miac report: modern militia movement

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  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: Modern Militia Movement


    Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon John M. BrittGovernu Dircctor. DPS James F. l(ealhley Van GodseycolDn-Dl MSHP Dircctor. MIAC

    MXAC STRATEGNC REPORT02/20109The lModerlr lVtrlfitia fi/lovernentM od cril Militix M ov cnrc,t:TheMjtirirMovenentbeganjnrhetgs0'sandreachedjrspealjnl996. Severdsocjal,economic,aDdPoliricaifacbrsconuibutedrorhesugeinmiliriapadiciparjoninthelg90's. Thepnmarymoljvalorforlhemovenrenlwasthefarncrjsjsofthelgs0s.whichcausedthedesrrucrionof3/4ofanillionsmalltomediunrsizefamib,lamx Overall,llmillionAmerjcanslost hejr iobs durjng this timeperiodAcademics contend ilat female and mirorjty empowemenl j. ihe I 970s and I 960s caused I blov' to whte male's sense ofempowemerr. This,combjnedwirhasenseofdefeatfromtheVietnamWar,iDcreasedlevelsofilmigration,aDdurem-ploynert, spawned a paramilitary culilre. This caught or in tb I980 s with injects slch as Tom Clancy novels. Soldier ofFortune Magazine, and movies sucl as Rambo tbat glodied combal. This culture llorjfied while males and pofrmyed thenras moralll,upright heroes w}o rere mentally and physically tough.It was dudng this timeframe sar many individuals and orfranizadons began to concoclcorspimcy theories to explain their msfodDnes. These theodes varied bul almost alwaysjnvolved ? globalist dictatoffhjp the'Neu,Wotid Order (NW0)", whici consPired loexploit the working class cilizens. UnjEd Nations lroops were thought to already beoperating in the Uniled States h suppon of the lwo. Much ot lhis rhetodc would be'come ant-Semilic claiming thatthe Jews cootrolled the moneiary syslem and media, andin tum tle "Zonist Occupied government (ZOG)". The Militia of Monlana (MOM)became a key organjzaiion in pushjng rightwing rhetotic and infomjng individuals onbou' to foril militia organizalions.A seiles of incidenb in the earlj' 1990's caused a suige in mililia pdicipadon. The 1992slandoffbelweet federal autborities and the Weaver famil)'at Rubv Ridge. ldaho becameasparkforthemovemen| OnAxgusr14,lgg2,a12daysrandoffbeganthaiwouldresultinthedeathofonefederalagentandthewifeandsonofRandywealer. Tlrefollowinglebrua4"a5l-daysiegewoutdoccurattheSrancbDavidiancom-poDndirvaco,Texas.rsulrinsjnthedearhor82Davidiansandfourlawenforcement0Sens. lnNovemberofl993,theinacringoltheBradyHandgunVjolencePrevetrtionActoflgg2addirionalllfueledthemovemenr Thenrovementreachedis peak in 1996 with over 850 groups believed to be operating ilithin ihe US

    Nothtotth) nilid1 acdriD fron loo| h laoo:. l1109/95:OklahomilConsitDrionalMilitianrcmbrsareanestedastbe)'PlanlobombtheSoutheilPovertl'12e

    Cenlei (SPLC), gay bas, and abortion cliflrcs.. 12/18/95: A druDr ofamnonium nitrare and tuel oil is found behind the IRS building in Reno, Nevada, the device

    failed lo explode. An anli governnent tax Prote$oris laEr anesled for the jncident.01/18/96:AmenberofiheayanRepublicanArny(ARA)isanesledinohioafternshooloutwiththeml.The

    ARA was also associaied with 22 banti robbedes belween i 994 aDd 1996.


  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: Modern Militia Movement


    . O1/0)/96: lzmenrbersotanArizon.n4iliraproupcrlledVrperleanrwereuestedorC0ISP!nc) Wentons,andExpjosiles chrrres afler thel rvert crugh dorD! suileillance on goleDrnrenr bujldings'. A1/2't/96:Abo1ib)sderoDaledarilreAtlanuOl)lnpicParlihill'n!onepersoDarliniutinsJ00.EdcRoberrRr-

    dolph is later aDested aNl linked Io olherbonrbmgs al aborrio. cliDics and I gav bar. tA/11/96:SevernreilbersotttreMounraineerMilirirwereanestedforplolringroblowuttheFDlfxrgerprinlrecords center in Wesr Vjryinja. 07/04t97: Menbea al n sptnrler groul ol dre Tlird Conrinenral Congress were nresLed i! the process ofplorntg a!

    racks on mitimry brses The lroup rhonghl rhar Dranr military jnsrillarioDs were training Inited Naliols lrools ilratsere frJnnxrf Jn rlrckilrr L.S .irrzen.. 03/18/98: Members ofrhe Norih Anrerican Miliria werc rrresed on firermr chargesi proseculors clainEd that tle

    groDp conspired ro bonrb federat buitdjngs ir MicligaD,, relevision slation, aDd an inDrslale highwaJ'inlerchanSe.. 12/05/99:Membets ofrhe California bascd San Joaquin Militir were charged with conspiracy to bomb critical infra-$rucruresitesinhopesofprovokilr!arinsurecrion. Tbeleadersoftheory0nizationalsopleldguihJtoplotlingtobll a federaljudge.. t2/08/gq:Theteaderotrmilirircoalitionknownasrhe,soutleasremStatesAlliancewrschargedwithconsPirac)'tobomb energy facilities in ordr to cause Powcr oulages jn Flo.idr ard Georgia-

    Declirc of tlLe Moven*tt:The milida movenenr began to decline afFr the 1995 Oktahona Cily Eonbing and raids on th Monlana Freemen and Re-pDbtic ot Texas in I 996 and I 997. P oor !u blic opin ion of rhe mililia movement and increased atien tion from law enforce-nentcarsednran)/oftheuncomjiiedmembeiltoleavelhemovemenL. Manyof$ehardcorenilitiamembersgre$'ang.ywirh the mililia for not mobilizing in rsponse to perceiled govemment aggressions. Some of these fanatics would splin@rinto smaller or underground groups adheing Io the princlPles of "leaderless resjsktrce"Many mil*ia groups began ro rally members in tie belief thar the govemmenl would collapse dDe to the Y2K scare- Thistleot'claimed that rhe govemmenr would coliapse due ro compuiers not beiDg able lo hardle the transitio, from the i900'sro the 2000's. The miljtia's inaccurare assessnrent ofrhe Y2K threat badly damaged its reputation. Additionally, thoughBrlat Presidenr George W. Bush was synpathetic to their situation, and a wave ofpatriorism after 9l I would fuflher diminishthe militia movemen|Tht Militia Post Septenber 11,2041:During this rime period the mitida had lost rhe anention of the nrains,ram media and public, but it continued to exist. TheSPLC reports thar betweer the oklahoma city Bonbing il 1995 and 2005 thar roughly 60-rightwing extremisl Plots wereNoLeworlhy militia actiljty fron 2000 to 2008

    . 0310g/OOtThefomer teader ofrhe Texas Miliiia was aresred for conspimcy to attacli the Houslon Fede.al Buiiding

    .03/01/01:AfomerCotoneti,irheKenluckyMiliriapepperedadeputy'scarwitlsemiaulomaticweaPonsfiredDFjng a lraffic stop.02108/02: Two members ofa group called Prcject 7 ilereanested forplotting to kill judges and law enforcenEnlofficers in order to kick offlhe rcvolution.09/03/02: A plot by tbe ldaho MotntaiD Boys Miiitia !omurder a federal judg and a police officer aDd then brcak afrlend out ofjail ras uncovered.07/07/03: A Michisar Miliria nren$er killed a MichisanStale Trooper lhar atenlpled to sene him a vanrnr


  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: Modern Militia Movement


    , l0/25/A,l: Atxrmhltnd ir TenDesse. was aresEd Jor rnenrprii! rc obuir iD!rcdietts tor silrrr :a! and C-4 exPlc)sives in order rc coniucr Ailri SeDrili( aDd !ovenrmenr aflacks.

    . 06/)9/l)7:sir nrembers o1 the Ahbrnril Free lailirir wdt dresred oD weapons ard cxplosive! charges An Allrgent would go on kr restif,y rhal five of rhe Drer were planrin! ar attacl on MexjcaDs jt r Lown near Bi.nringhaD.. l2108:NationalcuardandReservefacilrriesreceivcdtackageswithanliNeu'WorldOrderrhetoric Thiswould

    oocur within a weeli ofhoax antlnar nrailings ro Sratr Covernor's offjcesItceneryeilc( of thc Mowneilt:Righlwjn! cxtremisb and mjlirifl leaderu conliruously explojL cunenl workl events in order to increase parlicjpation in thenDovemenh. Due to dre cDrent econonrical ard polirical si[alion, r )ush environment lbr miljtia aclivi['has beer created.UDemploynreDt rares are h igh, as vel I as cosr ol I iving expenses. Add i !i onal Iy, Presidenl Eleci B arack Obama js seen asrighr on gun cortrol ard nrany extemists fear that be will eracl firefinrs conflscadons. White srprenucists fron iljthin themilida novenenr havs furrher becone angered due Lo dre elsctior of the firu1 Afijcan Anericn President. Many constitrFtjotralisil wjrhin the nrovenenr have clainrd thnt Presjdenl Elecr Obama does nol meel lhe residelcy rcquiements !o holdthe office oflresident, and rhercfore his election is xnconsirulionalNewer versjons of rhe NWO corspn"cy have been concocted jn order ro empower tle movenrent. Tbe NwO is seeD as usinBlaw erforcenem, milita4,, natronal guard. and federal agencies jn order to cary our i( elrtist onc world governnrenL Lau'enforcenenr and miljtary forces ar believed to be uliljzed ir order 10 confiscale firearnil and piace iDdividuals jnto FEMAconcenration camps. This scenarjo has receivd additjonal aitenljoD due to the US Amy NORTIICOM assigning homelandsecurio,funclionsroanacrileduq,InfantryBrlgade. Themovementseesthisbrigadeastheforcethalwilltaketheirfire-amr and rbailhe unjr is in violadon ofrh Posse Comiialus Acl. There a.e also concems thal the banking and nredia jnfra_stucturearcalsobeingconrrolledbytbeJewisheliteandtbattheseleadersaremembersoftheNWO. ThereisagreardealofaDgertowards the Federal Reserve Systeil (FRS) and all foms oftax collectionAddfroilal ntoiraturs Jor ntilitia acnvi4,:Amuniiion Accounlabilih, Aci: The Amunition Accountabiliq'AcI has been up for legislation inmostsales. ThisiegjslarionwouldrequirethatanlDnilmberbeengravedontheroundofallannuni_lion and fiis ammo colld in turn be linked ro , place ofpurchase and the purchaser' Some states haveadded a clause to the act making it a nisdeneanor lo possess unregistered almunilio\' Bill did not Pasr

    feel that the U.s. govemment will fall due to economjc orracjal issues Tiey believ thalduring the chaotic fall ofthe govemment. nroves wjll be made to insiall Madial Law, confiscat

    Bulit with engravedtracking number

    fircams, and imprisoD many cirizens. This fear has recently been hejghlened b] a repon from a Russian Economic analysl,

    Manl ilili!ia orsanizations

    lgor lanarjn. Panarin predicted thatthe U.S. would collapse and fractioninto six differnr regions connolledby foreign Sovernments. PanarinSoes on lo say that as early as thautum of2009. the economic crisiswill lead b a civil war.Possible Consiitutiona) Conventionlgp!..199!L Curendy 32 states havecalled for a Constiiulional CoDvention (Con Con) tlar will add amend-merts to the U.S. ConilitutioD. TheCon Con wili be held if two morestales reqDesl i!. The convent;on isplanred sFcifically for the reason ofadding a balaDced budget anendnentro the Corstitution. The MiliriaMoaehenr is conceJned thrt if, Co.

    Divided States I A Russian Professor's Prediction of How the U"5. Will Spl,tTh0 ciJiforDian Ropub[( Thc funtrnl lJorlh-lmQilcan llopublk l\tlnntk AnericaUil D! 0rft 0f (hmi 0, Wil I be Diil of crniil 0r rnd-q [h! ioin thP lrrcDenn UnDnhde Lnil,r-r r0' ucnu (:rJd d ililucr,c

  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: Modern Militia Movement


    Cor is leld d)c lsr rnd2nd anretdneDtr will be rlLeiedorreiloved'Nolthln'ericalUDionlNAU):conspiJlc\'lheorisLsclllDrlhalthisUniotwould]in]icilnadl.TheUnjredsmles'dDd^4e}jco'TheNAUwou]dunrlyrlsnloneta.ysysleilanl|ldclhedoII,tfortheAI4ERo'Assocjaledil,iilr$jsd)eol\]jsconcelnoveraNAilAsuperhighwa}.lvhichwonldf|slllac]i!,adcbelweenlhelh,tetaljonsThelejsNdditionalconcenrillatdreNAU would open up lh; border causing securjrv rislG rnd iree nrovcnreDr ior imnri:ranL!'

    lHi5;li .r**iiil,i!!l,i;i,

    *ffi ;rux**i*$i*i#-irpt*#*f;;;bii6;1'" S;ar! Por! are seen as the hub of thc North American UnionUnivcrsalservjceProglam:statenrentsmadebyPresidenlE]ectobamaand}xsch]efoistaffhlve]edexrenxstslofearrh;;""*I, o,,llt- D"f.nse Force. Thjs $e;ry requires all citizens betweeD the ag of I8 and 25 to be forced to aseDdthree months of mandalory training.

    Tbere is a fear ihal the government wjll enforce nrass RFID


    huilan implantations.locationsof all citizens


    rr'i'li*ioula .ut" jr possible lor the govemment to co'tirually know the

    Members of the niljti, nrovenenl ofter subscrjbe lo the jdology of other righfwing extenist movements such aslcht.istianldcniit]':Re]igiousjdeo]ogypopulaljnexhen]elighGwingcirc]es'Adhelensb]jevethatwhiteso'EDrcpea.descent can be l.acej bacji io the .Lost idbei of lsrael " Many consi der J ews to b e the salanic offsprin8 of Eve and lhc s eFpen!, whjle non whites are "mud People" c,?ated beforc Adanr and EaewhiteNationalisLMlnywhitesupfemacists,Naliona]socialists..Neo-Nazi,,,aDdskinheadsaredrawntothenrolenrenland i6 anti gorernnent, Seililic, ,nd atrj-imnigration rheloricSovereiguCilizeDIlnrlivjduaktlralseetheffsejlesassovereigncitiznsquestionthe]egilinrac)'ofthefederalgo\,ernnlentThel arlue thar the governmenr has gotteD awal fiom fte inteDr of rhe coNtirurion and is rhus nor lalid. These grouPs rre


  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: Modern Militia Movement


    $uoni stares rjShI advociles. bur see dre Counr] Shsrillri de hi-lhesr posrLion o/ rudrori0 The* groDt! and rtdrvrduilsar. wetJ kno$r jor ldilur. ro regisrei lehicles drd dfl!iil! wirhoui ulid liceDses SoreJeisr CirizeD\ lrr!e heen loowt r(i is-sue tteil oslr licensc phres rtrd drilers licenses and r rssues sunnnotr lo apPear jn 'ConrDror Lar' courtsA4itirant Aborlionr Anri AboflioilNI tav beer linonD h Lalte np aiDs ir soppofl olfiejr belie[!. Eric RudolPl who wasresponsible for the Adnilta Olynrpic I'aili Bonlbin! aDl rborriol cljnics wrs rt rrilr !bortioDisllaxllesjsklrs: Thisnrovemenijssnongll'nroppositjorrcrhe.olleclioroffodcraliDconreLaxes. tndilidu^lsjnthisnrovemenr Scnemll)/ believe thar jrcome ldxes ar invaLd or the tar hws do nor dtply () themAntilnnrigraiion: Sonrenrilitiror:anizarionslflvebee!fomredsolel),forlhcpunoseoiconnterjngthethrealolillegalimmg'atjon. Exuemiss wiI rrguc $ar rnmigrans ar taliir! rheJobs ofU.S. Cirizens durjn! tines othigl rnenplovnrentAddirionalt),, iJtegal imrigranrs art scen as suchng up:overnmeDr resources wirhour payjr! taxes Sonre nrilitiil units Patrolthe border xr order tu $albguard agr;nsl .hug smu:!lers, grngs, orviolerl immigrantsTrainin!L,tjlization oI MILSIM: M;lilir nrcnrbers have been atteDdin! Military Slmulalion (MILSIM) evetls in order to increaserheir cornbrl readiness. MILSIM js a realislic conrbar sfofl in whjch two forces, so$e limes uf to the plabon level, utilizepaintball, Atrsofr. or MILES gear to conducr realisti. wr grmes Tle desirc to increase the realisnr of the MILSIM hasdrawn nrembers to seelr and conducl militarl'leader$hip planning communications, nari:ations and tnctics baininS'Militia ,nd Survival Trrining evenlsr RegjoDal trajDrn-! evenls arebejng held wiilr tle irtent ofteachjrg indivjduals hoq'to esrablish miljli, orgariza-tions. These elenh usualiy focus on indjvidual soidier skiljs, land navigation, andmarksmanslip. Some evens lav been set u! in order 1o prepare forjoinl operationsbelween nilitia organjzarjons.Comilnications: The xse of short ilave rave rudios for connrunicrrioi and broad-casts is comon among mo$ mililia Erorps. These goups comrunicate througn fo-rums, yahoo Soups, blogs. and socjal neMorlcng sites. Websiles and orline lalkshows have been establjshed to pilsh $eloric, Dsually a siewed vereion ofcuneni

    Recruihent: Militias are recniling members and sxppoders through the followingmeans: gun shows. onlin forunr, websites, social nelwokins siles. and infomal so_cial networks Additiorally, mililia rccruirnent mny be done at evcnb or meetingsheld by organizalions that share ldeolosies with lhe njliria.


    ais or "lone wolves" hal also been known to adherc Lo theprinciples ofleadcrless rcsistarce jr odei ro perform orpiolComitlees of Safett'(CoS) Organization established lolobby govemnenl officials and confiont corrupt;on Thesegroxps clainr to be a voic oftbe people and usualiy conrolor associate with militia organizaliors ln their reglon. Tfieseorganjzalions are targered ar the counD'level bul are alsoformiDg sale and national level organizations.

    Pubiic Groups These organlzarions hold t"ining evens thal are open lo the public and geremlly lecruil publicly. Thesegroups desjre to aid the Counry Sherjfi or covemo. in errergencies such as a nalural disasler. lt is Dot uncommon for thesegroups to be seen ln publ;c dohg conmuni4'serrlce related wotd Public groups are less likely ro Publicly push traliciousrheruic, anri have a iraalional mjljrary sryle chain ofcomffand and leaderchip $rucfte. These groups have been known lofom underground unis and proride training nnd guidance to new ot fonrung orgaDizationsunalergfoDDrl Groups These grcups primaril), adh en !o the pdnciples of Louis B eam's Philosopiry of i eaderl ess resi slanceThis phjlosophy advoca@s small autononrous cells driven by ideology rather than b), tbe direclion of leaders. T|ese SfouPsaredifficuhiogarheJintelhgenceoD,asnooneoutsideofthecellwoDldbeawaroftheorganizationorilsllans. lndiridu.

    I ]N CI -A SSFIED//LA X'

  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: Modern Militia Movement


    covenilrlMiliiiaC0nmtu!jtisCoDlnluDilIof'rililllnrenrbc]:s$al.tlenr|llocrellelso!e]e]gDlownshi|1tthel990sdrcit were ar esinlaLed ejghr ot lhese conilnuD'lies idenlified rcr o$ dr couDtr-\ 'A4jiiti|associaiionsTheseorgrrrzilionsatrenplLorerworlivariousnllliliaslhrotrgtthelnLeruetnreelinst,oreven6croups ,ucl ns thc A',erican iorsrinnional 14iirrirL Nilwork (AquAtl,0lllr]{lfii#l9f"Alif[fdtrEFqtlP],\llli$ (RNEM) areacLi!e oilrr connnuDicnrions sires tor niljtn nrenrbdr and dla']t?fllltYtr! D!errl (JrTxllnrplicrr ops lor Lau, Eiltorceirenlii;u,,Lv,,i wdill,il.il.\berilttilth(Jr)')()"\"fttnititi4!!ilttho\tttlttrioj ilil't!DojaLttHishh,TrabedlMilibInrenrbe$alreceivin.!nlorcPIolessio|alizedIainin!llrctlhe}dj.duliDgthefirslspjl.eoJthenrovenrenl ir dre I 990's.Le,delshjltmining:Milirianembemartrecejlingadvanced]eildershipaDdoperutjoll]p]annn!rrainin!Thjshasa]-towed ior tie establishn,enr ola srong Non Comnli;ioned offrceJ corPs (NCol within groups An Nco Cor'Ps aliows oPerarions ro b rur ar rhe firc Lcan nnd iquad size. This eDables uDi6 Lo conducr nrulliple operations slnulrrneouslvl "Con|plex aftads". ]'his lrainn! will also enable individuals to fomr and trai' iLeir own oryanizationsyouarctlrcDneml]The']iliti,subscribcstoananti-go}ernnlenlan.lNwonrjndset,whlchcleaEsathrcaltol2weD.forcemenl officers. They vieu, lhc njtirar'. Natjonal G;ard, anri law enforcenrett as a {orcc thar will confiscaie lhen fire-ams ard phce them jn FEMA concentradon campsInpIcations for lvlissopriInfiasiruciure ai risk in Missouri:Delcntia]Cenlers:Rjgitwjnsexlre'fstsbe]ievethatthercarcatleasttheeFEMAconcentrailoncampsinthestateofMis.

    . The Fomer Richards-Gebau AFB in Grandview, MO. Ft. Leorard itood. MO. Camp Crowdernr Neosho, MONollh Aille|ican Union (NAU): The Kansas cjo' .,snan Port'' wlxch is a hub for fasl tracked trade md djstrjbution betweentheu.s.andMexicoisseenastheHubofrheN;ilhAmerjcanunjon. AshippinSanddistdbulioncenterisunderwayjnthefomelR]chard.GebaulAFBilGrandvjew.Mo'Thisfaci]jt]isseenasbothaFEMAconcenfalioncenterandafaciljtJ'folthe NAU.Fedenl Resente Banks. Memberu of the mititia novement are $ronglyagains tire FRS and see iI as a mechanisn otthe elitislNew World Order' InN;vemberEnd the FED prcEsB were held nationwide al Federal ReseneBanks in oppostrion to the FRS. Many rightswing extemi$s oppos the FRSanct propoie a syscnr tnat would be backed bv gold Federal Reserve banksnay also drau, asenlion fron anli bail oul Proteslors and activistsNational Gilad Faciliies National Guard arnories aDd facilitles arc seen aspotcndal slaging areas foi NWO rooPs Addi!ionalll, there are fears that theNaljonal Guard will be forced to confiscate weapons and enforce marshal iaw'Some individuals h the nolenenl have argued thal Natioral Guard soldiersancl uni6 have had their weaPons confiscated, hnve beel transfomred jnto Doconrbal units such as supp)l, ransportrtion, or medicalelements, or arc being deploye.l overseas in order to weake! the defnse oflhStale againsr the NWO.Fcdent Bnilditg! o1 .facililizrr WjthiD th movemenl there js a distusl aDdanger lowards tire federai govennrent Pr iuarilJ' towards the IRs' ATF' FBIConrnon Militia Svmbols:P.lili.al rnd ArtLGovernmeni Rheioricl



  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: Modern Militia Movement


    Poliricrl Prrapbernalia: MiliLir nEnrbrs mosr connronly associare wjil 3rd pdrlt.poliricrl group! ir is Dor unconrnron formiliria menber! ro display Consrirurjonal Patry. Canrpaisn for Liber[. o] Liberu.an malerial The$e nreilbers are usuallysupponers of foriler Pres;denrjal Candidate: Ron laul. ChucI Baldu'D. and Bob Ban.AnticovernnreDl PropagaDda: 14ililia menrbers conrDonly displa) picture. cafrooDs. bunper suciers tbrr conlnir rnupovenrnenr r|etoric. Most ofthis materiai wjll depicr lhe FRS. IRS. FBl. ATF. CIA. UN. Laq EnforoeDent, and "The Newworld Order" ir a derogato4, manor. Additio'ally. Racial, anti-imnri:ratjon, atrd anti-aborrion, Daterirl nuy be displayedby iljlitia nEnbeN.Militia Synrbols

    IlutareeMilitia:Patchofa ldBN/3rdBDEMOMititiapopular Michigan based miliria pabh: Unilparch displayed bythat has a presence and inflDence Missoun Mililia Members.in many staEs,

    flovereign citLen: Flags usuatly displayed by soverergn ciuzens in order !o repre- Molon Labe: Greek phrase tha!sent sovereign "comon taw"jurisdiction. translates Io "come and taketbenl'' or " Over nl'dead body"phrase originated during the SPaltan and Persian battle at Ther-moPYlae and was recently madeupside down us FIag: The nili_ Nine stripes of the sons ot Lib- Fi$i NavJ' Jack: Cortilentaltiiusesttrisasasymbotofana- erty: Sonsoflibertywasasecret NaayflaS,whichisalso,dis-rio, in dis!.ess. sociely ofpalriots during the played with a stebhed out rattle_Anerican Revolulionary war ssake and the inscription "Don't

    Many militia membetr clain the Tread on Me"Sons ofLibeny as Pan oftheilhernage.t!tl

    Literarur and Media Comion io the Milida

  • 8/14/2019 MIAC Report: Modern Militia Movement


    Zciigeisl lhe Moviei An! FedemlReserve Systeil filn. Amcrica: Ireedom i0 Fa$-cism: Anl;income tar filn

    Th. Tnrner Diariesr Novel dratdpicis the vjolent rcvolution ofthe United Shtes Covernnenl arda war that leaves on]),a wlitepopularion. Thjs boolr was Pronoted by Timothl Mcvei.h andsaid to be the ilolivation behindthe Ol(lahoilr Cj4, BombiDg.

    MffiBsswwm& ffimffimwmmm&Ewm &mmHwsEs @emterDivision oi Drug & Crjme Control, P O' Box 568, Jellerson Clty, [lO 65102_0568Phone: 579-751-6422 TollFrce:866-362-6422 Fax: 573-751-9950,'.',,|,,"''.^*""'",'*'";;";,;:,:iiiL|,,i;;a"ngntpaqilu"

    Comments on previous MIAC $rabgjc aleds or ideas for research on future strategic products should be nade toGreg.hur @nNlp.dps.mo.gov