mi siifiii si l mnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035793/1849-10-03/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · .fto^i...

mi •Ml si M »i^KoW««e««««pi*.rt»M^)K^#^**»WR. »" s sfi'? siifiii s«8fti SSR ., / .„, I# i^w' 'Xr{. .I».<VHV «r •'>>;?»* !#*' 'i KV.-V.J* ®gg HOUSE* IN* 9Tt?. ;#ty-Bihd 4 :afd re.'very which ands getfrom$4to:^10js?day.. Board agps.a&,'very.hjgjl. Carp>ht|r^eti lo;z. perdjy; which is wbrih' #tf; 1 <^^roon hai" RI0HLAHB; COUElip: .A, A. MATHEWSQN, EBlTiOR* *rr .d^titi; bat^^ J fi«|t:ays'?omro^!4e^fifw|f,,t^ejr; « : '--'%w- !;il ''" " •'•' J w, • ". '"SiW" """^ I wok there is rib prbspeci^f making a fortune here. A few may mafai money, but the greater- ppjtion-will get but little. Provisions ^ e h ^ M a t , S a n F r a n c o • =i= ^ , , . ^ '•;., H '"' • ...-STAT; - ,For Judge (xftfo ^mirfofA^ea&fi,i^ - JOSHUA A. SBEHCER. ^ % i^ir Compfr'altif, v - ';'•. - WASHINGTON- HIINT.•- «-• ; For §emtfivjMS§(e,. •' • ,,;SAlkJTjEl4 S T ' E ^ ^ f e ' .-' ..... •'. j A£^ap^«|fo, _ .*:;•;. HEz^'^-q.is#sigQ!tra.v, , •'•"• < BEN/AMIW-.-SaTJiRa .><.;. •Hon, JOSEPH M W J P , . of Jefferson. • • -_ For Senatir£—2d(& Ititslrkt, • < 1 LEONARD EJl^I®S|jr,.' - • • ; $bere. efery afternoojH Ijtke aliprvjc^rie, desjr ) e.iota.eitve,f|ihefaeopXewitb zeal and h- debiyV t'wftfek'B^Xnirienoe ha,s further fittedb^ioP%^8Bonsible'POsitibn j and iriftff'Vila&PaisfthjeWhjgs render better ser. vicaJfl^Bpppirtjr'OP tlie State, than by r© electing 'm& to tne o,ffioe for which, the ia fepl^^Vfe'SEYMOUR, the nomi- nei "" i ^ ^ p p ^ g f a e e r tod 9u,wbyor, is a gen- ; cbrifte^f J?i&p^^ ^nd'tnore' 4 rec^n%%tf .Wgis$6t and'Siiperlntendent of tiw N ^ Yorf a^d prie Railroad, ,1a ev- ery poSiiibn'he h^ocdnpiedj.'hehas.pVoved. hiiafgp'hone'Bt^atfaljle dijd f^hJ«U";' f. . ,; ^lEfAMBSf J.^I||BSJ,. She.-Candidate, for 'StateIfinsgdlnspQQtQy,|s awe]i1sno, , wn arid efficieftt.\y^{g v tif1t;Iiawi'ence county. He ^dersSttpdfVttie^ties •whichvbe.w#be ? ^tt-wjtbi^^celitiba df , ( f|e:- rtftn; first. ?m so in »ta» J PteHtll •.fiifrv ^K8j^]f^#Mmqb8^It#'dtt'gpioi .irtatf&atf«^ Provisions. w W we; are, §eli.-veryjhigh, Bork.^5 t -rice30 1 iuga|.30 1 coffee 40p, Jjer l]>.',"T«iQts.'|l85j fhoes, pSi^QSnrnori Up pans 88, potato«'9 $^ve's«d' a,t |H5 for 25!b) J: they laoiw sell for $Y, f those vi[e'do not buy at that pripejtea.is fe.perib.,, We. r have to^rfJbfft (piles for our provisions.' You may say retry Joiitvotiget thera below as theyaTe ebeaper? J)he expense.of fetching t th-e^at.#hat distEibiee wodld V? so'gtVatV that grgrslfuld not be gainers by, fe. ; '^e rs wojind-". :lm well for abbu» ten shillings a clay, at LL.it.' ^-..i^fip^^ ^r|qes. ©ofods of all Jtinds x will be ewitoSiawJ SOJBWI «ntesX»B.is able add W^|oidHr^*lc,ca*dtrB^4lt*^ -Wh'en tgofc'to ilte milnWl^dilrooieft^in^a'sh; htirjtdf^4 dolbrs, ,maMjtg,s$ <ittna.red dpl> Jar^tKalJha^e gofaftoiethepfor: rnys^lf, couritjmg tt at *16 per pz. wljich is the p're'se.nt-price here. Isappose i t j s wjjrth, .fto^i tS' t'6 2% d r o?. in the JM?s, You SgeaB & wtitingpftatj. 1 have p^tg-tfsslj. 'to stepiip to r wq.en''I warit lA„^rriie'a] few rninntes, no sudh«oivenienqe:. biit wlen I wan'tto write-«o ; let yqu knoWj^b?* ^f* '^lWe'I"spr^ad 4 ,iaybiaislce^ott the ground j llay iom flat; land ' 8 % ™ the .'woods thirty*tniIesffolfe^i5yrhqttie;^a^ -dtfed and fifty taitesfroni a post office,]! contritre tolet you kno\V l a m well. Soj yon nms.t nat tiijnis ft s^range^ifsfeshould norwrite^ffl? sonietime.^ Our s«cefess in our, work'varieir, sornetiines ive riiafee but < litti%ia*o{fieig m M Well:' w<? have pidde,. as much .as,?|l{ id'do.Uatsj'n. a .dayl" "AijSisst we did nqtlipoSv bow i6 work, qr where ttt' lo,bb for it, The last three weeks we m'dde ten-.nundred" and-fifty, dollars. ; W% mqf do w#ll.ajnd we .rjaay ,nqt, we cannot! •tefl. iF^hafll stedy'in the mines"as long as I Lta^grM#Jlpz .pkdA'i.Jf »t is two years, 'W&Jfihfijk'dilereiis no danger.of that. The ^bigElectorSi ofthe Towkjo^f- tod-ajFe reoatistedtb nieet 'at the "Gabit Souse f in the Village ofJPnlaskt o« Mortdayi the 8th day of October, inst, at two o'clock :p, MirfQrthe purpose, of -selecting 1M«- ^a&a.s^the Cpiin% ftnd District Conges- tion»,which wiUjbe.beidaf Mexicp, on the* 9th day of Octofeigext,' ' "•'.".' 'ByorderofthexowaCotamittee. ' . D, SteQARTlr, - - ..-.- • i- ^_ •- —4. • ' Chairman.: Pulaski, Sep. S6thJ" 1849. " ^ J i . ' . ,.t.,.,- £ L_ L_^ "- !_ , ...... 7. t- .vicious fluctuations and re,v,utsiona.^i eve ry departmen t of National ludustty. ^ 'Resolved, '.That' whateifbr- may be'ithe" ;XMes p f j m p ^ t :0¥ range of 'd%i,imiha,J|an / ^dop|ed/|M^je#nce of out*? own >'arfd ? otheifla|pKUbiasfl^riitiinstratedthe mea§* orem MtiesiaW|fewspeicf tp-,f |uajt|y of ^|S^4Sl|p«|o%he .^nkp^fli of differentTirapprters at each, p u r i t y a- § a|rj.stfrau.^; i 4t$pteaditte8S,oJr trje PVpteg-., on (whether'inWed or' inevitable) therf •Ijy affording tofthe Industry and £aawjes> Ipf tbe^country', i^d we trust the apprbach' j)o^^ssi,Qa oF-Co^greijj will'nottflose w'ith- .qUt;W,,itDKs}jgg«4tetur8, ; t6vtWp^ eo;ual m.ode'ijfa§^sme»t% SseGific DM-. ties, -. v . N .,, , t ^Ti -^v •. • 11V , - J•> I J c s o ^ ^ 3C*|ifiuftie. try ufsti Q.4'1 1 ^" i' 131 .^^ 1 f&t collectitaff'imtoons by'a's\steiri- nlte The JHctoMl f ^ ^ W 0 ^ ^ for 18B0, is neatly got ti]?,an^aiitl4^d : vei!y « » - sotidble. .;See;'aiv ( ^|M^y.(i- ! f s '-i- -WiS' ' erSh.^ pompeileU tq.ffll'a,',! >3M[Psl kmo>flf $KeXe; The Whlg(ffl6p.ttjrsofithe several" toWHB| andrwards oXth^icpurity of Gswegp ar'e.re-j people ?vat"gi^e arfrnthusiajStlc trjuntphaat response'/^ thesefnttSjInaSions.; •Ifyery rniaa- ott-Jffae Ticket is worthy the' high- portion fe whwhibe-'is to>'-ba e^ftlted. they -a,;re true ^ ( g g ^ d wP^fifit&fly '"d^BSj. .. , - , ^ be whipped \vhen we' •all^ulu'tble'the^s- Lefc-us then; enter ugo,4"|he. campaign withr spifrt-and 4y«tero.^.Cj^ga4rii^ojDj^JBa3s i ^ pensible to sucess^" With ji,t:vj?e c.an keep New York where«*ne ia^iix th'e'front ttank 'of m> Uaiotf •; ... , | ^ * t •'•"• •' ' v ""^' |S" The former PresMentof BEaytijSoulott* que, basbeeaproclalnieffEnJgeroiy-aiid <$(&/$•_ ed. The iwicsperterfi^softhis-stejicaabede- termiaed Jtrgnj .tafethat thac^own jewels were made before his election to th^uB|igrial Sjgpity. Thla was rather a sBddep,anoVunexBec.ted tmnjui the' fortune^ o$H£yti,. but Dafyvs,- pjainsitby sayjin^'t^aii jjl&flie Ve^f of the AbQlitionia"tstiii.e nepplfe jalJHaiKti. loaLali confidencem-the\Fre^§oi,l,faurabng. wfieri th.ey h&rd of itsSu,rreiddeytj) '^n'i&erjsnv.. ^cy 01 cqttectitag 'imports by 'a' s^sti that-pow ^n ^ori^'v4iiW-'injfipSBs"'A%/i«)'' duties wheri' high priced libro^.d'' 4 ^ 6 3" Bated tb,e, pre&u>'bf %i!,ejgji corn:p^iHl>fl •upoii'duf .pfQffu§ij5Jg, fj^|»r'e^#;f^a;|e^# duties wtoe'iii by.tfedepr^sslm^:ofC|d|eisl prlees'our p«^ducer| a*r^s1lbjected "to* «ie most'ruinous, malm pie%^:W to %ffti r '-' Jy^BxhibXtjd^'^ifuiJy; ^hd|riKjo^ *to>'ex-- poseft to Th^l'iti^swrlp^'e'is^i^.^ajl who u desire the steady , employment anc|_ adequate re^ard^fcrar^wn^&^rip 5 . ' Rooked, That while ^^a^'rita^ii.^bei' poltoy #m- justitfe;. oiVft^s.^imiiiatitti, Tariff with. & view>to ^ P r i i | e r e t ) p » . b | ^ i bof, wifda not consider the'-v'itality ofjl^; virtue m-;"*»--—• i ^-«-JJ--.--»- ^ *.«,.. * m A P r f o i S p n als- pompeiieu tq. mi* WqjS^Mm mM,^» ««- • count of .a • t Q ' J W ^ t e i g ^ ^ S i ^ ^ M t e b : ^ . copapltroent i n t e n d e ^ b n ^ r M - f t l p l ^ d - ' sbip of the" o«e whp^enflMe'di n$ao> submil; r -its, ^%6s.sibn^^elMti& '•».« PArt^nttiAteffif^'^"^'SC#S iWl^" : ' lie iei p&l«fsl®v*'i Feting;.^! t to•ynsue™to•be^n^' / jJh , .t'Q. the'jin.^e;Mftewf .ppj;' adini'»;4|»R»0n, ? !fi^]|>'rr#?l«ig4, impro.Kenients-.oii" ithHT8hQW9 fc '0pa.^, ti&a&m 'fey the Vi^jd" J & l p i ^ P 11 ^ i|ou,d w#ng ^(^.f.j^b.osj^^Mj,. gen or heardfor4norMrian.»twe.lve,rn^ntfl^-. quested to: a p p o i n t e e aeJegfttes.fqmeafiWJ..' T ^ f f ° f ^ i & S^^i^ f l ^ h ^! to attend a Gonv t ention at the .'Pqwh fiall semWed at Syraeuw.onthe^th.wltvlmft' in'the village of Mexico ,jm Tue^ay,. thgs >e foupd on„our. %st page. Tbfc'object'in' 9"tb day of October uTsxt; for; th.e p^icpo^e of "placing them ia the hsnds of the people-Is, nqminafirjg.caddidates fof county ofBce^,! tha't they may fu,lly»nd'eratar<d.tnbqwstioa M and &r transacting'such ptlier businesses .i'i,/..- . A^.:^:^;—, _fr J A__»« J . ! ii;L-- *u^ maf ha deemed iraportanti'• " " ; fi: fe LlTTEBIOKJii Gh'm Cpttntyi O.entral -Committee. The-teaitj|rfa>*o4featW** b.ut gladly -aupport aft legislative measures ^ealculatetl to lightenJbe b^wheBtf^o^-^tfere^se- tue' jeeompen 1 s!& of Labor; whether by a,tfcaa.on« able Ijimitat'iptiijf tbe ! Hpur& o f M y $otl, a beftef ; sepurity flffKonest-iHd^ty'^gi^r"' , Iraud' arid jspbbli^f fbro^b^-arF^xfe^ and"pe^fe.et|pftoteuTJl'ieri- !Vaw&,,<Qi' any 6tb)|r-^|.,q((!|culatte4 tq-' es|aoi|isb"3u/-". tice an'dle^^ii^ijd vantages in|tj|t' W'te*? 'iions. anT^ea|n||,J3t'"«i4n, •, :*^J,,, if. 1 ResolvetL, ThsF«we hav& r e s i s t ^ , and . Oswego, ^jsptjSi; J|i9> The Whig ,E',eoio» of £$e,siyerai;-fqfe in th,eSd Assetnbly District pfOiwdgo' 0|. are reqUe?te"dto a r ppoint,five4)ele'gates eapt to assemble lift the- village ;'of (Mexico,, on %s^rM§a?fji e.o$e„a£e .coining from m. WewoQld_gefer, our readers to thereso- gajtsftberg-jsril I not4>e room enpugEfa'aig.: ""i u ti 0 ns" passed by A(s. : .BMy;wBfoE"a^sein^ w§§* : : ''tfew^p«^^VJ^wa.s glatf-to' Kear | ^ % ^ o W ^ ^ i l v i n g ; b e e a .jabsent t ^ ^ ^ i p f | p ^ ^ . feithout.iiearing a '•• MW$W$J$<ijj$<-: & ''•' " '•'-'' -' i "£SEe-- M$$%£&,($; fo'ihe: 1st otfApril, "a.sl ,feo^y:f^;ffiat'.p%e.. jAfjesbpiug c»t|lt.at' fie^ffje^ayBi «fl v?ere;/dlstp,astedi; we lo^f a bjti^p^. ! ft)Mt**od^^ ,..-,^a'sib;»^#;..r.UM.ptn-^apft^^^^^^ .^c^as 8v^d$y^.r%ar.«.ng.- ^ i t f t g . ^ ' e vsfe •ai^^ll gal^vf!^^(heiia^^ half «i sale4*f«gsfijp|vj',TH|&% i-fe,i- '^awtBP^^^a^flPII^P. 18 **' laop:; » f J w Mere^thtBe dtfys |ii#lwM%;;tp-Mfter's ItflL a,. ea* bft^nBibuaarjadjmilej,.-.-JPh* fkra : riii'ii^a'i!%'#M' # ' ' dollars..r. $|e? '-" ra ^'^^ JW ' s ^n-g?r«p>-tb:gEe».j. ' perhuniredrtdlaav^ a~gemwpvMf*»«e- < SKe. art)- « i m m M t e « i ( | | | ^ jath.: waited, ''YA^R^wbiettiine ^e%?t^nn"Btaira.da^ j;| ' Hundxedsof men f ISS.*'lle're wl tbrtheii; gloves on, thinking ey" tan pict: tt'up -just as they,please;. 'but ihgy are._n; at the n?en- 3 nOne?*etj;bo3e who can worl i a'te the riren ld_get 'uluch •gold. We hava made one hundred.dollars in. one d a « {four huadjed'' «»•five"days; :ve'Ster|ay" wo|rniide eighty dollars^to jftiotrow we rnmy'soti malce above thirty , sTJje largest *iieceu'6f:gdld tbai we^iay'e teiind is Worth fcne dollar; the goldwe get i/rltae. 1 must.popn closeasl haiye to : carry this letter t.wo.tni|es son,s„tosend it to the "••Soap and. to tr^s;act6ach.-o&ei;bu^nQss as'mciy be*d!eemed: necessary. ]''. f- ^ >. ,-, Syorde'rdftBfe'DistrJjjfit/pmmlttee, - „_ . .', $m. SailTH, pSauinari. . ' It is suggested, that'as bpta. the-County I'ari'd.District Convenjions.a^e-on$be' same day, at the.same place^ that one delegation answer/or both. r - fhe Whig state Convention. porurtir throughouithe Qoun^qr ferwirty' miles from th^ officej o'f ^hlicationiJs'net-' jonJy_.due' in" Justice to the publisher, but e- "ttually'so .to. the ^ c i M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ny, that whileletter and magaKh^'postagg. have, been materially reduced, the publiah- ' ere and-patronspftheeouhtry^preespSyas' high rates as were ever demanded at #ny period by the government.. This 4s nitt'juS' tjee, and mustTie remedied. .The frets of the Empire State-do not Bbltci&^taB.a favor. The reform is demanded z& aj-ight.: , •.. Ga^peflterjllri ive not seen for five months ( as f: uet stbppfd witbrhis company inyMexi- && YpAs'dtd* n.ydttrrleti'etthat Thad bet- ter SSf^Fl&lbj 1 % the. Istb,m,u.sT -. Perhaps ^that ^rVhcr icanje across, tb e Istffirnis ani^tone'mpn sa's^lui'arna,-.! ih.d arrived here one month :^fter'us.-'„ .'','•-•, "." ; |Phq best sq il we have dug w g p t from TnMty-pMl's^fi 4 y a ' » t y # ! ttr dorlfeiffigxth. bled £it Syracuse oathe 26th ult. They vpll be fobiid m ano&er'^lumii'.. The unanim- ity with which they were-pafisM by,the rep- resentatives'af T the .^V.Mg" party," show that they-are-theCsentim enta of the rnass; thgt thfey-embrace the undivided septirriehtof the Whigs of .tbevwAbis'State.._The1 able address to the voters of the State came to har^dtoo late for'insertioftjthis-Wedk,'but. will appear "in our next. We will here add qur opinion that the nptafoations,vvhich will be fpuiid "above, arT-ieceTv^'dTtmiversallf Yith.the w * r m e S t^p^ interesting pa,- ,di_ct thattbe November Election.WLH show r i o d i n t h e history of the Whig, par^and that the people can judge between the pet j of tfae eomU7 peculiar a t d important j*'' babies of ari unhply coalition, and' the 3 . 00 nsibjjitfes are resting updn us. . kep- staunch, undeviating advocates of law andv. Fe s fml i n g tbe Whig party bfJheS great State otder tod t]ie champions of Equal Bights, - 0 f few York-^-a plrlty which has fef .m%. which the Wijig State Convention present . , ...: .... i , t-.-„-.i'.ir»:^. fqf their suffrages.. . Whig State Convention. The Temarks of the President, with the •excellent.Resolutions adopted, are sub-, joined..- ; ' , ..'. -V On'taking the chair a? President.of the Convention, Judge F^oisytb. made the. fol- lowing remarks:;— -'-• ••' ''. GENfEisiEtii &e THE" -eoNvi3rribN;J=For the honor which yqu-have.,copferred upon me"personally, in selecting m0. to be.your preaiding officer, permit roe to return,, my 'sincere, thanks. The character and ser- vices" of older and better, tried Whigs, whose cburitenatfcwl .gee^befottnttre,—re»- toind me of my own defictences^ aqd idiat it is to your partiality alone tyowe. 'this distinction, I can only say_that the dutyj< you have assigned me .shall be feafle'ssly and impartially .performed, and that *"" Still resiSit^-the proj^ of Gradu^ti^n ,or, progress.iy© fRedttCtion of the price of'«w Public pftnftSf hecausejts natural. tepdenr cy .mus't-eVeC;-^b.nipt to idleness,' irj^bfoyi» de'nce and} t»'egKc',tto,pay o p . th.q/paft'pf^ ihe.hQldet£rj;i!n.Q w.dl seldorn^p^y tenshil-, % g s per acre whefh.by^ hbldipig. o^ijpf'ai tetniTof yegfl'ihey may ^btalrif^bg^a'tpe. lands fqr.two^|itti^gri and th!S.re.dse(ienj; -howeyer guardea^in its? towns, wjtlt ifle-B^^i^i jatbly temptno and facilitate themdooppiy olf vast rraefs by.capitalisjtsand ispecujaW^ to be.withheld,^rotnsftle until quadrupled; in-valuesbViBe laboeof surrounding ,^tt? lers, auot finally sold at .an enormous ad' yaflcje, to; the^tnprqver and cultivaton- .. '' fiKolv^^haVm're , |j5iSg"'the Gradnaj "tibFscheme we have ndt,a^as>h^eh.fal.le- {y charged, been impelled* hy b^pitality to the^New States, much lessltp th^P^Qi' bfoar-owiiibat solely, by,the consider, ftong ahove stated; a!jd.~we shall; gladly atja heartily concur «i "any •.mea's'ttlfapaleu'' laHed to .seeure to every poor man awilhce •lt> live oa_ the Publjc Bbn^aiHj' : tTwb|toh-' "able to paytorftlrrally prov^ded-theaEtie. •so gu.arded;Us not toenufe to the benefit! of the metropolist and speculator. JKeso^^Clfe^wlthe.ir'. election of Z4-: CHiARY/ TAYLOR,- as President, and MILLARD FUaLM-ORE* as ^"icePre^ dal wei h aveiaM^^tendl^ 4 nyfiaM.tb.a\hta^^to^ia^etiiW^ifl'anrielsv: j •and|»*#l®fi'%|^^^H«#«ffoir4fifrieV- 5 '- ha's&ia||,ea$d.%lk^ maw a^deiw fflena/## \$m§m®%^$m\r.... excelt j'rr H ; retrosr^t/ / -May5.ih^bett sue*JroieUess 'rlfoifaus in: its exactions, of'. life Mhealtbthajihaa'. th'e present. %1 Tp.»;isiitye ww^..9float'4hatyou5do[> a pqt;;«a t dily .ge|:th]Etiughi. youri. exdhfl^te68.J -B(u^ii|8s. is firWy )?tt| S^adftyjon^r^v "Creasfiand our'huIines'shna%'"ar^ePi^nR • ^ 'fu^tl»fh.latge fail. 'p-utytiim-^ WWbe- *l'es%f#om~ present, appe.araneesi„I should -tatnlilwoirld^RayfiiBeqme s ap.;to-th&re an- * .vticiBwnsx. Thej priocl|Bl .topjre| of ^ n T •/yjsrsaiBnin politiqaPand? b&sinass ; cffcl!U ' mm past. &M.m fam p^^Hh'-. out riftUoos with France,: 1 Iyiur-,h.spg/9»", r^ultnn4u® «i velopingr their-6flfp-vEesoi|r,ces, irtst'ead of Joog_E.ri|e the honor which ac^pmpapiedjt^, at riving & to ateorb thosS of neighbormg Na It will not, I think, be unbecoming -in i; ons ^_iij_fa^pMe^rIoTrey~wKM~pro nitbd States to havedecided i« favotdf the «* sful Wevmay ,be oym^MroltTpr, polfcyotPeacefu^Prpgress^ftd-traprOve,- sqme stoupding, n4ws ,fnjm tjhj region* mepCagamstthatof%•*. Aggression arid west 0 Arkansa^as s0o ,n asthe gpldse^k- ^ o n a u e t ^ ^ ^ o r - Q ^ s y ^ m a t i c a t l v de^-ersfes h the localities which tradition. ha$ . •?;'. ^ . L .._ i^_ w^r.^j..- :- i ..-. , _j .<• long I 5ort6d. a t s,rlob..-^m1tt^ral$arfd;pre; . laitdn pofi v the"'4itfimate ; i iKcitra! ar*ith*a European natfoia ; weuJ4 : 'have : lOpnpe trade-^cornmeles. a;Mjtidifi^ '"'try of he country. -Elat all thiw.things 4 ybu s ^and h^sBf^Kp^^aC^bl^ only/1 jr. tha^P'on ^%'"^ u R 5 d &It tbjHcs. p'f v a. 1 iftica|''riature,*J»1nions : '%%vano'u8 and * flictingv ltd bd'cbpfif rued of'refuted bytli result of th^fu"*ir«f. •/•> ' "•-.-!-• '-:./ 10 Arkaiisas Gold Plaijers. .%•.' „ .'- Th little Rpclfr-^Gfez^^Rbe.M-in^. .says?! ^^heTa^cr^mt^rom^Aie-^a^ral^ regioi ?ftheArkansas-^andBedrave'tsare assun igaTery pr^wlsrn'^.ffslf^tja'rid'we lave ifeVig faith, that the, expeditions which have recently left^oUr frdn'tTefifrhV office. I paid bring three leti give'fifty, cents, office, and won ;pieee-fbrtwotej Pleais'g-Wipite ; hj. may. alwffys iff Yours &c, six. dollars for a man to ers, b'Bsidps the ppstag-e., 1 tq hgVe this taken to the td'be willing to pay Ipz. a day.butthat t cannpt have. everyr.s'feaW&ASo that t taitf the, t'atSsj; news. ~GLARK sslruptiy? Iforwad'o. .§se^T5 j ||i54'patt r pf Asbta- ;'iprhp.eighi J or tehdays a- '«ir^e''nV;dard3g ! e" tp etops, & s #:Wm'e'ffera'the lake V-pry dj ..A tornado pi hula Co.,Ob« go which did fences^ trees,"® arid- struck' th| Bfit, ItS CdUli ,tep demolishi| growing ctefgl fidrtbjt-a'nd $ffl0i§Mu'M<n the-'stife of .the lake took aDFpaSterly- direction, pour- jjag upon the Mrtb^'perfeclfPtrentof wa r ter- with- hajfej *#|ety nHfnf wiirjiiri $ rahgoj .wasikM t\$'$%$ 4P e 8*°^ ' or -twh or .three m-Mias? ' Ea'sVdf Cotineaut it ^bfttinue^,abPf|lf.:|e'ti v ti\iks; 'laying cbhi- "' " fctfesolafi^^^ a.m11e wide^ 'Largel,; 'bfiriq wies't trees, two arid !tlfree ffepttKrom ;h,.wWe; twisted pff and car- ried several rdiV , 1. Spjtiio farmers' lost' all their crops byl; it", ap'd. suffered, much- in thfeir imprbvea; i^feT- &'be aggtegafe-de- struction ,rs ,sm ted by the'Conneaut E'e* portpT lo be ver| A-great: ' : "*THE If m V$ $T,—pf elected, vviJt'jijBU •do what you caii! 1 ^procure theie-adpptioii ;p1^otnuchp.f." W''&ecure&ee iiri,t|ity'tni:les, r , s . . . ..... r , catidiP?"' 5^l|l twhe question ,whieh hopedat|diateIlfbW! " ' "" The Whigs of tbe State-may well feel proud of the result of- the Convention.-^- The delegates have, with commendable promptness' and unanimity, discharged the responsible dutieS'*impo^ed upon "them.-*— They have nominated a strong Ticket;, arid we cannot doubt that it. will receive a cordial and triumphant support, 4 . ' The follow'ihg notice of the Several Can- didates we take from the Albany Evening Journal. '- . JOHSUA A.- SPENCER, the nominee for the Cfourt'of Appeals", is well known to the peopje. He stands high in^Bi^olesfiohy is'onp of the most.eloqciebt aftvocajes m.the State. and%wiH;bring-tp"the B§pih"pfofonud learning, a sound judgmenl; and" great:e,»: perience.;, ,ny yeai^,- whether in- : p'ptasr qr jpujtqf^pw* er, exerted & prominentjaBjelice ip pub- lic affairs, and whidh ;, ha& naat tne' good ^fortune to have its principles, it?., Wiityse l3 ». and its Statesman, accepted" By 1 thi-ptate andUatiqn-iltrust/' we .-^ill pfbce|d to business of the? Conventip&j-. Jb 'aJMj' which that party,w,ilra^pX0ye, ,fend>4tify v I would not" .undertake .to -ibstrttct the tectaandrdberisheS rather; than-that which, is esSeritjally negative and instinetfvejy destrdetive^-andrwfei rejoice that the indt cdtions ihu'sfafglyan are such as assure thesrii thjtt they W/ore not deceived and will pot be v disappointed, : 1.. Resol-HecL^. That we rejoice tbiit the ; Whigs, of New-York, so. long without a ,< -. - c ••• . , IlfSV . - -. TIK NewOrleanaPfcayuP'e- says that* voice-iB-the ..Senate of the Union.-will, for-tbp p mhanls, ship-owners; bnd'sea •cap') theriextsixyea^ae hear-dm thati,llustri6us (ail j S| esidingm^tW*: Have^-pettitoned, . bqdy through WILLIAM;H.SEWARD, whijse, narii% identified with o a r most-ar- fliipus £tru£gles ^nd o'Ur most glpriopj,, triurnplts^is a' pledge to our brethren tbroughocit t(ie Union, that wheneverPree- cious! pnes. --Act imts-fran>Gbii^stataJhauhaSjajf- tish h re been making a flpspalliaace by treatj n th tbe Sultara. of Bqrneoj^by whiclV- ithey! ve had"th^"JBritfsa ^itife to La'UUa'n' cbn'fin ed, togetherwiffi'^ttum'b.er--6f oth : ,er adj :ent isles.-..' ^Phev'British navd'alsoy apqun d many other rfdv^agfeaijqfver the Spltpi '" •'" •'•• ••"»''"•" '•'-'•'• ' '* ^hejgigatWhlgjajnilj, may preside q^er our deliWatidns,.and .cqriduc^'u^ tq con- clusions which will prove alike honorable" to ourselves and' accfeptableto our constfc' fe m m - is ffl am MM mm mm. re« .^t»? ix;.m£: 0 » : • « { whjr r i f 5, cpuntrrt^s.sWcl|| mfcmim ?Lr •• PSi«il#nr^ B r^^ iSMj|Bm^gtatt^on,HheU"wfty t Every one eSpeited the npmma'ttort .'ofr-i WASHKSfGTOl&tJNT. DqrWg tbebrief period which he'Eas sertr#a's , CamptjKi|ler,- nehas .fully maintained-tfiB-^Igh character which'he enjoyed aS'©Mai|aber'pf0oflg?fss.,' No man In the state Has morj? .frienls-o*' fewer enemies;"Milt Wfll : M|be PejSple's, verdict that he shall cp%ti^ s lhr--Wb-years- longer to, dischargerftae reppbelable func* tlorispf Comptrbjter-sdutiesv fbr4he proper- dischaige offaT&hherisso'emirkentlyBtted*. 1 'Equally aiafrfdf f #ete the Whigabfjhe; Stltt-Mt -61#|gIST0Pl|ER-M(mGA-N r should b'e'eoritl'njlfdm-the office ot Secretary of State. ^Ehat desire. Was •g^atiped. His re^pmjnation ;was'4 noting- endorsemeritdf his high persqpaV v^orth, his emiaent ahili>- tiesfarTd^fs^rJWisistent political character^ Np unholy '-Ooatition" oan'prevent the peb" ipie fyotri cSMnaink" him where he has sen-. '..VS^wm-v>lth*te''m'i!^htMSc#taB*ce. 1 '''fhe ; re-'dbMn : ation of A t V A B H l J ^ t » Treasurer,- wtfe-also expected. .The SMe, HtNew.York .never had -amore wow gbafd^n'of itsstffeaBuffeS, or'ottb who p|£- »sesse&.more prpmiriently-the; tare qualities of IbVpityi cahacuy'and faithfulness.•' Iff re-pominating him, the Convention has-but carried autJthe^eaffy exptegsed- sentiment ,m mosts aiannguisnep. mw,yei^, *u uie aiare, iftpffriWill prove a Worthy successor ofKJf. 'mmkif.;.whod;fi0line.dttre*no«jina<i0ni Al* 'l,' 1 .' i.il ...ill nUnt.1,,1 U&» iri\tt% llhi»> Uin-V,!,* oliO MULS"Of £lk&&£B ^ | i e prescht effi tieftt CabafCoinniissioner The-Sidtie nev^tr had d kore^onoVa^lb, oft capabte officer jHqbft>ght Wtbe discfibg-p ifhiWdblies, i great; j W t i e i l ^ktiowlptlgf attd nn aidont l_^. Resolutions; - - "". <$esolved, That'Jhe Federal Constitution was foritred ap^ adopted' expressly " to se- ctitft tha Blessings of Liberty"'to-the Pa6* .pie of the United States, and their, prps- bejrity^ and°th,||t no pbvier g?SSgWe^,there- in;;to pxtend. tne"curses of Slavery: where- foTe, wd ihaiutatri .that; ^qngsress,'.has tbie right, arid is in dttt); bd*und5 ro abolish .Slayery wherever it exists-iri the Territo- ri.ei.pf tbe-JUnibn^ and' plainly' prohibit ^C!egtebli4ntoeri0n'ariy portion, of those teifritorjes at any" time hereafter. • " • 'Resohed!j,°'thii recognizing the Res- triction of Slavery w|thin its prese.Pt Jim- itl as^ one of the cardinal prinplples of Pitt 'poliiical faith,, we^. pledge ottrsel-vies to our |ejlbw-citf?en£ ana* the coun.try 10 exercise iq'th^ftfmqst. all the powpr'vfti'may .pos- sess to pleieilt' the Ext^nsipn. of Slavery o*>- Vera'brigfefoot*ofFree-Sciil-, . y .. . "JtiisdJiM, Tpat we regard 'the adequate •P'rotefctiott- 6T Labor af artiorig the most imperative duties of Oovernment, and a .^fdln'al- principal of a« ealightened and betjefipent national paficy j' afid we reitef-" ate.'.qu-r conyiptio'ntbat aj^arifi^ of Duties on-IiVi^Ofts, wisely' diicrlffiiMting hi favor ofiHipme Ittdastry^'fhblr^p'SmtfB Sf tow; 'erbflitt dutietbtt ravV mateitiafs necessari- ly'Irritiorted and higher deifies on those . W H ^ fabrics aj$d, S h e r btotftiicts which cbmidte d'epressllgly' ttrith'ihe nrpdutStf ''b|M^pWn grtizah^aridlabpsi^ filj-^slfe', egVaednate feevettue id tnd 'Gov^riment' in the manbel 1 least burche'nspm,^ to the people/ inqiflentall^ ihcreasm^ employ mett^ stirnHlatmg. inVjbptiqn,' f $d^taittihg; enterprise, uhfic! pro\,critmg dr limiting Resolved,- Tfiatdp HAMILTON'FISH, our-GoVernor, GEORGE W. P i ATTER- SON, Iieut, GovWapr, apd'theif aMciajeS,' in our State Cdun^i^, we prpadly jeco'g-. nize rben \vnbril" the ! people hive often tried andnevei* found waning"—but,iipj fightj-'eapable, faithful-^-yvhose principles^; and lives alite'cSmMeiad'them to the,<4atti^ fid'ence .and support ,of.lbji .trii'e-beartqd. Whigs of pur State. : " ': " ,', ••" ReSolM, That io,.JOSHUA A.' SfcisiroEa,. •for Judge of tbe Couri of Appeials^'WAsft-- iNGt»N HtiHrjfof. Corhpttoller; ^GH»IST.P». PHER- MoEQ/AtJj'fdrSeeretaTy offjttg^i.-' ,VAH tluNT, -for State .Trea'sarirj, SAto^jj,; STEVENS, foij AttorneyGeneTal ; ;' 'Nttsps "3 1 . BEACH, for Canal CqrPmissiqTieE;-'riE^E^l'' Att ,G. SEBioinitj,MiT State .Engineer; and BENifAMiN SQPIUE, for -State JWsfjn Ijispet^ tor, ^..prissentcandid^te^iwbo^in'prfvate and pufeip-Jlfo, h9TO'|),i'ove;d--'tlieroseVy6S capable, efficient and f a.ijthf&l',' arid who^ havie -espeeiaijy en.titled th'ernsplvesjo H thej cdtfj|d»w_ ^nd-'ardent suppqrl' of. ini* Whigs of the Empire StaTd, by j'eaTS of dr dent .co-operation and ..zealous.-fidefey. to 4 - the'cQmmon.princip^l'e&'and^st^o. •-. • '•Res/nbli, !j}k?.t we tender ^uf.'hpa tharrifs ^duti'iallfe* 'Whig Utefbrejft-' $( YEH.MpBt,fot'.pbimirlg dji'ftdustne rte way-ofd'teling witVdffi«fe-fitttn%! coffi- tiorts, an,d Will-ftnrtb^r testifr bur gratitude' by'foltPW%5h tbe|fepfet6pP ' '•' ; " . T h e 'following offered by Mi Oaoooji, of Allegany,, was adopted:- ' the P isid'ent oftfle^ferich^JiUbtJiq^e-'' quesii g his 1 imnleSiat , 'e^''bMriti6P'fa,',lh;b, ; anatc y arid danger prevaiUngpn.the is- v lands i Martiriiqb^ plfl (3n^dalc%p% With whicl island£budio%s r, caC'PP^Ibn^er'be'.; done. Tbie f e f i t l q r i ^ ; '!a|t thtt^slrbpl' ' addiii iafsquadrQllrb^ieritte^av^-"those/ islatiffrbrri the Ja*e ijf. .;$:pamp£o.-r' s ha^eheeri'VdeBpatohed,- .... _. ^ Tw'olrar steamers ha i tfebeeri'Vde^pa ! arid'o irt.iaV^w ;j«f v to' b#.prdp^" a haijbat*%^lfe , an r d ; Jlfe.^|l|pii5«' e i»n wbrked r UiJqn.',thd 4 »iii'b:ad J #>tew- m "days was srpi^>i ^ i % | | e j ^ p p , ^ f e | f _, died a da^for.-^^.^l^^^s^thft mal» V.an.d- ^nrl:ri|.tl|B v 'pi8t.4Weekttfe moil :V;atd spctndidaiightiel^bre^urdaett-- ly.pi strjitgdlrFdea^hy^W^^ Ifoei >ath of.tte-JaJpth?r-,i;Whenis5e arejadwl disei io, wasjloibg, •'jte^tStJjfte'^te^MSBn- .ded ty no opa s^&,|^l'F'$^ftVjnI«int rrann jsi(hose-.ctffices;p|,$iridnessj ; Mve rriade' v '"m'ar t-a heait'glad:- i arid ; ^^;«those;, .hand, has iWip 1 theMol^e^ ,oftl ise whstbid-Jio ^ihe^ftjefdj.'iffi.pity , o r : mtoSUe;^ri^-JR , (>a§Ai ' L6gtsl'atbre v providing t h a t the Cothrn-on ^c.hd<5>lsb"f t n i l f ^ t e shill b^-Freo, arrdire'tfommena that.said, law "be mrigtioned by thft People a t the; eti'suang Cal,|, great pli \rm is a very great placo -rfey -J mm*)*im mtftmumwi** m 1 tk*m»< m<*i*.,,m4> Ml m?»*>>« J ^^*V .tb6|litt|o iawyei?*Itgumerit ^ M i spr «&'ubott'. bis m t 1o uponit5^#»f ?;|i«|6|| «o a,:,arid feffi|ffiW - f»»!,.. n<»E briiy Jiavo m o ^ s b l d th'e^' tbdn aqy l'"l|he deyil>»«rwTll^ ^he p%(fiwj«r,l ,. jWhero'Dlse, butit'ii sti\d tboy raise WgeTrLwi ;H ms Jpgdr reputatjob, ^^s«^J;hat ve musqulfoes there als^t^ iTyafteVhoPPitndbagnottfecnheaiabfsmce z^m*®.

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Page 1: mi siifiii si l Mnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035793/1849-10-03/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · .fto^i tS' t'6 2% dr o?. in the JM?s, You SgeaB & wtitingpftatj. 1 have p^tg-tfsslj. 'to stepiip

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» " ssfi'? siifiii s«8fti SSR ., /.„,

I# i^w' 'Xr{. . I » . < V H V



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9Tt?. ;#ty-Bihd4:afd re.'very which

ands getfrom$4to:^10js?day. . Board

agps.a&,'very.hjgjl. Carp>ht|r^eti lo;z. perdjy; which is wbrih' #tf;1 <^^roon hai"





«:'--'%w-!;il''" " •'•'Jw, • " . ' " S i W " """^ I wok there is rib prbspeci^f making a

fortune here. A few may mafai money, but the greater- ppjtion-will get but little. Provisions ^ e h ^ M at ,San F r a n c o • =i= ^ , , . ^

' • ; . , H '" ' • . . . - S T A T ; - ,For Judge (xftfo ^mirfofA^ea&fi,i^

- JOSHUA A. SBEHCER. ^ % i^ir Compfr'altif, v- ';'•. -

W A S H I N G T O N - HIINT.•- «-• ; For §emtfivjMS§(e,. •' •

,,;SAlkJTjEl4 ST'E^^fe ' .-'

..... •'. j A£^ap^«|fo, _ .*:;•;.

HEz^'^-q.is#sigQ!tra.v, ,

•'•"• < BEN/AMIW-.-SaTJiRa .><.;.

•Hon, JOSEPH M W J P , . of Jefferson. • • -_ For Senatir£—2d(& Ititslrkt, • < 1

LEONARD EJ l^I®S| j r , . ' - • • ;

$bere. efery afternoojH Ijtke aliprvjc^rie,

desjr)e.iota.eitve,f|ihe faeopXe witb zeal and h-debiyV t'wftfek'B^Xnirienoe ha,s further fittedb^ioP%^8Bonsible'POsitibn j and iri ftff'Vila&Paisfthje Whjgs render better ser. vicaJfl^Bpppirtjr'OP tlie State, than by r© electing 'm& to tne o,ffioe for which, the ia

fepl^^Vfe'SEYMOUR, the nomi-nei " " i ^ ^ p p ^ g f a e e r tod 9u,wbyor, is a gen-

; cbrifte^f J?i&p^^ ^nd'tnore' 4 rec^n%%tf .Wgis$6t and'Siiperlntendent

of tiw N ^ Yorf a^d prie Railroad, ,1a ev­ery poSiiibn'he h^ocdnpiedj.'hehas.pVoved. hiiafgp'hone'Bt^atfaljle dijd f^hJ«U";' f. . ,; ^lEfAMBSf J.^I||BSJ,. She.-Candidate, for 'StateIfinsgdlnspQQtQy,|s awe]i1sno,,wn arid efficieftt.\y^{gvtif1t;Iiawi'ence county. He ^dersSttpdfVttie^ties •whichvbe.w#be?

^ t t - w j t b i ^ ^ c e l i t i b a df ,(f|e:- rtftn; first.

?m so in




^ K 8 j ^ ] f ^ # M m q b 8 ^ I t # ' d t t ' g p i o i

. i r t a t f&at f«^

Provisions. w W we; are, §eli.-veryjhigh, Bork.^5 t-rice301iuga|.301 coffee 40p, Jjer l]>.',"T«iQts.'|l85j fhoes, pSi^QSnrnori Up pans 88, potato«'9 $^ve's«d' a,t |H5 for 25!b)J:

they laoiw sell for $Y,f those vi[e'do not buy at that pripejtea.is fe.perib.,, We.rhave to^rfJbfft (piles for our provisions.' You may say retry Joiitvotiget thera below as theyaTe ebeaper? J)he expense.of fetching tth-e^at.#hat distEibiee wodld V? so'gtVatV that grgrslfuld not be gainers by, fe. ; ' ^ e

rs wojind-". :lm well for abbu» ten shillings a clay, at LL.it.' ^ - . . i ^ f i p ^ ^ ^r|qes. ©ofods of all Jtindsx will be

ewitoSiawJ S O J B W I «ntesX»B.is able add W^|oidHr^*lc,ca*dtrB^4lt*^ -Wh'en tgofc'to ilte milnWl^dilrooieft^in^a'sh;

htirjtdf^4 dolbrs, ,maMjtg,s$ <ittna.red dpl> Jar^tKalJha^e gofaftoiethepfor: rnys^lf,

couritjmg tt at *16 per pz. wljich is the p're'se.nt-price here. Isappose i t j s wjjrth, .fto^i tS' t'6 2% d r o?. in the JM?s , You SgeaB & wtitingpftatj. 1 have p^tg-tfsslj. 'to stepiip torwq.en''I warit lA„^rriie'a] few rninntes, no sudh«oivenienqe:.biit wlen I wan'tto write-«o;let yqu knoWj^b?* ^f* '^lWe'I"spr^ad4,iaybiaislce^ott the ground j l l ay iom flat; l and ' 8 % ™ the .'woods thirty*tniIesffolfe^i5yrhqttie;^a^ -dtfed and fifty taitesfroni a post office,]! contritre tolet you kno\V l a m well. Soj yon nms.t nat tiijnis ft s^range^ifsfeshould norwrite^ffl? sonietime.^ Our s«cefess in our, work'varieir, sornetiines ive riiafee but

<litti%ia*o{fieig m M Well:' w<? have pidde,. as much .as,?|l{ id'do.Uatsj'n. a .dayl" "AijSisst we did nqtlipoSv bow i6 work, qr where ttt' lo,bb for it, The last three weeks we m'dde ten-.nundred" and-fifty, dollars. ; W% mqf do w#ll.ajnd we .rjaay ,nqt, we cannot! •tefl. iF^hafll stedy'in the mines"as long as I Lta^grM#Jlpz .pkdA'i.Jf »t is two years, 'W&Jfihfijk'dilereiis no danger.of that.

The ^bigElectorSi ofthe T o w k j o ^ f -tod-ajFe reoatistedtb nieet 'at the "Gabit Souse f in the Village of JPnlaskt o« Mortdayi the 8th day of October, inst, at two o'clock :p, MirfQrthe purpose, of -selecting 1M«-^a&a.s^the Cpiin% ftnd District Conges-tion»,which wiUjbe.beidaf Mexicp, on the* 9th day of Octofeigext,' ' "•'.".'

'ByorderofthexowaCotamittee. ' . D, SteQARTlr,

- - ..-.- • i- _ •- —4. • ' Chairman.: Pulaski, Sep. S6thJ" 1849. " ^ J

i . ' . ,.t.,.,- £ L_ L_ "- !_ , ...... 7. t -

.vicious fluctuations and re,v,utsiona.^i eve ry departmen t of National ludustty. ^

'Resolved, '.That' whateifbr- may be'ithe" ;XMes p f j m p ^ t :0¥ range of 'd%i,imiha,J|an/

^ d o p | e d / | M ^ j e # n c e of out*? own >'arfd ?otheifla|pKUbias fl^riitiinstrated the mea§*

orem MtiesiaW|fewspeicf tp-,f |uaj t |y of ^ | S ^ 4 S l | p « | o % h e . ^ n k p ^ f l i of differentTirapprters at each, p u r i t y a-

§a|rj.stfrau.^;i4t$pteaditte8S,oJr trje PVpteg-., on (whether ' inWed or' inevitable) therf

•Ijy affording tofthe Industry and £aawjes> Ipf tbe^country', i^d we trust the apprbach' j)o^^ssi,Qa oF-Co^greijj will'nottflose w'ith-.qUt;W,,itDKs}jgg«4tetur8,;t6vtWp^ eo;ual m.ode'ijfa§^sme»t% SseGific DM-. ties, -.v . N .,, ,t ^Ti -^v • •. • 11V • , - J•>

I J c s o ^ ^ 3C*|ifiuftie. try ufsti Q.4'11^" i'131.^^1

f&t collectitaff'imtoons by'a's\steiri- nlte

The JHctoMl f ^ ^ W 0 ^ ^ for 18B0, is neatly got ti]?,an^aiitl4^d:vei!y « » -sotidble. .;See;'aiv(^|M^y.(i-!fs'-i- -WiS' '

e r S h . ^

pompeileU tq.ffll'a,',!

>3M[Psl kmo>flf $KeXe;

• The Whlg(ffl6p.ttjrsofithe several" toWHB| andrwards oXth^icpurity of Gswegp ar'e.re-j

people ?vat"gi^e arfrnthusiajStlc trjuntphaat response'/^ thesefnttSjInaSions.; •Ifyery rniaa- ott-Jffae Ticket is worthy the' high- portion fe whwhibe-'is to>'-ba e^ftlted. t h e y -a,;re true ^ ( g g ^ d wP^fifit&fly

'"d BSj. .. , - , ^ be whipped \vhen we' •all^ulu'tble'the^s-Lefc-us then; enter ugo,4"|he. campaign withr spifrt-and 4y«tero.^.Cj^ga4rii^ojDj^JBa3si^ pensible to sucess^" With ji,t:vj?e c.an keep New York where«*ne ia^iix th'e'front ttank 'of m> Uaiotf •; ... , |^*t •'•"• •' ' v " "^ '

|S" The former PresMentof BEaytijSoulott* que, basbeeaproclalnieffEnJgeroiy-aiid <$(&/$•_ ed. The iwicsperterfi^softhis-stejicaabede-termiaed Jtrgnj .tafethat thac^own jewels were made before his election to th^uB|igrial Sjgpity.

Thla was rather a sBddep,anoVunexBec.ted tmnjui the' fortune^ o$H£yti,. but Dafyvs,-pjainsitby sayjin^'t^aii jjl&flie Ve f of the AbQlitionia"tstiii.e nepplfe jalJHaiKti. loaLali confidencem-the\Fre^§oi,l,faurabng. wfieri th.ey h&rd of itsSu,rreiddeytj) ' n'i&erjsnv..

^cy 01 cqttectitag 'imports by 'a' s^sti that-pow ^n ^ori 'v4iiW-'injfipSBs"'A%/i«)'' duties wheri' high priced libro^.d' '4^6 3 " Bated tb,e, pre&u>'bf %i!,ejgji corn:p^iHl>fl •upoii'duf .pfQffu§ij5Jg, fj^|»r'e^#;f^a;|e^# duties wtoe'iii by.tfedepr^sslm^:ofC|d|eisl prlees'our p«^ducer| a*r^s1lbjected "to* «ie most'ruinous, ma lm pie%^:W to %fftir'-' Jy^BxhibXtjd^'^ifuiJy; ^hd|riKjo^ *to>'ex--poseft to Th^l ' i t i ^swr lp^ 'e ' i s^ i^ .^a j l whou desire the steady , employment anc|_ adequate re^ard^fcrar^wn^&^rip5 . ' • Rooked, That while ^^a^'ri ta^ii .^bei ' poltoy #m- justitfe;. oiVft^s.^imiiiatitti, Tariff with. & view>to ^P r i i | e r e t )p» .b | ^ i bof, wifda not consider the'-v'itality ofjl^; virtue m-;"*»--—•i— ^-«-JJ--.--»- ^ *.«,.. *

m A

P r f o i S p n als-pompeiieu tq. mi* WqjS^Mm mM,^» ««- • count of .a • t Q ' J W ^ t e i g ^ ^ S i ^ ^ M t e b : ^ .

copapltroent i n t e n d e ^ b n ^ r M - f t l p l ^ d - ' sbip of the" o«e whp^enflMe'di n$ao> submil;r-its, ^%6s . s ibn^^e lMt i&

'•».« PArt^nttiAteffif^'^"^'SC#S

iWl ":' lie


p&l«fsl®v*'i •

Feting;. ! tto•ynsue™to•be^n '/jJh,

.t'Q. t h e ' j i n . ^ e ; M f t e w f . pp j ; ' adini'»;4|»R»0n,?!fi^]|>'rr#?l«ig4, impro.Kenients-.oii" ithHT8hQW9fc''0pa. , „

ti&a&m 'fey the Vi^jd" J & l p i ^ P 1 1 ^ i|ou,d w # n g ^ ( ^ . f . j ^ b . o s j ^ ^ M j , . gen or heardfor4norMrian.»twe.lve,rn^ntfl^-.

quested to: appointee aeJegfttes.fqmeafiWJ..' T ^ f f ° f ^ i & S ^ ^ i ^ f l ^ h ^ ! to attend a Gonvtention a t the .'Pqwh fiall semWed at Syraeuw.onthe^th.wltvlmft' in'the village of Mexico ,jm Tue^ay, . thgs >e foupd on„our. %st page. Tbfc'object'in' 9"tb day of October uTsxt; for; th.e p^icpo^e of "placing them ia the hsnds of the people-Is, nqminafirjg.caddidates fof county ofBce ,! tha't they may fu,lly»nd'eratar<d.tnbqwstioa

Mand &r transacting'such ptlier businesses . i ' i , / . . - . A ^ . : ^ : ^ ; — , _frJA__»«J.!ii;L-- *u^

maf ha deemed iraportanti'• " ";

fi: fe LlTTEBIOKJii Gh'm Cpttntyi O.entral -Committee.


b.ut gladly -aupport aft legislative measures ealculatetl to lightenJbe b^wheBtf^o^-^tfere^se- tue' jeeompen1s!& of Labor; whether by a,tfcaa.on« able Ijimitat'iptiijf tbe!Hpur& o f M y $otl, a beftef ;sepurity flffKonest-iHd^ty'^gi^r"',

Iraud' arid jspbbli^f fbro^b^-arF^xfe^ and"pe^fe.et|pftoteuTJl'ieri- !Vaw&,,<Qi'' any 6tb)|r-^|.,q((!|culatte4 tq-' es|aoi|isb"3u/-". tice an'dle^^ii^ijd vantages i n | t j | t ' W'te*? 'iions. anT^ea|n||,J3t'"«i4n, •, :*^J,,, if. 1

ResolvetL, ThsF«we hav& r e s i s t ^ , and

. Oswego, ^jsptjSi; J | i 9 >

The Whig ,E',eoio» of £$e,siyerai;-fqfe in th,eSd Assetnbly District pfOiwdgo' 0| . are reqUe?te"dto arppoint,five4)ele'gates eapt to assemble lift the- village ;'of (Mexico,, on

%s^rM§a?fji e.o$e„a£e .coining from m. WewoQld_gefer, our readers to thereso-gajtsftberg-jsril I not4>e room enpugEfa'aig.: ""iuti0ns" passed by A(s.:.BMy;wBfoE"a^sein^


' ' t f e w ^ p « ^ ^ V J ^ w a . s glatf-to' • Kear | ^ % ^ o W ^ ^ i l v i n g ; b e e a .jabsent

t ^ ^ ^ i p f | p ^ ^ . feithout.iiearing a '•• MW$W$J$<ijj$<-: & ''•' " ' • ' - ' ' -' i

"£SEe-- M$$%£&,($; fo'ihe: 1st otfApril, "a.sl ,feo^y:f^;ffiat'.p%e.. jAfjesbpiug c»t|lt.at' • fie^ffje^ayBi «fl v?ere;/dlstp,astedi; we lo^f abj t i^p^. ! f t )Mt**od^^

,..-,^a'sib;»^#;..r.UM.ptn-^apft^^^^^^ .^c^as 8v^d$y^.r%ar.«.ng.- ^ i t f t g . ^ ' e vsfe

• a i ^ ^ l l g a l ^ v f ! ^ ^ ( h e i i a ^ ^ half

«i sale4*f«gsfijp|vj',TH|&% i-fe,i-' ^ a w t B P ^ ^ ^ a ^ f l P I I ^ P . 1 8 * * '

l a o p : ; » f J w Mere^thtBe dtfys

| i i#lwM%;;tp-Mfter 's ItflL a,. ea* bft^nBibuaarjadjmilej,.-.-JPh* fkra

:riii'ii^a'i!%'#M' # ' ' dollars..r. $|e? '-"ra^'^^JW's^n-g?r«p>-tb:gEe».j.

' perhuniredrtdlaav^ a~gemwpvMf*»«e- < • SKe. art)-

• « i m m M t e « i ( | | | ^ jath.: waited, ' ' Y A ^ R ^ w b i e t t i i n e

^e%?t^nn"Btaira.da^ j ; | ' Hundxedsof men

f ISS.*'lle're wl tbrtheii; gloves on, thinking ey" tan pict: tt'up -just as they,please;.

'but ihgy are._n; at the n?en- 3 nOne?*etj;bo3e who can worl i a'te the riren ld_get 'uluch •gold. We hava made one hundred.dollars in. one d a « {four huadjed'' «»• five" days; :ve'Ster|ay" wo|rniide eighty dollars^to jftiotrow we rnmy'soti malce above thirty , sTJje largest *iieceu'6f:gdld tbai we^iay'e teiind is Worth fcne dollar; the goldwe get i/rltae. 1 must.popn closeasl haiye to:carry this letter t.wo.tni|es son,s„tosend it to the


and. to tr^s;act6ach.-o&ei;bu^nQss as'mciy be*d!eemed: necessary. ]''. f- ^ • >. ,-, Syorde'rdftBfe'DistrJjjfit/pmmlttee, -„_ . . ' , $m. SailTH, pSauinari. .

' It is suggested, that'as bpta. the-County I'ari'd.District Convenjions.a^e-on$be' same day, at the.same place^ that one delegation answer/or both. r-

fhe Whig state Convention.

porurtir throughouithe Qoun^qr ferwirty' miles from th^ officej o'f ^hlicationiJs'net-' jonJy_.due' in" Justice to the publisher, but e-"ttually'so .to. the ^ c i M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ny, that whileletter and magaKh^'postagg. have, been materially reduced, the publiah-

' ere and-patronspftheeouhtry^preespSyas' high rates as were ever demanded at #ny period by the government.. This 4s nitt'juS' tjee, and mustTie remedied. .The frets of the Empire State-do not Bbltci&^taB.a favor. The reform is demanded z& aj-ight.: , •..

Ga^peflterjllri ive not seen for five months (asf:uet stbppfd witbrhis company inyMexi-&& YpAs'dtd* n.ydttrrleti'etthat Thad bet­ter SSf^Fl&lbj 1 % the. Istb,m,u.sT -. Perhaps

^that ^rVhcr

icanje across, tb e Istffirnis a n i ^ t o n e ' m p n sa's^lui'arna,-.! ih.d arrived here one month :^fter'us.-'„ . ' ' , ' • - • , ".";|Phq best sq il we have dug w g p t from TnMty-pMl's^fi 4ya '»ty#! t t r dorlfeiffigxth.

bled £it Syracuse oathe 26th ult. They vpll be fobiid m ano&er'^lumii'.. The unanim­ity with which they were-pafisM by,the rep­resentatives'afTthe . V.Mg" party," show that they-are-theCsentim enta of the rnass; thgt thfey-embrace the undivided septirriehtof the Whigs of .tbevwAbis'State.._The1 able address to the voters of the State came to har^dtoo late for'insertioftjthis-Wedk,'but. will appear "in our next. We will here add qur opinion that the nptafoations,vvhich will be fpuiid "above, arT-ieceTv^'dTtmiversallf

Yith.the w * r m e S t ^ p ^ interesting pa,-,di_ct thattbe November Election.WLH show r i o d i n t h e history of the Whig, par^and that the people can judge between the pet j o f tfae eomU7 peculiar a td important j * ' ' babies of ari unhply coalition, and' the 3.00nsibjjitfes are resting updn us. . kep-staunch, undeviating advocates of law andv.Fesfmling tbe Whig party bfJheS great State otder tod t]ie champions of Equal Bights, -0f few York-^-a plrlty which has fef .m%. which the Wijig State Convention present . ,...:....i ,t-.-„-.i'.ir»:^. fqf their suffrages..

. Whig State Convention. The Temarks of the President, with the

•excellent.Resolutions adopted, are sub-, joined..- ; ' , . . ' . • -V

On'taking the chair a? President.of the Convention, Judge F^oisytb. made the. fol­lowing remarks:;— -'-• ••' ''.

GENfEisiEtii &e THE" -eoNvi3rribN;J=For the honor which yqu-have.,copferred upon me"personally, in selecting m0. to be.your preaiding officer, permit roe to return,, my 'sincere, thanks. The character and ser­vices" of older and better, tried Whigs, whose cburitenatfcwl .gee^befottnttre,—re»-toind me of my own defictences^ aqd idiat i t is to your partiality alone tyowe. 'this distinction, I can only say_that the • dutyj< you have assigned me .shall be feafle'ssly and impartially .performed, and that *""

Still resiSit^-the p r o j ^ of Gradu^ti^n ,or, progress.iy© fRedttCtion of the price of'«w Public pftnftSf hecausejts natural. tepdenr cy .mus't-eVeC;-^b.nipt to idleness,' irj bfoyi» de'nce and} t»'egKc',tto,pay op. th.q/paft'pf^ ihe.hQldet£rj;i!n.Q w.dl seldorn^p^y tenshil-, %gs per acre whefh.by hbldipig. o^ijpf'ai tetniTof yegfl'ihey may ^btalrif^bg^a'tpe. lands fqr.two^|itti^gri and th!S.re.dse(ienj; -howeyer guardea^in its? towns, wjtlt ifle-B^^i^i jatbly temptno and facilitate themdooppiy olf vast rraefs by.capitalisjtsand ispecujaW^ to be.withheld,^rotnsftle until quadrupled; in-valuesbViBe laboeof surrounding ,^tt? lers, auot finally sold at .an enormous ad' yaflcje, to; the^tnprqver and cultivaton- • ..

' ' fiKolv^^haVm're,|j5iSg"'the Gradnaj "tibFscheme we have ndt,a^as>h^eh.fal.le-{y charged, been impelled* hy b^pitality to the^New States, much lessltp th^P^Qi' bfoar-owiiibat solely, by,the consider, ftong ahove stated; a!jd.~we shall; gladly atja heartily concur «i "any •.mea's'ttlfapaleu'' laHed to .seeure to every poor man awilhce •lt> live oa_ the Publjc Bbn^aiHj':tTwb|toh-' "able to paytorftlrrally prov^ded-theaEtie. •so gu.arded;Us not toenufe to the benefit! of the metropolist and speculator.

JKeso^^Clfe^wlthe.ir'. election of Z4-: CHiARY/ TAYLOR,- as President, and MILLARD FUaLM-ORE* as ^"icePre^

dal wei h a v e i a M ^ ^ t e n d l ^ 4 ny fiaM.tb.a\ hta^^to^ia^etiiW^ifl'anrielsv: j •and |»*#l®f i '%|^^^H«#«ffo i r4 fifrieV-5' -h a ' s & i a | | , e a $ d . % l k ^ maw a deiw ff lena/## \$m§m®%^$m\r.... excelt j'rrH

;retrosr^t//-May5.ih^bett sue*JroieUess 'rlfoifaus in: its exactions, of'. life Mheal tbthaj ihaa ' . th'e present. %1

• Tp.»;isii tye ww^..9float'4hatyou5do[> a pqt; ;«a tdily .ge|:th]Etiughi. youri. exdhfl^te 68.J -B(u^ii|8s. is firWy )?tt| S ^ a d f t y j o n ^ r ^ v "Creasfiand our'huIines'shna%'"ar^ePi^nR • ^ 'fu^tl»fh.latge fail. 'p-utytiim-^ W W b e -*l'es%f#om~ present, appe.araneesi„I should • • -tatnlilwoirld^RayfiiBeqmesap.;to-th&re an- * .vticiBwnsx. Thej priocl|Bl .topjre| of ^ n T •/yjsrsaiBnin politiqaPand? b&sinass ;cffcl!U '

mm past. &M.m fam p^^Hh'-. out riftUoos with France,:1Iyiur-,h.spg/9»",

r^u l tnn4u®

« i

velopingr their-6flfp-vEesoi|r,ces, irtst'ead of Joog_E.ri|e the honor which ac^pmpapiedjt^, atriving&to ateorb thosS of neighbormg Na

It will not, I think, be unbecoming -in i;ons^_iij_fa^pMe^rIoTrey~wKM~pro

nitbd States to havedecided i« favotdf the «*sful Wevmay ,be o y m ^ M r o l t T p r , polfcyotPeacefu^Prpgress^ftd-traprOve,- sqme stoupding, n4ws ,fnjm tjhj region* mepCagamstthatof%•*. Aggression arid west 0 Arkansa^as s0o,n asthe gpldse^k-^ o n a u e t ^ ^ ^ o r - Q ^ s y ^ m a t i c a t l v de^-ersfes h the localities which tradition. ha$

. •?;'. ^ .L.._ i^_ w ^ r . ^ j . . - :-i..-.,_j .<• long I 5ort6d. ats,rlob..-^m1tt^ral$arfd;pre; .

laitdn pofivthe"'4itfimate;i iKcitra! ar*ith*a European natfoia ;weuJ4:

'have: lOpnpe • trade-^cornmeles. a;Mjtidifi^ '"'try of he country. -Elat all thiw.things4

ybu s ^and h ^ s B f ^ K p ^ ^ a C ^ b l ^ only/1 jr. tha^P'on ^ % ' " ^ u R 5 d &It tbjHcs. p'fva. 1 iftica|''riature,*J»1nions:'%%vano'u8 and * flictingv ltd bd'cbpfif rued of'refuted bytl i result of th^fu"*ir«f. •/•> ' "•-.-!-•

' - : . / 10 Arkaiisas Gold Plaijers. .%•.' „ .'-Th little Rpclfr-^Gfez^^Rbe.M-in^.

.says?! ^^heTa^cr^mt^rom^Aie-^a^ral^ regioi ?ftheArkansas-^andBedrave'tsare assun igaTery pr^wlsrn'^.ffslf^tja'rid'we l a v e ifeVig faith, tha t the, expeditions which have recently left^oUr frdn'tTefifrhV

office. I paid bring three leti give'fifty, cents, office, and won ;pieee-fbrtwotej Pleais'g-Wipite ;hj. may. alwffys iff

Yours &c,

six. dollars for a man to ers, b'Bsidps the ppstag-e., 1 tq hgVe this taken to the

td'be willing to pay Ipz. a day.butthat t cannpt have.

everyr.s'feaW&ASo that t taitf the, t'atSsj; news.

~ G L A R K

sslruptiy? Iforwad'o. .§se^T5j||i54'pattrpf Asbta-;'iprhp.eighiJor tehdays a-'«ir^e''nV;dard3g!e" tp etops, &s#:Wm'e'ffera'the lake

V-pry dj ..A tornado pi

hula Co.,Ob« go which did fences^ trees,"® arid- struck' th | Bfit, ItS CdUli ,tep demolishi| growing ctefgl fidrtbjt-a'nd $ffl0i§Mu'M<n the-'stife of .the lake took aDFpaSterly- direction, pour-jjag upon the Mrtb^'perfeclfPtrentof wa

rter- with- hajfej *#|ety nHfnf wiirjiiri $ rahgoj .wasikM t\$'$%$ 4P e 8*°^ ' o r

-twh or .three m-Mias? ' Ea'sVdf Cotineaut it ^bfttinue^,abPf|lf.:|e'tiv ti\iks; 'laying cbhi-" ' " fctfesolafi^^^ a.m11e wide^ 'Largel,; 'bfiriq wies't trees, two arid !tlfree ffepttKrom ;h,.wWe; twisted pff and car­ried several rdiV , 1. Spjtiio farmers' lost' all their crops byl; it", ap'd. suffered, much- in thfeir imprbvea; i feT- &'be aggtegafe-de-struction ,rs ,sm ted by the'Conneaut E'e* portpT lo be ver| A-great: ' :

"*THE I f m V$ $T,—pf elected, vviJt'jijBU •do what you caii! 1 ^procure theie-adpptioii ;p1^otnuchp.f." W''&ecure&ee iiri,t|ity'tni:les, r,s . . . . . . . . „ r , catidiP?"' 5 ^ l | l twhe question ,whieh hopedat |d ia teI l fbW! " ' ""

The Whigs of tbe State-may well feel proud of the result of- the Convention.-^-The delegates have, with commendable promptness' and unanimity, discharged the responsible dutieS'*impo^ed upon "them.-*— They have nominated a strong Ticket;, arid we cannot doubt that it. will receive a cordial and triumphant support, 4

. ' The follow'ihg notice of the Several Can-didates we take from the Albany Evening Journal. '- .

JOHSUA A.- SPENCER, the nominee for the Cfourt'of Appeals", is well known to the peopje. He stands high in^Bi^olesfiohy is'onp of the most.eloqciebt aftvocajes m.the State. and%wiH;bring-tp"the B§pih"pfofonud learning, a sound judgmenl; and" great:e,»: perience.;,

,ny yeai^,- whether in-:p'ptasr qr jpujtqf^pw* er, exerted & prominentjaBjelice ip pub­lic affairs, and whidh;,ha& n a a t tne' good fortune to have its principles, it?., Wiitysel3». and its Statesman, accepted" By1 thi-ptate andUatiqn-iltrust/' we .-^ill pfbce|d to business of the? Conventip&j-. Jb ' a J M j ' which that party,w,ilra^pX0ye, ,fend>4tifyv

I would not" .undertake .to -ibstrttct the

tectaandrdberisheS rather; than-that which, is • esSeritjally negative and instinetfvejy destrdetive^-andrwfei rejoice that the indt cdtions ihu'sfafglyan are such as assure thesrii thjtt they W/ore not deceived and will pot bevdisappointed, : 1.. Resol-HecL^. That we rejoice tbiit the ; Whigs, of New-York, so. long without a ,< - . • -c ••• . , IlfSV. - -. TIK NewOrleanaPfcayuP'e- says that* voice-iB-the ..Senate of the Union.-will, for-tbp p mhanls, ship-owners; bnd'sea •cap') • theriextsixyea^ae hear-dm thati,llustri6us ( a i l j S | e s id ingm^tW*: Have^-pettitoned, . bqdy through WILLIAM;H.SEWARD, whijse, narii% identified with o a r most-ar-fliipus £tru£gles ^nd o'Ur most glpriopj,, triurnplts^is a' pledge to our brethren tbroughocit t(ie Union, that wheneverPree-

cious! pnes. --Act imts-fran>Gbii^stataJhauhaSjajf-tish h re been making a flpspalliaace by treatj n th tbe Sultara. of Bqrneoj^by whiclV-ithey! ve had"th^"JBritfsa itife to La'UUa'n' cbn'fin ed, togetherwiffi'^ttum'b.er--6f oth: • ,er adj :ent isles.-..' ^Phev'British navd'alsoy apqun d many other rfdv^agfeaijqfver the S p l t p i '" •'" •'•• ••"»''"•" ' • ' - ' • ' • ' ' *

^hejgigatWhlgjajnilj, may preside q^er our deliWatidns,.and .cqriduc^'u^ tq con­clusions which will prove alike honorable" to ourselves and' accfeptableto our constfc'

fe m m

- is

ffl am

MM mm mm. re« .^t»? ix;.m£:


» : • « { whjr r i f 5, c p u n t r r t ^ s . s W c l | |

mfcmim ?Lr •• PSi«i l#nr^ B r^^


Every one eSpeited the npmma'ttort .'ofr-i WASHKSfGTOl&tJNT. DqrWg tbebrief period which he'Eas sertr#a's,CamptjKi|ler,-nehas .fully maintained-tfiB-^Igh character which'he enjoyed aS'©Mai|aber'pf0oflg?fss.,' No man In the state Has morj? .frienls-o*' fewer enemies;"Milt Wfll:M|be PejSple's, verdict that he shall cp%ti^slhr--Wb-years-longer to, dischargerftae reppbelable func* tlorispf Comptrbjter-sdutiesv fbr4he proper-dischaige offaT&hherisso'emirkentlyBtted*. 1 'Equally aiafrfdff#ete the Whigabfjhe; S t l t t - M t -61#|gIST0Pl|ER-M(mGA-Nr should b'e'eoritl'njlfdm-the office ot Secretary of State. ^Ehat desire. Was •g^atiped. His re^pmjnation ;was'4 noting- endorsemeritdf his high persqpaV v^orth, his emiaent ahili>-tiesfarTd^fs^rJWisistent political character^ Np unholy '-Ooatition" oan'prevent the peb" • ipie fyotri cSMnaink" him where he has sen-. '..VS^wm-v>lth*te''m'i!^htMSc#taB*ce. • 1 '''fhe;re-'dbMn:ation of A t V A B H l J ^ t » Treasurer,- wtfe-also expected. .The SMe, HtNew.York .never had -amore w o w gbafd^n'of itsstffeaBuffeS, or'ottb who p|£-»sesse&.more prpmiriently-the; tare qualities of IbVpityi cahacuy'and faithfulness.•' Iff re-pominating him, the Convention has-but carried autJthe^eaffy exptegsed- sentiment


mosts aiannguisnep. mw,yei , *u uie aiare, iftpffriWill prove a Worthy successor ofKJf. 'mmkif.;.whod;fi0line.dttre*no«jina<i0ni Al* 'l,'1.' i . i l . . . i l l n U n t . 1 , , 1 U&» iri\tt% llhi»> Uin-V,!,* o l iO

MULS"Of £lk&&£B ^ | i e prescht effi tieftt CabafCoinniissioner The-Sidtie nev^tr had d kore^onoVa^lb, oft capabte officer jHqbft>ght Wtbe discfibg-p ifhiWdblies, i great; j W t i e i l ^ktiowlptlgf attd nn aidont


Resolutions; - -"". <$esolved, That'Jhe Federal Constitution was foritred ap^ adopted' expressly " to se-ctitft tha Blessings of Liberty"'to-the Pa6* .pie of the United States, and their, prps-bejrity^ and°th,||t no pbvier g?SSgWe^,there-in;;to pxtend. tne"curses of Slavery: where-foTe, wd ihaiutatri .that; ^qngsress,'.has tbie right, arid is in dttt); bd*und5 ro abolish .Slayery wherever it exists-iri the Territo-ri.ei.pf tbe-JUnibn^ and' plainly' prohibit ^C!egtebli4ntoeri0n'ariy portion, of those teifritorjes at any" time hereafter. • " •

'Resohed!j,°'thii recognizing the Res­triction of Slavery w|thin its prese.Pt Jim-itl as one of the cardinal prinplples of Pitt 'poliiical faith,, we . pledge ottrsel-vies to our |ejlbw-citf?en£ ana* the coun.try 10 exercise iq'th^ftfmqst. all the powpr'vfti'may .pos­sess to pleieilt' the Ext^nsipn. of Slavery o*>-Vera'brigfefoot*ofFree-Sciil-, . y.. .

"JtiisdJiM, Tpat we regard 'the adequate •P'rotefctiott- 6T Labor af artiorig the most imperative duties of Oovernment, and a .^fdln'al- principal of a« ealightened and betjefipent national paficy j ' afid we reitef-" ate.'.qu-r conyiptio'ntbat aj^arifi^ of Duties on-IiVi^Ofts, wisely' diicrlffiiMting hi favor ofiHipme Ittdastry^'fhblr^p'SmtfB Sf tow; 'erbflitt dutietbtt ravV mateitiafs necessari­ly'Irritiorted and higher deifies on those . W H ^ fabrics aj$d, Sher btotftiicts which cbmidte d'epressllgly' ttrith'ihe nrpdutStf ''b|M^pWn grtizah^aridlabpsi^ filj-^slfe', egVaednate feevettue id tnd 'Gov^riment' in the manbel1 least burche'nspm,^ to the people/ inqiflentall^ ihcreasm^ employ mett^ stirnHlatmg. inVjbptiqn,'f$d^taittihg; enterprise, uhfic! pro\,critmg dr limiting

Resolved,- Tfiatdp HAMILTON'FISH, our-GoVernor, GEORGE W. P iATTER-SON, Iieut, GovWapr, apd'theif aMciajeS,' in our State Cdun^i^, we prpadly jeco'g-. nize rben \vnbril" the ! people hive often tried andnevei* found waning"—but,iipj fightj-'eapable, faithful-^-yvhose principles^; and lives alite'cSmMeiad'them to the,<4atti^ fid'ence .and support ,of.lbji .trii'e-beartqd. Whigs of pur State. : " ': " , ' ,

••" ReSolM, That io,.JOSHUA A.' SfcisiroEa,. •for Judge of tbe Couri of Appeials^'WAsft--iNGt»N HtiHrjfof. Corhpttoller; ^GH»IST.P». PHER- MoEQ/AtJj'fdrSeeretaTy o f f j t t g ^ i . - '

,VAH tluNT, -for State .Trea'sarirj, SAto^jj,; STEVENS, foij AttorneyGeneTal;;' 'N t tsps "31. BEACH, for Canal CqrPmissiqTieE;-'riE^E^l'' Att ,G. SEBioinitj,MiT State .Engineer; and BENifAMiN SQPIUE, for -State JWsfjn Ijispet^ tor, ^..prissentcandid^te^iwbo^in'prfvate and pufeip-Jlfo, h9TO'|),i'ove;d--'tlieroseVy6S capable, efficient and f a.ijthf&l',' arid who^ havie -espeeiaijy en.titled th'ernsplvesjo Hthej cdtfj|d»w_ ^nd-'ardent suppqrl' of. ini* Whigs of the Empire StaTd, by j'eaTS of dr dent .co-operation and ..zealous.-fidefey. to4-the'cQmmon.princip^l'e&'and^st^o. •-. •

'•Res/nbli, !j}k?.t we tender ^uf.'hpa tharrifs ^duti ' iallfe* 'Whig Utefbrejft-' $( YEH.MpBt,fot'.pbimirlg dji'ftdustne rte way-ofd'teling witVdffi«fe-fitttn%! coffi-tiorts, an,d Will-ftnrtb^r testifr bur gratitude' by'foltPW%5h tbe | f ep fe t6pP ' ' • ' ; " . T h e 'following offered by Mi Oaoooji,

of Allegany,, was adopted:- '

the P isid'ent oftfle^ferich^JiUbtJiq^e-'' quesii g his 1imnleSiat,'e^''bMriti6P' fa,', lh;b,; anatc y arid danger prevaiUngpn.the is-v

lands i Martiriiqb^ plfl (3n^dalc%p% With whicl island£budio%sr,caC'PP^Ibn^er'be'.; done. Tbie fe f i t lq r i^ ; ' !a | t th t t^s l rbpl ' ' addiii iafsquadrQllrb^ieritte^av^-"those/ • islatiffrbrri the Ja*e ijf. .;$:pamp£o.-r'

s ha^eheeri'VdeBpatohed,-. . . . _. ^

Tw'olrar steamers haitfebeeri'Vde^pa!

arid'o irt.iaV^w ;j«fvto' b # . p r d p ^ "

a haijbat*%^lfe ,anrd;Jlfe.^|l|pii5«' •

e i»n wbrkedrUiJqn.',thd4»iii'b:adJ#>tew-m "days was srpi^>i ^ i % | | e j ^ p p , ^ f e | f _, died a d a ^ f o r . - ^ ^ . ^ l ^ ^ ^ s ^ t h f t mal» V.an.d- ^nrl:ri|.tl|Bv'pi8t.4Weekttfe moil :V;atd spctndidaiightiel^bre^urdaett--ly.pi strjitgdlrFdea^hy^W^^

Ifoei >ath of.tte-JaJpth?r-,i;Whenis5e arejadwl disei io, wasjloibg, •'jte^tStJjfte'^te^MSBn-

.ded ty no opa s^&,|^l 'F'$^ftVjnI«int rrann jsi(hose-.ctffices;p|,$iridnessj;Mve rriade' v'"m'ar t-a heait'glad:-iarid;^^;«those;, .hand, has iWip 1 t h e M o l ^ e ^ ,oftl ise whstbid-Jio ^ihe^ftjefdj.'iffi.pity ,or: mtoSUe;^ri^-JR,(>a§Ai '

L6gtsl'atbrev providing that the Cothrn-on c.hd<5>lsb"f tnilf^te shill b^-Freo, arrdire'tfommena that.said, law "be mrigtioned by thft People a t the; eti'suang

Cal , | , great pli \rm is a very great placo - r f e y

-J mm*)*im mtftmumwi** m 1 tk*m»< m<*i*.,,m4>Mlm?»*>>«

J ^ *V

.tb6|litt|o iawyei?*Itgumerit ^ M i

spr «&'ubott'. bis m

t1o u p o n i t 5 ^ # » f ? ; | i « | 6 | |

«o a,:,arid feffi|ffiW -


n<»E briiy Jiavo m o ^ s b l d th'e^' tbdn aqy l'"l|he deyil>»«rwTll^ ^ h e p%(fiwj«r,l ,. jWhero'Dlse, butit ' ii sti\d tboy raise WgeTrLwi ;H ms Jpgdr reputatjob, ^^s«^J ;ha t ve musqulfoes there als^t^ iTyafteVhoPPitndbagnottfecnheaiabfsmce
