation, depending on the relationship of

word pairs to be retrieved. Thus, retrieval and pro-duction of verbal material that was highly probablylinked, whether imageable (arm-muscle) or not(happiness-love), produced little left frontal activa-tion. When retrieval required construction of novellinks between unrelated word pairs, even if theywere highly imageable individually (hurricane-puppy), there was marked left lateral frontal acti-vation (Fletcher, Shallice, Frith, Frackowiak, &Dolan, 1996). The authors remarked on the similar-ity of this finding to the difficulty that patients withleft frontal lesions and dynamic aphasia have pro-ducing responses that are not highly connectedsemantically.

All of these potential explanations for dynamicaphasia revolve around impaired language planningwhen the context of the utterance does not immedi-ately guide output. Whether at the word or sentencelevel (or even at the discourse level; see the fol-lowing discussion), this planning and selectionproblem appears fundamental to frontal aphasias.When numerous responses are possible, when wordand syntax selections are not constrained, whensocial context does not restrict the form that utter-ances might take, the left frontal region is criticalfor selection and execution of a particular responsestrategy. This is action planning in the domain oflanguage.


Discourse is the production of structured complexoutput (Chapman, Culhane et al. 1992). Duringdevelopment, humans learn rules and accepted procedures for discourse and in parallel, they learnhow and when to use these procedures (Chapman,Culhane et al., 1992). They learn a “theory ofmind,” that is, the capacity to place themselves in a listener’s mind to estimate what knowledge orexpectations or emotions the listener might bring to an interaction (Stone, Baron-Cohen, & Knight,1998; Gallagher, Happe, Brunswick, Fletcher, Frith, & Frith, 2000). They learn the context andconstraints for the use of discourse. They learn theirculture’s rules, styles, and strategies for discourse.

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Some forms of discourse are highly rule bound:pleading a court case, structuring a medical report,writing a book chapter, and telling some types ofjokes. Discourse can be narrative (telling a story) orprocedural (relating a recipe, teaching car repair) or a mixture of both (teaching biology). The formsof discourse have rules of construction (storygrammar), rules of coherence (using intelligible references), rules of indirection, etc.

Prefrontal lesions produce impairments in dis-course (Kaczmarek, 1984; Chapman et al., 1992).The discourse errors of left prefrontal lesions aremostly simplifications (Novoa & Ardila, 1987).There is a reduction in variation of sentence struc-ture and a tendency to repeat sentence forms. Thereis a reduction in the number of relevant themes and concepts recruited to fill out a narrative; thusreference within a narrative is often incomplete. The boundary between dynamic aphasia and defec-tive discourse is not fixed. Patients with dynamicaphasia use simple and unelaborated sentence formsand tend to repeat a few sentence structures. Thereare clearly nested levels of impairment in therecruitment of the elements of complex language.

Thus far this review has only dealt with leftfrontal lesions. At the level of discourse, right prefrontal injury may also disrupt communication(Novoa & Ardila, 1987). The limited evidence suggests that right prefrontal lesions reduce orga-nization and monitoring, allowing the tangential,unrelated, and at times inappropriate and in somecases, frankly confabulatory narratives characteris-tic of right frontal damage.

Production of complex language presupposesintact fundamental language processes—phonetics,phonology, semantics, and grammar. Using thosepreserved functions, a large group of interrelatedoperations must unfold to produce complex lan-guage. The operations include selection of discourseintention and form, allowing for shared knowledgewith the listener; selection of syntactic proceduresthat fit the intended communication; and selectionfrom the many options of the precise lexical ele-ments that express the intentions and fit the syntax.How all of this unfolds online is beyond the abili-

ties of this writer and is a complex, vital issue incognitive science (Levelt, 1989), but at the “offline”level of impairments due to frontal injury, we returnto action planning.

Action Planning

Action planning has been evaluated in patients with neurological damage. The models for actionplanning vary somewhat (Shallice, 1982; Schwartz,Reed, Montgomery, Palmer, & Mayer, 1991). Allappear to suppose that experience has taught everyone a wide variety of simple actions (pouring,cutting, untwisting, etc.) and of possible assembliesof those actions to achieve certain goals (fixingcoffee, making a sandwich, etc.). When someactions are frequently combined in an unvaryingmanner, then the resulting practiced complex actionmay become a unit of action of its own (eatingbreakfast, getting dressed). Across life’s experi-ences, a large repertoire of simple and combinedactions become proceduralized, that is, produced asa whole without explicit conscious direction. As thecomplexity of action increases and as the possibleorder of recruitment of subparts of the action(schemas) becomes less fixed, more explicit con-scious direction is required to select and assemblethe parts into an intended whole, delaying orholding some actions, inhibiting others, and moni-toring progress to the goal (intention). Deficits inaction planning have been studied with simpleeveryday behaviors, such as eating breakfast(Schwartz et al., 1991), and with more complexbehaviors, such as shopping (Shallice & Burgess,1991).

TCMA, at least dynamic aphasia, and discoursedeficits are action planning failures in language.Patients cannot generate a plan or subplans, selectfrom among alternative plans, or maintain an initialselection without contamination from other acti-vated possible plans; nor can they keep track of how the several selected plans are progressing. Thisassembly and planning function operates at numer-ous levels that appear to have anterior-posteriorarrangements in the left frontal lobe (Sirigu, Cohen

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et al. 1998). In the posterior ventrolateral frontallobe, deficits may be at the level of word activationand selection (Thompson-Schill et al., 1998). Thus,language is quite restricted whenever the responseis not prompted by words in the question or someother externality. With lesions of the dorsolateralfrontal lobe, deficits may be at the level of syntacticselection (Costello & Warrington, 1989). Languageis restricted whenever a novel sentence structuremust be generated and, in default, any provided sen-tence may be pirated, at least in part, to carry theresponse; thus echolalia and perseveration. Withprefrontal lesions, deficits may be at the discourselevel. Language is produced and word selection pro-ceeds, but the organization of plans for complexaction (discourse) is impaired. There may bereliance on a few syntactic forms to carry the com-munication load and great difficulty generating newsyntactic or narrative structures.

Conclusions and Future Directions

Dynamic aphasia appears to be an ideal substrate foranalyzing the elements of action planning. Mappingthe conceptual framework of action plans on to language production should be a path to a clearerunderstanding of both. If the elements of TCMA ordynamic aphasia are well defined now, methodolo-gies for treatments are not. Is it possible to re-trainthe use of complex syntax or discourse? Can patientslearn substitutions and compensatory rules or mustcomplex language be rehearsed and practiced in anatural context? Can planning be taught offline withpicture and story arrangement tasks or can it only be relearned in the process of speaking? Doesdopaminergic deficiency actually underlie any com-ponent of the language deficit (Sabe, Salvarezza,Garcia Cuerva, Leiguarda, & Starkstein, 1995) or is it only relevant to the more pervasive akineticmutism syndromes (Ross & Stewart, 1981)? Theprogress from Goldstein to Shallice is palpable, butas yet of little benefit to patients.

There are embedded impairments in action plan-ning for language that in their interactions make up

the frontal language disorders. The essential frontallanguage disorder is TCMA. The deficits in TCMAare a mixture of delayed initiation (even mutism),impaired lexical selection, and reduced capacity togenerate unconstrained syntactic forms. The proto-typical lesions are in the left lateral frontal cortex,including much of the classic Broca’s area, or insubcortical structures, including white matter pro-jections and dorsal caudate nucleus.

The two fundamental factors that underlie defec-tive language production after a left frontal lobeinjury are intention and planning. Intention deficitsare due to damage to medial frontal structures, theirafferent projections, or their efferent convergence inleft lateral frontal regions, probably quite diffusely.Planning deficits are due to damage to the left lateralfrontal lobe, again rather diffusely, with interleavedimpairments in planning extending from the level of word selection to syntax selection to discourseconstruction roughly correlating with a posterior-to-polar progression of frontal lesions.


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Jeffrey R. Binder

Case Report

Patient H.K. is a 75-year-old, right-handed woman withmild hypertension who suddenly developed language difficulty and right hemiparesis. Prior to this, she had been healthy, living alone and managing her own affairs.Hemiparesis was confined to the right face and hand and resolved within 24 hours. Persistent language deficitsobserved during the acute hospitalization included poornaming of objects, difficulty producing understandablewords in speech, and impaired understanding of com-mands and questions. A computed tomography (CT) scanobtained on the third day after onset showed an acuteinfarction in the territory of the left middle cerebral artery,affecting posterior temporal and parietal regions. She wasdischarged home after 1 week. Although she was able toperform all necessary activities such as shopping, cooking,and cleaning, persistent communication deficits madesocial interactions difficult and embarassing.

Initial Examination

When examined in more detail 4 weeks after onset,the patient was alert and able to write her name, thedate, and the name of the hospital. She was calmand attentive, always attempting to understand andcomply with what was requested of her. She spokefrequently and with fluent, well-articulated produc-tion of phonemes. Her sentences were of normallength and prosody. Spontaneously uttered wordswere mostly recognizable except for occasionalneologisms (nonwords). Her word output consistedalmost entirely of familiar combinations of closed-class words (articles, prepositions, pronouns) andcommon verbs, with relatively little noun content.The following is a transcription of her descrip-tion of the Cookie Theft Picture from the BostonDiagnostic Aphasia Evaluation (BDAE) (Goodglass& Kaplan, 1972):

“What has he got here? That . . . that’s coming right overthere, I’ll tell you that. This is the . . . the conner? . . . thebonner falling down here. And that’s the boy going to

9 Wernicke Aphasia: A Disorder of Central Language Processing

getting with it over there. She’s got this washering it’supside, and down. She’d doing the . . . the fixing it, theplape? . . . the plate, that she’s got it there. And on it, thegirl’s sort of upside. Is that about? Anything else I’mmissing, if it’s down, that I wouldn’t know?”

Verbal and phonemic paraphasias were morecommon in tasks requiring production of specificwords, such as naming, repeating, and reading. Shewas unable to name correctly any presented objects,pictures, or colors, but produced neologistic utter-ances for many of these (“hudder” for hammer,“remp” for red), as well as occasional semanticallyrelated words (“dog” for horse). Her responses werecharacterized by repeated attempts and succes-sively closer phonemic approximations to the target word (“fleeth, fleth, fleether, fleather” for feather).Naming of numbers and letters was sometimescorrect, and more often than with objects resultedin semantic substitution of other items in the samecategory. Strikingly, she was often able to write correctly the names of objects she was unable topronounce. After failing to name orally six objectpictures from the BDAE (glove, key, cactus, chair,feather, hammock), she succeeded in writing four ofthese correctly (cactus, chair, feather, hammock)and wrote a semantically related word for the others(“hand” for glove and “lock” for key).

Repetition was severely defective for all stimuli.Even after correctly writing the names for objects,she was unable to repeat these names aloud afterhearing the examiner and simultaneously looking atthe name she had just written. Errors in repetitionand reading aloud were almost entirely phonemicparaphasias. She was often able to write to dictationfamiliar nouns she could not repeat aloud (dog, cat,horse, hand, ear, nose), but was unable to do thiswith less common words (sheep, goat, trout, jaw,chin, knee). She was unable to write a simple sen-tence to dictation (For “A boy had a dog,” she wrotewith some hesitation “He and aswer”).

She followed simple oral commands givenwithout accompanying gestures (“close eyes,”

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“open mouth,” “smile,” “stand up”) in approxi-mately half of the trials, possibly inferring some ofthe meaning from context. She was unable to followless likely commands (“look left,” “lick lips,”“clench jaw,” “lean back”) or multicomponent com-mands. Simple questions containing five to sevenwords (“Did you eat lunch today?” “How did youget here?”) evoked fluent, empty responses with noapparent relationship to the question. On auditory-visual matching tasks using six to eight-item visualarrays, she was able to point to named objects,words, and letters with 100% accuracy, indicatingpreservation of some auditory comprehension forsingle words. She understood written commandsand questions no better than the auditory versions.The remainder of the neurological examination wasnormal, including tests for visual neglect, visualfield, and other cranial nerve tests, motor andsensory examination, and cerebellar and gaittesting.

Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging

High-resolution, T1-weighted magnetic resonanceimages (MRI) (voxel size = 1mm3) were obtained14 months postonset (figure 9.1). A large region of

encephalomalacia was observed in the posterior left hemisphere. Damaged areas included most ofHeschl’s gyrus (HG) and the planum temporale(PT), the superior temporal gyrus (STG) and supe-rior temporal sulcus (STS) lateral and ventral toHG, and the dorsal aspect of the posterior middletemporal gyrus (MTG). Left parietal lobe damageaffected the entire supramarginal gyrus (SMG)except for a thin ribbon of preserved cortex alongthe intraparietal sulcus, and approximately the ante-rior two-thirds of the angular gyrus (AG). Subcor-tical white matter was destroyed in these gyri, whiledeep periventricular white matter was spared.

Subsequent Course

Severe aphasic deficits have persisted over 6 yearsof follow-up, although the patient remains able tomanage all daily necessities of living. Spontaneousspeech remains fluent, with relatively little noun oradjective content. Oral confrontation naming hasimproved modestly, so that the patient succeeds in a small proportion of trials, but with frequentphonemic paraphasias and successive approxima-tions to the target (“coxis, caxis, coctis, cactus” forcactus). Written naming is consistently superior to

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Figure 9.1A T1-weighted MRI in patient H.K. In the top row are serial coronal slices through the posterior perisylvian region, takenat 10-mm intervals and arranged anterior to posterior. The left hemisphere is on the reader’s right. The bottom row showsserial sagittal slices through the left hemisphere at 7-mm intervals. The position of the coronal slices is indicated by thevertical lines in the third image.

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oral naming, and writing to dictation remainsnotably better than oral repetition. The patient hasspontaneously developed a strategy of writing downor spelling aloud what she is trying to say when listeners do not appear to understand. At 8 monthspostonset, she produced the following transcriptionof several simple sentences she was unable to repeatorally:

Auditory Stimulus (Patient’s Transcription)

A boy had a dog. (A boy and girl found dog.)

The dog ran into the woods. (The dogs run into thewoods.)

The boy ran after the dog. (The boy ran away thedog.)

He wanted the dog to go home. (The boys run andthe dog is all home.)

But the dog would not go home. (The bog isn’thome.)

The little boy said. (The little boy was).

I cannot go home without my dog. (The boy weritthat the I home.)

Then the boy began to cry. (He carire cried.)

The ability to carry out simple oral commands is now more consistent, whereas comprehension of multistep commands and simple questions notrelated to the immediate context remains severelydeficient in both auditory and visual modalities.

Clinical Description of Wernicke Aphasia

Like the other aphasias, Wernicke aphasia is a syn-drome complex composed of several distinct signs(table 9.1). The central characteristic is a distur-bance of language comprehension, manifested byincorrect or unexpected responses to spoken com-mands and other language stimuli. In the acutestage, this deficit may be so severe as to seem toinvolve more than language alone, the patient oftenappearing to show no reaction to verbal input from

Wernicke Aphasia 177

Table 9.1Characteristic clinical features of Wernicke aphasia and several related syndromes

Clinical Syndromes

Wernicke Transcortical Pure word ConductionTasks aphasia sensory aphasia deafness aphasia

ComprehensionAuditory verbal Impaired Impaired Impaired NormalWritten Impaired Impaired Normal Normal

ProductionError type Phonemic + verbal Verbal > phonemic Phonemic PhonemicSpeech

Propositional Paraphasic and/or anomic Paraphasic and/or anomic ± Paraphasic ParaphasicNaming Paraphasic and/or anomic Paraphasic and/or anomic ± Paraphasic ParaphasicRepetition Paraphasic Normal Paraphasic ParaphasicReading aloud Paraphasic Paraphasic or alexic ± Paraphasic Paraphasic

WritingPropositional Paragraphic/anomic Paragraphic/anomic Normal NormalNaming Paragraphic/anomic Paragraphic/anomic Normal NormalDictation Paragraphic ± Lexical agraphia Paragraphic ± Phonological agraphia

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others and no interest in comprehending what issaid. He or she may be very difficult to engage inlanguage testing procedures and may show only thebriefest interest in the test materials, as if entirelymissing the point of the examiner–patient interac-tion. It has often been said that this type of behaviorindicates an unawareness of the deficit (anosog-nosia) on the part of the patient (Kinsbourne & Warrington, 1963; Lebrun, 1987; Maher, GonzalezRothi, & Heilman, 1994; Wernicke, 1874/1968),although in the absence of verbal confirmation, suchclaims are difficult to substantiate.

Over the ensuing days to weeks, there is gradu-ally increasing attentiveness of the patient to spokeninput from others and an increasing relationbetween this input and the patient’s subsequentresponses. Eventually, the patient is able to complywith simple test procedures, at which point it can be shown that there are deficits in such tasks aspointing to named objects, carrying out motor commands, and responding accurately to questions.Care must be taken that these procedures actuallymeasure language comprehension; patients oftenrespond correctly by inference based on context,minute gestures made by the examiner, or familiar-ity with the test routine. A patient who learns to pro-trude the tongue in response to the first commandfrom a particular examiner, for example, or whenthe examiner directs his gaze to the patient’s mouth,is demonstrating inferential skill rather than lan-guage comprehension. Inference of this kind can be ubiquitous and unnoticed, causing significantunderestimation of the deficit in language compre-hension during casual encounters.

In keeping with Wernicke’s original cases andneuroanatomical formulation, it is universallyagreed that patients with the syndrome must demon-strate a comprehension disturbance for auditoryverbal input. Somewhat surprisingly, there is nosuch agreement on whether the syndrome neces-sarily includes a disturbance of reading compre-hension as well. Although most authorities havedescribed the comprehension problem as multi-modal (Alexander & Benson, 1993; Geschwind,1971; Goodglass & Kaplan, 1972; Hécaen & Albert,

1978), a few have focused relatively exclusively onthe auditory component (Kleist, 1962; Naeser,Helm-Estabrooks, Haas, Auerbach, & Srinivasan,1987; Pick, 1931). Wernicke was rather vague onthis point from a theoretical perspective, stating thatin his view the “center for word-sound images” wascritically needed by unskilled readers, who mustmentally sound out words before comprehensioncan occur, but it is not needed by skilled readers.1

Wernicke in fact did not report tests of reading com-prehension for any of the patients described in hisoriginal monograph. Many subsequent theoristshave, perhaps unfortunately, simplified Wernicke’smodel by claiming that all written material mustfirst be transformed into an auditory image and then recognized by Wernicke’s center in the STG(Geschwind, 1971; Lichtheim, 1885). Damage toWernicke’s center would, according to this view,necessarily disrupt both auditory and visual lan-guage comprehension. Insistence on an accompa-nying reading comprehension deficit is probablynecessary to clearly distinguish Wernicke’s syn-drome from “pure word deafness,” in which audi-tory verbal comprehension is disturbed, but readingcomprehension is intact (table 9.1). Nevertheless, itis not rare to find Wernicke aphasics who under-stand written material better than auditory material,or who produce words better by writing than byspeaking (Alexander & Benson, 1993; Hécaen &Albert, 1978; Hier & Mohr, 1977; Kirschner, Webb,& Duncan, 1981).

Another chief characteristic of the syndrome is the appearance of paraphasia in spoken andwritten output. This term refers to a range of outputerrors, including substitution, addition, duplication, omission, and transposition of linguistic units. Para-phasia may affect letters within words, syllableswithin words, or words within sentences. A rela-tively standardized nomenclature has been devel-oped to describe and categorize paraphasic errors,and a number of detailed analyses of actual utter-ances by Wernicke aphasics have been published(Buckingham & Kertesz, 1976; Lecour & Rouillon,1976). Paraphasic errors typically affect all outputregardless of the task being performed by the

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patient, including naming, repetition, reading aloud,writing, and spontaneous speech. Paraphasic errorsappearing in written output are also called “paragraphia.”

Phonemic (or literal) paraphasia refers to errorsinvolving individual phonemes (consonant or vowelsounds) within words. For example, the utterance“stuke” in reference to a picture of a stool con-stitutes a substitution of the final phoneme /k/ forthe intended /l/. More complex errors involvingtransposition, omission, addition, or duplication ofphonemes also occur, as in “castuck” produced inresponse to a picture of a cactus. Nonwords such as these resulting from phonemic paraphasia arealso referred to as neologisms, and when these arefrequent, the speech of such aphasics has beencalled “neologistic jargon” (Alajouanine, 1956;Buckingham & Kertesz, 1976; Kertesz & Benson,1970).

Of course, not all phonemic paraphasias result in nonwords, as in this example, in which a patientattempted to repeat a sentence: (Examiner): “Thespy fled to Greece.” (Patient): “The sly fed togeese.” These are examples of formal paraphasias,errors in which the target word has been replacedby another word that is phonemically similar to it(Blanken, 1990). Although these errors are realwords, the phonemic resemblance to the intendedword in formal paraphasia has suggested to manyobservers that the errors arise during the process of phoneme selection rather than word selection.These theoretically important errors are discussed inmore detail in the next section. The example justgiven also vividly illustrates how even minorphonemic errors can completely disrupt an utter-ance. Without knowledge of the intended targetwords in this example, the utterance would almostcertainly have been deemed incoherent. It seemsreasonable to assume, then, that the paraphasicerrors made by Wernicke aphasics may in somecases make them appear much less coherent thanthey truly are.

Morphemic paraphasia refers to errors involvingword stems, suffixes, prefixes, inflections, and otherparts of words (Lecour & Rouillon, 1976). These

are not uncommon and are clinically underappreci-ated. Several examples occur in the following:(Patient, describing the Cookie Theft Picture fromthe BDAE): “The mommer is overing the sink, andit’s not good to. Over that one the boy is there, ontoppening it, and fallering.” Here “mommer” is amorphemic paraphasia in which the related stem“mom” has been inserted into the target word“mother.” The preposition “over,” the phrase “ontop,” and the word “falling” have been altered bythe addition of morphemic suffixes such as “ing”and “er.” Such inflectional and derivational addi-tions are not random, but rather are restricted to those that commonly occur in the patient’s language.

Verbal paraphasia refers to errors involvingwhole words. These may be related in meaning tothe intended word, in which case the term semanticparaphasia is applied (Buckingham & Rekart,1979). Semantic paraphasias may involve substitu-tion of a different exemplar from the same category(as in boy for girl or dog for cat), referred to as aparadigmatic error, or they may involve substitu-tion of a thematically related word (as in sit for chairor fork for food), referred to as a syntagmatic error.Whole-word substitutions may have no discerniblesemantic relationship to the intended word; many ofthese are formal errors that phonemically resemblethe target (see the repetition example above). Otherverbal paraphasias show both semantic and phone-mic resemblance to the target word and are thusreferred to as mixed errors, as in the substitution ofskirt for shirt or train for plane. Many other verbalparaphasias reflect perseveration on a particularword or theme that recurs from one utterance to thenext, as in the following example from a Wernickepatient interviewed several months after onset (fromLecour & Rouillon, 1976, p. 118):

I talk with difficulty. You know, I worked easily in the olddays for the work that I worked, the . . . very well the . . .English—not the English—the . . . to work in the . . . andthus, now, I do not talk of anything. Absolutely of that:nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing! I worked because Iworked in the old days . . . (etc.)

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Several authors have remarked on a typicalpattern of paraphasia evolution with time after onsetof the injury (Butterworth, 1979; Dell, Schwartz,Martin, Saffran, & Gagnon, 1997; Kertesz &Benson, 1970; Kohn & Smith, 1994; Lecour &Rouillon, 1976). The acute period is marked bysevere, continuous phonemic paraphasia and fre-quent neologisms. With time there is lessening ofphonemic errors and neologisms, and verbal para-phasias become more noticeable. Whether it is the case that phonemic paraphasias are replaced by verbal paraphasias or, alternatively, that thedecrease in phonemic errors allows the verbal para-phasias to be identifiable, is unclear. The mix ofparaphasia types may also depend partly on lesionlocation (see the section on lesion localization). Inthe chronic, partially recovered phase, phonemicerrors may be almost absent, while the anomic disorder becomes more obvious in the form ofword-finding pauses, circumlocutions, and repeatedwords (as in the example just cited).

In addition to paraphasia, speech output in Wernicke aphasia has several other salient charac-teristics. The speech is fluent and clearly articulated.There may be, particularly during the acute phase,an abnormal number of words produced during eachutterance, described by the colorful term logorrhea.Despite this ease of production, there is a relativelack of content words, particularly nouns and adjec-tives, resulting in semantically empty speech thatconveys little information, even after phonemicparaphasia has lessened and real words can be rec-ognized (see the preceding case report). In place ofcontent words, there is excessive use of high-frequency, nonspecific nouns and pronouns (thing,he, she, they, this, that, it), low-content adjectives(good, bad, big, little), and auxillary verbs (is, has,does, goes). A typical patient describing a womanwashing dishes while the sink overflows, forexample, might say, “She’s got it like that, but it’sgoing and she’s not doing it.” Because the produc-tion of such sentences is fluent and seeminglyeffortless, a casual observer may not notice theunderlying impairment of word retrieval, which isusually severe in Wernicke aphasia. This deficit is

more obvious during confrontation naming, whichis characterized typically by paraphasic neologismsin the acute period, empty circumlocutions (“That’sa thing you have and you go do it if you need that. . .”) in the subacute stage, and finally omissionsand word-finding pauses in the chronic, partiallyrecovered phase.

Certain earlier writers emphasized the spokenand receptive grammatical errors made by Wernickeaphasics (Head, 1926; Kleist, 1962; Pick, 1913).These include the morphemic paraphasic errorsdescribed earlier; incorrect selection of pronouns,auxillary verbs, prepositions, and other closed-classwords; errors involving word order; and particulardifficulty understanding complex sentence struc-tures. Many of these errors can be explained aseither morphemic or verbal paraphasias, and thedegree to which syntax processing per se isimpaired in Wernicke aphasia is still a matter of some uncertainty (Shapiro, Gordon, Hack, & Killackey, 1993; Zurif, Swinney, Prather, Solomon,& Bushell, 1993).

In contrast to these disturbances related to wordand phoneme selection and sequencing, motorcontrol of speech articulators is conventionally heldto be normal in Wernicke’s aphasia. Recent acousticanalysis studies, however, have identified clinicallyimperceptible abnormalities believed to be relatedto subtly impaired motor control. For example,Wernicke aphasics show increased variability invowel duration and formant frequency positionduring vowel production (Gandour et al., 1992;Ryalls, 1986).

Processing Models of Wernicke Aphasia

Modern students of neurology are indoctrinated inthe view that Wernicke’s aphasia reflects damage to the brain’s “comprehension center” (Bogen &Bogen, 1976), yet this model is an unacceptableoversimplification for several reasons. First, com-prehension is not a unitary process in the brain, butrather a complex cascade of interacting eventsinvolving sensory processing, pattern recognition,

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mapping of sensory patterns to more abstract wordrepresentations, and retrieval of semantic and syntactic information. Comprehension may be disturbed only for speech sounds, as in pure worddeafness, or only for written language, as in isolatedalexia. Comprehension can be disturbed togetherwith speech production, as in Wernicke aphasia, orwith sparing of speech production, as in transcorti-cal sensory aphasia. These considerations make itimprobable in the extreme that there is anything likea unitary “comprehension” module in the brain.

A second objection to equating Wernicke’s area with comprehension is that Wernicke aphasiaincludes other key components in addition to comprehension disturbance, notably paraphasic and paragraphic output. Wernicke explained the co-occurrence of these symptoms by postulating acenter for “word-sound images” (Wortklangsbilder)that is necessary for both word recognition and pro-duction. These images were thought of as storedmemories of the sound of each word in the vocab-ulary. Auditory and written input would excite thecorresponding auditory word image, which wouldthen activate a corresponding concept, resulting incomprehension. Far from postulating a unitary com-prehension center, Wernicke’s original model thusmakes a clear distinction between the word-soundcenter, which contains information only about thesound of words, and a later stage at which meaningis accessed. Production of speech and writing wasdependent on the interactive cooperation of theconcept area, the word-sound center, and the motorspeech area. Paraphasia and paragraphia were theresult of a breakdown in this interactive link, and socould result from a lesion in the word-sound centeror at any of the connecting pathways between thethree centers (Lichtheim, 1885; Wernicke, 1874/1968).

Even as the relative complexity of Wernicke’stheory has been lost to generations of neurologists,other developments have made it clear that the original theory is itself a vast oversimplification. In the past several decades, experimental studies ofnormal and aphasic individuals, together with therise of modular “information-processing” accounts

of cognition, have contributed to an ever more frac-tionated view of language processes. One recentreview, for example, concluded that the classic Wernicke aphasia syndrome reflects damage to noless than nine distinct language-processing modules(Margolin, 1991). As if this proliferation of lan-guage modules was not enough to confuse both the twentieth- and twenty-first-century student ofaphasia, there has also appeared on the scene inrecent decades a serious effort to account for lan-guage processes at the level of neural networks.While these modular and microstructural appro-aches have produced nothing less than a revolutionin our understanding of language processing in thebrain, little or none of this information has found its way into the educational curriculum of clinicalneuroscientists or had an impact on the care ofpatients with language disturbances. In this section,an attempt is made to summarize some of this infor-mation in a comprehensible way, with an emphasison the language processing systems most closelyassociated with Wernicke aphasia. Because of spacelimitations, detailed discussion will be confined tothe auditory comprehension and paraphasic compo-nents of the syndrome. Some of the same principlesapply to comprehension and production of writtentext, and a thorough review of aphasic readingimpairments is provided in chapter 6 of this volume.

General Architecture of the LanguageProcessing System

Much of what follows will be made clearer by firstsketching a basic architecture of the central lan-guage processing system and by defining some of its principal components (figure 9.2). Of someimportance is the distinction between representa-tions and mappings, symbolized in figure 9.2 byboxes and arrows, respectively. A representation (or code) is any pattern of neural activity that corresponds to information being processed by thesystem. For example, the input phoneme represen-tations in figure 9.2 correspond to patterns of neuralactivity accompanying the perception of vowel andconsonant speech sounds presented to the auditory

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system, the input grapheme representations corre-spond to letters perceived by the visual system, andthe semantic representations correspond to func-tional and perceptual features of concepts. Inputrepresentations are activated by appropriate inputfrom lower sensory systems and pass their activa-tion on to neighboring representational levels. Mappings are the means by which representationsat one level produce activation of appropriate rep-resentations in adjacent levels, as occurs, forexample, when particular combinations of inputphonemes activate particular semantic representa-tions, resulting in comprehension of spoken words.

The representational levels (boxes) included inthe diagram are the minimal set needed to begin anaccount of such language acts as repetition, com-prehension, and naming. They are, that is, the start-ing points and end points for these processes,excluding earlier sensory and later motor processeswith which we are not concerned. Their prominencein the diagram should not, however, detract from the importance of the mappings (arrows) thatconnect the starting and ending points, which arebest viewed as complex processing streams, often

involving intermediary representational levels notshown in figure 9.2. The field of generative linguis-tics, for example, is concerned with pathway 4 inthe figure (semantics to output phonemes), virtuallyto the exclusion of all other parts of the model. Thismapping, which involves sentence construction(syntax) mechanisms as well as word and phonemeselection, illustrates the enormous complexitytypical of many of the mappings underlying lan-guage behavior.

Mappings are acquired as a result of experience.The numbers in figure 9.2 suggest a developmentalorder of acquisition of the pathways, although thisis a crude approximation given that many pathwaysdevelop simultaneously with others. The mappingfrom input phonemes to output phonemes is an early acquisition, represented by the infant’s capac-ity to repeat simple phonemes. Mapping 2 developssimultaneously with mapping 1 as the child experi-ences objects and associates these with particularphysical, emotional, and contextual phenomena.Mappings 3 and 4 result from hearing words usedin reference to objects and are reflected in the abilityto understand spoken words and use these words to

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Object Feature



Output Phoneme

Output Grapheme

Figure 9.2A minimal central processing architecture for describing language behavior. For example, speech comprehension requirespathway 3; speech repetition, pathway 1; propositional speech, pathway 4; confrontation naming, pathways 2 and 4;reading comprehension, pathway 5; reading aloud, pathways 6 or 5 and 4 (or both); writing to dictation, pathways 1 and8 or 3 and 7 (or both), etc.

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refer to concepts. Mappings 5 and 6 develop as welearn to read, enabling reading comprehension andreading aloud. Pathway 6, though not strictly nec-essary for reading comprehension, probably devel-ops because of the quasi-regular correspondencebetween graphemes and phonemes and may beencouraged by teaching methods that emphasize“sounding out” and reading aloud. Finally, map-pings 7 and 8 permit concepts (as in propositionalwriting) or heard phonemes (as in writing to dicta-tion) to be translated into written form.

One important class of intermediary code postu-lated to play a role in these mapping processes is the whole-word or lexical representation. Forexample, the mapping from input phonemes tosemantics is often envisioned as involving an inter-mediate “phonological input lexicon” composed ofwhole-word representations that become active as a result of input from appropriate representations inthe input phoneme level and send activation, in turn,to the semantic level. Such whole-word representa-tions correspond closely to Wernicke’s concept ofword-sound images. In Wernicke’s model, the samecenter for word-sound images participates in themappings marked 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in figure 9.2.As we will see, modern neurolinguistic studiesprovide evidence for at least a partial separation ofthese pathways. As a result of this evidence, therehas flourished the idea of a separate phonologicalinput lexicon mediating mapping 3, a phonologi-cal output lexicon mediating mapping 4, an ortho-graphic input lexicon mediating mapping 5, and an orthographic output lexicon mediating mapping7.

Precisely how these mappings are actuallyaccomplished is another question, one not addressedat all by the classic Wernicke–Lichtheim model oflanguage processing nor by many recent modularmodels composed entirely of boxes and arrows.How, for example, can there be transformationsbetween entities so dissimilar as phonemes and concepts? At the root of this problem is the fact that there exists no regular relationship between aword’s sounds and its meaning (e.g., words as dif-

ferent in meaning as cat, cot, coat, and cut never-theless sound very similar); the mapping betweenphonemes and semantics is essentially arbitrary.The idea that a lexicon of word representations links phonemes to meanings reflects our intuitionthat something is needed to mediate between thesevery different kinds of information. Explicit neuralnetwork simulations of these same mappings,explored in some detail over the past 20 years,support this intuition by demonstrating that arbi-trary mappings of this sort can only be accom-plished by adding an intermediary (or hidden)representational level between the input and outputlevels.2 As we will see, the notion of intermediaterepresentational levels is central to understandingboth the pathophysiology of aphasia and the natureof the activations observed in functional imagingexperiments.

Figure 9.3 shows a somewhat more realistic lan-guage-processing architecture complete with inter-mediate representational levels supporting arbitraryand quasi-regular mappings. The figure makes clearthe parallel between these intermediate representa-tions and the “lexicons” of cognitive neuropsy-chology. The implication of this comparison is that models postulating lexicons with whole-wordrepresentations are but one possible version of amore general architecture based on intermediate representations. In contrast to the whole-word model, neural network simulations of grapheme-to-semantic and grapheme-to-phoneme mappingshave been described in which intermediate repre-sentations do not correspond to words (Hinton & Shallice, 1991; Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, & Patterson, 1996; Seidenberg & McClelland,1989), leaving uncertain the theoretical need forwhole-word codes in language processing (Besner,Twilley, McCann, & Seergobin, 1990; Coltheart,Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993; Seidenberg &McClelland, 1990). With this brief exposition of a general language processing architecture, we nowproceed to a discussion of the processing impair-ments underlying auditory comprehension andspeaking disorders in Wernicke’s aphasia.

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Auditory Comprehension Disturbance

Because comprehension of spoken words dependson the auditory system, speech comprehensiondeficits in Wernicke’s aphasia could be due tounderlying abnormalities of auditory processing.Luria, for example, theorized that speech compre-hension deficits reflect an inability to discriminatesubtle differences between similar speech sounds(Luria, 1966; Luria & Hutton, 1977). Although adiscussion of acoustic phenomena in speech soundsis beyond the scope of this chapter, a few examplesmight serve to illustrate this point (the interestedreader is referred to excellent reviews on this im-portant and relatively neglected topic in clinicalneuroscience: Klatt, 1989; Liberman, Cooper,Shankweiler, & Studdert-Kennedy, 1967; Oden &Massaro, 1978; Stevens & Blumstein, 1981).

Speech contains both periodic sounds producedby vocal cord vibrations (exemplified by thevowels) and nonperiodic noises produced by turbu-lence at constriction points like the lips, teeth, andpalate (exemplified by sounds like /s/ and /f/). The

distribution of energy across the acoustic frequencyspectrum (i.e., the relative loudness of low or highfrequencies) at any point in time depends on theshape of the vocal tract (e.g., the position of thetongue, the shape of the lips, the position of the softpalate), which creates resonances that amplify ordampen particular frequencies. Accentuated fre-quencies are referred to as formants; vowels are dis-tinguished on the basis of the frequency position ofthe lowest three or four of these formants, whichtypically occupy frequencies in the range from 300to 4000Hz. With rapid changes in vocal tract shape,such as those that occur during production of con-sonants like /b/ and /d/, the formants rapidly changeposition; this is referred to as formant transition.

One cue for distinguishing between consonants is the direction of movement (i.e., up, down, orstraight) of these transitions. In some consonants,such as /p/ and /t/, a very brief noise burst precedesthe onset of vocal cord vibration. Thus, /b/ and /p/,which are both produced by opening the lips andtherefore have very similar formant transitions, aredistinguished largely on the basis of this burst-to-

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Output Grapheme

Object Feature

Output Phoneme

Figure 9.3A language-processing architecture with intermediate representational levels (ovals). Unidirectional arrows show thetypical directions in which information spreads during language tasks. At a local level, however, these connections areprobably bidrectional, allowing continuous interactions between adjacent representational levels.

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periodicity onset asynchrony, referred to as voiceonset time. The inability to detect acoustic cues suchas those distinguishing /b/ from /d/ or /b/ from /p/might lead to misinterpretation of bay as day or byeas pie, for example, causing severe comprehensiondisturbance. Because acoustic events in speechoccur rapidly, other investigators have proposed anunderlying problem with rapid processing in theauditory system, leading to the inability to discrim-inate phoneme order (e.g., hearing cast as cats ortask as tax) or impaired perception specificallyinvolving rapid dynamic phenomena such asformant transitions and differences in voice onsettime (Brookshire, 1972; Efron, 1963; Tallal & Newcombe, 1978; Tallal & Piercy, 1973).

The hypothesis that auditory processing deficitsunderlie the speech comprehension problem in Wernicke’s aphasia has been tested in several ways.One task paradigm involves explicit identificationor labeling of speech sounds. For example, subjectshear a word or nonword (e.g., ba) and must select a matching visual word or nonword in an array containing phonologically similar items (e.g., BA,DA, PA). Patients with Wernicke’s aphasia performpoorly in such tests (Basso, Casati, & Vignolo,1977; Blumstein, Cooper, Zurif, & Caramazza,1977; Blumstein, Tartter, Nigro, & Statlender, 1984;Goldblum & Albert, 1972; Reidl & Studdert-Kennedy, 1985). It is critically important to note,however, that this type of task requires the integrityof two possibly distinct processes. That is, the iden-tification task not only requires auditory processingbut also the ability to match the auditory percept toanother, nonidentical stimulus (the visual form).

In an effort to disentangle these components,investigators have employed sensory discriminationparadigms that do not require such cross-modalassociation. In a typical experiment of this type, thesubject hears two speech sounds and must merelydecide if these are identical or different. Deficits inthis discrimination task are much less pronouncedthan in the identification task, with some Wernickeaphasics performing within the normal range(Blumstein, Baker, & Goodglass, 1977; Blumsteinet al., 1984; Reidl & Studdert-Kennedy, 1985).

Many patients tested with both paradigms are foundto be deficient in the identification task, but not inthe discrimination task, demonstrating the essen-tially independent nature of these deficits. Mostimportant, there does not appear to be a necessarycorrespondence between deficits in either of thesetasks and measures of speech comprehension:Patients are found who show severe comprehensiondisturbances and normal discrimination, and othersare found who have marked identification and dis-crimination deficits, but relatively normal compre-hension (Basso et al., 1977; Blumstein et al., 1977;Blumstein et al., 1984; Jauhiainen & Nuutila, 1977;Miceli, Gainotti, Caltagirone, & Masullo, 1980).

The fact that Wernicke aphasics often performnormally on phoneme discrimination tests evenwhen they are unable to identify phonemes explic-itly suggests that their speech comprehension deficitis unlikely to be due to impaired auditory process-ing alone. Rather, the deficit elicited in these studiesreflects an inability to use auditory information to access associated linguistic representations.Having adequately perceived a speech sound, theWernicke aphasic is typically unable to retrieveassociated information, such as its written form,picture equivalent, or meaning. A similar dissocia-tion between sensory and associative processing inpatients with fluent aphasia was documented byFaglioni et al. using nonspeech auditory stimuli(Faglioni, Spinnler, & Vignolo, 1969), further illus-trating the independence of comprehension deficitsfrom auditory perception. Patients with left hemi-sphere lesions in this study showed an intact abilityto discriminate between two meaningless non-speech sounds, but were impaired in a task requir-ing matching meaningful nonspeech sounds (animalnoises, machine noises, etc.) to pictures. Deficits inthe latter task were significantly correlated withspeech comprehension deficits as measured by theToken Test.

Recent research has further explored this diffi-culty in retrieving information associated withspeech stimuli in Wernicke aphasia. This problemcould be explained in any of three ways: (1) as animpairment in activating the information, (2) as a

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loss or corruption of the information itself, or (3) asan impairment in using the information once it isactivated. These possible scenarios are not mutuallyexclusive, and in fact there is evidence supportingall three, suggesting that variable combinations of these deficits might occur in different patients.Before embarking on an assessment of this evi-dence, it would be useful to review briefly somecurrent ideas about how information associated withwords and concepts might be organized and repre-sented in the brain.

We store information about words internally as aresult of encountering the words in various contextsthroughout life. This information collectively pro-vides the meaning (or meanings, literal and figura-tive, verbal and nonverbal) of the word. The studyof word meaning is referred to as semantics, and the processes by which word meanings are stored,retrieved, and used are collectively called “seman-tic processes.” A great deal of theoretical and em-pirical work has expanded our conception of suchprocesses since Wernicke articulated his simplenotion of word meaning as a connection linkingsensory memories of an object. Most notable is therecognition that in addition to sensory attributesassociated with objects, semantic processing con-cerns the learning and retrieval of conceptual cate-gories and the hierarchical relationships betweendifferent categories.

To take a simple example, we learn by visual-auditory association that an object with four legs ofa certain length range, a squarish platform restingon the legs, and a panel rising from one end of theplatform, is called CHAIR. We learn that a chair has other typical sensory attributes such as being in-animate, quiet, and able to support weight. We dis-cover the functions of a chair by seeing it used andby using it ourselves. The concept of CHAIR is saidto be a basic-level concept, because all objects pos-sessing these simple structural and functional attri-butes are similarly categorized as CHAIR (Rosch,Mervis, Gray, Johnson, & Boyes-Braem, 1976).

In addition to associating these direct sensoryimpressions with the word CHAIR, however, welearn about abstract attributes of chairs, such as the

fact that they are nonliving, often contain wood, andare made by people. Using this information, welearn to associate chairs to varying degrees withother types of objects that share some of the samesensory, functional, or abstract attributes, resultingin the formation of hierarchical relationshipsbetween words. Reference to these relationshipsenables the formation of superordinate categoriesthat include objects with similar attributes. Forexample, based on the knowledge that it is man-made, useful in a home, can be moved from placeto place, and is not mechanical, CHAIR becomes a member of the superordinate category FURNI-TURE. Other members of this category (e.g.,TABLE, DESK, COUCH) differ from CHAIR interms of specific sensory or functional attributes;these are the basic-level neighbors of CHAIR.

Finally, a large number of words become associ-ated with CHAIR as a result of how chairs are usedin daily life and in larger social contexts; these arethe function associates of CHAIR. The facts con-cerning where and how chairs are typically used, for example, create function associations betweenCHAIR and HOME, CHAIR and RELAX, andCHAIR and READ. Facts concerning society andchairs create function associations between CHAIRand EXECUTION, CHAIR and COMMITTEE, and CHAIR and BARBER. The sheer number andcomplexity of such relations stored in the humanbrain are staggering, and they are an essential baseon which the comprehension and formulation of language depend.

Some studies suggest that this network of seman-tic representations is altered or defectively activatedin Wernicke’s aphasia. In most of these studies,patients were required to judge the degree of relat-edness between words or pictures. In an experi-ment by Zurif et al. (Zurif, Caramazza, Myerson, & Galvin, 1974), for example, fluent aphasics, most of whom had mild Wernicke’s aphasia, wereshown groups of three words and asked to pick thetwo that “go best together.” Unlike the nonfluentaphasia patients and normal control subjects, fluentaphasics showed very poorly defined categoriza-tion schemes, with maintenance of only the most

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broad category distinctions (e.g., human versus nonhuman).

Goodglass and Baker (1976) presented subjectswith a picture followed by a series of spoken words;for each word, the subjects indicated whether theword was related to the picture. The types ofword–picture relations tested included identity (e.g.,ORANGE and picture of orange), sensory attribute(JUICY and picture of orange), function (EAT andpicture of orange), superordinate category (FRUITand picture of orange), basic-level neighbor(APPLE and picture of orange), and function asso-ciate (BREAKFAST and picture of orange). Asanticipated, Wernicke aphasics performed poorly inthis task relative to normal controls and aphasicswith good comprehension. In addition to this quan-titative difference, however, qualitative differenceswere notable. Subjects with good comprehensionhad relative difficulty recognizing the basic-levelneighbor relations, while the Wernicke patients recognized (that is, responded affirmatively to) thistype of relation more easily than other relations.Unlike the other patients, Wernicke patients hadparticular difficulty recognizing function relations.When performance in this task was compared withperformance in confrontation naming of the samepictures, it was found that patients had more diffi-culty making relatedness judgments for items theywere unable to name. These performance patternshave been largely replicated in other studies(Chenery, Ingram, & Murdoch, 1990; McCleary,1988; McCleary & Hirst, 1986).

Several studies focused specifically on theintegrity of superordinate–basic level relations.Grossman (1980, 1981) used a task in which apha-sics were given a superordinate category (e.g.,FURNITURE) and had to generate basic-levelexamples of the category. Responses were scoredusing published prototypicality ratings (Rosch et al.,1976) that indicate the degree to which an item is a typical or central example of the category (e.g.,DESK is a central example of the category FURNITURE, while LAMP is a more peripheralmember). Nonfluent aphasics produced exemplarswith high prototypicality ratings, whereas fluent

aphasics produced more peripheral items and oftenviolated the category boundaries altogether. Groberet al. (Grober, Perecman, Kellar, & Brown, 1980)assessed the integrity of superordinate categoryboundaries using a picture–word relatedness judg-ment task like that employed by Goodglass andBaker. The degree of relatedness to the target cate-gory was manipulated so that word items includedcentral members of the category, peripheralmembers, semantically related nonmembers (e.g.,WINDOW for the category FURNITURE), andsemantically unrelated nonmembers (e.g., HORSEfor the category FURNITURE). Anterior aphasicsaccurately classified peripheral members and sem-antically related nonmembers, suggesting intact category boundaries, while Wernicke aphasics often misclassified these items, indicating impaireddiscrimination near category boundaries. Similarconclusions were reached by Kudo (1987), whoused a task in which patients judged whetherdepicted objects were members of hierarchicalsuperordinate categories (domestic animal, beast,animal, and living thing). Aphasics showed abnor-mally diffuse categorization schemes, in that theyfrequently included semantically related nonmem-bers in categories (e.g., they included GIRAFFE asa domestic animal). This abnormality was strongestin severe fluent aphasics.

Despite this evidence, other investigators havequestioned whether these findings necessarily indi-cate a defect in the structural organization of thesemantic system itself. Claims to the contrary arebased on a series of studies measuring semanticpriming effects during word recognition tasks.Normal subjects take less time to decide if a stimu-lus is a word (the lexical decision task) if the stimulus is preceded by a semantically related word(Meyer & Schvaneveldt, 1971). The precedingword, or prime, is thought to activate semanticinformation shared by the two words, resulting in apartial spread of activation that lowers the recogni-tion threshold for the second word (Collins &Loftus, 1975; Neely, 1977). Milberg and colleaguesshowed in several studies that patients with Wernicke’s aphasia demonstrate semantic priming

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effects that are as robust as those in normal persons(Blumstein, Milberg, & Shrier, 1982; Milberg & Blumstein, 1981; Milberg, Blumstein, & Dworetzky, 1987; Milberg, Blumstein, Saffran,Hourihan, & Brown, 1995). These basic resultswere replicated by several investigators (Chenery etal., 1990; Hagoort, 1993). Moreover, when the samepatients were presented with word pairs and askedto judge explicitly whether the words were seman-tically related, they showed deficits like thoseobserved in other studies using explicit semanticjudgment tasks (Blumstein et al., 1982; Chenery etal., 1990). Thus, the patients showed normal seman-tic priming for word pairs, but they were impairedwhen asked to explicitly identify the semantic rela-tionships that underlie the priming effect. Thesefindings have led a number of investigators to con-clude that the network of stored semantic represen-tations is largely intact in Wernicke’s aphasia, andthat the deficit underlying the language comprehen-sion and naming deficits shown by these patientsconsists of an inability to explicitly retrieve andmanipulate this information.

The presence of semantic priming, however, doesnot necessarily indicate that semantic representa-tions are intact. The past two decades have wit-nessed the development of neural network modelsof semantic information retrieval that could explainpreserved semantic priming even within a defectivesemantic system. A full explanation of these modelsis beyond the scope of this chapter, and the readeris referred to several excellent reviews (Hinton,McClelland, & Rumelhart, 1986; Hinton & Shallice, 1991; McClelland & Rumelhart, 1986). Inthese models, perceptual features of words (i.e.,letter shapes and phonemes) and semantic featuresassociated with words are represented by largenumbers of units in an interconnected network.Connections exist between units of the same level(e.g., between representations of different phone-mes) and between levels. These connections may be excitatory or inhibitory, and the strength of each connection is defined by a numerical weight.Through real-world experience, the network learnsto associate combinations of graphemes or phone-

mes with appropriate semantic features by incre-mental adjustment of the connection weights.

Knowledge about words in such models is said tobe distributed because the network can learn to cor-rectly associate a large number of different wordswith a large number of semantic features using thesame sets of units and connection weights. It is theprecise tuning of these excitatory and inhibitoryweights that allows similar words like cat and cotto activate entirely different semantic features, verydifferent words like cot and bed to activate verysimilar semantic features, and reliable behavioraldistinctions to be made between words with verysimilar meanings. Such networks exhibit manycharacteristic phenomena shown by human seman-tic systems, including automatic formation of categories and prototypes (pattern generalization),word frequency and context effects in recognitiontasks, and semantic priming (Becker, Moscovitch,Behrmann, & Joordens, 1997; Masson, 1995;McClelland & Rumelhart, 1986; Moss, Hare, Day,& Tyler, 1994). When “lesioned” by random re-moval of units or connections, or by randomchanges in connection weights, such networksexhibit characteristic phenomena shown by neuro-logical patients, including mixtures of correct andincorrect performance on different items (ratherthan absolute loss of function), a graded decrease in performance that is dependent on lesion extent,phonemic and semantic paraphasias, and semanticretrieval deficits that may be category specific(Farah & McClelland, 1991; Hinton & Shallice,1991; McRae, de Sa, & Seidenberg, 1997; Plaut &Shallice, 1993).

To gain an intuitive feeling for how semanticpriming might be preserved after damage to such anetwork, consider the schematic example in figure9.4, which is similar to one of the models tested byPlaut and Shallice (1993). Small boxes indicateindividual featural units in the network. Such unitsare not strictly analogous to individual neurons;rather, each unit can be thought of as representinga smaller module that is itself composed of inter-connected units. Thus, there is no implied one-to-one relationship between features (such as “has four

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legs”) and individual neurons. Units in the leftcolumn represent the phoneme or grapheme unitsthat encode features of the word name, such as thegraphemes C, A, and T for cat. Units in the rightcolumn represent semantic features associated withthe word, such as “eats mice” or “has four legs.”The middle column represents intermediate units,which provide the network with sufficient compu-tational power to learn arbitrary mappings betweenpatterns represented on the perceptual and semanticunits.2 The lines between units represent excitatoryconnections (for display purposes, the connectionsbetween units of the same level are not shown).

After suitable training accompanied by incre-mental adjustments of the weights on all connec-tions, the presentation of any word pattern (e.g.,CAT) to the perceptual layer at left results in acti-vation of the correct associated semantic pattern(figure 9.4A). Semantic priming is due to the factthat the semantic pattern of a following semanti-cally related word (e.g., DOG) partially overlapsthat of the priming word (figure 9.4B), and thissecond pattern will be activated more easily becauseof residual activation from the priming word.

Lesioning of the network at any location resultsin a loss of precision in the mapping between per-ceptual and semantic patterns (figure 9.4C). Inputwords activate semantic patterns that resemble thetarget pattern, but with omissions or inappropriatelyincluded units. As a result of this imprecision, wordsmay be associated with incorrect semantic infor-mation and assigned incorrectly to superordinate categories; category boundaries and prototypesthemselves lose definition, and subjects lack theprecise information needed to judge semantic re-latedness. Because the activated semantic patternpartially resembles the target pattern, however,semantic priming, which is an imprecise phenome-non that depends only on partial overlap betweensemantic patterns, will be preserved because of thelarge number of semantic units contained withineach pattern.

A number of other observations from studies ofWernicke’s aphasia are consistent with such anaccount. Goodglass and Baker (1976) and Chenery

et al. (1990) documented one such phenomenonduring relatedness judgment tasks performed bynormal persons and aphasics. When asked to decideif two words were related, normal subjects andaphasics with good comprehension were slower torespond and made more errors when the two wordswere basic-level neighbors of the same superor-dinate category (e.g., CAT and DOG) than when the words were associated in other ways, such as object-superordinate (CAT and ANIMAL) orobject-attribute (CAT and FURRY). In contrast,Wernicke aphasics paradoxically did not show this relative difficulty with basic-level neighborrelations. This difference can be explained by a lossof distinctiveness of the semantic patterns activatedby different basic-level neighbors. In the normalstate, basic-level neighbors such as CAT and DOGactivate highly overlapping but distinguishable patterns of semantic units. Inhibitory connections,which suppress activation of DOG semantic unitswhen CAT is presented, for example, are particu-larly important in this regard, and allow normal sub-jects to respond appropriately when asked questionslike “Does a cat growl at strangers?” In respondingaffirmatively to word pairs such as CAT-DOGduring a relatedness judgment task, subjects mustovercome this inhibition between basic-level neigh-bors. In the lesioned state, such distinctions areblurred, and patterns of semantic unit activity forbasic-level neighbors of the same category becomemore similar. As a result, there is less inhibitionbetween basic-level neighbors, and subjects withdamage to the network paradoxically recognize therelationship between such neighbors more accu-rately and quickly than in the normal state.

Milberg et al. documented another interestingphenomenon in studies of semantic priming usingnonwords (Milberg, Blumstein, & Dworetzky,1988b). As in previous semantic priming studies,the subjects were presented with stimulus pairs (in this case, auditory stimuli) and were asked toperform a lexical decision task on the second stim-ulus of the pair. The initial phoneme of the firststimulus in the pair was manipulated to produceprimes that were either semantically related words

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Figure 9.4A schematic representation of part of the pathway from input graphemes to semantics (pathway 5 in figure 9.2), illus-trating the effects of semantic priming and structural damage. The diagram has been greatly simplified for the sake ofclarity, in that the grapheme layer contains no representation of letter position; less than half of the possible connectionsare drawn; no representation of the connection strengths is given; and only a very small portion of the total set of seman-tic units is shown. (A) Presentation of “cat” to the grapheme layer, represented in the left column by shading of the appro-priate graphemes, produces patterns of activation in the intermediate and semantic units determined by the set ofconnection strengths between each of the layers, which have been adjusted through experience with cats and the lettersequence “cat.” (B) If presentation of “dog” quickly follows, as in a semantic priming experiment, activation of the seman-tic units appropriate to dogs is facilitated by residual activation from those units that were activated by “cat” and that areshared by dogs and cats (four legs, fur, tail, house pet), while activation of those features specific to cats (meows, eatsmice) decays. (C ) Damage to a portion of the network, represented here by the removal of several intermediate units andtheir connections, disrupts the pattern of activation input to semantic units, resulting in activation of inappropriate units(barks, scales) or failure to activate appropriate units (fur). The activation of an incorrect pattern of semantic units dis-rupts performance on semantic tasks, but semantic priming of “dog” may still be possible because of the preserved acti-vation of a sufficient number of shared semantic units (four legs, tail, house pet). Semantic priming may even beexaggerated in some cases if incorrect activation results in falsely “shared” features (barks).

















4 legs








house pet

sea animal

eats mice

chews bone




Grapheme Intermediate Semantic

















4 legs








house pet

sea animal

eats mice

chews bone




Grapheme Intermediate Semantic


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(e.g., CAT before DOG), nonwords differing fromthe semantic prime by one phonetic feature (GATbefore DOG), or nonwords differing from thesemantic prime by two phonetic features (WATbefore DOG). The baseline condition used unrelatedprimes (NURSE before DOG). Unlike nonfluentaphasics, who showed priming effects only for theundistorted real-word prime, fluent aphasicsshowed priming effects for all phonetically dis-torted nonword conditions relative to the unrelatedword baseline.

These results suggest that in fluent aphasia, non-words more easily activate semantic patterns asso-

ciated with phonetically similar real words. Tounderstand this phenomenon, recall that in thenormal state the semantic network is able to accu-rately distinguish phonetically similar words suchas CAT and COT and to associate each with anappropriate pattern of activation on the semanticunits. This feat is accomplished despite the fact thatbecause the phonetic inputs for CAT and COT aresimilar, the initial activity across the set of seman-tic units is relatively similar after presentation ofCAT and COT (figure 9.5). The separation of CATand COT is possible because of recurrent interac-tions between units in the network, which cause the semantic units to gradually settle into a steadystate that is very different for CAT and COT (figure9.5A). Networks that behave in this way are knownas attractor networks, and the patterns towardwhich the units gradually settle (the black dots infigure 9.5) are the attractor states. Just as perceptu-ally similar words like CAT and COT move gradu-ally toward different attractor states, nonwords thatare perceptually similar to words may move towardthe attractor states for those words, resulting inpartial activation of the semantic pattern of the word(figure 9.5). In normal subjects, this phenomonondepends on the degree of perceptual similaritybetween the nonword and the word associated withthe attractor state; nonwords that differ by a greaternumber of phonetic features are less likely to movetoward the attractor state (Milberg, Blumstein, &Dworetzky, 1988a). After the network is lesioned,the area of semantic space dominated by a givenattractor state (called the “attractor basin”) becomesdistorted and less sharply defined (Hinton & Shallice, 1991), with the result that activation pat-terns elicited by words and nonwords are morelikely to move toward attractor states of phoneti-cally similar words, resulting in enhanced semanticpriming of these words (figure 9.5B). The generaleffect of such lesions is thus to blur the distinctionsbetween words and phonetically related (or graph-emically related) nonwords. This loosening ofphoneme-to-semantic mapping may also explain theobservation by Blumstein et al. that patients withWernicke aphasia do not show the usual lexical

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4 legs








house pet

sea animal

eats mice

chews bone




Grapheme Intermediate Semantic


Figure 9.4Continued

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effect on placement of perceptual boundaries duringphoneme categorization (Blumstein, Burton, Baum,Waldstein, & Katz, 1994).

In summary, the speech comprehension distur-bance in Wernicke aphasia is not well explained by a phoneme perceptual disturbance. The inputphoneme representations in figure 9.3 appear to be,for the most part, intact. In contrast, there is a deficiteither in the pathway from input phonemes tosemantics or within semantic representations (orboth), as demonstrated by the inability of Wernicke

aphasics to match perceived phonemes with theirassociated visual forms or meanings. Several linesof evidence suggest that semantic representationsare activated inaccurately, causing blurring of cate-gory boundaries, loss of distinctiveness betweenbasic-level neighbors, inability to judge semanticrelatedness, and abnormal activation of semanticrepresentations by wordlike nonwords. Althoughpreserved semantic priming in Wernicke’s aphasiahas been interpreted as indicating intact semanticrepresentations, an alternative explanation is that

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cat •


•• cot

Phonetic Semantic





cat •


•• cot

Phonetic Semantic


Figure 9.5The role of attractor states in phoneme-to-semantic (or grapheme-to-semantic) mapping. The box on the left of each figurerepresents spoken word or nonword input. The larger box on the right represents semantic space. Points in this semanticspace represent patterns of activation across a set of semantic units (activation states). Three such states are marked byblack dots and correspond to the concepts cat, cot, and bed. Lines and arrows show the initial state of the semantic networkwhen it is presented with a given input and subsequent changes as the network settles into an attractor state. Shadedregions are the attractor basins for each attractor state. Any input that initially produces an activation state that falls withinan attractor basin will eventually reach the attractor state for that basin. (A) In the normal state, attractor dynamics allowsimilar inputs, such as cat and cot, which produce similar initial activation states, to eventually activate very differentstates in semantic space. Conversely, very different inputs, such as cot and bed, may nevertheless reach relatively similarstates in semantic space. (B) Damage to the network causes distortion and loss of definition of the attractor basins. As aresult, semantic states resulting from a given input word may gravitate toward incorrect (phonologically or semanticallyrelated) attractors (cot Æ cat, bed Æ cot), and attractor states may be reached more easily from nonword inputs. (Basedon Hinton & Shallice, 1991.)

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priming merely reflects partial overlap of semanticactivation between word pairs and does not requirethat this activation be precise or accurate.


As described earlier, Wernicke aphasics produce a variety of speech output errors involving soundelements within words (phonemic paraphasia),grammatical units such as word stems or suffixes(morphemic paraphasia), and whole words (verbalparaphasia). At least since Freud’s claim that “para-phasia in aphasic patients does not differ from theincorrect use and distortion of words which thehealthy person can observe in himself in states offatigue or divided attention” (Freud, 1891/1953, p. 13), it has been recognized that speech errorsmade by aphasic patients share many features withthose made by normal speakers (Blumstein, 1973; Buckingham, 1980; Dell et al., 1997; Garrett, 1984;Schwartz, Saffran, Bloch, & Dell, 1994). In recentyears, quantitative techniques and theoreticalmodels arising from the study of normal “slips ofthe tongue” have been applied productively to theanalysis of speech errors made by aphasics. Thissection briefly recounts some of the important find-ings from these studies as well as a computationalmodel that explains many of the basic paraphasicphenomena exhibited by fluent aphasics.

It is clear that paraphasic errors are not entirelyrandom. One example of a general rule operating atthe phoneme level is the frequent occurrence of con-textual errors—phoneme errors that are influencedby other nearby phonemes. Examples include antic-ipations, in which a later sound is duplicated in anearlier utterance (“park bench” Æ “bark bench”);perseverations, in which an earlier sound is dupli-cated in a later utterance (“beef noodle” Æ “beefneedle”); and exchanges, in which two soundsexchange places (“big deal” Æ “dig beal”). Con-textual errors are the principal type of phonemeerror in normal slips of the tongue (Nooteboom,1969), and imply a speech production mechanismin which the selection of each phoneme to be utteredis partly influenced by preceding and following

phonemes. A related finding is that phonemes inter-acting in this way tend to be those that are similarto each other. That is, phonemes are more likely tobe switched with other phonemes if they sharesimilar phonetic features (e.g., /b/ and /d/ share thesame manner and voicing features) and if theyoccupy the same position within their respectivesyllables (e.g., the /b/ and /d/ in “big deal” are bothsyllable onset phonemes) (Blumstein, 1973; Lecour& Rouillon, 1976; MacKay, 1970; Shattuck-Hufnagel & Klatt, 1979; Stemberger, 1982). Thus,the mechanism that selects phonemes appears to beinfluenced by other surrounding phonemes, partic-ularly if these are easily confused with the targetphoneme.

Analogous contextual phenomena are observedfor words within multiword phrases. Thus, thereoccur contextual word anticipations (“The sun is inthe sky” Æ “The sky is in the sky”), perseverations(“The boy is reaching for the cookies” Æ “The boyis reaching for the boy”), and exchanges (“writinga letter to my mother” Æ “writing a mother to myletter”) in both aphasic and normal speech (Dell & Reich, 1981; Fromkin, 1971; Garrett, 1975;Lecour & Rouillon, 1976). Analogous to the con-fusability effects seen with phoneme errors, wordsubstitutions show effects of semantic and gram-matical class similarity. That is, for both normal and aphasic speakers, substituted words are morelikely to be semantically related to the target word(Buckingham & Rekart, 1979; Dell & Reich, 1981;Fay & Cutler, 1977; Fromkin, 1971; Garrett, 1992)and are more likely to be from the same grammati-cal class (i.e., noun, verb, adjective) as the targetword (Fay & Cutler, 1977; Gagnon, Schwartz,Martin, Dell, & Saffran, 1997; Garrett, 1975) thanwould be expected by chance alone. Thus, themechanism used for selecting words appears to beinfluenced by other nearby words in the plannedutterance, particularly those that are from the samegrammatical class as the target word, and by thepossible “semantic neighbors” of the target word.

These examples involving phoneme and word-level substitutions by no means capture all of the error patterns observed in fluent aphasia. Of

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particular theoretical interest are errors that appearto indicate interactions between word and phonemeinformation. One example of this is the formalparaphasia, a real-word error that is phonologicallybut not semantically similar to the intended targetword (“horse” Æ “house”). Although formal para-phasias are real words, the question of whether theyrepresent phoneme or word-level errors has beencontroversial, for several reasons. First, these errorsare not common in most patients. Second, patientswho produce formal paraphasias also utter non-words (neologisms) that are phonologically relatedto targets. These data have usually been accepted as evidence that formal paraphasias representphoneme-level errors that happen by chance toresult in real words (Buckingham, 1980; Butter-worth, 1979; Ellis, Miller, & Sin, 1983; Lecour &Rouillon, 1976; Nickels & Howard, 1995).

In contrast, several investigators have recentlyprovided evidence for a greater-than-chance inci-dence of formal paraphasias in some aphasics. Thatis, in producing errors that sound similar to theintended target, some patients appear to producereal words (as opposed to nonwords) at a higher ratethan would be predicted by chance (Best, 1996;Blanken, 1990; Gagnon et al., 1997; Martin, Dell,Saffran, & Schwartz, 1994). The same phenomenonhas been observed in studies of normal slips of thetongue, which typically show a higher than chancerate of word compared with nonword errors (Baars,Motley, & MacKay, 1975; Dell & Reich, 1981). Ifthese errors truly represent incorrect word selectionrather than phoneme errors that happen to haveresulted in words, we might expect the errors to bein the same grammatical word class as the intendedtarget. Evidence suggests that this is the case (Dellet al., 1997; Fay & Cutler, 1977; Gagnon et al.,1997). These findings are important because theysuggest a production mechanism in which selec-tion at the word level is partly constrained by in-formation about the sound of the word, possiblythrough feedback from phoneme to word-level representations.

Other evidence for interaction between phonemeand word information during speech production

comes from the observation of mixed paraphasias,in which a real-word error response is related bothphonologically and semantically to the intendedtarget (“skirt” Æ “shirt”). While such errors com-prise only a small proportion of the total errorsmade by aphasic patients, the issue again is whetherthis proportion is small enough to be explained ascoincidence. Studies of both normal and fluentaphasic subjects show that the incidence of mixederrors is significantly greater than would beexpected by chance alone (Dell & Reich, 1981; Dell et al., 1997; Harley, 1984; Martin, Gagnon,Schwartz, Dell, & Saffran, 1996). As with formalparaphasias, the higher than expected incidence of mixed paraphasias suggests that phonologicalresemblance to a target word is somehow enhanc-ing the selection of an error word. In the case of themixed error, this phonological resemblance betweentarget and error words is acting in concert with asemantic resemblance.

Many of the basic error phenomena observed in normal slips of the tongue and aphasic para-phasia—contextual effects, similarity effects, andphoneme–word interactions—can be seen as thenatural product of a neural network in which wordselection and phoneme selection partly overlap intime and influence each other through an interactivespreading activation mechanism. Models of thiskind have been presented by Dell and colleagues(Dell, 1986; Dell & O’Seaghdha, 1992; Dell et al.,1997) and by others (Harley, 1984; Roelofs, 1992;Stemberger, 1985). Figure 9.6 shows a simplifieddiagram of a hypothetical portion of such a network.

A central starting point of the model is thatspeech production involves two distinct processesor stages of information access that partly overlapin time. The first of these is a translation from theabstract concept the speaker wishes to express (thesemantic representation) to a word or ordered stringof words that express the concept. This process isreferred to as lemma access. “Lemma” refers to atype of representation in the brain similar to a word,but with some important differences.3 The lemmarepresentation of a word contains information aboutits syntactic role (noun, verb, etc.), and the lemma

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Wernicke Aphasia 195

living vocaltail fur edible inside 4 legs heavy man-made

wood forrest

rat cat hat pen pear chair bear bedhen

h r k p ch b e ae n t r d

aspirated voiced labial nasal alveolar velar sonorant stop fricative





Figure 9.6Schematic representation of an interactive, spreading activation model of speech production. The network is shown at amoment in time during production of cat. A set of semantic units have produced activation of the target lemma as wellas several semantically related lemmas (rat, bear). Position-specific (onset, vowel, and coda) phonemes are activated asa result of the spread of activation from the lemma to the phoneme level. The network has just selected the onset phoneme/k/, resulting in increased activation of the phonetic feature nodes (aspirated, velar, stop) associated with /k/. Note weakactivation of the lemma hat despite lack of input from the semantic level, owing to feedback from the phoneme units for/ae/ and /t/. This feedback is postulated to be the main source of formal (i.e., semantically unrelated but phonologicallyrelated) paraphasic errors. The lemma rat also receives phoneme-level feedback, and is more strongly activated than hat because of combined input from semantic and phoneme levels, increasing the likelihood of a mixed (semantic +phonological) error. Finally, note that activation of the phonetic feature nodes, aspirated and stop, feed back to phonemenodes, such as /t/, that share these features, increasing the likelihood of selection errors involving phonemes similar tothe target phoneme.

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is a more abstract entity than a word in that it con-tains no information about the sound of the word,its phonological representation (Dell, 1986; Dell & O’Seaghdha, 1992; Kempen & Huijbers, 1983;Levelt et al., 1991). In this sense, the lemma differsfrom Wernicke’s notion of a word-sound image—a kind of memory of a word stored in auditoryformat—and it differs from the phonologicallexicon found in many contemporary models of language processing (Allport & Funnell, 1981;Morton & Patterson, 1980), which is composed ofphonological word forms. In the second stage of the two-stage model, the sounds of the word arecomputed by translating the lemma into a string of ordered phonemes, a process referred to as phonological access.

As shown schematically in figure 9.6, the com-ponent nodes of the network are organized intosemantic, lemma, phoneme, and phonetic featurelevels.4 Each level contains a large number of nodesthat represent, in a distributed manner, the individ-ual’s fund of information about concepts, words,and phonemes. Connections between nodes in adja-cent levels represent relationships between con-cepts, words, phonemes, and phonetic features,which have been learned over time as a result ofexperience. A key feature of the model is that con-nections between adjacent levels are reciprocal, permitting activation to flow in both top-down andbottom-up directions. As with other models of thistype, the activation state of each node in the networkis computed at discrete points in time as a weightedsum of all the inputs to the node, plus the activationlevel at the immediately preceding point in timemodified by a decay term, e.g.:

where Ai(t) is the activation of node i at the currenttime step t, Ai(t - 1) is the activation at the imme-diately preceding time point, d is a decay parameter,aj(t - 1) is the activation at the immediately pre-ceding time point of a node j sending input to nodei, and wij is the strength, or weight, of the connec-tion between the sending node j and receiving node i.

A t A t d a t wi i j ijj

( ) = −( ) × −( ) + −( ) × +∑1 1 1 noise

Speech production in the model begins with acti-vation of semantic nodes representing the conceptthat the subject wishes to express. Semantic nodesare usually envisioned as representations of physi-cal, functional, or associative properties (e.g., “hasfur”) that collectively define a word, although thespecific format in which semantic information isencoded is probably not critical for the model. Theactive semantic nodes then send activation to alllemma nodes to which they are connected. Animportant point is that a given semantic node is con-nected to all lemmas that share that semanticfeature; thus activation of a given semantic noderesults in some degree of activation of all lemmasto which it is connected. Lemma nodes, in turn, sendactivation to all phoneme nodes to which they areconnected, and these phoneme nodes send activa-tion on to all phonetic feature nodes to which theyare connected. Because of the reciprocal connec-tions between layers, activation is also returnedfrom the lemma to semantic level, from thephoneme to lemma level, and from the phoneticfeature to phoneme level.

Similarity effects—the occurrence of word errorsthat resemble the target semantically (semanticparaphasia) and phoneme errors that resemble thetarget phoneme—are readily explained by such amodel. Because semantic nodes send activation toall lemmas to which they are connected, lemmasthat strongly resemble the target will be activatednearly as much as the target itself. For example,because chair and couch share many semantic fea-tures, activation of the semantic representation forchair will necessarily activate the lemmas of bothchair and couch (and many other related items).

Under normal conditions, the network is able toselect the correct lemma on the basis of its activa-tion being slightly higher than that of its semanticneighbors (adding to the model inhibitory connec-tions between lemma nodes also helps to suppressactivation of these neighbors), but adding noise tothe system by partial damage to nodes or to con-nections can easily cause this fidelity to be com-promised, resulting in lemma selection errors of asemantic nature.

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Phoneme similarity effects happen by a similarmechanism, but are due to feedback from the pho-netic feature level. Because phonetic features havereciprocal connections to all phonemes that sharethat feature, activation of a given set of phoneticfeatures by a phoneme node will cause reciprocalactivation of other phoneme nodes that share thosefeatures. Again, adding noise to the system canoccasionally cause one of these phonetic neighborsto become more active than the target phoneme,resulting in a phoneme selection error on the basisof similarity.

Interactive effects—the occurrence of formalparaphasias and mixed semantic-phonologicalerrors—are also a natural consequence of themodel. Recall that a higher-than-chance incidenceof formal paraphasias means that errors that resem-ble the target phonologically are more likely thanchance to form real words. In the network model,this phenomenon is accounted for by feedback fromphoneme to lemma levels. When the target lemma(e.g., train) becomes activated, this produces acti-vation of the phoneme nodes connected to the targetlemma (e.g., /t/, /r/, /e/ and /n/). Reciprocal connec-tions allow these phoneme nodes to feed back on all other lemmas to which they are connected, pro-ducing particularly significant activation of lemmanodes that share several phonemes in common withthe target lemma (e.g., crane and trait). If selected,such a lemma will in turn increase the activationlevel of its phonemes, increasing their likelihood of being selected. Although small, these effectsincrease the likelihood that a phonological neighborof the target lemma will be produced, rather than arandomly generated nonword (e.g., prain).

Mixed errors have a similar explanation, exceptthat here the error results from a combination of sem-antic and phoneme influences at the lemma level.That is, shared semantic features result in the ac-tivation of semantic neighbors of the target lemma,while shared phonemes cause the activation of pho-nological neighbors. These influences add togetherto increase the likelihood that a mixed semantic-phonological neighbor of the target, if one exists(e.g., plane), will be selected at the lemma level.

Because contextual errors (anticipations, perse-verations, exchanges) typically involve words thatare near each other in time, an account of these phe-nomena requires a look at how the model handlesmultiword utterances. A complete description isbeyond the scope of this review, but the main pointis that words within multiword sequences are, to alarge degree, selected in parallel. That is, as activa-tion is accumulating in the lemma and phonemenodes related to the first word in the string, activa-tion also begins to accumulate in the nodes pertain-ing to the second word. After reaching maximumlevels, activation also takes time to decay back tobaseline levels; there is thus residual activation inthe nodes for a preceding word even as the nodesfor a following word are being selected. Moreover,because selection at the lemma level occurs earlierthan selection at the phoneme level, activation at thelemma level for a following word may be occurringalmost simultaneously with activation at the pho-neme level for a preceding word. This considerabletemporal overlap occasionally creates selection of alemma or phoneme node that is actually a targetlemma or phoneme for a preceding or followingword, resulting in contextual errors.

Specifically, anticipations are due to selection ofa phoneme or lemma from a later word, which hap-pened by chance to have been more activated thanthe target phoneme or lemma. Perseverations aredue to selection of a phoneme or lemma from anearlier word, which happened by chance to havebeen more activated than the target phoneme orlemma. Exchanges are believed to reflect a mecha-nism that transiently suppresses the activation of anode after it has been selected. For example, duringphonological translation of the lemma for cat, thenetwork transiently suppresses or inhibits the ac-tivation level of the phoneme node for /k/ after thisis selected. Although the mechanism by which thisoccurs is not clear, some sort of suppression appearsnecessary to prevent, for example, the /k/ phonemefrom being chosen again and again for subsequentphoneme positions. Exchanges thus occur when an anticipation error causes a phoneme from a fol-lowing word to be selected prematurely, and the

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node for this phoneme is transiently suppressed.The target phoneme, which had not been selectedbecause of the anticipation error, then achieves an activation level higher than the previouslyselected, now suppressed phoneme, resulting in anexchange.

Other aspects of the paraphasic errors made byfluent aphasics can also be accommodated by themodel if certain assumptions are accepted. Forexample, as mentioned earlier, contextual phonemeerrors usually involve pairs of phonemes thatoccupy the same position in their respective sylla-bles (e.g., onset, vowel, or final position). This canbe explained by assuming that phoneme nodes areposition specific. Thus, an exchange such as “spyfled” Æ “fly sped” is possible, but the exchange“spy fled” Æ “dye flesp” is highly unlikely becausethe /sp/ target node of the first word is representedin the network specifically as an onset phoneme. An analogous phenomenon at the lemma level is the observation that contextual errors nearly alwaysoccur between words of the same grammaticalclass. For example, an exchange involving twonouns, such as “writing a mother to my letter,” ispossible, whereas exchange of a noun for a posses-sive pronoun, such as “writing a my to lettermother,” is highly unlikely. This preservation ofgrammatical class follows from the assumption thatlemmas contain information about grammaticalclass, which constrains the set of lemmas that arecandidates for selection at any given position in anutterance.

What kinds of “lesions” in the network lead to anincreased incidence of paraphasic errors, and do dif-ferent kinds of lesions produce different error pat-terns? Do such lesions have any meaning in termsof real brain lesions? These questions are just begin-ning to be addressed, but preliminary reports areinteresting (Dell et al., 1997; Hillis, Boatman, Hart,& Gordon, 1999; Martin et al., 1994; Schwartz et al., 1994). Martin et al. (1994) proposed the ideaof modeling their patient’s paraphasic errors byincreasing the decay parameter of the network. Thisproduces an overall dampening effect on activationlevels, essentially weakening the ability of thenetwork to maintain a given pattern of activation.

The target lemma and its semantic neighbors, whichare activated early during the selection process by direct input from semantic nodes, experienceabnormally large activation decay prior to lemmaselection. In contrast, lemmas that are activated at alater stage, primarily by feedback from phonemenodes (i.e., phonological neighbors and mixedphonological-semantic neighbors of the target) haveless time to be affected by the decay and so end upwith more activation relative to the target at the timeof lemma selection. The result is an increase in theincidence of formal and mixed paraphasias relativeto other types. This class of lesion has been referredto as a representational defect because the networknodes themselves, which represent the lemmas,phonemes, and phonetic features, have difficultyremaining activated and so are unable to faithfullyrepresent the pattern of information being retrieved.A similar kind of defect could as well be modeledby randomly removing a proportion of the nodes, orby adding random noise to the activation values.

A qualitatively different kind of lesion, referredto as a transmission defect, results from decreasingthe connection weights between nodes (Dell et al.,1997). This impairs the spread of activation backand forth between adjacent levels, decreasing inter-activity. As a result, selection at the lemma level isless guided by phoneme-to-lemma feedback, pro-ducing a lower incidence of formal and mixederrors, and selection at the phoneme level is lessgoverned by lemma input, resulting in a relativelyhigher proportion of nonword and unrelated errors.

For both types of lesions, the overall accuracyrate and the proportion of errors that are nonwordsincrease as the parameter being manipulated (decayor connectivity) is moved further from the normalvalue. This reflects the fact that defects in either representational integrity or connectivity, if severeenough, can interfere with the proper spread of activation through the network, allowing randomnoise to have a larger effect on phoneme selection.Because there are many more nonwords than wordsthat can result from random combinations ofphonemes, an increase in the randomness of selec-tion necessarily produces an increase in the rate ofnonwords. This natural consequence of the model

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is consistent with the general correlation betweenseverity of paraphasia and the rate of nonworderrors observed in many studies (Butterworth, 1979;Dell et al., 1997; Kertesz & Benson, 1970; Kohn &Smith, 1994; Mitchum, Ritgert, Sandson, & Berndt,1990; Moerman, Corluy, & Meersman, 1983).

Dell et al. (1997) used these two kinds of lesionsto individually model the pattern of paraphasicerrors produced by twenty-one fluent aphasicpatients (seven Wernicke, five conduction, eightanomic, and one transcortical sensory) during apicture-naming task. Naming was simulated in themodel by activating a set of semantic features asso-ciated with the pictured object from each trial andrecording the string of phonemes selected by thenetwork. Errors produced by the patients and by thenetwork were categorized as semantic, formal,mixed, unrelated words, and nonwords. The decayand connection weight parameters were altered untilthe best fit was obtained for each patient betweenthe error pattern produced by the patient and by thenetwork. Good fits were obtained, and patients fellinto distinct groups based on whether the decayparameter or the connection weight parameter wasmost affected.

Patients with representational lesions (increasesin the decay rate parameter) showed relatively moreformal and mixed errors, while patients with trans-mission lesions (decreases in the connection weightparameter) showed relatively more nonword andunrelated word errors. Particularly interesting wasthe finding that the formal paraphasias made by thedecay lesion group were much more likely to benouns (the target grammatical class) than were theformal errors made by the connection lesion group.This suggests that the formal errors made by thedecay group were more likely to be errors of lemmaselection, as the model predicts, while those madeby the connection lesion group were more likely tohave resulted from selection errors at the phonemelevel that happened by chance to form real words.

An important aspect of the simulation by Dell et al. is that the “lesions” to the decay rate and connection weight parameters were made globally,i.e., uniformly to every node in every layer of thenetwork. Consequently, the simulation does not

attempt to model lesions that might be more local-ized, affecting, for example, the connectionsbetween lemma and phoneme levels. Despite thissimplification, it is notable that all five of the con-duction aphasics were modeled best using trans-mission lesions, while the Wernicke and anomicgroups included both representational and transmis-sion types. A tempting conclusion is that the con-duction syndrome, which features a high incidenceof nonwords relative to formal and mixed errors,may represent a transmission defect that weakensthe connections between lemma and phonemelevels.

Another interesting aspect of the Dell et al.results is that anomic patients often showed a lowerincidence of nonword errors than that predicted bythe model and a lower incidence than would beexpected on the basis of the severity of their namingdeficits. Instead, these patients tended to make moresemantic errors than predicted. Other patients havebeen reported who make almost exclusively seman-tic errors on naming tasks, without nonwords orother phonological errors (Caramazza & Hillis,1990; Hillis & Caramazza, 1995). This pattern isdifficult to explain on the basis of a global lesion,but might be accounted for using a representationallesion localized to the semantic level or a transmis-sion lesion affecting connections between semanticand lemma levels.

In Wernicke’s original model, the center forword-sound images was thought to play a role inboth comprehension and production of words. It istherefore noteworthy that the interactive, bidirec-tional nature of the connections in the productionmodel just described permits information to flowin either direction, from semantics to phonemes orphonemes to semantics. An ongoing debate amonglanguage scientists is the extent to which receptionand production systems overlap, particularly withregard to transformations between phonemes andsemantics. Psychological models of language thatemploy discrete processing modules often include a “phonological lexicon” that stores representationsof individual words in a kind of auditory format.Early versions of the theory assumed that a singlephonological lexicon was used for both input

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(comprehension) and output (production) tasks(Allport & Funnell, 1981). It is clear, however, thatsome aphasic patients have markedly disparateinput and output abilities. For example, conductionaphasia is characterized by frequent phonemic para-phasias in all speech output tasks, whereas speechcomprehension is intact (table 9.1), indicating alesion localized at some point in the productionpathway but sparing the input pathway. Conversely,patients with pure word deafness typically haveonly minimal paraphasia in spontaneous speech andnaming tasks (repetition is paraphasic in pure worddeafness owing to the input deficit; see table 9.1),indicating relative sparing of the production path-way. A variety of evidence from patients and normalsubjects supports the general notion of some degreeof independence between speech perception andproduction processes (Allport, MacKay, & Prinz,1987; Allport, 1984; Kirschner & Webb, 1982;Nickels & Howard, 1995).

These and other observations led to proposalsthat there are separate input and output phonologi-cal lexicons, i.e., distinct input and output pathwayslinking phonology with semantics (Allport, 1984;Caramazza, 1988; Monsell, 1987; Morton & Patterson, 1980). Preliminary data from neuralnetwork simulations also support this thesis. Forexample, Dell et al. (1997) were unable to predictthe performance levels of their patients in a repeti-tion task, which involves both input and output,using model parameters derived from performancein a naming (output) task. Scores for repetition wereconsistently better than would have been predictedif the same (lesioned) network was used for bothinput and output, whereas the repetition perform-ances were generally well accounted for by assum-ing a separate, intact, speech perceptual system.

The main objection to the idea of separate sys-tems is the apparently needless duplication of thephonological lexicon that it entails. The lexicon ispresumably a huge database that includes structuraland grammatical information about the entire storedvocabulary, so this duplication seems like an ineffi-cient use of neural resources. The model in figure9.6, however, contains no phonological lexicon; in

its place are the interconnected lemma, phoneme,and phonetic feature levels. Such an arrangementpermits an even larger set of possible relationshipsbetween input and output speech pathways, some of which would avoid duplication of word-levelinformation. For example, it may be that the path-ways share only a common lemma level, or sharecommon lemma and phoneme levels, but use sepa-rate phoneme feature levels. Further careful studyof patients with isolated speech perception or pro-duction syndromes will be needed to more clearlydefine the relationships between input and outputspeech pathways.

Dissociated Oral and Written LanguageDeficits

Although most Wernicke aphasics have impair-ments of reading and writing that roughly parallelthose observed with auditory comprehension andspeech, many show disparate abilities on tasks performed in the auditory and visual modalities.Because Wernicke’s aphasia is classically con-sidered to involve deficits in both modalities (Goodglass & Kaplan, 1972), such patients strainthe definition of the syndrome and the classificationscheme on which it is based. For example, manypatients described as having “atypical Wernicke’saphasia” with superior comprehension of writtencompared with spoken language (Caramazza,Berndt, & Basili, 1983; Ellis et al., 1983; Heilman,Rothi, Campanella, & Wolfson, 1979; Hier & Mohr,1977; Kirschner et al., 1981; Marshall, Rappaport,& Garcia-Bunuel, 1985; Sevush, Roeltgen, Campanella, & Heilman, 1983) could as readily be classified as variants of pure word deafness(Alexander & Benson, 1993; Metz-Lutz & Dahl,1984). On the other hand, these patients exhibitedaphasic signs such as neologistic paraphasia, anomia, or mild reading comprehension deficitsthat are atypical of pure word deafness. Similarly,patients with relatively intact auditory comprehen-sion together with severe reading and writing disturbances have been considered to be atypical Wernicke cases by some (Kirschner & Webb, 1982),

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but as having “alexia and agraphia with conduc-tion aphasia” by others (Selnes & Niccum, 1983).Regardless of how these patients are categorizedwithin the traditional aphasiology nomenclature,their deficit patterns provide additional informationabout how language perception and productionsystems might be organized according to the modal-ity of stimulus or response.

Patients with superior written compared withspoken language processing can be explained bypostulating damage to phoneme systems or path-ways between phoneme and semantic representa-tions (lesion A in figure 9.7). Such damage woulddisrupt not only speech comprehension, but any task dependent on recognition of speech sounds (re-petition and writing to dictation) and any task in-volving production of speech (spontaneous speech,reading aloud, naming objects, and repetition). Be-cause pathways from visual input to semantics arespared, such patients retain the ability to com-prehend written words, match written words withpictures, and name objects using written responses

(Caramazza et al., 1983; Ellis et al., 1983; Heilmanet al., 1979; Hier & Mohr, 1977; Hillis et al., 1999;Howard & Franklin, 1987; Ingles, Mate-Kole, &Connolly, 1996; Kirschner et al., 1981; Marshall et al., 1985; Semenza, Cipolotti, & Denes, 1992;Sevush et al., 1983). The preserved written namingability shown by these patients despite severelyimpaired auditory comprehension and paraphasicspeech is very clearly at odds with Wernicke’s beliefthat word-sound images are essential for writing.5

Errors of speech comprehension in these patientsreflect problems with phonemes rather than withwords or word meanings. For example, in writingto dictation, patients make phonemic errors (e.g.,they write “cap” after hearing “cat”), and in match-ing spoken words with pictures, they select incor-rect items with names that sound similar to thetarget. Such errors could result either from damageto the input phoneme system or to the pathwaybetween phoneme and semantic levels. The patientstudied in detail by Hillis et al. (1999) made typicalerrors of this kind on dictation and word–picture

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Output Grapheme

Object Feature

Output Phoneme



Figure 9.7Theoretical lesion loci underlying modality-specific language deficits. Lesion A impairs tasks involving input and outputphonemes, including auditory verbal comprehension, repetition, propositional speech, naming, reading aloud, and writingto dictation. Lesion B impairs tasks involving input and output graphemes, including reading comprehension, proposi-tional writing, written naming, reading aloud, and writing to dictation.

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matching tasks, but could readily discriminatebetween similar-sounding spoken words like capand cat on a same-different decision task. Thispattern suggests that the patient was able to analyzethe constituent phonemes and to compare a se-quence of phonemes with another sequence, but wasunable to translate correctly from the phoneme tothe semantic level.

Similarly, the errors of speech production made by these patients are overwhelmingly of thephonemic type, including phonemic paraphasias,neologisms, and formal paraphasias, with onlyinfrequent semantic or mixed errors. Hillis et al.(1999) modeled their patient’s neologistic speech by lesioning Dell’s spreading activation speech production network. Unlike the global lesions used by Dell et al. (1997), Hillis et al. postulated a localtransmission lesion affecting connections betweenthe lemma (intermediate) and output phonemelevels. When the lemma–phoneme connectionstrength was lowered sufficiently to produce thesame overall error rate as that made by the patientduring object naming, the model network repro-duced the patient’s pattern of errors with remarkableprecision, including high proportions of phonologi-cally related nonwords (patient 53%, model 52.5%),a smaller number of formal errors (patient 6%,model 6.5%), and infrequent semantic or mixederrors (patient 3%, model 2.7%). These resultsprovide further evidence not only for the pro-cessing locus of the lesion causing superior writtenover oral language processing in this patient but also for the concept that a focal transmission lesioncan cause a characteristic error pattern that dependson the lesion’s locus.

Patients with this auditory variant of Wernickeaphasia vary in terms of the extent to which speechoutput is impaired. Most patients had severely para-phasic speech (Caramazza et al., 1983; Ellis et al.,1983; Hier & Mohr, 1977; Hillis et al., 1999; Ingleset al., 1996; Kirschner et al., 1981; Marshall et al.,1985), but others made relatively few errors inreading aloud (Heilman et al., 1979; Howard &Franklin, 1987; Semenza et al., 1992; Sevush et al.,1983). Even among the severely paraphasic patients,reading aloud was generally less paraphasic than

spontaneous speech or object naming (Caramazza etal., 1983; Ellis et al., 1983; Hillis et al., 1999).

The fact that some patients showed relativelyspared reading aloud despite severe auditory com-prehension disturbance provides further evidencefor the existence of at least partially independentinput and output phoneme systems, as depicted inthe model presented here. This observation also pro-vides evidence for a direct grapheme-to-phonemetranslation mechanism that bypasses the presum-ably lesioned semantic-to-phoneme output pathway.Because patients with this pattern are relying on thegrapheme-to-phoneme pathway for reading aloud,we might expect worse performance on exceptionwords, which depend relatively more on input fromthe semantic pathway, and better reading of non-words (see chapter 6 in this volume). These predic-tions have yet to be fully tested, although the patientdescribed by Hillis et al. (1999) clearly showedsuperior reading of nonwords.

Patients with superior oral over written languageprocessing have also been reported (Déjerine, 1891;Kirschner & Webb, 1982). A processing lesionaffecting input and output grapheme levels or theirconnections (lesion B in figure 9.7) would producea modality-specific impairment of reading compre-hension and written output directly analogous to theoral language impairments discussed earlier. Such alesion would not, however, affect speech output orspeech comprehension. It is perhaps because a disturbance in auditory-verbal comprehension isconsidered the sine qua non of Wernicke aphasiathat patients with relatively isolated reading andwriting impairments of this kind have usually beenreferred to as having “alexia with agraphia” ratherthan a visual variant of Wernicke aphasia (Benson& Geschwind, 1969; Déjerine, 1891; Goodglass &Kaplan, 1972; Nielsen, 1946).

These dissociations between oral and written language processes also offer important clues concerning the neuroanatomical organization of language comprehension and production systems.For example, they suggest that input and outputphoneme systems are segregated anatomically frominput and output grapheme systems. The observa-tion that input and output phoneme systems are

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often involved together, but that output may be re-latively spared, suggests that these systems lie close together in the brain, but are not entirely overlapping. The co-occurrence, in a few patients,of paraphasic speech output with reading andwriting disturbance and spared speech comprehen-sion (Kirschner & Webb, 1982) suggests a smalleranatomical distance between speech output andgrapheme systems than between speech input andgrapheme systems. These and other data regardinglesion localization in Wernicke aphasia are taken upin the next section.

Neuroanatomical Correlates of WernickeAphasia

Wernicke’s aphasia has been recognized for wellover a century and has been a subject of great inter-est to neurologists and neuropsychologists, so it isnot surprising that the lesion correlation literatureconcerning this syndrome is vast. The neuroana-tomical basis of sensory aphasia was a central issue for many German-speaking neurologists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century who followed after Wernicke, including Lichtheim,Bonhoefer, Liepmann, Heilbronner, Pick, Pötzl,Henschen, Goldstein, and Kleist. French neurolo-gists of the time who presented data on the topicincluded Charcot, Pitres, Dejerine, Marie, andothers. Early contributions in English were made byBastian, Mills, Bramwell, Head, Wilson, Nielsen,and others. In the last half of the twentieth century,important investigations were reported by Penfield,Russell, Hécaen, Luria, Goodglass, Benson, Naeser,Kertesz, Selnes, Warrington, Damasio, and manyothers. It is well beyond the scope of this chapter toreview even a small portion of this information indetail. Our aim here is rather to sketch the originsof some of the neuroanatomical models that havebeen proposed and to evaluate, admittedly briefly,their relation to the actual data.

Patients with Wernicke aphasia have lesions inthe lateral temporal and parietal lobes, so a reviewof the anatomy of this region is a useful startingpoint for discussion (figure 9.8). The lesions involve

brain tissue on the lateral convex surface of theselobes and almost never involve areas on the ventralor medial surfaces. The lesion area typically in-cludes cortex in and around the posterior sylvian(lateral) fissure, giving rise to the term posteriorperisylvian to describe their general location. Thesepredictable locations result from the fact that inmost cases the lesions are due to arterial occlusion,and that the vascular supply to the affected region–the lower division of the middle cerebral artery–follows a similar, characteristic pattern across individuals (Mohr, Gautier, & Hier, 1992).

Temporal lobe structures within this vascular territory include the superior temporal gyrus (Brodmann areas 41, 42, and 22), the middle temporal gyrus (Brodmann areas 21 and 37), andvariable (usually small) portions of the inferior temporal gyrus (ITG; Brodmann areas 20 and 37). Parietal lobe structures within the territory includethe angular gyrus (Brodmann area 39) and variableportions of the supramarginal gyrus (Brodmannarea 40). In addition, the lesion almost alwaysdamages the posterior third of the insula (the cortexburied at the fundus of the sylvian fissure) and mayextend back to involve anterior aspects of the lateraloccipital lobe (figure 9.8).

Near the origin of this large vascular territory is the posterior half of the STG, which studies in human and nonhuman primates have shown tocontain portions of the cortical auditory system. The superior surface of the STG in humans includesa small, anterolaterally oriented convolution called“Heschl’s gyrus” and, behind HG, the posteriorsuperior temporal plane or planum temporale. Thesestructures, located at the posterior-medial aspect of the dorsal STG and buried in the sylvian fissure, receive auditory projections from the medialgeniculate body and are believed to represent theprimary auditory cortex (Galaburda & Sanides,1980; Liègeois-Chauvel, Musolino, & Chauvel,1991; Mesulam & Pandya, 1973; Rademacher,Caviness, Steinmetz, & Galaburda, 1993).

Studies in nonhuman primates of the anatomicalconnections and unit activity of neurons in the STGsuggest that these primary areas then relay auditoryinformation to cortical association areas located

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more laterally on the superior surface and on theouter surface of the STG (Galaburda & Pandya,1983; Kaas & Hackett, 1998; Morel, Garraghty, & Kaas, 1993; Rauschecker, 1998). It thus appears,on the basis of these comparative studies, that thesuperior and lateral surfaces of the STG containunimodal auditory cortex (Baylis, Rolls, &Leonard, 1987; Creutzfeld, Ojemann, & Lettich,1989; Galaburda & Sanides, 1980; Kaas & Hackett, 1998; Leinonen, Hyvärinen, & Sovijärvi, 1980;Rauschecker, 1998), whereas the superior temporalsulcus and more caudal-ventral structures (MTG,ITG, AG) contain polymodal cortex that receivesinput from auditory, visual, and somatosensorysources (Baylis et al., 1987; Desimone & Gross,1979; Hikosawa, Iwai, Saito, & Tanaka, 1988; Jones& Powell, 1970; Seltzer & Pandya, 1978, 1994). Forregions caudal and ventral to the STG and STS,

however, inference about function in humans on thebasis of nonhuman primate data is perilous owingto a lack of structural similarity across species. TheMTG and AG, in particular, appear to have devel-oped much more extensively in humans than inmonkeys, so it is difficult to say whether data fromcomparative studies shed much direct light on thefunction of these areas in humans.

Like the STG and MTG, the AG is frequentlydamaged in patients with Wernicke aphasia.Although its borders are somewhat indistinct, theAG consists of cortex surrounding the posteriorparietal extension of the STS and is approximatelythe region Brodmann designated area 39. The SMG(Brodmann area 40) lies just anterior to the AGwithin the inferior parietal lobe and surrounds the parietal extension of the sylvian fissure. TheSMG is frequently damaged in Wernicke aphasia,

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Sylvian (lateral)fissure






Figure 9.8Gross anatomy of the lateral temporal and parietal lobes. Gyri are indicated as follows: superior temporal = vertical lines;middle temporal = unmarked; inferior temporal = horizontal lines; angular = dots; supramarginal = horizontal waves; andlateral occipital lobe = vertical waves. The approximate vascular territory of the lower division of the middle cerebralartery is indicated with a dashed line.

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although its anterior aspect is often spared becauseof blood supply from more anterior sources.

It hardly needs mentioning that Wernicke attri-buted his sensory aphasia syndrome to a lesion of the STG (Wernicke, 1874, 1881), but the actualmotivations behind this view are less than obvious. Wernicke’s case material was rather slim: tenpatients in all, only three of whom showed a combination of auditory comprehension distur-bance and paraphasic speech (reading comprehen-sion was not mentioned). Two of these patients,Rother and Funke, came to autopsy. In these twocases there were large left hemisphere lesions reach-ing well beyond the STG, including in the patientRother (who also had shown signs of advanceddementia clinically and had diffuse cerebral atrophyat autopsy), the posterior MTG and the AG(described as “the anastomosis of the first andsecond temporal convolution”) and in Funke includ-ing the inferior frontal lobe, SMG, AG, MTG, andinferior temporal lobe.

In emphasizing the STG component of theselarge lesions, Wernicke was influenced in part bythe views of his mentor, Theodor Meynert, who had described the subcortical auditory pathway asleading to the general region of the sylvian fissure.Even more important, however, was Wernicke’sconcept of the STG as the lower branch of a singlegyrus supporting speech functions (his “first primi-tive gyrus”), which encircles the sylvian fissure andincludes Broca’s area in the inferior frontal lobe.Inferring from Meynert’s view that the frontal lobeis involved in motor functions and the temporal lobe in sensory functions, Wernicke assumed thatthe STG must be the sensory analog of Broca’smotor speech area.

Although subsequent researchers were stronglyinfluenced by Wernicke’s model, views regardingthe exact lesion correlate of Wernicke’s aphasiahave varied considerably (Bogen & Bogen, 1976).As early as 1888, Charcot and his student Marieincluded the left AG and MTG in the region as-sociated with Wernicke’s aphasia (Marie, 1888/1971). Marie later included the SMG as well (Marie& Foix, 1917). In 1889, Starr reviewed fifty cases

of sensory aphasia published in the literature withautopsy correlation, twenty-seven of whom hadWernicke’s aphasia (Starr, 1889). None of thesepatients had lesions restricted to the STG, and Starr concluded that “in these cases the lesion waswide in extent, involving the temporal, parietal and occipital convolutions” (Starr, 1889, p. 87).Similar views were expressed by Henschen,Nielsen, and Goldstein, among others (Goldstein,1948; Henschen, 1920–1922; Nielsen, 1946).

Much of modern thinking on this topic is influ-enced by the work of Geschwind, who followedWernicke, Liepmann, Pick, Kleist, and others inemphasizing the role of the left STG in Wernicke’saphasia (Geschwind, 1971). Geschwind and his students drew attention to left-right asymmetries in the size of the planum temporale, that is, thecortex posterior to Heschl’s gyrus on the dorsalSTG. This cortical region is larger on the left side in approximately two-thirds of right-handedpeople (Geschwind & Levitsky, 1968; Steinmetz, Volkmann, Jäncke, & Freund, 1991; Wada, Clarke,& Hamm, 1975). Recent studies have made it clearthat this asymmetry is due to interhemispheric dif-ferences in the shape of the posterior sylvian fissure,which angles upward into the parietal lobe moreanteriorly in the right hemisphere (Binder, Frost,Hammeke, Rao, & Cox, 1996; Rubens, Mahowald,& Hutton, 1976; Steinmetz et al., 1990; Westbury,Zatorre, & Evans, 1999). Geschwind and othersinterpreted this asymmetry as confirming a centralrole for the PT and the posterior half of the STG inlanguage functions (Foundas, Leonard, Gilmore,Fennell, & Heilman, 1994; Galaburda, LeMay,Kemper, & Geschwind, 1978; Witelson & Kigar,1992) and argued that lesions in this area are respon-sible for Wernicke aphasia. Many late twentieth-century textbooks and review articles thus equatethe posterior STG with “Wernicke’s area” (Benson,1979; Geschwind, 1971; Mayeux & Kandel, 1985;Mesulam, 1990).

The advent of brain imaging using computedtomography and magnetic resonance imaging al-lowed aphasia localization to be investigated withmuch larger subject samples and systematic,

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standardized protocols (Caplan, Gow, & Makris,1995; Damasio, 1981; Damasio, 1989; Damasio &Damasio, 1989; Kertesz, Harlock, & Coates, 1979;Kertesz, Lau, & Polk, 1993; Naeser, Hayward,Laughlin, & Zatz, 1981; Selnes, Niccum, Knopman,& Rubens, 1984). The aim of most of these studieswas to identify brain regions that are lesioned incommon across the majority of cases. This was typically accomplished by drawing or tracing thelesion on a standard brain template and finding areasof lesion overlap across individuals. Several ofthese studies showed the region of most consistentoverlap in Wernicke aphasia to be the posterior leftSTG or STG and MTG (Damasio, 1981; Kertesz et al., 1979), providing considerable support forWernicke’s original model and its refinements byGeschwind and colleagues.

A potential problem with the lesion overlap tech-nique is that it emphasizes overlap across individu-als in the pattern of vascular supply, which may ormay not be related to the cognitive deficits in ques-tion. As already noted, Wernicke’s aphasia is due to

occlusion of the lower division of the middle cere-bral artery. The proximal trunk of this arterial treelies in the posterior sylvian fissure, near the PT andposterior STG, with its branches directed posteri-orly and ventrally. The territory supplied by thesebranches is somewhat variable, however, in somecases including more or less of the anterior parietalor ventral temporal regions shown in figure 9.8.Because of this variability, and because retrogradecollateral flow arising from other major arteriescommonly causes variable sparing of the territorysupplied by the more distal branches, regions sup-plied by the trunk and proximal branches (i.e., theSTG and PT) are the most likely to be consistentlydamaged (Mohr et al., 1992). Thus the region ofmaximal overlap is determined largely by the vascular anatomy pattern and is not necessarily theregion in which damage leads to Wernicke’s aphasia(figure 9.9).

Given the critical role assigned by Wernicke andothers to the STG, it is reasonable to ask whetherlesions confined solely to the left STG actually cause

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Figure 9.9Diagram of three hypothetical ischemic lesions in the lower division of the middle cerebral artery territory, illustratingtypical patterns of lesion overlap (dark shading). Because the vascular tree in question arises from a trunk overlying theposterior STG, this region is the most consistently damaged. Wernicke aphasia, on the other hand, might result from injuryto a more distributed system that includes middle temporal, angular, and supramarginal gyri, which are outside the areaof common overlap.

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Wernicke’s aphasia. Henschen was perhaps the firstto seriously test this prediction and offer evidence tothe contrary (Henschen, 1920–1922). In his meticu-lous review of 109 autopsied cases with temporallobe lesions reported in the literature, 19 cases haddamage confined to the left STG. None of thesepatients had the syndrome of Wernicke’s aphasia; 5were reported to have some degree of disturbance inauditory comprehension, but all had intact readingcomprehension and writing. Henschen pointed outthat this pattern was inconsistent with Wernicke’smodel of the STG as a center for language compre-hension and concluded that the STG is involved inperception of spoken sounds.

Some later authors similarly disputed the claimthat lesions restricted to the posterior left STG ever cause Wernicke’s aphasia (Foix, 1928; Mohr et al., 1992), while several others have emphasizedthat large lesions involving the STG, MTG, SMG,and AG are typical (Damasio, 1989; Henschen,1920–1922; Starr, 1889). Nielsen (1938) reviewedseveral cases that purportedly had Wernicke’saphasia from an isolated posterior STG injury. Ofthese, however, most had lesions clearly extendinginto the MTG and the inferior parietal lobe, andseveral cases were most likely caused by hema-tomas, which are known to produce relatively nonlocalized neural dysfunction owing to pressureeffects from the hematoma mass.

Perhaps the best-documented case was Kleist’spatient Papp, who presented with impaired auditorycomprehension and paraphasia (Kleist, 1962).Reading comprehension was, unfortunately, nottested. At autopsy there was a lesion centered in theposterior left STG, with only minimal involvementof the posterior MTG. Unfortunately, there was alsoa large right perisylvian lesion that would, in con-junction with the left STG lesion, explain the caseas one of pure word deafness caused by bilateralSTG lesions. Kleist dismissed the importance of theright hemisphere lesion, however, relating it to theappearance of left hemiparesis well after the onsetof aphasia.

In contrast to this rather scant evidence in supportof the original Wernicke model, many instances of

isolated left STG lesion with completely normalauditory and written comprehension have been documented (Basso, Lecours, Moraschini, &Vanier, 1985; Benson et al., 1973; Boller, 1973;Damasio & Damasio, 1980; Henschen, 1920–1922; Hoeft, 1957; Kleist, 1962; Liepmann & Pappenheim, 1914; Stengel, 1933). Most of thesewere extensive lesions that involved Heschl’s gyrus,the PT, the posterior lateral STG, and underlyingwhite matter. Many of these patients had the syn-drome of conduction aphasia, consisting of para-phasia (with primarily phonemic errors) duringspeech, repetition, and naming; variable degrees ofanomia; and otherwise normal language functions,including normal auditory and reading comprehen-sion. Kleist’s patients are particularly clear exam-ples because of the meticulous detail with whichthey were studied at autopsy (Kleist, 1962). Believ-ing as he did that the posterior left STG (and particularly the PT) was critical for auditory com-prehension, Kleist viewed these patients’ preservedcomprehension as evidence that they must have hadcomprehension functions in the right STG, eventhough two of the three were right-handed. Othershave echoed this view (Boller, 1973), although theexplanation seems quite unlikely given the rarity of aphasic deficits after right hemisphere injury(Faglia, Rottoli, & Vignolo, 1990; Gloning,Gloning, Haub, & Quatember, 1969) and recentfunctional imaging studies showing that right hemi-sphere language dominance is exceedingly rare inhealthy right-handed people (Pujol, Deus, Losilla,& Capdevila, 1999; Springer et al., 1999). Recog-nizing this problem, Benson et al. postulated insteadthat “the right hemisphere can rapidly assume thefunctions of comprehension after destruction of theWernicke area” despite the fact that “comprehen-sion of spoken language was always at a high level”in their patient with left posterior STG infarction(Benson et al., 1973, pp. 344–345).

A review of Kleist’s patients, however, suggestsanother, much simpler explanation. The autopsyfigures and brief clinical descriptions provided by Kleist make it clear that the patients’ compre-hension deficits tended to increase as the lesion

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extended beyond the STG, either ventrally into theMTG or posteriorly into the AG. Subsequent CTcorrelation studies provide other evidence for a critical role of the MTG and AG in auditory comprehension. Investigators in these studies rated the degree of damage in selected brain regions and correlated this information with patterns ofrecovery.

Several studies showed a correspondence be-tween poor recovery of auditory comprehension and greater damage to the MTG, the AG, or both(Dronkers, Redfern, & Ludy, 1995; Kertesz et al.,1993; Naeser et al., 1987; Selnes et al., 1983). Totalinfarct size was predictive of both degree of recov-ery and initial severity (Kertesz et al., 1993; Naeseret al., 1987; Selnes et al., 1983; Selnes et al., 1984).Moreover, even extensive damage to the STG didnot preclude a good recovery in some patients(Kertesz et al., 1993; Naeser et al., 1987; Selnes etal., 1984). One interpretation of these findings isthat they indicate a reorganization process by whichneighboring regions take over functions originallyperformed by the STG (Kertesz et al., 1993). On the other hand, Dronkers et al. (1995) presented evidence that patients with lesions centered in theMTG have more lasting deficits, even when theSTG is relatively spared, implying a primary rather than a secondary role for the MTG in comprehension.

Given the lack of reported cases with compre-hension deficits from isolated STG damage, a par-simonious account of these data is that the MTG and other areas surrounding the STG play a morecritical role in auditory comprehension than theSTG does itself, and that both initial severity anddegree of recovery are determined by the extent of acute dysfunction in these neighboring regions.In general, the data suggest that lesions centered inthe STG tend to produce either no comprehensiondisturbance or a transient deficit that improves,whereas MTG and AG lesions tend to produce a more permanent deficit, with or without STGinvolvement.

Further supporting this model is evidence that theMTG and more ventral areas of the left temporal

lobe play a critical role in accessing and storingsemantic representations. For example, the syn-drome of transcortical sensory aphasia, which ischaracterized by impairments of spoken and writtenlanguage comprehension without phonemic para-phasia, has been consistently linked to lesions in the ventral and ventrolateral temporal lobe thatinvolve the fusiform gyrus and the ITG, and to posterior convexity lesions that involve the posterior MTG and the temporo-occipital junc-tion (Alexander, Hiltbrunner, & Fischer, 1989;Damasio, 1989; Kertesz, Sheppard, & MacKenzie,1982; Rapcsak & Rubens, 1994).

Many aphasic patients (most of whom fit theclassic syndromes of anomic aphasia or transcorti-cal sensory aphasia) have now been described whoshow comprehension or naming deficits that are relatively restricted to particular object categories(Forde & Humphreys, 1999). Such patients maymake more errors with living than nonliving items,more errors with animals than tools, more errorswith fruits and vegetables than other objects, and soon. The category-specific nature of these deficitssuggests damage at the level of semantic repre-sentations, and nearly all the cases have been associated with lesions involving left temporal lobe regions outside the STG. Perhaps the first suchpatient was Nielsen’s case, C.H.C., who developedsevere impairment of auditory comprehension after focal infarction of the left MTG and ITG(Nielsen, 1946). C.H.C. had marked anomia, butwas able to recognize and name living things muchbetter than nonliving objects. Similar cases havebeen associated with focal infarctions of the leftMTG or ITG (Hart & Gordon, 1990; Hillis & Caramazza, 1991) or with herpes encephalitis that caused anterior ventral temporal lobe damage(Laiacona, Capitani, & Barbarotto, 1997; Silveri &Gainotti, 1988; Sirigu, Duhamel, & Poncet, 1991; Warrington & Shallice, 1984).

Other evidence for the importance of the left MTGin semantic processing comes from a report byChertkow and colleagues (Chertkow, Bub, Deaudon,& Whitehead, 1997), who studied eight aphasicpatients with comprehension deficits following

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posterior perisylvian lesions (two Wernicke’saphasia, six global aphasia). Five of the patientsshowed comprehension deficits in associativematching tasks, even when the test materials con-sisted entirely of pictures, which suggested damageto semantic information stores. In these patients, thelesions extended further ventrally than in the otherthree patients, with the largest area of overlap in themiddle and posterior MTG.

Finally, several studies show that aphasic patientswho make primarily semantic paraphasias have lesions restricted to ventral temporal regions, particularly the posterior MTG and ITG (Cappa,Cavallotti, & Vignolo, 1981; Gainotti, Silveri, &Villa, 1986). In contrast, patients who make pri-marily phonemic paraphasias have posterior STG,insula, or inferior parietal lesions (Benson et al.,1973; Cappa et al., 1981; Damasio & Damasio,1980; Palumbo, Alexander, & Naeser, 1992). Asimilar dorsal-ventral dissociation between areasassociated with phonemic and semantic paraphasiahas been observed during electrical interferencestimulation studies (Ojemann, 1983).

Some authors have disputed the importance ofthe left MTG in word comprehension. In particu-lar, a case reported by Pick in 1909 (Pick, 1909) and later cited by Nielsen and others (Henschen,1920–1922; Hickok & Poeppel, 2000; Nielsen,1946) has been used as evidence to the contrary. Atautopsy the patient had cysts in the white matter ofboth temporal lobes, the remnants of intracerebralhemorrhages, which affected much of the middleportion of the MTG bilaterally, and on the left alsoinvolved the white matter of the posterior MTG,portions of the STG, and a small amount of theangular gyrus. The patient was apparently able tounderstand spoken words, although his own speechwas paraphasic and unintelligible, consisting of“disconnected nonsense,” and he was completelyunable to write. The case provides some negativeevidence, although this is tempered by the know-ledge that subcortical hematomas are known toproduce rather unpredictable deficits relative to cor-tical lesions, and by the fact that the patient was notexamined until 3 weeks after the onset of the stroke,

during which time considerable recovery may haveoccurred.

Against this single case are several examples,from the same time period, of patients with smallleft MTG cortical lesions who showed profoundcomprehension disturbances (Henschen, 1920–1922). The patient of Hammond, for example, hadcomplete loss of comprehension for spoken andwritten material as a result of a focal lesion that in-volved the midportion of the left MTG (Hammond,1900). Nielsen’s patient, C.H.C., who developedsevere comprehension disturbance after a posteriorMTG and ITG lesion, has already been mentioned(Nielsen, 1946). Although ischemic lesions re-stricted to the MTG are rather rare owing to theanatomical characteristics of the vascular supply,the modern literature also contains several examples(Chertkow et al., 1997; Dronkers et al., 1995; Hart & Gordon, 1990). These patients uniformlydemonstrated deficits in spoken and written wordcomprehension.

If the STG and PT do not play a primary role inlanguage comprehension, damage to these regionsalmost certainly contributes to the paraphasic com-ponent of Wernicke’s aphasia. As noted earlier, iso-lated posterior STG lesions have frequently beenobserved in association with phonemic paraphasia(Benson et al., 1973; Damasio & Damasio, 1980;Kleist, 1962; Liepmann & Pappenheim, 1914), ashave lesions in nearby posterior perisylvian areasalso frequently damaged in Wernicke’s aphasia,such as the SMG and posterior insula (Benson et al.,1973; Damasio & Damasio, 1980; Palumbo et al.,1992). This functional–anatomical correlation hasbeen further corroborated by cortical stimulationstudies demonstrating the appearance of phonemicparaphasia and other speech errors during electricalinterference stimulation of the posterior STG(Anderson et al., 1999; Quigg & Fountain, 1999). It thus appears that the posterior STG (including the PT), the SMG, and the posterior insula play a critical role in the selection and production ofordered phoneme sequences. In addition to theselection of output phonemes, this complex pro-cess requires mapping from output phoneme to

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articulatory codes, sensory feedback mechanismsthat help guide movements of the vocal tract, andshort-term memory mechanisms for maintaining aphoneme sequence as it is being produced (Caplan& Waters, 1992).

To summarize some of this extensive material,there seems to be little evidence that lesions of theSTG and/or PT produce the profound, multimodalcomprehension disturbance typical of Wernicke’saphasia, but such lesions do regularly cause para-phasic production, particularly phonemic parapha-sia. In contrast to the effects of isolated STG lesions,lesions in more ventral areas of the temporal lobeand in the angular gyrus may produce profound disturbances in comprehension. The clear doubledissociation between phonemic paraphasia andcomprehension impairment observed in patientswith posterior STG lesions and in patients withlesions beyond the STG, respectively, is strong evi-dence that these two components of Wernicke’saphasia syndrome have no necessary functional oranatomical link. Their co-occurrence in Wernicke’saphasia, according to the model being developedhere, results from the fact that the typical lesion in Wernicke’s aphasia includes the STG but spreads beyond it into surrounding areas ventral and posterior to the STG that are critical for word comprehension.

As discussed earlier, patients with fluent aphasiado not always have equivalent impairment in com-prehending spoken and written words. This is to be expected given the very different pathways tosemantic representations that are engaged as a resultof phonemic versus graphemic input. The availableanatomical data suggest that patients with relativelyworse speech comprehension and better readingcomprehension characteristically have lesions in theleft temporal lobe (Hier & Mohr, 1977; Hillis et al.,1999; Ingles et al., 1996; Kirschner et al., 1981;Roeltgen, Sevush, & Heilman, 1983). It is impor-tant to note that when the lesions are unilateral, thedeficits nearly always involve both modalities, i.e.,the differences between spoken and written com-prehension are relative rather than absolute. Rela-tive sparing of reading comprehension seems to be

most pronounced when the lesion is restricted to thedorsal temporal lobe, involving only the STG andMTG (Kirschner et al., 1981), or to the anterioraspect of the temporal lobe.

The patient of Hillis et al. (1999), who presentedwith speech comprehension deficit and phonemicparaphasia after a small hemorrhage in the posteriorleft sylvian fissure, is an extreme example in thatreading comprehension (as assessed by word–picture matching and synonym matching) wasentirely normal. This patient, however, had ence-phalomalacia in the contralateral anterior perisyl-vian region, the result of a previous meningiomaresection, and so probably had disturbed speechcomprehension as a result of bilateral superior temporal lobe damage, as occurs in the syndrome of pure word deafness (Barrett, 1910; Buchman,Garron, Trost-Cardamone, Wichter, & Schwartz,1986; Goldstein, 1974; Henschen, 1918–1919;Tanaka, Yamadori, & Mori, 1987).

Two similar recent cases are well documented,both of whom had severe disturbance of speechcomprehension, phonemic paraphasia, sparing ofreading comprehension, and bilateral perisylvianlesions sparing the MTG and more ventral temporalareas (Marshall et al., 1985; Semenza et al., 1992).It is notable that the patient of Semenza et al. presented with language deficits only after a righthemisphere lesion, an earlier left unilateral lesionhaving caused no comprehension or productiondeficits. These three patients are by no meansunique: many, if not most, of the reported cases ofpure word deafness from bilateral superior tempo-ral lesions also had varying degrees of phonemicparaphasia, sometimes with mild anomia (Buchmanet al., 1986; Goldstein, 1974).

Thus there appear to be two distinct syndromesof preserved comprehension for written over spokenlanguage. In cases with multimodal deficits and relative sparing of reading, the lesion is unilateraland affects multiple regions in the left temporallobe. This lesion damages some part of the pathwayleading from input phoneme representations tosemantics, with relatively less involvement of thegrapheme-to-semantics pathway. In patients with

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complete sparing of reading comprehension, thelesion affects the STG bilaterally, affecting only thephoneme pathway. The complete sparing of readingcomprehension in the latter syndrome suggests thatthe functional impairment lies at a relatively earlystage in the phoneme-to-semantics pathway, such asat the input phoneme level or its connections to theintermediate level (Hillis et al., 1999). The anatom-ical data, then, suggest that this early component isbilaterally organized in the STG, in contrast to latercomponents of the phoneme-to-semantics pathway,such as the intermediate level or its connections to the semantic level, which are more unilaterallyrepresented and partially overlap the grapheme-to-semantics pathway.

Patients with this auditory variant of Wernickeaphasia also have relatively greater impairment of speech production compared with writing (Hier& Mohr, 1977; Hillis et al., 1999; Kirschner et al.,1981; Marshall et al., 1985; Roeltgen et al., 1983;Semenza et al., 1992). In keeping with the studiescited previously, the mix of speech errors dependson the location of the lesion along the dorsal-ventralaxis of the temporal lobe. Lesions involving ventraltemporal regions produce empty speech with fewphonemic errors (Hier & Mohr, 1977), while tem-poral lobe lesions confined to the STG or involvingthe STG and SMG produce marked phonemic para-phasia with frequent neologisms (Hillis et al., 1999;Semenza et al., 1992). Naming errors consist pri-marily of omissions (inability to produce a word) in the larger lesions and phonemic paraphasia orneologism in the STG and SMG cases. Analogousto reading comprehension, writing performance inthese patients is impaired but relatively better thanspeaking if the lesion is large (Hier & Mohr, 1977;Kirschner et al., 1981; Roeltgen et al., 1983) and isalmost completely preserved if the lesion is con-fined to the STG and SMG (Hillis et al., 1999; Marshall et al., 1985; Semenza et al., 1992). Thesedata indicate that, as with the input pathways, thephoneme and grapheme production pathways are to some extent functionally and anatomically inde-pendent. In particular, the phoneme output pathwayis strongly associated with the left STG and SMG,

which appear not to be involved much at all in the grapheme ouput pathway. Although large lefttemporal lobe lesions produce impairments in both modalities, writing production is relatively less dependent on the temporal lobe than is speechproduction.

The converse syndrome involves relative im-pairment of reading comprehension and writingcompared with speech comprehension. Evidenceexists in the early aphasia literature (Déjerine, 1892; Henschen, 1920–1922; Nielsen, 1946) as well as inmore recent studies (Basso, Taborelli, & Vignolo,1978; Kirschner & Webb, 1982) localizing this syn-drome to the posterior parietal lobe or parietotem-poro-occipital junction, including the angular gyrus.Such cases further illustrate the relative independ-ence of grapheme input from phoneme input path-ways as well as writing from speech productionmechanisms.

It should be noted that cases exist of patients withspeech comprehension deficits from lesions in thevicinity of the angular gyrus (Chertkow et al., 1997;Henschen, 1920–1922), so it remains unclear whysome patients with lesions in this region have re-latively preserved speech comprehension. It may be that speech comprehension is more likely to bepreserved as the lesion focus moves posteriorly in the parietal lobe, or that the variability from caseto case merely reflects individual variability in thefunctional anatomy of this region. The patientsdescribed by Kirschner and Webb (1982) are some-what intermediate in this regard, in that they pre-sented initially with speech comprehension deficitsthat later cleared, leaving predominantly readingcomprehension and writing impairments. Thesepatients also showed persistent paraphasic errors in speech, as well as naming difficulty, promptingKirschner and Webb to classify them as atypicalcases of Wernicke’s aphasia rather than “alexia withagraphia.”

From the point of view of the model developedhere, the paraphasic speech of the patients describedby Kirschner and Webb can be attributed to involve-ment of the posterior STG and/or the SMG, whichwas documented in two of the three cases (the third

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patient was not scanned). Thus, the co-occurrenceof alexia, agraphia, and paraphasic speech in thesepatients may simply reflect the anatomical pro-ximity of the angular gyrus, which appears to becritical to both the grapheme-to-semantics path-way activated during reading and the semantics-to-grapheme pathway activated during writing, to the output phoneme pathway in the STG andSMG.

More detailed studies of agraphia have uncoveredpatients in whom there appear to be writing deficitsrelated specifically to damage in the phoneme-to-grapheme pathway. This syndrome, known asphonological agraphia, is characterized by parti-cular difficulty writing or spelling nonwords (e.g.,slithy) compared with real words. The spelling ofnonwords is thought to depend particularly on adirect translation from output phonemes to outputgraphemes because these items have no representa-tion at the semantic level. The spelling of actualwords, in contrast, can be accomplished by eitherthe phoneme-to-grapheme pathway or by a lessdirect phoneme-to-semantic-to-grapheme route.

One functional lesion that could produce phono-logical agraphia would be damage to the outputphoneme level, which would be expected to pro-duce co-occurring phonemic paraphasia. This pre-diction is well supported by the available lesiondata, which show that most patients with phono-logical agraphia have SMG lesions, often withaccompanying posterior STG damage, and are also severely paraphasic (Alexander, Friedman,Loverso, & Fischer, 1992; Roeltgen et al., 1983).The phoneme-to-grapheme mapping process iscertain to be rather complex, however, probablyinvolving an intermediate representational level aswell as short-term memory systems to keep both thephoneme string and the grapheme string availablewhile the writing process unfolds. At present it isunclear precisely which process or combination ofprocesses is impaired by the posterior perisylvianlesions producing phonological agraphia.

Figure 9.10 summarizes some of the functional–anatomical correlations observed in patients withlateral convexity temporal and/or parietal lobelesions. Such correlations can only be approximate

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Figure 9.10Summary of some lesion-deficit correlations in fluent aphasia. The figures are approximations only and represent theauthor’s interpretation of a large body of published data. (A) Patterns of paraphasia. Triangles mark areas in which damageproduces phonemic errors, and circles mark areas associated with verbal errors. (B) Comprehension deficits. Trianglesindicate regions in which bilateral lesions cause an auditory verbal comprehension deficit without impairment of readingcomprehension. Squares indicate regions associated with auditory verbal deficit, and circles indicate areas associated withimpaired reading comprehension. Auditory verbal and reading areas overlap through much of the posterior temporal lobeand segregate to some degree in anterior temporal and posterior parietal regions.

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owing to the great variability present in naturallyoccurring lesions, the often incomplete anatomi-cal and/or behavioral descriptions of the data, andthe underlying intersubject variability in functionalorganization. Clinical signs also depend greatly onthe amount of time elapsed since the initial injury.As mentioned, for example, the mixture of phone-mic and verbal paraphasias observed in Wernickeaphasia evolves to some extent over time, so part Aof the figure is nothing more than a general outline.Other data concerning the functional anatomy ofWernicke’s aphasia and related syndromes comefrom functional neuroimaging studies of normallanguage processing, which are summarized in thenext section.

Functional Neuroimaging Studies

As should be clear from the previous section, studiesof lesion location are performed with two generalaims in mind. The first of these is the more modest:to describe the lesion that produces a clinical syn-drome. Like the other aphasias, Wernicke aphasiacan be viewed simply as a syndrome—a collectionof deficits that tend to occur together—withoutreference to an underlying theoretical model of how damage produces the syndrome. Researchalong these lines has focused, for example, on defin-ing the average lesion characteristics associated withthe syndrome and how variations from the average are associated with variations in the syndrome. The second aim, a natural outgrowth of the first,involves formulation and testing of an underlyingprocessing model that describes the functional roleof each brain region involved in the lesion area. Such models are interesting in their own right and,more important, can lead to a deeper understand-ing of the syndrome, permitting predictions to bemade about the location of a lesion in newly en-countered patients, factors that produce variations in the syndrome, and the manner and time course ofrecovery.

Although much has been learned about underly-ing brain processes from studying lesions, thisapproach also has important limitations. The overall

size and exact location of lesions vary considerablyacross individuals, creating a large number of le-sion variables that may or may not be related to thebehavioral deficits. As noted earlier, commonlyshared features of the vascular supply result in areasof lesion overlap across subjects, independently ofany shared deficits. The detection of deficits varieswith the method and timing of testing, and with thea priori aims of the researcher. Finally, damage toone subsystem in a distributed processing networkmay interfere with a wide assortment of behaviors,leading to overlocalization through false attributionof these behaviors to the lesioned area.

Functional imaging of intact human brains provides useful complementary information for the development of neuroanatomically oriented pro-cessing models. In contrast to lesion techniques,these methods provide a picture of the full, intactsystem at work. By experimentally manipulatingaspects of the task performed during scanning andrecording the regional changes in activation corre-lated with these manipulations, inferences can bemade about the processes carried out in each brainregion. By integrating this information with thatobtained from lesion studies, it is hoped that a morecomplete and explicit theory will emerge to accountfor how damage in specific regions or combinationsof regions leads to specific deficits. This sectionpresents a brief overview of PET and fMRI studiesof speech and language processing that are relevantto an account of Wernicke aphasia. Where possible,the data are compared and contrasted with informa-tion from lesion-deficit correlation studies.

Perception of Speech Sounds

Many PET and functional MRI (fMRI) studies havefocused on the neural basis of processing speechsounds. In most such studies, brain activation stateswere measured during the presentation of speechsounds in contrast to no sounds, a comparison thatconsistently and robustly activates the STG bilater-ally (Binder et al., 2000; Binder et al., 1994b;Dhankhar et al., 1997; Fiez, Raichle, Balota, Tallal,& Petersen, 1996a; Fiez et al., 1995; Hirano et al.,1997; Howard et al., 1992; Jäncke, Shah, Posse,

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Grosse-Ryuken, & Müller-Gärtner, 1998; Mazoyeret al., 1993; O’Leary et al., 1996; Petersen, Fox,Posner, Mintun, & Raichle, 1988; Price et al.,1996b; Warburton et al., 1996; Wise et al., 1991).The stimuli used in these experiments included syllables, single words, pseudowords, reversedspeech, foreign words, and sentences. Activatedareas included Heschl’s gyrus, the PT, the dorsalSTG anterior to HG (the planum polare and thedorsal temporal pole), the lateral STG, and the supe-rior temporal sulcus. These results fit very well inthe long tradition linking speech comprehensionwith the STG, and many investigators have simplyviewed these experiments as revealing activation of“Wernicke’s area.”

What has sometimes been forgotten in interpret-ing such results is that speech is a very complex and nuanced acoustic signal, containing a variety ofsimultaneous and sequential auditory patterns thatmust be analyzed prior to phoneme or word re-cognition (Klatt, 1989; Liberman et al., 1967; Oden& Massaro, 1978; Stevens & Blumstein, 1981).These auditory operations include not only the well-known spectral analysis performed by thecochlea and reflected in tonotopic organization ofthe primary auditory cortex, but also analysis ofstatic spectral shapes and changes in spectral configurations over time, and analysis of tem-poral asynchronies (see the section on comprehen-sion disturbance). The possibility that considerableneural activity might be required for analysis ofthese acoustic features has often been overlooked in neuroimaging studies of speech perception,although such neural activity could explain much ofthe STG activation observed in such studies. Moreimportant, it seems likely that such prephonemicauditory analysis constitutes an important and con-ceptually distinct processing level between primaryauditory and word recognition levels. A proposal ofthis kind was first put forward clearly by Henschenin 1918, although he has received almost no creditfor it.6

In addition to these purely theoretical concerns,there are aspects of the STG activation results them-selves that suggest a prelinguistic, auditory basis

for at least some of the activation. For example,although language functions are believed to be lateralized to the left hemisphere in most people,STG activation by speech sounds occurs bilaterally.Many investigators reported no asymmetry in thedegree of left versus right STG activation (Fiez et al., 1995; Hirano et al., 1997; Howard et al., 1992; Jäncke et al., 1998; O’Leary et al., 1996; Warburton et al., 1996; Wise et al., 1991). Othersfound slightly stronger activation on the left side,although the degree of asymmetry was small(Binder et al., 2000; Mazoyer et al., 1993). Many of the studies examined only passive listening,which might not be expected to fully engage the language system and therefore might explain thelack of leftward lateralization. However, in severalstudies, adding a language task did not producegreater asymmetry than passive listening (Fiez et al., 1995; Grady et al., 1997; Wise et al., 1991).

The consistent finding of bilateral, symmetricalactivation is consistent with an account based ongeneral auditory processing, which would be ex-pected to occur bilaterally. Another observationconsistent with this view is that the degree of STG activation is very closely correlated with theamount of auditory information presented, i.e., thenumber of sounds presented per unit of time (Binderet al., 1994a; Dhankhar et al., 1997; Mummery, Ashburner, Scott, & Wise, 1999; Price et al., 1992;Price et al., 1996b; Wise et al., 1991) and is usuallyneglible during silent language tasks involvingpurely visual stimulation (e.g., silent word reading)(Howard et al., 1992; Petersen et al., 1988; Price et al., 1994; Rumsey et al., 1997).

Finally, anatomical studies (Flechsig, 1908; Galaburda & Pandya, 1983; Jones & Burton, 1976;Kaas & Hackett, 1998; Mesulam & Pandya, 1973;Rademacher et al., 1993; von Economo & Horn,1930) and electrophysiological data from humanand nonhuman primates (Baylis et al., 1987;Creutzfeld et al., 1989; Leinonen et al., 1980; Liègeois-Chauvel et al., 1991; Merzenich & Brugge,1973; Morel et al., 1993; Rauschecker, 1998) areconsistent with a unimodal, auditory processing role for most of the STG, particularly the dorsal (HG

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and PT) and lateral aspects of the gyrus. Theseobservations suggest that much of the STG activa-tion observed during auditory presentation of speecharises from processing the complex auditory infor-mation present in these stimuli rather than fromengagement of linguistic (phonemic, lexical, orsemantic) processes.

In an effort to directly assess the contribution ofearly auditory processes to STG activation, severalresearch groups have compared activation of theSTG by speech sounds with activation by simpler,nonspeech sounds such as noise and tones. Theseexperiments included both passive listening andactive, target detection tasks. The consistent find-ing is that speech and nonspeech sounds produceroughly equivalent activation of the dorsal STG,including HG and PT, in both hemispheres (Belin, Zatorre, Lafaille, Ahad, & Pike, 2000;Binder et al., 2000; Binder et al., 1997; Binder et al., 1996; Démonet et al., 1992; Mummery et al.,1999; Zatorre, Evans, Meyer, & Gjedde, 1992).Indeed, in several studies, tones produced stronger

activation of the PT than speech sounds, particularlywhen active decision tasks were performed (Binderet al., 1997; Binder et al., 1996; Démonet et al.,1992). These data strongly support the idea thatneural activity in the dorsal STG (HG and PT) hasmore to do with processing acoustic informationthan linguistic information. Confirmatory supportcomes from a recent fMRI study of acoustic com-plexity, in which it was shown that the PT respondsmore strongly to frequency-modulated tones than to unorganized noise, suggesting that this regionplays a role in the analysis of temporally organizedacoustic patterns (Binder et al., 2000).

In contrast to these findings for the dorsal STG,more ventral areas, located on the anterolateral STGand within the adjacent superior temporal sulcus,are preferentially activated by speech sounds (figure9.11). Although bilateral, this activation shows amodest degree of leftward lateralization (Binder etal., 2000; Binder et al., 1997; Démonet et al., 1992;Mummery et al., 1999; Zatorre et al., 1992). The rel-atively anterior and ventral location of this “speech

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Figure 9.11Brain locations associated with stronger activation to speech sounds than to non-speech sounds (tones or noise) in fiveimaging studies (Binder, Frost, Hammeke, Bellgowan, Springer, Kaufman, Possing, 2000; Binder, Frost, Hammeke, Cox,Rao, Prieto, 1997; Demonet et al., 1992; Mummery, Ashbumer, Scott, & Wise, 1999; Zatorre, Evans, Meyer, & Gjedde,1992). The squares represent activation peaks in standard stereotaxic space. The anterior-posterior (y) and inferior-superior (z) axes of the stereotaxic grid are shown with tick marks at 20-mm intervals. All left and right peaks have beencollapsed onto common left and right sagittal planes at x = ±55.

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sound region” was initially surprising given the traditional emphasis on the PT and posterior STGas centers for speech comprehension. In contrast to this traditional model, the functional imagingdata thus suggest that projections from primary tosecondary auditory cortex enabling speech recogni-tion follow an anteroventral rather than a poster-ior course. Recent anatomical studies in monkeysprovide further support for this model by showingtwo distinct projection systems within the auditorysystem, one anteriorly directed and presumably sup-porting the recognition of complex sounds, and theother posteriorly directed and presumably involvedin sound localization (Romanski et al., 1999). Alsoof note, the STS location of these speech sound-processing areas neatly explains several previouslydocumented cases of pure word deafness in whichthe lesion involved the STS bilaterally whilesparing the dorsal STG (Barrett, 1910; Henschen,1918–1919).

The nature of the processes carried out by thisspeech sound region, however, remains somewhatuncertain. The fact that speech sounds activate theregion more than tones or noise does not necessar-ily mean that this activation is related to languageprocessing. Because the tone and noise stimuli usedin these studies were much less complex from an acoustic standpoint than the speech stimuli, itmay be that the increased activation for speechsounds simply represents a more complex level ofauditory pattern analysis. This is underscored by the fact that stronger activation is observed in theSTS for speech sounds irrespective of whether thesounds are words or nonwords (Binder et al., 2000;Démonet et al., 1992). In fact, activation in thisregion is not even different for speech and reversedspeech (Binder et al., 2000; Dehaene et al., 1997;Hirano et al., 1997; Perani et al., 1996; Price et al.,1996b). Scott et al. addressed this issue by con-trasting speech sounds with spectrally rotatedspeech (Scott, Blank, Rosen, & Wise, 2000). Thelatter is produced by inverting speech sounds in thefrequency domain, thus maintaining their acousticcomplexity but rendering the original phonemesmostly unintelligible (Blesser, 1972). The results

show what appears to be a further subdivisionwithin the speech sound region. On the lateral STG,anterolateral to the primary auditory cortex, the re-sponses were as strong for spectrally rotated speechas for normal speech, suggesting processing at anauditory level. Further ventrally, in the STS, theresponses were stronger for speech than for spec-trally rotated speech, suggesting neural activityrelated to phoneme recognition.

These findings indicate the existence of a hierar-chical processing stream concerned with speechperception that is composed of at least three stageslocated within the STG and STS. In accord withanatomical and neurophysiological studies of the auditory cortex, the earliest stage involves sensory processors located in primary and belt auditory regions on the superior temporal plane,including the PT, which respond to relatively simplefrequency and intensity information (Galaburda & Pandya, 1983; Mendelson & Cynader, 1985;Merzenich & Brugge, 1973; Morel et al., 1993;Phillips & Irvine, 1981; Rauschecker, Tian, Pons, & Mishkin, 1997). Further anterolaterally, on thelateral surface of the STG, are areas that respond to more complex and combinatorial acoustic phe-nomena, such as configurations of spectral peaksand dynamic spectral and intensity modulations(Rauschecker, 1998; Rauschecker et al., 1997; Tian,Reser, Durham, Kustov, & Rauschecker, 2001). Still further ventrally, within the STS, are corticalregions that appear to respond selectively in thepresence of intelligible phonemes (Scott et al.,2000). The anterior and ventral course of this pro-cessing stream has been remarked on already.

What is perhaps most strikingly different aboutthis model in comparison with the conventionalview of Wernicke’s area, however, is that none ofthese processing stages involve access to words or word meanings. That is, all of the processes sofar discussed pertain specifically to recognition ofspeech sounds rather than comprehension of words.This model thus agrees well with neurolinguisticdescriptions of patients with pure word deafnesswho have bilateral lesions in the STG and/or theSTS. These patients have disturbed perception of

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speech phonemes, but do not have difficulty com-prehending word meaning (when tested with visu-ally presented words) or accessing words duringspeech production.

Processing Word Forms

According to the processing model described ear-lier and illustrated in schematic form in figure 9.2,comprehension of heard or seen words requiresmapping from unimodal sensory representations,such as phonemes or graphemes, to semantic repre-sentations. As discussed at points throughout thischapter and illustrated in figure 9.3, the arbitraryand nonlinear nature of these mappings suggests the need for intermediate processing levels that rep-resent combinations of phonemes or graphemes.Theories that envision these combinatorial repre-sentations as localized and equivalent to wholewords describe them as the “phonological lexicon”and “orthographic lexicon.”

In other theories, intermediate levels representphoneme and letter combinations in a distributedmanner with no one-to-one relationship betweenwords and representational units. Common to bothof these theoretical positions is the idea that theintermediate levels enable mapping from phonemeor grapheme information to semantics, and that theintermediate levels represent information pertainingto the (phonological or orthographic) structure ofwords. The neutral expression “word-form process-ing” captures these commonalities and so will beused to refer to intermediate levels of processing.

Many functional imaging studies have addressedword-form processing using either spoken or printedstimuli. The studies summarized here are those inwhich brain activation from word or wordlikestimuli was compared with activation from stimulithat were not wordlike. One issue complicating theinterpretation of these data is that stimuli can havevarying degrees of “wordlikeness” (reflecting, forexample, such factors as the frequency of letter com-binations, number of orthographic or phonologicalneighbors, frequency of neighbors, and pronounce-ability), and many imaging studies do not incorpo-

rate any clear metric for this crucial variable. For themost part, however, the contrasting conditions inthese studies have involved extremely differentstimuli in order to create clear distinctions betweenstimuli with or without word form.

Another issue complicating many of these ex-periments is that activation of word-form informa-tion may be accompanied by activation of semanticinformation, particularly when real words are usedas stimuli and when subjects are encouraged toprocess the words for meaning. To avoid this con-found, the following discussion focuses on studiesin which either (1) stimuli used in the word-formcondition were wordlike but were not real words(i.e., were pseudowords), or (2) semantic process-ing requirements were matched in the word-formand baseline tasks.

In phonological word-form studies, the usualcontrast is between spoken words and reversedwords (i.e., recordings of spoken words playedbackward). Although reversed playback of spokenwords makes them unrecognizeable as meaningfulwords, this manipulation does not completely re-move phonological structure since subjects reliablyreport phonemes on hearing such stimuli and thereis even a degree of consistency across subjects inthe particular phoneme sequences heard (Binder et al., 2000). Indeed, several studies have shown no differences in brain activation by words andreversed words (Binder et al., 2000; Hirano et al.,1997). Other investigators, however, have observedactivation differences favoring words (Howard et al., 1992; Perani et al., 1996; Price et al., 1996b).The peak activation foci observed in these wordversus reversed speech contrasts are distinctly sep-arate from those in the STG and STS describedearlier in association with speech versus nonspeechcontrasts. As shown in figure 9.12, the word versusreversed speech peak activations lie in the middletemporal and posterior inferior temporal gyri, areas adjacent to but distinct from the superior temporal auditory cortex. Unlike the speech soundactivations observed in the STG and STS, activa-tion in these areas is strongly lateralized to the lefthemisphere.

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In orthographic word-form studies, the usual con-trast is between words or pseudowords (pronounce-able nonwords that look like words, e.g., tweal) and consonant letter strings (Bavelier et al., 1997;Herbster, Mintun, Nebes, & Becker, 1997; Howardet al., 1992; Indefrey et al., 1997; Petersen, Fox,Snyder, & Raichle, 1990; Price et al., 1994; Price,Wise, & Frackowiak, 1996c; Small et al., 1996;Tagamets, Novick, Chalmers, & Friedman, 2000).Consonant strings (e.g., mpfjc) differ from wordlikestimuli in two ways. First, they tend to contain lettercombinations that do not occur or occur only in-frequently in the language (e.g., mp at the initialposition or jc at the final position of mpfjc). Thesestimuli thus do not have a familiar orthographic

structure and presumably produce only weak acti-vation at the orthographic word-form level. Second,consonant strings in English are typically un-pronounceable (except by an effortful insertion ofschwa sounds between consonants) and should thusproduce only weak activation of phonological wordform and output phoneme representations. Thesetwo factors are, of course, inextricably linked tosome degree. Because of the quasi-regular relation-ship between graphemes and phonemes, increas-ing the degree of orthographic structure tends to increase the degree of phonological structure,leading to increased pronounceability.

As shown in figure 9.12, the peak activation fociin studies contrasting orthographically wordlike

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Orthographic Word Form

Phonologic Word Form

Speech > Nonspeech

All Word Form

Figure 9.12Activation sites associated with word-form processing, almost all of which have been found in the left hemisphere. Thetop panel shows left hemisphere activation peaks from seven word form experiments (Perani, Dehaene, Grassi, Cohen,Cappa, Dupouz, Fazio, Mehler, 1996; Price, Wise, Warburton et al., 1996; Price et al., 1994; Price, Wise, & Frackowiak,1996; Tagamets, Novick, Chalmers, & Friedman, 2000). The bottom panel illustrates segregation of these word-form activation foci (circles) from speech perception areas (squares); the latter are also found in the right hemisphere (see figure 9.11).

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stimuli with consonant strings have tended to clu-ster in the posterior MTG, the posterior STS, andthe posterior ITG (Bavelier et al., 1997; Herbster et al., 1997; Howard et al., 1992; Indefrey et al.,1997; Price et al., 1994; Price et al., 1996c; Smallet al., 1996; Tagamets et al., 2000). Similar activa-tion peaks were observed in these studies whetherthe word-form stimuli used were real words ormeaningless pseudowords, a finding that lends credence to the notion that the processing level orlevels being identified are presemantic in nature.Like the activation sites observed in spoken word-form studies, these foci have almost all been in theleft hemisphere.

One striking aspect of these results is the consid-erable overlap between regions identified in spokenand printed word-form studies (figure 9.12). Thissuggests that the phonological word-form systemused to map input phonemes to semantics and theorthographic word-form system used to map inputgraphemes to semantics are at least partially over-lapping in the posterior MTG and ITG. Anotherpossible explanation for this overlap is that both thespoken and written word-form conditions activaterepresentations of output phonemes. These repre-sentations are activated explicitly in tasks requiringthe repetition of heard speech or reading aloud oforthographic stimuli, but are probably also engagedautomatically whenever the brain is presented withstimuli that have a phonological structure (Macleod,1991; Van Orden, 1987). Thus, some of the overlapin figure 9.12 could be due to activation of outputphoneme representations or intermediate levels thatlead to output phonemes.

Semantic Processing

Semantic processes are those concerned withstoring, retrieving, and using knowledge about theworld, and are a key component of such ubiquit-ous behaviors as naming, comprehending and for-mulating language, problem solving, planning, andthinking. Our focus here is on tasks involving comprehension of word meaning. As should beclear by now, understanding the meaning of words

is a complex process that engages multiple repre-sentational stages and nonlinear transformations.The following review summarizes functionalimaging studies that attempted to isolate the finalstage of this processing sequence, in which seman-tic representations are activated (Binder et al., 1999; Chee, O’Craven, Bergida, Rosen, & Savoy,1999; Démonet et al., 1992; Mummery, Patterson,Hodges, & Price, 1998; Poldrack et al., 1999; Price,Moore, Humphreys, & Wise, 1997; Pugh et al.,1996). The semantic tasks used in these studiesrequired that meaning-based judgments be madeabout words. These tasks included deciding if aword represented a concept from a particular cat-egory (e.g., living or nonliving, foreign or domes-tic, and abstract or concrete), deciding whether twowords were related in meaning, or deciding whichof two words was closer in meaning to a third word.

The identification of brain activation related tosemantic access during such tasks requires the samesort of subtraction strategy employed in the speechperception and word-form experiments just re-viewed. For tasks engaging semantic access, theappropriate control condition is one in which iden-tical sensory, phoneme or grapheme, and word-formprocessing occurs, but without activation of (or withless activation of) semantic information.

Two types of experimental design have beenused. In the first, control stimuli are pseudowords(either spoken or written), and the control taskinvolves a judgment about the phonological struc-ture (word form) of the pseudowords. These controltasks have included deciding whether pseudowordscontain a target phoneme (Binder et al., 1999;Démonet et al., 1992), whether two written pseu-dowords rhyme (Pugh et al., 1996), and whether awritten pseudoword has two syllables (Poldrack et al., 1999). Because the words and pseudowordsare matched on low-level sensory and word-formcharacteristics, differences in the activation levelbetween conditions are likely to be related tosemantic processes. Activated areas in these studies(i.e., those in which activation was greater for thesemantic condition than for the control condition)are shown, for those studies that reported activation

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peaks, in figure 9.13. These areas included the leftangular gyrus, the left superior frontal gyrus, the leftinferior frontal gyrus, the left fusiform gyrus andparahippocampus, and the left posterior cingulatecortex.

The second type of experiment is similar, exceptthat the control task involves a judgment about thephonological structure of words rather than pseu-dowords. This design provides a tighter control forword-form processing because even carefully con-structed pseudowords may not be as wordlike instructure as real words. For theorists who embracethe idea of localized whole-word representationsthat are accessed only in the presence of real words,using real words as control stimuli is necessary inorder to “subtract” activation due to lexical (asopposed to semantic) processing. A potential disad-vantage of this design is the possibility that usingreal words in the control condition may result insome degree of automatic activation of semanticinformation, even when the task being performed isnot semantic (Binder & Price, 2001). In all of thesestudies, the control task required the subjects tojudge whether the word contained a particularnumber of syllables (Chee et al., 1999; Mummeryet al., 1998; Poldrack et al., 1999; Price et al., 1997).

As shown in figure 9.13, the activations in thesestudies were nearly identical to those observed inthe experiments using pseudoword control stimuli,and included the angular gyrus, the superior frontalgyrus, the inferior frontal gyrus, the ventral tempo-ral cortex, the MTG and ITG, and the posterior cin-gulate cortex in the left hemisphere. It should benoted that in two of these studies only the frontallobe was imaged (Demb et al., 1995; Poldrack et al.,1999).

Although they are not perfectly consistent, theseresults indicate a distributed group of left hemi-sphere brain regions engaged specifically duringactivation and retrieval of semantic information.One of the more consistently identified areas (infour of the five studies in which it was imaged) isthe angular gyrus (Brodmann area 39). Brodmannarea 39 is a phylogenetically recent brain area that is greatly expanded in the human relative to thenonhuman primate brain (Geschwind, 1965). It is situated strategically between visual, auditory,and somatosensory centers, making it one of themore reasonable candidates for a multimodal con-vergence area involved in storing or processing very abstract representations of sensory experienceand word meaning.

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Figure 9.13Activation peaks where a semantic task produced stronger activation than a phonological task in seven imaging studiesof semantic processing (Binder, Frost, Hammeke, Bellgowan, Rao, Cox, 1999; Chee, O’Craven, Bergida, Rosen, & Savoy,1999; Demonet et al., 1992; Mummery, Patterson, Hodges, & Price, 1998; Poldrack et al., 1999 (two studies); Price,Moore, Humphreys, & Wise, 1997). Squares indicate experiments using pseudowords in the phonological task; sitesmarked by circles are from experiments using words in the phonological task.

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Other areas frequently identified in these seman-tic studies include the dorsal prefrontal cortex in thesuperior frontal gyrus and sulcus (seven of sevenstudies), the ventral temporal cortex in the fusiformand parahippocampal gyri (four of five studies), theinferior frontal gyrus (four of seven studies), and theposterior cingulate cortex and adjacent ventral pre-cuneus (three of five studies). These regions are welloutside the area damaged in Wernicke’s aphasia andso are not discussed further here (see Binder andPrice, 2001, for a discussion of these and relatedresults).

In a few studies, activation foci were observed inthe left MTG and ITG (Chee et al., 1999; Mummeryet al., 1998; Price et al., 1997), suggesting that asubset of this ventrolateral temporal region maysubserve semantic-level processes in addition toword-form processes. Several functional imagingstudies have demonstrated enhanced activation ofthe posterior MTG when subjects identify objects in the tool category compared with objects fromother categories, and when subjects generate verbsrelative to generating nouns (Martin, 2001). Theproximity of these activation sites to the visualmotion-processing region (human “area MT”) hasled to speculation that the posterior MTG may storesemantic representations related to visual motion,which are particularly salient semantic features formanipulable objects and verbs (Martin, 2001).

Phonological Production

The functional imaging studies discussed to thispoint have concerned transformations from spokenor visual word input to semantics, that is, the path-ways engaged during comprehension of speech and written text. Speech production, another lan-guage process impaired in Wernicke’s aphasia, hasreceived some attention in functional imagingstudies. As discussed earlier, deficits of orderedphoneme selection, which result in phonemic para-phasia, are the hallmark of posterior perisylvianlesions damaging the posterior STG and STS, theposterior insula, or the ventral supramarginal gyrus.On the basis of this correlation, a reasonable pre-

diction is that these regions should show activationunder task conditions that engage output phonemeselection relative to conditions that do not activateoutput phonemes.

One source of information on this question hasalready been mentioned: studies contrasting pro-nounceable with unpronounceable letter strings. As shown in figure 9.12, activation peaks in thesestudies were found in the posterior left MTG andITG, but also involved the posterior left STS. Infact, some studies have shown particularly strongeffects in the posterior STS (Bavelier et al., 1997;Howard et al., 1992; Indefrey et al., 1997; Price et al., 1994; Small et al., 1996). As noted earlier,however, it is difficult to attribute the posterior STS activation specifically to processing of out-put phonemes because the pronounceable andunpronounceable items in these studies also differedalong orthographic dimensions. Findings from theauditory word-form comparisons, however, provideindirect support for such an interpretation. Thesestudies, in which spoken words were contrastedwith reversed forms of the words, reveal activationof the left MTG and ITG, but do not generally showdifferential activation in the posterior STS. If we assume that both normal and reversed speechinput produce some degree of activation of outputphonemes (i.e., that isolated phonemes may be per-ceived in these stimuli even if they do not have wordform), a contrast between these stimuli would notbe expected to show activation of output phonemesystems.

Other evidence corroborating a specific role for the posterior left STS in processing outputphonemes comes from a study by Wise et al. (2001).These authors reported common activation of theposterior left STS in three experiments. In the firstof these, passive listening to words was contrastedwith passive listening to signal-modulated noise(white noise that was amplitude modulated usingthe amplitude contours of speech sounds). Regionsselectively activated by words included the anteriorSTS and the anterolateral STG bilaterally, which is consistent with other speech-nonspeech com-parisons (see figure 9.11). In the left hemisphere,

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this activation spread posteriorly to involve the pos-terior STS. In the second experiment, posterior leftSTS activation was observed during a silent word-generation task (“think of as many words as possi-ble that are related to a cue word”) relative to aresting state. Other temporoparietal regions acti-vated in this contrast included the adjacent posteriorleft STG, the posterior left MTG, and the left supra-marginal gyrus. These results are consistent withseveral other studies that showed posterior STGand/or STS activation during word generation con-trasted with rest (Fiez et al., 1996a; Hickok et al.,2000). In the final and most compelling experiment,the subjects generated words either aloud or silentlyat various rates that were controlled by varying the rate of presentation of cue words. The analysissearched for brain regions in which the activationlevel was correlated with the combined rate ofhearing and internally generating words. Only theposterior left STS showed such a correlation.

The selection of output phonemes may lead toovert speech production by movement of the vocaltract, or to some form of “internal speech” withoutarticulation or phonation. If output phonemes arerepresented in the posterior left STS, then overtspeech production must involve an interfacebetween this brain region and speech articulationmechanisms located in the inferior frontal lobe. Thelesion literature on phonemic paraphasia suggeststhat this interface exists within the cortical and sub-cortical pathways lying between the posterior STSand the inferior frontal lobe, i.e., in the posteriorSTG, supramarginal gyrus, and posterior insula. It is likely that this interface also involves pro-prioceptive and other somatosensory input from the adjacent inferior parietal cortex, which providesdynamic feedback concerning position and move-ment of the vocal tract (Luria, 1966). For longerutterances, it may also be necessary to maintain ashort-term record of the phoneme sequence to be uttered so that this information does not fadewhile articulation is in progress (Caplan & Waters,1992). This “phonological buffer” is particularlyimplicated in internal speech and in tasks in whichthe phoneme sequence must be maintained in con-

sciousness for an extended period without overtarticulation.

Although little convergent data regarding thisphoneme-to-articulation pathway are yet available,a few imaging results are suggestive. Paus et al.(Paus, Perry, Zatorre, Worsley, & Evans, 1996) hadsubjects whisper two syllables repeatedly at varyingrates. Auditory input was held constant across con-ditions by presenting continuous white noise thatmasked any perception of speech. The investigatorssearched for brain regions in which the activationlevel was correlated with the rate of speech articu-lation. One area showing this pattern was a smallfocus in the left planum temporale. Activation in the left precentral gyrus, a motor area associatedwith speech production, also varied with rate. Theauthors suggested that the left planum temporaleand left premotor cortex function together duringspeech production, possibly as an interactive feed-forward and feedback system.

Wise et al. (2001) also searched for brain re-gions that are activated during speech productionindependent from auditory input. Their subjectswere given a phrase (“buy Bobby a poppy”) andasked to (1) say the phrase repeatedly aloud; (2)mouth the phrase with lip movement but no soundproduction; (3) sound out the phrase by substitutingthe syllable “uh” for the original syllables, therebyactivating diaphragm, vocal cord, and glottal com-ponents of production without lip or tongue arti-culators; and (4) internally vocalize the phraserepeatedly without movement or sound. The authorscontrasted the first three conditions, all of whichinvolved overt motor production, with the internalvocalization condition. Similar to the study by Pauset al., activated regions included the left ventralmotor cortex and a small focus in the posterior leftsylvian fissure (coordinates -42, -40, +20). Thisfocus is at the most posterior and medial aspect ofthe sylvian fissure, at the junction of the planumtemporale, the supramarginal gyrus, and the poste-rior insula. It is worth noting that the posterior leftSTS, which we have suggested may be involved inrepresentation of output phonemes, was not identi-fied in this study, a result predicted by the fact that

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all four conditions in this experiment (includinginternal vocalization) would have activated outputphoneme codes.

A third study on this topic was made by Hickoket al. (2000), who examined posterior STG activa-tion during a silent picture-naming task. Many other studies of picture naming have not shown activation of this region, possibly because the task involved internal speech without articulation (Smith et al., 1996) or because a control task wasused that also involved overt articulation (Murtha,Chertkow, Beauregard, & Evans, 1999; Price,Moore, Humphreys, Frackowiak, & Friston, 1996; Zelkowicz, Herbster, Nebes, Mintun, & Becker,1998). In the study by Hickok et al. (2000), the sub-jects were asked to name pictures silently, but withovert articulation movements, while the baselinetask—passive viewing of nonsense images—did notrequire covert or overt speech. Two activation fociwere identified in the left planum temporale.Together, the studies by Paus et al. (1994), Wise et al. (2000), and Hickok et al. suggest that the leftplanum temporale and adjacent areas (SMG, post-erior insula) are activated in concert with left pre-motor and ventral motor areas specifically duringspeech production (and not during internal speechwithout motor movements). Although the specificprocesses carried out by this region are not yet clear,the findings are consistent with a role in mappingoutput phonemes to motor programs.

Finally, there is some evidence that the ventralsupramarginal gyrus plays a role in the short-termstorage of phonological information. This regionwas activated bilaterally when subjects held a stringof letters in memory compared with a task that didnot require short-term memory (Paulesu, Frith, &Frackowiak, 1993). In another study, the ventral left supramarginal gyrus was more active during a phoneme detection task that involved multisyl-labic nonwords (e.g., /redozabu/) than during asemantic decision task on words (Démonet, Price,Wise, & Frackowiak, 1994a). If the phoneme taskmakes a greater demand on short-term memory forphoneme sequences than does the semantic task,this finding is consistent with a short-term memory

role for the left supramarginal gyrus. Several otherstudies intended to test this hypothesis, however,have not shown activation of the ventral supramar-ginal cortex during short-term verbal maintenancetasks (Fiez et al., 1996b; Jonides et al., 1998).

Still other evidence suggests that the ventralsupramarginal gyrus is activated as strongly byholding a tone series in memory as by holding aphoneme series (Binder et al., 1997; Démonet et al.,1992; Démonet, Price, Wise, & Frackowiak, 1994b).It may be that the supramarginal gyrus is sensitive tostimuli composed of smaller elements and to tasksthat require a parsing of the stimulus into these ele-ments. Such parsing might aid in the short-termstorage of long utterances and unfamiliar utterances(e.g., nonwords or low-frequency words) duringboth comprehension and production tasks.

Conclusions and Future Directions

Wernicke aphasia is a multifaceted syndrome, the principal behavioral characteristics of which include impaired speech comprehension, impairedreading comprehension, impaired word retrieval,paraphasic speech with both phoneme and wordselection errors, and paragraphia. The paraphasicand paragraphic errors are generally observed in all output tasks, including propositional speech,writing, reading, naming, repeating, and writing to dictation. Phoneme and grapheme perception are generally intact, as are speech articulation andspeech prosody. Variations on this typical profilemay occur. Comprehension and production deficitsmay differentially affect spoken or written lan-guage; paraphasic errors may be predominantlyphonemic or verbal; and reading and writing deficitsmay primarily affect nonwords or exception words.

Wernicke aphasics retain the ability to discri-minate between phonemes (i.e., to discern when two phonemes are identical or different), indicatingthat the sensory perceptual mechanism for speechsounds is, for the most part, intact (Blumstein,1994). Functional imaging studies clearly place thisspeech perceptual mechanism in the middle and

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anterior STG and STS (figure 9.11), which wouldseem to present a paradox because this area is oftendamaged in Wernicke patients. The inescapableconclusion is that Wernicke aphasics retain theability to distinguish phonemes because this per-ceptual system exists bilaterally, and the undamagedright STG and STS are sufficient to carry out thetask. This model is consistent with both the func-tional imaging data, which show bilateral STG andSTS responses to speech sounds, and with the lesionliterature on pure word deafness. In this syndrome,which is characterized by a relatively isolatedspeech perceptual deficit, the causative lesion nearlyalways involves the STG or STS bilaterally. Thismodel is also consistent with evidence from in-tracarotid amobarbital studies showing that duringleft hemisphere anesthesia, the isolated right hemi-sphere can still accurately perform phoneme dis-criminations (Boatman et al., 1998). Although theseearly speech perceptual mechanisms are representedbilaterally, this does not necessarily imply that they function identically in the two hemispheres.Functional imaging studies have shown varyingdegrees of asymmetry in STG activation duringspeech sound perception tasks (Binder et al., 2000;Démonet et al., 1992; Mazoyer et al., 1993;Mummery et al., 1999; Scott et al., 2000; Zatorre et al., 1992), but a full explanation of these asym-metries awaits further study.

In contrast to these sensory perceptual me-chanisms, the speech comprehension deficit in Wernicke aphasia represents an inability to reliablyaccess semantic representations associated withphonemes. For example, Wernicke aphasics aredeficient in associating phonemes with their writtenletter equivalents and in associating spoken wordswith meanings. The processing loci where damagecould induce such a deficit could include eitherintermediate phonological word-form represen-tations in the mapping from input phonemes tosemantics, damage to the semantic representationsthemselves, or both.

While some researchers have argued for intactsemantic representations in Wernicke aphasia, otherevidence points to a disturbance within semantics.

Functional imaging data suggest that the left MTGand posterior ITG are likely candidates for a phono-logical word-form processing region. This anatom-ical model is broadly consistent with the lesion datain two respects. First, unilateral lesions confined tothe left STG, which commonly produce conductionaphasia, do not appear to cause word comprehen-sion deficits. Second, lesions that spread beyond theleft STG to involve the MTG do cause such deficits,and the severity and long-term recovery of wordcomprehension appear to depend on the degree of MTG damage. Functional imaging and lesionstudies indicate that the left ventral temporal lobe(fusiform gyrus, parahippocampus, ITG, and post-erior MTG) and the left angular gyrus are nodes in a distributed system involved in processing and storing semantic representations. Lesions inWernicke’s aphasia commonly involve the leftangular gyrus and the posterior MTG, which couldaccount for a disturbance at the semantic level in atleast some patients.

Thus, the model proposed here accounts for thespeech comprehension disturbance in Wernicke’saphasia by damage to a phonological word-formprocessor located in the left MTG and posteriorITG, which interrupts the processing stream connecting input phoneme representations in theanterior STS with semantic representations in theleft angular gyrus and ventral temporal lobe (figure9.11–9.13). Damage to the left angular gyrusundoubtedly contributes to the problem by partiallydamaging the distributed system of semantic re-presentations on which comprehension ultimatelydepends.

The model accounts for reading comprehensiondeficits in a similar manner. Functional imagingstudies suggest that the posterior left MTG and ITGalso play a role in orthographic word-form process-ing, linking input grapheme codes (processed in the posterior ventral temporal lobe) with semanticrepresentations in the left angular gyrus and moreanterior ventral temporal regions. The reading com-prehension disturbance in Wernicke’s aphasia isthus due to combined damage to the orthographicword-form system in the posterior left MTG and

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to semantic representations in the left angular gyrus.

Isolated damage to the left angular gyrus mayproduce more severe deficits of reading compre-hension than of speech comprehension (“alexia withagraphia”), a finding difficult to account for on thebasis of currently available functional imaging data.One possible explanation is that the orthographicword-form system may project primarily to theangular gyrus, while the phonological word-formsystem projects more widely to the angular gyrusand ventral temporal semantic regions. The result isthat reading comprehension is more dependent onthe integrity of the angular gyrus than is speechcomprehension. Conversely, isolated lesions of themiddle and anterior left temporal lobe may producemore severe deficits of speech comprehension thanof reading comprehension. This pattern suggeststhat the pathway from input phonemes to semanticsis organized somewhat anteriorly in the MTG andITG relative to the pathway from input graphemesto semantics. These conclusions are based on a relatively small body of lesion data and so must beregarded as tentative.

Further studies using functional imaging or lesion correlation methods combined with care-fully matched phoneme-semantic and grapheme-semantic tasks are needed to clarify the extent offunctional and anatomical overlap between thesesystems. An improved understanding of the intrin-sic organization of the semantic system itself, cur-rently an area of intense study by researchers usingfunctional imaging, lesion correlation, and compu-tational modeling techniques, will also aid in under-standing the various patterns of comprehensiondeficit seen in patients with temporal and parietallesions.

Paraphasia represents a disturbance in mappingfrom semantic codes to output phonemes. Wernickeaphasics make a mixture of word- and phoneme-level errors, and interactive neural network modelsof speech production suggest that such mixed errorpatterns are generally to be expected (Dell et al.,1997). However, there is evidence that isolated pos-terior perisylvian lesions may produce exclusively

phonemic errors, whereas lesions in ventral tempo-ral areas may cause a preponderance of semanticerrors. This suggests that word and phoneme selec-tion errors may have a somewhat distinct functionaland anatomical basis. One proposal is that lesionsconfined to the output phoneme level cause rela-tively isolated phoneme errors (Hillis et al., 1999).Conversely, lesions confined to the semantic levelmay primarily disrupt word selection while sparingphoneme selection. This account, together with thelesion data just cited, is in good agreement withavailable functional imaging data, which suggestthat output phoneme representations are processedin the posterior perisylvian cortex (the STS andSTG), while semantic representations are localizedin ventral temporal zones.

The early success in modeling such paraphasicsyndromes as varying combinations of representa-tional and transmission defects supports more wide-spread application of this approach. In particular,modeling error patterns using local rather thanglobal lesions, which so far has been attempted inonly a few patients, may offer functionally and bio-logically plausible accounts of paraphasia at a levelof precision previously unknown.

The processes involved in spelling and writinghave been less well studied with functional imaging,and proposals concerning their anatomical basisremain rather speculative. Isolated paragraphiawithout paraphasia has been linked to posterior anddorsal parietal injury, but writing disturbances havebeen observed with lesions in a variety of other pari-etal and temporal lobe locations. Writing impair-ments involving phoneme-to-grapheme translation(phonological dysgraphia) are closely associatedwith damage to the supramarginal gyrus. The actualmotor production of graphemes, like the motor production of phonemes, is likely to be a complexprocess involving the coordination of output graph-eme, motor sequencing, sensory feedback, andshort-term memory systems. Some of these path-ways may well involve the inferior parietal cortexand so might be damaged in Wernicke’s aphasia,further contributing to the writing disturbance inmany cases.

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According to the account given here, Wernicke’saphasia is far from being a simple, unitary distur-bance of the sound-word image or of the com-prehension center. Rather, some components of the syndrome reflect a central deficit that disruptsthe translational processes to and from seman-tics, whereas the phonemic paraphasia componentreflects a more peripheral disturbance involvingphoneme selection and phoneme-to-articulationmapping. This distinction is made clearer by con-sidering the related posterior aphasia syndromes of transcortical sensory aphasia and conductionaphasia. The former, according to the current model,results from a lesion at the word-form or semanticlevel, disrupting processes involving word meaning,but sparing those involving phoneme selection andproduction. In contrast, conduction aphasia resultsfrom damage to the phoneme output pathway, with sparing of word-form and semantic processes.Wernicke’s aphasia, simply put, consists of the combination of these syndromes and results from a larger lesion that encompasses both lexical-semantic and phoneme output systems.


1. “The uneducated man with little practice in readingunderstands the written word only when he hears himselfsay it. The scholar, practiced since childhood, skims overa page and understands its meaning without becomingconscious of individual words. The former will showsymptoms of alexia as well as aphasia, while the latter, instriking contrast to his inability to understand speech, willbe able to understand all written material.” (Wernicke,1874/1968, pp. 53–54.)

2. Intermediate units, often referred to as hidden units inneural network parlance, are necessary whenever there areunpredictable relationships between adjacent representa-tional levels. A simple example relevant to semantics andphonology are the four words mother, father, woman, andman (Dell et al., 1997). In attempting to map from seman-tics to phonology, there is no simple mapping that predictswhether the word in question should begin with thephoneme /m/ on the basis of the semantic features /female/and /parent/. In this example, /m/ is the correct phoneme

choice if the concept includes both of these semantic fea-tures (mother) or neither (man), but not if it includes onlyone of the features, which makes the mapping formallyequivalent to an exclusive-OR function. Exclusive-ORand other “linearly inseparable” mappings require an inter-mediate layer of hidden nodes between the levels to bemapped (Ackley et al., 1985; Hornik et al., 1989; Minsky& Papert, 1969). The intermediate units capture informa-tion about combinations of active nodes in the adjacentlayers, allowing mappings to occur on the basis of conjunctions of features (for a review see Rumelhart, McClelland, & PDP Group, 1986).

Each node in the intermediate level can contain in-formation about many feature conjunctions, and each possible conjunction can be represented across many intermediate nodes. Similarly, the intermediate nodes con-necting phoneme and semantic layers in the model maysimply carry distributed information about conjunctions ofsemantic and phonological features, and may thus bearlittle resemblance to the conventional notion of whole-word entries in a lexicon.

3. Although the nodes at the lemma level are representedin figure 9.6 by words, this was done for the sake of sim-plicity and is not meant to imply that there are necessar-ily discrete representations of words (or phonemes orphonetic features, for that matter) in the brain. On the con-trary, as previously mentioned, some theorists have explic-itly held that word representations are distributed acrossmany nodes (Plaut et al., 1996; Seidenberg & McClelland,1989). In this sense, the lemma level is simply an inter-mediate layer that permits the mapping between semanticsand phonology to occur (see note 2).

4. Phonetic features are essentially the articulatory ele-ments that define a given phoneme (Ladefoged & Maddieson, 1996). For example, the set of features defin-ing the phoneme /b/ include bilabial (referring to the factthat it is produced at the lips), stop (produced by suddenopening of the vocal tract), and voiced (produced with thevocal cords vibrating).

5. “Now, under no circumstances can a direct path beavailable from the sense images that form the concept tothe motor center, over which writing movements could beinnervated while the sound images were circumvented.”(Wernicke, 1874/1968, p. 57.)

6. “By clinical observation the existence of two forms ofword-deafness, the word-sound-deafness and the word-comprehension-deafness, is proved. Consequently thereexist two centres: (1) of word-sound, (2) of word-

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comprehension. In consequence of this theory, we oughtto accept three forms of word-deafness:

1. A pseudo-word-deafness, essentially only a form ofdeafness . . .2. Perceptive word-deafness, a consequence of thedestruction of the centre for word-sounds in T1 [STG] orof the conduction between Ttr [Heschl’s gyrus] and T1 orof the conduction between T1 and the center for compre-hension of words . . .3. Associative word-deafness with troubles of the internalword, also of spontaneous speech, as a consequence of thedestruction of the centre of word-comprehension, which isprobably situated in T2 and T3.

The confusion about this matter—the real nature ofword-deafness—is very remarkable, and difficult to under-stand. This confusion is, after my opinion, a consequenceof an erroneous localisation and limitation of the hearingcentre in relation to the word-centre, the authors localiz-ing those to the same surface in the temporal lobe.”(Henschen, 1918–1919, pp. 440–441).


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Scott Grafton

Apraxia is a disturbance of goal-directed motorbehavior characterized by an inability to performpreviously learned movements in the absence ofweakness or sensory defects (Leiguarda & Marsden,2000). There is a striking preservation of percep-tion, attention, coordination, motivation, and com-prehension. Thus it represents a high-level disorderof movement representation. There is significantvariation in the clinical manifestations. Patients mayhave selective deficits in their ability to generateactions performed by the limb or the mouth andface. Apraxic patients may be unable to move withrespect to imitation, verbal command, or both.Apraxia is often associated with deficits of morecomplex movements such as gestures, pantomime,and sequential movement. There may be failure toperform a movement in response to an object orfailure to handle an object correctly. Motor errorsvary in severity, ranging from an inability to gener-ate any appropriate movement to mild clumsinessin generating a complex movement. Inaccuracy ofarm movements, particularly reaching, pointing,and grasping, can be observed and form an impor-tant link to optic ataxia and related disorders ofvisually guided movement.

The unusual clinical features of apraxia have generated numerous fundamental theories of howmovements are represented within the nervoussystem. In this chapter these historically importantideas are examined within a broader perspective ofcontemporary anatomy, motor physiology, lesionstudies, and brain imaging.

Case Report

Mr. T., a 48-year-old government official presented withan acute onset of confusion and a mixed pattern of aphasiawith inconsistent impairments in language comprehensionand reduced verbal output (Rothi & Heilman, 1996). Thecranial nerves were intact and there was no evidence ofhemiplegia, sensory loss, ataxia, or gait disturbance. Thepatient would only use the right hand to follow commands,

10 Apraxia: A Disorder of Motor Control

but invariably failed in following almost all instructionsinvolving actions with the right arm. Attempts to use theright arm typically produced bizarre and distorted move-ments. He was unable to use his right arm to point at aringing bell, to respond to written instructions, to imitategestures performed by the examiner, to scratch whentickled on the right ear, or to point at named objects. Sur-prisingly, commands such as “stand up and walk to thewindow” were performed without difficulty. Moreover,when forced to use the left arm, he could perform all ofthe limb tasks, suggesting a preservation of comprehen-sion. There was preservation of reading and writing (whenforced to use the left hand).

In examining the deficit of the right hand more closely,it was found that the patient made systematic errors whenreaching for and grasping objects. When multiple objectswere displayed, the patient would consistently grasp anobject adjacent to the target. Reach and grasp improvedwhen there were no distracters. The patient also displayedsigns consistent with bimanual discoordination. Whenasked to pour from a jug held with the left hand into aglass held in the right hand, the right hand and glass wouldmove to the mouth before the left had time to fill the glass.The patient displayed little dismay when making errorswith the right hand, unless they were pointed out to him.In this case, he would become exceedingly embarrassed.

This case report is particularly relevant becauseit is a synopsis of the patient described by Liepmannin 1900 (Liepmann, 1977). In his interpretation ofthe case, Liepmann proposed novel concepts thatcontinue to be relevant to our understanding ofapraxia today. First, he was able to exclude the presence of “asymbolia” or agnosia, i.e., deficits ofcomprehension, which he called “sensory apraxia.”He proposed instead a disturbance in the control of motor communication, which he called “motorapraxia.” The patient’s lack of concern for his right-hand errors led Liepmann to propose a relation-ship between movement planning and mechanising for online detection and correction of errors. Liepmann’s detection of systematic errors in reach-ing when distracted provided early evidence for aconnection between representational motor disor-ders and motor attentional defects.

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Bedside Tests for Apraxia

The first challenge in testing a patient with a deficitof complex movement is to establish that there is no loss of comprehension (Rothi, Ochipa, andHeilman, 1997). For a patient without aphasia, thiscan be determined by asking them to repeat andexplain a verbal command. In the aphasic patientwith non-fluent aphasia, it is often possible toconfirm intact comprehension by means of simple“yes” or “no” questions.

Clinical tests for apraxia begin with simple verbalcommands such as “look upward” or “close theeyes.” Commands for whole-body movements suchas “stand up” or “turn around” are also useful indelineating the severity of coexistent comprehen-sion impairment as well as defects of axial motorcontrol. Deficits may be segmental in distribution,so it is useful to examine limb, buccofacial, andaxial body movements separately. Imitation offamiliar movements or gestures across these samebody segments is then tested. Imitation of mean-ingless gestures can also be tested. Patients withconcomitant aphasia and normal praxis may be ableto imitate an examiner despite difficulty followingdetailed verbal instruction.

Next, the patient is asked to generate transitivemovements, i.e., the manipulation of objects.Instructions include “show me how you brush yourhair,” “how you blow out a candle,” and “pretendto throw a ball.” Intransitive movements such as“wave hello” are also tested. Patients are examinedfor irregular movements, use of inappropriate bodyparts, perseveration, and verbal repetition ratherthan movement. Patients may form the hand into the shape of the tool rather than pantomime holdinga tool. Spatial errors in limb movement are probablycommon, but are often difficult to observe withoutthe assistance of video-kinematic analysis (Poizneret al., 1995).

If patients show deficits in pantomiming or ges-turing, attempting to induce the movement withanother stimulus can be a useful technique to ruleout coexistent weakness, uncoordination, or akine-

sia. For transitive movements, the most powerfulstimulus is the tool itself. For example, patients maynot be able to show how to comb their hair unlessthey are holding a comb. Another interesting test oftransitive representation is tool selection. Somepatients will be impaired in selecting the appropri-ate tool to complete a task (e.g., a hammer to pounda nail). In relation to this, it is useful to establish ifthe apraxic deficit is specific to cues provided via asingle sensory modality. For example, optic ataxia,a disorder of visually guided reaching and grasping,can be considered as a form of apraxia limited toone sensory modality (vision) (Perenin & Vighetto,1988; Pisella et al., 2000). On closer examinationthese patients manifest the impairment only whenmovements are directed at visually presentedobjects; when items are specified through anothersensory modality (e.g., haptically), their perform-ance improves considerably.

Categorization of the Clinical Findings ofApraxia

Apraxia has been categorized with many differentschemes. Early approaches by Liepmann as well as Geschwind emphasized the involved bodysegment as a starting point (Geschwind & Damasio,1985; Liepmann, 1920). The heuristic value of thiscategorization with respect to limb or buccofacialinvolvement remains unclear with respect to motorrepresentation and response selection. This appro-ach has been deemphasized over the past decade.An alternative categorization relies on an approachbased on the ideas of DeRenzi (1988) and Rothi,Ochipa, and Heilman (1997). As a starting point,clinical findings associated with apraxia are dividedinto two large domains, production and conceptual-ization. As shown in the following sections, thisapproach turns out to be particularly useful forlinking apraxia to human behavioral, functionalimaging and nonhuman primate experiments.

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Production Domain

The “production domain” refers to the ability ofpatients to produce simple forms of movement. Thisdomain can be further divided into different typesof movement. Intransitive movements consist ofnonrepresentational, body-centered actions (“lookup,” “show me your teeth”) and representationalmovements (“wave hello”). Transitive movementsare linked to the use of objects (“use a knife,” “use a paintbrush”). These can be tested using realobjects under verbal, visual, or tactile conditions.Movement imitation including both meaningful andmeaningless movements, sequences, and posturesare included in this domain.

Conceptual Domain

The conceptual domain refers to higher cognitivedeficits associated with action and tool use. Deficitscan be observed on sequential tasks (“mount apicture on the wall using a hammer and nail”), toolselection tasks (selecting the appropriate tool for ahalf-finished job or picking another tool to finish atask if the best is not available) and gesture recog-nition tasks (naming meaningful gestures performedby the examiner). For aphasics, naming can betested nonverbally using picture cards or tools thatmatch the object that is involved in a gesture.

Clinical Classification of Apraxia

Ideational and Conceptual Apraxia

It is generally agreed that impairment of the con-ceptual system leads to errors in the performance oftransitive movements (Heilman, Maher, Greenwald,& Rothi, 1997). A patient told to pantomime brush-ing their hair might make movements resemblingshaving or tooth brushing. In other words, thewrong tool is associated with the correspondingaction. There can also be incorrect selection of atool for a given object or verbal instruction. In sucha case, a patient will not have a deficit of tool

naming per se. There can be loss of general mechan-ical knowledge so that the next best tool is notchosen if the primary one is not available. In addi-tion to selection errors, there are sequencing errorsin the performance of the actions between tools andobjects. Sequencing errors are particularly disrup-tive for the performance of the activities of dailyliving.

Whether or not there is a form of ideationalapraxia that is distinct from conceptual apraxia is debated. Pick, Liepmann, and others used theexpression “ideational apraxia” to refer to an inabil-ity to carry out a series of actions with more thanone object (Leiguarda & Starkstein, 1998). A goodexample is the inability of Liepmann’s patient, Mr.T., to pour a glass of water. Others have argued thatit is a disruption of using a single tool appropriatelyor is the inappropriate selection of a single tool.These could both result from an inability to remem-ber the correct action associated with a tool, obscur-ing the distinction with conceptual apraxia.

Ochipa has argued that ideational apraxia is afailure of sequencing actions that lead to a goalwhereas conceptual apraxia is the loss of tool-actionknowledge (Ochipa, Rothi, & Heilman, 1989).Thus, a patient with pure “ideational” apraxia wouldbe able to recognize and name objects, but wouldnot be able to identify inappropriate sequences of actions in photographs or movies. The mainproblem with this refined distinction between con-ceptual and ideational apraxia is that many patientswith sequencing errors, if tested carefully, will alsodisplay errors of tool-action or single-object use(Leiguarda & Marsden, 2000).

Ideomotor Apraxia

Ideomotor apraxia is a disturbance in programmingthe timing, sequencing, and spatial organization ofgestural movements (Rothi, Ochipa, & Heilman,1997). The errors tend to be temporal and spatial innature, with irregular speed, sequencing, amplitude,and orienting with respect to objects (Clark et al.,1994; Poizner, Mack, Verfaellie, Rothi, Heilman,1990b). It is common to observe inappropriate limb

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posture and the use of a body part as an object(Poizner et al., 1995). Although the movements arewrong, the goal of the intended action can usuallybe recognized. Actions tend to be worse with tran-sitive gestures, although they can be improved if areal object is provided or if the patient is allowed toimitate the examiner (Rothi & Heilman, 1996).

Kinematic analysis of patients with ideomotorapraxia who are performing simple aiming move-ments demonstrates that they are particularly im-paired in response implementation, with decouplingof the spatial and temporal features of movement(Haaland, Harrington, & Knight, 1999). The aimingerror can be subtle and is magnified by occludingthe patient’s view of the moving limb or the target,suggesting a disruption of the neural representationlinking egocentric and allocentric information.

Callosal Apraxia

Sectioning of the genu and body of the corpus callosum can lead to a variety of apraxic signs(Graff-Radford, Welsh, & Godersky, 1987; Watson& Heilman, 1983). The classic test is to givepatients spoken commands to be pantomimed withthe left hand. The basic finding of a deficit asso-ciated with spoken words is consistent withGeschwind’s formulation that a spoken command,once interpreted in the left hemisphere, is trans-formed into a motor plan within the left hemisphere(Goldenberg, Wimmer, Holzner, & Wessely, 1985).In the callosal patient, this information is not acces-sible to the right hemisphere. Praxis is preserved if instructions are provided with modalities such as vision or tactile cues that are accessible to theright hemisphere. Depending on the case series,some but not all patients have been able to performnormally when given an object in the left hand orduring imitation.

Studies of commissurotomized (i.e., split-brain) patients suggest that the distal control neededfor grasping is primarily exercised within the hemisphere contralateral to the response hand (Gazzaniga, Bogen, & Sperry, 1967; Milner &Kolb, 1985). However, these human studies also

indicate an asymmetry in motor control that favorsthe left hemisphere. Gazzaniga et al. (1967), forexample, reported that patients accurately mim-icked postures of visually presented hands whenstimuli were presented to the hemisphere contralat-eral to the response hand. The most accurate re-sponses occurred when stimuli were presented tothe left hemisphere and responses were executedwith the dominant right hand. When stimuli werepresented to the left hemisphere, performance withthe ipsilateral left hand was moderately impaired;yet substantial dyspraxia was evident when stimuliwere presented to the right hemisphere and re-sponses were made with the ipsilateral right hand.

A very different pattern emerged when commis-surotomized patients were required to point towarda visually presented target—a task primarily involv-ing control of proximal limb segments of the upperarm and shoulder. Under these conditions, patientsperformed well with the hand ipsilateral to the stim-ulated hemisphere. When the target was presentedto the left hemisphere, reaching with the left handwas highly accurate; when the target was presentedto the right hemisphere, reaching with the right armwas moderately accurate. However, it was alsoapparent that right hemisphere control of the rightarm was not exclusive, because contradictory infor-mation presented simultaneously to the left andright hemispheres interfered significantly with reachaccuracy.

It is also worth noting that right-handed patientswith right frontal lesions sometimes exhibit apraxicbehaviors normally associated with left frontaldamage. The impairments of these so-called“crossed apraxics” suggest that there may be indi-vidual variability in the cerebral organization of thesystems involved in hand dominance and skilledmovements of the hands (Haaland & Flaherty, 1984;Marchetti & Della Sala, 1997; Raymer et al., 1999)and face (Mani & Levine, 1988).

For reasons that are not entirely clear, patientswith lesions of the corpus callosum secondary tostroke or other pathologies are much more likely to present with apraxic symptoms than those whohave had surgical resections of this structure for

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intractable epilepsy (Hines, Chiu, McAdams,Bentler, & Lipcamon, 1992; Leiguarda, Starkstein,& Berthier, 1989). Although they are present soonafter surgery, persistent apraxic behaviors followingcomplete or anterior callosotomy are rare, and mayonly be apparent when patients are tested underconditions where cues are presented exclusively toone hemisphere at a time, as discussed earlier. Addi-tional work is needed to determine whether this dif-ference is attributable to the effects of nonsurgicallesions on adjacent gray matter, or whether partialsparing of the fiber tracts after a stroke is somehowresponsible for destabilizing the system in a way notexperienced with complete disconnection.

Modality-Specific or Disassociation Apraxia

Modality-specific deficits are isolated forms ofapraxia in which the patient will commit errorswhen the movement instruction is provided in one but not all modalities (DeRenzi, Faglioni, &Sorgato, 1982; Rothi, Ochipa, & Heilman, 1997).Thus, the callosal apraxia syndrome with isolatedverbal-praxis errors could be considered one formof modality-specific apraxia. The disturbance ofvisually guided movement in optic ataxia is anotherexample of modality-specific apraxia (Perenin &Vighetto, 1988). Other forms are also described. Forexample, there are patients with ideational apraxiato seen objects who can still pantomime gestures inresponse to a spoken command (Rothi, Heilman, &Watson, 1985). Presumably this pattern is mostlikely to occur with lesions of visual-motor path-ways. There are apraxics with deficits limited to thetactile modality (DeRenzi et al., 1982). Finally thereare occasional patients with impaired imitation orpantomiming who could perform under other con-ditions (Rothi, Mack, & Heilman, 1986). For some,the deficit is particularly severe if the gestures aremeaningless.

Limb-Kinetic Apraxia

The hallmark of limb-kinetic apraxia as originallydefined by Kleist is an inability to perform tasks

requiring individual finger movements (Kleist,1907). He called it “innervatory apraxia” to stressthe loss of finger dexterity. The clinical signsemerge with tasks such as tying a knot or using scis-sors. This has always been a controversial categoryof apraxia because the loss of hand deftness iscommon with many brain lesions, including pyram-idal tract or premotor cortex lesions.

When limb apraxia is suspected to exist, therewill often also be ideomotor apraxia. A usefulapproach is to consider this form of apraxia in rela-tionship to the deftness that comes with hand dom-inance (Denes, Mantovan, Gallana, & Cappelletti,1998). In patients with normal motor function whoundergo (WADA) testing, there is evidence that theleft hemisphere facilitates finger deftness in eitherhand, whereas the right hemisphere only facilitatesthe left hand (Heilman, Meador, & Loring, 2000).

Pathophysiological Substrates of Apraxia

Theoretical Context

Finkelnburg and Asymbolia

In the late 1800s Finkelnburg presented an influen-tial viewpoint on the functional basis of apraxia(cited by Liepmann, 1908b). Finkelnburg consid-ered apraxia, to be a particular form of asymbolia,the inability to convey a learned sign. In the case ofapraxia, it was a sign denoted by hand movementrather than a spoken word that stood symbolicallyfor another event or object. In the 1920s, HenryHead also emphasized that an act, when executed in isolation, requires a symbolic formulation that is not required with familiar usage (Head, 1926). A fundamental weakness of this asymbolia inter-pretation of apraxia is that patients with difficulty inproducing the required manual acts on commandusually also have difficulty in simple imitation. Imi-tation, particularly of meaningless gestures, doesnot necessarily require symbolic content.

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One of the more remarkable intellectual develop-ments in behavioral neurology was Liepmann’sprecise redefinition of the apraxia syndrome in hispapers spanning 1900 through 1908 (Liepmann,1900/1977, 1908a,b, 1905/1980, 1920; 1988; Liepmann & Maas, 1907). Although Steinthal hadalready proposed a classification of limb praxic disorders in 1871 and Finkelnburg had theorized the connection of asymbolia to apraxia, it was Liepmann who first proposed a coherent func-tional model that could incorporate all of the clini-cal variations of apraxia.

Liepmann proposed that actions be organized byformulae of movements. The formulae provide adescription of movement through time and space.He identified the greater frequency of apraxia withleft-brain injury and deduced that these space-timeformulae must be represented within the left hemi-sphere. Furthermore, he made the bold deductionthat the corpus callosum is essential for transmittingthese formulae to the right motor cortex for move-ments performed by the left hand. He partitionedapraxia into three categories. Ideational apraxia wasdefined as a disruption of the retrieval or appropri-ate activation of the correct space-time formulae for a movement. The essential feature was that thepatient could not generate the “idea” of the move-ment. The second category was ideomotor apraxia.In this case the formulae for generating actions are intact, but are disconnected from the centers in which they are implemented. Thus the patientknows what to do, but not how do it. Limb-kineticapraxia was considered to be disruption within brainareas that generate the actual movements. Theaction is executed with disorganized coordinationbetween appropriate muscle groups. Liepmann alsodefined the first patient with apraxia in the settingof a corpus callosum lesion. He distinguished func-tional deficits resulting from a focal cortical lesionfrom a white matter lesion that disconnected twocortical areas, i.e., the disconnection syndrome.

Liepmann’s categorization for apraxia remains in widespread use. A potential drawback of his

approach is the difficulty of distinguishing purelimb-kinetic apraxia from the pure motor deficitsassociated with corticospinal tract lesions. Bothmay lead to clumsy limb movements.


Liepmann’s studies were largely ignored outside ofGermany after World War I. Geschwind is creditedfor rediscovering Liepmann’s work and promotingapraxia as a unique clinical syndrome. Influencedby Wernicke and convinced of the logic for discon-nection syndromes, Geschwind argued that limbpraxis should be categorized in relation to languageprocessing (Geschwind, 1965; Geschwind &Damasio, 1985). The spoken command for a move-ment or gesture must first be decoded in receptivelanguage areas, particularly left posterior temporalspeech areas. Once comprehended, the commandwould then be transmitted to ipsilateral left premo-tor areas. Disconnection at this level would lead toimpaired retrieval of actions, but preserved controlof movements initiated internally via alternativepathways to motor command areas or movementstriggered by external stimuli. For left-hand move-ments, the command would first have to pass intoright motor association areas, then the right motorcortex. Geschwind provided additional evidencethat apraxia was most common with left hemispherecortical lesions. He also suggested that the anterior(frontal) portions of the corpus callosum were mostimportant for transmitting movement representa-tions between the hemispheres.

Geschwind emphasized the categorization ofapraxia based on the body segments involved (limb,axial, or buccofacial). In some respects his work isa recapitulation of the asymbolia theory proposedby Finckelnburg and has the same limitation of not accounting for apraxic symptoms that were notclearly symbolic in form. Also undermining his the-oretical approach was the clinical series by Kimuraand Archibald (1974) that showed a strong correla-tion between traditional tests of apraxia based onspoken commands and tests requiring the imita-tion of meaningless gestures. Stated differently,Geschwind’s definition of apraxia was overly

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restrictive relative to the remarkable clinical diver-sity of the disorder, and it did not adequatelyaddress the idea that motor programs and their exe-cution could exist irrespective of conscious verbaloperations.

Heilman and Rothi

Working as collaborators and also independently,Heilman and Rothi have presented numerous clinical series that define the scope of apraxia syn-dromes and their clinical variation (Rothi, Ochipa& Heilman, 1997). They have added anatomicalclarity to Geschwind’s model by showing that theleft inferior parietal cortex is essential for represen-tational motor planning, “upstream” of motor plan-ning areas such as the supplementary motor areaand the lateral premotor cortex. They confirmed the dissociation between ideomotor and ideationalapraxias and the predominance of apraxia with lefthemisphere lesions. More recently, Heilman andcolleagues have clarified the clinical features oflimb-kinetic apraxia (Heilman et al., 2000). Theyprovide strong evidence that a subset of apraxiapatients can be divided into disassociation (ormodality-specific) syndromes. With modality-specific apraxia, the patient is unable to perform amovement described in one modality of instruction,but can respond to another form. This generalizeson Geschwind’s approach in allowing logical alter-natives other than deficits in following verbalinstructions. Rothi also proposed a cognitive neu-ropsychological model of limb apraxia that distin-guished verbal, object-based, and gestural pathwaysthat provide input to motor areas (Rothi, Ochipa, &Heilman, 1991).

Roy and Square Model

How much do we need to know about a tool orobject to use it? In 1985 Roy and Square proposeda cognitive neuropsychological model for actionformation based on conceptual and productionsystems (Roy & Square, 1985). Within the concep-tual system, they proposed the existence of threetypes of knowledge related to praxis: knowledge of

actions independent of tools or objects, knowledgeof objects and tools in relation to their action orfunctions, and knowledge of sequences of actions.In contrast, the production system represents thesensory-motor loops required for producing actionand for online control of movement. Disruption ofthe conceptual system would lead to one of severalforms of ideational apraxia, whereas disruption ofthe production system would lead to ideomotorapraxia.

Lesion Localization

Cortical Lesions

Apraxia is more common and severe with left hemi-sphere lesions. There is also a greater likelihood of defects in imitating gestures than with right hemisphere pathology (DeRenzi, Motti, & Nichelli,1980). Left hemisphere lesions often cause manyother motor deficits besides apraxia, such as deficitsin the scheduling or timing of motor programs forsimple or repetitive gestures. When apraxia is alsopresent, there is usually an additional problem inpreprogramming heterogeneous sequences, particu-larly when they contain three or more sequentialhand positions (Harrington & Haaland, 1992).

Within the left hemisphere, approximate associa-tions can be made between lesion location and type of apraxia, although these generalizations aresubject to frequent exceptions. In general, posteriorparietal lesions in the region of the intraparietalsulcus are linked to disturbances of visually guidedmovement, i.e., optic ataxia (Perenin & Vighetto,1988). Parietal lesions are also closely associatedwith ideomotor and ideational apraxia. Lesions tend to be more frequent within the inferior ratherthan the superior parietal lobule. The parietal lobeis particularly critical for recognition of gestures.However, impairment of gesture recognition isoften associated with a lesion extending into manyother structures. Frontal lobe lesions within the premotor cortex near the primary motor cortex are associated with limb-akinetic apraxia. Injury orresection of the frontal lobe is also associated with

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impairments in learning long manual sequences and in the organization of spontaneous gestures(Canavan et al., 1989; Jason, 1985a). Imitation ofsimple or sequential movements is also impairedwith frontal lesions, albeit to a milder degree thanwith parietal lesions (Jason, 1985b; Kolb & Milner,1981).

By definition, apraxics are not hemiparetic orhemiplegic. Conversely, there is evidence thathemiparesis secondary to a cortical or subcorticalstroke can occur without ideomotor apraxia. Recentbehavioral studies suggest that not all hemipareticsare incapable of accurately representing at a con-ceptual level movements that they are incapable of executing. When tested soon after the onset ofhemiparesis induced by a cerebrovascular accident,patients with focal lesions in a variety of motorstructures (frontal, internal capsule, and basalganglia) retain the ability to represent accurately the biomechanical constraints of the paralyzed limb when selecting how they would grasp objectsappearing in various orientations (Johnson, 2000).Follow-up work indicates that these internal soma-tomotor representations are maintained even yearsafter the onset of paralysis. Like ideomotor praxics,hemiparetic patients with parietal lobe damage haveconsiderable difficulty with these tasks.

Subcortical Lesions

It is not uncommon for large hemispheric lesions inapraxic patients to extend into the basal ganglia,thalamus, or deep white matter (see the review byLeiguarda, and Marsden 2000). On the other hand,apraxia without aphasia is extremely uncommon in association with lesions restricted to the basalganglia or thalamus. Thus the exact contribution ofthe basal ganglia function to apraxia remains poorlyunderstood.

Experimental Research on Apraxia

Behavioral Studies

Apraxia results from an intrinsic, elemental defectof motor representation. An expanding repertoire of

behavioral experiments is being applied to patientswith parietal lobe lesions to better characterize thenature of a motor representation. For example, it isevident that parietal cortex damage leads to a pro-found difficulty in the mental rehearsal of move-ment, owing to either an inability to generate anappropriate kinesthetic reference for the intended orongoing movement, or an inability to monitor motoroutflow. Without an accurate efference copy it is dif-ficult to subsequently compare kinesthetic informa-tion and motor goals (Sirigu et al., 1996). Differentapproaches for understanding motor representationthat explain some of the clinical features of apraxiaare discussed next.

Distorted Frame of Reference

It is now widely agreed that the parietal lobe is critical for merging information represented by different reference frames (Goodale & Haffenden,1998). These reference frames can be described as coordinate frames oriented with respect to theretina, head, limb, or other body location. There aremany instances where single neurons in the parietalcortex fire with respect to one or more of these reference frames. Or they can simply be distin-guished by body-centered (egocentric) or extraper-sonal space (allocentric). Here, also, neurons in thenonhuman primate motor cortex can be classifiedwith respect to body- or world-referenced represen-tations of space (Snyder, Grieve, Brotchie, &Andersen, 1998).

Disruption of a system that merges differentframes of reference could lead to many differentclinical defects (Goodale & Haffenden, 1998). Theprototypical example is optic ataxia, in which visualinformation cannot be used to guide limb move-ment. More subtle defects can also be observed.Binkofski and colleagues describe a series ofpatients with an inability to point toward objectsthat are observed with a mirror (Binkofski, Buccino,Dohle, Seitz, & Freund, 1999a). In the severe form,called “mirror agnosia,” the patients will repeatedlyreach into the mirror, even if they are shown theactual location of the target. In the milder form,called “mirror ataxia,” patients will reach in the

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direction of the object, but with increased errors of reach and grasp, suggesting that the visual information is not adequately transformed to abody-centered frame of reference.

Online Error Correction

In addition to merging different reference frames,the parietal lobe may be critical for maintaining acontinuous internal representation of the currentstate of the body with respect to the external world(Wolpert, Goodbody, & Husain, 1998a). This infor-mation would be used for generating dynamicmotor error signals based on a motor efference copyand evolving sensory feedback (Desmurget &Grafton, 2000). Patients with bilateral parietallesions may show an inability to make online cor-rections of errors in reaching toward targets that aremoved (Pisella et al., 2000). Similarly, transcranialmagnetic stimulation of the parietal cortex innormal subjects at the onset of a reaching movementwill block their ability to update a reaching move-ment toward a target that has shifted location(Desmurget et al., 1999). It is striking that reachestoward stationary targets are normal. These errorsare subtler than the gross errors of reach and/orgrasp observed with optic ataxia (Jeannerod,Decety, & Michel, 1994).

Disordered Body Schema

Successful goal-directed behavior, including theformation of gestures, is predicated on an accuraterepresentation of the self and the body schema. Inan intriguing study of three apraxic patients withparietal lobe lesions, Sirigu and colleagues identi-fied an unusual disturbance of the body schema(Sirigu, Daprati, Pradat-Diehl, Franck, & Jean-nerod, 1999). The patients observed gloved handmovements on a video monitor. The hand could betheir own or that of an examiner in another roomwho was performing movements at the same time.The subjects were readily capable of distinguishingtheir own hand on the screen when the movementthey performed was different than that generated bythe examiner. However, when the movement was

the same, they could not distinguish their own handfrom that of the examiner, a task easily performedby normal subjects. This finding shows a complex,subtle disruption of body identification and theinability to compare internal with external feedbackduring movement in apraxic patients.

Motor Attention

Rushworth and colleagues propose a model of ideo-motor apraxia that extends the well-known role ofthe right parietal cortex for covert attentional orien-tation (Rushworth, 2001). They argue that a com-plementary motor attentional system exists in theleft hemisphere and that patients with ideomotorapraxia are unable to shift the focus of a motor-related attention from one movement in a sequenceto the next (Rushworth, Nixon, Renowden, Wade,& Passingham, 1997c). Their patients with left pari-etal lesions were equal to control subjects in theirattention to a movement, provided they were givenadvance warning with a precue. However, they wereimpaired in disengaging the focus of motor atten-tion from one movement to another when the precuewas incorrect.

Other clinical studies are consistent with thismotor attention model. A striking example is thesyndrome of magnetic misreaching described byCarey et al. (Carey, Coleman, & Sala, 1997). Apatient with bilateral posterior parietal degenera-tion, when asked to reach to a target in her periph-eral vision, would “slavishly” reach straight to afovial fixation point. The reaches were determinedby the place where she was looking, independent of the desired peripheral target. This problem can bethought of as an inability to disengage motor atten-tion from a fixation point.

Short-Lived Motor Representation

A confounding problem in understanding howactions are organized is the observation that a motorrepresentation can evolve along two fundamentallydifferent levels, one semantic and conscious, theother implicit and highly automatic (Rossetti,1998). Rossetti has proposed that control of eye and

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hand movements exhibits automatic features thatare not always compatible with conscious control.Conscious intervention can contaminate or overrideshort-lived motor representation, but the reciprocalinfluence does not occur. Immediate action is notmediated by the same neural system as delayedaction. Patients may show an inability to con-sciously perceive or describe sensory informationused to generate a motor behavior, but will performthe behavior well under natural conditions.

Patient D.F. described by Goodale and colleaguesis a striking example (Goodale, Milner, Jakobson,& Carey, 1991). This patient had a severe form of visual agnosia secondary to bilateral lesions in the occipitoparietal cortex. She could not perceiveshape or orientation when tested with an explicitperceptual test. However, she could readily insert anenvelope through a slot with the proper hand orien-tation, a skill that required similar knowledge of orientation and target location. Apraxia patients canshow a similar impairment of function when theyare tested under explicit instruction, and they showdramatic improvement when stimuli such as toolsare provided.

Animal Studies of Limb-Action Planning

There is no definitive behavioral correlate of apraxiain nonhuman primates. Research has focusedinstead on the role of the cortical and subcorticalsystems involved in various aspects of prehensilemovements, including selection of movement,pointing, reaching, and grasping (Wise & Desimone, 1988). These studies detail the anatom-ical cortico-cortical connections between parietaland frontal areas and identify the electrophysiolog-ically defined functional properties of neurons inlocalized areas of the cortex. In general, nonhumanprimate studies show that the sensory-to-motortransformations involved in reaching and graspingvisual objects are accomplished by two specializedsubsystems that interconnect distinct regions of theparietal and frontal cortices (Jeannerod, Arbib, Rizzolatti, & Sakata, 1995).

Reaching toward a target in extrapersonal spaceinvolves a dorsal pathway that traverses the dorsalparietal cortex, the intraparietal sulcus, and the pre-motor cortex (Mountcastle, Lynch, Georgopoulos,Sakata, & Acuna, 1975). These areas are directlyconnected (Cavada & Goldman-Rakic, 1989) andappear to be critical for generating motor com-mands that can move the limb toward targetslocated with respect to proprioceptive or visualinformation. A second pathway traverses the inferior parietal, anterior intraparietal, and ventralpremotor cortices (Luppino, Murata, Govini, &Matelli, 1999). Function in this ventral pathway ismore closely associated with determining the prop-erties of objects that are subsequently used to plana grasp. These two pathways must share informa-tion to allow the close coordination and control ofreach and grasp observed with normal prehension.

The dorsal pathway can be further segregatedinto functionally distinct domains. Lesions of thelateral intraparietal cortex and the adjacent inferiorparietal lobule or in the white matter connecting theoccipital and parietal cortices lead to inaccuraciesin reaching toward visual targets (Haaxma &Kuypers, 1974; Rushworth, Nixon, & Passingham,1997a). More dorsal lesions involving the medialintraparietal sulcus and the adjacent superior pari-etal lobule lead to errors in reaching toward targetsin the dark. These areas appear to represent the limbin terms of spatial position and link motor output(copy efference) and proprioceptive information(Rushworth, Nixon, & Passingham, 1997b). Single-unit recording studies obtained during movementshow that neurons in the medial intraparietal areaare modulated by the direction of the hand move-ment, whereas cells in the lateral intraparietal areaencode a predictive representation of the movementthat is independent of the visual or motor output(Eskandar & Assad, 1999). Such a predictive signal would be a critical component of visuomotortransformations.

Parietal lesions do not disrupt the selection of areaching movement based on instructional cues. Incontrast, dorsal premotor cortex lesions lead to animpairment of learning new associations between

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instructional cues and reaching movements, i.e., themapping of sensory-motor associations (Wise &Kurata, 1989). Cells within the dorsal premotorcortex show complex properties that are consistentwith the capacity to transform target informationinto a motor command (Shen & Alexander, 1997).

Because the posterior parietal cortex can bedivided into planning regions for different types ofactions, it has been argued that each area shouldcode the required movement in relation to a co-ordinate reference frame that is most appropriate for the respective movement (Colby, 1998). Forexample, within the more posterior parietal cortexof the dorsal pathway, there is growing electro-physiological evidence for a “parietal reach region”where sensorimotor transformations for reachingtoward a target are generated with respect to an eye-centered reference (Batista, Buneo, Snyder, &Andersen, 1999). Additional areas showing botheye- and body-centered reference frames are foundwithin the lateral intraparietal cortex. Within theinferior parietal lobule, there is evidence for anenvironment-centered frame of reference (Snyderet al., 1998).

Turning to the ventral pathway, a key area foraction-oriented processing of an object appears tobe the anterior intraparietal sulcus (AIP). There areother areas within the inferior temporal lobe that are essential for identifying objects. Unlike the in-ferior temporal cortex, which appears to be criticalfor object identification, the AIP appears to be critical for linking the properties of an object with the appropriate grasp attributes (Sakata, Taira,Kusunoki, Murata, & Tanaka, 1997). The AIPreceives the binocular three-dimensional features ofobjects. Grasp planning in the AIP occurs in concertwith the ventral premotor cortex, to which the AIPis reciprocally connected. The AIP contains severalsubpopulations of “manipulation” cells that codethe specific hand configurations necessary forgrasping objects (Taira et al., 1990), or a targetobject’s three-dimensional characteristics (Murata,Gallese, Luppino, Kaseda, & Sakata, 2000).

Cells within the anatomically connected ventralpremotor area appear to be involved in the prepara-

tion and execution of visually and haptically guidedgrasping movements (Rizzolatti et al., 1990).Typical cells in this area show coordinate framesthat are anchored to the eye, head, or body part(Graziano, Hu, & Gross, 1997b). Many cells in thisarea respond to objects viewed in close proximityto the face or arm of the animal. The neurons con-tinue to fire in the dark, demonstrating object per-manence (Graziano, Hu, & Gross, 1997a). Thus, thearea appears to support sensorimotor transforma-tions linking the body with an object.

Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Limb-Action Planning

Recent functional neuroimaging studies contributeto our understanding of the structures involved invarious apraxic conditions. At present, there are fewstudies that use these techniques to directly explorethe mechanisms responsible for apraxic behavior.Instead, work has concentrated primarily on map-ping the systems involved in the production andconceptualization of movements in healthy adults.These findings yield insights into the distributednetworks of the regions involved in these functions,and therefore provide a broader context in which the effects of focal brain injury and the associatedbehavioral impairments exhibited by the apraxicindividual can be interpreted. There are two con-straints that limit neuroimaging studies of humanmotor behavior: the requirement to maintain a constant head position during data acquisition, andthe restrictive physical confines of current imagingsystems. For these reasons, researchers havefocused on a relatively small range of movements.

Production Domain

Simple Movements As noted earlier, a keyelement in the diagnosis of apraxia is ruling outimpairments attributable to an explicit weaknessthat can arise from damage to a variety of periph-eral and/or central structures. Having satisfied thiscriterion, however, apraxic patients may exhibitglobal difficulties in the production of simple move-ments. The past two decades have seen a large

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number of functional imaging studies of simple unilateral and bilateral movements involving theupper limbs. These studies support the existence ofmultiple somatotopically organized representationsin a variety of structures within the cortical motorsystem including the M1, supplementary motor area(SMA), and premotor area (PMA) (Grafton, Woods,& Mazziotta, 1993). A typical result in these studiesis that simple finger movements activate the con-tralateral M1 and the ipsilateral cerebellum, SMA,and S1 (Grafton, Mazziotta, Woods, & Phelps,1992). An important variable in these studies iswhether movements are generated in response to anexternal sensory stimulus (e.g., an auditory or visualpacing cue) or are generated internally by thesubject (Jahanshahi et al., 1995). This distinctionmay underlie the common clinical observation thatsome apraxic patients have difficulty initiatingmovements spontaneously, yet may exhibit no difficulty in performing stimulus-driven responsessuch as covering the mouth when coughing.

Intransitive Actions Double dissociation betweenintransitive and transitive movements suggests thatthese two classes of actions should be representedin relatively independent subsystems within thehuman brain. To date there have been no attemptsto directly compare these two classes of actions in a single functional neuroimaging experiment.However, considerable attention has been devotedto the representation of meaningless and meaning-ful intransitive movements or gestures. One of theearliest gestures to develop, and the most ubiqui-tous, is pointing to locations in the environment.Studies of pointing to visual targets indicate theinvolvement of a widely distributed system of cortical and subcortical structures that include thecontralateral motor, premotor, and ventral supple-mentary motor areas and the cingulate, superiorparietal, and dorsal occipital cortices (Grafton,Fagg, Woods, & Arbib, 1996b). Several of theseareas also contribute to gestures made in responseto symbolic cues or imitated.

Iacoboni and colleagues recently identified anetwork of areas that were activated regardless ofwhether a finger movement was made in responseto a visual cue or after observation of another’s handmodeling the action (Iacoboni et al., 1999). Fur-thermore, two specific areas—the opercular regionof the frontal cortex and the rostral, right, superiorparietal lobe—showed increased activity whenmovements were initiated in response to an observed model. These findings were interpreted as supporting a view of gestural behavior in which perceiving an action automatically activates brainmechanisms that would be involved in producingthe same behavior. This direct mapping or commoncoding hypothesis (CCH) originated with single-unit recordings in monkeys showing that some cellswithin the ventral premotor cortex respond to bothobservation and production of the same manualmovements (Gallese, Fadiga, Fogassi, & Rizzolatti,1996; Rizzolatti & Fadiga, 1998; Rizzolatti, Fadiga,Gallese, & Fogassi, 1996a).

There are now reasons to believe that the CCHmay hold for several areas in the human brain. It has been known for some time that observation of movement induces electromyographical (EMG)changes in the muscles that would be involved incarrying out comparable actions (Berger & Hadley,1975). This phenomenon appears to result fromactivity changes in the primary motor cortex asso-ciated with perception of movement. Indeed, obser-vation of gestures selectively lowers the thresholdfor the stimulation of the motor cortex that is neededto induce motor-evoked potentials recorded fromsubjects’ hand muscles (Fadiga, Fogassi, Pavesi, &Rizzolatti, 1995).

Transitive Actions Recent positron emissiontomography (PET) studies (Binkofski et al., 1999b;Binkofski et al., 1998; Grafton et al., 1996b) andinvestigations of the effects of localized brainlesions (Sirigu et al., 1996) suggest that sensory-to-motor transformations are accomplished byhomologous parietofrontal circuits in humans.

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Conceptual Domain

Intransitive Actions To the extent that the CCH isvalid, it should be possible to investigate manystructures in the gesture production subsystemthrough paradigms that involve observation of ges-tures. The vast majority of functional neuroimagingstudies have taken this approach because it allowsone to study gestures while avoiding the difficultiesassociated with having subjects move during dataacquisition. Because these studies do not involveexplicit production of movement, they fall withinthe conceptual domain. The results of this workhave revealed a network of areas in the frontal andparietal cortices that are activated by the percep-tion of manual actions (Grafton, Arbib, Fadiga, &Rizzolatti, 1996a; Rizzolatti et al., 1996b) andmeaning less gestures (Decety & Grezes, 1999;Grezes, Costes, & Decety, 1999). Many of thesedorsal brain structures, including the primary motorand somatosensory cortices, are also involved in the production of comparable actions by theobserver (Rizzolatti et al., 1996b). Furthermore,task demands appear to play an important role indetermining which structures are activated duringobservation of gestures. More precisely, prefrontalstructures associated with encoding of memory areengaged when subjects are instructed to observegestures with the intention of performing an upcoming recognition task, whereas the intention to imitate gestures activates areas involved in motorplanning and production (Grezes et al., 1999).Together, these results raise the interesting pos-sibility that apraxics who have difficulties in pro-ducing intransitive gestures may also exhibitproblems perceiving the same actions.

As initially novel gestures become recognizable,the gesture representation system exhibits consider-able experience-dependent plasticity. Specifically,there is a decrease in parietal activation and an asso-ciated increase in regions of the frontal cortex,including the angular gyrus, with increasing famil-iarity (Decety et al., 1997; Grezes et al., 1999).

Meaningful Gestures American Sign Language(ASL) is a gesture-based linguistic system that utilizes static hand postures, hand movements, and spatial locations to convey meaning (Bellugi,Poizner, & Klima, 1989; Poizner, Bellugi, & Klima,1990a). While perception of meaningless gesturesactivates a network of areas on the dorsal surface of the brain, perception of ASL by expert signersinvolves more ventral areas located in and aroundthe classic language centers of the left temporallobe, as well as the primary motor cortex (Nevilleet al., 1998; Soderfeldt et al., 1997). Put differently,at some point during the acquisition of ASL, thereappears to be a large-scale, experience-dependentreorganization in the neural representation of ges-tures that is related to their acquiring linguisticvalence. At present, no single study has used neuroimaging to directly observe this shift ingesture representation related to expertise.

Transitive Actions As noted earlier, apraxicpatients often display the ability to produce actionwhen they are provided with the appropriate tool orutensil, but fail to do so when they are required tomime (Sirigu et al., 1995). Although miming the useof tools has not been directly investigated, there area number of neuroimaging studies that explored therepresentation of tools and their uses.

Representations of Tools The question of whetherdifferent categories of objects (e.g., animals, faces,and buildings) are represented in separate corticalmodules on the ventral surface of the temporal lobeshas received copious attention in the neuroimagingliterature (Farah & Aguirre, 1999). Of relevance to understanding apraxia is the observation that theleft, premotor, dorsal (PMd) cortex is activatedduring either naming (Martin, Haxby, Lalonde,Wiggs, & Ungerleider, 1995; Martin, Wiggs,Ungerleider, & Haxby, 1996) or passive observation(Martin, et al., 1996) of familiar, graspable tools(e.g., a hammer) as opposed to other nontoolobjects. This has been interpreted as evidence thatmemory representations of objects belonging to thetool category are both visual and motor in nature.

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As noted earlier, the PMd cortex is part of the parietofrontal network involved in visually guidedreaching. This work suggests that damage to thiscircuit may disrupt not only object-oriented actionsbut also the perception of tools. Indeed, clinicalobservations indicate that ideomotor apraxics oftenhave difficulty selecting the tools appropriate forsolving a specific task.

Representations of Tool Use In the earlier dis-cussion of transitive actions, evidence was reviewedshowing that the transformation of perceptual infor-mation into a motor plan—sensory-to-motor trans-formation—for reaching and grasping involves twodissociable frontoparietal networks (Jeannerod etal., 1995). Less well understood are the mechanismsinvolved in anticipating the consequences of poten-tial actions on the body and the surrounding environment and using these predictions to selectspecific movements. In computational studies ofmotor control, these motor-to-sensory transforma-tions are solved by systems that implement forwardinternal models and inverse internal models, respec-tively (Wolpert et al., 1998b).

One approach to investigating the mechanismsinvolved in motor-to-sensory transformations isthrough paradigms that involve mentally simulatedactions, or motor imagery. Functional neuroimagingstudies spanning two decades have shown that theimagining of movements activates many of thesame brain structures as an actual action (Jeannerod,1995; Johnson, 2000). Motor imagery tasks requiresubjects to plan actions in the absence of the sensoryfeedback that accompanies movements. To solvesuch tasks correctly, the subjects must instead construct accurate internal representations of theanticipated sensory consequences of would-bemovements. A recent study by Johnson et al. (Jeannerod, 1995; Johnson, 2000) examined theareas of activation associated with deciding whetherit would be natural to grasp a handle (appearing ina variety of different orientations) in an overhandgrip. Their findings were consistent with thehypothesis that imagined grip selection involvesparietal and frontal areas that contribute to sensory-

to-motor transformations during manual prehen-sion. Specifically, grip selection was accompaniedby significant changes in the parietal and frontalareas believed to be homologous with the monkey“reach” circuit discussed earlier. Deciding how bestto grasp the handle with either the left or right handinduced bilateral activation of the PMd cortex.These sites are consistent with those found in earlierstudies of reaching (Grafton et al., 1996b) andmovement selection (Grafton, Fagg, & Arbib, 1998)in humans and monkeys (Kalaska & Crammond,1992, 1995; Kurata and Hoffman, 1994) andsupport the claim that the caudal PMd cortex isinvolved in the preparation and selection of condi-tional motor behavior (Grafton et al., 1998).

Grip selection also activated several areas withinthe superior (SPL) and inferior (IPL) parietallobules. In contrast to the bilateral effects observedin the PMd cortex, activations within the parietalcortex were dependent in part on the hand on whichgrip decisions were based. Selection of a left-handed grip activated contralateral areas in the IPLlocated in anterior and medial regions along theintraparietal sulcus. These areas may be humanhomologs of the functional areas involved in grasp-ing anterior intraparictal area (AIP) and reachingmedial intraparetal area (MIP), respectively, inmonkeys. Decisions based on the right hand alsoinvolved a region of the contralateral IPL, at amedial location along the bank of the intraparietalsulcus. This site may also correspond to the func-tional MIP. Consistent with this interpretation, theresponses of cells within the monkey MIP are mostpronounced when forthcoming actions will involvethe contralateral hand (Colby & Duhamel, 1991).Together these findings suggest that the IPL maycompute internal motor representations relative tothe intended effector (Wise, Boussaoud, Johnson, &Caminiti, 1997).

Unexpectedly, grip decisions involving eitherhand also activated a common region of the rightSPL. It is well known that the SPL is the majorsource of parietal input to the PMd cortex inmonkeys and is involved in higher-level proprio-ception (Lacquaniti, Guigon, Bianchi, Ferraina, &

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Caminiti, 1995; Mountcastle et al., 1975). Involve-ment in imagined grip selection is consistent withevidence that in humans the SPL participates in therepresentation of finger, hand, and arm movements(Grafton et al., 1992; Deiber et al., 1998), as wellas in high-level spatial-cognitive processes such as mental rotation (Alivisatos & Petrides, 1997;Bonda, Petrides, Frey, & Evans, 1995) and the imitation of hand gestures (Iacoboni et al., 1999).As mentioned previously, patients with lesions inthe SPL may show difficulties in visually guidedreaching and eye movements, collectively known asoptic ataxia (Perenin & Vighetto, 1988). Consistentwith the right lateralization of SPL activations ingrip selection, optic ataxics with right hemispheredamage have difficulty making visually guidedreaches with either hand into the contralesionalhemifield. By contrast, left hemisphere lesionsaffect only the contralateral right hand (DeRenzi,1988; Goodale, 1990). Together, these findingssuggest a specialization in the right SPL for pro-cessing the egocentric spatial information necessaryfor planning actions involving either limb.

Conclusions and Future Directions

There are many gaps in our understanding ofapraxia in relation to the function of distinct corti-cal systems. Central to this issue is the need todefine the relationship between apraxia and action-oriented perceptual processes. These processesinclude gesture recognition, tool representation, andthe perception of intentionality. It remains unclearif behavioral testing of action-oriented processeswith explicit measurements adequately capturesoperations that are normally performed implicitly(Rossetti, 1998).

Confounding experimental attempts to investi-gate movement, the experimental workspace offunctional imaging has significant limitations onallowable actions. The artificial quality of allowabletasks can undermine the interpretation of brainmapping studies of action perception. For example,motor simulation is now commonly used to map the

brain structures involved in motor planning bymeans of imagined movement or presentations ofvirtual reality. The connection between these simu-lated processes and real perceptions when planningnatural actions remains unknown.

The development of praxis during infancy isunderstood in only the broadest terms. It will be critical to relate the overlearned, highly practicedmovements of adulthood to the earliest emergenceof primitive motor acts, such as reaching, grasping,and anticipating. As children, we have a profoundcapacity to learn by imitation. What is the connec-tion between this childhood motor learning andacquisition of skills as adults?

In parallel, the importance of mirror systems asdefined in nonhuman primates for human motorcontrol and learning remains largely speculative.Although it is extremely attractive to think of mirrorsystems as fundamental substrates for imitativelearning, this hypothesis remains untested inhumans. Central to this problem is resolving the marked anatomical differences between the nonhuman primate cortex and that of humans, particularly in the parietal lobe. These anatomicaldifferences limit our ability to generalize observa-tions on neuron firing properties derived from themonkey. Similarly, functional brain imaging tech-niques can identify putative cortical areas involvedin motor processes related to apraxia, but cannotascribe functional causality with any certainty.Finally, the complex interaction between action andattention, which is profoundly distorted in apraxicpatients, merits further study.


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Robert T. Knight and MarkD’Esposito

Evidence from neuropsychological, electrophy-siological, and functional neuroimaging researchsupports a critical role for the lateral prefrontalcortex (PFC) in executive control of goal-directedbehavior (Fuster, 1997). The extensive recipro-cal PFC connections to virtually all cortical and subcortical structures place the PFC in a uniqueneuroanatomical position to monitor and mani-pulate diverse cognitive processes. For example, ameta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies(Duncan & Owen, 2000) reveals the activation of common regions of the lateral PFC in a set ofmarkedly diverse cognitive tasks. Activation in thePFC in these tasks centers in the posterior portionsof the lateral PFC at the junction of the middle andinferior frontal gyri, including portions of the dorsaland ventral PFC (Brodmann areas 9, 44, 45, and 46)(Rajkowska & Goldman-Rakic, 1995a,b) (figure11.1). Moreover, damage to the lateral PFC, ex-cluding the language cortices in humans, results ina wide range of behavioral and cognitive deficits(Luria, 1966; Stuss & Benson, 1986; Damasio &Anderson, 1993; Mesulam, 1998). In short, patientswith lateral PFC lesions have deficits in executivefunction, which is a term meant to capture a widerange of cognitive processes such as focused and sustained attention, fluency and flexibility ofthought in the generation of solutions to novel pro-blems, and planning and regulating adaptive andgoal-directed behavior.

In contrast to lateral PFC damage, orbitofrontaldamage spares many cognitive skills, but dramati-cally affects all spheres of social behavior (Stone,Baron-Cohen, & Knight, 1998; Bechera, Damasio,Tranel, & Anderson, 1998). The orbitofrontal patientis frequently impulsive, hyperactive, and lacking inproper social skills despite showing intact cognitiveprocessing on a range of tasks that are typicallyimpaired in patients with lateral PFC lesions. Insome instances, the behavioral syndrome is so severethat the term acquired sociopathy has been used todescribe the resultant personality profile of the

11 Lateral Prefrontal Syndrome: A Disorder of Executive Control

orbitofrontal patient (Saver & Damasio, 1991).However, unlike true sociopaths, orbitofrontalpatients typically feel remorse for their inappropriatebehavior. Severe social and emotional dysfunction istypically observed only after bilateral orbitofrontaldamage.

There has been a remarkable convergence oflesion, electrophysiological, and functional neu-roimaging data from animals and humans on therole of the lateral PFC in cognition. The electro-physiological data provide important informationon the timing of PFC modulation of cognitive processing. These data are complemented by func-tional neuroimaging findings defining the spatialcharacteristics of PFC involvement in a variety of cognitive processes, with evidence accruing for engagement of both inhibitory and excitatoryprocesses. Finally, the neuropsychological datafrom studying patients with focal PFC lesionsprovide the crucial behavioral confirmation of electrophysiological and functional neuroimagingfindings obtained in normal populations. In ourview, the most complete picture will emerge from afusion of classic neuropsychological approacheswith powerful new techniques to measure the phys-iology of the human brain.

An exhaustive review and synthesis of the role of the PFC in cognition and behavior is beyond thescope of this chapter. Rather, we focus on the lateralPFC and specifically the role of this region in ex-ecutive control. We begin by describing a typicalpatient with lateral PFC damage, followed by a clin-ical description of this syndrome, which has beengathered by observing other patients such as the one described in the case report. After a brief surveyof the range of cognitive functions that have beenattributed to the lateral PFC, we present experi-mental evidence derived from neuropsychological,electrophysiological, and functional neuroimag-ing research that supports a critical role for thelateral PFC in executive control of goal-directedbehavior.

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Case Report

Patient W.R., a 31-year-old lawyer, came to the neurologyclinic because of family concern over his lack of interestin important life events. When queried as to why he wasat the clinic, the patient stated that he had “lost his ego.”His difficulties began 4 years previously when he had atonic-clonic seizure after staying up all night and drinkinglarge amounts of coffee while studying for midterm examsin his final year of law school. An extensive neurologicalevaluation conducted at that time, including an electro-encephalogram (EEG), a computed tomography (CT)scan, and a position emission tomography (PET) scanwere all unremarkable. A diagnosis of generalized seizuredisorder exacerbated by sleep deprivation was given andthe patient was placed on dilantin.

W.R. graduated from law school, but did not enter apractice because he could not decide where to take the barexam. Over the next year he worked as a tennis instructorin Florida. He then broke off a 2-year relationship with awoman and moved to California to live near his brother,who was also a lawyer. His brother reported that he wasindecisive and procrastinated in carrying out plannedactivities, and that he was becoming progressively isolatedfrom family and friends. The family attributed these problems to a “midlife crisis.” Four months prior to neu-rological consultation, W.R.’s mother died. At the funeraland during the time surrounding his mother’s death thefamily noted that he expressed no grief regarding his

mother’s death. The family decided to have the patientreevaluated.

On examination, W.R. was pleasant but somewhat indif-ferent to the situation. A general neurological examinationwas unremarkable. A mild snout reflex was present. W.R.made both perseverative and random errors on the Luriahand-sequencing task and was easily distracted during the examination. His free recall was two out of three wordsat a 5-minute delay. He was able to recall the third wordwith a semantic cue. On being questioned about hismother’s death, W.R. confirmed that he did not feel anystrong emotions, either about his mother’s death or abouthis current problem. The patient’s brother mentioned thatW.R. “had never lost it” emotionally during the week after his mother’s death, at which point W.R. immediatelyinterjected “and I’m not trying not to lose it.” Regardinghis mother’s death, he stated “I don’t feel grief, I don’tknow if that’s bad or good.” These statements wereemphatic, but expressed in a somewhat jocular fashion(witzelsucht).

W.R. was asked about changes in his personality. Hestruggled for some minutes to describe changes he hadnoticed, but did not manage to identify any. He stated“Being inside, I can’t see it as clear.” He was distractibleand perseverative, frequently reverting to a prior discus-sion of tennis, and repeating phrases such as “yellowcomes to mind” in response to queries of his memory.When asked about either the past or the future, his re-sponses were schematic and stereotyped. He lacked anyplans for the future, initiated no future-oriented actions,

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Figure 11.1The Brodmann classification and a more recent cytoarchitectonic postmortem definition of areas 9 and 46 of lateral pre-frontal cortex in humans. The cytoarchitectonic definitions of Rajkowska and Goldman-Rakic (1995a, b) are shown onthe Talairach coordinate system and represent the overlap of these areas averaged from five subjects.

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and stated “It didn’t matter that much, it never botheredme” that he never began to practice law.

A CT scan revealed a left lateral prefrontal glioblastomathat had grown through the corpus callosum into the lateralright frontal lobe. After discussion of the serious nature ofthe diagnosis, W.R. remained indifferent. The family weredistressed by the gravity of the situation and showedappropriate anxiety and sadness. It is interesting that theynoted that their sadness was alleviated in the presence ofW.R.

In summary, W.R. remained a pleasant and articulateindividual despite his extensive frontal tumor. However,he was unable to carry out the activities necessary to makehim a fully functioning member of society. His behaviorwas completely constrained by his current circumstances.His jocularity was a reaction to the social situation of themoment, and was not influenced by the larger context ofhis recent diagnosis. He appeared to have difficulty withexplicit memory and source monitoring; he had little con-fidence in his answers to memory queries, which werecomplicated by frequent intrusions from internal mentalrepresentations. He was distractible, and perseverativeerrors were common in both the motor and cognitivedomain. A prominent aspect of his behavior was a com-plete absence of counterfactual expressions. In particular,W.R. expressed no counterfactual emotions, being com-pletely unable to construe any explanation for his currentbehavioral state. He did not seem able to feel grief orregret, nor was he bothered by their absence even thoughhe was aware of his brother’s concern over his absence ofemotion. The symptoms of this patient reveal the role ofthe lateral PFC in virtually all aspects of human cognition.

Clinical Description of Patients with Lateral PFC Damage

The development of human behavior is paralleledby a massive evolution of the PFC, which occupiesup to 35% of the neocortical mantle in man. In contrast, in high-level nonhuman primates such asgorillas (Fuster, 1997), the PFC occupies only about10–12% of the cortical mantle. Since the lateralPFC is involved in so many aspects of behavior andcognition, characterization of a “prefrontal” syn-drome can be elusive. PFC damage from strokes,tumors, trauma, or degenerative disorders is notori-ously difficult to diagnose since subtle behavioral

changes such as deficits in creativity and mentalflexibility may be the only salient findings. Thepatient may complain that he is not able to payattention as well and that his memory is not quiteas sharp. In patients with degenerative disease, thesymptoms related to PFC damage may become clin-ically obvious only if the patient has a job requiringsome degree of mental flexibility and decisionmaking. However, if the patient has a routinized jobor lifestyle, PFC damage can be quite advancedbefore a diagnosis is made. Indeed, many PFCtumors are extensive at initial diagnosis.

As unilateral PFC lesions progress or becomebilateral, pronounced behavioral and cognitive ab-normalities invariably become evident. Advancedbilateral PFC damage leads to perseveration, whichis manifested behaviorally as being fixed in thepresent and unable to effectively go forward orbackward in time. In association with these deficits,confidence about many aspects of behavior deterio-rates. Patients with PFC damage may be uncertainabout the appropriateness of their behavior evenwhen it is correct.

It is interesting that extensive frontal lobedamage may have little impact on the abilities measured by standardized intelligence tests or other neuropsychological tests, but these findings are in marked contrast to the way that these patientsperform unintelligently in real life (Shallice &Burgess, 1991). Based on this observation, it isobvious that neuropsychological tests designed forthe laboratory do not always capture the abilitiesthat are necessary for success in real life. Forexample, real-life behavior requires heavy time processing demands (e.g., working memory) and a core system of values based on both inherited(e.g., drives, instincts) and acquired (e.g., education,socialization) information that is probably not necessary for most artificial problems posed by neuropsychological tasks (Damasio & Anderson,1993). Tests of executive function, however, whichare difficult to administer at the bedside, seem tocapture the type of abilities that are typicallyimpaired following lateral PFC damage. A briefreview of these impairments is described next.

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Inability to Modify Behavior in Response to Changing Circumstances

An impairment of this type is found when patientswith frontal lobe injury perform the Wisconsin CardSorting Test (WCST). In this test, a deck of cards ispresented one at time to the patient, who must sorteach one according to various stimulus dimensions(color, form, or number). Each card from the deckcontains from one to four identical figures (stars, triangles, crosses, or circles) in one of four colors.The patient is told after each response whether theresponse is correct or not, and must infer from thisinformation only (the sorting principle is not givenby the examiner) what the next response should be. After ten correct sorts, the sorting principle ischanged without warning.

During this test, frontal patients usually under-stand and can repeat the rules of the test, but areunable to follow them or use knowledge of incor-rect performance to alter their behavior (Milner,1963; Eslinger & Damasio, 1985). Recent findingsin patients with lateral PFC damage indicate thatthese patients make both random errors and perse-verative errors (Barcelo & Knight, 2002). Persever-ative errors are traditionally viewed as a failure ininhibition of a previous response pattern, and on the WCST these errors are due to a failure to shiftset to a new sorting criteria. A random error occurswhen a patient is sorting correctly and switches toa new incorrect sorting category without anyprompt from the examiner; this can be viewed as atransient failure in maintaining the goal at hand.

Inability to Handle Sequential BehaviorNecessary for Organization, Planning, andProblem Solving

Patients with PFC lesions often have no difficultywith the basic operations of a given task, but nevertheless perform poorly. For example, whenperforming complex mathematical problems requir-ing multiple steps, the patient may initially respondimpulsively to an early step and will be unable tostring together and execute the component steps

required for solving the problem (Stuss & Benson,1984). However, the ability to perform in isolationeach of the mathematical operations (i.e., additionand subtraction) required to complete the complextask might be intact. The problem, “The price ofcanned peas is two cans for 31 cents. What is theprice of one dozen cans?” is almost impossible for patients with PFC lesions, even though thesepatients can perform the direct arithmetical task ofmultiplying 6 times 31 with ease (Stuss & Benson,1984).

Inability to Inhibit Responses

The inability to inhibit responses can be detectedwith a measure called the “Stroop paradigm”(Stroop, 1935). It is based on the observation that it takes longer to name the color of a series of colorwords printed in conflicting colors (e.g., “red”printed in blue ink) than to name the color of a seriesof color blocks. This phenomenon is exaggerated inpatients with frontal lesions (Perret, 1974). A relatedphenomenon is that patients with PFC lesions maydisplay a remarkable tendency to imitate the ex-aminer’s gestures and behaviors even when noinstruction has been given to do so, and even whenthis imitation entails considerable personal embar-rassment. The mere sight of an object may also elicitthe compulsion to use it, although the patient hasnot been asked to do so and the context is inappro-priate—as in a patient who sees a pair of glasses andputs them on, even though he is already wearing hisown pair. These symptoms have been called the“environmental dependency syndrome.”

It has been postulated that the frontal lobes maypromote distance from the environment and theparietal lobes foster approach toward one’s envi-ronment. Therefore, the loss of frontal inhibitionmay result in overactivity of the parietal lobes.Without the PFC, our autonomy in our environmentwould not be possible. A given stimulus would auto-matically call up a predetermined response regard-less of context (Lhermitte, 1986; Lhermitte, Pillon,& Sedarv, 1986).

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Perseveration is defined as an abnormal repetitionof a specific behavior. It can be present after frontaldamage in a wide range of tasks, including motoracts, verbalizations, sorting tests, and drawing orwriting.

Inability to Self-Monitor

Patients with lateral PFC damage are unable tomonitor their own behavior. Two behaviors thatcapture self-monitoring, called “simulation be-havior” and “reality checking,” have been shown to be impaired after lateral PFC damage (Knight & Grabowecky, 2000). Simulation refers to theprocess of generating internal models of externalreality. These models may represent an accuratepast or an alternative past, present, or future andinclude models of the environment, of other people, and of the self. Simulation processes havebeen extensively studied in normal populations (Kahneman & Miller, 1986; Tversky & Kahneman,1983). Judgments and decisions in any situationoccur as a consequence of the evaluation of a set ofinternally generated alternatives.

One important type of simulation behavior isdescribed as the ability to generate counterfactualscenarios. Counterfactual scenarios represent analternative reality to the one experienced. Counter-factual expressions occur often in everyday life (forexample, when one thinks “If I had ordered thepasta with white sauce instead of marinara this stainwould be less obvious,”), and are very common insituations involving regret or grief. (For example, adistraught parent may say, “If only I had not givenmy son the keys to the car, the accident would nothave occurred.”)

According to Kahneman and Miller (1986), allevents are compared with counterfactual alterna-tives. Counterfactuals are constructed to comparewhat happened with what could have happened.Without such simulations it is difficult to avoidmaking the same mistakes repetitively. Clinicalobservation suggests that patients with lateral PFC

damage may be impaired in their ability to generateand evaluate counterfactuals.

The expression “reality checking” refers to thoseaspects of monitoring the external world that havebeen called “reality testing” when they concern the present, and “reality monitoring” when theyconcern the past. Reality checking includes both anawareness of the difference between an internallygenerated alternative reality and a current reality,and the maintenance of a true past in the presenceof counterfactual alternatives that one might con-struct. Memories are created for events experiencedin the world and events experienced through inter-nally constructed simulations. These two sources of memories must be treated differently in order for them to be used effectively during reality check-ing. Thus, what cues differentiate our internalmodels of reality from our internal simulations ofreality?

Johnson and Raye (1981) studied normal sub-jects’ abilities to discriminate between memories ofexternal events and those of internally generatedevents. Memories of external events tend to be moredetailed and have more spatial and temporal con-textual information, whereas internally generatedmemories tend to be abstract and schematic, lackingin detail. Since these two memory representationsform overlapping populations, similar internal andexternal events may become confused. Clinicalobservation suggests that such confusion may bemore common in patients with PFC lesions, leadingto impairments in the processes necessary for accu-rate reality checking and monitoring.

It is important to note that not all patients withlateral PFC lesions will exhibit all of the deficitsdescribed here. The clinical syndrome followinglateral PFC lesions is heterogeneous, and the clini-cal signs that patients exhibit most likely reflectnumerous factors such as the extent, location, andlaterality of the lesions. Nevertheless, the myriadcognitive and behavioral disturbances observed inthese patients have been well characterized, andsuch clinical descriptions have formed the founda-tion for understanding the role of the frontal lobesin cognition. In the next section, we review the

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experimental neuropsychological literature derivedfrom studying patients with focal PFC lesions.

Neuropsychological Studies of Patients with Focal Frontal Lesions

Working Memory

Working memory is an evolving concept that refersto the short-term storage of information that is not accessible in the environment, and the set ofprocesses that keep this information active for lateruse. It is a system that is critically important in cog-nition and seems to be necessary in the course ofperforming many other cognitive functions such asreasoning, language comprehension, planning, andspatial processing. Animal studies initially providedimportant evidence for the role of the lateral PFC in working memory (for a review see Fuster, 1997).For example, electrophysiological studies of awake,behaving monkeys have used delayed-responsetasks to study working memory. In these tasks, themonkey must keep “in mind,” or actively maintaina stimulus over a short delay. During such tasks,neurons within the lateral PFC persistently fireduring the delay period of a delayed-response task when the monkey is maintaining informationin memory prior to a making a motor response(Funahashi, Bruce, & Goldman-Rakic, 1989; Fuster& Alexander, 1971). The necessity of this region for active maintenance of information over shortdelays has been demonstrated in monkey studiesthat have shown that lesions of the lateral PFCimpair performance on these tasks (Bauer & Fuster, 1976; Funahashi, Bruce, & Goldman-Rakic,1993).

There are few studies in which human patientswith focal lesions of the PFC performed delayed-response tasks (e.g., Chao & Knight, 1995, 1998;Muller, Machado, & Knight, 2002). In a recentreview of such studies, we found that some groupsof patients with PFC lesions can be impaired ondelay tasks, and that these deficits tend to be moreprominent when patients perform delay tasks that

include distraction during the delay period (D’Esposito & Postle, 1999). This finding might be understood as a reflection of the effects of thismanipulation on information-processing demands.The rehearsal processes that suffice to support performance on a delay task without distractionmay require the mediation of other PFC-supportedprocesses when distraction during the delay inter-val presents a source of interference or attentionalsalience. These PFC-supported processes may in-clude executive control processes, such as inhibitionof prepotent responses (Diamond, 1988), or behav-iorally irrelevant stimuli (Chao & Knight, 1995),shifting attention among stimuli and/or among different components of a task (Rogers & Monsell,1995), maintaining or refreshing information in a noisy environment (Johnson, 1992), or selectingamong competing responses (Thompson-Schill et al., 1997). These types of executive control pro-cesses have been linked to lateral PFC function in studies using both functional neuroimaging (e.g.,D’Esposito et al., 1995; D’Esposito, Postle, Ballard,& Lease, 1999) and patients with focal lateral PFClesions (Muller et al., 2002).

Episodic Long-Term Memory

Patients with damage to the PFC have episodicmemory impairments. They differ from those withmedial temporal damage in obvious ways. Hécaenand Albert (1978) summarized an enormous litera-ture on frontal memory deficits and concluded that the impairments in memory were due to ineffi-ciencies caused by poor attention or poor “execu-tive” function. Patients with PFC lesions showconsistent impairment in multiple-trial list learn-ing tasks (Janowsky, Shimamura, Kritchevsky, &Squire, 1989a; Janowsky, Shimamura, & Squire,1989b) in which they fail on recall measures, buthave generally normal performance on recognitionmeasures. This has been interpreted as defectiveretrieval—a function that requires strategy andeffort—as opposed to normal storage—a functionthat is more passive (Shimamura, Janowsky, &Squire, 1991).

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A major problem with this research is a failure to discriminate among lesions in different PFCregions. Comparisons are made between a group ofpatients with very specific and restricted lesions—medial temporal—and a group with very hetero-geneous lesions—dorsolateral, orbital, polar, andsuperomedial—areas that may have greatly differ-ent roles in memory. There are substantially differ-ent effects on memory, depending on the specificfrontal lesion site (Stuss et al., 1994). Patients withleft dorsolateral PFC lesions are particularly im-paired in list learning, and this deficit is highly correlated with deficits in lexicosemantic capacitymeasured by verbal fluency and naming tasks. RightPFC patients are particularly prone to perseverativeerrors in recall tasks. All frontal patients are defec-tive in applying strategies to improve learning.

Patients with PFC lesions also have specificimpairments in memory. They are defective in recallof temporal order, that is, recalling the context oflearned items, even when they can remember theseitems (Shimamura, Janowsky, & Squire, 1990).Finally, they have defective metamemory, that is,they are very poor judges of knowing what theyremember and how well their memory functions(Janowsky et al., 1989b). In summary, patients withdamage to the PFC are impaired in the processinvolved in planning, organization and other strate-gic aspects of learning and memory that may facilitate encoding and retrieval of information(Shimamura et al., 1991). Some of these defectivestrategies may be specific to the frontal lesion site.

Inhibitory Control

There is long-standing evidence that distraction dueto a failure in inhibitory control is a key element of the deficit observed in monkeys on delayed-response tasks (Malmo, 1942; Brutkowski, 1965;Bartus & Levere, 1977). For example, simplemaneuvers such as turning off the lights in the lab-oratory or mildly sedating the animal, which wouldtypically impair performance in intact animals,improved delay performance in animals with PFClesions. Despite this evidence, remarkably little data

have been obtained in humans with PFC damage.The extant data center on failures in inhibition ofearly sensory input as well as problems in inhibi-tion of higher-level cognitive processes.

In the sensory domain, it has been shown that theinability to suppress irrelevant information is asso-ciated with difficulties in sustained attention, targetdetection, and match-to-sample paradigms in bothmonkeys and humans (Woods & Knight, 1986;Richer et al., 1993; Chao & Knight, 1995, 1998).Delivery of task-irrelevant sensory information disproportionately reduces performance in patientswith lateral PFC lesions. For example, presentationof brief high-frequency tone pips during a tone-matching delay task markedly reduces the perform-ance of PFC patients. In essence, the patient with a lateral PFC lesion functions poorly in a noisyenvironment because of a failure in filtering outextraneous sensory information.

In the cognitive domain, inhibitory deficits incognitive tasks that require suppression of priorlearned material are also observed in patients withlateral PFC lesions (Shimamura, Jurica, Mangels,Gershberg, & Knight, 1995; Mangels, Gershberg,Shimamura, & Knight, 1996). Prior learned infor-mation irrelevant to the task at hand intrudes on per-formance. For example, words from a prior list ofstimuli employed in a memory task may be inap-propriately recalled during recall of a subsequentlist of words. In essence, the PFC patient is unableto wipe the internal mental slate clean, resulting inthe maintenance of an active neural representationof previously learned material. The inability to sup-press previous incorrect responses may underlie thepoor performance of PFC subjects in a wide rangeof neuropsychological tasks such as the WisconsinCard Sorting Task and the Stroop Task (Shimamura,Gershberg, Jurica, Mangels, & Knight, 1992). It is interesting that there is some evidence thatinhibitory failure extends to some aspects of motorcontrol. For instance, lateral PFC damage results ina deficit in suppressing reflexive eye movementstoward task-irrelevant spatial locations (Guitton,Buchtel, & Douglas, 1985).

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Processing Novelty

The capacity to detect novelty in a stream of exter-nal sensory events or internal thoughts and theability to produce novel behaviors is crucial for newlearning, creativity, and flexible adjustments to per-turbations in the environment. For example, behav-ioral and electrophysiological data have shown thatnovel events are better remembered than familiarones (Von Restorff, 1933; Karis, Fabiani, &Donchin, 1984). Indeed, creative behavior in fieldsextending from science to the arts is commonlydefined in direct relation to its degree of novelty.

Patients with lateral PFC lesions have difficultysolving novel problems and generating novel be-haviors and have decreased interest in novel events.With significant PFC damage, deficits in orientingto novel stimuli emerge (Godfrey & Rousseaux,1997; Dias, Robbins, & Roberts, 1997; Goldberg,Podell, & Lovell, 1994; Daffner et al., 2000a;Daffner et al., 2000b; Daffner et al., 2000c). Studiesin normal subjects have shown that novel items generate a late-positive event-related potential(ERP) peaking in amplitude at about 300–500msthat is maximal over the anterior scalp. This noveltyERP is proposed to be a central marker of the orienting response (Sokolov, 1963; Courchesne,Hillyard, & Galambos, 1975; Knight, 1984; Yamaguchi & Knight, 1991; Bahramali et al., 1997;Escera, Winkler, & Naatanen, 1998). In accord withclinical observations, PFC damage markedlyreduces the scalp electrophysiological response tounexpected novel stimuli in the auditory (Knight,1984; Knight & Scabini, 1998), visual (Knight,1997), and somatosensory modalities (Yamaguchi& Knight, 1991, 1992). Also, single-unit data frommonkeys have confirmed a prefrontal bias towardnovelty (Rainer & Miller, 2000). Finally, functionalneuroimaging findings in normal persons alsosupport a critical role for the PFC in responding to novel events and solving new problems (seeDuncan & Owen, 2000 for a review).

Novelty, of course, is an elusive concept that isdependent on both the sensory parameters of anevent and the context in which it occurs. As an

example, the unexpected occurrence of a visualfractal would typically engage the novelty system.Conversely, if one were presented with a stream of visual fractals and suddenly a picture of an apple occurred, this would also activate the noveltysystem. In the first case the visual complexity of thefractal initiates the novelty response whereas in thesecond situation the local context of repeated frac-tals would be violated by the insertion of a pictureof an apple, engaging the novelty network.

Sensory parameters and local context have pow-erful effects on electrophysiological and behavioralresponses to novelty (Comerchero & Polich, 1998,1999; Katayama & Polich, 1998). Data from a seriesof probability learning experiments in patients withlateral PFC damage suggest that the appreciation of local context appears to be dependent on thelateral PFC. In one experiment, delivery of novelstimuli always predicted a subsequent target thatrequired a behavioral response (100% condition). Inanother experiment, novel stimuli were randomlypaired with targets so that novel stimuli occurredprior to targets on only 20% of trials (20% condi-tion). The subjects were not informed about thenovel stimuli–target pairing rules and had to extractthis local context during the experiment. Controlsubjects learned the probability rules within twoexperimental blocks and altered their behavior aswell as their electrophysiological response to thenovel stimuli.

In the 100% novel stimuli–target condition,response times were faster and the brain ERPnovelty response was attenuated. Conversely, in the 20% novel stimuli–target pairing condition, theresponse times were slower when a novel stimulipreceded a target, and a robust ERP noveltyresponse was recorded for all novel events. Thispattern of results fits with the notion that novelevents are being used as alerting stimuli in the 100%condition and as distracters in the 20% condition. In contrast to normal subjects, PFC patients wereunable to effectively use the local context of theexperiments to extract and implement the probablityrules, even after twelve blocks of trials (Barcelo &Knight, 2000).

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Experimental Studies of Executive Control

The diverse spectrum of deficits observed by clinicians and found in experimental neuropsycho-logical studies in patients with lateral PFC damagemay be considered to arise from difficulties withinhibitory and excitatory modulation of the dis-tributed neural networks critical for cognitiveprocesses. Evidence for this notion presented in this section is derived from electrophysiological andfunctional neuroimaging studies in normal subjectsand patients with focal frontal lesions, as well aswork in animals.

Inhibitory Control

PFC inhibitory control of subcortical (Edinger,Siegel, & Troiano, 1975) and cortical regions hasbeen documented in a variety of mammalian pre-parations (Alexander, Newman, & Symmes, 1976;Skinner & Yingling, 1977; Yingling & Skinner,1977). Galambos (1956) provided the first physio-logical evidence of an inhibitory auditory pathwayin mammals with the description of the brainstemolivocochlear bundle. The olivocochlear bundleprojects from the olivary nucleus in the brainstemto the cochlea in the inner ear. Stimulation of thisbundle results in inhibition of transmission from thecochlea to the brainstem cochlear nucleus as meas-ured by reductions in evoked responses in the audi-tory nerve. This pathway provides a system for earlysensory suppression in the auditory system. The evi-dence for sensory filtering at the cochlear or brain-stem level in humans is controversial, with mostlaboratories finding no evidence of attention-relatedmanipulation of the brainstem auditory evokedresponse (Woods & Hillyard, 1978; Woldorff &Hillyard, 1991).

Research in the 1970s reported evidence of amultimodal prefrontal-thalamic inhibitory system in cats that regulates sensory flow to primary corti-cal regions. Reversible suppression of the cat PFCby cooling (cryogenic blockade) increased theamplitudes of evoked responses recorded in the

primary cortex in all sensory modalities (Skinner & Yingling, 1977; Yingling & Skinner, 1977). Conversely, stimulation of the thalamic region (thenucleus reticularis thalami) surrounding the sensoryrelay nuclei resulted in modality-specific suppres-sion of activity in the primary sensory cortex. Thiseffect is also observed in all sensory modalities.

These data provided the first physiological evi-dence of a prefrontal inhibitory pathway regulatingsensory transmission through thalamic relay nuclei.This prefrontal-thalamic inhibitory system providesa mechanism for modality-specific suppression ofirrelevant inputs at an early stage of sensory pro-cessing. As noted, this system is modulated by anexcitatory lateral PFC projection to the nucleusreticularis thalami, although the precise course ofanatomical projections between these structures isnot well understood. The nucleus reticularis thalamiin turn sends inhibitory GABAergic projections tosensory relay nuclei, providing a neural substratefor selective sensory suppression (Guillery et al.,1998).

There is also evidence in humans that the PFCexerts control on other cortical and subcorticalregions. For example, ERP studies in patients with focal PFC damage have shown that primaryauditory- and somatosensory-evoked responses are enhanced (Knight, Scabini, & Woods, 1989; Yamaguchi & Knight, 1990; Chao & Knight, 1998),suggesting disinhibition of sensory flow to primarycortical regions. In a series of experiments, task-irrelevant auditory and somatosensory stimuli(monaural clicks or brief electric shocks to themedian nerve) were presented to patients with comparably sized lesions in the lateral PFC, thetemporal-parietal junction, or the lateral parietalcortex. Evoked responses from primary auditory(Kraus, Ozdamar, & Stein, 1982) and somato-sensory (Leuders, Leser, Harn, Dinner, & Klem,1983) cortices were recorded from these patientsand age-matched controls (figure 11.2).

Damage to the primary auditory or somatosen-sory cortex in the temporal-parietal lesion groupreduced the early latency (20–40ms) evoked re-sponses generated in these primary cortical regions.

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0 60msec



LESION msec0 60









Figure 11.2Inhibitory modulation. Primary cortical auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials are shown for controls (solid line)and patients (dashed line) with focal damage in the lateral parietal cortex (top, n = 8), temporal-parietal junction (middle,n = 13), or dorsolateral PFC (bottom, n = 13). Reconstructions of the center of damage in each patient group are shownon the left. For somatosensory stimuli, lateral parietal damage (sparing the primary somatosensory cortex) had no effecton the N20 or earlier spinal cord potentials. PFC damage, however, resulted in a selective increase in the amplitude ofthe P27 response (hatched area). For auditory stimuli, a temporal-parietal junction extending into the primary auditorycortex reduced P30 responses whereas lateral parietal damage (sparing the primary auditory cortex) had no effect on P30responses. PFC damage resulted in normal brainstem potentials, but enhanced the P30 cortical response (hatched area).

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Posterior association cortex lesions in the lateralparietal lobe that spared the primary sensory regionshad no effect on early sensory potentials and servedas a brain-lesioned control group. Lateral PFCdamage resulted in enhanced amplitudes of both the primary auditory- and somatosensory-evokedresponses (Knight et al., 1989; Yamaguchi &Knight, 1990; Chao & Knight, 1998). Spinal cordand brainstem potentials were not affected by lateral PFC damage, suggesting that the amplitudeenhancements were due to abnormalities in either a prefrontal-thalamic or a prefrontal-sensory cor-tex mechanism. These results are in accord with the findings reported in the 1970s by Yingling and Skinner (1977) in their cat model of PFC-dependent sensory gating.

As mentioned previously, patients with lateralPFC lesions have deficits in tasks requiringinhibitory control. Moreover, several functionalimaging studies have demonstrated a link betweenlateral PFC function and inhibitory control (e.g.,Konishi, Nakajima, Uchida, Sekihara, & Miyashita,1998; Garavan, Ross, & Stein, 1999; D’Esposito,Postle, Jonides, & Smith, 1999). However, thisbehavioral and imaging evidence of the involvementof the lateral PFC in inhibitory control does notprovide direct support for the hypothesis that thereare inhibitory signals from the PFC directed eithertoward early sensory cortices or excitatory PFCinputs to the GABAergic nucleus reticularis thalamithat result in a net inhibitory control of sensory flow.In contrast, the combined ERP and patient studiesdescribed are able to measure the temporal dynamicsof inhibitory control and provide powerful evidencethat in humans the PFC provides a net inhibitory regulation of early sensory transmission.

Excitatory Control

Attention allows us to select from the myriad of closely spaced and timed environmental events.Attention is crucial for virtually all cognitive abili-ties. In addition to suppressing responses to irrele-vant stimuli, as discussed in the previous section,humans must excite and sustain neural activity in

distributed brain regions in order to perform mostcognitive tasks.

Desimone (1998) has proposed a biased-competition model of visual attention in whichneurons involved in processing different aspects ofthe visual world are mutually inhibitory. In thisview, an excitatory signal (possibly from the PFCor the inferior parietal cortex) to selective visualneurons would result in the inhibition of nearbynontask-relevant visual neurons, resulting in asharpening of the attentional focus. For example,visual attention increases V4 neuronal firing to anattended object, but suppresses firing to a nearbynonattended object (Luck, Chelazzi, Hillyard, &Desimone, 1997).

While this model may explain some aspects ofsensory tuning, it does not fully explain such con-cepts as object-based attention since object re-presentations (including form, color, and texture)would be stored in more distributed cortical re-presentations. Full implementation of the model ata neural level would require extensive inhibition of many cortical regions. For example, if one werefocusing on a baseball, the neural representation ofevery round object would need to be suppressed.This would entail a massive expenditure of energyas well as the engagement of a complex mechanismfor parallel tagging and linking of all round objects.Nevertheless, the idea that the PFC may regulatetop-down modulation of posterior association areassuggests that it is most likely an important mecha-nism for guiding goal-directed behavior.

Evidence for some aspects of this model exists in data from humans. Selective attention to an ear,a region of the visual field, or a digit increases theamplitude of sensory-evoked potentials for allstimuli delivered to that sensory channel (Hillyard,Hink, Schwent, & Picton, 1973). This provides evidence that attention reliably modulates neural activity at early sensory cortices (Woldorff et al.,1993; Grady et al., 1997; Somers, Dale, Seiffert, &Tootell, 1999; Steinmetz et al., 2000). Visual atten-tion involves modulation in the excitability ofextrastriate neurons through descending projec-tions from hierarchically ordered brain structures

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(Hillyard & Anllo-Vento, 1998). Single-cell record-ings in monkeys (Fuster, Brodner, & Kroger, 2000;Funahashi et al., 1993; Rainer, Asaad, & Miller,1998a,b), lesion studies in humans (Knight, 1997;Nielsen-Bohlman & Knight, 1999; Knight, Staines,Swick, & Chao, 1999; Barcelo, Suwazono, &Knight, 2000) and monkeys (Rossi, Rotter, Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1999), and blood flowdata (McIntosh, Grady, Ungerleider, Haxby,Rapoport, & Horwitz, 1994; Büchel & Friston,1997; Chawla, Rees, & Friston, 1999; Rees, Frackowiak, & Frith, 1997; Kastner, Pinsk, deWeerd, Desimone, & Ungerleider, 1999; Corbetta,1998; Hopfinger, Buonocore, & Mangun, 2000)have linked the PFC to control of the extrastriatecortex during visual attention.

Functional imaging studies have reported activa-tion of both the PFC and the parietal cortex duringvisual attention tasks. For example, Hopfinger andcolleagues used event-related functional magneticresonance imaging (fMRI) to study cued spatialattention (Hopfinger et al., 2000). These authorsreported that the attention cue preceding presenta-tion of a visual target activated the superior frontal,inferior parietal, and superior temporal cortices.However, owing to current constraints in temporalresolution, the fMRI studies of visual attentionreported to date have not been able to demonstratethat a top-down signal originates in the PFC. In con-trast, single-unit studies in monkeys and lesion andERP studies in humans, which are discussed brieflylater, provide evidence that the PFC activation seenin functional imaging studies most likely reflectstop-down influences on visual processing.

Modulation of visual pathway activity has beenextensively investigated in humans using ERPs. In normal human subjects, attended visual stimulievoke distinct ERP signatures. For example, themost prominent extrastriate ERPs are a P1 compo-nent peaking at about 125ms and an N1 componentpeaking at about 170–200ms. Attention reliablyenhances these early extrastriate ERP componentsfor all stimuli in an attended channel (Heinze et al., 1994; Mangun, 1995; Martinez et al., 1999;Woldorff et al., 1997). These early human ERP

components have been linked to increased firing ofextrastriate neurons in monkeys (Luck et al., 1997),providing a powerful parallel between the humanand animal literature.

From ERP studies in patients with lateral PFC damage, evidence has accumulated that thehuman lateral PFC regulates attention-dependentextrastriate neural activity through three distinctmechanisms. These mechanisms include (1) anattention-dependent enhancement of the extrastriatecortex; (2) a tonic excitatory influence on ipsilateralposterior areas for all sensory information, includ-ing attended and nonattended sensory inputs; and (3) a phasic excitatory influence on ipsilateralposterior areas for all task-relevant stimuli. In theseERP studies, patients with unilateral PFC lesions(centered in Brodmann areas 9 and 46) performed aseries of visual attention experiments. In the task,nontarget stimuli consisted of upright triangles thatwere presented rapidly to both visual fields (4degrees from the fovea). Targets were rarely pre-sented (10% of all stimuli) and consisted of invertedtriangles presented randomly in each visual field. Inone experiment, patients and age-matched controlswere asked to press a button whenever a targetappeared in either visual field (Barcelo et al., 2000).In another experiment, the subjects were required to allocate attention to only one visual field (Yago& Knight, 2000).

An interesting pattern of results emerged fromthese two experiments. First, both experimentsrevealed that the lateral PFC exerts a tonic excita-tory influence on the ipsilateral extrastriate cortex.Specifically, the P1 component of the visual ERP ismarkedly reduced in amplitude for all stimuli pre-sented to the contralesional field. It is important tonote that this tonic influence is attention independ-ent since a reduced P1 potential in the extrastriatecortex was found ipsilateral to PFC damage for allvisual stimuli (attended and nonattended targets andnontargets) presented to the contralesional field.This tonic component may be viewed as a modula-tory influence on extrastriate activity.

As noted previously, it is well known that atten-tion increases the amplitude of extrastriate ERPs in

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normal persons, with the onset of effects about 100ms after delivery of the stimulus. The secondexperiment (allocating attention to only one visualfield) provided evidence of the temporal kinetics of prefrontal–extrastriate interactions. In essence, inPFC patients, attention effects on the extrastriatecortex were normal in the first 200ms of process-ing, but were severely disrupted after 200ms (Yago & Knight, 2000). This finding suggests thatother cortical areas are responsible for attention-dependent regulation of the extrastriate cortex in thefirst 200ms. A candidate structure for this influence,based on the neuroimaging and clinical literature,would be the inferior parietal cortex. It is conceiv-able that the inferior parietal cortex is responsiblefor the early reflexive component of attentionwhereas the PFC is responsible for the more con-trolled and sustained aspects of visual attention that begin after the parietal signal to the extrastriatecortices.

The third observation from these experiments isthat the lateral PFC has been shown to send a top-down signal to the extrastriate cortex when a task-relevant event is detected during an attention task.

Two types of stimuli are typically presented in anattended channel, one task irrelevant and one requir-ing detection and a behavioral response. The ampli-tudes of both the irrelevant and relevant stimuli areenhanced in an attended channel. As discussed previously, the PFC is responsible for regulatingthis channel-specific attention enhancement. Whena relevant target event is detected in an attendedchannel, another distinct electrophysiological eventis generated in addition to the channel-specificenhancement. This top-down signal begins about200ms after a correct detection, extends throughoutthe ensuing 500ms, and is superimposed on the channel-specific ERP attention enhancement(Suwazono, Machado, & Knight, 2000). Damage tothe lateral PFC results in marked decreases in thetop-down signal and is accompanied by behavioralevidence of impaired detection ability (Barcleo et al., 2000) (figure 11.3).

The temporal parameters of this human PFC-extrastriate top-down attention modulation are inaccord with single-unit recordings in monkeys that reveal enhanced prefrontal activity related tostimulus detection 140ms after presentation of the

Lateral Prefrontal Syndrome 271

Ipsi Contra02468


Ipsi Contra500









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es (



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Figure 11.3Visual attention deficits and PFC lesions. The miss rate (left) and reaction times (right) for patients and controls are givenas a function of the visual field of target presentation. Contra, contralesional field for patients, right field for controls; Ipsi,ipsilesional field for patients, left field for controls (Barcelo, Suwazono, & Knight, 2000). A miss was defined as a failureto respond by 300–800 ms following presentation of a target. The interaction between group and visual field was signif-icant for both measures. Vertical bars indicate the standard error of the mean.

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stimulus (Rainer et al., 1998a,b) and other studiesrevealing top-down activation of inferior tem-poral neurons 180–300ms after detection of thetarget (Tomita, Ohbayashi, Nakahara, Hasegawa, & Miyashita, 1999). For example, Rainer and colleagues (1998a,b) have provided evidence thatvisual detection of a target is associated with in-creased single-unit activity in the sulcus principalis,and Tomita and colleagues (1999) have providedadditional evidence in monkeys that the sulcus prin-cipalis provides a top-down signal to the extrastri-ate cortex. These authors showed that in the absenceof visual input, PFC single-unit activity was cor-related with enhanced inferior temporal activity. Disruption of PFC–inferior temporal connectionsresulted in a severe performance deficit in the contralateral field.

The modulatory role of the PFC in intrahemi-spheric neural activity extends to other sensorymodalities. For example, reductions of neural ac-tivity in the auditory association cortex have beenobserved after PFC damage in humans perform-ing language, attention, and delay tasks (Knight Hillyard, Woods, & Neville, 1981; Swick & Knight, 1998; Swick, 1998; Chao & Knight, 1998).In one study PFC patients were tested in an audi-tory delayed match-to-sample task. The subjects reported whether a cue (S1) and a subsequent target(S2) sound were identical. Both the S1 and S2stimuli generate a prominent N100 ERP responsethat measures neural activity in the auditory associ-ation cortex in the superior temporal plane (Woods,1990). PFC lesions markedly reduced the N100component generated to both the S1 and S2 stimulithroughout the hemisphere ipsilateral to the damage(Chao & Knight, 1998). A failure in excitatory modulation was readily observed in both the audi-tory and visual modalities (Knight 1997; Chao &Knight, 1998) (figure 11.4).

Anatomical studies in monkeys have supportedthis proposal of a PFC-posterior association areanetwork. For example, projections from prefrontalareas 45 and 8 to inferior temporal areas TE andTEO have been demonstrated in monkeys (Webster,Bachevalier, & Ungerleider, 1994), providing a

possible glutamatergic pathway by which the lateralPFC could facilitate visual processing. Similarly,there are well-described PFC projections to thesuperior temporal plane that may subserve an exci-tatory PFC-auditory cortex circuit (Alexander et al.,1976).

While the mechanisms of interhemispheric coor-dination are not known, there is clear evidence of bilateral PFC recruitment during the performanceof a wide range of cognitive tasks as determined by fMRI research (for a review see D’Esposito,Aguirre, Zarahn, & Ballard, 1998). There is alsoevidence in monkeys of bilateral engagement of the PFC in visual processing. For example, a PFC lesion results in impaired processing in thecontralateral visual field in monkeys (Tomita et al.,1999; Rossi et al., 1999) and humans (Nielsen-Bohlman & Knight, 1999; Barcelo et al., 2000).However, transection of the corpus callosum inmonkeys with PFC lesions dramatically worsens thevisual processing deficit in the contralesional field(Rossi et al., 1999). This provides compelling evi-dence that these monkeys are transferring visualinformation to the intact hemisphere to solve thetask at hand.

Our view is that virtually all tasks require paral-lel inhibitory and excitatory control of distributedneural activity which may be mediated by the PFC.However, the findings presented in the previous two sections address a critical conceptual issue.Why does the lateral PFC implement parallel inhi-bition and excitation to control distributed cognitivesystems? The nervous system utilizes interleavedinhibition and excitation throughout the neuroaxis.Examples include spinal reflexes, cerebellar out-puts, and the networks controlling basal gangliamovements. Thus it is not surprising that executivecontrol would also utilize inhibition and excitationto control cognitive processing. It is likely that suchparallel excitatory-inhibitory control entails large-scale neural control that might be involved in aPFC–thalamic gating network as well as direct exci-tatory PFC input to a specific cortical region. Localcortical tuning of attention through inhibition mightentail long excitatory PFC projections that then

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0 400200





Control Frontala.

- 4.5mV

0 mV






Control Frontalc.


0 mV






0 200



Figure 11.4Excitatory modulation. Topographic maps in control subjects and PFC patients display the scalp voltage distribution ofthe N170 generated to visual targets and N100 to auditory targets. The shaded area on the brain shows the area of lesionoverlap, while the star indicates a putative generator location for the N100 and N170. In the visual task, the extrastriatefocus of the N170 is reduced ipsilaterally to PFC damage. Likewise, in the auditory task, the lateral temporal focus of theN100 is reduced ipsilaterally to PFC damage.

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activate local inhibitory neurons, as proposed byDesimone and colleagues (1998). There is evidencein rodents that long-distance excitatory PFC pro-jections terminate on GABA-immunoreactive neur-ons, providing a potential neuronal architecture for PFC-dependent inhibitory modulation (Carr &Sesack, 1998).

Conclusions and Future Directions

The role of the PFC in executive control has becomea central issue in cognitive neuroscience. Indeed,given the vast expansion of the PFC in humans,explication of the function of this brain regionappears to be a fundamental issue for understand-ing human cognition in both health and disease.Advances have been made in several domains.Cognitive psychology has provided a welcomeaddition to the classic neuropsychological appro-ach, and several new areas of behavioral analysishave added to our understanding of PFC function.Newer approaches drawn from the discipline ofsocial cognition and the study of behaviors such asdecision making and reality monitoring are certainto provide a broader and ecologically valid appro-ach to understanding PFC function.

One area likely to receive increasing attention isthe contribution of the PFC to the evaluation andimplementation of context in behavior (Barcelo &Knight, 2000). Context refers to the influence of theenvironment on current behavior. The notion ofcontext is broadly used in the cognitive literatureand has been applied to seemingly diverse areas,including probability learning, social regulation,and novelty detection. For instance, in the socialdomain, a behavior in one situation might be veryappropriate while the same behavior could be quitecounterproductive in another situation. Humans areable to draw on prior experience to set the appro-priate context for the current situation. Research onthe role of the PFC in the application of context-dependent parameters to behavior may prove criti-cal for understanding the role of the PFC in mentalflexibility. By mental flexibility we mean the ability

to rapidly alter behavior according to the require-ments of the task at hand. The idea that the PFC mayprovide the substrate for supporting such flexibilityin behavior is consistent with recent findings fromsingle-unit electrophysiological studies in monkeysthat suggest that PFC neurons are more plastic than traditional views might suggest (Rainer et al.1998a,b; Rainer and Miller, 2000; Miller, 1999).

Determining how these executive processes areimplemented at a neural level is perhaps the great-est challenge for a true understanding of PFC func-tion. The notion that the engagement of parallelinhibition and excitation can be a useful constructfor understanding PFC function is receiving supportfrom single-unit, lesion, ERP, and functional neu-roimaging research. Advances in the fusion of theseexperimental approaches may provide new insightsinto both the temporal and the spatial aspects ofPFC-dependent executive control. Consideration ofthe neuropharmacology of PFC function will alsobe necessary for a complete understanding of pre-frontal function.

Finally, knowledge of the nature of the neuralcode at both the local single-unit level and at thesystems interaction level is central to a completepicture of PFC function. How do single units in asubregion of the PFC interact to produce the neces-sary signal to other brain regions? Are neurons concerned with inhibition intertwined with thoseinvolved in excitation? What is the nature of thesignal output from the PFC to other neural regions?Is it a coherent burst of neural activity such as agamma oscillation? These questions are only begin-ning to be addressed but promise great insights intohow the PFC implements executive control.


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Geoffrey K. Aguirre, M.D. Ph.D.Department of Neurology andCenter for Cognitive NeuroscienceUniversity of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania

Michael P. Alexander, M.D.Department of NeurologyBeth Israel Medical CenterHarvard UniversityBoston, Massachusetts

Jeffrey R. Binder, M.D.Department of NeurologyMedical College of WisconsinMilwaukee, Wisconsin

Anjan Chatterjee, M.D.Department of Neurology andCenter for Cognitive NeuroscienceUniversity of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania

H. Branch Coslett, M.D.Department of Neurology andCenter for Cognitive NeuroscienceUniversity of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania

Mark D’Esposito, M.D.Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute andDepartment of PsychologyUniversity of California, BerkeleyBerkeley, California

Darren R. Gitelman, M.D.Department of Neurology and Cognitive Neurologyand Alzhelmer’s Disease CenterNorthwestern University Medical SchoolChicago, Illinois

Scott Grafton, M.D.Center for Cognitive Neuroscience andDepartment of Psychological and Brain SciencesDartmouth CollegeHanover, New Hampshire


John R. Hodges, M.D.MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit andUniversity Department of NeurologyAddenbrooke’s HospitalCambridge, UK

Robert T. Knight, M.D.Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute andDepartment of PsychologyUniversity of California, BerkeleyBerkeley, California

Michael S. Mega, M.D. Ph.D.Department of NeurologyUniversity of California, Los AngelesSchool of MedicineLos Angeles, California

Robert Rafal, M.D.Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience andSchool of PsychologyUniversity of WalesBangor, Wales, UK

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Abstract letter identities, 111

Acalculia. See also Numerical calculation(s)bedside testing, 156–157case report, 129–130“frontal,” 143future directions regarding, 157historical perspective and early theories of,

130–132neuropsychological theories, 132“spatial,” 143

Action planning, 171–172, 262. See also Limb-actionplanning

Action semantics, 81

Action semantic system, existence of separate, 82–83

Agnosialandmark, 96, 98–101mirror, 246simultaneous (see Simultanagnosia)

Agrammatism, 167

Agraphiaalexia with, 110, 201, 202, 211, 225phonological, 212

Akinesia, 169

Akinesis, general, 167

Alexia, 113–115, 137with agraphia, 110, 201, 202, 211, 225without agraphia, 110, 113–115, 136

American Sign Language (ASL), 251

Amnesia, 41, 56assessment and diagnosis, 41–44case report, 41–44future directions regardinghistorical perspective on, 44–47

Angular gyrus (AG), 204, 205, 208, 225

Anosognosia for hemiplegia, 2

Anterior intraparietal sulcus (AIP), 249

Anterior limb internal capsule (ALIC), 169

Anterograde disorientation, 96and the medial temporal lobes, 101–103

Anterograde memory, 75

Anticipation (errors), 197

Aphasia(s). See also Paraphasia(s); Transcortical motoraphasia; Wernicke’s aphasia

dynamic, 167modern notions of, 169–170


fluent, 210, 212–213subcortical, 169

Approximationestimation and, 150–151quantification and, 148–151, 156anatomical relationships and functional imaging,151–152

Apraxia, 239, 241, 253bedside tests for, 240case report, 239categorization of the clinical findings of, 240–241clinical classification, 241–244experimental research onanimal studies of limb-action planning, 248–249behavioral studies, 246–248functional neuroimaging studies of limb-actionplanning, 249–253

future directions regarding, 253pathophysiological substrates oflesion localization, 245–246theoretical context, 243–245

Arithmetical dissociations, 141–142. See also Numberprocessing, types of dissociation

Arithmetical facts, retrieval of, 138–140

Arithmetical functions, 132. See also Numberprocessing

Asymbolia, 138, 243

Attention, 36–38. See also under Neglect; Preattentiveprocessing; Visual attention

disengaging, 5and intention, 18motor, 247object-based, 13–14, 17, 34–35and perception, 18supramodal, space-based, and object-based, 13–14, 17

Attentional dyslexia, 115–117

Attentional neglect, 18

Attentional theories of neglect, 5–6

Attention-dependent extrastriate neural activity, 270–272

Attractor networks, 191

Auditory comprehension disturbance, 184–193

Auditory processing deficits, 185

Auditory verbal input, comprehension disturbance for,178

Autobiographical memory, 74–76

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Bálint’s syndrome, 27–28anatomy and etiology, 28–29case report, 27future directions regarding, 38grouping in, 36, 37implications for understanding visual cognition, 34–38nosological considerations, 33–34symptom complex, 29–33

Basal forebrain, 50

Basal ganglia lesions, 142–143

Basic-level neighbors, 186

Body schema, disordered, 247

Box-and-arrow information-processing account ofreading disorders, 123

Broca’s (area) aphasia, 167, 168

Bromocriptine, 8

Calculation. See Numerical calculation

Callosal apraxia, 242–243

Cancellation tasks, 3

Cancer. See Glioma

Capsulostriatal lesions, 169

Categories, superordinate, 186, 187

Category-specific loss of knowledge, 79

Cingulate cortex, anterior, 54, 56

Cingulate gyrus, posterior, 96–98

Cognitive map theory, 101–102

Commissures, interhemispheric, 15

Commissurotomized patients. See Split-brain patients

Common coding hypothesis (CCH), 250–251

Competition-based model of visual attention, 269

Comprehension, 180–181. See also Speechcomprehension

Comprehension dissociations, number, 135

Comprehension disturbance, 167, 178, 180, 212auditory, 178, 184–193reading, 225–226

Conceptual apraxia, 241

Conceptual domain, 241, 251–253

Conduction aphasia, 177, 201

Conduction syndrome, 199

Contextual errors, 193, 197

Contralesional hyperorientation in neglect, 18

Cortical lesions, 7, 15, 131–132, 245–246

Counterfactuals, 263

Counting, 149–150

Cross-modal and sensorimotor integration of space, 10

Crossover behavior, 11

Dementia. See also Semantic dementiafrontotemporal, 71

Depth perception, impaired, 33

Diencephalic lesions, 49–50

Discourse, 170–171

Dissociated oral and written language deficits, 200–203

Dissociation apraxia, 243

Dissociation(s)arithmetical, 141–142graphemic, 136–137lexical, 136notational, 135number production/comprehension, 135phonological, 136–137picture-word, 82syntactic, 136

Distributed networks. See Networks, distributed

Dopaminergic systems, 8

Dorsal pathways and dorsal lesions, 248–249

Dorsal “where” stream, 13

Dorsolateral frontal executive system, 46–47, 261, 264

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, 13, 46, 53, 259

Dorsomedial thalamus, 49–50

Dual-route cascaded model of reading, 123

Dual-route models of reading, 111

Dyslexia(s), acquiredcase report, 109central, 110, 113, 117–120deep dyslexia, 111, 117–118surface dyslexia, 111, 119–120

experimental research on, 110–121functional neuroimaging, 121–123future directions regarding, 123historical overview, 109–110peripheral, 111, 113–117

Echolalia, 167

Egocentric and exocentric space, 91–92

Index 284

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Ego(centric) disorientation, 94–97

Encoding system, 52–54

Encoding tasks, deep vs. shallow, 53

Environmental dependency syndrome, 262

Environment-centered frame, 9

Epicenter, cortical, 155, 156

Episodic long-term memory, 264–265

Episodic memory, 41, 74–76experimental research onfunctional neuroimaging studies, 52–56lesion studies, 47–52

Error correction, online, 247

Estimation, 150–151

Excitatory control/modulation, 269–274

Executive control, experimental studies of, 267–274

Executive system, dorsolateral frontal, 46–47

Extinction, 115to double simultaneous stimulation, 3–4

Extrapersonal space, 17

Extrastriate neural activity, attention-dependent, 270–272

Eye movements. See Oculomotor behavior

Feature integrationattention, spatial representation, and, 36–38

Finkelnburg, 243

Formants, 184

Formant transition, 184–185

Fornix lesions, 50–52

Frames of reference, 16–17, 246–247

Frontal executive system, dorsolateral, 46–47, 261, 264

Frontal lesions, 15, 143, 171, 245–246neuropsychological studies of patients with focal,


Frontal lobes, 167, 261. See also under Neglect,unresolved issues regarding

and memory retrieval, 54–55

Frontotemporal dementia, 71

Function associates, 186

Geschwind, N., 244–245

Gesture representation system, 251

Gestures, meaningful, 251

Glioma, “butterfly,” 28–29

Goldstein, Kurt, 166–167

Grapheme-to-semantic mapping, 189–192

Graphemic dissociations, 136–137

Heading disorientation, 96–98

Heilman, K. M., 245

Hemispatial neglect, 115

Hemispheric asymmetries, 12

Heschl’s gyrus (HG), 203, 214–215

Hidden units, 226

Hippocampus, 44–46, 54, 72, 75–76, 93

Hyperorientation in neglect, contralesional, 18

Ideational apraxia, 241, 244

Ideomotor apraxia, 241–242, 244

Implicit memory processes, 41

Implicit processing. See also Visual processing outsideof conscious awareness

in neglect, 12

Inferior parietal lobule (IPL), 252

Inferior temporal gyrus (ITG), 209, 221, 224

Information-processing account of reading disorders, 123

Information-processing accounts of cognition, 181

Information-processing model of reading, 112–113

Inhibiting responses, 262

Inhibitory control/modulation, 265, 267–269

Innervatory apraxia, 243

Intentional deficits, 167

Intentional neglect, 5, 12, 18

Interhemispheric commissures, 15

Intermediate units, 226

Intransitive actions, 250, 251

Korsakoff’s psychosis, 49, 50

Landmark agnosia, 96, 98–101

Landmark area, lingual, 101

Landmark recognition, 90

Language, 76-77, 165, 175. See also Aphasia(s)

Language processing system. See also Wernicke’saphasia

general architecture, 181–184

Index 285

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Lateral intraparietal (LIP) neurons, 15, 16

Lateral PFC (prefrontal cortex), 259, 260. See alsoPrefrontal cortex

Lateral PFC damage, clinical description of patientswith, 261–264

Lateral prefrontal syndrome, 261, 263case report, 260–261

Lemma access, 194–197

Lexical dissociations, 136

Lexical representation, 183

Lichtheim, L., 166

Liepmann, H., 244

Limb-action planninganimal studies of, 248–249functional neuroimaging studies of, 249–253

Limb-kinetic apraxia, 243, 244

Lingual gyrus, 96

Lingual landmark area, 101

Logorrhea, 180

Long-term consolidation, 76

Luria, A. R., 167

Mathematical facts, retrieval of, 138–140

Medial circuit of Papez, 45

Medial intraparietal area (MIP), 252MIP neurons, 15, 16

Medial temporal encoding system, 44–46, 53

Medial temporal lesions, 47–49, 93, 102

Memory, 67. See also specific topicsdefined, 67

Memory processesconceptual organization and terminology of, 42implicit and explicit, 41

Middle temporal gyrus (MTG), 204, 207–210, 221, 224

Mirror agnosia, 246

Mirror ataxia, 246–247

Misoplegia, 2

Mixed errors, 179, 197

Modality-specific apraxia, 243

Monitoring, reality and self-, 263

Morphemic paraphasia, 179, 193

Motor attention, 247

Motor representation, short-lived, 247–248

Motor-to-sensory transformation, 252

Movement production. See Production domain

Movements, simple, 249–250

Multiplication facts, storing, 139

Neglect, 1, 2–4attentional theories of, 5–6biological correlates, 6–8neurochemistry, 8

case report, 1–2clinical examination of, 2–4crossover in, 11drawings of patients with, 3, 4experimental research on, 8extrapersonal, 2–3future directions in, 17–19hemispatial, 115implicit processing in, 12intention in spatial representations, 8–12personal, 2pharmacological treatment, 8psychophysics, attention, and perception in, 10–11representational theories of, 6right- vs. left-sided, 5, 7unresolved issues regarding, 18, 19frontal and parietal differences, 18–19memory, attention, and representation, 18monkey and human homologs, 19

Neglect dyslexia, 115

Neologisms, 179

Network models of numerical calculation, 154–156

Networksattractor, 191distributed, 1, 7–8, 17frontal-parietal, 12–13large-scale, 155–156

Neural networks. See Networks

Notational dissociations, 135

Novel problems, solving, 145, 266

Novelty, processing, 266

Nucleus reticularis, 7

Number line, mental, 150

Number processing, 133–135, 156anatomical relationships and functional imaging,

137–138mechanisms, 134

Index 286

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systems supporting, 133types of dissociation, 135–137

Numerals, Arabicand Roman numerals, 153and verbal numbers, 135

Numerical calculation errors, types of, 140, 141

Numerical calculation operations, 138–142anatomical relationships and functional imaging,

142–148rules and procedures, 140–141

Numerical calculation(s), 129. See also Acalculiafunctional imaging tasks for, 148, 149hemisphere, regions, and, 143, 145–148localization, 132hemispheric, 131

network models of, 154–156neuropsychological theories of, 132–154symbolic nature of, 132systems supporting, 133

Numerical calculation tasks, 157cortical and subcortical regions activated by, 143,


Numerical quantity (numerosity), 148–149

Numerical representations, 152–154

Numerical symbol processing, 138

Object-based attention, 13–14, 17, 34–35

Object-centered frame, 9

Oculomotor behavior, impaired, 32

Optic ataxia, 29, 32–33

Optic tract lesions, 15

Papez, J. W., 45–46

Paradigmatic error, 179

Paragraphia, 179

Parahippocampal structures, 72

Parahippocampus, 94, 96, 102–105

Paraphasia(s), 178–180, 225. See also under Wernicke’saphasia, processing models of

formal, 179, 194, 197literal, 179mixed, 194patterns of, 212phonemic, 179, 193

Paraventricular white matter (PVWM), 169

Parietal cortex, 152. See also Frontal-parietal networks;Neglect, unresolved issues regarding

and neglect, 19

Parietal lesions, 15posterior, 96

Parietal lobes, 131

Parietal lobuleinferior, 15, 19superior, 252–253

Parietal neurons, 16

Parieto-occipital junction, 28

Peripersonal space, 9

Perseveration, 263

Phoneme errors, 193–194

Phoneme similarity effects, 197

Phoneme-to-semantic mapping, 191, 192

Phoneme-to-semantics pathway, 211

Phonemic paraphasia, 179, 193

Phonological access, 196

Phonological agraphia, 212

Phonological dissociations, 136–137

Phonological dyslexia, 118–119

Phonological lexicon, 199–200, 217

Phonological production, 221–223

Phonology, 76–77

Pick, Arnold, 70–71

Pick’s disease, 71

Picture-word dissociation, 82

Place recognition, 90

Planning, action, 171–172, 262. See also Limb-actionplanning

Posterior perisylvian, 203

Praxis. See also Apraxiatypes of knowledge related to, 245

Preattentive grouping of features and alignment ofprincipal axis, 36, 37

Preattentive processing, 5, 12of meaning of words, 36

Preattentive representations of space, 35–36

Prefrontal cortex (PFC), 56, 259, 274. See also LateralPFC

dorsolateral, 13, 46, 53, 259

Index 287

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Prefrontal cortex (PFC) lesions, 171. See also Frontallesions

unilateral vs. bilateral, 261

Premotor area, ventral, 249

Premotor dorsal (PMd) cortex, 251–252

Priming, 188, 191

Problem solving, 77, 145, 262, 266

Production dissociations, number, 135

Production domain, 241, 249–250

Prosopagnosia, 100

Pseudowords, 219–220

Quantification. See under Approximation

Reading. See also Dyslexia(s)dual-route models of, 111, 123implicit/covert, 114–115information-processing model of, 112–113letter-by-letter, 113–115and the right hemisphere, 120–121without lexical access, 119–120without print-to-sound correspondences, 118–119

Reading comprehension disturbance, 225–226

Reading disorders, box-and-arrow information-processing account of, 123

Reading mechanism/route, direct, 113

Reality checking, 263

Recognition memory, 47–48, 75

Recognition memory test (RMT), 52

Reference frames, 16–17, 246–247

Representational codes, 152–154

Representational defect, 198

Representational theories of neglect, 6

Retrieval, memoryfrontal lobes and, 54–55of mathematical facts, 138–140

Retrieval system, 54–56

Retrosplenial lesions, 50–52

Roy and Square cognitive neuropsychological model,245

Self-monitoring, 263–264

Semantic dementia, 67, 71. See also Semantic memorycase report, 67–70

historical perspective, 70–72insights from behavioral studies, 73–77knowledge of people vs. objects in, 79–81pruning the semantic tree vs. holes in the semantic net,

77–78structural and functional imaging studies, 72–73

Semantic memory, 41, 67cognitive abilities relatively independent of, 73–77future directions regarding, 83insights into organization of, 77–83modalities of input and output, 81

Semantic paraphasia, 179

Semantic-phonological errors, mixed, 197

Semantic priming, 188, 191

Semantic processes, 186. See also Comprehensiondisturbance

Semantic processing, 219–221

Semantics, 186

Sensorimotor and cross-modal integration of space, 10

Sensory-to-motor transformation, 252

Sequential behavior, 262

Similarity effects, 196

Simulation processes and behavior, 263

Simultanagnosia, 29–30, 33–34, 117

“Slips of the tongue,” 193, 194

SNARC (spatial-numerical association of responsecodes) effect, 154

Sociopathy, acquired, 259

Space-based attention, 13–14, 17, 34

Spatial abilities, and nonverbal problem solving, 77

“Spatial” acalculia, 143

Spatial attention. See also Attentionin three dimensions, 9

Spatial attention and representation, 1, 8–12animal studies of, 14lesion studies, 14–15single-cell neurophysiological studies, 15–17

functional neuroimaging studies of, 12–14multiple representations of space, 17–18neural representations of objects in space, 35

Spatial disorientation, 30–33, 35–36

Spatial neglect dyslexia. See Neglect dyslexia

Spatial-numerical association of response codes(SNARC) effect, 154

Index 288

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Spatial reference frames, 9–10

Spatial representation, 36–38

Speech. See also Aphasia(s)internal, 222

Speech comprehension, errors in, 201–202

Speech productionerrors in, 202spreading model of interactive, 194–196

Speech sounds, perception of, 213–217

Split-brain patients, 137, 242

Stroop paradigm, 262

Subcortical lesions, 7, 246

Subitizing, 149–152

Superior parietal lobule (SPL), 252–253

Superior temporal gyrus (STG), 203–208, 210–212,214–217, 224

Superior temporal sulcus (STS), 15, 204, 221–222, 224

Superordinate categories, 186, 187

Supplemental motor area (SMA), 168, 169, 250

Supramarginal gyrus (SMG), 204–205, 211, 212, 223

Supramodal attention, 13, 17

Symbolic nature of numerical calculation, 132

Symbol processing, numerical, 138

Synoragnosia, 100

Syntactic dissociations, 136

Syntactic processing, 134

Syntagmatic error, 179

Syntax, 77

Tabetic ataxia, 29

Tactile stimulation and awareness, 10

Temporal encoding system, medial, 44–46, 53

Temporal gyrus, 203inferior, 209, 221, 224middle, 204, 207–210, 221, 224superior, 203–208, 210–212, 214–217, 224

Temporal lesions, medial, 47–49, 93, 102

Temporal lobes, 203medial, 101–103role of, 79–81

Temporal sulcus, superior, 15

Thalamus, 49–50

Tools, representations of, 251–252

Tool selection tasks, 241

Tool use, representations of, 252–253

Topographical disorientation (TD), 89. See alsoWay-finding

case report, 89–90functional neuroimaging studies, 104–105future directions regarding, 105locations of lesions, 94, 95taxonomy of, 94–103

Transcortical motor aphasia (TCMA), 165case reports, 165–166development of the clinical definition of, 166–168forms of, 167future directions regarding, 172lesion-anatomy correlations in, 168–169

Transcortical sensory aphasia, clinical features of, 177

Transitive actions, 250, 251

Triangle model of reading, 123

Triple-code model, 154

Ventral intraparietal (VIP) neurons, 15, 16

Ventral premotor area, 249

Ventral supramarginal gyrus, 223

Verbal paraphasia, 179, 193

Vestibular stimulation, 10

Visual attention. See also Attentioncompetition-based model of, 269constriction of, 29–30

Visual attention deficits, and PFC lesions, 271

Visual processing outside of conscious awareness, 35–36

Visual word-form system, 122

Visuospatial abilities, and nonverbal problem solving, 77

Way-finding, neuropsychological studies of, 93–94

Way-finding ability. See also Topographicaldisorientation

normative, and clinical tests, 90–93

Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome, 49

Wernicke aphasiaatypical, 200case report, 175–177clinical description, 177–180functional neuroimaging studies, 213–223future directions regarding, 223–226

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Wernicke aphasia (cont.)neuroanatomical correlates, 203–213processing models of, 180–183auditory comprehension disturbance, 184–193dissociated oral and written language deficits,200–203

paraphasia, 193–200

Wernicke’s area, 214

Whole-word representation, 183

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), 262

Word-deafness, types/forms of, 226–227n6pure, 177, 178, 200

Word-forms processing, 217–219activation sites associated with, 217–218

“Word-sound-images” center, 181, 183, 199

Working memory, 67, 73–74, 264

Index 290