microrheology: structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions by simultaneous analysis of...

Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions by simultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusing wave spectroscopy Yves Nicolas, Marcel Paques, Alexandra Knaebel, Alain Steyer, Jean-Pierre Munch, Theo B. J. Blijdenstein, and George A. van Aken Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 74, 3838 (2003); doi: 10.1063/1.1588747 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1588747 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/74/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Diffusing wave spectroscopy method based on high-speed charge coupled device for nonergodic systems of electrorheological fluids Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3575 (2002); 10.1063/1.1505103 Multi-function Light Microscopy Module for the International Space Station AIP Conf. Proc. 504, 324 (2000); 10.1063/1.1302498 A rheo-optical apparatus for simultaneous detection of rheology, small-angle light scattering, and optical microscopy under transient, oscillatory, and continuous shear flows Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70, 2387 (1999); 10.1063/1.1149793 Precrystallization structures in supersaturated lysozyme solutions studied by dynamic light scattering and scanning force microscopy J. Chem. Phys. 106, 8587 (1997); 10.1063/1.473913 Rheological and Pipeline Flow Behavior of Corn Starch Dispersions J. Rheol. 29, 349 (1985); 10.1122/1.549816 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 05:46:07

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Page 1: Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions by simultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusing wave spectroscopy

Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions bysimultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusing wave spectroscopyYves Nicolas, Marcel Paques, Alexandra Knaebel, Alain Steyer, Jean-Pierre Munch, Theo B. J. Blijdenstein, andGeorge A. van Aken Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 74, 3838 (2003); doi: 10.1063/1.1588747 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1588747 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/74/8?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Diffusing wave spectroscopy method based on high-speed charge coupled device for nonergodic systems ofelectrorheological fluids Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3575 (2002); 10.1063/1.1505103 Multi-function Light Microscopy Module for the International Space Station AIP Conf. Proc. 504, 324 (2000); 10.1063/1.1302498 A rheo-optical apparatus for simultaneous detection of rheology, small-angle light scattering, and opticalmicroscopy under transient, oscillatory, and continuous shear flows Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70, 2387 (1999); 10.1063/1.1149793 Precrystallization structures in supersaturated lysozyme solutions studied by dynamic light scattering andscanning force microscopy J. Chem. Phys. 106, 8587 (1997); 10.1063/1.473913 Rheological and Pipeline Flow Behavior of Corn Starch Dispersions J. Rheol. 29, 349 (1985); 10.1122/1.549816

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Page 2: Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions by simultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusing wave spectroscopy

Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditionsby simultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusingwave spectroscopy

Yves Nicolasa)

Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences, P.O. Box 557, 6700AN Wageningen, The Netherlands and NIZOFood Research, P.O. Box 2, 6710BA Ede, The Netherlands

Marcel Paquesb)

Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences, P.O. Box 557, 6700AN Wageningen, The Netherlands and UnileverResearch and Development Vlaardingen, Postbus 114, 3130AC Vlaardingen, The Netherlands

Alexandra Knaebel, Alain Steyer, and Jean-Pierre MunchLaboratoire de Dynamique des Fluides Complexes, Institut de Physique, Universite´ de Strasbourg,3 rue de l’Universite´ 67084 Strasbourg, France

Theo B. J. BlijdensteinWageningen Centre for Food Sciences, P.O. Box 557, 6700AN Wageningen, The Netherlands andLevensmiddelenfysica, University of Wageningen, Postbus 8129, 6700 EV Wageningen, The Netherlands

George A. van AkenWageningen Centre for Food Sciences, P.O. Box 557, 6700AN Wageningen, The Netherlands and NIZOFood Research, P.O. Box 2, 6710BA Ede, The Netherlands

~Received 18 December 2002; accepted 5 May 2003!

An oscillatory shear configuration was developed to improve understanding of structural evolutionduring deformation. It combines an inverted confocal scanning laser microscope~CSLM! and aspecial sample holder that can apply to the sample specific deformation: oscillatory shear or steadystrain. In this configuration, a zero-velocity plane is created in the sample by moving two plates inopposite directions, thereby providing stable observation conditions of the structural behavior underdeformation. The configuration also includes diffusion wave spectroscopy~DWS! to monitor thenetwork properties via particle mobility under static and dynamic conditions. CSLM and DWS canbe performed simultaneously and three-dimensional images can be obtained under static conditions.This configuration is mainly used to study mechanistic phenomena like particle interaction,aggregation, gelation and network disintegration, interactions at interfaces under static and dynamicconditions in semisolid food materials~desserts, dressings, sauces, dairy products! and in nonfoodmaterials ~mineral emulsions, etc.!. Preliminary data obtained with this new oscillatory shearconfiguration are described that demonstrate their capabilities and the potential contribution to otherareas of application also. ©2003 American Institute of Physics.@DOI: 10.1063/1.1588747#


Studying materials that are deformed is an importantnew approach to understand product behavior under stressconditions. During deformation, the product structure maychange due to internal dynamic processes, e.g., elongation,breakup, and coalescence. Depending on the ingredients andon the processing, the structure will show a physical-chemical arrangement in space of structural elements~fibrils,particles, interfaces!. Both the spatial distribution of struc-tural elements and their mutual interaction determine mate-rial properties.1–5 Food systems are highly heterogeneous intheir structural arrangement and local domains play a crucialrole in product behavior. A range of techniques by which to

characterize food microstructure is available, e.g., light andneutron scattering, diffusion and relaxation measurements innuclear magnetic resonance~NMR!, and use of a rheologicalapparatus. However, these methods reflect the average mi-crostructure in an indirect way. Direct information is stillmissing on local interactions on a micrometer length scale tolink structural elemental behavior to rheological properties.Combining several techniques in an integrated configurationis of value and allows the characterization of structural prop-erties at local length scales. In our definition of ‘‘microrhe-ology’’ is the characterization of local structural propertiesduring bulk deformation. It also allows one to trace systembehavior back to its origin at the micrometer length scale andidentify the ingredients involved and relevant processing pa-rameters. In our approach noninvasive imaging and deforma-tion are combined but the configuration also includes mul-tiple light scatting. Special deformation cells were combinedwith a confocal scanning laser microscope~CSLM! to studystructural behavior over time without being hindered by the

a!Corresponding author; current address: DuPont Protein Technologies, RueGeneral Patton, Contern L-2984 Luxembourg; electronic mail:[email protected]

b!Current address: Friesland Coberco Dairy Foods/Corporate Research, P.O.Box 87, 7400 AB Deventer, The Netherlands.


38380034-6748/2003/74(8)/3838/7/$20.00 © 2003 American Institute of Physics

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Page 3: Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions by simultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusing wave spectroscopy

flow of material in the area of observation. We used a con-cept developed by Taylor in 1934 to obtain a zero-velocityplane in the sample by the countermovement of two elementsof the deformation cell.6 The image plane of the CSLMmatches this zero-velocity plane. In the present work, shearis obtained by linear movement of rectangle glasses. Linearmovement can also by applied in oscillation. This oscillatoryshear configuration allows one to obtain microscopic infor-mation and spectroscopic information simultaneously fromdiffusing wave spectroscopy~DWS!, a multiple light scatter-ing technique that determines viscoelastic properties of sys-tems by analysis of the particle mobility.7–9 This versatileconfiguration allows the monitoring of the gelation processof milk and model suspensions.10,11 The configuration ispartly based on work previously done by He´braudet al. thatintroduced combined application of oscillatory deformationwith DWS to study the mobility of particles and elastic net-work properties in concentrated emulsions.12

In addition to the above described configuration twoother configurations were developed by combining a CSLMwith continuous counterrotation and a CSLM withcompression/extension.3,13,14

The microrheology configurations are of great interestand provide new capabilities for product design, product de-velopment, and improvement of product performance basedon insight into the underlying structural properties. Examplesof industrial issues that can benefit from this approach opti-mization of the effective ingredient, ingredient replacementwhile maintaining product performance, and an increase ofthe number of manufacturing windows, and how to combinestable shelf life with the desired product instability duringkitchen handling and oral processing. Examples of scientificissues are elucidation of network formation and networkproperties~stability, breakdown! or the study of particle in-teractions~collision, adhesion, coalescence, breakup!.

In this article a thorough description of the configurationis given, followed by preliminary data obtained to demon-strate the new capabilities and potential contributions of theconfiguration to material sciences, industrial research, andproduct development.


A. Confocal scanning laser microscopy

Imaging was performed using an~inverted! Leica confo-cal scanning laser microscope, model TCS-SP1, configuredwith an ArKr laser for single photon excitation. The mainadvantages and drawbacks of the CSLM are summarized inTable I. Rhodamine B solution~CAS 81-88-9, Aldrich

Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI! was used as the fluorescencestaining agent for protein and was dissolved in distilled waterto a concentration of 0.01%. A 568 nm laser line was usedfor excitation to induce fluorescence emission detected be-tween 600 and 700 nm. A water immersion objective lens~633, numerical aperture of 1.2! was used. Its working dis-tance is 220mm. Z scans are performed using a fast piezoobjective driving system~Jena MIPOS3-SG, NEMA Elec-tronic BV, The Netherlands!.

B. Oscillatory shear cell

The concept of the zero-velocity plane was applied inorder to allow analysis without hindering effects of materialflow in the area of observation~Fig. 1!. Development of thecountermovement principle started with Taylor in 1934 usingparallel bands and was followed by many other authors.15–17

New systems were developed using counterrotational cylin-ders and a cone and plate configuration incounterrotation.13,18–20

Here we describe counterlinear shear in oscillation com-bined with DWS measurements and CSLM observation.

A schematic of the cell is presented in Fig. 2. Detailedschematics of the cell are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 from topand profile views, respectively. The cell consists of two rect-angle glass plates aligned parallel driven by piezo elements.The piezo elements drive the upper glass plate and the lowerglass plate with a maximum of 90mm displacement~P-843.60 preloaded closed loop LVPZT translator, Physik In-strumente! and 15 mm displacement~P-843.10 preloadedclosed loop LVPZT translator, Physik Instrumente!, respec-tively. Those two piezo elements were selected to obtain azero-velocity plane close to the lower glass plate when thetwo piezo elements were used simultaneously to also allowimaging of opaque samples. Each piezo element includes astrain gauge sensor for more accurate displacement. The di-mensions of the upper and lower glass plates are 25360310 mm and 2536030.18 mm, respectively. To reducefriction during movement of the plate, linear bearings areused in the cell~LWRPM/LWRPV, SKF!.

TABLE I. Confocal scanning laser microscope: Main advantages and technical limitations.

Advantages Technical Limitations

Simultaneous imaging of different items using multiple labelingstrategies

Limited in identification of ingredients and structural elements, dueto the limited availability of differentiating specific fluorescent probes

Unrivaled image quality due to the confocal principle~no blurring! Limited optical spatial resolution~submicron!Observation of dynamic processes and structural evolution Acquisition frame rate vs image quality3D volume imagingNoninvasive/nondestructive Limited penetration depth in optical opaque materials

FIG. 1. Concept of zero-velocity plane:~1! only the upper plate moves,~2!both plates move in opposite directions. Undesired movement, with respectto imaging, of the item of interest in~1! is absent in~2!.

3839Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 8, August 2003 Microrheology: Oscillatory shear

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Page 4: Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions by simultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusing wave spectroscopy

The minimum adjustable gap size is 120mm measuredby CSLM but smaller sizes can be obtained by increasing thethickness of the lower glass plate. However such a small gapmay not allow DWS measurements due to reduction of thephoton pathway, which affects the number of scatter eventsin the sample. The gap size can be increased by adding spac-ers ~Fig. 4 item 24!. The flatness of the upper and lowerglasses was measured in the middle of the glass at five andsix different locations over a total distance of 20 and 25 mm,respectively. The flatness of the upper and lower glass fluc-tuated 4 and 11mm in height, respectively.

Measurements of the gap between both glass platesshowed less than 4% deviation of the gap value for six dif-ferent locations~within 0.5 cm2! indicating a good parallel-ism between the plates.

C. Diffusing wave spectroscopy

DWS is a dynamic multiple light scattering techniquethat is easy to use in opaque particle solutions to monitorparticle mobility.8 It measures the intensity autocorrelationfunction of multiple scattered lightg2(t) as a function oftime t for an ergodic system, so the ensemble average isequivalent to an average of the time and is given by

g2~t!5^I ~ t !I ~ t1t!&

^I ~ t !&2 , ~1!

whereI (t) denotes the intensityI at time t andt is the timecorrelation.21

FIG. 2. Schematic of the oscillatory shear configuration including thesample holder which is composed of two glass plates driven by piezos,diffusing wave spectroscopy, and the confocal scanning laser microscope.The arrows on the left show plate movement when both piezos are used tocreate a zero-velocity plane in the sample.

FIG. 3. Schematic top view of the oscillatory shear cell.~1! Basic metal frame;~2! three openings with screws to mount the cell onto the microscope;~3!upper metal frame;~4! four screws to maintain the upper and the lower plate frames after the sample is loaded;~5! six screws to fix linear bearings;~6! mirrorfor diffusing wave spectrometry;~7! connection between the piezo and the plate;~8! flexible metal cable;~9! connector between the glass support and theflexible metal cable;~10! large and small piezo holders;~11! piezo, 90mm; ~12! amplifier cable;~13! control strain gauge cable;~14! large screw to attach thepiezo to its holder;~15! piezo, 15mm.

FIG. 4. Detailed front and inside views of the oscillatory shear cell.~1!Basic metal frame;~3! upper metal frame;~6! mirror for diffusing wavespectrometry;~9! connector between the glass support and the spring;~16!screws;~17! lower metal frame;~18! lens collector for DWS in transmis-sion; ~19! microscope objective;~20! lower glass plate, 0.2 mm;~21! upperglass plate, 10 mm;~22! linear bearings;~23! metal frame where glass platesare glued;~24! the gap between the two glass plates that can be changed byadding a spacer.

3840 Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 8, August 2003 Nicolas et al.

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Page 5: Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions by simultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusing wave spectroscopy

Scattered light detection is easy to implement. A lenscollector is placed without laborious precise positioning~pre-cise positioning is not needed for DWS! to collect scatteredphotons. DWS is used in transmission and in a backscattersetup. A beam expander of 103 ~BE10-A, Thorlabs! wasused to enlarge the spot from a HeNe laser~Melles Griot,632.8 nm, 35 mW! to 10 mm in diameter. The laser spotshines the sample into the oscillatory shear configuration us-ing a mirror.

For DWS in transmission, the setup for ‘‘time averaged’’measurements was as follows: the signal of scattered lighttransmitted was focused by a lens collector~F220FC-B,Thorlabs! and guided into a single mode fiber connected to aphotomultiplier tube~ALV SO-SPID, Langen/Hessen, Ger-many!. Fluctuations in intensity were recorded and trans-ferred into intensity correlation functions by a 410R cor-relator board~Correlator.com, US!. The interface betweenthe oscillatory shear cell and the DWS configured for time-averaged analysis is presented in Fig. 4.

For DWS echo measurements the sample was loadedinto the oscillatory shear cell and sheared by linear oscillat-ing movement at constant frequency of 100 Hz and differentamounts of strain.12

For a DWS charge coupled device~CCD! in backscatter-ing a setup for ensemble average measurements is used tostudy slow relaxation systems and using a CCD camera asthe detector can be used to detect speckle patterns duringDWS experiments.22,23 A CCD camera ~CF 8/4 1/2 in.Kappa, Gleichen DE! was used with a KTN-CSI camerapower supply. A video card~PCI 1408, National Instruments!andLAB-WINDOWS/CVI software~National Instruments! wereused to acquire frames at 25 images/s directly on the CCDchip. To obtain the DWS intensity correlation function,pixel-to-pixel intensities were cross correlated from image toimage according to the method developed by Knaebelet al.22

The DWS setup for ensemble average measurements isshown in Fig. 5.


A. Oscillatory shear configuration

The oscillatory shear configuration contains the oscilla-tory shear cell~OSC!, a rack for amplifiers, and functiongenerators~Fig. 6!. The piezo elements are controlled via the

amplifier rack which contains a strain gauge sensor and aposition servo control module~E-509.S3, Physik Instru-mente!, two amplifier modules~LVPZT, E-505.00, PhysikInstrumente!, and a display module~E-515.03, Physik Instru-ments!. Piezo movement is set on the function generator~33120A, 15 MHz, Agilent Technologies!. The two piezomovements are synchronized by the function generator.Strain of between 0.01% and 88% can be applied dependingof the size of the gap and the piezo frequency range~0.05–100 Hz in sinusoidal mode!.

B. Temperature control

A temperature control unit~TCAT-1A, Physitemp, US!that includes two infrared lamps~250 W! and a temperaturemicroprobe can be used to set the oscillatory shear cell to amaximum stable temperature of 45 °C.


The OSC combines oscillatory linear deformation,DWS, and the CLSM, and allows simultaneous use of allthree functionalities, each combination possible and singleuse.

A. Sample preparation

Gelatine 10%~w/w! ~Pse I, Degussa, Baupte, France!and 10% ~w/w! Dextran solution~MW 282 000, SigmaD-7265! in NaCl 0.1 M were dissolved and mixed~ratio of2/1! at 60 °C. Rhodamine B~0.01%! was added to the mix-ture. Prior to introducing the sample into the oscillatoryshear cell, the cell was heated with the temperature controlunit to 45 °C. After loading the preheated sample, the tem-perature control unit was turned off. The metal cell structureallowed a slow cooling gradient process to obtain the struc-ture desired due to phase behavior: liquid dextran droplets ina continuous gelled gelatine phase.24

Low fat milk and 2.4%~w/w! glucono-d-lactone ~G-4750, Sigma! were mixed and 0.5 ml of the mixture waspoured into the oscillatory shear cell for DWS measurements

FIG. 5. Configuration of the driving control units to synchronize piezomovement via interlocking of the function generators.

FIG. 6. Detailed front and right side views of the oscillatory shear cell andthe CCD camera setup.~1! Basic metal frame; lower metal frame;~11!piezo, 90mm, ~19! microscope objective;~25! X–Y camera stage;~26!CCD camera;~27! pinhole; ~28! post for the CCD camera setup.

3841Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 74, No. 8, August 2003 Microrheology: Oscillatory shear

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Page 6: Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions by simultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusing wave spectroscopy

and simultaneous CLSM observations. Grease was usedaround the oscillatory shear cell edges to prevent the evapo-ration of water.

Emulsions 40%~v/v, sunflower oil in water! stabilizedwith 1% ~w/v! whey protein isolate~Bipro, Le Soueur, MN!were made and are described elsewhere.25 Dextran 2 M~D-5376, Sigma! was added in order to obtain a final concentra-tion of 2% ~w/w! in the 30% emulsion. To prevent slippage,the glass plate surfaces were coated for 30 min with poly-L-lysine ~P1524, Sigma! 0.1% ~w/w water! and washed fivetimes with the same amount of water. Then they were driedand used freshly prepared for experiments.26

B. Simultaneous DWS measurements and CSLMobservations

Both DWS and CSLM analyses can be done simulta-neously to study network formation or breakdown over time.In the experiment the formation of gel of milk protein in-duced by acidification~proton released over time by theglucono-d-lactone! was followed over a 120 min period~Fig.7!. After 6, 60, 80, and 120 min, DWS experiments weredone for 2 min and CSLM pictures were taken. No correla-tion functions were present before 6 min because that wasthe time needed to mix the milk and the glucono-d-lactone,to load the mixture, and to let it rest. In the DWS correlationfunction values increased in time for longer correlationtimes, indicating that the mobility of the main milk proteindecreases over time due to network formation and networkstrengthening. This gelation process was also monitored si-multaneously by CSLM observation and showed networkformation due to protein aggregation during milk acidifica-tion ~Fig. 7!.

C. Different approaches for slow relaxationprocesses and fast relaxation processes

In Fig. 7, one can see the system properties changedrelatively fast after a defined time~60 min!. Thus time inte-

gration was set at 2 min to obtain a correlation function ofthe stable system and correlation function signal above 1.4 atshort correlation times~this is not seen in Fig. 7 because thecurves were normalized!. However, at longer correlationtimes during gelation, the correlation function was less de-fined due to the slow relaxation of the system, a reflection offewer scattering events due to network formation. Applica-tion of the DWS-CCD setup in transmission geometry orbackscattering geometry dramatically improves definition atlonger correlation time intervals~Fig. 8!. The oscillatoryshear configuration also allows the ‘‘two cell’’ DWS tech-nique for nonergodic media~data not shown! and when fastprocesses occur in a short time as described earlier.27

D. DWS for dynamic conditions

Sinusoidal deformation can be applied during DWS ex-periments to estimate the particle mobility in concentratedemulsions or the network elasticity in flocculatedemulsion.12,28 An oscillation frequency is selected to obtainan echo response during the decrease of the correlation func-tion values@Fig. 9~a!#. This frequency is selected accordingto network characteristics such as the relaxation time defined

FIG. 7. Oscillatory shear configuration. Simultaneous CSLM observationsand DWS time-averaged experiments during acid milk gelation withglucono-d-lactone~2.4%!. The pictures were taken during the gelation pro-cess after 6, 60, 80, and 120 min. For each gelation time, DWS experimentswere done with a integration time of 2 min and the respective correlationfunctions are shown.

FIG. 8. Diffusing wave spectroscopy measurements using the ensemble av-erage approach with the CCD camera configured of a 30% oil in wateremulsion after the addition of 2% Dextran 280 000. With this CCD setup, awell-defined function is described for long correlation times compared tothose in Fig. 7.

FIG. 9. Oscillatory shear configuration. DWS experiments for a 30% oil inwater emulsion after the addition of 2% Dextran.~a! Intensity-cross corre-lation functions without shear~black symbols! and with shear~gray sym-bols! ~100 Hz, strain 0.23%! and ~b! echo measurement at 100 Hz fordifferent amounts of strain.

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Page 7: Microrheology: Structural evolution under static and dynamic conditions by simultaneous analysis of confocal microscopy and diffusing wave spectroscopy

by the correlation time at a half correlation function value.During oscillation, when the echo peak height decreases, thesystem properties have changed. Thus in flocculated emul-sion, the network elasticity and the mobility of the dropletscan be estimated as a function of strain: the correlation valueat the maximum peak decreased according to the amount ofstrain applied@Fig. 9~b!#.28

E. Observation of the surface properties duringdeformation

By coating particles or polymer on the OSC glass plates,it is possible to study the connection between the plate sur-face and the structural elements of the sample. Tribologicalinformation can be obtained during deformation and simul-taneous CSLM observation at different penetration depths. InFigs. 10~a! and 10~b!, the pictures present the addition ofseven frames of flocculated emulsion during movement ofone plate. To show movement of the particle, standard devia-tion of the frames was done withIMAGE J software~http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/! and the movable particle is shown inwhite @Fig. 10~b!#. A schematic drawing of particle connec-tivity and movement during deformation is presented in Fig.10~c!: when the upper glass plate moves, the particle chainmade of light particles linked together by a line moved in they direction on the picture and they are represented by differ-ent gray levels; the dark particle belonging to the particlechain does not move because it is connected to the surface ofthe lower glass plate. So the number of particle connectionsbetween the glass plate and the bulk of the sample can beestimated over a surface.

F. Observation in the zero-velocity plane during shear

The CSLM allows imaging of a zone in the sample inany optical plane~xy, xz, or yz!. When the oscillatory shearcell is used for unidirectional deformation, dropletdeformation/relaxation can be observed and interfacial ten-sion can be calculated from data obtained from selecteddroplets in the image~data not shown!. Observations at con-stant strain can be observed and three-dimensional~3D! im-age volumes can be reconstructed and they show the zero-velocity plane when deformation in the opposite direction isapplied to the sample~Fig. 11!. The CSLM allows accurate

measurement of the three axes, which is an advantage overthe multiple views needed using an optical lightmicroscope.29

However, the maximum image frame rate with theCSLM can be a limiting factor in capturing structural fea-tures from dynamic processes~e.g., image acquisition duringfast deformation! with sufficient image quality~signal tonoise ratio and spatial resolution!. It depends on the sampleproperties~transparency, specifics!, dynamic or static condi-tions, signal intensity, and the instrument specifications. Un-der optimal conditions for the sample and the dye, a maximalframe speed of eight per second was obtained with pixelresolution of 64364 pixels and a zoom factor of 4. For ob-servation of fast dynamic processes, for which the zero-velocity plane approach is not applicable, the use of a fastacquisition principle is necessary, e.g., a fast scanning laseror Nipkow disk approach.30


The data presented illustrate the versatile capabilities ofthe microrheology approach, which is a new concept forstudying local structural properties of materials to originatebulk behavior to the micrometer length scale, and to over-come the restrictions of present techniques. The detailed de-scription of the oscillatory shear configuration and its capa-bilities and potential for application, showed the values andbenefits of such a configuration for many research and de-velopment areas of food and nonfood. It is suitable for thestudy of a range of systems~emulsions, phase separatedbiopolymer mixtures, networks!, static and dynamic pro-cesses, and structural evolution as a function of deformation.

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FIG. 10. Interconnectivity of 30% oil in water emulsion after the addition of2% Dextran in theZ projection of a movie acquired 2mm above the lowerglass plate surface while the upper plate oscillates.~a! Sum of seven frames;~b! standard deviation of seven frames~in white are differences during de-formation!; ~c! schematic of particle connectivity~strings! and movementfrom the light to the dark gray level~arrow!; droplets of similar gray levelsbelong to the same strand. The height is 14mm. See the text for furtherexplanation.

FIG. 11. 3D observation of the zero-velocity plane of Dextran droplets~light! in the gelatin matrix~dark! ~a! before shear and~b! during constantshear strain~0.88!. The light gray horizontal plane represents the zero-velocity plane.

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