necrology of v. a. malykh

NECROLOGY OF V. A. MALYKH Prof. Vladtmir ,41eksandrovtch Malykh D.Sc. (Eng.), direc- tor of the ,4 I1-Union Scientific-Research Institute of the Metro- logical Service, member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and outstanding scientist, died suddenly at the age of 51 on July 24, 1973. Viadimir ,41eksandrovich was born in 1923 in the village of Shurtan of the Sverdlovsk region. In his early school days he had already developed an interest for precise sciences. On complet- ing his studies at school he entered the physical faculty of the Moscow State University. The second world war prevented him fro m completing his studies. In 1948 vladimtr ,4 leksandrovich was tn the ranks of the Soviet army where he was gravely wounded. After demobilization he worked first at the Moscow State University and then in the organizations of the State Committee for the Peaceful Utilization of Atomic Energy. Vladimk ,4 lek- sandrovich is one of the pioneers of Soviet atomic power stations. In cooperation with several outstanding scientists be participated in creating the first atomic power station in the world. His re- markable talent as a scientist and engineer has greatly helped to solve the most complicated technological problems which faced the creators of the first Soviet atomic power station, and to over- come successfully the difficulties of its further development. In the two decades of his work in this field Vladimir ,41ek- sandrovich progressed far from laboratory assistant to Director of the Institute. He has written more than 200 scientific papers for which he was awarded the degree of Doctor of En- gineering Sciences without submitting an official dissertation. During his work in the field of atomic energy Vladimir A leksandrovich trained many engineers who are now continuing his research. In 1970 he joined the USSR State Committee of Standards (Gosstandart). With his active participaion and under his direct scientific guidance the State Service of Standard Reference Data was developed. In the last year of his life Vladimir ,41eksandrovich was at the head of the A ll-Union Scientific-Research Institute of the Metrologi- cal Service. His organizational talent and experience of an outstanding scientist greatly helped in establishing this institute and in solving important problems in the further development of the metrological service of our country. Vladimir ,41eksandrovich loved to repeat that if a man is fond of his work he should know how to fight for it. He himself met this requirement to the highest degree. He combined brilliantly the talent of an outstanding inves- tigator with that of as brilliant an organizer. ,4 n astonishingly rapid and profound understanding of the outstanding scientific and technical problems was combined in him with an enormous energy for solving them and with a re- markable teaching talent which clarified fully for his collaborators the essence of problems and the most efficient ways of solving them. Maximum modesty, tact, kindness, and sparkling humor were characteristic of his charming personality, which gained him the love and respect of many people. Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 10, p. 95, October, 1973. 9 1974 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, No Yo 10011~ No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, me- chanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. 1601

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Page 1: Necrology of V. A. Malykh

N E C R O L O G Y OF V. A. M A L Y K H

Prof. Vladtmir ,41eksandrovtch Malykh D.Sc. (Eng.), d i rec- tor of the ,4 I1-Union Scient i f ic-Research Institute of the Metro- logica l Service, member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and outstanding scientist, died suddenly at the age of 51 on July 24, 1973.

Viadimir ,41eksandrovich was born in 1923 in the v i l lage of Shurtan of the Sverdlovsk region. In his early school days he had al ready developed an interest for precise sciences. On comple t - ing his studies at school he entered the physical faculty of the Moscow State University. The second world war prevented him fro m complet ing his studies. In 1948 v l ad imt r ,4 leksandrovich was tn the ranks of the Soviet army where he was gravely wounded.

After demobi l iza t ion he worked first at the Moscow State University and then in the organizations of the State Commi t t ee for the Peaceful Ut i l izat ion of Atomic Energy. Vlad imk ,4 lek- sandrovich is one of the pioneers of Soviet a tomic power stations. In cooperat ion with several outstanding scientists be par t ic ipated in creat ing the first a tomic power station in the world. His re- markable ta lent as a scientist and engineer has great ly helped to

solve the most compl ica ted technologica l problems which faced the creators of the first Soviet a tomic power station, and to over- come successfully the difficulties of its further development .

In the two decades of his work in this f ield Vladimir ,41ek-

sandrovich progressed far from laboratory assistant to Director of the Institute. He has written more than 200 scientif ic papers for which he was awarded the degree of Doctor of En- gineering Sciences without submitting an off ic ia l dissertation. During his work in the field of atomic energy Vladimir A leksandrovich trained many engineers who are now continuing his research.

In 1970 he joined the USSR State Commit tee of Standards (Gosstandart). With his act ive par t ic ipaion and under his direct scient i f ic guidance the State Service of Standard Reference Data was developed. In the last year of his life Vladimir ,41eksandrovich was at the head of the A l l -Union Scient i f ic-Research Institute of the Metrologi- ca l Service. His organizat ional ta lent and experience of an outstanding scientist great ly helped in establishing this institute and in solving important problems in the further development of the metrologica l service of our country.

Vladimir ,41eksandrovich loved to repeat that if a man is fond of his work he should know how to fight for it. He himself met this requirement to the highest degree. He combined br i l l iant ly the ta lent of an outstanding inves- t igator with that of as br i l l iant an organizer. ,4 n astonishingly rapid and profound understanding of the outstanding scientif ic and technica l problems was combined in him with an enormous energy for solving them and with a re- markable teaching ta lent which clar i f ied fully for his collaborators the essence of problems and the most eff ic ient ways of solving them. Maximum modesty, tact , kindness, and sparkling humor were character is t ic of his charming personality, which gained him the love and respect of many people.

Translated from Izmer i t e l ' naya Tekhnika, No. 10, p. 95, October, 1973.

�9 1974 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, No Yo 10011~ No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, me- chanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00.


Page 2: Necrology of V. A. Malykh

The Communist Party and the Government valued highly his scientific and organizational achievements. He

was awarded the t i t le of the Hero of Socialist Labor and presented with two Orders of Lenin, one order of the Red Banner of Labor and many medals. He also received the Lenin prize for his contribution to the development of Soviet atomic energy.

The bright image of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Malykh will live forever in the memory of all those who knew him.