national teaching school - welcome to the compton school · national teaching school inside:...

THE COMPTON SCHOOL National Teaching School “Outstanding” Ofsted National Teaching School INSIDE: Message from the Headteacher * Message from the Chair of Governors * Expansion Update * Celebrating Achievement, Excellence and Hard work * Charity News * Departmental News * Trips and Visits * Students’ Contributions * Sports Newsletter July 2014 Issue 3 Visit the school website on The school website is updated regularly. Please visit for the most up to date information. Year 11 crowning glory: 2014 Prom King and Queen Ibrahim and Angelica

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Page 1: National Teaching School - Welcome to The Compton School · National Teaching School INSIDE: Message from the Headteacher * Message from the Chair of Governors * Expansion Update


COMPTON SCHOOLNational Teaching School“Outstanding” Ofsted


INSIDE:Message from the


Message from theChair of




Achievement,Excellence and

Hard work*

Charity News*


*Trips and Visits




NewsletterJuly 2014 Issue 3

Visit the school website on school website is updated regularly. Please visit for the most up to date information.

Year 11 crowning glory: 2014 Prom King and Queen Ibrahim and Angelica

Page 2: National Teaching School - Welcome to The Compton School · National Teaching School INSIDE: Message from the Headteacher * Message from the Chair of Governors * Expansion Update

Dear Parents andStudentsThe summer

holidays are fastapproaching and Ihave been lookingback over a year of

many changes and developments.Although it is difficult, in the space of asmall column, to capture all the manysignificant events that have taken place inthe school this year, I have picked outsome of these and others are celebratedin the pages that follow.

2013 - Best Ever Exam ResultsWe couldn’t have wished for a better

start to the year with our 2013 leaversachieving our best ever exam results: 99%of all students achieved five GCSE A*- Cgrades, of which 79% included Englishand Maths. A fantastic achievement whichwas recognised in a letter, for the secondyear running, from Education MinisterDavid Laws congratulating The Comptonon being “one of the top 100 performing

non-selective schools (nationally) out ofover 4000 (schools) in England”

Teacher Training at TCSUndoubtedly, a major step forward for

the school has been our accreditation as aSchool Centered Initial Teacher Training(SCITT) centre – which means simply, thatfrom September 2014, we will become aschool which trains teachers from start tofinish. We are one of only a handful ofschools in London who, due to theirexcellent teaching, have been chosen todo this.

Mayor of London’s Gold ClubOur profile as a centre of excellence has

continued to grow and I’ve been veryfortunate to be invited to sit on twonational policy groups at the Departmentfor Education. Our successes have notgone unnoticed, so much so that BorisJohnson’s education office contacted theschool recently to invite us to join theMayor of London’s Gold Club whichincludes as its members the mostsuccessful schools in London, celebratestheir successes and encouragescollaboration between them. So, fromSeptember we will be hosting visits fromother schools to share good practice.

From humble beginnings...In Autumn 2013 we were 21 years old.

In 1992 the Compton School was foundedand 10 teaching staff, including myself,plus 150 students moved into a rather rundown former school site. Since then wehaven’t looked back and we have grownyear on year. This year we received ourlargest ever number of Year 7 applicationsat nearly 1000. As you know, toaccommodate the increased numbers, inAutumn 2014 we are opening our newCreative Arts block. Like many of ourstudents, I find it difficult to come up the

stairs without pausing for a moment to seewhat the builders are doing. The outershell is now in place and we can start tosee what the interior will look like.Students and staff alike are all veryexcited about the prospect of moving intothis wonderful new building housing brandnew classrooms equipped with some ofthe latest resources and technology. Thisnew building provides another stepforward into the future. However, at theend of yet another fantastically successfulyear it is also a moment to pause toconsider what a long way we’ve travelledsince 1992 and how amazing it is to reflecton the combined hard work of so manystudents and teachers in reaching andsurpassing so many milestones andachievements along the way.

Fond FarewellsUnfortunately, we will also be saying

goodbye to the following staff; BrigittaClifford, Tony Kyprianou, DinaConstantinou, Hannah Wandless, HayleyDurkin, Samantha Bridgeland, HannahWray, Lizzie De Klerk and Toby Kirkbyfrom our teaching staff. They are movingfor promotion and/or to teach out ofLondon. Alex Grossman, Niamh Hickey, Ryan

Raymond, Zaman Mohammed, EvanthiaAnastasiou, Shola Savage, JamiePreston, Marcella Crivellaro and ChrisWalker are all leaving from our supportstaff team. Many of them are leaving totrain to become teachers. We wish themthe best for their future careers and thankthem for all they have given to TheCompton. Wishing you a very happy summer and

we look forward to seeing all our studentsagain on Thursday, 11th September 2014.

Teresa Tunnadine

Information from the Headteacher


Message from the School GovernorsDear ParentsThis time last year I mentioned that we had established a strategic committee,

which amongst other things would look into ways of making us more effective as agoverning body. This remains a hot topic nationally as you will have seen fromcontinued reports in the media. Having considered Ofsted guidance andrecommendations we are going to undertake some minor changes to the way wework in the governing body to make sure that we are best placed to manage ourstrategic and fiduciary responsibilities in support of the school. As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, the skills that our governors bring from

their lives outside school are vital in our drive for continual improvement. We havebeen particularly successful in attracting new governors with business /professional skills over the last few years and we have just appointed a newcommunity governor who will join us next term. With terms of office expiring wemay have some parent governor vacancies arising next term. If you think thatyou’d like to be part of our team of governors, please look out for details when theyare circulated. In the meantime, if you have any questions about becoming agovernor, please feel free to contact me on the email below.On behalf of the Governing Body, I wish you all a wonderful summer holiday.

Sebastian Wood, Chair of [email protected]

On Monday, 12th May, Zoe Merrittand Jenifer Field, Senior Teachers,attended a reception event at 10Downing Street celebrating excellencein State Education. Part of what wascelebrated was system leadership andthe role of Teaching Schools. DavidCameron and Michael Gove were inattendance, as well as many teachingprofessionals from across the country.

Malcom McGlynnDeputy Headteacher

CelebratingExcellence in


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Celebrating the Achievers of Spring 2014Congratulations to all these studentsCongratulations to all these students

whose efforts and hard work lastwhose efforts and hard work last

Spring have been recognised throughSpring have been recognised through

The Compton School’s Award systemThe Compton School’s Award system

Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 77C - Anya Nanning Ramamurthy, Joseph Kilduff7O - Sapna Popatia, Ryutaro Matsumura7M - Alice Chadwick, Jack Kariya7P - Kya Appah, Shiv Thakkar7T - Jessica Adair, Bryan Cantos7N - Arjun Nanning Ramamurthy, Vanesa Kraleva7S - Larissa Osbourne, Oliwier Jashanica 7H - Saffron Willett, Pouya Keyvani

Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 88C - Leila Selmanovic, Sahil Nakrani8O - Sonal Shah, Lloyd Wood8M - Sarah Yeboah-Smith, Jaymin Shah8P - Jessica Musker, Max L'Huillier8T - Sofia Dellamura, Zachary Leibowitz8N - Nyra De Souza, Gramos Havolli8S - Annika Keshu, Anish Sheth8H - Alexandra Ephgrave, Milan Dhir

Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 9Iman Abdulahi Siyad, Jessica Baker, Peter Bruce, Karishma Chauhan, Bethan Davies, Emma De Duve, Hemali Depala, Farah Fahad, Chhaya Ganda, Tawheed Ghafoori, Maeve Gibson, Lewis Hobbs, MariquaKeshi-Clunis, Olivia Lynch, Cate Mandell, Olivia Morley, Amaan Nath, Louis O’Shea, Amir Razak, Urte Sereikaite,Blessie Simbol, Priyanka Siregar, Stanley Martin, Tiara Wijaya

Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 10Sumeya Ahmed, Asmaa Ali, Eren Ali, Jason Cheng, Yashil Gopee, Chloe Jakharia, Natasha Joseph, Anya Mallerman-Bristow, Priya Mandal, Avni Master, Gabriel Musker, Nella Pignatelli, Ambereen Razak, Khadijah Sufi, Titus Tan

Headteacher’s Award Winners - Year 11Sean Beggan, Wajid Chaudry, Deon Cheung, Micha Claydon,Pooja Depala, Georgie Ephgrave, Bhavnisha Karamshi, Julia Karpa, Gregor Kosta, Chloe May, Maryam Muktar, Sepideh Noohi, Hannah Salik, Sonya Soltani Pari, Chakorn Shipp, Neel Vasani, Katerina Velounias

Putting On The Style At The Year 11 PromThe Compton School bid a sad farewell to Year 11. Students looked

absolutely fantastic when they arrived at school to celebrate all the hardwork and commitment they put into this year by attending the Prom.The evening consisted of a delicious three course meal and a disco.

During the night an awards presentation was held where winners, votedfor by their peers, received certificates in categories including nicest smileand best celebrity look-alike. Congratulations to Angelica and Ibrahim whowere voted Prom King and Queen 2014. We would like to wish Year 11 the very best of luck in their GCSEs and

every success for the future. Vicky Cran

Year 11 Manager

Building work on the newArts Wing is now progressingrapidly and we look forward toits completion later in the year. During the month of May the

construction company, MorganSindall, held an Open Day towhich both the school and thelocal community were invited.There were guided tours of thesite where staff, students andvisitors could experience thespace and begin to see thelayout of the interior takingshape, as well as learningsome interesting facts aboutthe construction itself. Sincethen, all the windows havebeen installed and insulationcladding is now in place readyfor the exterior and interiorwalls to be added as part of thenext stage. In the meantime a

lot of refurbishment isscheduled to take place overthe holidays adapting existingareas of the school to create anadditional Science Lab and twonew Maths classroomstogether with a completemodernisation of the toilets.

When we return to school inSeptember we will be veryexcited to have these newareas as well as seeing how farthe work on the new buildingwill have advanced in ourabsence.

Denise BeardshawAssociate Headteacher


Guided Tours Offer A Lesson In Construction

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What Being a Charity Leader Means to Me


Fundraising for War Child


Becoming a CharityLeader at The ComptonSchool has allowed meto help charities byworking alongsideothers who share thesame interest as me. Aswell as helping peoplewho are less fortunate,being a Charity Leaderhas helped to build myconfidence and socialskills. The CharityLeaders plan theevents; we get togetherand plan what will makemoney for an agreedcharity that has beenchosen by Comptonstudents. So far thefund raising ideas haveincluded cake sales,

games and raffles; wehave also sold badgesto raise money. In school, as a

Charity Leader, I amable to nominateorganisations who Ithink will benefit fromthe money raised by our

students. Thisacademic year, wehave supportedRemembrance Day,Typhoon Haiyan(Philippines), HomelessAction in Barnet andMacmillan Nurses. Wealso recently raised

money for one of ourown students at TheCompton.Outside of school for

the past two years, Ihave taken part incharity walks collectingover £500. This year Idid a 10K walk for

Diabetes UK and raised£80. Last year I raiseda total of £565 for Kids,a charity which helpschildren with disabilities.I have also raised£1000 for Great OrmondStreet Children’sHospital.

Hemali DepalaCharity Leader

The Compton Culture Club Hits London TownOn Friday, 16th May, 15

students travelled into Londonto enjoy an afternoon ofculture.First, we looked around the

National Portrait Gallery. We

started at the top of the gallerylooking at very old paintings. ‘Iliked the one of WilliamShakespeare – it was paintedin the 1600’s!’ ShayaanThen, we went to look at

some more modern portraits. ‘Iliked the portrait of Catherine,Duchess of Cambridgebecause it was very life like’Vanesssa

‘The picture of the royalfamily was so detailed andrealistic.’ KatieWe then went to look at the

exhibition The Great War inPortraits which many of thestudents were impressed by. ‘Ithought the war portraits wereinspiring’ DanielAfter lunch, we walked

across the road to St Martin-in-the-Fields to listen to a freelunchtime concert performedby a vocalist and pianist. Themusicians were very talentedand the church is a beautifulbuilding.

After the concert, we went toThe Place near Euston whichis a dance and performancecentre. We were fortunateenough to have a guided tourand look in on some of therehearsals. ‘I hadn’t been toThe Place before but I reallyliked looking around thestudios – they were verymodern.’ Natalie.‘We watched some clips of

previous performances andthey were really cool.’ Muzamel.There are lots of exciting

performances happening atThe Place and evenopportunities for students toget involved!

Alice Gray Co-ordinator of Cultural Literacy

Another non-school uniformday was held on Friday, 4thJuly, incorporating a cake salein the concourse at lunchtimeand break. The charity that the Year 9s

chose for this half term wasWar Child, a charity that helpschildren throughout the worldwho find themselves theinnocent victims of war. Year 9 researched the

charity and believed it to be anextremely worthy cause as

children are so often theinnocent victims of war andneed support and help to dealwith the consequences theyhave to face. Numerous students paid £1

to support the cause, butbrought along extra money topurchase something from theexcellent range of cakes andbakes that were on sale on theday. Totals to follow.

Michael BarrettCharity Coordinator

The Compton School Charity Leaders

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A Leap of Faith, Courage And FriendshipAn amazing and well

behaved group of mixed abilitystudents from Years 8 -10 tookpart in our very first residentialtrip to Hindleap Warren activitycentre on the week-end of 20thJune.All the students

enthusiastically took part in arange of activities includingteambuilding, obstacle course,archery, rock climbing andtunnelling. Thankfully theweather was dry and sunnyenabling the students to makethe most of this leafy and openoutdoor activity centre.This enabled the students to

show determination and tobuild confidence withinthemselves and in relying onother team members be itwhen they were helping eachother or encouraging them tocome through the wet, muddytunnels!Well done to James Epstein,

Scott Gayfer, Danny Tooley,James Chadwick, PresleyChamberlain, Natasha Foster,

Adam Khokhar, Divine Isles,Ben Manuel, Kashifa Rahman,Callum Tilley, Gila Claydon,Derek Gibson, Ben Holmes,Marisa Martinez, Jay Patel,and Zubeen Rehman.Thank you to Ms Hand, Mr

McDonnell and Mr Marks.We are looking forward to

running this trip again nextyear.

Sharon Robinson Senior Teaching Assistant

and Linda JolySEN Adinistrative Assistant

We went to an activity centre in East Sussex and it was a really fun place to go. Iwould go again! There were lots of things to do and although I did not know a lot of people,I do now and I have new friends.We all tried lots of things and even though they were difficult, we still managed to succeed

and achieve our goal. The best bit for team work was the stepping stones as we had tocommunicate with eachother to get through safely, and the archery was excellent and excitingas, how fun it was to try and aim and shoot at something! When we had free time, there was still plenty to do, either playing football or going to the

games room. I would love to go back again as soon as I can, to try new things and to develop my

confidence and skills even more. It is a great place to go and I would recommend that peoplego there. It is a place that brings friends and family closer, by having fun.

Callum Tilley, Year 9


Year Nines Mean BusinessIn September, Mr Pujara and Mr Marks

put together a ‘Young Enterprise Team’with 23 students across Year 9. YoungEnterprise is a scheme set up to introduceyoung people to the world of work and theexcitement of running a business. YoungEnterprise’s mission statement is “Toinspire and equip young people to learnand succeed through enterprise.” Itsguiding principle is to do this through“learning by doing”.To start things off, we were given the

opportunity to create our own product.Collectively, we brainstormed numerousideas but we finally came to a decision!

The general consensus was the idea ofan urban beanie with a detachable andinterchanging bobble! We got crackingimmediately and came up with ourcompany name: Urbean. In order for us tostart production, all members of the YoungEnterprise team put forward £10 worth ofshare capital. We then ran a two day carwash service for the staff here at TheCompton school. This generated morerevenue for our company! We used thebulk of the money to advertise the productand also for production.After the production process was

finished, we were invited by the Young

Enterprise organisation to come down toSpitalfields Market to sell our beanies –we were the youngest there and were indirect competition with many otherschools... and yes, we did beat many ofthem in sales! Judges included last year’s‘The Apprentice’ entrepreneurs: JasonLeech and Jordan Poulton. Weunfortunately couldn’t win the competitionas we were under the age required forentry into the actual competition; however,the judges still invited us to attend theYoung Enterprise Final so that we couldshare our experiences and highlight oursuccess! This was a massive honour andwe are so proud of everything weachieved, and the evening was a greatway to celebrate this! We then arranged to sell our remaining

beanies at school and sold out in lessthan an hour! We eventually managed togenerate over £250 via sales and we alsodonated most of the share capital, whichallowed us to donate a total of £377 toVictim Support, a national charity thatprovides support to victims of crime andabuse. Thanks to everyone whoparticipated in helping to raise money forsuch a worthy cause.

Gabriella KyriakouYear 9

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Year 11 Exam Performances

In May, 21 students weretaken to see The Believers atthe Tricycle Theatre in Kilburn.Before they watched the tenseand thrilling performance, theywere privileged to take part ina physical workshop run bythe fantastic physical theatregroup Frantic Assembly tohelp prepare them for theshow as well as developingtheir own group andmovement skills. The studentsthoroughly enjoyed both theworkshop and theperformance and have beenkeen to share what they learntin their Drama lessons.

Maya Patrick De Costa: “Itwas very eerie… the actualplay was overwhelming withflashing lights, it was only afterthe performance you begin tounravel the story.”

Harry Curley: “The play was

based around a flood and onefamily inviting their neighboursin for the night and thehappenings that take place. Irecommend the play!”

Shaelle Twum-Barimah: “Theplay was thrilling with asinister twist. It left uspondering over what hadhappened. Overall, the playwas spontaneous and awe-inspiring with a shocking

story-line.”May Harding: “The Believers

explored the themes of thesupernatural and death. Theyused a harness and a metalframe for transitions. Theshow was riveting and madethe audience question their

own beliefs.”Emma DeDuve: “The

workshop was different andsomething I’ve never donebefore so I thought it was areally good experience.”

Sarah TunnadineJoint Head of Drama

Year 11 performed to friends and family in March in preparationfor their final exam. They showed excellent confidence andadaptability and vastly improved their work for their final examworth 40%. Well done year 11, good luck with your results thissummer!

Sarah Tunnadine, Joint Head of Drama

Well Done Year 10Well done to Year 10 for

completing 25% of theirGCSE! They have beenstudying the Woman in Blackand have written a theatrereview on this. They showedexcellent focus andcommitment to the six hourpractical exam.

Sarah TunnadineJoint Head of Drama

Year 8 Workshop with Mousetrap TheatreYear 8 Drama Club have been very busy this term! They

have been on a trip to Covent Garden to see the production,War Horse and have also been working on extracts of theplay in preparation for our Summer show I’ll be Home byChristmas as well as partaking in storytelling workshops runby Nell in association with Mousetrap Theatre. Theyperformed their stories to two other schools on Tuesday 8thJuly in a theatre in Camden.

Sarah Tunnadine, Joint Head of Drama

My Hero Is...In preparation for The Compton World Fair, Year 7 Drama

Club students have been using a poem called 'Hero' byNathan Kraft. The Poem has been adapted to reference realWW1 events, and underscores mimed movement sequencesand scripted scenes. The performance consists of four storieseach assigned to one of the four letters from the title HERO.

The delivery of the poem is interwoven through-out theperformance and the students represent ordinary people andthe heroic acts they performed during WW1. Additionally,Miss Gray and her talented music students Anthony Brown,Gabriel Musker, Petar Djordjic, Sofia Stender and AnjaliDepala, have composed original pieces that have helped toform a sensitive, dynamic and atmospheric performanceproviding powerful music for every transition between stories.

Liana Anthony, Joint Head of Drama

What’s that stench colonel?... (aside) My Hero is Dirty!

Drama - Act I, Scene IYear 9 Workshop and Show

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The Compton Loves Maths

The United KingdomMathematics Trust JuniorMaths Challenge took placeon 1st May, with entrants fromboth Years 7 and 8. Thechallenge question papers aredesigned to stimulate interestin maths and involveanswering 25 multiple choicequestions in one hour, undernormal exam conditions. Well done to all the students

who took part andcongratulations to thefollowing who achievedcertificates; GOLD: Arjun Nanning-

Ramamurthy, Jillian Cheng,Chihiro Gong, MarkusBrighton, Sofia Dellamura,Anjali Depala, Danielle Cass.SILVER: Anya Nanning-Ramamurthy, Alice Chadwick,Jack Kariya, Riam Kaabi,Josephine Chadwick, SarahYeboah-Smith, RebeccaMoore, Nikola Petkov, AhmedHaji, Alma Mohamed, AnishSheth, Doaa Ahmed, AnnikaKeshu. BRONZE: SofiaStender, AbdulrahmanAhmed, Rafael Lopez,Hannah Dembina, AmaAckon-Mensah, Tara Aye,Eloise Tagholm-Child, LaraTaylor, Harvey Renkin,Jessica Musker.Huge congratulations go to

Arjun Nanning-Ramamurthy

and Jillian Cheng who bothqualified for the JuniorMathematical Olympiad. Thisis a fantastic achievement andthe first time we haveachieved this as a school. Around 1,200 of the highest

scorers in the JMC are invitedto participate in the JuniorMathematical Olympiad. Itconsists of a two-hour paperof more in-depth mathematicalproblems to which there aretwo sections, one requiringanswers only, and the second,full written solutions. Papersare set and marked by theUKMT. Back in February, Year 9

and 10 students took part inthe Intermediate Maths

Challenge. Again, well doneand congratulations to allcompetitors and to thefollowing, who achievedcertificates;GOLD: Blessie Simbol,

Jake Taylor. SILVER: MichaelSpann, Iman Abdulahi, AmirRazak, Cate Mandell,Khadijah Sufi, Gabriel Musker,Jason Cheng, Zenith Soni,Isaaq Mohamed. BRONZE:Sam L’Huillier, Erfan Najimi,Louis O’shea, Najma Haji,William Lloyd, ShaelleTwumbarimah, AkhilShah, Ellie Haskin, BennyDebrah, Chandni ThakkarThe ‘Best in School’ award

went to Blessie Simbol. Herhigh score meant that she was

eligible for the follow-on roundcalled the ‘Grey Kangaroo’.The UKMT has been involvedin Kangaroo activities formany years and uses thehour-long multiple-choicepapers as an extension to theIntermediate Challenge.Kangourou sans Frontiè res

(KSF) is an independentassociation whose purpose isto organise the annualKangaroo contest promotingmathematics among youngpeople around the world. Thename sounds strange butrecognises the fact that theorganisation was inspired bythe Australian MathematicsTrust.

On 25th April students who attendMaths Enrichment and Maths in Motionclubs took part in a trip to a behind thescenes tour of the Jaguar Factory inCastle Bromwich, Birmingham. This tripwas one of the prizes won by TheCompton School team at the HeritageMotor Museum last June when we

became National Champions of JaguarCars Maths in Motion Challenge forSchools 2012/13. It was a fantastic dayand gave us a great opportunity to seehow maths and engineering are used inthe planning and production processes. Here are some comments from


“We looked at thestructure of the car and saw how thealuminium panels are put together. Wesaw cars going to be painted and wewere told about the painting process andhow they are kept shiny afterwards byspraying a kind of varnish. We saw allthe different parts, like seats, beingadded and looked at the final cleaning ofthe car by hand. The cars are labelled tokeep track of them and go to lots ofdifferent countries. After the tour we atelunch and then went to a showroomwhere we got to take pictures inside thecars. Then it was time to go and wereluctantly said goodbye. Everyoneenjoyed it and hopes to go there again!”Safi Marsh-Henry “It was an amazing experience

because we got a chance to tour themagnificent factory and got to see how afew bits of metal can get turned into oneof the best sport cars in the world andfinally we got to sit in a jaguar. We werealso told some interesting facts such ashow the factory started as an AircraftFactory and made planes used in WorldWar Two.” Sahil Nakrani

UKMT Junior and Intermediate Maths Challenges 2014

Prize Winning Jaguar Factory Trip

Back in March, a team of Compton students went to Preston Manor School in Wembley tocompete in the Regional Final of the UKMT Team Challenge. Team members were Year 8students Jillian Cheng and Chihiro Gontogether with Year 9 students Blessie Simboland Cate Mandell. These students wereselected from a number of very talentedmathematicians in Years 8 and 9 who regularlyattend Maths Challenge Club (which runs onFridays, 3 - 4pm in NG3). The team did usproud coming eighth out of 21 schools, many ofwhich were independent schools.Thank you to all the students who have

attended the club this year; you have allcontributed to our success.

2014 Regional Final of the UKMT Team Maths Challenge

by Joanna Lewis

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After the building workrestricted access to theCompton Garden, the weedshad taken over and the wholearea had fallen into disrepair.However, thanks to ourGarden Clubbers, this hasbeen turned around and onceagain the garden is showingthe fruits of their labour. Highlights from garden club

include:• A strawberry crop to rival

Wimbledon• Raspberries that continue

to give a tasty treat• Rhubarb • Herbs, including Mint,

Rosemary, Sage, Thyme,Lavender, Chives andOregano which are allregularly used in the FoodRoom • A new Sensory Herb

Garden which has beenplanted up in the Piazza sothe Kitchen can add evenmore flavour to their dishes

as well as attracting bees• The Wildlife Garden and

Pond adjoining The ComptonGarden which has had its fairshare of insect life andhopefully the frog spawn willgive us plenty of frogs to helpus keep the snails undercontrol• Science using the Wildlife

Area in their lessonsRob Hall

Senior D&T Technician


Cooking, Baking, Cakes and Coursework

Garden Club goes from strength to strength

Design and Technology

On 25th June 2014, Year 11students and their parentswere invited to the Private Viewof Year 11 Design andTechnology work . The work on show was the

culmination of the hard workand dedication by students andteachers alike over the past 18months. The work producedwas of the highest quality andwe are looking forward to

positive GCSE results this year. The exhibition included

Graphics, Product Design,Food and Textiles. We wouldlike to thank parents, governorsand staff who attended andmade the evening special.

Julie TinsleyHead of D&T

We have been cooking up a storm in Food Technology thisterm. The Year 7 and 8 classes have been learning about safefood hygiene and preparation and are all becoming quite skilledin the kitchen. A sensory lab was simulated where studentslearned to be discerning and articulate when analysing anddescribing food they eat. The Year 9s have been making a range of different cakes

including butter cake, Swiss Roll, Boiled Fruit Cake andexperimenting with vegetables to improve the flavour, colour,texture and nutritional value of different cakes. They have alsobeen working with a range of different types of icing anddecorating techniques. The project will conclude with studentsmaking a cake inspired by art viewed on their V&A fieldtrip. Theyhave been very busy practising their decorating techniques anddesigning their final cake to be judged by senior members ofstaff.

Year 10 students have been busy beginning their coursework.They have interviewed consumers representing their targetmarkets. They have also ventured out in the community andhave been handing out surveys to gain valuable primaryresearch for their tasks. The students have been working hardpreparing in their planning to begin an intensive term of cookingin September. We have said farewell to the Year 11 students who committed

themselves in achieving their best possible grade. They showedgreat dedication in attending after school, Saturday and holidayclasses to achieve their best possible result. We wish them welland are very proud of their achievements.

Brigitta CliffordHead of Food Technology

The Year 9s have completed their Class OfYour Own project which has seen themcreate their own model eco-classrooms. Themodels and architect drawings, which usedindustry standard software, were put togetherin an exhibition held at The Compton toshowcase the students’ brilliant designs.Throughout the course the students weretaught the skills needed to becomearchitects, engineers, and other specialists inthe building industry.

Rachel Carter, Head of Product Designand Rob Hall, Senior D&T Technician


Private View

From this... this

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On 2nd May, a group of 12 Spanishstudents came to visit The Compton.They had the pleasure of meeting up with12 of our students and of practising bothSpanish and English. They toured theschool and were very impressed with theamount of technology used in everyclassroom and discussed how differentthe educational systems are in bothcountries. Afterwards, they spent the

afternoon in the hall doing activities andgetting to know each other better. At themoment, they keep in contact andhopefully will be able to meet up again inthe future.“Meeting the Spaniards was a great

experience as it helped us to develop ourSpanish speaking skills especially as weare doing GCSE in Spanish” Bianca andNatasha, Year 10“It was great and fascinating that we

had the chance to have an insight abouttheir lives and the kind of activities they doin Spain. Now we are in touch with themand we hope to be able to visit them nextyear”. Teddy, Carlota, Nicole and Gilvania,Year 9“Meeting with the Spanish people was a

fantastic experience that I am sureeveryone benefitted from. We playedsome great games with the Spaniardsand they were all very enthusiastic andenergetic when we introduced the English

game as “bulldog””. We hope to see themsoon. Raza, Year 9“I really enjoyed meeting the Spanish

students because it helped me improvemy Spanish a lot. I got to interact withloads of the students and learn a lot abouteach of them. I hope to see them in thefuture. We also played some great fungames” Sinead, Year 9

Cristina Cabezo-RedondoHead of MFL

In the summer term, Year 7students have been lookinginto the topic of religion in the

local community. This hasinvolved looking at whatbeliefs people in our localcommunity hold. Some students took this

further by visiting a church anda mosque. Here is a reportfrom Meena who went on oneof the visits:Our RE class visited a

mosque (North Finchley) andthen a local church (ChristChurch). Just before weentered the main section of themosque we had to remove ourshoes as a sign of respect tothe mosque. The head of themosque was called Imam

Mohammed. He taught usabout the five pillars of Islamand what each one meant. Wewere able to ask the Imamanything about the five pillars

and the mosque. Near the endof our mosque visit, we werequizzed on the five pillars. After our mosque visit, we

went to the church. The churchwas crammed with stainedglass depicting Jesus andMary. The vicar (head of thechurch) was called ReverendDavid Walker. We were givena worksheet with differentsymbols that were dotted allaround the church. We had toidentify where we found thesymbol and what it meant toChristianity. Reverend Walkerasked us a few basicquestions about Jesus, forexample, what did the threewise men bring to Bethlehem? Overall, our entire form

learned a lot about both Islamand Christianity andthoroughly enjoyed the trip.

Meena Azim,Year 7


Examining Religion In The Local Community


Getting To Know Our Spanish Counterparts

To celebrate the Centenary of World WarOne, 14 fantastic historians from Year 9 weregiven the opportunity to go to the JewishMuseum in Camden to find out more abouthow life in the trenches affected the lives ofordinary Jewish Londoners. Working with arange of artefacts, including medals of honour,census records, decorated shell casings andother personal belongings, the students puttogether and presented their own exhibitions.Each individual's story came to life through theworkshop and the galleries and all studentswere able to build on both knowledge andempathy skills, culminating in an outstandinggroup presentation!

Elizabeth de Klerk, Teacher of History


A Visit To The Jewish Museum

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One hundred and ninety six Year 8 Geography students visitedWalton on the Naze in June to investigate what life is like for peopleliving on a rapidly eroding coastline. The students explored the crumbling cliff sides and collected

fieldwork by measuring sea defences on the beach. They climbed tothe top of the local Grade 2 Listed tower and from the top of the towerwere able to identify how coastal erosion is affecting both historicalfeatures and land of environmental value. All the data collected formedthe basis of their Year 8 end of year assessment.The Geography Department are delighted with the assessment

projects completed so far. Many students have shown a real flair forwriting independently and have demonstrated excellent geographicalskills.

Lucy BevanGeography Teacher


Year 8s Investigate Coastal Erosion

Student Journalism: who arewe? The Compton’s finestgroup of journalists, reportersand broadcasters, responsiblefor every form of media open toyou. Any event that’s going onat The Compton goes throughus and every piece of newscoming out gets reported byus. Our team is full of manybudding journalists ready forany slight action to spark ourentertaining and informativearticles. This year, Ms Peel and Ms

Rambaut were determined toopen doors for students in the

club and to boost theexperience of anyoneencountering our media. Thisenthusiasm was mirrored byour members setting up for ayear to remember. And indeedit was, with plenty of stimulus toboast our reporting potential.The year kicked off with a

bang with more journalists thanwe have ever had before! Earlyin the year, the BBC visited TheCompton in order to interviewus for a Radio 4 Woman’s Hourspecial for Christmas Day.Also, some of our fortunatereporters were able to visit the

BBC building, interview famousfigures, such as John Waitesand Steve Hermann andget the once-in-a-lifetimeopportunity of writing an articleon the BBC website, all in apractice BBC School Report. Mid-way through the year,

we presented an assembly onthe topic of StudentJournalism. This was followedby the real News Day, for whichthe theme was education andfour expert guests came intoThe Compton to be interviewedfor us. We were also able tosupply coverage on The

Compton’s new building whenwe toured on the site. Finally,we are looking forward tovisiting the Regent’s ParkOutdoor Theatre to report on aspecial performance ofShakespeare’s Twelfth Night.All in all, this was an extremelyeventful year for the StudentJournalism team, erupting witharticles and news reports. All ofthese interesting articles canbe accessed via our schoolmagazine, the Compton Catch-up, on the school website.

Amir RazakYear 9


A Good News Year for TCS Journalists

This year we introduced The DebateMate Club at The Compton and what apleasure and success it has been. Theteam has met every week to take part ingames and debates that have reallyhelped to improve their public speakingand debating skills and developed theirunderstanding of contentious currentaffairs. The group were led by twoUniversity students who are, themselves,champion debaters and who really helpedstudents hone their skills. We started the year by going to

Westminster in November 2013 topartake in the launch of this year'scompetition and watch World ChampionDebaters in action. Throughout the year we have put our

skills to practice in The Urban DebateLeague - a series of inter-school debaterounds. In January, we visited BishopDouglass School in Finchley andvictoriously made it through to the nextround. Following this, in March, wehosted the event and it was our pleasure

to invite debaters from other schools inorder to compete in an atmosphere ofmutual respect and fair-play.The year was rounded off with the

Deutsche Bank Debate Mate Cup. Thistime we visited the campus of theprestigious London School of Economicsto gain more experience in public

speaking. The students made Ms Wrayand Mr Tokarz incredibly proud bydisplaying their impressive debatingtalents. If you would like to become a Debater,

remember to join in next year!Hannah Wray, Oracy Coordinator and

Luke Tokarz, English Teacher


There’s No Debate About It; The Compton’s Debaters Are Amazing

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Many new sports have been introduced this year and the students haveembraced them all with exceptional enthusiasm and commitment.

We have had numerous individual and team successes. Our Athletics teamshave excelled in their League matches all season. Well done to all 70 students:Year 7 Girls - ChampionsYear 8 Girls - 2ndYear 9 and 10 Girls - 2ndYear 9 and 10 Boys – 3rd

Rugby, Girls’ Boxing and Handball have also been prominent this year. Manythanks again to all our additional PE Staff – Ms Kelly, Ms Silva, Ms Savage , MsAnastasiou, Mr Hinchliffe, Mr N Clark, Mr K Clark, Mr Civan and Mr Taylor for alltheir invaluable work with the running of extra curricular clubs.

Enthusiam and Commitment Bring Sporting Success Old ComptonianClaims Golfing TitleEx Compton student Andrew Johnston is

making his mark on the golfing world. The25 year old, who left The Compton in 2005,has just claimed his maiden EuropeanChallenge Tour title at the Scottish HydroChallenge at the Macdonald Spey ValleyGolf Club in Aviemore. His three-shotvictory means he is now third in theChallenge Tour Rankings.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Some of the Year 10 Students who successfully completed their Duke of Edinburghweekend expedition at Screens Park in Chelmsford.

HandballYear 10 Students

represented Barnetin the London

Youth Games heldat the Copper Box

in the OlympicPark. Many thanksto Ms Munoz (team

manager) fororganising this.

New Kids on the Course

Winners of the Tudor Park Golf Club ‘Open’

Five-a-side Football

Year 8 Winners

Rugby Blast

Year 8 Winners

SPORTS News at The Compton Schoolby Nikki Chodurek

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Students return to school on Thursday, 11th September 2014, Week 1

Watford WonderWatford WonderContinuing our series of sporting

interviews, this term we talk to SofieGeorgiou, Year 11.NC: Do you play for a club?SG: Yes, I play for Watford Ladies.NC: How often do you train?SG: I train two to three times a week, notincluding matches.NC: When do you play your matches?SG: I play my matches on a Saturday andsometimes night matches during the week.NC: What position do you play?SG: I play striker (centre forward) or inmidfield (centre or right wing)NC: How long have you trained there?SG: This will be my second season atWatford if I get in. Each season they re-trialto find the best players possible. Even ifyou’ve been with the club all season, youmust re-trial still. However, they know yourability from the season before.NC: When do you fit in your studies?SG: I always make time for studies.However football is almost like my therapyto help me get my mind off everything for awhile. Without football I’d find most thingsstressful, especially this time of myeducation as there’s so much beingdemanded. So I’d definitely recommendtaking part in a sport or hobby, particularlyduring GCSEs.NC: What is your long term ambition?SG: I’d love to get an American scholarship

for a year or two studying in the States butalso playing football for a year or two andthen hopefully play out there in the future orcome back to London and try and play forEngland. NC: Do you coach any younger students?SG: Whenever I have free time I coach abig group of young children aged 6-13 boysand girls at the Ministry of Sound. I was thefirst girl to coach the girls which made me a

little nervous if I’m honest but the feedbackI got from the parents there gave me a lot ofconfidence. It was also good for the Ministryof Sound as they had a girl helping out too.I am normally there for about 2 hours.

A highly successfulNational School SportsWeek (NSSW) was held atthe end of June. The PE Department

collapsed the PE timetableand gave students an

opportunity to experience arange of different sports andactivities. Sports includedZumba, Ultimate Frisbee,Softball and Golf. Thestudents all thoroughlyenjoyed this week and it

enriched their sportingexperiences throughcompetition and socialsporting events.The Tug of War Interform

is extremely competitiveand thoroughly enjoyed byall (winners - see photos).‘I really enjoy NSSW as I

can try out new sports’Emma, Year 9‘I can participate in lots of

competions’ Zabehullah,Year 7‘I can mix with lots of new

people and make newfriends’ Aneesha, Year 8‘It’s fun’ Safia, Year 8‘It helps me keep fit and

healthy’ Mohammed, Year 8

National Schools Sports WeekNational Schools Sports Week

...STOP PRESS: Sophie is waiting to hearif she will be selected for the England U18Ladies’ Team. Watch this space!

Year 7’s SummerYear 7’s Summerof Successof Success

Congratulations to the Year 7Girls' Rounders team who playedin the Barnet Schools RoundersFestival this term and won! (Nineschools competed). They are nowBarnet Schools Champions.

The Girls' Athletics team havecompeted in three Barnet SchoolsLeague matches and performedwith superb talent anddetermination. They won the BarnetSchools Athletics League, afantastic achievement.

These girls have all shownoutstanding commitment, leadership,and teamwork. Well done Year 7 Girls.

SPORTS News at The Compton Schoolby Nikki Chodurek