membrane conference: 23–27 may 2000


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nDm~ 2000iiiiiii...

MelRbrane Conference


23-27 May 2000Boul der, Co larado , USA, is the

venue of the No r th Am er ican

Membran e Society 's (N AMS)

fir st membrane scie nce and

technol og y confere nce and

workshop of the mill ennium.

Th e pr eliminary pr ogramme

o f th e II th annual meeting,

which takes pl ace in May,

has been announced . The

first two days are tak en up with

six work shop s cover ing topics

such as NIST m easuremen t

method s, biofilm/fouling,

module design, memb ran e

for mation and mater ials, and

m olecular sim u lat io n. The

rem aining co nfe re nce co ns ists

of three plenary lectures and

technical sessio ns given by

industry expe r ts , wh o will be

ann ounced at a later dat e .

The technical programme is

divided int o four sections: Session

A on Membrane Fundamentals

includ es presentations on me m­

brane for ma tion and modi­

ficati on , mem bran e fo uling ,

cleaning and characte r isation, and

mem br ane transport; Session B

on Mem brane Processes covers

liqui d separatio n, gas/vapo ur

separations and per vaporation ,

and small-scale sample prepara·

tion ; Session C on Membrane

Applications loo ks at en viro n­

men tal separations and water

trea tment, biological separations

and fuel cell membra nes; and

Session 0 enti tled Specia l Sessions

covers controlled release and drug

de livery, and inorgan ic m em ­

bran es for reaction and

separation .

Registration m ade before 2 1

Marc h 2000 will cost 350 for

membe rs , S4 15 for non ­

mem bers and S125 for stude nt

mem bers. Registration fees afte r

th at dat e incr ease , e .g.

reg istra t ion made after 2 1 April

w ill cos t S500 for m em ber s,

565 for non -mem bers and S225

for student members.

For more information contact:

Dr John Pelleqrino, National

Institute ofStandards and

Teclmoloqy; 325 Broad...ay ,li S

838 .01, Boulder, CO 80303,


Tel: +I 303 497 3416; Fax: +I


E-mail: [email protected]'Bov.

Alternatively l'isit th e website



Headquartered in Tennessee, USA,

BBA Nonwovens has embarke d on

an integration of its North Amer ican

filtration busin ess, establishing the

Reemay, former Veratec and former

FiberWeb filtration segments under

a single leadership.

Fra nk Baker, Reem ay Inc 's

Filtration Business Un it manager,

will take on sole responsibility for

th e three businesses. Cur rently,

products are prod uced at five sites:

Lewisburg, Penns ylvania, Bethune,

South Carolina, Washougal,

Washington, Simpsonville, South

Caro lina, and Old Hickory,

Tenn essee.

The move will promote th e

development of ne w pr oducts,

improve account management and

serve customers more effective ly by

providing a single source of all BBA

Nonwovens filtration products says

the company.

Headquar ters: Providence Commons. 106 12-D Providence Rd. Suite 710 Charlotte. NC 28277 Phone: + I 704 845 3000 Europe: +47 977 07000

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8 JanuaryIFebruary 2000 Filtration + separation