
Mummies By Alexander

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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Mummies, Ancient Egypt


Have you wondered about mummies? In this report you will learn about

mummies. You will learn about why they are they are mummified, where they are

buried, how they are buried, and what is buried. Now it’s time to let out the


Are you ready to learn about why mummies were buried? Egyptians

wanted to live longer so they made a gateway to another world. Egyptians

believed that the soul would leave the body and go to the land of the Two Fields.

The Egyptians made mummies instead of burying people in the sand, because

they thought it would improve nature. Mummification made the spirit live again

in the afterlife. In the afterlife good things improved and the bad things went

away. They needed people’s bodies to be safer in the afterlife so they put the

body in more than one coffin. They believed that the coffin magically protected

the mummy. They put paintings on the coffin. They helped the mummy to the

afterlife. Thanks for listening to why the mummies were buried.

Fun fact

Howard found King Tut.

Are you ready to learn about what tombs look like and where they are

buried? Tombs are covered with hieroglyphics. The text was the good deeds that

that person did. The text helped them to the afterlife. The tombs had special

designs instead of wallpaper. Mummies were buried deep in pyramids. The

wealthy were buried in elaborate tombs. Pharaohs were not all buried in

pyramids because of tomb robbers. The tomb of Osiris was found at the Osireion

which is where they worship Osiris. Did you learn a lot about where mummies are

buried and what tombs look like?

Fun fact

Some insects were buried.

Are you ready to learn about how mummification works? The process of

the mummy took 70 days. First, the mummy was taken to the tent known as the

ibu. The mummy moved from one tent to another during the embalming proses.

They washed the body in good smelling wine. They cut the body and took out the

stomach, liver, lungs, intestines and the brain. The body was stuffed and covered

in natron to dry it. A long hook was used to smash the brain and pull it out the

nose. The embalmers threw away the brain but kept the other organs. Forty days

later it was washed with water from the Nile. They put makeup on the body so it

would look life-like. Then they would wrap it in linen. They put amulets in

between the linen. Did you learn a lot about mummification?

Fun fact

They poured matron on the body

Are you ready to learn about what and who was buried? Only rich people

were mummified. Officials and nobility had the same treatment as the pharaoh.

Only high ranked people were buried in a sarcophagus. They had lots of treasure

buried with them. There was usually stuff that the pharaoh owned that was

buried with him. They placed plates and drinking cups in there tomb for the

afterlife. Some pets, insects and animals were mummified. Cats were buried

because it was what protected a family. Did you learn a lot about what’s buried

and who was buried?

Now did you learn a lot about why mummies are buried, where they are

buried, how mummification works and what is buried? Hope you had a good time

listening to secrets. Does it make you feel different about mummies?

Glossary Sarcophagus-a stone coffin

Osiris- the king of the under world

Pharaoh-an ancient Egyptian king

Afterlife- the future life

Amulet- good luck charms

Egyptian- people that live in Egypt

Protect-to defend

Nobility-high rank

Tomb-vault or chamber

Process- series of actions


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