ms. coolie's amazing adventure

Written by: Sarah Wilder

Upload: margaret-nevills

Post on 10-Mar-2016




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Class mouse on the loose.


Written by: Sarah Wilder

Hi, my name is Ms. Coolie. Boy! Do I have a story for you!.... One day I was running around in my cage in the pet store in Carthage, and then I saw this lady reach in my cage. I tried running away but then I felt two fingers grabbing my tail. All of a sudden, I was not in my cage but I was in another cage with no mice in it. Soon I was in a 4th grade classroom.

Then it was Monday again and I saw some children, and I saw 18 big kids, well they were big to me. Also there were two fish , six plants and one turtle and me..

While I was at school I was really bored so I started to do gymnastics and I was very good at it. But guess where I was doing my gymnastic.. Over my food bowl.

One day I was able to squeeze through the bars of my cage. On my adventure I went to the toilet and went pee and poop before I went on my adventure through the school. Then I checked out a book about mice at the kids side of the library.

Then I went to the music room, and jumped on the drums and played the pi-ano. After that I went to the furnace room and found a soft wool hat and slept on it. Then I heard a giants steps.

I acted fast and hid in the back of some mops. On the next day I sang with the chorus. Then I went to the vending machine and bought a water. Then I went down to the big gym and got on stage and sang my best. I asked Ms. Nevills to make a cape for me and she did but I lost it in the classroom.

Then I got in Derek's desk and ate his crackers.

Then I went poopy and crawled on into my cage but I never noticed that Mrs. Carlson was there and she put me in a dry aquarium.

Then I thought for a moment and chose to try to chew myself out, but the wires were metal and that stunk because I couldn't get myself out any more.

Now that was that.