methodist university community oral history project ......he says what’s on his mind. i’m the...

1 Methodist University Community Oral History Project Methodist University Fayetteville, NC Sheila Johnson Interview Conducted by Carl Dyke August 9, 2016 Fayetteville, NC Copyright ©2016 by Methodist University

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Page 1: Methodist University Community Oral History Project ......he says what’s on his mind. I’m the same way. I relate. I can see, a lot of what he says—you have to have his sense


Methodist University Community Oral History Project

Methodist University

Fayetteville, NC

Sheila Johnson

Interview Conducted by

Carl Dyke

August 9, 2016

Fayetteville, NC

Copyright ©2016 by Methodist University

Page 2: Methodist University Community Oral History Project ......he says what’s on his mind. I’m the same way. I relate. I can see, a lot of what he says—you have to have his sense


Sheila Johnson

Interview conducted by

Carl Dyke

Descriptive Table of Contents:

0:21 -concerned about ISIS, refugees, the Clinton foundation, kidnapped African schoolgirls

-believes that Donald Trump cares about America, has been shortchanged by mainstream media; wants

taxpaying citizens to oust the corrupt establishment

3:28 –“worried about the establishment rigging the election”

-senses that corrupt establishment Republicans will sell out First, Second Amendment rights

5:23 -defines establishment as Rupert Murdoch, Bill Ayers, bankers, accuses Obama of colluding with


-takes bailouts of 2008 to mean that they could happen again

6:46 -gets most of her news from Twitter, three Fox personalities. The rest of the media doesn’t pay

attention to Hillary Clinton’s crimes

-includes the Republican Party as part of the corrupt establishment

8:35 -perceives a pattern in Trump’s behavior, including his pursuit of President Obama’s birth

certificate, of caring about America. Trump “loves us,” is a role model

-doesn’t trust polls in the mainstream media, trusts Twitter polls

12:13 –“upset” by the Obama administration’s handling of Benghazi

-believes many liberals will vote for Trump; has convinced Clinton supporters to switch to his side

14:53 -the media have a financial interest in getting Clinton elected

-Congressmen and -women refuse to tell the truth about Benghazi because of fear of being put on “hit-

list” by Clintons

16:29 -expects that Obama and Clinton “want to take our gun;” Justice Antonin Scalia, who had

prevented this, “mysteriously died”

-Clinton’s security carries an epi-pen in case she “short-circuits”

18:31 -asks mainstream television networks to “start reporting the truth”

-government agents are stealing the money they get for taking in refugees

20:32 -businesses support Clinton because they are being coerced by “the establishment”

-fears “A Holocaust of Christians”

24:38 -criticizes Obama for “stick[ing] his nose in Israel’s election”

-avoiding the mainstream media, she does her research on Google

27:22 -Vladimir Putin’s preference for Trump over Obama means a Clinton victory would result in war

with Russia

-accuses Clinton of stealing from the White House. “Once a thief, you’re always a thief”

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28:32 -discussion of how she separates reliable information from unreliable: a good indicator of

unreliability is if the source is from the mainstream media

-worried that Obama will orchestrate ISIS attacks on America, and that the military will be unable to

stop them; has purchased a gun and “ammo, ammo, ammo.” Fears the Black Lives Matter

movement. Trump supporters are middle-class, not “redneck trash,” are thus reliable voters

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Interview of


Interviewed by



DYKE: Okay. I’m here with Sheila Johnson, and we are in Fayetteville. It’s August 9, 2016. We are at the

Donald J. Trump rally, and we’re just talking about politics. So, you have things that you’re thinking



JOHNSON: Yes, I do. I am very concerned about ISIS coming into our country. I’m concerned about how

many we already have in our country. I’m concerned about Homeland Security has a lot of Muslims

working for Homeland Security. I’m worried about all the refugees Hillary Clinton wants to let into our

country. Hillary Clinton is for Hillary Clinton. Clinton Cash. [This is the name of a 2015 documentary

directed by Peter Schweizer]. Clinton Foundation, the money they take in, the speaking fees Bill Clinton

takes in, to me is—. The way they’re laundering money into the Clintons. They’re doing things for them.

Haiti was done terrible, and I honestly believe those Kenyan schoolgirls have probably been sold in sex-

trafficking, where money will be laundered to keep it covered up. [Johnson is likely referring to the 276

Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped in 2014 by the group Boko Haram.] Donald Trump cares about America.

You can go back to 1980 when he was interviewed, it’s on YouTube: you can see the care in his eyes. He

wants to help the country; he wants to make us great again. The mainstream media, Fox, CNN, NSNBC

[sic], ABC, CBS—they all give the downside of Donald Trump; they don’t give the good side of Donald

Trump. They’re for Hillary; they’re working for the establishment. I also know that a Saudi Arabian

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prince is part-owner in Fox News and CNN and Time Warner. Saudi Arabia does not want us to have a

wall. The establishment’s scared for their own pocket books, not for the American people. This election

is for the American people. It’s time the establishment step over or get run over, and that’s how we

feel. Trump supporters are not rednecks, we’re not trash. We’re middle-class, taxpaying citizens, and

we are sick of the corruption. Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch letting her off, the FBI letting her off. That’s

corruption! That’s stuff that me and you would be arrested for. [Amidst the federal investigation of

Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch spoke for thirty

minutes on an airplane in June. In hopes of heading off any hint of scandal, Lynch promised to accept

the FBI’s recommendation regarding the investigation.]


DYKE: Wow. Well said. So. [Laughs.]


JOHNSON: I don’t hold back.


DYKE: You were all set with that. Okay. So, is there any part of that that you would want to, like,

elaborate on?


JOHNSON: I’m worried about the establishment rigging the election. I’m really concerned about that.

I’m concerned, also, about how many refugees will be allowed into our country before Donald Trump

can take the oath of office on January 20th. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m fifty-seven years old, I’ve

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purchased a gun. I’m worried about my Second Amendment’s rights. I’m worried about my First

Amendment Rights. We need somebody that is for the people. The establishment, they’re the ones

making the money. We get taxed on fishing. We get taxed on alcohol. You got—and the ID, everybody

has an ID, we all know everybody has an ID. You have to have an ID to buy cigarettes, go to the hospital,

alcohol. You have to have an ID. Fishings license. And this not wanting us to have a ID is just for voter

fraud! That’s why. I’m concerned about it. I’m tired of these RINO that work for the public. [“RINO”

refers to people who are “Republican In Name Only”.] They’re public servants! We know what they

make. I’d like to know why their bank accounts have eight, nine, twelve million dollars. It’s because

they’re taking money from the establishment and the lobbyists to do what they want to do. I’m tired of

our government being bought. This is about the United States of America.


DYKE: I hear you. So, when you say “the establishment,” I think I know what you mean, there. But, like,

who are you talking about? Who is that?


JOHNSON: Murdoch, over Fox News. [Rupert Murdoch owns the right-wing cable news channel.] Bill

Ayers. [Ayers is a left-wing counter-culture activist.] The bankers worried about their pocketbooks. I

had read an article that Obama had told them to give loans to people for homes whether they could pay

the mortgage or not, because that, to me, is saying, we’re gonna bail them out next when all these loans



DYKE: Do you know whether that’s true?

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JOHNSON: 380 million was paid out a few years ago to the bankers. Was it the car industry, too? I don’t

believe they’ve ever paid back the tax dollars, the tax people for our tax dollars that they spent.

[Johnson appears to be referring to legislation connected to the severe economic downturn in 2008,

which the federal government addressed via a number of bailouts to banks and industry.]


DYKE: Well, we actually—we sold GM [General Motors] back into the market and we actually made

money on that deal, I heard. So at least that part, I think, worked out. But I’m just wondering—I mean,

you know, you talked about basically a mortgage giveaway with another bailout—




DYKE: —to follow.


JOHNSON: Right. I read it.


DYKE: Absolutely. So the question I have is, I’ve heard that, but I don’t know it for sure. So I’m just

wondering if you know that, and where you got that information.

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JOHNSON: I’ve read it. I’m a big Twitter person. I get most of my news off of Twitter, because I don’t

trust our media. I watch Lou Dobbs, Judge Jean [Jeanine Pirro], and Sean Hannity. [These are television

personalities associated with Fox Business and Fox News.] They’re the only three I watch. I can’t

understand why the media is not up there talking about Hillary Clinton and all the crimes she’s

committed, and why they want to keep on it: “Trump! Trump! Trump!” They’re hiding for Hillary

because she is part of the establishment, and they want her in office.


DYKE: So, you don’t think the Republican Party has anything to do with the establishment.


JOHNSON: Yes, I do.


DYKE: So then why wouldn’t they just arrange for Trump to win?


JOHNSON: I think they’re part of the establishment! They have their own agenda! I believe Paul Ryan’s

wife works for Goldman Sachs, I believe. [Representative Paul Ryan’s wife Janna Ryan worked as a

corporate lobbyist; Johnson is perhaps thinking of Senator Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi Cruz.] Ted Cruz’s wife, I

believe she works for Goldman Sachs. They’re in it for their pockets. They’re not in it for us. America

has to wake up.

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DYKE: Okay, so when you think about these things that bother you, there’s a flip-side, I think, for you,

right? I mean, so where’s the positive that you see here? Like, when you look at Mr. Trump’s

candidacy, what’s he going to do for us that turns things around?


JOHNSON: Donald Trump will make America great again. He cares. He cares about the people. Yes, he

is not politically correct. He doesn’t say things correctly. But that’s one thing I like about Donald Trump:

he says what’s on his mind. I’m the same way. I relate. I can see, a lot of what he says—you have to

have his sense of humor. He says it, he’s blunt about it. He’s not beating around the bush. You can go

back to 1980 and see interviews, how he cares about America. And it goes back, also, to the birth

certificate of Barack Obama. We know Donald Trump tried to get the birth certificate back then, which

you can’t blame him: you shouldn’t be able to run for President if you do have sealed records. Ted

Cruz’s records are sealed. You can see the love and compassion in Donald Trump; the media just

doesn’t portray that. He has done so much good, and he’s anonymous about what he does. He’s

wonderful! Just laugh at what he says, but know, he loves us. He does love us. He’s tired of this

corruptedness; he’s sick of it. Um, God. I truly believe God chose him to run for the American people.

God doesn’t always choose perfect people to do his work. Sure, Donald Trump did things maybe in his

earlier days, but haven’t we all? He’s mature; great children; he’s a grandfather. He’s a great role

model. And he’s gonna be our next President of the United States of America. And I am tired of the

media lying about polls, because he is ahead in the polls! Just was on Twitter, we have ‘em all the time.

These millions of people are on Twitter. He’s like, the one I just took, eighty-eight percent in the polls! I

read an article from WikiLeaks last night. [WikiLeaks is a non-profit organization publishing secret and

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classified material.] They’ve done their poll. Hillary had, like, 4.8 chance of winning the election. I know

they’re trying to get Gary Johnson up to fifteen percent to try to get him up on the debate stage. I think

that’s because they know Trump’s gonna tell it like it is with Hillary and they think that will calm Trump

down. But we know Trump. Trump’s gonna say what Trump wants to say. Trump’s wonderful, this is

my fourth rally, I love him, and that’s who America needs. He’s not gonna take nothin’ from these other

countries. And he’s not gonna pay ransom, either, to get hostages back. I have a nephew that’s left two

weeks ago to go back over to the Middle East for the fourth time. And our troops I don’t feel like are

getting the support they need over there. I really don’t. You want to talk about Benghazi? [Johnson is

referring to the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Libya while Hillary Clinton was

Secretary of State.]


DYKE: Sure.


JOHNSON: Chris Stevens had told them those weapons were getting into the hands of terrorists.

[Stevens was U.S. Ambassador to Libya and was killed in the attack.] And Hillary Clinton, I honestly

believe, wanted Chris Stevens dead. He reported it and she ignored it. And what really upsets me most

of all about the ransom is Chris Foley’s family wanted to pay a ransom for James Foley, and he got his

head cut off, because the Obama administration wouldn’t let him pay a ransom. We do not pay ransom,

but yet they’ve paid ransom. [The American photojournalist James Foley was executed by his ISIS

kidnappers in 2014, after a failed rescue attempt by U.S. Special Forces; Foley’s family had wanted to

break U.S. law to pay his ransom. I could not find a person named Chris Foley relevant to this case.]

Vote Trump.

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DYKE: [Laughs.] I hear you. So, I want to come back to the polls. I mean, there’s a lot of trouble with

polls, everybody knows this. I’m wondering how many liberals you know and talk to.


JOHNSON: [Laughs.] Oh! A few.


DYKE: I mean, what’s your sense of how many Americans are actually liberals, who support Obama and

also support Clinton?


JOHNSON: I honestly—I couldn’t give you a percentage. I believe there’s a lot more liberals that’s gonna

be voting for Trump than they’ll admit to tell you. I recently met some people—I walk at the park in

Hope Mills—I met some schoolteachers. And they’re voting for Hillary Clinton. And I told them about

Hillary Clinton’s lies, I sent them information. And their main thing was schoolteachers’ pay. And I have

turned them over to Trump voters.


DYKE: Oh, yeah?


JOHNSON: If I’m in the grocery store and politics come up, I make sure my little mouth gets involved.

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DYKE: [Laughs. Johnson’s friend calls over, “your big mouth!”] Hey.


JOHNSON: I am sick of this media. Nobody says anything good—why isn’t the media talking about

Hillary, and everything she’s done? Why? Why are they hiding it? Because they want Hillary up there

so they can keep their money coming in and run this country.


DYKE: Yeah. I hear you. So, when the Republican-led committee in Congress that investigated Benghazi,

when they were unable to find evidence that Hillary was in any way responsible for what happened, and

the media reported that, did they do wrong?


JOHNSON: Yes, they did wrong!


DYKE: Okay. In what way? Like, what should they have done instead?


JOHNSON: They should have gone up there and told the truth! Comey was doing a really good job when

he gave his press conference! The FBI had hacked into that server in Benghazi; they have the

transcripts. [FBI Director James Comey, despite describing Hillary linton as “extremely careless,”

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announced that her actions did not rise to the level of intentional or willful criminality. Johnson is

conflating Comey’s announcement with his testimony before Congress, where he said a reading of

Clinton’s e-mails show that she did not lie to the FBI.] WikiLeaks has the transcripts, and they’re slowly

letting them out. Honestly, they’re afraid they’re gonna be put on a hit-list! I mean, we’ve had three

people close to Clinton murdered in the last month. I think they’re scared. [The deaths of Simon Rich,

John Ashe, and Shawn Lucas, each with tenuous-to-non-existent links to Hillary Clinton, made waves on

the Internet in summer of 2016.]


DYKE: So the Congressional Committee decided to hide their findings after months of investigation

because they were worried that they might be killed.


JOHNSON: Uh-huh! And I believe that’s why Congress will not impeach Obama. They’re afraid they’ll be

on a hit-list. Those are my thoughts. And Loretta Lynch, [Bill] Clinton knew her, knew Loretta from his

days when he was in office. He knew he could get her to not prosecute nobody. And they’re not taking

my gun. Why do they want to take our gun?


DYKE: Do they?



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DYKE: I mean, Obama’s had eight years. You’ve still got your gun.


JOHNSON: Well, Judge Scalia. He was the one that saved that, and now he’s mysteriously died. [The

death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in Heller v. District of

Columbia, spurred rumors of foul-play in right-wing circles.]


DYKE: Gotcha.


JOHNSON: Hillary has said she wants to hit the middle-class people for taxes. And she is short-circuited.

[Clinton used that phrase when explaining misleading statements about her private e-mail server.] And

if you watch, you will see the man standing on stage to her with an epi-pen in his hand.


DYKE: Mmm. I didn’t know that.




DYKE: I’ll watch for that.

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JOHNSON: Please do. Somebody had a keen eye and pulled in to the man’s hand that’s standing—they

say he’s Secret Service, but he’s supposedly a doctor—pulled that picture up. He has an epi-pen in his

hand, standing right by Hillary Clinton.


DYKE: And what’s that for?


JOHNSON: Allergic reactions, for one thing, I do know. What else they’re used on, I don’t know.

Probably when she short-circuits, they—in her to get it back—




JOHNSON: —thinking normal again. Thinking normal again.


DYKE: Oh, okay. Now I’m following. Yeah, yeah. I gotcha. Well, this has been good stuff. Is there

anything else you want to get on the record, here?


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DYKE: I mean, this is historical record.


JOHNSON: CNN and Fox News, please start reporting the truth to America. ABC, NBC, our local news—

and I know it’s all coming down from the establishment. They get paid—the news gets paid by the

government, and that’s why they report the news in Hillary’s favor, because they get paid. Whistle-

blower came out that worked for CNN, she got tired of ‘em handing her a script what she should say

when she went on air, and she quit. [Johnson appears to be referring to former CNN journalist Amber

Lyon, who critiqued CNN’s practice of accepting advertising money from Bahrain and claimed that the

Obama administration pressured CNN to suppress news harmful to Bahrain’s government.]


DYKE: So, I’m just trying to figure out how this works. So, when President Bush was President, were the

media then being paid by that government to bias the news in favor of Republicans?


JOHNSON: I believe—I believe so, but not to the extent that they are with Donald Trump. Because they

know Donald Trump—. Really, he knows the establishment. He knows the tricks they—. And they

know he knows. And they’re scared of Donald Trump. They’re scared for their own pocketbooks.

They’re not scared for American lives. If they cared about Americans, why are they letting these

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refugees come over here? The government gets paid to take these refugees in, but the taxpayers are

the ones that’s gonna be supporting them. They’re pocketing that money. They are.


DYKE: I gotcha.


JOHNSON: They want their own candidate in, plain and simple. It’s disgusting.


DYKE: So you’re talking about business interests, right? I mean, you’re talking about big money.


JOHNSON: Mmm-hmm.


DYKE: So, historically, the Democrats have been famous for being less friendly to business, and the

Republicans are famous for being more friendly to business. Donald Trump is more friendly to business.

So why would the business establishment prefer Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump?


JOHNSON: Because the business establishment has the establishment behind ‘em. Like WRAL, they’re

part of the establishment. They tell us the news what’s coming down from their bosses. The

establishment, they know they’re gonna start paying more taxes. Bush, as for Bush, it wasn’t as bad

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when Bush ran for election because he wasn’t running against a Donald Trump that knows the

establishment. And the Bushes also are part of the establishment. And I praise Jeb Bush’s son for

coming out, saying the GOP need to endorse Donald Trump. But we don’t need their endorsement.

We’ve seen Donald Trump’s rallies. We know. We know who’s ahead in the polls.


DYKE: [Laughs.] Okay. I think we got it covered. But I just want to give you a chance to—anything else

you want to say, the mic is all yours.


JOHNSON: Just look into Donald Trump’s eyes when he talks. And his children. And you’ll see, you’ll

see. He is not doing this to get rich. He’s not taking money from lobbyists. He says “We.” We, the

American people. Other politicians say “I, I, I.” Donald Trump will make America great again. With the

Hillary Clinton, I’m afraid the Christians are gonna be next on the list. A Holocaust of Christians.


DYKE: Well, this is something that you haven’t covered. Maybe—do you want to say more about that,



JOHNSON: Well, I actually watched Schindler’s List last year. I wish I had never watched it. Taking over

our health care, now trying to take our Second-Amendment rights, they’re trying to take our First

Amendment Rights: it’s all—it’s going into play like the Holocaust—the Holocaust. Islam wants to

control the world. And they want the Christians and they want the Jews: we either bow down to it, or

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we die. That is my concern. I mean, if Hillary Clinton wins in November, I’m moving to the country. I’m

getting out of the city. And people better wake up and realize that that’s exactly what she’s gonna do, is

bring in those refugees. Germany right now, Merkel, they want Merkel to step down. [German

Chancellor Angela Merkel responded to the Syrian refugee crisis in 2015 by welcoming refugees to her

country.] She’s ruined Germany. They’re raping over there, tearing up the city—that’s Hillary Clinton

for us if she’s in office.


DYKE: Yeah. Okay. Clearly said. [Laughs.]


JOHNSON: Yes. Anything else?


DYKE: I don’t know—


JOHNSON: I’m blunt and to the point.


DYKE: No, exactly, I just—


JOHNSON: Americans are next!

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DYKE: I really appreciate you just saying what you know.


JOHNSON: The Christians and the Jews are next! I read an article the other day—oh, Obama spending

300,000 dollars to stick his nose in Israel’s election. [The State Department gave grants to an

organization promoting peace between Israel and Palestine prior to the election’s being scheduled; in

the subsequent campaign, the organization campaigned against Benjamin Netanyahu, who rejects a

Palestinian State.] That money should be reimbursed back to the taxpayers. He had no business going

over there to Israel, trying to rule their election. They’re trying to take over the Sunni Peninsula over

there in the Middle East so they can shoot missiles into Israel.


DYKE: Saudi Arabia, you mean, or—?


JOHNSON: I don’t know if it’s Saudi Arabia, it’s probably Iran that’s gonna shoot the missiles, but there’s

a peninsula they’re trying to—


DYKE: Oh, okay. Gotcha. Okay.


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JOHNSON: —then they can get their missiles into Egypt. I read twenty-four/seven. I don’t sleep at



DYKE: So, how do you find your information? I mean, you talked about Twitter, you’re avoiding the

major media altogether—


JOHNSON: Twitter, research, Google—everybody has the Google. If you want to find out Hillary Clinton,

something about Hillary Clinton, put in “Clinton Foundation.” Spend a few minutes reading that article.

Like, I don’t know if I said it already, she got 145 million from Haiti; ten percent of that money went back

to Haiti. [Johnson is referring to the Clinton Foundation’s efforts in earthquake relief starting in 2010.]

Those people are still suffering over there. Clinton Foundation is nothing but where the governments,

the nations are laundering money through the Clinton Foundation. That’s why Bill Clinton gets big

speaking fees. They can’t just deposit money in a bank; they have to launder that big money into a

account. And it’s the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia’s in on it, Algeria—. And I like to read people’s

comments under articles. And a woman from Algeria wrote that she would like to know how much

money their president had given to the Clinton Foundation, because their country was in need of health

care and food, and she didn’t understand why that president didn’t take that money and put it into their

country, instead of giving all that money to the Clinton Foundation. We know why! He’s pocketing the

money. He doesn’t care about his citizens. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin would make a better

president for the United States than Hillary Clinton!


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DYKE: Now you’re just trying to wind me up. [Laughs.]


JOHNSON: Really! He likes Donald Trump! I heard if Clinton—


DYKE: So that doesn’t worry you?


JOHNSON: You know, honestly, from what I read about Putin, I think he’s cool. I’ve read that if Clinton

gets into office, we’re definitely going to war, because Putin doesn’t like her. I read all the time. I’m up

at eleven, twelve, one two three four five six. I read all the time. But nobody—


DYKE: Now, do you ever read anything that’s positive about Clinton, or thoughts about what’s going well

in America?


JOHNSON: No. For the Clintons? No! She stole from the White House when Bill Clinton was President.

Did you know that?


DYKE: I’d heard that, yeah.

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JOHNSON: Two or two hundred and fifty thousand dollars’ worth of furniture, china—you can Google

that! I’m sure they have a person at the White House that has inventory, because that’s historical stuff

in there. And she had to return that to the White House. Once a thief, you’re always a thief. Once a

liar, you’re always a liar.


DYKE: So when you decide that information is reliable, like that—I mean, you know that she took that

stuff from the White House—. So, when you get that information, how do you decide when information

is reliable, and how do you decide when it’s biased or unreliable?


JOHNSON: I go search! I go into searching.


DYKE: But the searches will give you a bunch of different information—


JOHNSON: That’s right.


DYKE: So, there’ll be people who tell you that Clinton didn’t take the—


Page 24: Methodist University Community Oral History Project ......he says what’s on his mind. I’m the same way. I relate. I can see, a lot of what he says—you have to have his sense


JOHNSON: I go—exactly. I go by—I read all the articles, and I’ll know which—. If Fox News wrote it or

CNN wrote it, then I pretty well know what they wrote’s a falsehood. I try to stick with the people that

tell the truth in media.


DYKE: So as soon as it’s in the regular media, you know it’s unreliable.




DYKE: Yeah. So you’re looking for sort of those outside sources, who aren’t in the loop, or—


JOHNSON: The outside sources. Exactly.


DYKE: Okay. I gotcha.


JOHNSON: Exactly.


DYKE: Mmm-hmm, yeah. Makes sense.

Page 25: Methodist University Community Oral History Project ......he says what’s on his mind. I’m the same way. I relate. I can see, a lot of what he says—you have to have his sense



JOHNSON: And you have a lot of your Senators on Twitter, whistleblowers on Twitter, people that

worked for the Clintons on Twitter. Lou Dobbs, God bless his soul. You just have to go with your honest

media. And even CNN—is it Jake Taper? Tapper?


DYKE: Tapper, I think.


JOHNSON: Tapper? Jake Tapper? He’s not even a journalist! He’s a Democrat! Kelly, Megyn Kelly—she

gave 70,000 dollars to the Clinton campaign. [Johnson may be referring to the critique that Fox News’

Megyn Kelly made of ABC’s George Stephanopoulos for failing to disclose a $75,000 donation he had

made to the Clinton Foundation.] So you see why she slanders Trump on her show, which I have

boycotted. And I did read last night Fox has fell to three in the polls. [Laughs.]


DYKE: That’s some good stuff. Thank you so much.


JOHNSON: Thank you. I don’t even sleep anymore. I don’t.


DYKE: You gotta sleep. It’s good for you.

Page 26: Methodist University Community Oral History Project ......he says what’s on his mind. I’m the same way. I relate. I can see, a lot of what he says—you have to have his sense



JOHNSON: I’m worried. I’m worried how many’s already—the FBI’s already said ISIS is in all fifty states.

And the CIA have said it. And I’m worried the closer it gets to Obama getting out, he’s gonna make his

move to get ISIS to start attacking us in our state. The neighbor across the street from me, he had high-

security clearance with the Army. Our military really does not know how to fight at home. They know

how to fight when they go to these other countries, but when it comes to protecting America, they

really don’t know how to do that. But I’m sure they’re getting training for it. Look, I’m fifty-seven years

old. I’ve bought a gun, I’m pilin’ up on ammo, ammo, ammo. I take my gun everywhere. I’m scared.

Black Lives Matter—that scares me. You can’t even wear a Trump shirt out in public, afraid somebody’s

gonna hurt you. And it’s sad that America’s—and it’s sad that Black Lives Matter is working for Obama.

And he is—they are. I’ve seen the pictures of that DeRay [McKesson, a leader in the BLM movement]

sitting in President Trump’s—I mean President Obama’s office, plotting. And all this talk about this

violence at Trump’s rallies, it’s because George Soros has funded ‘em and bused ‘em in to make Trump

look bad. [George Soros is a generally liberal philanthropist and activist.] Do you ever see Trump people

at a Clinton rally? No. Because we’re middle-class people. We’re not redneck trash that they try to

make us out to be. And they know the middle class will be voting on November 9th, where they’re not

too sure of their little Democrat followers go to the booths to vote for their candidate. So they have to

slander Donald Trump.


DYKE: I’m gonna stop us there.