native american

Native American 1 39 英英英

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Native American . 英一 1 39 鍾佳諭. Potlatch. 冬季贈禮節. A special festival at which a feast and gifts are given to guests. Potlatches are common among some Pacific Northwest Indians. 一種特殊的節慶在辦宴會跟要給客人禮物時。 冬季贈禮節在西北方的印地安人之間是很常見的。. Food Culture. 飲食文化. Agriculture:. corn. potato. cocoa bean. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Native American

英一 1 39 鍾佳諭

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PotlatchA special festival at which a feast and gifts are given to guests.Potlatches are common among some Pacific Northwest Indians.



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Food Culture 飲食文化


cocoa bean



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Hunting Rituals:Some believed that the steam that came from a freshly gutted animals' insides was the soul escaping from the body.

Others left a part of the animal underground, or hung it in a tree or something.

While you'd expect a native american to keep and treasure the white hide off of a buffalo, many just hung the hide in a tree and left it to rot as an offering to the Gods.

有些印地安人相信從動物體內內臟出來的蒸氣是逃脫牠們身體的靈魂。印地安人把牠們身體的一部分留在地下或吊在樹上跟其他東西上。當你認為一個印地安人會把水牛當寶物一樣藏起來時 , 其實很多只是掛在樹中或當作留給神的奉獻物。

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Fishing Techniques:Fish , whether f rom lakes, r ivers , or the ocean, was a part o f the d iet o f a l l Nat ive Amer ican t r ibes; for some, such as those in the Pac ific Northwest , i ts abundance meant i t was among the main foods consumed.

The Nat ive Amer icans deve loped a number o f fishing techniques, f rom bas ic spear fishing to the sophist icated use of wei rs , in order to catch fish dur ing a l l seasons, even wi th i ce fish ing.


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Kachina DollsA Ka c h i n a d o l l i s a ca r v e d , p a i n t e d , c o s t u m e d d o l l m a d e b y S o u th w e s t N a t i v e A m e r i ca n s , p r i m a r i l y t h e H o p i t r i b e .

T h e d o l l s a re d re s s ed i n t h e c o s t u m e o f a p a r t i c u l a r H o p i s p i r i t a n d t h e d o l l s a re u s u a l l y p re s e n t e d t o a c h i l d a s a g i f t .

T h e p u r p o s e o f t h e d o l l s a re t o t e a c h ch i l d ren t o i d e n t i f y t h e v a r i o u s sp i r i t u a l fi g u re s d e p i c t e d b y t h e c o s t u m e s o f d o l l s a n d t h e s y m b o l i s m o f t h e i r re g a l i a .

以雕刻、塗漆的 Kachina 娃娃,服裝娃娃主要製作由西南方 Hopi部落的印地安人。娃娃通常穿著 Hopi 部落裡有特別精神涵義的服裝,它們通常被當作禮物送給小孩子。這些娃娃的目的在於教導孩子們去識別不同描述的精神人物跟象徵他們的王權主義。

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Sweat LodgesUse by many American Indian groups, sweat lodges provide a steam bath that cleans a person physically, mentally, and spiritually.被很多印地安族群使用,蒸氣屋提供的蒸氣浴可洗滌人的身體、精神以及心理。

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