meeting/ conferences/ symposia/ workshop/ seminars

REFERENCES Diwedi R.S. (1991). National Seminar on the importance of zinc in agricultural, 10 October, IISR, Lucknow pp. 45-48. •upta, G.P. and-RaorG.S.C. (1980). A study on effect of Mn on growth, total protein and nucleic acid in sugarcane plant. Proc. Int. $6c. Sugarcane Technol., 17 : 213 - 216. Lindsay, W.L. and Norvell, W.A. (1978). Development of DTPA soil test for Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J., 42 : 421 - 428. Pasricha, N.S., Singh, R. (1999). Role of zinc in crop production. National Symposium on Zinc Fertilizer Industry. pp. 55. Singh, A., Dua, S.P. and Singh, G.P. (1995). Effect of sulphur on the yield and quality of sugarcane. Indian Sugar, XLIV(4) : 237 - 238. Yadav, D.V., Singh, T. and Singh, K. (1987). Response of Sugarcane to foliar application of micronutrient. Indian J. Sugarcane Technol, 4 : 42 - 46. MEETING/ CONFERENCES/ SYMPOSIA/ WORKSHOP/ SEMINARS~ September 3-4i 2002 The 8th Asia International Sugar Conference 2002 Contact : Yuh Tyan Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa, Bali, Indonesia Phone : +65-68355135; Fax : +65-67335087, 67364312 e-mail : [email protected] October 24-26, 2002 International Conference and Exhibition on Sugar Mill Cogeneration Contact : Outreach Cell Winrock International India 7, Poorvi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 110 057, India Tel. : 91-11-614-2965; Fax : 91-11-614-6004 e-mail : [email protected] website : January 16-21, 2005 XXV ISSCT Congress Contact : Secretary/Treasurer Mauricio Cobarrus, Vice-President Cengicana, 6a, Calle 6-38 Zona-9, Edificio Tivoli Officiana 6, Sotano Guatemala City e-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Tel. : (502)331-3068 Fax : (502)334-0635 76

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Page 1: Meeting/ conferences/ symposia/ workshop/ seminars


Diwedi R.S. (1991). National Seminar on the importance of zinc in agricultural, 10 October, IISR, Lucknow pp. 45-48.

•upta, G.P. and-RaorG.S.C. (1980). A study on effect of Mn on growth, total protein and nucleic acid in sugarcane plant. Proc. Int. $6c. Sugarcane Technol., 17 : 213 - 216.

Lindsay, W.L. and Norvell, W.A. (1978). Development of DTPA soil test for Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J., 42 : 421 - 428.

Pasricha, N.S., Singh, R. (1999). Role of zinc in crop production. National Symposium on Zinc Fertilizer Industry. pp. 55.

Singh, A., Dua, S.P. and Singh, G.P. (1995). Effect of sulphur on the yield and quality of sugarcane. Indian Sugar, XLIV(4) : 237 - 238.

Yadav, D.V., Singh, T. and Singh, K. (1987). Response of Sugarcane to foliar application of micronutrient. Indian J. Sugarcane Technol, 4 : 42 - 46.


September 3-4i 2002 The 8th As ia Internat ional Sugar Conference 2002 Contact : Y u h T y a n N u s a D u a B e a c h H o t e l a n d Spa , Bali , I n d o n e s i a P h o n e : +65-68355135 ; Fax : +65-67335087 , 67364312 e - m a i l : y u h t y a n . l e w @ i b c a s i a . c o m . s g

October 24-26, 2002 International Conference and Exhibi t ion on Sugar Mil l Cogenerat ion C o n t a c t : O u t r e a c h Cel l W i n r o c k I n t e r n a t i o n a l I n d i a 7, P o o r v i M a r g , V a s a n t Vihar , N e w D e l h i - 110 057, I n d i a Tel. : 91-11-614-2965; Fax : 91-11-614-6004 e - m a i l : w i n r o c k @ v s n l . c o m w e b s i t e : w w w . w i n r o c k i n d i a . o r g

w w w . r e n e w i n g i n d i a . o r g

January 16-21, 2005 XXV I S S C T C o n g r e s s C o n t a c t : S e c r e t a r y / T r e a s u r e r M a u r i c i o C o b a r r u s , V i c e - P r e s i d e n t C e n g i c a n a , 6a, Ca l l e 6-38 Z o n a - 9 , Ed i f i c io T ivo l i O f f i c i a n a 6, S o t a n o G u a t e m a l a C i t y e - m a i l : c e n g i c a n @ c o n c y t . g o b . g t

c e n t r o @ c e n g i c a n a . o r g Tel. : (502)331-3068 Fax : (502)334-0635