monoclonal antibodies and immunochemical techniques

I Government Gouvernement of Canada du Canada Canadian service Forestry canadien des Service forets Monoclonal antibodies and immunochemical techniques: applications in forestry research Leslie Ann Mitchell Information Report BC-X-258 Pacific Forest Research Centre

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I Government Gouvernementof Canada du Canada

Canadian serviceForestry canadien desService forets

Monoclonal antibodiesand immunochemicaltechniques: applicationsin forestry researchLeslie Ann Mitchell

Information Report BC-X-258Pacific Forest Research Centre

Monoclonal antibodies and immunochemical techniques:

applications in forestry research

Leslie Ann Mitchell1

Canadian Forestry ServicePacific Forest Research Centre



1 Leslie Ann Mitchell is a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Visiting Fellow at the Pacific Forest Research Centre

Canadian Forestry ServicePacific Forest Research Centre

506 West Burnside RoadVictoria, B.C.


© Minister of Supply & Services Canada, 1985ISSN 0705-3274

ISBN 0-662-13593-8Cat. No. Fo46-17/258E


Immunologic techniques employing polyclonalantisera and monoclonal antibodies as sensitive,highly specific probes for molecules in complexbiological systems are currently in use in manyresearch laboratories. For those forestry re­searchers unfamiliar with these techniques, thisreport describes polyclonal antisera and monoclo­nal antibodies and the principles behind their usein sensitive techniques such as radioimmunomet­ric assay (RIA), enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay (ELISA), immunofluorescence, immuno­chemical localization of structures in light or elec­tron microscopy, and immunoaffinity chromatog­raphy. The use of antisera and monoclonal an­tibodies in conjunction with other high-resolu­tion techniques (such as single- and two-dimen­sional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) in im­munoprecipitation and immunoblotting (West­ern blotting) techniques is also described. Thecontribution of monoclonal antibodies and anti­sera to gene identification and localization ingenetic engineering is discussed. Examples ofcurrent and ·potential applications of these im­munologic techniques in agricultural and forestryresearch are given.



Des techniques immunologiques utilisant desimmuns-serums polyclonaux et des anticorpsmonoclonaux comme outils sensibles et extre­mement specifiques d'analyse des moleculesdans des systemes biologiques complexes sontemployees dans de nombreux laboratoires derecherche. Nous decrivons a l'intention des cher­cheurs dans Ie domaine forestier qui ne seraientpas familiers avec ces techniques ce que sont cesimmuns-serums et ces anticorps et les principesde leur utilisation dans des techniques sensiblescomme les dosages radio-immunologiques(RIA), les tests immuno-enzymatiques(ELISA), l'immunofluorescence, la localisationimmunochimique de structures sous microscopeoptique ou electronique et l'immunochroma­tographie d'affinite. Nous traitons egalement destechniques d'immunoprecipitation et des tech­niques immunologiques avec transfert sur papier("Western blotting techniques") qui font appelad'autres techniques ahaute resolution (commeI'electrophorese unidimensionnelle et bidimen­sionnelle en gel de polyacrylamide). Nous exami­nons l'apport des anticorps monoclonaux et desimmuns-serums al'identification et a la localisa­tion des genes en genie genetique. Nous etudionsdes exemples d'applications actuelles et poten­tielles de ces techniques dans la recherche inte­ressant les domaines agricole et forestier.


Table of Contents


Introduction 6

The immune response....................................................................... 6Antigens 6Antibodies 7Antisera 9

Monoclonal antibodies 10Monoclonal antibodies vs. antisera 10Procedure for producing monoclonal antibodies 10Advantages of monoclonal antibodies 13

Immunochemical techniques and their applications 13Radioimmunometric assay (RIA) 14Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 14Other immunoassays............................. 14Immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry 18Immunoaffinity chromatography..... 19Immunoblotting techniques........................................................ 19Immunoprecipitation 20Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 21Genetic engineering.................................................................... 23

Conclusion 23

References........................................................................................ 24




1 Antigens................................................................................... 62 Antibody structure.................................................................... 83 Clonal selection: An antibody response to a multivalent

antigen.................................................................................. 84 Clonal expansion...................................................................... 95 Preparing an antiserum............................................................. 96 Monoclonal antibodies vs. antisera 117 Procedure for producing monoclonal antibodies 128 Radioimmunometric assays (RIAs) 149 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) 151Q Sandwich assays........................................................................ 1611 Competitive inhibition assays 1612 Immunoaffinity chromatography 1813 Immunoblotting 1914 Immunoprecipitation................................................................ 2015 Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of

mouse serum proteins........................................................... 2116 Monoclonal antibodies and genetic engineering 22



1 Some properties of human antibody classes............................... 7


Forest biology researchers often require sensi­tive, rapid and inexpensive methods for locating,identifying and measuring both ~icroorganisms

and biochemicals in plant and insect tissues, soilsor the environment. For example, accurate de­tection methods are needed for pathogens suchas bacteria and fungi in seeds, seedlings andmature tree tissues so that early and appropriatecontrol measures may be taken and also for seedcertification. Sensitive methods are also requiredfor monitoring levels of pathogens such as fungior levels of biologic control agents such asviruses in insect tissues for the evaluation andmanagement of insect-borne disease or biologicalcontrol programs. Forestry researchers are alsoseeking high-resolution techniques to facilitatestudies of species relationships (for instance,among insect pests, seeds of different origin,. pol­lens and races of fungal pathogens differing invirulence or host range) or to quantitate growthregulators (e.g., cytokinins influencing coneproduction) or other biochemical changes suchas the synthesis of phytoalexins in host tissues inresponse to fungal, bacterial or other pathogens,Forest and agriculture biologists are also develop­ing techniques which permit the identification ofproteins (or other biological substances) associat­ed with disease resistance to facilitate the classifi­cation of superior genetic stock and ultimately toidentify and isolate resistance genes for use ingenetic engineering.

Sensitive, high-resolution techniques originallydeveloped for the study of human and animal sys­tems are being adapted for use in agriculture andforestry research. Immunologic techniquesemploying antisera or monoclonal antibodies,used alone or in conjunction with other high­resolution systems (such as polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis) constitute one group of thesenewly adapted technologies. Although they arenot without some problems and limitations,these techniques are very powerful and extremelysensitive.

This information report, which is directed atforestry researchers who are unfamiliar with im­munologic techniq~es, describes the biochemicalnature and derivation of antisera and monoclonalantibodies and their use as sensitive and specificprobes in a variety of procedures.


The immune response

Immunology made its first impact on hunlanitywhen it was observed that vaccination with liveor heat-killed microorganisms would protectpeople from the diseases caused by these patho­gens. The word "immunology" derives from theLatin "immunitas" meaning "freedom frompublic service" which later came to be associatedwith freedom from disease. Although immunolo­gy originally dealt with the body's response to dis­ease organisms, it soon became evident that allvertebrates (and some invertebrates) are capableof recognizing foreign substances and of makingspecific responses against them.


Foreign substances that induce immune reosponses are called antigens. Almost any sub­stance may be antigenic (immunogenic) if theanimal's immune system perceives it as foreign.Antigens may be proteins, lipids, carbohydratesor even small molecules. For practical purposes,an antigen may be considered as any substancethat a researcher might wish to detect using im­munological techniques (e.g., a virus, fungus,enzyme, growth regulator or insect component).

Most antigens are multivalent, i.e., they containseveral regions called antigenic sites (Fig. 1).Each antigenic site on the antigen molecule iscapable of stimulating a different aspect of theimmune system.

Antigenic sites

t \


Fig. 1. Antigens. An antigen is a foreign moleculewhich, upon entering the body, induces animmune response. Most antigens are multi­valent, i.e., they have several antigenic sub­regions called antigenic sites.


White blood\cells called lymphocytes respond toforeign substances entering our bodies. Thesecells are found in lymphoid organs such as thespleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, tonsils andappendix as well as in t'he blood.

Antigens cause some lymphocytes to proliferateand change into cells which synthesize and se­crete substances called antib09ies (or immuno­globulins, abbreviated "Ig"). The antibodiesbind specifically to the foreign molecule andeither neutralize its activity or clear it from t.hebody. Antibodies are fairly large, multichaincarbohydrate-containing proteins ranging inmolecular weight from 150 000 to 900 000 Dal­tons. There are several different classes ofantibodies. Some physical and biological proper­ties of human antibodies are listed in Table 1.Ihe immunoglobulin classes differ in molecularweight, carbohydrate content and serum half-life.

Antibodies are found in various places within thebody: in the blood, lymphoid organs, gut and res­piratory tract linings. Different classes of antibod­ies function somewhat differently in the clearanceof foreign substances from the body. Also, morethan one class of antibody can be generated in animmune response. However, all antibody classes


have one thing in common: their absolute speci­ficity for the antigenic substance which elicitedtheir formation.

Figure 2 is a schematic representation of an anti­body molecule. Antibodies of all classes aremade up of similar unit structures. For exampleIgG antibodies resemble the structure shown inFigure 2, while IgM antibodies contain five suchunits linked together as a pentamer. An, antibodymolecule is composed of two light and two heavypolypeptide chains held together by disulfidebonds. The sequence of amino acids in theamino-terminals (NT) of the heavy and lightchains are unique for a given species of antibodywhile the remaining amino acids are constant fora given heavy chain class or light chain type. Theunique sequences of amino acids form the anti­gen binding site of the antibody. There are twoidentical binding sites per antibody monomer asrepresented in Figure 2. They are folded in sucha way that they are complementary to a particularantigenic site on the antigen to which they bind.Thus, the size, shape and amino acid lining of theantigen binding site are different for everyantibody. This provides antibody molecules withtheir unique specificites. Therefore, differentmolecular antibody species are able to recognizeunique regions on foreign substances which arenot distinguishable by other means. For exam-

Table 1. Some properties of human antibody classes

Molecular ConcentrationAntibody weight Carbohydrate in serum Half-life

class (Daltons) content (%) (mg/ml) (days)

IgG1 146000 2-3 9 12±5IgG2 146 boo 2-3 3 20±2IgG3 165 000 2-3 1 7±1IgG4 146000 2-3 0.5 21±2.5IgM 970000 9-12 1.2 5IgA 160000 7-11 2.0 6IgD 170000 10-12 0.06 3IgE 188 000- 12 0.0002 2.5-4


Adapted from Nisonoff (1982)



Fig. 2. Antibody structure. The immunoglobulin G(IgG) molecule represented here is the pro­totype of antibody structure. It consists oftwo light chains (L) and two heavy chains(H) covalently-linked. The amino-terminal(NT) regions of both light and heavy chainsare highly variable (V) in amino acid se­quences, while the carboxy-terminal (CT)ends of the chains are relatively constant (C)for a given class of antibody molecule.

~/ Lymphocyte1

c> ·~Antigen Ly mPhOCy te




Antigen Clonal ~ Specific antibodycommitment ~ expansion synthesis

Fig. 3. Clonal selection: an antibody response to a multivalent antigen.When a multivalent antigen is injected into an animal, each an­tigenic site is recognized by a different lymphocyte which bearson its surface (as an antigen receptor) antibody moleculeswhich fit onto that particular antigenic site. When the surfaceantibody (receptor) on the lymphocyte binds to the antigenicsite; the lymphocyte is triggered into cell division (clonalexpansion) and antibody synthesis.



1. Inject antigen (e.g.Sirococcus) emulsifiedwith adj uvant


Cell division

2. Wait 2-4 weeks and repeatthe injection

3. Wait 2-4 weeks and bleedrabbit


~ X~

1~. ~

)' 1 X X)'1 )' ;rAntibodies

~Serum :

4. Allow blood to clot thenremove seru m and testfor antibody content



Fig. 4. Clonal expansion. A Iynlphocyte upon inter­acting with an antigenic site undergoes celldivision giving rise to identical daughterIynlphocytes. This Iynlphocyte clone synthe­sizes antibodies which are identical to that ex­pressed on the surface of the parentIynlphocyte.

pIe, a single antibody species may be able to dis­tinguish between closely related viral subtypesthus allowing variants to be identified.


Most foreign molecules entering our bodies havemore than one antigenic site on their surfaces.Thus, the immune system responds to severaldifferent parts of the antigenic molecule. As aresult, individual lymphocytes respond different­ly, each lymphocyte producing antibody of aunique specificity for a single antigenic site. Thisphenomenon is illustrated in f'igure 3. Each lym­phocyte triggered by the antigen proliferates(clonal expansion) and its progeny differentiate

Fig. 5. Preparing an antiserum. An antiserum is pre­pared by injecting an animal (mice, rats,rabbits, goats, sheep are often used) withantigen (e.g. the fungus, Sirococcus strobi/i­nus) mixed with adjuvant, an agent which en­hances the immune response. The animal'slymphocytes synthesize and secrete antibod­ies which accumulate in the blood.

into cells which synthesize and secrete antibodyof the same specificity as the parent lymphocyte(Fig. 4). Therefore, when a foreign moleculeenters our bodies the antibody response is hete­rogeneous (polyclonal) as several different lym­phocyte clones will be triggered by different an­tigenic sites on the same foreign molecule. Theseantibodies will usually appear in the blood andcan be isolated in serum after the red and whitecells have been removed. Such a complex mix­ture of antibodies, which recognizes all parts ofthe antigen, is called an antiserum.

In the laboratory, antisera are prepared by inject­ing animals (usually rabbits) with antigen such asthe fungus Sirococcus (Fig. 5) . In order to"tune-up" the animal's immune system the anti-

gen is usually emulsified with an adjuvant (a sub­stance which nonspecifically enhances the im­mune response). The emulsion also slows downthe release of antigen thereby prolonging expo­sure and increasing the numbers of lymphocytesresponding. Usually several injections of antigenare given at two- to four-week intervals. Therabbit is then bled and the serum fraction, whichin the example shown in Figure 5 will containanti-Sirococcus antibodies, is collected. In thisway, an antiserum can be raised to almost anysubstance as long as the rabbit's immune systemperceives it as foreign. Antisera can then be usedin a variety of immunologic tests to identify anti­gens in complex mixtures or tissues.

One problem with using antisera is that they maynot always distinguish between similar antigens(for example, coat proteins obtained fromclosely related viruses). Because they are mix­tures of antibodies directed to all antigenic siteson the antigen, antisera will react with not onlyunique regions on similar molecules but alsocommon, shared regions. To distinguish betweenrelated molecules it is necessary to isolate thoseantibodies which recognize unique molecularregions.

Monoclonal antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies vs. antisera

A technique devised by Cesar Milstein andGeorges Kohler in the mid 1970s (Kohler andMilstein 1975; Kohler et al. 1978) has enabledthe isolation and immortalization of lymphocyteclones each of which produces antibody of aunique specificity. The antibody molecules pro­duced by each lymphocyte clone bind to a singleantigenic site on the antigen used to elicit theirformation. Such antibodies are 9alled monoclonalantibodies. In effect, an antiserum could be con~

sidered to be a collection of monoclonal antibod­ies (Fig. 6).

To obtain monoclonal antibodies lymphocytesmust be separated from one another after theyhave been triggered by antigen. It is possible tophysically isolate single cells by diluting out lym­phocytes in culture medium in microtiter platesso that each well of the plate will contain a singlecell (limiting dilution). However, the major


drawback is that normal lymphocytes will live foronly a few days in a laboratory culture. Incontrast, cancerous white blood cells can growand divide indefinitely in culture. In the tech­nique of Milstein and Kohler, antigen-reactivenormal lymphocytes are fused to cancerouswhite blood cells (myeloma cells) to form ahybrid cell called a hybridoma. The hybridomaacquires the antibody-producing capacity andspecificity of the normal lymphocyte and the abil­ity to grow indefinitely in culture from the myelo­ma partner. When the hybridomas are isolatedfrom each other (by diluting out in culturemedium or soft agarose) they proliferate intoclones each of which produces monoclonalantibody.

Procedure for producing monoclonalantibodies

The standard procedure for deriving monoclonalantibodies is illustrated in Figure 7. The first stepis to immunize a mouse with the desired antigen.Three days after the last injection of antigen,immune lymphocytes are removed from thespleen and mixed with myeloma cells which havebeen propogated in culture flasks. Polyethyleneglycol is added to the cell mixture. This causesthe cell surfaces to become sticky and promotescell fusion. The cells are then dispensed into mul­tiwell culture plates containing a special culturemedium called HAT (an abbreviation for hypo­xanthine, aminopterin and thymidine). Thismedium kills all unfused cells and allows only hy­bridoma cells to survive. After several daysculture, the medium from each well is tested forspecific antibody which is secreted into the cul­ture medium by the hybridoma cells. At thispoint more than one type of hybridoma cell (and

.......Fig. 6. Monoclonal antibodies vs. antisera. An anti­

serum is a mixture consisting of many dif­ferent species of antibodies (each directed toa different antigenic site on the· antigenmolecule) because many different lym­phocyte clones are triggered by the multiva­lent antigen. Fusion of antigen-reactive lym­phocytes to myeloma cells produces hybrids(hybridomas) which secrete antibody andare able to live indefinitely in culture. Singlehybridoma cells may be propagated as cloneswhich synthesize and secrete monoclonalantibody.




Inject mouse with antigen

Myeloma cells

In vivo


I I IAntibody synthesis


+ o






In vitro

Antibodies of3 specificitiessecreted intoblood serum


Hybridoma cells

2 3


Propagate in cultureRelease antibody intoculture fluid

Each antibodyspecies reactswith its specificantigenic site

Antigen Monoclonal antibodies


Injectmouse withantigen


Myeloma cells inculture

Mix and fuseSpleen cells(lymphocytes)

• °0 •• o

• 0

/ o. '"I \

Myeloma cells

Select hybrid cellsin HAT medium inmulti-well culturedishes

Assay for antibody


Assay for antibody


Inducetumors inmice

• :::=:-,.,


• Freeze in liquid nitrogen~ ~~~~ .. Thaw

~ ~ ~ ~ -------..Propagate ~~

desired clones ~

---------... Purify monoclonal antibody

~ ~ ~ Q

Q ~ ~

Q ~ Q ~

~ ~ ~ Q~ ~ ~

Grow in largeamounts

Fig. 7. Procedure for obtaining nlonoclonal antibodies. See the textfor details.

therefore, more than one species of antibody)may be in each well. Cells from each positive wellare then cloned by limiting dilution in culturemedium. The cells are allowed to proliferate andthe clones are. retested for antibody production.At this point it is highly probable that each posi­tive clone is deriv~d from a single hybridomacell. However, to be sure, the cloning process isrepeated once more and the wells are retestedfor antibody production. At this point themonoclonal antibodies from each clone shouldbe characterized biochemically to make sure theyare truly different species. After the secondcloning, stable clones of interest are grown in cul­ture flasks. Portions are frozen in liquid nitrogenfor later use.

Hybridoma cells secrete monoclonal antibody inlarge quantities into the culture medium. This an­tibody can be separated from the culture fluidwith relative ease. Alternatively, hybridoma cellsmay be injected into the perHoneal cavities ofmice. These cells grow into tumors secretingmonoclonal antibody which accumulates as as­cites fluid. The ascites may be collected and useddirectly as a source of monoclonal antibody oncethe cells have been removed.

Advantages of monoclonal antibodies

The advantages of using monoclonal antibodiesover conventional antisera are numerous. Rela­tively small amounts of antigen are required toimmunize a mouse which becomes the donor ofthe immune lymphocytes and it is not essentialthat the antigen be pure. These are attractive fea­tures when the antigen is in short supply or diffi­cult to purify. Once the hybridoma is established,antigen is no longer required. Therefore, with hy­bridomas it is possible to produce large amountsof antibody from very small amounts of antigen.In contrast, the production of antisera requiresthat animals be repetitively immunized with pureantigen.

Frozen hybridoma cells may be thawed and re­started in culture anytime. Monoclonal antibod­ies can therefore be produced in large quantitieswhenever needed. In contrast, raising antisera isconsiderably more expensive and it is necessaryto re-immunize the animals at various intervalsto maintain a constant supply.


Monoclonal antibodies are singular molecularspecies and thus are chemically well-defined,pure reagents. In contrast, antisera may showconsiderable variability. Also, an antiserumraised to one antigen may be partially reactive(crossreactive) with other biochemically relatedantigens and, as a result, may have to be absorbedby incubation with several crossreactive antigensto render the antiserum monospecific. Thus, theconsistency and availability of monoclonal an­tibodies permits standardized assays to beestablished.

The greatest advantage of a monoclonal antibodyis its specificity. Monoclonal antibodies may beused to identify even minor components in com­plex mixtures. They are capable of distinguishingbetween proteins differing in a single amino acidin the antigenic site recognized by the antibody.Such minor differences would probably go unde­tected with antisera, although the broader speci­ficity of an antiserum may be more desirable forsome purposes.

Immunochemical techniques andtheir applications

Once an antiserum or a monoclonal antibody hasbeen obtained it may be used in a variety of im­munologic procedures to detect, isolate or purifyantigen in complex mixtures. Two of the mostwidely used immunologic methods for detectingspecific components in complex mixtures areradioimmunometric assay (RIA) and enzyme­linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Theseassays are also used to measure specificantibodies. Immunofluorescence and immuno­histochemistry are also used to detect antigen inmicroscopic procedures, while immunoprecipita­tion and immunoblotting techniques are used inconjunction with gel electrophoresis to locateand study antigenic substances in biologicalsystems. Antibodies may be used as vehicles forpurifying antigen from associated components byimmunoaffinity chromatography and also as ameans of gene localization in genetic engineeringprocedures. The principles behind several ofthese immunologic procedures are detailed be­low, followed by examples of their applications inplant research.

Radioimmunometric assays (RIA)

Radioimmunometric assays are often used toscreen culture fluids for monoclonal antibodiesand to test antisera (Fig. 8). These assays take ad­vantage of the property of proteins and other bio­logic substances to passively adsorb to plastics.The procedure is as follows. Antigen is allowedto adsorb to the wells of polyvinyl chloride mi­crotiter plates. The solutions to be tested for anti­body are then added to the antigen-coated wells.Specific antibodies in these solutions bind to theantigen that has been coated onto the plasticwells. The plastic wells are then washed. Specificantibodies remain attached while nonspecific an­tibodies are washed away. Radioactively-labelledsecond antibody is then added to detect theantigen-bound first antibody, (Le.,if the first anti­body system was from a mouse, the second anti­body would be goat-anti-mouse immunoglobulinprepared by injecting a goat with normal·mouseimmunoglobulin as antibodies, themselves, mayalso be antigenic). This second antibody binds tothe mouse antibodies and remains bound whenthe wells are washed. Bound radioactivity isdirectly proportional to the amount of antigen­specific antibody in the first antibody layer.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA)


u Coat wells with antigen (0 )

Add solution containingantibodies (~Y Y) i.e., tissueculture fluids or antiserum,

Incubate 1-2 h

Remove fluids and wash wells.Only specific antibodiesremain attached.

Add radioactively-labelledsecond antibody (*)


Wash wells and cut

Count wells for boundradioactivity.

These assays (Fig. 9) operate on a similar princi­ple to the radioimmunometric assay. Antigen isallowed to passively adsorb to wells of polysty­rene microtiter plates. Fluids to be tested for anti­body are then added to the antigen-coated wellsand incubated for a few hours. The wells are thenwashed. Again, only specific antibodies remainattached to the antigen while nonspecific antibod­ies are washed away. Second antibody which hasbeen tagged with an enzyme (such as alkalinephosphatase or horseradish peroxidase) is thenadded to the wells. The second antibody will bindto antibodies attached to the antigen. Followingincubation with the second antibody the microti­ter plates are washed and enzyme substrate isadded to the wells. Those wells containing boundenzyme-labelled second antibody will be able toconvert the substrate into a colored reaction pro­duct which can be visually observed or measuredspectrophometrically. Fluorogenic substratesmay also be used to increase the sensitivity of theassay. Thus, the colored or fluorescent reaction

Fig. 8. Solid phase radioimmunometric assay. Mi­crotiter plate wells are coated with antigenthen overlaid with the solution to be testedfor antibodies. Specific antibodies bound toantigen-coated wells are detected withradioactively-labelled second antibody.

product is quantitatively related to the amount ofspycific antibody present in the first layer.

Other immunoassays

Either RIA or ELISA may be manipulated tomeasure an antigen (for example, a virus) incomplex biological mixtures. Two frequentlyused variations are sandwich assays and competi­tive inhibition assays.


Fig. 9. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA). These solid phase assays operateon a similar principle to the radioimmu­nometric assay (Fig. 8). However, in ELISAthe second antibody is tagged with anenzyme instead of a radioisotope. Boundsecond antibody is determined by measuringa coloured reaction product when enzymesubstrate is added to the wells.

E Product~ (colored or


Coat wells with antigen (0 )

Add solutions to be tested forantibody.


Remove test solutions. Washwells. Only specific antibodiesadhere.

Add enzyme-labelled secondantibody (E).



Add enzyme substrate (S):

Substrate(u ncolored)



0) Sandwich assays: In these assays (Fig. 10)antibody specific for the antigen of interest(for example, a monoclonal antibody to aplant virus) is coated onto the plastic microti­ter plate wells. Next, the solution to be tested(for example, an extract obtained from aleaf, seed or insect susp~cted of harboringthe virus) is added to the antibody coatedwells. The virus, if present in this complexmixture, will be pulled out by the antibodyadhering to the well even though the tissueextract contains many other substances.When the plates are washed the virus willremain attached to the antibody. The adher­ent virus can then be detected by addingradioactively-labelled or enzyme-labelledmonoclonal antibody specific for the virus.The virus-specific antibody will adhere onlyif the virus is present. Thus, this assay is bothqualitative and quantitative.

(ii) Conlpetitive inhibition assays: Antigencan be detected in conlplex mixtures such astissue extracts by its ability to inhibit thebinding of an antibody to its antigen in solidphase assays. Continuing with the exampleof detecting virus in plant or insect extracts,such an assay (Fig. 11) would be perfornledas follows. Plastic wells of nlicrotiter platesare first coated with antigen (i~e., the virus).In this variation, tissue extracts suspected ofcontaining virus are added along with la­belled anti-virus antibody (either a monoclo­nal anti body or an tiserum could be used). Ifthe virus is present in the tissue extracts, itwill conlpete with the virus adhering to theplastic wells for antibodies. Thus, the freevirus will conlpetiti vely inhi bit the binding ofthe virus-specific antibody to the plate. Thedegree of inhibition provides a quantitativedeternlination of virus present in the tissueextract and can be conlpared to non-inhibitedcontrol wells.

These assays are extremely sensitive and rapid.Picograms (10-12 g) of antigen may be detectedand results may be obtained in three to fourhours.

RIA and ELISA are now being used to detectviral and other pathogens in both plant and insecttissues. For example, ELISAs using antiserahave been used to detect prune dwarf, apple

mosaic, potato leaf roll and tobacco ring spotviruses in leaf and other tissue extracts as well as,potato leaf roll virus and barley yellow dwarfviruses in their aphid vectors (Myzus persicae andSitobion avenae) (Torrance and Jones 1982; Car­lebach et at. 1982). Antisera have also been usedin the serological diagnosis of Prunus necrotisringspot virus in cherry orchards (Mink 1984).Mycologists have used ELISAs with antisera to

~+ .'.•••}-: '.~•...0, 0o •••t: 0

Coat well with virus-specificmonoclonal antibody (Y ).

Add tissue extract suspectedof containing virus (+).

Incubate. Wash.





Coat microtiter plate wells withantigen e.g. virus (+).

Add labelled anti-virusantibody ("t )and tissue extractto be tested for vir·us toantigen-coated wells.

Allow competition for antibodyto occur.

If virus present it will remainbound to the antibody in thewell.

Add radioiodinated (* )anti-virus monoclonal antibodyor antiserum. If virus ispresent, labelled antibody willbind and will remain after thewells are washed.

Antibody will bind to both freevirus (in the tissue extract) andadherent virus (plastic wells).Wash.

Determ ine the amou nt ofbound antibody.

Fig. 10. Sandwich assays. These assays may be usedto detect antigen such as a virus in a complexmixture such as a plant tissue extract. Mi­crotiter plate wells are coated with virus­specific anti body (instea of antigen as instandard assays) then overlaid with the tissueextract. Virus present in the tissue extractwill be pulled out and will remain firmly at­tached to th~ antibody-coated well. The pre­sence of virus in the wells may be confirmedby adding more virus-specific anti body anddetecting this as in routine radioimmunomet­ric assays or ELISAs.

Fig. 11. Competitive inhibition assays. An antigensuch as virus in a complex mixture such asplant tissue extract may be quantitated by itsability to inhibit the binding of virus-specificantibody to virus-coated microtiter platewells. Virus present in the tissue extract willreduce the amount of antibody available tobind to the solid phase antigen in the well.Antibody bound to virus-coated wells isdetected as in routine radioimm unometricassays or ELISAs.

detect fungal structural elements and toxic pro­ducts such as: Epichloe typhina in tall fescue(Johnson et ale 1983; Johnson et ale 1982), phyto­toxins of Ceratocystis ulmi in elm (Scheffer andElgersma 1981) , and Phonia tracheiphila, thecausative agent of Malsecco disease in lemon andother citrus trees (Nachmias et ale 1979). Mono­clonal ELISAs are being developed to detectTristeza virus in citrus trees (Dr. D.J. Gumpf,Dept. of Plant Pathology, University of Californiaat Riverside, personal communication). Dor­worth, et ale 1977; Dorworth 1974; Dorworthand Krywienczyk 1975) and others (Wendler etale 1981) have used other less sensitive serologictechniques to study races of Gremmeniella abieti­na (the causative agent of scleroderris canker ofconifers) differing in virulence.

Antisera or monoclonal antibodies have beenemployed in solid phase assays to distinguish be­tween viral subtypes and different species offungi. For example, ELISAs using antisera havedistinguished between species of carlaviruses(Adams and Barbara 1982) and different speciesof endomycorrhizal fungi (Aldwell et ale 1983).Monoclonal antibodies have been used success­fully in ELISA to distinguish plant viruses whichare poorly immunogenic in rabbits and thus,cannot be studied with conventional antisera(Dr. E. L. Halk, American Type - Culture Collec­tion, Rockville, MD., personal communication).Similarly, monoclonal antibodies directed toFusarium oxysporum have been able to distinguishthis fungal species from other Fusarium species(Ianelli et ale 1983). However, closely related spe­cies are not always distinguishable using im­munologic techniques. Banowetz and his co­workers (Banowetz et ale 1984) were unable todetect immunologic differences (with antiseraand monoclonals) between Tilletia controversaand T. caries, two closely related wheat fungiwhich are significant in wheat exportation.

Monoclonal antibodies and immunoassays havebeen used to study molecular changes duringplant development and to determine biochemicalphylogenetic relationships. For example, mono­clonal antibodies have been used to compare andquantitate soluble and membrane forms of Avenasativa phytochrome (Partis et ale 1984) and toshow differential expression of these two formsin seedlings grown at different light intensities.Yee and his associates (Yee et ala 1984) haveused ELISA to compare bacterial and plant chlo-


roplast thioredoxins, while others (Singh andPreiss 1984) have employed monoclonal antibod­ies and polyclonal antisera in ELlSAs to studystarch and glycogen branching enzymes in bacte­ria and maize.

Monoclonal antibodies are now being used insolid phase assays to measure levels of plantgrowth regulators and to evaluate host biochenli­cal responses to disease. For exanlple, nlonoclo­nal antibodies have been used in immunoassaysto measure abscissic acid, indole-3-acetic acidand various other cytokinins in plant extracts(Mertens ef al.1984). In forestry research,antibodies prepared to zeatin riboside and iso­pentenyladenosine extracted fronl Douglas-firvegetative buds are being used in immunoassaysto measure levels of these cytokinins as predic­tors of cone production (Morris et al. 1984).Hahn and coworkers (Hahn et al. 1984) haveused radioimmunoassays to Il}easure the phyto­alexin, glyceollin I in soybean roots infected withthe fungus Phytophthora megasperma.

Immunoassays such as those described abovecould be readily adapted for the detection offorest pathogens in seeds, seedlings or maturetrees, as well as in insect vectors. Immunologicassays afford several advantages over currentlyused tests. For example, the identification ofseed-borne pathogens using immunologic tech­niques would be advantageous for seed certifica­tion. Seed-borne pathogens are presently detect­ed by germinating seed samples or testing seed­lings (for instance, by inoculating tissue extractsinto appropriate indicator hosts). These tests areboth time consuming and expensive. In contrast,testing seed or seedlings for the pathogen usingsolid phase assays takes a matter of hours and isrelatively inexpensive. Furthermore, currenttesting methods detect pathogens in embryosand seedlings only, whereas immunologic tech­niques would permit pathogen detection in un­germinated seed. A further advantage is that test­ing may be done at any time during the year.

Immunoassays may be used to monitor levels ofinsect-borne pathogens or to measure levels ofvarious insect pathogens used in biologic control.The speed and sensitivity of these assays wouldfacilitate the management of insect-borne di­sease. Their application in monitoring the levelsof such biologic control agents as nucleopoly­hedrosis virus in Douglas-fir tussock moth larvae

might aid in determining optimum times andamounts of virus application.

Immunofluorescence andimmunohistochemistry


'< yy



Sepharose Antibody coupled

to sepharose

Antisera or monoclonal antibodies may be usedas probes to detect any antigenic substance inplant or insect tissues using fluorescencemicroscopy. The specific antibody itself may betagged with a fluorochrome such as fluoresceinor rhodamine (direct immunofluorescence) or afluorescent second antibody may be used (indi­rect immunofluorescence). Alternatively, thespecific antibody may be tagged with an enzyme,such as peroxidase, which will convert a substrateto a colored reaction product. Antibodies taggedwith electron-dense materials such as ferritin areuseful for ultrastructural studies with electronmicroscopy.

Polyclonal antisera and monoclonal antibodieshave been used in a variety of immunohisto­chemical applications in plant research. Forexample, immunofluorescence has been used todistinguish vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal(VAM) fungi from other fungal species (Wilsonet a/. 1983) and to differentiate several species ofVAM fungi (Kough et a/. 1983). Antisera havealso been employed in immunofluorescence mi­croscopy to localize Ceratocystis u/mi toxins inelm (Ipsen and Abul-Hajj 1982) and Phaeo/usschweinitzii (conifer root and butt rot fungus) pro­pagules in soil samples (Dewey et a/. 1984). Im­munohistochemistry has been used both to visu­alize fungal hyphae and to localize phytoalexinsin host tissue in soybeans infected with Phytoph­thora megasperma (Hahn et al. 1984). Antiseraand monoclonal antibodies have been employedin immunohistochemical studies of plant devel­opment. For example, intracellular transport ofthe lectin, phytohemagglutinin 'has been followedimmunocytochemically in the axes and cotyle­dons of Phaseolus vulgaris seeds (Greenwood andChrispeels 1984). Monoclonal antibodies havebeen used in immunofluorescence tests to studycell wall development in algae (Vreeland andLaetsch 1984) and phytochrome synthesis inAvena chloroplasts under differing light condi­tions (McCurdy and Pratt 1984). Also, antiserahave been employed in immunohistochemicalstudies of legume protein processing (Hermanand Shannon 1984)) and Avena globulin localiza-

Fig. 12.

Complex mixturecontaining antigen

Discard effluent

Wash column with:low pH

or high [salt]or chaotropic


Pure antigen

Immunoaffinity chromatography. Antibodiesmay be used to selectively isolate their anti­gens from complex mixtures by affinitychromatography. Specific antibodies arecoupled to a chromatographic medium suchas agarose and poured into a column. Whenthe complex mixture is passed through thecolumn, antigen adheres to the Sepharose­bound antibodies while all other elementspass on through. Antigen can then be elutedfrom the column.

tion (Chan and Zee 1984) during several devel­opmental stages.

Immunoaffinity chromatography

Monoclonal antibodies may be used in the isola­tion and purification of minor components incomplex mixtures using affinity chromatography(Fig. 12). In this technique, antibody is chemical­ly coupled to agarose beads (Sepharose 4B)which are then poured into a chromatographiccolumn. The complex mixture containing theantigen to which the monoclonal antibody isdirected is poured over the column. The antigenwill bind to the antibody on the beads while theremainder of the mixture passes through thecolumn and is discarded with the effluent. Theantigen is then dissociated from the beads bywashing the column with a low-pH or high-saltbuffer or a chaotropic agent. Using affinity chro­matography it is possible to achieve a 1000-foldenrichment. This method could be applied to thepurification and enrichment of any substance towhich an antibody has been prepared.

In both forestry and agricultural research thismethod has been used to purify growth regula­tors, enzymes or other interesting proteins forfurther study and characterization. For example,cytokinins from Douglas-fir vegetative budshave been purified by immunoaffinity chroma­tography (Morris et ale 1984) with specificantisera. Similarly, monoclonal antibodies arebeing employed in the purification of severalother plant growth regulators (Mertens et ale1984).

Immunoblotting techniques

Antibodies may be used in conjunction with po­lyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the study ofproteins (and other biologic substances) using atechnique called immunoblotting (Fig. 13) or"Western blotting" (Burnett 1981).

In the first step, a mixture of proteins such as acell homogenate or tissue extract is applied to aslab of polyacrylamide gel. When an electricalcurrent is passed through the gel each protein inthe mixture will migrate according to its chargeand/or molecular size and the mixture will be ef­fectively resolved into separate protein bands.



Protein mixture is layered onto a tubeor slab of polyacrylamide gel andelectrophoresed.

:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:; Individual proteins separate into}}~{:}~:. bands according to their charge

and/or molecular size.

Proteins bands are electrophoreticallytransferred to nitrocellulose paper(NCP)

~~~t~t~~r NCP "Blot" is then developed withspecific antibody, then radiolabelledor enzyme-labelled second antibody.


Fig. 13. Immunoblotting. Proteins (or other sub­stances) separated by gel electrophoresismay be transferred electrophoretically to ni­trocellulose paper (NCP). The NCP is thenwashed with antiserum. Specific antibodieswill adhere to their respective protein bands(as originally obtained in gel electrophore­sis). The NCP-bound antibodies may thenbe detected by enzyme-labelled or radio­actively-labelled second antibodies.

The polyacrylamide gel is then placed on a pieceof nitrocellulose paper (NCP) and electrical cur­rent applied. The protein bands migrate onto theNCP in exactly the same relative positions theyoccupied within the gel- and stick. The "NCPblot" is then washed with antibody (usually anantiserum) which will bind to the band (s) repre­senting the antigen. The bands containing boundantibody can then be detected by washing theNCP blot with radioactively-labelled second anti­body and laying the washed and dried nitrocellu­lose paper against X-ray film. The radioactivebands show up as dark spots when the film isdeveloped. Alternatively, enzyme-labelled

second antibody can be used and the bandsdetected colorimetrically (as in ELISA) .

This technique has a great potential for the studyof protein biochemical relationships and for theidentification of specific proteins in complexmixtures. This technique has recently been ap­plied to the study of genetic relationships amongseeds from Pinus strobus (Eckert and Eckert1984) and in comparative studies of A vena phyto­chrome (Partis et at. 1984) and plant acyl carrierproteins (Ohlrogge and Kuo 1984).



Specific antibody


Cell or tissuehomogenate


Add specific antibody to cell ortissue homogenate.

Antigen-antibody complexesform.

Add Staphylococci

An alternate approach to locating antigens incomplex mixtures is immunoprecipitation (Fig.14). When specific antibody is mixed with a cellor tissue homogenate containing the antigen ofinterest the antibody will pull its antigen out ofthe mixture. In order to separate the antigen­antibody complexes ,C)taphytococci are added tothe mixture. These bacteria contain on their sur­faces a substance called Protein A which binds toall rabbit antibody classes and some clas~es ofmouse antibodies. The antigen-antibody cornplexsticks to the bacterial surface and can be centri­fuged out of the mixture along with the bacteria.The antigenic substance binding to the antibodiescan then be analyzed by polyacrylamide gel elec­trophoresis. The precipitated antigen can be seenby staining the gels or alternatively, radioactiveprecursors such as radioactively-labelled aminoacids or sugars may be used to label cell consti­tuents before immunoprecipitation. In the lattercase the precipitated antigens can then be detect­ed by autoradiography.

This technique was used to measure pero idaserelease of peanut ceHs growing in culture (VanHuystee and Lobarzewski 1982). In this particu­lar study biosynthesis and release of peroxidasewere monitored by the incorporation of radio­actively-labeHed methionine and immunoprecipi­tation with anti-peroxidase antisera.

[n forestry research similar techniques might beused to monitor the synthesis of growth regula­tors in vegetative buds under various environ­mental conditions or to measure the concentra­tion of maturational hormones in insects at vari­ous developmental stages.


Pellet:Staphylococci + antigen-antibodycomplexes.

Remove pellet.

Do polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis.

.. Antigen precipitated byspecific antibody.

Fig. 14. Kmnlunoprecipitation. Antisera or monoclo­nal anti bodies may be used to puB their re­spective antigens out of complex mixturesby immunoprecipitation. Protein A-coatedStaphylococci bacteria are added to facilitateprecipitation of the antigen:antibodycomplexes. The antigenic components maythen be visualized by doing gel electrophore­sis of the precipitated material.

Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis

High-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis is a powerful technique foranalyzing components of complex mixtures andcan be used in conjunction with immunoprecipi­tation and Western blotting (Pearson and Ander­son 1983~ Pearson and Anderson 1982). It canalso detect changes which occur in any tissue inresponse to disease (for instance, the increasedsynthesis of constituitive proteins or expressionof new proteins, phytoalexins, etc.).

[n the first dimension, the components of a com­plex mixture such as a cell or tissue homogenateor serum are separated according to charge byisoelectric focusing in tube gels. A pH gradient isgenerated in the gel and each component of themixture migrates to its isoelectric point (the loca-tion in the at has a a which the cnent has a 1 t c (rg f z .. tu


then placed at the top of a slab gel and electricalcurrent is reapplied. The components migrate inthis second dimension according to their molecu­lar size.

Figure 15 shows a two-dimensional gel of mouseserum proteins. When sensitive silver stains areused, nanogram (10-9 g) amounts of protein maybe detected in the spots. Comparable or greatersensitivity may be obtained when biosyntheticallyradioactively-labelled mixtures are studied.

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has beenused to study the effects of various hormonaltreatments on p otein synthesis in wing epider­mal cells during early adult and second pupalstages of the silkmoth, Antherea polyphemus. Inthis case, the a pearance of new proteins wasmonitored by biosynthetically labelling withradioactively-labelled methionine (Bryzyski andRuh 1982).

Fig. 15. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of mouseserum proteins. In the first dimension, serum proteins wereseparated according to their electrical charge by isoelectricfocusing in polyacrylamide tube gels. The focused tube gel wasthen placed on top of a 10 to 20% polyacrylamide gradient slabgel and re-electrophoresed. In this second dimension, proteinsmigrated according to their molecular size and weight.


Polyribosomesfrom resistantplant

+ Y yi Y

Antibodies toresistance protein (e)

Antibodies precipitatepolyribosomes makingresistance protein

Isolate and radioactively label (*)mRNA (~) from polyribosome

DNA isolatedfrom resistantplant, fragmentedand separated byagarose gelelectrophoresis

Radioactive mRNA is used as aprobe to locate the gene for theresistance protein on DNAfragment (----) in the electrophoretogram

Infect bacteriumwith plasmid

Insert DNA fragmentinto plasmid


Isolate DNA fragment containingthe gene for the resistance protein



Use bacterium to infectand transform non­resistant plant cell.

/Transfer DNAfragment to non-resistantplant cellby microinjection

Genetic engineering

New proteins or other biologic substances havebeen associated with superior genetic characteris­tics such as disease resistance. For example, newsoluble proteins appear in tobacco plants whenresistance is induced either by a hypersensitivityreaction to infection with TMV or by chemicals.Studies using classical genetic techniques indicatea single gene regulates the production of theseresistance proteins (Ahl et ale 1982).

Once biologic substances such as resistance pro­teins in plants have been identified, specific anti­sera or monoclonal antibodies may be used tolocate the genes for these proteins using a tech­nique presently employed in genetic engineeringin several other systems. In brief, specific anti­body is used to precipitate the polyribosomes en­gaged in the synthesis of the protein of interest(Fig. 16). Once these polyri bosomes have beenseparated from the rest of the cell's protein­synthesizing machinery, the messenger ribonu­cleic acid (mRNA) associated with the polyribo­sonle nlay be isolated. This mRNA, a genetic4'mirror inlage" of the deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) coding for the protein, may be radioac­tively-labelled, then used as a probe to locate the

Fig. 16. Monoclonal antibodies and genetic engineer­ing. Monoclonal antibodies recognizing abeneficial element, such as a resistanceprotein, may be used to selectvely immuno­precipitate polyribosomes engaged in itssynthesis as they will react with the nascentprotein chains on the ribosomes. MessengerRNA may then be removed from the polyri­bosomes, radioactively-labelled and used asa probe to locate the gene coding for theresistance protein on DNA fragments thathave been separated by agarose gel electro­phoresis. When the resistance gene has beenlocalized on one of these fragments, thatfragment may be excised from the agarosegel and transferred by microinjection to anonresistant plant cell growing in tissueculture. Alternatively, the DNA fragmentmay be inserted into a plasmid which maythen be used as a vector to transfer the gene,via a transforming bacterial species such asAgrobacter tumefaciens, into a nonresistantplant cell.


gene on fragments of DNA isolated from thecell. Once the gene has been located on a DNAfragment, the fragment may be directly trans­ferred to plant protoplasts by microinjection(Rasmussen et ale 1984). Alternatively, theDNA fragment carrying the gene may be insertedinto plant cells in the following way. The isolatedgene fragment is coupled with a plasmid, a smallpiece of extrachromosomal DNA which is able toinfect bacterial cells such as Agrobacter tumefaci­ens (Rempel et ale 1984; Caplan et ale 1983). Thebacteria containing the altered plasmid are then,in turn, used to transform (infect) plant cells. Inthis way a new gene may be integrated into theplant cell DNA. Thus, with genetic engineeringtechniques genes for disease resistance might betransferred to plant or tree cells growing in tissueculture. Presently') several laboratories are active­ly engaged in the construction of vectors for thetransmission of new DNA into plant cells (Rem­pel et ale 1983).

A recent example of the contribution of geneticengineering to plant resistance is in the identifica­tion and localization of the structural gene for theinsecticidal agent a-endotoxin in Bacillus thur­ingiensis (Gonzalez et ale 1982). This gene is con­veniently located on a plasmid in B. thuringiensis.Under certain conditions this plasmid will infectother bacteria. In this way the a-endotoxin genemay be transferred to residual bacteria normallyfound on plants and trees. Of course, success isdependent upon the ability of these bacteria toexpress the gene and to secrete a-endotoxin.


The fine specificities of antibodies - especiallymonoclonal antibodies - for their antigensmake them excellent probes for detecting sub­stances which may be present in minisculeamounts in complex biological systems.

This information report has described the princi­ples and methodology involved in generating an­tisera and monoclonal antibodies. The theorybehind several immunologic techniques employ­ing these sensitive reagents has also been given.Current and potential applications of these rapidand economical techniques to research problemsin forestry and agriculture have been described.


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