nanotech indonesia profile

“Your Partner in solution & Innovation” “Your Partner in solution & Innovation” Company Overview Company Overview Nanotech Indonesia was established with the purpose as a partner for the industries in supporting their growth and delivering technical solutions. With the support from experts and advanced facilities in PUSPIPTEK Serpong, we are committed to deliver high quality service to ensure customer needs can be fulfilled. Started with the focus on laboratory testing, we are now moving forward with various services in technology and technical expertise especially in energy, chemicals, and construction sector. Our team of achievers always set their goals in giving comprehensive solutions for our clients. We believe in innovation, professionalism, and a reliable team are the key to the success of our organization.

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Post on 12-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Nanotech Indonesia Profile

“Your Partner in solution & Innovation”“Your Partner in solution & Innovation”

Company OverviewCompany OverviewNanotech Indonesia wasestablishedwith the purposeas a partner for the industries in supporting their growthand delivering technical solutions. With the supportfrom experts and advanced facilities in PUSPIPTEKSerpong, we are committed to deliver high qualityservice to ensure customer needs can be fulfilled.Started with the focus on laboratory testing, we are nowmoving forward with various services in technology andtechnical expertise especially in energy, chemicals, andconstruction sector. Our team of achievers alwayssettheir goals in giving comprehensive solutions for ourclients. We believe in innovation, professionalism, anda reliable team are the key to the success of ourorganization.

Nanotech Indonesia wasestablishedwith the purposeas a partner for the industries in supporting their growthand delivering technical solutions. With the supportfrom experts and advanced facilities in PUSPIPTEKSerpong, we are committed to deliver high qualityservice to ensure customer needs can be fulfilled.Started with the focus on laboratory testing, we are nowmoving forward with various services in technology andtechnical expertise especially in energy, chemicals, andconstruction sector. Our team of achievers alwayssettheir goals in giving comprehensive solutions for ourclients. We believe in innovation, professionalism, anda reliable team are the key to the success of ourorganization.

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VisionTo be an excellent technology based company and recognized because of its

reliability, quality, and innovation.

MissionTo provide technical training in supporting high quality

human resources

To ensure the quality and capability of the national industrieswith the laboratory testing services.

To Provide solution and innovation with the consultancy intechnology development and policy

To built a professional corporate governance that alwaysevolving, innovative, and adaptive to rapid change.

To provide technical training in supporting high qualityhuman resources

To ensure the quality and capability of the national industrieswith the laboratory testing services.

To Provide solution and innovation with the consultancy intechnology development and policy

To built a professional corporate governance that alwaysevolving, innovative, and adaptive to rapid change.

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In Nanotech Indonesia we believe that our team isour mostvaluedasset in providing high qualityservices. Therefore our growth is depend on theircommitment and our network of experts. Through“INDONESIA” spirit as our corporate culture, westrive every day achieving the best in our services.Our INDONESIA Spirit means: :

INtegrityDrivenOrganizationNEtworkSolid TeamInnovativeAchiever

In Nanotech Indonesia we believe that our team isour mostvaluedasset in providing high qualityservices. Therefore our growth is depend on theircommitment and our network of experts. Through“INDONESIA” spirit as our corporate culture, westrive every day achieving the best in our services.Our INDONESIA Spirit means: :

INtegrityDrivenOrganizationNEtworkSolid TeamInnovativeAchiever

Page 4: Nanotech Indonesia Profile

Struktur PerusahaanDewan Komisaris

Board of Commisioner

Direktur UtamaPresident Director

Direktur OperasionalOperational Director

Direktur PemasaranMarketing Director

Direktur Keuangan &Administrasi

Fin&Adm Director

Direktur OperasionalOperational Director

Training Manager

Inspection & LabTesting Manager

Consultancy Manager

Direktur PemasaranMarketing Director

Spv. Area I

Spv. Area II

Spv. Area III

Direktur Keuangan &Administrasi

Fin&Adm Director

HRD Manager

Finance Manager

Page 5: Nanotech Indonesia Profile

OurServicesInspection &LaboratoryTesting–Technical Training–ConsultantInspection &LaboratoryTesting–Technical Training–Consultant

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• FailureAnalysis• NDT (Non Destructive Test)• Microscopic Test

– Optical, SEM, & AFM• Composition Test

– EDS, XRF, & XRD(Solid)– AAS, FT-IR, & GCMS(Solvent)

• Particle Size Analysis– Size analysis Test– Zeta Potential Test

• EnvironmentAnalysis– Waste Water Test– Environment Test

• Mechanical Properties– Hardness, Bending, Impact, Tensile, Compression, Fatigue

LaboratoryLaboratoryTestingTestingLaboratoryLaboratoryTestingTestingQualified Laboratory Testing in PUSPIPTEKFacilitiesQualified Laboratory Testing in PUSPIPTEKFacilities

• FailureAnalysis• NDT (Non Destructive Test)• Microscopic Test

– Optical, SEM, & AFM• Composition Test

– EDS, XRF, & XRD(Solid)– AAS, FT-IR, & GCMS(Solvent)

• Particle Size Analysis– Size analysis Test– Zeta Potential Test

• EnvironmentAnalysis– Waste Water Test– Environment Test

• Mechanical Properties– Hardness, Bending, Impact, Tensile, Compression, Fatigue

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• Failure Analysis• Risk Base Inspection (RBI)•API 579 & ASME 8• Corrosion Management• Nanotechnology Training• Specific Measurement InstrumentSEM, GCMS, FTIR, & PSA

TrainingAppliedTechnical Training Services forEnhancingMan Power Capability


• Laboratory Management• ISO Training• How to write International ScientificArticles


• Failure Analysis• Risk Base Inspection (RBI)•API 579 & ASME 8• Corrosion Management• Nanotechnology Training• Specific Measurement InstrumentSEM, GCMS, FTIR, & PSA


• Laboratory Management• ISO Training• How to write International ScientificArticles

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Technology& ManagementConsultantYour Partner in Technology Solution

• Product Research & Development• Prototype Processing Machine• Policy studies• Feasibility Studies• Man Power/ Experts Supply

• Product Research & Development• Prototype Processing Machine• Policy studies• Feasibility Studies• Man Power/ Experts Supply

Page 9: Nanotech Indonesia Profile

Our TeamBoard Of Experts

Dr. Ir. Tri Wibowo, M.Sc mengambil S1 jurusan metallurgy engineering di ITB pada tahun 1979, S2 jurusanmechanic metallurgy and material engineering di KU Leuven, Belgia pada tahun 1984, dan S3 dibidang yangsama di Belgia. Dr. Tri juga pernah bekerja di laboraturium for Failure Analysis and Remaining Life Assessment(FARLA) pada tahun 1999, mechanical department ISTN (National Institute for Science and technology). Beliaujuga aktif sebagai pengajar di bidang failure analysis and remaining life assessment, tribology and materialtesting. Beliau juga merupakan anggota dari expose committe di INDOCOOR (Indonesian CorrosionAssociation) and Indonesian Engineer Association (PA). Berbekal pengetahuan yang mumpuni, Dr. Tri jugadipercaya sebagai konsultan ahli dibeberapa perusahaan besar dalam menangani kasus Failure Analysis andRemaining Life Assessment (FARLA) seperti PT. PLN, PT. Indonesia Power, PT. Pertamina dan beberapaperusahaan besar lainya.


S3 1

S2 1

S1 9

Others 2

Total 11


S3 4

S2 3

Total 7

Dr. Ir. Tri Wibowo, M.Sc mengambil S1 jurusan metallurgy engineering di ITB pada tahun 1979, S2 jurusanmechanic metallurgy and material engineering di KU Leuven, Belgia pada tahun 1984, dan S3 dibidang yangsama di Belgia. Dr. Tri juga pernah bekerja di laboraturium for Failure Analysis and Remaining Life Assessment(FARLA) pada tahun 1999, mechanical department ISTN (National Institute for Science and technology). Beliaujuga aktif sebagai pengajar di bidang failure analysis and remaining life assessment, tribology and materialtesting. Beliau juga merupakan anggota dari expose committe di INDOCOOR (Indonesian CorrosionAssociation) and Indonesian Engineer Association (PA). Berbekal pengetahuan yang mumpuni, Dr. Tri jugadipercaya sebagai konsultan ahli dibeberapa perusahaan besar dalam menangani kasus Failure Analysis andRemaining Life Assessment (FARLA) seperti PT. PLN, PT. Indonesia Power, PT. Pertamina dan beberapaperusahaan besar lainya.

Dr. Nurul Taufiqu Rochman, M.Eng llulus dari Kagoshima University, Jepang untuk S1, S2, S3 dalam bidang IlmuMaterial dan Rekayasa Produksi. Pada tahun 2000, bekerja di Industri Jepang sebagai konsultan R & D selama 1tahun dan Pusat Penelitian Daerah sebagai peneliti istimewa selama 3 tahun. Peraih Habibie award untukkiprahnya dibidang material ini, menjadi Advisor pada Proyek Konsorsium Daerah di Khusyu tahun 2002-2003.Beliau pemateri berpengalaman dalam wokshop-workshop baik berskala nasional maupun internasional.Beberapa perusahaan di Indonesia yang menggunakan jasa beliau diataranya PT. Krakatau Steel, PT.Succofindo, PT. Sigma Utama.

Dr. Arbi Dimyati menempuh pendidikan Sarjana sampai Doktoral di Jerman. Beliau sering mengikuti pelatihandan berbagai kegiatan penelitian yang memfokuskan diri pada penggunaan mikroskop electron untuk berbagaikegunaan, termasuk metalografi untuk failure material industry. Beliau pernah juga pernah bekerja di A DAADAwardee, Hamburg-Harburg University, di Jerman pada tahun 2000, di A German Research Foundation (DFG)PhD Scholars, at GFE, Aachen University pada tahun 2002-2005, Visiting Senior Lecturer/Reseracher at thedepartment of Physics of Surya University, Indonesia tahun 2011. Pengalaman dalam bidang failure analysisdimulai sejak bergabung dengan PTBIN-BATAN. Adapun beberapa perusahan yang telah menjadi kilen lain PT.Wasa Mitra Engineering, PT. Schoot Indonesia, PT. Mitsubishi Power, SKF Indonesia.

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Dr. AgusFanar Syukri,Menyelesaikan Program Sarjana hingga Doktoral di Tokyo, Jepang. Saat ini beliau aktifsebagai tenaga Ahli di Pusat Penelitian Sistem Mutu dan Teknologi Pengujian LIPI. Pengalaman dalammenyusun hingga membantu banyak perusahaan menggunakan standar internasional, membuatnya pakardalam hal Standar Internasional. Beliau juga aktif sebagai pengajar di kegiatan pelatihan ISO di berbagaidaerah.

Ir. Anthoni Sitompul, MT, lahir di Medan, 25 April 1962. Beliau bekerja di salah satu pusat penelitian ternamadi BATAN, yaitu PTBIN Batan yang sepesialisainya berkecimpung di bidang material. Pengalaman alam bidangfailure analysis dimulai sejaka tahun 1998 sampasi sekarang. Beberapa perusahaan yang pernahmenggunakan jasa beliau antara lain PT. PLN, PT. Pertamina, PT. Garuda Indonesia, PT. Bluesope steel.

Ir. Anthoni Sitompul, MT, lahir di Medan, 25 April 1962. Beliau bekerja di salah satu pusat penelitian ternamadi BATAN, yaitu PTBIN Batan yang sepesialisainya berkecimpung di bidang material. Pengalaman alam bidangfailure analysis dimulai sejaka tahun 1998 sampasi sekarang. Beberapa perusahaan yang pernahmenggunakan jasa beliau antara lain PT. PLN, PT. Pertamina, PT. Garuda Indonesia, PT. Bluesope steel.

Ir. Sulistioso Gian Sukaryo, MT, lahir di Jakarta pada 26 Agustus 1957. Beliau mengambil S1 jurusan fisikapada tahun 1987 dan S2 jurusan Material Engineering pada tahun 1995 di ITB. Beliau juga pernahmengikuti training mengenai study of materials defect by. Beliau juga sering menjadi pembicara di beberapaseminar dan worksop seperti, analysis of microstructure and micro chemical composition of zircaloy-4 bySEM/EDS dan Observation of Cr– Carbide of SS 304 by TEM and SEM. Selain sebagai peneliti di PTBIN–BATAN Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong–Tanggerang Selatan, beliau juga mengajar di FMIPA–IPB untukpelajaran , Fisika Material , Biomaterial dan Difraksi Sinar–X.

Ir. Yusuf Affandi, MT.

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Our Clients

• Since founded in 2009, Nanotech has become a partnerfor several major industries in technology solutions andinnovations.

– PT. TimahIndustri– PT. Biofarma– PT. Inti Keramik– PT. Sidomuncul– PT. Lucky Brothers– PT. Krakatau Steel– PT. Gizi Cosmetics– PT. BiotechSurindo– PT. AndalanFluids System

– PT. Sucofindo– PT. SigmaUtama– PT. TiraAustenite, Tbk– PT. SulfindoAdiusaha– PT. PAMPalyja– PT.MustikaRatu– PT. Combiphar– PT. KalbeFarma– PT. Indofarma

• Since founded in 2009, Nanotech has become a partnerfor several major industries in technology solutions andinnovations.

– PT. TimahIndustri– PT. Biofarma– PT. Inti Keramik– PT. Sidomuncul– PT. Lucky Brothers– PT. Krakatau Steel– PT. Gizi Cosmetics– PT. BiotechSurindo– PT. AndalanFluids System

– PT. Sucofindo– PT. SigmaUtama– PT. TiraAustenite, Tbk– PT. SulfindoAdiusaha– PT. PAMPalyja– PT.MustikaRatu– PT. Combiphar– PT. KalbeFarma– PT. Indofarma

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NANOTECH INDONESIANANOTECH INDONESIAHead Office:TalaveraOffice Park, 28th Floor,Jl. TB. SimatupangKav22-26 Jakarta 12430Ph : (+62 21) 7599 7956Fax : (+62 21) 7599 9888Web : [email protected]

R&D Center:KawasanPUSPIPTEKSerpongBld. 410Balai InkubatorTeknologi BPPTSerpong, BantenPh/fax : (+62 21) 7587 0479