metastability as a coexistence mechanism in a model for ......metastability as a coexistence...

, Metastability as a coexistence mechanism in a model for dryland vegetation patterns Lukas Eigentler, Jonathan A. Sherratt Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom , Introduction Vegetation patterns are a ubiq- uitous feature of water-deprived ecosystems and are a prime ex- ample of a self-organising princi- ple in ecology. One of the main mechanisms that creates such a mosaic of biomass and bare soil is a modification of soil proper- ties by plants that induces a wa- ter redistribution feedback loop. Fig. 1: Striped vegetation (“tiger bush”) in Niger. Most models in this context only consider a single plant species or combine several species into one single variable. However, vegetation patches often consist of a mix of herbaceous and woody species. Previous simulation-based studies of dryland ecosystem models were able to reproduce patterns in which two species coexist by considering a variety of different mechanisms that enable diversity in ecosystems, such as niche adaptation to different soil moisture levels or facilitative feedbacks between two species. However, the possible effects caused by differences in basic plant properties such as mortality rates and water to biomass conversion capabilities have not yet been addressed in this context. The model We propose a reaction-diffusion system for the water density w ,a herbaceous species u 1 and a woody species u 2 , which in nondimensional form is u 1 t = plant growth z }| { wu 1 (u 1 + Hu 2 ) - plant mortality z }| { B 1 u 1 - interspecific competition z }| { Su 1 u 2 + plant dispersal z }| { 2 u 1 x 2 , u 2 t = plant growth z }| { Fwu 2 (u 1 + Hu 2 ) - plant mortality z }| { B 2 u 2 + plant dispersal z }| { D 2 u 2 x 2 , w t = A |{z} rainfall - w |{z} evaporation - w (u 1 + u 2 )(u 1 + Hu 2 ) | {z } water uptake by plants + d 2 w x 2 | {z } water diffusion . Main assumptions of the model: Vegetation-infiltration feedback loop: Plants increase water infiltration into the soil Water consumption = water density (w ) × total plant density (u 1 + u 2 ) × soil’s infiltration capacity (u 1 + Hu 2 ). Shading: Trees (u 2 ) impose an additional mortality effect on the grass (u 1 ). Plant mortality (excluding shading), water evaporation and rainfall occur at con- stant rates. Parameter Description A Rainfall B i Plant mortality F Ratio of water to biomass conversion rates (u 2 : u 1 ) H Ratio of soil modification effects (u 2 : u 1 ) S Shading intensity D Ratio of diffusion rates (u 2 : u 1 ) d Ratio of diffusion rates (w : u 1 ) -50 0 50 0 5 -50 0 50 0 5 10 -50 0 50 0.1 0.15 0.2 Fig. 2: Numerical solution of the multispecies model showing metastable patterns of species coexistence. Pa- rameter values correspond to (α) in Fig. 3. To define a measure of species difference we introduce the one parameter family B 2 = B 1 - χ(B 1 - b 2 ), F =1 - χ(1 - f ), H =1 - χ(1 - h ), S = s χ, D =1 - χ(1 - D 0 ), where B 1 and b 2 are set to typical mortality rates of a herbaceous and tree species, respectively; s is set to a typical shading intensity imposed on grass by trees; f , h and D 0 are typical respective ratios between a grass species and a tree species; and χ [0, 1] quantifies the difference between the species. Simulation results Species coexistence occurs as a metastable state, i.e. a long transient (exceeding 1000 years) to a single species state (Fig. 2). For sufficiently low precipitation levels A, patterns form on a much shorter timescale (Fig. 2). References [1] Lukas Eigentler and Jonathan A. Sherratt. Metastability as a coexistence mechanism in a model for dryland vegetation patterns. Bull. Math. Biol., in press. Metastable behaviour Metastability is characterised by the small size of the growth rate λ u of spatially uniform perturbations to a coexistence equilibrium (Fig. 3a), obtained through a linear stability analysis. The growth rate satisfies Re (λ u )= O (B 2 - B 1 F ). The quantity B 2 - B 1 F is the average fitness difference between the species. The onset of a spatial pattern on a much shorter timescale under sufficiently low precip- itation levels A occurs if max k >0 {λ s (k )} Re (λ u ) , where λ s (k ) is the growth rate of a spatially non-uniform perturbation with mode k > 0 (Fig. 3b, 3c and 3d). Similar considerations hold in an invasion-type scenario. If a stable single-species state becomes unstable due to the introduction of a competitor, coexistence as a metastable state occurs if |B 2 - B 1 F | 1, and is patterned if precipitation A is sufficiently low. This also holds if no direct interspecific competition (S = 0) is present, while the existence of a coexistence equilibrium considered above requires S 6= 0. (a) Growth rate of spatially uniform perturbations. (b) Maximum growth rate of spatially heterogeneous perturbations. (c) Order of magnitude difference between growth rates in (a), (b). 0.2 0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.01 -2 0 2 10 -4 (d) Typical dispersion relations. Fig. 3: Largest real part of eigenvalues determining stability of the coexistence steady state and examples of the dispersion relation. The (α) marker corresponds to the parameter values used in Fig. 2. Conclusions Metastability enables coexistence of two plant species competing for the same limiting resource (water) in a dryland ecosystem as a transient state. Metastability occurs if plant species have a similar average fitness, here quantified by the ratio of a species’ water to biomass conversion capabilities to its mortality rate. Thus coexistence can occur even if the species differ significantly (such as grass and trees). The understanding of transient states is of utmost importance as many ecosystems never reach an equilibrium state. Disturbances such as changes to grazing patterns or climate change interrupt the convergence to a steady state on a frequent basis, and thus keep systems in perpetual transients. A pattern’s properties such as its wavelength can provide useful tools to predict the outcome of the transient behaviour. If, for example, the wavelength of a coexistence pattern differs from that of a single-species pattern, then the wavelength changes during the transient, providing an indication on the eventual fate of the pattern. The metastability property is not specific to the two species model. Numerical simula- tions of models accounting for plant communities with more than two plant types also show coexistence patterns as metastable transients provided the species’ average fitness difference is small. Acknowledgements This research was supported by The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications, a Centre for Doctoral Training funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant EP/L016508/01), the Scottish Funding Council, Heriot- Watt University and the University of Edinburgh. ~ le8/ [email protected]

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Page 1: Metastability as a coexistence mechanism in a model for ......Metastability as a coexistence mechanism in a model for dryland vegetation patterns Lukas Eigentler, Jonathan A. Sherratt


Metastability as a coexistence mechanism in a model for drylandvegetation patterns

Lukas Eigentler, Jonathan A. SherrattMaxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, United Kingdom



Vegetation patterns are a ubiq-uitous feature of water-deprivedecosystems and are a prime ex-ample of a self-organising princi-ple in ecology. One of the mainmechanisms that creates such amosaic of biomass and bare soilis a modification of soil proper-ties by plants that induces a wa-ter redistribution feedback loop. Fig. 1: Striped vegetation (“tiger bush”) in Niger.

Most models in this context only consider a single plant species or combine severalspecies into one single variable. However, vegetation patches often consist of a mix ofherbaceous and woody species. Previous simulation-based studies of dryland ecosystemmodels were able to reproduce patterns in which two species coexist by consideringa variety of different mechanisms that enable diversity in ecosystems, such as nicheadaptation to different soil moisture levels or facilitative feedbacks between two species.However, the possible effects caused by differences in basic plant properties such asmortality rates and water to biomass conversion capabilities have not yet been addressedin this context.

The model

We propose a reaction-diffusion system for the water density w , a herbaceous speciesu1 and a woody species u2, which in nondimensional form is



plant growth︷ ︸︸ ︷wu1 (u1 + Hu2)−

plantmortality︷︸︸︷B1u1 −

interspecificcompetition︷ ︸︸ ︷Su1u2 +

plant dispersal︷︸︸︷∂2u1




plant growth︷ ︸︸ ︷Fwu2 (u1 + Hu2)−

plantmortality︷︸︸︷B2u2 +

plant dispersal︷ ︸︸ ︷D∂2u2



∂t= A︸︷︷︸


− w︸︷︷︸evaporation

−w (u1 + u2) (u1 + Hu2)︸ ︷︷ ︸water uptake by plants

+ d∂2w

∂x2︸ ︷︷ ︸water



Main assumptions of the model:

Vegetation-infiltration feedback loop: Plants increase water infiltration into thesoil ⇒ Water consumption = water density (w) × total plant density (u1 + u2)× soil’s infiltration capacity (u1 + Hu2).

Shading: Trees (u2) impose an additional mortality effect on the grass (u1).

Plant mortality (excluding shading), water evaporation and rainfall occur at con-stant rates.

Parameter Description

A RainfallBi Plant mortality

FRatio of water to biomassconversion rates (u2 : u1)

HRatio of soil modificationeffects (u2 : u1)

S Shading intensity

DRatio of diffusionrates (u2 : u1)

dRatio of diffusionrates (w : u1)

-50 0 50



-50 0 50




-50 0 50




Fig. 2: Numerical solution of the multispecies modelshowing metastable patterns of species coexistence. Pa-rameter values correspond to (α) in Fig. 3.

To define a measure of species difference we introduce the one parameter family

B2 = B1 − χ(B1 − b2), F = 1− χ(1− f ), H = 1− χ(1− h),

S = sχ, D = 1− χ(1− D0),

where B1 and b2 are set to typical mortality rates of a herbaceous and tree species,respectively; s is set to a typical shading intensity imposed on grass by trees; f , hand D0 are typical respective ratios between a grass species and a tree species; andχ ∈ [0, 1] quantifies the difference between the species.

Simulation results

Species coexistence occurs as a metastable state, i.e. a long transient (exceeding1000 years) to a single species state (Fig. 2).

For sufficiently low precipitation levels A, patterns form on a much shortertimescale (Fig. 2).


[1] Lukas Eigentler and Jonathan A. Sherratt. Metastability as a coexistence mechanism in a model for dryland vegetation

patterns. Bull. Math. Biol., in press.

Metastable behaviour

Metastability is characterised by the small size of the growth rate λu of spatially uniformperturbations to a coexistence equilibrium (Fig. 3a), obtained through a linear stabilityanalysis. The growth rate satisfies

Re (λu) = O(B2 − B1F ).

The quantity B2 − B1F is the average fitness difference between the species.

The onset of a spatial pattern on a much shorter timescale under sufficiently low precip-itation levels A occurs if

maxk>0{λs(k)} � Re (λu) ,

where λs(k) is the growth rate of a spatially non-uniform perturbation with mode k > 0(Fig. 3b, 3c and 3d).

Similar considerations hold in an invasion-type scenario. If a stable single-species statebecomes unstable due to the introduction of a competitor, coexistence as a metastablestate occurs if |B2−B1F | � 1, and is patterned if precipitation A is sufficiently low. Thisalso holds if no direct interspecific competition (S = 0) is present, while the existence ofa coexistence equilibrium considered above requires S 6= 0.

(a) Growth rate of spatially uniform perturbations. (b) Maximum growth rate of spatially heterogeneous perturbations.

(c) Order of magnitude difference between growth rates in (a), (b).

0.2 0.4













(d) Typical dispersion relations.

Fig. 3: Largest real part of eigenvalues determining stability of the coexistence steady state and examples of thedispersion relation. The (α) marker corresponds to the parameter values used in Fig. 2.


Metastability enables coexistence of two plant species competing for the same limitingresource (water) in a dryland ecosystem as a transient state.

Metastability occurs if plant species have a similar average fitness, here quantified by theratio of a species’ water to biomass conversion capabilities to its mortality rate. Thuscoexistence can occur even if the species differ significantly (such as grass and trees).

The understanding of transient states is of utmost importance as many ecosystems neverreach an equilibrium state. Disturbances such as changes to grazing patterns or climatechange interrupt the convergence to a steady state on a frequent basis, and thus keepsystems in perpetual transients.

A pattern’s properties such as its wavelength can provide useful tools to predict theoutcome of the transient behaviour. If, for example, the wavelength of a coexistencepattern differs from that of a single-species pattern, then the wavelength changes duringthe transient, providing an indication on the eventual fate of the pattern.

The metastability property is not specific to the two species model. Numerical simula-tions of models accounting for plant communities with more than two plant types alsoshow coexistence patterns as metastable transients provided the species’ average fitnessdifference is small.


This research was supported by The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications, a Centre for Doctoral Training

funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant EP/L016508/01), the Scottish Funding Council, Heriot-

Watt University and the University of Edinburgh. [email protected]