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current concepts

Memory Dysfunction

Andrew E. Budson, M.D., and Bruce H. Price, M.D.

From the Geriatric Research EducationClinical Center, Edith Nourse Rogers Me-morial Veterans Hospital, Bedford, Mass.,the Department of Neurology, Boston Uni-versity, Boston, and the Department ofNeurology, Division of Cognitive and Be-havioral Neurology, Brigham and Wom-en’s Hospital, Boston (A.E.B.); and Har-vard Medical School, Boston, and McLeanHospital, Belmont, Mass. (B.H.P.). Addressreprint requests to Dr. Budson at GRECC,Bldg. 62, Rm. B30, Edith Nourse RogersMemorial Veterans Hospital, 200 SpringsRd., Bedford, MA 01730, or at [email protected].

N Engl J Med 2005;352:692-9.

Copyright © 2005 Massachusetts Medical Society.

emory function is vulnerable to a variety of pathologic

processes including neurodegenerative diseases, strokes, tumors, head trau-ma, hypoxia, cardiac surgery, malnutrition, attention-deficit disorder, de-

pression, anxiety, the side effects of medication, and normal aging.


As such, memoryimpairment is commonly seen by physicians in multiple disciplines including neurol-ogy, psychiatry, medicine, and surgery. Memory loss is often the most disabling featureof many disorders, impairing the normal daily activities of the patients and profoundlyaffecting their families.

Some perceptions about memory, such as the concepts of “short-term” and “long-term,” have given way to a more refined understanding and improved classificationsystems. These changes result from neuropsychological studies of patients with focalbrain lesions, neuroanatomical studies in humans and animals, experiments in animals,positron-emission tomography, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and event-related potentials.

Memory is now understood to be a collection of mental abilities that depend on sev-eral systems within the brain. In this article, we will discuss the following four memorysystems that are of clinical relevance: episodic memory, semantic memory, proceduralmemory, and working memory (Table 1). We will summarize the current understand-ing of memory from the point of view of functional neuroimaging and studies of pa-tients with brain insults, which should aid clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment ofthe memory disorders of their patients. As therapeutic interventions for memory disor-ders become available, clinicians will increasingly need to be aware of the various mem-ory systems in the brain.

A memory system is a way for the brain to process information that will be availablefor use at a later time.


Different memory systems depend on different neuroanatomicalstructures (Fig. 1 and 2). Some systems are associated with conscious awareness (ex-plicit) and can be consciously recalled (declarative),


whereas others are expressed by achange in behavior (implicit) and are typically unconscious (nondeclarative). Memorycan also be categorized in many other ways, such as by the nature of the material to beremembered (e.g., verbal


or visuospatial



Episodic memory refers to the explicit and declarative memory system used to recall per-sonal experiences framed in our own context, such as a short story or what you had fordinner last night. Episodic memory has largely been defined according to the inabilityof people with amnesia due to lesions of the medial temporal lobe to remember expe-riences that healthy people can remember. Thus, this memory system depends on themedial temporal lobes (including the hippocampus and the entorhinal and perirhinalcortexes). Other critical structures in the episodic memory system (some of which are


episodic memory

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associated with a circuit described by Papez in1937


) include the basal forebrain with the medialseptum and diagonal band of Broca’s area, the ret-rosplenial cortex, the presubiculum, the fornix,mammillary bodies, the mammillothalamic tract,and the anterior nucleus of the thalamus.


A lesionin any one of these structures may cause the im-pairment that is characteristic of dysfunction of theepisodic memory system (Fig. 1).

Memory loss attributable to dysfunction of theepisodic memory system follows a predictable pat-tern known as Ribot’s law, which states that eventsjust before an ictus are most vulnerable to dissolu-tion, whereas remote memories are most resistant.Thus, in cases of dysfunction of the episodic mem-ory system, the ability to learn new information isimpaired (anterograde amnesia), recently learnedinformation cannot be retrieved (retrograde am-nesia), and remotely learned information is usuallyspared.


Studies have shown that the episodic memorysystem includes the frontal lobes.


Rather thanbeing responsible for the retention of information,the frontal lobes are involved in the registration, ac-quisition, or encoding of information


; the retrievalof information without contextual and other cues


;the recollection of the source of information


; andthe assessment of the temporal sequence and re-cency of events.


Studies have also shown that theleft medial temporal and left frontal lobes are mostactive when a person is learning words,



the right medial temporal and right frontal lobes aremost active when learning visual scenes.


One reason that the frontal lobes are important

for encoding is that they permit the person to focuson the information to be remembered and to en-gage the medial temporal lobes. Dysfunction of thefrontal lobes may cause distortions of episodicmemory as well as false memories, such as infor-mation that is associated with the wrong context


or with incorrect specific details.


Extreme exam-ples of memory distortions include confabulation,which occurs when “memories” are created to beconsistent with current information,


such as “re-membering” that someone broke into the houseand rearranged household items.

These differences between deficits in episodicmemory that occur because of damage to the medi-al temporal lobes (and the Papez circuit) and thosethat occur because of damage to the frontal lobescan be conceptualized in an oversimplified but clin-ically useful analogy.


The frontal lobes are analo-gous to the “file clerk” of the episodic memory sys-tem, the medial temporal lobes to the “recentmemory file cabinet,” and other cortical regions tothe “remote memory file cabinet.” Thus, if thefrontal lobes are impaired, it is difficult — but notimpossible — to get information in and out of stor-age. However, the information may be distorted ow-ing to “improper filing” that leads to an inaccuratesource, context, or sequence. If, however, the medi-al temporal lobes are rendered completely dysfunc-

Table 1. Selected Memory Systems.

Memory SystemMajor Anatomical

Structures InvolvedLength of Storage

of Memory Type of Awareness Examples

Episodic memory Medial temporal lobes, anteri-or thalamic nucleus, mam-millary body, fornix, pre-frontal cortex

Minutes to years Explicit, declarative Remembering a short story, what you had for dinner last night, and what you did on your last birthday

Semantic memory Inferolateral temporal lobes Minutes to years Explicit, declarative Knowing who was the first president of the United States, the color of a lion, and how a fork differs from a comb

Procedural memory Basal ganglia, cerebellum, supplementary motor area

Minutes to years Explicit or implicit, nondeclarative

Driving a car with a standard trans-mission (explicit) and learning the sequence of numbers on a touch-tone phone without trying (implicit)

Working memory Phonologic: prefrontal cortex, Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area

Spatial: prefrontal cortex, visual-association areas

Seconds to minutes; information active-ly rehearsed or ma-nipulated

Explicit, declarative Phonologic: keeping a phone num-ber “in your head” before dialing

Spatial: mentally following a route or rotating an object in your mind

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tional, it will be impossible for recent informationto be retained. Older information that has been con-solidated over a period of months or years is thoughtto be stored in other cortical regions and will there-fore be available even when medial temporal lobesand the Papez circuit are damaged. For example,although patients with depression and those withAlzheimer’s disease may exhibit episodic memorydysfunction, the former have a dysfunctional “fileclerk” and the latter have a dysfunctional “recentmemory file cabinet.”

Disorders of episodic memory may be transient,such as those attributable to a concussion, a seizure,or transient global amnesia. Static disorders, suchas traumatic brain injury, hypoxic or ischemic injury,single strokes, surgical lesions, and encephalitis,typically are maximal at onset (or for several days),improve (sometimes over periods of two years ormore), and then are stable. Degenerative diseases,including Alzheimer’s disease,


dementia withLewy bodies, and frontotemporal dementia, begininsidiously and progress gradually. Disorders af-fecting multiple brain regions, such as vascular de-

mentia and multiple sclerosis, progress in a step-wise manner. Other disorders of memory, such asthose due to medications, hypoglycemia, tumors,and Korsakoff ’s syndrome, can have a more com-plicated and variable time course.

Once a disorder of episodic memory is suspect-ed on the basis of a reported inability to rememberrecent information and experiences accurately, ad-ditional evaluation is warranted. A detailed historyshould be taken, with particular emphasis on thetime course of the memory disorder. Interviewing acaregiver or other informant is usually critical foraccuracy, since the patient will invariably not re-member important aspects of the history. A historyof other cognitive deficits (e.g., attention, language,visuospatial, and executive) should be elicited. Amedical and neurologic examination should be per-formed, with a focus on searching for signs of sys-temic illness, focal neurologic injury, and neurode-generative disorders.

Cursory cognitive testing may be performed byasking the patient to remember a short story or sev-eral words, or with the use of instruments such as

Figure 1. Episodic Memory.

The medial temporal lobes, including the hippocampus and parahippocampus, form the core of the episodic memory system. Other brain regions are also necessary for episodic memory to function correctly.


Anterior thalamicnucleus

Mammillary body




Cingulate gyrus




Mammillothalamic tract

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the Mini–Mental State Examination,


the BlessedDementia Scale,


the Three Words–Three Shapesmemory test,


the word-list memory test of theConsortium to Establish a Registry for Alzhei-mer’s Disease,


the Drilled Word Span Test,


andthe Seven-Minute Screen.


In complex cases, aformal neuropsychological evaluation should beconsidered.

To aid in distinguishing disorders of episodicmemory that are attributable to dysfunction of thefrontal lobes from those attributable to dysfunctionof the medial temporal lobes, difficulties in the en-coding and retrieval of information should be con-trasted with primary failure of storage. When infor-mation cannot be remembered even after encodinghas been maximized by multiple rehearsals, and af-ter retrieval demands have been minimized with theuse of a multiple-choice recognition test, a primaryfailure of storage is present. (See the Supplementa-ry Appendix, available with the full text of this arti-cle at, for suggestions on how to usethese tests in clinical practice.)

Laboratory and imaging studies will usually beindicated, according to the differential diagnosis.Treatment depends on the specific disorder. Cho-linesterase inhibitors


and memantine


have beenapproved by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) to treat Alzheimer’s disease; the former havealso been used to treat vascular dementia


and de-mentia with Lewy bodies.


Two recent reviews dis-cuss the effectiveness of these treatments.


Semantic memory refers to our general store of con-ceptual and factual knowledge, such as the color ofa lion or the first president of the United States, thatis not related to any specific memory. Like episodicmemory, semantic memory is a declarative and ex-plicit memory system. Evidence that this memorysystem is different from episodic memory emergesfrom neuroimaging studies


and the fact that pre-viously acquired semantic memory is spared in pa-tients who have severe impairment of the episodicmemory system, such as with disruption of the Pa-pez circuit (e.g., in Korsakoff ’s syndrome) or sur-gical removal of the medial temporal lobes.


Since in its broadest sense semantic memory in-cludes all our knowledge of the world not related tospecific episodic memories, one could argue thatit resides in multiple cortical areas. There is evi-dence, for example, that visual images are stored in

nearby visual-association areas.


However, a morerestrictive view of semantic memory, one that isjustified in light of the naming and categorizationtasks by which it is usually measured, localizes se-mantic memory to the inferolateral temporal lobes(Fig. 2).


Alzheimer’s disease is the most common clini-cal disorder disrupting semantic memory. Thisdisruption may be attributable to pathology in theinferolateral temporal lobes


or to pathology infrontal cortexes,


leading to poor activation and re-trieval of semantic information.


In Alzheimer’sdisease, episodic and semantic memory decline in-dependently of each other, supporting the idea thattwo separate memory systems are impaired in thisdisorder.


Other causes of the impairment of semantic

memory include almost any disorder that may dis-rupt the inferolateral temporal lobes, such as trau-matic brain injury, stroke, surgical lesions, enceph-alitis, and tumors (Table 2). Patients with thetemporal variant of frontotemporal dementia,known as semantic dementia, also exhibit deficitsin all functions of semantic memory, including

semantic memory

Figure 2. Semantic, Procedural, and Working Memories.

The inferolateral temporal lobes are important in the naming and categoriza-tion tasks by which semantic memory is typically assessed. However, in the broadest sense, semantic memory may reside in multiple and diverse cortical areas that are related to various types of knowledge. The basal ganglia, cere-bellum, and supplementary motor area are critical for procedural memory. The prefrontal cortex is active in virtually all working memory tasks. Other cor-tical and subcortical brain regions will also be active, depending on the type and complexity of the working memory task.

Semantic memory

Procedural memory

Working memory

Inferolateraltemporal lobe


Supplementarymotor area

Basal ganglia(putamen)


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naming and single-word comprehension and im-poverished general knowledge. They show relativepreservation of other components of speech, per-ceptual and nonverbal problem-solving skills, andepisodic memory.


Disorders of semantic memory should be sus-pected when patients have difficulty naming itemswhose names they previously knew. The evaluationfor disorders of semantic memory should includethe same components as the evaluation used for dis-orders of episodic memory. The history and cogni-tive examination should ascertain whether the prob-lem is solely attributable to a difficulty in recallingpeople’s names and other proper nouns, which iscommon, particularly in healthy older adults, or toa true loss of semantic information. Patients withmild dysfunction of semantic memory may showonly reduced generation of words for semantic cat-egories (e.g., the number of names of animals thatcan be generated in one minute), whereas patientswith a more severe impairment of semantic memorytypically show a two-way naming deficit (i.e., theyare unable to name an item when it is described andare also unable to describe an item when they aregiven its name). These more severely affected pa-tients also show impoverished general knowledge.Treatment depends on the specific disorder.

Procedural memory refers to the ability to learn be-havioral and cognitive skills and algorithms that areused at an automatic, unconscious level. Procedur-al memory is nondeclarative but during acquisitionmay be either explicit (such as learning to drive a carwith a standard transmission) or implicit (such aslearning the sequence of numbers on a touch-tonephone without conscious effort). That proceduralmemory can be spared in patients who have severedeficits of the episodic-memory system, such as pa-tients with Korsakoff ’s syndrome or Alzheimer’sdisease or who have undergone surgical removal ofthe medial temporal lobes,


demonstrates thatprocedural memory depends on a memory systemthat is separate and distinct from the episodic mem-ory and semantic memory systems.

Research with the use of functional imaging hasshown that brain regions involved in proceduralmemory, including the supplementary motor area,basal ganglia, and cerebellum, become active as anew task is being learned (Fig. 2).


Corroboratingevidence comes from studies of patients with le-

procedural memory

* Tumors, strokes, hemorrhages, and other focal disease processes may affect these memory systems, depending

on the neuroanatomical structures disrupted.

Table 2. Four Memory Systems and Common Clinical Disorders That Disrupt Them.*

Episodic memory

Alzheimer’s diseaseMild cognitive impairment, amnestic typeDementia with Lewy bodiesEncephalitis (most commonly, herpes simplex

encephalitis)Frontal variant of frontotemporal dementiaKorsakoff’s syndromeTransient global amnesiaConcussionTraumatic brain injurySeizureHypoxic–ischemic injuryCardiopulmonary bypassSide effects of medicationDeficiency of vitamin B


HypoglycemiaAnxietyTemporal-lobe surgeryVascular dementiaMultiple sclerosis

Semantic memory

Alzheimer’s diseaseSemantic dementia (temporal variant of frontotemporal

dementia)Traumatic brain injuryEncephalitis (most commonly, herpes simplex


Procedural memory

Parkinsons’s diseaseHuntington’s diseaseProgressive supranuclear palsyOlivopontocerebellar degenerationDepressionObsessive–compulsive disorder

Working memory

Normal agingVascular dementiaFrontal variant of frontotemporal dementiaAlzheimer’s diseaseDementia with Lewy bodiesMultiple sclerosisTraumatic brain injurySide effects of medicationAttention deficit–hyperactivity disorderObsessive–compulsive disorderSchizophreniaParkinson’s diseaseHuntington’s diseaseProgressive supranuclear palsyCardiopulmonary bypassDeficiency of vitamin B


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sions in the basal ganglia or cerebellum who showimpairment in learning procedural skills.


Becausethe disease process in early Alzheimer’s disease af-fects cortical and limbic structures while sparingthe basal ganglia and cerebellum, these patientsshow deficits in episodic memory but normal ac-quisition and maintenance of procedural skills.

Parkinson’s disease is the most common disor-der affecting procedural memory. Other neurode-generative diseases that disrupt procedural memoryinclude Huntington’s disease and olivopontocere-bellar degeneration. Patients in the early stages ofthese disorders perform nearly normally on episod-ic memory tests but show an impaired ability tolearn skills.


Tumors, strokes, hemorrhages,and other causes of damage to the basal ganglia orcerebellum may also disrupt procedural memory.Patients with major depression have also beenshown to have impairment in procedural memory,perhaps because depression may involve dysfunc-tion of the basal ganglia (Table 2).


Disruption of procedural memory should be sus-pected when patients show evidence of either theloss of previously learned skills or substantial im-pairment in learning new skills. For example, pa-tients may lose the ability to perform automatic,skilled movements, such as writing, playing a mu-sical instrument, or swinging a golf club. Althoughthey may be able to relearn the fundamentals ofthese skills, explicit thinking is often required fortheir performance. As a result, patients with damageto the procedural memory system may never achievethe automatic effortlessness of simple motor tasksthat healthy people take for granted.

Evaluation of disorders of procedural memoryis similar to that of disorders of episodic memory;treatment of the underlying cause depends on thespecific disease process. It is worth noting that pa-tients whose episodic memory has been devastatedby encephalitis, for example, have had success in re-habilitation by using the procedural memory sys-tem to learn new skills.


Working memory is a combination of the tradition-al fields of attention, concentration, and short-termmemory. It refers to the ability to temporarily main-tain and manipulate information that one needs tokeep in mind. Because it requires active and con-scious participation, working memory is an explicitand declarative memory system. Working memory

has traditionally been divided into components thatprocess phonologic information (e.g., keeping aphone number “in your head”) or spatial informa-tion (e.g., mentally following a route) and an exec-utive system that allocates attentional resources.


Numerous studies have shown that workingmemory uses a network of cortical and subcorticalareas, depending on the particular task.


However,virtually all tasks involving working memory requireparticipation of the prefrontal cortex (Fig. 2).


Typ-ically, the network of cortical and subcortical areasincludes posterior brain regions (e.g., visual-asso-ciation areas) that are linked with prefrontal regionsto form a circuit. Studies have shown that phono-logic working memory tends to involve more re-gions on the left side of the brain, whereas spatialworking memory tends to involve more regions onthe right side.


Studies have also shown that moredifficult tasks involving working memory requirebilateral brain activation, regardless of the natureof the material being manipulated.


Furthermore,there is an increase in the number of activated brainregions in the prefrontal cortex as the complexity ofthe task increases.


Because working memory depends on a networkof activity that includes subcortical structures aswell as frontal and parietal cortical regions, manyneurodegenerative diseases impair working-mem-ory tasks. Studies have shown that patients withAlzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or Huntington’s diseaseor dementia with Lewy bodies, as well as less com-mon disorders such as progressive supranuclearpalsy, may show impaired working memory (Table2).


In addition to neurodegenerative diseases,almost any disease process that disrupts the frontallobes or their connections to posterior cortical re-gions and subcortical structures can interfere withworking memory. Such processes include strokes,tumors, head injury, and multiple sclerosis, amongothers.


Because phonologic working memoryinvolves the silent rehearsal of verbal information,almost any kind of aphasia can also impair it. Al-though the pathophysiology is not well understood,disorders that diminish attentional resources, suchas attention deficit–hyperactivity disorder, obses-sive–compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and de-pression, can also impair working memory.


A disorder of working memory can present inseveral ways. Most commonly, the patient will showan inability to concentrate or pay attention. Diffi-culty performing a new task involving multistep in-structions may be seen. A disorder of working mem-

working memory

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ory may also present as a problem with episodicmemory. In such cases, the evaluation will show aprimary failure of encoding, because in order totransfer information into episodic memory, the in-formation must first be “kept in mind” by workingmemory.


Evaluation of working memory is similar to thatof disorders of episodic memory. Treatment de-pends on the specific cause; for instance, stimulantshave been approved by the FDA to treat attentiondeficit–hyperactivity disorder.


Traditionally, memory has been viewed as a simpleconcept. In fact, the use of various methods has pro-

duced converging and complementary lines of evi-dence, suggesting that memory is composed of sep-arate and distinct systems. A single disease process(such as Alzheimer’s disease) may impair more thanone memory system. Improved understanding ofthe types of memory will aid clinicians in the diag-nosis and treatment of their patients’ memory dis-orders. This knowledge will become increasinglyimportant as more specific strategies emerge forthe treatment of memory dysfunction.

Dr. Budson reports having received consultation or lecture feesfrom Eisai, Forest Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, and Pfizer.

We are indebted to Daniel Schacter, David Wolk, Daniel Press, Jef-frey Joseph, Dorene Rentz, Paul Solomon, and Hyemi Chong fortheir helpful comments on the manuscript, figures, and supplemen-tary appendix.




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