mitosis & meiosis · mitosis & meiosis sc.912.l.16.17 compare and contrast mitosis and...

Mitosis & Meiosis SC.912.L.16.17 Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis and relate to the processes of sexual and asexual reproduction and their consequences for genetic variation.

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Mitosis & Meiosis

SC.912.L.16.17 Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis

and relate to the processes of sexual and asexual

reproduction and their consequences for genetic variation.

1. Students will describe specific events

occurring in each stage of the cell cycle

and/or phases of mitosis, including cytokinesis.

Cell Division: the process of copying and dividing entire cells

The cell grows, prepares for division, and then divides to form new

daughter cells.

Unicellular organisms – allows duplicate using asexual reproduction

Multicellular organisms – allows to grow, develop from single cell to

multicellular, makes other cells to repair and replace worn out cells

Three types: binary fission (bacteria and fungi), mitosis, and meiosis

1. Students will describe specific events

occurring in each stage of the cell cycle

and/or phases of mitosis, including cytokinesis.

Cells divide

through a

process called

the cell cycle

which consists

of interphase,

mitosis, and


Note: majority

of the cell

cycle is


while a


portion is



1. Students will describe specific events

occurring in each stage of the cell cycle

and/or phases of mitosis, including cytokinesis.

Interphase: longest part of the cell

cycle; growth, metabolism, and

preparation for division occurs,

duplicates chromosomes (DNA


1. Students will describe specific events

occurring in each stage of the cell cycle

and/or phases of mitosis, including cytokinesis.MITOSIS – division of nucleus of the cell

Prophase: duplicated chromosomes and spindle

fibers appear

Metaphase: duplicated chromosomes line up

randomly in center of cell between spindle fibers

Anaphase: duplicated chromosomes pulled to

opposite ends of cell

Telophase: nuclear membrane forms around

chromosomes at each end of the cell; spindle

fibers disappear; chromosomes disperse

1. Students will describe specific events

occurring in each stage of the cell cycle

and/or phases of mitosis, including cytokinesis.

Cytokinesis: division of plasma membrane; two daughter

cells result with exact genetic information

In plants, a cell plate forms along the center and cuts the

cell in half.

In animals, a cleavage furrow develops to cut the cell in



Two identical daughter cells

Produces and occurs in somatic cells

(body cells)

Diploid = same number of chromosomes as

original cell (humans = 46)

1. Students will describe specific events

occurring in each stage of the cell cycle

and/or phases of mitosis, including cytokinesis.

2. Students will explain how meiosis results in

the formation of haploid gametes or spores.

In meiosis, the cells will also start with interphase.

There are TWO cell divisions instead of one, but the cell only

does interphase ONCE prior to the first cell division.

Meiosis is a reduction division process (chromosome numbers

are divided in half)

Each cell division consists of prophase, metaphase, anaphase,

and telophase

Occurs only in sex cells (gametes) and produces only gametes

(egg and sperm)

First Division: Produces cells containing half # of double stranded


Prophase 1 –

crossing over


Metaphase 1 –

chromosomes line up in

homologous pairs,


assortment occurs

Anaphase 1 –

chromosomes move towards

each side

Telophase 1 –cells contain

HALF of # of


2. Students will explain how meiosis results

in the formation of haploid gametes or


2. Students will explain how meiosis results

in the formation of haploid gametes or


Crossing over: genes are essentially “switching”

places on chromosomes in prophase I

Independent assortment: the genes randomly

move towards ends of cell in metaphase I


Second Division: Results in formation of four cells, each

haploid (half the number of original chromosomes)

(humans = 23)

2. Students will explain how meiosis results in

the formation of haploid gametes or spores.


Four unique daughter cells

Unique due to genetic variation such as crossing over and independent assortment

Produces and occurs in gametes (sex cells)

Haploid = half number of chromosomes as original cell (humans = 23)

Sex cells combine during sexual reproduction to produce a diploid individual

2. Students will explain how meiosis results in

the formation of haploid gametes or spores.

3. Students will compare and contrast

sexual and asexual reproduction.


Pattern of reproduction that involves the

production and fusion of haploid sex cells

Haploid sperm from father fertilizes haploid

egg from mother to make a diploid zygote

3. Students will compare and contrast

sexual and asexual reproduction.


A single parent produces one or more

identical offspring by dividing into two cells.

Diploid cells are clones of parent cell.

DNA Replication

SC.912.L.16.3 Describe the basic process of DNA replication

and how it relates to the transmission and conservation of

the genetic information.

1. Students will describe the process of DNA replication

and its role in the conservation and transmission of

genetic information.

DNA Replication: DNA must replicate during the cell cycle (in both mitosis and meiosis) in

order for genetic information to be passed

on to daughter cells

Semi-Conservative: the new daughter cells will have one strand of parent DNA and one

strand of new DNA

2. Students will explain the basic process of

transcription and/or translation and their roles in

the expression of genes.

DNA Replication occurs in two steps:


DNA helicase unzips and unwinds the double helix; RNA primase inserts

RNA into each strand as a “place holder”

Base pairs must match! A U (because this is RNA) and C G!

DNA polymerase then adds the appropriate matching nucleotide

Again, base pairs must match! A T (because now we are adding

DNA) and C G

2. DNA ligase links the two strands of DNA together and proofreads to be

sure base pairs are matched correctly

2. Students will explain the basic process of

transcription and/or translation and their roles in

the expression of genes.

Each strand

of parent

DNA makes

TWO strands

of daughter

cell DNA!

2. Students will explain the basic process of

transcription and/or translation and their roles in

the expression of genes.

Practice matching this strand of DNA to its parent strand of DNA:

2. Students will explain the basic process of

transcription and/or translation and their

roles in the expression of genes.

Practice matching this strand of DNA to its parent strand of RNA:


2. Students will explain the basic process of transcription

and/or translation and their roles in the expression of


After DNA Replication has began, the process of Protein Synthesis

simultaneously begins:

Once the first stage of transcription has occurred (DNA base

pairs matching with RNA base pairs), the RNA is then sent out of

the nucleus and moves towards to ribosome through a process


Once in the ribosome, the RNA strand is converted to amino

acids (building blocks of proteins) through the use of codons.

2. Students will explain the basic process of transcription

and/or translation and their roles in the expression of


You must be able to

read a codon table:

AUG – UCA – CAA ???

Met – Ser - Gin

3. Students will describe gene and chromosomal


Sometimes the process of DNA replication will

become flawed, resulting in mutations.

Mutations: changes in the genetic code

Passed from one cell to new cells

Transmitted to offspring if it occurs in sex cells

Most will have no effect

3. Students will describe gene and chromosomal


Gene Mutation: change in a single gene

Chromosome Mutation: change in many genes

Can be spontaneous or caused by

environmental mutagens (radiation, chemicals,
