meeting transcript provided by public resources 21, 2015.pdf · meeting transcript provided by...

Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources April 21, 2015 Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone. It Is April , , The Time Is 9and I'm Ready To Call Torder The Board Of County Commissioners Meeting For Lee County, Florida. This Morning Before We Get Started Exhibitioner Pendergrass Has A Special Recognition He Wants To Make. In And Harry Was A County Commissioner Here And He'll Be Recognized. [Applause] Thanks For Coming Back. Thank You For Making Us Better Minnesota And Commissioners. I'd Like To Ask Paul Lodato From Wrxy Tv To Come Say Our Prayer. Good Morning, Gentlemen An Everyone In Here. You Know, I'm Reminded Of The Money We Print In God We Trust And I Thank God For Civic Leaders And County Commissioners That Acknowledge God, So Thank You For That. Father God, We Just Thank You You Continue To Give Wisdom And Guidance To Our Leaders Concerning This City And The Wonderful Place We Live And Instruct Them According To The Way We Should Go. Please Join Me In The Pledge Of Allegiance. You May Be Seated. Okay. I Would Like To Recognize Commissioner Mann For Our First Presentation Today. Commissioner Mann. Mr. Chairman, Thank You So Very Much. Let Me Call Upon And Ask To Join Us Here At The Rostrum, Aaron White Heed And Laveen. Step Right There Behind That Microphone. We Are Going To Say Some Nice Things About Fair Housing And The Role You Play. This Resolution Reads, Whereas April Marks The Anniversary Of The Passage Of The Fair Housing Act Of Which Sought To Eliminate Discrimination And Housing Opportunities And To Affirmatively Further Housing Choices For All Americans And Which Enunciates A National Policy Of Fair Housing Without Regard To Race, Color, Creed, National Origin, Sex, Familial Status And Handicap And Encourages Fair Housing Opportunities For All Citizens And Whereas The Ongoing Struggle For Dignity And Housing Opportunity For All Is Not The Exclusive Province Of The Federal Government And Whereas Vigorous Local Efforts To Combat Discrimination Can Be As Effective If Not More So Than Federal Efforts And Whereas Illegal Opportunity And Housing No Matter How Subtle Diminish The Rights Of All. Now, Therefore Be It Resolved That The Board Of County Commissioners Of Lee County, Florida In The Pursuit Of The Shared Goal And The Responsibility For Providing Equal Housing Opportunities For All People Does Hereby Join In The National Celebration By Proclaiming April As Fair Housing Month In Lee County And Encourages All Agencies, Institutions And All Individuals, Public And Private In Lee County To Abide By The Letter And Spirit Of The Fair Housing Law. This Was Signed By Our Chairman This Very Day, Barry Hamman. Thank You For You For What You Do For Fairness In America. [Applause] 1 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Page 1: Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources 21, 2015.pdf · Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources. April 21, 2015 . Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone

Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources April 21, 2015 Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone. It Is April , , The Time Is 9and I'm Ready To Call Torder The Board Of County Commissioners Meeting For Lee County, Florida. This Morning Before We Get Started Exhibitioner Pendergrass Has A Special Recognition He Wants To Make.

In And Harry Was A County Commissioner Here And He'll Be Recognized. [Applause] Thanks For Coming Back.

Thank You For Making Us Better Minnesota And Commissioners. I'd Like To Ask Paul Lodato From Wrxy Tv To Come Say Our Prayer.

Good Morning, Gentlemen An Everyone In Here. You Know, I'm Reminded Of The Money We Print In God We Trust And I Thank God For Civic Leaders And County Commissioners That Acknowledge God, So Thank You For That. Father God, We Just Thank You You Continue To Give Wisdom And Guidance To Our Leaders Concerning This City And The Wonderful Place We Live And Instruct Them According To The Way We Should Go.

Please Join Me In The Pledge Of Allegiance. You May Be Seated. Okay. I Would Like To Recognize Commissioner Mann For Our First Presentation Today. Commissioner Mann.

Mr. Chairman, Thank You So Very Much. Let Me Call Upon And Ask To Join Us Here At The Rostrum, Aaron White Heed And Laveen. Step Right There Behind That Microphone. We Are Going To Say Some Nice Things About Fair Housing And The Role You Play. This Resolution Reads, Whereas April Marks The Anniversary Of The Passage Of The Fair Housing Act Of Which Sought To Eliminate Discrimination And Housing Opportunities And To Affirmatively Further Housing Choices For All Americans And Which Enunciates A National Policy Of Fair Housing Without Regard To Race, Color, Creed, National Origin, Sex, Familial Status And Handicap And Encourages Fair Housing Opportunities For All Citizens And Whereas The Ongoing Struggle For Dignity And Housing Opportunity For All Is Not The Exclusive Province Of The Federal Government And Whereas Vigorous Local Efforts To Combat Discrimination Can Be As Effective If Not More So Than Federal Efforts And Whereas Illegal Opportunity And Housing No Matter How Subtle Diminish The Rights Of All. Now, Therefore Be It Resolved That The Board Of County Commissioners Of Lee County, Florida In The Pursuit Of The Shared Goal And The Responsibility For Providing Equal Housing Opportunities For All People Does Hereby Join In The National Celebration By Proclaiming April As Fair Housing Month In Lee County And Encourages All Agencies, Institutions And All Individuals, Public And Private In Lee County To Abide By The Letter And Spirit Of The Fair Housing Law. This Was Signed By Our Chairman This Very Day, Barry Hamman. Thank You For You For What You Do For Fairness In America. [Applause]

1 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

Page 2: Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources 21, 2015.pdf · Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources. April 21, 2015 . Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone

Want To Get Our Picture Taken With You All.

My Name Is Aaron Laveen. I Want To Thank The Council For Recognizing Fair Housing Month Which Is April Of Every Year. It Is Also April -- April Is A Time When We Do Outreach In Training And Fair Housing Should Happen In Every Month And We Are Glad That The County Has Taken The Opportunity To Put A Little Bit Of Attention On Fair Housing, Something That We All Should Keep In Mind. On Behalf Of The Department We Thank You For Issuing The Proclamation.

Thank You. Thank You Very Much. [Applause]

All Right, I'd Like To Recognize Our Human Resources Department For Our Quarterly Length Of Service Awards.

Thank You, Mr. Chair. Stephanie.

Good Morning. I'm Stephanie Fig Row Ra With Human Resources For Lee County Board Of County Commissioners. I'm Accompanied By Lee El Kins From Human Resources And Our County Manager. We Are Here This Morning To Present The Length Of Service Awards To All Eligible Employees For The First Quarter Of . These Awards Represent Collectively Years Of Service To Lee County Government. For Those Employees Present, As I Call Out Your Name, Please Step Forward To Receive Your Pin From The County Manager And Greet The Commissioners And County Administration. Please Remain Off To The Side In Order To Take A Group Photo At The End Of The Presentation. As I Start Calling Each Group By Years Of Service I Ask For Everyone In That Group To Congregate In The Back So Let's Get Started With The Five Year Recipients. May I Please Have The Five Year Recipients Begin Congregated In The Back? With Five Years Of Service To Lee County Government, Leo Avula, Animal Services. [Applause] Brian Barron, Utilities. [Applause] George Burg, Solid Waste. [Applause] Jason Eash, Parks And Rec. [Applause] Melissa Espinoza, Human Services. James Francisco, Parks And Rec. [Applause] Michelle Penny, Animal Services. [Applause] Keith Seecrest, Animal Services. [Applause] Victor Vasquez, Solid Waste. [Applause] May I Have Our Ten Your Recipients Please Begin Congregating In The Back? With Ten Years Of Service Kendra [Inaudible]. [Applause] [Inaudible] -- I Apologize, Upfront. [Applause] Simon Bear, Bcb. [Applause] Today Flanery, Public Safety. [Applause] Kelsey Flanery, Public Safety. [Applause] Michael Hamman, Parks And Rec. [Applause] Rene Hinkel, Public Safety. [Applause] Rodney Jacobs, Dot Engineering. [Applause] Deborah Long, Utilities. Robert Panning, Parks And Rec. [Applause] Davis Roe, Utilities. [Applause] James Ship, Utilities. [Applause] Maria [Inaudible], Dot Operations. [Applause] Jesus [Inaudible], Facilities Manager. [Applause] I Apologize, Jesus Is Actually The Beginning Of Our Years Of Service So May I Have All The Year Recipients Congregating In The Back And With Years Of Service, Jesus [Inaudible]. Not Here? I Apologize. [Inaudible], Parks And Rec. [Applause] Carlos Cruise, Fleet Management. [Applause] James [Inaudible], County Administration. [Applause] Patricia Depiro, Utilities. [Applause] Douglas Higgins, Public Safety. 2 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

Page 3: Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources 21, 2015.pdf · Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources. April 21, 2015 . Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone

[Applause] Amy Hoit, Gis Operations. [Applause] Emery Smith, Solid Waste. [Applause] Patrick [Inaudible], Public Safety. [Applause] Eric [Inaudible], Solid Waste. [Applause] May I Have Our Year Recipients Please Congregate In The Back? With Years Of Service With Lee County Public Safety, Brenda Bledsoe. [Applause] Cindy Carter, Parks An Rec. [Applause] Edward Niece, Utilities. [Applause] Addy Pernel, Dot Operations. [Applause] With Years Of Service With Lee County Dot Development Services, Patricia Arnold. [Applause] Michael [Inaudible], Solid Waste. [Applause] Bill Ritz, Dot Traffic. [Applause] Linda Thompson, County Land. [Applause] With Years Of Service With Lee County Dot Operations, Charles Robinson. [Applause] Congratulations To All These Employees And Thank You For Your Years Of Service To Lee County. Please Stay For A Group Photo. [Applause]

That Is One Of My Favorite Celebrations That We Do Here, Getting A Chance To Celebrate All Our Hard Working Employees. Thank You For Your Staff An What You All Do. The Next Item On Our Agenda Is The Recap. I Have A Couple Items On The Recap Under Revisions And Corrections That We Will Need Of Motion For. I Have A Motion From Commissioner Mann To Act Accept Those. Second From Commissioner Manning. Any Discussion? No Discussion. Are There Any Objections? No Objection. Motion Carried. The Recap Has Been Accepted. Moving On, Commissioner Manning, Do You Have Any Additional Items You'd Like To Pull For Discussion?

No, I Do Not.

Mr. Pendergrass, Do You Have Any Items You Wish To Pull.

Item .

I'd Like To Pull And Through . All Of Them. Through . Okay. And Commissioner Kiker, Anything?

None For Me, Thank You.

Okay, Great. And I Have None To Pull. Now We'll Take Public Comment On The Balance Of The Items On Our Agenda. If You Wish To Talk On Any Items Other Than Or Through Besides The Public Hearing Which Is , We Are Going To Take That Later, Now Is The Time To Speak On Public Comment. I Have No Public Comment Cards On Any Of Those Items So Does Any Members Of The Audience Wish To Speak On Any Items Other Than , Through . Seeing None, I'll Close Public Comment. Do I Have A Motion To Approve The Ballot. Moved. Seconded By Commissioner Manning. Any Discussion? No Objections. Motion Carries. Let's Go In Chronological Order On The Items To Discuss. Commissioner Pendergrass, You Pulled Item Number .

I Want To Take This Opportunity To Thank All The Years Of Hard Service And Dedicated Service The Committee Member Haves Made To The Committee Here In Lee County. They Have Had A Lot Of Success And I'm Confident It Will Be A Success Working With The 3 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

Page 4: Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources 21, 2015.pdf · Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources. April 21, 2015 . Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone

Southwest Community Foundation. I Just Want To Ask The County Manager If We Going To Have Some Type Of Line Of Communication At All In The Future If They Come Up With Any Good Ideas For The Sustainability Committee If It Can Come Back To Lee County, How We Can Implement The Goals.

The Short Version Of The Answer Is, Absolutely. We Will Have Folks Who Will Be Our Liaison To The Committee Working With The Foundation And We Will Do Our Part In The Community. Our Sustainable -- Sustainability Involvement Will Look Much Look Like A Corporate Sustainability Plan, But The Community Partners Will Be There.

That Is What My Main Concern Is That We Get Feedback From Them In Case There Is Something We Want To Use It For And Thank You To All The Community Members Who Are Here This Morning Who Spent Years Of Hard Blood, Sweat And Tears Putting To Together, Spending A Lot Of Time Working For Lee County. I'd Like To Say Thank You And Move The Item Forward.

Before We Get Into Board Discussion I'd Like To Ask Is There Any Public Comment On Item Which Is The Item On The Sustainability Plan? Seeing Know, I'll Close Public Comment. Board Members, Any Discussion? Commissioner Mann.

I Know We Join Commissioner Pendergrass In Our Gratitude To All The Members Who Worked Without Pay On The Old Sustainability Committee. I Just Want To Add These Short Comments. This Is A New Approach That We Are Taking On The Whole Concept Of Sustainability. It Is A Word That Gets Used And A Becaused On Occasion, But It Tries To Stay What Is The Most Efficient And Effective Way We Can Run Our County And Our Responsibilities In Dealing With Our Fellow Men And Women And Just Do It Right. A Lot Of People Have Been Trying To Point Us In The Right Direction And We Appreciate Their Efforts. This Is A Caveat, And I Know You Have Thought Through This And I Appreciate Y'all Individual Briefing Of All Of Us, Especially With Sarah Owens. I Want To Make Sure That Just Because We Have Transferred This To A Private Sector Agency That It Doesn't Become Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind. It Is Still A Very Important Component Of Our Vision For The Future And I'm Hoping We Get Briefings From You And/Or Sarah From Time To Time As We Enter This New Partnership, But I Think It Is A Good Effort Here On Your Part And On Her Part And I Thank Her For Her Willingness To Take This On.

Thank You. Do You Have Anything You'd Like To Add, Mr. County Manager?

Only To Say That We Recognize The Importance Of The Work That The Foundation Will Be Undertaking With The Community Sustainable -- Sustainability Plan. We Will Play Our Role And We'll Probably Workshop It From Time To Time.

Any Further Discussion, Board Members?

Move Item.

4 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

Page 5: Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources 21, 2015.pdf · Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources. April 21, 2015 . Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone


I Have A Motion From Commissioner Pendergrass, A Second From Commissioner Mann. Any Further Discussion? No More Discussion. Any Objections? No Objection. Motion Carries Unanimously. Okay, Let's Move On To Item Number . Let's -- Do You Want To Pull Them As A Group, Mr. Mann?

I'll Ultimately Move Them As A Deal.

Let's Introduce What Through Are And I'll Go Ahead And Get Your Comments, Commissioner Mann.

These Agenda Items Are A Purchase And Leasing Vehicles For Department Of Trans-- For Or Department Of Transportation. And If You Need More Detail I'm Going To Ask Mr. Loveland To Give That To You.

Excellent, Commissioner Mann.

I'm Always The Last One To Support Buying Expensive New Equipment That Gets Freighted Off And Then Somebody Buys It And They Use It Another Ten Years And Get Really Good Use Out Of It. I'm A Stickler For Let's Use It Until The Wheels Are Falling Off. But The Question I Have, I'll Go Ahead An Support This Because I Know I Always Lose After My Little Lecture, But The Last One, Number , We Are Leasing At $,0 A Year. Now, If Leasing Is Good Here For A Vacuum Truck, Why Is Not Leasing Good On All Of Them? What Is The General Policy Decision? What Comes Behind The Staff On This?

Mr. Chair. Thank You, Commissioner. I'll Give You The Overview, But If You Need More Than What I Have For You We'll Ask Someone To Come To The Podium. Our Traytive Policy These Days Is Whenever There Are Purchases Of Any Kind Of Vehicle, Heavy Equipment, Automobile, Pick Up Truck, We Do Some Analysis To Determine Which Is The Better Cost To Lease Or To Purchase. In Some Cases It Is About Reliability Of The Vehicle. Some Of These Pieces Of Heavy Equipment That Are Used Everyday Under Heavy Stress And We Need Them In Service All The Time And With Some Of These Leases We Have Guarantees From The Vendor That If We Have A Piece Of Equipment Go Down For A Specified Period Of Time They'll Replace That Piece Of Equipment. So We Have Little Down Time And We Are Able To Keep Working. It Is A Combination Of Cost And Productivity.

Do You Suppose If Any Of The -- If Your Staff, In Addition To Yourself, Responded That I Would Know Anymore When They Got Done Than I Do Now?

No, Sir, Not Unless We Start Pulling Out Spreadsheets, I Don't Think. Which We Are Happy To Do.

5 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

Page 6: Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources 21, 2015.pdf · Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources. April 21, 2015 . Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone

Maybe You And I Can Have Some More Private Prayer Meetings On This Overall Subject In The Future And Maybe Sometime In The Far Distant Future I'll Feel More Comfortable About These Trade Ins.

Happy To Pray With You Anytime Commissioner.

I'll Second Mr. --

Before We --

Which I Was Reluctantly About To Make.

I'll Get Back To You For Your Motion In Just A Moment. Is There Anybody Who Wishes To Speak On Items , , Or Which Would Be Several Vehicle Purchaseses. Seeing None, I'll Close Public Comment. Commissioner Mann.

With Great Enthusiasm I Offer A Motion To Pass All Four.

Do I Have A Second? Second From Commissioner Mann. Any Further Discussion?

Can You Correct The Statement; You Always Lose?

Not Almost Always. [Laughter]

Is That An Amendment To The Motion, Commissioner?

Thank You For The Levity. Board Members, Any Fufrt Discussion? Seeing None, Are There Any Objections? Motion Carries Unanimously. We Are Cooking. On Our Way To Public Hearing. Let's Have Our County Attorney Introduce Public Hearing Number One.

Good Morning, Andrea Frazier From County Attorney's Office. I Have The First Public Hearing Which I Find Legally Sufficient And Form In Content To Proceed With The Hearing At This Time.

Thank You Very Much.

Mr. Chairman, If I Might, This Is An Amendment To The Lee County Cremation Fee Ordinance And Seeks To Increase The Cremation Fee From Its Current Level Of $ To $.

Thank You Very Much. Any Discussion Or Questions For The Staff?

Who Is Paying This Fee? What Are These Creations For?

They Are Certifications Paid To The Medical Examiner Pursuant To Statute So The Certification Of Cremation Is Issued By The Medical Examiner.

Who Are We Cremating? Are These People Without Families?

We Are Authorizing Ourselves To Charge Another $5 6 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

Page 7: Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources 21, 2015.pdf · Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources. April 21, 2015 . Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone

Whom Are We Charging? We Don't Think Of The County Being In The Cremation Business.

The Citizens Of Lee County Who Have A Family Member Cremated Within Lee County, Our Medical Examiner Has To Issue A Certificate To Permit That Cremation To Take Place. This Is A User Fee For The Issuance Of The Certificate.

So All Cremations In The City Of Lee County Are Paying This Fee And It Is Part Of Whatever They Pay With Their Funeral Home People?

Yes, Sir.

Okay. And This Is Pushed By The State Of Florida Or Is This -- Do We Have To Accept This Or How Does It Come About?

We Don't Have To Accept It. It Is A User Fee That Flows Into The Budget To Help Support The Medical Examiner's Office.

She Feels Like She's Been Underfunded On This Particular Component Of Her Activities. If She Were Here I'd Bet You She'd Say Yes.

Commissioners, She Does. This Will Reduce The General Fund Subsidy By About $,0.

$,0 At 5 Bucks A Pop? How Many Cremationings Do We Do Annually? Five Bucks A Pop Every , That Is 0.

A Lot Of People Dying.

There Is A Significant Amount Of Paperwork Involved And The Medical Examiners --

They Are Not Increasing The Paperwork, We Are Increasing The Fee.

But There Is A Significant Cost To The Office.

Question, Mr. Mann?

No, But Ask The Good Doctor To Stop By My Office Some Day And Make Me Understand This Better. I'm Not Going To Hold It Up Over The Five Bucks. I Move The Item.

Let's Take Public Comment. It Is A Public Hearing. Any Further Questions? At This Time I Have No Public Comment Cards For Public Hearing Number One. Does Anyone Wish To Speak On Public Hearing Number One? Seeing None, I'll Close Public Comment. Who Would Like To Make The Motion? Commissioner Mann Maybes A Motion. Seconded By Commissioner Manning. Any Further Discussion, Board Members? If Not, Are There Any Objections? No Objections. Motion Carries Unanimously. Moving On To Public Hearing Number Two, I'll Turn To The County Attorney's Office For An Introduction.

7 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

Page 8: Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources 21, 2015.pdf · Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources. April 21, 2015 . Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone

Good Morning, Michael Jacobs, Assistant County Attorney. It Is Legally Sufficient As To Form And Content To Enter Into The Record Now. This Hearing Is To Adopt An Ordinance Amending And Repealing The Lee County Program Ordinance. From The Recap We Want To Advise The Board That It Is Staff's Recommended Ordinance.

Thank You Have Much. Do You All Wish To Introduce The Item As Well Mr. County Manager?

Thank You Mr. Chair. Pete.

Commissioners, The Proposed Amendments To The Conservation Ordinance Are A Result Of Months Of Discussion, Work Sessions An Input By The Board Of County Commissioners. Your Conservation Advisory Committee, Staff And The Public Going Back To December . The Proposed Changes Are Intended To Do The Physical Lowing Formalize As A General Program Financed By The General Fund. Purchased Lands By Incorporation Into The County's Annual Budget. Provide For Replenishment Of The Acquisition Fund. Provide A Strong Water Quality Element To The Program. Improving Water Quality Is One Of The Biggest Issues Facing The County And Conservation Can Help Partner In Those Efforts And Include Greater Flexibility For Outreach Efforts In Identifying Properties An For The Purchase Of Death Penalty Rights, Easements, And Open Space. Staff Is Here To Answer Any Questions That You May Have.

Thank You, Pete. Board Members, Before We Go To Question And Answers Or Discussion, Let's Go Ahead And Hear From Our Public On This. Pete, Did You Have Something Else To Add?

Yeah, Other Than -- The Class Act Had Adopted Recommendation. We Are Very Close Together. Class Act Voted On Its Recommendation April 9 And You Received Kind Of A Side-By-Side Comparison Of Where The Drafts Differed And Then The Executive Regulatory Oversight Committee Approved Staff Recommendation On April .

Thank You Have Much. At This Time We'll Do Public Comment For Public Hearing Number Two. Our First Speaker Is Marissa Karazo. You'll Have Three Minutes To Speak. The Lights Are Green Yellow And Red. Read Means You Need To Wrap Up. You Don't Need To Take All Of It If You Can Make Your Point In A Shorter Amount Of Time.

Thank You For The Opportunity To Speak To You Today On The Conservation Amendment. As You Know This Has Been A Long And Detailed Process Of Review And Revision. The Conservancy Has Been Involved In Commenting On This From The Beginning And We Want To Take The Opportunity To Recognize Staff And Class Act For All Their Work On The Ordinance, As Well As The Board Of County Commissioners For Continuing To Make Conservation A Priority For The County. We Understand There Are A Couple Different Language Provisions In Proposals That Are There Before You Today, One Of Which Is One That The Conservancy And Autoban Florida Sent To You Today. Since

8 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

Page 9: Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources 21, 2015.pdf · Meeting Transcript Provided By Public Resources. April 21, 2015 . Please Be Seated. All Right. Good Morning, Everyone

We Met With You Individually Last Week The Revisions Made On April That Program Criteria, Section 4, Paragraph H, Addressed Several Of Our Concerns And Improved The Clarity Of The Language And We Want To Acknowledge That Here. Our Main Issue Continues To Revolve Around The Ending Of That Same Paragraph And What Is And Is Not An Appropriate Yusz For Designate Funds. As We Have Spoke About In The Fast There Is A Distinction Between The Types Of Habitat Exploration As A Conservation Land Program Implements And The Types Of Projects That Could Be Funded By Based On The Way The Draft Ordinance Language Is Written. Therefore We Want To Acknowledge That Both Have Water Quality Benefits And We Absolutely Support The Continued Partnerships To Allow Marshes And Other Water Quality Improvements Where Appropriate. Where We See A Shift In The Language Here Is With This Particular Language. By Opening Up The Funding For All Future Water Quality Projects Through . That Is Where We See A Final Language Revision Is Needed And We Hope You'll Consider Our Language As We Provided Yesterday As An Alternative During Your Discussion Today. We'd Like The Board To Consider A Provision Which Is Codifying An Existing County Policy To Compensate For Non Conservation Uses On Land. Thank You Again And We Look Forward To Your Discussion.

Thank You For Your Comments. Our Next Speaker Is Brad Cornell And After Brad Will Be George Wheaton.

Good Morning. I'm Brad Cornell And I'm Here On Behalf Of Florida Everglades And Autobonn. We Are All Interested In Lee County's Conservation Program. Have Been For Many Years. It's Been A Very Successful Program. I Think You All Recognize That. You Have Bought Nearly ,0 Acres Of Conservation Lands. This Is A Tremendous Accomplishment, Among The Best In The State Of Florida. You All As A Board Collectively Representing Your Predecessors An You Currently As Well As The People Of Lee County, The Staff And The Organizations That Support In Program Are All To Be Commended For This Sort Of Success And I Think We Can Also Look At The Ordinance As Having Been Very Successful In Helping Achieve This. I Guess I'm Saying That Is To Say Don't Mess Too Much With Success. But Recognizing That Anything Can Be Improved On And There Is Certainly Improvement In Lee County 'S Conservation Program. Let's Look At Some Of These Issues. Autobonn Generally Supports Recommendations To You But There Is One Exception And That Is The Policy That Melissa Just Highlighted, Section 4, Policy H Under Your Program Criteria. We Need To Recognize That Conservation Has A Very Port Principal And That Is That The Program Pays For Restoration And Conservation Purposes Only, Which Includes Water Quality Benefits And Has Always Included Them From Restoration Of Native Habitats And Wetlands. Non Restoration Projects, Even On Lands Should Be Paid For Out Of Non Funds. . That Is The Principal. Policy You Have In Front Of You That Was Revised By Staff Is Not Clear On That Point. If I Can Emphasize That, You Need To Clarify That Issue If I May Respectfully Recommend You Consider The Alternative Language That Autobonn And The Conservancy Have Put In Front Of You. You Need To Make Sure That Is What The Funds Are Supposed To Pay For And Partner On 9 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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The Other Issues. There Is Other Important Ecological Difference Between Restoration Of Habitat And Wetlands And Infrastructure Projects Which Have Unnatural Manipulation Of Water Levels. These Kind Of Things Have Good Water Quality Benefits, But They Are Not Conservation Uses. That Is A Really Important Point. I Hope You'll Take That To Heart. The Last Point I'll Make Is Open Space Always Has Been Part Of This Program, But When You Look At The Language In The Referendum It That You Cans About Conservation Purposes For Open Space So That Is A Distinction As Well. Thanks, Very Much.

Thanks For Coming In This Morning. Our Final Speaker That I Have A Card For Is George Wheaton. Good Morning.

Morning Chairman And Commissioners. My Name Is George Wheaton. I'm Here As A Citizen And A Member Of The Conservation Committee. Before I Get Into The Simple Detail That I Have A Problem With, I Would Like To Thank Board And The Boards Behind You For All The Support You Have Shown In This Conservation Program. Like Brad Just Told You, This Is One Of The Best Conservation Programs In The State Of Florida. For That You Should Be Very, Very Proud That You Have Been Part Of It. I'm Proud To Have Been Part Of It Because You Have ,0 Acres Of Lands Preserved. You Have Access To % Of That Property Right Now We Are Working On More Access. You Have Preserves. You Are Constantly Working On These Properties On A Daily Basis, Restoring Wetlands, Restoring Everything And It Has Been A Water Quality Program From The Very Start. I Won't Belabor That Anymore Because Yo You All Know What You Have Done And Hopefully You Continue To Do It In The Future. You Seem To Be Heading In That Direction Without Question. The Biggest Problem I Have Is In Section Four, Paragraph H And The Last Sentence In It That Is, I Think My Third Or Fourth Copy An I Think This Is The Newest Copy Of The -- Says Lee County Acquisition And/Or Management Funds For Water Quality Improve Ment Projects On New Property Purchases That Meet Both Conservation An Water Quality Goals. The Concern That I Have Is Spending The Money Out Of The Acquisition And Management Funds For Something That Basically Is Non Conservation Project. Filter Marshes Or Conservation Everything Is Expensive When You Get Into Water Quality Projects. I See Being Able To, With One Or Two Projects, Eat Up Most Of The Money That Is In There So You Need To Use Great Caution And The Autobonn An Conservancy Of Southwest Florida Have Given You Some Very Good Wording To Protect That Fund And In Place Of Using Acquisition And Conservation Funds For Doing A Project That Is Not Conservation. Thank You Very Much.

Thank You, Mr. Wheaton, For Your Comments This Morning. I Have No Further Comment Cards On The Public Hearing. Does Anybody Else Wish To Speak On Public Comment On This Item? Seeing Knob None, I'll Close Public Comment. Board Members, Any Discussion? Commissioner Mann.

He And I Have Had Several Meetings And I've Been Able To Clarify Some Of The Issues That Have Been Raised An And I'm In Favor Of Flexibility. In One Instance I Think That I

10 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Would Like To Incorporation The Language, The Combined Language Of The Conservancy And Autobonn Under Section Four, Paragraph H. If There Is Board Consensus On That I Would Appreciate That. That Is Really The Only Issue That Is Outstanding But It Is A Very Important One Because I Feel Very Strongly That Conservation Funds On The Acquisition And Management Side Should Go To Both Those Provisions. So I Want To Make That Motion To Amend The Ordinance With The Conservancy And The Autobonn Of Florida Language As Provided In Your Handout That's Dated April .

That Is 4 And 8?


As A Matter Of Process And Respect To Your Motion, There Are Several Things We Are Going To Talk About. Are We Going To Do These One Motion At A Time Or Try To Reach Consensus And Then Make A Motion.

I'd Like To Vote On The Amendment First, Whether Or Not We Want To Change The Staff Recommendation.

Each One At A Time.

That Is The Only One I Have.

I'd Like To Comment On That One.

We Have An Amendment That Is -- Do We Have A Second To That?

I'll Second That, But I Need The Specific Language. I Thought I Had It And I'm Looking Now An I Don't. Or Is It A Part Of This -- I'm Looking At --

Can You Tell Us --

Is It A [Inaudible]. That Is The --

Does That Match What Was On Your Spreadsheet? This Is Directly From The Autobonn? I Have An Amended Motion -- Motion For An Amendment By Commissioner Manning, An A Second By Commissioner Mann. Commissioner Kiker, You Wish To Discuss?

I Would, And I'm Going To Reference Commissioner Manning, Make Sure That The Words That You Are Talking About Says The County Can Also Spend Program Acquisition And/Or Management Funds. Is That Part Of Your Motion?

I Can Read It Into The Record, The Whole Thing If You'd Like.

If You Don't Mind.

Program Management Funds Can Be Spent On Existing And New Conservation Lands For Water Quality Improve Projects That Enhance Or Restore The Natural Communities On 11 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Site. The County Can Spend Acquisition Funds To Purchase New Properties Strictly For Conservation An For Properties That Meet Both Conservation And Water Quality Goals. The County Will Pay For Non Restoration Water Quality Improvement Projects From Non Conservation Funds.

Okay, So It Does Not Specifically Talk About Management Funds On That? It Did Not; Is That Correct? It Said Acquisition Funds Not Management Funds. Okay. I'm Good With That. Thank You.

Board Members, Any Further Discussion On The Amendment? Let Me Ask You Real Quick, Then, My Question. Can You Outline The Difference Between The Two, Then? What Is Your Recommendation Accomplish Or The Staff Recommendation Accomplish Versus The Amendment As It Is Proposed.

What This Kind Of Comes Down To Is If You Identify A Property That Meets Conservation And Water Quality Goals, If You Wanted To Do A Filter Marsh, If You Purchased That Property Staff's Recommendation Is Giving You Complete Latitude On How You Pay For That Filter Marsh. You Can Pay For It From The Acquisition Fund, From The Management Fund, You Can Always Pay For These From Excess General Fund Reserves, Recognizing These Are All Funds Within The Same Revenue Source, The General Fund. So -- An I Think What The -- What Autobonn And The Conservancy Have Here Is That If You Did A Filter More Sh That Would Have To Be Reimbursed From Some Source To -- It Would Have To Be Paid For From Something Other Than The Acquisition Or Management Fund.

My Question Then Is, As The Conservancy And Autobonn Amendment Is Written, Does That Not Allow Us To Use Dollars To Do Any Water Quality Improvements On Land?

It Would -- From My Understanding And Maybe Kathy Olson Can Help Me On This, It Would Allow You To Do Water Things That Allow You To Restore Habitat, But If You Wanted To Do A Filler Marsh You Couldn't Use Those Funds. We Agreed To Disagree On That Because We Thought That Was Overly Restricttive.

And The Big Thing On That Is The Word "On Site." If The Neighboring Property Has Issues, You Couldn't Use It For That Because It Is Not On Site.

Any Further Discussion, Board Members? Well, I'm Sorry For Clarification Because I Think This Is Very Important. Is Your -- Does Your Motion Reflect Staff Recommendation Or Not?

It Reflects The Autobonn And Conservancy Language On The Last Page Of The Memo Dated April On The Conservancy.

So If I May Ask, If Bypassing This Motion, Then It Will Only -- Then It Will Be Very Restrictive As You Have Pointed Out?

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The Way I Interpret The Conservancies Language, Is If You Have A Filter Marsh You Won't Be Able To Pay For That With Either Acquisition Or Management Funds. It Would Have To Come From Some Other Source.

If I Understand Correctly, The Reason For That Is If It Destroyed A Natural Habitat, That Is Why They'd Be Against That; Is That Correct?

I Have No Idea.

Yeah. So If That Is True -- I'm Afraid We Are Managing This Improperly. I'm Real Concerned About This Because It Is Important.

Maybe If I Could Have Roland Just Talk About Water Quality Improvements.

Good Morning. I'm With Natural Resources. Any Project We Put On Site We Wouldn't Be Allowed To Destroy Natural Conditions On The Site So I Don't Think That Would Be The Case Where We Are Building A Fitter Marsh An Destroying A Natural Habitat. If Anything, We'd Be Trying To Utilize The Natural Systems And Perhaps Enhancing The Hydroperiod On The Site. I Don't Think That Is A Correct Statement.

But I Think That Is What I Heard Is That Is The Reason They Were Against This And I Don't Know If It Is Appropriate To Ask Them Or Not Because I Just Want To Get This Out On The Table And Make Sure We Have It Right. Can We Ask Brad To Come Up?


Mr. Graham --

Stay Close By, Mr. Roland.

I Gave Brad A Hard Time For Wearing A Green Shirt The Other Day So I'm Wearing A Green Tie.

I'm Wearing Blue Today.

I Thought The Reason You Were In Favor Of What Commissioner Manning Was Talking About Was That You Had A Fear, If You Would, That If We Fund Water Marshes And Things Like That, That It Could Possibly Destroy Natural Habitats And That Is Your Biggest Issue.

That Is Not Our Biggest Issue.

What Roland Just Described To You, We Would Be Very In Favor Of And That Could Be Paid For In Funds Where You Restore A Wetland Or Former Wetland, Or Farm Fields To Be Able To Hold Water Naturally To Restore Habitats, To Have Them Holding Water Gives You Water Qual Benefits. That Kind Of Thing We Have Always Been Doing And Went Envision -- 13 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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What Is It That You Are Not For.

What We Are Not For Is To Do Something On A Piece Of Lands And The Partnership Would Be That Could Buy The Land, But Then Natural Resources Or Utilities Or Somebody Else Would Build A Water Quality Infrastructure Project That Raises Water Levels Or Lowers Them Unnaturally So It Is Not Natural Habitat, But You Are Getting Water Qual Benefits. This Is Like A Storm Water Treatment Area, A Filter Marsh, Something That Has Manipulated Unnaturally Has Extra Infrastructure To Get Even More Water Quality Benefits, But Perhaps At The Cost Of It Is Not A Natural Restoration Project. It Has More Concrete Pumps An You Are Putting Too Much Water In There And Drowning The Wetland.

So Then It Would Destroy The Natural Habitat.

It Is Not That It Is Destroying It, But It Never Restores It To What It Would Naturally Be. Say It Is A Farm Field, Instead Of Restoring A Wetlands, You Are Putting A Lot Of Water On It And Building Up Birms And Putting In Cat Tails That Takes Up A Lot Of Nutrients. It Is Not Natural Habitat.

Before You Get Too Passionate, I Get It. I Want To Go Back To Commissioner Manning, What He Was Just Talking About. Is Your Motion To Not Do That?

Commissioner Pendergrass, You Have A Question.

This New Language --

Isle -- How Does That Restrict Or Change What We Have Been Doing The Last Years With ? How Is That Any Different?

I Think The Past Practice Has Been That Those Projects Are Paid For With A Source Of Other Than Acquisition Or Management Funds. The Staff's Recommendation Is Based On The Fact That This Is All The Same Money. As All General Fund Revenue.

It Is Still A Policy Decision How The Board Of County Commissioners In The Future Until This Goes To Ballot Next Year, Right? No Matter The Language Here, We Could Change That Throughout The Process If We Need To, But If Water Qual Is Going To Affect The Neighboring Projects. On This It Says On Site And That Is When We Restrict It To On Site. The Filter Marsh Next Door To A Property That's Not Been Acquired By .

I Think The On Site Sentence Is Basically For -- What That Is Basically Speaking To Is The Properties We Have Already Restored To A Habitat We Are Not Going To Go Back In An Do A Water Quality Project And Tear Up What We Already Restored.

The Distinction Is If You Are Going Out And Purchasing A Property You Can Decide At That Time We Are Going To Purchase It For Both Conservation An Water Quality Purposes And Then We Can Pay For A Filter Marsh With Funds From Anywhere, Basically.

14 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Just Making Sure It Wasn't Restricting What's Been Already Done. As Long As We Are Not Doing That I'm Okay With That.

Any Further Discussion, Board Members?

I Want To Make An It Clear That I Believe Staff Has Made It Clear To This Board That These Funds Are Not All General Fund. They Are Segregated By Line Item, One Is Management And The Other Is Acquisition. The Origin Name Intent Of This Whole Issue, This Whole Process Was To Do Just That. I Think This Solidifies The Process And We Go On. I'm All For Flexibility, But I Want Tight Language When It Come To What We Just Discussed. Thank You.

I Just Want One Last Shot At It. Just For Clarification, This Program Has Always And Will Continue To Be Utilized Management Programs Which Means That Whenever You Buy A New Piece Of Property You Put In A Management Program For That Piece Of Property And That Is How We Funds It. Not Only How Much Is It Going To Cost, But How Much It Is Going To Cost If We Decide To Eradicate Water Quality Projects So If There Is An Exception That Would Include A Water Marsh It Can Still Come To The Board And We Can Decide To Do That Especially If It Is Based On Class Act.

Correct. At A Minimum You Would Always Be Able To Use Management Funds For Those Purposes.

With That, I'm In Favor Of What Commissioner Manning Is Proposing.

Thank You Very Much, Commissioner Kiker.

I Can Go Either Way, Just To Share My Comments On The Amendment. I Will Point Out -- Part Of Our Back Up Material, The Ballot Language From 6 Was Amended. The Language Was Do You Approve County Purchasing Lands Critical For Flood Protection, Open Space, Water Life Habitat And Passive Recreation. Managing Land For Water Supply And Flood Protection Leads Me To Lean Toward The Staff Recommendation Which Allows Us To Use The Money For Water Projects, But I Understand We Have A Past Practice Where It's Been More Of A Partnership. Buys The Land And We Use General Fund Dollars To Fund The Water Quality Projects. I Just Wanted To Let Esh Know I Didn't Have Heart Burn Over Using Dollars To Improve Our Water Quality. I Think That Was A Big Reason Why Many People Saw The Language On The Ballot And Voted Yes. If There Is No Further Discussion, I'll Call The Question.

Just For Clarity Purposes, If You Are Accepting The Autobonn's Language, I'd Recommend That The Last Sentence, The County Will Pay For Non Restoration Water Quality Improvement Projects From Funds Other Than Acquisition Funds So It Would Still Allow You To Do It From The Management Funds. I Believe That Was Commissioner Manning's -- Was That Your Intent On That Or --

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That Is Correct. But I Think The Language Is Correct The Way It Is. I Think We Have The Flexibility With The Combined Language.

Okay. Any Further Discussion, Board Members? All Right, Seeing None, Are There Any Objections? No Objection. Amendment Carries Unanimously. So We Are Back On The Ordinance Itself. We Have Had Our Public Comment, We Have Accepted Our Amendment. Any Further Discussion On The Hearing?

I Have Several. First Of All, Is There A Referendum For Inclauded In This Or Is That Going To Be Handled Separately?

That Is Something Put In The Ordinance.

No, Sir. Mr. Chair, The -- The Referendum Is Based On A Resolution That You Passed Approving The Recommendations From The Blue Ribbon Committee And One Of The Recommendations Is To Go To Ballot In , Not Contained In The Ordinance.

Okay. So That Is A Separate Conversation Then?


Okay, Fine. Thank You. Next One, Let's Talk About Dollars Here. There Is A Difference In Recommendation In Terms Of How Much Money Is Kept If Reserves And I Have Heard One Of Them That Was $ Million. I Heard Another One That Had A Range Of To $0 Million. Those Are Not The Same. So I Don't Know -- Your Recommendation Is To 0? How Does That Work? Is That A Review E Year?

It Is A Notless Than , No Greater Than 0. In Your Replenish Language It Is Section Eight Of The Ordinance, There Is Annual Reviews So You'll Be Seeing An Annual Review Of This, What Is On The Horizon, More Of A Budget Focused Model Than We Have Had In The Past. . The Minimum Is Really Board Policy.

Is When It Comes To Maintenance Funds That Is Already In A Continuation Budget Which Means It Goes From Now On And We Have Actually Excluded This From The Conversation At This Point, But On An Annual Basis, Whether We Spend Million, , , , Doesn't Matter. Whatever We Spend, At The End Of The Year We Could Make It Part Of The Next Year Continuation Budget Or Spend It Down To $ Million In Your Scenario And We Can Make That Decision On An Annual Basis.


Okay. So We Are Just Going To Accept The Language We Don't Need To Make A Motion On That.


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Then I Have One Last One, If I May. And This Has To Do -- We Have Had Two Property Lately Where They Came In At An Excessive Dollar Amount For An Asking Price. In Both Cases We Sent Back And Said Please Go Back And Talk To The Seller Again. Does That Need To Be Made Part Of This? There Was One Where A Property Was Offered At One Point 5 Million As An Example. The Board Rejected It Because Staff Said It Cost Too Much And It Went Back To The Seller And They Came Back At $0.5, A Half Million Dollars. Based On That Is There Any Language In Here That Says If Staff Comes In And Says This Is Too Much Money, Should There Be Language In There That Anything Over % Should Not Make It Here? I Don't Think We Should Be Playing With This.

I Totally Agree With You. I Think The Flexible Should Be Left Where The Class Act Makes The Recommendation To Us Or Staff And County Lands Or Whoever That Might Be To Either Follow Up Through The Appraisal Process That Is Contained In The Ordinance Already And We Go From There. I Think We Should Get The Flexibility There To Make That Decision On Our Own. I Agree With You 0%.

You Are Saying If It Is Excessive, I'm Saying Over % As An Example, It Doesn't Even Come Here? I Don't Think It Should Go Through Appraisal Process If It Is Extreme.

I Would Let The Class Act Committee And Staff Make That Determination, Bring An Agenda Item To Us An We Make That Decision From There. I Totally Agree.

Is That Contained In There? Do We Need To Put That In There Or Is That Just A Matter Of Normal Exercise?

That Is Process And I'd Leave That To A Standard Operating Procedure.

Can We Go Back To Class Act And Ask Them To Look -- I Don't Want Anyone To Be Timid About Saying No To An Exorbitant Price. If It Is A Crazy Number We Shouldn't Get That Far. We Should Turn It Away Immediately Before We Go Into This Process Because There Is A Lot Going On Here And There Is A Lot Of People And A Lot Of Work. Thank You.

I Think Commissioner Kiker, Your Own Action At Our Last Regular Meeting Here On That $0,0 Proposal And The Action Taken By The Board Actually Spells Out Exactly What Your Concern Was And Proved The Fact That We Are Always The Final Ash Arbiters Here And I Think You Sent A Message To The Class Act Committee That We Are Going To Be Looking At That But I Don't Think It Is Possible To Craft Language That Would Fit Every Possible Scenario In The Future Within The Ordinance, But I Feel Very Confident Since We Are The Wons That Vote To Accept Or Not Accept That We Have All That Authority And Leverage And I Think You Showed In Your Own Motion The Other Day That We Passed Unanimously, I Thought.

I'm Comfortable If It Can Be Part Of A Standard Operating Process, I'm Good With That. I Just Want To Make Sure It Doesn't Get Looked Over. That Is It. I Don't Have Anything Else. Thank You. 17 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Thank You, Commissioner. Board Members, Any Further Discussion On Your T Ordinance Before Us? I Need Somebody To Make A Motion.


Let's Go With Commissioner Manning's Motion And A Second By Commissioner Pendergrass.

I Think We Are About To Do Something Truly Historic And Meaningful And I Want To Commend Each One Of Us, You Guys. You Have Heard My Sermon On And How Much I Believe In It, But It's Received Really Hot Focus For Over A Year Now And We Have Talked About It How Many Times? And I Think We Understand It And There Was A Time When I Said Where Is My New Board Going On This? I Was Frankly Very Nervous. But I'm Profoundly Grateful For The Serious Effort That All Of Us Have Put Into It. That Means A Lot To Me Personally And I Know I Speak For A Lot Of Lee County Citizens When I Say That So My Gratitude To You Guys For All You Have Done.

Thank You Commissioner Mann, Appreciate Your Comments.

I Want To Say I'm Very Proud Of The Work This Board Has Done. This Is An Ordinance That Continues, The Program Provides Reliable Funding Source For Acquisition, Management, Water Quality, Natural Water Quality Projects And It Sets Up For Success In When It Gets A Chance To Go On The Ballot. We Have A Motion And Second. If There Is No Further Discussion Then I'll Call The Question, Are There Any Objections? No Objections. The Motion Carries Unanimously. Thank You Very Much. Good Job. Great Work. Good Job. Fifteen Meetings On That, I Believe. All Right, Moving On To Walk Ones An Carryover Items On Our Agenda. Can We Have Our County Manager Introduce Carryover Number One?

Thank You. As You'll Recall You Have Seen This Item Before. This Is To Award A Service Agreement For Solid Waste And Recycling Collection Services In Franchise Area Number Four And The Staff Recommendation Is For Alternative Three. Also, The Board Of County Commissioners Is Not Going To Personally Attack Anyone In The Audience So We'd Like To Ask That No One In The Audience Attack Us As Well. You Have Three Minutes To Speak. The

Good Morning, Chairman Hamman, Lee County Commissioners, Staff And Residentses. For The Record, My Name Is Tracy Man And I'm Here Today To Comment On The Solid Waste Franchise Agreement For Area Four, Which Is Carryover Item Number One On Today's Agenda. 1.6 Million Residences And Over Commercial Businesses. Locally Areas 3 And 5 In Lee County And The City Of The Cape Coral. We Hold The Largest Number Of City An County Franchises In The State Of Florida, In Total. We Are Financially Strong Commit Partners And Would Welcome The Opportunity To Extends Our Relationship In Regards To Service Area Four. My Colleagues Will Talk To You About Our Local Division,

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Safety, Automation And Pricing. I'm Hur Today To Address Our Community Involvement And Local Presence. We Believe In Being Part Of A Community And Feel It Is Just As Important To Be Actively Engaged Inside A Community When You Are Trying To Enter Into A Partnership As It Is To Maintain Throughout The Partnership. We Are Not Only Involved Financially To Sports And Athletic Sponsorships, Neighborhood Watch Programs And Scholarship Program, But We Feel It Is Important To Actively Participate And Give Back To The Community Where We Live, Work And Play. Our Fort Meyers Staff Are Engaged In Keep Florida Beautiful. In Addition To Sponsoring Events Hosted By Keep Lee Beautiful, We Actively Participate In Clean Ups An Other Local Events. As Well As Our Management Team Members, Our Workers Volunteer While They Were On Light Duty And Not Able To Perform Their Normal Work Retunes. We Were Invited To Be On The Board Of Directors For The Ccmi. Thank You For Your Time And I Strongly Encourage You To Consider Waste Pro, A Distinguishable Difference.

Thank You Very Much. Our Next Speaker Is Keith [Inaudible] And After Keith Will Be Paul Flores.

Good Morning Chairman Hamman And Fellow Commissioners. I'm Regional Vice President For Waste Pro. We Have Over Municipal Contracts And Over 1.6 Million Homes. As It Seems For You A Long Process Of This, For Me It's Been One To Sit Back And Watch Unfold. We Have Provided Service To Lee County Since And Provides Manual And Automated Services. I Have Seen A Lot Of Significant Changes Many The Solid Waste System. But Seeing All The Propaganda In Television Recently It Gave Me Having The Most Local Management Experience Of The Bidders I Quickly Realized The Process Has Skipped Over Some Key Points. [Inaudible] Residents. It Happened In The City Of Cape Coral In . The City Council Made A Decision To Put Carts Out There. It Was Met By The Elderly That Complained About Weight And How To Roll Them. The Residents Feared They Had To Place Those In Their Garage And Keep Their Cars Outside. That Great Debate Went On And On And On. But One Key Point That Was Missed Was The Fact That The Contract In Their Own Ordinance Allowed Additional Items To Be Placed Outside The Cart. Residents Will Be Allowed To Place Additional Items Outside Their Container On Collection Day So The Purpose Of Providing That Can Is To Allow The Hauler To Go Down The Street And Pick Up What Is In The Cans For Service. When It Is Bid The Hauler Assumes They Are Going To Have A Higher Production Rate An Reduce Labor Costs Because Everything Is Placed In The Can. It Is Not True Here. Bulky Items Will Have To Be Required To Be Collected By An Additional Truck That Will Follow Behind. Why Not Keep The System Manual. Allow One Vehicle To Collect At Each Home. Next Point Is The Competitive Process. In This Process What Happened Was You Have Two Prices, One For Commercial And One For Residential. With ,0 Homes It Appears The Bids By The Competitors Of Waste Prowere Able To Use The Residential Prices To Leverage Down The Bid Total To Get A Lower Bid Price Overall. So A Balanced Bid That Keeps Residential And Commercial Aligned When Price Changes Shows The Company Is Responsible. We Are

19 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Providing You A Balanced Bid, Best Residential Price With Approximate Savings Of $1.2 Billion Over The Next Five Years.

Mr. Flores, I Saw You Just Walked Out The Back Door. Paul Flores. Let Me Put That One To The Side. If He Comes Back In We'll Call Him. How About Dave Shapiro And After Dave Will Be Jim Wheatly. Dave. Oh, There He Comes.

Good Morning. Thanks For Allowing Me To Take A Few Minutes Your Time. You Can See I Have Several Of My Employees Here Which I'm Very Proud Of. I Have Been Here Since A Short Pyred Period Of Time And We Have Worked Hard To Make Improvements. Being A Forer Police Officer, Safety Is The Most Important Aspect To Me. We Believe That The Automated -- With The Cart Will Be The Safest Way To Pick Up Trash. It Is The Wave Of The Future. It Puts Safety With All The Extra Cameras. It Allows Our Drivers Not To Be In The Back Of The Trucks. It Is Also A Lot Safer For The Residents. The Way The Routing Is It Is One Street At A Time. It Is The Safest And Most Productive Way To Pick Up Trash And It Is The Wave Of The Future. I Know In The Last Month Or So There Have Been Some Advertisements About The Pros And Cons About Carts, But One Thing I Want To Make Sure Everyone Is Clear Is The Different Sizes, There Is A , Which Is The Big One; The ,; And The Which Is The Small One. Our Contract, You Are Allowed To Pick The Size. There's Been Concern About The Way Of The Weight Of The Carts. I Believe Somewhere Around 0 Pounds. The Average Resident Makes Around Pounds Of Trash A Month So If You Multiply That Out That'd Be , Weeks Or So To Get That Kind Of Weight. We Don't Believe The Weight Will Be An Issue. Another Piece Has Been The Pricing. I Read Some Propaganda Saying That We Were 0,0 More For Commercial Businesses And Which Large Generators And Non Profits. But What Wasn't Said Is We Are $3,0 Cheaper For The Residents. And That Part Of The -- Lee County Is An A Less Commercial Area And More Residents So It Will Save The County And Its People Honey. One Thing -- I Want To Make Sure I Got Across Is My Passion For Safety With These Guys Here. That Is Something We Push, Something I Learned Years Ago When I Was A Police Officer Frm I Think At The End Of The Day We Want Everyone To Come Home Safely.

Let's Have Jim Wheatly And After Jim Will Be Joe Briton.

Good Morning. Just A Brief Statement On -- We Are Trying To Clean Up Lee High Acres. That Is The Purpose Of These Carts And That Is The Automated System. We Are Giving Everybody A Free Cart, Any Size You Want. , , . I Just Want To Show You A Short Video That We Put Together To Show You The Automated System So You Can Review It.

Go Ahead And Play It.

If It Works.

Our Approach, Efficient, Streamlined, Innovative, Progressive. To Begin Each Day, All Supervisors Conduct A Safety Meeting With Every Employee. We Believe In Safety All

20 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Day Everyday. A Pretrip Inspection Is A Must Before The Day Begins. Once The Inspection Is Complete Our Drivers Head Out On Their Routes. Our Trucks Are Equipped With An Automated Arm To Collect The Recyclables. The Latest Technology Including Video Cameras That Help Our Drivers Navigate Safely Even In Tight Spots An Route Management Systems For Cost Enabling Efficiencies. We Keep Our Drivers On Track By Ensuring Their Supervisors Manage Every Route Closely With Great Attention To Detail. We Streamlined This Approach By Supplying Ipad Technology That Allows Every Truck To Be Tracked And Folt Lowed Route By Route. These Ensure The Routes Take In Are Completed In A Timely Manner. Doing What Is Right For Future Generations Is Easy When You Use Our Recycling And Waste Services. At Progressive Waste We Are A Progressive Leader In Our Industry.

When We Use The Old Bin For Recyclings I Never Did It. The New System With Progressive Is Much Easier. Very Happy With Progressive Waste, Thr Ver Efficient, They Come By, They Pull It Up And It Is Gone And I Roll It Right Back.

And Eyesore In More When You Drive Down The Street And See Can After Can Tipped Over. Progressive Waste Means A Cleaner Way Of Recycling. We Know These Frustrations.

Thank You Very Much. If Another Progressive Representative Wants To Continue The Video For Their Three Minutes They Are Allow Today But That Concludes Your Time.

Appreciate You Comments.

Joe Briton.

Good Morning, Commissioners, County Staff And Member Rs Of The Public. I'm Glad To Be Here Today. I'm An Operations -- I Work For The Operations At Our Corporate Office Out Of Fort Worth But I Spent Years Of My Career In Florida And A Lot Of The Time Was Spent Here In Lee County. I'm Familiar With Your Contract And History And I Can Tell You You Got A Lot To Be Proud Of On What's Happened Here In Lee County Over The Years. One Of Things I Really Want To Emphasize -- You Saw It A Little Bit In The Video, Safety All Day Everyday. This Is Something That Comes From The Top Of Our Company All The Way Down. In Fact, From Our Ceo All The Way Down Through The Ranks, Everyone That Drives Is Required To Participate In The Smith System. For To Those Of You Who Don't Know What It Is, It Is A Defensive Driving Course That Everybody Is Required To Take. I Have Not Heard Of Any Other Company Requiring It At That Level. Some Inaccurate Information Has Been Circulated In Lee County To The Residents. You May Or May Not Have Seen It. I'd Like To Comment On Some Of It Because It Is Time To Get The Record Straight. We Are Committed To Safety. We Don't Need Something Out There That Is Giving Anybody The Perception That We Are Not Concerned About It. The First Thing Is The Containers. He Mentioned 0 Pounds. On The Mathematics, During The Month Of March We Picked Up Tons In Area Four, That Equates To .6 Pounds. It Takes

21 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Eight Weeks. A Person Could Put That Can Out Once Every Eight Weeks To Get To The 0 Pounds. To Look At It In Another Light, If You Looked At 0 Pounds A Week, That Would Equate To 7.8 Tons Of Garbage Per Year. The National Average Is Between 1 An 1.2 Tons So I Hope That Clears That Part Up On The Cans. The Other Issue Which Was Mentioned Was The Ability To Get Different Suzed Can, Gallon, , Gallon. A Lot Easier For The Residents To Manage. I Got In Town And Was Driving Through Lehi, I Noticed All Different Sized Garbage Cans And Most Didn't Have Lids. They Probably Blew Away. Our Collector Haves To Pick Them Up, Throw Them In The Back Of A Truck. Safety Is Paramount And Is One Of The Reasons When We Did The Operation Of Due Diligence Of The Bid We Looked At Where To Run These Trucks Because All The Collection Activity Is Going To Take Place At The Curb And Taken With A Mechanical Arm.

Thank You. Let's Have Jerry V. Can't Read Your Last Name, Jerry. Is Jerry Here Representing Progressive? Mo? All Right. I Went Ahead And Put Him At The Bottom Of The Stack Here. No Jerry. All Right Is It Terry? What About Terry From Progressive? Address Sixth Street West. Going Twice. Sold. All Right, Thank You Very Much. Next Speaker Will Be Tony [Inaudible] From Probres Gres -- Progressive As Well. After Tony Will Be Jose Perez.

Thank You For The Opportunity. I Have Been Progressive When It Was First Choice And I Have Been Working Out Of Lehi Acres Ever Since. I Want To Take A Minute To Let You Know That We Have Been Working Really Hard To Make This Work. We Have Done Amazing Things And Have Made A Lot Of People Happy In The Process And There Is A Lot Of Us That Would Really Ask For You To Consider Us To Maintain That Contract So We Can Continue The Service In The Community Where We Actually Live And Work.

Thank You For Your Time This Morning. Jose Perez And After Jose Will Be Jessica Holland.

My Name Is Jose Perez. I've Been With The Company For Five Years, With Progressive Waste Solutions. I'm Proud Of The Organizationened I'm Happy You Are Considering Us For Service In Lee County.

One Of Our Board Members Asked Me To Remind You, If You Want To Support The Staff Recommendation, Which I Believe Is To Select Progressive As The Vendor Doing The Automated Hauling You Can Stand And Waive Your Time In Support Of The Recommendation If You Don't Wish To Take The Three Minutes To Speak. Jessica Holland. You Wave And Support. Emily Rojas. Wave And Support. Richard Short, Waving In Support. Anthony, Waive And Support. Nathan [Inaudible] Waives And Support. Ron Clayton Waives In Support. [Laughter] Ron Clayton Is Coming You Want.

Somebody Was Waving For Him In The Back.

Apologize For The Confusion.

Thank You Commissioner Manning. 22 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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My Name Is Ron Clayton. Due To The Anti Lobbying Clause We Have Not Had The Opportunity Until Today To Share Our Proposal And Options With You. We Thank You For This Opportunity. First, The Staff Recommend Automation Collection Service. By Choosing An Option Other Than At Automation Advanced Disposal's Proposal Is By Far The Best Option For The Environment, Local Non Profits, Businesses And Our Schools An Is The Fiscal Responsible Choice To Make For Everyone. Did You Know That Advanced Disposal Has Provided The Most Affordable Options For The Existing Levels As Well As Same Day Service Whether A Five Or Seven Year Contract. This Represents A Savings Of 1.1 Million Over Five Years Which Is A Direct Savings To Taxpayers. Businesses, Non Profits And Our Schools Will Experience Significant Savings, 3 Million Over Five Years No Matter Which Option You Choose. The Company Has Proposed New Vehicles An Expansion Of The Fuel Station Which Would Infuse An Additional 9.7 Million In Infrastructure And Resulting $0,0 Annual Benefit To The County. We Are Asking That You Make Your Decision Today Based On Planner Communities, Higher Customer Care Healthier Air Quality An Helping The Schools, Businesses And Non Profits Within The Community. Few People Would Rarely Choose To Invest Their Luxury Dollars In Such A Manner. Today You Have An Opportunity To Make A Decision, To Benefit The Community That Needs Real Economic Assistance. I Ask That You Select Advanced Proposal In An Area That Needs It The Most.

Let's Have Jim Suitor And After Jim Suitor Will Be Mary O Brian.

Good Morning. I'm The Area Manager For Advanced Disposal In South Florida And Reside In Lee County. I Appreciate The Opportunity To Bring Your Attention The Concerns With The Proposal That Could Have A Big Impact On The Constituents And Community. Advanced Disposal Knows Automated Collection Service. When Implemented In The Appropriate Neighborhoods Automated Service Can Be A Very Service Option But Area Four Has Many Unique Characteristics That Could Create Challenges, Among Them, Substandard Roads, Divided Streets And Dead End. Collections That Must Take Place From Both Sides Of These Back Down Roads An Stops With Limited Access Limited By Low Hanging Vehicles An Parked Vehicles. With Homes On Both Sides Of The Back Down Streets The Requirement Of Take All Service And The Use Of Carts Only Exacerbate Problems For A Fully Automated Vehicle. The Driver Must Move The Container To And From The Right Side Of The Truck, Crossing Through Traffic At Least Twice, If Not More Often. This Exposes The Employee To The Additional Hazard, But It Defeats The Efficiencies. The Two Person Crew On The Rear Loader Is More Effective In Safely Handling The Outside Container Garbage Most Households Put Out Each Week. Advanced Disposal Has Serviced Lee County For Many Years And Appreciates The Relationship. What Excites Us About The Opportunity To Service Area Four Due To This Competitive Rfp Process Is Not Only The Needed Cost Savings That We Bring To The Table, But It Is The Passion Providing Those Living And Working In The Area The High Level Of Service From Advanced Disposal. Years Of Experience Has Shown Me Automated Service Is Not The

23 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Most Effective Way To Serve Area Four. With Advanced Disposal You Always Get Service First, Safety Always.

Good Morning Commissioners. My Name Is Mary O'brien And I'm Here On Behalf Of Advanced Disposal. You Are Often Put In Situations Where You Have To Make Differing Opinions When You Take A Vote. But The Impact Fee That You Took Just A Few Weeks Ago You Worked Very Hard To Find A Solution That Was Friendly To Our Economy, Environment And Schools. You Were Able To Find A Balance Where Each Side Came Together To Great Benefit While Concessions Were Made. Today The Solid Waste Agreement Offers A Rare Opportunity To Make A Decision With Wide And Great Support That Benefits The Entire Community. I'm Here To Urge You Away From Staff Recommendation And Ask That You Select The Base Option An Award It To The Lowest Cost Bidder, Advanced Disposal. Choosing Advanced In This Option Will Have A Direct Financial Impact On The Well Being Of Lee County Public Schools, Saving Them More Than $3,0 Annually. Lehi Alone Will Save Each Year. Not Only Will Our Public Schools Experience Savings, But Our Non Profit Community. Goodwill For Example Will Save More Than $,0 A Year, Over $0,0 Over A Five Year Contract Period. Here You Have The Opportunity To Help An Organization That Provides Assistance To Those In Our Community Who Need It The Most. All Told, Businesses And Non Profits Throughout Area Four Will Realize A Savings Of More Than $0,0 Annually. Isn't This Money Better Served In Their Employees' Pockets Than In Their Garbage. Our Environment Benefits As Well. We Have Committed To Purchasing Brand New C And G Vehicles Which Run Cleaner App More Efficiently An Quietly Through The Neighborhoods. I Truly Urge You To Award This Contract To Advanced Disposal. How Often Do You Have The Choice To Vote For Something That Is In The Best Interest Of Schools, Our Environment, Our Businesses And The Well Being Overall Of The Community. This Is One Of Those Rare Occasions Where You Can Take A Vote And Everyone Wins An I Hope You'll See That. Thank You.

Thank You Have Much. Paul Flores.

I Do Apologize. Good Morning, Chairmen, County Commissioners And Residents Of The County. For The Record, I'm Paul Flores. I'm The Division Manager For Waste Profort Meyers. I'm Here To Speak In Regards To The Recommendation Of Carry Overon Item Number One. I Want To Advise The Board That Just By Reviewing The Bid Tabulations An All The Options Being Recommended It Really Comes Down Toe To Who Is Going To Be The Best At Collecting Garbage In The Lee County Area Four. It Took Me Back To My School Days In Trying To Navigate Through An A Logarithm Table. We Were Only Submittal That Had A Single Digit Increase For Both Residential And Commercial Customers. Simple In That We Are Not Kwoing To Give Commercial Businesses By Increases To Residential Accounts. That Is Just Not Right. Simple In That We Currently Employ Other 0 Dedicated Employees Out Of Our Division, Most Of Whom Reside Here In Lee County. We Encourage Our Employees To Go The Extra Mile When We Provide Services To Our Communities. The Average Customer Doesn't Put Out Anywhere Near 0

24 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Pounds Of Garbage On A Weekly Basis. It Doesn't Take A Marketing Plan, Mailers Or An Open House To Know That Residents Just Want Their Garbage Picked Up, Regardless Of How The Method Is Selected. In Summary It Takes Dedicated Employees, Exceptional Service, Community Partners. For This Reason I Feel Putting The Table Aside, Waste Prowould Be The Best Choice For Lehi Acres.

I Have A Final Car. Mr. Hosz, Do You Wish To Speak On This Topic? Yes? Okay, Come On Up. Of

Good Morning, For The Record, Steven Hoss. As Most Of You Know In This Room I Have Run For County Commission A Time Or Two. I Have Enjoyed The Process. On My Platform The First Time I Ran Was Automated Pick Up For Lehi Acres. In Fact, Then Commissioners Juda Timed In And Said Sonny, This Was A Pilot Program In My District And It Was A Winner And It Would Be As Simple As When The Contract Comes Up For Rebid We Will Look Into This And Get This Done. It Is A Winner. It Is A Unanimous Fact That Lehi Acres, Our Taxable Value Has Plummeted In The Last Years. There Isn't Even An Argument There. As Simple As Getting This Done, Do Your Due Diligence And Hire The Right Contractor, Follow County Manager Staff Recommendations And Let's Get This Done. As Soon As Those Containers Are Placed Out Our Property Values Will Increase, Public Safety Will Be Better, The Community Will Be Cleaned Up From One End To The Other. It Is A Simple Fact And I Urge You To Follow Staff Recommendation And Please Get This Done As Soon As Possible. Thank You.

Thank You. I Have No Further Comment Cards. Is There Anyone Else Who Wishes To Speak In Public Comment On This Carryover Item? So Seeing None, I'll Close Public Comment, Then. Board Members, Is There Discussion On This Item?

I'd Love To Hear From Our District Commissioner On This.

I Move The Item.

Second That Recommendation.

Commissioner Mann Moves The Staff Recommendation. Have A Second By Commissioner Manning.

Do We Need To Identify Alternate Three?

Staff Recommendation. Okay. So Any Further Discussion?

Commissioner Kiker.

I Have A Few Questions For Clarification And That Is All And This Is To Staff. During Some Of The Presentations, A Couple Things I Heard Was That You Can Or Cannot Leave Additional A Items Outside Of The Containers.

25 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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The Current Practice Is You Can Leave Bulk Items Next To Your Automated Collection So That Is A Current Policy That Will Continue.

Second One, And I Have Heard The , And . There Is A Process That Is Going To Be Presented To Folks That Live There That They Can Choose Or, I Guess The First One, Are They Going To Get To Begin With And If They Decide Later They Don't Want That They Can Contact The Vendor?

We Will Be Working Very Closely With Whenever Hauler Is Chosen. It Is Important To Us That Our Customers Are Satisfied. The County Will Take The Lead So If Folks Are Questions Or Concerns They Need To Contact Us And We Will Coordinate With The Hauler.

And Then The Last One Has To Do -- I Called It Dead End. I Apologize. I End Up In Limited Access So I Had It Wrong. Either Way, Weather Dead End Or Limited Access, There Are Provisions For Smaller Trucks With More Cameras And Those Are Not To Be Chosen Now, That Is Later. Staff Has Discretion Over What Kind Of Equipment Going To Be Used To Pick Up The Trash?

That Is Correct. I Appreciate The Supplemental Information That All The Vendors Provided. There Are Vehicles That We Can Choose From When We Have A Vendor Under Contract We'll Spend A Lot Of Time With Them To Choose The Proper Equipment For The Street Conditions.

That Is All My Questions, Mr. Chairman. Thank You.

One Quick One. There Is Reference To Same Day Service. What Does That Mean?

That Is Correct. Currently We Collect Garbage On A Different Day Than Recycling. Option Three Includes Recycle And Garbage Collection On The Same Day. It Is Very Convenient -- Sgla That Is What I Thought It Had To Mean. So If It Is Wednesday And Friday Now, It'll Be Thursday Or Whatever It Is In Your District.


Thank You Very Much.

Further Discussion? All Right, Seeing None, If There Is No Further Discussion, Are There Any Objections? No Okay. Motion Carries Unanimously. All Right, Folks. Thank You. I'll Give You A Couple Minutes If The Folks -- We Have A Couple More Items On Our Agenda. Please Exit Quickly And We'll Get On With The Rest Of Our Meeting. The Board Will Be In Recess For Five Minutes. Let's Reconvene At .

> We Have One Walk On Item On Our Agenda Today. Let's Have Our County Manager Introduce The Item From Memory Without Looking At His Notes. No. [Laughter] He Just Has To Remember Someone's Name. Thoong

26 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Thank You Mr. Chair, Ms. Brady.

Good Morning. This Is A Walk On Item To Accept A Grant From Southwest Airlines. It Is The Heart Of The Community Grant. It Is A $,0 Grant For Programming And Planning Purposes For The Downtown Library Plaza. It Is Related To Improving Or Making A Bigger Impact As Far As Activating Public Spaces In The Middle Of The City.

Very Good. Thanks, Ms. Brady. Board Members, Any Discussion?

How Is The Money Going To Be Utilized? The Library Is Already Built. How Are They Going To Use The Money?

They'll Utilize The Money -- I Have The Director To Provide Specific Information, But It Is For Enhancing Program An Planning Purposes For The Outside Portion Of The Downtown Library So It Will Be Geared Towards Bringing More Community Events To The Downtown Plaza. If You Have --

Does It Come With Anything Like Naming A Certain Part Of The Park After Southwest Airlines Or Something?

There Is No Name To That. Before We Make A Motion Let's Ask For Public Comment. Is There Any Public Comment On Walk On Item Number One On Our Agenda? No Public Comment. Motion By Commissioner Manning, Second By Commissioner Pendergrass. Any Further Discussion? Are There Any Objections? No Objection. Motion Carries Unanimously. That Concludes Our Walk Ones An Carryovers. Now We Are On To Commissioner Items. Commissioner Manning.

Our Office Sent You A Resolution By The Santa Bell Foundation Regarding The Potential Purchase Of The Eaa Land And I Would Move Approval.


A Motion By Commissioner Manning, Second By Commissioner Pendergrass.

I Vote Public Input.

Let's Have Dave Come Up For Public Input.

My Name Is Day, I'm Co-Owner Of Jenson's On The Golf Resort And I Just Want To Say Thank You So Much, Mr. Manning, For Bringing This Forward And Commissioners For Considering This. Keep Up The Good Work.

Thanks, Mr. Jenson. Any Further Public Congressmen On Commissioner Manning's Motion? Seeing None --

One Other Comment. Commissioner Pendergrass And Dave Go To The Same Barber And I Want That On The Record. 27 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Why'd You Tell Him That? Come On. You Expose Our Secret Now.

Does Anyone Have Questions They'd Like To Ask? I Have A Couple.

Go Ahead.

Usually As Chairman We Go Last But I'm Happy To Go First. Has Staff Had Time To Vet This Resolution And Do They Have A Recommendation On This?

Good Morning, Commissioners. I Can't Say That We Had Received That Prior To It Coming Out As Part Of The Recap So No Recommendation.

Follow Up Question. I Looked At The University Of Florida Report That Came Out Titled, Options To Reduce High Volume Fresh Water Flows And Move Water To The Southern Everglades. The First Recommendation Was To Accelerate Funding And Completion Of Existing Approved Projects Like The C Reservoir That Is On Our Adopted Legislative Agenda. Do We Have Any Idea On How The State Could Take On A Half A Billion Dollar Purchase Such As The Land South Of The Lake And Also Accelerate Funding And Completion Of Existing Approved Projects?

If I May, This Is Brought Forth To My Attention Because Of The Simple Fact That There Is A Process That Has Been Ongoing Which Is An Option To Purchase The Process Which Runs Out Very Quickly. October I Think It Is. So Thes Why This Is Just Supporting Their Recommendation. It Has Nothing To Do With The C , Which I Approve Of As Well.

I Agree. I'm Just Trying To Think Of The Limited Resources That The State Has To Work With. How Would They Be Able To Pay For A Land Purchase Which Isn't Ready To Put Water On Yet. It Is Going To Take Billions Of Dollars Before The Land Is Compiled And Then Restored To Where It Can Actually Convey Water South. How Can They Pay For Both At The Same Time, That And Then --

Leave The Purchase Price For The , 0 Acres Here Has Already Been Established So It Is Merely For The Purchase Of The Property, Whatever The State Through Amendment One Does After That Is Up To The Legislature.

Commissioner Kiker.

We Passed A Resolution That Supported Existing Projects And Funding Of Those And Having Said That I'm With The -- I Have Been Working With The Five Other Counties And They Too Supported That Existing Projects Be Funded And To Me -- And Then If You Look At What Is Going On At The State And That Is The Direction That They Are Headed, I'm Not Sure What This Accomplishes. To Me It Seems Like It Is Kind Of A Done Deal Is Kind Of What I'm Hearing. There Is Only A Couple Weeks Left And I Haven't Heard That The State Has An Appetite To Pursue That Purchase Of That Property At All And I Would Hate To Lose Our Position In Terms Of Getting Existing Projects Funded So I Don't Know If We

28 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Are Not Shooting Ourself In The Foot On This One. You Can't Pay For Every Good Idea. I Mean, At Some Point In Time You Have To Pick Which Is Better And So I Thought We Already Did That. I Thought We Had That Discussion And I'm Frankly, A Little Surprised That We Are Talking About It Now.

Just Two Thoughts. I Have Followed This Water Saga For My Entire, Seems Like Life, Certainly Public Career. The One Thing Of All The Debate About The Water And Who Is In Favor Of What An What We Did Wrong In The Past And What We Have To Do To Correct It And The Money We Have To Spend, The One Thing I Keep Hearing Almost Unanimous Agreement On Is The Need To Move Water South, Which Was The Way The Lord Created It, Mother Nature Did It Well For 0,0 Years And It Was Man Who Moved East And West And That Additional Water Has Brought Us Nothing But Problems. This Is A First Significant Step In Reestablishing The Natural Flow Of The Water South. It Is Important. And All The Environmental Groups And Other Folks That Like To Speak On This Seem To Agree On That One Fact That Needs To Be Reestablished Flow South. Secondly, As Commissioner Manning Mentioned, There Is A Pending Agreement Between The Landowners And The State Of Florida That Is About To Expire. That Is Why This One Jumps To A Top Priority. The Legislature Has The Money, All They Need Is A Little -- An Additional Nudge. I Think The Politics Of It Now, The House Doesn't Seem Interested But It Seems The Senate Might And The Governor Has Been Under A Lot Of Pressure To Say That Is A Good Idea. All We Are Saying With Two Weeks Left On The Legislative Session Is You Guy Haves To Figure Out Where The Money Is Coming From, But Amendment One Gives Them That Wherewithal And The Option Is About To Expire And We Are Just Saying My Gollie, We Finally Got Something Everybody Agrees On, Why Don't You Take Advantage Of Moving On It. I'm Happy Here. We Are Not Making The Decision For Them, But We Are Saying It Would Be A Good Idea And It Would Help Lee County.

I Actually Had Not Heard That The Senate -- I Hadn't Heard That. I Did Hear About The House, For Sure. What I Had Heard -- And I'm Probably Getting Closer To Your Question In Terms Of Have We Had A Chance For Staff To Take A Look At This And Make A Recommendation Because What I'm Hearing Is The Concern And The Direction That Those Dollars, Those Resources To Be Spent Are Not South Of Oak Cho Bee And To Clean The Water Before It Goes Into The Lake. You Know, Remember The Violent Agreement That We Have Always Talked About In Terms Of We Want Cleaner Water An We Can All Agree To That, But Here We Go. We Have One Group, Which By The Way, Duke Controlled The Pursestrings But They Are Saying They Need To Spend The Money North, Not South Of It. I'm Note Seeing The Stars Line Up To Go Forward With This. I Think We Are In Line With Other Counties. I'm Not Really Against It, It Is Just That I'm More For, I Think Keeping The Steady Course On Where We Have Been The Last Couple Months.

Thank You, Commissioner Kiker. Anything Further. I Think Commissioner Kiker You Sum Up My Concerns As Well. I Actually Support Buying The Water South At Some Point, But For Two Decades We Have Had The Projects Out There And Haven't Completed A Single

29 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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One Of Them An We Finally Got Close To A Governor Who Now Says Yeah, I Want To Dedicate $0 Million A Year To Finishing These Projects Including C By The End Of My Term. We Are So Close To Seeing Something Accomplishing, Now An We Are Going To Move The Goal Line And Say Oh, Look Over Here Because We Have This Option Expiring. When Somebody Is Saying Take This Deal Today Because It Won't Be Here Tomorrow, They Are Pressuring Me Into Something That May Not Be Beneficial For Me. An Providing Water Storage And Treatment North Of The Lake, I Believe It Would Be Bet Time For Recommendation Number Three. It Clearly Was In The Original Intent Of The Everglades Restoration, But We Have Recommendations From A Bright Group On How To Go About It. I Don't Know If I Can Support The Purchase At This Time. That Is Where I'm At.

I'll Make A Motion -- Is There A Motion?

There Is A Motion And Second.

I Seconded It.

Go Ahead.

Thank You, Commissioner Manning. If There Is No Further Discussion Then Let's Vote Real Quick.

My Projection Is Support Our Local People. I Understand We Are In Dialogue An Conversation Weekly With Our Delegation An I Hear An See What Is Going On. And What Happens With These Resolutions When They Go To Dc For Example An Hopefully They Read It And Take It To Heart. I A Free With You [Inaudible] Supporting Our Local People Here In The County.

And I Guess That Is Why I'm Fighting So Hard Because I Want To Support The People Here In Lee County. I Know Not Only Are The High Flows That Come About Ever Five Years Damaging To Our Economy, But So Are The Low Flows As Well And These Would Help Out With An Our Minimum Flow Level And Give Us The Chance To Fight Off [Inaudible] So I Don't Want To See Us Lose Out On Projects When We Are So Close. Commissioner Kiker.

I'm Dismaid. I Feel Like I'm Not Supporting Local Folks And --

I Know You Are.

Well, And On A Local Level Is That If We Don't Complete The Projects, If We Keep Buying Land And Doing Nothing With Us, All We Are Doing Is Trading The Deed And Nothing Happens, Nothing Changed, Nothing Got Cleaner, There Is No Future, The Water Quality In The Next Decade Or Two. We Need To Stop And Start And Completely Invest In The Properties We Have Already Bought. We Have A Management Program That Allows For That. We Haven't Even Finished Any Of Those Yet. From A Local Perspective I Think It

30 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Benefits Us If We Can Complete These Projects As Have Been Identified By A Lot Of Smart People That Took A Lot Of Time In It. And Then, Again, We Are Looking At Some Of Our Local Folks Having Been Very Involved In This. I Know He's Looked Into Experts That Are Telling Them That Water Into The Lake, If That Could Be Cleaned Up Would Be A Better Investment. I Don't Know How We Can Sit Here And Decide What Is A Better Option. I Can Tell You I Feel Like There's Been Unity In Local Governments Locally And That Is The Direction We Have Headed So I Want To Continue Our Support For That. I'm Going To Stick To My Guns.

Any Further Discussion, Board Members? Seeing None, Are There Any Objectionst?


Passes Three To Two. Commissioner Kiker And Hamman Objecting. Commissioner Manning Does That Include Your Commissioner Items.

Commissioner Pendergrass.

I Have No Items.

Back On April 7 The Board Of County Commissioners Of Martin County Passed A Joint Resolution Between The Board Of Martin County And Lee County That Is Very Similar To The Six County Resolution That We Passed With Commissioner Kiker At Our Last Meeting That Calls For Basically Support Of Creating Designated Funding For The Restoration Of America's Everglades And Theest Wares. For The Everglades Which Provides A Statutorily Dedicated $0 Million Annual Source Of Revenue For Funding For Implementation Of The Lake Basin Management Action Plan And Other Regulatory Programs To Ensure Water Quality Standards Are Met. So This Is Something That Martin County Passed. I'm Very Supportive Of It. We Have Already Voiced Support Of The Governor's Recommendation For $0 Million A Year Towards Water Quality Projects And Woild Ask Today That Somebody Make A Motion To Approve The Resolution From Martin County In Support Of Restoring America's Everglades. Commissioner Manning.

When The Berry Grove Properties Were Purchased I Was Much Younger Than I Am Now And I Thank The State For Doing That And I Know A Lot Of The Commissioners In Martin County, They Are Pretty Good People So I Will Move This Resolution.

Thank You For Your Motion.


Motion From Commissioner Manning, Second From Commissioner Pendergrass. Board Members, Any Further Discussion? Are There Any Objections? No Objections. Motion Carries Unanimously. That Concludes My Commissioner Items. Commissioner Kiker.

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Just One Comment About The Work That Was Put In To Revitalizing The / Program. Pete, How You Can Talk To So Many Different Groups And Bring It Down To One Sentence That We Can Talk About Is Incredible. You Did A Lot Of Work On It And I Think We All Owe You A Special Thanks.


No Clapping, Sorry.

Lost My Head. I Was Overcome. Committee Appointments Then, Commissioner Manning.

I Have One Reappointment To The Gas Grill Municipal Island Benefit Unit.

I Have A Motion By Commissioner Manning And A Second By Commissioner Mann. No Objection. Motion Carries Unanimously.

Commissioner Pendergrass, Appointments?

None. I Have No Appointments. Commissioner Mann

To The Mpo Advisory Committee Bonnie Head And Clancy.

Moved And Seconded And A Question From Commissioner Pendergrass.


There Is A Cac And Ta. It Is A Technical And Citizen.

White Head, What Group Is She From?

She Will Replace Jim Who Has Moved On.

I Thought He Had Moved On. She Is Autobonn Or Something --

Just A Good Woman.

What's Her Actual Occupation, Though?



Any Further Discussion? Are There Any Objections? No Objection. Motion Carries Unanimously. Commissioner Kiker Nil Appointments?

I Have My Appointment For The Domestic Animal Services Advisory Committee.


Motion By Commissioner Kiker. 32 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at

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Another Good Woman.

Very Good Woman. Second By Commissioner Manning. Any Discussion? No Discussion. No Objections. An It This Time It Is Time For Our County Manager Items.

I Think You Have A Special Presentation For Us.

We Do. Could You Help With Us.

Commissioners, We'd Like To Formally Present To You A Gift That Came To Us From The Minnesota Twins Organization. This Is The Actual Third Base That Was Nor The Opening Night, Opening Major League Spring Training. It Was Lee County Night As Well. This Was Presented By The Twins As Really Thanking The Boardfor The Support. . This Was The First Major League Spring Training Game In The Fully Completed Renovation Of Hammond Stadium So Just Wanted -- We Will Hang That On The Wall Or Put It In The Case Down On The First Floor.

Is There Any Significant To It Being Third Base

I Think They Gave First And Second Base Before That One.

That Must Have Made It Third.

I Thought It Was A Cake.

I Think Doug Got First Base And Dave Got Second Base. I'm Not Sure.

Who Got Home Plate? I Want To Check Out Home Plate For $ Million.

Any Further Items?

No, Sir. I'll Just Do A Quick Recap This Afternoon For Our Work Session. We'll Be Discussing With You The Capital Maintenance Summary For Fiscal Year '/ So We Look Forward To That At 1.

I Think We All Do. Is There Any Public Comment On The Work Session This Afternoon? Seeing None We'll Close That. County Attorney Items?

Nothing This Week, Mr. Chairman.

We'll Close That. If There Is -- It Is Time For Matters Of Public Presentation. I Have A Card From Angela Hennerson But I Don't See Her In Room. Anybody Wish To Speak In Public Presentation And Matters By Citizens. Seeing None. If There Are No Objections Meeting Adjourned. See You At 1.

33 This transcript is actually a copy of the live closed captioning text that was broadcast at the meeting and to be used as a reference only. Lee County is not responsible for content or any errors contained within. For the official minutes of this meeting visit the Clerk of Courts Minutes Department at