myanmar situation update 27 september - 3 october 2021 …

Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 Summary The court trying ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, her economic adviser Prof. Sean Turnell, and three Union ministers who have been charged under the Official Secrets Act have been moved to another venue within the Nay Pyi Taw Council compound with a limited number of lawyers allowed to attend. Phyo Min Thein, the former NLD Yangon Region Chief Minister for the 2015-2020 term, appeared in court to testify as a witness for the ruling junta against Aung San Suu Kyi for the charges against her under the anti-corruption law. Coup leader Min Aung Hlaing said that the junta is continuing on the path of democracy which the people desire. The 2008 Constitution cannot be abolished as it was adopted in a public referendum but they accept that sections that are no longer relevant need to be amended. The National Unity Government (NUG) said that it was ready to partner with China to advance the bilateral relationship toward the achievement of a community of shared values in a statement of honor to the People’s Republic of China for their National Day. An inspection team including officials of the Union Election Commission, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Planning and Finance, and the Union Auditor-General Office scrutinized political parties from 14 to 30 September according to the election laws. ASEAN special envoy Erywan Yusof is unlikely to meet with ousted pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi as it would be difficult to allow meetings with those who are facing trial, a junta spokesman said. Myanmar’s currency depreciated to a record low this week to the US dollar, rising to a record high of around 2,500 - 2,700 kyats per dollar in comparison to exchange rate of 1,300-1,400 kyats per USD before the coup. The value of gold on the domestic market reached a record high of more than 2.25 million kyats per tical compared to 1.32 million kyats per tical before military take over 1 . 1 economy.html?

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Page 1: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

Myanmar Situation Update

27 September - 3 October 2021


The court trying ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, her economic adviser Prof. Sean Turnell, and three Union

ministers who have been charged under the Official Secrets Act have been moved to another venue within

the Nay Pyi Taw Council compound with a limited number of lawyers allowed to attend. Phyo Min Thein,

the former NLD Yangon Region Chief Minister for the 2015-2020 term, appeared in court to testify as a

witness for the ruling junta against Aung San Suu Kyi for the charges against her under the anti-corruption


Coup leader Min Aung Hlaing said that the junta is continuing on the path of democracy which the people

desire. The 2008 Constitution cannot be abolished as it was adopted in a public referendum but they

accept that sections that are no longer relevant need to be amended.

The National Unity Government (NUG) said that it was ready to partner with China to advance the bilateral

relationship toward the achievement of a community of shared values in a statement of honor to the

People’s Republic of China for their National Day.

An inspection team including officials of the Union Election Commission, Ministry of Home Affairs,

Ministry of Planning and Finance, and the Union Auditor-General Office scrutinized political parties from

14 to 30 September according to the election laws.

ASEAN special envoy Erywan Yusof is unlikely to meet with ousted pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu

Kyi as it would be difficult to allow meetings with those who are facing trial, a junta spokesman said.

Myanmar’s currency depreciated to a record low this week to the US dollar, rising to a record high of

around 2,500 - 2,700 kyats per dollar in comparison to exchange rate of 1,300-1,400 kyats per USD before

the coup. The value of gold on the domestic market reached a record high of more than 2.25 million kyats

per tical compared to 1.32 million kyats per tical before military take over1.


Page 2: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

Military spokesman Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun said in a press conference that Myanmar's ongoing economic

problems were caused by "outside factors" and two waves of COVID-19 infections, but the military takes

full responsibility for economic woes2.

According to a statement released by UN OCHA Myanmar, the humanitarian situation in several townships

in Sagaing and Magway regions was deteriorating and Myanmar has seen over 60,000 internally displaced

people in Sagaing Region, and over 10,000 each in Magway Region and Chin State from early September

to the second week of the month. An estimated 142,000 people remain displaced, mostly in Kayah State,

due to clashes & insecurity since February and around 34,000 people have fled across Shan State since

the beginning of 2021; close to 13,380 remain displaced3.

Burma News International (BNI) has issued a statement on the oppression against media personnel and

seriously denouncing the actions of the military junta which massively impact the media freedom and

journalists’ safety in Myanmar. Myanmar’s junta has defended its detention of an American journalist

Danny Fenster helding for four months, without offering any details of the crimes it alleges with the

accusation that he did more than just what a journalist does.

Protests continued in different parts of Myanmar despite the crackdown by the junta over the week. The

clashes between the junta forces and the civil resistance fighters or Ethnic Armed Organizations also

emerged in all states and regions except Rakhine Region. The junta announced a unilateral, five-month

cease-fire beginning Oct. 1 and lasting until the end of February 2022 amid the clashes with PDF and ethnic

armed organizations.

According to the information compiled by ANFREL, at least 60 bomb blasts happened across Myanmar in

the past week. It was reported that at least 32 people were injured and 12 died4. 22 Mytel telecom masts

were destroyed across the country5.

As of 2 October, AAPP sources said 1,154 people have been killed by the junta. 7,045 people are currently

under detention and 339 are sentenced. 65 have been sentenced to death and 1,989 are evading arrest


Colour Code and its Categories

2 3 4 Annexure I 5 Annexure II 6

Page 3: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …



Repression by

the junta



CRFs and




Media Other

Timeline of events

27 September

The National League for Democracy (NLD) in Myanmar marked its 33rd anniversary on Monday7.

A military-run newspaper, the Myanma Alinn, has published an op-ed criticising the ousted NLD

government for disbanding the Union Democratic Party (UDP) shortly before last year’s general


The junta’s office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces released a statement announcing

a unilateral, five-month cease-fire beginning Oct. 1 and lasting until the end of February 20229.

More doubt was raised about economist Sean Turnell will receive a fair trial as no consular officials

have been allowed to observe proceedings in the court hearing of Sean Turnell who was charged

with violating the country's official secrets act10.

Myanmar’s military junta has threatened to conduct two-week long all-out defensive operations in

Chin State, fuelling fear that the military is attempting to wipe out the ethnic Chin minority group11.

A National League for Democracy (NLD) member who was arrested in Mandalay’s Aung Myay

Tharzan Township died in custody within 24 hours of his arrest, according to a source close to his



Myanmar junta’s forces have arrested the wife of Dr. Zin Lynn, who was reported to be among four

young people killed by junta’s troops in Yangon’s Sanchaung township. She was arrested at her

house in Yangon and details of the arrest are still unknown13.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

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Four villagers were killed in Na Bu Taw village of Sagaing and others had to flee as junta’s soldiers

stayed at Na Bu Taw village’s clinic, randomly opened fire and used heavy weapons such as RPGs14.

A NLD lawmaker for southern Rakhine State’s Gwa Township and two anti-coup protesters were

sentenced to prison, according to sources close to the defendants. They were taken to the Thandwe

prison immediately after being given their sentences15.

The leader of a local People’s Defence Force (PDF) chapter was killed, shooting him and running him

over with a vehicle, in the scene of around 200 troops and plainclothes personnel raided at the

neighbouring villages of Monyway and Kyaymon of Monywa, Sagaing16.

According to a local sources, a Karen Border Guard Force (BGF) which is the allied force of military

junta, forced women and children to carry their food & military equipment and used them as human

shields in Mon State17.

The bodies of three civilians, including a 60-year-old man, were found dead at an airport

construction site, three miles from Kanpetlet township of Chin State, after the departure of junta

soldiers who had been staying there18.

The Special Advisory Council for Myanmar (SAC-M), which includes Yanghee Lee, the former UN

special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, has urged the UN Security Council to declare the

Myanmar military a “terrorist organization” for its atrocities against its own civilians19.

The Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) from Pekon Township attacked a convoy of 45

military vehicles near Saung Pyaung Village in Pinlaung, Shan State in southeastern Myanmar. At

least 20 junta’s soldiers were reportedly killed or wounded20.

The Chinland Defence Force (CDF) ambushed a 40-soldier unit of the junta who were on patrol in

the largely deserted town of Thantlang, Chin State leaving at least 5 soldiers dead21.

The administrator of Win Sein Village in Thaton Township, Mon State, was shot dead at close range

by two unidentified gunmen on a motorbike when he was riding on a motorcycle in the village22.

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Page 5: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

The Kalay PDF attacked a small armed group calling themselves the “Informant Elimination Group”

after multiple complaints surfaced that they had been committing a range of crimes in Sagaing

Region and killed the leader. PDF confiscated more than 1m kyat ($534) in cash, 10 motorcycles,

and jewelry—all believed to have been stolen by the Informant Elimination Group23.

An alleged junta’s informant from Myoma ward , Hlegu township of Yangon was shot dead24.

In Yaw of Magway Region, 3 police officers defected from the junta’s side and joined with civilians25.

A USDP member was shot and killed when two unidentified gunmen arrived on a motorcycle at Alu

Lay Village, Bilin Township beside the Yangon-Mawlamyine highway road26.

A junta’s convoy was triggered with mine on SinPyuChaung bridge of Chaung-U township, Sagaing

Region. 6 junta’s troops were severely wounded27.

A clash broke out about 2-hour as the junta's army attacked MNDAA’s COVID-19 centre in Shin Htan

village track of Kokang. Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army-MNDAA killed 7 junta’s forces

and confiscated their weapons28.

Four wards in Myawaddy township, Karen State, were flooded when the Moei River overflowed.

500 houses were affected and flood-hit victims evacuated to temporary shelters29.

More than 100 people have contracted the virus at an IDP camp in Mongkoe (Muse District) in

northern Shan State as COVID-19 outbreak has spread among residents and volunteers30.

Some 10 villages from Pinlebu township, Sagaing region had to flee due to the recent break out

between local PDF and airstrikes of junta’s army31.

The central bank of Myanmar (CBM) sold US$ 15 million at an auction market rate totaling a sale of

US$ 48 million in September32.

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Page 6: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

28 September

The head of the legal team for ousted state leader Aung San Suu Kyi said that they are facing

difficulties in finding defence witnesses to testify on her behalf regarding incitement charges filed

by the junta, fearing anyone who testifies on her behalf will then be targeted by the junta33.

The inspection team including officials of UEC, Ministry of Home Affair, Ministry of Planning and

Finance, Union Auditor General Officer scrutinized whether the political parties systematically

conducted the membership of the parties, party’s funds and properties, saving, maintaining, usage,

audition and liquidation and parties’ procedures according to the UEC laws from 14-30 of


A nine-year-old child died in northern Shan State’s Monekoe Township due to the shrapnel from

the shelling, a day after his family’s home was hit by an artillery shell believed to have been fired by

junta troops based in the area35.

Residents said that junta raided houses in Lay Kay Kaw Myothit controlled by the Karen National

Union (KNU) Brigade 6 as part of an investigation of a bomb blast that occurred there on September

14. About 100 troops conducted house-to-house inspections36.

Junta troops in civilian clothes were seen brandishing guns and pulling vehicles over in downtown

Yangon following an explosion at the fourth floor of the Kyauktada Township police station on Sule

Pagoda road37.

The bodies of two missing men were found in Dawkhalaiklin village of Demawso Township in Kayah

(Karenni) State in an area recently occupied by junta troops, according to a local social welfare

group. They have been missing since leaving home on September 22 to get supplies for their three-

month-old baby38.

According to members of a monastic association opposed to the country’s ruling junta, three

buddhist monks were arrested by around 15 plainclothes military personnel and in custody for

taking part in Mandalay’s protest39.

33 34 35 36 37 38 39

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A displaced civilian in Thay Su Le township in Kayah State was seriously injured after stepping on a

mine set up by junta’s army while returning for food40.

Junta’s troops with plain clothes on 15 vehicles raided the monastery in Pyigyitagon township of

Mandalay, arrested monks and confiscated the belongings of the monastery41.

Junta’s army raided the NLD office in Monywar township of Sagaing region and arrested a couple

who are living at the office for maintenance42.

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has moved one of its offices

back to Yangon after having temporarily moved it to Thailand due to the instability created by a

military coup in the country43.

In Khin-U Township, an advocate of USDP and junta informer, was found dead with gunshots on

KhinU-YeU road. Khin-U Chit Nyo Group announced that they had done it44.

Two pro-military supporters from Aung Chan Thar ward of Ye-U township, Sagaing were shot by

unidentified gunmen and one was injured45.

A clash broke out with junta’s army and local PDF on a URuChaung bridge of Naungpo Aung village

of Homalin township, Sagaing region. No casualties from both sides were reported46.

A junta’s convoy consisting of 13 vehicles were triggered by mines near Latpan village of Butalin

township, Sagaing Region. The extent of injuries and casualties cannot be identified47. Around 150

near-by villagers were arrested and in custody for the attack48.

An alleged Pyu Saw Htee leader was shot dead in Phaung Katar village, Sar Linn Gyi township of

Sagaing for the sake of maintaining local peace49.

Monywa Heroes Group killed the junta's appointed administrator of Monywae village of Monywa

township, Sagaing region50.

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

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A muslim IDP camp in Myay Bone township of Rakhine State are in shortage of rations and need

food supplies, said a camp in charge51.

Burma News International (BNI) has issued a statement on the oppression against media personnel

and seriously denouncing the actions of the military junta as detaining media personnel without a

valid reason may massively impact the media freedom and journalists’ safety in Myanmar52.

Two Burmese Cartoonists, Waiyan Taunggyi and Lagoon Eain who fled Myanmar after they

demonstrated their opposition in the earliest weeks of 2021’s military junta, have been awarded

annual Robert Russell Courage in Cartooning Award by Cartoonists Rights Network International53.

The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) has provided COVID-19 jabs for

residents of 19 villages in Mongkoe District in Shan State54.

29 September

Aung Hlaing Oo, Myanmar junta’s crony and the businessman who runs Myanmar Chemical &

Machinery Co. (MCM), played a major role in the Myanmar military’s arms procurement from

Ukraine, according to Justice for Myanmar (JFM), a group of activists that monitors the military’s

businesses and its networks55.

Junta’s army has forced the residents of nearly 200 homes in Ngwe Daung, Nyaung Wun and Ye Htut

villages of Mandalay region, demanding that they dismantle their homes and relocate at gunpoint

within a week because they had “encroached on military land”56.

Five Myanmar staff from Chinese-Burma Southeast Asia - Oil & Gas Pipeline were arrested by junta’s

army in accuse of having connection with Kyaukse People’s Defense Force57.

Singapore's Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan said that Singapore and the United

States are deeply concerned and anxious about the plight of the people of Myanmar, citing the rise

of poverty, political instability following the military takeover in February58.

A top Rohingya community leader in a refugee camp of the Bangladesh resort district of Cox's Bazar,

Mohib Ullah, was shot dead by unidentified assailants. He was allegedly killed by the extremist

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

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group Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), which was behind several attacks on Myanmar

security posts in recent years59.

Amid the military junta leader Min Aung Hlaing's planned a visit to Putao of Kachin State for 2nd

attempt after he had to cancel his visit to Putao on 19 Sept after Kachin Independence Army (KIA)

did not give permission to enter the town, the Putao People Defense Force has announced that they

are ready to fight60.

A combined force of Karenni civilian resistance fighters from Loikaw and Demoso townships in

Kayah State and Moebye & Pekon townships in neighboring Shan State and the Karenni Army(KA),

ambushed at least 300 troops with 40-vehicle military convoy at Kone Thar village near Loikaw of

Kayah State. An estimated 30 junta soldiers were killed and around 30 injured while five of the

attackers were killed. Thousands of civilians have fled their homes61.

More than 25 junta soldiers were killed in Gangaw Township, Magway Region when resistance

forces and the Chin National Army (CNA) from neighboring Chin State ambushed around 100 junta


The Kani PDF attacked two military boats carrying food, weapons and the reinforcement of around

200 troops on the Chindwin River in the Sagaing Region’s township. The vessels heading north from

Monywar were attacked three times, according to the Kani PDF. The group reported heavy military

casualties, the death of one PDF member and five injuries. The number of military casualties is


Colonel Naw Bu, the KIA’s information officer said that Kachin Independence Army (KIA) intercepted

a junta’s convoy of roughly 40 military vehicles carrying supplies travelling north along Ledo road on

their way to reinforce troops in Tanai. Further details were unable to be provided.64

A Pyu Saw Htee member from Monywa township of Sagaing was shot dead while he was riding a


59 60 61 62 63 64 65

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In Thanlyin Township of Yangon, an alleged informer to the junta in Bogyoke village, was shot


A convoy of junta’s army with 3 vehicles were attacked with landmines near Chauk Tinkya village of

Salingyi township, Sagaing Region by local PDF. 25 were dead and 10 were wounded67.

A leader of junta’s militias from Kade village was shot dead and 2 members of junta’s militias were

killed and 2 were injured in the attack near Shat Pone village of Pulaw township, Tanintharyi


In the clashes that broke out between the junta's army and the Karen National Liberation Army

(KNLA) in the Papun district which is controlled by KNU Brigade (5), 6 junta’s forces died and 5 were

injured during the 3-day battle69.

A junta’s informant from Lal Zin village was found dead with the knife wound on his throat in

Monywar township of Sagaing Region70.

At least 11 junta’s troops were killed in the attack with 6 landmines by local PDF near Kachaung and

Kyauk Sit villages of Saw township, Magway region71.

A displaced civilian in Kayah State’s Demoso township was injured after stepping on a mine while

returning home with two others to fetch food amid the warning on against returning to their homes

due to the risk of mines and unexploded ordnance by local PDF. The other two villagers were taken

to hospital with serious injuries72.

IDPs from Man Kyaung and Man Khar villages of Kyaukme township, northern Shan State are in need

of food, warm clothes, medicines and women’s sanitation pads73.

Additional 1000 IDPs from Mindat township of Chin State arrived in the Kyauk Htu township of

Magway region and are in need of shelter and food, said by a member of committee of IDP camp74.

According to the family member, a former reporter, Thuzar, who had been missing since September

1 and spent nearly one month in an identified interrogation centre, was in detention at East Dagon

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

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police station of Yangon and has been charged with violating Section 505a of the Penal Code for


Almost all village and ward administrators of Chaung-U Township in Sagaing region, submitted their

resignations within a week of a warning issued by Chaung-U PDF to resign by Sep 3076.

30 September

ASEAN special envoy Erywan Yusof is unlikely to be tasked with the junta in facilitating dialogue and

would be allowed to meet ousted pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi as junta spokesman Zaw

Min Tun said that it would be difficult to allow for meetings with those who are facing trial77.

Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council, Deputy Prime Minister, Vice-Senior General Soe

Win said that arrangements have been made to reopen basic education schools after October school

holidays and prepare to give full doses of vaccine to middle and high school students78.

Twenty charity volunteers who were detained by the junta following a bomb explosion at an

administration office in the Yuzana Garden Housing city in Yangon’s Dagon Seikkan Township, were

released this morning pending further inquiries79.

Junta’s army torched eight buildings including a boarding school in Hnan Khar Village in Magway

Region’s Gangaw Township for the third arson attack on the village in September80.

The former hip-hop star as well as former National League for Democracy (NLD) lawmaker has been

charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law and the Public Property Protection Act in accused of

involvement in covert attacks on junta targets in Yangon81.

Several houses were damaged by junta shelling in Konetha Village in Kayah State’s Loikaw Township

following clashes between junta’s troops and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force fighters near the


75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82

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Junta’s army stormed a house in Mandalay and arrested three university students from Kyaukse’s

University of Technology and a nurse83.

In a new report released by the United Nations, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for

an "urgent" international response to the political crisis that arose in Myanmar by the February 1

military coup84.

The UN’s top humanitarian official in Myanmar, Andrew Kirkwood said in a virtual briefing for UN

correspondents that the number of people in the country needing aid has tripled to 3 million since

the military takeover on Feb. 1, while a total of 20 million are living in poverty, or nearly half the


A joint statement was issued by GAVI, UNICEF and WHO saying that Myanmar has low level of COVID

vaccination coverage compared to other countries in the ASEAN and the COVAX facility has

preliminarily distributed 6.2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines for Myanmar as part of efforts by

the UN and its partners to accelerate COVID-19 vaccination availability86.

The Special Advisory Council for Myanmar released a statement to mourn the tragic loss of Mohib

Ullah, a fearless leader in the Rohingya people's struggle for peace & justice and called Bangladeshi

authorities to investigate the murder thoroughly and to charge, prosecute and punish the

perpetrators according to law87.

The Karenni State Police (KSP), a police force in Kayah State consisting of over 300 police who

defected from the junta, said it has detained five military informants in Kayah and has obtained

evidence to prosecute them88.

Kachin Independence Army (KIA) soldiers ambushed a column of roughly 100 troops from the junta’s

437th Light Infantry Battalion near the base of the Long Ja hill just outside of Momauk township,

southern Kachin State89.

At least ten junta soldiers were killed in the mine attack carried out by civilian resistance fighters to

a junta convoy near Latpukan village of Pale Township, Sagaing Region90.

83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

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In North Dagon Myothit Township of Yangon Region, Koe Chaung, a motorbike taxi driver and

alleged informer to the junta in Ward 5, was shot dead on Union road91.

A junta’s appointed administrator from Sakarpin village track of Madaya township, Mandalay was

shot dead while he returned home after taking out the salary92.

A junta’s informant from Tapin Shwe Htee road, Myo Ma ward, Hlegu township of Yangon was shot


Village administrator of San-U, Taung Thar township and his wife were shot dead in Mandalay


In south west of Tantalang in Chin State, junta soldiers from the camp near Wanthu village were

brought back in a military helicopter95.

Chin National Organization - CNO announced that 2 soldiers and 8 policemen of the junta armed

forces joined the CNDF in September, together with their weapons96.

In Monekoe Township of Shan North, there was heavy fighting between Myanmar National

Democratic Alliance Army - MNDAA and the junta army near Kaungdut and Kaunglone villages, the

same places where clashes broke out the previous day97.

A combined force of Karenni civilian resistance fighters had a clash with junta’s army in Kone Thar

village of Loikaw township in Shan-Kayah border. 2 PDF forces were injured98.

Kalay PDF ambushed junta’s convoy of 3 vehicles heading from Kaly to Tamu township with

landmines near Myalay mountain. A truck was blown up, 2 died and at least 3 were injured99.

Myanmar’s military convoy with full of an excessive force coming from GanGaw o was attacked by

People Defense Force – GanGaw and CNF (Chin National Front) on the GanGaw – Kalay highway,

leaving around 30 military soldiers dead, with dozens injured100.

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

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Civilians displaced by Tatmadaw offensives and daily fighting with Karenni resistance forces in

Demoso Township only have enough food rations for two more weeks as most of the clashes are

taking place along the road, which is also the only way to get food to the camps, said a person

helping IDP in east Demoso township101.

Villagers who fled from Kone Thar village of Demoso township of Kaayah State, where about 50

houses were torched, are having difficulty in food supplies102.

Myanmar’s junta has defended its detention of an American journalist Danny Fenster helding for

four months, without offering any details of the crimes it alleges. Military spokesman Maj. Gen. Zaw

Min Tun said that they arrested Danny Fenster as he did more than just what a journalist does103.

1 October

The court to hear ousted leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Economic adviser Professor Sean Turnell,

and three Union ministers who have been charged under Section 3 (1) (c) of the Official Secrets Act,

was changed to special court within Nay Pyi Taw Council compound and limited only one lawyer will

be allowed as there was not enough room for all the lawyers104.

Phyo Min Thein, former Yangon Region Chief Minister for the government of the NLD from 2015 to

2020, appeared in court to testify as witness for the ruling junta against ousted leader Daw Aung

San Suu Kyi, for the charges against her under the anti-corruption law105.

Coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said that Myanmar’s 2008 Constitution cannot be

abolished as it was approved after holding people’s referendum but accepted that things which are

not suitable for the modern day can be amended106.

Junta’s Directorate of Trad released a statement saying that the import of passenger vehicles will

be suspended from October 1 in order to reduce the use of foreign currency and the aftermath of

the COVID-19 outbreak which has led to business delays107.

The National Unity Government (NUG) in Myanmar announced the winning numbers in its pilot

“Victorious Spring” lottery, which recorded sales revenue of 500 million kyats. The majority of

101 102 103 104 105 106 107

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winners reportedly donated their prize money back to the NUG108.

Bangladesh police said that they had arrested a suspect Rohingya man, Mohammad Selim, in

connection with the killing of top Rohingya community leader, Mohib Ullah, even as a Rohingya

rebel group rejected allegations that it was behind the murder109.

Man Win Khine Than, Prime Minister of the National Unity Government (NUG), had sent a statement

of honour to the People’s Republic of China for their National Day and said that the NUG stands

ready to partner with China to advance the bilateral relationship toward the achievement of a

community of shared value110.

The National Unity Government (NUG) established its representative office in Czech Republic111.

Yan Paing, an activist from Pyinmana in Nay Pyi Taw, died while being treated at the 1,000-bed Nay

Pyi Taw Hospital for internal injuries after being severely tortured during interrogation112.

Four civilians including a 5-year-old girl were shot dead by junta forces during a raid on Pyin Htaung

Village in Khin U Township, Sagaing Region, according to villagers. Two other villagers were injured

in the shooting, no less than 50 people were arrested and two houses were torched by the


A civilian was injured and a house was damaged by junta heavy shelling in Pekon Township on the

Shan-Kayah border, according to the township People’s Defense Force114.

Junta’s army stormed and torched 9 houses in Madaya township of Mandalay region and arrested

two civilians115.

A splinter group of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) ambushed a military convoy

carrying Brigadier General Ko Ko Maung near the Kyaik Don junction on the Kawkareik-Myawaddy

highway. Four junta soldiers were reportedly killed and three others, including Brigadier General,

were wounded116.

108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116

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The joint force of CAF-MGPDF and Yaw Defence Force (Saw & Kyaukhtu) carried out an attack on

the junta’s army with landmines on the Saw-Kyaukhtu road section in Magway Region, leaving 4

dead and some injured117.

A junta sergeant was killed and 4 others were injured in a mine attack by civilian resistance fighters

in Yesagyo Township, Magway Region, the township People’s Defense Force said118. The group said

it also shot dead a junta-appointed village administrator from Tharsi village tract of Yesagyo119.

In Bagan Nyaung-U Township of Mandalay Region, Thein Zaw Min, allegedly an informer to the junta

in U-Yin village, and his wife were shot while they were riding a motorbike. Reportedly, his wife died

on the spot120.

Two soldiers were killed and at least 4 others were injured in a shooting at a traffic police station in

Hlaing Tharyar Township according to Yangon-based guerrilla groups121.

An alleged military informant, U San Hla from Taung Tangar village, next to the Mandalay-Mogok

road, was shot dead in Madaya township, Mandalay Region122.

According to Katha PDF, 100 junta soldiers, who left for Indaw on foot, were attacked with mines

by a combined force of KIA and Katha PDF. Reportedly, no less than 30 junta soldiers died123.

Two police officers who were riding a motorcycle in Yogyi village of Yangon’s Kayan were shot dead

by unknown gunmen_ deputy-sergeant was killed on the spot and another police officer died on

3rd October at the hospital124.

A police officer of Dawei deep sea-port and other members in a car, were attacked with a mine on

the road near Lwin Moe construction site in Yebyu Township of Tanintharyi Region. According to

local residents, the car crashed and many people were injured125.

117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125

Page 17: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

A convoy of junta heading to villages for operational clearance was attacked with landmines by

Myaung PDF and its allies near Kaung Kwel and Sel Ywar villages of Myaung township, Sagaing

Region. At least 10 junta’s troops died in the attack126.

Yaw PDF ambushed the junta’s army with landmines while they returned after torching an IDP camp

in Bawpyin village of Gangaw township, Magway region. At least 9 junta’s soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee

members were killed127.

A villager administrator and USDP member while they petroled in Tawku East village of Kungyangon

township of Yangon, were shot dead by 4 gunmen128. After the incident, United Democratic Force-

UDF ambushed military convoy which came to check the incident near Mal Waing Bridge and ther

were exchange of fire, injuries from junta’s side cannot be identified129.

A suspected military informant was arrested by special force of Karenni G-Z and have transferred

him to Karenni State Police (KSP), which was formed with CDM police forces in Karenni State130.

A military owned gas pipeline connecting from Beelin twonship of Mon State to Thailand was

destroyed by local PDF131.

A junta’s informant from Myan Aung township of Ayeyarwaddy region was shot dead near Thabyay

Tike Nal market132.

About half the population of Mang Hkar IDPs camp in northern Shan State has been infected with

COVID-19 _of the 200 villagers displaced by fighting between rival ethnic armed groups in Kyaukme

Township, 124 have tested positive. They are in desperate need of food, medicine and most other


Kachin IDPs who fled from Lawah village of Hpa Kant township, Kachin State are in need of food and

medicine supplies134.

According to the Ayeyarwady Region Petroleum Importers' Association, some petrol stations in

Ayeyarwady region’s townships have been temporarily closed due to shortages and rising prices135.

126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135

Page 18: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

Myanmar’s military junta has reportedly released 184 criminal prisoners who were improsioned

with rape case ad harming citizens from Obo prison in Mandalay136.

2 October

In Maha Aungmye Township of Mandalay Region, the junta armed forces in ordinary cars conducted

a violent crackdown on a rally of the Mandalay Monks’ Union. According to local residents, a monk

was hit with a bullet and 5 others were arrested137.

Junta’s army stormed the Mandalay’s Mya Taung Monastery and confiscated belongings of a monk

that they couldn’t find to arrest and also destroyed monastery’s belongings138.

Residents in Yangon are quite shocked this morning to see unusual military activities happend in

commerical city of Myanmar _big military transport aircrafts taking off from Yangon International

airport and flying over the city while there is very minimal commercial flight activity at the airport139.

Junta’s army raided the house of Kayan’s NLD chair and the house of another NLD’s region executive

member in Kayan township of Yangon, confiscated and destroyed belongings and people were

managed to flee140.

Three villagers from Gangaw township of Magway Region were injured due to the sharpnels of

junta’s motor141.

The local government of China's south-west border town of Ruili in Yunnan Province has reported a

spike in the number of COVID-19 cases from returnees of Myanmar, where a coronavirus outbreak

is spreading142.

A junta’s convoy was attacked with landmines in Phayar Thonesu township of KNU controlled area,

leaving 1 civilian dead, 1 injured and 5 junta’s soldiers injured143.

136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143

Page 19: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

A clash broke out for half-hour between the junta's army and Watlet PDF near Phowintat village of

Watlet township, Sagaing region. One PDF member was arrested and died in the hand of junta’s

army and 2 policemen were killed in the clash144.

Military controlled Bontalar Hydropower station which is mainly supplied to the Matupi based

military divisions, was destroyed with mines by Chinland Defense Force (CDF) in Matupi tonship of

Chin State145.

An alleged junta’s informer was shot dead in Yone Pin Kone village of Watlet township, Sagaing146.

A 40-year-old IDP from Konethar village in Kayah State’s Demoso Township, lost her right leg after

stepping on a mine set up by junta’s army while returning to her home, where local resistance

groups clashed with junta troops recently147.

An additional four million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine purchased from the People’s Republic of

China arrived at Yangon International Airport, according to the junta’s ministry of health148.

Civil Society Organizations in Rakhine State conducted a peace committee meeting in Sitwee


3 October

NUG’s Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment issued a press release that citizens who want

to pay the taxes will be able to pay through secure online platform according to the Union Taxation

Law issued by CRPH on 20th of September150.

The Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) issued a notification that exporters must sell their remaining

export incomes in foreign exchange of their bank accounts to the authorized AD licensed banks at

the market price within 30 days of the transfers without fail151.

Kalay PDF ambushed the convoy of junta in three places of Kalay township of Sagaing region _ in

front of Kalay Technology University, Tharyar Gone village and Sithar village. 11 soldiers dead, 3

were severely wounded and 2 trucks were damaged152.

144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152

Page 20: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

A police sergeant from Kyaik Hto Myoma police station was shot dead in his house in Phatkaleik

village of Mon State153.

During six clashes between 102 battalions of KNLA (Karen National Liberation Army) of KNU (Karen

National Union) – Brigade 5 and Light Infantry Division – 408 under the command of the headquarter

of military operations command (MOC – 08) in one day alone, 23 junta soldiers died and 30 were


Three police officers were dead in an attack with mines near Aye Thar Yar Yat Industrial Zone road

of Monywar township, Sagaing Region155.

Karen National Liveration Army (KLA) attacked the junta’s convoy with landmines between

Theinzayat and Mote Palin villages of Kyaik Hto township in Mon State, leaving 2 dead and 5

injured156. KNLA brigade (2) also attacked convoy of junta with tow vehicles near Mee Pone village

of Karen State. Detail injures was unknown157.

At lease five junta’s troops were killed in the attacke with 2 land mines by Civilian Guerillia Force -

CGF bewteen police station and Hlaing Thar Yar Highway express compound of Yangon158.

Pale PDF ambushed juna’s convoy heading to the Pale township, Sagaing from Wun Pyin village of

Monywar for 2 times and at least 25 junta’s soldiers were died in the attack159.

People Revolution Army (PRA) ambushed junta’s covoy near Ngagama mountain of Pale township

of Sagaing region for 2 times, leaving 61 junta’s soldiers died and one PDF member was inured160.

Around 50 forces of junta’s convoy heading to the Yay Lal Kyun village for the operation was

ambushed with mines in Yesagyo township of Magway region. 2 were died and some were injured.

In response, junta’s troops fired randomly, stormed nearby villages and villagers had to flee161.

153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161

Page 21: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

A clash broke out between local PDF and junta’s army in Taung Pyauk Tike Nal of Thayet Chaung

township, Tanitharyi Region. At least 10 died and 10 were injured from junta’s side while there was

no injuries from local PDF.162

Three Pyu Saw Htee members who were allegedly involved during a raid on Pyin Htaung Village in

Khin U Township, Sagaing Region, leaving 5 villagers died, two were injured, no less than 50 people

were arrested and torching houses, were killed at their houses by local PDF163.

Prepared by

Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL)

4 October 2021, 11:00 am (Bangkok time)

Annexure I:

Information on the Blasts Reported Across Myanmar from 27 September - 3 October, 2021

Date Region/State Incidents Source








A total of 10 blasts were reported in Yangon of Kamaryut,

Tharkayta, North Okkalapa and Hlaing townships. Reportedly one

policeman and 2 by-passers were injured.

A home-made bomb exploded in front of the Road & Transport

Administration Department in Mandalay Region and five people

were wounded.

In Moemauk Township of Kachin State, there was a bomb

explosion at Lwejel divergent point in Alinkaung Ward. one was


A bomb was thrown into the junta-appointed administrator’s

house in Inn Win ward of Bago, he was admitted to the hospital.

Monywar Heroes Group claimed that they blew up 5 bombs in

Monywar township as a warning.

Voice of



Kachin News



RiSE News





The Yangon Anti-Dictatorship Force said it bombed the fourth floor

of the Kyauktada Township police station on Sule Pagoda road.

In ChanmyaThazi Township, Mandalay-Pyin Oo Lwin railway was

blown up near 114 street and 116 street in Kanthaya Ward.

Myanmar Now


162 163

Page 22: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …






2 Bombs were reported in Mawlamyaing_ one near Kyaik Thout

Pagoda and one at the Hlaing ward administrator’s house.

In Pakokku township, a bomb was thrown into the military truck

patrolling in Bogoke and Arr ZarNi Street’s junction. 2 died and 3

were injured in the attack.

A blast hit the Magway’s No (2) police station and the injuries

cannot be identified.

Two blasts were reported near the trash pile of 57 ward, South

Dagon township while junta’s convoy was passing by. Two junta’s

forces reportedly died.

2 bombs hit the Myat Myittar Mon petrol shop in Hlaing township

by PDF as a warning.

Than Lwin



Delta News













A blast was reported at the Ywar Htaung village administrative

office of Aunglan township.

A blast occurred at the traffic police office near BOC junction of

Hlaing Thar Yar township.

A bomb missed the military logistic truck and blew up near the

truck in Mingalar ward of Pyinmana township.

A bomb explosion hit an administration office in the Yuzana Garden

Housing city in Yangon’s Dagon Seikkan Township. Reportedly at

least 2 junta’s troops died and 20 charity volunteer youths were

arrested after the blast.

3 blasts were reported in Monywar of Sagaing_ road & transport

office, local revenue office and divergence of industrial road,

leaving 5 junta’s forces wounded.

Delta News


Delta News














The PDF Naypyitaw detonated a bomb at the office of the military’s

directorate of procurement, damaging part of the building and an


A blast was reported near the general administrative staff’s

residence in Khanti township, Sagaing region.

A total of 3 blasts occurred when junta’s army came and checked

the scene of the blast in (25) ward of Shwe Pyi Thar township. 4

were injured in the attack.

A blast hit near the Electricity Supply Cooperative office of


According to local residents of Thingangyun Township, a grenade

was thrown into the house of a junta informer in Thuwunna (25)

ward of Zeyar Thuka Road.

Myanmar Now

Delta News


Voice of


Than Lwin


Khit Thit

1 Oct Yangon Free Tiger Renger blew up a bomb near the Local Revenue Khit Thit

Page 23: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …







Department of Yankin township as a warning.

A bomb exploded at a tea-shop in downtown area of Kyunghla

town of Sagaing Region. Reportedly, a military officer died, 2 other

civilians died and 2 were injured.

A blast hit the junta’s check point in Zalot roundabout of Monywar

township. 2 junta’s troops were killed.

There was an explosion at the vehicle registration office in


An explosion hit the Patheingyi land record department office in

Yankin Aung ward.

An explosion was heard at the trash pile in Kyan Sit Thar ward of

Dala Township.

Two bombs hit the checkpoint of the junta's army at the entrance

of Yesagyo township, one sergeant died and 4 were injured.

BBC Burmese





NBung Dat


2 Oct Mandalay A bomb was thrown into the Patheingyi Electricity Supply

Cooperative office of Mandalay Region as a warning.

Delta News


3 Oct Magway





Two blasts hit the office of labor, immigration and population in

Tayawkone ward of Aunglan township.

Two blasts were reported at the Mularshide check point of the

junta's army in Putao township.

A timer bomb was exploded in front of the junta army’s division 22

in Hpa-An township.

Free Tiger Ranger blew up 2 bombs _ Denko and Golden Delta

offices in Hlaing Thar Yar industrial zone as a warning as they had

ties with military junta.

Tow blasts exploded in front of Happy Tea Shop in (10) ward of

Mawlamyaing Gyune township, Ayeyarwaddy region and 4 were



74 Media





Annexure II:

Information on the Number of Mytel Telecom Masts Destroyed Across Myanmar from 27

September - 3 October, 2021

Date Region/State Incidents Source




In Tunzan Township, a MyTel telecom tower and related

equipment were blown up near Tawzan village.


Page 24: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …


A Mytel tower’s related equipment was blown up in Kyauk Chat

village of Kalay township.








In Daik-U township, a Mytel telecom mast was destroyed with

mine, according to locals.

A Mytel telecom tower was destroyed in Sein Taung village of

Pathein by local PDF.

In Yesagyo township, a Mytel tower was blown up in Kaing village

of Magway region.

G-20 Urban Burma Phoenix blew up a Mytel tower in 56 ward of

South Dagon township.

Khit Thit

Khit Thit

NBung Dat








A Mytel telecom mast in Kwinlalay village of Kawkareik township

was destroyed.

Local PDF blew up 2 Mytel telecom towers in Wetlet township of

Minkone village and Yinmataw village.

People Anti-Fascist Defense Force claimed responsibility to destroy

two Mytel telecom towers near Taungya village and Paungmah

village in Sagaing Region.





News Agency



Sagaing A Mytel telecom mast near Taung Phee Lar ward of Kalay township

was blown up.


1 Oct Mon





Mytel Telecom Tower in Sakhan Gyi village, Thanphyu Zayat

Township, Mon State was set on fire, according to locals.

A MyTel telecom tower and related equipment near Ngabekan

village of Wundwin township of Mandalay Region.

A Mytel telecom mast on Mawlamyaing-Yay Highway Road near

Sakangyi village of Thanbyuzayat township was set on fire.

A Mytel telecom tower was blown up in Tada-U township.

In the KNU controlled area, a Mytel telecom mast in Win Yay

township, near Apyin Sakangyi village was blown up.




Myanmar Now


2 Oct Bago


Two Mytel telecom masts were blown up in Nyaunglebin

township_ one in Hnin Wi village and one in Bepin village.

A Mytel tower in Oak Pone Kyin village of Kyan Kyin township was

destroyed by mines.

Than Lwin




3 Oct Mandalay


A Mytel telecom tower in Thazin Aye ward of Amarapura township

was blown up by an unidentified group.

In Watgyiin village of Nyaung-U township, a Mytel telecom mast

RiSE news

Tachileik News

Page 25: Myanmar Situation Update 27 September - 3 October 2021 …

was blown up by local PDF. Agency