medical astrology and astrological medicine

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  • 7/24/2019 Medical Astrology and Astrological Medicine


    Medical Astrology and Astrological Medicine



    by Peter Morrell

    Astrology as applied to medicine has very ancientroots, for example in India, China and Egypt, but itreached its fullest flowering in Europe in the latemedieval and early modern periods, c1450-1700. Theinfluence of astrology also entered Europeanmedicine from the Arab countries. Basically it is no

    exaggeration to say that astrology dominatedeverything during that period and thus many systemsof knowledge depended upon it, were symbiotic withit, or made reference to it in their worldview. In thecase of medicine, astrologers assigned signs of thezodiac to rule over parts of the body, planets to ruleover organs and systems, and planets to rule overdiseases and drugs. Thus the whole system is one ofobservation and interpretation based upon a complexsystem of given Rulerships.

    This is clearly shown by Dygges in his 1555 manuscript:
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    Briefly the organs of the body are ruled asfollows:

    Brain and Nerves by Mercury [and Uranus]Respiratory by MercuryHeart by the SunArteries by MarsVeins by SaturnKidneys by VenusLiver by Jupiter

    Digestive system by VenusMuscles by MarsReproduction by Venus and MarsEndocrine system by Neptune and UranusTestes by PlutoOvaries by the MoonSkin by SaturnTeeth Nails and Hair by MarsBones and Skeleton by Saturn

    The character of diseases given to the planetsinclude: heart and spine disorders by the Sun;

    cuts, injuries and bruises as well as fevers andinflammations with redness and heat by Mars;liver disorders by Jupiter; diseases ofexpansion and excess by Sun or Jupiter;menstrual and mammary complaints anddropsies [fluid retention] by Moon; urinarycomplaints by Venus; diseases of decline,collapse, wasting, blockages and contractionby Saturn; poisonings by Saturn; tremors,neuroses, insanity by mercury, digestivedisorders by Venus

    Medical Astrology

    Taking the Signs first, they are connected inthis way with the bodyAries: Head and face, the eyes.Taurus: The neck, ears, throat, larynx, tonsils.Gemini: The arms, shoulders, muscles and bones in these,the lungs (including the trachea and bronchi), and the hands.Cancer: Stomach, breasts, solar plexus, diaphragm, upperpart of the liver.Leo: The heart, spine and spinal parts.Virgo: The intestines, alimentary canal, lower part of theliver.

    Libra: Kidneys, loins, appendix, lumbar vertebrae and theskin generally.Scorpio: The organs of reproduction, bladder, gall, colon andrectum.Sagittarius: The hips, thighs and the sciatic nerves.Capricorn: The knees, joints of the body and the hair.Aquarius: The lower leg (calves and ankles), the teeth andthe circulation of the blood.Pisces: The feet and toes.

    The Planets govern parts corresponding with the Signs they rule and in which they have theirexaltation.The physiological side, in relation to the Signs, is as follows :-

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    Aries: The brain faculties and the distribution of mental and physical energy.Taurus: Recuperative forces.Gemini: The breathing and those things connected.Cancer: Nutrition.Leo: Distribution of vital forces and especially through the blood.Virgo: Processes of assimilation and absorption.Libra: The liquid processes of the body.Scorpio: Procreation and reproduction.Sagittarius: The senses, malady as studied through the nerves.Capricorn: Processes of preservation and reserve of energy.Aquarius: The circulation and eliminative processes.Pisces: Perspiration and the lymphatic processes generally.

    Diseases which pertain to the various signs are as followsAries: Headaches, fevers, neuralgia, eye troubles, eruptions and inflammations, wounds andaccidents.Taurus: Diseases which particularly attack the throat.Gemini(n): Bronchial complaints, consumption, nerve diseases, pneumonia and pleurisy, asthma andanaemia.Cancer: Affections of the digestion.Leo: Heart trouble, poor circulation and similar troublesVirgo: Digestive troubles and complaints to do with intestines generally.

    Libra: Kidney affections and afflictions to the spine.Scorpio: Diseases of the parts already mentioned as belonging to the Sign.Sagittarius: Gout, rheumatism, sciatica, accidents.Capricorn: Skin complaints and diseases affecting the parts of the Sign.Aquarius: Accidents to the ankles and complaints affecting that part of the body; varicose veins, bloodpoisoning and some nervous diseases.Pisces: Influenza, colds, diseases accompanied by mucous discharges and similar complaints.[after Lyndoe, pp.328-9]

    Characteristics of the Diseases of the Signs

    Aries The energies are often in excess of the nervousand mental balance, and most ill-health has its origins

    in such things as violent exertion and outbursts ofanger. The Aries person should seek poise at all costs.

    Taurus: Over-indulgence and too much comfort lie atthe roots of most disorders, but there is also a tendencyto brood over troubles which lends force to any passingailments.

    Gemini: Nervous reactions and restlessness, form thebasis.

    Cancer: Usually complaints originate in the emotionsthrough some mental irritant, cause nervous reactionsand general lessening of vitality. It has been said thatnine times out of ten the Cancerian is hurt in healthmore by others than by himself.

    Leo: Nearly all afflictions tend to arise from over-exertion of some kind.

    Virgo: There is a tendency to upsets of the digestive organs from nervous causes, producing acidityand other troubles.

    Libra: Troubles arise usually from nervous exhaustion of some kind.

    Scorpio: Breaking down of the resistance through worrying and interaction of others upon the

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    Sagittarius: Restlessness often causes the trouble; the folks under this Sign are peculiar to accidentsand injuries.

    Capricorn: Disease is frequently rooted in inhibitions.

    Aquarius: Nervous causes, usually, based on the highly sensitive nature.

    Pisces: Over-heating of the mind with possibly fancied injuries from others, plus much sensitiveness

    physical and mental, form the basis for most complaints.

    [after Lyndoe, 1938]

    Plants associated with the Planets:

    THE SUN :Food-stuffs-Rice, honey and aromatic herbs, as used for flavouring.

    Flowers - Marigold, sunflower, peonies, etc.

    Trees-The bay, walnut and palm.

    THE MOON :Food-stuffs-Cabbage, melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, turnips, mushrooms, lettuce, watercress.Flowers-Mostly night-growing varieties.

    Trees-Traditionally, those which are mostly rich in sap, e.g. Maple and Sycamore.

    MERCURY :Food-stuffs-Many seed-bearing plants; carrots, parsley, the majority of nuts.Flowers-The wilder varieties.Trees-Hazel, walnut, and other nut-bearing trees.

    VENUS :Food-stuffs-Gooseberry and other berries, wheat, and most of the spices.

    Flowers-Daffodil, goldenrod, violet, rose, lily, etc.Trees-Apple, pear, peach, fig, almond, ash, cypress and most of the vines.

    Mars :Food-stuffs-Practically all the "hot" foods, such as ginger, and peppers, and those of strong taste suchas the onion, garlic, etc. Hops are also under Mars.Flowers-The unusual and rather coarser bright flowers.Trees-Holly, fir (?) and all thorn-bearing trees, or bushes.

    JUPITER :Food-stuff-Vegetables such as sage, leeks; asparagus; rhubarb; mints; and fruits such as strawberriesand the currants.Flowers-The daisies and similar flowers.

    Trees-Lime, birch, mulberry, ash, oak, birch.

    SATURN :Food-stuffs-Most vegetables, such as potatoes, etc.; parsnips, spinach and barley.Flowers-Very few known to be associated, but the various bushes when in flower are thought to be soplaced

    Trees-Pine, yew, willow, elm.

    URANUS and NEPTUNE are similar to Venus and the Moon, respectively.

    [After Lyndoe, 1938, pp.337-8]

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    Some examples of medicinal plantsruled by the planets, as given in Culpeper, are as follows:

    Sun - Chamomile, Rosemary, EyebrightMoon - Willow, Watercress, Poppy, Cucumber, White RosesMercury - Caraway, LavenderVenus - Coltsfoot, Woodsage, Alder, Elder, Wild ThymeMars - Bryonia, HopsJupiter - Cinquefoil, Hyssop, Red Roses, HenbaneSaturn - Comfrey, Ivy, Hemlock, Belladonna

    On Planetary Influences On Health:

    "The Vital spirit hath its residence in the heart, and is dispersed from it by the Arteries; and isgoverned by the influence of the Sun. And it is to the body, as the Sun is to the Creation: as theheart is in the Microcosm, so is the Sun in the Megacosm: for as the Sun gives life, light, andmotion to the Creation, so doth did heart to the body; therefore it is called Sol Corporis, as the

    Sun is called Cor Coeli, because their operations are similar.Inimical and destructive to this virtue, are Saturn and Mars. The Herbs and Plants of Sol,wonderfully fortify it.Natural] The natural faculty or virtue resides in the liver, and is generally governed by Jupiter,Quasi Juvans Pater; its office is to nourish the body, and is dispersed through the body by theveins.From this are bred four particular humours, Blood, Choler, Flegm and Melancholy.

    Blood is made of meat perfectly concocted, in quality hot and moist, governed by Jupiter It is bya third concoction transmuted into flesh, the superfluity of it into seed, and its receptacle is theveins, by which it is dispersed through the body.

    Choler is made of meat more than perfectly concocted; and it is the spume or froth of blood: it

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    clarifies all the humours, heats the body, nourishes the apprehension, as blood doth thejudgment. It is in quality hot and dry; fortifies the attractive faculty, as blood doth the digestive;moves man to activity and valour: its receptacle is the gall, and it is under the influence of Mars.

    Flegm is made of meat not perfectly digested; it fortifies the virtue expulsive, makes the bodyslippery, fit for ejection; it fortifies the brain by its consimilitude with it; yet it spoils apprehensionby its antipathy to it. It qualifies choler, cools and moistens the heart thereby sustaining it, andthe whole body, from the fiery effects which continual motion would produce. Its receptacle isthe lungs, and is governed by Venus, some say by the Moon, perhaps it may be governed bythem both, it is cold and moist in quality.

    Melancholy is the sediment of blood, cold and dry in quality' fortifying the retentive faculty, andmemory; makes men sober solid, and staid, fit for study; stays the unbridled toys of lustful blood,stays the wandering thoughts, and reduces' them home to the Centre: its receptacle is in thespleen,: and it is governed by Saturn.

    Of all these humours blood is the chief, all the rest are superfluities of blood; yet are theynecessary superfluities, for without any of them, man cannot live.Namely; Choler is the fiery superfluities, Flegm, the Watery. Melancholy, the Earthly.'[Culpeper's Complete Herbal, 1643, p.300]

    On the one hand these Rulerships seem to be given as dogmas, on the other a certain logic can beperceived to underpin them. The characteristic features of the diseases or organs resonate with the

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    features of the planets which rule them. Examples include the fluids ruled by the Moon or redness andheat by Mars. Thus, although the Rulerships are like fixed dogmas, they can be viewed as revealingan underlying logical pattern too.

    In ancient times, knowledge of the specific and general effects of medicinal compounds on health wasvery poorly understood compared with today, and was often based on the shape, colour, taste andtexture of the material, before they were actually used medicinally. This was often referred to as the"doctrine of correspondences" [or "doctrine of signatures"]: a system which assumed that the Almightyhad inscribed in the plants of the earth secret signs and features whereby their medicinal virtues couldbe ascer-tained by Man. Examples include yellow flowering plants for liver com-plaints, red and

    peppery herbs for fevers and haemorrhages, etc.

    "Lily of the under the dominion of mercury, and there-fore strengthens the brain,recruits a weak memory and makes it strong again." [Culpeper, 1652, p.149]

    Yet Convallaria [Lily of the Valley] has very few brain or 'mercur-ial' symptoms at all and is mainly usedfor heart conditions [ruled by Leo]. Drugs at that time were mainly employed on the basis of what todaylooks like a form of speculation and guesswork.

    For centuries, the medicinal qualities of a drug were decided by astrologi-cal considerations, such asreference to planetary rulers. For example, fruits, nuts and other nutritious or sweet-scented plantswere deemed to be ruled by Venus; reddish and peppery plants by Mars; yellow or orange plants byJupiter; dark, poisonous and bitter herbs were ruled by Saturn; silvery, white and watery [succulent]plants came under the Moon's rulership [see Culpeper].

    "Paracelsus was also a firm believer in the doctrine of signatures, and in illustration of itexplained every single part of St. John's Wort [Hypericum perforatum] in terms of this belief"...the holes in the leaves mean that this herb helps all inner and outer orifices of the skin...theblooms rot in the form of blood, a sign that it is good for wounds and should be used whereflesh has to be treated." [Griggs, 1981, p.50]

    Most of the Herbal Materia Medica was, therefore, compiled by trial and error. Herbs were used on thebasis of tradition, a semi-mythical method, stretching back in time before recorded history. This wasthe case in nearly all cultures on earth.

    Yet a surprising number of these herbal 'guesses' were apparently confirmed by the homeopathicprovings. Examples include Chelidonium [Yellow Poppy] for liver complaints, Euphrasia [Eyebright] foreye complaints and Pulmonaria [Lungwort] for bronchitis. Presumably these properties were originallydiscovered from their clinical use rather than from 'signatures'.

    'Hahnemann definitely rejected [the law of signatures]... in his Materia Medica Pura we readunder Chelidonium... 'the ancients imagined that the yellow colour of the juice of this plantwas an indication (signature) of its utility in bilious diseases... the importance of human healthdoes not admit of any such uncertain directions for the of medicines. It would be criminal frivolityto rest contented with such guesswork at the bedside of the sick.' ? [Hahnemann quoted inHobhouse, pp.137-8]

    Most modern medical writers also regard all this astrology as bunk:

    'Although early nineteenth century botanic medicine reveals little direct evidence of the 'doctrineof signatures' that had lain behind traditional herbalism, and that had expressed [as in thewritings of Paracelsus] an interpenetrative holistic cosmology, indirect links are to be found inthe literature's references to astrology, and in the pervasive quasi-hermetic references to vitalforce.' [Cooter, p.66]

    'It was a distinct advance, also, to divorce therapeutics from the astrological lore with which ithad been long encumbered. The rationalism of medieval medicine could and did pass over attimes into what appears to our modern eyes as mere superstition and mysticism; and therespect paid to astrology as late as the last half of the seventeenth century is an excellentexample of this. One finds a royal physician in Paris solemnly proclaiming, in 1663, thatastrology is absolutely essential to medical practice; and as late as 1688, another authority of

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    that city published a book to defend the same thesis [Lussauld, 'Apologie pour les Medecins',Paris, 1663] After about 1700, medical authorities paid less and less attention to such occultmatters; no doubt because the development of Newtonian astronomy led most educated men torepudiate astrology altogether.' [Shryock, pp.59-60]

    Unfortunately for Shryock and his ilk, this argument very conveniently, and somewhat embarrassingly,ignores the fact that Newton himself was an ardent student of the occult, including astrology!

    'Newton was also a keen student ofalchemy; and he left a remarkable

    manuscript on the prophecies ofDaniel and on the Apocalypse, ahistory of creation, and some tracts.'[Chamber's, p.1077]

    When once asked by a Fellow of theRoyal Society why he believed inastrology and other such arrant nonsensehe is reputed to have retorted: 'Well, Sir, Ihave studied the matter, and you clearlyhave not!'.

    However, Shryock goes on:

    'The general repudiation of astrologywas significant, in that it indicatedrejection of quasi-supernaturalelements in medicine. This wasnecessary, as in all other fields, if theway was to be cleared for a truly'natural' science.' [Shryock, 1936,p.60]

    And again:

    'The chief accomplishment of the eighteenth-century thinkers...was the rejection of superstitionand a word they cleared the way for the beginnings of a real social science - aservice analogous to that performed by those who had earlier eliminated alchemy fromchemistry, and astrology from medicine.' [Shryock, 1936, p.140]

    'Immensely popular at the time was astrological medicine which was prescribed by physicianand quack alike. It was dominated by the ancient belief that human destiny was ruled by thestars, an attitude integral in the primitive approach to natural phenomena. In spite of its obviouspagan origins this doctrine has been tolerated by the Church and in the sixteenth century it stillplayed a prominent role in medical thought. A curious extract from a letter of advice written by aphysician in 1581 indicates the influence of this doctrine among medical 'scientists' of the day:'On Friday and Saturday, the sign of the Zodiac shall be in the heart, on Sunday and Tuesday, inthe stomach, during which time it will be safe dealing with physic preservative...' ' [Maple, 1968,


    'Dr. John Dee [1527-1608], occultist, physician and astrologer, was yet a further example of theremarkable characters who then graced the upper ranks of quackery... besides acting as amedical adviser to Queen Elizabeth he was a dedicated necromancer and is reported to haveconversed with a newly-resurrected corpse. His influence over the Queen was considerableand she actually sent her personal physician to attend him when he was ill...' [Maple, p.69]

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    'Dee... wrote numerous works on logic, mathematics,astrology, alchemy, navigation,... but died in poverty...his eldest son, Arthur [1579-1651] was also analchemist...' [Chamber's, p.399]

    Regarding the origins of the Black Death in Europe:

    'When the learned physicians of the Medical Faculty inParis looked for astrological confirmation... they found

    it: 'on 20 March 1345, at 1pm, there occurred aconjunction of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the house ofAquarius...notoriously caused death anddisaster...pestilence in the air...and calculated to drawup evil vapours from earth and water...' '[in Griggs,1981, p.30]

    'Fracastorius [1483-1553] denied that Syphilis wasintroduced by Columbus...but was vague about itsorigins. It is carried by 'disease seeds' [seminamorbum], is transmitted by contact [contages] orcontagion, but is due ultimately to malign or poisonous

    astrological influences - the same combination of Mars and Saturn which had earlier broughtthe Black Death.' [Coulter, Vol. II, p.464]

    In Paracelsan medicine, as Coulter notes, diseases'...are subject to astrological influence.' [Coulter, Vol. II,p.33]. Causes of disease are unquestioningly arrayed asto include '...poisons, unhealthy food, witches' spells,epidemic and astrological influences ['the blas of thestars'], etc...' [ibid., p.36]. Sydenham also speculatedupon the array of unhealthy influences upon the humanorganism: '..the air is tainted, or whether the atmospherebe changed by some alterations induced by somepeculiar conjunction of any of the heavenly bodies...'

    [ibid., p.199]. His theory of the human 'constitution' 'thusowed something to astrology and something to thecorpuscular theory.' [ibid., p.200]. But Hahnemann, thefounder of homeopathy rejected outright this ancientapproach to medical science:

    'He has also rejected a priori methods relying onchemistry, botany, signatures, astrology, orphysics...' [ibid., p.356].

    The planets represent forces or energies at loose in theworld; diseases are likewise represented by energies;thus a parallel became delineated and the one came torepresent the other in this system. Diseases came to beseen and depicted very much as manifestations of these planetary energies. They shared the samequalities and attributes and thus could substitute for one another easily. This constitutes one of thefundamental foundations of medical astrology.

    The method of the medical astrologer was first to cast a chart for the patient's birth and another for thepatient's disease or its approximate time of onset. From looking at these the astrologer could thendetermine any excess or deficient planetary energies which lay at the bottom of the problem. And ageneral prognosis could also be made at this stage. In effect the patient's problem is translated intoastrological language and then its course and cure figured out from there.

    Drugs used were also classified under different planets and so excess energies could be cooled and

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    neutralised by employing an appropriate drug; likewise deficient energies could be boosted byemploying a drug which was known to stimulate that organ or system into better functioning. Drugsused were mainly of botanic origin but some minerals were also employed. The whole system attemptsto harmonise and regularise the body functions by addressing certain organs and systems which arenot working correctly. It is very like Acupuncture, Ayurveda and Chinese herbal medicine in its overallapproach, in which a similar 'harmonisation of functioning' is the central therapeutic objective.

    Yet medical astrology soon became debased. It is a complex system which requires a great deal oftime and thought to treat someone properly. By taking shortcuts and trimming the system, some boguspractitioners hoped to speed it up. This caused a debasement of the original system and thus it fell

    into disrepute along with astrology generally after the 1750s. Which is not to say that it didn't work orthat it was useless, or that it was utterly without a rational basis.

    SourcesChamber's Biographical Dictionary, 1996, Chamber's, LondonCooter, 1988, Studies in the History of Alternative Medicine, St. Martin's Press, New YorkCoulter, Harris, L, 1975, Divided Legacy, in 3 volumes, WashingtonCulpeper, Nicholas, 1643, The Complete Herbal, LondonDygges, Andrew, 1555, A Prognostication, Manuscript on Medical Astrology, LondonGriggs, Barbara, 1981, Green Pharmacy A History of Herbal Medicine, Jill Norman and Hobhouse,LondonHobhouse, Rosa M, 1933, Life of Hahnemann, Harjeet, India

    Lyndoe, Edward, Complete Practical Astrology, Putnam, LondonMaple, Eric, 1968, Magic Medicine and Quackery, LondonShryock, Richard H, 1936, The Development of Modern Medicine, Univ. Pennsylvania Press, USA
