music contents pages media mrs robbins

Graphology of this contents page is a main image in the middle of the page and a back ground that goes with the colour of the image and there is also writing down the right hand side of the page. Typography used is basic fonts, large for the main header of the page and then smaller on the information that is added. The smaller writing is also in italics. Mode of address of this contents page is direct as the image suggests that he is looking at the audience. Colour Palette uses the colours black, grey and a lighter grey there is also a slight bit of red used to make his heart stand out. This suggests that the article may be about his love life or his feelings. The image of a hand going across his body and holding a red heart in its hand creates emotive language for the reader and could make them to associate with there love life or how there feeling at

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Post on 13-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Music contents pages media mrs robbins

Graphology of this contents page is a main image in the middle of the page and a back ground that goes with the colour of the image and there is also writing down the right hand side of the page.

Typography used is basic fonts, large for the main header of the page and then smaller on the information that is added. The smaller writing is also in italics.

Mode of address of this contents page is direct as the image suggests that he is looking at the audience.

Cinematography the camera work used is a straight forward imagine of the person front ways on.

Colour Palette uses the colours black, grey and a lighter grey there is also a slight bit of red used to make his heart stand out. This suggests that the article may be about his love life or his feelings.

The image of a hand going across his body and holding a red heart in its hand creates emotive language for the reader and could make them to associate with there love life or how there feeling at the minute.

Page 2: Music contents pages media mrs robbins

Graphology of this contents page is one main image that fills the whole of one page and then on the other side information that fills the page.

Typography used varies on importance of the text and also helps to identify what writing is associated with other parts of writing.

The mode of address is direct as she looks as if she's looking at you.

Colour pallet used is white black, and bit of khaki. These colour don’t really help to identify who this is mainly aimed at.

The image and writing page doesn’t contrast each other and they look like they clash.

Pull quotes are used at the top of the writing this is key to the information in the article.

Page 3: Music contents pages media mrs robbins

Graphology used is a main image on one side of the contents page and then writing on the other page.

Typography used is bold and stands out on the title which draws the readers attention to the rest of the article this is also to follow on with the connotations of the word fiercely because the font shows its quite and aggressive word.

Colour pallet used is white, purple and grey. This is quite a feminine colour contrast. This could mean more females will buy or read this than males.

Mode of address is direct as Beyoncé is looking straight at us this will engage buyer and will have the affect on them to buy it.

Page 4: Music contents pages media mrs robbins

Graphology used is a large picture to the right side of the contents page, the word contents at the top of the page and then writing going down the left side of the page and some at the bottom.

Typography used is the same font throughout the page and sizes staying the same depending on the information so the main bits of information are all larger then the rest.

Colour pallet used is grey, red, white and black.

Mode of address used is direct because it looks like the image is looking at you from side on.

Pull quotes are used throughout this contents page to demonstrate what the writing below is about.