mom's cleanse

Liver & gall bladder cleanse: suggestions how to clean the liver of gall stones, gravel & sand, improve your body's health, expel pollutants & toxins, get rid of allergies & eliminate most shoulder, upper arm & upper back pain by Dr. Juergen Buche, N.D., N.H.C., M.I., Phy.D. (on the basis of the liver cleanse protocol detailed by Dr. Hulda Clark ) Edited & published by Healing Cancer Naturally with permission. All opinions expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Healing Cancer Naturally. Liver and gall bladder cleanse This is a natural way to effectively and painlessly remove from the gallbladder and liver, most stones, gravel, crystals, debris and residues that hinder your body's detoxification and healing. It cleanses the liver bile ducts and eventually purifies the blood stream by making the liver cleaner and more efficient. It is not unusual to also void copious quantities of parasites from the liver during this cleanse; however, a parasite cleanse is indicated before and after the completed liver cleanse. This is a procedure you can do at home, over one weekend, using ingredients from a local food store - for a little more than $10.00. In addition, it is non-toxic, fast acting, has NO side effects, promotes increased well-being, raises the level of available energy, provides freedom from most allergies, and it helps cope with addictions. Although this procedure has been practiced with great success for untold generations, its common use has largely been forgotten, and in this day and age its propagation is not only unknown but even suppressed by the traditional medical system.

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Liver & gall bladder cleanse: suggestions how to clean the liver of gall stones, gravel & sand, improve your body's health, expel pollutants & toxins, get rid of

allergies & eliminate most shoulder, upper arm & upper back pain

by Dr. Juergen Buche, N.D., N.H.C., M.I., Phy.D. (on the basis of the liver cleanse protocol detailed by Dr. Hulda Clark)

Edited & published by Healing Cancer Naturally with permission.All opinions expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily endorsed

by Healing Cancer Naturally.

Liver and gall bladder cleanse

This is a natural way to effectively and painlessly remove from the gallbladder and liver, most stones, gravel, crystals, debris and residues that hinder your body's detoxification and healing. It cleanses the liver bile ducts and eventually purifies the blood stream by making the liver cleaner and more efficient. It is not unusual to also void copious quantities of parasites from the liver during this cleanse; however, a parasite cleanse is indicated before and after the completed liver cleanse.This is a procedure you can do at home, over one weekend, using ingredients from a local food store - for a little more than $10.00. In addition, it is non-toxic, fast acting, has NO side effects, promotes increased well-being, raises the level of available energy, provides freedom from most allergies, and it helps cope with addictions.

Although this procedure has been practiced with great success for untold generations, its common use has largely been forgotten, and in this day and age its propagation is not only unknown but even suppressed by the traditional medical system.

Purpose & health benefits of the liver/gall bladder cleanse

This cleanse is used to clean the liver and gall bladder of gall stones, gravel and sand to dramatically improve your body's health. The liver cleanse also has the ability to expel pollutants and toxins from the gallbladder and liver. You can expect your allergies to disappear more and more with each subsequent

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cleanse. Each liver cleanse "cures" a different set of allergies, suggesting that the liver is compartmentalized - different parts having different duties. Incidentally, a liver cleanse also eliminates most shoulder, upper arm and upper back pain.

We cannot advocate that this cleanse be used INSTEAD of a gallbladder operation (only you or your physician can make that decision after learning all about the benefits of this cleanse), however, since this procedure cannot deteriorate such a condition, there is an excellent chance that such an operation will indeed not be necessary after one or more of these liver cleanses. The main advantage is of course that a liver cleanse not only purges the gallbladder of it contents, but also does major house cleaning in the liver which an operation can never achieve.

What you get in these pages:

1) Complete list of ingredients for the cleanse2) Detailed instructions how to do the cleanse3) Precise schedule of the procedure4) Explanation of the reasons why this cleanse works as well as it does

Introduction & physiological background

One of the main function of the liver is to make bile, 1 to 2 quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubules) that deliver the bile to one large tube - the common bile duct. The gall bladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gall bladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes (or after ingesting the liver cleanse solution). The stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the small intestine and eventually to the colon (large intestine). Of course the gall bladder does not hold enough bile to neutralize all of the liver cleanse solution you have ingested. The empty gallbladder then signals its master, the liver, to dump all available bile forcefully into the common bile duct as well. In this fashion, the liver turns itself practically inside out and empties all of its available bile together with stones, gravel and crystals to

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condition (treat) the bile using the potent liver cleanse solution. Epsom salt serves to relax the tubules so that the passage of larger stones is painless and smooth. The Epsom salt also serves to evacuate the small and large intestines of feces.

For many persons, including children, the biliary ducts (tubing) are choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives, but some have no symptoms at all. When the gall bladder is scanned or X-rayed, nothing is seen. Typically, the worst stones are not in the gallbladder but in the liver. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a pre-requisite for visibility on X-ray. There are over half a dozen variety of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored. The green ones get their color from being coated with bile. When dissected and observed under a microscope, many have imbedded unidentified objects. Are they fluke remains? Many are shaped like corks with longitudinal grooves below the tops. We can visualize the blocked bile ducts from such shapes. Other stones are composites - made from smaller ones - showing that they regrouped in the bile duct some time after the last cleanse.

At the very center of each stone scientists found a clump of bacteria, suggesting a dead bit of parasite might have started the formation of the stone. Perhaps it is the liver's function to encapsulate parasite adults parasites to avoid getting destroyed by such an invader. That's fine for one or two, but how about thousands of such encapsulations?

Eventually the above-described defense mechanism turns into an immense blockage that keeps the liver from detoxifying and eliminating harmful substances such as solvents and parasites. You see, as the stones grow and become more numerous, the back-pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile, which is, of course the transportation medium for the undesirable substances. Imagine the situation of your garden hose having marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones and liver stones, much less excess cholesterol

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leaves the body and cholesterol levels may rise. A liver cleanse will invariably result in a lowering of cholesterol levels.

Also, gall/liver stones, being porous, can pick up bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasite stages that are passing through the liver. In this way, "nests" of infection are formed, constantly supplying the body with fresh irritating bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers (check also into Manuka Honey as an antidote for ulcers) or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these stones from the gallbladder and liver.


Liver Cleanse Preparation

Cleansing the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure you can undertake in order to improve your body's health. A liver cleanse should be done twice a year if possible. Ideally, it should be part of a semi-annual kidney/liver/parasite cleanse the sequence of which is very important and enhances the overall results.

Phase I (optional):Do any dental work first, if possible. Ideally, your mouth should be metal free and free of pathogenic bacteria. Ideally, all cavities should have been cleaned. A toxic mouth can put a heavy load on the liver, burdening it immediately after cleansing. Eliminate any tooth problem first for best results.

Phase II (optional):Completing a kidney cleanse before cleansing the liver is also highly recommended but not mandatory. You want your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract in top condition so they can efficiently remove any substances incidentally absorbed from the intestines as the bile is being secreted. The procedure is to procure several different herbs from a herbal supply house and concoct a tea which you sip, like a good wine, slowly, several times a day, for several weeks. The result are fine clean kidneys and no more urinary tract infection. It takes patience but it works! And it costs next to nothing!

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Phase III (this phase is also optional):Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark maintains that you can't clean a liver with living parasites in it and that you won't get many stones out, and you may feel quite sick. So, zap (see the end of this text for an address to procure a zapper or make your own with the instructions in Clark's books) daily the week before or get through the first three weeks of the parasite killing program before attempting a liver cleanse. If you are on the maintenance program, do a high dose program the week before.

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: For background on Dr. Hulda Clark and “zapping”, see Dr. Hulda   Regehr Clark's detoxification protocols  including long extracts from her books "The Cure for all Diseases" and “The Cure for all Cancers". For more on zapping, also see Parasite Cleanse.

The above OPTIONAL steps are always desirable, but are not mandatory because we have seen copious stone discharges, without the kidney or parasite cleanse prior to the liver cleanse.

Phase IV (mandatory):Drink apple juice for three days preceding the liver cleanse. For these three days, eat frugally, if you must, and then only small amounts of raw unprocessed fruit and/or vegetable salads. Every day take at least one full quart of high quality, unfiltered, preferably home-made apple juice. You should be able to see the sediments on the bottom of the container. The pectin in the apple juice helps to soften and flatten the stones in the gall bladder and liver. This will also help their passage through the bile ducts. This semi-fast also empties the intestines of their food content and makes the collection of stones less problematic.

Ingredients Dosage

Epsom salts 4 Tablespoons (not less !!!)

Olive oil 3/4 of a cup (light olive oil is easier to

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get down, use only the best cold pressed virgin oil)

Fresh grapefruit and lemons.Do not use concentrate or store-bought juice. Make your own.

Do not use concentrate or store-bought juice. Make your own. Enough to squeeze 1/4 cup of lemon and 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice for the cleanse itself. If you cannot get grape fruits then use only lemons or vise versa.

Ornithine (optional) 4 to 8, to be sure you can sleep.

Suitable jar with non-metallic lidShake your mixture well and gulp it down

1/2 cup of lemon/grapefruit juice

Use a couple of ounces of this juice each time to help get down the Epsom salt solution (four feedings) if desired

1/2 teaspoon of Vit C (ascorbic acid) powder (optional)

Use 1/4 teaspoon to lessen the effect of Epsom salts creating undue loose stools

Continue to Phase V - (Procedure)



Herbal Kidney Stone & Bladder Cleanse Recipe

by Dr. Juergen Buche, N.D., N.H.C., M.I., Phy.D.Edited, annotated & republished by Healing Cancer Naturally with permission. All

opinions expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Healing Cancer Naturally. © 2006

Copyright Notice

Note: Diabetics might want to immediately eliminate ALL artificial sweeteners from their diet. These contain traces of wood alcohol (methanol) which accumulate in the pancreas

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and invite the pancreatic fluke (a parasite). If you do, you must monitor yourself more closely for a while as your condition might improve significantly due to this change alone and you might need less therapeutic insulin.

Kidney stones...

Kidney stones begin as tiny crystals, much too tiny to be seen by x-rays. The passage of kidney crystals causes much pain in the entire abdominal area, particularly the testicles. Phosphates cause pain in the joints other than toes (Oxalic crystals). The passage of larger crystals cause of course much pain; but the constant low grade kidney pain and lower back pain and leg cramps are not caused by the crystals but by the bacteria that find these nutritious deposits, and ultimately it is the bacteria and their refuse (waste matter) that cause the pain.

Juniper is one of the finest herbs available for healing and restoring the kidneys. This action is so immediate that the ache of kidney pain can be removed within minutes after chewing a few of the berries. Juniper is available in any good natural food store.

Golden Seal can stop a bleeding bladder infection overnight or within a few hours. 


Cysteine Sulfur containing

Dicalcium phosphate Also causes common arthritis, hardening of arteries, spurs

Eliminate or largely decrease phosphate-rich food such as meat, breads, cereals, pastas, carbonated drinks. Increase fruit and vegetables and milk 2%, take magnesium oxide (300mg) one/day and Vit.

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B6 250 mg/day. Drink at least two pints of water per day.

Monocalcium phosphate

Also causes common arthritis, hardening of arteries, spurs

Same as above

Tri-calcium phosphate

Also causes common arthritis, hardening of arteries, spurs

Same as above

OxalateCause of lower back pain 95% of the time

Stones caused by oxalic acid in regular Orange Pekoe tea including iced tea (15.6 mg oxalic acid per tea bags). Also eliminate cocoa drinks and chocolate of all kinds.

Uric acidAlso causes gout and arthritis

Meat produces urea and its by-products. It is also highly acid-forming which requires more calcium from living vegetable sources to neutralize these acids.


Purpose of Kidney Cleanse

A kidney cleanse is done in order to cleanse the delicate kidney tubules and supporting tissues from foreign substances which have collected there due to the body's inability to eliminate them via the usual way, namely the ureters, urinary bladder and urethra (urinary apparatus). Maybe it is the body's innate wisdom to know that normal unassisted passage of debris would cause frequent and severe pain. Ask a kidney stone sufferer how much pain he or she endured the last time a stone passed. It is much worse than giving birth!

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The kidneys are one of the major eliminative organs. They must be thoroughly cleansed in order to prepare the body for any eliminative crisis which might result when further demands are placed upon them due to a liver cleanse, intestinal cleanses,improved diet and/or tissue cleanse.

Kidney Cleanse Frequency

A kidney cleanse should be done twice a year if possible. Ideally, it should be part of a semi-annual kidney/liver/parasite cleanse the sequence of which is very important and enhances the overall results.

Normal duration of the cleanse: 3 weeks

Caution: Persons [weakened in any way], those suffering from the eliminative process of cancer and special cases should do only half of a kidney cleansing regimen. This would be:

1) 1/2 dosage of kidney herbs for first five days2) Full dosage for two weeks3) Half dosage for three months

The following ingredients are used in the Kidney Stone recipe...

* 1/4 cup dried Hydrangea root* 1/4 cup Gravel root* 1/4 cup Marshmallow root* 1/4 cup Cleaver’s herb* 1/4 cup Uva Ursi leaves** Vegetable glycerin** Goldenrod tincture (leave this out of the recipe if you are allergic to it)*** 1 large bunch of fresh parsley** Ginger capsules (if unavailable in capsules - buy crystallized ginger root and eat a couple of pieces when capsules are indicated).** Vitamin B6, 250 mg** Magnesium oxide tablets, 300 mg 

Note:*    denotes... Part of The Kidney Cleansing Kit**   denotes... You purchase these items in a local health food store. It saves you

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       transportation and they are easily obtainable everywhere.*** denotes... Purchase this item at your local fruit and/or vegetable store.

If you cannot find these items please advise and we will procure them for you and send them to you C.O.D.

Note: The original Hulda Clark formula included Black Cherry concentrate. The reason was not given but it would have provided only a better taste to the herbal tea. We removed it because it is virtually impossible to obtain fresh juice without the cane sugar additives. Addendum by Healing Cancer Naturally: For more on Dr. Hulda Clark, see Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark's detoxification protocols including long extracts from her books "The Cure for all Diseases" and “The Cure for all Cancers". 



Measure and set the roots to soak, together in 10 cups of cold tap water, using a non-metal container and a non-metal lid (a dinner plate will do). After soaking for four (4) hours (overnight is better), heat this mixture to boiling and simmer it for 20 minutes. Drink a 1/4 cup as soon as it is cool enough. Pour the rest through a bamboo strainer (non-metal) into a sterile pint jar (glass container) and several freezable containers. Refrigerate the glass jar.

Boil the fresh parsley, after rinsing, in 1 quart of water for three minutes. Drink 1/4 cup when cool enough. Because parsley spoils more rapidly than the root mixture, refrigerate a pint and freeze 1 pint. Throw away the rest of the parsley.


Each morning, pour together 3/4 cup of the root mixture and 1/2 cup parsley water, filling a large mug. Add 20 drops of Goldenrod tincture and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Drink this mixture in divided doses throughout the day. Keep cold. Do not drink it all at once or you will get a stomach ache and feel

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pressure in your bladder. If your stomach is very sensitive, or you know that you have kidney stones, or are over 70 years old or sense pressure in the bladder, do only half this dose or less (see above for caution notice).

Save the roots after the first boiling, storing them in the freezer. When your supply runs low, boil them a second time, but add only six (6) cups of water and simmer for only 10 minutes.

You may cook the roots a third time if you wish, but the recipe gets less potent. If your problem is severe, only cook the roots twice. Also take:

Ginger (capsules): one with each meal - three (3) per dayVitamin B6 (250 mg): one per dayMagnesium oxide (300 mg): one per day

Take these supplements just before your meal to avoid burping.

Additional notes regarding this recipe

This herbal tea, as well as the parsley, can easily spoil. Heat it to boiling every fourth day if it is being stored in the refrigerator; this sterilizes it. If you sterilize it in the morning you can take it to work without refrigeration (use a glass container).

When you order your herbs from your own source, be careful! All herb companies are not the same! These roots should have a strong fragrance. If the ones you are about to buy are barely fragrant, they have lost their active ingredients and potency; switch to another alternate supplier. Fresh roots can be used. Do not use powdered herbs.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) is a common flowering bush. It is a remarkable herb and contains curative principles second to none in nature. It has alkaloids that act like cortisone and has the same cleansing power as chaparral but is specifically useful for preventing gravel deposits from forming. It is known as a remedy for gravel and helps relieve the pain

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when the formations pass through the ureters from the kidneys to the bladder.Hydrangea's principal uses are for: Arteriosclerosis, ARTHRITIS, Backaches, Caluli, GALLSTONES, GONORRHEA, GOUT, Kidney problems, KIDNEY STONES, Pain, Renal irritations, RHEUMATISM, URINARY PROBLEMS.

Gravel Root (Eupatorium purpureum) is a tall wild flower commonly called "Queen of the meadow". This plant is used in the treatment of renal or urinary calculi (stones) caused by excess uric acid (meat consumption); hence it is also useful as an astringent tonic, diuretic, stimulant, antilithic and anti-rheumatic in GOUT and RHEUMATISM.

Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) contains mucilage which helps aid the expectorant influence of difficult phlegm. It heals inflammation and prevents gangrene and other infections such as open wounds. It is a great healing herb and has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties. It contains 286,000 units of Vitamin A per pound and is rich in calcium and extremely rich in zinc. It also contains iron, sodium, iodine, B-complex and pantothenic acid.

Cleaver’s herb (Galium aparine), also called Goosegrass, is an excellent soothing, relaxing and diffusive remedy for painful urination associated with cystitis. The herb reduces body temperature and high blood pressure. Specifically focused on stone removal, this herb soothes and supports the kidneys during the cleanse and removes or alleviates any possible pain associated with the passage of stones. Cleaver’s powerfully stimulates the lymphatic system and relieves swollen lymph glands. Cleaver’s herb’s medicinal uses also include: Gravel, scalding urine, bladder irritation, dropsy, scrofula, cancer, ulcers, scurvy, suppression of urine, obstruction of urinary organs, gonorrhea, sore nipples, wounds.

Note: As Cleaver’s herb is a powerful diuretic, it should not be given where there is a tendency for diabetes.

This herb is not part of Dr. Hulda Clark’s original recipe but was added because of its traditional excellent synergistic qualities

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and because its medicinal uses includes cancer and related afflictions.

Uva Ursi leaves (Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi), also called Bearberry, is a diuretic and antiseptic. It is specifically used for kidney and bladder infections. It is also used for bronchitis and urinary incontinence.

Fresh Parsley (Petroselinum sativum) can be bought at a grocery store. Parsley flakes and dried parsley do not work!The roots and leaves are very good for all liver and spleen problems when jaundice and venereal disease is present. It has a tonic effect on the entire urinary system and is even considered a cancer preventive.Parsley is high in Vitamin B, A and C as well as potassium. It is rich in iron and chlorophyll, and contains some sodium, copper, thiamin and riboflavin.

Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) is used as and anti-inflammatory and expectorant agent. Externally it is applied in poultices or ointment to assist tissue healing and internally it serves the same purpose in urino-genital inflammation.Goldenrod works as well as a tincture but you may get an allergic reaction from smelling the herb. If you know that you are allergic to this herb, leave this one out of your recipe.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale): Ginger from a grocery store works fine. You might want to put it into capsules for yourself (size 0, 1 or 00). It is very effective as a cleansing agent for the bowels and kidneys and also for the skin. It is an excellent herb to combine with other herbs to enhance their effectiveness. When added to dishes it helps the intestines to detoxify the meat (if you insist in continuing to eat meat.)

There are probably dozens of herbs that can dissolve kidney stones safely. If you can only find some but not all of those herbs in the recipe, make the recipe anyway; it will just take a little longer to get results. Remember that taking vitamin B6 and magnesium daily will prevent oxalate stones from forming. But only if you stop drinking tea! Tea has 15.6 mg oxalic acid per cup according to "Food Values by Pennington and Church

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1985". A tall glass of iced tea could give you over 20 mg of oxalic acid. Switch to single herb teas. Cocoa and chocolate also have too much oxalic acid to be use as beverage.

Remember also that phosphate crystals are made when you eat too much phosphate-containing food. Phosphate levels are high in meats, breads, cereals, pastas, and carbonated drinks. Increase fruits and vegetables (soak these in ozonated water to remove pesticides). Drink at least two (2) pints of water per day.

Other traditional kidney herbs

Shave grass, cedar berries, juniper berries, butcher's broom and cornsilk.


You can dissolve all your kidney stones in 3 weeks, but make new ones in 3 days if you are drinking tea and cocoa and phosphated beverages.

Check your urine - it should not smell like ammonia. The body does not make ammonia - only bacteria do this! Consult page 124 of "The cure for all diseases" for more info.Excerpts from Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark’s The cure for all diseases

You should order the kidney cleansing herbs from a local herbal supply house.

Addendum: Note on water heating changing minerals to insoluble salts not electrically accepted by the body as nutrients but precipitating as kidney & gall stones, arthritis etc.

Excerpted from online discussion of cooked water: post by Jana on 23 April 1998, in response to hi! Cooked water!, posted by Gil Bar-On on 23 April 1998.

Scientists will say there is no change in water molecules themselves by heating. The following is some info on the subject from my book Phoenix Rising: If the immune system reacts even to water heated over 191°F (88°C), as documented in the Kouchakoff experiment, research will have to be undertaken to see if the immune reaction Kouchakoff noted was due to a change in the minerals in the water. I think this is

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the case because accounts of the experiment state that “ordinary tap water was used.” The body was not reacting to the heated water but was in fact defending itself against a change in the properties of the minerals in the water, which had become insoluble salts due to heating. The heating of tap water makes the minerals insoluble in the following way. Hard water is created when acidic ground water runs through limestone dissolving calcium into solution as Ca (HCO3). Divalent cations such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ are held in soluble form in hard water. When this water is heated, carbon dioxide is lost because gases are less soluble in hot water than in cold water, the calcium then forms a solid CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) which leaves deposits in kettles, hot water pipes and hot water heaters. Calcium carbonate is not electrically accepted by the body as a nutrient, it precipitates in the kidneys as kidney stones , in the gall bladder as gallstones, in the muscles as poliomyelitis, in the joints as arthritis and in the arteries as arteriosclerosis. (contact Jana at: jananz at

Also compare Bioavailability of minerals.

* Poliomyelitis (from © Encyclopædia Britannica): Also called INFANTILE PARALYSIS, acute infectious viral disease characterized by symptoms that range from a mild nonparalytic infection to an extensive flaccid paralysis of voluntary muscles. 

Addendum by Healing Cancer Naturally

A reliable source has told me that several people who had kidney problems found relief by drinking "Kangen" water which is produced by a water machine manufactured by the Japanese Enagic company. Stories of kidney stones dissolving, and even several stories of people who were on dialysis, and had only 48 hours to live, who started drinking the Kangen water, and actually recovered! For more on this expensive but interesting water machine, see Beyond Filtration & Purification: The Kangen™ Water Alkalizer/Ionizer - Do Enagic's water machines produce the world's best man-made water for health maintenance, healing, detoxification, prevention & eco-friendly sanitary/pest-control applications among commercial drinking water filter systems for home use?

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Natural Parasite Cleansing & Infestation Prevention for the Colon & Entire Body (incl. Pets):

Herbal, Magnetic, Zapping (Dr. Hulda Clark)

by Dr. Juergen Buche, N.D., N.H.C., M.I., Phy.D.Edited & republished by Healing Cancer Naturally with permission. All opinions

expressed are strictly those of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Healing Cancer Naturally.

Introduction: The Parasite's Dream ...a dirty, unhealthy intestinal tract!

This is the ideal environment for worms and parasites. There are over 300 varieties that can live in the human body. World-wide, worms outrank cancer as our deadliest enemy. It has been estimated that 150 million people in America have intestinal parasite infestation. Medical textbooks have revealed that over 55 million American children have worms. Parasite infestation is growing rapidly, due to a lack of raw fruits and vegetables in the diet and an increased consumption of cooked and acid-forming foods. Once in the intestinal tract, parasites have easy access to other parts of the body where they imitate various symptoms and diseases.

People may get infected from flies, mites, food, pets, fingers, feces and from the air. They may have no symptoms, or there may be abdominal discomfort, diarrhea alternating with constipation, or, if acute, bloody dysentery, general discomfort, chills and fever. Even worse, parasitic infection can enlarge the liver, invade the lungs, brain and skin, and can cause grave complications. Lack of energy and bowel problems are the most common symptoms. AColon Cleanse/Nutritional Program begins the removal of parasites and mold infestations by removing their ideal environment - a polluted intestinal tract.

It is vitally important to remove unhealthy bacteria and mold build-up from the intestinal tract and re-establish beneficial bacteria (such as through intake of live probiotics [lactobacillus acidophilus, [lactobacillus bifidus, L. casei and others] as found in yogurt and/or cultured vegetables). The proper bacteria is essential to a strong immune system, assimilation of vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and the manufacturing of Vitamin B-12, K and amino acids. It helps reduce cholesterol in the

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blood, control the pH in the intestines and detoxify the poisonous materials in our diets, while producing cancer-suppressing compounds that strengthen the immune system, increase calcium assimilation and help retard candida, gas and bad breath. When unhealthy bacteria overrun the healthy bacteria, outside pathogens penetrate the immune barriers and contaminate the blood and lymph with further toxic substance. Proper implantation of healthy bacteria begins with cleansing and removing the harmful bacteria from the alimentary canal. A completeColon Cleanse/Nutritional Program prepares the intestinal environment for beneficial bacteria. Enemas or colonics are unable to remove the mucoid substance covering and obstructing most of the digestive tract. There are various cleansing programs that remove it from the colon alone, but for best results it is necessary to cleanse the stomach AND the small intestines and colon. This program is the most powerful and effective program available for achieving these ends. Most often the nutritional part of the program needs to be adjusted to meet the needs of those who are not committed to doing a heavily raw food diet, at this time. This is fine. The water, the herbal cleanses and increasing the quantity of live fruits and vegetables overall, is still a super-detoxing activity for all those who are determined to create better health. Also compare On supplements, intestinal flora, cancer and immune system: It’s not what you ingest, but what you usefully absorb.

Four main approaches for killing parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi and pathogens are used:

1.) Electronic "zapping"Eradication by electronic means using a special 'zapper' which kills all stages of all parasites including the adults and possibly even tapeworms although this has not been verified as yet. A section on 'Pet Zapping' is also included.

2.) Magnetic “zapping”De-parasitation by magnetic means using pulsed magnetic wave forms using a special generator and applicators or rings or cylinders to immerse the human body or parts thereof in the magnetic field. This too seems to kill all stages of all parasites including the adults.

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3.) Herbal parasite removal (for people who are relatively healthy)Various herbs are also used to completely eradicate all parasites, however, to be completely effective, one of these maintenance programs should be initiated.The Pet Herbal Program is also explained.

4.) Herbal parasite removal (for people with health complaints)See the above subject and check out a few hints of an improved short term herbal formula.

5.) PrecautionsWhat precautions to take in order to prevent parasitic infestations in the future.

1) Electronic "zapping"

For people who can't wait to eliminate bacteria, viruses and parasites or those who have a problem taking numerous remedies for weeks on end, the 'zapping' by electronic means is a desirable cleansing approach. This procedure is described in detail in Hulda Clark's book "The Cure for all Diseases", pages 19-20.

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: Long extracts from Dr. Hulda Clark's book "The Cure for all Diseases" and “The Cure for all Cancers" can be found at Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark's detoxification protocols.

Preparation:Make sure that the 'zapper' has enough power in it by measuring its voltage with an inexpensive Volt/Ohmmeter. Anything between 5 and 9 volts is fine. Wrap one layer of wet tissue paper or one layer of a thin wet cloth around each copper handhold. Squeeze excess water from the tissue or cloth. Take one handhold in each hand and switch on the 'zapper' device. A green light will show that the device is actually emitting an effective pulse train.

Procedure:A) After wrapping each handhold with one layer of NEW tissue paper, take one wrapped handhold in each hand and switch the zapper on. The first seven minutes of zapping is followed by an intermission lasting 20 to 30 minutes. During this time,

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bacteria and viruses are released from the dying parasites and start invading you instead.

B) The second seven minute session is intended to kill these newly released viruses and bacteria. If you omit it, you could catch a cold, sore throat or something else immediately. Again, viruses are released from the dying bacteria. Take a 20-30 minute break.

C) The third session kills the last viruses which were released by the previous zappings.

Conclusion:That's all there is to it, or almost all. The 'zapping' current does not reach deep into the eyeball or testicle or bowel contents. It does not reach into your gallstones nor into your living cells where Herpes virus lies latent or Candida fungus extends its fingers. But zapping depletes these populations, too; often to zero.

At present we are working on a new device which will eradicate bacteria, viruses and parasites magnetically even in soft tissue. We will let you know when it is ready.

One more hint...

You might try some experimental zapping while stepping on one wet handhold with both of your feet (cover with a blanket so they don't get cold) and grasping the other handhold with both hands. This way, the current has a continuous path through the entire body and may therefore have additional benefits.

Pet zapping

Pets may be more effectively deparasitized electronically when you securely attach the wire which goes to each handhold to a metal (e.g. aluminum) plate measuring about 3" by 6" by at least 1/8" thickness. The best way is to drill a hole into each separate plate and plug the wire in using its clip or banana plug or screw the wire unto each plate with a self-tapping screw. Then, cover each plate with one layer of wet tissue and

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place the rear paws of the animal on one plate and the front paws on the other and switch the device on. You might want to brush the animal during the treatment period to distract its attention a bit.

Alternate method:Animals don’t hold still for very long but they do sleep a lot. We place the two-foot coils of the magnetic “Genesis” instrument (zapper) under the pet’s bed or under a thin cushion and turn it on for the same 7-minute sequence as the regular zapper. One can let it run for three sessions of 15 minutes which is the normal turn-off sequence for this device. The advantage is that the pulsating current reaches the total animal including its teeth, saliva, brain, bowel content, urine, feces, eyes and other unreachable areas. The pet will never feel any tingling or other sensations and get deparasitized rather painlessly, in his sleep, and without much effort on your part.

2) Magnetic zapping

We have used a bio-magnetic (electronic) zapper that produces powerful magnetic pulse trains at a variety of frequencies including the important 7.85hz earth harmonic. The pulses are of course positively offset (not sinusoidal) and penetrate all non-metallic matter and tissues within an egg shaped area of about 2 feet by 6 feet. By placing the two-foot diameter hoops (2) around the body’s mid section or horizontally under the mattress, one can go through the same treatment sequence as the electronic “Clark” zapper of 7 min. on - 20 minutes off. The device can run for a maximum of 15 minutes and will then switch itself off (you may allow yourself to fall asleep during the last treatment. It can then be restarted for another cycle. There is no timer; there are no handholds to bother about. Intensities and frequencies can be adjusted to your liking. When a more local treatment is desired, e.g. to a hand or other smaller area, there are also two polarized (North/South) treatment pads (6" x 8") which can be selectively applied to delicate smaller areas. Conceivably, one can also deparasitize a steak in this manner but this is not at present on our list of highest priorities!

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This magnetic method of zapping reaches all body tissues including the soft bowel content and, unlike the electronic zapper, is not limited to the passage of electricity through tissue paths like the skin. Magnetic pulse trains traverse and influence all tissues regardless of the quality of its conductivity or amount of electrolytes (cellular conducting salts and minerals). Magnetic pulses also penetrate body tissues regardless of their density or location. The only drawback is that the device is significantly more expensive than a simple zapper. The magnetic zapper is portable and even has an adapter which enables one to “take” a treatment inside a car while traveling, camping or on vacation. We have only one of these magnetic zappers and it for sale - but it is, as we said, EXPENSIVE! Almost 10 years ago, we paid $11,000 for it - it is a clinical unit.

3) Herbal parasite removal (for people who are relatively healthy)

Dr. Hulda Clark's books describe the parasite killing program in detail. Here we simply recap the salient points.

Initial Parasite Program:On page 338 of the book "The Cure for all Diseases" we see this initial parasite killing program described in detail.

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: Long extracts from Dr. Hulda Clark's book "The Cure for all Diseases" and “The Cure for all Cancers" can be found at Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark's detoxification protocols.

This program is undertaken when you first start the process of eliminating parasites from your body. The required ingredients are:

Double strength Black walnut hull tincture Wormwood capsules Cloves

Normal production of bile by the liver takes care of complete eradication of parasites, eggs and stages in a healthy organism. Bile neutralizes the acid environment of chyme (food leaving the stomach) to destroy parasites and prepare the chyme for digestion and absorption in the small intestine. Excess acidity due to

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intake of wrong acid-forming food places too much of a load on bile production and detoxification by the liver. Chronic acidosis promotes the formation of gall stones and liver exhaustion. The result is eventual overrun by parasites and their stages.

Solution:Correction of diet, colon cleanse, purging and cleansing of gallbladder and liver, regeneration of the liver, kidneys, spleen and immune system.

If you wish to find out exactly how to go about changing your diet to a health-supporting one instead of a health-depleting one - please check out the excellent web site "Living and Raw Foods" at


And we continue with Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark’s anti-parasite cleanse method...

Follow the instructions on pages 338 to 340 implicitly. The parasite purge kit is available from your Alternative Medicine practitioner or Naturopath or better Natural Food store. It contains all necessary ingredients except the book and Ornithine, a remedy for insomnia.

Maintenance Parasite Program

After completing the intensive initial program you may need to do a regular maintenance parasite cleanse to ensure that no re-infection takes place. This is particularly important if you have a pet in the house. You must do a Pet Parasite Killing Program for your pet as well if you wish to remain free of these pests and still keep your pet. This is summarized below.

You do the Maintenance program twice a week (any two days will do). Follow the instructions on page 341. You may take the ingredients at different times during the day or together.

The only after-effects you may feel are due to dead parasites! If this maintenance treatment gives you any noticeable after-

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effects on the same day or the next day, it means that you have indeed killed something, and you shouldn't wait 3 more days to resume killing more. Go after the bugs immediately with the High Dose Program described below. This should be done for three days in a row. You will know the parasites are gone when there are no more after-effects from the High Dose Program.

High-Dose Anti-Parasite Program

On page 342 of the book "The Cure for all Diseases" we see this intensive program which is done when stubborn parasites refuse to leave. It is done every two or three months in place of the Maintenance Parasite Program described above.

Pet herbal parasite program

Pets have many of the same parasites that we get, including Ascaris (common roundworm), hookworms, Trichinella Strongyloids (Heartworm) and a variety of tapeworms. A pet may even inadvertently be the carrier of the HIV virus without displaying any symptoms! Every pet living in your home should be deparasitized (cleared of parasites) and be kept on a regular maintenance parasite program for pets.

Page 343 of the book "The Cure for all Diseases" describes a simple but effective way to accomplish this. We have also described above in section 3) how to zap your pet effectively if you decide to deparasitize your pet electronically or magnetically. Just realize that not all pets can hold still for seven seconds let alone seven minutes!

Recipe for ridding your body of larger worms such as ascaris and tape worm

In addition, the following is an old recipe for larger worms such as round worm (ascaris) and tape worms:

Give someone with worms as much garlic as they can stand, then 2 days later give a laxative. Have the patient sit in a milk bath sufficient for covering the rectal area. Worms smell the milk and crawl out. Remain in the bath for about one hour until all the worms are out. This can be rather unpleasant.

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Special note

Tapeworms need a special remedy (Rascal). If there has been no test for tapeworm, do the Rascal treatment anyway along with the regular parasite cleanse. If a tapeworm was confirmed, use Rascal also in the maintenance program. Rascal contains: Pumpkin seeds, Garlic, Cramp bark, Capsicum and Thyme.

Remember: Read Dr. Hulda Clark's books to clearly know what all this means.It may save your life or the life of someone close to you!

Note by Healing Cancer Naturally: Long extracts from Dr. Hulda Clark's book "The Cure for all Diseases" and “The Cure for all Cancers" can be found at Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark's detoxification protocols. I own "The Cure for all Diseases" and recommend to get this book due to its amazing amount of information on man-made and other pollutants, parasites and disease and suggested remedial action. See Dr. Hulda Clark's books.

4. Herbal parasite removal for people with health complaints...

The Preventorium Institute has developed an Anti-Tumor/Anti-Cancer/Anti-Parasite herbal tea that consists of 18 individual healing herbs. 15 of these have anti-parasitic properties. It is an excellent way to take anti-parasitic herbs while providing those conditions that promote cleansing, regeneration and healing of all conditions in the human body regardless of diagnosis or prognosis of an existing illness. We don't sell this tea but make its formula available to you for 'home brewing'.

So, if you wish to make your own sure-fire herbal remedy (a tea) - then please refer to Tissue Cleanse Decoction: An Anti-Tumor/Anti-Cancer/Anti-Parasite Herbal Tea for this important information.

Supportive links...

For details about a Complete Colon Cleanse/Nutritional Program, and information regarding  other intestinal Cleanse Programs available such as Liver Cleanse Program, Kidney Cleanse Program, as well as testimonials (success stories), see for instance (they also offer an “Incurables Rescue Program”). Quote:

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“Instructions for effectively cleansing your small intestine and colon! This intestinal cleanse is designed to fully clean out the intestines and colon using powerful, non-toxic herbal remedies.”For a variety of medicinal herbal preparations, see for instance links not evaluated by Healing Cancer Naturally).

5. PRECAUTIONS: preventing future parasitic infestations

The following are a few precautions to help avoid parasitic infestations:

Never drink bottled or unknown (untested) tap water. Drink regular known tap water but filter it with a good charcoal filter, the element of which you are prepared frequently.  Never drink from rivers, creeks or streams, no matter how clean the water looks. The water may be loaded with larvae or parasitic spores. Hundreds of varieties are microscopic.  Salad bars may contain improperly washed produce that carry spores that later hatch in your body.  Many aged cheeses are crawling alive when looked at under a microscope.  In addition, they may also be full of molds. It is best to avoid aged cheese.  Keep a healthy environment in your colon. This is the main breeding ground for most parasites. A healthy intestinal flora is also the foundation of an effective immune system.  Never swallow mucus that has been coughed up.  Never go barefoot at the beach, horse stable or in soil. If you do, wash you feet thoroughly in hydrogen peroxide afterward in order to kill all potential invaders. 

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Avoid raw fish (e.g. sushi).  Avoid raw or undercooked meat. Eliminate hamburgers bought in commercial establishments.  Avoid German steak tartar.  Always wash hands thoroughly after using the bathroom or after having had contact with the public.  Parasites can be transferred through intimate contact.  Use separate feeding dishes for your pets - never your own.  Use separate cutting boards for meats, vegetables and breads.  Clean cutting boards and kitchen counter sponges or rags in hydrogen peroxide once a day.  Properly cleanse cutting knives used on meats etc.  Rinse off your meats, poultry, fish and even salads and then soak them in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. A small amount (10 drops of 35% in a quart of water) is all that is needed. Wash hands after handling meat.  Don’t let your pets sleep on your bed and avoid unnecessary and exaggerated contact (don’t kiss your pet or let yourself be licked. Wash yourself immediately if it should happen inadvertently). Your pet should be deparasitized frequently if it has contact with other pets which are not clean.  Clean your pet’s bedding often and thoroughly.  Clean your carpets often and don’t let dust accumulate.  Wash your hands immediately after gardening. Clean also under the fingernails. 

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Avoid refined sugar products and soft drinks. Worms and other parasites love sugar and sweets.Compare health effects & risks of sugar.