monday, october 21, 2019 6:30 pm clarkdale memorial clubhouse … review... · in the men’s...

NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OF THE TOWN OF CLARKDALE Reasonable accommodations may be requested by contacting the Community Development Department at (928)-639-2507 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Monday, October 21, 2019 6:30 pm Clarkdale Memorial Clubhouse Men’s Lounge, 19 N Ninth St. In accordance with Resolution #215 of the Town of Clarkdale, and Section 38-431.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Clarkdale will hold a SPECIAL Meeting Monday, October 21, 2019 at 6:30 p.m., in the Clarkdale Memorial Clubhouse Men’s Lounge, 19 N Ninth St. Clarkdale, Arizona. All members of the public are invited to attend. GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT The Town of Clarkdale endorses civil discourse. If you wish to speak at this meeting, please: Fill out a “Comment Card” and deliver to a staff person. When recognized, step to the podium and state your name and whether you are a Clarkdale resident. Direct all comments to the Board Chair. Do not enter into a dialogue with the applicant or other members of the public. The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of this notice will be duly posted on the Town Hall bulletin board, located at 890 Main Street, Clarkdale, Arizona and on the Town of Clarkdale’s website on October 14 TH , 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Mike Gray Project Manager 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is invited to provide comments at this time on items that are not on this agenda. Action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision on a later agenda, as required by the Arizona Open Meeting Law. Each speaker is asked to limit comments to FIVE MINUTES. 4. MINUTES: a. Consideration of the Special Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2019. 5. REPORTS: a. Chairperson and Members Report 6. NEW BUSINESS: a. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Site Plan and Design Review of application 092471, facility expansion of the Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery, APN 406-26-010H, located at 1341 State Route 89A. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: a. INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION on the Sustainable Development Guidelines adopted by Town Council on October 13, 2018. To be presented at the November 6, Regular meeting of the DRB. 8. ADJOURNMENT:

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Page 1: Monday, October 21, 2019 6:30 pm Clarkdale Memorial Clubhouse … Review... · IN THE MEN’S LOUNGE OF THE CLARK MEMORIAL CLUBHOUSE, 19 N. NINTH STREET, CLARKDALE, AZ. A Special


Reasonable accommodations may be requested by contacting the Community Development Department at (928)-639-2507 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.

Monday, October 21, 2019 6:30 pm Clarkdale Memorial Clubhouse Men’s Lounge, 19 N Ninth St.

In accordance with Resolution

#215 of the Town of Clarkdale, and Section 38-431.02, Arizona Revised Statutes, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Clarkdale will hold a SPECIAL Meeting Monday, October 21, 2019 at 6:30 p.m., in the Clarkdale Memorial Clubhouse Men’s Lounge, 19 N Ninth St. Clarkdale, Arizona. All members of the public are invited to attend. GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT The Town of Clarkdale endorses civil discourse. If you wish to speak at this meeting, please:

• Fill out a “Comment Card” and deliver to a staff person. • When recognized, step to the podium and state your name and whether you are a Clarkdale resident. • Direct all comments to the Board Chair. Do not enter into a dialogue with the applicant or other members of the public.

The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of this notice will be duly posted on the Town Hall bulletin board, located at 890 Main Street, Clarkdale, Arizona and on the Town of Clarkdale’s website on October 14TH, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.

Mike Gray Project Manager



3. PUBLIC COMMENT: The public is invited to provide comments at this time on items that are not on this agenda. Action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision on a later agenda, as required by the Arizona Open Meeting Law. Each speaker is asked to limit comments to FIVE MINUTES.

4. MINUTES: a. Consideration of the Special Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2019.

5. REPORTS: a. Chairperson and Members Report


a. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Site Plan and Design Review of application 092471, facility expansion of the Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery, APN 406-26-010H, located at 1341 State Route 89A.


Guidelines adopted by Town Council on October 13, 2018. To be presented at the November 6, Regular meeting of the DRB.


Page 2: Monday, October 21, 2019 6:30 pm Clarkdale Memorial Clubhouse … Review... · IN THE MEN’S LOUNGE OF THE CLARK MEMORIAL CLUBHOUSE, 19 N. NINTH STREET, CLARKDALE, AZ. A Special

DRAFT Design Review Board


A Special Meeting of the Design Review Board of the Town of Clarkdale was held on Monday, October 14, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. in the Men’s Lounge of the Clark Memorial Clubhouse, 19 N. Ninth Street, Clarkdale, AZ.

1. AGENDA ITEM: CALL TO ORDER: Interim Chair Prud’Homme-Bauer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2. AGENDA ITEM: ROLL CALL: Project Manager Gray called roll.


a. The public is invited to provide comments at this time on items that are not on this agenda. Action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision on a later agenda, as required by the Arizona Open Meeting Law. Each speaker is asked to limit comments to FIVE minutes.

No public comment.


a. Consideration of the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2019. Board Member Pierce made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of February 6, 2019. Board Member Branam seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

BOARD MEMBERS: Interim Chairperson

Robyn Prud’Homme-Bauer


Vice Chairperson Vacant Excused Board Members Michael Pierce

Michael Lindner Linsey Branam Matthew Kaempfe

Present Excused Present Excused

STAFF: Project Manager

Mike Gray

Interim Planning Manager Ruth Mayday

Page 3: Monday, October 21, 2019 6:30 pm Clarkdale Memorial Clubhouse … Review... · IN THE MEN’S LOUNGE OF THE CLARK MEMORIAL CLUBHOUSE, 19 N. NINTH STREET, CLARKDALE, AZ. A Special

DRAFT Design Review Board

October 14, 2019

Chair Prud’Homme-Bauer Aye

Vice Chair Vacant Board Member Pierce Aye

Board Member Branam Aye Board Member Lindner Excused Board Member Kaempfe Excused

5. AGENDA ITEM: REPORTS: Chairperson and Member Report:

No reports.

6. AGENDA ITEM: NEW BUSINESS: a. Introduction of new Design Review Board members and election of officers.

Staff recommended tabling the election of Board Members until the next meeting or until such time as a quorum is present. Board Member Michael Pierce moved to table the item until such time as a quorum is present and the motion was seconded by Board Member Branam.

Chair Prud’Homme-Bauer Aye Vice Chair Vacant

Board Member Pierce Aye Board Member Branam Aye Board Member Lindner Excused Board Member Kaempfe Excused

b. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Design review of application 092477, signage

proposed for Purely Splendid Spa, 915 Main Street, APN 400-03-160.

CDD Project Manager Gray presented the application with a Power Point presentation. Summary: The proposed signage is for a portable sandwich board type sign and optional window signage. The applicant did not supply all necessary information to determine safety of the sign in event of wind gusts etc.. Discussion followed the presentation. DISCUSSION: The applicant produced her proposed stuffed animal weight but lacked details to attach it to the sign in stable manner. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the achievement of this objective. Staff requested the Board extend approval for staff to work with the applicant and to approve the method of sign weighting administratively.

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DRAFT Design Review Board

October 14, 2019

Board Action: Board Member Pierce moved to approve the application with stipulations proposed by staff and to grant staff the ability to approve the method of sign weighting administratively. The motion was seconded by Board Member Branam. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Prud’Homme-Bauer Aye Vice Chair Vacant

Board Member Pierce Aye Board Member Branam Aye Board Member Lindner Excused Board Member Kaempfe Excused

c. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Site Plan and Design Review of application

092393, the approved APS Clarkdale Substation, APN 406-27-053B, located at 1591 State Route 89A.

CDD Project Manager Gray: Presented the application with a Power Point presentation. The presentation was interrupted by a member of the public with a question. At the conclusion, staff invited the applicant’s agent up to present renderings of the site and to answer questions of the Board. Board discussion following the presentation:

Chair Prud’Homme-Bauer:

• Requested applicant work with staff to implement sustainable development practices per the Town’s Sustainable Development Guidelines such as permeable surfaces and passive water harvesting

• Emphasized staff comments that emergency lighting should be equipped with an automatic shutoff

• Expressed dismay at stipulation for evergreen trees around enclosure – stated they are not as commonly seen in the area as other species like mesquite and desert willow

• Requested information around the stipulated 15’ buffer along State Route 89A as opposed to a 25’ buffer

• Wall design is boring. Clarkdale is an artistic community and the applicant should consider an RFP (Request For Proposal) process to integrate input from local artists

• Suggested improvement or relocation of the social path • Expressed appreciation of joint access with VVFD • Requested staff information about feasibility of incorporating passive water harvesting and

other sustainable elements

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DRAFT Design Review Board

October 14, 2019 Applicant’s Engineer Ryan Weed:

• Discussed aesthetics of the enclosure and landscaping, and how the features inter-face • Observed a dichotomy between the public’s concern to conceal the wall vs efforts to make

it more architecturally appealing • Pointed out public input demanded concealment of the wall • Recommended avoidance of translucent backing materials for the gates due to safety

(glass) and durability (plastic) but suggests a tighter mesh • Expressed concern for vehicle weight and compatibility with permeable surfaces • Discussed aesthetics of the enclosure and landscaping, and how the features inter-face • Expressed concern for the construction timeline when extending various processes

collaboration with artist community Expressed concern around artistic elements with APS criteria – possibility that artistic elements could make the enclosure more climbable. Possibility that APS could have other concerns, so they would need to be involved in discussion

Board Member Michael Pierce:

• Requested clarification as to visibility of the gates from various aspects along SR89A

Board Member Linsey Branam:

• Requested information on any code requirements around the height of new trees

Staff advised T.O.C Zoning Code Chapter 9 Landscape Design Standards does address this, but the specifics will be researched and brought back to the Board

• Can DRB stipulate the applicant plant larger trees than required by code • Observed the subjectivity around what people consider “art” and the associated difficulty

reaching consensus

Interim Planning Manager Ruth Mayday:

• Responded to discussion around evergreen stipulation. Warned against possibility of undermining the intent of Council

• Cited several reasons any discussion of incorporating artwork into the enclosure should be in the form of an informal discussion

Public Works-Utilities Director Maher Hazine:

• Offered assurance that site drainage had been examined and issues addressed • Supported the position that public comment pointed toward concealment of the enclosure

wall, as opposed to drawing attention to it • Supported Mr. Weed’s position that expansion of the buffer along 89A would entail

further encroachment of the wash, or diminishing the size of the substation

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DRAFT Design Review Board

October 14, 2019

Project Manager Mike Gray:

• Agreed to research T.O.C. Chapter 9 - Landscape Standards and get back to the Board with Minimum tree height requirements

• Responding to a question about the Town’s adopted Sustainability Guidelines, makes a distinction between code requirements and guidelines

• Responded to question about permeable surfaces and departmental willingness to work with the applicant to incorporate sustainable elements

Board Member Michael Lindner (Excused)

Board Member Matthew Kaempfe (Excused)

Public Comment: Clarkdale Resident Jane Henson:

• Asked questions regarding wall height • Requested information on site drainage and proceeded to advise the Town to do “something

a little more designed instead of just digging a ditch”

After seven minutes, the time overage was announced. Ms. Henson was allowed to continue.

• Ms. Henson makes further suggestions to incorporate art • States her agreement that evergreens don’t belong here

In response to resident Jane Henson’s erosion concerns, the applicant’s Engineer Ryan Weed and Town Engineer Maher Hazine indicated these items had already been examined and addressed. They explained details of the drainage plan and the Town Code requirement that if untoward erosion occurs, the applicant will be required to return and remediate the situation.

Public Comments closed. After discussion, Ms. Henson asks to return for comment. Board Member Branam requests this be granted.

• Ms. Henson made recommendations on shifting budgeted costs for the decorative gates to other artistic elements

Board Member Michael Pierce:

• Pointed out that budgetary considerations of private projects are not the responsibility of the DRB

Board Action: Board Member Michael Pierce moved to approve the application with the stipulations that:

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DRAFT Design Review Board

October 14, 2019

1. Automatic shutoff shall be incorporated into emergency lighting 2. Informal agreement with art community and DRB Chair to develop additional

features to enhance the site 3. The applicant will work with staff to incorporate sustainable elements

The motion was seconded by Board Member Linsey Branam. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Prud’Homme-Bauer Aye Vice Chair Vacant

Board Member Pierce Aye Board Member Branam Aye Board Member Lindner Excused Board Member Kaempfe Excused


a. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Site Plan and Design Review of application 092471, facility expansion of the Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery, APN 406-26-010H, located at 1341 State Route 89A.

ADJOURNMENT: Board Member Pierce made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Board Member Branam and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:11 PM.

Chair Prud’Homme-Bauer Aye Vice Chair Vacant

Board Member Pierce Aye Board Member Branam Aye Board Member Lindner Excused Board Member Kaempfe Excused

APPROVED BY: SUBMITTED BY: _____________________________ ____________________________ Chairperson Project Manager Robyn Prud’Homme-Bauer Mike Gray

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DRAFT Design Review Board

October 14, 2019

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1 DRB-092471 Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery

Staff Report Agenda Item:

DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Site Plan and Design Review of application 092471, facility expansion of the Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery, APN 406-26-010H, located at 1341 State Route 89A.

Staff Contact: Mike Gray Meeting Date: Monday, October 21, 2019 Presented to: Design Review Board Background: Michael Pierce has applied for Design and Site Plan Review for facility expansion and exterior modifications to existing buildings for the Bodega Pierce Tasting Room & Winery, located at 1341 State Route 89A, parcel #406-26-010H (Fig. 1 – Vicinity). The property is zoned (C) Commercial (Zoning Code Section 3-100) and it lies in the 89A Corridor Commercial Overlay District (Zoning Code Section 3-130).

Fig 1 - Vicinity

Bodega Pierce Tasting Room & Winery 1341 State Route 89A

APN: 406-26-010H

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2 DRB-092471 Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery

Staff Report

At their regular meeting on July 5, 2018, the Design Review Board approved a site plan, building improvement, landscaping, monument sign and associated lighting for the Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery for the building at 1341 SR 89A. Mr. Pierce is now planning additional phases of expansion, beginning with this application, Phase I. (Fig. 2 – Phase I Expansion) This new application proposes a 2,500 square foot accessory building (Fig. 3 – Crush Pad Building) and modifications to the exterior of the existing storage building to match the aesthetic of the proposed crush pad building. Fig 2 – Phase I Expansion Also included in the application is a small retaining wall on the West side of the crush pad. This building is essentially a partially-enclosed concrete pad on which fruit is reduced to liquids and solids, then separated.

Fig 3 – Crush Pad Building

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3 DRB-092471 Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery

Staff Report

Three different textures will make up the exterior walls of the building: The base will consist of approximately four feet of split-face masonry block, the mid-section will be clad in galvanized, corrugated metal and the half-gables in rusty, corrugated metal (Fig 4 – Materials Submittals). Sliding, barn-style doors are proposed on the enclosed sides of the structure.

Fig 4 – Submittal Materials

Fig 5 – Exterior Lighting

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4 DRB-092471 Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery

Staff Report

Downward facing, fully-shielded lighting fixtures are proposed as additional exterior lighting (Fig 5 – Exterior Lighting) on the existing tasting room building. The letter of intent states the lighting will only operate during business hours. Staff Analysis: There have been no changes to onsite traffic circulation, signage, landscaping, or parking lot configuration with this application No additional parking is required as anticipated additional usage is minimal. New exterior lighting is proposed as illustrated in Fig. 5 and will be Town Code compliant. The applicant states that the lighting will only be used during business hours. The applicant has provided submittal materials (Fig. 4 – Submittal Materials), and proposes, with this application, to remodel existing buildings to match the aesthetic of the new building.

The business is sited within the 89A Corridor Commercial Overlay District, which runs 500 feet either side of the centerline of the State Route 89A Right of Way. Staff has reviewed the criteria for compliance and determined expansion of the existing use complies. Staff finds the application, as submitted, is compatible with the surrounding environment, and promotes and protects the built environment of the Town of Clarkdale. Staff further finds that the proposal meets the criteria set forth in Chapter 11, Section 11-040 Review Criteria for Design Review. Staff Detailed Recommendations: Staff has determined the application complies with all code requirements and recommends approval of DRB-092471 Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery Expansion Phase I with the following stipulations of approval:

1. The site modifications shall be constructed and shall be installed as reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. A construction permit will be required per standard procedure.

2. All contractors shall have a current business license with the Town of Clarkdale.

3. Any changes to the design approved by DRB shall be reviewed and approved by Community Development staff prior to implementation. Staff may determine the application needs to return to the Design Review Board for review and approval.

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5 DRB-092471 Bodega Pierce Tasting Room and Winery

Staff Report

Possible Motions:

• I move to approve application DRB-092471 with the stipulations proposed by staff.

• I move to approve application DRB-092471 with the stipulations proposed by staff with the following changes/additions:

• I move to postpone action on DRB-092471 until a specific date and direct staff and/or the

applicant to provide the following:

• I move to deny the application for DRB-092471 based on the following specific reasons: Attachments:

1. Application, including letter of intent, site plans and building renderings.