moral values

Morality and Values In You

Upload: divyasarath

Post on 24-May-2015




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Morality and Values In You

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Definition of Morals

• Morals are the rules which people use to guide their behavior and thinking.

• When an individual is dealing with, or capable of distinguishing between, right and wrong.

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Definition of Values

• A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable


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Morals and Values• Our children are taught in various

environments- at home, at school, at church, at the movies, and they are taught by reading books or magazines, and by television and their friends. Whatever they are taught will guide them in their decision making and their problem solving.

• If morals are not taught our children will make decisions based on immediate needs and desires, and based on emotions, not on sound judgment.


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Traits of Moral Values• Responsibility

Being accountable in word and deed. Having a sense of duty to fulfill tasks with reliability, dependability and commitment.

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Traits of Moral Values• Perseverance

Pursuing worthy objectives with determination and patience while exhibiting fortitude when confronted with failure.

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Traits of Moral Values• Caring

Showing understanding of others by treating them with kindness, compassion, generosity and a forgiving spirit.


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Traits Of Moral Values• Self-discipline

Demonstrating hard work controlling your emotions, words, actions, impulses and desires. Giving your best in all situations.

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Traits of Character Education

• CitizenshipBeing law abiding and involved in service to school, community and country.

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Traits of Moral Values• Honesty

Telling the truth, admitting wrongdoing. Being trustworthy and acting with integrity.

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Traits of Moral Values• Courage

Doing the right thing in face of difficulty and following your conscience instead of the crowd.

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Traits of Moral Values• Fairness

Practicing justice, equity and equality. Cooperating with one another. Recognizing the uniqueness and value of each individual within our diverse society.

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Traits of Moral Values• Integrity

A firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values. Being honest, trustworthy and incorruptible.

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Traits of Moral Values

• PatriotismA love for and loyalty to one's country

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Traits of Moral Values• Respect

Showing high regard for an authority, other people, self and country. Treating others as you would want to be treated. Understanding that all people have value as human beings.

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