mponline (eng)- kirti sharma

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  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    Title of the Project 



     B.Com final year, Sem- VIth

    Project report submitted to

    Royal Institute of Management and 

     Advanced Studies

    Signature (Guide):…………… Signature (Student):…………

     Name of the Guide: Prof Nanalal Nagar  Name of Student: Kirti Sharma

    Student’s Roll No: 13133949

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    Declaration of the Student 

    I Kirti Sharma Do Sh! "radee# Sharma $ertif% that the

     #ro&e$t re#ort entitled 'anagement of "online ios*+

     #re#ared ,% me is m% #ersonal and authenti$ -or* under the

    guidan$e of "rof! Nanalal Nagar!

     Date : Signature :

     Place :Ratlam Name :  Kirti Sharma

    Class : B.Com VI th Sem

     Roll No.:11!"!

     #o$.No.: %1&1!%'11

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    Guide Declaration

     I certify that the (ro)ect re(ort entitle* + Management of 

     MPonline Kiosk  has $een (re(are* $y irti Sharma Class

     B.Com. VI Sem un*er my su(erision an* $ears the result of 

    her original /or0.

     Date : Signature :

     Place : Name : Prof. Nanalal Nagar 

     Designation : sst. Professor 

    College: Royal College,

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma




     I  Kirti Sharma Stu*ent of B.Com final year great fully

    ac0no/le*ge the alua$le contri$ution of arious (eo(le

    relate* to my (ro)ect re(ort.

     I my *ee(est regar* 2 gratitu*e to our 34D  Prof Amit 

     Sharma. 3earty 2 sincere than0s to my gui*e  Prof. Nanalal 

     Nagar  , /ho is hel(ing an* gui*ing me.

    5he Su((ort of entire staff of the institute /here I hae

    /or0e* has hel(e* me a lot in gro/ing in reason 2

    un*erstan*ing. So, I shall li0e to (ay my s(ecial than0s to the

     staff mem$er of S/aye* Institution.

     Kirti Sharma

      B.Com VIth Sem

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  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma






    Contents Page


    1 Pro)ect 5itle 6

     #anagement of #P online ios0 

    8 9ualification 3igher ;*ucation


  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



     Project Title –

     Management of MPonline Kisok 

    .s a #art of its e/Go0ernan$e initiati0e the Go0ernment of 

    adh%a "radesh India has laun$hed its online $iti2en

    ser0i$es #ortal $alled "nline! he #ortal -as de0elo#ed

     ,% "nline 5imited a &oint 0enture ,et-een adh%a

    "radesh 6le$troni$s De0elo#ment 7or#oration ("S6D7

    Go0ernment of adh%a "radesh) and .. 7onsultan$%

    Ser0i$es 5imited (7S) that is mandated -ith deli0ering

    G87 and 87 ser0i$es to the $ommon man 0ia its #ortal

    5earn ho- to #ut u# and start %our "online ios* usiness in the Ratlam $it%! e made it sim#ler faster and

    $hea#er so that %ou $an start %our ,usiness right a-a%;

    #ening an #online ios* is as eas% as $hoosing a 0alue

    meal in %our fa0orite and famous #la$e:

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma




    S.No De!ri"tion Amo#nt R.

    1 "reliminar% @ "reo#erati0e 6?#enses 1AAAA

    8 Bi?ed 7a#ital 1A1AAA

    3 or*ing 7a#ital for 1 month(s) 8CAATotal Pro$e!t Cot %&'())



    S.No De!ri"tion ,age Amo#nt R.


    1 "romoter 7ontri,ution 1CE 38FCC

    8 Su,sid% Soft 5oan 8AE 43C4A

    3 erm 5oan FCE 141CAC

      Total -%(())


  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    #alifi!ation/ igher E0#!ation re1#ire0

    No special qualication required for manage MPonlineios!" If you are graduate or post graduate then easily

    manage Kiosk Centre.

    Pro!e0#re of Management 2 

    • 1

    Examine your skills. It's not enough to know how to fx broken

    computers; you must also hae the ability to manage

    personnel! maintain accurate fnancial records! support basic

    store operations! manage and consere resources! and

    e"ectiely deal with customers. I# your background doesn't

    include one or more o# these areas o# expertise! plan on

    enlisting a partner or hiring someone with experience to help

    you in these ital areas.

    • $

    %tudy and adopt &best practices& #or hiring! training! and

    superising employees. Employees will present a direct threat

    to the success o# your shop i# they are poorly hired! poorlytrained! or poorly superised! according to %C(E! the %enior

    Corps o# (etired Executies! a leading non)proft business

    adisory association. Inestigate all applicant resumes

    thoroughly. (e*uire Comptia or Comp +, certifcation or some

    other proo# o# technical competence. -est #or customer serice

    skills! too. istribute a copy o# your Employee /anual. -horoughly train employees in store policies and procedures.

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



     -ake steps to correct any per#ormance problems as soon as

    they arise. (esole to terminate any employee who can't

    #ollow your policies and procedures; you cannot a"ord to risk

    your business on employees who are working against you.

    0rotect your business inestment by dealing with employees

    frmly! pro#essionally! impartially! and consistently.

    Establish #air policies and procedures #or handling customer)

    related problems. Customers may o#ten be unhappy with theresults or fnal cost o# a repair. 2e prepared to resole any

    disputes in a &win)win& #ashion i# possible. 0rint any

    disclaimers or policies on your check)in receipts or inoices.

    2e #air in your policies! but do not &gie away& your serices

    in order to *uickly resole eery customer dispute that will

    arise. In this business! the customer isn't &always right&

    because he or she will o#ten lack technical appreciation o# 

    your work.

    • 3

     -ake care with each repair 4ob that comes into your shop.

    Computers! and especially the hard drie contents! are ery

    aluable to your customers. o not take risks when repairing

    a machine. Keep care#ul notes and &patient& fles on each 4ob.

     -ake out a business liability insurance policy to coer serious

    mistakes that might harm a customer's computer or data.

    • 5

    Consere eerything6 time! money! supplies! and your ownhealth. 7eedless waste o# any o# these resources kills more

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    new businesses than any &tough economy!& according to

    %C(E. 8ork hard! but resole to work smart.

    • 9

    %tudy in#ormation pertaining to computers! computer repairs!

    and business management practices continually. :ou must

    stay in#ormed o# new deelopments and constantly strie to

    improe your own computer and business management skills.

    Computer parts needed to build your own personalcomputer

    Computer Case

    /other 2oard


    (+/ ) (andom +ccess /emory

    ideo Card

    0ower %upply

    %peakers or

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma




  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



     Procedure of Management 

     :ou can start your own business by putting together your

    own /0nline Kiosk. 2e#ore opening your Kiosk small

    business! you hae to take into consideration seeral

    #actors. -hese #actors will determine the success o# your


     :ou can ask #or help #rom people that you know so that it

    will be easier #or you to establish your business. /ost

    importantly! you hae to loe what you do so that yourbusiness will be success#ul.

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    #riends or relaties to donate old computers or parts.

     :ou can 4ust work on these so that you can add them

    to your store. %till! you hae to set a budget so that

    you won't oerspend #or your business.

    3. Choose a location. Choose the site o# your

    business. @or this! you hae to consider your

    competitors. Check to see i# there are other Kiosk in

    the area that hae the same products and serices as

    you do. It is best to set up a business in a location

    where you hae no competition.

    4. et necessary permits. -here are di"erent licenses

    and permits that you hae to get in order to start your

    business. -hese are re*uired in order #or you to

    operate legally. Aet the necessary papers that you

    need be#ore opening your business. Choose a name

    #or your shop that will stick in the minds o# customers.

    %elect #rom a number o# names to be sure that you

    are the only one who has that name.

    !. "arket your shop. -ell your #riends and #amily

    about your Kiosk so that they can spread the news to

    other people. :ou can also adertise in local

    newspapers or bulletin boards! or een post or gie

    out Byers on the street.

    #. $ncrease your sales. 8hen you are already in

    business! it is also good to add more products to your

    shop. :ou can add a game section and use#ul

    so#tware. :ou can een add a section where your

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    customers can go online. +nother idea is to hae

    discount computers to attract more customers. 

     Management of MPonline Kiosk 

     -hese are the basic steps that you will hae to go through in

    setting up a Kiosk. It is best to do your research frst be#ore

    starting any type o# business. 2y doing this! and by stayingin#ormed by taking online business courses #rom time to time!

    you can ensure that your business will be success#ul.

    %&er 'ree (ickup and )eli*ery

     -his is another way you can make yoursel# stand out #romother businesses in your adertising. I hae #ound that people

    are either too scared to unplug their computers or simply

    cant fnd the time to get the computer to you. -his is better

    used #or new businesses since the more busy ones may not

    be able to fnd the time to drie around or leae their

    store#ronts. +s #or making up the time and money o# traellingto and #rom your clients! 4ust include it in your prices.

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    %&er a 'ree Second %pinion

     -his #orm o# marketing is ery easy and e"ectie. :ou can

    mention in your adertising that you will proide a #ree

    second opinion. 8hen a client comes in #or that second

    opinion such as Dwhether the computer they are looking at is

    a good deal or not! you hae two chances to generate

    business. -he frst one is that the computer they are looking

    at IS a good deal and you probably wont be able to beat that


  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    the cars rear iew window! but allows you to see out #rom the


    +nother option is i# you hae a car that has a spare tire on the

    back Glike a %H! you can get custom made tire coers #or

    around J1)$.

    I# you hae the marketing budget! you can go all out and

    coer the entire car with your adertisement. I hae seen a

    hand#ul o# computer businesses do this to their cars and it

    looks great. o a search on Aoogle #or businesses that can do

    Dcar wraps in your area.


    I hae mentioned uni#orms on -echnibble many times be#ore

    because they are 4ust so important. + uni#orm can help build

    up credibility and shows your clients that you take your 4ob


    I personally wear a nice collared business shirt! dress pants

    and #ormal shoes. 8hen I arrie at a clients house! I hae my

    repair bag slung oer one arm and my Eee0C laptop in the

    other hand which makes me look the part o# a computer

    technician. %ome computer technicians who do consulting

    work #or large companies will also work in a #ull)blown suit.

     -his makes you look great #or the larger companies but might

    scare o" some o# the smaller businesses and home users.

    Choose the appropriate uni#orm #or the type o# work you are


    (eople )o usiness with (eople /hey 0ike

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



     -his seems pretty obious.

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    + lot o# technicians try to get more customers by proiding

    more and more serices being eerything to eeryone. +s the

    old saying goes “A j$ck of $ll tr$des is $ m$ster of oe” . It is

    o#ten a good idea to specialiFe your skills such as being the

    becoming a malware or data recoery expert. I# a potential

    client with a irus is looking in the newspaper #or a computer

    technician and are presented with 1 di"erent ads; will they

    choose you as the Dirus (emoal %pecialistsM r the 1

    other businesses who do networking! hardware upgrades! new

    computers and irus remoalM -hey will probably call the irus

    remoal specialists.

     Existing prolems in MPonline Kiosk 

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    /ost Common Computer 0roblems +"ecting

    2usiness wners

    Computer -roubleshooters specialiFes in

    proiding a #ull range o# onsite computer

    serices #or small and home)based businesses.

     Nust like your car! your computer should be

    getting proper! regular maintenance serice to

    preent it #rom crashing! locking up! catching a

    iruses and keep running smoothly.

     -he types o# serices and support that

    Computer -roubleshooters proides to small

    business includes Gbut is not limited to6


  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    •  +pplication %etup and %upport

    •  (egular Computer /aintenance

    • 8ebsite esign

    •  irus 0rotection and (emoal

    •  Internet %ecurity -roubleshooting

    •  (emote +ccess and iagnostics

    •  %erice 0lans


  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



     Solution for ao!e prolem

    1. "obile ,pplications

     -he problem6 @or small businesses! being away #rom the oQce

    makes it diQcult to share data and be aailable to customers.

     -he solution6 %ome R3S o# small business users beliee

    mobile deices make them more eQcient! said the /obility

    Edge (eport #rom C8. %martphones are the most popularmobile deice among small business users! while tablet usage

    is growing. Eernote is a #ree app that helps organiFe users

    across multiple deices! with the ability to take notes and

    capture web pages. %*uareis a mobile)payment deice that

    attaches to a smartphone to accept credit card payments on

    the go.

    2. ,nalytics

     -he problem6 %mall businesses are catching on that social

    media is where their customers are. 2ut how do they know i# 

    their marketing is e"ectieM

     -he solution6 DCompanies that fgure out how to harness and

    turn data into insights most e"ectiely will gain huge

    competitie adantages! said the %/2 study. 2eyond Aoogle

    +nalytics! Aecko 2oard is a hosted dashboard that integrates

    di"erent serices so users can see web traQc next to sales

    fgures. CraFy Egg creates heat)map website images so

    businesses can see exactly where users are clicking.

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    3. Cloud Storage

     -he problem6 =ack o# time and resources #or I- tasks can

    cause big headaches #or oerworked small businesses.

     -he solution6 %ome 5$S o# small and medium)siFed

    businesses are adopting cloud serices to outsource I- tasks

    like data storage! said the %/2 study.ropbox is a popular app

    #or sharing documents and photos across multiple

    deices. /icroso#t %kyrie o"ers the ability to replicate fles

    on multiple systems! said 0C /agaFine.

    4. "obile Security

     -he problem6 8ith small businesses depending heaily on

    smart phones! lost and stolen deices are a top mobile

    security concern! says %ymantec S"C  ,1.39SCorp


     -he solution6 %ecuring mobile deices with encryption or data

    wiping to preent thiees #rom accessing sensitie business

    data. =ookout /obile %ecurity 0remium is 0C

    /agaFines Editors Choice #or +ndroid security

    suites! enabling users to remotely lock! wipe or locate

    deices. Its signal Bare #eature helps locate phones when

    batteries die L also aailable in its % product.

    !. Web /eleconferencing

     -he problem6 Communication with #ar)Bung employees!

    clients and endors can be expensie #or many small


  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



     -he solution6 8eb)based telecon#erencing serices let large

    groups make ideo and oice connections! usually without

    special e*uipment L or sky)high phone #ees. (eigning

    champ +dobe Connect is Dthe solution to beat! said 0C

    /agaFine. Hp)and)comer @uFe /eeting 0ro o"ers innoatie

    #eatures like @uFe In #or dialing in late participants.

    +s technology keeps expanding the playing feld #or small

    businesses! the most innoatie solutions are helping

    companies manage their growing networks o# mobile and

    social media connections.

    'uture Challenges5

     -he benefciaries o# the pro4ect are citiFens! commercial

    organiFations and Aoernment epartments. -he /0nline0ortal hosts a number o# serices which caters to arious age

    groups and are utiliFed by the citiFens o# the %tate and the

    entire Country at large. 2y and large! we coer three main

    aspects o# %erices ) Education! (ecruitment and 2usiness to

    CitiFen serices.

    %tarting #rom ? and ?II Exams #rom "( oard of Secondary

    6ducation! a citiFen applying #or a 0ro#essional examination

    like 0E-! 00- etc. through 0ro#essional examination

    2oard 7+,(,"8 and "((SC %erice Exams. /0nline also

    has number o# serices #or the rural citiFens like/emporary

    ,griculture connections #or #armers.

     -he 0ortal is all the more popular #or the ease o# mode o# 

    payments aailable through Internet banking #acility with 5$,2817,2387818,00.asp,2817,2387818,00.asp,2817,2388117,00.asp,2817,2387818,00.asp,2817,2387818,00.asp,2817,2388117,00.asp

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    banks! CreditO ebit Card and through any o# the large kiosk

    network spread across the %tate.

    /0nline has presence in all 5 districts! oer 3$, tehsils

    and 1, blocks o# /adhya 0radesh. +part #rom /0nline!

    @our serice centre agencies hae been identifed under

    7EA0! $9 to set up C%Cs. -hese %erice Centre +gencies

    are +I%EC-! (eliance! C/% and 7IC-. /adhya 0radesh is

    haing proud distinction o# the only state where C%Cs are

    fnancially iable.

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    and more can be managed by a touch o# the fnger. +nd

    innoations in the technology hae helped bring the price way

    down. @ormerly enterprise)only solutions like touch)controlled

    oQce kiosks! interactie point)o#)sale terminals and een

    sophisticated employee inentory systems are now within

    reach o# the smallest small businesses. ne worth a lookM -he

    iew%onic ?$$5T touch)controlled monitor Gabout J3 can

    be installed in a store or medical waiting room as a low)cost

    interactie kiosk.

     -he Hncomputer

     -ech)say companies that need more desktop computers but

    don't want to spend big #or the frepower should consider a

    di"erent breed o# machine6 Fero)client 0Cs. -hese cheap!

    small units are! *uite #rankly! weaklings on the processing

    #ront))until you network them to a #ull)power computer

    nearby. Uero)clients hae been big)company tools #or some

    time! but recent price drops mean that a shop with 4ust a #ew

    seats can Fero out its 0Cs.

    &%ectors where data security! I- productiity and endpoint

    reliability are critical are a ery good ft #or Fero)client

    computing))specifcally! health care! fnancial serices!

    hospitality and retail! along with local goernment and

    education!& says Names 2uFFard! ice president #or marketing

    at 0ano =ogic! a Fero)client 0C manu#acturer in (edwood City!


    %peed Hp

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    Innoations in wireless communications come and go! but

    with serice proiders inesting heaily in blaFingly #ast =ong

     -erm Eolution G=-E networks! it looks like the technology will

    be around #or some time. -hough eriFon 8ireless was once

    the sole =-E proider! now players #rom +-P- to Aoogle)

    backed startup Clearwire are stepping into the arena))which

    means seeral choices will soon exist #or accessing the web

    while on the go as *uickly as you can in the oQce.

    &-he emergence o# =-E speeds has reolutioniFed the mobile

    experience #or small businesses!& says 8alt (ienbark! area

    ice president #or mobility applications consulting at +-P-

    /obility. &%alespeople will beneft by being able to collaborate

    remotely with their peers! easily reiew and share large fles

    and help preent serice technicians #rom making a second


    2ut you may not want to sign up #or =-E immediately. -he

    serice has its problems6 Coerage is still spotty! and there

    can be brutally expensie usage caps. 2ut! sooner rather than

    later! the technology may be so robust that a single mobile

    data connection will work in the oQce and on the road!

    allowing businesses to drop their pricey internet serice #or a

    single cheap =-E deal.

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    +uto Uoom

     -hanks to the likes o# @ord! A/ and -oyota! een small)

    business owners can stop thinking company cars and start

    thinking company Beet. +uto manu#acturers hae started

    o"ering low)cost business)oriented tracking tools and

    productiity #eatures that mirror the logistics packages o# big)

    time Beets.

    &@actory)embedded productiity tools help Beet owners

    present data like where ehicles are! drier behaior and

    dispatch options. +nd they make that in#ormation accessible

    #rom any computer!& says Ed 0leet! product and business

    deelopment manager #or connected serices at the @ord

    /otor Company.

     Nust be care#ul6 -hough Beet management tools are help#ul in

    fguring out which deliery guy can handle that last)minute

    pickup! improper utiliFation could make your sta" #eel like

    you're spying on them.

     -alking 0oint

    7o! don't toss your keyboard *uite yet. 2ut do think o# oice)control technology as an always)at)the)ready assistant that

    can help out when you're driing! caring #or patients or knee)

    deep in hands)on work. &oice)recognition tools also can be

    e"ectie in workplaces with document)intensie work Bows!&

    says lad %e4noha! chie# technology oQcer at 2urlington!

    /ass.)based 7uance Communications! which o"ers theragon AoV oice)recognition search app. &@or example! the

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    #ederal goernment has mandated the use o# electronic

    medical record systems to capture and share patient

    in#ormation. 2ut they tend to be hard to use! template)

    oriented and a good option #or oice recognition.&

     Future Aspects of Computer Business-

    I beliee that this inBection point can be described as going

    #rom personal computing to personaliFed computing and will

    be defned by tablets and smart phones that take all types o# 

    shapes! #orm #actors and designs that make the computing

    experience more personaliFed and customiFable. -his

    inBection point is 4ust as dramatic as when the 0C came on

    the scene and cut the chord between the main#rames and

    minis and brought personal computing local. +nother way to

    think o# this is that we are moing into a phase in which

    people want a 0C on their desktop and in their pocket.

    2ut! it goes een deeper i# you look at the 0C! tablets and

    smart phones as 4ust another screen in our digital lies. In the

    #uture we will hae a lot o# screens in our lies as well. +

    screen in our cars with a A chip in it so that our cars can be

    connected to the cloud at all times. r screens in our

    re#rigerator that is tied to application specifc #unctions

    related to the kitchen and #ood. r a screen built into the

    mirrors in our bathroom that is tied to the Internet and can

    delier custom in#ormation on demand as we get ready to

    head out #or the day.

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  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    epending on who you talk to! e)Commerce is either the

    greatest sunrise sector in India or a completely dead one.

    pinions on an e)Commerce startup can range #rom D-he

    +maFon o# India to DAoing bust by the end o# the *uarter.8hile there is no doubt that some players in the Indian e)

    Commerce scene are doing well! the perception o# the #uture

    o# these e)Commerce startups remains sharply diided.

    So whats really going on9

     -o understand what the #uture o# e)Commerce in India can

    look like! lets peek into whats happening in other emerging

    markets around the world that are presumably ahead o# the

    cure #rom India.

    e)/arketer estimates that there are $$ million online

    shoppers in China today Gdefned as haing bought at least

    one thing online! estimated to grow to 3$ million by $19.

     -hats compared to roughly 15 million in the H%. -he

    comparable number in India is 1 million right now. %o theChinese market is $$ times bigger than in India! and

    conse*uently has seeral e)Commerce companies

    either already I0ed and ac*uired or in line to do so. nly a

    hand#ul hae gone public in India so #ar.

    r you can compare with 2raFil Gwhich is presumably more

    like India! where there are an estimated 3 million online

    shoppers. /cKinsey estimates that almost a third o# these e)shoppers bought their frst item online last yearV

    India maybe behind the cure on the numbers! but they are

    growing #ast! and when they reach the $) million online

    shoppers! you can sa#ely assume that there will at least be as

    many e)Commerce players in India as there are in China. -hat

    is to say! there will be at least 1)$ success#ul! large and

    growing e)Commerce companies in India oer the next #ewyearsV

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    /he $ndia di&erence

    8hen it comes to India! though! you cant 4ust go by numbers

    and comparisons. -he thing we repeatedly hear is that India is

    a uni*ue market with uni*ue challenges! which also means itcreates uni*ue opportunities. Aien all this! who are going to

    be these success#ul e)Commerce players o# tomorrowM

    I think the success#ul companies o# tomorrow are going to

    look di"erent #rom the ones that are on the top now. -heres

    going to be 1)$ million new e)Commerce customers that

    are going to be up #or grabs in the next #ew years. +nother

    way to look at it is that in TS o# the e)Commerce shoppers o# 

    $19 still are aailable to be nabbed by e)Commerce sites.

    +nd theyre going to come #rom predominantly two

    categories. @irst! #rom -ier)$ and -ier) cities as the logistics

    and connectiity there improe and second! young people

    that get 4obsOpocket)money and start shopping online.

    ew Customers: ew Strategies%o what can be done by e)Commerce startups hereM I think

    its less about competing directly with the big players! but

    more about competing to ac*uire the new customers. I think

    there are broad things that could work

    18 ew 6;periences

    In many ways! the e)Commerce sites o# today are organiFed

    #or the class o# people that are already #amiliar with onlineshopping. I# you hae a rough idea what you want to buy! you

    go online and order it. 2ut #or the categories o# people coming

    online! theyre probably looking #or new experiences!

    experiences that dont exist yet.

    28 ew (roduct Selection

     -heres eidence that people #rom -ier)$ and -ier) cities

    arent sure what theyre looking #or online! and conse*uently

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



    dont know how to go about it. -hey may also be unhappy

    with or unable to fgure out the selection o# products aailable


    e)Commerce sites should use data! analytics and the power o# big data to fgure out products could appeal to these new

    customers. + power#ul recommendation engine that

    understands the Daspiration dimension may be the need o# 

    the day.

    38 ew Ways /o Connect

    @orrester estimates that localiFation is one o# the top #actors

    that will drie e)Commerce in India. + simple and streamlined

    shopping experience on the mobile phone is another area that

    can create di"erentiated experiences! as many peoples frst

    experience o# the Internet will be #rom their phones L @or both

    young people and #or people #rom the tier)$! cities. + good

    mobile shopping experience is still missing.

    %o it comes down to this L e)Commerce sites able to create

    new and interesting shopping experiences hae a chance with

    the new generation o# e)Commerce shoppers that are about

    to come online. -he e)Commerce game has not been won yet!

    and targeting the right market with the right experiences will

    create the next generation o# winners.

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma



     Experience of the Student 

     -his new inBection point is being led by tablets and smart

    phones but is bound to carry oer to a whole host o# others

    screens people might choose to meet more personaliFed

    needs oer time.

    n the sur#ace! the 0C industry and 0C companies who hae a

    history as hardware endors should see this as a new

    opportunity to extend their 0C design and manu#acturing

    prowess to this new extended personaliFed computing

    opportunity. 2ut that is not the case. +nd it is really unclear to

    me i# they eer will be able to extend their experience in 0C

    and laptop expertise to personaliFed computing.

    It gets een more interesting when you realiFe that hardware

    is actually only 1Ord o# the e*uation. In the #uture o# 

    DpersonaliFed computing there is also the apps and serices

    layer and then how all o# these work with and react to a cloud

    based back end.

    +t the moment! most o# the 8indows 0C endors realiFe that

    moing to a tabletOsmart phone extension o# their business is

    pretty tough. Indeed! the big guys seem to be putting more

    energy in the core strengths! which are enterprise computing

  • 8/19/2019 MPOnline (Eng)- Kirti Sharma


    and %/2. I dont think they will gie up but I suspect this will

    be a big struggle #or them to create DpersonaliFed computing

    deices that really add to their bottom line.

    • 7o/o#eration of Guide / Her% Good

    • Getting .-ard Re-ard during $ourse/ Nothing

    • Results ( Brom I sem to H sem ) :

    Sr!No! 7lass ,tained ut of Result (E)

    1 !7om! I Sem 88 CAA "ass C4!4AEJ

    8 !7om! II Sem 33A CAA "ass FF!AAEJ

    3 !7om! III Sem 33A CAA "ass FF!AAEJ

    4 !7om! IH Sem 349 CAA "ass F9!KAEJ

    C !7om! H Sem 3A8 CAA "ass FA!4AEJ

    TE END