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  • 7/27/2019 Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Training System - IronMan


    www.ironmanmagazine.com \ SEPTEMBER 2007 199

    n the six years sinceJoanne Sharkeyasked me to dophone consulta-tions for her onMike MentzersHeavy Duty training

    system, the most commonquestion weve receivedis, What did Mike meanwhen he said, As the bodychanges, training require-

    ments change? Does itmean that everybodys dif-ferent? Does it mean thatthere could be a time whensomeone could (or should)perform more volumeoreven high volumeinones training? The answerto the last two questions isno. The answer to the firstis what were talking aboutin this installment.

    To begin with, everybody is notdifferent. As Mike accurately poin-ted out years ago:

    We arent all that different phy-siologically. Were all unique asindividuals, but when a young manor a young woman goes to medicalschool and studies muscle physio-logy, whose physiology is he or shestudying? Everybodys.

    We all have the same musclephysiology. The biochemical chang-es leading to muscle growth in MikeMentzer are the same as the onesleading to muscle growth in you. It

    follows that the specific stimulusrequired to induce the biochemicalchanges leading to muscle growth inyou and me is the same. What is thatstimulus? High-intensity muscularcontraction!

    Thats why nobody ever put aninch on an arm as a result of wash-ing dishesthe intensity of mus-cular contraction involved in thatactivity is far too low. As Mike alsopointed out:

    We all grow at different rates ofspeed. I might grow faster as a re-sult of high-intensity training, but

    well all grow faster when each ofus trains more intensely. If yourenot gaining fast now or if youre notgaining at all, youll gain faster whenyou train more intensely. Anybodywill gain more rapidly when hetrains more intensely. He may notgain as rapidly as me. Then again,he might gain more rapidly than Ido because of innate adaptability.We all have different innate adap-tabilities to exerciseage, physicalcondition, motivation, a lot of diffe-rent factors. The underlying musclephysiology, however, is the same.

    The people who say we all havedifferent training requirements areentirely wrong. Theyre ignorantof the basic facts regarding musclephysiology. If we all had differentphysiologies, medical science couldnot exist. A doctor would have tostudy each individual as a separatephysiological entity and then learnall the intricacies of that physiologyand devise medicine around them.The very fact that the basic princip-les of physiology apply to the wholehuman race is what makes medicalscience a viable discipline.

    Physique Metamorphosisby John Little

    EPTEMBER 2007 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com


  • 7/27/2019 Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Training System - IronMan


    increases dramatically.That causes you to grow ex-

    hausted more quickly and to takelonger to recover from the workout.That should be evident to anyonewhos trained in a truly all-outmanner. The harder the effort,the more quickly exhaustion in-

    tervenes; when your gas tank hasbeen emptied, in other words, theworkout is over. Your gas tank getsemptied very quickly when youare exerting yourself to the max. Asyou expend more energy in liftingheavier weights300 pounds for15 repetitions in the squat vs. only120 pounds for 10 repetitions in thesquatit takes the body longer toreplenish a greater energy debt thanit does a lesser one. Or, as Mike putit:

    As you grow strongerthat is,as the weights grow progressively

    greaterthe stress on your bodybecomes progressively greater andmust be compensated for. Perhapsthe easiest way to understand thatphenomenon is to observe thestresses on your body when perfor-ming a warmup set of squats com-pared to what happens during the

    actual work set to failure. On theheavier work set you immediatelyrecognize the much greater stresson the bones than you get on thewarmup set. The same goes for themuch greater demands on the car-diorespiratory system and so forth.

    Now simply extrapolate thatover time, as you lift progressivelymore weight from workout to wor-kout. As the stresses grow progres-sively greater, theyll eventually addup to overtraining. The first symp-tom will be a slowdown in progress,and if you continue with the same


    The bigger andstronger youare, the morestress you canimpose on yourbody in anygiven set.

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    EPTEMBER 2007 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com

    As for the issue of whether high-volume training makes sense, theanswer is that a high volume of train-ing and a high intensity of trainingare mutually exclusive. The bodyrequires high-intensity muscularcontractions to produce the bioche-mical reactions that result in musclegrowth. Low-intensity contractions,which let you carry on a particularactivity for a longer period of time,do very little to stimulate much, ifany, growth at all. Again, try wash-ing dishes for a couple of hours andlet me know when youve put twoinches on your arm. Lets hear fromMike Mentzer on the issue:

    Does anybody here think thatgrowth comes easily? Has anybodygrown too fast this year? No, weall know that growth doesnt comeeasily. You literally have to forcegrowth. Now, tell me how you canforce growth with light weights, mildexertion, easy workouts. You cant.The harder you train, the faster yougrow. The harder you train, the lesstime you can spend training, just asthe faster you run, the less distanceyou can run.

    Given the above facts, we arebrought back to square one. So whatdid Mike mean when he said that asthe body changes, training require-ments change? Simply this: That asan individuals muscles grow bigger,they also grow stronger. Consequent-ly, the energy expended in onesworkout from a given muscle group

    As anindividualsmuscles growbigger, they alsogrow stronger.

    Bigger, strongermuscles expendmore energy, sothe larger youbecome, themore quickly

    you become



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    volume and frequency, the stresseswill cause complete cessation ofprogress. Thats typically referred toas a sticking point. You need neverexperience a slowdown in progress,let alone a sticking point, if youbear in mind all the while that youmust compensate for them.

    Within two to three weeksof embarking on a Heavy Duty,high-intensity training program,

    you should begin adding an extra

    rest day or even two at randomso that youre giving yourself suf-ficient time to recover from your

    workouts. Do that with increasingregularity until youre training onceevery seven days or so. Accordingto Mike:

    The implication here is that

    if the individual trains again be-fore the bodys growth productionprocess is completed, it will beshort-circuited and less than 100

    units of possible progress will berealized. Once the individual istraining once every seven days, Isuggest a reduction in the volumeof training, as outlined in mybooks, along the lines of the Con-solidation Program. [Editors note:Please see The Wisdom of Mike

    Mentzeror High Intensity Trai-ning The Mike Mentzer Wayfor adetailed presentation of MentzersConsolidation Program.]

    Within two tothree weeks ofembarking on ahigh-intensity-trainingprogram, youshould begininserting an

    extra rest dayor even two intoyour schedule.


  • 7/27/2019 Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Training System - IronMan


    04 SEPTEMBER 2007 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com

    With a consolidation routine,theres a decided shift in emphasisto predominately compound exer-cisesthat is, ones that involvemultiple muscle groups, such assquats, dips and deadlifts. A work-out consisting of compound exer-cises still works all of the majormuscle groups but with fewer

    total sets, making for minimuminroads into recovery ability.

    Following the above advice,

    If you trainbefore recoveryis complete, youshort-circuit thegrowth process.


  • 7/27/2019 Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Training System - IronMan


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    SEPTEMBER 2007 \ www.ironmanmagazine.com

    oull never hit a sticking point. Youllxperience unbreached progressith your training. As Ive writtenefore, if scientists can send a man

    o the moon and bring him backafely each time, we should be ableo succeed with every one of our

    missions to the gym here on earth.Building bigger muscles should bea cakewalk compared to a moonwalk.

    In other words, anytime youincrease the intensity of a work-outby lifting heavier weights,

    performing more repsyouve in-creased the stress on your body. Youmust account for that both in thelength (or volume) of your workoutsand in the extra time that will berequired between workouts in orderfor you to fully recover and adapt

    Compoundexercises arebest for efficientmass-building



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    from the training.Editors note: For a complete

    presentation of Mike MentzersHeavy Duty training system, consulthis books Heavy Duty II, HighIntensity Training the Mike MentzerWayand the newest book, TheWisdom of Mike Mentzer, all of whichare available from Mentzers officialWeb site, www.MikeMentzer.com.

    John Little is available for phoneconsultation on Mike MentzersHeavy Duty training system. Forrates and information, contactJoanne Sharkey at (310) 316-4519 orat www.MikeMentzer.com, or seethe ad on the opposite page.

    Article copyright 2007, John

    Little. All rights reserved. MikeMentzer quotations providedcourtesy of Joanne Sharkey and areused with permission. IM

    Multijoint movesthat train thelargest musclesstimulate themetabolismand anabolichormones.

    More-isolatedfinishingexercisesshould be used



