michael kass [email protected]@nist.gov han kim ngo...

Michael Kass [email protected] Han Kim Ngo [email protected] Jacques Durand [email protected] IIC Test Framework : illustrated on ebXML Conformance Testing

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Page 1: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

Michael Kass [email protected]

Han Kim Ngo [email protected]

Jacques Durand [email protected]

IIC Test Framework :illustrated on ebXML Conformance Testing

Page 2: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

• V1.0 May 2003, V1.1 October 2004

• An architecture that defines Test Components that work together

• Test Driver

• Test Service

The IIC [ebXML] Test Framework

• XML schemas for defining Test Suites• Test Requirements• executable Test Suites (set of Test Cases)

Page 3: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

• Interoperability needs to be Maintained between Business Partners

• Threatened by continuous, non synchronized systems upgrades

• eBusiness Interoperability is an integration problem: has to be tested “live”, in production

Challenges eBusiness / eGov Testing:


Page 4: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

Vision for eBusiness / eGov Testing:

• The Role of Test Centers

• Provide testing services at all phases of eBusiness product life cycle

• Early conformance tests• Pre-release Interop tests• Business guidelines tests (vertical) • Interop Maintenance testing

Page 5: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

Conformance to Business Guidelines

Application ContentInteroperability (A2A)

Conformance to Technical Specifications



System in Production

Testing for the “Interoperability Stack”

Page 6: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

Vision for eBusiness / eGov Testing:

• Testing Technology evolving toward:

• Automation and [XML] scripting

• Versatile frameworks

• various formats/standards,

• evolve with them,

• ease of customization

• Support for Testing will become a product feature, not just a QA thing

Page 7: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com


• Test Driver & Test Service. Intended for local testing. 1.1 Available for beta-testing end of year.

Test Framework: Implementations

• KorBIT (Korea)

• 1.0 Test Driver & Test Service. Used remotely at ETSI test event 2004 (ebMS 2.0).

• DrakeCertivo (US)

• Test Driver. Used for ebMS conformance , and also OAG BODs testing

• KWareSoft (Korea)

Page 8: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com


Test Service

Host 2

ebXML Message



Test Driver

Host 1 (or test center)

Test Frameworkcomponent

Test target

Testing ebXML MS Conformance

Page 9: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

Testing MS Interoperability: point-to-point

ebXML Message (HTTP / SMTP) ebXMLMessageHandler


Test Driver

Test Service


Test Service

Host 2Host 1

Test Frameworkcomponent

Test target

Page 10: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

•Provide expertise in conformance testing to OASIS IIC•Help develop the OASIS IIC ebXML Testing Framework specification for all ebXML specifications•Prototype a Test Framework implementation as proof of concept•Assist in writing conformance tests for Messaging, Registry, and Business Process specifications

NIST’s Role

Page 11: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

•Flexible testing architecture •Provide simple XML scripting •Promote test suite re-use

Design Goals

Page 12: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

•Testing Requirements

•Executable Test Cases

•Testing Profile

•Associated Message Content

Test Suite

Page 13: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

•Reference Conformance Clause in Specification

•Reference the Normative Specification

•Broken down into concise Functional (Semantic) Requirements expressed as a Test Assertion Clause

Conformance Test Requirements

“For conformance to this specification, all the version attributes of any SOAP extension elements defined in this specification MUST have a value of “2.0”

Page 14: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com


ebXML Messaging Services 2.0 Conformance Test Suite

•Message Packaging

–- # 2 ebXML Message is in root part of MIME Envelope–- #28 MessageHeader version attribute is ‘2.0’

Page 15: Michael Kass michael.kass@nist.govmichael.kass@nist.gov Han Kim Ngo hankim.ngo@nist.govhankim.ngo@nist.gov Jacques Durand jdurand@us.fujitsu.comjdurand@us.fujitsu.com

NIST Test Framework Implementation free for download in December at http://ebxmltesting.nist.gov

• NIST Test Driver and Test Service (source/binary)• OASIS IIC ebXML MS 2.0 Conformance Test Suite• NIST ebXML RS 2.1 Conformance Test Suite
