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A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Master of Science (Chemistry)

Faculty of Science

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

January 2014

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Dedicated to my beloved family…

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Alhamdulillah praise to Allah S.W.T for His blessing and permission, I have

finally completed my project and also for the strength and guidance which

accompanied my life.

I would like to thank to my supportive supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rusmidah

Ali for her contribution in finishing this project. Not only she provided me with a

workable idea for my project, but also provides supportive instructive comments and

evaluation at every stage of the thesis process and allows me to complete this

dissertation as scheduled. Last but not least, I would like to express my appreciation

to my lab-mates, my parents and friends for their guidance and full supports in

carrying out this dissertation. Finally, I would like to express my greatest

appreciations to everyone who were involved in helping me to complete this


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Naphthalene is one of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) compounds

which have been identified as carcinogenic. It is commonly used in industry and

domestic. Therefore, it can cause environmental pollution and must be treated. One

of the promising methods to remove this pollutant from waste water is by using

photocatalyst since it can degrade the pollutant without producing toxic by-products.

In this research, two types of photocatalysts namely TiO2/CuO and WO3/CuO were

prepared with different mass ratio of co-catalyst and it was calcined at various

temperatures. TiO2 was prepared by sol-gel method while WO3 by aging amorphous

peroxo-tungstic acid. The characterizations of the prepared catalysts were done by

XRD, FESEM and BET surface area analyzer. XRD patterns revealed that TiO2/CuO

calcined at 450 °C and 650 °C consists of single phase anatase and rutile respectively

while TiO2/CuO calcined at 550 °C consist of a mixture of anatase and rutile. XRD

patterns for WO3/CuO catalyst indicated that the catalyst consist of single phase of

WO3. FESEM micrographs showed TiO2/CuO particles were packed loosely

compared to WO3/CuO particles which were small and packed closely. BET analysis

discovered that WO3/CuO catalyst has larger surface area than TiO2/CuO catalyst.

The influence of pH, photocatalyst loading and the uses of different light radiation

sources were studied. The reaction was monitored by UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

Photocatalytic reaction performed best in neutral medium irradiated with UV light.

The optimum mass percent of co-catalyst for both photocatalysts were 10% and the

calcination temperature for WO3/CuO and TiO2/CuO photocatalysts was 650 °C and

550 °C respectively. The result indicated that the percentage of photodegradation for

WO3/CuO and TiO2/CuO in neutral environment was 88.60% and 63.55%

respectively. TiO2/CuO removed 11.01% and 33.60% of pollutant in basic and acidic

environment respectively. WO3/CuO degraded 48.03% of pollutant in acidic

environment while in basic environment it degraded 46.32% of pollutant. The

optimum photocatalyst loading was 0.2 g for both photocatalysts. 0.2 g of WO3/CuO

(90:10 650 °C) degraded 93.23% of pollutant while 0.2 g of TiO2/CuO (90:10 450

°C) removed 60.9 % of it.

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Naftalena adalah salah satu sebatian hidrokarbon polisiklik aromatic (HPA)

yang telah dikenal pasti sebagai karsinogen. Ia biasanya digunakan dalam industri

dan domestik. Oleh itu ia boleh menyebabkan pencemaran alam sekitar dan mestilah

dirawat. Salah satu kaedah yang berkesan untuk menghapuskankan bahan cemar ini

daripada air kumbahan adalah dengan menggunakan fotomangkin kerana ia boleh

menghilangkan bahan cemar tanpa menghasilkan produk sampingan yang bertoksid.

Dalam kajian ini, dua jenis fotomangkin iaitu TiO2/CuO dan WO3/CuO telah

disediakan dengan nisbah peratusan jisim pemangkin bersama yang berbeza dan

dikalsin pada pelbagai suhu. TiO2 telah disediakan dengan kaedah sol-gel manakala

WO3 dengan mematangkan asid amorfus peroxo-tungstic. Pencirian fotomangkin

yang disediakan telah dilakukan dengan XRD, FESEM dan analysis luas permukaan

BET. Pola XRD mendedahkan bahawa TiO2/CuO yang dikalsin pada suhu 450 °C

dan 650 °C masing-masing terdiri daripada fasa anatase dan rutile manakala

TiO2/CuO dikalsin pada suhu 550 °C terdiri daripada campuran anatase dan rutile.

Pola XRD bagi WO3/CuO pemangkin menunjukkan bahawa pemangkin terdiri

daripada fasa tunggal WO3. Mikrograf FESEM menunjukkan zarah TiO2/CuO adalah

kurang padat berbanding dengan zarah WO3/CuO yang yang kecil dan padat.

Analisis BET mendapati bahawa pemangkin WO3/CuO mempunyai luas permukaan

yang lebih besar daripada pemangkin TiO2/CuO. Pengaruh pH, jisim fotomangkin

dan penggunaan sinaran lampu yang berbeza telah dikaji. Tindak balas telah dipantau

oleh UV-Vis spektrofotometer. Prestasi fotomangkin terbaik adalah dalam medium

neutral dan disinari dengan cahaya UV. Jisim peratus pemangkin bersama yang

optimum bagi kedua-dua fotomangkin adalah 10% dan suhu pengkalsinan untuk

fotomangkin WO3/CuO dan TiO2/CuO masing-masing adalah 650 °C dan 550 °C. Keputusan eksperimen menunjukkan bahawa fotomangkin WO3/CuO dan TiO2/CuO

masing-masing menyingkirkan 88.60% dan 63.55% bahan cemar dalam persekitaran

neutral. TiO2/CuO menyingkirkan 11.01% dan 33.60% bahan pencemar dalam

persekitaran beralkali dan berasid. WO3/CuO menyingkirkan 48.03% bahan

pencemar dalam persekitaran berasid manakala dalam persekitaran beralkali ia

menyingkirkan 46.32% bahan cemar. Muatan fotomangkin yang optimum adalah 0.2

g bagi kedua-dua fotomangkin. 0.2 g fotomangkin WO3/CuO (90:10 650 °C)

menyingkirkan 93.23% bahan cemar manakala 0.2 g fotomangkin TiO2/CuO (90:10

450 °C) menghilangkan 60.93% bahan cemar.

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1.1 Background of the Research 1

1.1.1 Naphthalene 3

1.1.2 Mechanism of Photocatalytic



1.2 Problem Statement 6

1.3 Significance of the Research 7

1.4 Scope of the Research 8

1.5 Objectives of the Research 8


2.1 The Application of Photocatalyst in Water

Treatment Process


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2.2 Photodegradation of PAHs in Aqueous



2.3 Photocatalysis Reaction Using WO3/CuO and

TiO2/CuO Photocatalysts


2.4 Photodegradation under the Irradiation of

Visible Light


2.5 Photodegradation under the Irradiation of




3.1 Chemicals 19

3.2 Instrumentations 19

3.3 Preparation of TiO2/CuO Photocatalyst 20

3.3.1 Preparation of TiO2 by Sol Gel



3.3.2 Preparation of TiO2/CuO

Photocatalyst by Impregnation



3.4 Preparation of WO3/CuO Photocatalyst 21

3.4.1 Preparation of WO3 Powder 21

3.4.2 Preparation of WO3/CuO

Photocatalyst by Impregnation



3.5 Preparation of Naphthalene Solution 22

3.6 Photocatalysis Reaction 22

3.7 The Effect of pH on Photocatalytic Activity 23

3.8 The Effect of Irradiation Sources on

Photocatalytic Activity


3.9 Characterization of Photocatalysts 24

3.9.1 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis 24

3.9.2 Field Emission Scanning Electron

Microscopy (FESEM)/Electron

Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) Analysis


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3.9.3 Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET)

Surface Analysis



4.1 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy

(FESEM) and Electron Dispersive X-Ray

(EDX) Analysis


4.2 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis 32

4.3 Determination of Naphthalene in Aqueous

Solution Using UV-Visible Spectrophotometer


4.4 Photolysis and Adsorption of Naphthalene 36

4.5 Photocatalytic Performance of TiO2,

TiO2/CuO, WO3 and WO3/CuO catalysts


4.6 Optimization of Calcination Temperature and

Amount of Co-Catalyst


4.6.1 Influences of Calcination Temperature 39

4.6.2 Optimization of CuO Co-Catalyst 42

4.7 Photocatalyst Loading 44

4.8 The Effect of pH on Photodegradation of



4.9 Effect of Radiation Sources 49


5.1 Conclusion 51

5.2 Recommendations 52





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4.1 The atomic composition of elements present on the

surface of TiO2/CuO photocatalysts calcined at 550

and 650 °C


4.2 Surface area of TiO2/CuO (90:10) calcined at

550 °C and WO3/CuO (90:10) calcined at 650 °C


4.3 The atomic composition of elements present on the

surface of WO3/CuO photocatalysts prepared at

650 and 750 °C


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1.1 Molecular structure of naphthalene 3

1.2 Schematic diagram of photocatalyst and the

reactions that occur on its surface


3.1 The pictures of (a) photocatalytic reaction box (b)

apparatus set up for photocatalytic reaction process


4.1 FESEM micrographs of TiO2/CuO (90:10)

photocatalyst calcined at a) 550 °C b) 650 °C with

magnification of 10,000 x


4.2 EDX of a) TiO2/CuO (90:10) calcined at (a) 550 °C

and b) 650 °C


4.3 FESEM/EDX mapping of TiO2/CuO (90:10)

calcined at a) 550 °C and b) 650 °C


4.4 FESEM micrographs of WO3/CuO (90:10) catalyst

prepared at a) 650 °C and b) 750 °C with

magnification of 10,000 x


4.5 EDX analysis of WO3/CuO catalysts synthesized at

a) 650 °C and b) 750 °C


4.6 FESEM/EDX mapping of WO3/CuO (90:10)

calcined at a) 650 °C and b) 750 °C


4.7 XRD patterns of TiO2/CuO (90:10) photocatalyst

prepared at (a) 650 °C (b) 550 °C and (c) 450 °C


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4.8 The XRD patterns of prepared WO3/CuO (90:10)

photocatalyst calcined at (a) 750 °C, (b) 650 °C and

(c) 550 °C


4.9 UV spectra of naphthalene at various

concentrations of (a) 3 x 10-4

M, (b) 2 x 10-4

M (c),

1 x 10-4

M (d), 9 x 10-5

M and (e) 8 x 10-5



4.10 The percentage degradation of naphthalene by

photolysis, photocatalysis and adsorption on

TiO2/CuO (90:10) photocatalyst calcined at 550 °C


4.11 The percentage degradation of naphthalene by

photolysis, photocatalysis and adsorption on

WO3/CuO (90:10) photocatalyst calcined at 650 °C


4.12 Photocatalytic performance of (A) TiO2 calcined at

450 °C, (B) WO3 calcined at 450 °C, (C) TiO2/CuO

(90:10) calcined at 550 °C and (D) WO3/CuO

photocatalysts calcined at 650 °C after 240 minutes

of photocatalytic reaction


4.13 The effect of calcination temperature on

photocatalytic activity of TiO2/CuO (90:10)

catalyst calcined at 450, 550 and 650 °C


4.14 The effect of calcination temperature on

photocatalytic activity of WO3/CuO (90:10)

catalysts calcined at 550, 650 and 750 °C


4.15 The effect of CuO co-catalyst amount on the

photocatalytic activity TiO2/CuO catalysts calcined

at 550 °C


4.16 The effect of CuO co-catalyst amount on

photocatalytic activity of WO3/CuO catalyst

calcined at 650 °C


4.17 The effect of catalyst loading on photocatalysis

reaction of naphthalene by using TiO2/CuO (90:10)

calcined at 450 °C


4.18 The effect of catalyst loading on photocatalysis

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reaction of naphthalene by using WO3/CuO (90:10)

calcined at 650 °C


4.19 The effect of pH on photocatalysis reaction of

TiO2/CuO (90:10) photocatalysts calcined at

550 °C


4.20 The effect of pH on photocatalysis reaction of

WO3/CuO (90:10) photocatalysts calcined at

650 °C


4.21 Photocatalytic activity of TiO2/CuO (90:10)

photocatalyst synthesized at 650 °C under

irradiation of UV and visible light


4.22 Photocatalytic activity of WO3/CuO (90:10)

calcined at 450 °C photocatalyst under irradiation

of UV and visible light


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AOP Advanced oxidation process

BET Brunauer-Emmet-Teller

CuO Copper oxide


Proton hole

FESEM Field emission scanning electron microscopy

PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

TiO2/CuO Titanium oxide with CuO co-catalyst

UV Ultraviolet

UV-Vis Ultraviolet/visible

WO3/CuO Wolfram oxide with CuO co-catalyst

XRD X-ray diffraction

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A Amount of WO3 and TiO2 used in the preparation

of 3 g WO3/CuO and TiO2/CuO photocatalysts


B The change of UV absorbance spectra for

photocatalytic degradation of naphthalene using

TiO2/CuO photocatalyst (90:10) calcined at

550 °C


C The change of UV absorbance spectra for

photocatalytic degradation of naphthalene using

WO3/CuO photocatalyst (90:10) calcined at

650 °C


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1.1 Background of the Research

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), refers to a large group of organic

chemicals that consist of two or more fused aromatic rings and do not carry

substituents and contain heteroatoms. PAHs usually exist in solid form and range in

appearance from colorless to white or pale yellow green. PAHs can be found

naturally in the environment and also can be formed from human activity. They are

formed during the incomplete combustion of fossil fuel or other organic materials,

forest fire, volcanic eruption, industrial incineration, industrial and domestic waste

and smoke from vehicles (Sanches et al., 2011). PAHs are used to make dyes,

plastics and pesticides and some are even used in medicine (US EPA, 2003).

PAHs are persistent organic pollutant which can resist to environmental

degradation through chemical, biological and photolytic processes, due to the

complexity and high stability of its molecule (Sanches et al., 2011). Due to their

persistent in the environment, PAHs can be bioaccumulated in human and animal

tissue and can have significant effects to human health and environment. PAHs are

well known carcinogenic and mutagenic chemicals which can cause cancer. Some of

these chemicals can increase the risk of stomach, skin, lung, gastrointestinal, bladder

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and liver cancer (Wu et al., 2011). Studies reveal that the exposure of PAHs during

pregnancy is associated with lower IQ and childhood asthma, adverse birth outcomes

including low birth weight, premature delivery, and heart defects (US EPA, 2008).

The studies also show that the cord blood of exposed babies shows DNA damage that

has been linked to cancer, slow development at age three, lower scores on IQ tests

and increased behavioral problems at ages six and eight (US EPA, 2008 ).

PAHs pollutant can enter river and lake which are the source of drinking

water. Drinking water is treated by conventional surface water treatment which

involves coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection.

Disinfection involves the use of chlorine which can reacts with natural organic

matters present in the water and produces harmful by-product that can causes

different types of cancer and adverse reproductive outcomes (Sanches et al., 2011).

Due to these problems, an alternative method is needed to treat the waste

water effectively and efficiently. One of the potential method is advanced oxidation

process (AOP), a process in which a powerful oxidizing agent (hydroxyl radical,

•OH) is generated and oxidizes organic molecules to smaller and harmless molecules

like carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) (Chan et al., 2012). This process involves

the irradiation of photocatalyst like titanium oxide (TiO2), zinc oxide (ZnO) or

tungsten oxide (WO3) with UV light to generate the radical. The energy form the

light will displace the electrons from the valence band to the conduction band of the

catalyst, creating an h+ hole in the valence band (Robert and Malato, 2002). •OH

radical is produced by the reaction of h+ holes with hydroxyl species (OH) in water

on the surface of photocatalyst and by the reaction of electrons or oxygen ions with

hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (Tryba et al., 2004).

Photocatalyst is only active under the irradiation of UV light due to its large

band gap energy. Many studies have bee done to decrease the band gap and to inhibit

the recombination process by doping it with transition and/or noble, non metal or

other semiconductors (Tran et al., 2012). In this research, TiO2 and WO3

photocatalysts impregnated with copper oxide (CuO) as co-catalyst was used to

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degrade naphthalene, which is the simplest chemical in PAH group and it is listed in

US EPA priority controlled PAHs.

1.1.1 Naphthalene

Naphthalene is polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon characterized by its white

crystal and has distinct mothball odor. The molecular structure is shown in Figure

1.1. It consists of two benzene rings fused together. Among the PAHs chemicals, it is

the most water soluble chemical with solubility of 25-30 mgL-1

at ambient

temperature, making it the most dominant PAHs found in water.

Figure 1.1 Molecular structure of naphthalene

Naphthalene is used as a household fumigant and it is the main ingredient in

the production of mothball. In agricultural chemistry and textile industry, it is used as

a wetting agent. It is also used in the production of phthalic anhydride, which is an

intermediate in the manufacturing of resins, dyes, pharmaceuticals and other products

(US EPA, 2003). In addition, naphthalene is used to make the insecticide carbaryl,

leather tanning agents and surface active agents (US EPA, 2003). Crystalline

naphthalene is used as deodorizer for diaper pails and in toilets.

According to US EPA (2003), naphthalene can causes hemolytic

anemia, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, confusion, agitation leading to

convulsion and coma, damage to the liver and neurological damage if it is inhaled or

ingested. Haemoglobinuria and haemolysis can occur after 3 to 5 days leading to

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acute renal failure. The patient’s urine turns to dark brown or black due to

haemoglobinuria and the presence of naphthalene metabolites. Dermal contact can

cause irritation and dermatitis and exposure to eye can cause irritation and possible

injury to the eye. It has been reported that long term exposure to naphthalene causes

cataracts and damage to the retina. EPA has classified naphthalene as possible human

carcinogen, which can causes cancer to human.

1.1.2 Mechanism of Photocatalytic Reaction

Heterogeneous photocatalysts activity consist of five steps which are

diffusion of reactants to the surface, adsorption of reactants onto the surface, reaction

on the surface, desorption of products off the surface, and diffusion of products from

the surface (Pirkanniemi and Sillanpaa, 2002). When photocatalyst is irradiated with

light which has energy equal to or more than the band gap energy, the electrons from

the valence band will be excited and move to the conduction band. This will generate

redox environment in the system. Figure 1.2 shows the schematic diagram of

photocatalyst and redox reactions that occur on the surface of the photocatalyst.

Figure 1.2 Schematic diagram of photocatalyst and the reactions that occur on its


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The excitation of electrons creates a h+ holes in the valence band (hvb+) and

electron pairs in the conduction band (ecb-) of the photocatalyst as shown in Equation

1.1 (Puma et al., 2008).

WO3 + hv WO3 (ecb- + hvb+) (1.1)

Photocatalyst particle will reduce and oxidize the surrounding molecules such as

water, pollutant, hydroxide ion (OH-) and oxygen. Generally, acceptor molecule (A)

such as oxygen will react with the ecb- and donor molecule (D) like water will react

with the hvb+ (Herrmann, 1999) as shown in the Equation 1.2 and 1.3.

WO3 (ecb-) +A WO3 + A-


WO3 (h+) + D WO3 + D

+ (1.3)

The reaction with water molecule is likely to happen than the reaction with

the pollutant molecule due to the abundance of water molecules in the system. The

oxidation of OH- ion or water molecule by the hvb+ hole produces OH• radical, a

powerful oxidant as shown in Equation 1.4 and 1.5.

WO3 (h+) + H2O WO3 + •OH + H

+ (1.4)

WO3 (h+) + OH

- WO3 + •OH (1.5)

The ecb- will reduce the oxygen molecule (O2) to produce superoxide radical

(•O-). The reduction process is shown in Equation 1.6. This reaction is important to

the photocatalyst as it prevent the electrons from recombining with the hole (Al-

Rasheed, 2005).

WO3 (ecb-) + O2 WO3 + •O2- (1.6)

•OH and •O2- radicals will attack pollutant molecules and degrading it to CO2

and H2O as shown in Equation 1.7 and 1.8.

•OH + Pollutants Intermediates CO2 + H2O (1.7)

•O2- + Pollutants Intermediates CO2 + H2O (1.8)

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1.2 Problem Statement

As a developing country, Malaysia is experiencing rapid economic

development and urbanization together with population growth. This can increase the

use of fossil fuel including petroleum and coal and thus increases the emission of

PAHs. In addition, Malaysia is oil producing country and its strategic location

surrounded by the Straits of Melaka makes it one the busiest shipping route in the

world to transport petroleum form the Middle East to the Far East (Sakari et al.,

2010). The presence of PAHs from petroleum in the environment can causes by the

introduction of crude oil and oil derivatives via atmospheric transportation, urban

runoff, oil spills, tanker incident and many other possible ways (Sakari et al., 2010).

In addition, the heavy usage of petroleum products in domestic and industrial such as

factories, power plants, transportation and residential areas can release the significant

amount of PAHs to the environment (Sakari et al., 2010). The emitted PAHs can

enter the surface water such as lake, river and sea by precipitance and runoff on the

ground surface (Wu et al., 2011). PAHs can enter the food chain by depositing in the

fatty acid of aquatic lives, hence harm the aquatic animals and human (Retnam et al.,

2013). Research done by Sakari et al. (2010) showed that the concentration of PAHs

coastal region such as Melaka Coast, Tebrau Strait offshore Klang were 700 ng/g,

900 ng/g and 500 ng/g respectively.

Generally, PAHs level in river water is at the permitted level except for some

region in Terengganu, Kedah, Penang, Kelantan, Johor and Negeri Sembilan, where

the PAHs level is very high (Tran et al., 2012). The high concentration of PAHs can

harm the human health. The pollutant can enter the river water from oil spills, car

workshop, sewage discharge, industrial activities and city surface run-off (Sakari et

al., 2010). Waste water released from power plant also contains high level of PAHs

since all power plants in Malaysia are burning fossil fuels.

At the moment, the removing of naphthalene and other PAHs are done by

biofiltrations, bioreactors, membrane bioreactors, ozonolysis and pulse radiolysis

(Lair et al., 2008). However, these water treatment techniques have many drawbacks.

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For example, ozonolysis and pulse radiolysis are expensive and bioreactors treatment

is too slow. The conventional water treatment also can causes new problem since the

degradation of naphthalene can introduce new carcinogenic by-product into the

water. Due to these problems, photocatalyst is used because the treatment is

effective, easier and cheaper to operate. The process will convert the pollutant to

harmless substances such as CO2 and H2O.

Two types of photocatalysts TiO2/CuO and WO3/CuO were prepared. They

were used to degrade naphthalene as a model sample to CO2 and H2O. These

catalysts perform better than the single by delaying the recombination of positive

holes and electrons. Therefore, the photocatalytic activity is increase. To the date, no

research was conducted to degrade naphthalene using these catalysts.

1.3 Significance of the Research

This research is done to find the best method to degrade the naphthalene in

waste water effectively and efficiently. WO3/CuO and TiO2/CuO photocatalysts

which expected to have high photocatalytic activity are used. The photodegradation

is conducted under the radiation of UV light, visible light and sun light. The use of

solar light for water treatment is important to reduce the operation cost on the future

water treatment plant since it is free and clean energy. The use of photocatalyst will

also reduce the possibility of the occurrence of highly toxic by-products because it

can degrade the naphthalene completely into CO2 and H2O (Lair et al., 2008).

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1.4 Scope of the Research

The research work covers the preparation of WO3/CuO and TiO2/CuO

photocatalysts with different ratio of CuO co-catalyst and different calcination

temperature. The prepared photocatalysts were tested by photodegrading the

naphthalene. This research was also conducted for effect of pH of naphthalene

solution and the use of different amount of photocatalyst loading on photocatalytic

activity. The photoreaction was conducted under the UV, visible and sun light

radiation. The characterization of the photocatalyst was conducted by using X-ray

diffractometer (XRD), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface analysis (BET) and field

emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM).

1.5 Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research are:

1. To prepare the WO3/CuO and TiO2/CuO photocatalysts.

2. To find the optimum calcination temperature and the amount of CuO for both

WO3/CuO and TiO2/CuO photocatalysts.

3. To characterize the photocatalysts by using XRD and FESEM and BET.

4. To find the optimum conditions for the photocatalytic degradation of naphthalene

using the prepared catalysts.

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