mind mapping

• Mind Mapping https://store.theartofservice.com/the-mind-mapping- toolkit.html

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• Mind Mapping


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Educational software - Software for specific educational purposes

1 Mind Mapping Software such as MindGenius which provides a focal point for discussion, helps make

classes more interactive, and assists students with studying, essays and



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Dissertation - Useful Software

1 List_of_concept-_and_mind-mapping_software|Mind Mapping Tools such as Freeplane or XMind

help students to create and organize their ideas


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Decision engineering - Visual decision design

1 Because it makes visible the otherwise invisible reasoning

structures used in complex decisions, the design aspect of decision engineering draws from other

conceptual representation technologies like mind mapping, conceptual graphs, and semantic



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Business Decision Mapping - Related methodologies

1 * 'Mind mapping', in which a diagram is used to structure and classify ideas

by linking them radially around a central key word or idea. There are no formal restrictions on the type of

links used.


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Mind map - Popularization of the term mind map

1 Buzan's specific approach, and the introduction of the term mind map arose during a 1974 BBC

TV series he hosted, called Use Your Head.Buzan, Tony 1974. Use your head. London: BBC Books. In this show, and

companion book series, Buzan promoted his conception of radial tree, diagramming key

words in a colorful, radiant, tree-like structure.[http://www.knowledgeboard.com/item/2980 Buzan claims mind mapping his invention in

interview.] KnowledgeBoard retrieved Jan. 2010.


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Mind map - Popularization of the term mind map

1 Buzan's treatment also uses then-popular assumptions about the

functions of cerebral hemispheres in order to explain the claimed

increased effectiveness of mind mapping over other forms of note



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Mind map - Mind map guidelines

1 # Develop your own personal style of mind mapping.


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Mind map - Tools

1 Note-taking software such as Microsoft OneNote often incorporates mind mapping



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1 'XMind' is a brainstorming and mind mapping software tool developed by XMind Ltd


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1 It features flexible layout, native interface for both Mac (using Cocoa) and Windows (using Fluent), and a

strong emphasis on the visual aspects of Mind Mapping.GigaOm NovaMind- Mind Mapping Software


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1 'MindView' is a computer program, developed and distributed by MatchWare. Classified as

mind mapping software, the program is targeted towards professionals and is used to visually brainstorming|brainstorm, organize

and present ideas. MindView was first developed as a flexible learning tool; this led to its inclusion in a DiDA software suite. The current release is MindView 5 with versions

available for both the Microsoft Windows and OS X|Apple's OS X Operating Systems.


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MindView - Applications

1 Mind mapping software takes the process from paper to digital format

for easy distribution to project members.


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MindView - Applications

1 cloud computing|Cloud based applications of mind mapping

software allow associates at remote locations to benefit from the

collective process.


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MindView - Features

1 Mindview features a complete suite of productivity tools for not only mind

mapping but also project management from conception to

integration and including continuing oversight


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List of concept- and mind-mapping software

1 Concept-mapping and mind-mapping software are used to create diagrams of relationships between concepts, ideas or other pieces of information. It has been suggested that the mind mapping technique

can improve learning/study efficiency up to 15% over conventional

Notetaking|note taking.


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List of concept- and mind-mapping software - Non-paid software

1 There are a number of software packages and websites that allow the

creation of, or otherwise support mind maps. The following is a list of notable concept mapping and mind

mapping Application_software|applications which are available

without cost.


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1 Reviewers have found early versions of Freeplane to be stable,[

http://www.mind-mapping.org/blog/2009/06/freeplane-pushing-for-visibility/ Freeplane pushing for visibility]

Mind-Mapping.org blog[ http://mindmappingsoftwareblog.com/freeplane/

Freeplane off to a promising start] Mind Mapping Software Blog[ http://ostatic.com/blog/new-mind-mapping-app-freeplane-promises-great-features-rapid-release-cycle

Freeplane Promises Great Features, Rapid Release Cycle] ostatic.com and SourceForge reports hundreds of

downloads daily.[https://sourceforge.net/project/stats/?group_id=211069ugn=freeplane Usage Statistics For

Freeplane] SourceForge.net


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1 'MindMeister' is an online mind mapping software that allows its users to visualize their



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1 'MindGenius' is a mind mapping software application. It has been

available commercially since 2001. Development on the product began

in 2000, and the latest version (4.20) was released in December 2011


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3D Topicscape

1 A Topicscape is created by importing folders (by Drag-and-drop or menus), importing

from other mind mapping software including FreeMind, PersonalBrain and

MindManager [http://www.topicscape.com/topicscape-

and-mindmanager.php Importing from other software] or by hand with mouse clicks or

keyboard shortcuts. Import sources may be converted to a new Topicscape or added as

a portion of an existing one. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-mind-mapping-toolkit.html

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3D Topicscape

1 Topicscape's most obvious difference from 2D mind mapping software is that it provides a Zooming User

Interface|zooming interfaceOn-line manual: [http://www.topicscape.com/topicscape-wiki/index.php?title=QuickZoom Quickzoom description] and simulates flying as noted by Wall Street Journal columnist Jeremy

Wagstaff in his column Fly through your computer.Jeremy Wagstaff (Wall Street Journal, June 23, 2006)

[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB115099462942087665.html Fly through your computer] The BBC World

ServiceBBC World Service, Business Daily, June 2006 - audio only and PC World (magazine)|PC World Laura

Blackwell PC World (magazine)|PC World (print edition), April 2008 have also reviewed 3D Topicscape.


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SpicyNodes - Overview

1 to mind mapping and concept mapping.Chapter 11: Online Mind

Mapping by Carl Anderson and Richard Byrne


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SpicyNodes - Current implementations

1 Interactive Patterns of Interactions for a Mind Mapping Multimedia Courseware


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SpicyNodes - Current implementations

1 Jil Wright, [ http://itjil.blogspot.com/2010/06/spic

ynodes-for-mind-mapping-course.html Spicynodes for Mind Mapping / Course Mapping] (June



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SpicyNodes - Related, but different implementations

1 For authoring, there are related List of concept mapping software|mind

mapping and concept mapping products, such as


dynamisez-vos-cartes.html Typically these do not allow the end user to change focus from node to node


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Concept map - Concept mapping versus topic maps and mind mapping

1 Another contrast between Concept mapping and Mind mapping is the

speed and spontaneity when a Mind map is created


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Diagramming software - Concept mapping/Mind mapping

1 Concept mapping and mind mapping are a subset of diagramming software aimed to represent

collections of ideas.


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1 'Mind42' is an online mind mapping application that allows users to

visualize their thinking using the proven mind mapping method. The

name refers to the collaborative features of the product, and is

intended to be pronounced like mind for two.http://mind42.com/about It

has been recommended by Freelance Weekly as one of their favorite time-management and organization tools.


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1 As of now, these applications are BibTeX based Comparison of

reference management software|reference management, mind mapping, and some List of PDF

software|pdf management capabilities


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Docear - History

1 While SciPlore MindMapping was based on FreeMind, Docear is built upon the mind mapping software

Freeplane and the reference manager JabRef


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Docear - Features

1 * Full mind mapping capabilities since Docear is developed as add-on for the mind mapping tool Freeplane


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1 'TheBrain', formerly branded PersonalBrain, is a mind mapping and personal knowledge base software from TheBrain

Technologies.[ http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasicarticleId=9027166 Find it faster:

PersonalBrain app links obscure data] It uses a dynamic graphical interface that maps hierarchical and network relationships.

[ http://mindmapping.typepad.com/the_mind_mapping_software/2

008/05/beyond-hierar-1.html Beyond hierarchies: A better paradigm for mind mapping? - Mind Mapping Software Blog] It

includes the ability to add links to Web pages and files as well as notes and events using a built-in calendar.[

http://www.technewsworld.com/rsstory/58946.html Technology News: Software: Mind Mapping Goes 3-D With Personal Brain] It is

cross-platform, available for Microsoft Windows|Windows, Unix and Unix-like Operating Systems, and Mac OS X


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Axon Idea Processor - Applications

1 The processor is used for organizing ideas, brainstorming, concept

mapping, mind mapping, analysis, flowcharting, and creative writing


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1 'MindMaple' is a mind mapping software developed by MindMaple

Inc. MindMaple was designed to be a versatile tool for project

management, brainstorming, managing schedules, creating visual

presentations, sharing ideas, and other purposes. It can be used as a

business, education, or personal tool.


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1 Mind mapping software is designed to help individuals organize ideas and

concepts by representing them as visual topics and subtopics related by lines or

arrows. MindMaple uses a “drawing interface” designed to be more intuitive

than the interfaces of other mind mapping software products. MindMaple was

designed with a variety of users in mind, “from business professionals to students.”


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Mindjet (software) - Development

1 Over time, however, Mindjet has developed its own style of mind



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Buzan's iMindMap

1 'iMindMap' is concept mapping software that uses Tony Buzan’s

brand of Mind Mapping methods to create maps for brainstorming,

organising, creative thinking, project management, planning and

delivering presentations.


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Tinderbox (application software) - Features

1 It also offers functionality similar to that of outliner and spatial

hypertext/mind mapping tools, in addition to knowledge management,

database and agent(persistent search) tools.


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Tinderbox (application software) - Features

1 * Outlining and mind mapping See the Tinderbox manual


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1 'FreeMind' is a free software|free mind mapping application written in Java (programming language)|Java


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1 As with other mind mapping software packages, FreeMind allows the user

to edit a hierarchical set of ideas around a central concept


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Visual Mind

1 'Visual Mind' is mind mapping software that allows users to capture and organize information in a visual



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Solution Language Tool

1 'Solina Mind Mapping Software' is a commercial mind mapping and

activity mapping software application developed by Insoft Oy. The tool mimics free hand drawing. Mind

maps created in Solina are based on organic mind maps developed by Tony Buzan. Solina Mind Mapping Software is available for Microsoft


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Creative problem solving - Creative Problem Solving

1 Mind Mapping) are tools to use with CPS


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Note-taking - Non-linear note-taking

1 Mind mapping,Buzan, T


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Tony Buzan

1 'Anthony Tony Peter Buzan' (; born 2 June 1942) is an English author and

educational consultant. He is a proponent of the techniques of Mind

Mapping[ http://www.open.ac.uk/infoskills-

researchers/developing-mindmapping.htm Mind Mapping ™], Developing your ideas, Information Skills for Researchers and mental


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Tony Buzan - Background

1 He launched his own software programme to support mind mapping

called [http://www.iMindMap.com/ iMindMap] in December 2006


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Tony Buzan - Background

1 Some critics have labeled his claims as pseudoscience and question the

existence of evidence of the usefulness of mind mapping.


title=Pseudoscience_and_mind_mapping Pseudoscience and mind

mapping], WikIT, the mind mapping wiki


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SciPlore MindMapping

1 'SciPlore MindMapping' is a mind mapping application written in Java (programming language)|Java. It is

licensed under the GNU General Public License and based on the open source software FreeMind. The focus

of SciPlore MindMapping is on combining mind maps with PDF and

reference management. It is especially suited for the needs of

researchers and scientists as it offers four unique features.:


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SciPlore MindMapping

1 SciPlore MindMapping is supposed to be the first mind mapping tool that

integrates mind mapping with reference management and enables the import of PDF bookmarks. The

software maintains a compatible file format to FreeMind 0.9.


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Group concept mapping - Group concept mapping versus concept mapping and mind mapping

1 In contrast to mind mapping, group concept mapping represents multiple

ideas and it has a less flexible and more structured process


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Personal knowledge base - Mind mapping

1 Mind mapping was promoted by pop

psychologist Tony Buzan in the 1960s, and


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Personal knowledge base - Tree plus graph

1 between distant concepts. Similarly, some systems using

the mind mapping


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Personal knowledge base - Knowledge elements

1 # 'Word/phrase/concept'. Most systems engineered for knowledge

representation encourage structures to be composed of very simple

elements, usually words or phrases. This is in the spirit of both mind mapping and concept mapping,

where users are encouraged to use simple phrases to stand for mental

concepts. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-mind-mapping-toolkit.html

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Personal knowledge base - Types, and related schema

1 to commit to structure prematurely. Most mind

mapping and many concept


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Personal knowledge base - Schema for links

1 manner. The mind mapping paradigm also does not name

links, but for a


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Personal knowledge base - File-based

1 virtually all of the mind mapping tools



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ConceptDraw Office

1 ConceptDraw Office is composed of mind mapping, project management and Diagramming software|business

diagramming tools.


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ConceptDraw Office - Components

1 'ConceptDraw MINDMAP' Erez Zukerman.


and-present-mind-maps.html ConceptDraw MINDMAP Review].PC

World. Nov. 2012.- Mind mapping and brainstorming tool. Developed for

the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.https://store.theartofservice.com/the-mind-mapping-toolkit.html

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ConceptDraw Office - Components

1 [http://assistivetek.blogspot.com/2009/08/dashboards-for-project-

management.html Dashboards for Project Management] writing,Hobart

Swan (2011-01-07) [http://www.teachingvillage.org/2011

/01/07/mind-mapping-for-writers-part-1-by-hobie-swan/ Mind Mapping

for Writers] business process modeling, software development

Chuck Frey (2010-03-04)https://store.theartofservice.com/the-mind-mapping-toolkit.html

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List of file formats - Graphical information organizers

1 * MGMF — MindGenius Mind Mapping Software file format.


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How to Solve It - Heuristics

1 Other books on problem solving are often related to more creative and

less concrete techniques. See lateral thinking, mind mapping,

brainstorming, and creative problem solving.


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1 'MindMup' is a free software|free mind mapping application written

primarily in JavaScript and designed to run in HTML5 browsers. MindMup is released under the MIT License,

and the source code is available from GitHub. MindMup is also available as

a free anonymous web service at [http://www.mindmup.com

mindmup.com], which enables users to store maps on several cloud

storage providers, including Google Drive, Amazon S3 and GitHub and collaborate in real time with other



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1 Damjan Vujnovic, David de Florinier and Gojko Adzic started MindMup in January 2013 to create a free and

open alternative to commercial mind mapping cloud services, and the

three main drivers of the project are creating a frictionless interface,

productivity and community-driven development.


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1 'WiseMapping' is a free software|free mind mapping web based application

written in Java (programming language)|Java, SVG and HTML5. WiseMapping is licensed under the

[https://wisemapping.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WS/License WiseMapping

Public License Version 1.0]. It provides extensive export

capabilities and a user friendly drag and drop mind map editor.


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1 As with other mind mapping software packages, WiseMapping allows the

user to edit a hierarchical set of ideas around a central concept. The

non-linear approach assists in brainstorming new outlines and

projects as ideas are added around the mind map.


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Concept mapping - Differences from other visualizations

1 Another contrast between concept mapping and mind mapping is the

speed and spontaneity when a mind map is created


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ConceptDraw MINDMAP

1 The mind mapping technology of visual thinkingHobart Swan.

[http://michellerafter.com/2012/10/16/4-steps-to-mapping-your-mind-for-blog-topics/ 4 steps to using mind

mapping for story ideas, blog topics]. was invented by Tony BuzanTony

Buzan (1991) Use Your Perfect Memory. Plume Penguin Group J.

ISBN 0-452-26606-8 in the 1960s.Tony Buzan. (1993) The Mind

Map Book ISBN 0-563-36373-8


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ConceptDraw MINDMAP

1 Volume: 21 Issue: 4 of hand-drawn mind maps there is a range of special

mind mapping software, which is commonly used to create mind

mapsTony Buzan (2013) Modern Mind Mapping for Smarter Thinking


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ConceptDraw MINDMAP - Export/Import

1 ConceptDraw MINDMAP can import OPML files, text outlines, MS Project, MS

Word[http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20120828006718/en#.Uxh2mj8izTo CS Odessa New Solution for ConceptDraw MINDMAP Adds

Compatibility with Microsoft Word].(2012) Business Wire and MS PowerPoint files, along with some mind mapping formats,Wallace Tait.(2013)

[http://visualmapper.blogspot.com/2013/02/tap-it-do-it-improve-it.html T.A.P it, DO it, IMPROVE it]. Visual Mapper. such as MindManager, XMind and



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Constructivist teaching methods - Constructivist assessment

1 *Mind Mapping. In this activity, students list and categorize the concepts and ideas relating to a

