mythological heros

Nachiketa Uddalak once organised a yagna.(a special fire ritual).Many sages of which some were very known,came to attend it.Such yagnas were generally organised for the welfare of mankind and it was customary to give in charity cow to all brahmins who came to attend it.On the completion of the yagna Uddalak started giving cows to brahmins which were then considered to be the best wealth. Keeping in mind his son’s safety,Uddalak became greedy and therefore at that time,he donated cows that were old weak and unable to yield milk. Though he was given to meditation,he was by nature a miser.His family members tolerated this nature of his but this strange gesture could not be tolerated by them.His young son Nachiketa was present at this time.Though young he was wise and truthful.He realised that his father in preserving his interest was loosing the rich yield of his noble deed,that of performing the yagna. Nachiketa said, "What is my duty in such circumstances as his son?I should stop him immediately if he is not to get anything but loose everything in performing such fake charity." He rushed to his father and said, "If you give away these cows to brahmins then,dear father, whom am I to be given?" This bold and disturbing question shocked Uddalak.For sometime he controlled his anger but Nachiketa again repeated the same question.The more Nachiketa insisted his question the more restrain his father displayed.Without considering the mental condition of his father Nachiketa went on repeating the question.The father maintained unusual silence and did not answer his son’s inquiries.For the first time such hot,hurting and hostile exchange of views took place between the father and the son.The father got wild,by raising his brow,he said, "To Yama." He spoke in haste but then repented.The son immediately stood up and asked for his blessings and took the path that led to the abode of Yama. Uddalak in his heart of heart never wished to sent his son to Yama.He tried to pursuade his son not to leave him but heedlessly Nachiketa went to Yama. He watched his son leaving him with tears in his eyes.He uttered few words and blessed him saying, "Let your path be safe.’ Afterall he had the heart of a father.Moreover he was a learned person and hence how could he forget the happiness and safety of his son? Nachiketa set out for the abode of Yama and reached the city where the servants of Yama inquired, "Why did you come here?" Nachiketa answered, "I have been asked by my father to go to Yama." The servant spoke, "Nobody comes here until his life ends on the earth." Nachiketa answered, "I will not go back."

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Page 1: Mythological Heros


Uddalak once organised a yagna.(a special fire ritual).Many sages of which some were very known,came to attend it.Such yagnas were generally organised for the welfare of mankind and it was customary to give in charity cow to all brahmins who came to attend it.On the completion of the yagna Uddalak started giving cows to brahmins which were then considered to be the best wealth.

Keeping in mind his son’s safety,Uddalak became greedy and therefore at that time,he donated cows that were old weak and unable to yield milk.

Though he was given to meditation,he was by nature a miser.His family members tolerated this nature of his but this strange gesture could not be tolerated by them.His young son Nachiketa was present at this time.Though young he was wise and truthful.He realised that his father in preserving his interest was loosing the rich yield of his noble deed,that of performing the yagna.

Nachiketa said, "What is my duty in such circumstances as his son?I should stop him immediately if he is not to get anything but loose everything in performing such fake charity."

He rushed to his father and said, "If you give away these cows to brahmins then,dear father, whom am I to be given?"

This bold and disturbing question shocked Uddalak.For sometime he controlled his anger but Nachiketa again repeated the same question.The more Nachiketa insisted his question the more restrain his father displayed.Without considering the mental condition of his father Nachiketa went on repeating the question.The father maintained unusual silence and did not answer his son’s inquiries.For the first time such hot,hurting and hostile exchange of views took place between the father and the son.The father got wild,by raising his brow,he said, "To Yama."

He spoke in haste but then repented.The son immediately stood up and asked for his blessings and took the path that led to the abode of Yama.

Uddalak in his heart of heart never wished to sent his son to Yama.He tried to pursuade his son not to leave him but heedlessly Nachiketa went to Yama.

He watched his son leaving him with tears in his eyes.He uttered few words and blessed him saying, "Let your path be safe.’ Afterall he had the heart of a father.Moreover he was a learned person and hence how could he forget the happiness and safety of his son?

Nachiketa set out for the abode of Yama and reached the city where the servants of Yama inquired, "Why did you come here?"

Nachiketa answered, "I have been asked by my father to go to Yama."

The servant spoke, "Nobody comes here until his life ends on the earth."

Nachiketa answered, "I will not go back."

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The servants of Yama showed him the Palace of Yama.Nachiketa arrived and stood before the palace of Yama.The king Yama was not present in his palace.He had gone out.His queen accosted, "Oh! You son of sage Uddalak,My husband is not at home. He shall come after three days.You are our guest.So you are welcome to this palace."

Nachiketa explained to the queen, "My father has donated me to your husband.Till he comes and acceptes me I will choose to sit here.I will not step in."

For three days the queen requested Nachiketa to have some food but that also he did not accept.Hungry and thirsty, he waited for Yama to come.

After three days king Yama returned.He learned from his queen,that the young Nachiketa hungry and thirsty had waited for him for the last three days.

The king knew the disastrous consequences that follow when one fails to welcome a brahmin guest.He himself went upto him with potful of water,washed his legs,welcomed him and served him food.Then said, "Since you waited for three days and nights without food and water and endured untold hardships.I ask you to help redeem me from this disgrace and would like to offer three boons to you."

Nachiketa said, ‘Oh! Yama,I myself am an offering to you.My father has offered me to you.Since you offer me three boons,I accept those."

Yama asked, "Ask for the first boon."Nachiketa answered, "My first boon is,when I return home I wish my father welcome me affectionately."

Yama replied, "So be it."And told him to ask for the second boon. "What shall I offer you as a second boon?"

Nachiketa answered, "Give me the knowledge with the help of which I can make myself worthy to be the citizen of the paradise."

Yama granted and said, "So be it."Yama then asked, "What shall I offer you as a third boon?"

Nachiketa asked, "Give me knowledge with the help of which I can understand the immortal soul."

Yama granted and replied, "So be it."Thus he offered three boons to Nachiketa and told," Dear son,I now leave you free to go to your father."


Page 3: Mythological Heros

Once there lived a sage named Kahod. He was a great vedic scholar. He had married Sujata, the brilliant daughter of sage Uddalak. She gave birth to a son, named Astavakra. Few years of his childhood were spent at the place of his mother’s parents. Uddalak, Sujata’s father and Swetketu, her brother both were great vedic scholars. In their company he too, became a great vedic scholar.

After few years, Astavakra came to live with his own parents. Once it so happended that when his father was reciting vedas sitting in the verandah he made a mistake. The son who was then playing in the same verandah spoke out. "Oh dear father, you have made a mistake." The son thus corrected his father.But at this gesture the father became wild and cursed him saying "Hey son…the knowledge acquired by you at your grandfather’s and maternal uncle’s place does not give you the right to point out my mistake. This does not befit you. So I curse you and eight parts of your body shall become


Astavakra who was then playing, was too young understand his father’s harsh words. He had pointed out the mistake innocently with a child’s courage. Sujata heard the curse given by his father. She kept aside her kitchen work and came out rushing into the verandah and tried to placate her husband She said, "Our son is a small child, his words do not derserve this anger. What will happen to him. Should ever a father be so angry on his son’s innocent gesture?" Further she sighed, "Oh god! What will happen to our son. As a father of Astavakra. Should he forgive him or curse him?"

After sometime Kahod’s anger cooled down. He poke, "The curse has been given, now it cannot be undone. It will surely affect his body but he would definitely be known in the world for his intelligence." Days passed. King Janak of the capital city Mithila organised a religious discourse and declared that one who would excel in it would be offered immense wealth. Kahod learnt about this. He set out for the city of Mithila to participate in the discourse and earn wealth. Vandi was a royal pundit. He lived in Mithila and was known for his scholarship. He was a true scholar but a very proud man. He had defeated several pundits in discourse and all the defeated pundits were sent to be drowned into sea. He came across a riddle.

One night it so happened that King Janak had a nightmare. In it he saw his neighbouring King invading his city Mithila and driving him out of his own Kingdom. The helpless and the hungry King wonderingly entered a cornfield but there a farmer saw him eating away his corn and so gave him a serve beating. With a jolt King Janak awoke and found that he was in his own palace, in his palatial bed, being fanned by his royal servants. Again when he closed his eyes. He got the glimpse of his nightmare, a farmer running beating him, he being driven out of his Kingdom. The King thus found himself now in the palace and now in the field as he awoke and slept.The King inquired from the royal pundit, vandi "which one is the real picture? That which I saw when I slept or that which I saw when I was awake?"Vandi learned the cause of his nightmare. He then rolled the same question before the assembly of pundits on a condition that one who would solve the question would get one lakh golden coins but if failed, would be drowned by him into sea.Lured by the golden coins, several pundits came but not a single pundit could solve the riddle. They all were sent to be drowned into sea by Vandi.Kahod was a bookish pundit. Day in and day out he remained busy in getting knowledge and debating on the scriptures. Hence he could not earn two times meal. The only means to earn his livelihood was by performing the religious rituals. He had no skills to earn his living. During such a critical situation., he

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heard the news that one who would go to King Janak and solve the riddle would get substantial amount of money in the form of a prize. Tempted Kahod attempted to solve the riddle but could not solve it and therefore Vandi sent him to the sea to be drowned by the royal servants. This news reached Kahod’s house. Sujata , too believed that her husband would have been drowned to death but she did not convey this to her little son, who was then very small.She went to live with her parents along with her small child. She told her father uddalak to equip Astavakra with all the various branches of knowledge. Days passed quickly and her son grew into a man.

Once when he was sitting in the lap of his grandfather, his maternal uncle Sweketu caught his hand and dragged him out of the lap of uddalak saying "This in not your father’s lap. It is my father’s lap"Astavakra rushed to his mother and questioned "Who is my father." Kahod was his father. He had cursed him. The whole incident took place when he was too young. Hence he was totally ignorant of the incident. He believed uddalak was his father, too.With tears in her eyes Sujata explained, "Dear Son! Your father is the hermit Kahod, but the proud royal pundit of Mithila vandi, had defeated him in a debate and had drowned him into a sea to death."

Astavakra said, "My dear mother, I can not rest till I defeat that royal pundit." With determination but against the will of Sujata, Astavakra took the road to Mithila to defeat vandi. He reached the assembly hall that housed several pundits of Mithila. He sought the permission of the watchman and entered the hall.

He said "I have come either to debate or to solve the riddle."The whole assembly laughed looking at this misshapen body. Astavakra could not tolerate this humiliation. Astavakra was further informed by vandi "Debating and solving the riddle is not a child’s game."Astavakra replied, "Oh! You learned man, I thought all the scholars of Janak are as learned as the King himself, but what a pity! These scholars whom I see here are not enlightened at all, they are all fake.""They look a person’s exterior and judge him only by that. They do not know the worth of a human soul.The King suddenly got convinced that the boy though young is versatile scholar. He asked vandi to present the riddle.

Vandi asked, "Which picture is the real, this or that?"Astavakra said, "This knowledge was given to me even before I was baptized into a bhramin." The answer to this is "this or that, both are untruths." The King’s joys knew no bounds. He meddled and asked, "Do you know the incident?"Astavakra answered, "It is not about the nightmare that you once had? Does it not contain the story of your defeat at the hands of your neighbouring King, of being driven out of your Kingdom of being beaten by the owner of the corn field?"The King was surprised but vandi’s face turned pale.Astavakra further said, "Oh! King just as a dream is nothing but the untruth, whatever you see when you are awake is also the untruth. Unless you go beyond such dreams or consciousness, you would never realise the truth."The whole assembly applauded him and the King handed over defeated vandi to Astavakra. Astavakra said to vandi, "I have come to take revenge of my father Kahod, who come to participate in the debate few years ago. Now you face the same punishment."Vandi requested Astavakra, "All of them are alive in the prison, I would bring them before you, immediately."Astavakra said, "I shall relieve you if you relieve them all." Vandi brought all the imprisoned bhramins along with Kahod. King Janak said, "You have helped relieve all the scholars but I shall nor relieve you. I appoint you as the chief scholar of my assembly."


Who is this young man standing in the midst of forest with a bow in his hands? That young man is no other but the prince.His is an interesting story. Do you want to know?Once there was a prince.His name was Eklavya.His father was a tribal king. (the king of Bhils-a tribal community.)His name was Hiranayadhanuj. He decided to teach his son the art of archery. He asked his son to go to Hastinapur and learn it from Dhronacharya, because he was an expert teacher; The tribal king said, "If he admits you, as his students better to go and learn the art from him."

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Eklavya then went to his mother and expressed his desire. The Mother said, "Dear son, Dhronacharya admits and teaches the art of archery only to young people who belong to high-class.Don’t get disappointed if he refuses to teach you.Do not give up courage and perseverance."

Eklavya set out for Dhronacharya. After crossing several hills, he reached the place and at last stood before Dhronacharya. Young princes pandavas and kawrawas were practising arhcery,taught by Dhronacharya.They saw Eklavya-black in colour,curly matted hair on his head and rings in his ears. On seeing him Duryodhan spoke out, "You, the Inhabitant of forest, our teacher Dhronacharya would not admit you in his class.

Arjun suggested, ‘Come on with me, I will take you to Guruji, Dhronacharya."

Led by Arjun he entered the ashram. As a token of honour, Eklavya knelt down on his knees and said, "Respected Guruji, would you teach me archery."

Dhronacharya answered, ‘You are a tribal, the art of archery can be taught to kshatriyas or bhramins only how can I teach a tribal this art."

On hearing this Eklavya mutely saluted and left the ashram. While leaving he resolved in his mind that he would still learn the art from the same guru and become a matchless archer. After so deciding he came back to the forest.

Let not the civilized city accept him as its student but the forest was ready to become his school. He chose a quiet place in the forest and built a small hut. Nearby this hut a lively rivulet was flowing by and on its bank stood a huge bunyan tree. Under this tree he prepared a foundation and on it put an earthern idol of Dhronacharya. Daily in the morning he offered flowers to his guruji, Dhronacharya. He was very sure that his faith in his teacher would help him learn the art of archery. He succeeded in his mission and became an expert archer.

One day Dhronacharya along with his disciples the Pandavas and the kawrawas came out for a rice. In their wanderings they suddenly came upon this forest. They had brought a dog with them and it showed them the way. The dog had moved much further, leaving behind the guruji and the princes. Suddenly the barking of the dog stopped when Arjun went ahead to see he found the dog’s mouth full of arrows. There were seven arrows in his mouth. Bloodless and locked by arrows the mouth of the dog was wide open and it could not bark. Arjun hurriedly went back to call the other princes and showed the dog in a strange condition. Bhima spoke out, "Though the dog has been hit by seven arrows, how strange that not a single arrow has touched its tongue."

Dhronacharya said, "There in lies the art. Such a deed can only be performed by an expert archer."

They all walked ahead to meet the archer. They came and stood before Eklavya. At that time Eklavya was offering his prayers to the idol of his guruji, Dhronacharya. On hearing the footsteps, he looked into that direction. He immediately recognised and went near his guruji and fell on his knees to honour him.

Dhronacharya raised him and asked, "Did you release the arrows on this dog?"

Eklavya nodded and said, ‘Yes ! Dhronacharya asked, ‘Who taught you this art?’

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Eklavya answered, ‘I have learned it from the same guru, who is standing in front of me."

On hearing this Dhronacharya began to wonder.

He had repeatedly told Arjun that no one would match him in the art of archery.

He inquired Eklavya, ‘How am I your master."

Eklavya answered, "I came to learn it from you. You refused me to teach it but I wanted to learn it. So I came here and made uour idol, and in the presence of that idol, my guru, I learnt it."

At that moment everybody’s eyes felt on an idol that was put on the platform under the bunyan tree. After minutely studying they found a lot of resemblance with Dhronachryaji. On hearing this from Eklavya; Dhronachrya dicided to test him, he said, "If I am your guru, then you should give me some reward for the knowledge I gave you."

Eklavya answered, ‘With great pleasure it would be a rare opportunity as a prince of a tribal king to offer you a reward for the knowledge you have given me."

Dhronacharya said, "Then I would like to accept the thumb of your right hand as gift."

Eklavya answered, "With great pleasure." So saying there upon he took a sharp knife in his hand to cut his thumb.

Being driven by the intention that Eklavya might surpass Arjun in the art of archery Dhronacharya asked for Eklavya’s thumb of your fight hand as gift."

Eklavya answered, "With great pleasure." So saying there upon he took a sharp knife in his hand to cut his thumb.

Being driven by the intention that Eklavya might surpass Arjun in the art of archery Dhronacharya asked for Eklavya’s thumb of his right hand. As he was about to cut his thumb Dhronacharya stopped him and said, "Wait, I already got your thumb. Make a promise that you shall not use your right thumb while using the bow and the arrow.

No sooner did Dhronacharya asked Eklavya then he rushed to cut his thumb. Everybody observed Eklavya. Everybody started guessing Dhronachrya’s intention asking Eklavya not to cut out his thumb.

Eklavya replied, "Promise" and took a seat beside his feet.

Laying hands on his head, Dhronacharya said, "Dear son! I bless you. You will enjoy supreme eminence among all the achers of the world."

The sun set and Dhronacharya with the princes took the path to Hastinapur. Eklavya took the path to his house. He was anxious to disclose this fact of his achievement to his parents.

Page 7: Mythological Heros


The war of Mahabharata was fought on the plains of kurukshetra between the Pandavas and kawrawas. The cause of the war was the kawrawas denial to give the Pandavas’ share of the kingdom.

The commander of the kawrawas, Bhisma, gave a tough fight for the first ten days. On the tenth day Dhronacharya took his position. He was the teacher to both, the pandavas and the Kawrawas. He had trained heroes of both the sides.

Among the Pandavas, Arjun, was the only archer who could face Dhronacharya. Hence Duryodhan plotted. He sent Susharma to fight against Arjun and thus planned that both of them should go away to fight far from the battlefield of kurukshetra.Dhronacharya then arranged the army in a semi-circle. He masterfully arranged seven forts from where no one could escape alive. All the forts were headed by experienced generals. Jayadrath and Duryodhan were asked to take the middle position. Karna, Krupacharya and Dushashan were his supporters. Aswasthama supported Jayadrath. And Shakuni, Shailya, Bhurisarawa remained with Dhronacharya.

From the side of the Pandavas’, Army, Dhustdhyummna, Satyaki, Bhima and others when they came to fight saw the tight and impressive arrangement of

their enemy soldiers. The eldest of the Pandavas, Yudhisthir got worried over this. Only Arjun possessed the knowledge of shattering this arrangement of the army. They saw no other way but to accept their defeat.hen Abhimanyu

learnt this fact, he immediately got ready to fight out the Kawrawas. He was just sixteen years old, son of valiant Prince Arjun. He sent the message," I know how to fight against their strategic points of defence. I am coming." He straight dashed to take his mother subhadra’s blessings and also to his queen Uttara, to

seek her permission. She said," Do not go to the battlefield today. Many evils omen rush to my mind. Please do not go."

Arjun replied," The valiant never fear," so saying, he lifted his armour and quiver filled with arrows went to war and led the Pandavas army.

Under the direction of Yudhisthir, Bhima, Satyaki and others they faught and followed Abhimanyu, helping him.

Abhimanyu roared and attacked his enemies just as a lion pounces on an elephant. One by one the enemy fell dead on the ground.

Roaring and shattering the confidence of all the soldiers of Kawrawas and breaking all the strong fronts, Abhimanyu reached the main gate of the fort. On the gate stood Sindhuraj Jayadrath. He recognised the strength of his enemy and used his intelligence and allowed Abhimanyu to enter the fort. Like a flame to fire Abhimanyu entered through the gate. He rushed with a lightening speed and Satyaki and Bhima were left behind. Jayadrath cleverly trapped Abhimanyu, keeping Satyaki and Bhima outside the gate.

The matcheless Abhimanyu defeated his evil-designs. Single handely he massacred many enemies. His chariot circled in all the directions. His

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deadly arrows terrorized all his enemies. All the valiant soldiers namely Dushashan, Karna and Aswasthama were defeated and killed by him.

With the speed of light he penetrated all the forts designed by the Kawrawas. Subhadra, Mother of Abhimanyu and sister of Krishna, had heard several stories of martial arts from krishna when she was carrying Abimanyu in her womb.In these stories krishna had talked of Abhimanyu now found that knowledge very useful in facing exactly six mighty hurdles created by the enemies.

When Abhimanyu reached the seventh mighty hurdle,he found Duryodhan ready to encounter him.He had no idea to encountering the seventh mighty hurdle.At this moment Bhima and Satyaki were supposed to help him but long back they were held back by Jayadrath.Defiant Abhimanyu continued to march ahead.

Abhimanyu defeated Duryodhan and scattered the army of the Kawrawas.The son of Dushashan,Laxman who was still a child could not tolerate this situation. With club in his hand, he rushed to Abhimanyu. Seeing this valiant mood of Laxman the discouraged and disappointed soldiers were encouraged.It was a terrible fight between Laxman and Abhimanyu. Finally Laxman got defeated and in the encounter lost his life.

With the death of his son, Dushashan got wild with anger. He provoked Duryodhan and Karna to fight again. Overcoming from the shock of Laxman’s death, Dhronacharya came out to fight. Dhronacharya advised karna, "This boy is as mighty as his uncle krishna and father Arjun, only if you break the string of his bow, then alone you can succeed."

Six Valiant warriors pounced on Abhimanyu; destroyed the string of his bow, killed his horses and the chariot-driver. Deprived of chariot and the weapons, Abhimanyu lifted the huge chariot wheel and continued to fight. Like Sudarshanchakra (a special weapon-wheel. The kawrawas trapped him from all the sides and rained arrows on him.Finally even Dhronacharya Karna and Jayadrath unitedly attacked Abhimanyu.

Bleeding profusely he fainted and fell down. Though unethical to hit the fallen soldier angry Jayadhrath hammered his club on his head severely. Thus the fraudulent Jayadrath killed the valiant young soldier. The soul flew away leaving the body on the ground.

The death of abhimanyu enthused the kawrawas and shocked the Pandavas. Even Yudhisthir a great warrior was deeply shocked. Bhima, sahdev and others wept and wailed. Uttara and subhadhra felt insufferable anguish.

Arjun, who was far away fighting, when came to know of Abhimanyu’s death took a vow, "Either I will kill Jayadrath or kill myself on the pyre."

Thus Abhimanyu, who died in the war of Mahabharata, became immortal.


Page 9: Mythological Heros

The ashram of sage valmiki was situated in a forest on bank of river Tamsa. In this forest Rama had sent in a chariot his queen Sita along with his brother Laxman. They all lived here with the sage. In the ashram Sita gave birth to two sons; Love and Kush. Valmiki taught them different sciences and trained them in the skillful use of war weapons.

Lord Rama once, organised a yagna; Ashvamedha’, on the banks of river Gomati. To perform this yagna, the presence of queen of Sita along with king Rama was necessary but she lived in the forest. So the yagna was performed by placing the golden idol of queen Sita. Rama did not enter another marriage to gain a queen, though the yagna made it

necessary. The horse of the yagna was sent for supreme victory under the command of Shatrughna. After several victories, the horse came to the ashram of Valmiki. Valmiki was not present in the ashram. Kush had moved out in search of firewood and Love saw the horse. Love knew all the animals that inhabited in the forest but he saw this horse for the first time. He recognised the horse which his guruji had described to him. On the head of the horse on a gold plate was inscribed, "Once who is ready to accept the king of Ayodhya as his king, should tie this horse and fight with the army. Love read the inscription and laughed at the writer’s ignorance and said, "Let me test the horse that has come to conquer the free forest of Valmiki." Love pulled its reins vigorously and tied the horse to the nearby tree. Within few minutes the army of Shatrughna reached the spot. On seeing the courageous deed of tying the horse to the tree, the soldiers walked to the young prince and said, "Young boy, mind well, this is not a sport, you know that one who tie this horse shall have to fight with us, you are too young. Please untie the horse and we won’t punish you."

Love said, "With full knowledge I have tied this horse. This is Valmiki’s ashram. I am prepared to fight. Nobody’s rule is allowed here." So saying he took bow and arrow in his hand. The soldiers also were ready with their bow and arrows. Love released a mighty arrow and under its spell the whole army went off to sleep. Shatrughna who was standing at a distance, watched the young prince. He looked at the child with unusual awe. He experienced a queer feeling and got enamoured of him. He came near and said to Love, "Dear child, your admiration. I am so pleased with the skill displayed by you that I forgive your uncivil behavior to my army." At that moment Kush entered. He stood by Love and said, "Who are you to show mercy on us?"

Shatrughna could not tolerate the satrical expression and called the two brothers to fight them out. Both the brothers were ready and came and stood in the battlefield. With the bows and arrows in their hands the two brothers got ready for the fight.

Shatrughna chose two of his valiant soldiers Sugreev and Hanuman, and ordered them to fight. Hanuman entered in the combat first. Hanuman magically extended his tail and trapped Love. Kush saw this and rushed to free him from it. Sugreev with the help of a huge tree hindered Kush in his efforts to help Love. During this time Kush freed himself and gave severe punches to Hanuman. Fainted Hanuman was lying on the ground. Seeing the courage of his brother Kush also got encouraged and lifted Sugreev and the tree, and hurled him on the ground. Both the brothers caught hold of Hanuman’s long tail and dragged him towards the ashram, to display their heroic deed to their mother Sita.

Sita instantly recognised Hanuman who was chained and pulled by her two sons. She asked, "What have you done?" Love replied, ‘The monkey has come with a huge army and horse. When I caught the horse,

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the head of the army sent him to fight with me, brother Kush was also present. So both of us gave fight. They wanted the fight and we gave it. The head of the army tried a lot to frighten us. Do you know, mother, what did they do to frighten us? They displayed their strength by uprooting a huge tree and with that huge tree in their hands they came to fight with us. Before they could make use of that huge tree we flattened them on the ground."

With great astonishment she listened to Love. Sita suddenly recognised that the horse belonged to Rama. She said to her sons, "This horse belongs to Rama, your father; and he is Hanuman a devotee of your father. Leave him immediately and free the horse."

Love said, Mother, we have simply performed the duty of a Kshatriya. Because they challenged us, we gave a fight to them. We are prepared to give back their horse if they are unwilling to fight.

In the meantime Valmiki returned from his journey. Sita narrated her story. Valmiki went to Love and Kush and asked them to free the horse and hand over it to the army. The enthused army marched ahead triumphantly. In the meantime, Valmiki taught the two young princes the whole of Ramayana and sent them to Ayodhya.

Singing shlokas of Ramayana both Love and Kush wandered into the streets of Ayodhya. At that moment Rama came to know about them and heard the whole of Ramayana from them. At that moment Valmiki came there and introduced Love and Kush to Rama. On learning the fact that Love and Kush were sons of Sita, Rama embraced them and said, "I will fetch your mother to this place. " Valmiki brought Sita to Ayodhya.



Bhima and Arjun were the strongest among the Pandavas. Because of the craftiness of the Kawrawas, the Pandavas had to fight with demon Hidamb. Bhima defeated Hidamb and married his sister Hidamba.Ghatotkach was born to Bhima and Hidimba. He was bald from his childhood. The shape of his head resembled a pot and therefore he was called Ghatotkach.Bhima and the other Pandavas left forest and moved far away, leaving Ghatotkach to be nursed by Hidamba alone. But Hidimba took proper care of him. She taught black magic to him-the knowledge to know the secret, to become instantly invisible, to assume various forms as one who wishes-and thus made him a clever boy.Years passed by. The Pandavas were journeying northern India and they had to cross the peak Gandhmadan. The peak was surrounded by thick forests. The forests were populated by huge animals which are extinct today and whose preserved skeletons we find in museums. Bhima and Arjun being

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valiant warrious were fearless; but they found ascending and descending of rocks difficult. The Pandavas, Kunti, Draupadi and even few sages had to reach the peak but the road was infested with difficulties. All of them were exhausted. Bhima could carry four or five people along with him but could not carry all and hence he remembered Ghatotkach. Instantly he came and stood in front of him and said, "Father why did you remember me?" Bhima said, ‘Help us reach the peak of the mountain.’

With his herculean strength he took everybody on his back. Just with one jump he reached the peak of the mountain. He went away with the same speed he came with. They were all praise for him and said, ‘Really very Brave! Even Bhima can not match him in strength. We shall

definitely remember him in times critical".Then came the war of Mahabharata. The battlefield was humming with the sound of the armies of Kawrawas and Pandavas. The head of war-mongers started drums. War broke out with it that Shri Krishna, Vidhur, Bhisma and others had tried to avoid. It was a devastating war. Days passed by. The commander-in-chief of the Kawravas was Dhronacharya who began the war. The Pandavas had to face great warrious like Dhron, Karna and Duryodhan.

On the third day of the war, Arjun displayed great valour and on the fourth, Bhima raged the war, on them. He fought a grave battle of clubs against Duryodhan and defeated him. Seeing Bhima wild with anger and almost on the verge to bring his end, Duryodhan sent an army of ten-thousand elephants. With mighty club, Bhima shattered to pieces all the elephants. A blow with his club and the elephants fell down with a thud on the ground. Magadhraj, too started killing the elephants of his enemy army. Before Bhima came to help, brave Abhimanyu from the side of the Panadavas

crushed to pieces Magadhraj and his elephant. Duryodhan tried to tale the advantage of Bhima who was resting a while in his chariot and lashed his club to kill him. Bhima got wild and started scattering the army of the Kawrawas with his mighty club. At that moment Bhisma roared, ‘Kill this Bhima or else he would force us to leave the battlefield.

Bhagdutt from the side of the Kawrawas pounced on Bhima. Both fought like hefty bullocks. Bhima from the chariot and Bhagdutt from the back of the elephant, gave a terrific fight to each other. Bhagdutt forcefully attacked Bhima and shattered into pieces his chariot, while Bhima dashed into Bhagdutt with his mighty club. Arjun came to Bhima’s help and he killed Bhagdutt. The elephants of Bhagdutt’s army retreated. Dhronacharya without loosing courage declared night war. To encounter the Kawrawas at night was a difficult task. Bhima, once again asked his son Ghatotkach to face war. Ghatotkach to face war. Ghatotkach employed his magical powers and came with a huge army of demons. Dhronacharya, Duryodhan and Aswasthama were made helpless and Ghatotkach trampled like worms lakhs of soldiers of the Kawrawas. Ghatotkach made use of immense super power and he went on multiplying his head limitelessly, when his head got beheaded. Ultimately his magical power proved victorious and the whole army of Kawrawas got killed Karna could not stand seeing his army being scattered. He asked his charioteer to chase Ghatotkach. A terrible fight took place between the two. Karna got more wild

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as his weapons failed. He continued to fight with a resolution to kill or get killed. Ghatotkach raged a terrific war with his magical powers and continued to give a tough fight to Karna and kill him.

Duryodhan could no longer be silent "Karna, Enough! Let us kill him." This taunt was unbearable for Karna. Ghatotkach in the meantime jumped on Karna’s chariot and took possession of him. With the club in one hand, trunks and branches of trees in the other, together with his magical powers, he left Karna grunting and groaning. He caught his neck and started beating severly. Karna was hanging between life and death. A little carelessness on his part and he was sure to be killed by Ghatotkach. At that moment Karna remembered the club gifted to him by Indra.

There is an interesting story as to how Karna got it. He was the son of God Sun. He was born with an armour on his body and an earing. He was warned by God Sun to be careful not to give these two things when Indra came to have them in the guise of a bhramin. Karna had then informed God Sun that as a bhramin it would be very difficult for him not to give what was asked for. That moment God Sun had advised Karna to ask for the mighty club in case he cannot control his generosity. Thus in exchange of his armour and earing Karna had acquired this fatal and mighty club from Indra. Karna had preserved this club to kill Arjun.

Karna, remembered the club and now used that club on Ghatotkach to kill him. How could the club go unused? As Ghatotkach lay dying, he enlarged his body into the shape of a mountain. He fell and crushed the whole section of the army of the Kawrawas.Ghatotkach’s body contained the strength of one thousand elephants. His dead body also proved equally fatal.A wave of joy spread through the army of Pandavas. Krishna blew the conch and declared, "All’s well that ends well." Arjun would not have survived had not Karna employed the gifted club of Indra on Ghatotkach. Ghatotkach died and Arjun survived. A grievous sigh was heard coming from s distance and it was from his mother, Hidimba. Ghatotkach’s death was unbearable for her.


Sage Dhommya lived in an ashram on the bank of a river.It housed boys and girls together.Students came from far and nearby villages.The sage taught them the vedas,the Puranas and other scriptures.

Early morning the girls of the ashram were humming the chants of the vedas;Smoke emnating from the sacrificial fires was rising up in the sky;Some students of the ashram were busy helping in daily cores,few

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were watering the plants,few were picking the flowers,few were milking the cows,while some others were meditating;some were suspending washed clothes on branches of trees and many girls of the ashram were taking care of deer;the wife of the sage was helping deer of the ashram eat different kinds of grass.

Aaruni was one of the students who had come to the ashram for his training.Right from the beginning he had reverence for Dhommya.He used to keep hot water ready for his bath,prepared his bed,massaged his legs,tried to be useful in the sacrificial fires.Aarumi performed his duties with great fervour and joy.Time that Aaruni saved while serving his guru,he used for his classmates.Often he cleaned the

rooms,prepared bed for the sick,helped watering flower beds for those who got tired and helped stitch the torn clothes of his classmates.

The sage had soft corner for him and took his proper care.One day in the evening a group of students,after their prayers,came to greet him.Dhommya did not see Aaruni present in the group.The sky was overcast with grey clouds and there was lightning in the sky.Strong winds blew and it rained heavily.The same climate had prevailed previous night so thought the hermit.Also he had said last night that "it would be good if the rains would pass without damaging the mudwalls of our field.With these words of the last night and heavy rains that continued falling Dhommya feared that Aaruni might have gone there.It had rained last whole night.He inquired the students,"Did any one see Aaruni ?"The students replied,"Since yesterday evening,he is not seen."At that moment the rains increased.Dhommya felt that Aaruni must have suffered a lot in the open fields.

The guru set out with his two disciples in search of Aaruni.The field was far away from the ashram.He reached near the paddy fields and shouted,’Aaruni,Aaruni.’He stood by the field,he looked around but could not find anybody.Again Dhommya shouted,"Dear son,"Aaruni,dear son Aaruni," At that moment he heard a faint voice coming from a distance,"Oh!gurudev,I am here.Come towards the north-side of the field."The hermit and his disciples rushed down to him in that direction.Suddenly Dhommya’s eyes fell on the ground and he saw Aaruni lying on his sides blocking the water passage of the field.Dhommya went near him and asked,"Dear son,get up."

Aaruni replied,"No,my guru,I won’t get up.If I get up the water will flow out of this field.There is a hole here and I have blocked it with the help of my body.Unless the hole is sealed,I cannot get up."

The guru blew the conch.Many disciples came running to the place.The brought stones and muc lumps from all directions and sealed the hole.After the hole got sealed,the sage said,"Now Aaruni,get up,dear Aaruni,get up."

Aaruni arose.He came down own his knees and said,"Guruji,should I narrate my story.This place looks nice because of the paddy-fields but now It looks more beautiful because of you and the pupils together."

Guru and all his pupils looked at Aaruni with eyes full of admiration.Further Aaruni said,"Should I narrate my story?"

Guruji replied,"Dear son,tell me!"

Aaruni said,"My respected guru,yesterday wanderingly I came to this place and saw that the mudwall had developed a hole in it and water was running out of the field.You had predicted that it was going to rain heavily and it might be our good luck if it did not damage our mud-

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walls.All our paddy crop would have destroyed."The hermit said,"Dear son,Should I forgive you or admire your heroic deed."

Feelings of shame rushed on his face.Dhommya’s face beemed with joy.

Dhommya was pleased with Aaruni’s heroic deed and said,"Dear son,you have suffered a lot.I bless you.I could see enlightenment on your face.May your knowledge prove successful now,you are an accomplished man.You are free to go home.

The students along with their guru returned to their ashram.Everybody praised Aaruni’s deed.Next day guruji gifted Aaruni several books and formally sent him off. Aaruni wit a blow left guruji and his ashram.He had learnt all the sciences.After his return from the ashram,Aaruni came to be known by people as uddalak.Uddalak,literally means ‘dam’.Thus Aaruni gained much happiness by the blessings of his guru.Aaruni’s reputation spread far and wide and came to be known as a great scholar.


It was a forest full of trees, , creepers full of flowers, small plants tossing their leaves in the breeze. There was an ashram in the forest, housing many cottages. Several families of sages lived in this ashram. The students who came from far off places enjoyed both their study and games with the people of the ashram. Once a poor

woman came to live in the ashram. She had a worn out body and a withered face. She carried a child in her waist that was fair and lovely. She was exhausted because of exhertion and long journey.

The Maharishi asked her whereabouts. With tears in her eyes she said, ‘ Miserable I am, don’t add to my miseries by asking my whereabouts.’ The Maharishi stopped his inquiries and allowed her to stay in the ashram. He considered her son as his. He educated him and made him an indispensable member of the ashram.

He being fair and polite, could enjoy the company of the people the ashram. He was cheerful and witty by nature. Hence everybody loved him.

He enjoyed the love of all in the ashram. He was the apple of the Maharishi’s eyes. His wife, also looked after him very much. Slowly his period of study got completed. He greeted everybody in the ashram and sought their blessings. All said only this, ‘Oh! Dear son, earn fame by your devotion to God.’ The Maharishi named him Narad and gifted him a single string veena, a musical instrument. Narad loved it. He got several other such musical instruments and became an accomplished player. He made people mad by his devotional songs. Everybody loved his voice and his skill of playing

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the musical instruments. He kept a lock of hair in the centre of his head, and shaved the rest of his hair. All loved him. Pleased with his personality the Maharishi adorned him by precious scarf. Oh seeing her son adorned by a everybody in the ashram the mother of Narad too became overjoyed.

In here intensely happy moments of joy she began to milk the cow of the Maharishi. At that moment a cobra bit her and she died. Narad lost his mother. The death of his mother left a deep scar.

One early morning he left the ashram and took the path that led to the northern direction. After cutting a long distance he took shelter under a pipal tree situated on a river bank and started meditating. He asked God, ‘You are my father. You are my mother, You are my only hope.’

With tears in his eyes he kept babbling these words several times.He lost himself in ecstacy when he awoke all pains melted away and saw joy everywhere. As if somebody whispered in his ears ‘Hold the veena in your hand, and help people go Godward.’Narad did this his whole life. He never lived a settled life, a married life. Through his devotional songs he taught people how to live joyous life in this world.