music video evaluation

Kendell Burgess Music Video Evaluation Tasks – what you did in the tasks – what you could do to make it better Firstly, we had to do music video analysis for task one where we chose 5 music videos of our choice that we had to watch and then write about. To make my video analysis better I should’ve done one more as I only did 4 but for the writing I felt I wrote quite a bit for each section whilst I analysed the video. We also had to write a purposes sheet for one of the music videos which we had to explain and give examples for in each section. For task 2 we had to do multiple things for our music video ideas generation where we basically just put down different ideas that we could do with our music video. To make my ideas generation better I should’ve done a mood board and thought about more ideas I could’ve done for my music video. In task 3 we had to talk about music video production where we looked at job roles and responsibilities in a film work place and we had to sort out a kit budget sheet where we looked at a simple kit we would have had to use when making a music video, it included things like cameras, lighting, sound, etc. To improve this task I could have looked at more jobs and more kit to look at and write about. In task 4 it was mainly about pre-production for our actual music video, we had to do multiple things for this task. In our group we had set work we had to do individually like the scripts, location reconnaissance, risk assessments, production call sheets and production schedules. We worked together on our storyboards because for our music video it was quite long. One of the things I think we could have improved on is that we could have maybe added more information into each work sheet and that I finished my script to add in even though we didn’t use it in the end. In task 5 it was mainly doing a photo diary which I produced myself, we had to put together multiple photos of our team working together whilst filming to prove we all were present and to show us filming. To improve the photo diary I think I could have wrote more for each photo set. For task 6 we had to produce a rough and final edit of our music video then explain how we could have improved in our rough edit that we may add into our final edit. For this task I could of improve

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Kendell Burgess

Music Video Evaluation

Tasks – what you did in the tasks – what you could do to make it better

Firstly, we had to do music video analysis for task one where we chose 5 music videos of our choice that we had to watch and then write about. To make my video analysis better I should’ve done one more as I only did 4 but for the writing I felt I wrote quite a bit for each section whilst I analysed the video. We also had to write a purposes sheet for one of the music videos which we had to explain and give examples for in each section. For task 2 we had to do multiple things for our music video ideas generation where we basically just put down different ideas that we could do with our music video. To make my ideas generation better I should’ve done a mood board and thought about more ideas I could’ve done for my music video. In task 3 we had to talk about music video production where we looked at job roles and responsibilities in a film work place and we had to sort out a kit budget sheet where we looked at a simple kit we would have had to use when making a music video, it included things like cameras, lighting, sound, etc. To improve this task I could have looked at more jobs and more kit to look at and write about. In task 4 it was mainly about pre-production for our actual music video, we had to do multiple things for this task. In our group we had set work we had to do individually like the scripts, location reconnaissance, risk assessments, production call sheets and production schedules. We worked together on our storyboards because for our music video it was quite long. One of the things I think we could have improved on is that we could have maybe added more information into each work sheet and that I finished my script to add in even though we didn’t use it in the end. In task 5 it was mainly doing a photo diary which I produced myself, we had to put together multiple photos of our team working together whilst filming to prove we all were present and to show us filming. To improve the photo diary I think I could have wrote more for each photo set.For task 6 we had to produce a rough and final edit of our music video then explain how we could have improved in our rough edit that we may add into our final edit. For this task I could of improve greatly by doing a rough edit of my music video and writing about the improvements I would have made which I didn’t do, I should have also finished my final edit on time and talked about that also in that task.