michelle unplugged

Community Women who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea as well as snoring may be at a greater risk of impairment of cardiac function. P4 P16 Community The young and buddying artists of Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar take part in ‘Minber’ exhibition. Michelle unplugged COVER STORY The revealing memoir Becoming offers new insights into her upbringing and the highs and lows of life with Barack. P2-3 Friday, November 30, 2018 Rabia I 22, 1440 AH Doha today 190 - 270 CUISINE SHOWBIZ Whoopie pie, a handheld cake. Page 6 Bynes opens up about mental health and drug abuse. Page 15

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Page 1: Michelle unplugged

CommunityWomen who suff er from obstructive

sleep apnea as well as snoring may be at a greater risk of impairment of cardiac function.

P4 P16 CommunityThe young and buddying artists of

Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar take part in ‘Minber’ exhibition.

Michelle unplugged


The revealing memoir Becoming off ers new insights into her

upbringing and the highs and lows of life with Barack. P2-3

Friday, November 30, 2018Rabia I 22, 1440 AH

Doha today 190 - 270


Whoopie pie, a

handheld cake.

Page 6

Bynes opens up about mental

health and drug abuse.

Page 15

Page 2: Michelle unplugged

Friday, November 30, 20182 GULF TIMES


Community EditorKamran Rehmat

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Quote Unquote

PRAYER TIMEFajr 4.41amShorooq (sunrise) 6.01amZuhr (noon) 11.22amAsr (afternoon) 2.23pmMaghreb (sunset) 4.45pmIsha (night) 6.15pm

“The future infl uences the present

just as much as the past.”

— Friedrich Nietzsche

First handIt is amid the dark chaos of conundrums that we find the

irresistible light of Michelle Obama. In Becoming — the first

book that tells her story from her own perspective — she

reveals that her life is a form of alchemy, writes Afua Hirsch

HER OWN WOMAN: “Because people often ask, I’ll say it here, directly: I have no intention of running for off ice, ever,” asserts the former first lady in her memoir.

Before I tell you how much I love Michelle Obama, let me tell you what I have against her. The former fi rst lady is a woman capable of muddying

your stance on things you stood fi rmly against. First on the list is the very concept of a fi rst lady. Just think about this. For feminists, or anyone frankly with a 21st-century grasp of gender equality, it is a highly troublesome concept. It is a position that involves a woman – no matter the glorious complexity, glittering accomplishment or human drama of her prior life – being shoehorned into a role that is, by defi nition, about the man to whom she

is married.Her role has never been defi ned,

because, I suspect, to do so would involve the awkward truth — that it’s essentially to make her husband look good. First ladies both feed into, and refl ect, our patriarchal values, and so, in this world still so intolerant of female domination, making their husbands look good inevitably involves diminishing themselves, and a decoupling from their own achievements, so as not to outshine the president.

Michelle is both the ultimate fi rst lady and has also, which is the second issue, been folded into a narrative of the

American dream. This is problematic from a black perspective because, as Malcolm X so pithily expressed it, “I don’t see any American dream. I see an American nightmare.” Michelle’s role has been in the American dream of both the future, and the past. It’s often remarked that African Americans are the only Americans who do not have any “good ole days”. Because which period of American history could they be nostalgic for? The state sponsored terror of slavery, and segregation? The long, painful battle for civil rights? Or the enduring economic disadvantage and racism that all three left behind?

But it is precisely amid the dark chaos

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of these conundrums that we fi nd the irresistible light of Michelle Obama. In Becoming — the fi rst book that tells her story from her own perspective — she reveals that her life is a form of alchemy. Her childhood, growing up on the South Side of Chicago, is recalled with an essentially American kind of wholesomeness: a strong nuclear family of four, sharing a one-bed apartment upstairs while the one below was occupied by her piano teacher great aunt Robbie. Her family worked hard and kept things moving upwards.

If Michelle were British, this would be a class tale. She describes herself in her early years as “the striver”. Later, campaigning for the fi rst time with her husband, she recounts the moment she realised that her task is mainly to share this story with “people who despite the diff erence in skin colour reminded me of my family – postal workers who had bigger dreams just as (her grandfather) Dandy once had; civic-minded piano teachers like Robbie; stay-at-home moms who were active in the PTA like my mother; blue-collar workers who’d do anything for their families, just like my dad. I didn’t need to practice or use notes. I said only what I sincerely felt.”

The writer Ta-Nahesi Coates, present at one of these events, was so taken aback by her account of an “idyllic youth” that he “almost mistook her for white”, comparing her, he writes in his book We Were Eight Years in Power, to “an old stevedore hungering for the long-lost neighbourhood of yore”. “In all my years of watching black public fi gures,” he said, “I’d never heard one recall such an idyllic youth.”

In a book that takes a high moral ground, the political process is the only thing Michelle allows herself to freely insult.

But this protective love of Michelle’s childhood did not shut out the communal sense of suff ering and injustice that is, for any observer of America, impossible to avoid. The neighbourhood she grew up in was transformed by white fl ight, and later “deteriorated under the grind of poverty and gang violence”. An early experience with the police via her beloved brother Craig taught her that “the colour of our skin made us vulnerable.” Persistent experiences of discrimination bred in her family “a basic level of resentment and mistrust”.

Most of Michelle’s narrative on race, however, comes courtesy not of her own perspective, but that of the many commentators who weaponised her blackness against her. “The rumours and slanted commentary always carried less than subtle messaging about race, meant to stir up the deepest and ugliest kind of fear within the voting public. Don’t let the black folks take over,” she writes. Michelle recalls the “angry black woman” messaging, and the time “a sitting US congressman … made fun of my butt.”

But in its dignifi ed tone, Becoming leaves out far more of this sordid history than it chooses to recall. The New Yorker magazine

cover depicting her as an armed Black Panther, for example, the time Fox News ran an onscreen graphic describing her as Barack Obama’s “Baby Mama” – like the earlier “welfare queen” trope, a dog whistle appeal to the idea that, if the black family is at the root of America’s problems, how could one of them possibly be part of its solution? Or the time Fox host Bill O’Reilly said: “I don’t want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there is evidence.”

Incidentally it is O’Reilly’s book that Michelle will undoubtedly knock off the top of the bestseller list with Becoming — prompting him to tweet something vaguely gracious about the time she, in spite of his bile towards her, made the eff ort to seek out and be kind to his daughter at a party. It’s a gesture fully grounded in that most Michelle Obama-esque of doctrines. “When they go low, we go high.”

Becoming is a 400-page expansion of this essential doctrine, without compromising a refreshing level of honestly about what politics really did to her. I have read Barack Obama’s two books so far, and this is like inserting a missing piece of reality into the narrative of his dizzying journey. There are brilliant details

from their love story, like the time she tried to set him up with other single women, only to discover he was just “too cerebral” for Happy Hour nights where single people would mingle. There are compelling insights into the sorrow of miscarriage, the loneliness of living with a man whose sense of purpose often left little room for anything else, prompting her to seek couples counselling lest their marriage fall apart.

“Coexisting with Barack’s strong sense of purpose — sleeping in the same bed with it, sitting at the breakfast table with it — was something to which I had to adjust,” she writes. Her candour about home life — the pressure of childcare, bills, debts, work and parenting — are interesting because they are so normal, and because normal is something she has never been allowed to be.

As the academic Ula Y Taylor has written, “the idea that a woman would have a ‘radical’ disposition simply by being a thoughtful working black mother says a lot about Americans perceptions of political spouses, and it helps us to better understand why Michelle Obama is perceived as too strong to be fi rst lady.”

It’s hard to be cynical about either Michelle’s strength of

character or her authenticity. Her book confi rms what was observable about her time in the White House, that while she may have had to shape herself into the mould of what politics requires of a fi rst lady, it was still a fi rst lady-shaped version of something real. Her genuine dislike for politics is hard to avoid, in a book rooted in a high moral ground above insults and mudslinging, the political process itself seems the only thing she allows herself to freely insult.

“The appeal of standing in an open gym or high school auditorium to hear lofty promises and platitudes never made much sense to me,” she writes. “The political world was no place for

good people”, nothing but “the ugly red versus blue dynamic”, whose “nastiness” has aff ected her so personally. In this vein, she attempts to end the stubborn speculation about her own future candidacy. “Because people often ask, I’ll say it here, directly: I have no intention of running for offi ce, ever.”

It’s the one time you feel like you maybe know more about her than she knows herself. A few slights against politics and a one-sentence declaration that she will never run for offi ce doesn’t quite cut it after so many pages of what is, unquestionably, a political book. It’s hard not to recall the time when, asked about the challenges of her husband’s political marathon, she once replied, “this is nothing compared to the history we come from”.

During Barack Obama’s tenure, it was Michelle Obama’s roots in the African American experience, in the history of the south that she understood innately as “knit into me”, that lent him crucial legitimacy among black voters. It resurfaces here, adding the profound warnings of past suff ering to the observation that, as she sees the Trumps take over the White House, “the vibrant diversity … was gone, replaced by what felt like a dispiriting uniformity, the kind of overwhelmingly white and male tableau I’d encountered so many times”.

Becoming reads as Michelle’s fi rst intervention into this distressing new reality. It defi nitely does not read like it will be the last.

— The GuardianFAMILY PORTRAIT: The Obamas with their daughters Malia and Sasha.

There are brilliant details from their love story, like the time she tried to set Barack up with other single women, only to discover he was just “too cerebral” for Happy Hour nights where single people would mingle. There are compelling insights into the sorrow of miscarriage, the loneliness of living with a man whose sense of purpose often left little room for anything else, prompting her to seek couples counselling lest their marriage fall apart

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Obesity increases asthma risk in children

Parents, please take note. Obese children are at an increased risk of asthma, a new study has found.

The fi ndings suggest that the incidence of an asthma diagnosis among children with obesity was signifi cantly higher than in those in a normal weight range and that 23 to 27 percent of new asthma cases were directly attributable to obesity.

“Paediatric asthma is among the most prevalent childhood conditions and comes at a high cost to patients, families and the greater health system,” said co-author Terri Finkel from Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando.

“There are few preventable risk factors to reduce the incidence of asthma, but our data show that reducing the onset of childhood obesity could signifi cantly lower the public health burden of asthma,” Finkel added.

For the study published in the journal Paediatrics, the research team analysed medical records of more than 500,000 children.

The researchers reviewed de-identifi ed data of patients aged two to 17 without a history of asthma, receiving care from six paediatric academic medical centres between 2009 and 2015.

Overweight or obese patients were matched with normal weight patients of the same age, gender, race, ethnicity, insurance type and location of care.

The researchers found that obesity among children with asthma appears to increase disease severity. Being overweight was identifi ed as a modest risk factor for asthma, and the association was diminished when the most stringent defi nition of asthma was used.

“Addressing childhood obesity should be a priority to help improve the quality of life of children and help reduce paediatric asthma,” Finkel noted. – IANS

Snoring may up cardiac risk in women

Women who suff er from obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) as well as snoring may be

at a greater risk of impairment of cardiac function than men, says a new research.

Snoring may be a sign of OSA, which is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts.

While there are several symptoms of OSA including gasping for air during sleep, waking with a dry mouth, morning headache and irritability, loud snoring is a common sign.

The study found that OSA causes an increased risk for left ventricular and, more rarely, right ventricular dysfunction in the heart, causing cardiac risks.

It showed an increase in left ventricular mass, meaning that the walls of the heart’s main pumping chamber are enlarged, making the heart work harder. “We found that the cardiac parameters in women appear to be more easily aff ected by the disease and that women who snore or have OSA might be at greater risk for cardiac involvement,” said lead author Adrian Curta, from the Munich University Hospital in Germany.

For the study, the researchers analysed 4,877 patients who had received a cardiac MRI.

The findings, presented at the 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, showed that the cardiac changes in the self-reported snorers indicate earlier impairment and might be an indication of undiagnosed OSA.

Moreover, compared to the unaffected group, in the snoring group a significant difference was observed in the left ventricular mass in women than in men.

In addition, OSA was found vastly underdiagnosed among snorers.

“The prevalence of diagnosed OSA in the study group was extremely low. Together with the alterations in cardiac function in the snoring group, it leads us to believe that OSA may be grossly underdiagnosed,” Curta said.

People who snore should get screened for OSA and those with OSA should be properly treated, Curta suggested.

Treatment is dependent on the cause of an individual’s OSA. For instance, weight loss can often improve OSA in overweight individuals. – IANS

ROBUST: Sauna use is known to trigger an increase in heart rate equal to that seen in low to moderate intensity physical exercise, known to be good for patients with heart disease.

INDICATION: The cardiac changes in the self-reported snorers indicate earlier impairment and might be an indication of undiagnosed OSA.

Frequent sauna use may boost heart health, reduce death risk

Regular sauna use is associated with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) in people aged 50 years and above, a new study says.

This is because the sauna lowers blood pressure, a key factor for increasing risk of heart disease and death.

The study found that mortality from CVD among people who used a sauna four to seven times a week was 2.7 fatal CVD events, compared to 10.1 events in those who used a sauna once a week.

“More regular sauna use is associated with a lower risk of death from CVD in middle-aged to elderly women as well as in men,” said Professor Jari Laukkanen from the University of Eastern Finland.

“There are several possible reasons why sauna use may decrease the risk of death due to CVD. Our research team has shown in previous studies that high sauna use is associated with lower blood pressure,” said Laukkanen.

Additionally, sauna use is known to trigger an increase in heart rate equal to that seen in low to moderate intensity physical exercise, known to be good for patients with heart disease.

For the study, the researchers involved 1,688 participants with an average age of 63 years and followed them for 15 years. 51.4 per cent of the participants were women.

The fi ndings, published in the journal BMC Medicine, showed that the number of new cases of mortality due to heart disease decreased as the time spent in the sauna per week increased.

Additionally, for those who spent over 45 minutes per week in the sauna in total, the risk was 5.1, whereas, for those who spent less than 15 minutes per week in the sauna in total was 9.6.

There is a need for further research to understand if the fi ndings apply to other populations, the researchers noted. – IANS

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FACTORS: An increase in screen time, growing urbanisation of communities and the rise in automation of previously manual tasks are contributing to a pervasive public health problem.

Your body may not cope with evening stress

Human bodies which experience stress in the evening release less cortisol, the primary stress hormone in humans, compared to stressful events in the morning, and thus may pose vulnerabilities, according to a new research.

The study, led by medical physiologist Yujiro Yamanaka at Japan’s Hokkaido University, the body’s central system reacts less strongly to acute psychological stress in the evening than it does in the morning, suggesting possible vulnerability to stressful events in the evening.

“Our study suggests a possible vulnerability to stress in the evening. However, it is important to take into account each individual’s unique biological clock and the time of day when assessing the response to stressors and preventing them,” Yamanaka commented.

The study, published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology Reports, explored a small group of young and healthy volunteers with normal work hours and sleep habits to fi nd out if the “hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal”

(HPA) axis responds diff erently to acute psychological stress according to the time of day.

The HPA axis connects the central nervous and endocrine systems of the body. Cortisol is released for several hours when the HPA axis is activated by a stressful event.

This helps provide the body with energy in the face of a perceived need for fi ght or fl ight. Cortisol levels are also regulated by a master circadian clock in the brain and are normally high in the morning and low in the evening.

The team fi rst measured the diurnal rhythm of salivary cortisol levels from the volunteers and then exposed one group to stress test in the morning, and another to the evening.

The researchers found that salivary cortisol levels increased signifi cantly in the volunteers that took the stress test in the morning while no such response was observed in those that took the test in the evening.

“Our body can respond to the morning stress event by activating the HPA axis and sympathetic nervous system, but it needs to respond to evening stress event by activating the sympathetic nervous system only,” Yamanaka said. – IANS

Children around the world are leading sedentary lifestyles and not maintaining a healthy growth and

development, says a global report.The report by the Active Healthy

Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA), an Australia-based non-profi t organisation, showed that modern lifestyles including an increase in

screen time, growing urbanisation of communities and the rise in automation of previously manual tasks are contributing to a pervasive public health problem.

“Global trends, including excessive screen time, are contributing to a generation of inactive children and putting them on a dangerous path,” said Mark Tremblay, President of the AHKGA,

and Professor at the University of Ottawa in Canada.

“Inactive children are at risk for adverse physical, mental, social and cognitive health problems. This generation will face a range of challenges, including the impacts of climate change, increasing globalisation, and the consequences of rapid technological change,” he added.

For the study, published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, the team compared 49 countries from six continents to assess global trends in childhood physical activity in developed and developing nations.

The fi ndings showed that countries including Slovenia, Zimbabwe and Japan have the most active children and youth overall

and that physical activity is a way of life for them.

Overall physical activity is mostly aff ected by active transportation which is a necessity in everyday life.

For the good of our children’s health and futures, we need to build physical activity into all societies, and change social norms to get kids moving, the researchers noted. – IANS

Children worldwide not physically active

Habitual tea drinking can lower risk of fracture

Habitual tea drinking can lead to higher bone density, particularly for women, and lower the risk of bone fractures, according to a prospective study of 450,000 adults by Chinese researchers.

Although little is known about the cause of the association, the

research conducted by the School of Public Health with Peking University found daily consumers of green tea and those who had drunk tea for more than 30 years have a lower rate of fractures according to their hospitalisation records, reports Xinhua news agency.

The paper on the research was published in the international journals Nutrients and

Osteoporosis International.Li Liming, a professor who

led the research, said the study included 453,625 people randomly selected from the China Kadoorie Biobank and documented their records on hospitalised fractures.

Based on their self-reported tea consumption, the researchers found that compared with those who do not drink tea, daily tea consumers have a 12 percent lower risk of fracture.

Those who drink green tea or have drunk tea for over 30 years have a 20 to 30 percent lower risk in hip bone fracture.

Li said bone density had become an important subject of public health. Previous researches also suggested a certain association between habitual tea drinking and higher bone density among menopausal women.

He said the prospective study still needs a more substantial sample analysis for more accurate results linking the association between tea drinking and bone density since tea drinking may aff ect other factors such as improving people’s concentration and vigilance. – IANS

LOWER RATE: Daily consumers of green tea and those who had drunk tea for more than 30 years have a lower rate of fractures according to their hospitalisation records.

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Chef Tarun Kapoor, Culinary Mastermind,

USA. He may be contacted at [email protected]

A whoopie pie is a sandwich made with two soft cookies or cakes and a sweet fluffy

filling. The original whoopie pie uses chocolate cookies, but gingerbread and pumpkin cakes are also used. Like I always say that with every popular and unique food item the number of claims for its creations increase. Similarly, Pennsylvania and Maine both state that whoopie pie was created by them. One statement which most of the people agree is that whoopie pies originated with Amish in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania but is also a well-known comfort food in Maine, where it is the official state treat. However, the official dessert of the state is blueberry pie. Is it not a good way to have two official desserts associated with a place?

There is even an annual whoopie pie festival – One is

June each year in Dover fox craft, Maine and another at the Hershey Farm and inn at Strasburg, Pennsylvania in September.

I would say that whoopie pie is a dessert that classifies classification. It is too big to be considered a cookie, too small to be called a cake and not a pie. Whoopie pie can also be called a handheld cake. The funny name ‘Whoopie’ is thought to have come from what Amish children would shout after they found it in their lunch boxes. They are also called a happy food as they sound like a party.

A traditional whoopie pie is made of two chocolate sponge cakes sandwiched together around a fluffy, white filing and is often flavoured with marshmallow fluff. Traditional recipes call for the chocolate cakes to be made with vegetable shortening. Some people prefer the butter in my recipe to make it taste better.

Shortening is traditionally used because it is 100 percent fat and it is a stabiliser and can affect texture. I would suggest using butter and shortening to balance the flavours and texture. Also, you can replace the white sugar with brown sugar. After you’ve combined the softening and butter, let it blend in the mixer and wait for the mixture to lighten in colour. Also adding the salt at the right time makes all the difference. You may wonder why to add the salt in a dessert recipe, Well, salt creates a chemical reaction in the recipe and it strengthens the gluten protein in dough and also helps to wake up flavours and balance out the sweetness. Adding the salt to the fats while creaming will help incorporating the salt in the recipe easily as compared to adding the salt in flour mixture. The other most important part of the whoopie pie apart from

the pie shells is the creamy white filling. The tradition calls for a white filling flavoured with vanilla or marshmallow puff. The idea is that the filling is fluffy and light while bonding together the two sponge cakes.

While you can certainly go the traditional black-and-white route with your whoopie pies, you can also change it up to suit whatever flavour combinations you like: a red velvet cake with a cream cheese filling or even a pumpkin pie spice cake with a vanilla filling.

Red velvet whoopie pie

IngredientsAll-purpose flour 2 cupsCocoa powder 3 tbspBaking soda 1 tspSalt ½ tspUnsalted butter ½ cupShortening 2 tbsp Brown sugar 200 gm

Egg 1 no.Buttermilk 2/3 cupVanilla extracts few dropsRed food colour few drops

For Cream cheese fillingCream cheese 150 gmUnsalted butter 60 gmIcing sugar 1 cupVanilla extract ½ tsp

Method:Whisk flour, cocoa powder and

baking soda and keep aside.In a stand mixer whisk butter,

shortening and salt until light and fluffy.

Add brown sugar and beat on medium high speed until light and fluffy and combined.

Whisk egg on high speed and add vanilla extracts and buttermilk, the mixture may look curdled, but that is ok.

Slowly add the flour mixture into the egg mixture, combine on low speed only.

Add red food colour to get a deep red colour for the mixture.

Preheat the oven at 350-degree Fahrenheit and line tow baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone mats and keep aside.

Spoon 1 tbsp of prepared batter on the baking sheet and keep them about 2-3 inches apart.

Bake the cookies for 10-12 minutes or until the centre seem to be set, remove from oven and allow to cool at room temperature.

In a separate bowl in a stand mixer whisk the cream cheese on high speed until completely smooth and creamy.

Beat in butter until combined and add the icing sugar and vanilla and whisk again to combine well.

Pair the cookies based on their size and spread the cream cheese filling onto the flat side of one cookie and sandwich with the other.

Repeat with the remaining cookies, sprinkle icing sugar on top and serve with tea or coffee.

You can store them in airtight container in refrigerator for up to one week.

Make ahead tip: You can prepare the batter, cover it tightly, and refrigerate for up to three days. Let it come to room temperature and bake as directed. You can freeze the baked whoopie pies for up to three months. Wrap them individually. Before enjoying, thaw overnight in the refrigerator.

Whoopie pie, a handheld cakeUNIQUE: Red velvet whoopie pie can be stored in an airtight container in refrigerator for up to one week. Photo by the author

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COMMUNITYMES felicitates its athletic and U-19 football teamsMES Indian School recently felicitated its athletic and Under-19 football team that participated in CBSE National Championship. The football team of MES Indian School won second position in the tournament. Nilangshu Dey, President of Indian Sports Centre, was the chief guest at the event. He paid a tribute to the creditable performance of the school teams at the national level and urged them to dream big and execute splendidly to achieve laurels.P K Mohamed, General Secretary of MES Governing Board, welcomed the gathering and expressed his gratitude to the parents for playing a supportive role in all the initiatives of the school. He also declared the awards and other special considerations including fee concession as applicable to the national medal winners of the school. Kashif Jaleel, President off iciating, and A P Khaleel, Director of cultural and co-curricular activities at MES Governing Board, felicitated

the winners with awards and certificates on the occasion. Hameeda Kadar, Principal of MES, congratulated the teams for their performance at the national level and admired the combined eff orts of both students and the coaches in bringing glory to the school.Akbar Ali, Head of Department of Physical Education, presented a comprehensive report of the team’s success-journey in the championship. Master Aloysius Joshy, Captain of the U-19 football team and winner of the Best Player award, shared his reflections on his long-time association with football and the team’s high voltage performance. A cake cutting ceremony was also carried out in honour of the winners.Members of the Governing Board of the school along with the school off icials and parents attended the felicitation ceremony. Master Jassim Mohamed Omar Amoodi, Vice Captain of the U-19 football team, proposed a vote of thanks.

CAS-Qatar Chapter holds technical seminarThe Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CAS)-Qatar Chapter recently organised a technical seminar ‘Conflict Management’ at Radisson Blu Hotel. The interactive and engaging session was facilitated by Hasan Imam Khawaja, a qualified HR practitioner, speaker and mentor. Khawaja has

20 years of diversified experience in the field of Strategic Human Resource Management and Behavioural Psychology. Commodore Irfan Taj, Defence Attache at the Embassy of Pakistan, was the guest of honour. He interacted with the participants and shared his experience with them.

Youth Forum, Students India to organise ‘23rd Annual Inter School Competitions’Youth Forum, Qatari Indian Expatriate socio-cultural organisation, in collaboration with Students India, is all set to organise ‘23rd Annual Inter School Competitions’ today at Ideal Indian School. Around 600 students are expected to participate in the completion. The categories, include Junior, Sub-Junior, Senior and Super-Senior. Students would be competing in the competitions, including elocution, essay writing, quiz, storytelling, Qur’an recitation and memorisation. Muhammed Shabeer is the general convener of the programme along with Safir Kundani and Shefeeq Ali. The winners will be felicitated with certificates and trophies at the closing ceremony. Doha International Centre of Interfaith Dialogue, Qatar Foundation along with other government and non-government institutions are expected to take part in the closing ceremony.

DCC collaborates with MLTC for training programmesThe Dukhan Community Centre (DCC), a multi-facility luxurious residential complex exclusively for the employees of Qatar Petroleum, recently collaborated with Music Lounge Training Centre (MLTC) to host exclusive training programmes for the residents living in Dukhan. With a well-equipped training facility as part of DCC, the residents have the option of pursuing their passion in music with certified courses from Trinity College of London in piano, keyboard, guitar and drums. To further develop their creative artistic talent they can select from a range of programmes, including art and craft workshop and popular dance forms. “We look forward to providing the residents here with quality training in their favourite courses to develop talent in Dukhan. There is no age limit for learning, so we welcome all kids and adults to come and explore their passion in music, art and dance,” says Jaisen George, Director of Music Lounge Qatar. DCC will be open from 3pm to 8pm, every Sunday. Course registration is now open and can be done at the reception of the DCC.

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COMMUNITYFriday, November 30, 2018


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Friday, November 30, 201810 GULF TIMES

COMMUNITYStudents of DPS-MIS excel at Qatar Preparatory Schools Debate League-I for GirlsThe students of DPS-Modern Indian School (DPS-MIS) recently excelled at Qatar Preparatory Schools Debate League-I for Girls held at Al Rokayyah School for Girls. The DPS delegation comprising 11 debaters, divided into three teams, bagged first, fourth and 21st position among 156

debaters from 33 schools in Doha. In the individual category, 5 out of the top 10 positions were claimed by the DPS-MIS Preparatory girls’ debaters. The students included Milonee Bera, first position; Sara, second position; Gauri and Amishi, third position; and Ananya, fifth position.

Students of DPS-MIS win big at Inter School Poem Recitation CompetitionThe students of Grade III-V at DPS-MIS recently bagged two trophies at Inter School Poem Recitation Competition held at Olive International School, Al Thumama. Around 12 expatriate schools participated in the competition. The two trophies, included second position in solo recitation and second position in group recitation. Students were judged on parameters, including expressions, pause and pace, voice and articulation, confidence, voice modulation, and the overall presentation.

Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra performs CinderellaQatar Philharmonic Orchestra, a member of Qatar Foundation, has collaborated with the Suzhou Ballet Theatre China, to perform Sergei Prokofiev’s Cinderella today at Qatar National Convention Centre. According to a press release, as part of the collaboration, the Suzhou Ballet Theatre is offering children in Qatar the opportunity to participate in two workshops on December 1 as well. The first of these will be held at the Laura Knight Academy of Dance, while the second, taking place at 3pm, will be open to all ticket-holders for Cinderella performances and will see young dancers from the International Centre for Music in Doha participate.Jingkai Sun will conduct the performances. Under the leadership and guidance of its artistic directors Ying Li and Jiabin Pan, the company has quickly developed into one of the most energetic and vibrant troupes in China. In April 2017, the Suzhou Ballet Theatre was invited to join the Russia Sterkh Classical Ballet Festival, and in the same year, which marked the company’s 10th anniversary, the ballet Tang Yin became the recipient of the China National Arts Fund. In November, Suzhou Ballet Theatre’s Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet toured France, German, The Netherlands, and Belgium.

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Colour by choice

Maze Picture crosswordConnect the dots

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13Friday, November 30, 2018 GULF TIMES


Sudoku is a puzzle based

on a 9x9 grid. The

grid is also divided into

nine (3x3) boxes. You

are given a selection of

values and to complete

the puzzle, you must fill the grid so that

every column, every row and every 3x3

box contains the digits 1 to 9 and none

is repeated.




noun: A lazy or a boastful person.


From Yiddish tromba (trumpet, horn) +

-nik (suff ix denoting a person associated

with a particular quality, group, etc.,

e.g. nudnik). The English equivalent is a

person tooting one’s own horn. Earliest

documented use: 1931.


“Her children, the big trombenik who

was good-for-nothing and the little

pisher who knows nothing about

anything, were destroying her life.”



verb tr.: To put into motion or action; to

activate; to motivate.


From Latin actuare (to actualize), from

actus (act), past participle of agere

(to drive or do). Ultimately from the

Indo-European root ag- (to drive, draw,

or move), which also gave us act, agent,

agitate, litigate, synagogue, ambassador,

agonistes, ambage, axiomatic, cogent,

incogitant, exigent, exiguous, and

intransigent. Earliest documented use:



“‘President Buhari is actuated by nothing

else than love for motherland.’ he said.”



verb intr.: To have a discussion,

especially with an opposing party.

noun: A discussion, especially between

opposing groups.


Apparently from French parler (to talk),

from Latin parabolare (to speak or

talk), from parabola (speech). Earliest

documented use: 1490.


“The removal of lead from all petrol,

then, should usher in a Golden Age.

In America, since the ban of 1996,

researchers estimate that IQ scores have

risen by several points and 58m crimes

have been avoided. The spread of peace

to some of the world’s more benighted

countries may happen not because

leaders parley or Western troops leave,

but because the element of wickedness

has been taken out of their cars.”



verb tr.: To pledge, pawn, or mortgage.


From Latin impignorare/impignerare

(to pledge), from pignus (pledge, pawn,

mortgage). Earliest documented use:



“First Cash Financial Services is a

pawn shop. Yep, a good, old-fashioned

pawn shop that makes small loans

to folks willing to impignorate family

heirlooms, silver, firearms, rings, musical

instruments, construction tools, and

other tangible personal property.”

— wordsmith.org

Yesterday’s Solutions

WordwatchSuper Cryptic Clues

The Mall Cinema (1): Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck It Ralph 2 (2D) 2pm; Guardians (2D) 4pm; 2.0 (Tamil) 5:45pm; 2.0 (Tamil) 8:30pm; 2.0 (Tamil) 11:15pm.The Mall Cinema (2): 2.0 (Telugu) 2pm; Creed Ii (2D) 4:45pm; Creed Ii (2D) 7:15pm; The Girl In The Spider’s Web (2D) 9:45pm; Creed Ii (2D) 11:45pm.The Mall Cinema (3): Instant Family (2D) 2pm; Welcome Home (2D) 4:15pm; Tourab El Mass (Arabic) 6pm;

2.0 (Hindi) 8:45pm; 2.0 (Tamil) 11:30pm.Landmark Cinema (1): 2.0 (Telugu) 2:30pm; Creed Ii (2D) 5:30pm; Creed Ii (2D) 8pm; Creed Ii (2D) 10:45pm.Landmark Cinema (2): 2.0 (Tamil) 2:30pm; 2.0 (Hindi) 5:45pm; 2.0 (Tamil) 8:30pm; 2.0 (Tamil) 11:15pm.Landmark Cinema (3): Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck It Ralph 2 (2D) 2:15pm;

Detective Conan: Zero The Enforcer (2D) 4:15pm; Instant Family (2D) 6:15pm; Tourab El Mass (Arabic) 8:30pm; Ghostland (2D) 11:30pm.Royal Plaza Cinema Palace (1): Creed Ii (2D) 3pm; 2.0 (Hindi) 5:30pm; 2.0 (Tamil) 8:30pm; 2.0 (Tamil) 11:15pm.Royal Plaza Cinema Palace (2): Instant Family (2D) 2:30pm; Eiary Nary (Arabic) 5pm; Creed Ii (2D) 6:45pm; Beautiful Boy (2D) 9:15pm; 10 X 10 (2D) 11:30pm.

Across 1. How the sorceress spoke to

you? (10) 6. Game to put, at the end of

the note, ‘Love’ (4) 10. Finally, in the plot, it was

blown up (7) 11. Not realising there will be a

fight in three-quarters of a month (7)

12. Speaking in more detail about and making a big thing of (9)

13. Got down to making the proposal (5)

14. Sign for the British and foreign money outside (5)

15. ‘Cupid and What He Has a Hand in’ covers strange food (3,2,4)

17. Got spring busting out? (9) 20. Home again with father (5) 21. And I twice have spelled

‘country’ incorrectly (5) 23. Are gathering sticks outside

where the trees have been felled (9)

25. Presented the funny tot inside with the music (7)

26. It’s plain the two girls have returned to the south (7)

27. Walks off with the writing-paper (4)

28. The faster they go round, the better drivers they are (10)

Yesterday’s Solutions

Across: 1 Misspent; 5 S10 Egg and spoon race; 11 Letters; 12 Skillet; 13 Reasoned; 15 Super; 18 Tides; 20 Cardamom; 23 Tension; 25 Chester; 26 Engagement diary; 27 Salary; 28 Dead keen.

Down: 1 Meekly; 2 Sight-read; 3 Punnets; 4 Noses; 6 Pundits; 7 Crawl; 8 Sweaters; 9 Consider; 14 Nickname; 16 Prostrate; 17 Stutters; 19 Snigger; 21 Amended; 22 Crayon; 24 Nigel; 25 Canoe.

Down 1. The message, am I to take it,

is friendly? (5) 2. Bail out in a valley, since it’s

within reach (9) 3. That’s the stuff, if you want to

be a millionaire! (8,6) 4. Tired of being a yes-man? (7) 5. Thrust the ring inside and sat

back (7) 7. Talk of putting a tax on love

(5) 8. The song will be finished at

that point (4,5) 9. A tick? (4,2,8) 14. By doing so, one can tell the

weather’s improving! (7,2) 16. Regulation about one supply

of munitions (9) 18. Murky, which is difficult to

understand (7) 19. Put on a red confection to

take the cat back? (5,2) 22. Round about tea-time, pop

back to get him (5) 24. Brushes the gaiters (5)

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Friday, November 30, 201814 GULF TIMES


ARIESMarch 21 — April 19

CANCERJune 21 — July 22

LIBRASeptember 23 — October 22

CAPRICORNDecember 22 — January 19

TAURUSApril 20 — May 20

LEOJuly 23 — August 22

SCORPIOOctober 23 — November 21

AQUARIUSJanuary 20 — February 18

GEMINIMay 21 — June 20

VIRGOAugust 23 — September 22

SAGITTARIUSNovember 22 — December 21

PISCESFebruary 19 — March 20

You will probably want everyone to know how you feel today, Aries.

You won’t be shy about expressing your emotions. Feel free to take

the lead on matters, for you have the self-confidence and emotional

stability to do quite well at the helm of the ship. Try not to let your

mind trip over itself, however. You have the tendency to think about

one issue so much that you completely lose perspective.

Mentally, you’re apt to do very well today, Cancer. You will find

that you can tackle just about any cerebral challenge that comes

along. The most diff icult aspect of the day will be dealing with your

emotions. More than likely, you will feel a great desire for attention.

You just want to be loved. Get up on stage and say what’s in your

heart. This isn’t a good time to harbour your feelings.

You’re apt to be spurred into action by strong forces that don’t want

you to take a break, Libra. Keep in mind that the more you resist, the

more you will be pushed and pulled by outside sources. If you find

yourself in a bind, take a deep breath and calm down. Act from a

point of neutrality instead of a point of anger or defensiveness.

You might be in a bit of a jam today, Capricorn, when one person or

situation doesn’t work well with what you’re thinking, and another

doesn’t fit well with what you’re feeling. There’s a clash taking place

that may be diff icult to reconcile, especially if you remain stubbornly

in your position. The more flexible you are, the better off you will be.

Put your foot down today, Taurus. Don’t let others push you around.

It could be that you’re used to letting people have their way in

order to keep the peace. The problem with this is that your dreams

and goals may get lost in the shuff le. Don’t lose sight of your true

destination. There’s much more to life than you might see on the

surface. Dig deeper.

Your heart is in the right place today, Leo, so feel free to share your

good mood with others. Keep things simple and straightforward.

Try not to complicate issues with unnecessary garble. Streamline

your thoughts and actions. You will find that you can be much

more eff icient when you cut out the aspects that aren’t pertinent or

absolutely necessary. Follow your heart.

Feel free to let it all out today, Scorpio. It’s finally your turn to stand

up and say what you feel. Don’t let others push you into places you

don’t want to be. The key is to probe deeply with your penetrating

mind and share your incredible insights with others. Don’t be

surprised if your actions cause some tension. Don’t let this stop you

from doing what you feel is right.

Today is a good day for you to follow through, Aquarius. Normally

you’re much better at tagging along or simply going with the flow of

the situation. This way of doing things has proven quite eff ective for

you in the past. Indeed, it has gotten you far. What you have now is

a diff erent situation. The things you’ve started will do you no good

until you complete them.

For goodness’ sake, make a decision today, Gemini. The more you

flounder about which way to go, the likelier it is that you will miss

the boat altogether. You have all the facts you need, so don’t delay

any longer. Once you make up your mind, be strong and throw all

your weight behind it. Your mind can be like a computer filing away

information as long as you stay alert.

You may find it hard to get rolling today, Virgo. It’s likely that you’re

caught in a gridlock between your mind and heart. Be careful about

letting this tension build. The most important thing for you today

is to relax. Tackle things one step at a time and finish one project

before starting another. You could get overwhelmed if you have too

many things on your plate at once.

Emotionally speaking, you’re probably doing quite well today,

Sagittarius. You have extra self-confidence to draw on to tackle your

projects. The one diff icult aspect of the day probably has to do with

some sort of mental challenge that for some reason just isn’t making

sense. Don’t continue to beat a dead horse. If things don’t want to

budge, let them sit. Tackle them later.

Have sympathy for those who need to vent today, Pisces. Don’t be

surprised if people line up outside your door for a chance to bend

your ear for an hour or two. Your mind is sharp. You will be able to

see to the core of any issue brought before you. More than likely, you

will understand things intuitively. People will do well to take your

advice on any issue they have.

Head to toe dressing guide for every bridesmaid

There is nothing more exciting for a girl than knowing that her best friend is getting married. As excited as you maybe

for this momentous celebration, there’s no denying that dressing for your best friend’s wedding is a tricky and dreadful task. However few tips can do the trick.

Nehpreet Kaur – Design and Creative Head, Femina Flaunt; Alisha Malik – Vice President Marketing and creative face Mochi Shoes and Accessories; Mimi Hrahsel – Business Head, Shaya by CaratLane list down few tips for every bridesmaids

This wedding season, opt for a trendier and more experimental look with ruffl ed lehengas. You can either style the lehenga with a traditional blouse or crop top, however you please and look like a damsel to impress. Ruffl ed lehenga

is an epitome of sheer perfection in terms of the draping technique and is sure to make heads turn.

Bring out your inner desi girl with a generous dose of glamour. Move away from the mundane fabrics and silhouettes by mixing

and matching Indian and Western elements to create interesting ensembles. Strapless blouses are definitely the flavour of the season.

Inspired by season’s Pantones of the year — Rose Quartz and

Serenity — are pretty pastel for the new age festive. “Blushing pink” or “something blue” is dreamy pallet that breaks the saturated moulds without veering too far outside of wedding territory.

The trend which is dominating the industry is silver jewellery. This current favourite is incredibly Indian yet modern in style and instantly elevates your look. So, indulge your inner glam girl and go ahead and pair that crisp off -shoulder blouse with intricate statement making earrings. A chunky piece of silver earrings instantly injects contemporary edge into any outfi t.

Don’t be shy of experimenting with your jewellery. It is time to break the fashion rule that necklaces and necklines go hand in hand. No, they don’t! For instance, accentuate your open neckline

gown with a choker style to add a little boldness to your look without overwhelming it.

After you are set on the perfect dress, you will need to fi nd all of the accessories. One of those are the shoes to accompany you as you cater to you bridesmaid duties. Ensure your shoes are comfortable yet fabulous as you know who’s going to be doing the running around for the bride. Heels can be a sassy showstopper, or they simply can be a lovely, elegant and a fi nal touch to complement your look.

The shoes for bridesmaids are the fi nal element creating a polished, cohesive wedding day look! Invest in styles that will drop jaws, and that you’ll wear again. Opt for a pair of subtle nude stilettos or off -white pumps. If your outfi t is subtle, pair it with metallic or bold colour heels. — IANS

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By Rachel DeSantis

Amanda Bynes is four years sobre and hinting at a return to showbiz, years after ducking out of the spotlight following a very public breakdown.

The She’s the Man star, 32, opened up for the fi rst time about her mental health struggles and drug abuse in an interview with Paper magazine, and expressed frustration with the relentless media attention that seemed to thrive on picking her apart at her lowest.

“I know that my behaviour was so strange that people were just trying to grasp at straws for what was wrong,” Bynes told the outlet. “It defi nitely isn’t fun when people diagnose you with what they think you are… If you deny anything and tell them what it actually is, they don’t believe you. Truly, for me, (my behaviour) was drug-induced, and whenever I got off (drugs), I was always back to normal.”

The actress and comedian was arrested for a DUI in 2012, and was hit with reckless endangerment and drug possession charges a year later after she was caught smoking in her Manhattan apartment lobby and tossing a bong out her window. The case was later dismissed.

Later that year, Bynes was hospitalised and placed on a mental health hold after

she set a small fi re in the driveway of a California home.

Looking back, Bynes admits that her attitude toward the business fi rst soured with 2006’s She’s the Man, as the actress said seeing herself dressed as a boy on screen led to a “deep depression” that lasted 4-6 months.

Easy A in 2010 had a similar eff ect, and Bynes said she was so distraught by her performance that she convinced herself she needed to quit acting.

“I was high on drugs when I saw that but for some reason it really started to aff ect me,” she said. “I don’t know if it was a drug-induced psychosis or what, but it aff ected my brain in a diff erent way than it aff ects other people. It absolutely changed my perception of things.”

Bynes said she fi rst started taking drugs at age 16, but didn’t abuse harder drugs until years later, when she discovered the harder drugs around the time she was fi lming Hairspray.

The All That alum said she became hooked, and once she left showbiz after Easy A, found refuge in drugs.

“I just had no purpose in life,” she refl ected. “I had a lot of time on my hands and I would ‘wake and bake’ and literally be stoned all day long… I got really into my drug usage and it became a really dark, sad world for me.”

The actress has now been sobre for four years, and is grateful to have left behind the substances that she says “really messed up” her brain.

“Those days of experimenting are long over. I’m not sad about it and I don’t miss it because I really feel ashamed of how those substances made me act,” she said. “When I was off of them, I was completely back to normal and immediately realised what I had done — it was like an alien had literally invaded my body. That is such a strange feeling.”

Bynes is currently enrolled at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, where she’ll get an associate’s degree this month, and start working toward a bachelor’s degree in January.

But a return to acting could still be in the cards.

The star says she hopes that she’ll return to the silver screen the same way she entered it: with excitement and hope for what’s to come.

“I have no fear of the future,” she said. “I’ve been through the worst and came out the other end and survived it so I just feel like it’s only up from here.” – New York Daily News/TNS

Karan Johar launches new digital division

Filmmaker Karan Johar on Wednesday announced the launch of his new digital division called Dharmatic. It will create content for digital channels.

Karan tweeted: “Our new journey begins! DHARMATIC! The digital content company. This is our new baby.”

Along with the tweet, the Ae Dil Hai Mushkil director posted a picture of the company’s work place.

He also said that Somen Mishra would head the fi ction division, while Aneesha Baig would be the non-fi ction chief.

On the fi lm front, Karan is currently presenting Rajinikanth-Akshay Kumar-starrer 2.0. – IANS

Yami hopes to reinvent herself in 2019

Actress Yami Gautam turned a year older on Wednesday. She says some great work is coming her way, so she wants to focus on reinventing herself next year.

The Kaabil actress would be busy with two shoots. Later in the evening, she spent time with close friends here.

“The year 2018 has been very kind. Some really interesting work came my way...the things that I hadn’t done before. As I turn a year older and defi nitely wiser, I hope 2019 will be more exciting,” Yami said in a statement.

“I love the fact that my birthday comes at the end of each year. I love to look back and be grateful of the year gone by and make my plans ahead of what each new year will have in store for me. Some great work is coming along and things which I haven’t done before, so I think my focus for next year will be reinventing myself,” she added.

The Vicky Donor actress featured in Batti Gul Meter Chalu this year. – IANS

Bynes opens up about mental health, drug abuse

NEW PROJECT: The name of Karan Johar’s digital division is Dharmatic.

EXCITED: Yami Gautam turns a year older and wiser. She hopes 2019 will be more exciting for her.

“I got really into my drug usage and it

became a really dark, sad world for me”

RECOVERED: Amanda Bynes is four years sobre and hinting at a return to showbiz.

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CREATIVE PRACTICE: As many as 15 senior and junior artists from the university are showcasing their works that reflect individual identities and represent the students’ several years of research and creative practice. Photos by Jayan Orma

By Mudassir Raja

The young and buddying artists of Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUarts Qatar) are taking part in ‘Minber’ exhibition

organised by W Doha Hotel & Residences at its ART 29 gallery.

As many as 15 senior and junior artists from the university are showcasing their works. Most of them are displaying their work for the fi rst time in a public place. The gallery hosts several pieces of art that refl ect individual identities and represents students’ several years of research and creative practice. The exhibition is open for the public till December 10. The gallery will remain open from 10am to 10pm every day.

‘Minber’, meaning ‘the stage’ in Arabic, is a celebration of the artistic practices and creative skills of the young students. The participating artists, include Amna al-Muftah, Amna al-Thani, Amira Radhi, Munira al-Thani, Aisha al-Abdulla, Salma Awad, Tifl ah al-Naimi, Sarah al-Joyyousi, Peppy Prathyusha, Joseph Zampetti, Maryam al-Thani, Amena al-Mulla, Yara Elfouly, Hana Elleithy and Noor Alsheibani.

The exhibition depicts how the students employed a variety of approaches, materials and techniques into their paintings and printmaking. The works show the research techniques and styles that the artists have put into their pieces. The art pieces include diff erent genres of painting, various techniques and diff erent models created by the students using diff erent materials and daily use items.

On the opening evening, the visitors took

keen interest in the nascent works of the young artists. The artists were happy to see the feedback of the visitors.

Talking to Community, Hana Elleithy, Senior artist with painting and printmaking as major, said, “I started drawing and painting when I was very young. My grandfather was an artist and I grew up watching him paint. After I fi nished my school, I decided to study art.”

She said, “This is my second exhibition. My fi rst exhibition was at the university. It is a wonderful exposure for us as students. We get to experience for what it is like to be in the real art world outside the parameters of the university. I like to paint realistically to some extent. I am also studying to be a certifi ed yoga instructor and yoga has become a part of my studio life as well. Three of my paintings, show three diff erent yoga postures targeting diff erent things

physically, emotionally and spiritually. I play with colours and with atmosphere. I usually use oil paints.”

Salma Awad said, “I am a junior artist. I have exhibited my work that I have created during my ongoing semester. I was interested in sketching when I was in school. My mother noticed my talent and she supported me in pursuit of my art studies. This is my fi rst exhibition. I am a little bit overwhelmed. I am looking forward to the response of the visitors. I am very excited. My work in the exhibition shows my imagination. I am a nature loving person. As a student, it is a new and a good experience to have an exhibition here.”

Rhys Himsworth, Assistant Professor at the Department of Painting and Print Works at VCU Qatar, said, “We have brought mix of seniors and juniors to take part in the exhibition in collaboration with W Doha. The students are excited and getting little stressed. They get little apprehensive because of course in the school they are always making works for private audience. This is fi rst time that they are showing it to the public audience. We have friends, family, media and general public here scrutinising their works. They also ask questions. It could be a daunting experience but it is exciting.

Wassim Daaje, General Manager of W Doha said, “W Doha has become known for its commitment to display artwork from emerging local and regional talent. We are always looking for opportunities to provide young, aspiring artists a platform in which they can showcase their hard work and express their artistic style. We are very excited to introduce a new journey of creative experience and the exploration of 15 diverse emerging artists coming together to create one unique voice.”

Young VCUarts Qatar artists display works at W Doha

DISPLAY: Some paintings showcased at the exhibition.