napc-pdtf workshop 16-17 feb 2015

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  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    People’s Development Trust Fund:A Review on the Current Policies and Trends and Action

    Planning WorkshopPrivato Hotel, 706 Shaw Boulevard, Pasig city

    Opening Preliminaries

    Moi Garcia for the opening prayer, Ms Marie acknowledged the presence of guestsand head of organiations !oth fro" #$P% & P%'%, (G)s and Basic Sectors*

    Welcome Remarks

    Mr +dgar Generoso, the president and %+ of P%'% gave the welco"e re"arks* Herecalled the -epu!lic $ct ./1 or the Social -efor" $ct of 2337 and gave updates

    on P%'%4s perfor"ance within the year 02/* 2/ M'5s and 20 (G)s !eneted fro"

    the P8' %apa!ility Building* #e9t, he iterated the factors that hindered in the

    e:ciency of the P8' perations; elays in the su!"ission of docu"ents, stringentre

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    e"phasied that not until wo"en have !eco"e econo"ically e"powered,there is no end to E$F CEiolence against wo"enD

    * Pro"ote Sustaina!le SelfHelp Groups* 5t is in this idea that wo"encontri!utes to the develop"ent of the household econo"y* 'ro" the

    household level, organied groups ?of wo"en@ would signicantly contri!ute

    to the develop"ent of the local econo"y*

    #e9t she identied four !otto"lines;

    2* +cono"icIthe poor should have a stake Cor sayD and would "ake

    participations in the planning, i"ple"entation and "onitoring of povertyreducing proJects* Businesses should !e via!le and sustaina!le so that the

    poor could accrue value Caccrue prot fro" value chainD** SocialIthere should !e preferential treat"ent for the !asic sectors* $n

    e9a"ple would !e esta!lishing partnerships and convergence with other

    agencies and institutions ?sharing the sa"e vision@* 8ake for e9a"ple

    econo"ic proJects that has social protection for its workers and its fa"ilies

    Cwo"en and childrenD another is !y forging partnership !etween thecooperative Sector ?of the Basic Sector@ in generating e"ploy"ent*

    APreferential refers toKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK* +nviron"ental 5ntegrityI"ust !e pro"oted a"ong !usinesses* 8here has to

    !e a sustaina!le for" of value chain a"ong enterprises, "eaning they/* %hange of MindsetIfro" "icroscale going to s"allscale enterprise* 8here

    has to !e a convergence a"ong #G$s C#ational Govern"ent $genciesD likethe SF; S+$L CSelf+"ployed $ssistanceILaunlaran Progra"D, %%8 C/PsD,

    S(P* )sec orotan shared her e9perience of a pilot proJect of "o!iliing %%8

    !eneciaries to pool their funds C+ach /Ps !eneciary receives 20,000*00

    $ssistance, i"agine if you could "o!ilie 10 households, you can pool ana"ount of 100,000*00 which can !e used as a startup capital for an

    enterpriseD* She "entioned a!out "odied %%8, "ainstrea"ed !y partner

    %Ss* 8hey pilottested this in 7 "unicipalities in Sorsogon and they werea!le to generate livelihood for the co""unity* +ach person was a!le to earn

    00*oo per day CBicol4s Mini"u" wage rate is 3=dayD*#$P% is tasked to create the convergenceG$ Plan

    (astly, she addressed the challenges that lies ahead;2* -evisit Policies* People ?+na!ling $gencies@* Strengthening; (ook at the ena!ling "echanis"s=structuresI%ascading

    our work down to the local levels/* -evisit the proJects i"ple"ented, ter"s of engage"ent and convergence

    She %ongratulated the organiers for the pursuit of this endeavour* She e"phasied

    on the roles that will !e identied during the workshop*

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    Rationale O!"ectives and #$pected Outputs

    irector -e!ete, welco"ed participants fro" P%'%, #$P%, and the Basic Sector*

    Ms Marie called the attention of everyone and highlighted today4s activity, 2s day

    will !e "ore on inputs=presentation* $ny

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    the receipt of the anticipated inco"e* 8his type of loan applies for seasonal!usinesses such as far"ing sugarcane and cassava*

    Production and Marketing are essential for $sset%onversion

    Organi,ed Producers to Organi,ed Consumers

     8his idea was e9hi!ited !y the 'airtrade "ove"ent* 'airtrade "ove"ent

    started during the 2310s which calls for responsi!le consu"eris"* 8hroughthe 'airtrade Ealue %hain, far"ers were given Apre"iu"s*

    -olistic Approach

    +very tea" under the $8'5 is co"posed of a technician, nance & ad"in

    o:cer and a co""unity organier* Solutions are tailort or strea"lined

    !ased on the need* ProJect planning addresses the type of interventionneeded for a specic pro!le"*

    Presentation .: Open Forum





    Response Respondent

    +s 2a!es

    Plans for Social5nsurance=Protecti


    #egros 'irstIProvincialHealth 5nsurance

     8hey have conducted a

    study on their engage"ent

    with the co""unity andthey learned that the rate of 

    hospitaliation has lowered*


    5t is worth noting that

    i"prove"ent in diet Cfoodconsu"ptionD has decreased

    the rate of hospitaliation


    $8'5 does not have the

    co"petency to engage ininsurance C"icroinsuranceD

    services* 8he !eneciaries

    ?and stakeholders@ can

    access govern"ent serviceslike PhilHealth, GS5S, SSS


  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    and S-$ Policies $re there any


    livelihood for thesugarcane


     8here were crops which

    were reco""ended for

    the" depending on the soiltype and conditions





    $re there any

    %onditional %ash

     8ransfer C%%8D!eneciaries

    a"ong the

    $grarian -efor"Beneciaries



    How do we really

    link the poor?far"ers@ and the

    "arketO How can

    the poor !enet

    fro" the valuechain, accruing

    value in the


    The farmer could become the

    consolidator, processor or even


    -P cited a situationer wherea far"er can !eco"e the

    consolidator, processor or

    even !eco"e a trader* Heshared his e9periences

    a!road where a fa"ilyrun

    far" did the processing,consolidation and even the

    packaging of their produce*

     8hey do even deliver their

    products in a cooperative*


    o you really havea !aseline study

    for the food

    poverty levelO

    $lter 8rade conductedBaseline Study every year*

    $s for the recent survey,

    there are /1 out of 61$-B Household who are now

    foodsu:cient, that is 63*

    22 $-B Households Cor2D are still "oving

    towards the poverty lineDir& 5hec)


    Have you

    accessed P8'OHow do you fundyour activitiesO

    #* Study the dierent

    needs of the people* Social+nterprise will have ani"pact on the poor,

    particularly in the value

    chain* (ook into aspects of!usiness startups or the

    ones under incu!ation* Fe

    need to look at the "arket

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    $nother is the 5sa5sa, Sa"aSa"ang Pagunlad Pangsakahan at Palaisdaan ProJectC5S$P$ PlusD* 5t is a type of Micronance Service catering to the $gricultural sector

    Cfar"ers and sherfolksD* Borrowers were encouraged to apply 5ntegrated 'ar"ing

    syste" or 5'S*

    (on/Financial Programs

    #onnancial progra"s include;

     A. Continuous Education for Members (CEM) during Center MeetingsB. Livelihood !ills TrainingsC. Micro"#egos$o %airs&. %inancial EducationE. Entrepreneurship Trainings%. Leadership ' Communit$ &evelopment Trainings. Mar!et Lin!ages for the members (MC, ennemer)*. La!ba$"Aral+Eposure -rogram. %amil$ Life Enhancement eminars

     /. cholarships


    P8'assisted proJects

    Basic ress"aking %ourse

    'inancial Manage"ent %ourse for Microenterprise



    &o not settle for 0ust one ncome"generating activit$ (-). Tr$ to diversif$.

    -esource Speaker encouraged their clients to have two or "ore 5GPs* Ms Bulaon

    related the discussion to one of their clients who started with hograising as its rst5GP* $fter gaining "ore capital, she ventured into !uy and sell of Banana* 8hen

    again, gaining "ore capital she was a!le to !uy a hauler for her goods*

    $nother client engaged in the retail !usiness Csarisari storeD had an idea of puttingup a cottage enterprise* She put up a furniture"aking enterprise alongside her

    Atindahan* 8hey started selling stools, s"all ta!les and "iniorganiers* 8o "ake

    the story short, the enterprise grew and their products were in de"and, so theyapplied for a loan in the !ank and nanced their operation ?to answer the growing


    %armers 1need2 to have 3vehicles4 to assist them in hauling and transport of their


    Ms Bulaon cited their e9perience in Lota Lina!alu where far"ers have their own

    vehicles* 5n a far"ing co""unity, it is co""on for every far"er to have a vehicle*

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    5t would !e a lot easier ?or rather e:cient@ since they can save on theirtransportation e9penses*

    5n Calamansi 6inds

     8here are ti"es that there is plenty and a!undant harvest of %ala"ansi* ?Surplus@

    Produce fro" %ala"ansi 'ar"s end up getting rotten* $ccess and linking to the

    Market is needed !y these far"ers*

    Presentation 6: Open ForumReactor 0uestion1Respon


    Discussion1Response Respondent

    Fhat happened

    after the ress

    "aking trainingOFere they a!le to

    use the skill and

    put up a !usinessO

    nly a few have engaged in


    $ %$circular

    prohi!itsoutsourcing ?or



     8here "ust !e a policy

    refor", e"powering ourC"icroD s"all enterprises*

    5ntegration of

    Social Protection

    PhilHealth already has

    engaged in the registration of 

    the rural poor*ccupational Safety ispracticed in the PB%

    pre"ises, that covers good

    work practices CHealth and



    How can far"ersesta!lish their own

    "eans of

    processing cacaoO

     8raditional "ethods of"aking ta!lea

     8here is an answer

    to the surplus ofcala"ansi

    istillera (i"tuaco !uys

    cala"ansi rinds and processthe" into (i

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    production ?and

    processing@ 8here has to !e a

    co""it"ent to ensure rightproduction

    Presentation ; -apid Survey -esults fro" the #ational Sectoral $sse"!ly

    Mayan Eillal!a, irector of )nlad La!ayan was co""issioned !y #$P% and P%'% to

    conduct a study on the utiliation of People4s evelop"ent 8rust 'und and how itcan !est serve the Basic Sectors* She presented a !rief !ackground a!out the

    study, e"phasiing that the research is a Acursory study* $s the study progresses,

    we are lead to discover that the scope is e9panding and we wanted to narrow itdown to; AHow can the P8' !est serve the !asic sectorsIa rhetorical

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    Presentation 8: Open ForumReactor Ruestion=5n

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    Sectors with regards to P8'*

    #$P% was created to seek

    the welfare of the !asicsectors* P8' was created

    according to the social

    refor" agenda which is acapa!ility!uilding fundad"inistered !y P%'%*Fe need to look for other

    Awindows for the P8'

    Presentation /; S+P5

    4ocial #nterprise Development Partnerships %nc

    S+P5 is a forprot corporation with a strong social agenda* S+P5 specialies in

    research, consultancy and capa!ility !uilding* 8he corporation is an accreditedservice provider of P%'%* Mr -apisura gave a !rief !ackgrounder of S+P5*

    S+P5 conducts an organiational appraisal !y conducting research on the ground*

     8his "ethod "atches the needs and the capacity of the organiation*

    'essons 'earned

    5t is i"portant to invest in social protection* 8he poor tends to !orrow "oney in

    ti"es of e"ergency, "aking the" "ore vulnera!le* (oans are the e"ergencyre"edy of the poor*

    Presentation 9: Open ForumReactor Ruestions=-eaction iscussion='ollowup


    Fhy 20 for Social+nterpriseO

    Most of the invest"ents areplaced in M'5s* Social

    +nterprise are not that via!le

    in the country* Most of these

    enterprises are Astartupsand conveys "ore risks

    Have ever

    considered training

    #o* it is "ore via!le to train

    and hire professionals to

    Eia!ility vs


  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    any PsO "anage an enterprise* 5t is in

    the spirit of Professionalis"

    and ethics that drive the" toachieve results* 8here4s a !ig

    dierence !etween a

    professional and a AtrainedpersonnelHow did S+P5"anaged to grow

    its fundsO

    S+P5 started operating withtheir own personal funds* 8o

    further their operations, they

    !orrowed "oney fro" friendsand relatives* Soon, they

    were a!le to reach out

    "igrants and convincedthe" to invest in their

    preferred shares*-P Bias is on M'5s* 8he very

    reason why M'5s charge high

    interest rates is !ecause oftwo reasons;

    •  8hey need to !eco"e

    sustaina!le, adding ad"in

    cost in the interest rate

    • -isks are higher when you

    engage in "icronance

    Cwhich includes non

    collateried loanD

    Presentation 1; Paglau" MP%

    Paglau" Multipurpose %ooperative is represented !y Mr Tared Gran, $rea Manager* 8he word APaglau" literally translates into Hope in %e!uano language* Paglau"

    MP% started as a Social=%o""unity evelop"ent 'oundation engaged in Social

    Felfare* 8he organiers had a vision of "aking Paglau" sustaina!le* 8hey decidedto transfor" it into a cooperative starting with 1 "e"!ers* Mr Gran showcased the

    transition of the organiation over the years*

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    $gronancing is one of the progra"s of Paglau"* 5t is a custo"ied credit facility forfar"ers where the !asis for the nancing will !e the 'ar"=!usiness plan*

    Presentation : Open Forum



    Fhat "onitoring

    "echanis"s doyou e"ployO

    Fe stationed a personnel in

    the proJect site to "onitorthe area*

     8ailort or strea"lining of

    credit services accessi!le to

    far"ersFhat repay"ent

    sche"es do youuse for your credit


    -epay"ent is si"ilar to

    $sset conversion wherepart of the total harvest ?@

    will !e a"ortied to pay theavailed loan C$gronancingD

    +s 2a!es 'ourth to si9th class

    "unicipalities should have

    access to shared facilitiesand should have a co""on

    livelihood develop"ent

    centerFere you a!le to

    access P8'O

    #o* need to conr" it with

    MP% +9ecutives*Fho are your Leypartners in


    evelop"ent and$grirelated


    Lenne"er 'oods%ordaid 5nt*

    #$P% should speed up the

    co"pletion of the revised5--

    $fter the short foru", resource speakers were called one !y one for the giving of


  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015



    Opening (iceties

     8he progra" started with an opening prayer led !y Ms Gloria ?fro" the !asic sector@

    followed !y an +nergier* Mr #icanor facilitated the energier, ca!!age ga"e*Ruestions pertaining to yesterday4s presentation was written down on pieces of

    paper and was !alled into a ca!!age* Participants co"ing fro" the #$P%, P%'% and

    Basic Sectors were asked to for" an Ao!long and were encouraged with "inglewith the other participants ?co"ing fro" other institutions@* 8he activity will !e a

    precursor to the recap of ay highlights*

     8he "echanics of the ga"e is to dance while the "usic goes on at the sa"e ti"e,the A!all is !eing passed along* 8he one who holds the !all when the "usic

    stopped, will peel a Aleaf fro" the ca!!age, read and answer the

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    PCFC/PDTF Presentation

    Mr +rwin 5dong, %orporate 8reasurer of P%'% presented the highlights of -$ ./1 as

    !asis of operations of the P8'* He claried that P%'% "anages the P8' as #$P%

    oversees the fund utiliation* 8here are sets of criteria that need to !e "et foreligi!le grantees and have identied the eligi!le purposes* Grant conditions follow

    711 rule of sharing proJect cost* P8' will shoulder 71 of the proJect cost andthe 1 will !e shouldered !y the Grantee Ccan !e AinkindD*

    5n order to access the P8', clients "ust !e accredited with P%'%*

    $n pen foru" followed shortly after the presentation

    Presentation <

    #$P% shall "onitor theutiliation of the funds as

    stated in + 22

    Mechanics of the SF8 $ctivity


    SF8 $ctivity

    SF8 Presentation

    Presentation 2; Basic Sector

    4WOT PROC#44

    4WOT1C +ATR%= %nternal Forces


    %nternal Forces


    • +9isting policy=law

    • 'unds

    • (ack 5+%

    • #o feed!ack

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    • BS representation in

    the +9eco"• Manual of

    operations in place• Buildup partners

    including ServiceProviders

    • Provision of

    %o""unityorganiing under

    Sec *% under +


    "echanis" to the

    sector including

    "onitoring tools• #o e9tensive

    knowledge of P8'•

    #o clear ter" ofreferences fro"a"ong P8'=#$P%

    • #o ena!ling

    "echanis" to the

    !asic sector only

    towards M'5s• BS are treated as

    !eneciaries not aspartners

    • #o "apping tool for

    identication of theend users and

    service providers• #o policy on ASocial

    +nterprise• #o clear reporting

    on the utiliation of


    • M'5s vs Ps Cissues

    of sustaina!ilityD

    • Ps a!ility on the

    proposal writing• (ack of


    "echanis"• #o training progra"

    for conduits CPsD• #o capacity !uilding

    for consolidators• #o risk


    • #o genuine

    convergence fro"a"ong the BS

    • #o co"prehensive

    plan = road"ap to

    group enterprisedevelop"ent

    • (ack of coordination

    fro" a"ong #$P%

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    inter unit w= the BS#$ternal Forces:


    S F

    • Presence of #$P%

    BS in the regional

    councils• Mechanis" in


    infor"ation at the

    ground• $vaila!ility of social

    protection progra"s

    • 'ar" to "arket


    evelop road"ap togroup enterprises toaddress 8=% fro"

    the !ilateral

    agree"ents• %o"petition with

    M'5s• Privatiation

    • Bilateral

    agree"ents#$ternal Forces:


    S8=% F8=%

    • 0 counterpart

    • #o "arket link

    • 5nco"e ta9


  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    • 5ncrease representation of #$P% BS CS-% to intensively set criteria for

    representation with clear 8-, esp * feed!ack "echanis"D• %reate Monitoring and +valuation %o""ittee with #$P% BS

    • +9tend 2M institutional support to #$P% BS on organiing towards +nterprise


    • + reporting on P8' co"pliance

    Presentation ; #ational $ntipoverty %o""ission

    4WOT1C +ATR%=

    %nternal Forces:


    %nternal Forces:


  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    +9ternal 'orces;


    • Presence of

    corporations,#Gs and (G)sthat are intocapa!ility !uilding,enterprise

    develop"ent, thatcan !eco"epartners in P8'

    i"ple"entationU• -o!ust M'5s

    industryU• Pathways out of

    poverty andstrategies havee"erged

    $* #on

    corporationlike $lter 8rade,

    People4s Bank

    of %araga,Paglau", etcU

    B* %orporation

    with strongsocialcorporateresponsi!ility

    • Presence of active

    Basic Sectors

    outside #$P%

    • 'unding windowsfor SM+s availa!le

    • P$G%- /*1B

    funds to !eaccessedCPresident4s

    %ontingent 'undD


    • -$ ./1

    • P8' 'und C200MD

    • Presence of Grant

    'und that poor (G)s,

    and #Gs couldaccess for capa!ility!uilding activities

    • 5nstitutionalied

    capacity !uildingsupport for #Gs and(G)s in "icronance

    C-$./1 -eview &$ssess"ent, #$P%$teneo +cono"ics

    ept*, 020DU•  8hrough P8', M'5s

    and endclients werea!le to reach"icronance nancial

    perfor"ancestandards, serving"ore target groupsand areas C!ased on

    ndings "ade !y

    S+P5, $'%%, %-B%,02/021DU

    • Positive i"pact on the

    lives of the end

    clients of M'5sa* 70 are !etter

    a!le to sendchildren to school

    !* / i"proved


    c* . had increasein savings

    d* 7 had increase

    in inco"ee* 1 i"proved diet

    Csource; S+P5, 'e!*26, 021DU


    • (ack of awareness

    on P8'U• -ural wo"en and

    sherfolk have

    li"ited access toproductive resourcesCFo"en4s +G+

    %hapter / PriorityGender 5ssueDU

    • (ack of funds to

    support econo"icactivities=proposals

    to sustain theproJect after

    capa!ility !uildingactivities have

    provided !y P8'U• i:culty of Ps and

    %Ss to access P8'due to stringentre

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    • +vidence of !est

    practices C!ut needdocu"entationD as

    o!served during P8'"onitoring, validation

    and evaluationactivities conducted !y#$P% Secretariat

    • Presence of active

    Basic Sectors in #$P% 2/ Basic Sector

    si"plify andinnovate things that

    could !e allowed !y%$ e9*, nonnancial counterpart

    of provision ofvenue, e

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    Ccoordination and"onitoring processD

    not regulariedC-$./1 -eview &$ssess"ent, #$P%

    $teneo +cono"icsept*, 020DU

    +9ternal 'orces;Threats1Challenges

    S8=% F8=%2* Meager !udget of

    #$P% itselfU P8'

    resources also s"allC-$./1 -eview &$ssess"ent, #$P%$teneo +cono"ics

    ept*, 020DU* %ontinuing peace

    and conNictpro!le"s

    dependent ofresu"ption ofnegotiationsU

    * ccurrence of

    disasters and glo!alecono"ic

    uncertainties "ayerase gainsC-$./1-eview &$ssess"ent, #$P%$teneo +cono"ics

    ept*, 020DU


  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    Provide organiational sta!ility

    'inalie organiational structure with plantilla positionsU ll in with

    co"petent sta +nhance coordination, "onitoring role and M&+ tools (o!!y= advocate for full presidential support 5ncentives and disincentives for national agencies and (G)s in their

    perfor"ance Stronger "onitoring and evaluation capacity through networks with

    acade"e and research institutes +sta!lish M& + and -esource Mo!iliation unit in #$P%U 5ncrease #$P%4s capacity to "o!ilie resources fro" the private and

    civil society sectors CPu!lic Private Partnerships for Poverty-eductionDUC-$./1 -eview & $ssess"ent, #$P%$teneo +cono"ics ept*, 020DU

    +sta!lish Secretariat :ce in one roof C#$P% P8'D $dd "ore per"anent and dedicated sta, o:ce and e

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015



    $vaila!le Grant 'und P*/6M

    CM'5s='ederations=#etworks=%ouncils=Ps=Basic SectorsDU P7*11M C(G)sD

    Potential earnings P*1M

    8otal $"ount %o""itted P*16MCM'5s='ederations=#etworks=%ouncils=P

    s=Basic SectorsDU P0*31M C(G)sD

    - Fith dedicated )nit and

    +9ecutive %o""ittee


    -  >earround "arketing to

    M'5s & %ouncils

    -+9isting SPs

    -  Policies & guidelines inplace


    - 5nfor"ationdisse"ination to (G)s

    and Basic Sectors

    -(ack of coordination onfollowthrough activities

    - (ack of funds for grants


    More potential partners for the year

    -  $dditional 'unds for P8'

    CBill on Microenterpriseevelop"entD

    -  More cohesive tea" topursue achieve"ent of

    P8' o!Jectives


    #ew Govern"ent (aws andPolicies

    • S;

     –  %onduct of pro"otional activities to "arket P8' to new proponents

     –   8ap accredited SPs to assist the (G)s and Basic Sectors in preparing

    P8' proJect proposals

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


     –  %oordination !etween P%'% and #$P% P8' Secretariat on P8'

    related activities of !oth agencies

    • SF;

     –  Sourcing of additional funds for P8'

    • 8;

     –  -egular revisit=review of P8' policies and guidelines to keep P8'

    attuned to the e"erging needs=trends*

    Presentation /

     8he session ended with a closing re"arks fro" $tty* #oel Poso, Eice Presents for

    $ccounts Manage"ent of P%'%* He was happy to share that the govern"entappropriated 2*1B for P%'%* 8he said a"ount was lent to their clients*


    P8' is a fund for capa!ility !uilding* 'or the span of ten years, the corpus fund

    re"ained at 200,000,000*00* nly the earnings fro" the %orpus fund can !e used

    for the P8'*

  • 8/16/2019 NAPC-PDTF Workshop 16-17 feb 2015


    #$P% is tasked to raise funds for the P8' and lo!!y P8' !udget appropriations incongress* P%'% is the ad"inistrator of P8' and caters only to accredited Service

    providers, (G)s and M'5s*

    #$P% has !een ca"paigning P8' to (G)s and Ps while P%'% "arkets P8' to theprivate sector C"ostly M'5sD* 8here is a nonalign"ent of thrust and agenda

    !etween the two institutions* %lose coordination is encouraged*

    P8' is a platfor" for !oth #$P% and P%'% to work together seeking the welfare ofthe !asic sectors towards inclusive and sustaina!le growth*