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  • 5/22/2018 MI600 Manual (Tangente Delta)


    Universal Current

    Measuring System MI 600

    User's Manual

  • 5/22/2018 MI600 Manual (Tangente Delta)


    Version: March 14, 2008

    Copyright 2004 - 2008 by mtronix Precision Measuring Instruments.

    All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form, or transferred to any

    other media, without prior written permission by mtronix Precision Measuring Instruments.

    mtronix Precision Measuring Instruments reserves the right to, without notice, make changes to

    this manual and to the software and equipment to which this manual refers.


    Great care has been taken to ensure that this manual is free of errors and inaccuracies.

    However, mtronix Precision Measuring Instruments disclaims all responsibility and liability for

    errors or omissions of any kind, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of

    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of this manual and the equipment and

    software described therein. mtronix Precision Measuring Instruments shall not be held

    responsible for any incidental or consequential damage resulting from the use of this manual,

    or the equipment and software to which this manual refers.

    mtronix Precision Measuring Instruments is a member of the OMICRON group.

    Technical Service and Main DistributorOMICRON electronics GmbH +43 (0)5523 507-0

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  • 5/22/2018 MI600 Manual (Tangente Delta)


    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    CONTENTS1 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MEASUREMENT SYSTEM........................................................................5

    1.1 MI 600 Sensor Unit.............................................................................................................................6

    1.2 MCU 502 Fiber Optics Controller and Control Station PC.....................................................7

    1.3 mtronix Software..................................................................................................................................7

    1.4 Setting up the Measurement System For Use.............................................................................8

    2 THE SOFTWARE WORKSPACE...................................................................................................................9

    2.1 Status Displays..................................................................................................................................11

    2.2 The Sensor Display...........................................................................................................................12

    2.3 The Visualization Display.................................................................................................................13

    2.3.1 The System View......................................................................................................................13

    2.3.2 The Scope View........................................................................................................................15

    2.3.3 The Trend View.........................................................................................................................16

    2.4 The Control Panel.............................................................................................................................17

    2.4.1 The General Tab.......................................................................................................................17

    2.4.2 The Trend Tab...........................................................................................................................21

    2.4.3 The Calibrate Tab.....................................................................................................................23

    APPENDIX A - KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS.................................................................................................26



    APPENDIX B - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................27

    Sensor Units.............................................................................................................................................27

    Hardware/Software Requirements.....................................................................................................27

    System Data.............................................................................................................................................28

    3 APPENDIX C - ADVANCED MEASUREMENT INSTALLATION..........................................................29


  • 5/22/2018 MI600 Manual (Tangente Delta)


    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    LIST OF FIGURESFigure 1 - Measurement System consisting of a laptop, an mtronix MCU 502 fiber optics

    controller and two mtronix MI 600 sensor units with batteries.............................................................5

    Figure 2 Front and back panel of the MI 600 Sensor Unit................................................................6

    Figure 3 Front panel of the MCU 502 Fiber Optics Controller.......................................................7

    Figure 4 Measurement Setup...................................................................................................................9

    Figure 5 - Software Workspace................................................................................................................10

    Figure 6 - Sensor Display...........................................................................................................................12

    Figure 7 - Sensor Display with sensor information window and warning message.....................12

    Figure 8 - System View...............................................................................................................................15Figure 9 - Scope View.................................................................................................................................15

    Figure 11 - The measured quantities display.........................................................................................16

    Figure 10 - Trend View................................................................................................................................17

    Figure 12 - Control Panel, General Tab..................................................................................................19

    Figure 13 - Control Panel, Trend Tab .....................................................................................................23

    Figure 14 - Control Panel, Calibrate Tab................................................................................................25


  • 5/22/2018 MI600 Manual (Tangente Delta)


    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual


    The MI 600 universal current measuring system is a high-precision, modular acquisition and

    analysis system for gauging current and key characteristics of electrical equipment, including

    dissipation factor and capacitance. Complete electrical insulation between acquisition unitsand the control station provide superior safety in high-voltage setups. High-resolution digital

    processing enables exceptional measurement precision. The easy-to-use mtronix software

    features various real-time visualization and monitoring options, and integrates with multiple

    mtronix products.

    The MI 600 Universal Current Measuring System (seeFigure 1) consists of the following


    Two MI 600 sensor units (the reference sensorand the test object sensor),

    an MCU 502 or USB 502 fiber optics controller, and

    a PC running the mtronix software.

    Getting To Know Your Measurement System 5

    Figure 1 - Measurement System consisting of a laptop, an mtronix MCU 502 fiber optics

    controller and two mtronix MI 600 sensor units with batteries.

  • 5/22/2018 MI600 Manual (Tangente Delta)


    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    1.1 MI 600 SENSOR UNIT

    The MI 600 sensor units (SUs) are connected to the control station PC by means of a high-

    speed fiber optical network. This FO network provides complete insulation from the high-

    voltage conditions to which measurement units may be subjected, and establishes a highly

    accurate absolute time reference amongst the sensor units.

    The MCU 502 fiber optics controller drives the FO network and connects it to the control

    station PC. Each sensor is connected to the MCU 502 fiber optics controller on its own fiber

    optical strand.

    In general, the FO network is organized as a ring, i.e. a single optical fiber connects two

    neighboring measurement units. To support this ring architecture, each measurement unit has

    two optical connectors: a receive port(red color coded and

    a transmit port(black color coded).

    A unit sends data through its transmit port to the next unit in line, which receives it on its

    receive port. The first unit receives data from the MCU 502 fiber optics controller on its

    receive port, and the last unit sends its data to the fiber optics controller through its transmit

    port, which completes the ring structure.

    In the most common setup, there will be two MI 600 sensor units (the reference and the test

    object sensor, respectively), one per ring. Optionally, an additional PD unit (MPD 600 or

    MPD402) for PD measurements may be connected to one of the rings.In addition to the FO connectors, each sensor unit has one TNC input, which receives the

    current signal.

    6 MI 600 Sensor Unit

    Figure 2 Front and back panel of the MI 600 Sensor Unit.

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual


    The MCU 502 fiber optics controller connects the control station PC to the fiber optics

    network. A single MCU 502 controller supports two ring networks, and consequently has four

    optical connectors. A transmit and receive port for ring 1and a transmit and receive port for

    ring 2.

    The MCU 502 features a USB 2.0 port, which is used to connect the MCU 502 fiber optics

    controller to the control station PC. Note that the control station PC must be compatible with

    USB 2.0, PCs that support USB 1.1 only will not work with the MCU502.

    Two status LEDs (one green and one red) provide information on the system status.

    The green LEDreflects the status of the FO network(s) connected to the controller. If

    at least one ring is connected and working properly, the green LED illuminates. The red LEDis lit when the software is not using the fiber optics bus, and is switched

    off when communication between the software and the units is up and running.

    Figure 3 Front panel of the MCU 502 Fiber Optics Controller.


    The mtronix software running on the PC receives measurement data from each unit via the FO

    network for analysis, display, and storage. The software is also responsible for controlling and

    configuring the sensor units

    Getting To Know Your Measurement System 7

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual


    Before measurements can be performed using the mtronix Software, the measurement

    environment must first be set up. To prepare the system for use, follow these steps:

    1. Install the sensors in your measurement setup (see ). The reference sensoris installed

    in the branch with the reference capacitor (the reference branch). Conversely, the test

    object sensor is installed in the branch with the object whose dissipation factor is to be

    determined (the test objectin the test object branch).

    2. Connect the MCU 502 fiber optics controller to a USB port on the computer. (The

    USB port must be compatible with USB 2.0.)

    3. Connect the reference sensor to fiber optics bus 1 on the MCU 502 fiber opticscontroller. The red color coded connector of the sensor must be connected to the red

    color coded plug at the fiber optics controller.

    4. Connect the test object sensor to fiber optics bus 2 on the USB fiber optics controller

    in the same manner as the reference sensor.

    5. Start the mtronix Software by double-clicking the icon on the desktop.

    IMPORTANT The sensors have to be placed isolated to the ground to prevent device

    damages and avoid ground loops and stray capacitances which are influencingthe measurement results.

    The fiber optical cables for both sensors must be of same length.

    The measurement cables (TNC cables) must be as short as possible and of

    same length as well.

    The software will now detect and initialize the two sensors. Each sensor is equipped with a red

    and a green LED. As soon as the sensor has power, the red LED will begin to flash. During the

    initialization phase, the LEDs on the sensors will progress through various stages:

    First the red LED will change from flashing to steadily lit. When the software has detected the sensor the green LED will illuminate in addition to

    the red LED, and the software will begin configuring the sensor.

    Once the configuration process is complete, the red LED will turn off and only the

    green LED will remain on to indicate that the sensor has been successfully configured.

    8 Setting up the Measurement System For Use

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    Once both sensors are shown and sensor initialization is complete, the system is ready for use.

    Getting To Know Your Measurement System 9

    Figure 4 Measurement Setup

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual


    The mtronix Software workspace is divided into four major parts:

    1. Thesensor displayon top ,

    2. the visualization displayon the left ,

    3. the control panelon the right , and

    4. thestatus displaysat the bottom (log area, system status bar,progress bar,

    and fiber optics status indicator) which indicate the current condition of the

    software (Refer toFigure 5).

    10 The Software Workspace

    Figure 5 - Software Workspace

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual


    The following status indicators provide information about the current system status:

    The log areadisplays status and warning messages in user-readable form.

    Thesystem status barshows the initialization status of the software by means of

    5 LEDs. During startup of the software, the LEDs in the system status bar will be

    illuminated in succession until all five LEDs are lit.

    Theprogress barvisualizes the progress of a certain operation. This is used, for

    example, to show the initialization progress of newly connected sensors. A message to

    the left of the progress bar shows what specific operation is being performed (or

    ready. if no operation is pending).

    The fiber optics status indicatorshows which fiber optics channels are properly

    connected. Each fiber optics channel corresponds to one sensor. During normal

    operation, both LEDs must be green. If one of the sensors is off line, or the connection

    between the sensor and the USB controller is disturbed, the corresponding LED will

    turn red. Temporary errors on the fiber optics link will cause the LED to turn yellow for

    the duration of the error.

    The Software Workspace 11

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual


    The sensor display shows which sensors have been detected by the software. Each detected

    sensor is represented by a colored rectangle. The color of the rectangle represents the status

    of the battery or wall-plug power supply to which the sensor is connected. A green rectangle

    indicates that the power supply voltage is good, while a red rectangle signifies that the voltage

    is too low, and the battery should be replaced or recharged to avoid deep discharge.

    Figure 6 - Sensor Display

    A sensor can be selectedin the sensor display by clicking on the corresponding colored

    rectangle; the selected sensor then shows a dashed selection framearound its box. Selecting

    a sensor prompts the software to show the rest of the workspace, which is not visible if no

    sensor is selected. To perform measurements, both the reference sensor and the test object

    sensor must be present. Additionally, a sensor must be selected in the sensor view, although it

    is irrelevant which one. The mtronix Software will automatically select the reference sensor as

    soon as both the reference sensor and the test object sensor have been detected.

    To hide the visualization and control panel views, click anywhere on the empty space next to

    the sensors. Hovering the mouse over a selected sensor rectangle will pop up a sensorinformation window, which shows the serial number of the sensor, its current supply voltage,

    and, if the voltage is too low, a warning message (see Figure 7).

    12 The Sensor Display

    Figure 7 - Sensor Display with sensor information window and warning message

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual


    The visualization display is only visible if a sensor is selected in the sensor display. It takes upmost of the left side of the workspace. The visualization display is further subdivided in the

    Scope/System Viewsection,

    the Trend Viewsection , and

    the Measured Quantities Display(refer to Figure 5).

    You can switch between the Scope and System views by clicking on the corresponding tab

    on the right of the Scope/System View area.

    2.3.1 The System View

    The system view visualizes the wiring of the measurement setup in an interactive circuit

    diagram. The two sensors are each shown as a box with a level indicator and a gain

    slider. The level indicator shows the input level at the corresponding sensors TNC connector.

    It consists of 16 LEDs, which illuminate according to the input level. The lower 14 LEDs are

    green when illuminated, the 15thLED is yellow, and the 16 thLED is red. If the 16 th(red) LED

    illuminates, the input is overdriven. Each illuminated LED represents an input level difference of

    3.7 dB.

    The gain slider allows the user to select the gain level that is applied to each sensors input.

    Moving the slider upwards increases the gain, and hence increases the sensors sensitivity.

    When a sensor is connected or disconnected, and when the software starts up or shuts down,the gain is automatically set to 0.

    Note that while the gain slider allows 11 different settings, only the lower 8 can be selected by

    the user unless a shunt is installed or high-sensitivity mode is selected (see Configuration

    Panelsection below for more information).There are some keyboard shortcuts for often-used

    gain settings.

    Pressing the F9key resets the gain on both sensors to the lowest (safest) setting,


    pressing F8automatically chooses a gain setting that is optimal with respect to the

    input level on both sensors. Additionally, you can use F2 and CTRL-F2 to manually increase the gain on the

    reference and test object sensors, respectively.

    Likewise, pressing F3and CTRL-F3will reduce the gain on the corresponding sensor.

    The Software Workspace 13

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    To change between the system view and the scope view, you can either click on the

    corresponding tab or press the F4key.

    Users may install a shunt in either branch to enable measurements in high-voltage scenarios. If

    a shunt is present in the measurement setup, it must be enabled in the software by choosing

    the correspondingshunt optionfrom the drop-down box next to the sensor. Doing so will

    update the wiring diagram to reflect the presence of the shunt, and the shunts characteristics

    will be shown in the diagram. Users can add, remove, and edit shunt options from the

    Calibrate panel (see below).

    As all calculations in the software are based on the wiring depicted in the system view, it is

    important to ensure that the actual setup matches the wiring diagram.

    14 The Visualization Display

    Figure 8 - System View

  • 5/22/2018 MI600 Manual (Tangente Delta)


    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    2.3.2 The Scope View

    The scope view displays the current in both branches as a curve over time. The time base (i.e.

    the time corresponding to one horizontal division), the color of each curve, the vertical scale of

    each curve (i.e. the current corresponding to one vertical division), the vertical offset of each

    curve, and the horizontal position (i.e. the time corresponding to the left border) can be

    adjusted through the control panel.

    A small colored triangle on the left border of the view shows that vertical position which

    corresponds to 0 A. In addition, a thick gray line is drawn at each curves zero level.

    Both the horizontal and the vertical axes are labeled. The time values shown on the horizontal

    axis are with reference to the zero point of the current curve. Vertical axis labels are shown for

    both curves; labels for the reference sensors current curve are shown on the left-hand side,

    while the test object sensors curve is labeled on the right.Alternatively, the user can choose to show the reference voltage rather than the reference

    branch current in the scope view. Press F6 to toggle between the voltage and current view.

    The Software Workspace 15

    Figure 9 - Scope View

  • 5/22/2018 MI600 Manual (Tangente Delta)


    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    2.3.3 The Trend View

    Figure 10 - Trend View

    Several measured quantities can be recorded into trend curves. These curves plot the

    respective quantity over time, and are visible in the trend view. Users can

    choose which trend quantities to show and can set display properties of

    each trend curve (including color, vertical scale, vertical offset, and time

    base). Vertical axis labels can be enabled for a single trend quantity only,

    but users can choose the quantity for which axis labels should be shown.

    The horizontal axis plots the actual date and time at which the quantities

    were measured. Note that the time is given in Universal Coordinated Time

    (UTC, also known as GMT, or Greenwich Mean Time).

    The Measured Quantities Display

    This display area shows the current values of the measured quantities. The

    following quantities are shown:

    1. The current dissipation factor (tan ),

    2. The RMS value of the voltage,

    3. The RMS value of the current through the test object,

    4. The measured frequency of the voltage,

    5. The measured capacitance of the test object.

    If a reliable measurement cannot be performed, the frequency value will be

    shaded red, as shown in .The following reasons can lead to a measurement

    not being reliable:

    16 The Visualization Display

    Figure 11 -





  • 5/22/2018 MI600 Manual (Tangente Delta)


    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    The input level is too low,

    The frequency of the voltage changes too quickly (i.e. the frequency drift is too large),

    One of the sensors is not connected to the USB fiber optics controller, or

    One of the sensors is not correctly installed in the appropriate branch.

    The measured quantities display is updated every 0.3 seconds.


    The behavior of the software is controlled through the control panel. Like the visualization

    display, it is only visible if a sensor has been selected in the sensor display. The control panel

    is divided into three tabs:

    Settings that affect the measurement itself and the scope view are contained in the


    trend view settings are controlled via the Trend tab, and

    the Calibratetaballows users to calibrate certain system parameters.

    2.4.1 The General Tab

    The General tab contains display settings for the scope view and general measurement


    Display settingsDisplay settings can be individually configured for the two sensors. In general, there are two

    display modes for the scope view:

    In auto-scale mode, the scale of the current curve will be automatically chosen by

    the software in such a way that the diagram matches the available dynamics of the

    sensors input at the selected input sensitivity. This means that the top border of the

    diagram corresponds to full gain (for the selected input sensitivity). When showing the

    reference voltage rather than the reference branch current, the auto-scale setting has a

    different effect: The curve is scaled such that it neatly fits into the diagram, and that the

    Volts per divisions (V/div) setting is not a rational value. In manual mode, users specify the scale at which the curve is shown. The scale is

    specified in Amperes per divisions (A/div) when the reference current is shown and in

    Volts per divisions (V/div) if the reference voltage curve is visible. In manual mode

    users may additionally specify an offset by which the current curve is displaced from its

    The Software Workspace 17

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    natural zero point. This is useful for zooming in on a portion of the curve and examining

    a specific point in time.

    The Auto scalecheckbox determines whether auto-scale mode is active or not. If the box

    is checked, auto-scale mode is in effect and both thescaleand offsetfields are unavailablefor the corresponding sensor. You can also press F5 to toggle between auto-scale and

    manual mode for the reference sensor; CTRL-F5has the same effect for the test object


    18 The Control Panel

    Figure 12 - Control Panel, General Tab

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    A color button provides access to a dialog which allows users to specify the color of each


    The generaltab also allows users to choose whether they want to see the reference current or

    the reference voltage, which is obtained by numerically integrating the current signal on the

    reference sensors input. Pressing F6 toggles between the two possibilities.

    Additionally, the user can choose whether the peak-to-peak voltage or the rms voltage is to be

    shown in the Measured Quantities display. The shortcut CTRL-F6toggles this setting.

    The Timebasefield is used to specify the horizontal resolution of the diagram, given in time

    per horizontal division. Time specifications can be anything from 1 as (atosecond) to several

    days. While the software understands days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s),

    milliseconds (ms), microseconds (s or us), nanoseconds (ns), picoseconds (ps),

    femtoseconds (fs), and atoseconds (as), useful timebases will usually be in the range of a few

    milliseconds to a number of seconds.

    The horizontal positionfield allows users to specify the time value corresponding to the

    left border. Times are based on the curves zero point on a rising slope, so a horizontal position

    of 0 s means that the zero point of the curve coincides with the left border.

    The Fit to periodcheckbox enables automatic horizontal scaling. If checked, the software

    will automatically choose the scaling such that exactly one full period of the curve is visible,

    with the horizontal position set to 0.

    The software features a visual aid for moving the horizontal position of the diagram in the form

    of a cursor. It consists of a thin vertical line connecting two small handles. Users enable thecursor via the Show cursor checkbox. Once enabled, the cursor (and through it the

    horizontal position of the diagrams left border) can be moved by dragging the top handle with

    the mouse.

    The Anchor to cursor setting specifies how changes to the timebase field affect the

    horizontal position field.

    If the Anchor to cursorsetting is disabled, the horizontal position will not change when the

    timebase is adjusted. Enabling the setting causes the software to recalculate the horizontal

    position every time the timebase is changed. The recalculation is performed such that the zero

    point of the curve always remains at the same screen position. This is very useful for zoomingin on the vicinity of the curves zero point.

    The Software Workspace 19

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    Measurement Settings

    The Measurement intervalfield determines how much data from the sensors input is

    considered for the calculation of the measured quantities. The longer the time is, the more data

    is evaluated during dissipation factor calculation, and the less noisy the calculated data will be.

    Valid values for the measurement interval range from 300 ms to 100 s (1 m 40 s).

    The Invert test objectcheckbox allows users to specify that the test object sensor is

    connected to the high-voltage side of the test object instead of the ground side. Checking the

    box in such a case causes the software to take the changed wiring into account during

    capacitance and dissipation factor calculation.

    The Rangingsection allows users to specify the ranging modeof the software. The ranging

    mode determines if and how the software automatically switches between different input gain

    levels. The following options exist:

    Manual mode: No automatic switching between input gains takes place. Users must

    monitor the input level and set an appropriate gain manually.

    Semi-automatic mode:The software will automatically set a lower gain if the input is

    overdriven. No automatic gain adjustment will be performed if the input level is too low.

    Automatic mode:The software will automatically select the most appropriate input

    gain for the actual input level.

    Users should note that during input gain switching, the software will be unable to measure the

    current dissipation factor for a small amount of time (about 300 ms). If uninterruptedmeasurement is required, the ranging mode should be set to manual. By pressing F7, the user

    can cycle through the available ranging options.

    The High sensitivity setting reconfigures the sensors such that a much higher input

    sensitivity can be achieved. This enables users to work with small measurement currents and

    still get accurate measurements. However, enabling high-sensitivity mode will make the

    sensors much more susceptible to damage from overcurrents and surges. It is advised that

    users only employ high-sensitivity mode if the measurement currents are too low otherwise.

    The software automatically turns off high-sensitivity mode upon startup and shutdown to

    protect the sensors. Pressing CTRL-F7toggles the high sensitivity option.Note that all of the ranging settings apply to both sensors.

    The Frequency detectionsection allows users to specify how the frequency of the input

    current is to be determined. If the Automatic checkbox is enabled, the software will

    automatically try to determine the input frequency. This is the preferred mode of operation.

    20 The Control Panel

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    However, in extreme situations it may be necessary to manually preset the input frequency.

    This is required only if the input levels of the sensors are extremely low and cannot be

    increased or if the shape of the current curve significantly varies and cannot be approximated

    by a sinusoid of a fixed frequency. In those cases, users may specify the input frequency in the

    supplied field and turn off automatic frequency detection.

    2.4.2 The Trend Tab

    The trend tab provides access to display and recording settings for the trend view.

    The Display settings section lists all quantities whose trends are recorded by the

    software. The checkbox on the left of each quantity enables the display of that quantity in the

    trend view, using the color determined by the color button (located to the right of the quantity

    name). Users can change the color by clicking on the color button and choosing a differentcolor. The vertical scale of the quantitys curve shown in the trend view can be specified in the

    Scale field. The scale is given in quantity units per vertical division. For example, the

    frequency is given in Hertz pr division (Hz/div). The tan delta value does not have a unit, so its

    scale is given in 1 per division (1/div). In addition to the scale, a vertical offset can be applied

    to the curve. This is very useful for zooming in on a quantity that lies around a certain level. The

    Offset field provides access to that vertical offset, which is given in the quantitys units.

    The radio box to the right of the offset field determines for which trend quantity axis labels are

    drawn in the trend view. Only one quantity can have its vertical axis labeled at any time; this

    radio button selects which one does.The Timebase field specifies the horizontal resolution of the trend display, in time per

    horizontal division. The time specification can be anything from 1 atosecond to several days.

    The horizontal position setting determines which time value corresponds to the left

    border of the trend display. Since trend data is associated with a specific time and day, this

    value is relative to the first data point for which a trend was recorded (the so-called trend

    reference). This reference is shown below the horizontal position field. For example, if the

    trend reference is 15:05:06 (UTC), April 30, 2004, then a value of -10 s for the horizontal

    position means that the left border of the trend view corresponds to 15:04:56 (UTC), April

    30, 2004.The Auto rescalesetting causes the software to automatically rescale the trend view to

    show all of the available trend data as soon as the right border is reached. During rescaling,

    the horizontal position is set to 0, and the timebase is adjusted so that all of the available trend

    data fits in the first half of the display.

    The Software Workspace 21

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    The intervalsetting specifies at what rate the measured quantities are to be recorded into

    the trend. This option can be used to limit the amount of trend data that is generated during

    measurement. The minimum interval is 300 ms, because that is the rate at which the measured

    quantities are updated. Users can specify any interval, but note that the entered value will be

    rounded to a multiple of 300 ms.

    The Record settingssection contains the settings pertinent to recording the trend data.

    Checking the Create log filebox causes the software to store the recorded trend data into

    a CSV (Comma-SeparatedValues) file which is compatible with most spreadsheet

    applications, including Microsoft Excel. Users can specify the file name for the CSV file in

    the field to the right of the Create log file box, and may browse for a file using the Browse

    22 The Control Panel

    Figure 13 - Control Panel, Trend Tab

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    button. Checking the Create log file setting with a file that is already present will load that file

    into the display. Users can then zoom into the data contained within the file in exactly the same

    manner as if the data had been directly recorded during the same session. If trend data is

    available when a user selects the Create log fileoption with a new file, that trend data is

    saved into the new file.

    Note that trend files should never be directly recorded to floppy disks. Doing so may interrupt

    the measuring process and thus corrupt the calculated values. If trend files are to be saved to

    a floppy disk, they should be recorded to a hard disk or other fast media first, and be copied to

    the floppy disk later using the Windows Explorer.

    Pressing the record button (the button with the red circle) starts acquisition of trend data. To

    stop trend acquisition, press the record button again. During acquisition the trend view will

    show the newly acquired data in real-time. To record single values, use the Record now

    button (or press F11); this will record a single set of trend quantities. Clicking the Reset

    Trendbutton clears the trend data, the trend view, and if Create log fileis checked the

    trend file.

    2.4.3 The Calibrate Tab

    The Calibrate Tab contains settings that calibrate the MI 600 system as part of a user setup.

    The system delayfield represents a time delay inherent in the measurement setup. Such

    delays can be caused by parasitical elements in the setup, or by using optical fibers withdifferent lengths in the reference and test object branches. Specifying the correct value here

    enables the software to compensate for the system delay in the dissipation factor calculation.

    To determine the system delay, install a capacitor with an extremely small dissipation factor in

    the test object branch. A dissipation factor shown in such a setup will be exclusively caused by

    system delays. Clicking on Calibrate system delay instructs the software to compensate for

    that delay in its calculation, and the dissipation factor should consequently be shown as zero.

    The tan delta offsetfield allows users to specify a dissipation factor offset that is to be

    applied to all calculations. This is useful if one element in the setup has a known dissipationfactor, and only the aggregate dissipation factor of any unknown elements is to be computed.

    The offset specified here will be added to any dissipation factor value computed by the

    software before being shown (and before being plotted in the trend diagram).

    The Software Workspace 23

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    Finally, the calibrate tab also includes thepower supply warning thresholdfields for both

    sensors. The values specified in these fields determine when a power supply warning is

    generated. As soon as the power supply voltage drops to or below the specified level, the

    sensor display will shade the sensors rectangle red (rather than green) and the sensor

    information window will show a power supply warning message. When operating a sensor

    with a battery, specify a suitable value here to prevent deep discharge of the battery. If a wall-

    plug power supply is used, specify 7 V here; this is the minimum voltage with which the sensor

    will function reliably.

    24 The Control Panel

    Figure 14 - Control Panel, Calibrate Tab

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual

    The Calibrate panel is also the place where external shunt optionscan be added, removed,

    or edited. Each shunt option is stored in a file which is located in the mtronix Software

    application folder. Upon start of the mtronix Software all shunt option files are loaded and are

    consequently available to the user.

    To edit an existing shunt option, choose one from the Shunt option drop-down box. Doing

    so will enable the edit fields for RShunt, RSerial, and tau. These values correspond to the

    shunts characteristics. To save your changes, click on Save.

    To add a new shunt option, click Add. A window will open prompting you to enter the shunt

    options name. Once you have entered a name and clicked on Ok, you can proceed by

    editing the shunts characteristics in the corresponding edit fields. It is important to note that

    the shunt option will not be saved to a file until you press Save.

    Removing a shunt option works by selecting the corresponding entry from the drop-down box

    and clicking Remove. Once removed, the shunt option is no longer available for the present

    measurement session. The actual shunt option file will not be removed. Thus, the shunt option

    will again be available on the next start of the mtronix Software. In order to completely remove

    the shunt option you must manually remove the corresponding shunt option file.

    The Software Workspace 25

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual



    F2 / CTRL + F2 Manually increase the gain on the reference and test object sensors

    F3 / CTRL + F3 Manually reduce the gain on the reference and test object sensors

    F8 Automatically choose a gain setting that is optimal with respect to the input

    level on both sensors

    F9 Reset the gain on both sensors to the lowest (safest) setting


    F4 Toggle between the system view and the scope view

    F5 / CTRL + F5 Toggle between auto-scale and manual mode for the reference and the test

    object sensor

    F6 Toggle between the reference current and the reference voltage

    CTRL + F6 Toggle between the peak-to-peak voltage and the rms voltage

    F7 Cycle through the available ranging options

    CTRL + F7 Toggle the high sensitivity option

    Annotation: A +means pressing both keys simultaneously.

    26 Appendix A - Keyboard Shortcuts

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual



    Material Extruded aluminum

    Dimensions 110 mm (W) x 190 mm (D) x 44 mm (H)

    Power Supply

    9 12 V DC, max. power dissipation: 4 W

    (standby < 10 mW), external plug-in power supply included (input

    range 100 240 V, 50 60 Hz)Controls None, all functions fully remote-controlled

    Indicators 2 x LED: stand-by/power, optical fiber data integrityFiber optic connectors

    2 x ST, using multi-mode fiber 50 / 125 ?m

    up to 2 km in lengthInput connector 1 x TNCTemperature 0 C 45 C (operating), -10 C 60 C (storage)Humidity 5 % ~ 80 % non-condensingInput frequency range 5 Hz 50 kHzInput impedance 50 Ohms

    Input current range20 A 100 mA rms (without external shunt);

    external shunts for 4A, 15A and 28A available


    CPUIntel Pentium 4 (?2.5 GHz), Pentium M (?1.5 GHz), Core or

    Core 2 processor; or AMD Athlon 64 or Turion 64 processor;RAM 512 MB, (1GByte recommended)

    Hard disk 30 GB, min. UDMA-66

    Graphics controller

    2D-accelerated XGA with dedicated memory (min. 8 MB, no

    shared memory controllers),

    1024 x 768 pixels resolutionConnectivity 1 x USB 2.0 portOperating System Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, XP or Vista

    Appendix B - Technical Specifications 27

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual


    USB fiber optics


    1 x USB 2, bus-powered

    2 x FO Transmit (ST, using multi-mode fiber 50 / 125 m)

    2 x FO Receive (ST, using multi-mode fiber 50 / 125 m)Dissipation factor

    display range0.001E-5 (absolute)

    Dissipation factor error (2E-5 + 2% of display value) at 50 HzTest object

    capacitance error0.25 % of display value

    Frequency error 0.0025 % of display valueVoltage error 0.5 % of display value

    Measurement interval 300 ms

    28 Appendix B - Technical Specifications

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    Universal Current Measuring System MI 600

    Users Manual


    The following illustration shows how the MI 600 system can be extended to simultaneously

    measure dissipation factor and partial discharges using the MPD 600 Advanced Partial

    Discharge Analysis System.

    Figure 15 Setup for simultaneously measuring dissipation factor and partial discharge

    Appendix C - Advanced measurement installation 29