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  • 7/28/2019 n Deo Handouts


    AdowaBasic Description:Adowa is a traditional dance of the Ashanti Kingdom, the most powerful

    kingdom in central Ghana. Though predominantly performed by females due to the graceful

    nature it can also be sped up and vigorously performed by males. It is often a partner dance as


    Adowa communicates meaning to the villagers and audience through hand gestures. The

    gestures let the spectators know how the performer is feeling, if they are thirsty, when theyre

    hungry, and many other things. Adowa dance is performed at cultural events in Ghana such as

    Durbur Festivals, village gatherings put on by the village chief. It is also performed at funerals

    and weddings, two of the lengthiest and most important celebrations in Ghana.

    In Adowa the focus is on isolations of the hands, legs, hips. However movement in these three

    body parts should reverberate through the entire body while dancing. The Adowa dance is done

    to the Adowa rhythm of the talking drum, which talks and dictates to the dancer the steps of thedance.

    Hand Gestures:

    Linked pointer fingers - Connecting to others, relationships, saying I like you

    Opening right arm to sky, then left, bringing hands into heart and back up to the sky-

    Asantahenes (A-saw-teh-hee-nee) (Chief/King) movement means that everying on this

    right and everything on his left is his but in the end the praise be to God.*

    Elbow in other hands open palm with fingers extended and wrist rotating - I need a drink.

    Leaning on someone with arms open wide - I depend on you.

    Snapping fingers in the air (joined with a hop or skip in the movement) - Joy, unity, happy

    Back side of pointer finger knuckle in mouth - Sorrow or sadness, grief (funerals)

    Palms up and on top of one another extended towards someone = asking permission or


    Touching the ground in front of the drummers, priest, Asantehene - giving due respect to

    those who have created the dance space.

    * If this gesture is performed by anyone other than the Asantehene they are removed from the

    gathering by the Asantahenes guards. However, as we are studying and students of this culture

    it is appropriate for us to learn it if we treat it with the proper respect.

    AzontoBasic Description: Azonto is a popular Ghanaian dance performed by youth and young

    twenty-somethings. The movement preserves dance qualities of traditional African dance but is

    highly influenced by Western Hip Hop dance and music. A descendant of high life dancing and

    music, Azonto dance is done to Ghanaian pop music called Twi-Pop. Performed at parties,

    school variety shows, cultural celebrations, tv, music videos, and on the street the Azonto dance

    has infused all of Ghanaian culture from the cities to the villages. The dance is performed

  • 7/28/2019 n Deo Handouts


    differently by every individual but have some basic elements of a punch in the waist and

    isolation of the shoulder muscles, and expressive arm and hand gestures.

    Hand Gestures:

    Mwain - Mouthing the word mwain while lifting the hand in the air to the side and front

    of you and flipping the wrist to rotate the hand- synonymous to Whateva or Shut up Fingers in the peace sign (pointer and middle finger extended only) point towards an

    audience member and then back to performers eyes - this says Im watching you, are

    you watching me?

    Fingers in the peace sign or bladed hands can point to any part of the body the performer

    wants the audience to specifically watch

    Funny faces and showy performances are characteristic of Azonto Dance

    Improvisation Exercises

    Preservation of you: What are the basic elements of movement most natural to you? What

    movement qualities would remain when your children or posterity preserved your movement as

    Ghanaians have preserved their cultural dances such as Adowa in a new form called Azonto?

    Both Azonto and Adowa isolate the same body parts and express through hand gestures but the

    energy qualities are quite different. Ghanaians have preserved the energy and style of their

    ancestors but adapted it to be more relevant to them by using Western Hip Hop influences.

    Spend 3 minutes moving to the music of the drum, move freely to pinpoint and identify

    movement qualities that are essentially you. Critically think about if you were your own posterity,

    what elements would remain as you performed your own dance in a later age of time?

    Expansion and Extension: How have you taken movement of your ancestors and made it

    express you more but retained some of the movement qualities of the past? First identify what

    your ancestors movement was? With such diverse and global populations now this may be

    difficult for students. Some examples to explore could be: How have students changed ballet or

    modern dance or American folk dances such as the square dance to be more relevant to the

    21st century?

    Body Part Isolation (Create your own Azonto move): Three of the basic Azonto body part

    isolations are in the hip, shoulders, and arms. Choose three different body parts you want to give

    the Azonto punch quality to. Or choose the Azonto body part isolations and move them with a

    punch in a new way we havent explored yet. See if you can create a new Azonto like

    movement. (This new movement would be a great creative aspect to add to an Azonto

    sequence already taught to students).

  • 7/28/2019 n Deo Handouts


    Composition ExercisesAzonto Add On:After exploring the body part isolations and energy qualities of Azonto Dance

    each student should be able to create their own unique Azonto movement and accompanying

    hand gesture. In groups of four have students work together to string their 4 individual

    movements together to perform for the class.A-Z Azonto: This activity could be an exercise with variation on a theme or the abstraction of a

    gesture or motif. Students can take their favorite azonto move you taught them or that they

    create themselves and then abstract it and change it little by little, repeating a new sequence of

    an evolving azonto movement.

    Azonto and Identity:Azonto is performed differently by each individual. It is a full expression of

    self and individuality. Does Azonto help express your identity? How would you change the Azonto

    movement to more accurately represent yourself? Create an identity solo with Azonto


    Names and Identity: Ghanaians are very thoughtful about their names. Everyone is

    given a name depending on the day of the week they were born on. Many Azontodancers have nicknames such as Slow, O-Boy, Stone, Lil Flip. Nicknames and our

    given names say something about our identity. Have students write a journal entry

    about the names they go by and what they say about their identity. This could be a

    springboard assignment for a composition or improvisation assignment exploring

    identity through names.

    Duet:Adowa, the precursor to Azonto was often performed as a couple dance. Can you make a

    couple dance out of Azonto where it is clear how the two performers are communicating with

    one another through their gestures?