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    Biological characterization of the fungus Aspergillus sp found

    in the seeds ofCaesalpinia coriaria (Nacascol) and its impact

    on the health of the Environment. El Salvador.


    Teaching Department of Microbiology

    Faculty of Medicine

    University of El Salvador

    Address: final 25 av north University City. San Salvador

    Tel (503) 2273-0771 or (503) 2225-1500 ext 4246

    E-Mail [email protected]

    Summaryobjective: To characterize and identify fungus found in the seeds of Nacascol and its

    impact on the health of the environment. Methodology. We proceeded in three phases:

    First phase in the collection of seeds nacascol in different areas of the country; Second

    phase of tannin extraction and processing of the seed and fungus; Third phase of

    laboratory tests that were to spread inoculum of the fungus present in the seed tubes

    agar sabouroud microscopy and examine the sample and its relation to lung infections

    and allergies in human .Result : From the seeds of nacascol was found on board a

    fungus Aspergillus sp influencing acute respiratory infections. We found a new species

    differs from otherAspergillus gener. Conclusion. The environmental impact caused by

    spores of the fungus Aspergillus contributes to the disability employment and public

    spending on health in treating acute respiratory infections. We found a new species of

    Aspergillus in El Salvador.

    Key words.Aspergillus sp, Nacascol.


    In our environment Health is a value-added human capital, not only involves identifying

    the environmental risk, but also help solve the problems found, which is a task for

    everyone to work together to minimize harm to the environment.

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    This time is investigated on a natural plant well known in our area at the National

    known as the seed of Nacascol or Nacascolo widely used in leather tanning and pottery

    in the area north of the country.

    This seed has a particularity required by the inert presence of a fungusAspergillus sp of

    the genre, so you can stain along with the properties of mud stained black, the pots and

    tanning the skin of cattle. Besides the pots give you the special characteristic of black

    mud, which give it a colonial look and beauty to the pots.

    JUSTIFICATION. But due to ignorance of science, has found that an apparent injury

    to health from the presence of the fungus, and which by negligence or lack of education

    ignored the "danger" or risk that holds claim to the spores during the preparation of the

    product. The research aims primarily to develop educational levels in future to the

    people who handled during the extraction of the product, to protect the environment and

    health of the inhabitants engaged in manufacturing work. In many cases this is

    diagnosed as acute bronchitis or bronchial asthma is a pulmonary fungal infection, so

    that treatment must be an antifungal and not an antibiotic.

    Material and Methods

    We proceeded in three phases: First phase in the collection of seeds nacascol in different

    areas of the country in the northern part of Chalatenango and Morazan. Second phase of

    tannin extraction and processing of the seed and fungus; Phase III tests which consisted

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    of planting the inoculums of the fungus present in the seed tubes agar sabouroud

    microscopy and examine the sample.


    Fig 1 the seeds NACASCOL called the tree

    whose scientific name is Caeselpinia coriaria,

    family Caesalpnieaceae, the genre Caesalpinia,

    leguminous plant with stems of 3 to 11 meters in height, with leaves in pairs pinnae 5 to

    10 cm long, each with more 10 leaflets from 4 to 8 mm in length and 2 mm thick,

    rounded apex, seeds brown-looking black, which grows like a fungus which is the

    Aspergillus niger, seen as opportunistic pathogen for humans, whose morphology is not

    equal, and whose spores vary with the previous one, but in this case are arranged in the

    form of separate spicules across the spore that are coalescing multiple pigmented and

    other clear, small diameter, which are black to brown as pigmentation and are not flat

    and rough like the kind of niger. To cultivate in a particular place in stain black pigment

    production in the tube in the region later in the tubes before 24 o'clock to add to the

    medium Agar saboroud more oxidizing substances. Preliminary phytochemical analysis

    of the tree Caeselpinia coriaria contains tannins, triterpenes, and flavonoid glycosides.

    The fungus is played exclusively on the seeds of the tree Nacascol, which is preparing

    for the extraction and preparation of the dye and then in vitro cultivation for the

    production of the dye.

    The fungus discovered found in the seeds is described like this:

    Fig1 . Seeds Nacascol

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    Esterigmas. The head of the conidia is black, conidiophores smooth over 1 to 4 mm

    with conidia spores or moderate internal, 1 to 3

    microns, colored brown to black.

    Macroscopic characteristics: Agar colony in

    saboraud culture is white then switched to

    green in appearance and then radiated is black,

    the reverse is yellow or black colours pigment as oxidizing agent, mycelia low altitude,


    aspect of the colony is dusty colours black.

    Microscopic characteristics: smooth conidial head of a round wall, ready to form radial

    stipe of smooth and thin wall pronounced, collared brown to black, there is no sign of

    gallbladder or columella, there is abundant conidia off of his head, has a row of fialides.

    The sporangium is a simple structure globosa peridial of esterigma is black.

    Figure 3 The conidiophores are smooth, rough; the spore is in

    the form of a racket with spicules. The conidia mature brown

    are spherical with projections in the form of triangular peaks

    throughout the periphery, abundant and the plants are scarce

    forming spicules triangular number greater than 10, the conidia

    looks spherical star with spicules that emerge from the ends

    filaments arranged in the form of linear chains emerging from the bumps, the whole

    structure forms a solid shell. Immature asexual spores are spherical thin wall colorless

    large, which is then filled by forming masses of internal brown. The long conidiophores

    Fig 3. spore Aspergillus

    Fig. 2 . Aspergillus sp. in culture.

    40 x.

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    is smooth with abundant spores. There are other differences that conidia of the former

    because they have a heart to the inside of regular size of a large light blue color that

    takes the edge coloring with hyaline single wall that are smaller than the previous ones,

    without bumps rough-looking plane number no more than 10, no form spicules.

    In general the spore is spherical in shape, aseptic, ameropora, and dark colored type

    feospora, large size, and diameter of 1 to 3 microns septet hyphae are continuing with

    mycelium. Growing at room temperature or 37 C.

    The fig 4 .Growing saboraud Agar plate and

    microcultive was found abundant colonies of

    white to green radiated that changes color to

    black, arranged in radially from the center

    outwards, the back of a yellow pigmented black

    as use of oxidants.

    This strain of Aspergillus found, it is suggested that given their morphological

    characterization is another species found in El Salvador deducted by the International

    taxonomic classification does not correspond to the species niger.

    The remark was made in the procedure of extracting the tannin they occupy in dyeing,

    black pottery, finding interviews by the extraction procedure lasts one week, then the

    next week the villagers remain prostrate in bed with febrile process, dry cough ,

    Lassitude and anorexia, for the handling and aspiration of gases from the burning being

    done to fix the dye.

    Fig. 4 . Microcultive.

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    In Fig. 6 and Fig 7 Image gathered picture is

    observed with scanning electron micro photo:

    gallbladder and spores of the fungus (6500 x).Can

    be noted as reporting CENSALUD "filamentous

    fungus, which protrudes from the mycelium

    conidial head, rounded. These heads are made up

    of a vesicle surrounded by a crown of fialides in the form of a bottle, on whose end is

    fixed spores, in this case only shows a not a bonding. Other differences are that the

    rough is conidiophores without septa, the spores are in the form of cactus or deck with

    triangular spicules dispersed. The gallbladder is round where emerging linear chain of

    spores in the form of mallet or bottle with multiple spicules with projections, the

    conidiophores are smooth, rough. Phenotypically corresponds to another species of the

    genus Aspergillus. For their morphological characteristics.

    Fig. 6 Image obtained with

    a scanning electron

    microphoto: gallbladder

    and spores of the fungus

    (6500 x). (Courtesy of Dr

    Vianey Abrego. Taken

    CENSALUD. UES in February


    Fig. 7. Image obtained with a scanning electron

    microphoto: gallbladder and spores of the fungus (10000

    x). (Courtesy of Dr Vianey Abrego. TakenCENSALUD.

    UES in February 2008.)

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    For genotypic studies were found that the genere is presenting the followingAspergillus

    DNA sequencing in which the sequence of bases genotypically purics and piridimidics

    differentiate between the various species of the genre, as is the chromosome map.


    Impact on Health

    The direct contact of seeds with the presence of the fungus with the human

    consequences brings harm to health and outlay of public expenditure in the care of acute

    respiratory infections, at the level of care I, II and III of the network of the Ministry of

    Health. So that a general fall in the diagnosis of acute respiratory infections without

    explaining the cause of their origin.

    It has been determined that patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis its

    causative agent of the genre include species of Aspergillus fumigatus, niger, terreus,

    flavus, nidulans. In our environment is the most common genre of the species

    Aspergillus niger. (1)

    There are several forms of aspergillosis that sick man, among the best known are:

    Pulmonary Aspergillosis bronco pulmonary allergic-type: it is due to an allergic

    reaction to the fungus by aspiration, which is being developed with bronchial asthma.

    Aspergilloma: it is a tumor that develops in a lung lobe, such as tuberculosis or lung


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    invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: is a serious infection with pneumonic spreads to

    other parts of the body. The infection occurs in people with weakened immune systems

    due to cancer, AIDS, leukemia, organ transplants, chemotherapy and others. (2,3,5)

    Reviewing the literature, we found that the Aspergilloma formed when the fungus

    Aspergillus grows as a body cavity in pulmonary (lung) or when the organism invades

    previously healthy tissue, causing an abscess. (4,6-9)

    Aspergillus, in high concentrations can cause aspergillosis, invasive species cause lung

    disorders. The disease appears more often in farmers, as they inhale dust from the

    fungus more easily. (4)

    The way of playingAspergillus of its spores, which with a size of 2 to 3.5 cm fall easily

    into the airways. When these spores germinate, and introduced into a susceptible

    individual (atypical asthma, cystic fibrosis) form hyphen that colonize the bronchi. The

    hyphen are 3 to 7 cm. in diameter, and are characterized by their branches in 45-degree

    angle. (10-13, 1)

    The inoculums size is variable; the number of spores inhaled is an important factor in

    the production of Aspergillosis, Asthma (atopy), cystic fibrosis and asthma are among

    the most frequent outpatient visits. (14)

    In general, the fungus Aspergillus is a group of filamentous fungi Deuteromycetes or

    imperfect microscopic appearance is typical and is characterized by structures

    esporferas or breeding calls conidial head. These heads are made up of a vesicle

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    surrounded by a crown of filides in the form of a bottle, in which extreme form chains

    of spores in a linear fashion. (15.10)

    Rapper Fennell and the classified into 18 groups based on their macroscopic appearance

    and the morphological characteristics of the conidiophores and filides; of them, 12 are

    related to human disease, the most important:Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus niger. (16,


    Other authors believe that theAspergillus is a genus of about 200 fungi. It can exist in

    two basic forms: yeast and hyphae. Aspergillus is filamentous (composed of chains of

    cells, called hyphae, the opposite type of fungi to yeast, which consist of a single cell

    round). (18)

    The Aspergillus nigerhas the mycelium wooly white - yellow changing to black, the

    reverse is yellowish white, conidiophores long, smooth and filides biseriate completely

    covering the gallbladder. (10)

    The Aspergillus can cause multiple pathological processes. Among the factors

    pathogenicity of the fungus are: For its small size of their conidia permits that are

    vacuum cleaners, causing infection in the lungs and sinuses; their ability to grow

    quickly to 37 C which makes it ideal to affect human; Its ability to adhere to surfaces

    and possibly epithelial and endothelial its strong tendency to invade blood vessels,

    producing a large number of extracellular products toxic to cells. (9)

    In people who have contact with the Aspergillus, that by its nature is "opportunistic

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    pathogen", ie often affects patients with compromised defense mechanisms so that his

    injury is very serious.

    Among the main symptoms upon Aspergillus, they may be: Chest pain, expectoration

    with blood (can be seen by up to 75% of patients), fever, respiratory failure, weight loss,

    wheezing, hacking cough. (18)

    Among the complications related, are: Difficulty breathing progressive pulmonary

    bleeding spread of the infection among others. Aspergillosis is the most common

    opportunistic fungal infection of the lung, (5) as in AIDS patients is fulminating. (19)

    In Fig. 8 is observed by chest X-ray simple chest of a

    patient who presents nodular patterns characteristic of

    patients that have been contaminated with the fungus

    Aspergillus sp, with clinical manifestations of a

    pulmonary aspergillosis and in other cases Aspergilloma


    Clarifies that this diagnosis gives a priori similarities of

    acute bronchitis, but that ignorance prescribed to patients in the north are treated with

    antibiotics, which really should be an antifungal.

    The Aspergillus fungus is widespread in nature that develops in decaying vegetables,

    cereal grain, hay, cotton and wool, feathers, to be its ideal, the rooms dark, wet and

    Fig. 8. Chest radiograph.

    Observed bilateral nodular

    opacities characteristics ofinvasive pulmonary

    aspergillosis. (20)

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    closed. Aspergillus spores can be found in the deposits of wheat, in buildings under

    construction, in stationary air conditioning and moldy foods.

    Aspergillus is a filamentous fungus, ubiquitous and cosmopolitan found in nature and in

    homes. You can insulate the ground, ventilation systems, and water. (4)

    The aspergilos reproduce easily at higher temperatures and are frequently found in

    cereals, fodder, cotton, some birds such as pigeons, abound in organic material. The

    spores spread through the air (conidia) and are inhaled. (5)

    The spores can survive in the right conditions, for thousands of years. Recent studies

    have shown that the spores of Aspergillus kept intact their ability invasive, and even

    seems to increase its potential allergenicity after thousand years. Spores have been

    found inA. nigerandflavus in food, clothes, flowers and other objects from the tombs

    of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. in mummies and the sarcophagus of Ramses II (13)

    The rapid spread of Aspergillus in environments filled with dust and through the air

    conditioning systems, can be the source of outbreaks of aspergillosis that occur in

    hospitals and other buildings after renovation or construction works. (4)

    Aspergillus species are thermostable, and are able to grow at temperatures between 15

    and 53 degrees centigrade. The spores are present throughout the year, but dominated in

    autumn and winter, recovering from straw, manure, wood, decaying plants, fertilizer

    land, sewers, and depositions of birds, moldy hay and atmospheric air. (2-5)

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    Health prevention in order to resolve the problem identified


    The research is a new contribution of scientific knowledge in the environmental impact

    on health of our country, not only in identifying and locating the fungus, but also help in

    health education in the area of environmental education in the preparation and

    extraction of the product by the inhabitants, as well as training for health personnel on

    the discovery and understanding of microbiological aspects in the health prevention of

    the disease.

    It has been found that by using a simple method of protection for the use of mask and

    gloves, protects and reduces the spread of contamination and susceptible to contracting

    the fungus as well as protect the post burned in other areas sterile.

    CONCLUSION: We found a new species of the genera Aspergillus fungus found in soil

    and seed nacascol El Salvador in the north of the country, which he called a future

    scientific name: Aspergillus uessalvadoriensis , the genre Aspergillus, ues because it

    was discovered at the University of El Salvador and salvadoriensis because in this

    territory of El Salvador; or in the case binomial scientific name: Aspergillus ues

    salvadoriensis A Vasquez.

    THANKS: Dr Vianney Abrego for the courtesy of the electronic scanning

    microphotographs taken CENTER ON HEALTH RESEARCH at the University of El


    Reference Book

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